Tnn MORNIXO OREGOXTAJf. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1912. 16 GRANGE PREPARES GOOD ROADS DILLS Two Measures to Be Submit ted Opposed to Those of West's Commission. DIFFERENCES ARE MANY One Xropom! Prorld for Xamlnff Highway Enjrlnerr rty Oorfrnor and Othr for Iwolng Road Bonds by CoontI. Oriwwl to th rood road bill draft .4 by th mmmliilon arpomted by Trovarnor Waat and to b aubmltted nn dr the Initiative next Sovwnbw will b two other mctiurtf on tha unit nb)rt that hT bn prepared br tha .t.cutlv. committee of tha Oron State Granca and which will llkawlaa b aub mltted under tha Initiative In tha earn 4ettnn. under th aueptc.a of fhla or jcantxatlon. The member, of the committee that drafted the Grand bllla wera C. K. Spenre. of Ptrui; A. I. Mason, of Hood R'v.r. and C I Khaw. of Albany. air. Khiv waa a member of tha Houie of RapreiMXitatirea at tha 111 eeaaton of tha LecliUture. Pi.pie BUla Skaw Ckaaaraa. Tha bllla offered by th Grime dif fer In material raapecta from thoee pre pared by Governor Weat'a commission. One of these measure, provide for tha appointment by tha Governor of a stale hiichwav rmttneer at an annual aalary tf HO'Ji) and neceaaary actual travelm evpenn.-. The rival bill create tha of fice of State Hltchway CommlMloner at aa annual aalary of 15000. Tola Grange bill aUo differ, easentlallv from tha mMiura drafted by tha Governors rommlulon. alnca It leavea to aach county, through the appolntrnant by tha County Court of a practical road con atractor. a direct aupervUlon of tha construction of Ita roada. Appointment of tho county road builder ahall be with tha approval of tha Highway EmImw, who ahall alio examine tha record of the varloue counties of the state rela tive to road expenditure, "to tha end that a uniform system of accounting may be devised aa aoon aa practicable." IWad laeae Provided. The other Gran (re bill provides for l.nulnfr bonds for road bulldtns; by any county or subdivision of a county, on a basis of tha asaeaaed valuation of prop erty Included In the county or district desirlnr the Improvement. These Im provements may be ordered at what Is termed a county road meeting, which ehall determine the place of beginning and the termlnua of tha Improvement to be made. When any Improvement Is decided upon, a special election shall be held on petition of 10 per cent of the voters of the county, when the question of the limt of bonds shall be decided. The number of special elections that may be held In a county on the ques tion of Issuing; bonds for this purpose Is limited to one In every II months. Other sections of this measure pro vide methods for Issuing, selling; and redeeming; bonds. One section expreea ly provides that the County Court shall have the power to expend all of the funds raised from bond Issues for build ing; permanent roads: The text of the two Grange bllla follows: A bill for aa art. creating the onTee ef Male Hlahwar .l"eec. rfefloln diule.. Alloc his ealary. proTtiin for he Impcave nnt all made, any part ef which shall be roa'trerted by aaoaer praeared aader tba authority eertloa 10. article XI ef the rsai flmV prevlding foe ie overall ae tweea the Male Highway fcaaioeer and ceanty .sTMsrr. having chars;, of ematy roedo aad snaking eepronrtaltoaB te carry at the pom ... of (his act. ....... Be It enacted by the people of the Slate 8ecuon" 1. There Is hereby created and established a Ktato HIshway Iprtm.nt. whooe chief officer ahall be railed the Slate Highway Kngmeer. bald Slat. Highway Koglne.r snail bo appointed by the GoT ernor within six months from the passage of this act and shall hold his office for four years, unless sooner removed for eaoee. Said Highway Engineer shall bo a torn civil .ngtnear. and etpenenced and si!lrd in highway construction and main trnajxe. Section r The Secretary of State Is tt.reby directed to furnish the State High war Engineer with a suitable office In the 'apltol building, where bis records shall be kept, and said office shall bo kepi open at urn time aa th business of the Engineer ha I reonlra. Th said Highway Knglneer hall k"P a record of all proceedings and orders pertaining to th matters under his direction, and copies of ail plana specifi cations and estimate submitted to him. t-ectlr-n a. The State Highway Engineer, when so requested by any County Court In the state, shall prepare plans and specln rarlonJi and have uperrlslon of the ron-irui-tJn of all roada and bridge. th. coet of vhlrli shall be paid wholly or In rart by funds procured by any county un.ler the authority granted by section lo of article I of th constitution of the state, and also hn r.oueet.4 br the County Court shall have supervision of the construction of all roans any part of whlrb Is paid for by th state. Mailslkra te Be f emptied. He shall compile statistics relative to the publio h:ahwav throughout th state, and hall collect alt naceeamry Information In re gard thereto which he may deem Important. Ho shall Investigate and determine upon varioua methods of road construction adapt ed te different sections of the state. H aaall ala mak a report to the Lec Mflalur of this stat at each eeeeloa there of, which shall full set forth all that has been done by htm during th period cov ered by the report: a;l money expended by him or under his direction, and all roada that have been constructed under the di rection of the Engineer, giving In encb In stance the number of miles constructed la each county, the kind of material used and cost per mile of construction. It shall also be his duty to advise on ail bids and contracts pertaining to th con struct 103 of roada mentioned In this act. and to co-operate In a general way with th .verml County Courts with a view to mak ing trie beet possible as of aU funds ex pended upon any public roada Section 4 At the end of each month the State Highway Engineer shall prepar a d.tall.d account of his traveling and ethT vxtn for that month. wbt-h ahall t eubrutted to the Secretary of Stat for pavtnort. portion 5 Th 8tat Highway Engineer shall receive aa annual salary of S36uO. pay. able monthly, by the state, and has actual necessary traveling expenses while officially employed. Said Engineer may appoint. If th. work of the department requires It. such a.aletanc aa may be needed. Cwant May Appoint. section a The Countv Court shall in. P'xnt. subject to the approval of the Ftat llishaay iommissirier. a road constructor 10 e-:p.rvlee the construction of s 1 1 p-rma-B-nl roads, mentioned In section 3 of this a.-l. Other things betog equal, local men shall hav the preference of appointment. feid road constructor may be removed at any time for caus by th appointing powr. It shall b th duty of lb County Court to furnish the State Highway Engineer with such detailed information resardtng the character of construction probaMv needed and eurh Inforraatloa aa will aa.l.r the Slat. 11'ghwar Engineer In approtr-ae me an-p-tntment of a road constructor for th particular road In Question. r-ectton T Th Road Supervisors. County Courts or any county, and all other officers who now or mav hereafter have by law th. care and supervision of the pubtlo high ways, culverts and bridges, shall, from time to time, upon th written request of th rirste Highway Fngtneer. furnish hint with, all information la connection with the build ing and maintenance of the publio high way, eulverta aad bridge In thslr re spective localities. It shall be th duty ot th Stat Highway Engineer, or his author ised assistant, to examln th records or th various ceunlle relating to road ex pondlturea, t th nd that a uniform sys tem of accounting may be devised sj soon aa practicable. When such system of ae rounung has been perfected. It shall be the duty of each county officer to conform his vstem of accounts and reports so as to furnish the Information requested by the State Highway Engineer. . Section . There Is hereby appropriated aut ef any money In the treasury of this state, not otherwise appropriated, such sum aa mar be necessary, not to exceed ten thouaand dollars OlO.OOfo. annually, for tha pavment of salaries and expenses as provld ed'for in this act. and the Secretary of Stat Is hereby authorised to audit all bills and draw warrants on ths Stale Treasurer for the payment of th same. Section a. All lsws. or parts of Isws. in any way Inconsistent or In conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. A bill f or aa art providing for tha holding ef road elletrtrt meetings eaa oittnij nueetlng aad del I sing their dalles; pro v id. I. th. and hod br "hrh voter of any eoualy la IhU stale may provide for Ihe Is suing ef boa f Is for I no construction et eev nsarsl public road la that county 1 pi f K- of location aad c .t mellow f such roads) providing methods of bvaulag. eeillng aad paying such bona, aad providing for Ine eapewdlture ef the i . 1 u ef tnen rromu He It rw acted by the people ef the State ef eccgoa: Section I. Bond may b Issued by any county in thle stat for th purpose of rais ing money to be used for the construction of permanent roada as hereinafter provided. Section 3. 1'pon petition of lo per cent of th legal voters at Ihe next preceaing eiec tlua in anv county, the 4"minty Court shal Instruct Ihe Koad Supervisor. In each road district In Ihe county, to call a meeting-o th legal voters In ail road oisincis 10 ts MrnaM at selecting delegates to at tend a county road meeting, th duties of which sr. hereinafter provided. The Hoi flupervlaora shall post notice In thre con splcuous place In their eeverml road trier, rne Oa aforesaid meeting at leas ten divi nrtor to tha date of the same, and aid nollcee shall state the ebject, hour and place of meeting. The Instructions o th. rnunit Court, so mentioned In this sec lion, shall name the object, date, hour and niaco of Ihe county road meeting: pro viding Ihe date of said county road meeting sha.l not be leaa than So nor more than o days after the soveral road district meetings. Section U. In counlle having aa as i valuation of $20,000,000. or lees, th repre eolation from each road district to tht county road meeting shall consist of on delegate for th first 2'.0O0 or leas, and on delegate tor each additional I2O0.0O0 or major fraction of all ass iss able property in aforesaid road district. In counties having an aaaesaed valuation of more than S'O.ooO.Ooo and not exceeding $30 000 000. the repreeentatlon from each road district lo said county road meeting shall consist of on delegate for the first $.00,000 or lss. and on delegate for each additional $400,000 or major fraction thereof. Ktpieaealalloa Is rrevided. la counties having an a see seed valuation of more than $50.0v.000, th repreeentatlon from each road district to th county road meeting shall consist of on delegate for each $1,000,000 or leas, and on delegate for aach additional t or major frac tlon ot all assessable pro party In aforesaid district. A majority of all delegate elect -ed under th provisions of this act shall constltut a quorum 10 transact buslnsaa. Section 4. It shall be th duty of th aforesaid county road meeting to determln th plac of beginning and termlnua of each road to be Improved; provided that such Improvement shall begin at th markt plac or places, or a road already perma- nentty Improved leading thereto: specified a th beginning of such road or roads and continuously extending to Ihe terminus of said road. And It shall name ths amount of money te be expended upon each road. It ahall name th amount of bonds proposea to D laraea. tha length of time they ahall run and ths rat of lnisrest thsy shall bear, which In a case shall exceed S per cant per annum, it shall nam th tlm each serle of bonds, aa hereinafter provided, shall run. It ahall also determine the kind of material te be used, and may change th maximum grade. as hereinafter provided. Section &. Th county road meeting shall elect a chairman and secretary. The secre tary shall keep an accural recor a ot th work of th meeting, which shall b cer lined to by the chairman and tbr ether members. This certified record snail o Hied with th County Clerk. Kleottaa Fr vision Made. Section a. If this aforesaid convention determine to Issue bond, th County Court shall call a special election and aubmlt said question to th legal voter or said county aa hereinafter provided. Section 7. Th petition mentioned In sec tion of tht act shall specify th amount of bonds proposed to be Issued, the length ox tlm they shall run and th rat of Inter est they shall bear. It shall nam ths amount of bonds to be Issued In each series and th tlm they shall run. It shall specify In addition thereto th beginning and term! nua of said road or roads to b permanently Improved. It ahall nam th amount of money to bs expended upon each road, th kind of material to be useu ana any cnanses desired In the maximum gradea Each pe titioner muat sign hla own nam to th pe tition and his poatoftic address must be noted opposite his Berne. The petition shall be In substantially in following torm: To Ihe Honorable County Court of .. County: We. the undersigned legal voters, respect fully petition that you call a special elec tion for th purpoe of submitting to the voters ef this county to question or issu ing a aerie ef bonds, to provide for the construction of permanent roads In this countv. to the amount of. . dollars t$ . to b Issued la series of $ each to run years each. Th aforesaid bonds shall bear In ter. at . per cent per annum: and th funds so raised shall be expended In Dunn ing permanent roads, described aa follows, towlt: dollars (f ) shall be spent on th road from to using material on per cent maxi mum grade, and dollar t$ I shall b expended on the road from i using material on maximum grade. Htc. lc Name. PoetofTlce Address. rrtitloa te Be tiled. Section . The petition mentioned In sec. lion S of this act shall be Bled with the County Clerk, and thereafter presented 10 the Countv Court at the next regular ses sion thereof. Th County Court ahall x amlae th petition when preeenled. and It Ik. Mian 1. that the DBtltlOn Suh- etantlaily conforms to the requirements of section 7 ef this act and contains th nsmrs and postofflc addreeee of th requlatt number ot legal voters aa required by eec tloa ef thle act. th County Court shall then mak an ordr directing that a spe cial election b held rn that county for th purpose spec tried In th petition at a time to be thsq axed by th court, which shall aot be more than $0 days after th dal ot making tui order. If th County Court shall determln that th petition does aot sub stantially conform to th rquLrmnts of section of this act. It shall make aa order declaring that fact and particularly desig nating th defcta and rsf use to order a special lection. Within ten days after the entry of such order, any one or more of th petitioners may appeal to th Circuit Court in the same manner as appeals ars takea from the County Court In actloa at law. except thai Ihe notlc of appeal If not served ou Ihe Journal at th tlm th or der is made, shall be served on th County Judge and ao appeal bond ehall be required. If the Circuit Court upon such appeal shall b atlsned that Ihe County Court should have ordered an election, that court ahall direct the County Court to proceed as If It had declared the proceedings sufficient. If upon such an appeal th circuit Court shall decide that th Judgment of the County Court waa correct. It eiiail mak an order affirming th Judgment of that court and there stiall b no appeal from this decision. Section P. Whenever a special election lo ordered, aa provided In thta act. the County Court sha.l cause to b printed notices there of signed by th County Clerk to be posted In Ilk raannr as notic of a general elec tion ar now poetd. which notice shall particularly specify the amount of bonds proposed to be leeued. th length of tlm they shall run and th rate of intereet they hall bear. They ahall also nam the amount of and the dale when each series of bonds, a hereinafter provided, shall begin and become duo and b paid, and shall descrlh th beginning and terminus of such rosd or roads to be permanently Im proved. They shall also nam th amount ot money lo be expended, the kind of ma terial to be used and the maximum grade, on each of said roada The., notices shall b posted at least 20 dsys before th dat of election and shsll b la substantially lbs following form: Form f "otic ftperlfled. Notice is hereby given that on th ...... day of 1. .. a special election will be held In County to determln whether the county Shalt Issue bond to pro vide for permanent road construction 10 th amount of dollars t$ , to run v-eara. lo be Issued In series of ..... amount' to run years each. Tha aforesaid bonds shall bear Interest at per cent per annum; and the funds so raised shall be expended In building permanent rods. deecxibed as follows, towlt: ....... dollars $ shall b expended en the rosd from ...... to using material on per cent maximum grad, , ahall be spent . to using per sent maximum Couaty Clark for County. Section 10. Th County Court shall havs printed tor us at such special election th same number of ballots, both official and sample, as would be required by th election laws at a general election. The election shall b conducted and th votes canvasasd In th same manner aa at a general election, Ths Judges and clerks shall be those ap pointed by th County Court to act at gen eral election Th ballot ahall be la sub stantially th following form: Shall that b Issued bonds ef County t th amount of dollars ($ ). to b used In construction of per manent roads, as per Instructions of county rosd meeting snd se deecrlbed In the posted notlr. s or this election T Yes NO Section 11. Only on special election, as provided for In this art, shall be held In any county during any 12 montha 8ectlon 13. Bonds created under this set hall b Issued In series, as per Instruction of the countv road meeting. Section 13. If at any special election, ss provided for In this set. a majority of the whole number of legal voters of the county who shall vote upon said questions shall j-ots In favor of Issuing bonds, the County Court shsll enter sn order on Its Journal declaring th fart, and that order shall be conclusive ss to th regularity of all th pro ceedings In rfernc to the mattar. Honda Most Be Advertised. Section 14. After having sntersd ths or der, as provided In section 8 of this act. the County Court shall cause th bonds to be Issued and shall advertlee such amount of them for sale as In the Judgment of ths court msy be necessary to carry on th work. Said sale shall be made through bids received upon such advertisements ss ths court may deem necessary to afford the best means of procuring the highest prices for said bonds, and all bids shall bs In writing and be publicly opened at a time and place to- b specified In th advertise ment. ' Whatever other means of advertletng the sale of eald bonds Ihe court may adopt. It shall ad vert If such sals for at least three weeks It two newspapers printed In the county. If there are that many, and if there Is but one. then In that, and shall also, for the same length of time poat th ad- vertlsemeot on the Courlhous door, or upon th bulletin board ordinarily used for post ing legal notlcoa. Th bonds shall be sola to In highest bidder, but In esse of a tie, preference shall be given to eltlxen of th county If th court Is not satisfied with th bids It may reject all of them and Im mediately proceed to readvrtls for Olds la th sam . manner aa described la this sec tion. Th bidder on any bonds must d posit a certified check for an amount qual to on. tenth (1-10) th total amount ot bonds desired. Should the bidder to whom ths bonds are awarded fall to purchaee them, eald amount depoeited shall be forfeited and plaoed to th credit of the county general road fund. Th checks of all bidders shsll b returned after the bonds have been sold. Section IS. So money received from the sal of bond shsll b expended on any grad xcdlng $ per cent unless otherwise ordered by the county road meeting, as per sectloa 4 of this aot. Section 111. All ths money obtained under th provisions of this act shall b used In constructing permanent roads under direct supervision of a competent and practical roadbullder appointed by ths County Court, and said sppolntment must b approved by th 8tat Highway Engineer If Iher be on. but such supervising ortlcsr shall hsv noth ing to do with th selection of ths road or roads to be Improved. Section IT. Th County Court ef any county which has voted bonds for ths build ing of permanent roads shall advertise for bids In one. and not In more than two news, papara. published In the county, for th con struction of said road or roads, ae described In the notices of th election and as per Instructions of section 9. It shall also b th duty of th County Court In each county voting road bonds to havs prepared by County Surveyor or some competent road nglner. detailed specifications and con tract to be ud; but said specifications and contract must b approved by th (State Highway Engineer. If ther b ons. and acb bidder on proposed Improved rosds shall havs free access to them before making bid. Each bidder shall deposit with his bid certified check for an amount equal to 6 pr cent of the amount of his bid. Should tb bidder to whom th contract Is award ed fall to enter Into a contract and furnish the bond as provided for In this set within lo days after th notice of such award, the amount of such check shall become forfeited and credited to the county general road fund. The checks of all unsuccessful bid der shall be returned after the contract Is awarded and a bond given. lAweet Bidder Gets Contract. Section IS. Th County Court who have advrtled for bids on road construction un der provision of this act. must award ths contract to th lowest responsible bidder. Provided. If In their Judgment th bid is too high thy shall hav th light to reject any or all blda and shall Immediately pro cd to resdvertlss for bids. In ths ssms manner as per Instructions of section 17. If after this ths County court Is of ths opinion ths bids are still toe high, they hell then have the power to execute the work under their own supervision In accord ance with th plane and specifications pre pared therefor. Section 10. All County Courts working under provisions of this act shall . require all contractor to give a good and suf ficient bond for ths completion of their work, as entered Into by written contract with tha County Court. Section 20. JVo eounty bond issued tinder th provisions of this act shall b sold for lees thsn th par valu thereof. Section 21. Ths aforesaid eounty bonds shall bs Issued ra such denominations as ths purchaser may deatr. provided that no bond hall b leeued for less than twnty.flve t.'5 00) dollar. Section 22. Th eounty Courts shall have the power to expend all funda derived under provisions of this act In accordance with aforesaid Instructions; provided. If there be a surplus remaining aftr any specified rosd haa been Improved, said fund shall be applied toward Ihe payment ot ths first bonds becoming due. Section 2S. The County courts are hereby empowered to make all neceaaary tax levlee to meet the obligations made In accordance with this act. Section 24. Any acta, or parts of acta In conflict with this act ars hereby repealed. FARM TRAINING URGED G. W. HENDERSON" SPEAKS TO REAiTY BOARD MEMBERS. Adoption of AgTicnlttiral Education- 1 Department In Otty and County Schools Surggted. Adoption by both city and countv schools In the state of a farm educa tional department waa advocated In an address given by O. W. Henderson, principal of the Ockley Green school, before the Portland Realty Board yes terday. . Mr. Henderson said that one of the greatest factors In the future develop ment of lands would be the Introduc tion ot new principles In the educa tional system by which young men would recognise the advantages of rm life over those offered In the crowded cities. The speaker said that under the present public school system the attention of young men Is directed solely to persuits of city life. "The great problem today Is to Im prove and aettle the lands. said Mr. Hendereon. We muat adopt aome plan Dy wnicn ww can anow young men that they will have better advantages on the farm. Every other walk In life Is crowded. We must make the young people see that country life Is the proper life to live. One of the steps towards this end would be the estab lishment of agricultural high schools in each county and teach modern prin ciples of agriculture and horticulture. These sohools would be open to both city and country pupils. They would be the means of inspiring many young people to look upon farm life aa the Ideal life. Today the impression Is among young people that tillers of the soil are 'Reubens.' The pupils should be taught that there Is no higher nor more profitable nor happier business nan that of farming. -The school girls' garden contest now under way will do much towards Impressing young minds aa to tha Im portance of back-to-t he-f arm move ment. Ths campaign to Improve vacant and dollars ($ aa the road from . . . material en . grades, etc. etc- BACKACHE NOT A DISEASE But a Symptom, a Danger Sig nal Which Every Woman Should Heed. Backache is a symptom of organic weakness or derangement. If you have backache don't neglect it. To get per manent relief you must reach the root of the trouble. Read about Mrs. Wood all 'a experience. Morton's Gap, Kentucky. "I suffered two years with female disorders, my health was very Dad and I had a continual backache which was simply awfuL I could not stand on my feet long enough to cook a meal's victuals without my back nearly killing me, an1 T vxrmllrl nova l such dragging sensa j tions I could hardly bear it. I had sore ness in each side, could not stand tight clothing, and was irregular. I was com pletely run down. On advice I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and am enjoying good health. II is now more than two years and I have not had an ache or pain since. I do al my own work, washing and everything, and never have backache any more. 1 think your medicine is grand and I praise it to all myjieighbors. If you' think my testimony will help others you may pub lish it. Mrs. Ollie Woodaix, Mor ton's Gap, Kentucky. If you have the sliplitest doubt that Lydia E. PinV ham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia iK.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lyiin, Mass., for ade vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. lots with flower beds, gardens and trees also ought to be encouraged. William Campbell, of the Northwest Development League, addressed the board and reviewed the work of that organisation. COUNTY INVITES INQUIRY Judge and Commissioners Ask Grand Jury to Pelve. Countv Judge Cleeton and County Commissioners Llghtner and Hart went before the grand Jury yesterday after non to urge that body to accept the recommendation of its predecessor and make a complete investigation of county affairs, paying particular atten tlon to the construction of the new Courthouse, the purchase of supplies for Multnomah Farm, the sale of county property, and the system of accounting maintained to keep check on road ex penditures. These were the subjects on which the County Court was criticised by the January grand Jury in a report re turned February 3. The County Court's members were closeted with the jury for two or three hours. Following the conference Judge Cleeton said: "We told the Jurors that we did not wish a whitewash, but that we wanted them to go into the subject carefully and thoroughly, and offered to provide them any aslstance they might .deem necessary. Judge Cleeton says he haa heard nothing as yet of the appointment of an expert by Governor 1 MtarMpon- MODERN METHODS I am positively the only specialist In Portland that publishes his own photograph, personaly conducts and manages his own office, and con sults with and treats all his own pstlents. I have more quallf lcatlona and experience than any other spe cialist advertising In this city. Every man calling at my office is assured of my personal and indi vidual treatment until a cure is ef fected, lly fees are one-fourth that exacted by the various "medical companies. "Institutes" and "mu seums." Be sure to consult me be fore treating elsewhere. BLOOD POISON 12f I FTTXFII.I. MY PROMISES. I ACCEPT RO IVd'HABI.K CAS El. I Never HOLD OUT FALSI! UUPES. Why treat with Incompetents when you can secure the expert services ef a competent specialist? Come to ma If you have any of the following disorders: Varicose Veins, Pimples, Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood aad Skis Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Potsous, Kruplloae, t'leers, special Allaaenta, Plies or Klalula. to 67 to 8 Dallyi Suaday, IO te Tu Kxaaalaatlon Advice free. J. J. Keef e, Ph.tX,M.D. Rooms 11-14 Lafayette Bids., sis "4 wamiix;to st, to it. etb, PORTLAND, OR. CURE SOMEN My Fee $10 Medicines Furalsbed FREE. Beware of doctors who charge ex orbitant prices for medicine. I charge for cures only. NEW GERMAN DISCOVERT. FOR BLOOD POISON I occupy the entire second floor on corner of First and Washington streets, consisting of 12 rooms FREE ROOMS FOR MV PATIENTS Office Hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO. 224V, WASHINGTON STREET, Corner First, Psrtlaad, Oreigoa. W 11 I V CURED IN 5 DAYS No Detention From Occupation, Family DR. A. O. SMITH, THE LEADING SPECIALIST. I am a registered and Ilceaeed pbysldau. coo tl slug sag apeeial rraertfea te the allaaeate ef MEN. have more money Invested In my establlahraeat than all other Port laud specialists combined, a a) d I rill give gSOA to aay charity if I ranaot shew this la trse. I publish my true photograph, correct name, peisouslly conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this atatement so that you will know you eonsult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats jra tlents personally. I possess EX PERT skill and experlenoa, ac quired In such si way that no other can ahare. To all man who are sick and In trouble; to the men who feel thsy have lost the energy of youth, and that the strength they ought to have has been aapped from them; to those who are not atck enough to be abed but feel they must use all their will power to force them selves even to their everyday tasks to all these I have a apeclal mea sage of hope and cheer. I can curs that lame and aching back. I can re store the lustre to the dimmed eve? I can make you realise that the youth of yesterday has not b a n burled in an age of several decades, and that your pitiful con dition Is now due only to damaged health. This health oan be l e stored If you will aot now. Coma today, or the stage of ntgleot may get Just past tha stage that la curai . . . nr. r... in, a.rvloea t a-tiarantaa fi., aia ma for noth ilng unless I cure your varicose : uziieaa a cure jruur , J ilu.. ' l'l' i' " ' 1 Ban rsaiTY "V Polson7or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are ruB--and no more than you ore able and willing to pay for benefita. Offloe hours A. U. to I P. sl Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. DR. A. G. SMITH nihility which the Governor said he would assume, following a request made upon him by the East Side Business Men's Club. Nettles by a new German process are converted into a fiber which can be oombed, carded and spun like other textile threads. Hundreds of Successful Cures Since He Opened in Portland Dr. Wo He cures with non-poisonous, non-ln-lurlotu herbs all diseasea of ths Throat. Heart. Liver. Lungs. Stomach. Kidneys, Piles, Constipation. Nervousness, Neural gia. Rheumatism, Catarrh. Eczema, blood Poison. Diabetes and all organic diseasea CONSULTATION FREE. Patients out of town can secure these health-bulldlng remedies. Send cents In stamps for symptom blank. WO CHINESE MEDICAL CO. 2SOtt Alder, Cor. Third. A STRAIGHT TALK TO By C.K. Holsman,M. D. Dr. jgt Wo Jp I am aa expert specialist, treatlnr allmenta or men ex clusively. I own my office and equipment, publish my true photograph and personally supervise the treatment of all patients from the time they come to me until they are dis charged as cured. Although my time la fully occupied from early morn until late at night In looking after the wants of my patients and In administering my special treatment for Blood Poison, Varicose Veins and other diseases. I al ways take pleasure In consult lug with new patients. In offering my services to the afflicted I am giving you the BET that can be had anywhere. My reputation and experience for the past IS years can leave no doubt as to my ability, honesty and integrity and should be sufficient to convince the most skeptical that I am the FOREMOST and LEADING Specialist In Portland. I possess skill and experience, acquired In such a way that no other can share it and should not be classed with Inexperienced doctors or ' specialists. A thorough Investigation should bs made by every ailing man as to the specialist ne consults. uuiy ana aesiiny 10 n self and those who depend upon you demand tha best med-t. tioisman. ax. i. Icai attention. I have the ability and can give you this servlc. I have always charged a very reasonable fee. so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no mis leading statements, false promises or unbusinesslike propositions. I wouia una to have you for a patient if you will come to me on a strictly professional ba sis, accepting Inducements that I offer, which are my ability. 18 years success ful experience, time-saving treatment and cure of certain diseasea I dally demonstrate that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment in such a satisfac tory way. pain ceases, swelling sub sides, a healthy circulation la rapidly re-established. Instead ot tbe depress ing conditions. I guarantee yon a cure to stsy cured or refund tha money. KIDNEY AND BLADDER. With these diseases yon msy bare more complications than are presented by any other disease. By my search ing Illumination of the bladder I de-. termlne accurately the disease and by microscopic examination and urin alysis I make doubly sure the condi tion of the kldnevs. thue laying foun dations for scientific treatment. SPECIFIC BLOOD FOI80N. Scientific treatment only should be used In combating this loathsome dis ease. I cure Blood Poison by the new German Remedy, which I introduce di rectly Into the blood, purifying It. neu tralizing It and expelling poison from the system. New blood thus formed supplies and rebuilds the tissues In such a way that the patient recovers his normal state of health, strength and soundnesa MY DIRECT TREATMENT FOB N E!t.VOr;S DEBILITY. That disorder commonly known' ss weakness has for years and generations baffled the efforts of physicians, yet to thta very day a majority ot doctors, specialists not expected, are attempt I Treat All Ailments of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured I Offer Free Consultation and Examination I invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for varicose veins, hernia, nervous debility, blood poison, plies, fistuls. bladder, kid ney and all men's aliments, and give you FREE a physical examination if you write for free book and self-examination blank. My office Is open all day from A. M. to S P. M. and Sunday from 10 to 13. All correspondence treated confidentially. Letters cheerfully answered. DR. C. I HQLSfilAN or Home NO SBVERB OPHRATIONS, MANY CASE B PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING, MOST NAT URAL. MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL, CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL, AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURB BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARB THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVJB THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I Invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility Blood Poison, Piles. Fistula, Bladder. Kidney and all Men's Ailments, and rrive you FREE a physical exam nation; If necessary a microscopi cal and chemical analysis of secre 1 1 o n s, to determine pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advan tage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent aura is what you want. CONGESTED VEINS Impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varloose veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment. In auoh a satisfactory way that the vital parte are pre served and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re established Instead of the. depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Cerebro, where the mental forces re Impaired. Spinal, where the spinal oenters are involved. Vital, where the sympathetic nervous sys tem and forces that, govern the or gans are deranged by reflex effects of ailments. I treat these condi tions and all weaknesses induced by nervous complications and ex cesses and put you on the right track to health, restoring the con ditions essential to your future life and happiness. m gag FOR BLOOD DISORDERS, t hi Professor Ehrllch's won derful new discovery. " 606," In cases of Blood Poison. It cures In sue treatment, and is the greatest marvel of medical science. T h l i new remedy has been successfully used in thousands of cases. L a t me explain it to you. .- wite.e, m.rtnta means a ours to cure certain aliments or refund mv services. My services cost you ea. Fistula, Blood veins, n ----- 7 i 2341 Morrison St Corner Second PORTLAND, OREGON MEN DON'T BE DISCOURAGED DON'T GIVK CP HOPE. THERE IS HELP FOB YOU. ACT TODAY I will treat some of your ailments for as low a free as fi and 10. I will make yon an ex ceptionally low fee on any ailment you may b s suffering from. With this low fee snd my long and ucr-essful eXDerlence 'fi?S m treating aliments 3f?, Df men. you need not suffer another day. i don't care who has tried to cure you. and has failed I will give you a sure cure and a small fee. Don't give up be fore seeing me. mttt. By the latest methods known to MED ICAL science I successfully treat 1ABI COE VEINS, PILES, MOKVOUS AIL MENTS KIDNEY. BtAIIDER, UNO AND BLOOD AILMENTS. RHECMA- tNm liver ailments and all CHRONIC AILMENTS OF MEN. Come in and see me.. Have s confi dential talk and be eiamlned without cost or obligation. I wlU cure you. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and becond streets. En trance 128, Second sweet. Portland, Or. Office hours. 9 A M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. The Leading Specialist ing to overcome it by methods thst havs been In constant use and have always tailed for half a century. They dose the system with powerful stimu lants and tonics, calculated to restore nervous force or strength that is not and never has been lacking, with the result that the functions are tempo rarily excited to the positive detriment of the patient. Weakness Is only a symptom, resulting from many local conditions, and Is curable by local treatment only, without the giving of a single Internal dose, which demon strates the absolute accuracy ot my understanding and treatment of this disorder. In years I have not met with a single failure, and I have en tire confidence In my ability to cure all .cases that come to me for treat ment. I am equally certain that no treatment other than that which I have perfected can completely and perman ently restore strength and vigor. NO MONEY REQUIRED TO COM MENCE TREATMENT. Many patients have no confidence In their doctor, be cause he demands pay before a cure has jeen effected, and there are many who have been misinformed about their condition or through unsuccess ful treatment have become skeptical and think there Is no cure for them. I want an opportunity to treat such men. It makes no difference about the financial part, as I accept pay for my services as benefits are derived; when I am satisfied the patient Is re liable. Health Is capital at Interest. I will prove my ability to cure before ssklcg pay for my servlcea 22 Morrison St. Cor. 1st Street PORTLAND, OREGON The Dr. Green Offer. FREE FOR ALL AILING "1 THE Sft.ClAl.i- 1' WHO CURES. I want all ailing men to feel that they can come to my office freely for examination ami explanation of their condition without being bound by any obligation to take treatment, unless they so desire. I will make a thorough and scientific examination of your ailments free of charge, an examination that will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark. If you have taken treat ment elsewhere without success, I will show you why it tailed. Every man should take advantage of this opportunity to learn his true condi tion, as I will advise him how to best regain his health and strength and preserve his powers unto ripe old age. My offer NO MO..EY RE QUIRED UNTIL, SATISFIED is your absolute protection. Consulta tion, examination and diagnosis free. VARICOSE VEINS Weak, Swollen, Sagging;, Knotted, Wormy-like Veins, Clotted Stagnant Pools of Impure Blootl. Weak, Nerv ou, Low Vitality, Mental Depres sion. W'e dailv demonstrate that VARI COSE -VEiNS can be cured without severe surgical operation. Benefi cial effects are immediate. Pain quicklv ceases, enlarged veins rap idly reduce, healthy circulation speedily returns, and strength, soundness and robust health are soon restored. BLADDER AND KIDNEY The complicated ailments of these nrenns n r raniillv overcome. There Is no guesswork about it. We re- K move every onsiruction, slop bvcij waste, allay all irritation and in llammation. revitalize the weakened organs, and soon accomplish a safe, thorough and permanent cure. BLOOD POISON & "606" Hash, Copper-colored Spots, Erup tions, l lrerK, Sore Mouth or Throat, llncoua Patches, Swollen Clauds, Fulling Hair. We give, with great care and skill, the wonderful new German Blood Kennedy, which works like magic. Our treatment leaves no injurious after effect. It does not "lock in" the poison, but drives it out of the svstem, so there can be no comeback. Being a Blood Purifying, Blood Making, Blood Cell Remedy, it gives the patient a pure, fresh Blood Stream and restores him to normal health. NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY The cause of Aervo-Vltal Ueblllty, aa well as Its evil effect upon tbe physical, mental and other powers, la familiar to all afflicted men. The symptoms nerd not be enumerated. We want all aillne men to know that our ANIMAL. EXTRACT treatment is the ideal remedy for SERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. It does not stimulate temporarily, but re stores permanently. All disagree able symptoms soon disappear, nerve snergy is regained, self-respect, self jonfidence and self-control return, and the patient is prepared for a new period of life. PILES AND RECTAL Plies, blind, bleeding. Itching or protruding! Klstula I leers and Our proven methods make hos pital o p e r a t ions unnecessary. In most cases no pain or detention from business. We guarantee quick relief and positive, permanent cures. AFFLICTED MEN What you want is a cure. Come to us and get it. Once under our treatment you will quicKiy realize how simple a thing it is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours, daily 9 to 6. Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1 only. DR. GREEN CO. 3(12 Washington St Portland, Or. 4 Men and Women A Confidential Chat With Your Ioctor Often Inspires a Great Confidence. All that w ask Is that you call at our office and talk over your condition wtth us. We will treat it confidentially. Kirn you a complete physi cal examination and our best advice. If you think our diagno sis and advice correct and our 2e right, we nrlM H rtiPBBtsri III Consulting bpecialint. treat you. VOIR CONFIDENCE in us and our ability to cure you will grow as we become better acquainted. Wo pro duce results where others fall because wo are abreast of the times, our methods of treatment modern and all old routine and unsuccessful methods have no room in our establishment. WE (I RK ACUTE AND ClfROXIC DIS EASES OF MEN A.VD WOMEN regardless of how long standing. After you have tried Patent Medicines without number and have consulted and treated with several doctors and they have failed to relieve you. we will cure you. RHEUMATISM Our External Absorbent Method of treat ment means permanent relief from this stubborn and painful aliment. ASTHMA Wo will refund the cost of treatment to anyone suffering with this distressing condi tion if we cannot grant a permanent relief. 0 OPERATIONS necessary for the successful treatment of Piles, .Tumors, Cancer, Kupture and other similar conditions. CHRONIC CONSTIPATION Nervous .Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Dis eases. General Weakness, Ear. Nose and Throat, Catarrh and Lung Diseases, Liver and Stomach Diseases, Eczema and all Skin Diseases cured to stay cured by our methods of treatment. BLOOD POISONING We offer you a choice of three remedies for this condition. Including ti06." IF 1'OU ARE DISCOURAGED, CONSULT US FREE TODAY If you cannot call at our office, write for free symptom and diagnosis blank. Hours 1 A. M. till S P. M. Sundays, 11 till 2 P. M. MODERN SPECIALISTS Urst end Alder Sis. I'hnne Main 4483. Knt ranee 211 Alder St. BING CHONG, Chinese Doctor Made ot Chine nrbi and reot medicine cures ail fclnds 41 eases ot tbe heart lungs, liver, stomach, kid ty, blooa troubles of mas aad woman when others lalL If you suffer, call or write to 'U2fr Wun. sl, cor. ad. Ruuw IS. -arL Or. NERVOUSNESSES and hysterical or dfHponclent at timrs. OUNN'S BLOOD & NERVE TONIC cures for good. BnildsuptHe system and bright ens the mind. 75c a box. Write for proof. 1R BOSANKO CO. Philadelphia, Pa. Y