ti THE MOT-XING OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY, FEBKUARY 13, 1912. ' I t . I TOR RET. 1 FOR KENT. H..T- .. . T.lt. (,1'ARANTKKD HORSKS. hud at boreea in toe lot. r. " jreiche.J team, of mar.. ! In roi i. an4 ,.!na: alao farm a"a bom new and em.J-ban.l. Jilery !. "'J and dw. harried, btietland pony Ui4 .-art. mill mulee. la fact everyltlc In lb bona Jlna: ail tok eold -ua a rlt lrD tuuantM to ha aa repr.eent..! or your mon.y rt-fi-nd-d. Bank and tueinea rer .ruc.i fu-.erf C " Hacard and n. U Ktaca Portlaad Slab i.e. ISta and CnyiS etrt. . $-TS PL'YS a complet. farm outfit, con iwinr of nf 1-inch firm '. " hma and team, wel.hl JSOe lha.. T and I yeare. "1 worker, .In.le or itngtii; com and try them: alao a email te.ra of maraa and on. liht farm an and harre cneap; 'i liae. ,rrel hor a, MM 11. Iba. 21? Eaat 11 U . cor. Msu ann. alTTinN dnef.Sav at 2 P. rn f.t tam of yun mulra. I bi work tam, had of cheep horvra and aada pomea. 14 Lnion A.enue. fftVE and aw another hip nl of cbca horpa and mara. well broken, at ra tmlii prlr.a and auaranteed aa repr ald. Tk. Ron l: Park car to 52d t. Adama ai Cap&e.l. prop. Fnone Tabor ?:u. . . Orsaaa e Mnatral laetr Mau ri .NO. amall upr!ht. Unit ton. Itlfa ".auty. Pric. caah. "hoc. alala MIX Mr. Andrfwi i . fi RENT Klmhall piano. f.rT-elrte con dition, to reaponalDI. party. AC "1T. Ora-ff-tman. Ml ST aM m- Kimball plena foi li orlc'ral price. A E Ore Inno for lee. t conian. AolooMiMlca. KVT F-T an amnoM!. u-ttl yon aaa our vtock of orr Ti cara. r ara e-cluelve d.aiera of oaea auto mobllaa. Every car tuarantead. ORXCOf ALTO EXCHAJCGK. Slat and Waahlartna Sta. SACRIFICE. 1911 Cartee-ar. fully equipped Wa ara Inetnicted by the owner o( tbla car la ee,l it at a bt eaerlN-e. aa ha la lea-Ins lha city and mu.t have money. OKEiioN Al TO EXCIIANOK, S1t and Willi. Ma. A ?1. M'n ?44. MIST HAVE CASH. ptx.cyi?cif-r. 4A-hora-powrr. 5-paaaenfar. fnl y equipped tl aatra caals( and 4 l tr laMi. Tnomaa FIyr; maka ma aa orr-r. H3 r.mnt 7th North. WANTED to traJa Timber cialroa contain ln 4 XW. &00 fct of tlmtr for a 7-pa-aanaar auto la ood condition: It muat ba a h:aB-rrad car. AN M3. ronlan. OARAoE In town of X0. foKy qulpp.l. rood rrnrr propoattlon. on Kaciric ll.jb way tcwan Portland and 1 rlaco; a nap. AV '. Orconlan; IT'FI'rl T automobtla and Inick rapalr work aoltcltcd. old machlnca rebuilt: parta rrade to orrtrr. All work t u a rail teed. Sho-i poo Wllltama ara. fcaat 1011. WHITE auto, capacity KA-O to I0 poun.la. S.naaa-naer. toar.nc body. Intcrchaaca- WAVT1D Runabout oeod allhtly; real aetata for aama. uul Chamber of Com merce FOR RENT A ewaet-toned uprllbt plaao; permanent, re'lab.e Main 4411. Uoaa, BirUe, I'e Mack. 6TAVDARD-PRED poultry aad ecia. baby chlcka. iprubatra. broo-dera and poultry auppliea. The Poultry bupply Houaa, 2U ro.raou. LAat your pouiiry aad aa with na. FOR SALT Bantam rhtckana cheap; prUe wtnnera. 6 Orand ave. N. MlaceUaaxana. FOR 8ALR. II A reclpa for making en ti me Oarmaa dlil plckl'a. Bft aooda. F.aaleat money. Theaa dill plcklea) coat to put up loo par la. loo: aall for 40o nr iiiloa. bUw plckia reclpea auk I L. Now hurry. J. C. F. HOLCOMB. 470 Taylor etraet. Formerly will llaina. MEN'S PANTS SALE. 14 troueera IJ 24; 1 aluea MIS: no b: profita tacked ea to pay for htrli rent. Jimmy Luna. room 115 Oroniaa b-iiidlna. TUB MHTHWtSI TTPKWRITEH. CO. 1- NOW I..CATEI AT -J 8TABK ITHffiT. Rebuilt typewritera of all makea. Pricea l.t in t.i. city. Mam ' A 147. AKf:9 0"0 ulna Hall aafea. new and aonJ hand. low prtcaa. aaay term Safea opened and repaired. Purcel baf Co. and Port land afa Co. i m it. Mala -. FOR 8AXH or trad Small work of dry (a. netlona and ahoea, aultabie for .-emaar and miUlaer to haaa. Phoaa B 11 or B ki.K.ilTLY ued caah reflatera, credit re uii.ra. romputlna acalea. etc. bousht and aoid Tha Pacl'.c Store bar Ice Co. 2-T , at. Main 7711. FOR SALE Caah relelr. aca'.ee, coffeo enltl. cheaao cutter, credit releter. meat !.-r etc The Portland 8 tor itupply Co.. .3U id OA ranca and water beater. Iron beda. l-ri i.brary tab. a. cheap today. Pbona Kaat A.NVl AL. 8AI.E of unredeemed pledcea at t nie Myere". 71 aUh at.. Da r Ua . 0 yrara In Port:ard. yon kaITe Office furnuura. lacludlnf deaka. chalra. aafe. I'nderwood typewriter. .tr E 7 -to. Oreaoatan. M'tpE-L. t Pucyrua ateam ahoy al; aaw. aot ti up. AV i4'. Or-oman. f ErtTIUItk Wal rotted B lure. Eaat f J74. F.tK Ha ahlcga and Taly tlo aeo F. U. It'rer. cor. d anl Jcfferenn. :.TR fn J'rt cow. with younr calf. Z i . r R th North: "MV." Tabor "SO l. VI E family cow for a a. 14 L'unlon Ave. n u. '.ll 1 r r'-JNI K. boa-couch and ladv'a wrlt-!r-dMk r-ry ehrap. Phone Tahor 47. -'H FAI E W;l-rotled manure. Pbon aal 4W-4. ROLL-TOP d k. bookkeeper deak aod aaXa. AK 7t3. Orronlan FH hALk; l-a(od rtntf; aolltalra. Laat A. W. OA. 4 RAV'-.E N'arly nw. t- will tako itood wt'en. Kd.y. I74 Fanny road. Km KrSTNEeej c,r m i: m barltaln. Koaa City Pr'.rtry. 3d. cor. Taylor. MOTOR cy-!e In A 1 conlltloa: wt.l !! at a aarririce. 2-4-1 1. Phone Main r.l.V-. FII.tNO cab . Nal'l caiih reclater. . W. cor. 3:h and Oak. -J fl'ior. wavtt n hi cr Li- Tor. Wr PUT CIATHINJ. FURNITt'RE. TOOIA Hlrbeat price paul for mrn'a and ladtce raat-off clothlr.. ahoca. furniture, too!, mechanic. Iiiiiu. Ca.l Mala 2v0. 2V0 lt at.. Tha ;iib. WANTED Two flral-elaae aecond-band bed room aultca: etato else, kind and aot raah price No junk soea. Adtlreao AS boo, rrfontan- A NT ED Printing outfit, preaa. t-pa. pa Pr. atoca. ate. Muat b chaiv Cah or t d. Phone Tahor J75'. Boa Lenta. Ihivt: wanted for bey of IS: a!ao boy of 12, anhuro or country preforrad. CaU at or addrena M W.. 43 Goldamltb at. M E Py the hlcheat caah prlro for aeoond r.. furniture. Pater 4k Martin. I'bone Kaat tlaa. 344 liawthorsa ava. BARGEIt-S ACCTIOjl HOCPE 279 T- Morriaoa. Pbon E. 1012. Pava hlcheat ram prlro for furniture. TO FIT caah reirtrter. era Ira coffeo mllL cheea cutter, credit reateter and meat il'rer. Phoa Marahall 4C4a. 11 A V your atoea. furnace aci tin work rrpatrad by F. H. Leltnar. 2d and Jef-f-.n. Phora Mala 7K. tt'IU tint rooma 2.P up, do palnttnf at r-aeoraMa price. Phono Eaat 4124. Ll KFFEN FX' EL CO la open for price oa quantfy A -1 areen cordwood. W ANTED Com p let tnormc-il'-tur outfit. Vt'hat hare youT 0 T40. Oreaonlaa. "0!id Audio- Co. Para tpoet caah for any kind of furniture. Main !M. A 2445. WANTED Pullete and eettln ben. S.L l-ta 657 E. lth . WTI P W NTEI M 4 LE. 1 r ' -" K ealeam in wanted: blr money to men who can make vo-xl: no wildcat propoat tlon. S-"7 Aloky bl'l(. Phone Main 4- wanted - with btCTClea. food waea. trv'T -4 Tamhl l at. MlAlir bor to r-d )"b preaa and deaver work. Naeh. S'ark. WANTED TOT S,J MTN T' LEARN MOV- PICTT HE OPEKATINO. II OAK. y I K T-claee lad leer tailor C Cawar Co Mlllnf Hlracb bld . room 12. JAVTTCF eerrlc ' - b "oeek "Tin-reel Vain 4TT or A 47.TO. Mra. Ecaa. ji-r rvofiR tPHCR for lumher manuiactur lea company. AV 104. Uracoa-ka. BELT WANTED MA LB. WAN'TF.U A real Mlimin, a man who ha ability, aao wilt - for um as hard and eDScintlouly a h would Ir nim" ?.f. to r-prnl exclusivaiy Id Ort- 3jn ilut rdy to rommiDPi wortc anuary 1. W hv a larita. well-known and In every way ilrst-c-jua Una of EX t l.l'SIVE calenilaira aad advertiatng P'" cialtl-a Our Una ta ao attra-tlva and raned that each and ery b-tne In very tow a In tha country, without r yard to mxa, cma be racreaafully aolicited. our rod are vary attrartia. but no mora o than our reasonable pricea. ana w know from the eaiH-n-n-a of otn-ra who have htn and ara now In our empioy that any brtsht. hua'Jlnv man who haa ability and la wlliln to work, can maka with na fr-Tin to K0 rr week, t-om- mmioni ir-rai. Our rompanr aa or -nur.d In li CapltaUsd j(o.tMH. V a ara rpona.l.i and mrtn bunlneea. it y-u do. it win pax yoa to write Sala V inior Mrrhanta FubUahln .. Kiiamnxon. J,i i. hHn. Enrloae hla ad Trrtufmrnt with your appl.at.or. T. M C A. EMPLOYMENT D-CPAltTMENT Fpclal einployment tnamberahfp. $ Psr annum -. iruaraut-s m-mwr wl' emoloraei l or refund of m-mberahlp f: flvee 2 month- full membereblp ""lv--Ka la the aociatlon and untlcrtakra to fceep Dirty employ ed durlna the full trm of mcmharihip without further cbtrgt We have roratant demand for hlah rrada. esrrlmie I men. Ara you fuwd for a tMtnr poa:t(on? Sa acrtary. eon pl-yment t.apartment TWord for year lUllt Call for men. f?rl : pofitli.n fiid. IS'Sw W'hl WANT a reliable, enerar-tlr man that la willing f work and puh. and iv hta whole time to he:p ua put the b't town alt propo'ition of tha whole Coast on tha market. Would Ilka one capable of han dling eale-nnan under him. Df'kroom. ad vertlainc ma(lr and euppliee freo. Elberal fommlMion. Call 412 Wella-Farico bide TRAVKMNO ealeaman for Orecon h- an Kaatern firm; a an clalty man preferred, to pvil a aiaple line to rlty. atate and county. The Una ta a blr aellrr and a man ran make aod money. Call Im irrial Hotel, 12 to 1 and to 8. W. E. warrlngton. It ou ar a aVnian - hav a position for you that will pay $2 per month. W are r.ot lok.oK for plodders, but a man who haa ever had any selling ex perl en re and 1 not afraid of hard work can easily Tr.nke good ou thl Job. Call Mr. Hodaun. 114 FIVft Ft. WAXTKU Two young men of neat app" an re to follow up of nre leu da Must be full of snap and god talkera. Permanent position i'.h goinl salary to man making god. Call i to 12 A. M. WT Cham r of Commerce. WANTED Sa.rsiuan of ability to call oa city and n arty country trade : muat be a worker and have some knowledge of logging equipment ami machinery. Ad drea with f ill particulars as to qoalld ratlons, A K 7-. r-gontan. I WANT live representatives in earh com munity of Or-ffon and Washlngton for high-cia vpertaiTi-; good '.ld on money b. k t juaiit; Bo competition. liENJ. 1- SMITH. MaiJfa'turerB Agent, SJ7 Corbett bltlg., I'ortland. Or. FKED rWhltev Rydr please rommunlcat. Second pastry cook, tirst-clasa. reennouae gardener. 3 station gang fr new R. K. work. C. R. HANSKN CO., 2S ft f N. 2d at. WANTED An outside Bales. nan; must na-e sme knowledge of marine gasoline en- gina and salmon canning machinery, for Itrttlsh Columbia territory; referencea re qulrrd. AJun-n AV frja. Oregonlan. WK have a permanent position with a good salary and commission added for aom rapable business uuo who can Invest Some money w . : h h la service : reference exchanged. AU 7. Oregonlan. WANTED A boy, age from 14 to 10. lo run erranda and be generally useful In a store. Ware J0 a month. Referencea reqred p Wet--. 147 l"th t. FiUST-CLAfS manager for ladlea cloak and suit house- Mat salary, experience and r -f Ten re In f i rat le t ter. P. O- IS ox 1 et-4. Spokane, Wash. I WANT an experienced solicitor who can bandle a hlgb-claea proposition. Olv ex perience and retereacee in ana war. P 7 til. Oregon kan. W fl have room tir one more man who can maka 420O per week on our new proposi tion. Call forenoors. 14$ 5th at 24 floor, and aak for Mr. Joaaa. .PEItIENCEl advert!. ng so.lcltors. spe cial e-ltlon Faster number; experienced men only; commission. Ml Angel Maga zine. Madison si. WANTED Experienced salesman , to aell close-In aubdl vision, just being put on; b-st -Uer lo city; good commission. Must gl references. AR ?M. Oregonlan. HOYS WA N T K BO Y S WANTED. K years, with wheel, good etraga. lit Ftark at. STOCK salesman wanted; big money to mn who can make good . no wildcat proposi tion. 33 AMaky bldg. Phone Main 4".s WANTED tientleman or la1y bookkeeper to act a secretary in corporation. Call H'in.Uy. 1112 Hawthnm. W ANTED A good live sawmill machinery saesmaa for Rrltlsh Columbia; reference required. Adrtresa AV Oregontan. MAN to 4Mclt ft re Insurance and mortgage loan ampliations; commission only. ! fhamber of Commerce bldg. WAN rtl Hoy for delicatessen and reatau rant some experience tab.e waiting. 442 V ahtngton. TOL'NG man for ledger work; must be able to opera. typewriter. AN 611 Ore gon lan. jETO 10 acre clearing contract to let. OnTy repons:ble part lee will be considered. 61ft Chamber of Commerce. WANTrTD A bead washer and foreman for laundry out of town. Apply Wednesday, Oregon Hotel. V A N 1" E C Young man to travel for mudu factunng concern aad employ sollritora Halary and e penses. C Oregonlan. If AN of good a pep ara nr to solicit for large corporation, food propteitlon to ca pable man Apply 9 to 12. 720 Teon bldg. DENTIST for suburban off i , good opening for business. Phone B J3 or 11110 HARPER wanted; tnaat be fir at-class. G03 Washington t. PERMANENT Income for salesmen. Ask for Ir. Horton. 1119 Yoo bl-lg rilOTO coupon; beat ever offered; anap for a g r n t a Cut berth Studio. Ieku m bUlg. W ANTE! H c o n d cook. Cafeteria. VI 61h st. Apply Peerir WANTED boy. Call 209 Marquam bldg at I P. M. WANTED Llhwasher. 43! Washington St. Itoy WANTED. 3 3d at. North. II M P W.-MED I CMAI.R. WANTED Office woman to check bllla and do similar work. Need not b a ethnog rapher or boAk ee per. but must be care ful, acc u ra le and willing. AT 610, ore gonlan. RK KIN ED truKtaorthy woman aa conipan ln for elderly pre n (rum 1 to 5 dully. !; per month salary. A &, Main 24-L 'at holt c Woman'! league. XAD Y w ishlng to Warn bookkeeping, etc. c-in have office a o-k. under accountant, aa part pay tor tit ion : assist' position when qualified. L 70, Oregonlan. YCtl NU Uly of neat appearance to do ape cial work In Portland for large corpora tion; muat have business ability. Apply a fter W A. M .. 721 Yeon bl d g. A BOOKKKRPbR with experience, to work In a country store; one a bo haa a knowl edge of general merchandise preferred. T 7U4. Oregonlan- 'ir.ST-CL.A-S lady cook : G0. board and room. Htnit-Q L.d le Agency, 46 Wa-th. rt . R. 7. WANTED At once, three experienced wom en canvasser, good salary. 149 Eaat 20th etre.L. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 4S1 Waaaingtoo st-. cor. 7th, upstair. Phone Main 2.92. bENIBLE. practical woman for permanent position, with reiiabie business firm ; ex perience nnr.ecesa.ry. AS Tvti. Oregonlan WANTED Refined, cspable a oman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., bu9 Roth child b.dg., 4th and Washington. GIRL, to do copy work; must write good hand; salary of $30 per month to hagin with. Mate a ge. AO 77S Oregonlan. WANTED Exchange operator at 741 Wash, from to P. M. Wage $12.50 par month. W.VN'l ED Rilling clerk, must operate tT w r.ter Opera Uouee laundry Cow, 249 Eve-ett a:. KM't i; I t.Ni ED girl for confectionery store; understands aoua fountain and handling customer-. Inquire &4 fnlon ava. "WANTED .lrl for geueral housework, fam i:v of 4. wage good. Pbon C I60O. isl Tillnmcok . X I' ER I rlN C E D girl for high-grade bak ery and lunch room. The Colony. W ashington. MRS. HOWE' it LAUlEa" AGENCY. Washington bid . 4tii and W ash. sta. Maln or A S.'f-. WAITRESS, country. far p-tld. Howe la flies A gency. Sg. 3T0 v W ashing ton. KJl PERI akSCED girl to wrap bread; refer ences r-4Uired. R 8 HI. Oregonlan. lul'Nd girl to ply 4.4 Hth S1 ust light housework. Ap- W ANTED -lrl fr -nerl housework small family. T2 E. 13th footh. Wtwi, i work la delcairen. Xa3 Ct. HELP WANTED FEMALE. I BITCATIOVS WANTED FEMALE. I FOB BEST. . I . . WANTED, by wholaaale house, a lady for eteiiOKraph-a and general offtco work. Muat hava aoma koowTedga of bookkaaplng Anawer In own handwriting; give experi ence. If any. C 80S. Ore yon lan. HELP WAMFD n(wTEI,LA XKOUS. MEN and woman to learn the barber trade In eight week; epaclal Inducementa; per centage paid while learning; too La free; exprt Instructor; 17 year In tha busi ness; 87 schools; a lifetime members flip f:lTn to each atudenL Mo.er liarbar Cel cge. 8S N. fourth at.. Portland. Or. WANTED Men to learn tha auto buainee; we have the largest and best equipped choo. in the North at. Call and lnvea tigate. THU PORTLAND AT'TOMOBII-E SCHOOL. 113 North 6th at. KA1L.WAY mall clerk, prepare now, ex cellent alarie and promotion: no lay offs; sure pay: fre book. Call today. Pa clfic btates School. McKsy bldg. RAILWAY mall clerks, $9 month; Portland examinations May 4; preparation free Prank Lin Inatltute, Dept. 820 M. Kochea- ter. N- Y- HAKE money writing abort stories, or for fa per; big pay; free booklet tella how. r 1 ted Pr-ea Syndicate. San Kranctsoo. AN exoertenced bode Ironer, best of wage. Pa. ace titcam Eaundry. E luth and Evr- ttu WANTED Picture play wrltera; big pay; we'll teach ou. Picture Play Assocla t!on. han Francisco. fit- K TEACHERS' AfiljOCiATION, 610 f-' we land bldg. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING, 15 mo- 2tVt 14iQ at. Main SSl'X LaADIE!4 to learn the business of lha Sani tary Ileauty parlors. 400 Dtkum bldg. TTEI.P W'TED MA U OR FKMALK. BoOKKEEPEKS. cnlera. bill clerk, etc.: I t.l guarantee your qualiflcatlona to fill positions In 30 daja; private Instruction by public accountant; jioaliion secured. J 4.iO. tregonian. PRIVATE t:KorfTHAND. TYPEWRITING, bookkeeping, ft 2 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 421Sa. fPITVATIONff TVATFn--MAlg. Bookkeepers and Clcrka. EXPERIENCED ladierf ureaa gooda sales man with oest of references is open for engagement with reliable house. Bail phone E. 144- W1EE AL'Di'I, OPEN. CLOSB OR WRITE up books, prepare balances and state ments. Install systema. Ollltngham. au-dlt-r. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. TYPEWRITING wanted Rapid operator de sires Job work or part time office work Special rat a on circular letters and Envelope addressing. A 7S9&. TOUSC, mn. having taken a bookkeep ing course at business coll ge, desire bookkc.ptng or clerical position. Ad ureas E. M. Grove, ttd N 19th st. B uh K tE I'fcH, with some spare time, de sires email set of books to keep. B 7 S3, f tregnnian. bl' E.o iRAPH ER, bookkeeper; experienced, reliable; excellent references. AO 777, Oregonlan. YOl'NG man wishes position as bookkeeper; good penman. 7 years experience; beat of referencea. AM tW2 Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 215 Fecond St.. Corner Salmon. Women's Department. 245 Salmon. AU classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical male and female help furnished on short notice. No fee caarged. Phone Main 8:-5. A oo4. YOl'NG man German, 2W year old. wlshea steady position ou a farm; can drive team, plow, milk cows, etc; state salary. Chaa. Kautx, oar P. Ballmalea, 544 Williams a vs.. pity. EN PEKIENCED steam engineer, married, does not drink, wants position, stationary or hoisting engine; can furnish reference. G 7'.4. On gon lan. WANTED Position as camp cook, logging camp preferred; can handle any six crew. F 7 12. Oregon lan. WANTED Situation by competent, sober carpenter foreman. Owner or contractor. AR 601, Oregonlan. POSITION as ho wcard writer and window trimmer; also had experience In gents' furnishings and general merchandise. AS M7. urgnlsn. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, would like posi tion driving a private car; references. C fto.i. Oregonlan. ELEVATOR pilot, houseman, porter or bell boy desires a position; will work any where. Howard Elsbeny. Phone B 174a CARPENTER foreman, detailing and esti mating. 80 years' experience, A-l refer encea N 83. Oregon lsn. MAN and alfe want work on farm or rent farm In share. Inquire R. Buetlkofer, 2f3t Salmon. 6TRONG boy of 19 wants work of any kind. Phone B 24S7. YOU NG man wishes position on a sm.-til wagfs. AT &'U. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS cylinder prteaman; will leave town. A. H. Van, 14& 7th st. WANTED, plac to work for board before and after school. AL 04 Oregonlan. EMPLOYMENT on chicken ranch; reference. J. L. Kregelo. hot D'S. Turner. Or. MECHANICAL draftsman would like work, detallln g or tracing. Phone Main 3230. CITY collector can handle another account March 1. B 7 -O. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED janitor require situation good references. Marshall 813 .V - SITUATIONS WAXTKI rr.MAI-g, Bookkeepers and hteoographers. STENOGRAPHER want Work Intended fur publication, also letter. Telephone Main 1 lu, leaving your telephone number, or Main o:;3. Mm Magulre. lf-ft C. of C. AIbTANT bookkeeper and general cleri cal work by young lady, experienced In keeping newspaper subscript loo accounts; references furnished. Home B 271.4. INEXPERIENCED stenographer wishes po sition and slst with office work. Phone Woodlawn U. "1 EN milt APR E!i want position; several year experience In all line of office work. AE tH'. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED etenographer desires poal tion; -city nferences; A years' experience In one office. Phone East ls?2. STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly experienced and accurate, desires good poslUon. Main 1 IO. EXPERIENCED stenographer and bookkeep er wlshea position. Phone Woodiawn 1843. STENOGRAPHER de.nl res position; experl enced; references. K 7ti2. Oregonlan. COMPETENT and reliable bookkeeper and stenographer want position. A 0221. COMPETENT and experienced stenographer desires position, good at figures. East fi'.'L'O. I reesmak ere. EXPERIENCED dressmaker; hlgh-cias work; guaranteed: work by day; a yeara experience, AF "&4, Oregonlan, or Main 3175. A F1KST-CLAS5 dressmaker and eearuatress would ilk family sewing. Mrs. E. Staf ford. Phone il27 Main. WANTED PUln sewing and children' clothing at home, or will go out: price reasonable. M. J. C. Phone Eaat 40.5. DR ESf'M A KI NG. children clothe a spe cUUty. East 462. ' Kuraea. EXI'EK1EN:ED woman wants confinement or other casta (5 Union ave. iSorth, Apt. 3rt,t. Phone East 3K'2. GOOD, pmctlcal nurse, doctor's referencea. Msin :37. Housekeeper. GERMAN girl, talka some English, wants good placo for general housekeeping. In--.-i r ft'n V. Ttli iL HOUSEKEEPERS. cook, waitresses, cham bermaids, oftlc girls, nurses. bt. Luls A-rencv. 24.3 W Alder. Main 20B9. A 4775. COMPETENT girl for housework and cook ing: wagee H'; a ooaiawn ;ow. MiMrlL CHILDREN to board and car for. a good bom, block from echool. Tabor 817. CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry. Wood lawn 2i4. No mangling. EXPERIENCED young lady wlshea position as nurse glrL Phone a 4014. RELIABLE woman would like work few hours each. Marshall 1360. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants washing. Ironing, clesnlng'by day. Main 6'.4. GERMAN lady want place aa cook, prlve.e family of adulta. 4A E. Ankenr. EXPERIENCED cook, cafeteria, restaurant. eic. St. Ixuia Agency. Main 203P, A 4773. G1KL want general housework. 124 E. 27tb at. Nonlu near Flnlers. EXPERIENCED woman want day washing and Ironing. Marshall 4'2i. 8W ICDI-H girl want work aa helper In pri vate family. Call Eaat 2tZ9. CAPABLB women, washing. Ironing, clon ing, cooking: ?Sc hour. Main y39. A 477V GERMAN girl wants general housework. AN bl. orsgonlan. Mlscellaa INDUSTRIOUS Scandinavian woman want waahlnc. Ironing or cleaning by day. Phone B. gtil. EXPERIENCED gtrl wants either dlnlng roora or chamber work In worklngmen'a place. AT bOS. Oregonlan. GIRL wlshea work by day or hour. Phone A n78, room S. GERMAN woman wishes work by the day or hour, phone C 2 a 1. LADY would like to care for children in her home. Phone Pellwood 402. FIRST-CLAcS laundress wishes work.,Tlmr. and Frl.: references. C2312,'dln 1C1L WA N TED Day work or general housework by 2 colored women. Marshall 4040. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS and crew managers to sell the famous Aretlno vscuum cleaner: right man make easily from S75 to $1T0 per week; I havo only medium-priced ma chine on market which will do work of higher-priced clners. Sells for $S.o0 rn the Couat. Write for new selling piun, full particulars. E. A. Crandall. special rrpresf ntat Ive for Eastern Manufacturing Co.. Seward Hotel. I'ortlnnd. Oregon. WANTED Iady agents, sa.lary guaranteed; no house-to-hou- canvassing; no experi ence. nerFarT. M2 Buchanan bldg. AGENTS to sell rugs on the Installment plan ; liberal commission, easy sales. 60 Grand ave. WANTED TO RENT. Uou-tes. WANTED Furnished modern bungalow, cottage or lower flat, four to eix rooms. Prefer walking distance; by refined couple, rive details, location and price. AD tw:i. Oregonlan. BY young couple. A 4 or 5 -room furnished bungalow. State price and particular. Must be cheap. AN K17, Oregonlan. FURNISHED 4 or fi-room modern cottage; not over $25. AN 814. Oregonlan. Rooms. TWO or throe unfurnished housekeeping rooms with private bath by two ladles. Must be pleasant and modem and In good location. Preferably West Side, walking distune from down town. AM ht-4. Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN desires well-f urnishe.l. com modious room In modern house with pri vate family. West Side preferred ; must have phone; breakfasts desired; reference exchanged. AJ 7tM. Oregoi-lan. YOUNG couple desires 2 front rooms for housekeeping, unfurnished, desirable lo cality, bath, gas; not more than 15 min utes' walk TojUoface; state price. B 794, Oregonlan. Rooms With Board GENTLEMAN wishes room and board In modern Irvlngton homo. N 7l. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. FURNISHED rooms, bath and phone, walk ing riletance;$2 a week, and up. -109 1 E. Morrison. CHEAP, furnished rooms for rent, bath and phone. 3--3 E. Morrison. Furnished Room. Now Open, 112 Rooms. Now Open HOTEL BYRON. HOTEL CAPLES. Seventh nd Taylor !Sts. Residential and Transient; absolutely central; two minutes from Post of fire, store, theaters and restaurants; Just off business streets and canities; quietest and best location ; handsome brick, ampl steam heat, hot running water and phones In every room, suites and private baths, " elevator. Reputable and comfortable. From 73c dally. 4 weekly. Any car from depots. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN I Those thre beautifully furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL Ml.NOOK, PARSONS, ROWLANDS. 21-7 b 4th St. 21lb4thSL 2V7l4thSt. On Fourth t., running from Taylor to Palmou u; brand-new brick; elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold wat-r In all rooms; strictly up to date In all respects, and at popular pricea 4 If you want something out of the ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know you will like It. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL BLACKSTONB. Cor. 11th aud Stark SU. New. modem brick bldg.. elegantly fur nished; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, phones all rooms; private Paths; single or en suite; rates 1 day up; perlttl monthly rates. COFUMJVA Hotel, llth and Jefferson t-"1T Itrand-ne brick; splendidly furnished; all rooms with telephone, steum heat, hot and cold water, many with baths; every effort Is made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests; the rents are most reason able; rooms by the week, month or day. "J" car direct from depot. ANGELA HOTEL 2o Wash Inn' ton St., opposite Multnomah Athletic Field New brick building; all modern convenience; well regulated resi dential and family hotel; splendid accom modations for transients; convenient to tlie business center and the rates are mod erate (plenty steam heat). Marshall 1 ... SARGENT HOT EL. corner Grand and Haw thorne avea. Heauttfully furnished rooma. single or en suite, with private tath. hot and cold water, steam heat and private pnone in every room; moderate weekly or rr.oi.thly ralt- gnli in connection; tran sients solicit eti. HOTEL FORD, 783 WaahinRton, corner Ln cretia at. New brick building. Juat com pleted; fine large outside rooms with tele phone service, with or without private baths: new and splendidly furnished; hot and cold water, steam heat; best of aerv-!-e, ery reasonable rntes. HOTEL SAVON. 1S1 Eleventh Mreet. New. modern brick building; at earn -heated, private baths, hot and cold water In r-joms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and eo ns. Regular and transient trade solicited. THE LAN DOR E, 2S lUth t. Why pay carfare, live in cold, cheerles rooms, when for the . same money you can have a a arm. pleasant room? Hot and cold water; wanting qisiance. HOTEL LA SALLE, 10th and Burnslde sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and . elegantly furnished rooma; private hatha, ateam heat, hot and cold water, private phones In each room; apeclal rates by the month; phone service free. phone Marshall 4049. . a 1 1 t- II i" VI- V X One block from Union Depot; 140 outside rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heal; offt-rs apeclal ratea for permanent guests; rates &c to $2 a day: $3.60 and up per week. Phone Main 8413. THE CLARNO HOTEL. 243U HOLLADAY ave. Phone C 3199 Sieain heat, hot and cold water. Eleetrlo lltht In ali rooma First-claa accommo dation at $2.50 per week. L. U or I car direct to door. HOTEL GARLAND, cor. Waah. and Trinity place New corner brick, elegantly fur nished outside rooms; private phones, run ning water, steam heal. $3.00 per week up. T ranslent sollcUed. ARRANGED for beat class patron; on double, on single vacancy, private bath rooms; dlnlcg-room In connection. WEAVER, 22d and Washing ton at. " VAN GORDER HOTEL, " 105H Twelfth St. Marshall 27IW. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone In every room; il day and up: $4 week and up. HOTEL KESWICK An ideal home for bus iness people: centrally iocated; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor ta , 1 blork from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main Witt. MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Wa-blugton. Room l a day. (o week; nothing ex tra for two In room; thoroughly modern. LIGHT airy rooma, modern, aullea or single: steam heat; $2 and 3 week; 6 minute walk: to theater and stores; free phone. UNDELL HOTEL, 328 4TH. WARM comfortable rooms; also large doubl looms. uitable 2 to 4 persons; hot bath, free phon. team beau Ab7 Tay lor. FINE front room for rent at 167 Stout st. Just one block south of Washington. This is a flu locality and I will rent at a low figure. Call. , OUIET warm, homelik room, clean, com fortable bed, permanent, transient, walk ing distance, $10 and up. 227 b Larrabe stieet. HOTEL NORRIS. 17th and Alder ata. Mod ern rooms, auitable 2 to 4 person, prl vste baths. Rates $3.50 up- ELM PLACE. 414 Yamhill t.. cor. llth: room $.l.&o per week up; hot and cold water. team heat, private bath. ARMINIUS HOTEL, 410 Morrison sU, opp. Li-Ktr Theater Nicely furnished rooms; permanent, transient; low rates. Vain MOO. ONE outside leplnc room, hot and cold 'water, steam heat, (12. The Arcadia. 704 Everett. 1$4 WhaST PARK, near Morrison St., neat, nawiy furo-shed oulu oo-us, -0 up. FnrniBhed Room in Private Family. BEAUTIFUL front room. In private home, near Broadwav, walking distance; one double room $14. alngle. $10; electric light, phone, bath, heat, home privileges. Aa 7l, Oregonlan. LOVELY front room, with privilege of kitchen tn new, modern flat; also clean, ai-y and light bedroom, excellent beds, walking distance. 692 Everett at. LARGE front room phone, bath, reason able, private family; one or two gentle men: references. T 801. Oregonlan. CLEAN, well-furnished rooms, strictly mod ern. reasonable. 30 N. 16th at, near Washington. ONE outside sleeping- room, hot and cold water, steam beat, $12. The Arcadia, 7n$ fcJverett. NICELY fiirni5hed room, modern conveni ences, centrally located, reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. BEAUTIFUL large front alcove room; best location, all conveniences; suitable for two. 123 23d t. LARGE room. $2.50 week for two; electric 1 i g ht. running water. .SI llth. PARLOR and bedroom, connecting, in mod ern flat, with board. 432 Mill St. A &6J2. LARGE, desirab: room, modern, suitable for two gentlemen or ladles. 67 X. 20th. LARGE front room, well furnished, clean and quiet. 700 Flanders St. MDEKN front room tn flat, 26 North 10th. Mnin 4fiU WELL-FURNISHED front room, modern, reasonable. 32 East lo: h st. NEWLY furnished rooms, beat. bah; very reasonable. 17H lth st. Main &oy. TWO nicely furnished rooms, furnace, iath. reasonable. loth. n-r Stark. A oM. $2.50 WEEK. bath, liphts. private entrance; 5 minutes walk. 250 10th. f g MONTH Nice outside room, bath; nice location; near center. 45i .ith st. ELEGANTLY furnished room. 621 Marshall. Phone Marshall 2230. SEVERAL well-furnished rooms, from $2 to 4 weekly. '..V. Washington. $2 WK.a light front room, bath; quiet home; close in. 2'2 imh. FURNISHED -leonine-room, single bed. 4-0 Yamhill s U Fat h, p hone. Rooms Wlrii DoarO. THE HAZEL dining-room reopened. Table board, strictly flrst-clars; also furnished rooms, ateatn heat, running water; prices moderate. 3S5 St.. cor. Montgomery. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad vfrarda. quiet, close in. near car, 4 blocks from P. o. American plan. LAM PERSON. !k4 Couchst.. cor. 17th Very desirable, clean rooms with steam hoat and running water; good board; hue location for teachers or bu!intrss men. MANITOl". 2tU 13TH ST. Attractive, clean rooms. steam heat, good board, close in, reasonable. PORTL AND WO.M EN'S UN ION ; 23d year. Rooms Ith board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 010 Flanders. F. N. H.-ath. supt. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel lent board; also table board. 60 6 Gllsan. ROOM and board. Casa Rosa. 300 Jeff era on ft., corner 5th. DESIRABLE single and double rooms, with board, everything first-class. 33 N. ITch. TH E C AL "A R t. 4T 2 M o r r 1 so n . cor. 13 th; well furnished rooms and board. Room With Hoard lo Private Family. HOT-WATER heat, finely furnished room, $3 per week, bath, phone, private home. 414 Market, cor. llth; 10 minutes' walk to Postofrice. NICELY furnished room; everything- fur nished, light, heat, with or without board. Everett. VERY pleasant large front room for 2 peo ple, with board; everything modern; walk ing distance; reasonable. Main 3 2 SO. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, with board. 1-5 loth st. Ref erences $20 EACH, front room for two, single beiis, all new, modern conveniences; furnace heat. 8 17th. near Everett. W.ELL-FURNISHED rooms, lirst-class board. Phone E. H34 or call at 35 Belmont, cor. 12th. FURNISHED room with or without board; walking distance. 34 East 13th st. N. ROOM and board. 653 Wash. St.; $5.50 a week. TWO large rooms Fireplace, porch and grounds ; excellent board. Main 2071. MoDEPN rooma. $12 to $20, with or with out board. 410 I 'ark. PLEASANT rooms for 2 or 3 people, near Multnomah Club. Marshall 4112. A NICE place to room and board for 2; all conveniences. B 2472. GIRLS to room and board in modern apart ment, $IS a month. Marshall 2uoL FIRST-CLASS room and home, for 1 or 2. 100 N. hoard. private 2 1st. Main 4220. Apart ruent. THE VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments tn the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience, including banquet hall and roof garden ; both phone In all apartments; high-class service; references required. Main 2276 and A 7057. THE BUE.NA VISTA, CORNER 12TH AND HARRISON. New brick, latest Improvements; fur nished and unfurnished, 2 and S-roora apartments, best service; reasonable; ref erences required. Both phones. NEWLY FURNISHED NOW READY. The Upsnur, xtith and Upshur sts., fur nished --room 'apt., (20; also $22.50; 3 room apt., $27. Co to $30. This Includes steam heat, hot water, private phones, bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry room, all free. Take S, 23d or cara north. No dogs allowed. KENTUCKY APTS. New and modern four room nicely furnished apartments; steam heat, private phone and bath; on the Mon taviila ana Eat Ankeny carlines, cor. 2ith and East Gllsan stH. ; also a nicely f urnisned single room. Phone East 0357 or B 1432. THE LUZERNE. Just completed: corner 3d and Hall; all 2-room furnished apts, large outside kitchens, best arranged apts. in Portland; also 1 3-room unfurnished; easy walking dibtance. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony; ti-W brick builJiug, electric elevator, su perb location, in walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent aJid best of service. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford st., near Washington ; select resi dence district; a 3-room, with balcony o erlookiog private gardens; all conveni ence of tne best, class apartments. M.ln .3( A 744S. THE DEZENDORF. 208 ICth. Near Taylor. One exceptionally nice 5 -room unfur nished apartment, top floor, front; one nice 4-room unfurnished apartment, sec ond floor, front. Apply on premises for reservations. GRANDEST A "furnished apartments. Grand ave. and East, Stark; new- brick building, 3 rooms splendidly furnished, with pri vate bath, $27. 50; electric elevator, mod ern conveniences; close-in location; easy walking distance; best of service. CHEAPEST rent and the most desirable i.evr 2-room apt. In the city. Five min utes' walk postoflice; modern conven iences. Positively respectable. Come and see us. 286 llth St. THE LILIAN, cor. 0th and Montgomery, 3-room furnished apts., private bath, phono, vacant Feb.. 13: also 2-room base ment apt., with bath. f2.i. Including light. Walking distance. Marshall 1378. PARK APARTMENTS, 303 Harrison; beau tiful : and 4-room furnished apartment; walking distance; best of service; price $4 to $50. Phone Marshall 3070. THE M'KINLEY. 429 East .Morrison, corner 7th 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to dale; private bathw; moderate price; new m'gt. THE CHETOPA Ibth and Flanders, 2, 3 and 4-room modern, furnished and unfur nished; new furniture, new builulng. Ap- ply to janitor. AVA LON ANNEX, 247 Clackamas st. 2 roora apartments, steam heat, gas, tele phone and electricity all furnished. Call Eaat 2784. CLAY POOLE ANNEX, 325 Eleventh St., two room furnished apartments, private bath, all conveniences, good service; walking distance. Now under new management. BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments. 6t5 Lovejoy at. Take "W" car. IRIS APARTMENTS. Third and Mill; 4 and 6 rooma, unfurnished; steam heal, hot and cold water; 132 and $40. BRA INT REE Elegant 5 -room apartment. West Side, walking distance; rent reason able. 2,5 12th st. Phone Maln7741. LOVEJOY APIS., Main 215, 17th and Love Joy. One newly furnished 2-room Xront apartment. JULIAETTE Fum ished and unfurnished 2 rooms. Corner 2d and Montgomery. fllE DAYTON Niee 4-room lower apt" haU water, lc; $:0. Sit& ilaaUei t. I ADkrtmeou. 1 . THE WHEETDON, Cor. Park and Taylor st. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Cor. Tenth and Salmon sts. Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments: buildings new and strictly modern; service lirst-class. NEW NEW. JUST OPENED. NOW READY. ALAMO APARTMENTS. 4I4 Market street, near 14th. Beautiful, elegant and artistically fur nished and unfurnished apartments; abso lutely new. fireproof, brick building; steam heat, private phones and baths; Holmes disappearing beds, built-in buffets, gas ranges, linoleum on kitchen and bath rooms, janitor service, modern eQuipments. Nothing to compare In city. When you have seen these you will go no further. Reasonable rates. Reserve apartments now. Only a few left. THE HOT'S MAN, 730 Hoyt. Beautiful 3-room apartments, with largo sW ping-porches, and all modern conven iences. Moderate rentals. References. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity .'lace, between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments. In heart of apartment-ho?jse district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience: sleeping porches, high-class service; refined clientele ; references re quired In all cases. Mrs. A. N. Wright, -upt Phone Marshall 1101. THE BARKER, cor. 21"t and Irving sts.; this new 4-story brick now opn; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric, automatic elevator. Holmes iis;ippearin beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of closxt room, both phones, vacuum ciraner freo to patrons. If you want fcou;rtlimg nice, come to the Barker. Phones-1744. Marshall 2fGl. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th anI Colum bia, 4 blocks ioutb. from Morrison su : nw brk'k building, completely tirst-clnss furnished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner, janitor service; rent per month, $2. $."10, $40 and up; must be seen to be appre ciated. . FORDHAM APARTM EXT 3. 170 Ford st., just south of Washington; most complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland; finished through out In hardwood ; tiled baths, superb fix tures; elfant wall coverings; each with private balcony; highest class service; very- reasonable rents; 4 and 5-room apartments; moat conveniently arranged. THE CAM A R. 704 Lovejoy St. Under new management, now modern brick. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished. We will rent you apartments 26 per cent cheaper than any place In the city. Good Janitor service. Give us a call and be convinced. Mar shall 2922. WOLFE APARTMENTS. 210 MARKET STREET. Newly furnished apartments of two. three &n four rooms, renting from $2.;"0 to $40; also single rooms from $3 up; free telephones in every apartment, elec tric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water. Call personally or phone Marshall 35i7. LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class by themselves; see them ; Lucretla St., near 23d and Wash.; 2 to 5 rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets and baths; hardwood floors, freo phones in each apt. Phone prop, and mgr., jMar shall 152i. Janitor, Marshall 15ak. THE ARCADIA. 70S Everett, Near 21st St. . One exceptionally nice 3-room modern nicely furnished apartment, first floor front; also one outside sleeping-room, hot and cold water, steamheat. KING HILX. APARTMENTS. 171 King St. 4. 5, 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. ORLANDO APTfiC 20th and Wash, sta ; two and three-room furnished apis.; every convenience; very large rooms; steam beat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator; easy walking distance, ref erences required. Marshall lb4. THEWESTFAU4105TH ST. Lowest rates In Portland $1'5 up; nicely furnished and unfurnished three and four room apartments, private bath and phone, automatic elevator. Janitor service; brick building; easy walking distance. WINSTON Apartments. 341 14th st., at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out sido rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping I $25 to $37.5t. For information call Main 1 730. KEELEK APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay ats. We have choice 3 and 4-room suites, un furnished, private vestibules, phones, baths, etc. Apply at once for 4-room front corner suite, upper floor. GRACE APTS., 737 Nor thru p st., corner 24 th & large rooms, hardwood floors, front veranda, large sleeping porch, pri vate telephone, water, heat and hot wa ter; new and strictly modern. ORDLJEiGH APTS. 82 Grand ave., cor. E. Stark sL, nicely furnished 2 and 3-room apt., cheapest first-class apts. in the city; walking dis tance. Phone E. 300. CUMBERLAND APT.S., West Park and Co lumbia st5. 2 and 3-room furnished apart ments, all modern conveniences, choico lo cation, fronting the park and only 5 min utes' walk from business center. LIN C OLN APTS., COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside 2-room apartments; Holmes beds, bulit-ln writing dusks, vacuum clean er. Janitor aerv.ee; $22.50 to $30. Including li g h ta. private ph ones. A 3472, Main 1377. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Gllsan sts.; best of service; desirable location, with unexcelled car service; aiso easy walking distance; 3-room apt., with bath, modern conveniences, very reasonable rent. THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sta. 3 rooms with batb. furnished or unfur nished; superb location, close to down town district. All outside rooms, best of service, modern; reasonable rent. " THE AMERICAN. " Most up-to-date apartment in North west; 21st and Johnson sta.; all outside rooms. Apply on premises, or call Mar shall 3300. HANTHURN APARTMENTS, 251 12t at., ear Main. Close In location. Elegant 3 room apartment with bath and private balcony, $35. Every convenience, good service. TH fc ROSENFELD APTS.. East 14th and ;?tark Beautifully furnished four-room apartment cheap : also uit turn ished; all conveniences; walking distance. East 3703. " KATHRIN APTS. For rent. 1 elegant 3-room apt., fur nished; 1 unfurnished; new and modttro. Marshall 2001. THE PAGE APARTMENTS. Modern, furnished and unfurnished, 3 rooms; private phone, bath, etc.; ciose in. E. Sth and Hurnsiue. Main 41t0; B 1317. THE MEREDITH. Completely and, richly refurnished in 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; references required. 712 Waah. tit. Now management. THE CHELTENHAM. 2-room iuinlsiied apartment; private bath and pnone. 255 N. lttih. Mursha.l THE MAHR APARTMENTS Under new management, new, modern. 3 and 4-room lurnished and unfurnished apartment. Apply manager, Marshall 2.28. COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished apartmenLs. llth and Columbia; very de sirable; modern conveniences; eaay walk ing distance; low rates; beat or service. THREE-ROOM lurnished basement ap.irt ment at decided bargain to man and wife, wife to answer telephone when, janitor is busy. Phone Marshall 4122. THE Drickston, 44S llth, 2 and 3-room apartments for rent; all modern conve nlences. SAN MARCO apartments, E. Sth and Couch, new brick, modem. 3 rooms, private bath and nhone; rates reasonaDie. Call E. 2751. WELLINGTON COURT. 2, 3 and 4-room suites, all modern, very reasonable. 15th and -vere--. -- SUNNY 3-room furnished apt., with private hath balcony and phone, reasonable rent. ?rv in int.. Marshall .tl.-.t 4 TK-x eua.r n . . two a -room steam-heated apartments, fur- nished and unfurnished. Cottel Drug Co. Flats. g.fi HOLLADAY Addition, upper flat, 8 rooms, walking distance, near two car lines. 412 Vaco au East 3S05. fTlirWraTtractive 5-room flat, loth and East IUrO-IUC. a ..-.w.. - .... j,a. 0 1 o. TWO (-room flats, 825 Northrup and 095 Gllsan st. Phone Main 3225. MODERN upper flat, 5 shalL Inquire 772 Kei rooms. 762 Mar- arney. 4-ROOM lower flat, 628 E. Main. Inquire 243 E. 17th or Phone East H7. $18. MODERN -room upper flat. furnished. 7$J1 East Yamhill. Phone East 5IJ4H. 4 OK 5-room furnished flat for rent. Main 47L IRVUNGTON. Beautiful, new, strictiv modern 4-room flat, 405 East Sth st. North. Broadway car; tine building, mahogany entrance, private front porches, sleeping porch, lire place hardwood floors. tile bath, gas range, linoleum on kitchen floors; large basement for storage; rent $3'. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 22d and Brazee. East $35. C 2322. 500 MARKET, 5-roora lower flat; gas, elec tricity and furnace; nearly new; very de sirable; $30 per month. Key at 502 Portland T ru s tCo., 3d and Oak. FOR RENT Fine corner flat, with 4 large rooms and bath; porches and yard; strict ly modern: rent $10. 545 Kirby at., hot. Russell andKnotL t UNUSUALLY" desirable modern lower flat, 5 lare. lixht, airy rooms and bathroom, lireplace; close in. West Side. 341 Mont gomery, cor. 7th. MODERN 5-room flat, newly varnished said tinted; 2 blocks north Steel Bridge, front ing river. S22.5V. 290 Margin. WEST SIDE, modern, six-room flat, steam heated, unfurnished, on llth near Co lumbia, apply to Poulson, 307 llth st. $22.5o. FOUR large, light rooms, porch, bath, shades, lineolum, range. 233 Hall. . STEAM HEAT, hot water. Janitor service; b rooms; walking distance. 567 Glisan u Phone Marshall 6-6. WELL-FURNISHED 5-room at $37.50, un furnished at $27.50. Main 1433. Refer ences. MODERN 7-room flat. West Side. 775 Johneon St., between 23d and 24th. Phone Alain 5511. FOR KENT Modern 7-room flat, 444 Park st.; fireplace and furnace; $37.50; no chil dren, phone Tahor 7t(3 or East 1431. LOWER flat. $25: i", rooms; 6n Hoyt st. See Mr. Melson. janitor, tit. Francis Apart ments. 21t and Hoyt sts. MODERN 5-room flat. i14V East Morrison, near 30th. Tabor 179S. FURNISHED flat 4 rooms. Went Side, close; also 2 rooms. Marshall 1257. MODERN 5-room flat, 5th near Jacksou. West Side; 10 min. walk. Main or A 1223. NEW 4-room flat; furnace; 28th and E. Irv intr. Phone East 5, B 1404. 6-ROOM modern Cat. st. East 5150. Call 24 North 10th MOOEItN 5-room flat, sleeping porch. Ap ply t".l Everett, between 21 at and 22d. STEAM-HEAT ED 5-room flat, good loca tion, close in. West Side. 564 Couch. 5-ROOM nicely furnished flat; all conve niences; walking distance. 463 6th st. $16 Modern upper flat. Phone East 5126. Housekeeping Rooms. NEWLY FURNISHED. NOW READY. The Upshur, 26th and Upshur Bts., fur nished 2-room apL. $20, also $22.50; 3 room apt.. $27.50 to $o0. This Includes 6 tea in neat, hot water, private phones. ' bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry room, all free. Take s, 23d or W cars north. No dogs allowed. THE REAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping: gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best in the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall St. No dogs. $1.50 TO $2.50 per week Clean furnished housekeeping-rooms; free heat, phone, liuth, laundry, yard. 400 Vancouver avo. and 203 Stanton; "V" car. Phone E. 6031. THE MILNER, 350 Morrison Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping-rooms ; team, heat, elevator, all conveniences, best locat'n. CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished housekeeping-rooms ; central; cheap. Room 86, 3d aud M o r rison. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, single and en suite; steam heat. 83 V Union ave. 3 SETS of 2 or S housekeeping rooms. 405 1st, flat J and K. SINGLE and light housekeeping room. 1S3 Hal Bey st. : $10 month. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, brick bldg.. reas onable. 10$ y Union ave. 883 East Alder. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS in new concrete building. Phone Woodlawn 2379 or 2Q&7. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close in. $2 and $2.50 a week. 360 M E. Morrison. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family SUITE of 2 or 4 newly furnished clean housekeeping room with pantry, base ment, bathroom, gas; very pleasant; 2 carlines. 772 E. Taylor. Phone E. 5200. NICELY furnished single rooms and apart ments, light, phone, laundry privilege free; will take In a few children for a short time. 735 Everett. NEWLY papered living-room, bedroom, kit rhon, pantry, closets; corner house; new furniture; gas, phone; $20. 786 East lam hill. TWO partly furnished housekeeping rooms; walking distance; good location. &S7 Hoyt at reet. TWO nico housekeeping rooms with sink and gas range, walking distance. 440 6 til st. Marshall 3430. THREE or four nicely furnished rooms, first floor, fine yard, good neighborhood. Phone E 1786. CLEAN, 2 connecting housekeeping front rooms and single, also warm sleeping rooms, modern, reasonable. 775 Gllsan. 3 UN F U RN ISHED rooms, cheap; best resi dence locality. 736 Irving. Phona Marshail 455-. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, nice house, yard, fine view, pri vate porch. 644 Borthwlck. RS or L car. 2 LARGE front rooms, alcove, nicely fur nished for housekeeping, heat, light, $2-. 5U9- Mill. NICE front room and dining-room and use of kitchen; well furnished, gardeu sp--t also; snap. Call 991 E. Madison st. HAVE 2 housekeeping rooms and 1 eleep-ing-room, free heat and phone; rent very reasonable. 129 14th st. North. LIGHT housekeeping room, furnace heat; nice for one or two ladies or gent. 347 . Hall. THiiEiS new, completely furnished rooms, bath, sink, laundry, phone; no objection to children; $2. 825 Eaat Stark. ONE or two clean furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, electricity, water, sink, laun dry. 2:it Grand ave. S. E. corner Ankeny. 3 Well-furnished house-keeping rooms. clos- In, reasonable reuU Call at 211 McMil lan st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 Grand ave. North. Phone East 4308. LOVELY housekeeping room. Every thins furnished. East 183$. 30 East 10th N- FL'RXISHKD housekeeping room, first floor, yard, butti. phone. 450 Yamhill st. LARGE front sunny H.-K. room, newly fur nished; 10 min. walk from P. O. 549 6th. $10. ONE room nicely furnished for house keeping; electric light. 334 Park. $3. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; close in; every convenience. 135 14th TWO nicely furnished rooms, strictly mod ern. 14 N. 17th st. Phone Main 8135. FRONT basement suite housekeeping; pri vate entrance, good yard. 210 14th st. FURNISHED for housekeeping, a homelik cottage suite. 310 Main st. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath, yard. $16 month. C;2 Front. FURNISH ED housekeeping suite; private bath: walking distance. 34 East 13th N. SUITE of hoi so keeping rooms, well f ur nisiied. 421 Uth St. TVvo un.urnlsii-id housekeeping rooms, with sink anil large pantry. Inquire 148 N. 21st. ONE very pleasant furnished room, 2 small rooms, cheap. 211 12th TWO desirable unfurnished front housekeep ing rooms, walking distance. 6;h. NICELY furnished room for housekeeping, hath, pas and phone. 472 Taylor st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, very reasonable. 781 Kearney. LAKUE dcpirablo front room with kitchen ette, walking distance. 1R1 14th. THP.Eli clean housekeeping rooms in private family, close in. 275 Clay, cor. 4th. TWO pleasant front rooms, light, heat, $16; walking distance. 600 East Taylor. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, fur nace heat, 547 Yamhill st. FOR RENT 3-room cottage. Grand ave. near Harrison. N. F. Noren, 303 Grand ave. t2 4-ROOM cottaKe and bath, near Ma con; two blocks off Union ave. Owner, 418 Corbett 'bidg: FOR RENT New S-room modern. 266 North 26th. house, strictly DESIRABLE 6-room house, 3S9 San Rafael near Union ave.. $25, close In. East 1S35. FOR RENT Cottage, 553 Glisan near 17th st. Key at 88 16th st. North. SEVEN rooms. 35ft Ross s... corner Broad way, walking distance. $20. East 4377. RENT or sale New 5-room cottage, acre fruit land. Woodlawn 769. SLXROOM cottRHe at 343 Sherman st. Tag g;irt, 416 Chamber of Commerce. liENT Good 7-room house, furnished, $18. Inquire 873 E. Oak. 6-ROOM house, desirable neighborhood. 2T5 Cook ave. phone East 2001. MODE UN 4-room bungalow, either furnished or ualuruLs-ted. Call 0V6 1'eoa bid. 1