MORNING OREGOXIAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1913. TTTE 8 iliLS OH TOP LONG STOCKING UP WITH FAST TALENT PORTLAND BOWLERS WHO LEFT YESTERDAY FOR THE WESTERN BOWLING CONGRESS AT fUKiW LOS ANGELES, FEBRUARY 16 TO 25. INITIAL display of EARLY SPRING All-Stars Defeated In Hard 3-2 Soccer Contest. Seals May Be Pennant Con tenders With Big League Stars on Payroll. BIG CROWD SEES GAME "Scratch-up' HAT Champions Fall to Score Until After Opponents Register Two Goals. Stewart Strong In Loser's Forward Line. CORHAN HAS FINE RECORD Classy new shapes and shades to harmonize with every face, for I '. ; ' ei:- -hr -4.::;;: ;. v-rt y.f. -hr' ( xrfk K' : " :: I . . ? ; :n m : u . til., -I" -; . ' 4 - LU syji j ! ... ;- ' t jl : . . : ((.. V . u- ... . :!, 3y : .- J Pltcrtinjr Starr Looks Strong and Catchers Are Experienced. Strand Not Counted fpon to Stay Long Mensor to Co. BT ROSOOE FAWCETT. I'rspit intra outhfaws and ths d prwlnt prognostications or a fortnight aeo. it be;lns to looK a ir San Fran ciro ha thrown away the baseball binoculars an1 will look upon th 19U rhwwcloth from closa ranae. Baker. Strand and Corhan tr only a sample of the bl kacuKi whom Lanny bond ha add4 to Ms strlna; In the last fw leys, and If his proml.ia for another str from the Athletic materialises. ren 'W'altor MrCrcdis will have to boost the- tls a hit up the Winter In cline alone; with Vernon and the Oaks. Roy Corhan. the most recent acquisi tion, will probably ru a readjust ment of Long's Infield men around th difficult corner, with Jackson at first. Mohler at tha. keytons McArdlw at third and Corhan at the ahortfleld. Car han was with the Chlcano White Sox last season and. It will be recalled, was maktn a tremendous hit with the American Leaitu fana whon Kussell Kord cracked one off hl skull at the HtUtoppers- park In New York. It put the ex-Western Leaguer out for tne year. lajary May Be Persaaaemt. Fielder Jonea doesn't think Corhan will ever be much Rood aa a result of Ma Injury: neither does Walter McCre dle. Both recall the. case, of Fred Par ent. Boston shortstop, who flailed out when Chicago took him after a similar Injury. Corhan. howerer. never was noted for hla stick work, and a bin on the cranium will not in tha least affect hla prowess on th sward. He fielded : CM chances and only 10 errors) in (tames with the Sox last year and batted .SIS. . . . Jess Baker, aa haa been pointed out before, should prove another Abl When with Spokane In 1J10 he won -S ame for the champlona and lost but 10 Pins; Bodte explains hla rather me diocre showing with Comlskeys pets last year by a rhanaja In delivery or dered by Hugh Iuffy. JsrkMS I'akaewa Qsjaatlty. Llttla la known of Jackson, the first base recruit picked up by Lon rrom the Texas League, except that he battel :T and riel.led his Initial territory at a 573 clip, which Ir KOlnc some. The man with the "Stonewall" name will !tkely rill Tenranfa shoes acceptably, at least Lonr thinks so, for when St. Louis ordered Tennant back to the r.oMen Gate section the other day Lo urned up hla proboscis and opined that he would ahlp htm to the Northwestern League. . . Mohler at eecond Is still up In the vanauard of -bet sellers." despite his i.k.iin. with Methuselah, and. with Mundorff. Hartley and Kef' a.ldd to the outfield staff. Lons: will not be so far back aa to necessitate a iO-cent postcard to reach him. In batterymen. too. the Seals aeem well outfitted. The backstopplns de partment atanda Intact and no Jeaa than I J pltchera are in the fold, aeven south paws and six rlitht-handers. Lon will likely carry about three portslders and four rlirht-hand servers. Strand, fluter. Norman. Walk. Moore. Baker and Tay lor handle their knlvea on the cardiac lde. while Henley. Miller. Melkle. Ton ner. Fannin and Noyea belon to tha species mentally tame. rsaslsx Iilel !- Fannin la tha man of whom most Is expected this season. This young ster, like Talmer of the Los Anarolea tribe, didn't burn up the sod In his brief sojourn last year, but Mctredle and other ahrewd Judaea of sunning talent predict a brilliant future for him. for be haa -lots of stuff." to use the vernacular. Strand may strike a wlnnln "ride at the Jump, but If Harry Ostdiek. the Spokane backstop-manaer. knows what he Is talkln about the South Prairie kid will never travel far on his nerve. Local fans will-recall his ini tial start at Twenty-third and -VauKhn last Summer, one brlk'ht. sunshiny afternoon. Strand aalled throuh four or five innings, but when the Roa sters began cracking his fast balls he blew up like a Fndeworkers" Union clock and was sent home to recuperata a week or two later, remalnin In se clusion during the rest of the Summer. Taylor and Toner are from tha Texas League. Mnwr ts Us Toalgkt. Eddie Mensor will bo tha first of Nick Williama" Northwestern Leauers to drift southward for Spring- tralnln at Mrramenio. r.uui k "- - land tonight for San Francisco, where ho will. remain unm . C March. Nlck'a men report on March is. "If Manaer Williams leaves me In ..i V. - -vmmr I exoect tO bat one ppBivtw" J - -- . . , more than .S00 and show something In all-around riay iii-i - ...-- fans." aald Mensor yesterday. I ex pect Nick wlil use me in the outfield. Thafa where Id like to be atationed. THREE BICYLE RECORDS MADE -Me lnheard-Or Young Texan Rang Away From- Star on Xew Track LOS ANGELES. Feb. 11. A new motorcycle cnarapiu"" . .wi- - - - . . t the onenlna Of lame nim . ' " - ' the new one-third mile etadlura saucer track, when w. fc.. iiasna, 01 . - .. i. .r.. t.H J.ka Ie- lexas. t. j - Rosier, of Indianapolis, and established what were aald to be four new world The new marka aet were given out aa loiiowa; vn mnv. - - i , . K. ihA mile 2-01 S-fi: I WW 1 1 J ' ' . ' ' - - four mile. l: -- Tha records said to rave been anatteren were mm nui-. 41 t-f: two mile. 1:11 4-5; three mile. I OS; lour mue. T Tl m I m r mrtfi 1a TVolterS Of Chi i aico were heralded as the atara of the meet. Hasha came here compar atively unheard of aa a racer, but In tha rare a with the men who are credit ed with world'a records, the young Texan literally ran away from them. Fully 10.000 were tn attendance and excitement waa imeuse. mm - track la aald to be the faateat In tha world. A loo Clab lo Play High School. ALBANY. Or- Feb. 11. 'Special.) A series of three games for the basket ball championship of Albany has been arranged between the teama of the Al bany H!h School and the Ale" Club. The f'.ret game will be plaal next Wedaeedajr eveiUfi& BOWLERS GO SOUTH Portland Sends Delegation to Los Angeles Contests. MEN CONFIDENT. OF PRIZES rirst Contingent Travels by Water, Second Will Go by Train If Good Scores Are Made Team Will Go to Chicago. Determined, If possible, to secure tha 1911 convention for Portland, local bowling cracks, seven stron. departed yeaterday aboard tha steamer Bear for Los Angeles to participate In tha 12000 five-man and minor competitions on . k wry -t mm nf tha Blxth annual aea- alon of the Western Bowline; Congress. Tom O Uonneiu ma tiaymona. uors Henry. Ou Ahrene. Ed Schachtmayer and William Osterhaudt comprised tne water delegation, while C J. Kruse, C H. Ball and Al Ahrena will leave Satur day by train. Tha Portland men are optimistic over their chances. Gua Ahrena thlnka that Knth im. will come within the flrat ten at tha meet, and aa prtsee are given for the first 1Z lire-man icama, i local men are confident of pulling down aome of the prise money offered. Gua Ahrena and Henry have recently equaled aome of tha beat records made for singles and three gamea. wnue mi team not long ago made a mark equal to that whtoh won at the American Bowling Congresa at Chicago laat year. If thesa men duplicate their paat per n..n..a uihk of them will travel to tha next session of the American Bowl- f-nnreaa at ChlcaKO In 3Iarcn. Al Jenkins, secretary of the Western Con gress, will Drobably join a ura com posed of Portland men and go with them to the East. T. E. WATKIXS ELEVEN' W1XS Mohawka Contest Claim of Mctors to City Championship. tk. .train nf four tie ruiei In a th fhamnionihlo of the Archer & Wlgrlns Football League proved too much for tne aionawae ana mi r. i Watklna elevens yeaterday. and tha came on Columbue Field developed into a brawl. The score was 1 to 0, ac cording to Referee 0"NelL The Mohawks, nowever, ciaim a game on a field goat ny uerDyanira, which the field Judge sanctioned, but whtoh waa ritaallnwed hv the referee. Herxog made the goal for tha Mohawks, and starred along with Bchouweller and AlaKtua. The lineup: F. K- Watklns. Mohawks. R. Jones LE Morris Bursovltch LT Br Mcow LO Hughes H.lMtl C K.nn.dT Mitch.ll BO Roche Woodworth RT Cypreae Irevmaa RE Schoua-eller Kiwllll B R. Ctm Smart HH L. Crowe T. Jones LH Hurley Derbyshire FB Hroj Substitutes Cox for Morris, Morris for I Crowe, fox for Berx. Roche for Kennedy. Shipley tor Roche. Magius for Hurloy. Field seal Hersoe 1. Referee O'NalL Umpire bout bard. Field Judie Dabnell. CXKXOWX CHALLENGES BERQ Wrestler Tlesltates Abont Meeting; Man He Never Heard Of. John Berg will not meet Fred Beel for the final settlement of the vexa tious light heavyweight wrestling championship for another month or alx weeka at least, for Emll Klank. In a letter yesterday, declared that his con nection with the Mahmout-Jeas Peder son bout would keep him In the East until late In March, but that he would bring Beel on the proposed Western Invasion aome time, possibly early In April. In the aame me.Il. however. Berg re ceived a challenge from a wrestler, who, under a Salt Lake date line, de elarea that be la willing to wreatla Berg for any amount between 500 and t:S09. Thla latter amount is tha one which Beel haa been holding out for aa a aide bet, knowing that Berg will have little trouble in raising his end. "1 don't know this Cyclone" Frank enstein, or whatever his name Is." said Kerg laat night. "He says ha la a light heavyweight, but for all I know he waigha 200 pounds and I'm not betting any f jOO or 12000 on an uncertainty. If he cornea down to my weight I gueae I will accept Mm. for I don't think there la a wrestler in the country eut lald of tiemetrai, Beel, possibly Was- HACDT. aam and "Cyclone" Burns who is my equal. I have never Been any of these men perform, except Demetral. whom I defeated here recently." Berg haa been In the city several days en route back to Spokane from Vancouver, B. C. where he conquered Chet Mclntyre. of the Vancouver Ath letic Club. FOUR FIGHTERS IV TRAINING Blue Jackets, Headed by Band, Go to Cheer Sailor Ed Petroskey. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 11. The four fighters scheduled to appear in local rings on Waahlngton's birthday took up their work at their training quar tera with more or less ostentation to day. In the case of Sailor Ed Petroakey it waa more. Headed by a brass band, aeveral acorea of bluejackets from the Naval training station at Goat Island, where Petroskey Is enlisted as a sea man, went to Colma to cheer their Idol In hla conditioning. Freddie Welsh, who is to box Jack Brltton at Coffroth's Daly city arena, also began training at Colma today. Brltton la training In Oakland at the same quartera aeieciea Dy rrinn mu. the Pittsburg middleweight, who is to oppose Petroskey. Klaue arrived today. PHILOMATH DEFEATS PACIFIC Basketball Five Keep Up Hecord of Victories on Own Floor. FHILOMATH. Or, Feb. 11. (Spe cial.) In a well played game of bas ketball. Philomath College defeated Pacific University Thursday night, 86 to 15. ... So far this year Philomath has not lost a game on Its own floor. Next Friday the last game of the season will be played with Chemawa here and If they win. Philomath will have cap tured aecond place In the Willamette Valley Basketball League. The lineup was: Pacific, Shaffer and Bryant forwarda; Livingstone, center; Ward and Taylor, guaroa. ITALIAX AND POLE TO MEET Ralcevlch and Zbysxko Will Wrestle to Finish Tonight. NEW YORK. Feb. 11. Giovanni Ralcevlch. the Italian, and Stanislaus Zbysako, tha Pole, will meet tomorrow night at Madison Square Garden In a finish wrestling match. The winner. It Is said, virtually haa been assured a meeting with Frank Ootch, bolder of the championship wrestling title. The conditions for tomorrow's match are the beat two In three falla, pin falls only to count. Tom Jenkins will referee. . Amateur Athletics. The strongest boy of the University of Washington 116 class Is Edwin Leader, formerly of Washington High School of thla city. The other twin of the Leader combination, Elmer Lead er, also Is among the six strongest men In the class according to the statis n.n( l v a-lven out br Dr. D. C Hall, of the phyalcal department. Ac cording to tne aysiem Ol icurmi, ma first Leader gets 2223.33 points and the second one comes fifth with 2075.05. a a a Columbia University's ninth annual track and field meet la to be held April 1J this year, in the coliseum. Univer sity of Oregon. Oregon Agricultural College and Multnomah Club will have teams In the events.4 Most of the high and preparatory schools of Oregon will be represented. a a a The Montgomery Juniors defeated the Christian Brothers junior basket ball team Saturday on the Christian Brothers floor 22 to 20. . a a a Twn mora nromlnent students Of Jef ferson High School have left for other places of instruction. Denton latter lln. half mils and all-around track man. and Johnny McMurray. assistant foot w.n manaarar and track man. have both gone to tha Holmes Business Col- legs. a a a With rreatly Improved form since its last appearance, Columbia University's haaketball team defeated the Jtciauxa lln Club Saturday night on tha Co lumbue Club floor; 27 to 8. Carrol, sub-center In Webber's place on the Columbua aquad. waa one of the stara of the game along with Klrkland. Toomey and Burna atarred for Me Laughlln. , , , Tha Columbia University Mldgats. a haaketball team composed of 16-year old lads, defeated the St. Francis School Saturday 22 to 10. Tha Colum bla understudies are anxious to meet teama In their class. Brief Sporting; Notes. Abe Attell and Battling Nelson fought a 15-round draw on March 31. 1108. at Ban Franclaco. a a a Danny Long, of tha San Franclsoo dub, sbowsd tha sport writers tele gram from Philadelphia the other day, as follows: "Impossible to get waivers on player you want. Will advise you later. (Signed.) "CONNIE MACK." Long refused to name the player, but one of the wise boys deduced that he was neither Baker nor Bender. a a a Pittsburg has the algned contracts of 23 players and Harry Gardner, the local Pittsburg representative, declares that his wife and family are not rep resented in the batch. A report was published, in the EaBt that Dreyfus signed the entire family because Harry was lonesome last Summer. The lad evidently fears the drafting system, thus the declaration that his wife has not signed a contract. a a a Connie Mack has written to Senator Penrose protesting against Congress passing the child labor bill. If it goes Into effect the Athletics will have to let go a score of young players. a a ' , a A San Francisco newspaper confides that the Seals have secured BUI Reldy, the old-time pitcher, to assist in condi tioning the "monstrous" staff of pitch ers. "Monster" is tha word. a a a There la a movement on foot to have the Coast League do away with the number "IS" in the new identification code, despite Speck Harkness' applica tion.. All right, make It 12 Vi ctoria Motor-Boat Club Elects. - ASTORIA. Or., Feb. 11. (Special.) TK XTntAf Rnf fTlllb it ItS 011 nual meeting Friday evening elected of ficers as follows: c ti. uauenaer. com modore; V. H. Sanford, vice-commodore: J. D. Manciet, rear-corn mbdore: J. M. 8. Hawthorne, secretary; H. F. Prael, treasurer: Dr. R. J. Pilkington. captain; .Tame a Keatinor. G. C. Fulton and Nel son Troyer, directors. Mr. Troyer, who waa commodore during the past year, declined to accept the position again. Clatskanie Defeats Astoria. CLATSKANIE, Feb. 11. (Special.) The Clatskanie High School basket ball team added another victory to Its long list by defeating the Astoria High Friday night at tne t,'iatsKanie gymnas ium, the score being 22 to 9. This is the second time this season that As toria has been defeated by Clatskanie. Mt. Angel Jrs. 4 0, Deaf Mutes 16. xmrrvT avcel nr. Feb. 11. (Spe cial.) The Mount Angel Junlor.basket ball team defeated the Salem Deaf Mutes here yesterday, 40 to 16. Ceck of Mount Angel was the star oi tne game, making 14 of the baskets. 10.000 See Window Displays No such collection of high -grade Pipes and Smokers' Sun dries was ever seen in Portland before. Every article plainly priced. Call at any of our three tiful pipes ever exmbited . - J mil r The wisdom of having postponed the Nationals-All Star soccer game was shown yesterday by the large number of spectators present at Columbus Field to see the game, which ended in a 1-2 'victory for the Nationals. The score was 2 to 0 for the All-Stars at half time. Following a couple of shots from the champions, Stewart got away one of his own and opened the scoring. Ten minutes later a second goal came to the All-Stars. Crossing over, the National forwards began to show their true form, after Duncan had come up from goal to the wing half position, but their efforts to score were unsuccessful until a grand center from Hlghett was banged be tween the' posts. The equalizing goal soon followed, but there was a certain element of doubt about the third and winning goal. As prophesied, the Nationals' superi ority forward more than counterbal- n . ih. hatter defense of the All- Stars, for whom Stewart alone In the fm... Mnk waa r en n v ii n to form, ab sence of combination being the weak point. On the winning side, Robertson, Highett and BUllngton showed to greatest advantage, with Mackie. Mc Ewen and Matthew doing stellar work for the losers. Prior to the game, G. F. Cameroa presented the cup to the league champions, who hold it for the second year in succession. The lineup: Nationals. All-Stars. Duncan J?- Martin f Sneddon Bllllnirton R H B Robertson CHB Brown Hi,' Barbur O RF Pawrle IR? Glftard Mackie . . .Darby Manslay McEwen Matthew Mackenzie ... Lloyd Stewart Banham .Ingles ;."' w. Gray.. virj. . G. GTay Xlisnrii v.l C V. DymeBt, raieraa. ibwu - las, linesmen. XORTH BANK IX)SES CHANCE Draw With Independents Bars Op portunity to Lead League. Won. Dr'n. Lost. Pts. 8 1 1 IT 5 2 S 12 .... 4 16 9 O 0 9 0 Mount Scott North Bank Independents ......... O.-W. K. A N Win, a points;, draw 1 point; losses ig- nored. Failure to do more than draw their soccer game with the Independents yesterday morning on the Columbus Field lost the North Bank boys all chance of heading Mount Scott In the Oregon League. With 15 minutes to go they were still In the running, but a shot from-Torgeson well in the right hand corner of the goal made the score 2 all, and North Bank never regained the lead. Flint scored first for the Indepen dents, but North Bank took the ball right down from the ensuing kick-off to draw level, and were 2 up soon after half time, losing the lead again with a quarter of an hour yet to go. Bayllss and Crosble for their respec tive sides kicked well, while others to show up prominently were Torgeson, Flint, Patrick, Qutnn and Bryce. The lineup: Independents. BouKh Qutnn ....... Bayllss Bartels Kryce Tuffs Flint Wells Torseson ..... Wempner ..... n.i,r position. n North Bank. Karr .... Ballings!! ...... ptelman , Webster Manning , Spooner J. Darby A. ingles Crosble ...... Drlscoll Patrick and Planlch, RB I.B RHB , CHB LHF , ORF 1RF CP ILF , OLF referee; Manaley Gtffard. linesmen. Still another defeat was in store for the O.-W. R. & N. when it took on Mount Scott at Tremont, but It haa the consolation of putting up ita best game to date and that against tha finest team in the league, playing on Ita own ground. Five goals were rag lstered by Mount Scott without ellcl: Ing a reply from their opponents, who, however, never gave up trying. P 30 IPES SAC Same Applies to Smokers' Sundries we are confronted with the perplexing problem of how to make room tor other consignments coming early in the new year. Our stores are crowded almost to capacity. We have decided to hold the greatest sale of pipes and smokers ' sundries ever held in the West With such tremendous reductions as below it is a foregone conclusion that thousands of pipes will be sold this week. That sundries such as Humidors, Smokers' Sets. Cigar Cases, Matchless Lighters, etc., will also move rapidly is assured by the use of the keenest pruning knife ever used in Portland. Note well the big reduc tions, the same applying to all smokers' sundries. Meerschaums $15 formerly, now S10.50 $12 formerly, now S 8.40 $10 formerly, now S 7.00 $ 9 formerly, now S 6.30 $ 8 formerly, now S 5.60 $ 7 formerly, nowS 4.90 store's and make early selection from the most beau m jrortiana. Sig. Sichel WE SPECIALIZE AMATEURS ABE VICTORS STEEX'S MEN" DO NOT SHINE AT INDOOR BASEBALL. Rupert's Champion Eschles Team Wins One-Sided Contest at Ar mory by Score of IS to 6. Rupert's Eschles, champions of the Portland Indoor Baseball League, yes terday demonstrated the difference be tween amateurs and professionals with reverse English. The distinction is just seven tallies, for BUI Steen's aggrega tion of professional outdoor stars went down to a most humiliating defeat at the Armory, 13 to 6. The veterans had evidently washed their hands Just before the game, for they couldn't do a thing with them. The enlarged indoor ball felt as big as a balloon and they steered it around something like Wellman's dirigible, much to the amusement of the 200 spec tators. , Henderson not Benny, Just a volun teer was on the hurling line for Steen's men. He was touched up for only 19 hits, six of which. In the first inning, by Mensor, Lodell, Briggs, Turk and Pederson, gave the amateurs five runs. , After that it was a procession, the professional tossers being held to a lonesome tally until the ninth Inning, when, with three men on the sacks, Perle Casoy, Coast League Umpire, noted a side door ajar and slammed a three-bagger through the aperture. A two-base fly by Maxmeyer added to the avalanche of five runs. Maxy went In only after the retirement of Outfielder Harkness from over-exertion. Gaines was the star batsman, netting four hits and three runa in five times up. Peters, Briggs and Mensor cor nered three apiece, while on the losing side Casey, Eddie Mensor, Jess Garrett and Henderson copped off two apiece. Feisel allowed ten hits. WASHINGTON EVENT DATES OUT Baseball Schedule Takes Teams South to Play California Teams. SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 11. Victor Zednick, graduate manager of student affairs at the University of Washing ton, last night announced the schedule of athletic events for the Spring sea- Among the baseball games scheduled are Leland Stanford, Jr.. at Palo Alto April 25. 26 and 27, and Santa Clara College April 29. Manager Zednick hopes to arrange games with the Uni versity of California and St. Mary's College. The regatta date has not been fixed. Young Holohan Expert Shot. Dennis Holohan, son of P. J. Holohan, professional gun expert now touring -.i . wa ,UA afar nf the i me inoriuwcDi, " u Portland Gun Club's weekly shoot at OFF tha Pacific Coast and Briars $ 6 formerly, now S $ 5 formerly, now S $ 4 formerly, now S $ 3 formerly, now S $ 2 formerly, now S $ 1 formerlj, now S 4.20 3.50 2.80 2.10 1.40 .70 Sl Co. IN $3.00 S i JeOr "Wash saa iAT ington, FINE MADE - TO - ORDER SHIRTS. Kenton yesterday, making 98 out of a possible 100 clay pigeons, missing the 73d and 85th birds. The shoot yester day was also marked by the work of the four Troeh brothers, who shot on one of the five-man squads. The scores of the day were: D. Holohan, 98: EUls, 98; Culllson, 95; Wagner, 94: HUlls, 3; E. Troeh, 92; Vanatta, 92; Abrahams, 90: F. Howe, 89: Jess Troeh. 87; Frank Troeh. 85; Knight. 83; Carlon, 82: Honeyman, 81; Rice, 81; Altrock. 80; Bateman, 76; Coford, 76; Sequin. 76; Borders, 76; Smith, 74; Hess, 73; Baker, 73; Wilson, 70, and Jones, 70. KLAMATH BOXER KNOCKED OUT Marsh-field Lad Wins Bout In Sixth. Chinese Fighter In Draw. MARSHFIELD, Or., Feb. 11. (Spe cial.) ! Jesse Day, of Marshfield. knocked out Jack Llnklnback, of Klamath Falls last night in the sixth round of a 20-round bout. It was a b'oody fight Sing Hosan, the Chinese fighter of Coos Bay, fought an eight-round draw with Kid White, of Klamath Falls. Valley Club Shoot Wanted. SALEM, Or., Feb. 11. (Special.) In terclub shoots between clubs represent ing towns of the Willamette Valley are being urged by Paul and Lloyd Hauser, Salem sportsmen, and from replies re ceived the plan promises to be a suc cess. Shoots between Salem, Albany, Corvallla and Eugene are planned, and some of the towns have given assur anoe that they will fall Into line. Pe EII Haa Ball Team. CENTRALIA, Wash.. Feb. 11. (Spe cial.) A ball team has been organized in Pe Ell for the 1912 season. Dr. E. B. McLean was elected manager, Gerry Brain captain and Chris Rose secretary treasurer. A committee waa appointed to secure suitable grounds In Pe Ell, and games will be scheduled Immedi ately with various towns throughout this section of the state. Albany to Hare Gun Club. ALBANY. Or., Feb. 11. (Special.) A gun club Is to be organized in this city. The meeting for organization will be held next Tuesday evening In the rooms of the Albany Commercial Club. Albany had an enthusiastic gun club several years ago, but has had none re. cently. Doty High School Wins. CENTRALIA, Wash., Feb. 11. (Epe claL) In a fast game of basketball In the Doty T. M. C. A. gymnasium Fri day night, the Doty High School de feated the Raymond High School by a score of 22 to 15. Columbia Defeats BIcLaughlln. Columbia University downed the Mc Laughlin Club basketball team Satur day night, on the Columbus Club floor, 27 to 8. A method for removing- the carbon from coal tar, producing a clear, transparent, golden brown liquid, has been perfected by Swedish chemlsta. Mail Orders Will Have Our Prompt Attention :rificed j - U 1