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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1912)
the ?ronxrxo oKKooirrAX, natukuav, kkbrttary 10, CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBECONIAX TELrpno!rs. ,. .Main TTO A 6"3 . .Main T"7l A aoM ..Maid Tuto A "''1 . Main TuT A "f J TTT.tln-rMm .. City clreu.atloa Muilllci Editor I'd I r nf Cempmlni-rMlll u!n TOTO A 6t'.5 auganntaodaat tulldln Mala Ju.O A oM MEI7U4 THEATER (Swath an T,T,ori Jo to C. FlaHtr prennli Zo Harnett In Ih. nulcal comlT -Tha R1 Ro; hpaclal matlna iMs afternoon aclork; ton'sht t:l&. BAKKH THEATER Elmh an M" on I p, R .rr " This afternoon at 3.1ft a1 cock, tomcat at .".. RPHEl'M THEATER (Monltoa. ;t.wV? Slalh and Smn Vaudeville. Thia af ternoon at 2:li and tonlicht at a. IS o cloca. IUPP.tSS THEATER Park and Waahlna ton Vaudeville. This afternoon at, tonight at 1:30 and o'clock. PANTACKS THEATER I Feventh and Ai der) Vaudevtiie. This afternoon, at 3.1 a tonight at T:u and o'clock. 1.TRIC THEATER (Fourth and Stark Musical romedv. -Jeaev. Mlkey and 1"7 This afternoon at I.Ju and lonlgut at and S IS o'clock. PKOHI.E'4, r-TAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. TIVOLI AND ''RISTAL 'lrat-rua Po turea. 11 A. H.-1J y. M. Bl'NllAUiW THEATER (Twelfth and JIM rlon Motloo plciurea of C6'J J-'roiillcr da. Th.a afternoon at and tonight at f:S0 and t. MnniManU la tended (or tbe City Wawa ta Brief ntamao t Baadar'a Wane) sanst a handed ta The) Uresoaiaa bnalnais otflco r o'cloch twturtler oeoains- WiDSHixa or Em Gusli Street I More Tho Tlewora appointed to s- tlia dtnuiti and brneflta for tha widening: of Kast Ullsan atreet to si) frt between Kast Fort jr-seventh and East Sixtieth streets bavo filed their report, and the final hearing; will be herd February 1 by the Council. It li considered almost sore that tha re port will be approved and the atreet declared widened. The areneral as aeaament la about 110.000. Several bulkllngs will have to be moved back to conform to the new atreet ltnea and aome front porchea will ht to be moved. Kast and west of thia part of East Ullsan the atreet has already been made SO feet wide, and when thla part ta declared widened East' Ullsan will be feet wide to Rockwoocl. a distance of ten miles. The next atep la to open Eaxt Ullsan between Kast Twenty-elg-hth and East Twenty-sixth atreet and make connection with Sandy boulevard. Several bouses have been built In the street between these two points. REjt-:rno! Is Rtrtiea Thomas W. Murphy and Joseph Locke, expert horeetradera. will not be brousht back from California to answer to a larceny eharg-e. because Uovernor Weat. on ad vice fom tba District Attorney here, has refused to Issue requisition for them. It la said the the amount In volved In the charge acalnst them baa been repaid to the victim. The two men were regularly Indicted and were traced by Deputy Sheriff Leonard to San Francisco, where they were sr raated a few daya ago. In explana tion of the failure to extradite them. It la said that the Indictment waa re turned under the belief that they would be found within the jurisdiction. Tha case aralnat them la not strong;. During; the several yeara they operated here, the two men. toa-ether with one Ghormley. were arrested and sued civilly many times. QCABAKTIXSJ OT UHVACCINATED EXDB. pupila who were euapended from the four schools In which smallpox ap peared at the first of the year, be cause they refused to be vaccinated, will be able to return to school Mon day, the time of their quarantine Tiering; expired. Alt hour h but six cases appeared In the four schools, nearly " pupils were excluded from attending; classes owing to their un willingness to be vaccinated. The disease waa under control at all times and It la thought now that all danger In past. Ockley Green. Highland. Al blna. Homestead and Thomas were the four schools affected by the order of the health officer excluding; from classes all who refuaed to submit to the prescribed precautions. Chiuch to Havbj IIai.u akb Gtm X as i ik. Tbe Sacred Heart parish, located In Benedictine Heights, la to have an assembly hall and gymnasium, and plana for the building; are being; prepared by Architect Fred Allerton. The building; will be 65x100 feet In size and the exterior will be of cement plaater on metal lath. It will be two story, and the Brst floor will be ar ranged for an assembly hall with stage and dressing; rooms. The entire sec ond floor will be fitted up as a gym nasium. It Is estimated that the struc ture will coat about $5000. Rev. Father Gregory la the pastor of the Sacred Heart Church, and lust year the parish spent 125.000 In new buildings. CinxxNS Ask Photectiox. Mayor Rushlight yesterday morning received a request from I'Ulry. Or., asking him lr. veto any ordinance that may be passed by the City Council here, "plac ing the farmers In the hands of a mo nopoly." The petition seta forth the fact that the people of Dllley fear that aome legislation may be passed In Portland that will be Inimical to their best Interests and they want the Mayor to guard their rights. Ph. Footeh to LEcrriia) n Sell wood V. M. A. President Foster, of the Heed College, will deliver his Illus trated lecture on "Heed College: Ita Hulldinga and Grounds. tonight In the He i I wood V. M. C A., corner East Fifteenth atreet and Spokane avenue. About stereoptlcon views will be shown on the prospective building and development of the college grounds. Bishop Epwim II. Ht-oiiEs, of. San Francisco. Cat., will deliver his popular lecture "A Biography of the Boy." at the Sunnyslde Methodist Church. Sat urday evening. February 10. at o'clock, corner East Thirty-fifth and Yamhill streets. Thia lecture la given by special request and should be beard by every educator In the city. Lj"-oiVe. Birthday Cetkrr attoiv PLssxgrv A Lincoln birthday celebra tion will be held February 14. In St. Hose Hall. In Rose City Park, at I P. M . by St. Rose Parish. Rev. Father Conaly. the pastor, will deliver tha principal address. There will be gome ettter addressee and a musical pro gramme will be given. St tOAI S'Hcoi. RaI.LT IX WoorHrTOr-K. Rev. Benjamin Young, pastor of Tylor-Stret Methodist Church, ad dressed m gathering of parents and Sunday srhool worker. In the Wood stock Methodist Church Friday nlgiit. Rev. Albert E. Avers, pastor, ejso sro1te briefly, and the meeting waa one f Interest. M'M'NT HnP Earximgs Sttowx. The report of th,e Mount (In) Rail siay A Power Company filed yesterday, shows that the company did 110.144 worth of business In Portland proper since last June. The city, by Its ron- tract with the company, gets $: of this amount. I'HCX'M COXVENTIOX TO ClXWE. The convention of -e Christian and Missionary Alliance being held In tie tabernacle at East Ninth and Kast Clay streets will close tomorrow with serv ice at 10 and 11 A. M ; :. 1 and 7:20 P. M V. Kr. ladles tailor, will be. permanently located second floor Royal bl!g. Seventh and Morrison streets. about loth of this month. Vru-A St. Clara. 11th and Taylor, harheior apartments, with bath and tare. K. A. Percy, manager. Heal. VArrui:s. the light, rrlsri kind can only be had at Morris. 1 lh. near Welli-Fargo frlilg. Dr. J. L Hxwrrr baa moved his office to rooms "I-S Oregonian bldg. t-KATiMO today all day. Oaks Rink. Da, J. F. Doxku.t baa returned. Ai.niNA Librart Grows. The Albinal Branch Library, which at present oc cupiea a large room on the corner of Russell street and Rodney avenue, cir culatrd 197 books In that neighbor hood in January. This wua a Bain of :s over the same month of 1911 snd 1 pain over the circulation of books for December, 1911. Reports Indicate a steady gain through last year. There are registered 4314 persons on the bookaof the Albira Branch Library who take out books. The present quarters are v-ry crowded owing to tue growth of the branch. Lectures cannot be given In the present room for lack of space. It Is announced that work will start on the new Library building In about two weeka. which will be located on Knott street, near Vnlon avenue. The plans for the building are now being completed. Provisions have been made for an auditorium, the same as In the East Portland Branch Library. The growth of the Alblna Branch has been steady from Its establishment, but It cannot expand much more until the new quarters have been completed. Policemen Raid Saloon ojc Wat to Work. To clean up their own neigh borhood before going to work on their beats, two policemen living In South Portland, made an extemporaneous raid cn a Corbett-street saloon yesterday, and placed the bartender in Jail, charged with selling to drunken men. They also arfested five patrons of the place, all of whom were charged with being drunk. William Hamilton, bar tender, at 1094 Corbett street, waa doing a thriving busineaa when Patrol men Peterson and Wylle. on their way to work, entered the place snd made the arrests. They found three men be having in a riotous manner, while two others, visibly Intoxicated, were said to have been standing at the bar drink ing. One of the loungers made a threatening demonstration with a bil liard cue. but was subdued. - PnuctscM to Testipt Aoainst Baiijct. Policemen will be Important witnesses In the trials of Police Captain Bailer and ex-Sergeant Cole, soon to be taken up in the Circuit Court, and the proee cution 1 dropping hints that the testi mony will be sensational. For several days Deputy District Attorney Page, who Is preparing the casea. has had long; conferences with many policemen, who are expecting to be called aa witnesses. The nature of this prospec tive statement hag not been revealed. Mayor Rushlight waa closeted with Deputy Page for a long conference yes terday, supposed to have been with relation to these cases. Bailey and Cole were Indicted for alleged corrup tion In office, principally on the testi mony of women of the gtreets. Scappou Too HlO!f, Forikaji Tvo. A Bne of $10, the minimum under the law. was Imposed by Presiding Judge Kavanaugh yesterday on M. Reuter, a foreman for the Portland Sheet Metal Works, who entered a plea of guilty to an Indictment charging; that he per mitted men to work on a scaffold sus pended J5 feet above the ground and minus a railing. The law provides that scaffolds more than 10 feet above the ground must be protected by railing. Reuter said the scaffolding was erected In his absence by employes and was not In use more than a few hours. Judge Kavanaugh took his view of the case. The charges against Reuter were pressed by the Sheet Metal Workers Union. . Builolxo) Alteration Opposed. Per mit for altering and repairing a Duna Ing at the southwest corner of Third and Morrison streets may be revoked by the City Council, when It meets next Wednesday-morning, owing to alleged dangerous elimination of the Third street stairway. John Perry, a member of the fire committee of the Execu tive Board, yesterday asked City At torney Grant to draw up the necessary papers and Mr. urant did so. In the process of alteration of the building. Mr. Perry said It waa proposed to leave out a stairway, which he considered to be hazardous to life. -as there la a rooming-house overhead. Holdixo or Cold-Storaobj Pucks Up held. Judge Gantenbeln yesterday morning ordered a verdict of not guilty In the case of A. F. Blckford. man ager of a cold-storage plant, who was convicted In the Justice Court of having ducka In hla possession outside the open season and who appealed to the Circuit Court. The Judge ruled that it Is not a crime to koep In cold storage during the closed season ducks killed In th open season. A. F. Noonan, a deputy state game warden, found In Blckford'a cold-storage plant 21 ducks placed there In the open season by A. F. Kreba. The case against Blckford was pressed by State Game Warden Finley. Si'Bstitutb for Daxces Eoroirr. Efforts to have the city provide suit able forms of amusement for the young of Portland to act as a substitute for the public dance, reached the Council yesterday afternoon' In the form of a netitlon. signed by Miss Valentine Prlchard. of the Social Service Com mittee, representing a large number of the organizations of the city that stand for social purity. Action will be taken at the Council session next Wednes day. Forc Meets Todat. The - Forum, established under the auspices of tha Portland Woman's Club, for' the dis cussion of the enfranchisement of the women of Oregon, at the election on November 6. will be held In the audi torium of olds, Wortman A King, at 2 I. M. today. Mlsa Whitney, of Cali fornia, and Mrs. Ureely. of New York, will be among the speakers. Some In teresting announcements will be made. An invitation Is extended to the public, to attend. Ma Drops Dead Waitino row, Car. While waiting for a atreetcar at Twenty-third and lxvejoy streets yes terday afternoon. Charles Wlllock, an elderly man, dropped dead, and waa conveyed to the Coroner's office. His death Is ascribed to natural causes The Coroner was unable to learn any thing of Wl Hock's connections last r.lght. except that he waa employed as a janitor at an East Side church. He was about (0 yeara old. FlRR COXMITTK HEAD WOULD QUtT. (.riving pressure of private business as his reason, C. A. Blgelow, chairman of the Are committee of the City Ex ecutive Board, yesterday afternoon, ten dered to Mayor Rushlight his resigna tion. It may not be accepted, as the Mayor may persuade Mr. Bigelow to re main and give to the municipal govern ment more of his time. Rabbi KixnaiSK) LlxrtMJt. Abra ham Lincoln was eulogised by Rabbi Jonah H. Wise. In hla sermon at Temple Beth Israel last night. He told of the early struittles of the. great emanci pator, anil of his work as Chief Ex ecutive of the Nation. The meeting was largely attended. First Coxorimatioxai. Cmi'bch. Luther R. Dyott. the minister, preaches tomorrow. Svrmon themes: II A. M., "How to Make Our Religion of Greater Value In Everyday Life I'pon a Scien tific Basis"; 7:43 P. M.. "The Best Thing In a Human Heart." Professor ArThir E. Wood, or Reed Cot-i-EiB, will preach tomorrow evening at 7:45 o'clock, at the Church of Our Father, corner 7th and Yamhill. Mr. Eliot will preach at the morning service at 11 o'clock. All welcome. Bishop Smith will preach at Grace Methodist Church Sunday morning. In the evening K. W. Raymond will de liver an address on Abraham Lincoln. Mlsa Ferguson will sing "The Star Spangled Banner." Hexrt Victor Moroaj will speak on "The Healing Christ of the Twen tieth Century ." at the Divine Truth chapel. Sclling-Hlrsch bldg.. cor West Park and Washington St.. at 11 A. M." Live Mkssaoes at Taylor-Street Methodist Church. Miss Jennie V. Hushes rom Chinese revolution. Even ing Dr. Thomas Nicholson, of New York CU. Prohibition Lectcri -i to Speak. Eugene W. Chafln, who has been given a most enthusiastic reception at various points throughout the valley within the last ten days, will pass Monday (Lin coln's birthday) In Portland. v He will speak six times as follows: 9:30 A. M., Lincoln High School: 10:30 A. M., Washington High School: 11 A. M.. Young Men's Christian Association; 2 P. M.. Jefferson High School; 2:30 P. M.. Taylor-Street Methodist Episcopal Church, topic "Lincoln the Man of trrow"; S P. M.. Taylor-Street Metho dist Episcopal Church, topic. "Govern ment by Political Parties." Proposed Librart Sitb Opposed. The Forestry Association of Portland has passed resolutions disapproving the proposed location of the new central Library on the site bounded by Tenth. Eleventh. Yamhill and Taylor streets, because of the close proximity of that sKe to the retail district and as it Is not In accordance with tho Bennett plans for Greater Portland. The as sociation recommends the use of a piece of property facing one of the park blocks. Suxdat Mornino st the First Pres byterian Church, Twelfth and Alder streets, the pastor. Rev. John H. Boyd, D. p. will present "Some Larger Aspecta of Christian Activity." The evening sermon will be the last In the series on "The Relation of Religion1 and Sick ness." Topic: "The Rational Basis and Significance of the Phenomena of Heal ing." An attempt will be made to point out the relation between religion, sound health and rational living. Lipe-Savino Service Officer Herb. Captain J. H. Qulnan, inspector of this life saving service district, arrived from San Francisco yesterday and will proceed Monday to Neah Bay to In spect the station at that place. He may do other inspection work before returning to San Francisco, where. In addition to hla other duties, he Is acting aa superintendent of the dis trict until the vacancy In that posi tion has been filled. Street Wide.xixo Approved. Post master Merrick, has received a com munication from Robert Bailey, aa eistant eecretary of the Treasury, say ing that the department will Interpose no objection to the widening of Seventh street In front of the present Custom House and proposed Postofflce build ings. It will be necessary, he said, for an act of Congress properly to com plete such condemnation proceedings. Cigarette Smoker Fined $10. One puff of cigarette smoke cost A. J. Krsted f 10, which he paid In Municipal Court yesterday after entering a plea of guilty to smoking on a streetcar. Krsted. who la a machinery salesman, was smoking on the front vestibule of a streetcar Thursday, when Patrolman Bales ordered him to desist. He hung on for one last Inhalation and tbe delay led to hla arrest. Buxd BABres Waxted. The Interna tional Sunshine Society of New York haa written for Information regarding blind babies In Oregon, It being the desire of the society officers to get In touch with parents or friends of Infanta In thla state and arrange If possible to take care of the blind babies at the society's nursery home, hospital and kindergarten In Summit, N. J. Rev. T. B. Ford Will SptSAK.-t-Rev. T. B. Ford, of tha Oregon City Methodist Church, will deliver the address to night at the Lincoln birthday celebra tion In the hall. Grand avenue and East Pine street, under the auspices of Sumner Post, No. 12. G. A. R. A musical programme will be given. The meeting will be open to the public C. E. 8. Wood Will Speak. At Chrlstensen's Hall, 171 Eleventh atreet. tomorrow night, at 8 o'clock, C. E. S. Wood will speak upon "The Equal Suffrage Question In Its Relation to the Social and Economic Status of Wo men." All Interested In the coming suffrage election are urged to attend. Admittance free. Basnet Mat Is RzcoTtro. Barney May, secretary of Bushong & Co., who has been 111 with an attack of grip for the past week. Is much Improved and is expected to be out within a few davs. Mr. May has been In poor health for several weeks. Is Yoi'R Monet Earnino 7 Per Cext? If not, let us show you how It may. Trovldent Savings A Loan Association, 26 Stark street. Westminster Presbtteriax Church, East Tenth and Weldler. Rev. Roland D. Grant, D. D. will preach morning and evening. BOYD'S SIXTH TALK TODAY Lex-lore Coarse Will Be Continued t Y. M. C. A. This Xoon. Before an audience of probably 200 business and professional men. Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, will speak this noon In the auditorium of the Portland Young Men's Christian Association. This will be the sixth lecture In Jr. Boyd'a course on "The Great Ideas In Religion." "In thia address," says the announcement for today, "an attempt will be made to estimate the total re sults of Israel's history. The demon strable miracle of prophecy will be set forth." More than 200 men have registered for thla course, which Is being given under the auspices of the religious wofk deDartment of the association, Thnae who desire to attend today and have rot registered should notify R. R Perkins, religious work director. There Is no fee except a nominal charge for luncheon. FAMOUS MOTION PICTURES Taken of AlaMca. Siberia and the Arctic and Shown at the Baker Next Week. Every parent and teacher should see to It that the little ones and acholara under their charge have an opportunity a riifiui the areatest natural motion plcturea ever taken to date--those of Captain Klelnschmldt or tne great, mysterious North the land of per petual Ice and snow, which will be shown at the Baker Theater all next . .u rtrnnnnB and evenings, start ing tomorrow. They ahow every phase of life, every creature tnat uvea mere In Ita natural haunts, and many were taken at the extreme risk of life by the daring camera men. Captain Kleln schmldt will be In person at every per formance to describe the different views and answer all questions that may he asked concerning the region around the North roie. MINUS CLUB AGAIN IS Life Prolonged by Charging I-of of $3 Duck to Member. Although D. O. Lively lost the wooden duck that had been Intrusted to his care as director of livestock exhibits for the Minus Club, the club at Its meeting yea. terday deposed G. M. Hyland. its Minus Plus, elected the livestock director as his successor, and. charging the value of the lost duck $3 to V. Vincent Jones, c.eated In a single stroke a 13 deficit, which would make It possible for the organlzatlno still to exist. The meeting had been called ror tne purpose of creating a deficit to make an excuse for continuing organization, aa the original deficit had been taken up by the Commercial Club. The Minus men now feel that they have created a deficit that will not be taken away from them and to whlclt they can. reanunauly expect ta A Certificate of Title is a safeguard in making real estate transac tions. Investi gate. Call for Booklet. Title & Trust Company Fourth and Oak. add from time to time, thus Insuring a continued existence and cause for fur ther meetings. When they assembled yesterday they found all the dining-rooms occupied and were obliged to sandwich their meeting between other luncheons In the small est dining-room In tlw building. YE OREGON GRILLE. Miss Elizabeth Anderson, the sweet singer of the Northwest, supported by Marino's matchless orchestra, nightly from 6 to 8 and from 10 to 12. COME JO TEA 4 With me at the Woman's Exchange, 186 Fifth street. HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS INVITED TO CONCERT Olga Steeb Expresses Desire to Play for Students. Desiring to make It possible for High School pu pils to hear Olgn Steeb. Ellers Mu sic House has placed the entire gallery of the Heillg on sale to them at 15c a seat. To get this price It will be necessary to call at Eilers Music House Saturday. None of these tickets will be sold to adults. Pu p 1 1 s themselves must call for them. The concert will begin promptly at 2:30 Sunday after noon, February 11. The regular sale of seatd Is now on at the Helllg. Having purchased every seat In the theater.. Ellers Music House has arranged so that the public may get $2.50 seats for $1; tl for 75c; tl.SO seats for o'le. and a few gallery seats for 35c. 'S3 The following unusually Interesting programme will be played: BACH-LISZT Fantasle and Fugue in G minor. BRAHMS Scherzo in E minor. Op. 4. CHOPIN Sonata in B flat. Op. 3.1. LISZT "Ricordanza." LISZT Etude In D flat. SCHULZ-EVLER Blue Danube Waltz (Strauss). Play In the Band? Every musician can keep his brass or lihf instrument looking bright and new by t occasional use of Brilliantshine the wonderful liquid metal polish Dots the work easily; no haid rubbing. For sale at druggists, ,-rrocert and hardware deal ers. Look for name and por trait of E. V. Bennett on rvery can. E.W. Bennett fi Co. Manufacturers San Francisco CATERPILLAR I m "a-" - I i ii NOW HERE Caterpillar Gasoline Traction Engines are now here and ready for inspection, at P. & O. Plow Co., East Water and Belmont Streets J. W. HILL, Agent . 17 Lamberneoi Bid. Phoaeai A Marshall 65 o-II a . i A Do You Mi T5 White Temple Pulpit WALTER BENWELL HINSON, Minister. Twelfth and Taylor Streets. f- - . - asata - ,v '"t r ' MKET1XGS OF THE WEEK. Snndy School, 8:45 A. M. Special Classes for Men. Morning Herri re at 11. Subject, THE IEITY OF CHRIST." The First Sermon of a Series. B. Y. P. C Lower Floor, 6:15 P. M. Lender. H. E.Morgran. Topic, "For the Love ef Another.'" Evening Sendee at 7:80. Subject, "WHEN THE SWAN SANG." Baptism at the Af termeetlng. Prayer Meeting, Thumdar, S P. M. Topie, "THE I'NJIST STEWABU." STRANGERS CORDIALLY INVITED. TEHAKT METHODIST "The Down Torm Church Of The East Side" CAST HIMTH 'AMD FJHE Btbntr JLTambk DD.n SUNDAY SERVICES EVENING, 7:30 SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVICE "MASS IN B-FLAT" By Henry Farmer. CHORUS CHOIR SO VOICES SO Assisted by Brotherhood C rchestra MORNING, 11:00 The Bible -Will ItStand? In Series on "The New Theology." Our Interchangeable Facings. A "Wise" Idea Our br Idea work haa been brousht t o the highest tat of per fection. The teeth on this bridge are In mm i terchangeable will Willi- removing a m the mouth. The eht Ked Kubber 1'latee, ech 7.50 22-Karat tiolu r I'orceiain trowo. . . . u.w M or Knumel Ml lines, each 1.00 bllver Fillings, each 'i-jrvi i3T! see THAT SOTf LIPI PLATES WITH IXEXIBLE 8CCTION. The Very Bent and Latere In Modern uen tUtry. No More tailing l'lutes. Wise Dental Co. Office Honrs a A. M. to H P. M. Sundays, B I.. 1. Phones, Main Kl!. A tOi'J. Failing Bids.. 3d and WanhinKton. PAIN I. EMS EXTRACTING. Dr. Wife's Frrmnal Bervlre If Requested. Moving Picture Machine, used only 6 months; complete outfit; cost $250.00. Well sell, if taken ai once, for $100.00 Apply Tour ist Hotel, Centralia, Wash. ECROPEAN BKSORTS. ft RR WAXY. Booklets of Esplanade Hotels, Berlin and Ifanibur,'. Free from Town and Country. 389 Fifth Ave., New York City. Select. S W ITZERLAND . For Your Vacation and fave Money. l,et t's fellow You lfor This la 1'o.nible. Snrt for our TRAVEL LETT bill NO. A12.1. Illustrsted literature, maps and hotI fntile. All free. l"e Our Service and fave Money. MVISK FEUEKAL. RAILROAD 141 Fifth Avenue New York Pity Catering to k amity, Xourit a Commercial Xrade "Sararitfaia JUusiimncirlnnl" NEARLY 800 OUTSIDE ROOMS Roams with Private Bath $1 a Day "J Special Weekly and Monthly Rates. Free Bus. 6 Minutes from Ferries and Depot 528 KEARNY ST.. corner of California Foster & Kleiser la ,. urudr Coiumerrlal noU afclc-- SIGNS Eaat Seventh and East Everett Srreeta. Phones Itaat 1111. 8 2234. Portland Academy NEXT WILL OPEN TUESDAY, FEB. . Kits boys and girls for Eaatern and Western coller,e-i. Well-equipped laboratories. Well appeftfted gymnasium. Track and field atn letla. A primary and grammar school flu bova and glrll for tha Academy. Ail de partments under experienced teachers. A 6bl- - Saod fur Catalogue, an C3 I Sunset An entirely new, luxuriously furnished, vacuum-cleaned steel-tar train, via the 70 Honrs, San Francisco to New Orleans. I (0 su n'set I lOGDEN&SHASTAl I I I ROUTES I I Through Los Angeles and El Paso Connecting at New Orleans with "New Orleans-New York Limited" for Atlanta, Baltimore, "Washington and New York; Illinois Central, Seaboard Air Line, Louisville & Nashville and other lines for ' St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago and Allan tic Coast cities, as well as New Orleans-New York S. S. Line FOR NEW YORK DIRECT Dining service unequalled. Parlor ob servation car, with library, ladies' parlor, buffet; latest magazines and newspapers. Stenographer, barber, valet, shower bath, ladies' maid, manicure. Courteous and attentive employes. Excess fare $10. ' Write or call at our city ticket office, Third and Washington, or nearest S. P. agent for further information and reservation. ANewStyleof the Renowned "Brewster Piano" for $265.00 $15.00 DOWN AND $7.00 PER MONTH : Now on Display We can conscientiously recommend this piano. We guarantee it in every way. We claim it is the biggest value at the above price in the city, and we are always willing and ready to back up the claim. pts5-. . .1 l t iT!-""? T5,,!T KiCm hinktianos MM rfepr ifcH torPI top kmm mmmw' THE MONEY-SAVING PIANO STORE Four Blocks North of Washington at Sixth and Burnside WE NOW HAVE SOME OF THE BEST LAND IN OREGON TO OFFER HOMESEEKERS Location and soil ideal for BERRY, POULTRY, FRUIT and DAIRY farms. Several openings for small industries, such as PLANING MILLS, SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES, FRUIT CAN NERIES, CREAMERIES. VINEGAR WORKS. Our land reached by fast electric trains. Frequent service. FOR INFORMATION ADDRESS RUTH TRUST COMPANY 235 Stark Street PORTLAND. OREGON Main 5876 A 3774 DO YOU VALENTINE? Your Grocer Has' One For You Ask rtim -KEYSTONE Main or A HIS J. C. OANTENaCIN. UAnythlnJ in Printing DDCQQ front and 6Urk eta. fnCOO imiteo Leaves San Francisco'' Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 P. M. in Our Windows WANT A (T A f East 629 LUiL B614S LIBERTY COAL & ICE COMPANY.