Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 10, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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    irirr rnPVTVn rT mnVT A V S A TTTTf r A V; 'PKT$T?fT A T? V 1 1).
I "
1 I I I rn RENT. ' t FOR RENT.
Hon. Wnw- 1 "
1 hl of mr mn.i -i -.Inn.
tH-r. ail .i..k "M '"
urntr lo t. " i.;.rn.nlJ or m
ivfuu..a: U ' V " ,r,i,1
on. en-.p tm -' " 'b " "B
rw hvjr t:n l-.rn. complete. '-,
.o Hr cntp ti-rm r.d orcl.ra
-m. of m.r.:. n.l chunky
t.m. nir. :.d; n ldl Pr "
orcnkrJ worn. , thy ar. low.
nd worker. ft nd r-ady far hard
;4S. hvy te-m-h.rn.M Included
for 'b v i-rlcf f 'r cjukK
.St; t.- TV rAI.I.K.-, HTH AND ALDER
U HClK-f'.S fir ;. Ki Tr up;
lot r i;-m:oht-I t.T of mr. in fc .. I W-.. hy
pnc from ) t - Pr IS h.d
. . - , . .n.i rh.r arf fiit in(
If v 'u trim h"r. lion"! fU to
..- thi. Th-y b. .o.d wl.ta our
.r.M'n .jrBi b.Mr.l th. m to b.
rr.--nr.l or your nion.-y r-fund -d . W
wl.l furn:.M y.a wf txvh b.n and ho.i
r... n.l-r.T.r.1. E. W. H icyard
tvans. prep... l'ort!od M"l:. I-" na
'OUCfl Pt.
HAY mar end nor. T- weight
sound and K bltrhera. with new hrn
omple'.e. $-50. Far cf bnwo chunk.
or.- buX h'M b-r.r.!. wwmatcft.
trua as both ifcinr. J--- Jr 01
!..wirt. rhjrkr mar.s, broke ev-ry
nund. rnare. 3 ;r ol4.
an i tni-. IIf-. Urown isaMiur. w'fi .
U- oiimS. tc tr.::a double. 14'J.
All of thia biin.-h ot -i wltM our uarantaa
nr ffinnry rvtuiiUcU. ToUd liora IaTat.
314 Kr-mt t.
H riAl.K.
Mora nl mrr. weight from 110O
K.m) poUD'tn; anion r thm ara aotne
rio;T ci.,:.-h t-ma. frorn 4 '
rir& po wxicr. ni h?irna. ThM
honifi and r mum ba Boid. a w Java
rn:riKl them ml-.h a-iioa. Call 5. till
I'hnna East 4
t.pnrlM -r-i filr worlc Tor
mix iror horvs U .1red lo a mn
mho will turn.att a f--w -Idlo thoBt9
Pni or burr-n J-t .rhLdren at laadin
p-ax!a rort. Addre.a V. O. bx
( i-rtiar J, r.
TfclAM mus. 3 vr o.J. mated. -''-
Jiay horse. i!f , S yar od, ound
T. a n mare a: d horse, 2M !b .. and
la ters oiu. and haxneaa,
n J V.'atur t.
Ilaao. Orcn mndMi-llnrata.
WXLt. rr:fi " piyr plno. Includ
ing atuui miilr; 1. avin ci:y bcaua
rj ":: beaUh. musl ba oid wiihin ten day.
f 7j1. crfi;oni..n. .
r-od .,'mituon. hu.i coat. JS wualc ro.
ii'Tii'i r. ninno In tJftrk nak cap.
tVian t? trd f It coat. It) Washington Mdf.
POVT PTT n automobile until yon
ciir atomic of orer 71 -r.
Ue ara xclua;va of uaad oto-
Every car guaranteed.
Jlst nd Washington Ft.
Call"'. f lve-ri,,'nr fu!TT inlrped.
A-l cndillnn. Juat like nw; big aaxrlSlca
lor QUtck aaie.
Slat and Waahlngtou ta.
M'YUNDEil, GO H. P.. 7-paaen,!er 1J11
premier, practlcaiiy new. in firat-cirtaa
running orier; 4-c -Ilnl-r. 40 H. i'.. 5-:aa-aencer
Knox. I:i aqn -illy (tood condition:
ptkfi reaaonabl; will t.'-ka d.almble real
etate r a:miir car f r part paytnanU
11 Qregonlan.
WANTED A hUh-power-d touring car. not
le than .V h. p.. nmat be flrat-ciaA In
vry partJcuInr. To et'-hanga for desir
able lot.- a; 'eadlng tunmr report of tna
Pacific Northwest. Addres P. O- box
7JJ. I'ortland. or.
jlsT BITS bl 7-p.wener uto la ab
anlutely f irat-"aa con ill t ion. with top.
wlndahleld. nrw ii.ih mnirneto. headllghta.
Vreatollta tank, etc.; thla car beina: sold
l aattafy a debt. Inquire v3 Madiaon-
GAHAut: In town of 8'XX, ful'y equipped,
rood acen-y proro-iitlon. on laclf:c
way. between I'ortland and Frisco;
nnp AV t'reg-.nlan.
WANT TO HUT 6-r- ito; must be In A-l
condition and fully equipped: atats make
and gia full deacrtptlun. AB 77-1. Orego
IK you are lK-kln for a good banraln In
practically new 1MI 4-cyl.nd-r. a-paaaen-xrr
Knox cur. soa E, E. Thorax. 248
3d AXW'tLL runabout, good a new; will
aej chi-np; nu:.t coniijlfr good lot. Phone
McTaden, Tmof
1 JLi cylinder rur.about In good condi
tion: iU sell at a bargain. 14 W aah-
Ir.gtnn bldg. m
truck. Just overhau'ed. good condi
tion; must ed by Saturday nignt;
a-.d 11th at.
liAV a MTen pieiig-r ctoeed car I wi:i
rent to rl estate hr in by the day cheap.
A T 774. Oregon un.
, Kil e; auto, capacity J T-'H'V to pounds.
&-paaaericr. t'Xirmg body. Interchange
ab: n K a a t A'-'-
A BECONWIAM auto. I.eava word with
F. V. Murphy, in cre Larg g- Co.
BUICK ito truck. repair, eiOO, at
wa T 74. Oregoni an.
1XC. Bird, l et Mock.
KuH ?AL-C 14 I "arred cookerela. tl.CQ
to 1. ea.h. 4 White Leghorn. $ earb; 1
Kho-M U.and Ketl. 92, 1 cyphers l-tw-ecr
Incubator and brTdr. $ -5 f r both; uad
g time. O- K Thmnpioii. &dth ara 6. iZ.
and lt a.. Wo ist". k. Or.
ITANDAJtlhKKLj poultrr nd egga. baby
chirk. U.cualra, broilers ar.d poui try
eupp le. The PoaHry Supply liouae, 2og
t-aimon. Ldat your poetry and eggs
Ha ta
frUTTE T TTl IRIS R puppies. " ' b:Tie" r!hTon
B'elc. cheap. IZ-it Cleveland. Phone
Vocl'l n.
kt:.I EHSTKAlH "ra! Whir Orp'r.gtaa
rockor: Pho& jlc rove. lied 4'-i
pipt; pipk Pirn
Wa ba tna trxt :ock. vest f
Chicago In th: tine ar.d can tit you out
wtia any k'n-t at an i;nmns avix.g.
fcl I S FuK ANfTlil.NO
IF Jul cant t;:r IT at ai-U
Has ir.
THE UOL'Mb ir" A iij inV BAR
Front at., cor. M!n.
1 mrt and beat th atrongaet Compe
tition ta the city 00 men s auit and
rravenetted oarcota Jimmy Iunn rooa
15 Oreconlan bi-t.
erfto: TitciFtT.
PebuITt typewriter of ail make. Prtoes
V et In th city. Mtn roJa. A 1471
kLIOHTLV ued cah reg.atara. cre.I!t rea
tatera. computing acalea. ate, boukht ar.d
otd. The P Store aerrtce Co. --7
hCrk at. Main 7711.
FOH 8AiK Cash ragtater. scalea, coffee
mill, cheaa eutter. credit rvir.rr, meat
a f-er. etc The Portland btore bupply Co..
r 0 2d st. Marabaa 4'4.
4 trouaer at IJ.2S; f aluee. $3 33
Take elevator and a cure a bargain. Jim
my rninn, room el a Oregon lan bldg.
lA7Ci UeBBln Hail aafea, new and eeeond
titod. Hw prices, eaay frrai Safes cpn4
wad repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Part
land far Co., fS Blh at- Main CSoV.
AN WAX cf unredeemed pledge at
Uncle My era , Tl ia C &ar Oaa. 44
year In Portland.
KP lit' 8 IN ESS caxda Tic; a bargain. Roee
City prtntery. l:4j Id. cr. Taylor.
ONE ga range and wat-r b eater for aeu
cr fi.-.iani. KulJ.vl
EXTRA f ne Jersey eow, with young eaif.
4 JE.6 t t hNorth ; MV.
FOR AX cheap, aid "board tad aUx dining
hair a. 07 Uadd a-ve.
P. or L-TOP desk, bookkeeper deak and oaf.
A K 1. OrecooLaa.
v STIi M.cruaoope aod acoeaaor!: must
he cbip for cash. A ltlrea J. faV Uunham.
I" f( Iorniltory, Kugene, Or.
W AN rKt For caan, good secocd-hajid aaf.
doable door: fur Jewelry purpoaea.
at 44 Nortn Id at-
i fc: pay the hi a best ch price for aocord
I'ird furniture. Safer e Martin, Phon
f ast 349 Hawthorne if.
W ANTED Complete movinjr-blcturo Outfit.
What hT ou? 1? Oreconlan.
I (:'.! Aari'on x Pt oiot cash for any
i.;rd of furniture. Main MOl. A 2
t .1 ! nt roorm t: up. rto px:ntir.g at
r. .on,i prtc. I'hon Kaat ft 1-4.
i.lLK FSF.N KUEI ra l open fr prlca OA
quanUtx A-l green cord wood.
Tit Houae uf a MliMon I.argraa,
Front and V aln t
Wain eud.
Wanted A hmu-claa launch cspsbl
of not leas than i mi.ea an hour, to ex
change lor tK-.rable building lota at th
Uadibg resort of the I'aciUc North weat.
A-ldre A K 770 Oregonlan. or P. O. Box
7f3. Portland. Or. m
WA.NTKD To buy, fn term, from one to
Ova miles of frond-hand steel rails. su!t
aO.e for loKglnir: ! rail equipment for
locir:nie; also one donkey euttin and
equipment In good repair. AV 913, Orego
nun. .
Hlcher prlc, palJ for men's and ladles'
caet-ofT clothlnrf. shoes, furniture too-
mechanic. lo-jrin. CA11 Main Uoa. 2W
lit il. The oluba
S7u Morrtson. Phone E. W2X
Tmy a blgheat cah price for furnlt ur.
WANTED To purchase a good aecond-hand
fireproof afe; state ix. uuk and price.
X Oregontan.
TO HUT cash register, scales, coffe mill,
ch eea rutter, credit rc later and meat
sllcer. Phone Marshall 45-tH.
Two teams to haul ties, d cent per tie.
One team to lo. ." p-r i!ay.
Four shinjflo k-r. so M.
Klve knot awer. f'l.& dv.
Land clearing. 0O up to lv0 cr.
Nw work every day.
NOTICE We ar now located In our
new office at li22 and i'-4 Couch St.. cor
ner 1st.
lltiu olflc and 2-4 Couch ftt.
special employment mtmt-ership. $j pr
annum; a-uarante-a member wid aecur
emploment or refund of mmberahlp fe;
g'.. ea 2 months full memrershlp prlv-l.-Ka
In the aeo- m( Ion ar.d undertaken
to keep party employed during the full
term of tnembcraoip without further
charge , w
We hftTs conatant demand for hlgh
grade, experienced men. Ar you fitted
lor a better position?
Fe aecretary. employment department
Record fr year 1U: Call for men.
S2V1 : p itl ma ft Ted, IS
W H WANT a reliable, enenretlo man that
Is wilting to work and pusu, and civ his
who! tlm to help u put the b-si town
site proposition of the whole Const on th
jnarkit. Would like one capable of han
ditnc salesman under h:m. Ieskroora. d
vertialr.g matter and euppl:ea fre. Liberal
rommiuioa. CU 41 Wel.s-Fargo bldg.
WANTFD for U. R Army, able-boiled, un
married men. between aes of 14 and SS,
rittx-ns of I'nlied Ktates. of good char
acter ard temperate b a bits. who ca
speak. rd and writ the English lan
guage. For Information apply to Hecruit
n officer. Worc-ater b'.ock. Third and
Oak atreeia. Portland. O.
WE want (hn ex;.erlenced ulrimen who
csn close proepects furnished by us. Our
2 ricea are ri; tit and our commissions so
lit-rat that men who have had any real
selling experience can make $-tK per
month. Call 14d 3th su, ask for Mr. Hod-
W ANTED Conij stent bandsmen with fol
lowing trades: Sttnoeraphr, candy
ntdkT. buhelman. laundry marker and
tardier, all-'round printer; clarinetists
and trap-drummT preferred; others writ.
A'l'lresj I-ar-drnsster. Kennewlck. Wash.
VANTEI Salesman of ability to call on
city and nt-arby country trade; must be
a worker and have some knowledg of
locx i-IT equipment and machinery. Ad
drM with full particulars as to quallD
tat luna. A F 7 S , Oregonlan.
I WANT live repreaentatlvcs tn each com
munity of Oregon and Washington for
hith-clasa specialties; goods sold on luoney
In - k guaja:.t)-e: uo competition.
Bk-NJ. L. SMITH. Manufacturer's Agent,
o-7 Corbett b:f1i., Portland, or.
MAN and wife. Hwlaa preferred, experienced
in mltking cows and feeding thnn prop
erly nud caring f r the mtik product,
wanted to work aly on farm. Address
bo x lu26, Corvalll a. or.
WANTED An outaido eaieanian; must have
4ime know ted Ke of marine gaso.lno en-ytti-s
and aahi.on canning ma hinery. for
British Columbia territory; reference re
quired. Add ret AV !., OreguaUn,
VF. dive a permanent position with a good
salary and commission added for some
capable business nun who can lnveat
om money with . hi service; refcrcnevs
nt hanged. Alt 7o"v Oregonlan.
HI'iH-:LAS9 trades Journal requires serv
ices of capable newspaper man to prepare
cpy, read proof and make up forms;
peraianeut poai:ion for r:snt man ; give
phone number. V 74, Oregontan.
TO ambliloua, energetic salesinsn. we offer
permanent Income poeltion; advancement;
experience not necessary. American Cen
tral l.lfo Insurance Co.. S14 Railway Ex.
WANTED Good reliable office boy willing
to work even In a ; hours 2 to IS P. il.;
state age and experience. Address H tw4,
WANTED An experienced gardener, one
who can a. so taXe enr of a cow; perma
nent position to right man. P 767, Ore
gontan. I WANT an experienced solicitor who can
handle a high-class proposition. Give ex
perience and referencin auiwer, P 747,
BUTT ERM A K E 11 wanted; must hare some
experience in making and shipping ice
cream. Inquire at oni. Room 113 Eaton
H JteL
WANTED Young man to manage dairy
lunch; must ha experience and city ref
erence Call at Peerless Cafeteria, bd
Sin st, between and 11 A. M,
WE have room for ont more man who can
make J -' " per wee,k on our new proposi
tion. Call forenoon, l4d C;h St., 2d tioor,
and ask for Mr. Jones.
WANTEl Young man, X In urocery. por
ter work and h-!j In store: one with sora
eipriene preferred. J MS, oregonlan.
WANTED A good llvo aawmi;i machinery
M4i!iua for itrillsh Co.umia; reference
required. A-ldre A V !"'.. urjfon!.m.
14 years, with wheals, good wages 127
ft ark at.
YOU N man, with arm drug e vperiene,
w ar. ted for laboratory. Appiy Hiumauer
Frank Drug Company, tth and Everett.
PHOTO coupon; beet vr offered; snap for
aventa. Cutberth MJdio. Deaum bldg.
PEKMANL1NT Income fur sa earns a. Ask for
Mr. iurtun. 111s ion d;-i
KELIaI'UE aolicuira new co-operative plan
t vi M arjunro bldg. to 11 A. M.
WaNTc-D A god solicitor for die works,
At,nt 9li 1 Tlh at
AGKMS to sell photo coupon a: some thief
e. w Ftoa on fit 10. SlU Vm li
WA.NTr.I Men t clear land by contraot.
4 all '.v7 Yon 11. d.
1N. 1'i'Tt RE OPr.i.ATlNtJ. 3 ;j OAK.
STENOGRAPHER for lumber manafactur-
lr - r.mnMt.v A V SO& lir.i-nnt.n
"WANTS 1 Two young ma f r geaeral
wor. Peerleea t;af.':erla, r4 fith et.
BOYS wanted eNerywher; good pay.
tfootmxktr, Eg l n, or.
BOT wanted, about Id. good waga Apply
at o- Washington aftar clock.
WANTED Klrst-ciaa all-around shoemaker.
l-i Alder at.
WANTED Itoya with wheels. 170 10th.
H F L P TV 4. T F, U FF.M. 1 . K.
V A N T ED Experienced lrl in book bind
ery. Lincoln McCorU. Co., 21J W ashington
reet. n
WANTED A housekeeper. Call Sunday be-
tween 9 and 4, at the Oliver House. 313 :i
First St., room b.
LA 1Y oilUor . skIilt r and cominlasion ;
b.g money, something new. Brill, ttO Vs
YoPN rouA married, reet,iurant. bakery
or de.lcatesaen ; - m and conscientious.
Room 211, Hotel Katon.
OIKL f r aecond work and araist in caring
for child of ats year. 115 N. Ud, cor.
S43S Wshins-ton at., cor. 7tX upstair.
Phone Main
WANTED Experienced cook: girl to help
small family; vod pay. lis .. 2jd. cor.
Waan.ngtnn bide . 4'k and Wash. at.
Main b-Jrj r a -
W ANTED RfCn4, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Via vl Co.. Cu9 Roth
chr.d bldg., 4:h and Washington.
I WAITRESSES. eountrjrTl?V Fare paid.
Howe's La'liea Asency. 3W. 270 Wnah.
OIRL wanted to help lo clothing store. 124
1st St. Marshall 1060.
tjWKDISll. German woman. housekeeper,
country. 1. ct fronts Agency. Mtln 23.
WANTFD A reliable woman to keup house
f.-r to. f'Honq Tabor I.MR.
GTRL tor general housework. uA bchuyler
at. Broadway car.
At once for short -hour work fcy
Only those, understanding good scrvio
need apply at restaurant desk. 7th floor.
WANTED Several younr ladle between th
a" of IS and 23 for permanent position.
Apply the p. T. T. C.O-. Alder st- or
4 la East Ankeny u
WANTED Indies with om exprince. to
s-ll suburban lots in new addition. Just
rdy for market; small monthly pay
ments, easy selling. Apply 614 Hnry bltig.
J11DDI.E-Aiiill woman, lover of children,
aut houseket'por fr man, boys 0 and 0,
small wug, Weat W yganU Take
ht. Johns car to Denver ave,
gi'IKT. elderlv woman as companion and
help do housework for two; good home,
small wages. Call 1441 Hassaio at., cor-
of E. Slid t. N.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur want situation
with private family: neat appearsnce,
good manners and don't boose. O 730,
WANTED Neat, capable Christian woman,
housekeeper and companion for old lady;
I refer M iss Best; please phone again.
.Main 2'x.
YOL'.sci ladv of neat app
s to do a
special I ne of w ork in
Appiy 7' Yson bldg.
city. Salary.
yOUNi competent Kirl for general house
work; small family, heavy washing gUen
out; good wage. J21 12taat., cor. Clay.
LADY for genera housework: small family;
good wim Karrlngton, i.ast .am iu
North : ta k Brod ay car.
WOMAN or girl to do aeneral housework.
.4 Patton Road or Main 7PH1.
WANT girl for cinor store w Delay at.
WANTED-6aIesmen and saluawomen to sell
lota on very asy term in one of the fin
est beach resorts in Oregon; tn!s property
la within few miles of Astoria, and ha
jnnny advantages not poassed by any
otnur property, llber:i commission
will be paid to producers. Address for In
terview vrxiy It jou ar a hustler and can
git results. AF 787, Oregonian.
NEW" on Const; Inexpensive seller, direct
from wholesaler to consumer; Is open to
hijrn-grade ni n or women agents who will
work hours In tarntory they select;
good talkers; salar- guaranteed if aijn
contract. A 111, Oregonian
BoOK K ErJl'EKS. cashiers, bill clerka, et :
I will guarantee your Qualiflcatione to fill
posit Ion a In 30 day a; private Instruction
by public accounuuit; position secured. J
410. orcgon tan.
MEN and women to learn the barber trad
Li and. Or.
13 TO $33 WEEKLY
95 TO $33 WSLKLY
made by motion-picture operators, learn
business In two wevks at our finely
equipped theater; lessons reasonable.
Cti1- Wash., near 17th.
ItAILWAY mail clerks, prepare now, ex-
Colieiik isiuriFi nuu luuiuuuuiia, nw ta y -
oifs; sure pay; fieo book. Cull today, l'a
a.Aic ht.-ites School. Mc Kay bldg.
LEARN to operate; complete course taught
in theater; position secured; price nanon
atl, terms. 417 Kothcuild, 4th uxid Wash-
imri on.
RAILWAY mail clerks. w mouth; Portland
examinations May 4 ; preparation free.
Franklin Institute, Dept. b-U M, Roches
ter. N. Y.
MAKE money writing shon stories, or for
fa pore; Mc pay 1 free booklet tells how.
lilted Press bndlcate, San Francisco.
GIUL.S, be lnuependwnt ; learn manicuring,
face and scalp treatments. I will teach
you the path to success. Y 836 Oregonian,
WANTED I'ictur piny writers; big pay;
we'll teach ou. Picture play Associa
tion, S.iu Francisco.
bwetland bldg.
WRITING, $3 mo. 2ui 14 in st. Main 8s:3.
BAltnril wanted to buy 2-chalr shop, $23;
rent 10. 420 Everett.
LAi-ijS to learn the business of the -Sanitary
Iteauty 1'arlora, 4U0 Dekura bldg.
bookkeeping. o-2 liamlltoa. Marshall 454.
Bookke pern and IccLs.
EXPERIENCED ladies' dress goods sales
man with 01-st of references is open for
engagement with reaab.e house. Bell
phone E. i!14H.
up books, 1 re; are balances and state
ment a. uisutll n stems. GU lint; nam. u-dit-rs41l
Lewla bldg. Marahull 717.
lio K a. E cl'E K, all around office man; also
atenoKi pher. 7 years' experience; ready
to to work any time, any place; refer
ence. J 47t Ctregoman.
SITUATION warned by experienced book
keeper and cits filer; can leave ciiy ; ref
erence and bond. AG 772. Oregoman.
S I Ulh RAPH ER, tpewrlter. ipeedy, aoou
Xuie, wide experience- fine corrvspondent;
at t sidesman. x 5, balem, or.
&1 iscetlaiieoua.
FIUaT-CLAftS a.l-routid printer, 10 yeara
experlenoe, would like position as fore
man or Job printer with country news
-Address A V 91
l'L Oregonlan.
f ai.d saloon
MAN. experienced; In cafe aid saloon bual
iteaa. kuowa enough to work to employer's
InteiesLs, wants position as bartender; no
boos f :ien ter. Phon A 704,
WoKK on prvduollva farm In Western Ore
gon ; can milk, know horses, reliable, ob
J' t to learn f arming; referencea Roey
Le, b3l N. Royer, Colorado Spring, Colo.
HOTEL- WANTED Competent man wants
to manage hotel; salary or percentage ba
a:a; If you -want your business well oared
for. address T Oregonlan.
EX tJr.i;if..Si ED steam engineer, married,
ilgei not drink, wants position, stationary
or hoieUug vi. sine; can fuxmsn reference.
G 7 1. O.- 'gonlan.
I WANT Job for 8J or 60 men for con
struction work: anybody Want lug gang
anar to o. 8ft 3th au X, city. George
MAN and wife want work en dairy or cook
1111; in loaning camp. H. C. Waller. Van
couver, Wash. R. it. No. 4. box S A.
PHOTOGRAPHER, singl man. for quirk
finish post caid work. AL. 784, Ore
glnlan. Ban anil wife want work on farm or rent
farm in eharoa, Iuqulre R. Buetlkofer,
j5 Salmon.
YoUXG man wants position of any kind ;
hi e some know ledge in automobile. K
70. Oregonlan.
SPOKANE salesman, ability to represent
i'ortland house, preferably In Spokane. AV
yj7, oregonian.
JAPANESE boy. attending school, wants
work in pi-ivate family. Address its
Burnslde St., city.
YOUNG man wishes to get any kind ef work
. after shooL a.ttO O'clock P. M. Phon
Main20i0: .
MAN and wife want to take oh ax of a
ranch ; experienced farmer. C. Duncan.
V a n cuuver. W s s it. R. 4. box OVA.
HONEST re apec table man. speaks T different
languages, desires work of any kind. 300
Couch st. C Smith.
WANTED Position by young married man.
w.lllu to do anything; would consider th
eountry. 8 70S. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wants position as shipping or
assistant shlpplna; clerk; good reference;
can furnish bonne. AG 773, Oregonian.
SITUATION by young man of 23; 3 years
experience a staamfltier. F 766, Ore-
gXONi) hov. 17. wants work on farm,
George MIohelfeMor. foot of Crampton st.
Cil l FFEUR. Japanese, wants position. In
town or out. K 73!. Oregonian.
MAN and wife want position on ranch, dairy
P r e f e rred. 124 Concord, city.
JAPANE-B wants position, stor or office)
cenaice paid while learning; tools free;
expert Instructors; 17 years In th busi
tar ner-
ness; 37 schools; a llfet tme incmbersnlp
given to each student. Molcr Barber Col
lege, Si N. Fourth st.. Portland, Or.
EXPERIENCED competent and reliabl
salesman want position in Northwest by
April 1; experienced in tho selling gram
and can deliver tho goods: will consider
proposition on basis of half salary and
half commission; would consider position
In general mdw. or exclusive shoe or
drygoods store; best of references. G. R,
Garrison. B3 R St., Lincoln. Neb.
215 Second St., Corner Salmon.
Women's Department, 243 Salmon.
All classes ct unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical male and female help
furnished on short notice. o fee charged
Phone Main 3555. A 514.
EASTERNER, 27 years old, expert poultry
man and farmer, good carpenter, ha own
tools, want position a manager on
ranch; wlii take Interest in It. or will con
struct new poultry buildings: married.
James Beatman. Kingston. luuH 3d st.
WANTED A private Job of driving auto for
good, reliable people; have been owner of
a large garage for two years; can give
good bank references, phone E. 4 4 til, age
yj. 647 WUMams ave.
SITUATION wanted by experienced dairy
man, thoroughly familiar with all branches
of the business; wiil work by month or
will tako dairy on percentage basis. Ad
drss O 7b. Oregonlan. '
situation wanted by a first-class German
past r man, able to turn out fine work;
moderate was'ea to start with. In flrst
class shop, ii 807, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man German, 2D years old, wlsheo
steady position on a farm; can drive team,
plow, milk cows, eta; state salary. Chaa.
Rautx. care P. Ballmales, 644 William
v., city.
Bookkeeper auid Stenographer.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desire posi
tion; city refertriicea; ft years' experience
In one office. Phone East 17
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi
tion, Underwood or Remington mxchlne.
AK 777, Oregonlaru
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. 8 years
experioi e In general mdse., best refer
ences; will leave city. AR 7t9. Oregonlan.
LADY stenographer, 8 years experience, de
sires poaitlon; accurate; references. M.
STENOGRAPHER desires position; have
had some experience; references. X 7dl
EXPERIENCED stenographer and bookkeep
er wiahes position. Phone Woodlawn 1343.
Vv.iU.NU lady bookkeeper and stenographer
wants position, experienced. Marshall 3 ltd.
WANTED To do typewriter copying; have
own machine. Tabor HMO, it ol.i.
STENOGRAPHER wants position with hour
from i-2 o'clock. Phone A 04?8.
STENOGRAPHER, beginner, willing worker,
accurate, desires post Ion. Phone A 3440.
STENOGRAPHER, with experience, fru
rale, rapid, seeks position. Marshall li731.
B reasmat era.
11' M LLE BE B1LLAUT, 635 Washington
EIa st. entrance;; A 40. Exclus va
French design In gown, tailored suits,
EASTERN designer will teach you to cut.
lit and make your own clotnea at reason
able price. 806 Central bldg., 10th and
Alder. Marshall SOU:
MENDING, plain sewing and children'
clothes neatly done. Room 21 Euclid Ho
tel. Phone Main 7u48, A T761.
EXPERIENCED child's nurse desires posi
tion; no second work. Phone Woodlawn
001. '
BAR I KS under 4 years old will receive
the best of care at my home; best of ref
erenda. Phone Tabor 1312.
J L' R SE wishes engagements, some house
work, terms reasonable; beat reference.
Main 6033.
INVALID lady needing room, can have car,
home comforts. Call Tabor 2213.
AN EXPERIENCED nurse would like more
cases, uny kind. Tabor 8i;j. Main 44t?!.
H 011 c k eeper.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, cham
bermaids, office girls, nurses. St. Louis
Agency. 2r.3 Alder. Main 2039, A 4773.
COMPETENT woman wants to keep house
where gentleman and w.'fe ar both ern
ployed; references. N 713, Oregonlan.
NEAT.' middle-aged woman desires house
k et plnK : good cook. Call Main 7SSD, be
tween 10 and 11 or evenings.
POSITION as housekeeper for widower In
city. 1; M J. Oregon lan.
BY reilned young widow, for widower or
bachelor. AS 773, Oregonian.
"WA NTED Position a housekeeper for 1-li-rly
couple. Address -01 E. 81st st.
YoL'NG lady wants position as housekeeper
or would like housework. Woodlawn 105.
al leoe 1 1 an eon.
JAPANESE girl, young and single, want
situation to do housework In family;
erenks English. 327 Everett St.
EX PER IENCED woman wishes day work
aweeptn , cleaning or washing &ud Iron
ing. Phone A 1349.
LACE curtains launuered, 25o up; quickly
done, called for and delivered. Tabor 317.
WoMAN want housework or cleaning; by
the day. Phone C 2308.
CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry. Wood
lawn 2 68 4. No mangling.
YOUNG lady of varied experience desires
- evening work. AL 7b5. oregonlan.
LADY wishes work by the day or hour.
Phone Main f2H, room 4.
GOOD woman w ants washing. Ironing
cleaning, etc Phone Main fl0.
LADY wants U or 3 small children to care
for. Call at 1831 E. Taylor, cor. 47th.
EXPERIENCED young lady wishes position
aa nurre girl. Phone A 4014. '
FANCY laundry done at home. A 327L
AG ENT3 and crew manager to sell th
f union Qulkwork vacuum cleaner; right
man make easily from $75 to 11.10 per
week; I have only medium-priced ma
chine on market which will do work of
hi; her-priced cleaner Sulis for 18.50
on the coast. Write for new selling plan,
full particular. E. A. Crandall. special
Representative for Eastern Manufacturing
Co.. Seward Hotel. Portland, Oregon.
AGMNTS on salary or commission ; th
greatest agent' seller ever produced; every
user of pen and ink buys It on sight; 200
to 300 per cent profit; one agent's sales
amounted to St:0 In six dnvs; another $32
tn two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X 44,
L Crosse, Wl.
COUPLE wish to rent 4 or 3 -room unfur
iitsned modern buftalow, with lawn and
garden; not over $15 per month; beat of
-itv references. R boO, Oregonlan.
WANTED Unfurnished house. T or 8 rooms,
between Couch and Stark and Union ave.
and 7th st. AB 762, Ores on lan.
GENTLEMAN desires room north of Ankeny;
reference. E. L. Snow den, 609 North rup.
Rooms With Board
TWO young gentlemen want room and board
with private family wnere there are no
other boarders, near E. 24th and Broad
way ; unless can satisfy these conditions
don't answer. H 8j6. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wants, room and board, pri
vate family or exclusive boarding-house.
Irvtnglon district preferred. G &01, Ore
gonian. TWO young men would like room and board
In congenlnl private home. East Side, close
In. p 7:2, Oretonlan.
GrlNTLEM AN wishes room and board In
modern irvlngton home. N 7U1, Oregonlan.
Furninhed Rooina.
Large rooma at 131 H 7th at. ; steam
heat, elect ric Uhta, home comforts;
room by week. $3.30 up, transient 73a
duy and up. Phone Main 8oQZ.
WEBSTER COURT now ready for the re
ception of gueata; make your selection of
a room at once. Grand ave. and PacLQo
12th. and Washington.
Room $1 a day, $3 week; nothing ex
tra for two In room ; thoroughly modern.
LIGH'I, airy rooms, modern, suites or single;
steam heat; $2 and fit week; 6 minutes
walk to theater and stores; free phone.
HOTEL NORRIS, 17th and Alder at. Mod
cm rooms, suitable 2 to 4 persons. Pri
vat batlia Rates $3.60 up.
ELM PLACE. 414 Yamhill L, cor. 11th;
rooms $3.50 per week up; hot and cold
water, steam heat, private baths.
ARMINIUS HOTEL. 4104 Morrison st., pp.
BaKtr Theaier Niceiy furnished rooms;
permanent, transient; low rates. Main hy.iO.
ONE outside sleeping room, hot and old
water, steam beat, 412. The Arcadia,
706 Everett.
FOR RENT room with private bath, Mad
lua l'axk Apt-, 202 Park st.
Fm-nished Room.
850 Taylor t.. bet. 7th and Park. Resi
dential and transient; absolutely central;
two minute from Postoffice, stores, thea
ters and restaurants; just off business
streets and carlines; quietest and best lo
cation; new brick; ample steam heat and
hot running water; phones, elevator.
From $1 dally, $5 weekly. Any car from
Union Depot; from North Bank Depot, "3
car to Taylor st. Phone Marshall 2200
Seventh and Taylor Sts
This handsome brick structure, all mod
ern conveniences, opens shortly in connec
tion wlto the favorably known Hotel Ca
ples. as above.
Those three beautifully furnished hotels
213 4th St, Sim 4th St. 207H4thSL
On Fourth St., running from Taylor to
Salmon St.; brand-new brick; elegantly
furnished; Rteam heat, private baths, hot
and 00 Id water In all rooms; strictly up
to date In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea
sonable prices, give us a call, a we know
you will like It, Rooms by 'the day, week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
Cor. 11th and Stark Sts.
New, modern brick bldg., elegantly fur
nished; elevator, hot and cold water,
steam heat, phones all rooms; private
baths: single or en suite; rates $1 day up;
special monthly rates.
CORDOVA Hotel. 11th and Jefferson sts.
Brand-new brick; splendidly furnished; alt
room with telephone, steam heat, hot and
cold water, many with baths; every effort
Is made for the comfort and convenience
of its guests; the rents are most reason
able; rooms by the week, month or day.
"J" car direct from depot.
625 Washington st., opposite Multnomah
Athletic Field New brick building; all
modern conveniences; well regulated resi
dential end family hotel; splendid accom
modations for transients; convenient to
the business center and the rates are mod
erate plenty steam heati. Marshall 1i5Q.
SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw
thorne avea. Beautifully furnished rooms,
single or en suite, with private bath, hot
and cold water, steam beat and private
phone in every room; moderate weekly or
monthly rates- grill In connection; tran
slents solicited.
HOTEL FORD. 733 Washington, corner Lu
cretla st. New brick building. Just com
pleted; fine large outside rooms with tele
phone service, with or without private
baths; new and splendidly furnished ; hot
and cold water, steam heat; best of erv
lco; very reasonable rates
131 Eleventh Street.
New, modern brick building; Bteam
heated. private baths, hot and cold water
in rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable ; runt reasonable. Call and see
u. Regular and transient trade solicited.
887 East Burnslde St.
120 modern rooms, will give special rates
to clubs of young men of two or four
to occupy rooms, with private "bath, rates,
POc to $1.50 per day, $2 to $7 per week.
East BP4Q, B 1275.
HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslde sts.
Absolutely fireproof : new and elegantly
furnished rooms; private baths, steam
heat, hot and cold water, private phone
In each room; special Tates by the month;
Thone service free. Phone Marshall 4049.
One block from Union Depot; 140 outside
rooms, with hot and cold water and steam
heat: offers sneclal rates for permanent
guests; rates 0c to $2 a day; $3.30 and
up per week. Phone Main 3413.
243H HOLLADAY ave. Phone C 81Pf
Steam heat, hot and cold water. Electrlo
light tn all rooma. First-class accommo
dations at $2.30 per week. L, U or 1 car
direct to door.
ARRANGED for best class patrons; one
double, one single vacancy, private bath
rooms; dining-room in connection.
22d and Washington st.
103H Twelfth St. Marshall 2790.
In heart of buslneaa diatrict; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone In every
room; 1 day and up: $4 week and up.
HOTEL REN WICK An ideal home for bus-
In ess people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor sis., 1 blek from Portland Hotel,.
( P poslte Helllg Theater. Phone Main 16.
NEWLY furnished new building, steam heat,
electric lights, bath, phones, walking dis
tance. 510 and up. 274 Holladay ave,
" Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
FURNISHED new today, large, sunny front
room, in a swell private home; electrlo
lights, heat and phone; close in. 71 Trin
ity Place.
MODERN furnished room, private family, 10
minutes walk to 3d and Wash.; heat,
bath and phone;, home privileges. 340
862 PARK ST., nicely furnished rooms
for one or two. all modern convenlencos,
good board can be hod next door. Phon
ALarsnan zizu.
$10 PER MONTH, bright pleasant room, all
modern convenience, close to Washington
st. 123 28d.
PLEASANT room, all conveniences. In select
neighborhood, reasonable. 747 Everett st.
fhone after 12 a. ai. a. ouo.
NICELY furnished room in an up-to-date
modern house. $1.50 up to $4 a week. 208
17th. Main 2.i.
FRONT room, sultatble for one or two
gents; also single front room 2 week
heat, bath, phone. Z2o 12th.
NICELY furnished room, modern oonven
lences, centrally located, reasonable; 404
Clay, near 10th.
WARM sunny furnished room in modern
flat. 70 Cornell st. Phone A 1278. Near
corner of 23d and w ashlngton.
WELL furnished front room, for one or two.
with all home conveniences and first-class
board; 10 minutes from P. O. 391 loth.
FRONT room, newly furnished, fireplace,
extra large closets, bath, phone, very rea
sonable. 309 5th st.
$10 FOR dandy room, all modem, best of
location. light and airy. 42S Mill. Phone
Main 4573.
NEAT young man wants roommate; has
large front room, close In. Phone Eat
C5ob. 4ti8 E. Davis st.
CLEAN, nicely furnished room, adjoining
bath, in modern home; use of piano, home
privileges, walking distance. 94 North 16th,
PLEASANT modern room for one or two
g ntlemen, very reasonable. Marshall
bb-t. 740 Irving st.
NICELY furnished rooms In private family,
fiue location, cosy walking distance. 14
E 12th st. Phone East 2246.
FL" RN1SHED front room, modern home,
312. 44 10th st. Phone Main 32'jS.
NICELY"-furnished single rooms and apart
ment very reasonable. 735 Everett st.
NICELY furnished rooms for 1 or 2, close
in, bath and phone, 206 12th st
NEW LY furnished rooms, heat, bath ; very
reasonable. 173 16th st. Main ym6.
NE W LY' furnished rooms, private family,
modern, walking distance. 1S7 E. 14th st.
NEW furnished rooms, walking distance;
close to car. 745 Hoyt. Marshall 2703.
NICELY furnished front room, steam heat,
modern. 804 Salmon st
35o SALMON, front room, suitable 1. 2 or 8;
hot and cold water, heat, phone, bath.
LARGE light front room; newly furnished;
ail conveniences. 12. 204 1-1 th St.
FURNISHED rooms for rent. Inquire -820
Tillamook or phone C 311S.
4-ROOM furnished, bath, basement, yard,
roaes. $20. 003 Savier. Main 2u04
FRONT room for rent ; Breakfast If neces
sary. 71:3 E. Couch.
CLEAN room, 2 beds. $4.tK mo. each;
others $5. $3 month. 028 Flanders.
$10 MONTH, gentlemen only, suitable for
t w o. close In. -30 10th at.
LARGE room 13.50 week, for two; electrlo
light, running water. 181 11th.
tl.oo AND up weekly; very nlae locatlonk
shortjwaik. 305 12th St.
$8 MONTH, outside room, bath, nice loca
tion walking: distance. 452 5th st.
NICE clean 5 rooms, reasonable, close in.
Apply 230 Hall st.
Room Wlfb Board.
THE Haxel dining room reopened, table
board, strictly first-class; also furnished
rooms, steam heat, running water: prices
DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE
HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooma
bath, broad veranda. Quiet, close In. near
rar, 4 block from P. O. American plan.
LAMBERSON, 634 Couch stU cor 17th
. Very desirable, clean rooms with steam
heat and running water; good board; fine
location for teachers or business men.
MAN1TOU. 2C1 13TH ST '
Attractive, clean room. steam heat,
good roard. close In, reasonable,
BOARD $3 per week In modem home; newly
furnished rooms. Phone A, 7804. 786 Cor
bett St., S car.
ROOM and board. Cas& Rosa. 300 Jefferson
st., corner 3th.
THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison, cor. 13th;
well furnished rooms and board.
DESIRABLE single and double rooms, with
board, very thing flrat-olaaa, 33 X. 17th..
Rooms With Board.
Rooms with board, use of sewing-room,
llbraiy. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt.
Itooms With Board In Private Family.
EXC ELLEN T room an d boa rd in prl va te
family, close in on East Side; pleasant,
weli-hetd, rooms in modern home, phone
East tWOO.
GIRL to room and board with young peo
ple In mouern apartment; piano, all con
veniences; walking distance, Marshall
-031. .
IN IKVINGTON Wanted, one or two young
men or women to room or board in strictly
private family; all conveniences. S 70,
BEAUTIFUL front room for 2 or 8; hot and
cold water, all conveniences, with or
without board. 273 N. 24th L, corner
Overton st. Marshall 3000. r
COZY room for 1 or 2. congenial home;
piano, choir, board, excellent neigh bor
hood. 761 Marshall. A 41)20.
$20 CASH, front room for two, single beds,
all new, modern conveniences, furnace
heat. SS 17th. near Everett.
NICELY" furnished room; .very thing fur
nished, light, heat, with or without board.
Vl0 Everett.
NEATLY furnished room with fireplace;
strictly modern, with or without board.
Main 6706.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitablo for two
gentlemen, with hoard. 133 16th St.; ref
erences. ROOM and board In private family; 13
mln. walk to Washington st. 520 li.
Couch. Ft 10S7.
FURNISHED rooms, walking ril.tance, $3
and $10 month, with or without buard. 421
12th st.
FIRST-CLASS room and board, private
family. 545 Yamhill.
S PLEASANT rooms ail conveniences; board.
A7230. 204 N. 22d.
PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel
lent board; also table board. 656 GUaan .
TWO large rooms Fireplace, porch and
grounds; excellent board. Main 2071.
MODERN rooms. $I2 to $20, with or with
out board. 410 Park.
PLEASANT rdoms for- 2 or 3 people, near
Multnomah Club. Mars hal 1 4112.
SINGLE and double rooms, with board, $0.
2tl 11th st. Marsh ail 2013!
GOOD rooms, good board, closo in, reason
ablo. 472 Salmon. Phone Marshall 4273.
NICE room with board for 2 gentlemen, pri
vate family. 10j 12th. Main 1401.
A NICE placo to room and board for 2; all
com enlenctiC. H 2472.
FURNISHED room with board. 20 11th et.
Phone A 3 630.
PLEASANT room, w alklng distance, home
privileges, gentleman preierred. 470 Cla.
706 Everett, Near lst St.
One exceptionally nice 3 -room modern
nicely furnished aparunent. first floor
front; also one outside sleeping-room, hot
and cold water, steamheat.
Hoyt, 4 rooma and bath, private balcony;
new brick building, electric elevator, su
perb location, la walkiug distance; most
convenient arrangement, low rent and best
of aervlce.
Ford st., near Washington; select resi
dence district; a 8-room, with balcony
overlooking private gardens; all conva
rileucu of tho best claa aparuaenta. l - a
8at?J. A 7418.
ORLANDO APTS., 20th and Wash, sts.;
two and three-room furnUned apts. , every
convenience; very large rooma; steam
heat and private baths and phones; auto
matic elevator; easy walking distance, ref
erence required. Marshall 184.
K.EELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay sts.
W e have choice 8 and 4 -room suites, un
furnished, private -vestibules, phones,
baths, eta. Apply at once for 4-room
front corner suite, upper floor.
GiCANDEaTA furnished apartments. Grand
uve. and East Stark ; new brick; building,
8-room splendid, y furnished apts; elect no
elevator, modern convenience; close in
location, best of service reasonable rent.
S2 Grand ave., cor. E. Stark St., nicely
Turnisneu z and d-roum apts., cheapest
first-class apts. in the city; walking
tance. Phone fci. 30U.
ST. CROIX New, modern building, three
r torn apartments, furnished or unfur
nished, low rule, best of service. 170 St.
Clair, between -2d and 23d, near Wash
ington. Main 820.
All outside 2-room apartments; Holmes
heus, built-in writing deks, vacuum clean
er, janitor service; 22.50 to Jo, incluuing
lU'hLs, private phones. A 347, Main 1377.
3-room apartments; new building, mod
ern; private baths.
005 East Main. bet. 18th and l'Jth.
Most up-to-uuto apartment In North
west ; 21st and Johi.son sts. ; all outside
rooms. Apply on premises, or call Mar
shal 3360.
WINSTON Apartments, 841 ,14th St., at
Market; new corner brick; all bright, out
side rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com
pletely furnished fur housekeeping; $25 to
187.30. For information call Mam 173U.
sts. ; best of service; desirable location,
with unexcelled car service; also easy
walking distance; 3-room apt., with batu,
mouern conveniences, very reasonable rent.
THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jeiferson sts.,
a rooms with batl?, furnished or unfur
nished ; superb locatlou, ciose to down
town district. Ail outside rooms, best of
service, mouern ; reasonable rent.
bear Main. Close In location. Elegant 3
room apart meet with bath and private
balcony, $35. Every convenience, good
CUMBERLAND APTS.. Weat Park and Co
lumbia sts. 2 and 3-room furnished apart
ments, all modern conveniences, choice lo
cation, fronting the park and only 0 min
utes' walk from business center.
14th and Y'aaihUl, 2 and 3 rooms; very
homelike and desirable; furnished or un
furnished. THE ROSENFELD apartments. East 14 th
and Star.; all lare outside rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished. heat. Janitor
Modern, furnished and unfurnished, 8
rooms; private pnone, Lath, etc.; close In.
E. bth and Burnslue. Main 4100; B 1317.
FURNITURE of 3-room apartment for sale;
good as new ; cost od; for quick sale
$123; rent $J7.5U; private bath and mod
ern. 475 baiuion st.. Apt. 2.
2-room furnished apartment; prl vat
bath and phone. 235 N. l'Jih. Marshall
305 a.
COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished
apartments, 11th and Columbia; very de
sirable; modern conveniences; easy walk
ing; low rates; best of service.
Furnlshtd apt, fcuiuuie for 2 or 3 gen
tle men; meals 12 desired. Phone Mar
shall 110L
429 East Morrison, corner 7th, 2, 3 and
4 -room apartments, furnished up to date;
private baths, moderate price, new in gu
New manuiiemeiit, completely and rich
ly ref uriiisiied in 2, 8 and 4-room apart
ments: reierenceS required. T12 Wash. sc.
management, new, mouern, 3 and 4-room
furnisued "and uniuruishcd apartment.
Apply manager, Marshall 2023.
2 OR 3-room apartments, nicely furnished;
gas and electricity and heat; all front
rooms; gas. 7ud Aiultuomah, cor. of 2Isu
phone East. 4bu!!
PARK APARTMENTS, 8o3 H an .j on; beau
tiful 8 juid 4-room furnisued apartment;
W alking distance ; best of service ; pile
$40 to $50. Pnone Marshall 3070.
Furnished and uuiurm.-uied apartments.
9 5 Lovejuy U Take "W" car.
BRAIN TREE Elegant 3-room apartment.
Weat Side, walking dlstuncu; real reajou
auie. Main ?71. 2l3 lath at.
SUNNY 3-room furnished apt., with private
bath balcony and phone, reasonable rent.
Cedar Bill Apts. Marshall 131, A 7523.
GRACE Apartments, 24th and Northrup sts.;
e-room apt., front veranda and sleepmg
porch, private phone, hot water heat.
' "the Florence '
2 brand new. beautifully furnished 3
room apt. 3s8 11th. Mar. 4174.
SAN MARC o apartments, E. feth and Couch,
now brick, modem, 3 rooms, private Lata
and phone; rales reasonable. Call E. 2751.
4-room apt. on iirsi iloor; very desira
ble. P h o no Marx h a U llol.
THE ONEONTA, 1S7 17th St., 2 and 8-room
bouseaeepiii oH .ri.o. to ijy,
team heat, close In. Phone Main 4007.
IRIS APARTMENTS, Third and Mill; 4 and
cold water; j32 and $40.
THE LAUHE 1 1 r une iurnishcd 3-roorn
apartment private bath. phom22j( Hth.
fHH: DAYTON Nice 4-room lower ant
htat, w later, etc.. $20. 038Flanders au
jXLIAETTE Furnished and unfuralshecTs-
roam. wmuh u aiuuigomery
Cor. Park and Taylor eta
Cor. Tenth and Salmon sta.
Walking distance.
Furnished complete. 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments; buildings new end strictly
modern; service first-class.
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just
off Washington; magnificent exclusive
apartments. In heart of apartment-house
district; rentals reasonable; every modern
convenience; Bleeping' porches, high -class
aervlce; refined clientele; references re
quired in all cas-'s. Mrs, A. N. Wright,
6'ipt. Phone Marshall 1101.
170 Ford st., just south of Washington;
most complete, highest class apartments
ever built In Portland; finished through
out In hardwood ; tiled baths, superb fix
tures; elegant wall coverings; each with
private balcony; highest class service;
very reasonable rents; ' 4 and 5-room
apartments; most conveniently arranged.
704 Love joy St.
Under new management, new modern
brick. 2, :i and 4-room apartments, fur
nlnhed or unfurnished. We will rent you
upartments 2o per cent cheaper than any
place In the city. Good janitor service
Give us a call and be convinced. Mar
shall 2 922.
bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison sus
new brick building, completely first-class,
furnished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner,
janitor service; rent per month, $20, $30,
$-10 and ud; must be seen to be appre
elated. THE BARKER, cor. 21st end Irving sti
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room
uites; reception hall, electric, automatio
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of closet room, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If yon
want somerhing nice, come to th Barker
phones A 1744. Marshall 200L
N E V. N E W. NEW.
263 Hall st., cor. 3d, now open, all 2
room furnished apartments, with Holmes
disappearing and wall beds and large
outside kitchens, absolutely first-class;
these are the best arranged 2-room apt.
In Portland : make reservation now; $25
up; no children.
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently fnr
Elshed apartments In the Northwest; loca
tion pei feet; rentals reasonable; every
modern convenience. Including banquet
ball and roof parden; both phones In all
apartments; high-class service; reference
required. Main 2270 and A 7057.
Newly furnished apartments of two,
three and, four rooms, renting from $22.50
to $40; also single rooma from $3 up;
free telephones in every apartment, elec
tric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold
water. Call personally or phone Marshall
Thoroughly modern 3-room unfurnished
apartments. $20; 4 rooms. $25; this in
cludes shades, steam heat, hot and cold
water, eas ranges, private Pacific tele-
fhone and Janitor service. Apply prem
The Upshur, 20th and Upshur sts., fur
nished 2-room apt., $J0; atlso $22.50; 3
room apt., $J7.50 to $30. This includes
team heat, hot water, private phones,
bath, electrlo lights, gas range, laundry
room, all free. Take S, 23d or W cars
north. No dojts allowed.
Elegantly furnished and unfurnished
apartments. In new brick building; steam
heat; private phone and bath; all modern
conveniences; close In. West Side. 494
Market st.. near 14th
Most reasonable rates in the city; thrs
rooms, nicely furnished apt-, private bath
and phone, brick building, automatio ele
vator, janitor service, easy walking dis
tance. A 2038.
171 King t,
4, 0, 6 -room apartments; select tenancy
Apply on premises.
20S HWh. Near Taylor.
One exceptionally nice 5-room unfur
nished apartment, top floor, front; one
nice 4-room unfurnished apartment, sec
ond floor, front. Apply on premises for
LUCRETI A COURT, unfurnished; a class
by themselves; see them; Lucre t la st..
near 23d and Wash. ; 2 to 5 rooms, ail
large, light and outside; large closets
and baths; hardwood floors, free phonos
in each apt. Phone prop, and mgr., Mar
shall 151iy. Janitor, Marshall 1600.
CLAYPOOLE ANNEX, 325 Eleventh at., two
room furnished apartments, private bath,
all conveniences, good service; walking
distance. Now under new management.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apts., furnished,
heat, pnone and batn. 191 14th st.
NEW 5-room flats, the swellest, most mod
ern and up-to-date flats on the East Side,
Just completed ; upper and lower vacant ;
walking distance, 253 E. 17th st., between
Mam and Madison. Take Hawthorne car.
A.K. HiiI,4iyHenrybldg.
$35 6-ROOM upper flat, 226 N. 18th, near
Lovejoy ; attic, sleeping porch, yard, gas
range, water heater, modern, very nice
Key next door, or phone East 3899.
UNUSUALLY desirable modern lower flat,
6 large, liijht, airy rooms and bath; T
minutes' walk from P. O. 341 Montgom
ery, corner 7th. Very reasonable.
600 MARKET, 5-room lower flat; gas, elec
tricity and furnace; nearly new; very de
sirable; $:0 per month. Key at 602.
Portl n n d Trust Co., 3d an dOak.
LOWE It flat, $25, 8 rooms, 660 Hoyt st.
See Mr. Meison, janitor, Su Francis Apsru
death, 21st and Hoyt sts.
A HANDSOME upper 6-room flat, olose In.
rent reasonable, 48s East 12th and
Division. Main 6469.
MOO til K.N 7-room fiat. West Side, 775 W
Johnson su, between 23d and 24th. Maia
FOR RENT Modern 7-room flat, 444 Parse
St.; fireplace and furnace; 837.60; no chU
dren. phone Tabor 703 or East 14 3 L
MODERN 6-room corner upstair flat, cen
trally located. Phone Marshall 880, Main.
NEW, 5-room flat, West Side, close In, fire
place and sleeping porch; rent $35. Phone
Kiat 4'74.
5-ROOM, modern, lower flat, splendid car
service ; rent reasonable. Main 2414.
MoDERN 4-room flat, over store. $12.50.
hll Williams ave. Woodlawn 1507.
MODERN 8-room flat, walking distance.
2uuVj McMillan. C 2183-
MoDiKN 5-iooiu fiat, 5th near Jackson,
West Side; 10 mln. walk. Main or A 12L'J.
NEW 4-room Hat; furnace; 28th and E. Irv
ing. Phone East 0. B 1404.
5-ROOM flat, modern conveniences. East
loth and Ash. B 2u00.
FiVE-RoOM. steam-heated fiat, close in.
$-10. 604 Couch.
6-ROOM modern flat,
st. East 5!)0u.
Call 24 North 10th
MODERN 5-ruoin flat, sleeping porch. Ap
ply 0tl Everett, between 2ist and 22d.
TWO C-roora flats, 825 Northrup and 695
G lisan st. Phone Main 3225.
MODERN upper flat, 5 rooms. 782 Mar
shall. Inquire 772 Kearney.
FOR RENT 2 4-room furnished flats, $18.50
e:ich. Call 70S iitiimout.
FLATS Furnished flat for rent, 454 11 th
5-ROOM nicely furnished flat- all conve
niences; walking distance. 403 0th st.
MODERN 5-roora upper flat. West Side.
East 2621.
SWELL modern 6-room upper flat; adults.
7- East Yamhill. Phone East 5948.
Housekeeping Rooms.
The Upshur, 2Uth and Upshur sts.. fur
nished 2-room apt. $20. also $22.50; 3
room apt., $27.30 to :;0. This includes
steam heat, hot water, private phones,
bath, electi lc lights, gas range, laundry
room, ail free. Take a, 2 or W cars
north. NO dogs allowed.
TH E HEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec
tric Ushts, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
$13 per month up; a clean place, best in
the city for tho money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take 'S" or 16th-at
cars north, get off at Marshall at. No dogs.
THREE nicely furnished rooms for licht
housekeeping; Knst Side, central loca
tion; $10 P-f month, including water, il.
E. M-nefee. 300 RusFell st.
$1.50 TO 5 2.50 per week, clean furnished
housekeeping rooma. free heat, phone,
bath, laundry, yard. 4 0i Vancouver ave.
and 203 Stanton; U" car. Phone E. 6039.
CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished housekeep
ing rooms; central; cheap. Room, aB 44
and Morrison.