13 SATURDAY, FTTBRTTARY 10, 1913. ; nrn urcmxnro oregonian. " t .- f TO KX CHAN GET V : i KwjroDAi zrzzzzz. i 0. M'FRIDE In thla elty. February el . Bt. Vincent's Ho.p.:al. Earl fcv.rt r Bride, ,,-a . -us motui i days, be.oved " ,, i "In" Mr George McBrtde. of 14.-3 East at HENRY In thla elty. r.bnurr . at the Bf.miiy rV.td.nce. T3 Jack",Daw H.nry a-d t years, 1 month. IS day, f.io..d . of Mr and Mre. John -Hsary. Announcement of funeral later. BOLTON-At tha family residence. SO East, e. ,mi N, Feb. 9 Wealthy P. Iio:ton. aged ai ,,n. 11 anontha. Kemelne u rar'ora. Eaat th aad Alder ata Funeral announcement latar. IRISH At tha re-ld.nee la Leeta, Or Ktle Irish, aied I years. K.m.loa at Dunning A Mex.aiea paxlora Nouce of funeral later. ITNERAt. onrM. WOLF At tha famllTre.ldenc.. TS at.. HMuw a. Nathan olf- "S.0.f y.are. b.lo.ed hu.oand of tether !'. fatter f Mr. Henry C Brsnd.s. A. W ter Wolf and hroth.r of edition V olf. . r Matti.. Friends invited to attend : "' e-rvle. which will ba held at the h ra.kl.nca at 10 A. M tomorrow -"nd."; I'.oruary II. Interment H.th Israel Cem etery. Please omit flowera. rri.VOr.n-ln thi. elty February 9 Chri. I aa F. PS.g.r. ac-1 ST y.are n -pu?e rua.rel evrlc al l ba h.ld at St. ."' fi.rm.o Lutl.twa Church Ilia acd ciinloa sis-, at 1 P " day. February It Fr'.nd. i In formant Klv-rvl-w Cem.t.ry. tha rjj k.t win cat ba Ol-nrd a tha church, frlamrts desiring- to ti.w the body at Fml-ye parlore at aay tuna prior to too funeral. NKF-Al tha femllv r-eld.oce 3? ST' street Bauthe.-t. r.bru.ry a. "'J'1" N..9. axed M years. rl.ndg Invited o at, and fun.r.l .-ru which will h' at th. above rea:duee at 3 1'. M. tomorrow -hjr.1ai. F.bruary II. Interm.nt Mult ,moib Cemel.ry. KrvflvnEB-In tbla city. F-broary . at Ms lata ral1anra, 104 onaonta n, J"J Kaaalaaar. aa1 Tl yrfc 6 m or. t a tf.,a Kuncral rvlc.a wt'l ha held at tha hriatian "hur--h at tvnodiaw-n at i r. . lariay tSaeurdayl. Fri.nda lailtad. In lanr.ant Vaatouyar. WaaO. II:9I.IN .t bar homo in Fairrlaw. ea Fab. a Inraalla M. Hem. bauol wlfa of J. P. Ha u. a1 ycara. Parlcaa wl.I ba b.:d at tha Katrvl.w M E Church at 1 a cloca tomorrow Sunday). FaU U. Buxlal at Graabam. M PHIDE Tha funeral ar-lcra of Far! Fn MeBrlda. hlovad aon of Mr. and Mra Oaarr McBrMa. will bo ha'd at Holman a lunoral parlora at Z SO P. M. trtay aturday. - rTl.nda Invltad. Ia lannrat Koao City Carnal. ry. nOHERi. floral dclfo.. a Hill Florla. Its IJd and tUm. Mala Kit, A Jla-V. " jfoHtXT-Otto wniimaaa Marbla vka, tat d and Itaa tw- Ka4 1. UiuUi A alrr.ntra. laarnl Uiroctara. lib aaa) i lew. 1-booo Mala i-adf aa auiaal. tJ'acw af laanty taranar. MK. kFWAJID-HOI.wA(. tba Icadln; fw awral alnnw aad aaUcctmkcr. Ila lUid ab. nr. fraloMW. Lady aaatataat A. IL ZlUl.k to., bad WUUaoaa aaa. Pboaa Kaat loaa. C lud. adatawdaaa. . r. IIXUI IMN, id aad Madlaaa. (A4y attaudaaa I'baaa alalaB. A law. AAST HIi rsaoral Plrtaaa. an. a r aV Umaalaa. lac. fc. fti. B tA LCaX'H. I .el.f-lal.ee. rar. Eaa Aldao aa4 flita. til M laA. Idy att.aaaat. L'adVftaiJaa CawMar. d aad Clay. tdala aia. A aa. raAAAftwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww' : MT. SCOTT PARK The Cemetery Beautiful 1 I.ARC.F, PFKJIAXKtiT, " !H O K R HOR T- I. A !' M.Y NODKM1 2 rKMF.TF. BY WITH Z PKHPETIAL CAIIG of all burial rlotd without axtrm i .. f,-t . wltK a riarma lav rent lrraduclbla M a I n t n n c Fund. Location luaai; ju oui- alda tha city llmlta on north and wtt aiopea of Mount Pcott, con- talnlnp; 13a acrca. equipped wlta w arr modern convenience. pRirn to siiT-ALt. a.-MVIi'K T 11 K BKT. tlK Mll.Fi ITH Or" l.KNT. It K . I" I. A K A I T OMOUII K aKHV ICK FRKK II" fBKK.1 1. K T a A JU TUB tk.XKTtR. II CTTT OFFICE. :-! Trnt nriLPiNfl main' ::. a tm. C E M E T K H Y Ot't lO, TABOR H'MK FIIONE JUNO BUi. Viil-N CAU. i-OCAi. 4iOU (a, UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS rtt ?K Isn MAT 1 UAH VX PKt AriSO Y.'l-R CUKKa AT TUB OKbl iTSS''5 TP. Tr TrO. TO a .Oi il'J. l. alT, :. -T. "- r !, T3. T9, TT4. T. T. Tl V. Tdt TTl. IT. Tt, Tl. Ta. TSd. TS. Fclr. T. THT r70t. 7ii. TH. 164. Tai. Ttd. TwT. Tt. rrt ta t-t O IM. T7. Ti-T. T. tM. yMt Til: !. . TM. TT-i. 74. T-4. I6. T. T. M-7Ji TTl. TTS. TT. T". wT5. TT4. t;t. t:. jal. Jja. Tll. TM, T5. W "4. TTt, r na. r. Tir. tm. l. i. 161. TT4. TTl TT iao 154- H T:. T44. TV Ttld TTli"'?-.. T 3 r Tl. 74. TTS. TTA. T at. VZl 1 .1. TT. T-. TT4, TT. T4. T-A W 7?i TiO. T6U TTX Tie, Til. T. TST. X-'ilio. T4T. TT4. TSO. IM. Tt. T8. T9A. T-T4. TSS, TT. aCO. SS. S. MU IU AltL.f"-TT. ToA. TT0.TT4. TTG. TS3, T.d. C TO. T T. TTa. To. 7an. 751. AI 7l 7- T74. T-l. T-. . il:.7-'7: T74: TTl" T7:,1- TM. T T1J. TS5. TU TTl. T74 T. T.V TST. Tt Air-T. T4. T. TdO. 7T4. TTa. TT. Tal. A4 7J. TM. I. TTS. TTT. TM. TST A K 774. TTA. TM. 7i. 70. Tl. .VI Ali !. T7i. T77. T. T. 7 .'., THI. . 7. Ti. 7. TTl. T7-J. T7a. 74-M-IS T4S. T7, TTT. T.l. Tl A,V-Ti- T1. T43. T. Tn.V T. T4 AP T4i. T.-a ".:. T7tl. TS'l. Tt. kvI.S7U Til'. T4. T-d. V VV.tVT,TLt. ill. IK 7-"-1. T42. T71. TTS. TS1. A?5?;V:rt. TM. T. TTX TTS, TTV TTT. TT. TiO. TSi. T-.4. T7. T-9..TU3. ifaboae tnmrt are not railed for wlthla atl da. aama wl:l ba daatmyad. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES q I LTBw . .......aa)aa.eaa ltO MM ad tww'iaa.arntl.a Umew tlo Mna ad thraa rwaaarotl.a tlmea..... Swan ad als or aaaaa roaaarnUra Unarw. . aao Rrmlliaaraai taaat aaraoipany awt-af-taam ale word, roaut aa aai. Una M ca.U al arriliwaraia aad aa ad roamed for leaa tbaa lo Uaea. lia rbar(a or awok adTerUaraaeirla the rkarxa will bo booed am too actual autnhor f 1 1 aaa apprwrtns la the paper, resardicwa af tbw loulier af wwrtla la each Una. la N'.w Today all adrartta.'moata are rharajad by taeavaura aaly. 14 Uaea 14) Ua lach. Tha ahare ralea apply a edyortlaomewte -Naw Touay" and all alber claaatflaa lioj. eacrpilor the fuUuwtnai Mlaa'loaa V anted. Male. aitsauoae M aalrd. 1 rraala. trroajualaa wUI arrrpt elaaolfled adWrrtlwa. aut. e.ar th wlcplioao. pco.lillnr the ad errttaor I eaiMrriuoc to either phoaa. No Brieve wtU e quoted aer the pboae, bu till wtll ba reodered tha fnllnwksa; day. U bother aoaoequral adiertlwmcnla wlU ba arrowted oyer 1.10 pboae alepoad. upa the prmnpiaeaa of the pawieot a) telepbuae ad nellMamn. Mtaalioao aalad aad I er M aaUertlaenarata will aot be aorrulew aaer the lelrpboae. tlruera far oao laaer lina aalr will bo aawrpted far -lloaaoa for aViat." "FarBitura for aalo." -raln p annaaltWa." -H..wH.-lloaaew" aad Vaa. rd to KeaU" OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY omrn riTT hi.i.. Mai . a tms. Ill MAN C Of 1 11-IK. xeriMOl Crala. K.allen-.. 7 4 K. Ill " i-aat 47 IV. R i ruacrlr Rea Jd Waac I1:, tv. O. Katoa. Raa. T t l"la rl I7i- Horaa Ainsciaiica. A Slul. Pr. Ex. A Is" ah La. ttundara aad iioadajA A, iJ; Pr. Xjl. 4V XraaA T, w w w 4 w Y Al Theata riIlilL.10 Ttn T.yi FHOXE: fall 1 and A peelal Price lat Ttma Matlaee 1:1 Tealrbt t:lt Tbe Mualeal Comedy Buooaaa "THI! BED KOE ZOS BARXtTT and SPL.F.NDID APT Thla ail.rnoooU.wer floor. 11 to-n S1.B. T rowa U Waleony. 11 rowa, Ta, 11 rowa Ito. Oallerr. Ita. lie Tonlifht Lo.r floor. 11 ' row. U40. Balcony. rowa Si. S rowa TKs. 11 row. joe. 0JLVv KEATS NOW B 2:lXI NO. HEILIG S" aad Taylor. PHONES: Main 1 and A 1151 4 S.. TOMORROW Special Prloa Matinaa Wednaadar THE ABORM OPERA COMTA3Tt , In a opee'acular Produrtloa of Balfe'a Uil Opera auocaaa "THE BOHEMIAN GIRL" Excellent Caat. Aumented Oreheatra. Eyentnra Uwar floor. 11 rvwa SI. T rowa in. Halcony. rowa IU rowa 7c 11 rowa iixs. Oallary. SOo. We-lnaaday matinee lower ?f SI 10 II. Tlaleony. 11 rowa. TBoi 11 rowa Se. Gallery. . 5- BAKER V?V" oao. U Faker. Mf. Mat. todsT La ttrre tonliht. -THE KOSIRY." The rra at Nw York. chl-o and Tloaton gncee.a. tlko tbe aonr and tb. pom t will lira fi.roy.r. Company. production, elactrtral elT-ctA ata aattlnn and eoa tumM bayond ecmparuion. Evenlne P"ra: I.Vx SOc Tio, Sl; -at Mat.. 3ie.t0- AiTbaker theater AU ext Weak. Martina; Teaaee wr a !:. GREATEST NATURAL KOTION PICTURES IN THE WORLD Ctuttlaawna AfTrraoaaa aad tvealaga. The Great Heinsniidt Films Takes la Alaaka. Siberia aad tha Arctic Wonderful, thrllllre;. aen.atlonal. mus- Ina: and hlRhly Inatructlra. fihowlna; evervthlng of lntereat In tha Frozen Sorth anlmaia. bird, huira flah, Ksklmoa. Keto tka Price 23 Oaljt Cklld a 13. matw a. A lata MATINEE MIST DAT X&W w iv 'fill THEATER a---ni WEEK FFB. B Poochofa Flyn Balled, the Act Iveautlfnl; Jullaa Taanea, W llf rew ( lark. 41 Co.. Aftomhana aad onanatel Ida -oy Co, AluSord aad Coaio, I brae ltoolrya. a AflTlhL& DAJLX WEEK FTT. S Tbe Fir Fear. To adrtie rew a Nereillee, The Abroo. Flyna A Me lAuchlla. The Itarbee-HllI Company, Tbe International Ore nd Opera Quartet. Pan. tacre rcbeotra, pawtaiteacepa. lioara aad fl rt row balcony reoered. Matlaea Every Day. itmpress S' f it Solllraa A Canaldlaa ' W Keflned Vaadoy'.IIA WETK FEB. o Metaettl Troope , A. ( arll.le'a Ihiar Paa temlme Co. aad Poay lr rai. Mr. aad Mra. J. J. IMwIlnc. Ollle Touna; aad April, t'aiae aad Odura. tlrlrlnai Iexaa Tommy" Uaaorra, oeorgla. Prlcca ISO, ti. LYRIC THE ATT FA ror SITU A MJ el AUK ALL. THIS WEEK, WEEK FEB. I Jakay. Mlkcy aad I bey. Friday nl(ht. Cboraa t-lrle" too toot. Two pevforanaacea alrhtly. TiS aad :IS. low aad Sic Mallnea dally, t aay aeat IS. Next 4eedt -Aa Amertcaa Prtuca.A' BUNGALOW T H E XT R Marrlaoa aad IStk ata Mint, atartlnc Wedaeeday. Matlaea eer aftrraooa a4 l:Mi eenlaa and a. t- 1 ri uy , n gna ii ' - Ht I.IJHMrt.IXi a real lia etaer. Hron.-ho Huatlna aad Trick ltopln. Includln. SowO feel of tb. ISlt crieyanna Frontier t'ay Cel. ehralloa. prlcaa: Evenlnd. I6oi eblldr.a 14a. llaliniM, lie: cblldr.n 10. MISS ALICE JUSTIN With Tka Dadlry Back Cwaewrt Cat. af Baataav, Prase n ting- "A MUSICAL REVIEW" (Caat of FTa) WILL AFFKAR OXE .TIGHT OSIT, ItBHIAKI 13. AT THE CF.XT1UL C1IRJ9T1AW CHIRCH, tUtmt Twaatletk aad Salaaoa St a. LADIt: Ql'AKTfc-T. A3m!"lon Only BOc. Tlckats on Ele at .. S'ler an. 'Iy an t J K HiM'a yr.w too at. Tka ana BEdT plaea in Forttaaa to . OEOGllAPHICAL. CINIA.K aad MuflT DklslKAili-Ai loaldaaoa iraoarv at toe city. IECI.NU 19 BEBTIJIO PrlTTKrl Jo aad aaa tha a ay CMOICB raa. escoe under conatraeUea aad tka . (.reaaaaeaiA oiu ea. Ilia 0rB3 Seal Eslata Ccmpaiij CWAXn AVB. AMP mJt.TttOAH T. WILL TRADE nice elirt-. t-room houae and SOzlOS lot In tha nlceat part of Foreat drove for Portland property clear ,of encum brance. FOR SALE nice tn-acr tract cloao to Forest drove; four-room bouaa, ml barn: ail kinds of fruit on place. Price I Hi J. Addresa. ' F. VERIIOETVEX, Ferret Urarr, Or. Irvington Snap Nw, modern, ilfhtrroom house, attlo, four bedrooms, two slaeptDtr-porches; lot 60x100; paved street; worth 17500. now li.oo; 11000 down nd 40 per month for quick Sale by owner, 01 K. ISth st near Thompson- Phono Et 4S. Four Acres Laval ground; S:t feet O.-W. R. X. tracJts;e; In city; $11,000; terms; com mlaalon to arenta. AP 01. OreMronlon. MORTGAGE LOANS On Business and Kealdonca Property. awlW C. . EVICUliTT, 7 oa7 C. D. IIKOSUS, XJ I KJ did Hoard ef I n trade Oder. MORTGAGE LOANS CtTT JOHN E. CRONAN, HO J JO aj Spaldlaej Bids. in a.t. v. w Holladay's Addition EUGENE Tho best and busiest elty in tha Stat cf Oregon ontaid of Port land. Five New Railroads coming here aa faat as men can build them. Finest land in the Willamette Valley, at prices less than you would expect. TO EXCHANGE 400 aores, not far from Eugene, at $35 per acre. About 100 acres finest kind of bottom land on the beautiful "Willamette River, bal ance hill land with fine lot of tim ber and wood ; 2Vfc milos from town on railroad; schoolhouse in eight. Will trade for Portland property up to SS000, balance oaah or terms. For particulars soe our Mr. Rod man at the Imperial Hotel, next Saturday, or write THE JACK RODMAN COMPANY U E. Eighth St., Eugene, Orogon. We Will Buy Stump Land We have a wealthy client who has left it to ue to pick him out 300 to 500 acres of first-class stump land. He wishes it as an investment and will buy immediately. Wo will investigate anything that looks good. Now is your chance to sell. C. F. SMITH & SON. 210 Railway Exchange. A 4315. Marshall 2672. Milwaukie . Home Four larffe rooms, new, modern; elec trlo llg-hts: full baement, Kood plumb Ins, laundry trays; built-in china closet with leadod plate glaaa and mir ror; large, sltchtly corner, 100x150. with plenty of bearlnff fruit and nut trees; in fact a lovely home. MUST BE SOLD AT OSCB. B. C Prleetley, did Drknra B1I-. (UU.lt. Mk.HRIOl.fcJ at THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, S34 erroeter Ulock. Pboae Mala MJ SEAL ESTATE PfAtrKS. SKUBAKER BENEDICT. 60S McKay blUff. kl. oaa. Back. William O., S1K-81S Falllnf bids. Chapln A Harlow, S32 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. 8. A Co., 608 Corbett bids. J.nnlni. A Co. Main IS. 2uS Oreoalan. PAI.Mfc-K-JONES CO., H. P.. 4l4OO-0 Wllcok bids. Tb. Or.con Kaal Eatata Co Orand ava. at Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition). REAL F-aTATB. For oalo Lota. aOMETniNO new In Fooe City Park. Two fine, level Ida for eae on eaay term a, (10 down. 10 par month; streets traded and cement aldewalka all completed. In eluded la purchase price. AO T7&, Ore- Sonlan. llEAVTlFL'L. HUMS ACRE. SidtA CAnii. I will aai! you thla beautiful traet, with (raded eiraeui, anlawalkA water all la and paid, for 11M; rlcb roll; will pro duce 100 aacka potatoea: 4 blncka from etreetcar; would a!ao build your houae onea.y term a. W TSS. Orefonlan. HUUI A.N- I'll t-a. r mm d lota, on comer IB. ISth and Rolmaa eta., Ha'XloO. corner, for (1000: or eorner lot 30, lnalde lola 490 each; eheapaat lota la the city. SIS Board of Trade bids- 4th and Oak. BEAUTIFUL law lota on eouthern alopa, . near Council Creat. fiWlO and up. laeludine; caiuent aldewalka. curba. sraded etraeta aud wat.r; buildin4T reatrlctloua: aold on eaay terma. provident Truat Company, 201. SiX Sud Board of Trade, Matshall 43, A lOUX WALNUT PAJvK. la the moat baautlful treat In thla elty to build aood houiea; situated on the blsh eet point on the I'aMnaule. Take a U ear and sal o!t at Wllllama and Kllllnra wcrth aanuea aiid cuina to our Central OHice. Will be plvaead to ihow yen. WAUNLT PAKK. In a reetrlctad diatrlot. all atreeU and crnaa anroeta are hard-eurf aoed. Central errice cornur KilllnHaworth and Williams avenuea. Take a U car at Aider and 8d and coma to tha and af that line. Be (lad to show you. TO cloae out addition owner offers a bunch of W Iota at a bis dlaoeunti It takee S'JSOO to swine deal or can aoll In atnaller bunebee. If neeeeaary: addition haa llull Xun water, la juat ouUlde city lliulu. AP ToT. Oraionlan. CUOSB-iN APARTMENT SITE. I will aell my IIWxlOO lot on East lTth street, between Morriaon and Belmont; will snake a baraaln prlea for a quick sal.. w. O. Waddel. IDS Luxabar Ex chanra. X1CE lot. 1 block to caxllna; cement alde walka and eurba. srad.d atreeta aud water all paid: 940 down, balance $14 per month. Lota eelllnf for - more adjoinlns my lot. Call for Mr, Jonee. Main oil J. No. asenla. (10 DOWN 419 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, fo otnoted diatrlot. near car: cement walk and ourb. Bull Kim water. provldect Truat company 2uL, S02. 301 Board of Trade. Maraha.l 47. A 102a LADD'a ADDITION. BOX ITS, on Holly au, facing eotith: a fine location near Hawthorne ava. Prloe SS1S0. half caah. BTHONr, 4k CO. (Inc.), 60J Concord bid.. AuthorUed aganta for Ladd'a Addition. TWO LOTS FOR SALE. 100-xir)o, juat off Sandy road, rrontlne- en a county road. 100-fc from rarllne: walks In, water under rreesure; (2 -o caah. vary eaay torma M Tl4, Qresenlan. ONI ACRK. I have an equity In aa Aaeet acre thai I will ee.il for Juat what I have paid Inl (160 to handle. (10 par month. Addraos AC TBS Oreaonlan. a h.autllul hoiuee and hom.altea. all views, Inratlona and prlcaa; oan ault you. Main (SSI. 11KJOK.E, A (A3 a S L Nolr A Co.. for Weet Side property. Kxeluslve dealera In West bide realty, S3- T- chamber of Commerce. 110 DOWN, te a month; (OilrtO lota, re- strtetad diatrlot; Unprevemenu In; (Sou. 4o4 Yeoa bids (40"LOTS 41x100 on Improved at... cement walks; thla la a forced sale. Phone V. ood- lawn Si-u. BARGAIN Lot faelna; east, hlh, sightly, near Una homes: test -d and Alameda. SJS T-'on bldg. Main 11a, A T46d. BACHle'WbV l(V-vlOO, In oholce.t MOUuD of Portland Heishta; bus'nwis compels owner to sell at onca AD 777. Oresunlan. ilTuiTX In fine LaureUiuxat loli tawcala tor cavsh. Tabor SlvT. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PERFECT SITE. L.rel, sunny alia, containing i f -- folly Improved diatrlot. close In. on jowor helshts, 113 feel frontase. 14-foot alley to rear, ana treee, masnlHoent city new. choloe nelshborhood. 4 Main 8S.M. BROOKSS. A S83U. LACRELHUK3T equity la four lota; a bar saln. TeL B 1077. For Sale Uouaea. Rave yem had suoh an opportunity ee sat a daady little homo ON TERMS at LESS THAN CASH VAX.TJB. Modern (-room house, bath, eleotrlo ttfht phone, larse cloaeta. Bull Run wa ter, two full lota each 40x128 with alley In rear, ffarden. chicken-house, rosea, fruit, etc; price (2400; reasonable payment down, balance (1( per montb ; no ajrenta. Call Saturday or Bunday. Phone Tabor lltft. III. Soott ear to Tremont Station. Qo 1 H blocks waac Mr. Cooper, S7(( (th ava 8. E. 18H ACRES OF FIRST-CLASS OARDEST LAND. (4 mllea from Portland and adjoinlns; a aood town on the Willamette River. This la all firet-elaee black loamy aoll that will raise anythlns. no rocks or jravel. lies level, all In cultivation, aood family or chard, fine well of water, fair 6-room house, barn. Ilea on the main county road and al-out 5 blocka from tha river. Price only (3100 for a Quick aale; (2000 oaah, balance lone time. DaVOTNO JOHNSON. SI 4 Chamber of Commerce bids'. LAUBELHORST HOME. Cm account of business chanra am compelled to offer my home for eala. it la a full two-etory houae, rooms ana eleoplns-POroh. has hardwood floors down ataira. beautifully flnlahed throughout, beamed cellins. fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays and furnace ana expenelve eleclrlo nxturee and ahadeai aratts In the rear of tbe house, with ce ment run to street; one block to ear; must be aeon to be appreciated: price s.,.o. and terma can ba arranged. 12S Union ava. Phone Eaat 821. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. An attractive, modern, practically new, two-etory houae. rooms. with sleep. n porch, larse living-room, with flreplace upstairs and bultot kltehen. white enamel: full basement,, with fur nace. Rudd area heater: offered for aale at a very reasonable prloa. Inquire owner. Main S329 or ilaln 4, LOOK OVER TOUR RENT RECEIPTS, That (300 you paid tha land.ord wouia have given you aa equity In a home. New. modern l-room house, facing on the Tennis Club grounds. In the can tor ot Portland's most exclualva residence dis trict; furnace, S tlreplaoea, beautiful wood work! oak floors, sunroom. slesplng porcn and billiard-room; complete In every de tail. Including lighting fixtures and shades: lot T.ixlOO feet. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox Bids. MR. LOT OWNER I HERE IS TOUR CHANTS TO IM PROVE TOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME FLAT Cm APARTMENT; WILL, FINANCE IT A. A LOW KATE OF IN TEREST. PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE Ud. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC.. CONTRACT INO ARCHITECTS, 824 ABINGTON BLD. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW HAWTHORNS DISTRICT FRICS (3000; (li50 CASH. BALANCE 20 PER MONTIL Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases and Dutoh kitchen; a dandy buffet, full basement and wash trays; only a couple of blocka from Hawthorne ave. and on a dandy high lot. east facing. Phona Tabor Swell or call 1264 Hawthorne ave. BIO SNAP, IRVINGTON. Fires modern t-room house, doubly con etruoted. hardwood floora. aleeplng porch and all other latest conveniences, lot 50x 100:. east front, on East 20th St., near Knott. Price only (50OO, for cjulok aale; worth (0000. ORrSST A BOLDS. SIS Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. (100 DOWN. IK PER MONTH. Dandy 4 -room modern bungalow, grounds (0x110 with allay: fruit, roeea. Bull Run water, eleotrlo lights, chicken-house. 1 blocks to car; no agents. See Mr. Cooper, 1434 Yeoa bldg.. or phone Cooper, Main 171 week day a Phone Tabor 1(00 even ings or Sunday. HERE IT IS. Two-thirds of an acre. 5-room house, running water piped In the house; 3 blocka from station; within 13 mlnutee of center of the city, on the Weat tide. ('-'250. Easy terma Provident Trust Company. 301. Jo.'. 203 Board of Trade DlUK. . . 1 1 1 . ' i - w. - " yo R SALE A new T-room modern bunga low, on two good-aimed lots; H block streetcar: 20 minutes car ride from Morrl-aon-st. bridge; a new barn and chicken, houae on rear of lots; (HoO down and .i( per month; prico (Oiloo. This is my home. WHIPPLE, 124 Chamber of Commerce, Tabor ld22. NEW t-room colonial home with two sleep ing porchea hardwood floors, two toilets and all modern conveniencee. in choicest section of Hawthorne ave. district; oorner lot TdxST. commanding beautiful view of West bide, Sid East 2Mb. cor. Stepueua Phone B 1812. Price 13.o00 HOLLADAY RESIDENCE. A bandaomcly appointed home, on oor ner, lOoxlOo feet, facing south and eaat; saved etreelx, garage; price (17.300. II. P. PALMER-J ON ES CO-. 404 Wilcox Bldg. FKKE tent with eech ouxiou lot. J-O down, ?10 monthly; no Interest, no taxea. lnelud ng improvements, oemenl walks, ourba. Bull Uua water. SO mlnutee out: rapidly advancing district. Address AT TBo. ure- gonlan. , " ' LAUREL1IUUST HOUSES. We are agents for all the good houeee In this uletrtcc aee us fur loweat prices. Office "n ground. Phone East ". DtLAHUMT A CLEMENTS. Jth and Eaat Ollaan btx. ACCOUNT sickness Beautiful bungalow, 11(1 lvoa otreet, Rlchmund. select neigh borhood, paved district, cheap unincum bered lot accepted part payment; intesil gate Immediately. Owner, lolo Grand ava. Kiortli. POR SALE by owner. Ana home, modern In every reaped; eaay walking dlatanee and In restricted district; hard-surface pave ment and all Improvements In: owner lour ing elty; a bargain lor someons. AF 7i7. Oreyonian. SEE OWNER. FOR THIS l-KOOM BUNGALOW, la Beaumont; just finished, everything com plete and modern. Just what you are look ing for; ISix-'O. w. C Carpenur. Tabor 2J-JS. BEST HOME. IRVINGTON. 10 rooms, finished oak. will satisfy most exacting, corner, VOxlOO, choice location. C leOd. East ST. OWNfc.R, W. H- HE RDM AN. FOR SALE New (-room cottage, bathroom and pantry all ready for plaster; lot box 100. Price 77i If sold at onoe. Take Mu Scott car get off at Gray's Crossing, ask for Beard at Howes' store. AloDKUN T-room residence In Waverlelglv, S w. corner, SSxloo; street paved, beau tiful view, fruit trees, lawn and shrub bery: terms or cash. S04 Ellsworth. sir (500 equity In lot and 4-room ; must be disposed of at once: (200 lll take It bee my agent. W. EL T-. 43T Chamber of Commerce. IRVINQTON -Elegant new realdence, g'rloU ly modern, two baUia sleeping porch, srage; on 3'-d t-t near Tillamook, 85 Teon bldg. Phone Main 112, A T4ftd. (so CASH, bal, like rent, 6-room, modorn houae, a St blocks Mount Scott oar, 85 mln utea out, snap (l8."-0. HIGLr.T A PiBiiur, a.is in i rtij or. IRVINGTON New bungalow, rooms and large attlo, atrlctiy modern. 14700, Includ ing all assessments, easy terms. 823 Xeoa ing aii o .3. .. , - - . bids. Phone Main 112. A T4r0. (400 ALL CASH (400. New l-room cottage, plastered; concrete foundation; lot SixlOO; Ry, Addition. Fred W. Gorman, or nui im. m tim. SEH! La Nolr A Co. for West Side homes. Exclusive dealers In West Bide homes. .... . -1. t. . nf rcra mMrcA. BJ J-1 -e V- on,'.".- - at a sacrifice, new 6-room modem house, email payment down, balance (16.75 pet . . . . ev,A llAK m on i. ii. v.. . FIVE-ROOM bunsalow, beautifully finished. , . i - -. . i 1 1- ' avtrvthln. mnriern. lASH, 10 pr month nt, pfttnUd w . 1arn ParU ,.0 H IOI.E msHOP. 13 THIRD BT. GOOD T-roora hous oorner 3th and East Pevls sta (S900; good terms. Vanduya s Walton. (15 Chamber Com. -ROOM bungalow In Sunnyxlda, two blocks from car. 2o E. Sdth at- NICU S-room home for aalA (kd Montgom. ery St. Main T841. FIVE houses. In different locations. (2100 to I4S00: no agent. Woodlawa 1400. ' KSOO cor. bunsalow. Ill for king. WWl; home broken: terms. Owner. Wood). 2.1A FINELY flnlahed 8-room house at cost It aoAd tola wees, uvnwj ewwr. wi, nUSC.3 Vl DA?l a . . Modern bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, fireplace. bookcases, platerall. Dutch i kitchen, lot 65i90. (2500; small cash pay ment; balance to ault. 8-room bungalow, a trie try modern, for naoe, fireplace, buffet, bookcasea. hard wood floors, gas. electricity; good view, Koae City Park, olose to car; all street Improvements paid; (3800 and up. OLMSTBAD PARK. B-roem bungalow. 80x5S. on lot BOxll, double conetnicted and built for a home; living-room 18x30. with fine fireplace; 2 largo, airy bedrooms on first floor: large dining-room and Dutch kitchen: elegant eiectrlo fixtures and entire houae taste fully tinted: full cement basement and very large furnace, (5S00; easy payments. We have several t-room homes, with all modem conveniences; furnace, flrep.aoe. hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen. These are first-class In every de tail. (3T50 and up. OLMSTEAD PARK. rooms and sleeping-porch: full two story; bllllard-room can be finished in at tlo; very large living-room and dining room, beamed and paneled; built-in booK cases, buffet, fireplace; Dutch kitchen. The flnlih Is extra good and above the or dinary. Full cement basement and nne large furnace. 8 blocka to Broadway car. (7000; small payment and easy terma Large 8-room home at Ml Tabor: excel lent view of the whole olty; modem con veniences: lot 80x185: large mature Royal Anne cherry trees; beautiful lawn, roses, eta (.'.000; (.".00 cash, balance terms. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. SOL, 202. 203 Board of Trade Bids, Marshall 478, A 1022. I'll os r t : " t : v ?. builders read. Ths meat In the cocoanut. We save yon time and money. Whyf We are "pert homebulldera We don't guess at It, wo know how. We give you a year guaran tee. Come In and talk over that new home with us. and be convinced that we save you time and money. You re are with us. We csn plan and bnlld It abso lutely right. We smlet In financing It, too. BUTTER WORTH -ST EPH ENfciON CCC. INC. ARC UTS. A BLDRS.. 707 COUCH BLDG, IRVINGTON. New, attractive house of S rooms, recep tion hall and den In best part of Irvington, en Eaat 22d St.". all modern conveniencee; hardwood floora. fireplace, aleeplng poron, attlo; lot fK'xlOO; Improvements paid; a snap at (d-l'io. J2H0 cash. KAUFFMANN MOORE, 825 Lumbar Exchange, FARM WANTED. YAMHILL COUNTY. Wanted, from 45 to bo acres: must be more than half clear, with bullrtlnga, con venlent for dairying and general farm In ir. Bee or write H. G. Doddridge, Stt Cham, of Com. . HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. (300 CASH. T rooms; built-in buffet, bookcases, fur nace, fireplace; price (3S0O. National Realty A Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Phone Main 6138. ONE acre tract with a 6-room modem house, on a good carllne; fare only 16 cents round Trip; water and sidewalks In and fiald for; located Just beyond city 11m-la- price (2-75, payments only (25 per month. N ivv, urogoiuRo. AN opportunity to buy 4-room house for (1800 at 118 per month Including lntereat; this house Is new, modern, good location; make your own torms. Call A 7374. noyer. UNUSUAL, bargain, 4-room modern house, fine lot, close to carllne; fine locality. Price (170O; easy terms, (17 per month. Call for Mr. Jones, Main 6719. No agents. Vr500. ull corner lot, best East Bide district, hew and modem; easy terma AD 778, Oregonlan. FOR BALE) CHEAP. I17BA buva 6-room house. 4 lots at B23S 8th st. S. E., ( blocks , south of Arleta station. CHOICE LOCATION. ROSE CITY PARK, 6-room bungalow, convenient In every way. 400 E. 62d St. N. See owner 4 o clock week aay. ano. mi u.jr ouowy. (200 DOWN, balance (30 per month, Just iiir. rant, buva swell bungalow, close in on East Side; this la a snap. Phone owner IS IT S3. ARE you looking for a bargain In a 8-room hnn... modern, fine location; (1.100; your own terms. Call Main 6719 and ask for A. Smith. FOR SALE1 l-room house, with furniture, (350 cash; 4M In monthly payments. Ab TSS oregoman. MY Walnut Park home; strictly modern; would consia below value. would consider part trade; moving: (1000 3 lo4 Honney ave. j una. g57r,0 oro0m houae on Broadway, west of 15th St.; must soil, easy terms. Miller. 41d Chamber or commerce. (30OO WlLLhand!e a closo-ln West Side home and food farm f or sala. Mala P00a. For Bale Bnelneee Property. GOOD buslners lot on E 11th St.. near Haw. thome. Beals A Robinson, sui n am su. K Bo '3. Foe Sale Homesteads. TWO homesteads In Douglas Co., olose to town, echool and neighbore; ",000.000 to 3 HH,000 ft. of fir and cedar on eaoh, springs and creeks, 75 to 100 acres of farming land when cleared. Nlmmo, Kuney ft t-o.. nmuuwnivii. FOR SALE 160-acre homestead, (4 acres woodland. 80 acres plow land, 1 dwellings. J 4-room. 1 (-room: excellent fruit land; S miles from Lylo, Wash. Moderate price. Address ownsrs, 11 W. (th St., The Dalles, ur. RELINQUISHMENT of heavy timber claim, T Bno.OCO beautiful fir. on waxon road. 8 miles Irora main line 8. F. 813 Marquam Diug WANTED Party to take homestead next to mine; not much money required. T 703, Oresonlnn. For Pale -Acreage. WE OWN THE LAND, and therefore can make you terma to suit. Our irrigated land at West Slayton (on the Woodburn-Sprlngfleld branch of the 8. P.) Is selling like hoicakes; don't wait till too late, but see Mr. DoddrldKO (Remember the name with tha big X) at 8v Ch. of Com. bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY IRR. LAND CO. CHOICT" ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland; rich walnut, frail end garden land; only small cash pay ment. balance pays for Itself In products now on the lecd, which we nocept and are the only people making this llneral offer, F1RLANO TRUST COMPANY, ud SpaldUaV Bids. HOUSB AND HALF ACRE) FOR RALE. Fronting on Sandy road; full half acre, heat soil, raw D-roora house, barn and chlrken-hnuse; 80-foot boulevard, cement salkA water under pressure, hot and cold water, sunltary bath and toilet, close to streetcar; exceptionally easy terma M 7 U5, Oregonian SIX ACRES. BF..ST AND RICHBST LAND In Oresou; not a atick or .stone on It; plowed; well drained and Irrigated; H mile from railroad statlun; 3 hours from Portland, best for onions, celery, cabbage, berries, etc. I will forfeit (100 If mlsrepre. santsd; part cash. 812 Couch Hldg.. 10 4 th H t, CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCH near Portland: a NEW KUBDIVlbluN. Lowest prices! beat soli; fine view; wood, water and roads; 8 acres, (404 per tract; 10 A., (300; 20 A., 00; 40 A.. SUMO; 80 A., (-(00: 180 A.. (SO00; liberal terms. FRANK M'FAKLAND REALTY CO., 3uy Yeon bldff.. Portland. Or. (0 ACRES, I 1-1 miles to eiectrlo and store, 14 mliss center of Portland, In cultl atlon, (4000 worth of wood stumpago; Ia!j03, and the wood will pay for the place; (2000 will handle. See my attor ney w. Thresher. 4ST Chamber of Commerce, Portland. " " " ACRE TRACTS. Beyond a doubt this Is the traet you want; close to carllne aad only (llSOv with water and sidewalks paid for; fine soil terms easy, xcu can reauce your T V...1. T TWO i- living esycuew " ' goulan. Ore- SACRIFICE 5 ACRES. CLOSE IN, - ON EAST SIDE OWNER FORCED BY 171 luck to sell; price (300U; vslue much more. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TE'J acres beaverdam land, under lrrlga. lion and ready for crop; best for onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoes, etc.; river and rail transportation; nothing bettor anywhere: tow pnc. muu. nmj moui. Investigate. 512 Couch lliig., 101) 4th St. I XCRE3, 80 rods from Portland graded street and water. Joins (looo land; HioQ If taken soon; no rock; fine soil; 11500 will handle. W. E. Thresher. 4T Cham ber of Commerce. Portland, 10 OR 20 acres logged-ofT land, mile from Yacolt, Wash.; good soil, fuel, brook; (45 an acre; terms; also 120-aore homestead. 40 tl.laute, mi-e iroiu .lawun, fi-j. Wm. lrle, 881 E. 8th, Portland. i""o s AND 6-acre tracts, close in, suburban properly; good eiectrlo car service,; (Hm) to (400 per acre; easy terms. J. W. Hef ferlin Realty Co.. 4U Corbett bldg. FIVE aores, highly Improved home, with or chard, city limits Vancouver, on carllne; worth (WO; must raise (3000 caah; will s!l for (rtooO. Owner. 30s Anlngton bldg. ACREAGE and farms, largs and small tracts. Call Kinney Stampfar. 531.2 Lumbar Exchange diqk. FIVE acres, witnin aw roo wij ...,... jess loan nail " -' - , J 1 " c - I JteidVAt. .W, fir Th usher. 431. C, ox, C, i ACRBAGB ON FOURTH-STREET ELECTRIC. 1. 9. B and 10-aere tracts In the Tualatin Valley, Just west of Coun cil Crest, the very richest of soli road along every tract and with the electrifying of Fourth-street line, which passes through the very cen ter of our platting, you are certain of rapid Increase, both In values and development- Sold on montniy Installments. Office open until 8 P. M. THB SHAW-FEAR CO, 103 Fourth St. Main 85. . A S500. TEN ACRE3, TIMBER LAND. On good county road, near Portland and electric lines; plenty water black so I. near school and river; cordwood should ray for olearlng; (100. monthly payments. Examine plate and abstract of title any PACIFIC N-W DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. 403 Couch bldg. 6. 10 AND 20-acre tracts, Improved and un llmproved. near railroad and eiectrlo lines, suitable for fruit, gardening or poultry, at low prices and easy terms. TV e have some special barpalns and guarantee every piece as repreeentcd. PALMER BROS., 812 Couch Bldg. I HAVE three acres and will sell very reasonably any one of them. The right party can make his own terma The soil la A No. 1 and electric car Is close and there Is a good board walk. I need the money. Phone Marshall 2430 after 6 P. M.. or Sunday morauig. M 7U3, Orego nlan. . - STATE LAND. Less than preaent state price. 1B0 acres, Sti miles from town of BOOO: origins, ly bought for platting: (10 will handle this another payment 30 days, balance (U0 per year to state. It you mesn business call and see owner, Mr. Conway, ll-X Yeon bldg. ; , ' SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY 22 u. acres, 14 miles from Portland, main line two R. R. : 10 bearing orchard, which will return 51500 this season; 7,, culti vated, rest timber; JS00O cash. Call 5 P. 1B3 X rout I HAVE an acre In Porkrose on Shaver St., for (1160. easy terms and close to car llne: all city improvements paid. Phone Ta'or 2297 after 6 P. M. Ask for Mr. Nottingham FOR SALE 6 acres, & miles east of the, Postofflce, splendidly located; price (600 pur acre, worth much more. Apply O 11. Oregonian Ik ACRES. Just outside city; P n.S'.er?k' trees; mile to 5c fare; much less than value. See agent, W. I-. - lie. ACRES H mile to 6c fare; spring and creok; make offer. 437 C. of C. ror bale Fruit L. mrte. 84 ACRES WHITE SALMON 80 ACRES. 4 miles from White Salmon, Wash.; finest kind of fruit land, unimproved, can bo subdivided; good spring of water, fine view, located In well developed sec tion; (6000; easy terma AP 79, Ore gonian GRAPEFRUIT and orange grovea for Bale In the center of Redland. Dade County, Florida; also some of the best unimproved land: eosy terms. J. M. Bauer, postmast er, rteaiana, r iu. -T. Yl YT-x,T-T T T f T? C U A R D fl REPRESENTATIVE G. R- KAISER, AT rlUir-JU i-Ar.inv FOR SALE 80 acres, splendid fruit land, 88 acres planted to apples. Just coming Into bearing; (12,0O0JO 724. Oregonian. (SO ACRE Irrigated fruit land. Apply owner, two w iico. ome. For Sule Farins- 65-ACRE FARM. 114 miles from Sherwood. 25 acres m cultivation. Hi In orchard. 15 acres good timber, 1500 cords of wood; good house, barn and outbuildings, well fenced, well and springs, good team. Jersey cow, new wagon, now stump-puller, plow, harrow and all small tools; (IU00 cash, balance easy terms. 60 acrea. 2V4 miles from Sherwood: 35 acres In cultivation, box house, good barn and outhulldlngs, well fenced, creek and spring: 2 acres good timber; team, har ness, wagon, cow, brood sow, two tons hay; price (3000, S1500 cash. W. H. SEITZ ei CO., Main 6564. 810 Spalding Bldg. l-ACRB HOME. MODEL FRUIT AND DAIRY FARM. Good 8-room house, stock and dairy barn 5-acre 3-year-old orchard. 1 acre Loganberries, H acre strawberries, all In crop. 2 miles from Agricultural College farm. 3 mllea from Corvollls. on srlendld gravel road; small bearing orchard; a snap for ten days; (10,5uo; terms. Ad dress "owner," box 841. CorvalUs, Oregon. 8u4 ACRES. 6 under cultivation, about 115 more suitable for grazing, balance, about 2-J0 acres In timber that cruises 6,000,000; Joins sawmill property and near to rail road; 4 miles from town; three barns; house In good condition; water piped to house; telephone; owner sick of country and wants to leave; bargain; no trades, A. O. Horton, Philomath, Or. HAVE YOU ENOUGH MON'ET to help yourself and family for six months? If you have, wo will show you how to acquire one of our small farms, close to I'oriiand, taking your labor as part payment? Davis & Sharp Co., 606 Commercial blk. GOOD stock ranch, 276 acres, 1H miles from cottage Grove, 80 acres plow land, 60 acres fine plllne timber, balance pas ture for cattle, cheep and goats, $8600 down, (2000 2 years. 6 per .cent Wm. Con ner, owner. Cottage Grove; Or. CATTLE ranch (000) and general store In Chlicoten. British Columbia; good rea sons for selling: no agenta Norman Lee, Hanreville. B. C. 80 ACRES. 14 miles from center of Port land In cultivation; 1600 cords of wood; worth (125 per acre; will take much less. Sen my agent. W. E. T.. 487 C. of C. SO ACRES In center of South Fork gold fields, with the river running diagonally across It; clalmB staked on it; going at best offer. F- O. Mcintosh, South Bend, Wash. FARM Fine 12 4 -acre farm, close In. short walk from two stations; houae, barn, fam ily orchard; a barcain for quick sale. Capitol Trust Co.. 226 Henry bldg. H. N. SWANK, 80S Ablngtnn bldg., sells suburban homes on Oreson Electric RANCH CO acres, with buiMinga, IS miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all -cash, by owner. 182 Morrison st. IS ACRE Rich, level dry farm land. Ap ply owner, K06 Wilcox bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATK. WU have many Inquiries from Eastern in vestors for real estate Investment prop erties; registered with us. Y'ou may have Just what our clients want. Abbott ai Co., Wilcox bldg. WANTED Corner lot from owner. Laurel hurst, all improvements In, near Henry home; must be bargain; give location and number of lot In letter. Address F 784. Oregonian. TO 6 ACRES, TUALATIN VALLEY. Have client for above If reasonable, on easy terms, Fred W. German. 82l Burn side. M. or A 2778. HAVE you something to sell or exchange In real estate and want results? Then list It with F. E. Miller. U25 Yeon Bldg, Mar shall 630. . ... ..-t. i..s, .nnirc lYwic.cn rice1 If you have a snap in above, address AO 744, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for lot In Rose City Park Or Bella Crest. Give lot number, T 795. Oregonian. WANTED 4 or l-room new bungalow, ten minutes Piedmont car bams; terms and location. W 769. Oregonian. INCOME bearing property from (10,000 to 120.000 st right value; customers waiting. ZIMMERMAN. 610 Board of Trade. WANTED Lot In Irvington or vicinity. Vanduyn As Walton, bio lnam&er i-om. FARMS WANTED. BXPEHIKNCED fanner wants to rent 80 acres or more near Portland: must have accommodation for family. J 650, Ore gonlan. WANTED To lease dairy farm, with or without stock, H 806, Oregonian. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. ilioA..jRr;ri "of heavy yellow fir timber. 414 miles back of rilevenson. Wash. Address A. lil. Weber, Timbervailey, Wash. TIMBER l,AiDii BOl'ullT AND SOLD. C. J, M CRACKEN. 804 McKay bldg. WANTED TTMBKB IANDS. 200 CORDS of wood wanted, delivered en l.kl- CA ,1. D,1..n CanH prices to J. A. Dennis, 1702 Dwight st., Portland. Or. WANtEI) TO BK NT- FARMS. WANTED To rent, by responsible party. 20 to luu-acre rarm mat wouia ao iur emm dairy: near creamery route; for cash rent. AF, T64V Oregonian. 160 ACRES of land, all In cultivation, free from debt, (3wo; for house and lot or acreage, close lu. 6-room bungalow. $2400. for acreage. (15 0oO in contracts for logged-oH lana. (3700 mortgage, due Us years, for acre age near Newberg or Lafayette. 6-room house, clear, (1200. for rooming house. . - , Will pay cash or give good trade for diamonds; price must be right. 10 lots, clear, (looo. for rooming-house. M. C. REED CO., 617 Board of Trade. Main 4875. WE HAVE a small, close-in apartment-house on the East Side, netting (150 per month and all full of good, permanent tenants, valued at (5500, to trade as first pay ment on a well-improved farm will pay additional cash up to (3000 and assume up to (6000 or (7000 additional. This 13 a splendid proposition for anyone having a good farm to trade, but don't present any poor places; must be a good, im proved place anywhere In the Wlllametto Valley. GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO.. Lurabermcns Bldg., 6th and Stark. EXCHANGE. 80 acres. Goldendale, Wash.; 15 acres cleared, barns and springs on place; 30 acres alfalfa or garden land, free water rlt.-htB: 50 acres fine apple lund: price $4000; (1200 mortgage; (500 cash or trade for livestock or house and lot. 300 acres, 8 miles Goldendale. Wash., no acres in commercial orchard. 5-year-ola trees; 30 acres more cleared and balanco easily cleared; 2 houses, barns and Feveral springs; fine plotting tract; price $25,000: mortgage (6600, (3000 cash; or take good house as first payment. J. A. Mathews, 407 Spalding bldg. BRICK HOTEL TO .EXCHANGE. 2-story brick hotel with 48 rooms and storerooms, lot lOoxlSO. on corner, In coun try town, not far from Portland; we can lease the hotel for (300 per month to- re sponsible party; price Is (0,0ti0. Includes the furniture, bar fixtures, cash register, etc will exchange for Portland property or good Vallev farm or acreage. (llif'SSI A HOLDS. 819 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. ROOMING-HOUSE. 29 rooms, concrete build ing, strictly up to date, in one of the best towns- close to Portland: lease 5 years (100 per month; will show (1;o per month net profit; price ('1000, somo cash, (3000 in exchange for city property. This is a snap. A 607, Oregonian. 200 ACHES choice land near Mt, Hood Rnil way for sale or exchange; deep, rich soil, well watered, beautiful scenic surround ings; a flue sub-division proposition for Summer homes; would consider mortgajrrs and contracts In exchange; also city prop erty, or good 5-passenger auto. We are owners. X. Oregonlen. ROOMING-HOUSE of 14 rooms fine furni ture, in good location, a dining-room in connection that can he run at a good profit; price (1700; want good lot up to ilU0, balance easy terms. This pln'-e nets $85 per month now and will bear close Investigation. AE 781. Oregonian WANT apartment site or apartment in ex change for 160-acre tract fine almond and apricot land, also fine for other fruit; mostly cleared: adjoining well-known Goodnoe Hills and Sundalo Orchards; $35 per acre. A. E. Poulsen. 418 Railway Eil chango. Marshall 2753. iTioooFlrst mortgage, '8 per cent interest, on 320 acres land, surety good, and 3l' acres Joining land clear; Al land at t-3 per acre; both mortgage and land to ex change for apartment corner or close-in house. 813 Lumbermans bldg. 320 ACRES farm land near Vale, Oregon, partly cultivated (no building); would sell or exchange for property in Coast City or in Philadelphia, Buffalo or Washington, D. C. H. C. MoKeevor, 1844 North 23d St., Philadelphia. FURNISHED hotel of 22 rooms at flghe Valley, valued at (3800, to exchange for modem home In Portland; thla Is the onlv hotel In the town and is a big money maker. Address 4U6 East 43th St. N. Phone Tabor 1218. 160 ACRES wheat land, improved; Sea 22. Twp. 15. range 30 E. W. M., Adams County, Wash., for house, lots or land. W. C. Wilkes, 818 Railway Exchange. Portland. Or. Phone C 21)16 after 7 P. M. FOR SALE or trade, four valuable mining claims in the Coeur d'Alenes, Idaho, sur rounded by the large producers and proved up beyond a prospect- Abbott & Co., WU oox bldg. - ' I HAVE (14.600 equity and 4S0 acres of Sheridan land, good improvements; (35w due in July, balance 4 years, 6 per cent; will trade. AB 763. Oregonian. PORTLAND lots. 60x100, Improved, close In, unincumbered, olear title, to exchange for mortgages and sellers' contracts. S 762. Oregonian. 100x100 CORNER lot, 3-room house, 1 block of car; (3000; to trauo for Improved ranch same value. Address 1085 E. 17th St. N. Phone C 2938, TO TKADE Six acres at Coeur d'AIene, Idaho, for Portland property. WHIPPLE, 824 Cham, of Com. Main 162a. Res., Tabor 853T. FOR SALE or exchange, 6, 10 or 20 acres, Improved, close In, near carllne. A. U. Chnlou'jka, 2ol Worcester bldg. (7fH EWU1TY Modern 5-room bungalow on 7th St.. to exchange for clear lot or sell on easy terms. AU 778. Oregonian. 160 ACRES Eastern Oreson wheat laed. value (15 per acre, exchange for equity in house and lot. N 704. Oregonian. IWiLLtrttdB for Columbia River Orchard bonds unincumbered real estate. Gus Smith, 617 Board of Trade. 10.40 ACRES of fruit land, Richland, VV'ash., under the ditch; trade for Portland prop er t y I:VoegeIei KJLC k reaJLjOr. WANT light 1811 automobile; prefer Ford. Wtll exchange unincumbered Portland lot, near ear. AH 766. Oregonian. COLORADO lands and lots to exchange for cut-uver land or other property here. Hadley, sio framing iqg. 820 ACRES. Lake Co., land; rash price (10; will take Vt In C. H. O. bonds, balance to suit. Bee my agent. 437 C. of C. ALL sorts of trades. 437 C. of C. WANTED REAL ESTATB. STUMP LAND. We will buy for a client, 800 to 500 acres. Do you want to aell? This is your chance if your price Is right and iand good, . - C. F. CMITH A EON. 210 Railway Exchange. WANTED A neat 6-ioom bungalow not too far out for etluOO or leas, (looo or more cash, balance munthly. Only good buys Considered. F. FUCH8, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANT good income-bearing Portland prop erty. AN T2, Oregotllutl. FOR SAI.B. Horace, Vehicles, Etc. COME and see auoLher shipment of choice horses and mares, well broken, at rea. soiiable prices and guaranteed as repre sented. Take Ro.e City Park car to 62d st. Adams & Campbell, prop. Plione Tabor ami. lUCTiON Saturday at 2 I. - M. One big team of mules, one big work team, 20 head of cheap horses, from MP0 lbs. to 12o0: one nearly new logging wagon, one nearly new laundry wagou. 14 Union ave., corner of Ann. . ONE team of mares about 2ooo. lbs.;- onj black mare, heavy in foal; also M other mares and horses suitable for all kinds of delivery weiijrita, from 1000 to 1500 lbs.; good to v-oik; see thwm in harness. W. J. ItlTTKH, 3,U Second st. j(J HEAD work horses from 1300 to 1600 lbs. each, well broken and in good con dition at my ranch at Hartland, Wash., lj mllos out from Lyle. Call or addresa I). H. McCoy, Hartland, WtthJ HORSEMEN la your horse properly shod 7 Remember, no foot no norse; have him shod by an export farrier. Portland Horse shueing i:up, 207 l'ith St., near Jefferson. A. P. Church, manager A U.UvGAIN. H5 buys 2000-lb. team, true, to work any place and sound, harness and farm wagon; also $65 buys 1100-lb. horse, work single or double and gentle. Phone Sellwood ii5. FOR SALE 1 fine black mare, 6 years old weighing 14.10, with foal; 1 buy mare, years old, welching- 12rU; sound and with- out blemishes. 220 Itusuall St. BARGAIN On account of baing in foal, will sell cheap, black mare, 8 years old. weight lo,-i0 lbs.; work or drive single ur double. Star Stables. 308 Front BU for BALE Suriel mare, 6 years old, weight 10.10; will sell chap. Call at 6U2 Beacon street. , TRADE my 4-passenger Buick runabout for a real equity In a good lot I oau build on; no takes. Jenks. Maln9540. (1.10 BUYS good team, mare and ' horse, weighs 2400; harness and farm wagon. 7S1 lnsloy ave.. Bellwood car. FOR SALE New 11 Vl -inch farm wagon. Price S'lO; L SOI W"ra numc-a, imu , price (25, Call at 648 E. Is'h st. WANTED For cash, 1 good bUKgy horse. IJOI IC T.lncr.ln IjnimE, bugKy. harness for sale cheap. 351 ituruni.w pi- yuL N'U team, harness and gooeeneck ex press wagunj all or separate. Tabor 21)50. FOR tin shingles and valley tin see F. H. Leltner, cor. 2d and Jefferson, ft