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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1912)
OHIOMIS REJECT HAHitl'S ADVICE Advocates of Referendum Win Point, Governor Counsel ing Delay. ' CAUCUS MOVE CENSURED oiumitfrc of Constitutional Codtcii tlon Will Itcport FBrorablx on Kr-olollon for Equal Suf fraf for Women. COUMPUS. O. Feb. I Aftr hear Inc n address at noon today by Cot rr.or Harmon. In which ha took Strom irroun-i asalnst Incorporating a clausa prorld'.n tor 1tate-wlJ Inltlatlva and referendum In the new constitution, supporters of the proposed Inltlatlva and referendam p!n won declslTe Tlctory In the constitutional convention n fw houre later. The GoTernor In hie address ald tha Idea of direct legislation still waa In an eTperimental staire and that Ohio would do well to wait onyi It had had a thorough trial In other states. Ha defined his own position on the subject as b'!n the attitude of "the man from SIlsaourL" Seterk t'aaeee -The declaration of the Governor me In trie nature of a sensation to 'he supporters of the Initiative and -eferendum anion; delegates In the con vention, comln as It did at a time when that body waa about to taka up 'or consideration a resolution whlcn :mi been Introduced by lle:ate Half :i;i. of Allen County. The l(:fhi:i resolution, barked by pponenu of the Initiative and refer ndum. proposed to censure President llaelow for harm secured pledges rotn many membera to abide by caucus cUon on that subject. The resolution eelared that the action of the preal er.t of the convention In aeeurlns; !edes for caucus support of the ln :lative and referendum waa unfair. Eaal Fsrrd. T-oKowlnz the address of Governor . - - a . , it,, rima of an arrl- ! a r : i : i ii man . . . - iciilous debate, the convention lata 10- y tablrd the resolution, the vote tandlnff 0 to 4S. That a clause provldlns; for equal affras;e would be reported favorably y the committee on woman'a suf- -aa-e of the convention waa cwntwiru nijcht, after a hearlnir at which lead. .g advocates of suffrage for women sd made nldressea. Chairman Kllpatrlck said tnai is 01 le 11 membera of the committee irored the franchlae for women. . . . . r r m m I N TO HUH LAN U. fcLUUAN acorns Llks i-rrparo iu r) City 800 Strong Darin; Conclude. TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. . (Special.) To Portland. t0 etrons." 1a tha slo in adopted by Tacoma Iodte of Elks. . IT. The lodge, represented by a . . . . . " : m -piece oana ana - ow r...'. .l n rnw I I tin in July to attend the (rand !B. Kvery Tacoman Is to be togced out In lnce Albert coat and silk hat. white st. black tie. l!:ht rray trousers and ick shoes. Kach member will be provided with iaes. canes, and yards of purple and Ue ribbon. The Tacoma lodge plans to have tha -irest delegation of any subordinate go at the reunion. The train will ve Tarnma at midnight July 10, ar- e in roruina ai 9 a. m. uu wan parked near the center of tha city. :oma headquarters during tha re- '.on will be at the Portland Hotel. 'he committee Juat appointed to e charge of tha excursion la Peter jr. W". B. Coffee. Robert E. Evans. rg J. McCartly, E. P. Kemmer and n North. IltK rvhl U WtUU Nli rtaent of latlirr In Italy Make Itoy llapij at Vancouver. AXCOtrVER. Wash, Feb. (Spe ) When Frank Nana, 1 year . heard his sweetheart. Lily Cablale. wer yes in ine sun voice ot uze thiar.d. ha thought his life's bap ess had begun, but upon applying a marriage license at tha Clark nty Auditor's office, he was told -. he must obtain the consent of his er before the coveted paper could ssued. That happened two months nca then a letter has gone from couvar to Attlzilo. Italy, and an- r one has come back and Frank's -ful waiting Is at an end. ie youthful couple went to the rthouse today and. in company with r Baraclo, their witness, were glv- i license. a letter from Frank's father, Lulgl a. was translated by Baraclo and original and the transcription were ed on file. MINERS ARE RESCUED knirn Kntorubcd for Xight by Cave-in Emerge Vntnjnred. TTKE CREEK. Cal.. Feb. S. The triers entombed In the Bunkta; Hill at I o clocK yesterday by a cave the mouth of the shaft were res et 12 o'clock today, after a night .operate work by miners from near- :iaes. ne of the men wan Injur J and all greeted by their wiTea and hlers aa they came out of tha r-tth their lights still burning. E PROTECTION GREATER .Mains ana Homj Carta Will Give reliant Lower Insurance Rate. KSM.lii, ir.. ren. . tspociai. ; -.h the advent of Ball Run water. n asur.-i fact, with nearly 100 mv. and with fire hydrants over the business part of the there la a movement to have dlffrent companies doing business hers have assured th Mayor, and City Council that th rates will be made lower when two hose carts and sum clent hose shall be available for ex tinKulshlntr fire. Th inniniiu will be forthcoming and a good volunteer fire company will b organized within a low weeKa. An election will be held on Satur day to enlarge tho corporate limits of the town, so aa to emable the authori ties to extend the water mlns. Tha new boundaries will doubles the. sise of the Incorporated territory ana large ly Increase tho number of water consumers. AT THB THEATERS -THE RKD KOSK." A Moral remedy la Three Acl Book aaw Ijrirt by Harry K tlmltk ma Robert B. rlmlth Maale by Robert Hood Bower. CAST : Andre itenottl FTaseona Cp Marguerite De Von M. Dupres Wejroe Nunn IMck Lorlmor ...Sidney Brooghton Alonze Lorlroer Maurice tarcy Dalvy Plant Olivia Depp Cllaa riant Edwin Burns Hon. Lionel Talboys Ernest W. Laeby Baron Leblaoe Wallace Beery lime. Jopant Orace Ellsworth Raphael Fplegei Chlo Hum ham Maxima Dupont Wayne Nunn HT LEONE CASS BAER. AFTER all Is said and aung. "The Red Rose" la Zoe Barnett. Without her tho concoction would still be a weet mess, but It would bo aa mtnua aa Hamle-t with tho melancholy Dana In the discard. Truly, Zoe Is the pivot of this par ticular musical production. which opened last night at the Helll?. She Is tho fine spike on which Is hung every song of any protentloua merit, tha loveliest voice Is he-rs In fact her'a Is the pnly one. Of the fat lines she draws a modest sharo, and docs danc ing enough for forty prima donnas. And with it all. she's such a perfectly gorgeous Oriental almost beauty, with her smiling scarlet mouth and dusky eyes, her Ethel Barrymoro voice, and her Gertie Hoffmann figure that tho audience last night rejoiced accord ingly. Whatever or whichever theatrical I-uther Burbank Is responsible for tha Zoe Karnett-Red Rose combination Is no slouch of a gardener. Once upon a time the musical comedy may have been possessed of a real honeet-to-goodnesa plot But after tho few bright lines and wealth of Inane situ ations had been distributed probably by drawing lots, since It made so little apparent difference after all this measuring out of portions there was barely enough to go around. So tha manufacturers of It all filled In with bright, sparkling songs, set to the sort of music you whistle as you leave tha theater. Also there Is a dance to ica along with every song, and a conven tion of the prettiest, re-ally Juvenile chorus maids and stalwart chorus men to provide a suitable background. After all these Items had ben at tended to, the managers told Zoe aha could have the rest. She'd hare needed the rest, too. If she'd responded to all the encores that the greedy audience wanted lastaiight. Her role la that of an artist's model, a Parislenne. and with her wonderful dash and grace of carrlare. she fits admirably to the role. Resides which she can act. There'a one song she has. "Bohemia." thdt she makes a triumph in dramatic value alone. She sings with-a rich fullness and her dancing Is amasingly Interesting. Of her songs. "Come Along. Macherle," is easily tha most tuneful, catchy one of the lot there are a generoua several and a close favorite for second place was. "Tha Queen of Vanity Fair." which she in terpreted In a gorgeous i-lnk gown, with a bvy of lesser pink lights standing about aa handmaidens. There are a dozen other principals, and their volcea average, aa a whole, fairly well among modern mualcal comedlea, which Impliea. and correctly in thte Instance, a tempered admiration of the vocal exploits of everybody, ex cept Zoe. Sidney Broughton. aa Pick, the mod el's artist, has a dapper personality and the audience waa as partial to his good looka aa to his voice. Ernest VT. L.ceby has an English caricature which he Invests with human touches. Chic Burnham haa been assigned the only real comedy role, and u ne weren't tied down by the llnea and lack of opportunities, he would evi dence his aptitude more aptly. The mounting of the piece la attrac tive, the- aecond acene ta French cha teau) being especially so. The finale Is a regular Hard! Graa atmosphere of confetti throwing. A "Students Glide bit of terpslchore. a hodge-podge of Texas Thomaaes." grapevine twlsta and plain everyday two-stepping, caught the popular fancy and waa brought back manymany times last night. "Tha Red Rose" will bloom at tha Helllg all the rest of the week with a matinee Saturday. "PURITY SQUAD" ACCUSED Seattle Irogglt Som Because Men Ilnng Around Ilia Store. SEATTLE. Muh. Feb. . (Special.) Because Daniel J. McLennan and Carl A. Johnson, surviving membera of the "purity squad." made his drug stora their "hangout." Michael Philip Leary. proprietor of the establishment, filed suit today asking damages In tha amount of $99. 9S. Michael figured It all out and decided that the rain and humiliation of hav ing the men In his store waa worth almost 1100. Michael says in his com plaint that he was arrested by the officers once following an argument with them. STATE GETS BIG ROYALTY By It IS Oregon Will Land $50,0C0 Annually by halt Contract. SALEM, Or., Feb. S. (Special.) A contract was entered Into between tha State Land Board and C. M. Salna today In which Salna Is allowed to develop tha phosphates and salts In Summer and Abert Lakes In Lake County. Un der the lease, the company Is to start construction of buildings June 1. 1912. and to commence evaporating In 1913. By 1$1I they are to maka at least 100.000 tons of salt annually at a roy alty of 10 per cent for the state, or a minimum of 150.000 a year. Nathan Wolf Is Dead Ilcre. Nathan Wolf died last night at 19:-10 o'clock at tha family residence. 72 Johnson street. He was the husband of Esther Wolf and the father of Mrs. II. C Branden and A. Walter Wolf, a Portland lawyer. VISCOUNT GOES Oil MISSION OF PEACE British War Secretary to Re assure Germans While on Visit to Berlin. BETTER FEELING EXPECTED Effort to He Made to Remove Suspi cions of Aggressive Designs or Desire to Aggravate Increase of Armament. BERLIN". Feb. I. Viscount Haldane. the British Secretary of War, accom panied by hla brother, arrived here today. Ostensibly tha visit la purely private, but it la altogether probable that Haldane will take tha opportunity of discussing Anglo-German relationa with Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg, tho Imperial Chancellor, and Herr von Kiderlln-Waechter, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and of learning from them on what condltiona Germany Is Inclined to listen to over tures for their betterment. The Bagdad Railway and German colonial expansion In Africa have for a long time been under discussion as subjects in regard to which Great Britain might indicate ber good will to Germany In a tangible manner. LOXDON. Feb. T-The Foreign Of fice authorises the following statement respecting the visit of Viscount Hal dane, Secretary of War, to Berlin: "Viscount Haklane. as president of the royal commission on university education, has gone to Berlin to Inves tigate scientific education In German universities, but as he is well-known to many of the leading people of Ger many, he donbtless will have general conversations on the political situa tion and the relations between tho two countries." All the London morning papers dwell on tha significance of Secretary H al ii line's visit to Berlin. The correspond ents say the Emperor will send him an invitation. F.atrate Ie Hoped For. -Tho Dally Chronicle, a government organ. In an editorial pointing; out that Secretary Haldane is a friend of the German Emperor and persona grata. everywhere in Germany, says: "We are sure that Viscount ai- dane's sojourn among the German peo-. nle will be another step towaras ine days vi-hen It will not be too soon ser- loueiyto taut ui u euiouh?. The Times says that, although Sec retary Haldane haa no direct official mission, doubtless his presence might be used to comply with tho wish re cently expressed by high quarters In Berlin for an open talk with some members of tha British government. gaaplrloa to Be Removed. "Great Britain's position during the Moroccan negotiations waa ao widely misunderstood in Germany," conunuee tha Tlmea, "that sha la credited even In the best disposed German quarters with aggressive designs upon German security. Viscount Haldane should be better able tban anyone else ta re move such suspicions and make It per fectly clear that, although Great Bri tain mav be obliged to respond to any increase of German armaments, there la no desire on Great Britain's part to Intensify International rivalry in arm- amenta. "But It cannot be too emphatically stated that there Is no question or making offers to Germany either In the colonial field or elsewhere." FRAUD CURB FAVORED CHAMBEly OP COMMERCE COM. MITTEK IS NAMED. Ill la Cod Liverl No Other Emulsion Has The Quality There Are Two Sizes 1 6 oz. and 8 oz. Each Brown Bottles Only. No fwiT To Eat Up Quantity All Druggists are Glad to Sell It Quldreri Love It Tastes Good Sample Bottle Free by MaH That those who are seeking health and strength for themselves, children, rela tives or friends may experience tho Hfe glvlng properties of this exclusive Nor way gold medal oxonlzed cod liver oil medicinal food emulsion as well as to know Oiomolslon superiority In being most palatable and easy to take a, gen eroua S-ox. bottle will bo sent by mail to those who send addresses by postcard or letter to Oxomulslon. WS Pearl St.. N. Y. the Spring planting season and close In the middle of Rose Festival week. A meeting of the prize committee of the contest was held yesterday ana tne prie list partially arranged. There will be 120 prises In all. ranging in value from $25 to $!. A meeting of the general committee which has charge of the arrangements for the contest will be held today at o'clock at the Commercial Club. DESERT IS OPPORTUNITY STATISTICIAN PUEADS FOR FCTt- TITER. RECLAMATION'. Trustee's Are for Appointment of State Official to Investigate Bond Selling Concerns. At a special meeting yesterday of the trustees or the Chamber of Com merce, a committee comprising R. W. Montague, D. A- Pattullo and E. C Olltner waa appointed to meet with a committee of the Realty Board and tha Commercial Club to consider means of bringing to an end "wild cat" achemes In Oregon. The trustees fa vored the appointment of a state of ficial to Investigate all companies sell ing bonds and to prohibit all concerns which are not absolutely reliable and safe from doing any bond selling within the state. Thla system, which is em ployed In Kansas. Is considered a safe and reasonable means of preventing tho floating of bond achemes such as that promoted by tha defunct Columbia River Orchard Company. . Tha trustees passed resolutions fa voring tha usa by the Government of stone from the Pacific Northwest In all Federal buildings erected In the North west. Copies of the resolutions will be sent to the Oregon delegation In Congress. Resolutions were passed favoring tha return of the old liberty bell from tha Panama-Pacific Exposition by way of Tacoma. Seattle and Portland. The trustees decided to take part In a general campaign for raising funds for the relief of the people of Cen tral China, who are starving to death In a famine which has swept China and which 'probably cannot be relieved un til the latter part of next month. Sec retary Glltner, of the Chamber of Com merce, waa authorized to receive con tributions for the cause. The following new members were taken In yesterday: J. C. Wilson Com pany. J. Byrne, A. J. Dygert. H. A. Thompson, F. F. Haradon & Son, Timms, Cresa A Company, Cbanslor & Lyon Motor Supply Company, Relerson Ma chinery Company, John Blled. Neate & MeCarthy. B- Lea Paget. The Tomlln son Company. S. G. McMeen, William N. Porter, Flthlan-Barker Shoe Com pany, Farmers' Implement Company, H. 8. Gilo Grocery Company, The Brune-wlck-Balke-Collender Company, C. J. Hton. Pacific States Electric Company. D. A. Pattullo. G. B. Hegardt, D. A. Campbell. Benjamin A. Glfford. White Motor Car Company, Union Paclflo Ufa Insurance Company, L. H. Rose, Ernest Miller. SILVER CUP CHIEF PRIZE Arrangements - Made for School Garden Competition. . A large silver cup will head the list of prizes to be given schools and school children In the school garden content which will start with tie opening of Half of Money Spent on Panama Canal, Saya C. J. Blanchard, Would Help Solve Problem. NEW YORK, Feb. . 'The necessity of expediting1 tho reclamation of in creased areas of our desert Is obvious," said C. J. Blanchard. atatiatlclan of the Reclamation Service, In an address to night before tho Union League Club. Thla" Is apparent," ho continued, "when we consider that 160,000 good American citizens are leaving our country ' every year to take up homea under another flag because opportuni ties in this country are limited." - "Our public domain, once an empire In extent, today offers no opportunity for the poor man," said Mr. Blanchard. "It will not produce crops without an expenditure of money beyond the means of tho average citizen." The Investment of half the cost of tho Panama Canal would add vast amounts to the National wealth, Mr. Blanchard said, and continued: "Conservative engineers say that there are yet 30.000.000 acres of desert to which water can be supplied and 80.000,000 acres of swamp and over Mowed lands which can be drained. The economic importance of such a work as this scarcely can be realized. The reclamation of this vast area would provide homes on the land for 2.760,000 families, each family occu pying a 40-acre farm. The addition of our Natlon'a wealth In land values alone would bo not lesa than til, 000, 000,000, or ten tlmea the amount of our National debt." SUITOR DISAPPOINTS GIRL Journey From Italy to Seattle Al most Ends Sadly. SEATTLE. Wash.. Feb. 8. (Special.) On tha Insistent recommendation of a sister of Domlnlco Russo. Raffaela VJgna, 20 yeara old, came from Italy to marry Russo, who Uvea at Ronton. When Raffaele's eyes first rested on her suitor as she saw him at tha mar riage license window, she balked. With Joseph Vlgna, her witness, and hla wife and with her sister, she held a family consultation. Domenlco ia five feet three Inches In height, but perfectly healthy, aa his certificate set forth, and he could sea no reason why there should be any de lay. Raffaele appeared comely but coy. After the conference she nodded .ber head to Clerk Claude F. Gage. "She says she la willing to marry him." said Joe Vlgna, the witness. "She won't run away and leave him will sheT" asked Gage. "No," answered Vlga. "she says she will stay." "And cook his meals and keep Ms house and send him to church on Sun-, days?" instated Gage. "Ves, she says she will do that," was the answer. The license was lssned. Buy Next Fall Clothes Now NY of these suits or overcoats we're clear in will he rendv to give vou ood service -r - j cu - next Fall. We want to clear the 1911 stock of Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats A Your choice of any Hart Schaff ner & Marx suits or overcoats up to $25.00 for $16.65 Your choice of any Hart Schaff ner & Marx suits or overcoats up to $40.00 for $23-35 Excepting Blues, Black and the New Goods which we're now showing in Spring and California (medium) weights Special Sale of Men's Furnishing Goods Underwear Cooper-Winsted Hosiery Co.'s G. & M. Munsing and Superior two-piece and union suits. $1.00 garments now.. 75 $1.50 garments. .$1 and 1.15 $2.00 garments now .$1.35 $2.50 garments now $1.85 $3.00 garments now $2.25 $4.00 garments now $3.00 $6.00 garments now $4.50 Coat Sweaters $2.50 regular, colors oxford, ox ford with navy border, oxford with cardinal border. a f This sale ..Ol.lO Jerseys $2.50 regular, colors cardinal, maroon; brown, oxford gray and black. This sale for - Only . . .... t...,) l . O Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co, Third and Morrison GIRL'S SLAYER SOUGHT DISCOVERY OP CHILD'S BODY SPCRS OX OFFICERS. Man Answering Description of Itin erant Peddler Released Before Authorities Arrive. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Feb. 8. The finding' today of the torn and bruised body of little 10-year-old Goldie will lams only momentarily checked the search for the stranger who enticed her away on Tuesday afternoon with a promise to buy her a pair of skates. Members of the police and Sheriff's forces have been following up many clews today. The most promising; clew was at An rora, where a stranger fairly answer ing' the description of the suspected Itinerant peddler was under arrest to day, but was released belore tne urana Island officers arrived. His trail is beins: followed. Further search today of the bath room of the unfurnished house In which the crime was committed on Tuesday night resulted In finding some thread samples which had been carried by the peddler. The fact that he was seen at close range by several persons with whom he conversed, it is believed, will make positive identifica tion certain. Champion Steer Thrower Yields. McCoy, the champion steer thrower of the world, had a great struggle with his beast at the Bungalow Theater last night, for after wrestling with the ani mal for 21 minutes, during which time he was forced back to the wall on two occasions, McCoy had to admit that the steer held the honors. Malro If a Huhn Dinner Tonight Dine here with us, where perfect ap pointments and attentive service are as sured Enjoy a real club dinner, pre pared by Henri, our chef, who knows what is necessary to suit You. It surely is good. . It must be to make vou come again. Our pnfprtaininer. vocal and instrumental music, further accentuates the pleasure of our club din ners at 75 cents. Our Merchants Lunch at 35c A pleasant mid-day treat. No heavy and soggy dishes, but wholesome and appetizing ones that sat isfy until dinner. HOTEL CARLTON RESTAURANT AND GRILL " .-iM Washington at 14th St. Where Popular Prices Prevail, Pa. iSk t?iyik Flavor -to ProsulyCecomsencl JI The pure natural flavor of the grain that's all. Rich and even, with proper aging : : : : : FLAVOR THE BEST Why this recommendation ? q Because Old Clarke Bourbon is made by the largest distillers in the world, Clarke Bros. & Co., Peoria, 111. J Because it is made from Perfect No. 1 Corn and small grain, using enough small grain to bring out the flavors of the corn. It is made in a three cham bered still, and is carefully aged in wood for at least five years. This is the only correct method to distill real whiskey. J Old Clarke is bottled in bond 109 proot, under the supervision of the U. S. Government. The label over the cork shows it is five years old. J Try Old Clarke Bourbon one time, it's quality and flavor will invite you to use it permanently. CLARKE BROS. CO., Peoria. III. BLUMAUEE & HOCH, Portland, Oregon. Distributers. M 1 mm WE NOW HAVE SOME OF THE BEST LAND IN OREGON TO OFFER HQMESEEKERS Location and soil ideal for BERRY, POULTRY, FRUIT and DAIRY farms. Several openings for small industries, such as PLANING MILLS, SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES, FRUIT CAN NERIES, CREAMERIES. VINEGAR WORKS. Our land reached by fast electric trains. Frequent service. FOR INFORMATION ADDRESS RUTH TRUST COMPANY 235 SUrk Street PORTLAND, OREGON Main S976 A 3774 tfj r