Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1912, Page 21, Image 21

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rnn motcxtxc, oreooxian. ruin ay, rEimuART o, 1012
Ten Thousand Head cf Mutton
Sheep Shorn in Oregon.
Ten Million IouiiiW of Trlanslo
Wool rontraclrd to Pale Burrr'
Now Operating In Nrd No
Future nojrlnc In Orrjon.
A tw sale of early ehorn wool ha bee
mad la Ea-rn Oregon marking th
.petting of tn 1912 ' About lO.O
tiad ef mutton sl-.eep bav bn hora to
data and th wool bought by Portland col
ors. TM priori paid. 14 to 1 eal. ax.
about th urn a wara paid lt acaaon
for th aarly clip.
No boylng of wool on tha sheep's bars
Yum occurred In Oregon yet. Th-re ar btrr
ra in NTJa who ar contracting at It
jx, cents Operations In tha TrUngl
ha-. ceased tn-.porart:y. "Tha balanca of
tuluw that waa den thr b.for th
trying stopped waa a surprls to mt
Commentlne r: trading through
eat taw Bouthsrest. tha Itoston Commercial
Po1In ay:
Trurln; tha wk purrne of th nw
Arizona woo: bav been la Aa yt. of
course, only a yry few clips bar bn
taken but thr baa been aom buying. Th
prtr paid ax not lemed with ctn
bnt ar enderstood to hava been In tha
rang of 15l cents, or about what tha
am clip attd tha consignor last year
tn thr particular Instances
"Contracting In t"tah. wd!n to latest
accounts. h aia-knd op a- bit. Sevsral
reason ar alleged for th aatlon of
actlTirlea On la that certain larg houaoa.
whs ntrd tha arna, found that price
war advancing to rapidly and ao pur
poaely aubmlttad bid that wara unnecea
aartty blah tn or.ler to put tha market out
of tha reach of other buyer. believing that
thia action would sllmulat seller to hold
for a later advane.
-Whatever tha reason may ba. conaldar
abl wool la reported taken within tha pat
two or thre weeka. lomi aatUnataa placing
tha total contracted at eloea to
pound. :mot aJl of which appara to
bar been In th Triangle section. Trice
actually paid ar reported at 19 IS want
and tn eome Instanree aa high aa 1 eanta
for choice medium clip"
Would fell. Bnt Not M fUrea Coen-
iry Holder' Idea High.
Th wheat market waa quiet yeeterday
bit firm. Holders' Ideas In tha country
were higher than her, but local sellers war
r..t dlapoae to make coneeestone and tha
r-iarllons that occurred war at tha old
Th o:s market waa a!o Quiet, hot seller
rices were not lowered.
Floor qnotatlona wera unchanged and
here- was no Indication that th miller
would agre on an advance In tha Immediate
Local receipt, in car, wera reported by
Ilia Merchants Exchange aa followa:
Wheal Hary rkur Oats nay
Monday Its . 4
Tuesday ..
x'erlr,dr .... "I ..
Trtursilay ..... il
Tear ago 10 . .
Season ta data. T4t zl
Tear aao l- 414 HJo
pRovtsee Oeos ta tha Portland an! fWlena
Markets at M la as Cewts.
Th Harriott Caen crop of T bales of
bop, grown at Lincoln, waa sold yesterday
to T. A. I.lvesley Co. at S cents. There
waa an s.bal transaction between local
dealers at 1 rents and a few small lots
change bands between thee figure. Offer
ings wer not especially numerous, although
tha downward tendency of tha market la
now well known to ail holders In tha coun
try. Local dealera hit tendered bops ta th
Caatern trade and to London, but tha re
sponses hare been at (Igurea lower thaa
thee quoted. It may require a substan
tial buying meement to check the de
cline. enwrrrs mmiiTi: stock. are hvaix
rallfwrala Market for f Iti-oa rratt la Now
a-roceura tra3 waa a:ack yatrday. but
tha aetlT bustneaa of th first half of tha
wk reduced stock to, small compasa. There
wer no rclpta except steamer regetablea.
which cleaned np well.
Rip bananaa w-er scare and will ba o
all week, aa th next shipment Is not da
unrll Sunday.
Wlree from California reported orange,
lemona and grape fruit rery firm, ewlr.g to
froat damaa.
Ooed Deiand for Hewa.
There waa a ood demand for nena yee
terday. bat Springs, ducks and gees wera
alow. Dressed turkeys wer fairly plenti
ful and wra steady.
Th egg market waa firm at unrhang-ed
price a
Batter and eh wer quoted aa for
Pus' Adraacca Tea Cent.
As waa eipectevt. , sugar prloas wr ad
vanced 10 cents a hundred by Coast Jobbra
ytrrlay. fullowlng a almllar adranre In
Jtr Tork on th preceding day. Th Kaatsrn
market waa again firm yeeterday and beet
augar was higher.
Bank Clearing?.
Bank eleariega of tha Northwestern cities
yeeter lay wr aa fouowa:
Cloarlnga Ilalances.
Portland el.K-lM4 ;
Feattl l.r;u.i7 I'TO.iT
Taroma 6- 4'J 10.7.17
fpokane B.oO 1U'..2T
Grain, flour, feed. El.
WHEAT Trarlc prlcee: Itlue.tem. M .
club. Mylc: red Kujslan. kCc; Valley.
6c; -ro!.i. pti tj S7c
Ml'-I.rr; Fl ''ran. t-3 per ton; enor-a.
t2i; mid 1 Inge. -'. rolled barley. Stale.
1M H . t.-Kv tli) ton.
CORN New. whole. .tl; crackej. JJ
pr -on
'Vr- No. t white. I it ill.I-0 per ton.
I Lu" H rs'eni. S..V r errl.
t;ra:ghta, tl.uj; exports. J1S0: Vallew. I4.J0;
graMru. g... ebjlv ar.til. St..
HAV No. 1 Eastern Oregon tlmi.thy. tlT
tl; Nv 1 Vi.,.v, $14uli. alfalfa,
cloer. (Il; gram. JUjlX
ecetablea and Fmlra.
Tpoical F H r 173 nnft r '
$2.;;iJ :i; . riortda. 4 2SS.JO; Ca.l
fern.a sranefru.t. L.S04 tiurlla grape
fruit. So.); bananaa 4H(S4 pr puad;
le.ii-:. 44. .' j .v per ix v.
rfit.-H rHUlTd Almeria grapas. t4)
er barrel; cranberries, llud 11-JO par ax-rl-
POTATOE- Puylrg price: 3turaaka
fcdtlii) per bundred; sweet potato.
J pr crat.
VEGtTiPiet Artlrhokea. II 19 per daa
n: bvaas. 1.1lTWe; cehbg. laSlHP
rx: rp-rg, 12SS per pound. Pump
kins. 1 W a) 2o per pound: rsdishe SAo per
doxen; spinsch. 1 J 1.2 per b'x; sprouts, sa.
l t'.B'l. cau.:;:ower. J.-. crate: c-:-
I er'' lw' Per crate; ,'urviDiltra 11. .B
I W per aozei; eggplant. ll'te per powid;
f garlic, a f lne per pound; le-.ltiee.
V B-r crstei notho'tee lettuce. AOctftl per
oah. 1HCI20 per p-)ur.4: tomatoes, $1 IS
''oMON! Association price. 2S per
"sai'K VFOKTAPLEt-Tnrnlpa tlCt-14
per eack; rutabaga. 1Q1.1I. carrots. II
VIM. parsnips. 11x11 lu, beets. 11.25.
AIILKs raucy Hjrr.e Ii'auty. iM P'
bcx mole K.m Peauty. 12: fancy Tallow
Nrwton. t2!K: fancy Hpitsenberga. 2 .3:
T.e'awrre Kel. II I.'.; Wlne.ap. 2; Norther
fT II Haiderm. IIX' JS: Hen I'ar'a.
11.23; Krd Cheek Pippins, extra fancy. 12 30.
Delrr and Cooi'try I rector.
riTTPR Oreron ereameir fcJtter. ell4
pcx. ;.; ,c; prims. e,trAi u:tr fat. aeer-
if dumik p-lce. 04j0 ioiiib.
fc,.,s I'tim Orko ranch.
30 't 1,1-- fer doren.
iHr-li:-: urcgon. nominal: Wisconsin
da"l. Uc.
l- ii:K Fjnrr. T Per round.
rdt-LTRT Hens. 12 , J14c; S.trlne. W'S !
d-.i Ke. una. -"'r; r- Te. I I -x U ' . !
lurk-? live. lc; UriaerU.
V c.
Stapl (i recede.
'ALVOo-Oolumbla lvr. 1-pound tails.
C Zi per doaen; g-pound tails. i-t-OSl
pound flats. ti0; Aiasaa put, 1-pooaa
COFh bk-ltoastd. la drums. 2o
prr yci'ii.
NUTS Walnut. l0Me per pound,
'-rxi:: rciv nK'i o r.erts. 14tlc; a;-r-inJ.
j;-.::c. pKana. lsc; eocanuta bv
ll par doxen. rnctnuta. 12v,e p-er pouaa;
hlrkory nu'a Cfluc per pound.
money choic. n is vi ; trai
bency. Ivjc per pound.
BAL.T ranulaied. IIS pr t"BJ bair
ground. lova, tvij per toa: som. Il pr to.
ItANd email wall. c. large wblte.
Hc: Lima. ic. pUia. 6c; Mealcana, e
bayou, tc
KICK No. 1 Japan. tlci cheaper grade.
fe'r; Southern head. 1 'c- ,,
i-i.i.n lrr xranulated.- fruit ara
rrr-. f.l.ii; llono.ulu piunlal.'n. reel.
VM; extra c. fi.o.1. pudre-l. barrels,
;... ciLee. barrels, t'l.e.',.
tHIk-U Rt. IT. Apples. 14 PT pound:
prlrots llJD-c. peacbea 1214:
prune. Itallau. lvSvlOxc; allr. li ngs
white and biack. nu"-c. currants. lt
Jle; ramus. loo, aiuscatal. OTHi
bleached Thompson. lle; unbleacned Bul
taaaa. tct aeedeJ, T,ti8c; dates. Fae
a.aa. I.i t lb.; Fard. tl V "olt
HAM lo to II pounds. I30K-: 1 to It
pounda. lltfluc; 14 to Id pounda. lofflac;
10 l IS pound. lll,ali-c. skinned. Ho.
nlcnlce. 11c. cottage roll. lac.
LAHL Kettle rendered. tiercel, lf-i:
tut'S, ll'-xtc; s'.andurd tierces. llsc; tuns,
11 c; njrtenlrig. tierces, c; tuus, bo
BACuN iiiiucy. Ific ; s:anderu. Hue;
choice. lic. r-ultsh. ltt-xlilc.
UH.X KAl-T CtiitJ lici'iisr short clears,
dry salt. llc. a:uokcd. loc: auurt c.oar.
ta. ka 12 to It, Iba, dr alt. 12-xC s:nukel
14c. short cle.-r backi. lo to Ita, dry
uil, llxtc; aiuokeu. 1 o. orJO exvorta.
atjr ait. IJc: lie
Kril-l Portland prices for prima, well
tentll i sxtna. accuruing t- size: Mink.
tftt..o; tavcoon. Kuc,il. So; aaunk nr
ro stripe,. II u il . skunk, (.bioad stripe-.
Tull-U. mii-.rt. ou.5o; grjiy tux. .o0
uli-oAi; re 1 fox. l-r3.oU, m-irten. louo;
t-ar, lJv a-''':, U- -"1 bader.
.ti: . ct. Ut-i wt'.dcit,
o:--;i, llualt. lynx. jj.IuJO. ringtail ciis.
IjUliOc; cliet cat. 1('2..C; hul -"' -
u.ouutaia llun. l..ilu. tie-LT. titfl.
Unee-ed Oil and Turpeiallna.
LlNtftlED OIL Pur raw. In barrels. 82o;
boiled, lo her ram. bo, raw. la caaea. !
bcl.ed. In caees. hleo.
'iLHr-l.Nll.M- Cuss. TOe; wood barrels.
rUAX5SD OIL MEAL Per toa. t
3op. Waal and llldea.
jiorf lvll crop. ilijoSo: odd, noml
cal. 1H12 couliact: BominaL
MO H AIH Clioloo. Mui30e par pound.
WOOL taatern oregou. iao per
pound, according to sar'.UKage; Valley. ll
i;.- rr pound.
PEL.T3 Lrry. Ho: lamb. altd. TIO0o
short-wool pells. ." JS'ti butcher pelts, Jan.
taks-oS. Sic J II. UJ. Feb. tak-oX 11-10 J
11 IV
11 IDE Ballad hld-a. 10Ht?10Hs per
pound; salted calf. 10 J 17c: salted kip. 11
12c: green hides. Bi,c. dry calf, "lc; dry
b:lea, iMltcl sailed stas. tulWii green
stsc. 6o baa
lAiCAKA Per pound. GllOta
ixmsrEii prict: n.XGE.
Choice Hogs Again Jlote at $6.7S.
YrarllTtK Bring; $4.85 and
AVfthfr 4.
Th local Urestock market was ateady
yeeterday with a moderate supply of all
line nicee kept wltlila th rang of th
preceding day.
Steers eo.d from 14. to S 40. aorordtng
to quality a load cf choice cowa brvucht Ij.
calve and trulls moved at tn old price.
Hoe value mere uncnanged. tha top of
the market being I4.7A.
tnep were firm tiirouxhout. choice year
llnrs broucht 14 wetaers 4 and awes
.l 30. A lusri of lambs brought 13 and an
other load sold off in cars at
Receipts yelri!ay wer 110 cattle.
calves. 114 huga 1111 sheep and 44 horses.
Sh.ppers aer S'. C Vanderpool. Th
raliea. 1 car of bogs; Hugg Lroa. Pendle
ton. 1 car of sheep; McOullough A Muroblt.
Joseph. 1 car of hep; J. ri. Cherry, Enter
prise, 1 car of sheep: C. F. liaumar.. Haines.
1 car of cattle aid calves; J. L. Cnx. Eaton.
1'lahJ. 2 cars i-f caule and she-p; K. O.
Konlrr. Poker. 3 csra of cattle; VT. U St'.p
lon. La tlrande, 1 car of horewe: L. V. Gentry-,
liepv-nor. 1 car of sheep; J. J. Stack,
Mllr. -urg. 2 crs of cattle and sheep; John
C Whit, KldJles, 1 cr of hogs: Le Daven
port. Hedoiond. 1 car of cattl. :id M. M.
A.-vrnport. rlMmond, 1 car of cattl.
The day ak wr aa folio:
Wslglt. Price.
12 ear!lngs 1"! 4 S3
l.o welhers l"l "
9 steers s'- 6.20
1 bu.l K-tl) 4. TO
b sters '2 4 V3
a caivea "" A.t
12 roaa ...1.".H 4.75
1 cow 1170 .V.V
2 co a II'' 2 73
IS cows I'M" B on
11 t-ers 1' 3
H steers .1"11'1 0.40
I elirr 70 J. 40
1 c5 l'lvO -v
2 cow l4o u.oo
4 com H"2 .-. 0
1 bull 14 K 4.50
2 ems T el 3 i0
1 X 1'2 "o
1114 laml.s. off csrs HI .10
g7 hos 1"4 r.f
.-, ho. 4 11'2 6 00
I ..,ki I 6 "
Th rangs of prlcos at th yard waa as
( hole steers 5 Til? $.1 1
t.ood to choice s:sra o a A 7t
Choice cows 4.7.W 5 00
Good to cholcs cows 4. -'olt 4..0
Cliolc spye.l helters ......... r 1 R f0
Good la rholc hellers . - B.'.hi f 6 2.1
Cholc bu.. .... 4 2' 4 4.0
Goiid to cliolc bulla 4'"iQ 4..".l
Cnoice OH" Si' S 00
Oootl ti cholc calvs o. i,i if 7.t,)
rhcir-.t hog. .A ill" SH
Hniootn heavy -nogs 6. . .3 f B OO
Ko iga heavy 5.00 6., J
Sheep m
Choice yearling i'!1! i.'.J
Choice killing ewe ' . 3
Cholc lamba '"
Good t cholcs lamb .' 4. 1 3
Cul.a Ti "
Omaha I J re toe k Market.
OMAHA. Feb. i. Catf.e Receipt. S00;
rriurk-t. steady to strong. Native stors.
'. 2"-i7.W: w and In .fers, 3.25 J 4.00;
W 'ern st'ert. J k'l SO; rsnge cons and
helfer, $.:a-5.23: car.r.era $2.80 3 S.: stock
ere and fJera. J.W3l'J. caivsa, 441.71
bull, stags, etc., J.73(a.3lX
II, e Hece!p:s. markt, tdy to
asler. Heavy, l.10ed.i,: mixed. rtS.10;
light. IJ10J41O: pus. 4.2MjJ.&0; bulkt
snl-a J.3tf .13.
Sheep ltec-ip'.s. R?oo: market. steady.
Teirllrcs. 4. 7.'. 9 ".S3 : wethers. f!1.73?4.40:
sv-s. X31J4; lamlis. 3Vu.23.
( hlc:e Lireatark Market.
CHICAGO. Tab. , Cattl Recalpta, TCOOl
marker, steady to strong. Beer. g.09
a.8o: Texaa steer. It-o. 3 6. to; t strn
reers. I4.K07T.10; stocksrs and f order.
.1S.'.J.'i'; cows and bsifera. liUC 4.70;
calves. 7.V4i.23.
Ilocs r;eee!pt. B5rtrt: markst, quiet ta
steely. Light. g3. X.'. rT it. 2; mixed. .3 r3
g-; heavj. 3MliH.!m rough. .V:.o
". piss. I4.21 a R.!3; bulk of sales. d.0ojt
rne'lr -l;-i-e!lts, 13,000: market, slow. Na
tive. 1.1.13 4. n: Western, 1140 J 4.11.3: ysar
I rv H.7i'V"l,l lamba. nallT. 4.23tfS.3;
V. eeTerrl. 4. SO . A
Stocks Influenced by Favor
able Report of Producers.
Fall Coinfi Willi Annonnotmcnt of
Proposed Kctlrcmcnt ot James
It. Duke Bank of England
Discount Hate I-o.Tfred.
NEW TOR K. Feb. 8 Except for the to-bnc-o
and copper shares, tha stock nisrkel
ass almost siallonary toduy. Frlcea of a
few active Issues aross at th opening, but
quickly fell back on bear lllng.
Th copper stocks wer th strongest fea
ture Trading In thee Influenced by
th favorable monthly report of th Copper
lToducsrs" Association. Amalgamated Cop
per was marked up 2. American rimeltlns.
1H and other coppers a point or more.
Tha tobacco stocks fluctuated violent, y
for a tlin. owing lo th announcement of
the conilnk retirement of James II. Duke,
aa preaident of the American Tooacco Com
pany, to become head of a British-American
tobacco sndicate. American Tobacco
broke 10 point. Liggett Ac Myers 7 and
Lor 11 lard 8. All of the stocks rallied
sharply later tn th day.
Keductioa of th Bank of Kngland'a rat
of discount from 1 lo In pr cent ba been
predicted by International bankers here and
It waa said the oftlcial rata of the Bank
of Germany, which now standa at 6 per
cent, probably would be reduced on Mon
day. Tha Bank of England rats had stood
at 4 per cent since last September, when It
was raised from the per cent rate which
prevailed all laat Hummer. Th bank'a In
crease In proportion of reserve to liabilities
from 4.l per cent to 52.114 par cent places It
In a atrong position.
Two mor shipments of gold were re
ported today. An additional 2.000.KK was
enguged lor transportation to Tarts, bringing-
up the total on the present movement
to ls.000.000. For South America 23U.OOO
was obtained. Th loss In gold I expected
to play an Important gPart In tha seat's
bank etatement.
Huylng of bonds wa widely distributed
and prices were held well. Total sales, par
value. l-t.S37.00O. United State bonds wer
unchanged on call.
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
A II Is Chal pf T
Atrial Copp.r .. 23.2"0 o.1i 1 oil1
Am Agrlcuit .. tiou u! tl" of
Am lleet Sugar. SuO 65 u6V .13 Vs
American Can ........ ..... ..... 11V
Am Cur '.iy 61
Ara Cotton Oil.. 100 40 W 49i 411
Ara lid A Lt pf -''
Am Ic ScurL. 800 1944 1B- liH
Am Linseed U;
Am Locoiuotlv l'X 33 H 33 ! S3
Am Smel fc Ref 0.4"O 71 'a " v "1
do preferred.. 2'JO 103S
Am Steel Ftly.. 2"0 2l 2S) 2"
Am Sugar HeL. 2"0 JIB1! 11S llais
Am Tl A Tl.. 7- 14oSi 140 14i
Am ToDacco pf. JW lo4 loSH JOS
Am Woolen 251
Anaconda M CellWO 85S US 3n
Atchison 2'-o ll4-. 1041 la
do preferred.. : i0, K3; 1'iS1
Atl Cuast Line.. 3'I0 l.ttl l.V.s U.'.'i
Halt ex Ohio ... 11V0 lo2 loS 1"2
livthUhem dtl 811 81 SIS
Brouk It Tran.. Too 77 i "71 77
Canadian J'ao .. 2oo 230S 21i !lW!i
Central Leather LloO let 17 . 1
do preferrsd. ..... S3
Central of N J.. S-o
CQca x Ohia .... 7.100 Tlli i 71
Chicago at Alton ...... 24
Chi lit Wvat '. 1714
do preturred. 35
ChAiaijo a N W 2'JO 141 1, 141', 141
C, M Sit Paul.. l.iOO 10-i-a lvli Ji'34k
C, C, C t SI L, &
Col Fuel A Iron 200 29 23 V 23
Col : Southern. 43
Consol Ga .... ISO's
Crn Product . 100 10 lo, 10
Hudson . 2' 173 173 173
1 It Grand.. tOO 20H 20 "i
do preferred. . 44
Plmlllers' Secur 0O 2W4 2SS,
i.ri !.!" 8"S S1 SOH
ilo Irt pf .... 4lM b C Ml s
(to 2d pf 4iS
Gen Klcctrlo .. 00 lr.T 13u'x l.'.ilV
Gt North pf ... 'H 12S 12si, lisn
Gt North Or .. t00 .Sola 3V StV
Illinois Central. 2UO 138 130 Ilia
lnterbor Met 174
do preferred.. 200 6Ss 63 ? IWl S
Int.T Harvester 10.3 S
Inter MHrlne Pf 2t
I-lt I'aper 60 10 - 10 ll
Int Tump 21
Iowa Central ... 800 11 10S 11
K C Southern 234
do preferred.. 6f0 (12 2 t2
UcXla (ius ... lm H'7 lOT1 101
Lotus Nash.. SOO 132 W 161 S 132 S
Minn St L 29
M. B P S M 600 181 1S1W 131 "4
Mo. Kan c Tex -1'
do preferred.. 12
Mo Paring 800 40 40 8!
Nvl Hlecult 147.
National Lead .. SnO R4 64 Ill's
N liy M--X 2 pf. C0 S8ti 3111 .1111
N Y Central ... .10t HIS, 1105 7
y Y. 'Hit We 81
Norfolk Wet 1.100 1"H4 loS
North Am .... loo 77 77 74 77's
Northern Pao .. l-0 1 in . lins 11S
Paeiflo Vail ... 33 S SI "2
Pennslwanla ... 1.2'i 128 322, 1224
People's tiu ... 20- lOtlt, lmtl, 10i4
P. 0 C ft St L.. 2o 10t, looi, lm
I'lttiburc Coal 17
Prensed 3 32
l ull Hnl Car IS1
I!y Fteal Sprlnc I'kt J7H 27 27',
Heading B0.4OO IMS l.'.7, 1.3SS
Kei.ubilc Steel . T'l 21 21 21
do preferred.. SOO 7HT, 71V, 7rt'i
Ro k Island Co. 3'- 23 '4 2.T-, 23
Co preferred.. Sot) 4H 41S 4!t
Ft l ft s r 2 pf a;'1
St 1. Southwest. 30
do rref'rred. 0014
Plo.s PhelTlold 42
Southern Pac .. 1.7 107' 107V, 10t
Southern Ky .. ;!, 0774 ;.s
do -preferred.. l.O-'O 724 71t, 71V
Tenn Copper ... 2oO SV 3.3t 33V
Texas ft Pae . . iWO 22 21 S .21 .
To!. St L ft tV-a Too 13S 13 13H
do preferred o -
Cnion Pcitlc .. 8S.!kn- 1V4V4 18"4 l.t
do preferred.. 800 63 03 !''-' V
V 9 Realty ns
IT S Ituhber ... 4'X 4lt 4r,'i 4",K
U S Steel BT.SnO 11 S m'i Wii?
do preferred.. 1.4v lost, jn7tl"7V
Ttah Copper ... T.600 64 6.1 r..H,
Va Cnro Chem.. . 20 64 61 63 V
Wabash rmo 7H 7H T
do preferred.. 0ro 14 lt, Jiaj
Western Md ... 400 6S.4 M, r.H
IVestlnr E'eo -ot
3V. stern l nlon. 2.800 8414 S314 S3 '4
Wheel ft I. r. 4t
I.ehlgh Valley .. 8 0 11 IB lnV
f hlno Copper .. 4.3' S.IV4 2.3 2
Hay Consols ... .2"'" 1T l"i 17
Am Tobacco . .. 8,700 27" 20 280
Total sales for the day. 306,800 shares.
Furnished by Overbeok ft Cook Co., of
Bid. Asked.
Amir Tel A Tel oonv 4 110 111
Au.erlcsn Tobacco 4 tO 4 (iriXi
Americun Tobacco aa J21 121V
Atchnon general 4a tl'4 1"0
Atchison 4s 103V lot)
Atchison adj 4s stamped Ill U24
Atchison cony 6s 108 IOS14
At Const Lin cons 4s PilVi W7
At Coast Llns "L, ft N coll" 4s. V3 l3Vi
Iialnmur ei Ohio BS I'-'S t'1
Ilaltlmor ft Ohio 4 I'S", !"4
Ilrooklyn Kapld Transit 4 Wi bSV
Can Southern first as 101V 102
Chesapenk ft Ohio 4 Vis lul V I"2
C H ft joint 4s P7V, 7
C It ft 4 Ills 4s IWV 10
C B ft O D.-nvr 4 PV 7
Cen:n! pan.'lo first 4s I'D
Cnicaco a Eset Ills 4s..
Chlco R I a P ref 4s . Sot, fo
Chlraao H I P Col trust 4... 78 73V
Colorado a Southern flrat 4.... Pd, J 7
t'enver a Rio Grand 4 V 81
Del a Hudson cona.4 " fa
Erie first cons P L 4.. b V0
Int Met 4,s 624 8.1
Japanese 4s r7V, b7is
Jnpsosre first 4s VHV, 94
Japanese avevnd 4Vs tfl4. Pit
Louisville A Nsalivlll unl 4s... . I"i
Mo Kan A Tex 4s K", ('"
Missouri psclflo 4s 73 S "4
New Tork Central 3Vs SS V, US',
New York Central L S $is 1-3 V, 83 V
New Tork City 4s 113 13 ,
New Tork City 4, of 1857 li7H 1074
Norfolk a Western 4s..... , - V9
Norfolk at West conv as 107, IAS
N T Ont W 4s VH'i , 5H
Northern pacirfc P V 4s 100' flov,
Northern PaclflO Sa M 5014
Oreaon r-hort Lin 4s 110 8S
Omni Ry Nav 4s P.i V,
Penna Ky 4s of 1H4H lo.i lo3 t,
Phlllproe Hallway 4S MS b7
Resdmr general 4s r 8S fte1
Republic of Cuba 6s lt'2 3, Jo3
6outhera Pacific first rat 4a.... Qi P5,
Southern pacl.'lo col 4s V2 P?
osUlsrn Railway 4s 73 79"
St L ft B r ref 4 1 "1
l nlon Pacifio conr 4 IOIV 1'f
Union Pacific ref 4s i'"
United States Steel S F Rs. I"3
I nlted State 1M registered I'"' ?
United Ststes 2s coupon 1 00 low
irniteil Slates .is reicietered ,"-
United States .".1 coupon... 1,1' -.iix-
United States 4s realstered IIS i!i
United state 4s coupon lis '',
United Ti.tiHvsy S F 4K , J.'
United llnllil) St L 4S If
tVahaeh first 4s ""S
Wesi-rn Union 4',s 1";
tVestinchouK conv 69
Wisconsin Central 4s - "
West Shor 4 10 ,00,
Si orks at Boetoa.
BOSTON. Feb. S. Closing quotations:
Alloueg S'-HIMlnml Copp.r. . . 234
Am Con cx-rilv. ill's. Mohawk -'3
A Z L 4 ti... 21 S Nevada Ct-n .... 1
Arizona Com . . 3' Nlpissinf .Mines.
H C C S M. O-.'North Butte -4
Ilittt Coalition. "2 U -North Tke..... t-
fal a, Arizona.. r.-.'V'ld nonunion.. . 44'.
l-nl Hecla 41 l)ceola l'J; ,
i-entennlul 1" 1U'""CV
Cop Kan Con Co 61 Shannon "
K Il'.tte C.-P M. '"'2:' iun ' s'Z
Franklin l.'k Mip B" Hn-- J
Glroux Con .... JV Tumaracrf .
flrerl y Con . . . 3o I s s K t -u.. ,
Greene famine. 'i : i" preferred... -4.V,
I fiovall (Cop 23V'Ulah Con ...... I
,- ...I.. -'T. i-i.h Cooper Co. i-
Lake copper'.::'. 3 j
La Salle Coi.-er 4V'olv.erine 7
Money. Kxchange. Ktc.
x-t..t- -v-r-iuu- irh fL Money on call firm
er." 2VS2', per cent, ruling rate, 2; clos-
Ins- bid 2V; oncrea ai --r. ,
Tlme'lHan; sleady: OO uuys. i9SH Par
cent t0 day. 2V3 per cent; six months,
3J11V percent ,-., -.
&?U,?i" h .?
ne,s tn bankers- bills at $4 842.1 for 60-day
bills and at 4.710 for demand.
commerrlnl hlrts. 4.S3'4.
P.iir silver. 6!Tc.
Mexican dollars. 47c. . kh.
tloverument bonds steady; railroad bonds
LONDON. Feb. s. ttar silver, uncertain.
S7U-li.d: monev. 8'i'TilV. per cent: rate of
dscount for short bills. -a"VPr cent
do. thic months' bllla, 3V1U3 6-16 per cent.
SAX FRANCISCO, Feb. 8. Sterling on
London. 60 day. 84.84V; lght. 84 .81 V.
Drafts night, par; telegraph, 2Vc.
' Mclal Markets.
SEW YORK. Feb. 8 Standnrd copper
quiet but firm. Srot. 11190 S14.124c: ijh
ruurv. 13.U.'.i 14.1-"o; . March. April. May
and June. 14i 14.23c London steady. Spot,
.2.1 7s 6d: futures, flu 2s ltd. Customs
House returns show exports ot 7M tons so
Tar this mouth. Lake copper 14S&"S.
electrolytic. .14 V. 4j 14 Vc; caatlni, 13 0
"Tin steady. ,.,ot o.T.3ff44..25c; February.
4 S3'n-; 1 ''c; March, 42.i a 4.1.15c; April,
4i HI i.'4!-.: May. 42.it4.hlc: June,
4i23 u42.7'.c. London easjT Spot, 19o os;
'"KS.'j'is -5 4.06c Nw York 8.809
8.K0C East St. Louis. London. 15 1J -Splter
quiet. ll.Ml 3&o New York, 6.20 9
6.4'Jc Kast St. l-ouln. London, tn.
Antimony dull. Cookson-a. '-,-,,. ,
Iron. Cleveland warrant. 4s 10V4d In
London. Locally the iron market waa
steady. No. 1 foundry Northern. 815W15.60.
No. . 81i.30'-a 13; No. 1 southern and No. J
Southern soft. 15fr 15.50.
Condition of the Ireasnry.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 8. At the beginnlnir
of bualnoss today th condition of th United
States Treasury was:
Working- baiauce In Treaaury of- 740-H2
In'bank's and Phil'lppln.' ireaiury 3:1-;-f'l
Total balance In general fund. . . 12J.H 2-"
Ordinary receipts yesterday I.biiS.144
Ordinary disbursement ........
Ths deficit to date this fiscal year Is 821.
B72.B30. against a deficit of s.loG,out at
this time last year.
These fig urea exclude Panama Canal ana
publlo debt transactions.
Price Quoted at the Bay City for Vege
table, i-rulta. Etc.
SAX rBAUCISCO, Feb. 8. Th follow
In produc price wer current her to
day: Vegetable Cucumbers. 81.00 1 50; garlic.
SV4U4c; green peaa. 6'5'12Sc; string beans,
nominal; eggplant. 12V4W20c; tomatoes, bio
W 11.26.
Butter Fancy creamery, SSttc
Kggs Stor. 2."Sc: fancy ranch, 28c.
Onions 81.Wt I2.0O.
Fruit Apples, choice, $1; common, 15c;
Mexican limes, 85'att; California lemona,
choice, I4.60-, common, 82; naval oranges.
12 i 4.60; pineapple, 2j3.50.
Mtllstufls Bran. 824.30HA 23.60; middlings,
$3 1 it 34.
potatoes Oregon Burbanks. $1.63 ff 1.80;
J-:at-ly ltos, nominal; Salinas Burbanks,
II 76111 13: river Burbanks, 81.35rl.&0;
sweets. 1 1-73 O 2.
Hay Wheat. USTJIO: wheat and oats,
813-0 18 60; alfalfa. 111 il 13.60.
Keceipts Flour, 8234 quarter sacks;
wheat. 13o6 centals; barley. 60.2t6 centals;
outs. 122o centals; potatoes. SO-M) sacks;
bran. 6 sack: middlings, 60 sacks; hay, 220
tons; wool, 241 bales.
Coffee and Knars r.
KB w YORK. Feb. S. Coffee futures
closed easy at a net decline of 8 to lt
points. Sales, 65. 10O bass. February,
12 97c: March. April and May. 18.02c; June.
13.0UC: July, 13.10C; August. 13.12c; Septem
ber. 13.13c: octoDer, lj.iuc; .xovemuer,
13.02e; December and January, 13.03c.
Spot steady. No. 7 Hlo. 14Vc: Santos.
No. 4. 13Sc. Mild, quluu Cordova, 13ii tr
1710, nominaL
Haw suar firm. Muscovado, 80 test.
8 Hoc: centrifugal, 01 test, 4.4oc; molasses.
b4 test, 3.78. Kellned Ilrm.
Iried Fruit at New Tork.
NBW YOKK, Feb. S. Evaporated apple
steady. Spot fancy. lO'ilOVc; choice, k
trSc: prime. eVtiSVc
Prunes uneetti-d. Quotations ranged
from 4VC to Uic for Californlaa up to 30-40S
and 12r for OreRons.
Peaches steady. Choice. ll-ffllHCi extra
choice, HVittl2c: fancy, 122 12So-
Cltlrag-o Produce Market.
CHICAGO. Feb. 8. Butter Steady:
creameries. 23 0 32c; dairies. 24 30c.
Eicgs Kasier; receipts. 1221 cases; at
mark, esses Included. 2iiif2rc; ordinary
firsts, 29 080c; Hrsts, 32c.
Chesse steady; daisies. 17'iei7Ho;
twins, lHVC110Vc; Youc? American, 17 V
17 Vc; long horns, 17V & 17Sc.
Market Inspector Order Worthless I
Fruit Destroyed by PedCIers.
The market Inspectors and health of
ficers yesterday started after the ped
dlers who are hawking frostCd oranges
about the streets. One wagon merchant
with a load ot fruit unfit for sale
waa found operating; on Third street.
He had a few boxes of srood oranges,
obtained from a Front-street dealer,
with which he "-faced" his load, and
back of It waa a large quantity of
pithy, tasteless oranges that plainly
showed the effect of frost. He was
ordered on the spot to take the frozen
fruit ta the crematory.
The wholesale dealers are making
every effort to keep frosted California
oranges out of Portland, but in spite
of their care the southern shippers oc
casionally get a car here which they
offer to tbe peddlers.
Whales, because of their great slsa, ar
not fast swimmers. They can malt only
about 10 or 12 miles an hour.
two craxd ciirisr,s
NOT. 1J, 1811! I FEB. i7, 181S. .
(From New Tork) ( From San Francisco)
by th ralatini crullry steamer,
"ilt'TOKIA M lsE"
(18..t'0 TONS).
Itlnerarv Include ladelra. apaln,
Italy, India. Ceylon, 8 trails evettlement.
Jaa, l'Mllyplne, China, Japan, band
wich Inland and ' Overland American
Tour. Inland excursions and side trips.
CCl and I Including- all necessary ex
UJVJ up I pne aboard and ashore.
Aleo Cruise to the Orient, Wewt Indie,
roath America, Italy and Ervpt, etc.
Write for Booklet of any Cruise.
Rsmhnrs;-American Line, 160 Powell Street, San Francises, Cal. : O.-W. R. at N. C..
Nor. Pae.. D. a R- O. R. R.. Burllnrton Route, Milwaukee a Puret Bound R. R-. C i.
Pfluser. Mulkey bldr.. Dorsey B. Smith. 69 Fifth street, Portland. Ore eon.
i '
s '
Wheat Settles to Lower Basis;
at Chicago.
Keports of the Settlement of the
Strike in Argentina Alo Cause
Selling May OpUon Closes
A Quarter Off.
CHICAGO, Feb. 8. Large receipts In th
Northwest and reports of th settlement of
labor troubles In Argentina knocked som
of th props today from under wheat. Ac
cordingly, closing price varied from th
same as last night to SVbn down. Corn
scored a gain of V4 to 4c net; oat iinione
unchanged to S'oHc up and og product
at an advanc of 5 to 10c.
lny wheat fluctuated trom $1.03Vi to
I1.0HV with trade In the end steady at
81. 03V. a loss of HVc, compared with
24 hours before.
May corn ranged between 67He,670 and
6SHc. closing Sc net higher and steady at
8o,c. Cash gradea were firm. No. 3 yel
low was quoted at 6666V,c for car lot.
Outside limits touched for May oats wer
&lfcr51',c and 62 H 62 Mo with last gale
H Vio up at 62ic
Prices for hog products crept up. No
general selling pressure was In evidence.
Pork wa 10c dearer all around and the rest
of tha list advanced 60 to 7 ft 10c
The leading; future ranged as follows:
Open. Htch. Low. Close.
May $1.03 fl.u34 I1.03V4 81.03V4
July DttT, .117 V . .87V
Sept. t)4V4 .V. .K4V4 .WS
May 674 .SH .74 -o9H
July 67-S .67 .'17'
Sept 67S .67", .CSV
M1 614
.47 V
.415, .42 V
May 1.20 16.35 11.20 16.30
Julv 18.45 16.62 1045 16.50
Sept. 16.55 16.02 V 16.52 H 16.60
May 9.32H 6.B7V, 9.30 .3
July 9.43 9.52', 9.45 9.50
Sept. 9.57 8.67V, 9.07V4 9.65
May 8.75 8.S5 8.78 8.S2Vj
July 8.c2H 8.110 8.82V4 8.0
Sept. . 9.02V 8.92V, 9.00
Caah quotations were as follow:
Flour Firm.
Rye No. 2, 93 V a
Barley Feed or mixing. 76c II; fair to
choice malting. 8 1.15 1-80.
Timothy seed 112$15.
Clover seed 11623.
Mess pork New, 113.874; old. H5.82V4
Lnrd In tierces. ID. 10.
Short ribs 18.574.
drain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to H3.000 bushel. Primary receipt
were 4H9.0OO buehels. compared with 457.
000 bushels trfb corresponding day a year
ago. Est (mated receipt for tomorrow:
Wheat. 30 cars: corn, 376 cars; oats, 78
cars; hogs, 80,000 bead.
Grain at Ban Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 8. Wheat steady;
barley steady.
Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.62
y 1.67 V per cental.
Sarlcy Feed. 4,1.83 51.874 per cental;
brewing, nominal.
Oats Red, $1.601.65 per cental; white.
$1.72 V4 is 1.80 per cental; black, $1.651.80
per cental. '
Call board sales: Barley Deoember,
$1.467i per cental bid, $1.47 asked; May,
$1.89V4 per cental bid, $1.924 asked.
Puget Sound Grain Market.
TACOMA. Wash., Feb. 8. Wheat Blue
item. StlusSo; club. 66o; fortyfold. 86c; red
Russian, btc.
Car receipt Wheat, 105; oats. 7; hay, 4.
SEATTLE. Wash., Feb. 8. Wheat BIu
stem. Mc: fortyfold. 64c; dub, 860; fife,
bd'.-i red Russian, 84c.
Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 17; flour.
4; hay. 6; barley, 1.
European Grain Market.
LONDON. Feb. 8. Cargoes firm. Walla
Walla for shipment, 37s tld. English coun
try markets steady. French country markets
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 8. Wheat March. 7s
lid: May. 7s 74d; July, 7s 6kd. Weather,
Naval Stores.
SAVANNAH, Go., Feb. 8 Turpentine,
nothing doing: last sales 47; sales none; re
ceipts 12': shipments 3; stocks 23,300.
Rosin Firm. Sales. 19O0; receipts. 1200:
shipments. (; stocks, 104.242. Quote: B,
T, E. $6.60: F. G. H. $6.674; I. $6.70: K.
$7.10; M, $7.20; N. $7.30; WO, $7.33; WW,
$7. 4U.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 8. Wheat May.
$l.7tf 1.071 : July, $1.7',. Cash No. 1
hard. $1.08: No. 1 Northern. $1.074 0
1.07',; No. 2 Northern. $1.03 Vs l.OOS ; No.
3 wheat. $1.03 ov 1.034.
New Tork Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. 8. Cotton futures
cloned as follows: January. 10.2iic; March,
lOcr-May, 10.13c: June. 10.12c; July, 10.23c;
August, 10.24c: September. 10.20c; October,
10.21'c: December lo.2-,c
Dutulh Flag Market.
DULUTH. Feb. 8. Linseed. In store, on
track and to arrive, 12.094; Fob-rmn-.
$'-' l7'4 ni-keri: .May, $; liiij hH.
Benefit by the ex
perience of others.
Read the high record of
B i t u 1 i thic Pavement in
other large cities.
Then work for it here.
The best is always
PILES. GRANT Feb. ti, 11 A. M.
A3IKKIKA March 7, 10 A, M-
PKKS. LINCOLN March 14. S P. M.
Unexcelled Rtts-Carlton a la Cart
Restaurant. Gymnasium, Elactrlo Baths.
Elevator. Palm Garden.
Hamburg direct. Second cabin only.
Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa
6. S. HAMBURG Feb. f0, 10 A. M.
National Bank
a progressive commercial bank
with a savings department under
government supervision.
4 On Savinae
1 -
Il il
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,009
Surplus 850,000
Oldest National Bank West of tho
Rocky Mountains
Established 1859.
Capital Stock Maa!.
Surplu3 and Undivided Profits 800,000.00
Commercial and Savings Accounts
Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail
able in all parts of the world.
W, M. Tjidd. President.
Edward Cooklngham, Vice-Pre.
V. H. lluiicklcy. Cashier.
TO be favorably known and recommended by a
strong bank is an asset.
A bank account is an inf luential factor in the career
of every man and woman. A keen personal interest
is taken in the business success of the depositors of
this bank,
Founded in 1886 Washington and Second Streati
A The Largest sad Finest British Steamer
Aaorr. Madeira, Gibraltar, Aider, Naples, Genoa. Alexandria'
"ADRIATIC" February 21.
"fANOPIC" March 16.
WHITE STAR LINE, Room "B" Bailer Bolldlna;, Second and Cherry St.
Seattle, or Local Agent.
Main Office Mill Bid-, San Francisoo.
Branch Office Vancouver, "cattl a,
fortlaod. Lo Anele. dan Uieao. Cor-
anatlo Beach.
Ualn Flour Lumbermen Bank Bolldlna,
6th and Stark.
Phone Marshall alio. A-41ST
Conatructa Asphalt and Other Bitu
minous Pavement.
f05-e08 Electric Bids;, Portland, Or.
Oskar llnber, Manager.
The most delightful spot on entire world
tour for your vacations. Delightful sea bath
Inc at In famous beach of Walkikl. Th
splendid 8. 8. Sierra (10,000 tons displace
ment) make th round trip In 16 days. On
eon visit on a sid trip the living volcano
of Kllauea, which Is tremendously active,
and see for himself th process of world
creation. No other trip compares with thia
for th marvelous and wonderful In nature.
Visit the Islands now, while you can do It
so easily and quickly, and while th vol
cano Is active Prompt attention to tele
grams for berths. Sailings: February 18,
March 9,- March 80. April 20, etc
7 Market Street. San FranclaCe.
General Steamship Agent.
Experienced Information About Travel.
8 Fifth St Portland, Or.
' Phones: Marshall 1979. A 1293.
Ball from Alnsworta Docks. Portland, .
P IL, vry Tuesday. Freight rclvd at
Ataasrarth Dock dally np to P. M. Pas
seaaar tar, flrst-olass, 110; scond-clas. 7.
Including xnsal and berth, Tlckat offlo
Ainaworth Desk. Phones Mala lain. la
lift, A 1234.
Robert 8. Howard, Asst. Cashier.
J. W. Ladd, Anst. Cashier.
Walter M. Cook, Asst. Cashier.
March 27
Portland to Los Angeles, all ship. . . . $1
Portland to Los Angeles, rail and ship
Portland to l.og ajigeica, ui suiv,
snr.ianH tn T .nm Aneelea rail and ship.
round trip iM!i
Portland to San Diego, all ship ...... 20.00
Portland to San Diego, rail and ship. . 2Z.UO
Portland to San Diego, all ship, round
trip -0
Portland to San Diego, rail and ship,
round trip 48.00
FRANCISCO tha Exposition City, connecting
Willi the famous now turbine ateel ateamera.
YALE and HARVARD, largest, fastest and
th ONLY strictly first-class, passenger
ships on the Pacific Coast without contradlo
tlon; cost $2,000,000 each. Carry no freight
except express matter. Average speed 23
miles per hour. Baggage checked through to
destination. Sailing four time . per week.
Break monotony by stopping over a few
hours, or several day at San Francisco,
thence travel where the sea is as smooth as
glass, and 09 per cent ot the passengers ar
not sick, for the short voyage of la hours.
Make reservations Immediately.
ban Francisco, Portland and L. A. S. S. Co.
A 4d96. Frank Bollaru, Agent. Main 2.
Low Rates. Schedule Time.
216 Railway Exchanice Bids
Portland, Or.
Haln 8378. A 892
San Francisco and Los Angeles
S. S. BEAR Bail 4 P. M. February IL
Ticket Office, 142 Third St.
e Phone Main 402 and A 1402.
San Francisco Los Angeles
and San Diego Direct
S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder
Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at P. M.
US XniM Bfc. raanas atala U14, A U1A,
Trains' it