18 . ' THE . MORNING OKEOONIAN. FRIDATVFEBRFARY 0. 1912. - 1 I a rnii ajrv-r I FOB REST. . FOR LaV Itaw. Bird., rrt mora. IANDAKD-1SKI.U poultry J Chick. Urubllun. brooder and "WU'.'"I vpp-.. T. foultry Supply Hou. Jug a .mon. . M n u lt your poutry and gg MlK-eltaai FIl'E flPK HIl-E. XV he tn lrg--l iock. wet or O nlt in this Hn irt cn Bt you out W1I& ur tol-.d t n Imm.r.s. uln. LATH.-. PK1LLS. KTO. SB IS Furl ANYTHINO IF VuU CAS T C.F.T IT AT ALL. nARl'FT' HAS IT. M FAKDB A SONS. -THE HuLaK cK An MILLION BAR- S4"-24i Front t.. cor. Main OlfliE EQl'IPMEST BAROAIS. C om a foll.: lnJerwoo" typewriter. 1-VS low roll-lop desk. ; rfvolvlne rhair. t" erralsht chair. : type writer table. grr-n velvet rut ..o: rarl Indea caMr.et. ... II for !-.. Apt. . , t . tw. w tv nirfman t M U "-' ELEVATOR VP. PHI' Iw. . I mft una -t tl trongr compe tition in th eity on men ilt n rravrnetted oTirrmliL Jimmy Dunn, room 313 lirnnnian THe 7Tbthwkt TYPEWRITER CO. IS NOW LOCATED AT 2iZ PTAKK STKEET. Rebuilt tvpewrlier or ll make- Price. lowat in the dry. Main V',-'. A 14.S. tLMHTLT t.eed ceen register-, credit reg le'.r. computing acalee. etc bought inj eoid. The I'aclf ! Hloro Mnrlco to.. --' yrfc et. Main 7711. ch cutter, credit r'.ter meat c. Th Port'.anrt 8tor Supply La. . . rw-Yd ail C" tl trouser at $J 2i: v.lue. J,SS Take elevator and fcurt a bargain. Jim en T pjnn. room 1 Or qnlnbld. BaE3 O.outno H!I saf-a. new and econd V.ndlow price. ...y t.rma Sai- d Vpalrld. Pnrr.l Baf. Co . and Port tend SaX. Co, IS ilb at. ilaln3o ri'RVITURK of thr-room art.. f. P' ,i apt, brick bldr: location, b. IHiS. A. M- ANSL AL HALE "t nnro1oad pd(a al Vrcl. My.r. Tl - yea r !n Portland. vTTvvr; man with aoma lru oprlnoa ..'nl.d Tor lh..ramry. App.y U.umaurr Prjnk Lru i'nmpuj,;li;-T",,V JilEAPTt a bara-Va. eomplfla -t of oho mak.r ant alner ain ruarh.oa. Inquira rirn GOOD niaon ru ar.d thalra ccaap. POono C 2i3. B T74. Orfgor.un. ftp BL'MESS caMa J5-: a barain- Roao City Prlntry. I':! ""r- Taylor. (,M r. rare and a'-r haatar for aaja BOLL-TOP dak. bookkaopar dak and aala, A R T4i. Oronlan. wAXTr.D MivriXAxr.or. HAVE YOt: ANTTHINO TO MLL? CALL VS VP FOR ANTTHINO OB CARP, TO DISPOSE OF. M BARDt Xba IJoua ol a ill Hon HaralB" Front and Vla ala. Mala 03. LAVNCHEi TCantod A his-;aaa laonch rapabla of not laa than tnl -a an hour, to -chanfa lor daairabla bulldlnc lota at tho Uadtne raaort of tha ParlLO .Vortliwnl. A 1 Jrt.a AH 770. Otasonlan, or P. O. Hot T'-'a. Portland, Or. VAXTKD To buy. on tarma, from ono to mllao of aocond-hand atool ralla. ajit- t i for lorda. alao rail aqulpmnt for loacins: aiau ona donkey enc.na and aqulpment la ool rapalr. AV VIS. Oro-Mn- C,m;TCLOTdIXl. rvKXITt-S. TOOL Hlchrat prl- paid for naea'a and ladlaa". caat-ot cloth In, inoaa. furnltura. too a. nachanlc loi:nc. Caii Mala au. . let au. Tha Qloba UAKviERB AUCTION HOLCB S70 k. Morriaoa. pbooa rL loll PaTa l?!at caili prlca for furnltoro. TO BIT raeh ratt'ater. acaleo. coffeo mill, rbteat euttar. credit realatar and meat eiirer. Phono Marahall 4. W E pay tha hUheat raah prla for a-ond-han.i furniture. renter at alamo, phono riMllHJIl Hawthoma aa tiTF-LS. to Independent . learn tnnlcurln. faco and araip treatmonta 1 will t-ifo yoo tha path to aucceaa. Y Pja Qrertmno. WANTED Complete movln.pirturo outfit. What baro yuuT 8 7. Oreonlan. ORI Aurtlon Co. Para r"t caah for any kind of furniture, ala.n ht-l. A -US. VviLL. tint rooma i. up. ill paintlns at reaaonablo rrhea. Phono Kail ulj(4 HAHIU:!: wanted to buy I-chalr ahop. rent lO. Kverelt frK'"ij.t-liAND tent. lt'.i4. c.nnite alia f!e Arlilrria C E- J.. O I It at., at once. J.I'LEK.V FUEL CO. la open for prlca on quanlltx A-l creen rordwood. IIFI-P WAXTtll MALE. I'LORIST Practical man who undera'.anda cre-enhouaa and outdoor propaxatlon. vrbwlna and rare of flowara for market: tnuet hao itvl referencee and bo atnetly aohar and reliable. Addreee R TVX Ora Knlan. CITT BiJI.lCITOR. For hich.-claa work amona; boat bual neaa houaca and men; ntuft ho A-l and arU to handle, tie paofle. man ramt:iar wi if tl adtertljitPB prelrrd. but not ea.-n tial :-i Kilera bl.l . W to ! A al. tmlay. V ANTE C" 6aleeruan of aUlilty to call on cut and aeart.y country trade; muat be a worker and have aome knowledge of Tn alntf equipment and machinery. Ad dree wttn full partlculara aa to quallfl ra'lona. AP T3. reftnlan. 1 WANT llwe repreaentatlyea In each com munity of Oregon and Waahlr.aton for titah-tlaaa ape-la:tira; socMie t;d on money 1 'k auarantee. no t omp-lltina. HEXJ. I- .-UltH. Mauufai-turer'a Agent. Z2 i:orb-it blda.. I'ortiand. Or. Hl'JH-CLASrS tradea Journal require aerr . n of capable newepeper man to pr-Piira ropy, read proof and- maae up forma; permanent pooltlon fr rta-ht ntan, slve phone number. V 7S4. Oryron:an. MAN and" wife. Hwtaa preferred, e erlenced la milking cowa and fedlnc them prop erty and caring for the mltk product, wanted to work ateady oa farm. Addreaa hoe. Corral. ia. or. WANTED An ouieMo aaleaman: ntuat bava rome know.edae of marine aaan.lne en- STtnra and ealrnon canning ma hinrry. for HrlMaU Columbia terntotr. reference re quired. Addrea' AV ut'N Oregonlan. MKN who have been aucceaaful Inaurance, i"-a or iimtrimK ' m wire me. If you are i a-imethlng good with me 19 A- M . ,t fpalolng alAfk or traveling aaieomen win aucceee! are reauy loeaing tor merit benina it. caai bldg n'K have a permanent poeulon with a good alary and commlaolua added for ao ma eapabt buataeaa man who can lnveet aome money with Ma ee r-y I ,-ee . reference ei.rhanged. AB 7 j-. Oregonian. 1 WANT aa eapenenced aoilcltor who caa handle a Mgh-riaaa propoeltlnn. til" ex perience and reference In aoavtr. P "t , uragoatao. TVANTiTT) Flrat-claaa marker and tUelrtb uter. muat bo abie to take charge of tn'.a rtepartnaenL Troy Laundry Co.. 201 K. Water. BVTTtl MAKER wanted; muat have aome mperlaac In making ans anipptag ico cream. Inquire at onco. Room lift icatoa HoteJ. WE hare room for one more man who caa make per week on our new propor tion, ll.l forenoor.a. led ft:h L 3d floor. and aak for Mr. Jonea. Waste iwi.'iKi''i orcnani man ana Apply 1 ti. lTlh. Alanhall fa-tnlng. WANTEl A good live aawmlil machinery aa eamaa for ltrlllatl Cn.utnbla; reference required. Addreea AV leg. OreiToplan. aTOCK ?A1.EmE.v " or w tmin. Call Sa Aiiaky bldg, at o&oa Inquire for Air. Love; W ANTETv Bright and active office boy; be chance r-r advancement. Appty a QfTlce. Eliera Mualc Hoaae. LICIT KJ WANTEP S 1-AX commia- aloa. tliwood I Work, il Spokan avenne. t yrt.STA'LA- coatmaker wanted Call thl morning. New York Tallora, 811cWaan- lnton- PH.jTw coupon, beat titr offered, anap for areola Cutoerth. tudlo. Iekum nllg. I'tRilANENT income for aaleeuieo, Aak lor Mr Hurioti. Ilia Tim bldg. He-I.lAM.E eolicltor new co-operative plan. S'O Marquam bldg. 9 to 11 A. at. WANTED A god aoilcltor for d worka Apply I'M I,tJ AilENTS to aetl ph'tto coupona; aomethlne new. p.iaton studio, VI - Waah. YOlN'i man wanted. Portlaad Trunk Mfg. i'o.. 2d an.l Pine e;e. VANTK1' alen to clear land by contract. ell W;7 Teon H.dg. A NTFP T H N'l VEN T' LEARN MOV- IN.! I ICTI'RE OPI.K ATINa OAH.. II RNES.MAK,LR wanie for ru'tora a .-.up. i.., Jialn al.. Vancouver. Waah. WANTEP Errand boy. :v Ankrny. IK r.leil. .;d North. JJAllHKH wa-itrd I ''- N ' h at- n.lhtiEli, aoxtunion. 7vO William ava.. II T. LP WANTTCD SfAIJt. WANTED TODAT. Two teania to haul tie. cant per tl. One team "to log, $0 per day. Pour ailing! packera. H? W. Five knot aawvera. ell. -J dav. Land c. earing. M up to lt-0 acre. New work every day. NOTICE W are now located In our new office at 222 and L"J4 Couch at., cor ner lat. 1 Al PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, lain otsic --- and C-e couch at. Y M c A. EMPLOYMENT liEl'ARTM ENT Fpeclal empiovment memberahlp. i per annum; guaranleea member '' ,'"' employment or refund of raemboranlp r. give 2 montha- full memberahlp priv ilege In the aaeoclatloa and undertake to keep party emploed during tn full term of memberahlp without further cha-ga . . , . W bar conatant dmand for Mgh grad. experienced men. Are you filled tor a better poeltlon? 5e cretr'. employment tlenartment. Kecord for year lull: Call for men. .lal: poanuna :ineu. i RKSI'O.NSim.E local manaaer wanted, ono with eetahlined office preferred; opening alio for ollcltore and aaleapeople. to ae cure appllcatlor.a for tour to tha Panama. Paclflu International Hxioaitlon to be held In tan KranciacoJ in lull, on paymenta of 1 per week. lndoraed hy all banka and commercial Inatitullon of San KTanclaco. Thla la an exceptional opportunity for th rtpht men and women; reference a to aMIIty and lntearlty ahaolutely necee-ary. A.lre.a K. B. Hanaon. New Perkln Hotel. Portland. - WE want clean-cut young feliowe with am bltton and energy who re willing to de voia their entire time to our Intereata; experience l.oi neceaaary, hard, conacl'n tlou work count; Incomo tcady and lane. If you till the biil, call aft't- oclock thl morning. Tho Wcatlyn Truat Company. 1S21 Yeon bldg. WANTED Prlnl-r. bright young man (no cigarette amoker need apply) who ha had two to three yrare' experience In compoa-Ing-room In a modern city office. Kxcep tlonal opportunity for the right party in the moot modern and rapidly growing rp' clnlly p.nnt on the oa. Wage to atari. 1 2 per week Y ore gonian. WB WANT a reliable, energetic man that . la willing to work and pun. and glv hi whole lime to help u put the beet town- ue proposition of the whole Coaat on tha market. Would like one capable of han dling aaleaman under him. Iwkroora. ad vertiatnr matter and uprll' fr.-e. Liberal gommiaaion. Call 412 Well-areo bldg. WANTEP for V. B. Army, able-bodied un married men. between aa of It ino u, cltlana of Vnlted h:ta. of good char acter and temperate ha hi la. wha caa peak, nad and write the Engllah lan guage. For Information apply to Rocrult Irr officer. Worcester, bloca. Tklrd akd (li atreetx. Portland. Or t Wcl want three experienced aaleamen who can iloae pro. pec la furmahed by ua. Our prloe are rlnt and our commlaaloM ao liberal that men who bar had any real aelUng experience can make -K per . mon:o. Call Ua ith t.. ak for Mr. Hod- aon. WAN'TKIi I'ompetent bandamen with fol lowing tradea: 8t enoicrapher. candy maker, buehelman. laundry marker and aiarcher. ali-'round printer; clarlnetlal and trap-drummer prererreo; omerew.n Addreax tlnnrttnaMer. Kennewlck, Wh. WE have a vavancy In our atoro for a flrat-claaa gretj-ry clerk; muat be well recommended: no other than an experi enced man need apply. L. Mayer a; k.o.. 14 3d at. W ANTKLl Saleamen with experience to aell auburban lota In new addition. Juat ready for market: email monthly payment; ay eelllng. Apply 814 Henry bldg. ' HF.I P WANTWe-tt.MALE. IRVINGTON. Nrv, attraciiva houe of 0 rooma, roeep tlon hall and den In beat part of Irvlngton. on Eat i-J u; all modern convenience: bardaood floora. fireplace, eleeplng porch, attic- lot &n.l"d; improvement paid; a nap at !. ;oO0 caah KAl KFMANN a: MOORE, 33 Lumber Exchange. EXPERIKNCFD ahoct-hour waltreaee wnt ed by the Mele- At Frank atore real a u -rant, only those underatandlng good aervlre need app y at restaurant deak. 7th floor, pleasant urrounding. perma nent poeltlon. Apply at lonce. PRAPERT WORKROOM CIRIJt. wanted by THS MEIER FRANK UTORE; on.y thoroughly experienced worker need apply at superintendent- office 8 lo Willi. WANTED Reliable woman for general housework tor couple with small - child. Ccutrli or Engllah preferred. 1M3 Vaughn 1. Tk "W car to Slat L Phone Jlar ehall 17 13. A WANTED Neat, capable Christian womun, housekeeper and companion for old lady; prefer Mia West; pleaae phono again. Main WANTED Young lady etenographer. famil iar with general otflee work: etal ex perience, salary dealrau. tc Box . oregomaa. WAVTEI Competent girl for general liouaework. good wage to tho right party. uman. i ! nil YOCNO lady of neat appearance to do a special lln of work in city. Salary. Apply 7-'l Veon bldg. MKST4.'LA.1.S girl to do general house work; food wage. Apply at 147 North liin at. rriq.ir siiu j - WANTED A competent girl for general houaework. two n faraliy. "1 Madison St., corner pioui. nn- " , - LADY aoilcltor. alarr and commlaalon; big money; aometbing new. lirlll. ooOk M ..rrlaon. ailKI-S wante.1 for general houaework and cooking; good agea. Inquire 77 i Kear ney at. . HANSEN LADIES' AOE.VCT. Saftfe Waahlngton at., cor. 7tn. upstair. 1-h one Main 269X COMPETENT girl for houaework; muat be good cook. Apply between 10 and a. ftdO Sllrsnall. MHri. UOWES UAD1ES- AOENCT. Waahiagton bldg. 4th and Waaa. St Main r A WANTKD Refined. c:able woman for re sponail'le poa.tion. . Viavl Co.. Girj Hotn rhtl.l bldg.. 4:h an Washington. W A N TE P Y ou it g girl for cigar stand and p.otroQin. Kerett at. WOMAN or girl to do general houaework. , . . . . . I. n. 4 U.ln T Itl 1 WANTED llrl. light hotiaework. plain cooking. I'hone Tabor S4a. EXI EIllrLSlEIS body Ironer. East 10th and Everetl. palace steam Laundry. GlilL for general housework, wag sa $20. 71'3 Osckamaa at. WANTEP p'.xoerlenced demonatralora Call ii lo 12. 7 Corbelt bjda;. WANTKD Girl for waltres. 41 Whlnf- ton st- Orpheum restaurant. WAITRESSES. -A 15. city and country. Howe LadleaAgency. 3U. 27H Wash. iIaDT gent a wanted, make $4 day; fl at art a you. W. A. Turner. 47S Taylor. HELP WANTF.D M OR rT-MAI-i;. WANTED KaJoamen nd a lee women to aell lota on rery easy term in ono of the fin eat beach resort In Oregon: thl property ta within a few mile of Astoria, and has many advantage not pc.eeaed by any other beacn property, liberal commission will be paid to producer. Address fur in terview only If you art a bustler and can get -reeulte. AP 7?7. Oregonian. boOKKaEPEU--. eaahlera, bill clerk. tc: 1 will guarantee your qua, in cation to fill poaltlor.s In 110 daya; prlvat Inatructlon by publlo accountant; poatlloa aecuxod. J 4. Oregon ln. RAILWAY roall clerk. (I'O month; Portland examination May 4. preparation rree. Franklin Inatltuta. Dept. au M. Koehea ter. N Y. MFV AND WOMEN for aa Eastern house; local and traveling: salary and axpen roL Room 3 Arlington HoteL god TO $10 WEEKLY guaranteed In vau deville; experience unnneceeearr : will In-' tiuct and tart you today, tj.1 North 0th. help WAVTrn ii.h rn.Avr.ovB. RAILWAY mall clerks, prepare now, ex cellent aalarlea and promotion; no lay off a. aur pay; free book. Call today. Pa oific Mates School. McKay bldg. LEARN to operate; complete Cotiree taught In theater; position secured: prlco reason able, tarma 417 Rothchlld. 4ta and Wash In ir ton XIakE money writing ehort atorlea. or for faper: big pay ; frea booklet lei's bow. r.iled Pres b)ndlcat. Ban Francisco, WANTEP Picture play writer; big pay: we'll teach you. picture play Aocla 11. n. Fan Francisco. Flr-K TEAi'HUKS' ASSOCIATION,-. 10 Swetiartd bltlg. PRIVATE Siool SHORTHAND and TTPE WRITIN'J. i mo , 24 14th st. Min :- LADIES tn N-arn the buslnesa of tha Sani tary Beauty Parlors. 4u0 Lkum b.dg. MORNING HELP WAXTEP MISCELLAXEOVS. MEN nd women to learn the barber trade In elgnt weeks; special Inducements: per centage paid while learning; tools free: expert Instructor; IT years In the busi ness: 37 schools; a lifetime memberahlp gtvwn to each ludent. Moler Barber Col lge. 3i N. Fourth t.. Portland. Or. TO$H3 WEEKLY ' made by motlon-pW-tnre operator, learn busine tn two week at our finely equipped trleater: leoii reaonabl. 6211 Wash.. ner 17th. PRIVATE KHORTHAND. TYPEVVR1TINCS. bookkeeping. t2 Hamilton. Marhall 42JS. felTVATlONt WANTEII MALB, Bookkeeper and Clerk. EXPERIENCED ladle' drcaa food ales man with oest uf reference I open for engagement wlt.n rcllablo house. Bell phone K. C14S. WILL. A I'D IT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balances and state ments. Install systems- Uilllngham, au ditor. 411 Lewla bldf. Marshall 717. SITUATION wanted by experienced book keeper and cashier: can leave city; ref erence and bund. AG 772. Oregonln. Musrellaneooa. MUNICIPAL FKKK EMPLOYMENT Bt'REAr. 215 Second St,. Corner Salmon. Women'a Department, 245 Salmon. All cltiaeee of unskilled, akllled. profes sional and olerlcal male and female help furnished on hort notice. No fee charged. . I'hone Mnln 3040. A S&ii. KASTER-NER, 27 yeara old. expert poultry man and rarmer. good carpenter, hii own tooia. wants poulon aa manager on ranch: will take lnteret In It. or will con struct new poultry buildings: married. James Peatman, Kingston. 13QUj 3d at. WANTED A prlvat Job or driving auto for good, reliable people; havo been owner of a large gaiage for two year: can give good bank reference. I'hone K. 44B1. ago 2S. 647)4 William a. VoVNO man Herman, Lt year old. wlhe ateady p.ltluo on a larm, can drive team, plow, milk cowa. "etc.: atat salary. Chax. KauLa, car P. Ballmalca. S44 William ave.. city. . WANTED, position by young man: elevator, pilot or hotel work preferred: beat-of ref erencea: ralr education: will go anywhere. Addrea .'. J. Cook. 201 S llorrlaon t.. R. 1M. Phono M. tws. FIRST-CLASS all-round printer. 10 year experience, would like poolllon Wo man or Job printer with country news paper. Aourese v i". .i e " MAN. experienced In cafe and saloon busi ness, knows enough to work to employer Interests, wauta position as bartender; no , ....... 1, V. .. r , a TAflA tAPEKlENCED steam engineer, married, does not drink, wants position, stationary or hoisting engine; can furnish reference, C5 74. orAcotnan. HAVE THIS Young men and woman at tending school, dealre place to work for room and board, addrea th National Telegraph Institute, or phone Main j'.t-'a. CHAVFFEVR desire -Doltlon with prlvat family, three years' experience, careful driver, do running repairs. A. Russell, 8o3 ttih st. Telephone Min 8-74. CHAL'Pl'EL'R, of good manners and refer ences, wants position, either private or trucking. Phone Msln 4210. HOTEL manlier, aaalatant or auditor, food recAmmendatlnnai Coaat experience. Ad dreaa poetofflce bog 71 S, Portland. Or. MAN and wife want work on farm or rent farm In ahare. Inquire R, Buellkofer, L';5 Salmon. bPOXANE aaleaman. ability to represent Portlund house, preferably In Spokane. AV WO", Oregonian YOl'XG man. good ahoe and general mer chandise aaleaman. wanta position; will leave town. AK7T4, Oregonian. TOVNO man, neat, well-educated, a clerk or asjtt. nooKKeeper, o year aterieov" AN bv.t, Oregonian. ' after achooL 3 1K o'clock P. M. Phona Main 170, ' TOl'NI man want position on big farm. . Addreea M. K.. 2-0 Knott at. Phone but 21S1. Y'Ol'NH man want position a shipping or assistant shipping 41erk; good reference; ran furnish bonds. AQ 773. Oregonian. blTV ATJON by credit man. experienced In collections and accounting. AO 77ft. Ore gonian. SOBER young man. some automobile ex perience, careful driver; character refer-encee- AL TtW. Oregonian. blTL'ATIOX by young man of 26; yeara" experience as et'-amflller. F 7tJ, Ore gon lan ' JAPANESE school boy wsnts position In family. AT 773. Oregonian. MAN and wife want poaltlon on ranch, dairy prererred. 121 Concord, city. JAPANESE wants position, stor or off lco boy. Ky. M-. I'3 North th. MIDDLE-AGE man requtrea altuatlon aa Janitor; reftrencea Marshall .'UiS.I. MAN and wife want work on ranch, ex perienced farmer. AT 772, Oregonian. StTTATlONS WAXTEP FEMAU-C. Bookkeeper and Stenographer. EXPERT stenographer want law poaltlon or public apace for publlo work. K 7s. Oregunlaua, Ullll'ETENT stenographer desires position; 4 yeara experience; references. AR ivl. - Orrironlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer desire posi tion: city references; ft years' experience In one office. I'hone Eat 1 172. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi tion. Underwood or Kemlngton machine. At". 777, Oregonian BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, S years experleise In general mdse.. best refer ences; will leave city. AR 7. oregonian. EXPERIENCED etenographer and bookkeep er wiahea position. I'hone Woodlawn 13411. YoL'NG lady bookkeeper and etenographer want position, experienced. Marshall 31o3. WAN V E D To do typewriter copying; hava own machine. Talior 1"10. B 313U. WIDOW dealre to be housekeeper for elder ly couple, housekeeper In rooming-house or 'a respectable gentleman; no young tr or Invalid. Main 4lS4. Mlll.t.E DE DI1.I.AUT. .'.'. Washington (Ella st, entrancei; A 3140. Exclus ve French designs In gown, tailored suits. etc. EASTERN designer will teach you -to cut. fit and make vour own domes at reason able price. 3i' Central bldg.. 10th and Alder. Marshall 3613. MENDING, plain sewing and children' clothe neatly done. Room 21 Euclid Ho teL Phona Main 7 IMS. A TTSI 6EWIN1 by tho day or at home. S37 6th at. East BOSH. - WANTKD nam dressmaking and altera tion. 549 E. 2itn at, DRESSMAKING and remodeling; rata for February; day work. Marshall 17tft. SEAMSTRESS: to go out by tho day: can do dressea: 91. bo per day. rlellwood Ho7. EXPERIENCED child's nurse desire posi tion; no second work. Phona Woodlawa ML BABIES under years old will receive th beat of car at my homo; bast of ref erences, phone. Tebor 1512. INVALID lady needing room, can bav care, heme comforte. Call Tabor 221S. GOOD, practical nurae; any number- ot doctor' reference Main 6PS7. AN EXPERIENCED nurae would like mora rase, any kind. Tabor Srtt)!. Main 44rt;i. MoireeUcepera. BT refined young widow, fur widower or bachelor. AS 773. Oregonlaan WANTED Pooltlon housekeeper for' 1 rterly couple. Addrea ol E. .Hat st. 1 loro eat Ira. GIHL wishes to aetal with houaework and us piano. Phone Marahall 1716. Mlscaollaaeoua, TWO ladlea wlah to car for child In their homo; food borne, beat of ear. Sellwood 40 J. HOVSEKEfcPERS. cok. waitresses, cham bermaids, office girl, nurae a. HI iout8 Agency. 2f.3-e Alder. Msln 2089. A 4775. EXPERIENCED cook cafeteria, restaurant, etc. St Louis Agency. Msln 2019. A 477.1. LACE curtains laundered, 2.1c up; quickly done, called for and delivered. Tabor 317. WOMAN wanta housework or cleaning by the day. Phono C 233a. CURTAINS wanted, band laundry. Wood lawn 2t4. No mangling YOl'NU lady of varied experience deslrea evening work. AL 75. Oregonian. WANTED Washing and Ironing by tho hour. Wrlle Mr. B. Froat, 222 lth St. N. GOOD cook for few men: no objection to country. AM 78. Oregonian. IADY wishes work by th tlay or hour. I'hone jjln 021. room 4. EXl'ERfENCED young lady wish poaltlon aa nurre girl. - Phon A 4"14. ' 1 WANT day work for Krldy and Saturday; teat reference. A 41142. TOVNG girl want position to aeelst with housework, no washing. East t0, SITVATIOXS WAXTEIT FEMALB. Miscellaneous. SITUATION wanted a bouaemid or cook by swedlah young lady. Address Rev. John Oval!' residence, 75" Borthwlck st, Phona - Wood lawn A 812. Oregonln. WANTED Day work by experienced Isun drle will take washing home, Phon YVoodlawn SoSl. , WOM AX " wishes- day work. Phon A 1548. WAXTEIJ AOEXTS. AGENTS nd crew manager to ell the famous Qulkwork "vacuum cleaner; right man make easily from 73 to $150 per week; 1 have onlv medium-priced ma chine on market which will do work of higher-priced .clesner. Sells for JS.50 on the coast.- Write Mr new elllng plan, rull psrtlcular. E. A. Crandall. Special Representative for Eaatern Manufacturing Co.. Seward Hotel. Portland. Oregon. r WANTED TO RENT. Uou WANTED At once by family two adults. modern bungalow, six large rooma, largo yard, fruit, barn, near good car ervica. X 603, Oregonian. - . WANTED To lease 10-room new strictly modern home, on West Side. C 793. Ore gonian. WANTED Unfurnished house. 7 or 8 rooms, between Couch and Stark and Union ava. and 7th t- AB 762. Oregonian. Room. HON EST young office man wants a mall furnished room In private family for A and do some work before S:K A. M. and Saturday after . P. M. W .S.. Ore gonian. WANTED By young man. furnished room In good locality, place where meal CM In id t option of roomer preferred- AB 786, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Pnrnlsbed Room. HOTEL CAPLES. 150 Taylor at-, bet. 7th and Park. Resi dential and transient' absolutely central; two minutes from Postofflce. stores, thea ter and retaurant; Just off business street and carllnea; quietest and best lo cation: new brick: ample steam heat and hot running water; phones. elevator. From tl daily. $3 weekly. Any ear from Union Depot: from North Bank Depot, a car to Taylor t. Phone Marshall iiOO. HOTEL BYRON. . Seventh and Taylor Sts. This, handsome brick structure, all mod ern conveniences, opena shortly In connec tion wlto the favorably known Hotel Ca plcs, as above. NOV OPEN! NOW OPEN I NOW OPEN I Those three beautifully furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 213fe4thSt. SllH4thSl. 2t7V4thbt. Ott Fourth St., running from, Taylor to Salmon at.: brand-new brick; elegantly furnished; ateam het. private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date In. all repeot. and at popular prlcee. If you want aometliing out of th ordinary. In tho heart of the city, at rea sonable price, give ua a call, as we know you will like It. Rajoros by tho day, week or month. Tourlat trade aollclted. HOTM, BLACKSTONE. Cor. 11th and Stark St. New. modern 'brick bldg.. legantly fur nished; elevator, hbt and cold water, team heat.- phone all room; prlvat batha: single or en suite; rate $1 day up; speclsl monthly rates. CORDOVA Hotel, 11th and Jefferson ata - Brand-new brick: splendidly furnished; all rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, many with baths; every effort Is made for tho comfort and convenience or Its guests: the rents are moat reason able; rooma by the week, month or day. "J" car direct from depot. ANGELA HOTEL, 62.1 Waahlngton at., opposite Multnomah Athletic Field New brick building; all modern conveniences; well regulated resi dential and family hotel; splendid accom modations for transients: . convenient to the business center and the rates are mod' erst (plenty steam heatl. Marshall 190. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorne aves. Beautifully furnished rooms, elngle or en auite, with private bath, hot and cold water,, ateam heat and private phon In every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates; grill in connection; tran sients aollclted. HOTEL FORD. 733 Waahlngton, corner Lu crotia at. New brick buihtalng. Just com pleted; tine large outside rooms with -telephone service, with or without private batha: new and splendidly furnished: hot and cold water, steam heat; best of serv ice; very reasonable ratea. HOTEL SAVON. 1:11 Eleventh Street. New modern brick building: steam healed', private batha. hot and cold water In rooma; beautifully rurnlahed. cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see its. Regular and -transient trade solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 3b7 East Burnslde St. 120 modern rooms, will glv special rates to clubs of young men of two or four to occupv rooms, with private hath, rates, ftOc to 11.50 per day. 2 to T pr wek. East 34). B 127S. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslde sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; private bath. team heat, hot and cold water, private phone In each room; special rates by the month; j.rione service free, phone Mar-hall 4049. ii i i v 1 1-u ur-rn. Ono block from Union Depot: 141 outside rooms, allh hot and cold water and steam heat: offers special rates for permanent guests; rale oOc to 2 a day: J3.50 and up per week. Phone Main 3413. THE CLARNO HOTEL 243H HOLLA DAY ave. Phone C 3199 Steam heat, hot and cold water. Eleotrio light In all rooms. Klrst-cla accommo dations at 2.50 4-ier week. L, U or 1 car direct to door. ARRANGED for best class patrons; on double, one single vacancy, private bath roomer dining-room In connectlon WKAVER. 22d and Waahlngton la VAN GOKDER HOTEL, 105V, Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of busines district; steam heat; hot and cold water, free phone In every room: II day and up; wee ana up. HOTEL REXWICK An Ideal home for bus iness people: centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; Tth and Tavlor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opi'ioMto Holllg Theater. Phone Main Hla. uviili'VT tlllTKI l.arge rooms .it 1.11 W 7ih St.; steam heat elect! i- lights. home tomlorts. rooms byv week. 3.;.o up. transient 75c day and up. Phone Main 3W2. WEBSTER COURT now ready for the re ception of guests; make your lectlon of a room at once. Grand ava. and Pactfla etreet, ECli PLACE, 414 Yamhill t,, cor. 11th: room SH-"') Pr week up; hot and cold water, ateam heat, private bath; also suites. " MADRAS HOTEL 12th and Washington, lanoms fl a day. 5 week; nothing ex tra for two in room: thoroughly modern. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or single; steam heat; $3 and S3 week: ft minutes' walk to theater and stores; free phone. UN-DELL HOTEL. 82S 4TH. HOTEL MORRIS. 17tn and Alder t. Mod ern room, suitable 2 to 4 person. Prl vat bath. Rate3 jOjip. ARMINIUS HOTEL. 410 Vj Morrlawn t.. opp. Bsker Thester Nicely furnlahed rooms; perm nent, transient: low rate. Main 8950. NEWLY famished new building, steam heat, electric lights, bath, phone, walking dl tance, 10 and up. 274 VHolladay ava FOR RENTroo"mwltir private. bath. Mad ison Park Apt. 262 Park It. Furnished Room In Private Family. FURNISHED new today, large, sunny front room In a well private home; electrlo lights, heat and phone; clooe In. 71 Trln Ity Place. FRONT alcov room, ultabl for 8 or 4 genEtlemen. In respectable family; steam heat, baih and phon. walking distance. 560 G'iaan st. NICELY furnished rooms In private family, fine location, easy walking distance. 14. E 12th st, Phoue East 2246. VERY desirable, all conveniences; no car fare: I3.5Q week for two. 1S1 11th. FURNISHED front room, modern, boms, 12- 434 10th st. Phone Mam 32U4. NI.'!ELYfurntshed single rooms and apart ment very reasonable 73,1 Everett st, NICELY" furnished rooms for 1 or t closa In. bath and phone. 206 12th t. FINE room, low rent, nice location, heat.' bath, walking distance. 4.12 tilti. NEWLY furnished rooma, heat, bath; very reasonable. 173 lKUl st. Main 9096. NEWLY furnished rooms, private family, modern, walking dlelance, 187 E. 14th t. lij Nice front room; another- $10; elec tricity, heat, bath, phone. 32410tll: KEW furnished rooms, walking distance; closa to car. 745H Hoyt. Marshall 2705. NICELY furnished front room, steam heat, modern. 394 Salmon st. 1 .10 WEEK One or two gentlemen; 6 mln utes from P. O. 2S0 l"th gt. 80 SALMON, front room, suitable 1. 2 or 8; hot and cold water, heat, phone, bath. DANDY room with heat for two men; rea sonable. . 334 Jackaoa. FOB RENT. Furnished Booms tn Privato Family. LARGE room, furnished new throughout: ha sleeping porch and closet, furnace heat, electric lights, between tw'o car line and close to restaurant; use of phone and bath. " , . . Also one smaller front room, newly fur nished; has large closet; for rent to ladle only; rent reasonable. 6 E. 2sth L Phone B 1134. HURNISHED room, also Bleeping porch, bath, phones E 5219. B 2364. furnace heal. SI. E. 22d N. , COZY room for 1 or 2. "congenial home; piano, choice board, excellent neighbor hood. 71 Marshall. A 4020. PLEASANT room, all conveniences. In select i .n.nnui.l. 74-7 Everett . St. Phone after 12 A. M. A 0S3. - NICELY' furnished rooms In an up-to-date. modern house. xi.Su up to 34 a week, -OS 17th. Main 7H2:1. , 123 N. 23d at. Beautiful large front room, newly furnished, all convenience; also smaller roVin. Phone A 1003 NICELY" furnished room, modern conven iences, centrally located, reasonable; 404 Clay, near 10th. BRIGHT and well furnished room, private home on VV carllne. with or without board; no other roonier Phone A1505. ARGElisntfront room; newl furnished; all conveniences. 112. 264 12th t. FURNISHED room for rent. Inquir 320 Tillamook or phone C 311)8. VERT desirable room, suitable for 1 or 2; all conveniences. 223 .West Park. 4-HOOM furnished, bath, basement, yard, roses. 120. 663 Savler. Main 2964. FRONT room ror rent: breakfast If neces sary. 723 E. Couch. FOR .KENT Nice south room sultaOHe for two, rent reasonable. 35 North lbth st. Rooms with goar. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with board; furnuco heat, hot and cold water, bath und phone; excellent table board; ratea reasonable: five minutes walk from, P. o. THE Hasel dining room reopened, table board, strictly tirst-class; also furnlsbed rooma steam heat, running water: pricea moderate, 885 3d at,, cor. . Montgomery. DOEsVhome appeal to youT THE WHITE H L . cor. 8th and Madion; larg room, bath, broad veranda, quiet, cloae In. near car, 4 Diocaa iroui v- LAMBERSON, 654 tjouch St.. cor 17th Very desirable, clean rooms with steam heat and running water; good board; fin location for teacner or bualneas men. IIA.MIVJU, .VI w- Attractive, clean room. steam beat. good loaro. cioae m. iTO."u-. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 23d year, n i.w , , . . nr mvlnf-room. library. IIP Flanders. F. N. Heath, aupt. BOARD $ per week in modern home; newly furnished rooms. Phone A. 7S04. 7t6 Cor- bett it.. B oar. ROOM and board. Cask Rosa, 300 Jefferson st., corner 5th. . THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th; well rurnlsned rooma ana ooaru. LES IK ABLE single and double rooms, wi'J1 boivrd. everytning xirsi-cis. o i-,. - - Rooma With Board In Private Family WELL-FURNISHED front room; all mod ern conveniences, with or without board. for one or two people, iu leimcu family: walking distance; reasonable. Call Marshall loiw. EXCELLENT room and board In prlvat lainuv. close in on i---i o, well-heated rooms In modern home. Phone East tfcJoO. GIRL to .room and board with young peo- -i, l mnAm enaetment nlanO. all COn venlences: walking distance. ..Marshall 2o.11. -CL-ATr-V fiirnlahnA room With fi T C D 1 S L' 1 strictly modern, with or without board. Main ti"u. - ROOM ami board In private family; 15 mill Walk to wamngiou sl. o-u Couch. B 10S. BRIGHT airy room, beautifully furnished, aultable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; i meal; reasonable. Main 9591. , FURNISHED rooms, walking distance, fS and 810 month, with or without board. 421 12th at- PLEASANT room, walking distance, home cooking, nomo coniions, uaiu. e " East 4l. FIRST-CLAPS room ana ooara, private family. 545 Tamniii. t PLEASANT rooms all conveniences; board. AV230. ao J. J-o. PLEASANT room. lngl or en suit, excai lent bord; also tabl board. 658 Gluan. TWO large .rooms Fireplace, porch and grounds; excellent poarq. Alain .uu. MODERN rooms. 812 to 820. with or with out board. 410 Park. NICE rooms, homo cooked meals, for two. Marshall 3302. FIRST-CLASS tablo board, two meal. 84.50 per week. 705 Everett t. PLEASANT room for 2 or 3 people, near Mtlltnuman nun, .-uarsnaii ail SINGLE and double rooms, with board, lo. 291 11th st. Marshall zov. nomi rooms, -rood board, close In, reason able. 472 Salmon. Phone Marshall 4273. NICE room with board for 2 gentlemen, prl vate family. 19a l-th. Main 1401. CHOICE place near Multnomah Club, 2, meals, new house; reasonable. Main z.to. A NICE place to room and board for 2; all conveiil'.-nce. H 'aii Apartments. HIGHLAND COURT. , Tha bet"furnlshed and appointed apart ment in ruiiijum. Possessing every convenience and com fort, in addttion to theexeellence of lo cation. One four and one five-room apart ment HUH ".I"".! ... ,..J - - - nlshed. Moderate rental. Reference required. LINCOLN APTS.. COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside 2-ronm apartments; Holmes beds, built-in writing d&sks. vacuum clean er. Janitor service; 322.5U to 830. Including lltlhts, private pnonea. a aii.', aiain iu bthxitiTRE of 3-room apartment for sale good aa new: cost 2'H; for quick t-ale 8125; rent -'."; private uam anil mua em. 475 Salmon St.. Apt. 2. THE CHELTENHAM. 2-room furnished . apartment; private bath and phone, 235 is. 19th. Marshall 3C38. THE PAGE APARTMENTS. Rtrlrtlv modern, furnished and unfur nlshed. 3 rooma; private phono, bath, etc.: close In, East bth and Burnslde sts. Main 41tW. B 1317. tuLLliUlAN Furnished and unfurnished apartments, 11th and Columbia: very de- irble; modern convenience; easy walk ing distar.ee; low rates; best of service. g; ""chETOPa! 18th and Flanders 2. 3 and 4-rooni modern, furnished and unfur nished; new furniture, new building. Ap ply to Janitor; NICELY furnished modern 2-room apt. at very reasonable rent: positively respect able, for a gentleman and wife, Nona ot her need apiy. 2tt 11th st. ! THE MKINLEY. 429 East Morrison, corner 7th. 3, S and 4-room apartments, furnished up to data; private batha moderate prlca, new in ! TUB MAHR APARTMENTS Under new management, new. modern, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartment. Appiy manager. Marshall 2U28. HADDON BALL, 414 11th. cor. Hall; J and a-room newly furnlsned apt.; private batn. phone, baicony porches; 835 up. Phone Marahall 117L " OR 3-room apartmenla, nicely furnished; " ana and electricity and heat; all front rooms; gai, 703 Multnomah, cor. of 21. I'hone Last 4SO PAPK APARTMENTS. 853 Harrlaon; beau tiful 8 and 4-room furnlsbed apartment: marking uiatance: beet ot service; price S4Q to 5v. Phone Mrahall 8U70. SlNNY 3-room furnlahed apt., with private bath, balcony ami phone, reasonable rent. Cedar Hill Apt. Marshall 3151, A 7523. Apartments. 24th and Northrup st.; ,.room apt., front veranda and sleeping porch, private phone, hot water heat. sav MARCO apartments, E. 8th and Couch, phone': rates reasonal.le. Call E. 2731. WKNISHED 2-room apart,, with bath, heat and water: everything clean; reasonable rent. Cor. 13th and East Ash. :ui. oNEONTA. 187 17th st., 2 and 3-room housekeeplnf apartments. $20 to 130. heat, close in. Phone Main 4697. ci--vr. HARTFORD APTS., 21st and Flan Aers- 2 and 3-room beautifully ft urnianed ta; 4 unfurnished, modern, cheap. IhTs APARTMENTS. Third and Mill; 4 i noiiii. unfurnished; steam heat, hot t . .nd Kan and and COld '-. -THR LAURETTE One furnished 3-room apartment: prlvat bath, phone. 22 lltb, j5aYTON Nice 4-room lower apt,, hoat. w-ter.etc..820. 65sFlander st- ji:lia"eTTE Furnished and unfurnished 2 rooma. Corner 2d and Montgomery. Apttrtm-antft. STELWfN APARTMENTS. ' St. Clair and Washington ets. Three four and five-room apartrntnts. furnished and unfurnished, now eady lor OCInPtlesanc of appointment, furnishing aid Service uncjualed in the Northwest. Kvery apartment has sleeping porch, hardwood floors, tiled bathrooms, plenty of clset Apace. . mirror doors. A Iarg beautifully tappninted room for the use of tenants Tor, entertaining.. Also a few bachelor rooms, single or ensuite. Reference., required. E1IMA. K. WL'NDKK, Mngr. THB WHEFLDON. Cor. Park ana Taylor st THE -WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor, Tenth and salmon ata. Walking dlstancs. ramlshd complete. 2, 3. and -A-room apartments; buildings new end strictly modern; service iirst-clasa. FOHDHAM APARTMENTS COMPLETED. At 170-172 Ford t.. Just south ot Wash Jnwon, are the most complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland; finished In hardwood throughout, giving tenants choice of oak. Circassian walnut or mahogany; elegant wall coverings, tiled batha with superb fixtures; highest class service; each with private balcony and bath; 4 rooms with most convenient ar rangement. $42.50 to 50; 5 rooms. S50 to $eo. This buljding Is different. Le: airs. Burieign snow you iiiiuui,u. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th streets, Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments, in heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high -class service; refined clientele; references re quired In all cases. Mrs. A. N. Wright, pupt- Phone Marshall 1101. HEINZ A PART MEN IS 14th and Colum bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison sU ; new brick building, completely first-class, furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum c11'' Janitor service; rent per month, $20. ju. $40 and ud; must be seen to be appro clateS. . THB BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.; this now 4-story brick now -&en; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room suites, reception hall, electric, automatia elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to .patrons. If you want somer.hlng nice, come to the Barker. phones A 1744. Marshall 29tl- N E W. KE W. NEW. THE LUZERNE. 263 Hall st.. cor. Bd,'now open, all 3 room furnished apartments, with Holmes disappearing and wall beds and large outside kitchens, absolutely nrst-class. these are the best arranged 2-room apta. In Portland;- make reservation now: up; no children. - IHE VILLA ST.- CLAitA. 12th and Taylor. Just eompleted. most magqiflcently fnr Dfshed apartments in th Northwest; loca tlon perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet ball and roof garden; both phones la all apartments; high-class senrlce ; references required. Main T-'Tt and A 1 05 1. " UPSHUR APARTMENTS. 26TH AND UPSHUR STREETS Thoroughly modern 3-room unfurnlsnea apartments, $0; 4 rooms, $25; this in ' eludes shades, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas ranges." private Pactfio tele phones and janitor service. Apply prem- IseBk , NEWLY FURNISHED NOW READY. The Upshur, 2tith and Upshur sts.. fur nished 2-room apt.. $ii0; also $22.50;, 3 room apt.. $27.50 to $30. This includes steam heat, hot water, private phones, bath, elrctrio lights, gas range, laundry room, all free. Take .S, 23d -or W cars north. No dogs allowed. - ALAMO APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished apartments. In new-brick building; steam heat; private phone and bath; all modern conveniences; close in, Wust Side. 4U4 AiarKei si., near jhh Most reasonable rates in the city; three rooms, nicelv furnished apt., private bath and phone, "brick building, automatic ele vator, janitor service, easy walking dis tance. A 2038. KING HILL APARTMENTSL 171 King st. 4. 5, 6 -room apartments; select tenancy Apply on premises. THE DEZENDOKF. 20f ldth. Near Taylor. One exceptionally nice 5-room unfur jitsfied apartment, top floor, front; one nice 4-room unfurnished apartment, sec ond floor, fronL Apply on premises for reservations. , J LUCKETI A COURT, unfurnished ; a class by themselves; see them; Lucretla St., near 23d and Wash.; 2 to 5 rooms, all large, light and outside; large close ta and baths; hardwood floors, free phones In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr.. idnr 'shall 1529. Janitor, Marshall laOO. 6T. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, 21st and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony; new brick building, electric elevator, su perb location, in walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent ud best of service. KINGCBURY APARTMENTS. ' Ford St., near Washington; select resi dence district; a 3-room, with balcony overlooking private gardens; all conve niences of tht best class apartments. Maia 83S3, A 7448. ORLANDO APTS.. 20th and Wash, sts.; two and three-room furnished apis.; every convenience; very large rooms; steam heat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator; easy walking .distance, ref erences required. Marshall 184. THE BCBNA VISTA. CORNER 12TH AND HARRISON. New brick, latest improvements; fur nished and unfurnished, 'Z and 3-room apartments, best service; reasonable; ref erences. - both phones. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay sts. We have choice. 3 and 4-rooin- suites, un furnished, private vestibules, phones, baths, etc. Apply at once for 4-room front corner suite, upper floor. UHANDK&TA furnished apartments. Grand ave. and East Stark; new brick building, 8-room splendidly furnished apts; electric elevator, modern conveniences; close In location, best of service; reasonable rent. ST. CROIX New. modern building, threa r )im apartments, furnished or unfur nished, low rate, best of service. 170 St. Clair, between -2d and 23d, hear Wash ington. Main 620. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-ame apartment in North west: 21st and Johnson sts.; all outside t rc-trns. Apply on premises, or call Mir ' shal' 3360. " WINSTON Apartments, 841 14th st t Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com- fletely furnished for housekeeping; $!5 to 37 60. For information call Main 1739. THE FLORENCE, 8 and 4-room furnished apartments, modern, new and absolutely hrat class, walking distance, from $35 up. ysa i,lta ctreet. CECILIA APARTMENT-S, 22d and Gilsan sts. ; best of service; desirable . location, -with unexcelled car service; also easy walking distance; 3-room apt,, with bath, modern conveniences, very reasonable rent. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts.. 3 rooms with batt. furnished or unfur nished; superb location, ciose to down town district. All outside rooms, best of service, modern; reasonable rent. ' ordeTeigh a p a r t m e n fs, 82 Grand ave., "cor. East Stark. Nltly furnished two and thn;e-room apartments, mpdern, pricea reasonable; walking distance. Phone East 300. HAN THORN APAKTMKNTd. 251 l,ti St., i. ear Main, Close in location. Elegant 3 room apartment with bath and private balcony, $35. Every convenience, good service. - CUMBERLAND APTS., West Park and Co lumbia sts. 2 and 3-room furnished apart ments, ail modern conveniences, choice lo cation, fronting the park and only & min utes' walk from business center. THE ROSEN F ELD apartments East 14th and Stark; all large outside rooms, fur nished or unfurnished. heat, janitor service. CLAY POOLE ANNEX, S25 Eleventh st., two room furnished apartments, private batn, all conveniences, good service ; walking distance. Now under new management. HARRISON COURT. 394 5th St.; 2 and 3 rooin apts., unfurnished, modern conveni ences; cheapest rent in city Main 61 4 d, A 7363. BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments. 6Q5 Lovejoy st. Take "W" car. BRAINTREE Elegant 5 -room apartment. West Side, walking distance; rent reason able. Main 774L 295 13th at, Aytrnu-.'UL. IHE ELMS 2 and 3-room apt.. furnUbtd. heat, phone and bath. 191 14th U riats. NEW 5-room flatn, the swellest, most mod ern and up-y-date flats on the East jswie, just completed; upper and lower vacant, walking cistance, -.63 E. 17th st., between Main und Madison. Take Hawthorne car. A. K. Hill, 4111 Henry bldg. , J35 6-ROOM upper flat, 2Jtf N. ISth, near Love joy ; attic, sleeping porch, yard, g-is rang-i, water neuter, modern, very nice. Key next door, oi phone East ayi. UNUSUALLY desirable motiern lower flat Ti large, light, airy rooms and bath; hiiiiutes- walk from P. o. 341 Mont sum ery, corner 7th. Vtryreasouabie. 500 MARKET, 5-room lower fiat; gas. elec tricity and furnace; nearly new; very de sirable; -S:;0 p--r month. Kty at OO-'V. Portland Trust Co., od and uak. HOLLA DAY ADDITION, S-ruom upper flat, walktntj distance, ntar 2 carline. Wasco. K. uta. ELEGANT 5-room flat, Krage privilege; J 1st and Hawtiiorue. Mr. Lee. -Main tsyjs. . WEST SIDE modern six-room steam-heated flat, unfurnished, on 11th, near Columbia. H5 Apply to Poulaen. Mil 11th. Mar. 1.7.33. X.OW Ei: flat, $25, tt rooms, tibtt Hoyt su Eee Mr. Meison. janitor, St. Francu Apart me.TtR 2m and Hyytsts. ( A HANDSOME upper 5-room flat, close in. rent reasonable. 4SS & East 12th and Division. Main" 6469. MODERN .-room flat. West Side, 77SVa Johnson st. between 23d aad SUtx. Main 659L ; FOR RENT Modern 7-room fiat, 444 Par u; fireplace and furnace; $37.60; no chil dren, pnone Tabor 7m or East 1431. NEW. 5-room flut. West Side, close In. fire place and sleeping porch; rent $35. Phon East 4h74. 5-ROOM. modern, lower flat, splendid car service; rent reasonable. Main 244. MODERN 3-room lower flat for rent; good location; $16. 3 tip Chapman st. MODERN 4-room flat, over store, $12.50. 811 Williams ave. Wood lawn 1507. MODERN 8-room flat, walking dlstanco. 2U03 McMillan. C 2183. MODERN 5-room flat, 5th near Jackson. West Side; 10 min. walk. Main or A 1223. NEW 4-room flat; furnace; 2Sth and E. Irv ing. Phone East 5. B 1404. 5-ROOAl flat, modern conveniences. East ISth and Ash. B 2006. - FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated flat, close In, $40. 564 Couch. 6-ROOM modern flat, st. East 5960. Call 24 North 10th MODERN 5-roora flat, sleeping porch. Ap ply C01 Everett, between 21st and 22d. TWO F-room flats, 825 Northrup and 605 Gilsan st. Phone Main 3225. FOR RENT 2 4-room furnished flats, $1S.50 each. Call 703 Belmont. Housekeeping Rooms. NEWLY" FURNISH ED. NOW READY. The Upshur, 20th and Upshur sts., fur nished 2-room apt. $irt. also $22.50; 3 - room apt.. $27.50 to $30. This includes steam heat, hot water, private phones, bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry room, all free. Take S, 23d or W cars north. No dogs allowed. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for the money; short distance) from Union Depot. Take "S" or lOth-st cars nortfy. get off at Marshall st. No dogs THREE nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; East Side, central loca- ' tion; $H per month, including water, H. E. Menefee. 3O0 Russeil st. $1.60 TO $2.50 per week, clean furnished housekeeping rooms, free heat, phone, bath, laundry, yard. 40fi Vancouver av. and 203 Stanton; "U" car. Phone E. 6039. aC-&iKABLE unfurnished two-room ba, window suites within 5 blocks of Post office; absolutely respectable. 805 Jof-. ferson, corner Fifth. THE GLEN DORA lath and Couch, just of! from Washington; furnished housekeep ing rooms, single or en suite; rent rea son able. CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished housekeep ing rooms; central; cheap. Room ii -id and1 Mbrrlson. OWENS A PTS 230 - iRusseli St.," $2.50 up; dandy, clean, light H. suites, bat:, gas, phone; come and see. The M liner, 350 Morrison sL, furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, steam heat, elev'tor, all conveniences, best locat'n. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrsta bldg. Phone Woodlawn 237. or 2997. H our? keeping Rooms in Private Family EXTRA large, newly-finished, nicely fur nished housekeeping-room, modern and complete; free heat, phone, bath, hot and cold water; near in, one block to 3 car lines. 445 Rodney ave., corner Tillamook st. Pho ne East 3 2 21 ( NEWLY papered living-room, bedroom, pan try, closets; corner house, private en trance, good new furniture, carpets, dra peries, gas, pnone; regular apartment; $20. 780 East Yamhill, near 23d. LARGE single front room; heat, light, rare viewpoint; V( car from depot; walking distance to city proper; $16, $1S, $20 a month; single rooms, $6 to $S per mouth. 575 Couch, N. E. cor. 18th st. TWO or four newly furnished housekeeping rooms; range, gas, bath, etc, ground fioor, good neighborhood, two carllnes. East 52HO. 772 East Taylor. lSft 13TH Four pleasant rooms, entire first flour, completely furnished, modern, splendid location, walking distance to business center. Main 4418. SUITE of 2 or 4 extra well furnished housekeeping-rooms, on ground floor, with gas and bath; two carlines. 772 East Taylor. Phone East 5200. S OR 3 clean, newly papered housekeeping rooms; Axminster carpets, linoleum, everything furnished; $16 and $20. 7Sd East Yamhill. NICE room, completely furnished for house keeping; electric Uh ht, gas, bath, phone ; ,3 weeklV. 66 N. 21st, I ft blocks from Was hi tig ton. LARGE furnished light housekeeping room, furnace heat, gas, bath, phone free; also large room on ground floor, cheap. 347 Hail st. SUITE of 2 or 3 newly-furnished housekeep ing looms; gas, electric and phone freo; private bath and Dutch kitchen. 360 chapman st. NICELY furnished housekeeping room, phone, electricity, bath, walking distance. ,Vi5 Madison. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, cheap : will sell furniture, pay like rent. Tel. East 24 Hi. 3Sj Ea.st 1st N. FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 -or 3-room suites, rent reasonable. Call 42$ Hull. TH REE new, completely furnished rooms, bath sink, laundry, phone; no objection ; to children; $2. .ast atarK. LARGE, well-furnished single housekeeping rooms, sh per monin, mciuumg uaiu, electric light and conking gmt. 340 4th. EXTREMELY attractive suite, modern, clean and reasonable; single rooms also. Phone East 3U26. TWO furnished and two unfurnished house keeping rooms, private family. 811 Cher ry st. phone E. 5250 ENTIRE 2d floor. $5.50: running water, gas rango (fuel free), line view, beautiful home, s""oy rooms. 463 10th. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, cheap; brst resi dence locality. "36 Irving. Phone Marshall 4554. NICELY furnished housekeeping - rooms; modern; close in; reasonable rent. Phona , East 22S9. - ejr FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, sink bathroom, gas. Cull 651 East Morri son ; suitablefoiMrr LAKGE connecting housekeeping rooms, bath, lijrht and phone. 52 N. 23d. Mar Ehall 3733. t LARGE first-floor well furnished housekeep-InR-room, electric light, bath, telephone. Water free, j3.50 week. ,3u6 4th. TWO pleasant front rooms. heat, light, walking distance; reHsonable. 600 East T a ylor. NICELY furnished housekeeping room. 67 North 14th st..bet weenDavis and Everett. 3ROOM suite, all nicely cleaned; 7 minutes' walk to 4. O. Phone, bath. 146 11th sr. 313 14TH, coiner Clay, large, clean 1 and j-ronm furnished housekeeping suites UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 1 bls. to car 555 Montgomery. Main 7541. TWO line unfurnished rooms; hrat, light, hath and phone. 474 Market st. NEWLY furnished housekeeping suites, $3 week. Opp. City Hail.2t3 Fifth. 4 N ICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, Including gas and water, $16. 415 N. 23d. TWO desirable unfurnished front housekeep ing rooms, walking distance. 3'2V- 6th. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping room s. very reasonable. "jX Kearney. THREE furnishf-d houekeejWinr-roorVus. ( No. 2 Grand ave. isorm. i-nom r.iM -i-;i.?.' -ROOM suiie. completely furnishful; pr mo. :-34 Jackson. DES1RABLH housekeeping rooms now va csnt at 32 N. 11th. Cm- und sec. $350 WEEK, front suites. H. K., &o2 Wil liams ave. C 1523 A -X.