THE MORXTXG OHEGO??IA7T. TTTCTRSDAT, FEBRUARY 8, 1913. 9 j& ww. : iiiiw K 10.1 it ,i.LTnpn r MWvw1 '" 1 : -' - - I, - ' ' ' '" 11 "! " "" hi iw i ii ii hi ii i m... ii D.i.j i ii. i ihilh nmjium.Mmywinj uimm 1.1 hi .1 ,1 i ti n M I TODAY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY EIGHTH MATT? I MITITMOMAI4 fm Ii JL-j T 2. "The Most Magnificent Hostelry in the Northwest" THE MANAGEMENT BIDS YOU WELCOME TO THE PEOPLE OP PORTLAND An inspctjon of this magnificent hostelry will prove revelation to tou. The opening: of the Multnomah mark an epoch in the brilliant history of Portland's progress. In splendor of appointment, furnishing, convenience and comfort, sur passed by none the opening of the Multnomah heralds to the world Portland's right to rank foremost among the cities of America. The management extends to you a cordial invitation to visit the Multnomah, this evening. Special attendants will be glad to show you through this wonderful institution. TO THE T0T7EIST AND TRAVELER In opening the Multnomah Portland acquires a hostelry equaled only by a few of the best in America. The Multnomah occupies an entire block in Portland's business district and is absolutely fireproof. It has 725 rooms and suites; of these 300 have private bath. Every room is an outside room. It has 100 specially equipped arid appointed sample-rooms. Its magnificent Lobby, Arcadian Garden, Restaurants, Banquet Rooms, Convention Halls, Royal Suite, 'Writing Rooms, Parlors and Public Rooms are among the sights of the city. In keeping with the rest, the service will be up to the Multnomah standard the best. H. C. BOWERS, Manager Multnomah Hotel Company J. M. BROWNELL, Asst. Mgr. 5.S.OLA35. ADV. WESTERISi I LLPS. SERVICE.