' nrr; jurmxixo otifc.oniaiy. thtjrsdat, February 8, 1912. . 17 - . f n-n-oVirW A T V I OR Itr.NT. JHK Oi KATKK WKIKii t R INK "TOR hKNTAL ASr 1NH KMT!..'N I'l'llKAl Hot h-inl.rs. o-ir up-to-dste ren ta! and lT.fo-mal.on drrtmmt. 4th flooi w.ala r.a din. and tn vacancies " kev :ld of dealrabl hiUMi and flat' Tou'.l e.v lima id Kfilmi properly an c"mturb.)p located. W keep In louc with a I vacant ho:. flsta and apart ... .- .... vt.. . t.n kui a l.st e rew bL'trx. in nur of const rucrlon. Th, c.'T.Mnr'i IK'.a cf all rr it o-ai-ers. 1 rna Inform. tiya - at-l ilulely Xra cv .t t , , V r -r 1 A . j-.OlSr. i6 in.- . light, ba'h. hot an-1 coid water: VlV l..t. corter. VR tar :.-. K-y room V-i key D.dg.. Id and Morrison, if a run ft K'T. 1 .ires with s'.nsJl houaa. at frmud of Ku:t..o Park line. Cre-k run. niu ttir,)"t.n pi-ir. U iuir. at nrn.u tre:er. 2--2- ar,,nt at. M .-t.tl.N Ji-'i.-'m u:'f iruian.d buageiow for rnt: lot r-'xl'O. ."ia rumMr of i omm.rc. K'. mu ! -rr H-fom house and !(. tw lota at koJ'-ncr. 4":h an! Tl..aviok a IS.. rer.t f t'V W 7 '-. orf"P;tn. -KoM ti.tus- 17 Overton eL, lM-tr;a hrhti tan I2 K.y. r.-rn ll. Mulkey h.i'.r. ; t a.i 1 l..rr---n. Min A 41. r-M . f.rmah.3 UHfuriil". 'TTl at., i:m :ty lark. M-'l-Kt.N 7-r--Ti hou1-. two lota. (rin. r.jis r a. l E- am at., nortn. wood S'.l. . HOL'K. ;ir rooms, modern. An ,oca tl.n. 3 '1 ll. Mday ami, alklng uls- tinr; r.nt .. , flT 5-lt'H.t rctmo' Qtia biocH Mat ot I num tvr, ma kiua- c".ttf. 4- San r.a- f,.-l at llr'n I 4J-. i,L.kAi;i: ft-ruum huuir Kafar n.ar Inlon a.. .ioa In. Kiit lWi ;ilO T-room hnuae: lurnac. por'aln NEW mo4-rn 4-room houaa. S'1 Xlonroa; tiinitrjft Ko -ni"M mo?rrn home. Brvta4war. wrl Iiirntni uitwus'tui. - - r-r bob'Ii. l:i 414 otidiD blJ. i'hona a:a 1 MOT'EKN. Iiomfllkfl. furnlhet .Tt-room li.S iurntshd room.. h'-ua. modern Iti- vroTTueiita. vtH central io-n'i. " raonRhl rent. T '3 Northrrp al jit 4-rn.iiTi h-o. f'jro:hed. or will at arr nuotuli.. oor:m ax.. -ori- mojth. il'KM.'Heiti f.ve-rooni aunny Dat : prlwata bath. Witr I r- . nnr u.o aiw.u - brlvl x- Iio!!a'lay atte. ri RNISHKB I'.HU'IB. rooma. on Eaat Ta;..r at. Drir 4d; rant 11. Call Jul 'Ai:-oi t,:Jr. liikKN. ne 6-room buDiaio. nicely fnrnlanrd: piano, li minutes out. ."0. l.l kULititN' (urnUliad i-rootn cottaga: !o cwy thraa or four-rtiom flat; prtvato bath Hi F.in Vrt ear. horn for rent, furnished, two lota, fruit, lawn ami ro-.: H od t-nra. li minutes c;iy. raon redwood 14 tow HLETELY and comfortably furalahed, r.vw 7-re.m b'uia on Courcll CreaC Catl rai-lflc o: Itiacult Co. l.'tn and Pnvta. mo MCEl.V firriKhad f.at, 8 tonl ul a:rove. t."'3 l.tncon. Mtln 3. j.l;uO'J tiou'. partly furnuhad.- CIS mur.trt. fail f iAlder. Tli-!i-.r 4 room V bath, cjeao. eomfortabla. 4 idalti: lit m. wa'.k P. O. Call 13th itL'ljfcKN 4-room bur.alw. either furolahed or unf urr..atied. f.l Teon tltl. xiKLV furclahe.l hoTie. T rwm, Weat im. I:v;Jiri Main 1 .V. J. A ltii - (HiXlM cottar', furntahed, for rent, li per month, flvt liood at. Cu i i"l-t;f Ll. Y f jrr.whe.l 3-r.om r.at; bttt. pinjn vnltn latn 31TC Pettyroa. iti-.huul) furnlahe.1 tioua In l:oa CltM T-itjti hotio nico.y iurniauad. reut $-1. Hooew for KXI, rtirnlturo for tmla. L SNAf t'urr'l.urw of 5-rowm flat: best location: 3. n;ulca from biiinca centar; f'M'j. $.'.tt ch. balance) asy paysnenla. nil mo-nhii. I"S 11th at. t. tt SALE. irajjd-nw furn.turo cf H-roeio t tardiu-nouM, haa coat iot. will aeU f r $- If caatii party leavlnr city. II W'ii'arrt avo. l't.ora C 3la'J. Fl Iv-MTUKB of a 4-rootn boua. aome:Mn( nice, f'r private tajm.y. reaaona;m. .ati H S. or phone Marahall a-Jy SNAP room, good furnitu-e, cheap rent, must seiL i-S hsnrtl-s tnis; easy terms; so arr.ta 411 F Harrison SA'lt.I. sacrifice furnlahlnas of -room flat f ir cash, leavlrg city, lest residence dis- trl-t. i'hon !ln f ox. A !. T it- r-' L A--- f irr.it-ire of -roura bouse for s cn-ip. st ott r-it. Ft'R eAl.E l-room ho.?se. furniture, rent J.V Call at 2i N. Park t. rURMTUEK four-room ' at. Nob IIUI ala- t-.ct. Mala STOiiE.t TO KENT. T,o r-r iuo. Itii Gracd ava. Bear aV 11 tr.'ux an! - t2S per mo., at 170 I'nlon aa Bear aw. J llv.ti; rooms In-!udd. UAK1VAN TH''iiaoN. Ma.n 203, A 2v. "l.Nl":n?Lim THEATER pfll.DINO. JOKNE.'t STl'.n: AM' JI.-EMENT. HljF PARK AND Al.DE.l EN i'K ANl'K t'N HOVil bTKr.:T- FOR TERM IF lKVI.r. If 1-KflSiKD. CALX AT OF FI E itF COMPANY. SrOI'-E: fjr reef, TLirti St.. ner JelTvrson; a f-w nxtur-s f r s' cheap, aiso atore Third and Colombia. !. an. I part stor fr i'. phone liarar.e.l :;. LiiiKAL aiores at east end Madiaea-st. bru sa 1-v to ! acrord.ag te ala. ia aalrs r" 1 Hawtborne av. ITORE aad s lltlng-rooma good locatloa for any bus-nee. H ICuasel bdg. AI L OF 104 Oak and part of 10 Oa sU l-pp. Com- Ciua b.dg - fcr.'rtE fur rent for ini,t bustaess at 204 4th si . hH&ii smAil stores f-tr rent, new Tallages Theater bi-lg. Apply at theater off..-. a-r'T apuie 2i-'. swkI Phone M-.n Me. ctntra iiitti for reuu ;iy i'Kale,!. pi ALT of tiof'rt-'ifn for ti-nt at -SO 2d si Office. rPk' lAL NOTICE. FTae front office, hardwood floor, both thnnta use of reception room, and other services, JJOl Apply lid Chamber of Com meTre bidg 4vFrICe In Wi.cox b.d.. for rent bv month: 4:q floor, gth-st. sld-: lti,-ht. roomy, next t elevator, reception-room. Abbott SE Co.. room Oii. ft" Wo large o'Tlces oa Stark at near Frorl. for rnl reasonable; excelier.t location for brokers or commission racrcbsnl Inquire at i Front si Pnoa-s Main 119. A 4i:.. CFFICB room. 24a24 feet, high and airy, cheap. Inquire Portland Hydropathic Treatment kooma, Aider. I'hon M T.'la aCST CENTRALLY IxyCATED OFFICti A'l-Blgbt sievstor services luj bwstiaaj bidg., fc-a, and Washington. SUFFICE or desk room for rent eltlSsr fur nished er unfixished. Apply at room t liliers bldg.. 8. E. cor. ita and Alder sta. viI.L s.i-ire bantsorretv furnished suite la Yeon tlltf . aita Ceslrab.e party. Phone Ivrshall CZO. OFFICES FOR BENT. Oood room fur n-.tg. purpoaea, S4v29 for real Phone M. Mrt. Centrally located F IAN 1ST or vo.il teacher of ability ta abara s'uH o In fin location. Main 3-ita. I'L.'-KKiJOll or mor on ground f.oor. 8t4 a' at . opp, Co-n, Club bidg. FoK K:ir Two ryolr o.'f'oe. Tliford bide. lO'h and Morrison. Min ft-. hi ifi orpoKTryiTir.i UiM Nti AM' iNL'C.-TH! Al. S TuC LA Ta eunrie a.'d ort,er bonus bought eat said. r evcr.rr lilt Co.. ii-i ASiagtea, ioTTriN PICTURE III 'SI NESS Partner wnt-d: a-i: 1 c.'el r'iireu- 7-il Chasn-b-r of Com:ierce. lr. I'epp. PARTNER f-r est.ite of'i'-e. m c.e.ir rra:s echaugod. o3 h ir.r- ... good prop s:. jO pi.'iMi CARDS. 11.00: bring this ad. P. oe City print. ry. 101 v IJ. cor. Taylor. 1-i'HAiH barber ihn. very central, doing g vou tu'ln-ss A I4. Oregonlan. BAKERY and rrt-ir.uit for sa.e at Invoice; g.-od country town A V MA orecontan. imp. d nr. e tu.n-M $Tt tlnil ; 1 f'K'r)f . r-Iit t 1 . s-Tsa r $3 ... r.-X. .iimbr l."frhinr". tM til-t. c:.r. :: BCKUtrnS, OrPOKTrMTlM. f 3000 F ACTOR T fMKHl. To conaerrat! va tnveator. who want op portunity In one of the moat proaparoua arrowtnr factories on lha t'oasu with spieiKlil field of bultiea befora It. wo caa orror worklna; Interest. Moooy to go vlnto buaineaa for pttnt:ou. U1AO. RINliLKil CO., ill I.wta Tidr. aTAliLI.-HKD Al tHCA.N fl LK BUSINF.SS. Uoird oa oua of tha bualeat atreeita la Portland downtown dieirlct. low rent, lo cation conai.ler-d; ato. k conslata of atapla dry sooia. man's furnirUn-a r-o clolhlnsl. Shoe eery-day aeuera. The opportunity t double tt. buameas IS ricni now. too rlltht party can be convlnr. '! Vslua o. .run and fstures between ITuoO and 10. W. Dtaaolutlon of partnerhlpi niay taks 1 In real aetata. A J 7oi. OniianHn. AHB yon a newcomer In Portland looking f-r an opening to Invest In a substantial buslneas with honeet and capabis men? Are you cuntent with 4 to a per cent on your money when companies similar to ours ars paying over 20 par cent yaarly to etoikhoidersT Will you apand 20 min utes of your tlms to tnvsstlgats this com pany. This opportunltr Is open for ons week only, so sariy raply will bs ap preciated. O 7T. Oragonlsn A LIFETIME INCOMS. A larya mtnlnr company wanta mors railtsl to l-u.id smailer. Property la linck Riila, 8. t)., Is deyelopsd. Is rich, will pay many thousand par cent divi dend enousii or on dumps to run 9 rronlaa Investigating party going In aoiit 31 daa Join oa Too deal 01 rectly with company. K lit. Oragonlan. buSD iMuea. $lt.uv0 upwarda negotiated; railroad, streetcar, power, slactrlcal. irri gation, mining, construction, realty, bank ing, trust and general corporations organ ised and directed, franchises and trust deeds drntn. Koaenbaum. Iav!a A Mlohel '. fn. Lawyers and financial Agents. 214-1-1 Hnhl bltlg . F-stt!a. fflili. BAICKR T. . A rood boy In a l akery atf lunchroom, locatefl in a good, diatnrt. brlc ovan and all cooking and baking utenslja: full iulpm-nt for lunchroom;'prlcs 7I0. This full outfit Is prnctlcsliy new. rsRT-;i jl. HoLOS. SIS Posrd of Trsds P!dg. 4th and Oak. WA.VTKD. Partner to tsks half Interest In a light manufacturing plant; a man who csti tsks clisrgs of an olflcs and msnags mere, salary gl.'S per month. Kinney at 8tam pher. 831-1 Lumber Exchangs bldg. FOR SALK. . Canopy or !aniuls. In first -c is s condi tion, suitable for theater front. hotei. store, apartment-house, etc; alss fet frontsgu; pries vsry reaaonsbls. CslI of ftco treasurer. People's Theater AN excellent opening for 2 wide-awake Kaatsrn men to get In on the grouna lioor of a b'g company which Is being organ 1M by local men. References rsqulrtd. V e give Dun and bank references. 777 Oreg..nlsn. FOR PALE Confectionery In the Palouse division point, pay roll 120. vue per montn; strictly cash business; 111 receipts sSOO; g-foot fountain, candy kitchen, power freezer; will Invoice about liiuv. irwln Bros.. Tekos, Wash. ."EE GRUSSI A HOLDS. 817-1 Hoard of Trads. bldg., 4th and Oak, For hoteia, roomtng-bouat-e. confectionery, rentauranta. apartments, bskerles, saloons and ail business opportualtlea We al ways hrrve a list of good, live buyers. GRoCER If. feetl. confectionery and Ice rMm atore: doing good buainess; owner unable to look after th business and will sell fur (30oo or will take In exchange good unincumbered property for part or ail of the price. 8 7t4. Oregonlan. FOR SALE An O'd-eatabiighed grocery and crockery store At invoice, within go mln ptrs of Portisnd. doing a good business: tuls is a good thing tor someone; do ntit overlook this chai.ee. AV Hi. Ore gonian. GROCERY slurs for sale; desirably located with good daaa of trade; long lease and cheap rent; butcher shop In connection with th same; price Slot- Inquire at room 603, Lumbermens bldg.f "W n hsve msny Inquiries from the East for business oppurtuniurs In a1 lines; register r-Hir bualn.s with us; It niay be Just what our Eastern clients are looklug for. Abbott at Cut. Wilcox bldg. OLD estalillahed. solid buaineaa. pava AO per cent on l;UOO Investment; closest In vestigation Invited; owner has other bosl neas that takes ilia tim. Address at 7w4, tireronjan. FAMILY CiKOTERT STORB. Lot mnd bclldinc and goo. cln atorlc t lOTotc; Itvinc-rooma; dally run uid pric 4iw cast, win nana,. I'.oom T.O I'Mmbtr of Comrorrc blUf. WANTtt To rant. lu, buy or tha man ajtmoK of 0ummr raaort hotel or ata atatlon, br man and mlfa, 20 year mx-p-jrleaca catering lj pubUc, axcallael cooka, V 7tj7. Orcoian. jj, liHUCsar A S'D MEAT UAKKbT ""wxl sobtirbBQ lK7at)on: rood laaaa. sood butlncK. l h "rra Main It M.f'HAL'U'.'": ComniTfltl Club Ride M'N INt plctura ahow, fin location. Vet Kia Ion n leasa. $10' cah will put you Into bualnvva clearing $V0 weakly. bnL out of buaiAaema, mlU 1t trial, AR ?4 OrTonlan. -vu CIOAii AND rOaNTECIIO.SEHI About fia a C r; $10 rrnt. A ir.np. Jut a "try off VajihlnKton. M aln !t M r?H A f-Tla. Cnmnnr-ll flub L:d. A SNAf Will 41 furnished aiartnima, 3 tara- on conf ecilonury attxa, iwfi; i oo :xs: Hid: &-yvr laaa on bulidtnjr. ail for J-'.U ra!i. -a owor, CV4 L'n.on av. North. Tl. C ITiS. IX) yoo want to buy a buaina? Wa hav oina of tha brat buy la Portland of ll kinds; no blue ky hra. ia Vi;iiama, lo7 'ri-Kotiian bfdc. il iu.HjiilLL rvpa'.r tu:n-H, ate; part nr wanted to t-rid o.T;c. :?,; prif.ta larva; litta money rctuirad. Call 4I Sttnilt Kt:sr AL KANT. J aqufpped. J3 rent, indudlna; thr-a living- nviti, rt'Yiuti t ; J a day. rur-trx-r part U-iiare. ta Yeon bd(. Ll H counter and oft drink nap. buy at 4.'A; rant JO. living room, on buj.iiea atrvet ; come quick If ou want thta. Wlli lama. -"T r-oniaa bid c. tO.NKti TIUNFRT. maklnjr mnnry. on V"et Ms-ia. fnt locaiirto. B-Ktd buina. lnvot ab ut SO'jO c".a it i. boucht toUay. heilfr Jc Hall. Ml Lurnbermita bldg. LIST your p.ara with ua. Va can all tt. nave a rrnai many buyer on our list now. Qt buy. VbaaIr ft liaJU 51 1 Lumbarmena h&g. LATH HOVPfc. Leadiee and genta separate department; shower, tub. steam and ewtrn tnliur tanks; alo lt7 rooma furnished lo connection. S3 Kuasel bldg. WILL sell all or half Intereet In buaineaa thane off Ire; well established; haa biggest Itat of bualneas chances la city. vl t wet land b'.dg. FOR BALE 4 valuable mining claims la the Coeur d'AIenee, Idaho, eurrounde-l by the large producers and proved up bsyund a prospect. Abbott a Co.. Wllco bldg. LlJiT WITH" MB CAN WELL TOTr" BfSI NE5d REOARDLfcISS OF U-K'ATluN. IT'S MICMAKU 2u2 COMMERCIAL CLCB rilI0. PHONE MAIN i7. MANUFACTURING. PLANT. A dandy. In Portend, making money. F"e us at on re. Wheeler eV Hall, 611 Lumbermens bldg. $s.H- Grocer lea confectionery, etc; ft-year )-sj. s-O rant; 2 living rooms; c.iara 1.3 rnoy.h. Call 1-H 4 Stark at. uH DALE by owner, manufacture jewelry and lapidary ah op; wil teach the buyer. 8 7 SO. oregonlan GKOCERY. EAST SIDE. Trade rent $15; Invoice. Wheeler A Hall. 511 Lumbermens bldg. t EST Al' RANI, eheap rent. lease. 1 months r-nt paid In advance; dears $12 mom h. Prap. teo owner. 167 H lt- P1CTL KE Ti KATFH, $7 cash bus th a;er, c tearing $ to $10 a day. Get particulars, gig Teon bldg. CM ARS, candy, hakerv goods, etc.; haa living room ; price $J4V: caa make more than a living. Call Stark st. I.K.-TaL'KANT cheap; good trade; lease, cheap rent ; living room; terms. 04 4Ti at. E.EtTRICAT, HL"5INEiS. , Good location This la a anap IX taken st once. AJ T'-i. oregonlan Washinaton at. ; a dam. y at In vol", Whe-lr A Ha' I, 511 Lumtermens bldg, TO LFSB fr term of veara. corner. lix..0. on First and Morrison. Call Main lkoi0 or A I J;. LI-iHT manufarturtnc: chance for man wiring te work; can clear I '-H month; '" required. sMmTd. Cell 24- Ptark at. PATENT for snle. article sell quick. 773. Oregonlan. FISH buvrnrss: $ . profits big; all cash trad". Call St'fj 5:ark st. KT rnsrk -t i" Invnim price; c.eara $K0 fionth. Ct'l Stnrk st. $7-"- ".roc-ry : part ch. four living rooma OTerh-sd- 4f Lsat th st. FI-H market far saie at bargala. Aiv 774, Oregon .a v I3 itosra or irso nioi-. i'n J- YOTj csn maks money by Investing !" to g.'.O a montia In first niorlstaga certificates, secured by douhls their talus In Improved real estate; sat as a r.ovsrnmsnl bond; pavs a p'r cent from oats of overy pay ment; Investment Increases In valus every -r. Northwestern 'lrat Mortgag Trust, 41 WIlCQT bldg. BfrNr!)! OPPOKTI N'lTIT.". A BrFKNF.. S 'OPENING. ' A large, hlgli-gruda wbolosalo tailoring house of Chit ago Liimm gc Co. offer an, opportunity to a capabta. snergctlc and progressiva man to open a store In Port land for tha sal of ruads-to-order olothew for men. Capital Is necessary for oper ating axpensos only. A complets stock of high-grade piece goods for disnlsy pur poses will bs furnished without invest ment. Profits average $10 per suit. A tor well located slid well mansged snould do a business of 2S.0)0 per year. Agireaslvnsss snd snsrgy ar mors es sential than experience. Appointment for Internsw can b mad by adreaslng J. P. Thompson, room '445 Multnomah Botsl. BRITISH COLUMBIA is Canada's PaciOo province and Is larger and richer than tns statss of Oregon. Washington and Inane combined Three Canadian transcontinen tal railway and numsrous other railway lines are building through th Prov1,nc; opening np an fmmsnse area of TlrJln, arrlculluraL, mineral, coal and tlmbf' landa This Is ths last great opportunity on the North American continent to get In at the atari'" British Columbia s cll-wnmi- 1. . ). km i-.i.a.ti Let us Sana "v you. free of cost, our publlcstlon, "Hrlt- lb Columbia Hulletin or ii"' giving latest news of development, Inyest msnt opportunities, openings for business of all kinds, eta. Writs todsy. Bend u- a postal card with yoor name ana sd drees Natural Resources Secorlty Co., Ltd.. )6-13 Bower building. Vancouver. B. C FOR SALIv A genersl store at the leading rosst resort of the Piclllc Northwest. This :or is on a profitable basis and Is op erated In conjunction with the boarding house which carve for about 100 company employes. This psrt la Included In the ant, of the. store and requires sl'x'O In cash and a sultabls man to hondl It. NOW IS THE TIME. Get ready now for r-prlng and Summer business; start a travsllng moving picture business. 110 to U0 msde dsl.y. Easy, nice, clean business; small capital will make you a fortuns; full particulars cheerfully glvsn. New Tork Film .Ex change. o:6 Wsshlngton, near 17th. 4."i0 CASH huys a millinery stock that In voice 00. This is In one of the best towns In the Willamette Valley. There Is no competition In the town. This Is a snsp for the right party. Write to A. G. Urtnckerhorr. enre flowsrd Hotel, lotr and Alder sts.. Portland, or. HAVE YOU J'JOOO? Investment without services, handsome profits; money turned repeatedly; secured by city realty. No risks. E. E. DARING. O. C. R. Kills Co.. oott-10 Wilcox bldg. tJ0i First mortgage. 8 per cent inloi:. on 8-0 arr land, surety good, and Pi.'" acres Joining land clear; Al land at t-li per acre; both mortgage snd land to ex change for apartment comer or cloae-ln house. 813 l.umbermans bldg. I HAVE a solid office business that Is pay ing H00 monthly; will take partner as owner: can't handls all the business alone, must furnish best of references, as you will handle considerable money. 823 Lum ber Exchange. MEAT markt't doing fine business; no op position: In the best growing part of Portland; rent 110: must sell account of sickness; Including horse end wagon. 400. Deal with owner. N 79 Oregonlan. WANT PARTNER t0 for half Interest In manufacturing businesa Just starting, which will develop Into a very large busi ness; a splendid opportunity: Investigate. The Oregon Locators. MO Rothchlld bldg. FURNITURE- AND HARDWARE. All new. up-to-date stock, located on prominent business street; rent $4.",; now this is a "gllewdge" proposition, so look It up. Further particulars. 618 Yeon bldg. LADIES' tailor, cutter and fitter wants po sl'ton or a tailor to Invest roupls hundred dollars In a ladles' tailoring establlsh menl Pbone Marshall 4M13. AF 7t)C Oregonlan. t Jod CASH, balance on time, secures a good restaurant, low rent, long lease, clears t'JM monthly. Owner Is called away on ether business and must sell. Rabb aV Pat ton. S2J Lumbermen bldg.. 8th and Stark. CANDY stor on Third, doing business of I3 to $13 a day. Will sell for very low tigure. FLAHERTY CONNOLLY. 7 IS Yeon Bldg. CLEAN I NO and presslnc bualnesa wanta partner to do outside work. Will pay you bettor than warra; "rood man needed mora (ban money; loo raqulred. 222 Lura b?r Kchanga. CIGATt and c0nfrctlonry atora. paylnc $20 month over and aboa all xpnm; you m v try thta bustneaa before buying. liS I -umber t.tcnnifl. LSTAKLIHLvD cleanlnir. pret-slng bualneas. cheap rent, extra rooma. heart of town. Ihone A before noon: quick aale. aguare deal, no fair orrer retuseq. FOR rAl.ii OR TRAD Is. Al atork of mer Chsnd.se In beet town la Oregon: this la a pp.ri.rild opportunity fur 11 va man. Room ilultnomsn Hotel. A BARGAIN. New and a-cond-band furniture gtore for aale; cheap rent; good location. u3 First st. Full tSALK Whole or haif interest In good pxying drugstore In So. Idaho; .0iK) cash will handle U. Addreaa A V Dl. Orego nlan. SMALL lVVfcTORS OFPORTrNTIT t.. invest in a ftrst-clasa mercantile bust nexs; will bear cloeet Investigation. be K-lper A. Stetnati, 6 Railway i.kc. otng. BALOON IIg first-class trade, good Iraee, best location In Portland; owner has other buslneae: t'l'OO, terms; no agents. L 7"1. Oregonlan. IdaaTAL'KA.NT In good location, doing a good buslneas; owner not a restaurant man, liioO will handle lu 201 bweUand building. IiFMVER sie, oomplete atook of groceries, fixtures and lease, 1'.$ Grand a vs., near llorrlton. ("all at the premises after 11 A. M. Wedis-v-day tnd Thursday. LAIKV lunch; owner wants rIlab. part ner to be cashier, etc.; guarantee good Alary and share of profits, small invent nint required. Particulars 24HS Stark su CkOCKKT. Dolrg from $12S to $150 a day; rent 3 year lease; will sell at Involoe. Further partlouiars. 61S Teon bldg. TUB cash bustneea In the city; will sacrifice for quick sa:e. O. A. MVHOT.S INT. CO.. g07 Wllcng bldg. WANTEIj Kxperlenced man to work In rsal est ato of flea ou commission and take charge of business chanoe department. AT 7l4. Oregonlan. PARTNER for half Interest In established buainess; will clear $300 a month; $10O0 rq u ired ; ref erenoea. AS 73, Ore gor.Ian. WANTED I-ady or gentleman aa secre tary for corporation; must have cash; se curity foy your money. 1112 Hawthorne eve. WANT to buy moving plturr-ihow in Waih 1 nit ton or Oregon; full particulars and detnila In first letter or no attention given. 1 777. Oregonlan. PARTNER for stork of men'a furnishing goods, worth $1300, WJ1 give half Inter est for $K. Fee owner after 11 A. M. at 83 Lumber Exchange. WANTED rartner In well-established Portland wholesale house; present owner wlshee to retire from business; capital re- qutred $'J3.0H). A 820. Oregonlan. HAVE reitaurant and don't understand bul neae; will aell for $1000, $700 cash. Jor don, 610 Lumbermens. CARPENTER, with $1000 to take charge of building; 10 horses; give phone number. A E 770. Oregonlan. cK HALlv The contents of a halrdresslng imrlor. 2"9 West oth iu Vancouver, Wash. Phone AS J. PARTNER wanted to take half Interest In cash business. See owner, 425 Morrison st. No agenta. CIGAR, confectionery, light grocery; good lease; cor. location; will sell right: give terms. bee owner, cor. ltjth and Wash. DOCTOR, good location for one who will buy my lots and buildings. Dr. Everest, Cornelius. Or. PARTNER for (office nd concrete busi ness; $JO.tH0 worth contracts signed al ready. 83 Lumber Exchange. POOLROOM. living-rooms, paying $130 month over and above all expenses. tU FOR 8 A LB st Invoice 3-tsble poolroom, long li ase. Take M t, Fcott car. get off at Lenia and ask for Mac'e place. M O IN ; -F l ct CUE theater for aale. close in. doerntown district. Inquire H. C Ste vens, an 7th at. WANTED Planing mill man to. take charre; mut hav cash, security for your money, n ia nawinorne BA KICKY In good country town. Including ruiUtng. for fX. Call on Gray, McLeaa 1- Percy. Portland. FIRST-CLAFS grocery atore. doing $0 per dsy business; go-M locntlon; 3 centa oa the doiara. Jordon. 610 Lumbermens. K K TA IRAN T. Weet hUIe. $100 cash; seat iU'i rpop goo1 mony-maner. Hltll.t X A DISHOF. 132 Third St, SuT.ID merchandise business; can clear $0 month; will Invoice S.VuOO; so bonus Call 24&fe fitaWk sU BCSIN'ECS OPPORTUNITIES AM CALLED A WAT. WILL 6ACBIFK'r: BErtT PATIN'O MARKET AND GKOCERY IN THE CITT. JK VOL- ARE A BLSINftSS S1AX 11113 will errr tol. ownek, dti wii-l- 1AMK AVE. ROOMTJf G-H OIJS Eg. A BARGAIN. A 28 8-Poom apartment-boose. Hearty new. nicely furnished, modern In every way. brick building, ciose In. always full, low rent, will mtike earfy terms to right I party for furniture snd lease; owner has . othsr business requiring all of his time; ! no agents; buyer will get benefit of I agent s commission. Owner, P. O. box t IK! Portland. SOMETHING ELEGANT. Bo-room strictly modern hotel, elegantly furnished, well located, ground floor lob by; Is positively clearing .'kM) per month; if taken at ones can be handled for (4000. See DEVLIN riBEBAiiua. HOT Teon Bidg. Hera a beautiful little T-room flat elegantly furnished In birdseye mapls and mahogany; 2 years lease; the place will net you nice little lucom besides your own house rent, aiusi oe soiu si vuu. Only 1700 on terms. ree DEVLIN FIRKBAUGH. 907 Yeon Bldg. H. E JAMES CO., S 10TH. NEAR 6TAJUC &.Ara rvn iftaw 12 rooms close In for acreage. 6-room modern flat for ..00 lot. io.MAffl heantv. sd60; want lot. If you have a lot and want to get a nloe little roomlng-houa. see us, as we hav 60 to choose from. H. E. JAMES CO., tli 10th. near Stark. A OENUINE 6NAP. Nine-room Hat In a modern house; rea sonab.a runt; newly furnisnea; m si elegsnt location: will nut t'H above ai sxyenses; 42oO will handls. For any kind of a hotel see DEVLIN & FIREBAUOH. K07 Teon Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE. a Ti t.- a t:ri 1,'fT. PLACE. ' 10O rooms, oil apartuienta. 4 years' lease, n, ant, K .". room; clears $4K month; Awner in hosultal and must be sold; take glOuO cash and real estate up to SloOO. H. B. JAMES CO.. kH 10TH 8T. MART E. LENT CO. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY, HOUSES. All sixes and prices. 22-4 Falling bldg.. 8d and Washington. KACRIFICE. 110 rooma, S4 furnlalied, rent laa thaa . mam. lease, brick Building, steam heated, bath, rtrio and pai, light, rooma all full; price f-uuu. xourny diuk.. vn id at. VOR JAPANESE 14 rooma, well located. and good furniture; cheap rent; a snap for 5w cash ; two daya oiiJy ; also tf rooms that ichh win uauu.t. iu wi-gwu Loiawrs, 61i Hotfachlld umg. Mi K home of 9 rooms, good Income, on block from Washington St.; w.il sell or would consider a trade, bouse and lot. K 745, Oregonlan. DO you want to aell your roomlng-houae? Wa pay caan ana cnarge no .wiiiiiiiiwu. wrTHKir.l.l) INVESTMENT CO.. B17 BOAiiD OF THADB JiLsUO. M 941. ai.kOOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur ntsued, new and clean; best location; big Income and alwaya lull; long teaae; terms cheap. iy owner, i5 Flanders. li-HoOM house, in flrst-claas condition. Joins bank ou principal street In tit. J oboe; 4iit moniix. Smith- Wagoner Co.( XH-612 L-la bldg BUKNS1DK HT. LODG1NG-HOUSI3, 1 rooms: doing fine bualneas; long lease. .. . 1 A, U-.lnl.lsft T i LilOC I vilt. Wva eas, vv -e a Chamber of Commerce. FRKtt rent and 120 besides, permanent, re BDunsibi texiVnta. 7 tunny rooma, walking distance, beautifully furnished, far above average; Jo, your own terms, eoi eiu. 11 ROOMS Only 1 460, for quick sale and some terms; ihia ta a gold dollar for &oc; line location, well furnished; cneap rent. inquire &iu rtotncnua uiag. THuROLLiHLY eaulDped' crocery store: In voice l-lu; $imU cash, baiance eaay tenua. No bouua. Son Lumber hsxehknge. FUKaN'lSUKU hotel and boarding-house, IS rooum, all occupied; 40 boaxders. Apply to owner, a7 is. loth at. WANTED A rooming-house with about 20 rooma, nicely iurmeneu ana cioee in; goou lease. Ati Toaf, uregonian. ItowMiNO-liOLriiJi;, lu rooms; 2-year lease eJ rent; price $'i'); wu gU possession. 1W Pevenih t.. urejjon i;u CAaii, $15 per month. West Hide; fur- n..ce neat; income tou, ynto lH01-eb.V 6t BlSHui', IS2 Third 6t HoLSfc: 16 rooms furnished; 10 minutes walk from Wash, at; rent reasonable. &S Kuaaell bldg. U-iiUUM rooirilnji -house for sale on easy terms; full at present, buj i.uq st. WA.NTEU Location for bakery who will build. 2211 N. aUia. Alain e.'iu. JAPAN k-Dii wanta tuy UOio 40 rooming house, cash, cheap. 8 7n2, Uregonian. $UvO CAbH, lo rooms. West Side, fine loca- 6 NAP If taken at once, a rooms; rent $o0; new furniture; easy terms, A- 7604. rCClAL NOTICFA proposals invited. beb-ALED blda will be received at the ofnee of the undersignea, u. xi.iora oiuin run land. Or., until 6 P. U. February 22, 1W12. for b.ock ou. Couch's Addition. cenlhed check fur & per cent cf the amount of the blu. payable to K. H. Tnomas, School Clerk, must accompany eacn proposal. Board of Directors reserves the rignt to retain possession of the premises and building thereon until January A. iyi3: Sase rtsre the r.gut to reject any and an bids. Dated January 23. 1912. K ll. ThOllAb, School Clerk. UleceUa aeoaa. NUT accountable for bills contracted by Mra. O. Antiieuilelli since last June, O. Au- thcnrlctn. LOST A.ND FOOD. FOUND Where you can buy genuine IsalX mattresses retail at wnolesale prices; we senovaie mattrasees and return same day; e aso renovate feathers. Portland Curled Malr Factory. H Metsger, a-Js Frouu Phone slain 474, A IS. 4. LOST Large amethyst stone from breast pin, between Olds, WorUiian A AClug and the slsjestic Theater; return to N. Huh-; suiasble regard. LoST Feb. &. goiU-handled suitcase um brella In Huberts Lroa. store; monogram L. K. H. Kewajrd $0. Dr. Lena K. JUodges, I02o h Heimont. Tabor fi04. Oold watch, lady's hunting case, name engraved la back, betweon 3d aud W ash, and lttth and Flanders mtm, slsan 7Wltf or MJtln 170tft Reward. LOST In th Corbett bldg., on Saturday, Januiiry 27, a lynx Xur oollax. Finur plejo return to .11 Corbett bldtf. and receive reward. LOta T Tuesday, trescent-shaped brooch set with brilliants. Fiifuer return to 4-Ui lig. LVtu at. Reward. Tauor Vbn LOST LngLian setter male pup, 10 montas old; white alto black ticks; blaokT patch over one eye. Reward. Tabor eu!4. FINANCIAL. BKOiN to save today; our first mortgage certificate net 6 per cant. The Invest ment is the best In th world; as good as a Government bond; these certificates may be bought for cash or for smsuler regu.ar paymouts; as lliue as $0 a month, will be accepted; backers, largo Insurance com panns and shrewd capitalists and investors prelur tuem to all otner forms of In ve tu rned, vail or write for Interesting, help ful infoimauon. Northwestern First Mort sage Trust, 4u2 Wilcox bidg. MONEY wanted to loan on first mortgages in ainouut from $30 to $30,uu0, at 6 to 7 per cent. The only safe no-risk Invest ment. Absolutely secured by eeiected, im proved, income paying real estate. North western First Mortgag Trust. 402 Wilcox bidg MORTGAGES (first and second;, contrasts and seller' equities bought. a L. De ar ea ux. ltutf Spalding b.dg, X and VVasa ltagtoa Main oa, . WE par highest cash price for builders' a tracts, first and second mortgage and ether securities. Home Installment C 401-492 McKay bldg. aiarsnau sw. MONET TO LOA14 on Improved real estate or for building purposes. No commissions COLLMblA LIFE 4k TRUST COMPAQ If, 1 Spalding bldg. 1 HAVE 4 first-class mortgages on Improved real estate, drawing 8 per cent; one $200, 3j0, $12uO and $.H00. which I will sell at a liberal discount, p 7oo, Oregonlan. FIRST Ott bECO.ND MORTGAUEa HuoOHI er seller's Interest In contracts of sa.s en real estate In Washington or Oregon, H, K. Noble. HI 9 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE First mortgage of $1200. $ p cent, on lot and 2-story residence ralmd at $2300. altuated on East Side, dose la. Address A 72i. Oregonlan. FIRST and second mortgages, oontrmcts and commission accounts bought, real estate loana E- U. Miller. 410 Aolngton bldg. WILL buy mtea and contracts for cash, rea sonable aiscouni; give paxLicuiara, Jk.au loi. Oregonlan. WILL buy seller's contracts; reasoaabl dis- .Aa,n fill 7 rltlatldtD C WILL discount for cash my account with American bank ft Trust Co. Can make assignment. K 7b4, Oregonlan. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages (first and second), equities F. U. Lewis at Co I Lewis bldg. MONEY TO LOAN; PEE US FIRST. Lytton A Welnblatt. 723 Chamber of Commerce. -Money to Loan Real Estate. TO LOAN. 5 M.OoO AT 6 PER CENT. 6.00O AT 8 PKR CENT. , S T..IOO AT 7 PER CENT. I S 6..'rfK AT 7 PER CENT. 4.ihm AT T PER CENT. $ 2JfH AT 7 PER CENT. J l.B'.tO AT 8 PER CENT. tl.OcO AT 8 PER CENT. SOO AT 8 PER CENT. On Improved city or farm property. fJOODSKIL BROS., 43S Worcester Bldg. LOANS of lloo, $1200. "1S00 and Dp ward oa Improved realty property; favorable terraa National Realty A Trust Co.. 723 Chamber f Commerce. MONET TO LOAf. $2."i,0.H at 6 per cent. $1.'.000 at 7 per cent. $10,tX'0 at 7 per cent. $-5oX lit 8 per cent. R- N. TUFKORD A CO., Mar. 4r.47. 407 Spalding Bldg. MORTGAGS LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 6 to 8 per cent on city residence snd business prop erty and Multnomah County farms. EDW. P. MALL, -to tOi Chamber of Co mm ere a WE WOULD bo pleased to replace your mortgage loan, which Is about to expire, promptly and reasonably. See Mr. Har bolt, A. J. Detach Company, 840 Chamber of Commerce. 'Marshall 4L'80. A lu69i $2000 TO LOAN 52000. We have $-Ou0 to loan on Improved curlty. Interest at current rates. - CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 211 Lewla Bldg. LARGE supply of money to loan In sums of $300 and upward, on real estate security, at 6 and T per cent. MALL A VAN B0RSTEU 104 Second at , near Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes. 3 to 8 years time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sit Ings A Loan Association. 20 Stark st. LIST your mortgage loans with us for quick returns; we have the money. See Mr. Har bolt, A. J. Detach Co.. b-10 Chamber of Commerce, Marshall 4280. A pTTe N T Y -OF" MONEY ON FA KM OK CITY PROPERTY, v WM. C. BOKCHiSRS, 207 OREGON LAN ULDO. WANT CASH 7 We boy mortgages and sellers contracts. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY. 404 Yeon Bldg. HAVE clients with small amounts which thev den!- to place short time on real estate. Frd W. German, S29 L urns id at. Fhone Main or A 277C. MORTGAGE LOANS ON" FAVORABLE TERMS. JOHN BAIN. 505 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN ON FARM. $la00. socuxity must be highly Im proved farm. Make application to GOODSELL BROS., 4iiJ Worcester Bldg, $300,000 ON improved city or farm property; bulldins; or small loans at lowest rates; larite loans a specialty. Mckenzie A Co oeriinger Diag. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. FAJUl AJ'I CITY PROFEKTY. EDMUND L. DEVKKEAUX lOutf SPALDING BLDG. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate secur ity, Farrtngton & Farriugton. 416 Com mercial Club bldg. WE have from )500 to $26,000 to loan on MORTGAGE LOANS, tt A.N U 7 rtLti Repay in 2 or 3 yrs. or monthly. TELLARS-MURTON CO., Yeon Bk. $1000 TO $5uoO to loan at lowest rates, also larger amounts. irowuriuae s o.cyucu, 301 Wilcox bldg. $aiJOO TO $00u0 to loan on close-in improved Portland property at 7 per cent interest. i:p TO t.-.00Q to loan on city property. No seems. no brokeraae. Loewenson. 402 Uucnanan sias. $200 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Beak. 613-316 Falling bldg. TO loan, estate monies in any sum from l&UU up at current raits.. jiuuixis Mulkey bldg.. Id and Morrison stay STRICTLY private money on real -estate and contracts; moriagus Douguv unu aoiu. Strow, 711 Selling bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. Liberal terms. Mortgages pm chased. Henry C Pruhomme Co., 807 Wilcox Bid. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowsst rates. A. H. Birreil Co.. XvZ ilciay D.dg- 8d and Ptark. WAN'IED Applications for select 4oana oa city property. M. Billings, Cuj Mcslay bidg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgages bougnu v. ti. reuiiii. cucnw-, mus- MONBf, any amount, 6 to a per ceau V', H. Belts A Co.. 310 Fpalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. J O. (JOLTKA. FAILING BLDO. STATE funds. 0 per cenu W. H." Thomaa agent Multnomah County. 4oQ Chof Com. SHORT TIMiS LOANS; PRIVATE PARTY; $100 AND UP. i.07 OREGON IAN BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS, a. T. Price, 610 Rothchild Bldg. MORTGAGE LUANS AT HEASONABLU RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 3 LEWiS BLDO. LOANS on reai, personal, chattel or collat eral security. -nc-, - r -vm $30u0 OR any part to loan. Interest 1 per cenu Aia'u PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages, tx a 1 u e y , mm" MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATiS. A- 11- HARDING. 813 Ch. of Com. $40uO TO loan on firat-clas securitiea AH 4 a IjregUUMtil. MORTGAGE" LOANS, d AND 7 PER CENT. LOU IS SALOAIUN. lil'P STARK ST. $.iOOO TO LOAN for 1 or 3 years. 570 Spald ing mag- - mi m MONEY to loan on real estate. Purse Co- t!8 unsmper vi v,miimcmc Moiiey l ,.mu Cli,t f it nil ftjlarlee. QUICK LOANS. - ANY AMOUNT. DO TOU KNOW Thla new company was organized to LOAN MONEY to working people and all Others at RATES ABOUT ONE-HALF what regular LOAN companies charge 7 Loan made quickly and privately on pl anos, furniture, storage receipts, autos and livestock. CHEAPEST RATE 3 IN THE CITT. YO0 CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Given If Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 106-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONE3. Between 4th and 3th Sta, on Wash. St. O pen Monday and Saturday till S P. M. DO YOU NEED MONEY t W wfu furnish you. strictly confiden tial, and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other kinds of securities, on earms to suit; also oa weekly or monthly payments. WJfl BUY AND LOAN On first and aecond real eatat mort sacea. contracts and chattel mortgages. U. S. REAL ESTATE & B RO KE R AGiS CO. 12 itiamilton xiug-. lex au. juaun .u. C. FKAA'K KICHOLd CO. For a loan- ou any kind of seourlty. IT WILL COST YOU LLHS. Ko extra charges. prlvats office. Courteous and Confidential Treatment, CALL AND GET ACQUAINTED. C0$ Lumbermens Bldg.. oth and btark. MONEY LOANED. JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, SILVER, WATCHES. 1'IANOS. ETC ELBY COMPANY. 820 LUMiiJiH EXCilANUa) BLDG. (THIRD FLOOR) SECOND AND STARK STS. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others ftrr ritsned without security; cheapest rates, asiest payments. Come and get money w nen you want It, and pay as you can. offices In all principal cities. D. H. Toi man. 37 Lumber Exchange. WiiY pay usurious lntereat to money aharka Wnen tn SHU o.euanj wii ;u, money on dlamonda. Jewelry and otner portable articles, almost bankers' Interest I 826 Failing bids'.. 8d and Washington. MONEY to loan' on short tlms. In small or larger amount., wu nu.t, aifini. ly private.. Call 815 Lumber Exchange. iiUEDlATa; loans from $3 and up oa a.1 kinds ox securitiea v. a. niui.aj, room 10. Washington bldg. Main SUA A'E LOAN money on dlamonda and Jewelry at ball tne rsies cuar.. m w,w.-PF Marx Biooh. 74 8d su LOAN, on diamonds and other securltia Watt Moll, room a. wuniinws ums- PRIVATE party will loan $25 and up. 720 ChsmDer or t-ommerce riui. MONKY loaned on uiamonds arid Jewelry, strictly eoatiaennai. 141 .a. nosr Aiatr, MONEY sold on Installment, confidential; salarlea people, r. a. jsewxon. nenry oiog. A LOAN for th asking, salary or chattel. . . I -n ll, n-bnm . I .i nvivnir. r i. i,. alonejr to Ixmw Chattels and Salaries. " 15 Tc D. DKAKS 1MX FOR SALARIrTD PEOPLE TODAY without security, mortgage or Indorse ment; cheaitst rates, best and most prt vats terms io rortland. 07 SpaidiZLg blag. MONEY ADVANCED Ob turniture, pianoa salaries sto, JLoweut rates. HUTTON CRJiDIT CO. 107 Spalding iilcig. CASH ON CREDIT. EMPI.OYKS' LOAN CO 8-'l AB1NGTON BLDG. Loans Wantest. AU - y. WASTED on tlrst-class security: ...,0V 8 years, 10 per cent, on 2 acres of lund at Beavertoii, and 1 lot in Kos City Park. Value J2400. looo 3 years, 10 per rent, 0 acres, partly cleared. Value $3000. Sluoo 8 years, 8 per cent, tl-room one and one-naif story bouse in Swlnton. Value boube and lot J.iOoo. Isnap. (100 3 years, a per cent, 6-room bouse In ewluton. Value -'$2300. S170U 8 years, U per vent, 8-room one and one-half story modern bouse, new. Value JJ00O. i-ooo 8 years, 7 per cent, 7 -room bouse East Salmon, near 8"tn. Value 13500. bee Mr. Haxbolt. A. J. Detsch Company, 640 Chamber of Commerce, Marshall 4230. A 106a. WANTED. Loans for residences, j:300, :20. tl7S0, In Beaumont; tl760. In Bella Crest and $1600 each for four dwell ings In Thayer Addition; t per cant and all expenses. See Mr. Reese. COLUMBIA TRUST COM PANT, Ground Floor Board ot Trade Bldg. vVB WANT J2000. Want (2000 on bouse, nearly completed; 8 per cent, 8 years, bund furnished; aliso expense paid; value S4200; 70u wanted now, balance wben house Is completed; every protection offered. CHAS. RINULKR St CO., 211 Lewis bldg. WANTED 17000. Will pay 8400 for use of 17000 for 60 days and give security to amount of $35. ooo: money returned at rale of $100 per day until paid. This Is a straight, legit imate proposition. A3 7i0. Oregonlan. WANTED Loan of 12250 for term ot 3 years. Improved city realty property. In restricted residential district. Particulars. National Realty & Trust Co., 733 chamber of Commerce bldg. WANT $1200 on $3000 suburban property; will pay hsfe. H y!ars or over; house In sured $1300 and have over 9 lots; good value. Address T 830 Oregonlan. FOR SALE Good first mortgage, $1200: or will borrow $700 and assign said mortgage and other property for Wo days; act soon. Owner. 020 Lumber Exchange. WANTED. $1100. $2000. $2oo0 and S8000; new resi dences. Irvinttton district. J. H. Tipton. 110S-1O Spalding bldg. WANTED 11200 loan at 8 per cent from private party, on new bungalow. Poulaen, 418 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2763. WOLLD like the loan of $200 from some pri vate party on & good piano. AN 7S1, Ore gonlan. WILL discount for cash my account with American Bank & Trust Co. Can make assignment. E 74. Oregonlan. UoNLY WANTED Applicatlona oa band fo- desirable loans, mortgages lor sale. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. io7 .Vlleov. b4dg. $3500 OR $4JfT) at 10 per cent on 60 acres, near Gresham. AO 771, Oregonlan. $4000, 8 per cent, on Improved farm ap praised at $12,000. AK 7h5. Oregonlan, fEKSONAL HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR, son Pl'ltE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 34-inch switches $4.4.1 t 2tl-ineh switches ................. Z.4o Hair dressing .25 Face massage .25 bhampoo ............. .25 Alunicurine. 25c: 5 for ............... 1.00 12 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous . hair removed by slectxiclty. guaranteed not to return. $4. $5 and 111 PUFKS only fl.4.1. Cut hair in any shade; switches, any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dokum bidg.. 3d and Washington. RADICAL cure by the latest natural heal ing methods, including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, heat, vibration, radia tion, baths, massage, adjustment and manipulations. Most expensive, finest equipped private office in Oregon; no med li'ino or operations. Over 60iw) treated pa tients and not a death while under our care. We will be glud to consult with ou free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 312 Rothchlld bldg. BAY. GIRLS. TAKE MY ADVICE, said Miss I By There, and before buying your Spring suits or coats elsewhere, see the beauties at the National Sample Suit fc Cloak Co., 2d flour Swetland bldg., 6th and Wash. sta. Yuu save enough for a Spring hat on every garment. NATUROPATHIC-treatment- I cure nervous and chronic diseases without the use of drugs or appliances of any kind. 'Dr. Catherine C. Gates, 807 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 8143. 9 to 12 A. M 1 lo o P. M. Sundays by appointment. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions: batba, massage. Ho. 7 East 11th st-, second door south from East Anken ttarline. Phone East 200, B lso3. A NEW hypodermic treatment for catarrh. Results guaranteed. Non-operative. B. M. Richardson, M. D-, eye, ear. nose and throat specialist. 309 Northwest bldg., Oth and Washington. DR. ALICE A. ORIFF. Diseases of women and children, haa removed to Lafayette bldg., 813. Wasa lngtoa at. tiKKMAN" tiained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments f"r rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massages and baths. 348 Williams' ave., near VVeldler St.. V car. Phone East eoOo, C X55S. Open Sundays. ADAMS BATH PARLORS. 91 H Sixth; scientific massagist; .leotrlo blanket sweats and salt baths given for colds and rueumatiatn. Hours from 10 o'clock to 12. GRADUATE nurse, gives electric, thermal and tub baths for rheumatism, nervousness and poor circulation; ladies only. Room II. The Clay, on Morrison, between 7th and Park. MRS, MARRCHE. spiritual science; consul tation dally; meeting Thura. 8 p. M. ; hours 10 A. M. to 6 P. M- 149 Lowns dale ave. XJR. WALKER, apeclallst for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultative free. 1$1 1st St., Portland. MEN 3. O. Tablets, a marvelous cur. for liervous debility and weakness from any cause; Dries CL Druggists or maiL Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 245 Vs Morrison sr. CRESS SUITS for rent, $1.50 month; keep sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and dellverlea Unique Tailoring Co.. 80if Stark. UKS STEVENS, lb years Portland's lead lng palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sal at ti-'l Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sta DR. A. ' A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 802 Merchants Trust bldg., ih and Washington. Phone Main 4047. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills, ths woman s meaicine; price sz box. Jlrug gists or mail. Every box guaranteed. Dr. tierce Remedy Co.. 245 rt Morrison st- MRS. DR. BAIRD.M. T., 314 Hamilton bldg. treats an uiw. .a.n.uig scl ent 1 f 1 c methodsjsuPlusfatreduc e d . MATHILDE ARNESON, trained masseuse. metllcai gymnaawca, lur wumen only. Pbone numper woomawn ioy. DR. KETCHUM treats women's maladies, also chronic diseases. Washington bidg,. cor. 4th and Washington. Main t474. MISS RAGNH1LD JACOBSSA', Scandinavian trainea iuhubuw. iioii ii.uaii y-ix. 74 Johnson St.. corner .ibi. iukc w cur. The Marlnelio System Scientific treatment of hair, face and scalp, manicuring, chiropody. 402 Central bldg. iota and Alder. MRs7s7 C. MORRISON, steam baths and masseurlng for rheumatism, lumbago, eto. 847 Jefterson. A 4470. Open Sundays. MADE OF YOUR COMBINas. Swliches, 95c; curls and pulls, 75a San itary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spirit" ual scientist. 302 Allsky bidg. Meetings Wednesday and Friday. 8 P. M. Main Ca24. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality, 25a box; 0 boxes $1.25. btlps laylor Drug Co.. 2S0 Morrison st. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. V. H::L 42D Flledner bldg. Main 84 73. MME. COURTRIGHT, feature and skla spe cialist, 260 2Qth St. N. Phone Main 6o4i HA VIS your wrinkles removed. Why look old? 515 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. MANICURING parlor, facial and scalp treat mept. shampooing. 314 Swetland bldg. SCALP treatment, facial massage. Alton Hotel. 11 th and stark, room 423. top floor. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for dlseaa. of women. 632 Davis st- Main 8216. HUGHES Look for letter today. Feb. 8. Hughes. Bl' SI NESS DKTECTORT. Accountants Expert and Certified. EXPERIENCED all lines; books opened, closed, written up. financial statements; , private Instruction; service anywhere: permanent or temporary bookkeepers fur nished. 502 Swetland bldg. Main 440. Analytical Chemists. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. analytical chemists, examiners of chemicals, drugs, foods, eta Assayer and Analyst. .Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 204 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 1SS Morrison st. Attorneys. A E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 142S Yeon bills- M. 873. A2071. H. C. KORNEGAY, corporation, commercial, real estate law. and collections. 1122 Yeon. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting snd machine work 10G N. 6th. Main 2702. Chemists. KORMANN and WEBSTER, general an alytical chemists; fully equipped labora tories. 11 North 6th. Clilroprswtlc Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia bldg.. next Stat Thea-er. A 5255. Main 0587; res. B 2970.' ChlrorHMjiHts. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny, tht onlv scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 802 Gerllnser blcig.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. P. Hill, offices 429 Fliedner bldg Main 3473. Chiropody. LEARN chlropodv at Marinella Shop, 403 Central bldg.. loth and Alder. Main S99n. COAL ALB1NA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO., coal and wood. Marshall 060. A 8545. 8P7 Water St. Contractors. W. L. BT'CKNER. contractor, Jobbing, of fice and store setting. 3 N. 8th st. Mala BRS1. A 72. Woodlawn 503. WANTED. To let contract to build a 4-room honse, ciose 1n. .1. H. Tipton, HQS Spilcllng Mdg; Danelug. . PROF. WAL. WILLSON'S SCHOOL; lessors 25c; waltz, two-step or three-step guaran teed in first lesson or money refund.!; stage danoinc taught quickly, .'lfl'.i Wash.. St.. bet W. Park and 10th. Mnln 7337. ; HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons 25c; fancy stage and Roclal dancing taught dally; wnltz and two-step guaranteed in 4 les sona Class Monday evo. 109 2d St., he-. tween Washington and Stark. RIN'GLER'S ACADEMY. leading dancing school In the Northwest, thorough courses, t'-n Instructors. 2.11 'i Morrison, instruction dally. Marshall 313. PROF. FORD'S school of dancing. 87th and Hawthorne avenue. iCla3ses Tuesday and Thursday evening at 8. Private lessons by appointment. Tabor 3707. ' Detectives. ARK you in doubt T Is there any Informa tion you can't get yourself? We hav solved the same problem for others', both civil and criminal. It's our system. Shadow and divorce work a specialty; arrange for an interview. Licensed pri vate detectives, box 2150, Portland. Or. Engines Gas anci gleam. RORER Machinery Co., Coast agents. Sea bury steam engine and boilers, gasoline en glnes. 2.S1-2S3 E. Morrison St. Phone E 515. Feed Store. ZIGLER A MISNER. hay. grain, feed, e ment. shingles. 2H4 Grand ave. E. 482. Lent her anct Findings. CHAS. L MASTICK CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, tabs, mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S5S. ItiO Front st- Laudscape Gardener. FRED W. BULLOCK. 310 Yeon Bldg. Phone Marshall 2432. Lawns, Drivea-a)s. Shrubs and Plants. Landscape Gardening;. G. H. SIEBELS. landscape gardener; prun ing specialty. 6srJ E. Otii. Sellwood 1167. HUGH KIRK, landscape gardener, shrutx and plants. 532 Columbia boulevard. Emll Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevcllc 900 Marquam. A 41 60. Marshall 1629. Musical Instruction. PIANO, vocal, violin, mandolin, guitar ! banjo, wind instruments, private and cluli Instruction: stringed instruments loaned to beginners. National Conservatory oi Music, Grand ave. and E. Morrison. Osteopathic l'liysicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle, Mo., class of lb'JS; post-graduate 1907. un der Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the science. 1122 Selling bldg. M. 19t7, A I9i5. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 4)0-10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone Office M. 349. Res. East or B 1028, Paints, Oils and .! COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adapted to the Coast climate. BASls HEUTER PAINT CO. 191 Second St. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. Id and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. " -I PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law. late of U. S. Patent Ofuce. Book let free 719 the Board of Trade bldg. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyrights registered, all countries. Booklet free. . PETER HABERLIN. bird Worcester bldg. $J. B. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. Martin, 409 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. K. C. WRIGHT, uomeatic and foreign pat ents, Infringement cases. 004 Dekum bldg.'. l'awuut okers. UNCLE MEYERS' Collateral Bank; 40 years in Portland. 71 bth su Phone Main 911). Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving-"Company. 80J Bus Klecfrlo bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. Pipe. pipe PIPE PIPH. New and second-hand. Our prices will convince. M. BARDE & SONS, 240-2 Frout St.. cor. Main. PIPE and uttings, engineers 'and steam suii- M, L. Kiln. Centrally located. Nos. 84 to 88 Front st, rnuuci ju f w ., - .. POKTLAJSD WOOD PIPU CO. Faotory and office near 24th and York sta M. 8489. THE MOSLER SAFE CO. 108 2d St. Safe at factory-prices ; second hand safes. becotid-llanU Goods. WE buy clothing, furniture and toois. Hlgh- urn!ture. tools. Marshall 2304. tak , ay Uie highest prices for second-hand, wohTlnir and shoes. Main 7608. 630, 6th. Sliowca.es, Bank and Show ttxtiire. thm 1 UTKE MrU CO., branch Grand Rap--Ids Showcase Co.. litu and Hoyu R. Lutka, manager. k n BIRDS ALL, 208 HanUllon bldg. Show cls'er In stock; prompt delivery. Sales. agent, M. Winter Lumper AO. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new "fi iwnnd-hanu. Main 2703. Cabinet wort Storage and Transfer. -rz pick Transfer ac Storage Co.. ofnees and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, .rnarate iron rooms and fireproof vaults ?o?"aluables; N. W. cor.. 2d and Pine sta; iianos and furniture moved and Packed ?r .hlDDlng; special rates made on good our tnrSugu cars to all domcsUo and foreign po'nts. . Main 5u6, A 1990, -i i .S-KOE TRANSFER CO. r!neral transferring and storage, safes, ncia and furniture movefl and packed r shipment. b7:SU Front st. Telephones plan for chip 7 or A 2247. Main m riuvnoN TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Tranter and forwarding agenta Of floe, and storage 474 Glisan sL. cor. 18th and !Tui! Phones Main 60, A 1169. Taxidermy. PACIFIC COAST TAXIDERMY CO. la7Va First St. Phone Mala 7778. j i" l"i TO Ji5 wlli buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITEIf rebuilt as good as new; all manes to' choose from at Gill's. 3d and Alder- terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Main S0UO urwu-j. WE are the exchange for the largest type- WrllCr CUUCCl aa aa " . Bu.vu. all makes -all prices. The Typewriter Ex- change. 851 A Washington st, X'l-'Vv" rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at out P. D. C. Co- 231 Stark. M. 1407, Well Drilling. nplLLING wells. Phone Main 1340 or writs A. Wft. 1X2 Morrison St. '' Wood. FIR wood, cut last year; split sticks; 11. cord lots np $3.90 t. o. b. Portland; grals ' stay (1$ Per ton. E. E. Morgan, Yamhill, Oa .i..a"s.a.sass.s.aa