I 17 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, LIFIS FLOUR PRICE One of the Local Mills Ad vances 20 Cents Barrel. CALIFORNIA MARKET IS UP Exports Strongly HclJ at S 80 at All Port Wheat Continues llrm at Saturday' Lercl but With Baylnc. Patent flour price. advanced .0 cent. barrel rHUrdtr by n. of the local mint. Th. eth.r Portland mil J and tnoee the IM have not yet gone an- "U1 tha next two day, according to tha ball" f ,ha local trie. Tha California roll.. raJa4 th.lr price. H cents, effective Sat wrday. 1 1 port price ara quoted etrong lM it tu North Pacific Coast porta. There w.ra so new development, hi tha wh.at market, except that bayer. tn tha Interior ware not ao rly to pay " price for club wkt aa th.y were Satur VM waa bought In tha Walla i -Wall and Pdloa aoeUon for account of ' Interior miller at full prlesa. Locally, the I him quotation were gtv.n aa at tha elooa : of teat week. . Tha etreagth of tb local marks dooa not lla ao mach In tha current demand, which la no craatar than It haa been at tlmae In 'tha paat. bat bacaono of tho amallnoaa of remaining stock Sopplle In farmer hands ara bow placed at about $.000,000 bosbela. Tha aata markot waa strong at Saturday", quotation. Local reealpta la earn wara re porud by tho alarchaata Exchange aa fol- Wheat. Barley. Floor. Oata. Hay. Monday 11 . -J Tha waakly wheat etatletlc. of tha aler ebantsr Xxcnng follow: American Vtaibla Supply Bushels Decrese. February . 113 ao.i3.ooo TOo.eo February it 1 44.3' J."- S.0 Jor!Ur li l;Ko 47.7WO0.M) H1.W0 FabruarJ 1 Ml 64.io.0OO 1.3W.0UO Inereaaa. . janui.ee on Pmsac endla Fb. 3 Week Week ending ending J.a. 27 reb. 4. "11 F.r Buahela lltiehele Huehele .'r.tinent .. 7.120.u 7.lC.0O0 li.e60.000 T..ta: .. .2.44.0i J7.P43.0O 87.7aO.O00 . otiJ'a'f iilpoi'nta (flour lrcluded Week Week Week ending endlig ending Fvw. 3 Jan. C7 Feb. 4. '11 From Bnnbe'e lluehela Huehel I- s Can... A l-7. I IWJ.WI 2.ZZt v'r-onlina ... 4l4.0 11.VW U.1M.0OO ku.-rai'a I..l.l4.0-" l.S.0-. S.040.0..0 norta. . " 13'' e-i 0)0 Ka.-la . 744 .4.0O0 3.H2.'H Pj 45S.UOO kl.OOO 42.000 Totare .'. ...M.0OO 7.7:7.000 10.17.OOO World'a ahlpmanta. aeaaoa to data: Total alnra Baraa period rrom Julyl. ltfll. iaat aeaaon. V n. and Canada... 97nc 73.171.000 Anrentsna s.w.s.a SI .. o Auitraha 8.Pi2.H 24.nM.000 Sanubian pta. ei"7.n- ;.14.000 R.la ............. M.A-4.UOO 14l.112.onO Imli ... 2o.772.ow 2v.272.OOQ Total .2X7.4(13.000 SA7.ttia.00a Fl-OKXUA OR.1XGES OX T1UC MARKET lavr Slxc CmUfortOai ITnlt Alao Reoel'ed Le-wjooa Ara Ctrong. Produce receipt yaaterday Included a car of Florida orangea and grapa fruit, a atrajgnt ear of lanra alxa California orange, a mixed car ot lettuce and celery, a car of cauliflower and a ear of aweet potatoaa. Tha orange market waa firm. Fancy Cali fornia fruit cold at 13 a box and tha Florida at 14 13 0 4. JO a box. Tha lemon market waa etrong at laat weeka prleaa and tha tendency of valuea la upward. Ap ple prleaa ware maintained throughout the llt Tha demand for regetablea of all ktnda waa good and the market waa eteady. HOPS SZIAASQ AT LOWER PRICES. Ht Ceel rhaoga Raada at H aod 4 Cent. Price In tha local hop market continue to aag aa a reault af the uneatlafactory demand from the East. The Oetmann lot of 60 balea at Sllrerton waa aold at 40 rent and there waa a transaction between local dealera yeaterday at S!S centa. la the trade the market I now regarded a a 40-cent one, but a number ot the preaent holder hare faith In higher prleaa In tha Spring and are going to wait for development. In the Eaat Oi market la dull and In England It la weaker. LOCAL EOG .StARKET VERT FIRM Arm Home ana Snipping Dranag Poultry la Steady. Tha egg market opened very firm, bat no higher than laat week. There waa a good local and hipping demand, which took oar of all tha receipt A moderate eupply of poultry waa on band, and former price were tjaoted. The cheapneae et amelt la In terfering In large meaaura with the more merit In chlckenxL. Butter and cheeae condition ware with out change. Strength ef the Rlc Market. Conditio la th rice markat ara com mented on by Talmage aa followa: Ad Tlcea from the South note fair demand on the Atlantic CoaaC At New Orleana tha market la etrong. and while buyer act cemaerratlvely. the volume of buslneaa la Incresaed. Early In the week, under ceaaa tlon of actlTlty. the tone on Japana waa oaelar. bat at the close prleaa wara ad vanced on both Honduraa aad Japan. In the Interior. Southwest Louisiana. Taxaa and Arkansas continued good demand and e:r-a,iti are noted. planter and holders hare shown thetr flth by their work and confidence In the Intrinsic value of rice la the natural result. Cable and correspon dence from abroad note markets strong and adranclng on rough rice cargoea and on spot and forward cleaned." Bank Clevinga. clearings of the Northwestern cities trcay were a fol.owa: Clesrlnic. Balance. Portland e-.-ii.i'T i.iS.l att: 1.793.S31 i,.o?3 Taroma "3,4;;2 1o4 6.t tt--ken OV1.7&4 C3.20S roRTLAND M.vnarn Grain. Ftaor. Fe d. Etc. WHEAT Tmrk prtcee: Bluestem. S fc. jiuti. it;c: red Itusslan. bic; Valley. S'i:: 40-fjM. .! jS7c. MI'.Lt' h'ra rn 123 pr ton; ehor. 2.-.: tr.Iddllng. I JO; soiled barley. HARLSY Whole. 40 per Ion. CORN New. whole, M; cracked. 833 per ton. OATS No. 1 white. 132032.54) par ton. 1'I.oCH ferrate 14. io n. barrel. tralghta. 14.06; axporta. 13.80; Valley. 14.30; granem. 84. Cv. eto.e wrest. 14.. HAT So. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy. 1T 0!s: No. 1 Va.r. Illl.:; alfalCa. 1189 14. clorer. $12. grain. Illtyla. Teererablea as Fruit. TROPtrAX. mriT3 Orangea. aaeela. 8X73 0 8 S3: Florid. 14.234 80; Call- fralt. IV80: bananaa. aS0Sa par pouhd, lemon. KWuS W par to rKSH rm-MTS Almeria crapaa. IS oa aei haVral: craabarrlaa. .lOOll-K) par bar- POTATOEa Boyln, prleaa: aocfl. par knnilrad; aweet potatoaa. $ pr crate. VEOETAELFa Artichoke. 11 en: bcana. 1517He: c.bbmga. 1 U 9 per pound: c.u:il,u.r. I2a--S Pr crte. c ei ery. U O 2 M per crate; cucuinbera, - per doa.n: e(g plant. Ia per no"? ,arlle. 1 0 10o per pound: l'u 2J t.r crate: bothouee lettuce. SOci Pjr ko: perrra. UHo rer pound: "1" klna. lHOlo per pound; rdlhea 83o P flolcn: aplnach. IJ I.Si per bo: anuaah. 1 V O per pound: tomatoaa, per out. . w. ONIONS Aaeoclatloa price. ti-5 Pr "BACK VEOETAFI.ES Tnrnlpe. "f1-' per emck: rutabar... $1110: ctLTTi- l tjl.lO: oaranlpe. JlrtllO: beeta, - APPLK.4 Faory Horn. P-auty. ' p box; choice Roma Beauty. II: fancy Tallow , Newtown. 13 50: fancy Spltienbercj. 11". I Delaware Red. 41 T4; Wlnraap. S: "ortbera I c ei ao. u.ih.i. ll.boot: Bea r,T'- 1.;3; Red Cheek Plpplna. extra fancy, liBO. Dairy and Cewntry rrodaea. SUTTER Oreron creamery i"wr' '' pack. Use: prints extra: butter fat. aear ace buln price, 4'.o Portland. :r.i;s Kre.n ureoa rtocn. candlaa. SOt; -He Pr doaen. ...,-, CHEESB Oregon, nominal; Wlaeonaia dalilea. 20c . PORK Fancy. T8Ho per pound. VEAU K-.ncr. l13Ha per pound. POCLTRT Htna 14c; Sptinga. OUtic; ducka. younir. :1c: ;'e. turkaya, lla. 18o: dreaaad. 20 u 2 Jo. SALKOM Columbia WW .. 8S.M per doaen: -pound taiU. "B1J pound flata, i0i AiaaaA pink, l-noana tall. 8183. . u.elao COFFEEV Roasted, ta drama, O0 'rsWaranta. IIe Brasll note. 1401"o: nreerta. 140,1. im menda 174821c. pecan. 18c; eocoanuta. oe OH per doxen; cheetnuta. 12,o per pond. hickory auta. 0 lc per pound. HONET Choice. 83 per Mml atralaaa honey. lOo per pound. ,ie. SALT oranulatad. Il per toai fair ground, loo. 8S30 per ton: 60. I per ton. BkJfss small white. 4ttc: large white. V: Lima. Iic. pU. c; knxicao tt. bat T OM, (VC . RICE No. 1 Japan. 4ci cheaper graaaa, 45c; Southern head. 07e. r"JOR-Dry granulated. .1.18; f '. berry. JO.I3; Honolulu plantation. 8-10: "T I3.0S: extra C, ll.CS: powdered, baxreia. 80.40; cube, barreia. IA.53. DRIED FRUITS APPl. le P.P".": apricot iaa18te: peaehea. w prune Italia, lOHOlOke; aUr. le; " white and black. 7He: currant. 10 lie: ralalea. loose, lsuacatal. ei7.i elcbed Tbempeoa, lllc: unbleachel aui lanaa, c; aeeded. Httla': dataa. rar sisa. 1st par lb.; Fard. SI-SS Pe box, ADVANGE IS WIPED OUT HEAVY RECEIPTS OP WHEAT CAUSE UllERAIi SELLIXG. Arrivals at Points In Ui Jfortliwest Arts UnexTrCctedly Ijarge. Coarse Grains Down. CHICAGO. Feb. S. Cnlooked-for hcarl aaaa In receipt at the leading primary can tera carried the wheat market down grade teday- The close waa H.o low;er than Saturday night. Com Onlahod 14o to to down, oat off e to lJl,e and hog products at Ho to 12V,o decline. Liberal selling wiped out today a wheat adraaca due to bullish cable. The disposi tion to unlod waa the reult chiefly of un expectedly bl receipt at points northweet of Chicago, xlay wheat racit'd from $1.03 H 1.S to $1.03L034. with laat aaiea May corn fluctuated between 8tTes and "o. dosing weak Htfle lower at 8I4 Cos. Ca.h grades wr trealy offered, ho S yellow waa quoted at 66 6SH0 for oar lot. May oata ranged between B2H0 and 83c with the close lU!-He. a decline of. x4o from Saturday night. packers' selling and the grain weakness depressed nog products. When the pit waa cleared pork was down 10c to 1210 and toe reat of the list off Sto to 6c The leading futurea ranged aa followa: WHEAT. , Open. High. Low. Cloee. May ......11.04' U.04 tl'34 L03 Jti-e . !7 1, .11 .s . iept .v.... m :5 CO RN. Var . ,i'4 r"xi Ju)y V....: .hs ,TV .671. bept 0H -tt-sS -6S OATS. al.y Sf .13 -82H .MJJ July 4?, .49 .47S .4.S Sept. 2e e-' '41 MESS rOKK. May lt 1S.221 " July ...... 187 , 10.57 H ltf.4i 1-4S . LARD. Mar ... 49 85 9,5 Ju'y . . . . .. 5 M ' 0 3S 3 .M bept ...... 87H K.67H .65 . hMUKl IUX30. May 8.S3 8S3 877H T7H SO 8-0 B.B2V a.v2Vt tieot.'! .00 V.V0 Cash quotation were aa followa: r lour fien7. He No. 2. V3He4c. .. , Barley Feed or m:la. 73c 011. lair to Choice melting. 1.1.1i l -. Tniotliy seed llnl Cloror seed I13J n7u. View pork Old. $li..2Vi; new. 13.S7. Ijird In tierces. 10.10. . Short ribs Loose. IS.iO. To!i? cl'.'.'rln'cei of wheat and flour were ,Ial to 2.".ow bu.h.1. rrlmw "C',P," were 7.oO bushels, compared with buel.e.s the corresponding day I " Th elslDla supply of wheat In tne Vnued "ftUr Incre.eeU 78.-..0OO bushel, for tue week. .The amount of bre.d.turf o cil.nliaag increased V.12.OO0 bush-la. E."ma,P.T.ce.pt. for SZin" 1 cra; corn. U3J cars; oats. 12 ears. hogs. JiOOO head. Grata aa Sua Ftsuxclaco, SAN FRACISCO. Fb. 8. WHaat. steady; b'sp7i' q'u'o't.tlor.: Wheat-Shipping. 11.50 LirleV Feed, Sl.STVsSLM per cental; brewing, nominal- Cts Red, $l.SOlP0 per cental, whltfc $1.70 8171 per cental; black. $1.501 LaO ""aU Bolrd ealee: Wheat, no trading; bar. ley. December. I147H per cental; Hay. L80 per cental. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb, 3. Wheat Close: May. $107; July. $l.o7. Cash: No. 1 lir4. 81 OS- No. 1 Northern. $1.07 V 1-0' W : No. Northern. $1.03; No. S wheu 1.03H. Flax $2.12H Barl.y P0c3l-2- Com No. 8. yellow. tMOSoc Oata Nc S. white, 4Sv&0c Rye No. 2, c. . Hran lnO-pound aceka. 252S 80. Flour First patents. 13.10 it 3.40: second patents. 84.7303 0: first clears. 33.309 S.l3; second eleara. I2.40 2 80. Visible NEW IORK. Supply af Grain. Feb. 6, Tb risible supply fnitH states February a of grain la the aa compiled by change was aa Wheat Wheat In bond Corn Oata . . . j . . . . Oata In bond .. By- Barley Barley In bond the New Tork Produce Ex- followa: Buahela. recreaea. 00.42j.000 75.0-iO , I.eiK.Ot'O SlV4.0' ........ t VfD.O'l) ej.sjsi.noo ' IVioj.OnO SSHlKiO 440.OO0 "31. 00 , l.oawooo 7.ooo -716.0OO 104. 0O0 $47,000 16.0U0 einerea Paget ftoand Grain Markets. TACOMA. Wssh:. Feb. 6. Wheat Blue stem. -'( vie: fortyfold. 84j3c; club. 84 a t.t; red Russian, SO a Sic Car receipts Wheat. 24; corn, 1; oats, 2; hay, . SEATTLE. Wash, Feb. 6. Wheat Bltie stsm. Sic: fortyfold. 63o; duo. 86c: fife, twe; red Russian. a3c Europe aa Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 6. Wheat. March. Ta lO-.d; May, 7a d; July. 7 6d. Weather cloudy. English country market Firm. French country markets Firm. Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN. I1L, Feb. 5. Butter. Arm at S2c a drop of 4 cent from laat week. Output, 20.0VO pounds. ORDERS ARE SMALL Outside Interest in Stock Speculation Is Slight. MOVEMENT IS IRREGULAR Canadians Affected try Improved Earnings Reports Tobacco and . IMstlllery Issues Are Weak. Bond Market Dull. NEW TORK, Feb. 6. After a narrow. Irregular movement th stock market today became dull en a level not far removed from faturdare cloalng. Trading was too 11. ties, thereafter to affect prices materi ally. First quotation were higher, but outside ttustness waa very small and when th order on hand at the opening had been Ailed the ll.t eurd oft Union Pacific Reading. Lehigh Valley and United states Steel re acted A point or two, but lossaa were soon made up and at the end of th day change. In moat case war nominal. From the viewpoint of the speculator, the market situation was unchanged. Specula tive opinion remained beartah, A few of th Us active Issues moved mora widely thaa tha atandard atocka. some tobaoco lu were weak. American Tobacco dropped 74 and American Snuff . Dlatlllerr Becurltl atocka lost 8 aoJ the bonda 2 Vs. The Canadian atocka were strong In re sponse to a further Increase In Canadian pacitlo'a gross - earnlnga and a . gain of lil.Ouo in the net earnlnga for December of Minneapolis. St. Paul a Bault St Marie. Missouri paclno'a ' December showing of a gain ot $4U1.0u0 In operating Income ad vanced the quotations a point. Illinois Cen tral showed no effect of the decres.e In net revenue In December of $7.0o0l More than half of thle .brlnkage was accounted for by tha increase of $303,000 In operating expenses, largely owing to labor trouble. Bond's were dull and Irregular. Total ales, par value, $2,718,000. United Btates a advanced on call. CLOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. .lo.iug 1314. 6 60 i M!a 65 lltt 60S 4tS 20S ID 10 V2hi no 103 2b H lib !.': 100 25 H 84 S 103 4 1"3V 134 V ll'2i :1S 77 is AIM Chal pf .. 'Amal Copper .. Am Aftrlcult .. Am Beet bugar. American Can .. Am Car A Fdy. Am Cotton OH. Am Md A Lt pf Ara Ice fceuurl.. Am Linseed ... Am Locomotive. Am Smel 4a I'.ef do preferred,. Am Steel Fdy.. Am bugar KeL. Am Tel at Tel. . Am Tobacco pf. Am Woolen . . .. Anaconda Af Co Atchison do preferred.. Atl Coast Llns. Bait at Ohio . .. B-thlehem Steel Brook R Trail.. Canadian Pao .. Central Leather do preferred.. Central of N J. Che at Ohio ... Chicago 4 Alton CM Ot West... do preferred.. Chicago 4 N W C. M St Paul. C. C, C A 8t L.. Col Fuel A Iron Col A Southern. Conao Oa ..... Corn Product.. Del A Hudson.. D A R Grande.. do preferred.. Distillers' Beour Erie do 1st pf .... do 2d pf .... Gen Electric . .. Gt North pf ... Ct North Ore .. Illinois Central, lnterbor Met . . do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf lnt Paper Int Pump Iowa Central K C Southern.. do preferred.. Laclede Oa . .. Lout A Nash.. Minn A St L .. M. 8 P A 8 8 M Mo. Kan A Tex. do preferred.. Mo Paclilc Nat Biscuit ... Nat Lesd N By Mex 2 pf. N Y Central . . . S3S 60 24 17 3.1 140 104 66 20 i 46 13 10 1R 2 40 2S 80 60 40 ir 127 37 1S5 17 r.u 105 2 10 20 12 25 6! 10(1 130 i'8 130 21 nr. 40 147 63 33 11 36 1, 17 j 77 11 32 122 101 100 17 .11 1.M1 21 1.V1H 2-1 71 23 4'S 3h " l 42 lo7 2fl 6 34 21 13 ..81 102 - 1 f.S 4S 6') H'SS 6414 63 T 18 r.i 70 f2 4 -.1c.H 13 16 N T, Ont at Wea Norfolk A Wee. North American Northern Pac .. I'sclttc Mall .... penn.lyvanla Psople's Gas . .. P. C C St L. Pittsburg Coal Pressed 3 Car.. Pull Pal Car . . Ry Steel Spring Reading Republic Steel.. do preferred. . Rork Island" Co do preferred.. St L A 8 F 2 pf St L Southwest. do prefTred.. Sio.s ShcIT.ald Southern Pao .. Southern Hy . .. ' do preferred.. Tenn Copper .. Texas A Pac . . Tol. St L A We. do preferred,. Union Pac .... do preferred. . V S Realty ... U S Rubber ... U H Steel do preferred.. T'tah Copper . .. V-Caro Chem Wabash do preferred.. Western .Md .. Westing El-c .. W-stero Union Wheel A L E . . Lehigh Vall-yN. China Copper .. Rav Oono:s 110 SO.Sie) l.t-10 80 6 no 4nO SuO 2SS 167 22 7S-, 2;i f.O 80 2( l.VI 22 4 7li 2.1V, 4!'-. 3hS l.01 17 27 60 H 1A 2" S 6e 200 100 18 13 42.7o0 0io !.) Si 60.0M 1.1'H 4.00 fwio 1.M'0 1X 400 1W 02 ' 4t II 1. MS 63 7S 18 38 '82 111 !2 f.S 4.-.S .', 108 ti 34 53 T 17 5S Bx 82 14 2 IOO ." 5 10,000 ir.7 ir-3 4'i 2:. 23 ROD lt. 1 t.700 27 7 270 'I Am Tobacco Total sales for the day. 234.000 shares. BONDS. Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Com pany. Portland. Bid. Asked. Amer. Tel. A Tel. crnit. 4s 110 111 Amerlesn Tobacco 4s 0J Q-' American Tnbscco 6s 121 121 Atcnl.on gen. 4S., ' '"', Alchlaon conv. 4s 100 l"i Atchison adj. 4a stamped 1 t2 Atchison conv. 5a 10 10S Atlantlo Coast Line cona. 4s.... t7 Atlantic Coast L "LiNcoll" 4 83 . 90 Baltimore A Ohio 8a 92 i Baltimore A Ohio 4s 00 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4s S3 86 csn. southern first 6s 11 101 T, Chc.apeuke A Ohio 4s 101V. 102, C H. A U. Joint 4s P7, ! C. 1!. 3. Ills. 4. 1W C. B. A Q. Denver 4s 90 87 Central peclflo first 4s 0S Chlcato A Eastern Illinois 4a... 81 81 Chlcsro. R. L Paolfto ref. 4a. 90 0 Chl. aeo. R. I. A P. col. trust 4S 72 T2 Colorsdo A Southerw first 4a... 96 97 Denver A Rio Grande 4s !" 90 Delaware A Hodeon conv. 4a... 9S"4 90 Erls first cons. P. I, 4s Sst, Sl IiiterborouKli-MatropolltAn 4e. SS S4 Jspanese 4. -7 f'7 Japanese first 4s S3 94 Japaneae aecond 4a 92 03 I.oul.vllle A Na.hvllle unL 4s.. 90 Missouri. Kansaa A Texas 4. 89 89 Missouri Pclf.o 4 7S 74 New Torn Central 8a 87 88 New Trk Central L. 8. $a... 83 88 New Vork City 4s 98 93 New Tork City 4a of 13T 107 107 Norfolk A Western 4a 91 99 Norfolk A Western conv. 4a. ...107 10 New York. Ontario A WeaC 4a. 98 96 Northern Pacific P. L 4a 100 100 Northern Pclno 3 0 .0 Oregon Short Lin 4s 95 93 Orexon Rllwy A Nav. 4a.... 9 96 p-nn.ylvaxtla Ry. 4a of 1948 103 104 phlllppln Railway 87 87 Reading gen. 4 .98 98 Republ"o of Cuba 8s..... 102 103 Southern Paciflo Brst ref. as... 9o 93 Southern Paclo coU 4a 92 B2" Southern Railway 4a I??4 i?S St. L. A San Francleoo ref. 4a.. 81 81H Union I'aciftc Brst 4s 100 11 Union Psclilc conv. 4s 101 lo2 Union psclllo ref. 4s 9i 97 United St.t-s Steel S. F. ...... 108 103 United states 5 registered. ... IOO ;9" t'nlted State 2. coupon ..100 100V United State 3. regl.trd. .. .101 102 fnited Stte 8s coupon. ..... .101 United State 4s rgltraA....118 113 Balea. High. Low. "o'.SOO 'ei" " X. 60 a.0 700 6& IS 100 111. 11 "roo "is" "is" ""166 "26" '20" ""io6 'is" 'si" 1.200 eK 00 "ioi iiH' iis'vi 6O0 18V WHS, ""i'.boo io4i 100 10s 108 ""460 162 162"" "'"7'io TT '774 1.8"0 31 230 2m 16. 16M 2,000 "si" '"200 'iiv 100 83H SSVs "i.906 ioik' io&M ""206 'ioii '26" '"iuo iibM 138 ""206 iio'vi iioM !o 8'i is" 1. ftoo 80 . aoi 3n 00 !iO ino 40 4 600 lr.T 15 1.1O0 12S 127S 7lH 87 874 SU0 136 133 ""(V "fin" 'kh 100 loot lots 'e66 "ic ""ioo ioki io6 IOO 130 S 130 H '"p'tO l'si 12! 400 27 26: ""soo 'ioii "40" IOO 14S 14S 4-0 3 .',3 700 33 " SIS S.B0 110 110S IK'O 87 400 108 loo ""ioo iio'i iis" 2. fl"0 S3' 32H 700 122s 122 ""'boo ioo'-i iooii '"206 'siii 'iivi fnited States 4s coupon 113 United Railway 8. F. 4S-... United Railway St, L. 4S... Wabash first 4s Western Union 4a WestlnKbeuse conv. 6s Western Pad8c 6s Wisconsin Central 4a Weat Shore 4a . 60 . 75 . 63 . 99 . 94 . 89 . 92 .100 80 69 100 93 90 93 100 Stocks at Boston. BOSTON Feb. S. Closing quotation Allouex 88 Amal. Copper.x.d.00 Amer. Z.. L. A 8 24 H. A C C. A 8.. 6-4 Butte Coalition. 21 IMohawk B Nevada Con 1S- Nlpls.ing Mines.. 7 North Butte 25 North Lake 8 ... . mo nmninmn e calumet e An. ' . , CaL A Heela....405 O.ceola lOd Centennial 18 Qulncy 73 Cop. Ranse Con. 50 snannon East Butte Cop. 12!superlor 4 Franklin ....... 12Sup. A Boston... 44 Olroux Con 4 Tamarack ...... 2 G n"y Con..... 84 U. 8. 8.. R. A M. 84 Greene Can.... 1-Io;jo. f' JJ isle Royals Cop. 21 lUtah Con 14 Kerr Lake 2 Utah Copper 64 rotmer ... 82 Winona r2 H?iJi2 KP: . . 4 1 Wolv.rln A9 Miami Copper... 23 I Money. Exchange. Etc. NEW TORK. Feb. 3. Money on call, steady 2-62 per cent: ruling rate. 2 per c: elSslng bid, per cent; offered at almV loln. easy: 60 daya, 2 per cent: 90 days. 8 S3 per cent; six months. Stf $14 per cent. Closing quotatlona: Prime mercantile paper, 04 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual bu me l" "."k.rr bill, at M.M60 for 410-day bills and at $4.8745 for demand. Commercial bills.- $4.83. Bar sliver. B8c Mexican dollars. 47 Oovernment bond, rm; rallroafl bond. Irregular. T nvnn' Feb. 6. Bar silver, steady. 36 l? Money S per cent. He rat. it duceunt in lh open market for jhort bill I 8-l8 per cent: for thre month" bills. 867-lS per cent. 8AM FRANCISCO. Feb. R. Sy"n on London. 00 dey. $4.84: sight. 84-87. Draft. lght, par; telegrapb, 2c Condition of tho Treasury. WASHINGTON. Feb. 5. At the beglnnlns; of business todsy the condition of the United States Treasury waa: Working bnlanc In Treasury. . . 64.146.9W In bank and Philippine....... 48"' Total balance In general fund... i-J-J?"-.; Ordinary receipts Saturday Ordinary disbursements .J'SJ; n.ri.-.!, this fiscal year,. 21. 038.843 Deficit last year 2'8?2'.11i These ngures hciikib public debt transactions. HOGS ARE fllDKEL HIGHER TOP STOCK BRIXGS $.75 AT THE TARDS. Cattle Hold at the Prices Ralintr at the Close of Last Week. Business started off ectlvely at the atock yarda yesterday. There was a fairly good supply of all classes of stock and a ready demand for It. Hog value war raised a nickel, and cattle aold at about the aame range aa at the close of last week. The top price paid for eteere waa $5.80, one load of choice quality going at that figure. Other sale were at $5 to 10.65. About six loads of choice cowa brought Ij. The hog market waa good, choice offer ing selling all day at $0.75. A number of sale of mutton material were made oft the eara. ewea bringing $4.23, yearlings $4.89 and lamb 15. Recelpta yesterday were 80S cattle. 686 hogs, 1708 aheep and 22 horses. Shipper were E. T. Taylor, Kamlah, Idaho. 8 car of cattle; J. W. Creath, who drove In 297 sheep: Hugh Cummlng. 811 verton, 1 car of sheep: A. U Halnea. North Powder. 1 car of horses: K. O . Kohler, Baker. S care of cattle; R. N. Starif eld Btanfleld. 4 car of sheep; C. F. VValker. Loatlne. 1 car of hogs: A. B. Cole. Enter prise 2 cars of hogs; E. T. Roup. JoPh. 2 cara of aheep and bogs; James Dodd, Monlda, Mont., 6 cars of entile: J. R. BaH Payette? 1 car of cattle: H. Irwin, Payette, 1 car of hogs'. Gladhart Brothers, Weisor, 2 cars of cattle; J. H. Trout, Parma, 1 car of hogs: C. G. Adama. Halnea. 1 car of aheep. and C. C. Clark, Arlington. 1 car of "The day" gales ware a follows: 1 Weight, Price. 14 hog 7i; 77J 12 hog. l-J J 15 ho loo mo P"? " 4011 r..50 .1 : . . am tz nosrs. ................. 7. 76 BS hoits l0 1 hog 4;, J'? 79 hoes. " tl'71 fj OK 24?, o!ob 5 .VaVaV:::::::::-.......-. - v:::::::::::::jg l:SS - iSJir.::::::::::::..- 1 2l leer. I:),,o 3.00 1 cnw 1077 5.00 B2 co .'ll03 6.00 103 cow 4'v.,, :::::::::::lto : a t"1'; :":::::.::.... ii 7o 103 hoKS - 'J, 3.25 - eweiTT V1 3-2ik 2B ewe ' : . ... 230 ewea, off car. ln- zi 114 ewes, off enrs ' J .'J W yearllns.. off cars 101 4.S3 814 lambs, off cars 71 6.IO 133 lamb., of car. , 82 hoc. tmn B 25 1 heifer j? f 25 steers jV SM 2 steers 5.O0 2 steers 6 r,0 9 steers 10r 400 bull ..los-n 5.25 1 'er .uo 5.3 -i "n io soo The ran,;' of' price, at the yard, waa a. follows: Cattle $3.73$5.95 "to'crorceVt'eer. g-Jg Choice COWS 4 5',J 4 60 Good to choice CO"- i5f,i 6 60 Choice .payed b'"' S 'ft g 5 Good to cholc heifer B.o o.gg Choice bull. '.: Joo 4.23 Good to choice bull. 5 so 8.00 Choice calves e!73i 7.00 Good to choice calvea o.wr choiceTght hog. -::: i hh0.7 r..V..::::::::::: 6.7S ChTe.r.ln, wether. 4.TBg 4 83 Choice killing ewe $s 6n0 Cholc lamba ?ln$ 4.75 Good to cholc lamb. J-bJW J- Cull. Omaha IJvctock Market.. OMAHA Feb. 6. Cattle Receipts. 1500: m.r?etowrto .teady. N' e!v. at eer... 5.23 "V 82.5oeS.60; stockers and feeders, $3.00 eTis" cVlf. $3.757.75; bulla, .tag., etc Y,cl"Rec!pu. 3800; market. Be to 10c v , .1 n.evv 0.10e6.30: mixed. $3.96 S.?5n;.gnl,aV5.S06.2: pin 4.B05.7; bUikhe?e.Pfl:. -ark't. 10c to 1BO hlBh.r. Yearling.. etsl $404.50; ewea. $3S4; lambs, $B..5C0.B3. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Feb. 6.-fatUe Recelpt 1 600; market, loo to 15o blhr. B-eve. $4.80S.OO: Texa steers. $4.7085.90 . W"1 -7- a-eera. $3 3 7.20; tocker nd feeders, ,3 900: cow. and helferfc $2.25.S0; roe:R!c'e,,p. 27.000-. market, 10c h.g h Lieht $3 .'.a.35: mixed. J6.06e6.45, heavr $W3V40T rough. P' 14 215 75' bulk Of a.le, $6.2506.40. 46PrR.1p.e 25.000; market, .tron. mo.tly lOo higher. Native "!'' We.tern. $8.60tf4.5: yearllnga. $4.853.. iambi, native. $4.6000.90; Western, $4,750 6.90. w Coffee and Bagar. NEW TORK, Feb. B.offeBWr. eloed steady at a net decline of 10 to points. Sale. 47.000 bge -.bruanr. 12.8Sc; March 12.92c: April, 12.91c: May. 12.90e. Ju? i2 Sct " August. t"HW-r: 13.06c: Ootobex, 18.00c; November. 12-c. December. 12 92c; January. 1 2 91 0. Spot coffee quiet. Rio. No. 7. 14e; San tos. Nc 4. 15c; mild coffee dull; Cordova, 1517c. nominal. I Sugar Raw sugar firm. Muscovado 89 test, 8.92c; centrifugal 8 teat, 4.42c; mo lasses 89 test. 8.67 c Metal Markets. HEW TORK, Fob. 8. Standard copper. . T,-. - n. AorlL May, June 13.00 13. 70c ' London, easy; spot 01 8s Bd; futures, tox as u. "- - 14014c; electrolytic, 14 6 14c; cast ing 18.014c Tin Quiet: spot, 48.2504S.BOo; February, 42.87 42.87o; March, 42.3O042.65o; April, 42.100 42.87: May and June, 41.. 60 42.87c London, steady; spot 4194; futures 191 10s. Lead Dull and lower, 8.9604.03c New Tork; 4.8004.90c East St, Louis. London, f 15 15s. Spelter Dull, 6.850-B6c New Tork; 0.20 C 6.40c, East St. Louis. London, f26 Be. Antimony Dull; Cookaon'e 7.25c. Iron Cleveland warranta. 48. 10d In London. Locally Iron waa steady. Nc foundry Northern, $16.00010.60; Nc , $14.60016.00; No. 1 Southern and dc .oft, $18.00015.60. Chicago Frodooe Market. CHICAGO. Feb. 8. Butter Easier; creameries. 29 0 32c; dairies. 26081c Ltd Easier: receipts. 2237 cases; at mark, cases Included. 31036o; ordinary drat. MC?C.:. Stey: dalale "eiTc; twin. 16016c; Toung Amerloas, 17 17o; long horns. 17&17c Dried Fruit At New Tork. 'NEW TORK. Feb. 6. Evaporated apple unchanged. Spot, fancy, lO01Oc; choice, B09c: prime. 009c. . Prune Quotatlona range heavy from 4o to 13o for California, up to 80-40. asd from o to 12o for Oregon. Peaches steady; choice, llOlltto; ex tra choice. llgl2o; faaoy. 12012c New Tork Cot to Market, NEW TORK, Feb. 6. Cotton closed steady at a net loss of from to 14 point. Th opening waa barely eteady at a decline of 8 to 8 points. January, .16o: March, 9.88c; May, 88c; July. .94c: August, .97o; September. 10 00c; October, 10.05c; Decem ber, 10.12c Dolotk Flax Market. DULTJTH. Feb. 6. Flax In .tore, to ar rive on track, to arrive- 8 2-18; February. $2.11; May. $2.11. Wool a St. Lonls. BT. LOOTS, Feb. 8. Wool Steady. Terri tory and Western mediums, ldftjlSc; One mediums. 164?17c: tine, log 15c Today and tomorrow calls for durability and economy in street paving. Secure the best. Boost for bitulithic. J. C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN AND COTTON MEMBERS NEW TORK SiOClt EXCHANGK. NEW TORK. COTTON E.XCHA.NGJB. CHICAGO BOARU OF RA11B, THE fclOCK AND BOND EAtHANOR BAN FRANCISCO. Mln Office MlUs Bldg.. San Franclaoo. Branch Office ancouver, Seattle. Fort laud, Loe Angeles, baa Diego, Cox- ousulo Beach. PORTLAND OFFICE! Mala Floor Lumbermen. Baiua Bnllfllaa, 6th and Stark. Phone M jrsiiaU, 4120. A-4187. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and Other Bitu minous Pavements. (0S-60S Electrie Bldg Portland, Or. Oakar Ilubcr, Manager. TRA V tLKK-f GtlDt STEAMSHIPS YALE and HARVARD Portland to Loe Angele. all h'P :"" Portland to Loo Angelee rail and ahlp 23.85 Portland to Lo Angelee all .hip. roundgfcT0 Porrtnd'to"LoAi'geiea,'"raii'and ,n PoVoand ttoPs'a'n" "Dleic" ail' ihlp" '. . . . . 20.00 Portland to San Diego, rail and .hip. . 26.00 Portland to San Dlegc all .hip. round trip aa.00 Portland to Ban Dlegc rail and hip. round trip 48.00 RAILROAD OR ANT STEAMER TO SAN IK VMIstO the Exposition City, connecting with the famous new turbln SLeel steamers, TALE snd HARVARD, largest, fastest and the OSLV strictly first-class, passenger ships on the Pacific Coast without contradiction- cost I2.0o0.000 each. Carry no freight except express matter. Average speed 28 miles per hour. Baggage checked through to deatlnation. Sailing four time, per week Break monotony by .topping over a tew boure or several daya at San Franclscc thence travel where the sea is aa smooth as glase and 99 per cent of the passengers are cot sick, for the short voyage ot 18 hours. Make reservations Immediately. San Francisco. Portland and L A. S. S. cc A 4bS. Frank Bo 11am. Agent, Main Its. 1ZS THIRD STREET. V PLAN YOUR SPRING TRIP NOW In addition to regular sailings for Europe and the Mediterranean soma especially attractive tours will be offered during 1912 by the North German Lloyd London-Paris-Bremen Sailings George Washington Sat., Feb. 24 Prinz Friedrich WiLhelm, Thur.,Mar.7 Kronprinz Wilhelm. ..Tnes., Mar. 12 Gen. Washington..... .Sat, Mar. 23 Mediterranean Sailings. Berlin (new) ...Sat., Mar. 2 Prinzess Irene Sat., Mar. 16 Cruise to Black Bea and Caucasus, from Genoa April 28 to May 29 $200 up. CrulB to Polar Regions from Bremen, July 18 to Antjust 16 $125 up. Inde pendent Around the world trips start ing any time, east or weat $618. Travelers Cheek, good all over the world. Oelrlrha Co., 5 Broadway, New York. ROHKKT CAPPELLii. ti. A, P. C. 250 Powell bt Op p. St. Francis Hotel, 3. F. or Local Agents. Ask about "Olympic" Largest Finest Steamer in the World. American Atlantic Transport Red Star White Star White Star-Dominion . A. E, DlSNEi, Room B," Bailer Bide, Second and Caerry St, Seattle, or Local Ry. and Steamship A a en t. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAW FTLAACISCO FOUNDED li 94. Capital Paid in .$8,500,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits. .:. ... . . . .$7,905,912 BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City We buy and sell Forelgrn Exchange; Issue Draft; and Cable Transfers, Commercial Credits and Travelers Letters of 'Credit, available in all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestlo banking business. IJTTEREST PAID OIT TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. " ; PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets. CHAMBER OK COMMERCES "BUILDING. WM. A, MAO BAE, Manager. . . T. UUKTCHAELL, Aswrt. Manages. lumbermens National Bank Capital,. .... . $1,000,000.00 a progressive commercial bank with a savings department under government supervision. 47c O On Savina First National Bank Capital $1,500,009 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Rocky LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Profits e... Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all -parts of the world. aaBBBMBaaaaMM OFFICERS W. M. lAdd, Preel,lent- aT.' ra'8hier;,,"hl"b Edward CookinKbam ylce-Pre. M Cm. tato. W. 11. Dunckley, Cashier. Walter JU. Coo it. diu. t-aeuioi. AT THE head of each department of this bank are trained men with years of experience. Co-operating and actively supervising the daily transac tions of this bank are Officers and Directors who, for a quarter of a century, have been identified with sound banking all ready and willing to give you their personal advice and assistance. MERCHANTS Founded in 188a a White Star Line revw VORK PITMOUTH-CHERBO0 RG 1 SOUTHAMPTON FAST MAIL ROUTE TO ENGLAND and THE Is. Largest and Flneat Steamer In th . " - . - - xrTmn rrii-k rvfll Lite Largest ana nam " "OLYMPIC" Snperb Unsurpassed fieslpmest 'AM..-. CARTE , ESTAURANT. " FKKNC "WMvStAimAi? CAFE. PALM COlTitf. C. WILL SAIL FROM NEW VOKK February 21 and March 16 and Regularly Thereafter. WHITE STAR LINE TRAVELERS GUIDE- San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. E. Boanoke and S. S. Elder Call Every Wednesday Alternately at P. xt. N0TH PACIFIC 6. S. CO, US Third Si- Pnoneo Main 11. A Ula. COOS BAY LINE . 6TEAMER BKEARWAXKii. Sails from Ainsworta Docks, Portland, P XL. every Tuesday. Freight received at AlaSwrth Dock dally op to 5 P. M. Paa uus far, flrt-clasa, $10: scond-clas. J. taeluding iiala and rth. Tlok.t oftlo AlMWorTh Oook, Pbon Mala aW l . A 1234. CORNER. FIFTH AND STARK Bank West of tha Mountains .$1,000,000.00 . 800,000.00 NATIONAL BANK Washington and Second Streets A VT a n H 'I'M HI I A Art JltVt A. . CONTINENT. World Triple Screw 4.1,324 Ton KS-'". Ft. lone Boom B. Bailey Bldg.. 2d and Cherry, Seattle: or Local Railway and Steamship Acents. TRAVELERS' OCIUK. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE 8. 8. BEAR fenlls 4 P. L Febnoary 11. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. S. CO : Ticket Office. 112 Third St. Phone Main 402 and A 140J. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. Direct through steamer., sailing from San Francisco March 6, April s and every days to Tahiti. Wellington and Sydney, N. B. Wales. The line to Isles of the South Bea. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agent or addras. Hind. Rolph A Co., San Francisco. i