Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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ATCI- MICTl-I-A'Ol"ll.
. . . . . Til iv,i T" 1 1 SELL!
c a n to uispo.-s or.
Tb Bu uf Ml. Hon UaraMa,
froal sod Na "
Kill u.
H!h. PTtr, paid f "
east-ofT clothlr,. . furniture too,
ir.hiu-. ono. .a km s
lit St.. THa T,ob
fV A NT -. N.W .r seooad-aantl motor-boat;
ara'e prlc. 1odD4 raaa. of eosine.
P4. etc.; aa" soon. W I7. Ort-
Faroerb auction Hotet
Morrison- u . .
Pare bi!.t as pi-Ire tor furniture
TO i'Y cash rels"r. s-ale.. eoffe, mill.
rh rutt.r. crdit rrsi.ter Md "'
:..r. Flint :starhaU 4.V4.
HMHil.-T Bricee paid fir ladl.a- M I '
u i ir i . i " - - - - -tV
respond promptly.
V irn.I .-4..
WE pay the tai.het rash priro for ,''J
hsnd furnltur-. S-r Mart. a. Food
tat 4 Htwiini .
fi'NTEl Conp..te mount-picture outfit.
Mill have iroa t B Orr sn lo
FORD Anrtion Co. Par. m"t cash for anr
kind of furniture. latn bl. A 3443.
Va N T .! s-roa J -hi.ii nitorce:; etat
prlc. C KTetfontan.
WASTE rv Restaurant or complete reetau-
. ....... , nanlAa
p-lAi employment mmbrhlp. - P'ffr
mum; uunl-l m-ro6T w I.I "
miiloyrnexil or refund of m.mber.tllp re.
( a mooinr full membership P'"-i;.-"
la the asser-iailon and undertsites
to keep prty employed durtnc thm full
i.rm of nicmkorihip w:tnout Xurtner
w. bar. constant demand for Mt
trade. nmrUnnl men. Aro you fitted
lor a bti.r position?
secretary. mp!rmrl flrrrtmn.
Itecord for jr lull: cIUi lor mtn.
TStl: pofliion fllird. I' .
r. prfx-tluc our iJli M!n or
(inlMtioii. w proirttro oor o1nc
on tr.o msrkrt and Jut poor wo hiro a
ifl.iiil opportunltr for f A-l mon.
If r-u oro a cood man yoa co U rool
ntu; or If Jtou ro a r'l potato aal--m.iit
and not aatiried with jur proaBt
coBatn, com In and Air. Alarg.a.
latiul Kaaltr oprtora on tho Pacine
14 Fifth St.. Portland. Or.
WANTED Ona-half doim ral llva acrrao
and aubdlvlalofi aatesmn to romo to auBnr
Fn Joaquin Valloy. California, to toll tho
trih 12 hourt a day for tho lart roal
! cancvo In thla lclnit. to not
aawr tbui unta oo ara abla to pay own far and finaneo yuurif UBtil
yrto ot on yonr own frt H a w territory-.
Thra la an opportunity whlca T
auUca Immrdlata action. torr-pona wnu
J. Murray, lha rval aatata man si
rrfffao. Cal.
V'ANTED lmm1latiy Adrtlinc aaia
men. poaaessma- produclnv ability to
rnd: aigna and nov.:tie or
ea.rndar In alclualvo trrrtcorr: atato Un
protrr4; attractlvo propopition: amhlnon
to auccroil mora oaaon'.la; than axporlanr;
fflvo a: atata bualnaa prl-n-a; rl
vroncaa moat bo furnlaued wtth appltra
t:on. Btanlord-Crawril Co.. Iihaca bln
Worrit linacw. N. T.
a 1 1 1. r ; i x. KALESMEXi
If you aro omp.oyod. makinc rood aa
a aaleoroan. bat would Ilka to chana-o and
taka ap a elaa propoallioa which ahould
py yoo mora than nuit frnral man
aaora ara tuna. you may rp.y to thla
Wa want man capabla af aartllna 110.
ooo thla yaar. If you raa uaa tha money,
wa ran nao yau. AO TT. Orxonlaik
WANTED A food real aetata salesman; a
aew proposition: baa three ttmee the
number of etrong-taiklnr potnta of any
ethee tsroDoeltlon oa the market, today.
fee Mr. Jonee any turenooa. "red A-
Jacobe Co, 1 6th St.
I IfAVhT a well-paid poaltlon open for A
Ciean. cut. hard-working- eaesmaa; appll
ranta muat bava bad expertenoe la ae.l
inf sons UBS af goeda. I want only ml
w nn know tney can make good, beo Air.
Io;on. H fifth St.
W'ANTiiD Experienced married mil to
work on farm close to Portland, free
house. 1 10 per month; must bava own
furniture; Bono tut energetic, pleasant
people without chlidrea need apply. T I. a.
WANTED Aa experienced aa'es'ady for
la-liee au't and cloik department; give
references atata experience and aalary
expected to begin with In tlrat tetter; no
other app.lcatiena noticed. Apply Y bvts,
I WANT II repreaentattTes In each com
munity of Oregon and Washington for
hitfh-c'axe sp-. .aities; goods soid on money
fa. k guarantee, no competition.
HEN J. I MIITH. Manufiicturer! AgenU
iT Corbett bldg, Port:and.Or.
WANTED Aa eapen.nred aock salesman
with good eredentlala. company beire)
agent wtn success . good leada; perma
nent poaitloo and promotion in the new
company. Addresa Ft 7oi. Oregonlarv.
Wa require aa ex ;- rt raan who la fami
liar with every branch of the work. Apply
to tbo superintendent.
WK have a permanent position with a good
aalary aad commlsaion added for aome
capao'e bualoeaa mao who can Invest
aotne money with Ms aervlcea: refereacea
exchanged. AH 7;. Oregonlan.
PROMOTER of ability for mAnufacturlng whose product will be re.-itiy
for delivery In March: exceptional offer;
reference rtrqulred. Addresa Y B-17, Ore-
fcl'Ll . 1TOKS wanted, out of town work,
good propoeltlon. liberal commlsaion; ex
pense guaranteed from the ataru s3
North tl il
VANTE1 Irlrtl-clsss aa.esrnan. under ai.
commlaaioa baaia city work. Established,
legitinxats proposition. Not real aetata or
stocks. C (.l. oregorvsW
WANTED A few more good stock sales
men or women to band. a an bonnet and
reliable propoeltlon. Call Allsky Bidg.
Kniulro for Mr. Love.
START a bualneaa of your own. Sell our
hand-power vacuum cleanera . Agent
wanted In every town. Particular Cran
rtnl Hilea Co.. Seward Hotel.
WANTED Wide-awoke, experienced sales
man to sell higtily improved. close-In sub
division; must give reference. T 73. Ore
gonlan tARN $.". weekly taking ordera for cut-rate
grocvriea; outfit free. P-andard Mercan
tile Co.. Hippodrome bMg, Cleveland. O.
WANTEP Experienced ladles' tailor, only
flret-ciaaa ahould apply. H. Waiaa. 147
loth st.
WANTED Laundry driver; experience.!:
must be sober; with referencea. ateady
po-ltlotv. A MJ. CTerotlUn.
WANTED Vlrst-cNse sklrtmiker. only ex
perienced need apply, b. W eaaa, 147 loth
TWO live salesmen to (al'us ofrice leads;
chance for promotion to tb right man, D
7 -A OrefoniatriL
tOCNO man It to 20 yeara old for porter
work In delicatessen. Call between aad
10 this morning. e.'O Ss mon.
BEVELER and allverer: no loafers, top
wagea to man of auMty and sense: Pacific
Art tllas Works. 151 Front at.
WANTED Twenty llvo solicitor; asw, fsst
scMing artici; long commlsaion. Call :17
Mark au
JA.MTiiH and wife, at aace; only sxperi
eneed la bouas Beed apply.
ynragor. Lucretta Court.
MAN of good appearance to solicit for large
inrnoraltoa: al.iry aad commission. Apply
t(-rr ! A. l . 7-1 Yeon bldg.
Trk salesman wanted; only reliable,
honest partlea need app'y. Call for fur-lli-r
lr.f ormatlon. 414 Enmbermena bldg.
TWO go! av;icltor with ciean record and
good references: work la pleaaent aad
lit good. 41t :i:ers b.dg., t-lo A. M.
IHOlij coupon, best ever ottered: enap for
- . n . -..ttieertt . f 11. i ' i 1 ,kn ITT bide
lEKMAMlNT income for aaieamsn. Aak for
Mr. H-jrton. HIS Yeon b ile;.
hl l-IAHLB solicitor asw ee-operalive plan.
Marquam bldg. g to 11 A. M
UAMUl' A demist for suburban locaUon.
I aone B ir or lOi
IVIlTEH wanted, whits or co'ored. bring
ref-rencee. Central ludg, 2vK
..:.':R maa for-light services, for basement
room. 73 1 Al -irs.'.a. L
WANTED. f'rst-!as woodworker for auto-
mooi.e work. Apply at once, -.' Clraad av.
w an r:n Men to clear land by contraot.
all '.:': Teon B.dg.
WANTED A srxperlencsd powder man:
stat g nd experlenrs. P. O.
bog S.
JjnT wanted te work la bakery. 14 GIbba.
hiu wArm naiAU.
WANTED Olrl for general Boueework:
nMist be good cook; refereacs. a4 Morta
2.-1. Willamette Heights.
WuMAN for general work: no cooking;
mat know how to sew. .'..3 OtTa St.
IVAMtll. experienced chsmbermald. Mala
MM or A 2'Wd. Catno:ic Woman'e League.
EM'l.JUENCED foUler for mangle. 1'aiaco
iua Lauadry, al lutb and AvsretL
nr.f.p w a vr r. n Ir mub.
2 muaii-'.ana ocal and Instrumental!,
not over o. to traai. JuO par rnonth up;
rook fr reataurant tout of City). 10 per
week, room and board, cook for boardlnc
bou.o. HH to J5. enrai baipera at ood
La Ilea" lt. -' Morrlaoa.
WANTED Good rellabla eneral holiMwork
rlrl to o on fruit ranch In JI-joU Rlvr
Va:'ey; r.o cookin for outalda he;p; nail
Uml.r: modern ,''n-nlrncMT1.w,,
If compalent. App.y to Wn. Wa.t.r Klin
bail Hotel toward. TueaJay. from 8 to a
P. M.
WANT!-Li id.ea for millinery school;
Krencn :!.; .ara n.onay by "k!",.s;fJ
own hat; wlil leach you tha milliner
traSa in a few Ie..:.a. Call
and 4 o'clock, 3? Wiluanw . or P"n
a i "i.
a. KKldiiT youna woman with bualneaa ea
"ci -ho not afraid to call on
eVhool teacbera. doctors, deotlata.
pa aalarr and commlsaion or atralgnt
sa.ary. muat bo neat In appearance and
neve ATOOjWefB-Aj
WANTED Eapertenc-d young lady aeno
rapher. In re-ij estate ofni-e; answ-r In own
liatidwritlBC; le telephone Dumber and
eta: ailnrv exiected; permanent poaltlon.
OIRI-S. don t be a ;. ln,rUIV""",IL".s.
msnlcurln. ficlal and aalp
Hur'rfluoua hair removed permanent T.
Course completed tn two weeka. o
K-XC EI.LfcNT home and moderate pay to
relinbi. woman or .n for "' bftub;
work in small family of three, muat be
rood plain cook, neat and clrn, B,w
T . . V. . f ThnnS C Sohe.
nome. nui w. "
WANTErt LadUs with some r,X;ci,,,?
sell suburban !o a in new adtiltlon. Jiist
ready tor mark-t; small nionlh.y pay
mepta. enr aelllnc Apply tl H'nry bM.
lut.VO la-ly of neat appearance to do
apecial Una of work la clU". salary.
Apply 7?' Yeon bldK.
WANTED o.d ldy or arentleman. or roan
and wife, on farm: itood borne. atata
wages. AE 7 oreitonlaru
OIKL. lor .n-rai hiusework; no waahlnK.
"all mor'nln.a. 7T Hancock at. Tka
a car.
- . . ......J. i rvrT
UA.-1.. laiicj " -'
845t aslunrton St.. cor. 7tn, upstair.
Phone Main 2082.
WANTED Experience.1 walstmaker. only
flrst-ciaas need apply: permanent poal-
SIXelPrlence.raiA!ea"la!la wanted for Jew
elry, at 3-3 Washinmon at. Nona but a-p-.rien
ed need appiy.
BTSINES.-Tllrm needs woman or la. who
la practical and faithful; experience not
required. AD 8. Orefonlan.
WANTED, a n--t fclrl who Uvea at home,
to attend office and phone, -utf lAth, e al
ary per T-T-f..
WAIT finisher, only experienced, no oth
ers; apprentice wanted. Hi 10th, room
Waahinatoa bid, ath and Vasa. st.
Main S or A H2"
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponses position. Vlavl o, ttu Rotb
child bidg.. 4th and Washington.
aTsiTANT bookkeeper and bill l1rk:
must be firniiiar wun iiiiut, """ -
l TO V. I '! V1TTSOHO..,
CI PL. to assist with housework: BO washing.
Apply mornings. 777Irving at.
AGENTS to sell photo coupons; something
" T. . . c , . ,i .. ai? l' h
Wo.dAN to conduct boarding -bouao. sS9
Tl.k U.r.h.:i S.t'..!.
WANTED Experienced waitress. 434 Waah-
iirtlB St.. I ata'-e
bUMOSSTKATOki to travel and for city.
Hows' Ladles' Agency. 39. i70Vs Was a.
WANTED, young girl to wortg la coffee
bouse, mi mieseii n.
AT ONCE, nice women or girl;
ay hours.
small wagea. 71 atarsnau.
BlXSKKFrTEns, cashiers, bill clerka. etc.:
1 will guarantee your (lualttlcatlone to fill
posltiona la 30 daya: private instruction
bT pubiio accountant; poaltlon aecured. J
4J. Oregon tan.
made by motloo-plctur operators, learn
bu-lness la two weeks at our finely
e-iuipped theater; leasona raasonabls.
-t1 Wasn.. near 17th.
$e-VKT:KLY guarsnteed In vaudeville; ex
jerience unnecessary; latest aenaatlonal
acts; will start you Immediately. 63 N.
Ninth st-
MEN' AND WOMEN for an Eastern house;
local and foreign: aalary and axpenaea
paid. Room 3 Arlington xtotei.
TWo fraternal deputies; salary and com
mission; rellabia." H. J. S., 121 Cham
ber of Commerce.
MEN and women to learn the barber trade
In sight weeka: special inducements; per
centage ps:d while learning; tools free:
expert Instructors; 17 years In the busl
Beaa; 7 schools; a lifetime membership
f-lven to each student. Molsr Barber Col
cga, li '. Fourth .. Portland. Or.
RAILWAYmair clerks exam. Feb. 7; pre
pare now, excellent salaries and promotion-
no lay-offs; sura psy; frs book.
Call today. Pacific btatea bchooL McKay
bldg, CI 11.
W" vsTED Railway mall clerk, custom
clerks. Spring examluatioca In Portland;
sample ciucstlnn free. Franklin Insti
tute, dspc SeuL, Rochsetsr. M. Y.
WANTED At ones, four good, reliable,
sober men to learn to drive and rspair
autos. Belmont Auto eicbool. . 3d and
Ie ARN to operate; complete course taught
In tbsater; poaltloa aecured: price reaa
enslile. trrma. 41! Rotlichlld. 4th and
Air.v.olrl a moving-j-lcture operator. You
ENCi.. Complete course half price. V
7iw. oregonlan.
SHORTHAND. bookkeeping, etc.. personal
instruct. ons, secure position. 030 Worces
ter block.
V A k K money writing short atorlea. or for
Capers; big pay; tree booklet tella how.
tilted Press ryndtcate. ban t-Tanciaco.
WANTED I'lctur play writers; big pay;
we'll teach you. picturo l'lay Associa
tion, flan Francisco.
FltlC TEACHr-ili'
Swetlacd bldg.
WRlTlN(i. 13 mo. 20 14th st. Mala 03.
WANTED 1000 men; 15c halrcrmlng. Ed
Dennlson'e barber shop, lbw MorriMfl at.
BUiVND-HA.NU tent. Ji:';4 complete with
f.v. Address C. K. J., 224 11th sc. at enoe.
ieAL'ir to learn the business of the tfraal
tdry Heauty I'ariors. 4o0 Dekum bldg.
cookkeeplng. 6)2 Hamilton. Marshall 423d.
Bookkeeper and t larks.
TRY. AH 7;s. Oil EGON IAN.
up books, prepaxe balances and atats
nienta. Install s stoma Ullllngham. au-
- dit r. 411 Lewi bldg- Marshall 717.
bl l'L ATIoN iy flrst-ciaas offlc man, auill
tor and credita; open for engagement;
reference and board. V 7ja. Oregonlan.
WANTEDfltuatlon as bookkeeper and rod
lls. tnornughiy experienced tn ofuce work
and auditing: references. T 774. Orocorusn.
tAFUIUESCKU engineer, fireman and elec
trician wants poaltlon as handy man
around building or apartment. AO 777.
Fl RST-CL ASS sober chauffeur wanta posi
tion with private family; wages reesoa
eb.e, R 9oL Oregunian.
HOTEL manager, assistant or auditor, good
recomxnerdatinns; Coast experience. Ad
dress Povtofflce box 7IS. Portland. Or.
JAAPNESE root want work, camp, coun
try town. Main 3074 (cars Draaa), u N.
2d st.
CHAL'FFECR bcolch. 3 ysars' experience;
expert driver; do running repairs. A. Rua
sell. EM 6th t, te.ephone Main 9274.
XjYER snd clesner desires position: city or
country; over d yesrs tn last place; refer
ences. R 7'.'2. Oregonlan.
bITL'ATION by young man of 23; 3 years'
experience as ateaiuflttar. F 766 Ore
gonlan. MAN and wife want work on ranch; experl farmer. Address W. C. Duncan,
R. R. 4. Pox MOO. Vancouver. Wash.
loL'NO Japanese want housework. Phons
a aio-
DRAFTING, tracing, reaaonabl price. 13S
16th N Main 664. Scott.
JAPAN Ef n boy wanta aaiooa Job; axparl-
enceu. v Ti. ur-nnin.
MOTION-PICTVRE operator wants job.
guarantee results. R 76a. Oraaunlaa.
SIS Soeond Su. corner Salmon.
Women's Department. 1U!. Stlraoo.
All claaaaa of unakllled. skilled, profes
alonal and clerical mala and female help
furnished on abort noilce. No f s-a charcod.
Phone Main 8511. A 66l.
JvKAT appearing youna; man of 2S, with
diploma from prominent a&leamanshlp
achool and some experlenoa tn aelllpff. do
sires position; wlllmj to atart at bottom
with tood houae. C 78S. Oreconlan.
gAVE TUIS Younr men and women at
tending school, desire placea to work
for room and board, addresa the National
Te!eerapb Institute, or phone Main p2iX
PENTISTRT Young- man. assistant me
chanical dentist, speaks several lanrusies,
wanta poaltlon, city or country; ood ref
erence. A. Gollsnder. General delivery.
MAN wanta to clear land. 8 years' ex
perience in using powder; wares over A
dir with board. R 7fl. Oregontar
JAPANESE! rook wanta to do general house
work. A 6V32. 230 First L
Hook keeper and Btfnographera.
YOL'NU lady wanta poaltlon with rellabla
firm: have had 6 years' experience a
assistant bookkeeper, typewriting and gen
eral office work; willing to atart Sti per
week. C 783. Oregonlan.
tiPKIlf stenographer wants law poaltloa
or publlo apace for pubiio work. U ivri.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion, lumber office preferred; can glv
. iit.n-1. Unrahnll krtft.
EAPERIENCED oung lady atenographar
wishes permanent position; beat of reler
encrs. AL 772. Oregonlan.
AN experienced atenographar and book
keeper wishes position; can finish refer-
.1 1 A ? Tl iA as n li M lOOJ.
f nrr, i "iBi'ii""1 - "
olrlNuuHAl-HEH with oro zPrleac
,Al position; willing worksr. Mara hail
VOfNO lady .tenograplier wishes position;
have had no experience; reference. Phono
isoor 101.
STENOGRAPHER dealrea posltJon ; aom x-
perience; rgi i pott ..... - -
WANTED Hy lady stenographer. poeTuoa
ending dally o'slock. Phone A ttog.
6TENOQRAPHER, willing beginner, dealre
position for advancement. Phone A 044O.
WANTED To do typewriter copying; hav
o w n machine. Tabor SalO. B 813S.
EXPERIENCED typewriter operator dsslre
position; references. Main BM-40.
Drees makers.
jFiiTl-E DE BILLAUT, Cr.5 Washington
Ella BU entrance); A 3D40. Exclus v.
French designs la gown, tailored auly.
EASTERN dressmaker and ladles' tailor
wishes hlgh-clasa work by the day; tlv
years' experience; good rorlland rofer
e n ces. J 1174. .
EASTERN designer will teach you to cut.
r? and make your own clothe at reason
able price. 80o Central bldg.. 10th and
Aider, aiarsnsu bii
WHITE embroidery done. Initials a spe
cialty; price reaaonable. Phono Marahall
4J7J or call 472 aalmon t after r P. M.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and ladles'
tailonug. perfect fit. done at rsasonabi
prices. Moiii miJ. o-J
AI L kinds of plain aewlng. Quilting, oom
farta niada! lil 6th lU loons Main BU3.
DRESPM AK1NO: children' clothe a pe-
cialty. East 412.
iTaDIE-3 tailoring and dreaaraaking. Phon
Tabor 4S3.
aTdITes S MAKERl ram t h . E .a. t ; g ood d e-
'slcncr ana u . i i . J r. j - - -
bHlitTWAIsTti. children l00'"'!"
inoerciotnes. m sit-ih. .
DivESSMAKER wants work by th day. Call
evenings, A 1H1.
GRADUATE nurse desire position In phy
sician's offlc where there are 8 or rnor
dortora. or with prjvats party. Pbon Mar
shall 4-'0tt or A 1U3L
WANTED To rent. 4 or 5-room furnUhed
i,r,bif.:., reatrlcted district, for
or 12 months, by responsible party. Glv
particular In full. AF 7!-L Oregonlan.
NUK.-E wuhe engagements: aome houae
work; term raasonibla; beat reference.
Main 60118.
INVALID lady needing room. car, horn
comfort. Cull Tbor 2213
WANTED Housekeeping, middle-aged wo
man, respectable, good cook, would leava
city; no triflcra. Mrs. Moor. 133 13th.
l'hone A aiW2.
GERMAN girl for general housework, good
cook. mall family proferrd, 662 hi Jv-al-.
. . . "j a
sign e i. a !-"
WOMAN of reflueinont desires position
housekeeper for sged coupis or widower.
AV D:.'7. ciregonlan.
EXPERIENCED girl want housework, eld
erly couple with small house preferred,
. . , j e-u Tax
c-set d.ut o ' . .
lOri in gOTFTl Hom,. .
YOLNO lady wishes to doday work, wasti
ng ana irmmie- -
GOOD girl wan: g-nrral housework. Phon
W ood 1 awn 67A 7t2 Montana av.
JAPANESE girl wanta position as school
girl. PI N. Klxth St.. city.
sTiDTLE-AGED woman wanta washing.
Ironing. Cleaning or.
CAPABLE woman desires washing. Iromng.
cieaniiia 01 v""--
JAPANESE girl wants position to do work
J for small family. Call 270 at.
EXPERIENCED cook and housework, col
ored, wants general housekeeping for two
adult. First-class reforsncea. i. 77J or-
gonlan. .
HOUSEKEEPERS, cook, waitresses. "
bermalda. office lrl. nuraesA. iat. Louis
..,. o.,;1i. Alder. Main 203!. A 47. o.
A,V experienced lady tailor wishes poaltlon
in luul.-' ti.llor shop. 10 yera exponenoe.
Phone Main luoo.
COMPETENT Oerman woman wants any
kind of work, a few hour a day. AB 7to.
ONE blrdaeye maple bureau. '"'"'
couch, one sideboard, one rug 0x12; prac
tically new. Ply nnuiigj
TWO ladle wish to car for child In their
horn; good horn, best of care. Sellwood
101. . 1
EXPERIENCED woman want day ork;
washing and cleaning, phon Marshall
bot,, room a.
Ml-S LENA P EATER SON (Europa). trained
masseuse; will go out- Phone East 2422.
GERMAN woman, good cook, want work
part of day. Woodlawn 3218.
YOUNG woman wants Ironing and cleaning;
no half days; referencea. Tabor 1014.
Lace curtain 'washed ISe tin. Tabor J443.
Mr. Bcott.
RELIABLE woman would like day work or
by hour, phone A. 5.124. room b.
LADY barber want position. 866 Jf. 26th.
P. car. .
LACE curtain laundered. 25o up; Quickly
done, called for and delivered. Tabor 31
BICYCLE tsr aa!. almost new, 2tt beU-
wood 7D5.
WOMAN wlshea work Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday. C 2312.
GIR1,15 want light houaowork or car of
children. C 2 4 30.
LIGHT housework or car children, no
washing. Main 4.149.
CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry. Wood
lawn S6t4. No mangling.
GERMAN and French taught: prlvats les
sons. Call 65,1 Flandora. Phone A- 7.H9-
EXPERIENCED lady wishes position to
care for rooming-house. Phone A ,n'.5.
COMPETENT colored woman want plac
to cook; references. Call B 18i.
GIRL wishes work by day. Phon A 8678,
room 67. .
EXPERIENCED girl wlahe any kind day
work. Call Main 6l'29 from 8 to ll A. M.
WOM AfTrants housework. 69 Beech st.
EARN 830 weekly taking orders for cut-rate
groceries; outfit free, standard Mercan
tile Co.. Hippodrome bldg.. Cleveland, O.
feTRON't proposition for tire insurance man.
31b Worcester bldg.
WANTED To lease 10-room new trlctly
modern horn, on West Side. C 783. Ore
gonlan. WANTED Unfurnished house. 7 or 8 rooms,
between Couch and Stark and Union av.
and 7th St. AB 762. Oregonlan.
WANTED to rent, email houae. furnished
or unfurnished. B 76S Oregonlan.
GENTLEMAN wanta room with atrlctly pri
vate family, no other roomers; atata par
ticular. D 7V3. Oregonlan.
FURNISHED room and sleeping porch. 3
gentlemen. East Side preferred. 1) 782
lOl'XO office man wants furnished room
within walking dlatance, for Id a month.
B 76ti Oregonlan.
LARGE furnished room suitable for 1 or 2;
steam heat, nic location. A 8123. '
Pqepished Room.
8!iO Taylor at., bet. 7th and Park. Resi
dential and transient; ahsulutely central;
two minutes from Poatofllco, stores, thea
ters and restaurants; Just oT ebustnes
streets snd csrllnes; quietest and best lo
cation; new brick: ample steam heat and
hot running water; phonea. elevator.
From 31 cully. 83 weekly. Any car from
Union Depot; from North Bank Depot. -"
car to Taylor st. Phono Marshall 2200.
Seventh and Taylor Sta,
This handsom brick structure, all mod
ern convenience, opens shortly in connec
tion wlta the favorably known Hotel Ca
ples. as above.
Thoe three beautifuliv furnlahed hotels -HOTEL
213rj 4th St. 2V7W4thtt
On Fourth t running from Taylor to
Salmon st,; brand-new brick; elegantly
furnished; steam beat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms; strictly up
to date In all respects, and at popular
prires. If you want something out of the
ordinary. In tb heart of the city, at rea
aonable prices, give u a cll. a wo know
you will like It. Room by the day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
Cor. 11th and Stark bt.
New. modern brick bldg.. elegantly fur
nished; elevator, hot and coid water,
iteain beat. phones all rooms; private
baths: single or to suite; rate 81 day up;
special monthly rates.
CORDOVA Hotel, 11th and Jefferson sts.
Brand-new brick; splendidly furnished; all
rooma with telephone, steam heat, hot and
coid water, many with baths: every effort
Is made for the comfort and convenience
of It guest; the rents aro most reason
able; rooms by tho week, month or day.
J" car direct from depot.
623 Washington at., opposite Multnomah
Athletic Flald New brick building: all
modern conveniences; well regulated resi
dential and family hotel; splendid accom
modations for tranalents; convenient to
the business center and the rates are mod
erate (plenty steam heat). Marshall itou.
u i u.. l-v-t u.npi ..... m .1 nnd Haw
thorn aves. Beautifully furnished rooms,
slugl or en suite, with private bath. hof
and cold water, steam heat and private
phone in every room; moderate weekly or
monthly rates; grill In connection; tran
sients solicited.
HOTEL FORD, 733 Washington, corner Lu
cretia t. New brick building. Just com
pleted; fine large outside rooms with tele
phone service, with or without private
baths: new and splendidly furnished: hot
and cold water, steam heat; beat of serv
ice: very rea-nonable rate.
181 Eleventh Street
New, modern brick building: steam
heated, private hatha, hot and cold water
In rooma; beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable; rent reasooable. Call and ae
us. Recular and transient trade solicited.
BIDE, walking distance, nicely furnished
suites, beautiful outlook and pleasant sur
roundings; 2 rooms, heated, electrlo light
and gaa. bath and piano. 816; everything
new. Main of.30. 301 luth. corner Mill.
3K7 Eftat Burnalde St.
120 modern rooms, will give special rates
to clubs of young men of two or four
to occupv'rooms, with private bath, rates,
f.Oc to 81.50 per day, 2 to 87 per week.
East 5940. B 1275. ,
HOTEL LA SALLK. 10th and Burnslde sta.
Absolutely fireproof; new snd elegantly
furnished rooms; private hatha, steam
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
In each room; special rates by the month;
phone service free. Phone Marshall 40-tH.
THE REX. 548V! Washington SL Transient
rooms. 50c and up; by week, 82 up. Are
you getting rooms like otira for tho money?
If not. change. Steam heat, hot and cold
water In each room; all outside rooms.
Also house keeping -rooms.
Homelike, clean, well furnished sleep
tnge rooms, from 3-50 a week up; see these
and vou will look no further. Oeneleve, 443
Columbia near 12th.
One block from Union Depot; 140 outside
rooma, with hot and cold water snd st- am
heat; offers special rates for permanent
gueata; rates oOc to fl a day; $3.30 and
up per week. Phone Main 8418.
24:iVi HOLLADAY ave. Phone C 3199
Steam heat, hot and cold water. Electrlo
IlKht In all rooma. First-class accommo
dations at 82.50 per week. L, U or I car
direct to door. .
ARRANGED for best class patrons; on
double, one single vacancy, private bath
rooms; dining-room In connection.
2d and Wsshington sts.
105 H Twelfth St. Marshall 2790.
In heart of bualneaa diatrlct; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone in every
room; tl day and up: 84 week and up.
Hoi EL. KENWICK. An Ideal horn for bua
lneaa people; centrally located; elegant
rooma; all modern conveniences; 7th and
Tavlor at., 1 block from Portland Hotel,
opposite H"Hlg Theater. Phone Main 916.
Larg rooma at 151) 7 th St.; steam
heat. electric lights. homo comforts;
rooms by week. 83.30 up, transient 7oo
day and up. - Phone Main 3O02.
WEBSTER COURT now ready for tho re
ception of gueaia; mnke your, aolcction of
a room at once. Grand av. and Pacino
HOTEL GARLAND, cor. Washington and
Trinity Plac Modern corner brick; out
Bide rooms, private phonea; reasonable
rates; transients, fl per day.
THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely furnished
rooms; heat, electric light, cloa to busi
ness center; rates, including bath, $2.30
per week uy.
12th nd Washington.
Room $1 a day. $5 week; nothing ex
tra for two In room; thoroughly modern.
LARGE front room, suitable for several
joung men; can give an attractive figure.
Call and so It. 147 Stout sc, near Wash
ington. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or single;
steam heat: $2 and $3 week: 5 mlnutea'
walk to theater and stores: tree phone.
ARM1NIU8 HOTEL. 410 Vi Morrison St.. opp.
Baker Theater Nicely furnished rooms:
t.erinunent, transient: low ratea. Main b'JOO.
ELM PLACE. 414 Yamhill at., cor. 11th;
rooms $3.3i per week up; also suites; hot
.and cold water, ateam heat, private bath.
NICE-large warm double front room ult
abi lor 2 to 4 person; also other nlc
rooms reasonable. 187 Taylor.
NEWLY furnished new building, steam heat,
electrlo lights, bath, phonea, walking dla
tance. $10 and up. 274 Holladay av.
HOTEL MORRIS. 17th and Alder sta.Mod
ern rooma, suitable 2 to 4 peraoua. Pri
vet bathe. Rate $3.50 up.
ONE larg outside room, hot and cold water,
team heaL Arcadia Apartments, 700
Everett t.
FOR RENT room with private bath. Mad
Hon Park Apta.. 262 Park t.
WELL-FURNISHED steam heated rooms,
close lntiricea reasonable. 2S3 13th at.
f numished Room.
THREE unfurnished room,
phone free. 208 Park it.
water snd
Furnished Room In Private Family.
ELEGANTLY furnished room In private
family; modern: close In; referencea re
qulred. Main 5319.
FURNISHED rooms for rent. Inquire 820
Tillamook or phon C 3198.
FP.ONT room In modern flat. 20 N. 10th
st l'hone Main 4rtn0.
8 FURNISHED rooms; steam heaL 807 11th
St. Marshall 2302, flat C. i
TWO nicely furnished front room for rent.
521 LoveJoy. cor. 1.1th.
VERY desirable room, auitable for 1 or 2;
sii conveniences. 223 West Parle
BEAUTIFUL front room in quiet home;
modern conveniences. 70Q F.ander.
4-ROOM furnished, bath, basement, yard,
roses. $20. 603 Savler. Main 2964.
FRONT room for rent: breakfast If neces
sitry. 723 E. Couch.
FURNISHED rooms for rent 188 Halsey sL
fli month.
FOR RENT Nice south room suitable for
two. rent reaaonable. 35 North lath st.
NEWLY furnished rooms, heat, bath; very
reasonable. 173 16th St. Main 9094.
424 6TH ST. A snap; fins new front room
for gentleman; cloas In. modern.
LARGE modern room, auitable for two; fin
eat location. 67 N. 2uth at.
Furnlhed Ilooms lnFrivato Family.
NEW,-private home, with two suites of
rooms with or without meals, also sleep
ing porch, one block from W car, between
lilst ana i-a sis. uuo .
shsll 33nS.
LARGE front room, comfortably furnished.
In a beautiful private home; electric beat
and phone; suitable for two persons.
71 Trinity Place.
LARGE, iTpht front room; central; phone,
bath: strictly private family: one or two
gentlemen; reasonable; referencea. F 63,
EASY' walking distance; large, ltsht. clean,
newly furnished room, all conveniencea.
$12; also attic room. 264 12th et.
TWO fine rooms, home cooking, fine loca
tion, good walking distance. 617 Kearney.
The Mngnolia.
809 FIFTH ST., front room, newly fur
nished, fireplace, extra large closet, bath,
nhone: :;.50 Iter week.
NICE, airy room, furnace heat, in strictly t
private family. $4 per week; one gentle- j
man, a.ia join su
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In Irving
ton. 718 East Multnomah St.; also garage.
850 SALMON at. Front room, suitable 1.
or 3; hot and cold water, heat, phono a
SEVERAL well-furnlahed rooma; furnace
heat, easy walking dlatance; 605 Wash.
3 WEEK, close in, private entrance; on or
two gentlemen. 230 10th at.
VERY desirable, all conveniences: no car
fare: $3.50 week for two. 181 11th.
FINE room, low rent, nlco location, heat,
bath, walking distance, 4.2 5th.
Rooms With Board.
THE Haxel dining room reopened, table
board, strictly nrst-class: also furnished
rooms, steam heat, running water; prices
moderate. 885 3d t-. cor. Montgomery.
DOES a borne appeal to youT THS WHITE
HALL, cor. Otn and Madison; large rooms,
bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. near
ear. t blocks from P. O. American plan.
LAMBERSON. S54 Couch at, cor. 17th
Very desirable, clean rooms with steam
heat and running water; good board; fin
location tor teachers or business men.
" MANITOU. 281 13TH ST.
attractive, clean rooms. steam heat,
good 1 card, close In. reasonable.
Rooms with board, use of aewlng-room.
library. f10 Flandera. F. N. Heath. supU
BOARD $j per week In modern home: newly
furnished rooma. Phono A. 7S04. 786 Cor
bett at., S car.
ROOMS with board. Call 389 Taylor; pri
vale poaraini-iiuuap.
THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th;
well furnlahed rooms and board.
vate boardlng-nouse.
FURNISHED rooms with board. 167 11th st.
KoomsVlth Board In Private Family.
WELlCrfurnlshed front room, all modern con
veniencea, with or without board, for ono
or two people. In refined private family:
easy walking distance; reasonable. Call
MarshaU 10 1.
FOR RENT Very desirable large front par
lor room In strictly private family, to
gether with flrst-class home cooking; cen
tral location. Address 3fe9 Main at.
BEAUTIFUL room with hot and cold water,
all conveniences; with or without board.
273 N. 24th st,, cor. Overton st. Marshall
liijti. .
NICELY furnished room with board, furnace
heat, working peopie preferred. 497 Moat
gomery st. Heasonable.
VERY pleasant, nicely furnished front room,
with board; close In; pleasant aurround
1 n g s ; best of home cooking. Main 32--0.
ROOM and board In strictly modern flat,
good hom cooking, walking dlatance. 432
Mill st A 5632.
WANTED Girls to room and board with
girls In modern apartment; close In; $i.O
a month. Marshall 2Q61.
NEWLY furnished strictly modern rooms,
home cooking, 7 minutes' walk to P. O.
427 Clay St. Marshall 3959.
A PLEASANT front room for 1 or 2 near
Multnomah Club. Marshall 4112.
THREE cosy room, sunny and warm, board
If desired; excellent location. 741 Ollsan
FIRST-CLASS room and board, private
.,. VBTTThtll
$20 PLEASANT front room, all new mod
ern conveniencea. oo m, 11"
8 PLEASANT rooms ail convenience; board.
A! 230. 204 N. 22d-
PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel
lent board; siso table board. 656 Gllsan.
A NICE place to room and board for 2; ail
conveniences. B 2172.
NICELY furnished room for two gentle
men, with board; references. ll'S 10th at.
TWO large rooms Fireplace, porch and
prounds; excellent board. Main 2071.
Nit ri rooms and good board very reaeon
able. iU 11th st. Marshall 41ii8.
St. Clair and Washington sts.
Three, four and five-room apartments,
furnished and unfurnished, now ready for
In elegance of appointment, furnishing
and service unequaled In the Northwest.
Every apartment has sleeping porch,
hardwood floors, tiled bathrooms, plenty
of closet space, mirror doors. A large
beautifully appointed room for the use of
tenants for ententaining. Also a few
bachelor rooms, single or ensulte.
Referencs required.
At 170-172 Ford st. Just south of Wash-(nr-ton.
are the most complete, highest
class apartments ever built in Portland:
finished In hardwood throughout, giving
tenants choice of oak, Circassian walnut
or mahogany: elegant wall coveringa. tiled
baths with superb fixtures; highest class
service; each with private balcony and
bath; 4 rooms with most convenient ar
rangement. $42.50 to $50: 5 room. $50
to $rX. Thla building la different Lt
Mrs. Burleigh show you through.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st nd Irving ts:
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished nd unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric, automatlo
elevator Holmes diaappearlng beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gaa range. Ice
box, plenty of closet room, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patron. If you
want aomethlng nice, come to the Barker.
P h o nes A 1714. Marshall 2UC1.
tone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place between 19th and I'Oth streets, Just
off Washington; magnlllcent exclusive
apartments. In heart of apartment-house
district; rentala reaaonable; every modern
convenience; sleeping porches, hlgh-clasa
aervlce; refined clientele; referencea re
qulrd In all cases. Superintendent' phon.
Marshall 602.
TWO T.117 KHE.
2B3 Hall at, cor. d, now open, all 2
room ' furnished apartments, with Holmes
disappearing and wail beds and large
outside kitchens, absolutely nrst-class;
these are the beat arranged 2-room apt,
in Portland; make reservation now; $-u
up; no children.
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently fur
nished apartmenta In the Northwest; loca
tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every
modern convenience. Including banquet
hall and roof garden: both phone In all
apartments; high-class service: refernee
required. Main 227'i and A 7057.
" Upshur apartments.
Thoroughly modern 3-room unfurnished
apartments. $20; 4 rooms. $25; this in
cludes shades, steam heat, hot and cold
water, gas ranges, private Pacific tele-
J -hones and Janitor service. Apply prem
aea. LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class
by themselves; see them; Lucretla st,
near 23d and Wash.; 2 to 5 rooms, all
large, light and outside; large closets
and baths; bardwood floors, fre phones
In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr.. Mar
ahall 1529. Janitor. Marshall 1600.
ORLANDO APTS, 20th and Wash. sts. ;
two and three-room furnished apt.; every
convenience; very large rooms; steam
heat and private bathe and phonea; auto
matic elevator; easy walking distance, ref
erences required. Marshall 184. f
Splendid furniture, quiet home place,
one 4-room apartment, $40, worth $60;
also a 8-rooni. $35: every modern con
venience. Come and see the Altamont.
K.KELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay sts.
We have choice 8 and 4-room suites, un
furnished, private vestibules, phones,
baths, etc Apply at once for 4-room
front corner suite, upper floor.
1H-J HOsENFELD apartments. East 14th
and Stork; all large outside rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished, heat. Janitor
BKAiNTREE Elegant b-room apartment.
West Side, walking distance; rent reason
able. Main 7741. 21)5 13th t-
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apts, furnlahed.
heat, shona and bath. 191 14th at.
Apart raent.
22d and Gltsan sta.
The beet furnished and appointed apart
ments in Portland.
Possessing every convenience and com
fort, in addition to the excellence of lo
cation. One four and one five-room apart
ment now vacant, both beautifully fur
nished. Moderate rental.
Referencea required.
The Upshur. 2bth and Upshur ats.. fur
nished 2-room apt.. $20; also $22.30; 3
room apt, $27.50 to $30. This Includes
steam heat, hot water, private phones,
bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry
room, all free. Take S, 23d or W cars
north. No doft allowed.
Elegantly furnished and unf urnlsned
apartmenta, la new brick building; team
heat; private phone and bafh; all modern
coaveniences; close in. West Side. 404
Market St.. near 14th .
Corner 3d and Montgomery, new, modern
brick. 2-room apartments, furnished com
pletely; elevator. 5-minute walk to busi
ness center; rates very reasonable. Main
Most reasonable rate in the city; three
rooms, nicely furnished apt-, private bath
and phone, brick building, automatic ele
vator, Janitor service, easy walking dis
tance. A 2038.
Corner 12th and Harrison Sts.
Beautiful new brick, every modern con
venience; 3-room corner unfurnished and
2-room corner, furnished; b-tst service;
reasonable; references.
171 King st,
4, 5, 6-room apartments; select tenancy
Apply on premises.
20S ltith, ISear Taylor.
One exceptionally nice 5-room unfur
nished apartment, top floor, front; one
nice 4-room unfurnished apartment, sec
ond floor, f rout- Apply on premises for
fcT Fit AN J IS APARTMENTS, 21st and
Hoyt, 4 rooms and bath, private balcony;
new brick building, electric elevator, su
perb location, in walking distance: most
convenient arrangement, low rent and best
of service.
Ford St., near Washington; select resi
dence district; a 8-room, with balcony
overlooking private gardens; all conve
niences of the best class apartments. Main
sb3. A 7A4S. .
GRANDESTA furnished apartments. Grand
ave. and East Stark; new brick, building.
B-rooru splendidly furnished apts; eiectno
elevator, modern convenience.; close in
location, best of service; reasonable rent.
701 Washington. Modern brick building.
8 rooms, ground floor (K.Ing-st. -entrance),
$21; upper floors. 3 rooms $30. $2.5V; 4
ronis. $40 ; references required.
BEAUTIFUL. 4-room apartment, all con
veniences, built-in disappearing beds. Pied
mont district, rent $1. 113s Michigan
ave., near Killings worth, tit. Johns or
"U" car.
BT. CROIX New, modern building, three
r om apartments, furnished or unfur
nished, low rate, best of service, 170 St.
Clair, between 2 I'd and 23d. near Wash
1 rig ton. Main -3-0.
Most up-to-date apartment In North
neet: 21st and Joh:-sun sta.; all outslds
rooms. Appiy on premises, or call Mar
shal 3360.
WINSTON Apartments, 841 14th St., at
Market; new corner brick; all bright, out
side rooms; 2 and 8-room suites com
pletely furnished for housekeeping; '2& to
$37. GO. For Information cail Main 173a.
8 and 4-room furnished apartments;
-modern, new and absolutely nrst class;
walking distance; from up. 388 Ilea
i-ireet. i
ets best of service; desirable location,
with unexcelled car service; also easy
walking distance; 3-room apt., with bath,
modern conveniences, veryreasonabie rent.
2 FINE 6-roora apartments; steam heat, hot
and cold water, nna building, in Nob Hill
district, j0.
332-333 Chamber of Commerce.
THE SHEFFIELD 7th and Jefferson sta.
3 rooms with bath, furnished or unfur
nished ; superb location, close to down
town district. Ail outside rooms, best of
service, modern ; reaaonable rent.
near Main. Close in location. Elegant 3
ruom apartment with bath and private
balcony, $3 Every convenience, good
CUMBERLAND APTS,, West Park and Co
lumbia sta. 2 and 3-room furnished apart
ments, all modern conveniences, choice lo
cation, fronting the park and only & min
utes' walk f rum business center
management, new. modern, 8 and 4-room
furnished and unfurnished apartmenta
Apply manager. Marshall 2028.
mhHARTFORD APTS., 21st and Flan
ders; 2 and 3-room beautifully furnished
apts.; 4 unfurnished, strictly modern,
HARRISON COURT, 894 6th St.; 3 and 3
rootn apts., unfurnished, modern conveni
ences; cheapest rent in city. Main tills,
A 7iti3.
CLAY POOLE ANNEX. 325 Eleventh St., two
room furnished apartments, private bath,
all conveniences, good service; walking
distance. Now under new management.
liJELLAND. ltith and Lovejoy Unfurnished
apartment t front ; strictly modern, new
brick, 4 rooms; must be seen to be ap
preciated. Owner, Main 18b7, A 1S07.
2-room furnished apartment; private
bath and pnone. 205 N. lfcHh. Marshall
a do
COLU MBl AN Furnished and unfurnished
apartments. 11th and Columbia; very de
sirable; modern conveniences; easy walk
ing distance; low rates;best of service.
THE "CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders 2, 3
and 4-room modern, furnished and unfur
nished; new furniture, new building. Ap
ply to janitor.
42tt East Morrison, corner 7th, 2, 8 and
4-room apartments, furanthed up to oats,
private baths, moderate price, new m gt.
HAUUON HALL, 414 11th. cor. Hali; 8 and
4-room newly furnished apts.; private
bath, phone, baicony porches; up.
Phons Marshall 1171.
LI -N C u jUN APTS.. cor. 4th and Lincoln sts.
Modern brick building; 2-room apartmenta
yj2.ZJ to -$-i0. private phones, no children;
no pets. Phone Main 1377, A 3472.
ifAKK APARTMENTS. 353 Harrison; beau
tiful 3 and 4-room furnished apartment;
talking otstance; best of service; prices
44j tu $5o. Phone Marshall bu7U.
14th and yanihlll, 2 and 3-room, very de
unit homelike.
TRINITY PLACE Apartments, Trinity su
Furnished 3-room apts suitable for 2 or
3 gentlemen. Meals if desired.
GRACE Apartments, 24th and Nor thru p sta;
6-rooro apt., front veranda and sleeplng-
u Aritota nhnne. hot wa.Li hr
purcil, yia-a-" M r
FINE unfurnished four-room apartment,
third Hour. Call apartment 37, Rose friend,
7th and Jett arson.
ROSE F RLE NO APTS. i-room apts; very
desirable, first floor, walking distance.
Phone Marshall 1410.
THE D RICKS TON, 448 11th; two 2-room
- apartments, $30 each; all modern con
veniences. THE ONEONTA. 1S7 17th St., 2 and 3-room
housekeeping apartments. J20 to i30,
steam heat, close in. Phone Main 4617.
TWO 3 Bnd 4-room suites, furnished and
all 'modern; very reasonable, loth and
Kveretu Maln 1245.
aUNNY e-room furnished apt., with private
bath balcony and phone, reasonable rent.
Cedar HIU Apta Marshall 3151. A 7523.
One 3-room modern apt.; newly fur
nished ; intveryjrj;as
2 and 3-room modern, furnished, apart
nients. 1124 Union ave. Wooalawn
2371. ,
SAN MARCO apartments. E 8th and Couch,
New 1-rick, modern, 3-rooma, private bath
and phoue; rates reasonable. Call E. 27&L
THE AVALON -One 3-room apartment, pri
vate bath, phone, steam beat. Phone East
8172. Clackamas and Ross.
IRIS APARTMENTS, Third and Mill; 4 and
6 rooms, unfurnished; steam heat, hot and
cold water; 32 and $40.
Furnished and unfurnished apartmsnta
6 u 5 Lovejoy st. Take "W" car.
NEW and strictly modern 8-room apart
ments. 234 East 18th, corner Main.
JULIAETTB Furnished and unfurnished 2
rooma. Corner 2d and Montgomery.
THE LAURETTE One furnished 3-room
apartment; private bath, phon-e. 229 11th.
THE DAYTON Nice 4-room lower apt.,
heat, war, etc., 820. 658 Flanders su
Cor. Park and Taylor sta,
Cor. Tenth and Salmon sts.
Walking distance. a
Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments; buildings new end strlcuy
modern; service first-class.
bia. 4 blocks f-outh from Morrison su;
new brick building, completely flrst-class.
furnished In 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner.
Janitor service; reut per month, 82tf. 130,
540 and ud; must be seen to be apprs
NEW 5-room flats, the swellest, most n'd"
ern and up-to-date fiats on the East Sido.
Just completed; upper and lower vacant;
walking distance. 263 E. l"th st.. between
Main and Madison. Take Hawthorne car.
Owner. Tabor 2521, or see A. K. Hill.
Henry bldg.
ONE 6-room and bath ; hardwood floors.
fireplace, separate basement and furnace,
beam ceiling, Dutch kitchen, built-in mir
rors, seats and bookcase, beautiful fix
tures and large private porch. 20 East
25th, near Hawthorne. Key at 271 East
25th st.
TWO largo 7-roora unfurnished flats on
North 2;:d St.. between Hojt and Irving;
largo basement and attic; strictly moderu;
332-33S Chamber of Commerce.
$10 Very desirable flat of 5 rooms, with
built-in conveniences and fireplace, on Bis
marck nnd MiiwaukU sts. Call on prem
ises at 11 ociock weekdays or phone East
lu5. Sell wood cai
LAP.GE8-Toom unfurnished flat, strictly
modern in every particular, one block
from carllno, 5 -5
332-338 Chamber of Commerce.
835 6-ROOM upper flat, 226 N. ISth, near
Lovejoy; attic, sleeping porch, yard, gas
range, water heater, modern, very nice.
Key next door, or phone East 3Si9.
8-ROOM modern, unfurnished. steam-heat?i
flat for rent on 11th, near Columbia. Ap
ply to Poulsen, 307 11th st. Marshall 46.".o.
ELEGANT 5-room flat, with sewing-room,
lArs-A ill. it and basement, nice neighbor
hood and walking distance. 428 Rodney
g:ir tl nnd corner store In new brick build
lng. cor. Bismarck and Milwaukle. Call on
premises at 11 o ciock a any or pnonu r-iw
ELEGANT 4-roomed furnished flat, wit
nlnno. Mewl nit- machine, steel range and
all modern conveniences; rent reasonabU--J
374 Williams ave. -
UNUSUALLY desirable modern lower flat
0 large, iigru, airy ruuiuo mm uam ,
minutes' walk from P. O. 341 Montgom
ery, corner 7th. very reaaonapie.
ELEGANT 5-room flat, garage privilege
21dt and Hawthorne. Mr. i-ee. -uhi
GOOD 4-room flat, brand new. East Slda,
$18. A, H. Birrell CO., zu .MClvay Diag
3d and Stark sts. (Main 232).
LOWSK flat, 825. 6 rooms, tttitt Hoyt su
Bee Mr. Melson, Janitor, Su Francis A pari
mentw 21st and Hoyt sts.
FOR RENT 6-ronxn lower flat. 743 Overton
su; good neighborhood; 830 ; responsibla
peop i e oniy.
MODERN 7-room flaU West Side, 776 W
Johnson su, between 23d and 2 nil. Mam
MODERN 6-room flat, gas range, elec, tubs,
shades, fireplace. 914 East Morrison,
near 3oth. 'labor i.uo.
FOR RliN'l Mouern i-room fiau 444 faxJK
su; fireplace and furnace, 837.30; no cail-
dren. phone Tabor 7-33 or East usu
A, MODERN upper 5-room fiat, closo in,
rent reasonaoie. aasa u - o-iiu xmv.
flion. M. 54tiy.
fl-ROOM flat. Trinity Place, near Washing
. ton at., $50. A. II. Birrell Co. (Main 232J
McKay bldg., 3d and Stark.
MODERN 5-room flat, 5th near Jackson
West Side; 10 min. walk. Main or A li!-'3
FURNISHED fiat, four rooms. West Side
close. Marshall iai.
8-ROOM fiau gaa range, water heater, guoa
condition. 2o Nortnrup. Main aaa.
NEW modern 4-room corner flat, furnace
rent 818. Phone East b. a 14U4.
C-KOOM flat, modern conveniencea Eas
lath and Asn. s .uuo.
6-ROOM, modern, lower flat, splendid ca
service, rent reasonaDie, -uaui
MODERN4 8-room flat, walking1 distance
200 McMillan. O 21S3.
SUNNY 4-room flaC. furnished or unfur
nlshed. Central, 233H Hall, afternoons.
Troom lower flat. 623 East Main. In
quire at -13 n.ast inn, rumm cmn c-ut.
NICELY furnished live-room flat on carlin
403 6th st. Call afternoons.
Housekeeping Rooms.
The Upshur, 20th and Upshur sts.. fur
nlshed 2-room apt. 820. also $22.50; 3
room ant.. 827.50 to 30. This inrlud!
steam neat, hot water, private phones
bath, electric lights, gas range, launai
room, all free. Take S, 23d or W car:
north. No dogs allowed.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur
nlshed for housekeeping; gas range, elec
trir liehts. hot water, bath, laundry, fres
$15 per month up; a clean place, best ii
tne city lor tne money; enuri oibibh-'
frnm TTnlon Deoot Take "S" or l6th-S
' cars north, get off at Marshall su No dogfe
WELL furnished houses, flats, rooms 4
room cottage. J20 month; 7 rooms, $27. -Tit)
housekeeping suites, 2 rooms, $8, $10, $1
mouth; 3, $15: 3 unfurnished. $10. Ap
ply 304 North 26th; "W" car west on Mor
rison to 26th, block north.
81.50 TO $.60 per week, clean furnish e
housekeeping rooms, free heat, phont
bath, laundry, yard. 406 Vancouver av.
and 203 Stanton; "U" car. Phone E. 60o.
THE GLEN DORA l&th and Couch. Just o
from Washington; furnished housekeej
lng rooms, slngit or en suite; reut re.
CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished housekeop
lng rooms ; central ; cheap. Room 3d 3 -and
THE LANDORE, 2S8 10th. Something fine 1;
H. K. rooms, about 15th, for business w
THE MONTGOMERY, cor. East Morriao
and 8th; furnished housekeeping suite:
The Milner, 3504 Morrison BU, furnished o
unfurnished housekeeping rooms, steai
heat, elev'tor, all conveniences, best locat'r
HOUSEKEEPING apartments for rent; Je.'
fersonUn Apts., loth ana jeiierson.
2 nicely furnishred housekeeping rooms, g
range, bath, phono. 4SJj-i Washington.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concr
DiUg. rnone nuuuiawu .o,, ur
IAout.ekeep.Uig Booms In Private Famil yJ
SINGLE housekeeping room, phone
nice single room suitable for two gent
men. 140 11th st.
2 OR 4 light housekeeping rooms, on groui
floor, very neatly, newly, convenient
furnished; pleasant neighborhood; ran
pantry, etc. East 5260. 772 East Taylor v
LARGE connecting housekeeping ronn;
bath, light and phone. 62 N. 23d. M:l.
shall 373;;.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping room
iiirh, hpit nhnnft fra. laundrv room. .V
Davis. 5
TEN turnished rooms, house, modern h
provementa. west central location, vo:
reasonable rent. 745 Northrup sU
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, rn
ning water; walking distance; $15.
Jefferson st., side entranije.
H.OUSEKEE PING and sleeping roor
phone, bath, hot and cold water In room
225 11th St.
NICELY furnished housekeeping room
modern; ciose In; reasonable renU Flic:
East 1.289.
COMPLETELY furnished 3-room flat; bit
phone evening Main Jiio. ooti reuygn
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. N
2 Grand ave N. Phone East 4398.
313 14th. corner Clay, larse, clean 1 and
room furnished housekeplng suites.
VERY desirable suite of rooms cheap, bos
ment. 2t.; inn, near i ayior.
AT 310 Main sU, homelike housekeopl'
suite, close In.
LARGE, light housekeeping-room; furn:
lieu I. O-T I a" ..
$12 TWO housekeeping rooms, quiet plat
good location. 4a9 W. Park.
ONE. two or three rooms, completely fi
nished for housekeeping. 63 North 20 f
3DESIRABLE rooms completely furnish
for housekeeping. 541 6 th.
820 Throe well - furnished housekeepi;
rooms. 353 Lincoln. Phone M 6b4 5.
TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms, bat
light, gas. Tabor 1045. 1070 E. Alder.
HOUSEKEEPING-ROOM, close in, $3, liffl
heat, phone. 135 14th sr.
FRONT 3-room suite, gas range, reaso?
also single room, ss. boo jonnson.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms.
N. 14tn su. oavis to veraLx.