CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGON US TELEPHONES. rnntlnc-rm a lo TrCO A -""' C:ty riieulatloa Main TOT A o'JS la.-.alr. F.dltJC Utlll 7070 A KunrfA. i ,h:nr .Ulltt TllTU A ("Vj I. jn.j.;ar.Km Man "irTO A i Su;rinlcdal balldlni. . . . Hals iut A HEILtQ THEATEIt Tth and Ta:er- Lli.r A Co. preeant Paul Anui;ronr drama. "The I- Hrp:e. Thla alter nKo. an lal malmee. 1. li cock; le- maht. a. 11 o clock. EAKKK T!IETCK IElTnth and aforrl rai Tha drama. "i;reustark." II alioaa. 5.13. and loDiartt. s.ia octoca. OKHHElM THtATEK I Morrison, batwera Mitt aaj sto1ti VludaviiM. Thla af urn on al 2 li and touubt at .! o cloca. PA.VTAGES THEATER RYanih and Al- dn Vauijcvtl.a. Thla aflarnooa al s.ia. to&.shl at 7 lo and V o ciock. EllPKM THtATEK IPirk and Waahlns ton Vaud-wiie. Tnla afiarnooa ai 2. 14. toaiaht at and 9 o cloca. X.TJM. THEATEH (fourth and Htark i uairal comlr. "Tha utrl With tha lo.l.n Vn! 1 Thta affrnoon at 2 SO and ton. got al 7 10 and 1J o cloca. KKLK'SL STAK. AKi'ADS. oh jot. TIVOLI AM IHTSTAL t'lm-raa nic- lurxa. II A. P. li. BCNOAWW THSATEK tTwalfth and Mot- rtenro LJncolR l:ch School mlnalraia. Matins at 2:13. tonight at la. Aerartlaraaata lataadad far aba CUT l" fta Brtoff calaaaaa la pwailay'a laaaa asea aaadad la 1 ha OrrcaaJaa se-lana eaTfcrai B e'riava bataraa evealasv FrRiors Fiars 14 rot Tul Port land had last year only 14 Ores where me losses exceeded 110.000. accord In; to the annual report of tha Fire Chief, filed In tha City Auditor- office. The losses laat year were only 14 per cent of the property Inrolred. The loaa totaled taZA.OOO. and the amount of property Involved wan 5.74.0O0. In the course of the rr-Xr 118S fire a lama were turned In. There were l- actual Ores, and 137 atlll alanna. Of the total number of fires, 417 were extinguished by water, and lO by chemicals. Tha first biff fire laat year vn that which destroyed the old Mount Tabor school. t East Stark and East Sixtieth streets. Watzk Maps Bursts. A small flood at Seventh and Morrison streets at the noon hour yesterday was caused ry the breaking; or a rour-incn water main on Morrison street between Sev enth and Park. The employes of E. W. Rlner. who Is laying a sewer alona Alorrlson street, dujr so close to the main that It burst, bains; In a weak ened condition. More than an hour elapsed from that tlma until tha water was shut off. A. Albertlnl. West Side foreman of the Water Department, being; notified. The basement of the new Healy building. Park and Morrison streets, was partially flooded. Postal. Savixos Sirc-L With an existence of less than five months tha postal savings depository has opened accounts with 41 Individuals with total deposits of ti'Llil. In Jan vary It new accounts were opened and the deposits of that month amounted to $105,577. showing a net gain for the month of nearly $50,000. Tha sale of postal aavlngs cards and stamps have been comparatively alight s for some reason this form of the system does not appeal to tha local patrons of tha depository. S-Yiax-Old Girl, Die. Margu erite Marpert. IS years old. died at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Marpert. at US Cleveland avenue. Wednesday. The funeral will be held this morning from tha family residence and from St. Mary's Church. Inter ment will be made In Mount Calvary Cemetery. Miss Marpert is survived by her parents and by tha following named brothers and sisters: John, Mathew. William. Gertrude and Marls Marpert. Cu exist Called to Test Smixoe. 8. A. McQutnn. chemist of Woodard. Clarke ac Co.. will go to Eugene to day to give expert testimony In a land case, coming up February . be fore W. Calkins, land commissioner. The land waa taken up under the mineral springs act. and Mr. McQuInn Is called to determine If there Is enough salts In the springs thereon to Justify the Government Issuing a patent under the above act. Suxdat Mor.iiso at tha First Pres byterian Church. Alder and Twelfth streets, tha pastor. Rev. John H. Boyd. T. D.. will preafh. Also at tha even ing service, when the toplo will be "Is the Logto Which Leads to Belief In the Philosophy or Religion of Mod ern Healing Syatema Sound? In the morning the choir will render "There Is No Night In Heaven" and "My Song 6 he 11 Ba of Mercy." Crrr to Hirb Skilled Crurrmm Frequent smash-ups of the automobllea used by the Police Department, and the late mishap to the new auto-pollc patrol, which collided with a street car, have led to tha announcement that expert chauffeurs will be employed hereafter, and that Driver Letsy will be placed on a beat. The damage to . the new patrol. It la estimated, will be about $:0. FCRMRR RESIOEMT DbAO I lOWA Word has been received of the death of Terence Fitxpatrl-k. formerly of Portland. In Mason City. Iowa, from pneumonia. His wife, who Is a daugh ter of the lata James Fralney. of Portland, waa with him. Interment will be made at Winona. Minn. Mr. and Mrs Fltxpatiick were married la Portland and lived her for some time. First CosoajsoaTioXAi. Cncscx. "How Far Are Human Beings to Be Trusted?" will be. Luther R. Dyott'a . them tomorrow at 11 A- M. Dr. Dyott'a them at T:4S P. M.. The Best Secret Society In th World." First of a series of sermons designed to at tract popular attention and to help those wuo believe In that which la practical. FrxxsAL or East Bids Max Helix The funeral of Walter A. .Clawson, who died January 31. at hi home, at 123 East Washington street, waa held yesterday afternoon from Lerch's chapeL Mr. Ciawsoa was 41 year old. He was a member of Orient Lodge No. 17. and of the Oddfellows. Mem bers of both orders attended the serv ices. Ex-Sc-HOOl, PRIXCTPAt. to Lxctvrx. N. A. Richardson, formerly principal of the public schools of San Bernardino, CaL. will deliver a lecture next Sunday afternoon, at Rlngler Hall, at Second and Morrison street. Mr. Richardson ha chosen for his subject, "Why Things Happen to Happen." Cucrk I'xper ArorroR Naxan. Charles C. Cadoneau. formerly em ployed In the office of School Clerk Thomas, has been appointed a clerk In the office of City Auditor Barbur. at the City HalL Grocxo IIoo) Dat. H saw his shadow; six weeks bad weather; buy coal while the going la good. Port land at Surburban Expreas . Company. W. R Stearns, manager. Phonea: Mala isi. a ms. RrwARO. I will gtva $30 for th re turn of a large gold pansy pin. single pearl setting; lost by my daughter going from Mount Tabor at Cambridge street. Address Dan J. Moor. Sea side. Or. a Wn Kitt.vd an Invitation to tha general public to visit and Inspect our plant at any time. Washington Cream Company. 14 Fourth street. Irs Machine roa Sauk. A Ova-ton Oakland with high-pressure ltd; la good condition; bargain. Harris Ice Machine Works. Portland. School. Books bought, sold and ex changed. :il :d St.. near Salmon. 141 tth st.. opposite Postoffice. rtrAt. WAm-E. the light, crisp kind run only be hnd at Morris. 1 4th. near Wells-Fargo bldg. Expert stenographers; day or evening. Ill SweUaod bids- Mala or A 1444. Astoria's Needs Mentioned. B. F. Eton, manager of large fishing Inter esta on the lower Columbia and Ore gon Coast streams, who was elected president of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce Monday, was in Portland yesterday. Ha aaid: "I fully realise that Astoria has not developed aa sh should, as her possibilities are equal to many cities of the Coast that are many times larger, and that she haa not de veloped rests largely with IU residents. As near aa I can explain It, th Astoria Chamber of Commerce has been trying to pull stars out of tha sky. while a little work nearer home would have in creased Its material welfare and mad the city one of much Importance. It ta foolish to talk about taking business away from other cities. What Astoria needs la to make new business for it self." Dec-res axd S10.000 Given Wirsv Octavla Aunplund waa yesterday al lowed by Judge McGinn a decree of divorce from Dr. A. A. Ausplund and the equivalent of $10,000 la cash and property. Judge McGinn gleaned that th settlement of property rights was the real point In dispute and mad a proposal which both sides were willing to accept. No testimony waa offered by the defendant, but hla attorneys de clare that he was prepared to offer evidence In refutation of th charges gainst hla character. Ikprovexext Boxps Popular- That Portland Improvement bonds are be coming popular among buyers la shown by the fact thst ten-year city Improve rrent bonds are selling for six times th premium paid two years ago. and mor than twice the premium of a year ago, according to figures prepared by City Avditor Barbur. The average premium In January, 110. waa one-half of 1 per cent; January. lll. 1 per cent, and last week $400,000 In bonds were sold at a premium of I la, per cent- GtAXT Reservoirr Uroed. Mammoth retaining reservoirs capable of holding S0e.000.000 to l.OOO.OOO.OuO gallons of water, to be built In the Bull Run Forest Reserve, ar advocated by Engineer Clarke, of the Water De partment, la hla annual report- He esti mates these reservoirs will supply th city with wster until tna population reaches (75.000. Thhek-Cext Corse Wanted. City Auditor Barbur received yesterday from the clerk of Cleveland. O.. a cir cular letter asking the Portland City Council to take action favoring the coinage of S-cent pieces. The com munication sets forth that Cleveland officials are favoring the coinage, aa that city has a I-cent far for street car service. Newspaper Max's Sister Burnbd to Death, Frank L. Perkins, a Portland newspaper man, received word yes terday from L'klah, CaL. of the death of his sister, Mrs. Pearl McEwan. by burning. No details of the acoldent were contained In the dispatch. Mr. Perklna la a native of Vklah and his parents now make their home there. Two Freed Undes Pacper Oath. Frank MacSweyn. of Pendleton, and Tom Johnson, allaa "Rassle Dassle" Johnson, of Lakevlew, yesterday com pleted their Jail sentence served for selling liquor to Indians. After taking the paupers oath, to be absolved from their fines, they wer released. Micrioajiders to Form. Former residents of Michigan will hold a preliminary meeting at the Commercial Club next Friday night for th purpos of organising a Michigan aoclety. Com munications may be addressed to Mrs. Harriet Hendee. 544 Lexington avenue. Portland Trust Wins $10,000 Jodo- next. The Portland Trust Company waa given Judgment yesterday In tha Circuit Court for $10,000 against th Campbell Timber Company. Th case waa heard by Judge McGinn. Th bank sued on two notes of $5000 each. Allsoed OrrcM-Siax-ooLXR Held. Before United States Commissioner Cannon, yesterday. Chlng How waa given a hearing on a charge of having opium In his possession. Sufficient evidence was produced to bind him over to await th action of th grand Jury. Partt Is roa Totjxokr Set. A party for th benefit of the younger members of th Porltand Helgbta Club Is to be held this evening at th Portland Heights Clubhouse. Only members and their accompanying friends ar x ptcted to be there. Jacob Usoer Invite his friends to his opening at 111 Sixth st, near Wash., and wlshea to see them all. Coottrt Slabwood. Wiley Bros, 411 Lewis bldg. Day Block Wood. M. 1Z15, A 1225. Ekatimo today all day. Oaka Rink. BIG ORCHESTRA COMiNG PRESIDEVr HILLi TO LET PORT LAXD HEAR MCSICTAXS. St. Fanl'g- Famous Symphony Organ ization to Re Brought Hero Guest of Great t Northern. Now that he has successfully brought th Northwest Into eminent prominence by sending a tralnload of Western Gov ernors Into th Fast, Louis W. Hill, president of th Great Northern Rail way, la preparing further to bind th relations of th Northwestern states by ties of muslo. Early In April he will send th St. Paul Symphony Orchestra to Portland for the mere purpose of proving to people In this city that his home city haa musical talent of which be can be Justly proud. A special Great North ern train will be placed at tha serv ice of the organisation and special at tention will be given the party by Great Northern officials and employes. Hoke Smith, whose business It Is to spread th fam of th Great North ern throughout th land, waa In Port land yeaterday to give preliminary in formation on th orchestra's move ments. "This trip." said Hoke, "la largely a "reciprocity tour, being an outgrowth of th visit of th Governors of eight states to St. Paul during th North western land show following their tri umphal invasion of th East, Mr. Hill recently waa elected president of th orchestra association and conceived th Idea of sending th organisation, con sisting of 45 members, to Portland and about 10 other cities in tha Northwest after he had conferred with the various Governors and after they had urged him to have th orchestra make a friendly return visit.' " Marcus Kellerman. th famous bari tone with the organisation, was dis covered aa a poor boy In Cincinnati by W. H Taft before h became Presi dent. Mr. Taft sent him to Berlin, w h ere his vole was cultured. Mr. Hill hopes to be in Portland en th evening that th orchestra appears her. PLANT SIBSON'S ROSES Thousands of rose lovers realise pleasure, pride and profit from roses procured from th Slbson Roa Nur series. Pleasure In th beauty of their flowers; pride because of their super iority, and profit In the prises and trophies they win. Now Is a good time to plant Slbson's roses for next Summer's bloom. Cata logue mailed free on request. If desired our representative will call for con- I sulfation or orders. ( THE S1BSON ROSE NURSERIES, I 1110 Miiwaukl Ar. Portland. Or. J 'IS. LEITER DEAD Wife of Prominent Lumberman Called in 54th Year. FUNERAL SET FOR TODAY Death) Follow) Operation Which Re veals Incurable Cancer Hus band, Daughter, Two Sons, Three) Sisters Sor-riTe. Mrs. Clara May Loiter, wife of J. M. Letter, a prominent lumberman, died at St. Vincent's Hospital, at 2:65 P. M. yeate-rday. following an operation for cancr of ttve liver. Mrs. Letter had been ill only a short time, although she had been undergoing treatment for rheumatism for six months and had spent several weeks at Mount Clemens, a Michigan health resort, last beptem I ber. Recently symptoms of liver trou- ble developed. Sunday she became . worse and after a consultation of physicians an operation waa resorted to Thursday, which reveavled cancer of the liver In an incurable form. Mrs. Letter was born In Pittsburg In 1S58, removing with her parents when a young girl to Indianapolis. She came to Portland In 1492 and married J. M. Letter. February 27. 14. Sh waa a member of the First Baptist Church and highly esteemed by a wide circle ! of friends. She Is survived by her hus band, J. it Letter; a daughter. Louise; two sons. Ft, A. Letter and O. C Letter; three sisters. Mrs. W. H. Haslet, of Pittsburg. Miss Agnea Qulgg. of Chl capo. and Miss K. Alice Uulgg. of Portland. Mrs. Graham Dukehart. of Portland, Is a niece and Dr. Frank B. Kestner. of Portland, Is a nephew. Th funeral will be held this after noon at 1:30 o'clock from th family residence, at 719 Gllsan street, and In terment will be in Rlvervlew Ceme tery. Rev. W. B. Hlnson will conduct the service. SCHOOL RULE OPPOSED HEALTH LEAGUE HOLDS CON TACT ON' MEASURE DANGEROUS. Forblddance of Handclasps,ln Exer cises of Classes Declared to Miss Real Intent. Declaring that tha effect of th re cent order prohibiting children from taking on anothers' bands In tha gymnastic exerclsea for the prevenJ tlon of contagion is unwise in that it promotes fear, which the petitioners point out Is th worst form of con tagion, a resolution passed by ' th Health Defense League, of Portland, waa read at yesterday's meeting of th School Board asking that the rule be abolished. It waa referred to th teachers' committee. At a meeting of th Board several weeks ago a delegation requested that children b forbidden to touch each other in th gymnastlo exercises. It waa pointed out at the time that In some of the schools where Orientals and other foreigners are enrolled that there was danger of eontaglon In this practice. After discussion the Board adopted th rule. Inasmuch as it was consid ered that the exercises In question could easily be modified. Th text of the resolution is aa follows: Resolved, that this ercanlsation protests asalost tha recently promulgated orrler of the School Board ot Portland proniDitinc children from taking one anothefe handa In tha symnaatle saraea In school the ground for tha rule being that tha child la In dan ger ot eontaslon through aucb eontaot. The reaeone for thla protest are as fol lows: First If tha danger were real It would be neceessry aire to prevent the child from touch ln one another In tbalr games en the achool grounda or whan coins and raniH, from achool. or whenever achoolehll- tfran are convrvgated. It tha dagger ware real It would be neceeaary to prohltTt tbalr hand ling the same booka. balls, marbles and other ante lea. Second The rule ltaelf la danger ous to tha child. It promotes on or the worst forms of contagion, the contagion of fear. The Impression ot fear sinking Into the susceptible minds of the children pro duces morbid eondltlona. and these In time mar develop Into actual dlseaae. So much modern pejrcholosr haa established. Therefor w raspeotfully urge upon tha Board that tha rula be reeolndad and direct th eacretary to transmit a copy of this res olution to tha School Board. DIVORCEES ARE CHECKED radge Morrow to Slake Decree For bid Remarriage In Half-Year. In view of th recent decision of tha Supreme Court to tha -effect that when a divorce is obtained by default the litigant need not wait six months to remarry. Judge Morrow, presiding while Judge Kavanaugh Is bearing tha Wild case, haa announced that every decree he allows will contain a speclflo con dition that there must be no remarriage of either person within six months. Nearly all th divorces ar default de crees. T. M. 9tiver. whose wife obtained a default divorce before Judge Gatens a few weeks ago, applied yesterday for a license to marry Myrtle C Woodford, whose address be gave as tha same aa hla own, 220 Vs East First street. He Insisted on bis rights under th Su preme Court decision and County Clerk Fields had no option but to Issue th license. - Judge Morrow yesterday allowed five decrees as follow: Mabel from John Zlrman. cruel and Inhuman treatment B. C from Helen Nelson, unfaithfulness: Bailie from, Louis Coppersmith, too much attention to another woman; Elsie from Frank Kavanagh. cruelty; Anna from James Chrlitensen, desertion. NEWPORT DOCTOR BLAMED Dr. White Says County Health Offi cer Carter Is Oareles. On aocount ef charges of Incompe tency against the Lincoln County health officer. Dr. F. M. Carter, of New. port, an effort to oust him and to ob tain a suitable successor will be mad by Dr. Calvin 6. White, State Health Officer, and a number of prominent clt ixens of Lincoln County. Smallpox cases in Lincoln County bav broken out again at Bayvlew and Taqutna. Some time ago Dr. Whit visited Newport and reprimanded Dr. Carter for carelessness In handling tha work ef his office in regard to small pox. Now complaints have reached him from a committee composed of County Judge Gardner, Deputy Sheriff Ross and Dr. R. D. Burgess, who visited Yaquina recently and discovered that Dr. Carter Money to Loan on Real Estate TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY 4th and Oak, Portland had allowed a family with smallpox to remain unquarantlned. "At present I am endeavoring to en gage Dr. Burgess as county health offi cer, to take charge when Dr. Carter haa been retired," said Dr. White. "Of the other three physicians In the county. Dr. Burgess seems the most likely for th place, as he has worked hard to see that the region around Toledo Is kept free from the epidemic" CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our grateful thanks and appreciation of all the assistance given and kindness shown during our recent bereavement at the loss of our mother; for the many flow ers sent, and all the other favors, never to be forgotten. we give loving thanks to all who assisted In any way. PERCY W. JONES. MYRTLE R. JONES. Coal, dry wood. Edlefsen Fuel Co. Y.M.C.A.K SCHOOLS New Terra J tut startlaa. Registration Opea Now. Corner Sixth and Taylor Streets Class Advertising. . Algebra. Assaying Apple Culture. . .............. Architect. Draft. Arithmetic Automobile. . ................. Bookkeeping. . Boys' School. Business Eng. and Cor Business Law Carpentry and Woodturnlng.. . Chemistry. . Electricity English for Foreign Men English Grammar Freehand Drawing. French Forestry and Lumbering Geometry. . German. Latin Mechanical Drafting. Penmanship. Pharmacy Physics Plan Reading and Estimating Plumbing. Shop Practice. Public Speaking. . Rhetoric Salesmanship and Advertising- bpanlsh Sheet Metal Drafting Shorthand. Surveying and Mapping........ Show Card WrlUng Trigonometry. . Typewriting. . ................. Vocal Music . CALL OR SEND FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Similar Schools Seattle. Taeonaa, Spokane. Brass Work Kept Bright Door Knobs and Locks Bras Signs Brass Railings Cuspidors Faucets Show Cases Harness Trim mings Copper Kettles Band Instruments All can be kept bright and shiny by occasionally uiing a little illiantshine the wonderful liquid metal e 1 1 a k Look for name and portrait of E. W. Ben nett on each can. X. W. Bennett 6 Co. MaJurfactorcrs San franclsco At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for "HORLICK'S" Tha Original and Genulns MALTED MILK The Food-drink (or All Ages. At restaurants, hotels, and fountains, Delicious, invigorating an ct sustaining. Keep it on your tklcboard at home. Don't travel without iu A quick hmcn prepared b a minute. Tale no imitation. Jrut My "EORUCTS. Not in Any fifflfc Trust European Resorts. BWlTXEltLAJCD HOW TO m SWITZERLAND SECURE OCS TRAVEL LETTER Ne.'lSS with handsomely Illustrated literature and tha Hotel Gulda. It will pay you. Die reee. SWISS FDRAL BATLBOAD 141 Fifth Avenue New York City GERMAr. Booklets of Esplanade Hotels, Berlin and Hamburg;. Free from Town and Country. 389 Fifth Ave New. York City. Br White Temple Pulpit W alter Beawell Illason, Minister. TWELFTH AXD TAYLOR STREETS. ANXOl'NCEMEXTS FOR THE WEEK. SUNDAY SCHOOL :45 A- M. Every body cordially Invited. MORMXG ! Kit VICE at 11. subject. "CAN GOD PROVE HIS IXNO- CESCEP Celebration of the Lords Supper after the sermon. B. Y. P. V. Lower Temple at 6:15 P. M. Special music at this service. EVEMMi SEUV1CK at 7:30, subjecCA MAN MADE OVER. Baptism at the allermeenng. PRAYER MEETING Thursday at 8 P. M.. topic, "THE PARABLE OF THIS UVUU SaflAKITVl. Strangers Are Especially Invited to All of These Services. TEttARY METHODIST Ihe Down Torm Church Of The East Side" east irami amd rac alma- IT TYf-nhls ITJl. aw 5UMDA SERVICES Evening, 7:30. Bishop E. H. Hughes "Foremost Platform Orator in the Methodist Church, and One of the Best in the United States." Current Topic Themei, " WHAT I THINK OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY CAMERON NOW." By Dr. D. H. Trimble. Caoma Choir. Brotherhood Orcheatra Morning, 11 o'clock, PRESIDENT FLETCHER HOMAJT, f Willamette University. NO COLLECTIONS TAKEN. BEST DENTAL WORK see that sorr lipi - PLATES WITH FT.EXIBLK SUCTION. The Very Best and Latest In Madera Den tistry. No More Falling Plates. Our bridge work haa bean brought t o tha highest state of per fection. The teeth on this 'bridge are In terchangeable at will with out removing from the mouth. The Beat Red Rubber Plates, each 17.50- tt-Karat Gold or Porcelain Crown.... COO Gold or Enamel Fillings, each 1.00 Silver Fillings, each .50 Wise Dental Co. Office Honrs S A. M. to g P. M. Bandars, to 1. Phonea, Mala 2020, A S020. Failing Bldg., Sd and Washington. PAINLK8S EXTRACTING. Dr. Wise's Personal Service if Requested. Spring Time Is Planting Time Let us show you a choice fire -acre tract, all under cultivation, on electric line near Port land. J. E. WEBB IOO14 Fourth St. . WM. KLUMPP CO. ENGRAVERS STATIONERS PRINTERS Not injured by fire in our building. Telephone in order. Will take your order by phone or mail, or will send representative with samples on request. Phone Main 9252, 326V2 Washington Street, Merchants Trust Bldg. Foster & Kleiser . au.a..(.raile Commercial asd feUevwte SIGNS .Cast Ceveata and Eaat Everett Sluala. Paoaca Kass 1111. B 2224. Portland Academy NEXT WILL OPEN" TUESDAY, FEB. 6. Fit, hova and crlrla for Eastern-and Western coUrpa. Well-equipped laboratories. Well- appruiea gymnasium. iracK ana iieia Bin letlsp. A primary and grammar school fits boys amd girls for the Academy. All de partment! under experienced teachers. AMU ' Ben4 lof CaOocua,. i - ' Jo " . :S tor ZEil i Phone Welcome, Ladies Grand Opening Today Saturday The FashionTailor s M. Rosen, Designer Formerly at Masonic Temple Building Now at 415 Stark Street, Corner Eleventh Opposite Bowers Hotel Satisfied Customers Have Made My Business Grow Which Made Larger Quarters Necessary. Your Opportunity For My Opening Week I Will Give a $10 Reduction af . On Any Suit in the House Remember, All My Stock Is New and Consists of the Latest Spring Patterns NOTICE I Draft an Individual Pattern for Each Customer and Guarantee Quality, Style and Workmanship The Fashion Tailors 415 Stark Street, Corner 11th Your Attention! Several used pianos in very good condition are now ready for inspec .. tion. Among them are many Etandard makes. We have one each of the following: Jesse Trench Starck J. & C. Fisher Mason & Hamlin Eachmann Steinbach & Dreher Beatty & Co. Kimball The prices on these pianos are $95, $115, $135, $150, $165, $178, $187, $218 and np. We will accept any one of them back any time within 3 years and allow the full amount on any new piano we carry. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Eeasonable Terms hs -TWruRecd'InsncK SiKi tffl THE MONEY-SAVING PIANO STORE Four Blocks North of Washington at Sixth and Burnside Portland Gas & Coke Co. Fifth and Yamhill Sts. WE NOW HAVE SOME OF THE BEST LAND IN OREGON TO OFFER HOMESEEKERS Location and soil ideal for BEERY, POULTRY, FRUIT and DAIRY farms. Several openings 'or small industries, such as PLANING MILLS, SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES, FRUIT CAN NERIES, CREAMERIES, VINEGAR WORKS. Our land reached by fast electric trains. Frequent service. FOR INFORMATION ADDRESS RUTH TRUST COMPANY 235 Stark Street PORTLAND, OREGON Main 5076 A 3774 ,JL? KEYSTONE stain or A Mil J. E SAKTEHStNfc j Anythlnt; In Printing; DRCCO s-rant and Stark . CO O Marshall 121 0 Schubert Hardman Behr Bros. Willard Steinway Schomacker Schiller Kingsbury IV The Humphrey Gas Arc The SUCCESSFUL COMMERCIAL , LIGHTING UNIT Arcs in Use January 1, 1911 5225 ArcsinUseFebruaryl,1912 8568 Installed February 1, 1912 33 Grand total in use . . . 8601 COAL East 629 B 614S LIBERTY COAL & ICE COMPANY