this morning oregoma, sattjkday, February 3. iai2. Store Open Tonight Until 9:30 Manicuring, Hairdressing, Beauty Parlors, Balcony New BIdg. Coffman's 40c Turkish Caramels, lb. 20c Trv Our Solendid Saturday Night $1 Table d'Hote-Dinner 'in 7th Floor Restaurant, 5:30 to 8 P. M. Orchestra Music Direct mevaiors f -T MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S THE MEIER & FRANK STORE, ESTABLISHED 1857. Another Day of $14.?5 Suit Sale$359 $3 0 Grades ! ig Purchase of A3 Third Floor New Building Mail Orders Promptly Filled I aura "StlS1 TOM? fell mm : . fjivyrT S A a A A ' Save on Boys -karls Apparel in Preparation 2d Term of School OW many things the children must have before they're in readiness for second term of school, which begins Monday! "Warm Winter apparel for every boy and girl in Portland at The Big Store. Supply the needs today at these splendid savings : Two Lots of Boys' Clothing rtTR final Cleanup of famous "Sampeck" tffv. V known makes ot Boys' Suits, Juvenile Su coats and Reefers: and other well- Suits, School Over- oys' $5.00 to $7.50 Cj'l 7Q nits and Overcoats P B Suits and Overcoats Double-breasted and Norfolk Suits, many with extra pair of Knickers. Full-length School Over coats with convertible collars. Sailor and Javen Je Snits. Jaunty little Reefers. Boys' $8.50 to $12.00 A Q Suits and Overcoats V1 ITigh-grade Suits, mostly of the famous "Sam peck", make. Boys and Youths' swagger, full length Overcoats with convertible collars; sizes 7 to 17 years. School Supplies f1R.1T FLOOR SEW Brii.Dia 6c Ink Tablet, only St 10c Ink Tablets only 7C 5c Com?. Books at 4t 10c Comp. Books at 8 Sc Note Books only 3t 10c Note Books at 7t 6c Scratch Pads at 30 10c Legal C. Fads, H 10c Drawing Padj at 8 10c H. School Pads, St Small Scratch Pads, per dozen, 10 Pencils. 3t. ' 2. 1 6c Pencil Boxes at 4 10c Pencil Boxes at St Slates. 7xll-ln, at lit 6c Pencil Sharpeners, '2t 6c Compasses at only 2 5c Erasers, special at 3d 10c Erasers at only 7t 5c Penholders, each, at 3t 10c Penholders at St Blackboard Erasers at only 3t Specials in BookDepartment BASEMEXT AXXEX-WEW BlILDIXG 90c Webster's New Century Dictionary priced at 50t 25c Pocket Dictionary priced 9; Atlases priced at Zt Handy Volume Webster's Modern Dictionary, at 20t 50c Scl Globes, 23: Up-tc-Data Letter Writer, 1Zt Specials Briefly Stated Boys' and Girls' $1.50 Sweaters selling at S9 Boys' and Girls' Windsor Ties priced only 23 ? 35c and 40c "Hairbo" Ribbons, the yard, 19 Boys' I2V2C Cambric Handkerchiefs, each, 5c 35c Toques for boys and frirls, special at 15d Children's Jersey Bibbed Underwear only 19 Childs' Black Fleeced Tiffhta, special at S7 Children's Dent Gloves, full line, only S1.50 Collapsible Drinkingr Cups from 35 up to SI AH Children's Hats, $1.60 to $5, at HALF PRICE Girls' $2.50 and $3 Wash Dresses, $1.79 fECOw floor ' Mm buildixo START the daugh ter in the new school term with one of these splendid Wash Dresses. So neat and practical in good quality ging hams, percales, lawns, linens, etc. Plain blues, tans, pink, white and pretty checks, Elaids and stripes. Iligh and utch neck styles. Ages 6 to 14 years, $2.50 and $3 Wash Dresses, on f f sale today rfo I M at only, ea. r m 9 Girls' White Dresses, Half Both tailored and Lingerie Dresses included in this group at half price. Of fine, dainty lawns, linens, ba tistes and piques. High and Dutch neck styles. Trimmed in laces, insertions, tiny tucks; also hsnd j.nnro embroidered. Sizes 8 to 14. Reg. $5 to $20, 'Highland' Bloomer Dresses So neat, practical and comfortable for the girl of 2 to 8 years. Of ginghams, percales and chambrays. Plain colors, checks and plaids, with skirt, tfjl QC waist, and bloomers in one. On sale, $1.18 to V PHILADELPHIA Less Than Cost to Make Although J Ave can look back to more than half a century of V iMen's Clothing Business, never have we experienced V isuch unprecedented selling as yesterday 1 1,1 tt 1 twnrtfipr. when vou see.uie auauiv 01 Clothing in y this tremendous sale. When the doors coats-at 6 o'clock last night hundreds of them had found new Vr4ov tt-q nM ttia ctn-rtr nt thia rmrphasfl on that k. will be remembered for years to come ! Our Clothing Chief was in the East. when A. B. Kirschbaum & Co., Fhiladelphia, ended their wholesale season. On account of late delivery of woolens, they had a large number of Suits unsold. Their acceptance of his offer meant an actual loss of over $2500 on the Suits we bought. Those who come today will have over 1000 Suits and 175 ( " Overcoats to choose from. - This includes, besides the Kirsch baum purchase, every Fancy y Winter Suit and Overcoat in our entire stock. Think what this means 1 Suits are of $35, $30, $38, itrvA ihnn RfiO nf tfcn remaininff 0 LUUU " o , - - $25 and $22 grades the balance, arouna zw, wortn iv. Every size for men of all builds for the slim man, the extra tall man, the extra stout and short. Every Suit is made under the famous Kirschbaum an-wooi poncy, :,: and each Coat bear., the well-known Kirschbaum Cherry Tree label, Ji as illustrated. -Hundreds of season's newest patterns m grays, pencil stripe blues, browns, tans invisible plaids, self-stripes, unobtrusive checks. Our Own Stock of Overcoats which formerly sold at $35, $30 and $25 are included Raglan Overcoats, Belted-Back Greatcoats, Young Men s Overcoats, Ardoc Raincoats, Chesterfield overcoats ' &? lf I'Xii 7 . ."" """ """ . ' T ." ' . J" -J mg K J ' ' . ' - - v ' . mf I . F J ' 1 "War f af 'Xv v v.'.v : - '" v-- "XvXvX-:' my Cleanup Of $ 1.50 tO $3.00 Our Buyers' Car High-Grade Shirts, $1.05 j Leaves Tonight! a . cales, Russian cords, vrith plain or plaited stiff or semi- i Art t J . still rronis. All coat style, with separate or attached nffs TTnnrlrpfls of smart Datterns. : Stand ard $1.50, $2, $2.50 and even $3 grades, today $1.05 To 50c Venise Neckwear, 1 9c FIRST FLOOR MAIX BTILDIXO ORDER BT MAIU SPACE only permitted our illustration of nnp .stt-l ripsips thp smart little Venise 1 -5 vrj ftocK Collars wim laos aitacneu, mere ar l UlA? lars, plain Stock ' Collars and Separate jfL assortment of daintiest patterns. A pur J aought-for Venise Neckwear that you' 4. Stock dollars with tabs attached, there are Round Col- Lie laosi wiuo purchase of thh you'd f pay 25c to 50c for regularly. Choice to- day, while the lot lasts, at the low price 25c SEALED PACKAGE HANDKERCHIEFS, 15c Three women's dainty lin en lawn Handkerchiefs in a sanitary, sealed package. Pretty embroidered corners. Just 1000 regular 25e packages for today at only 15 SHORT LENGTHS 15c TO 25c RIBBONS, 7c Usable remnants of to iy2 yards, 5 and 6 inches wide. Plain and heavy all silk Ribbons, of regular T 15c to 25c frades. Yard, Child's 25c School Hose, 19c riHlT FLOOR MAIX Bl'lLDIXG ORDER BT MAIL. TIRADE to endure the wear test fine ribbed Seamless Cotton 1V1 Tlose in blacks and tans; also extra weight fine ribbed Hose with linen Heels ana toes, vur Dest zoc gTades, priced for today's selling at only, the pair 1.9c Boys' and Girls' 20c Hose Medium weight ribbed cotton in black 1 sfor only. At. the pr. ' Children's Cashmere Hose Msde medium weight in black. . All hare seamless feet. Finely ribbed. 01r Special at only, pr. A Infants S5c Hose Of soft finished cashmere. Black, whte and colors. In medium weight. To-07 day, special, a pair " ' Women's 50c Hose All ribbed cashmere of medium weight. Made with seam less feet. 3 pairs, OC. 51; pair at only Women's S5c Hose Of fine black cotton. Split feet and full - fashioned. Light and medium O O wejht Pair at only Women's Ontsize Hose Of fine black, medium weight cotton. Extra wide rarter tops. Special, O "I pair only Best Eastern Hams, Today 14V2C THOSE delicious sugar-cured, hickory-smoked ' i Eastern Hams, with that exquisite flavor which J savors of home-curing. Special Saturday at, pound Saturday Delicatessen Specials Goose Liver Sausage, 43 Pork Sausafe, the lb, 18 Pork and Beans, lb. at 12 Atmore's Mince Meat, 16 Queen Olives, quart st Jdf Dill Pickles, doten, 13 Sauerkraut, the qnart, 8 Block Swiss Cheese, 23 1 Cream Brick Cheese, 23 Martin Xi. J. Cneese, S? E km ark Herrinf, can, 2S Delicatessen Heninj, IS Tillamook Cheese, lb, 19 Marineted Herring.6 25 Holland Rusks, pkg.. 10, New Silh Knit Ties Spring Patterns, at 50c A new shipment of Spring patterns, just off the express. Silk knitted and crochet, in cross-stripes, diagonal stripes, e., of all colors. We special them at onlyOvIC Men's S2.00 Perrin's Gloves, Today for $1.29 Perrin's it's almost needless to say more I They're $2 grades, of cape and mocha in tans and grays of all shades, liignt, me dium and heavy weights, the pair $1.29 Men s S1.50 and $2.00 Underwear, Today 92c Every style, weight and make in the lot! Cooper, "Wrisht. Norfolk &.New Bruns wick and others. Shirts and Drawflrs in narnral t gray, tan, blue, etc., at Women'sFinest $1.50 to $2.25 Gloves, 98c FIRST FLOOR MAIN HIILDIXG YOU'LL recognize them as the finest, real French Kid Gloves, which al alwavs sell regularly for $1.50, $1.75, $2 and $2.25 a pair! Broken lines of famous Perrin's and Trefousse Gloves in two and three-clasp styles, all Nearly every good color is in the lot. Gloves which will wear and give you the same satisfaction as if full price were paid. Posi tive $1.50 to $2.25 grades, but priced for today's selling at perfect. They are 98c $8 Cowhide Suitcases, $5,50 GOOD, sturdy Cowhide Suitcases, that will give 4TH FLOOR MAIIV BCTLDIAG ORDER BY MAIL. vpnrst nf service ! They're our best $8 grade, 24 inches long, 13 inches wide and 6 inches deep, linen lined, with shirt fold. Strongly made and finished with brass lock and bolts. A phe nomenal sre c just for Saturday at . the low price $9.50 Suitcases, $7.40 Our best $9 genuine Cowhide Suit cases, 24sl3x6 inches, with metal capped, leather corners, leather straps all around. Linen lined, with shirtfold; brass locks flj and bolts. Today at only P v ck and bolts. A pne- i $5.60 ri(e $4 Oxford Bags, $2.85 Oxford Bags, so convenient for the short trip. They are excellently made of leather, with cloth lining and pocket. Our regular $4 Bags. For this Saturdav sale we specal them at only $2.85 we've chartered since the first of the year leaves tonight for the East with department managers on their Spring and Summer buying trips! 1 When this first special car was engaged three weeks ago, it marked an achievement in Western mer cantile hstory. And now we go even further the extensiveness of our plans for the coming season de mand that a force of buying ex perts, as large as that which went at first, shall invade the Eastern markets. And all that yon may have larger stocks to select from, more advantageous prices if ' such be possible than those heretofore, which have made the name of Meier & Frank a household word in the Northwest for over half a century. 'The Country Boy' From , the realistic play by Edgar Selwyn, produced here recently. It's an all-absorbing story that tells in a new way the city experiences of a country boy. Head it now. JJ1 "I O In Basement Book Store X A O "The Testing Fire" Alexander Cor- key, $1.25. "The Garden of Resurrection Thurston, $1.30. "The Legacy" A story of a wo man, Watts, $1.18. "The Experiences of a Ladies' Maid" Mirbeau, $1.00. "The Winning of Barbara Worth" Wright, $1.30. "From the Valley of the Missing" White. $1.18. "Mary Midthorne" George Barr McCutcheon, $1.25. $6 Toric Eye GIasses,$3.98 FIRST FLOOR JfBTW BUILDING ORDER BT MAIL. 4ipOMC" lenses, with their deep rnirve. increase the field of vi sion four-fold and do away with re- I fleeted lights, is ote tne illustration. Saturdav w offer these famous lenses. specially ground and fitted by our expert graduate optician in regu- f! f Q lar $6 Wells' gold-filled rtiTyO mountings. Special only $4 Eyeglasses, or Spectacles, gold- First Quality Lenses fitted in your filled, with first qual- tfr) AQ own frames. Special for (t" ff ity lenses, special at 3.'fO Saturday at low price of DlmUKJ $1.50 and $1.75 Gold-Filled Eyeglass Chains, Optical Dept. 796 mtroiaM ffwyv Telephone your Grocery Orders any time Alter v a. m. TLfHon&-fAuuriu, rMVAu. w , , -r Talking Machine Offer, $69 Fl s FIFTH FLOOR NEW BCILDI.VQ. ORDER BY MAIL. OLD so many of these beautiful Hornless Talkinsr Machines and Cabinets that wc thought we'd have to discontinue the offer a factory shipment saved the day! At any rate, we will continue it onlya few days more investigate today. A bona fide offer, such as never before has been of fered in Portland you can prove it by comparison! Well Bend tne outtit Home on a 10 payment uaiai;e iu uiui. New Hornless Talking Machine, as illus trated, in mahogany or quartered oak, with triple-strength motor and improved sound chamber, which gives volume of tone equal to higher-priced machines. Handsome Mahogany or Quartered Oak Rernrd Cabinet to match machine. Fourteen Latest Selections, including Caruso in "Rigoletto" and Mary Garden in "Thais." New Popular "Hits" Records You Want! Outfit 'iff No. 16979 (a) Oh, You Beautiful - Doll, (b) Honey Man. No. 16908 (a) Alexander's Ragtime Band, (b) Oceana Roll. No. 17025 (a)Ragtime Violin, sung by Ray Samuels at Orpneum; (b) If You Talk in Your Sleep, Don't Mention Mv ame. No. 17021 (a) That Flying Rag, (b) Ramshackle Raz. No. 17027 (a) Another Rag, (b) Smile Awhile. 60c BOX NEEDLES, 23c. We've made an immense purchase of the best Talking Machine Needles, direct from the factory.. Medium or soft tone. Sold ordinarily at bUc. JbxtraO r jr i