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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1912)
TUT. MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1912. 1G STORM IRKS SEEI1 Officers of Beaver Describe Gale Encountered Last Trip. BIG WAVES COMB STEAMER Koretrd Stateroom Windows Stow in and Pilot House Slightly Dmi- ased by Huge Roller F nngrrs Shan Pood. Admission I mad by officer of the steamer Beaver, flagship of the, Biir Three" fleet, that the norm en countered on her laat trtp to Kan Fran cisco was the only "real aoutheaster he has run Into on-the 40 vo ages he has completed out of Portland. Tha Ctm( sustained, tha officers say. was not great and they add that stories told t- passengers were magnified, probably as a result of sea sickness. Yet tha bi coaster bears evidence of having; received rough treatment at tha hand of Neptune. Tha scuttle over tha forward companlonway, sometimes trrmrj tha "booby hatch." went over tha iklt and in Its placa has been built a covering so heavy that It mlicht withstand tha aniter of an elephant. Tba same roller, which. It la declared, was tha only one shipped, shattered windows In the two forward staterooms, also broke a few lights In the pilothouse and almost wrecked tha weather boards on the brWsje. A sec tion of the small awnlna- shauins; the pilothouse windows also auffered. That water found Its way Into soma of the staterooms Is accounted for by the officer through the fact tha door 11 are low. and of course In the two forward the rush of water that broke the windows poured In. More entered ih pilothouse and It waa as Captain Nelson opened the door leading from Ms stateroom to the pilot house that he was drenched by the comber. The Besver was beadlnar Into the south raster at half speed when the roller boarded her. tier b'.sr list of passengers waa sltmly represented In the saloon at mealtimes and It la said that only about half a dozen responded regularly. On the northbound trip weather conditions were of the best and though she was not heavily laden with cargo, the steamer brought an average number of passengers. LAYS HARBOR AFTER LIVE American-Hawaiian May Establish Packet Service to Sooth. HOQflAM. Wash.. Feb. 2. (Special.) Hoqulam and Aberdeen are to have a packet steamer service between this port and Kan Francisco within a few weeks. It appears, a a result of th visit Thursday of II. W. Roberts, of Seattle, general freight agent of the American-Hawaiian Steamship Com pany. The service. If established, will He a sailing about every 13 day, mak ing connection at San Francisco with t'te Panama ateamers of th company. Announcement that the report by Roberta would be favorable to the es tablishment of the service waa not trade until he had carefully gon Into the Gray' Harbor situation and made a thorough lnq y Into the amount f freight and passenger business south-bound and north-bound that can be expected from tbls port. The data were placed before htm at a meeting with Gray Harbor shippers at th Washington Hotel. Aberdeen, tonight. Mr. Hubert waa a guest at the week ly luncheon of the Hoqulam Commer cial Club today and told the 70 mem bers present he had been cent to th harbor to Investigate th probable re turn from a packet ateamer service from Gray's Harbor. He said he could only recommend to the company, but It is considered certain that hi recom mendations wtll b carried out. He aid frankly that he would recommend the service. HOT II STEAMERS AT FAULT Higher Court Take View Opposite of Federal Inspectors. In holding that the steamer Lurline, of the Kamm fleet, and the steamer Cascades, then owned by the North Pa cine Lumber Company, were both at fault In a collision at I:4S A. M. No vember 22. 1S06. above Rainier, the United States Court of Appeal ha giv en Portland mariner food for thought, because at tha time of the Investiga tion testimony was given that tba Cas cades was backing when the vessel came together. The license of Captain olney, then on the Lurllne, waa sus pended for 30 days. The case went to in- Court of Appeal on a civil action to collect damages and has been decided as follows: A collision on the Columbia Rtver at MeM In a toy between the steamer Cascades, passing down from Portland, and tha steamer Lurllne. passing up. held due to t ie fault of both vessels; toe Cascades be lt's In fault tor being out ef her course and 1 the wr"nc side of the riser. In violation ef article :." of ths Inland narlsattoa rule .' June 7. 11T. e . 50 flat. lot. U. 8. t'emp. rt. 19ol. p. 2ha3, requiring atsam vessels in narrow channels to keep to that etde of the fairway wbleh lies on their starboard side, whereas she waa heading arroea the river, aad the collision occurred within 250 feet of the Oregon shore, aad botn vessels reins In fault for running at t-jll speed until nearly the time of collision. Ithougn each heard the fog signals of th ether, la violation of article le of such TRAMP ARTEMIS CHARTERED Craft May Pinlbh Here or on Paget Sound. Latest of the lumber engagement reported 1 that of the Norwegian tramp Artemis, which th American Trading Company baa added to It list for the Australian market. Th vessel Is to load at Can Francisco, Eureka and Portland, with the option of Paget Sound. She will be under time char ter, the rate being Ave shillings three pence a ton for nine months. The vessel la discharging at Valparaiso. The schooner Manila, bound from Callao for Gray Harbor, ha been en-a.-aired by W. R. Grace A Co. to carry lumber to Valparaiso for orders, and the schooner F. M. Slade. which la on Grays Harbor, has been fixed by the S. K. Slade Lumber Company to 1'iaJ there for the same port. The biirkentlne Lahaina and barkentlne T. P. Emlgh, both at San Francisco, are tbe only disengaged small lumber carriers on the Coast. The German ship F-lfrleda. which reported at Hono lulu Wednesday from Hamburg, la also en the Idle list, but will no doubt be snapped op readily for wheat If her owners will accept the ruling freights. OKf.liON SLOCGII SURVEY OX (.otrrnmrnl Interested In Digging Channel to Faotorle. Artlnsr under Instructions from th War Department, a party of surveyors PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN HEAD ON CAIoITOIiHIA TtUT. ; y'"t r le '"' i t, - IV m is j r ft,fcj hhi l i fcO. t W A. CHtOWirK, OF SEATTLBi NO. Z, R. H. THOMPSON. OF (EX TKALIAl NO. S, F.RF.T CAKSTEXS, OK SEATTLE, NO. 4, KIT.B.NB A. REDDIHH, r TACOMA. ) left the office of Major Morrow. Oorp of Engineers. V. S. A., for Oregon Slough to make a complete survey of tbe waterway to ascertain what will be necessary to Improve It, that deep water vessels may navigate there. The Government has apportioned S00 for the preliminary work and It I estimat ed that It will be completed In three week. Manufacturing lntereta along th slough hav atrlven for ome time to have the channel deepened and ay that If It la made accessible for ocean-going carriers there will be a heavy increase In trade. The Port of Portland Com mission had the proposal under consid eration, but attorneys for the Board held that the work could not be per formed with public funds, a the slough was beyond its Jurisdiction. The plan of having the channel work carried on by subscription had been suggested, but as the War Department ha bcom Interested. It 1 expected that the Gov ernment engineer will be asked to re port on the project with the under standing that the property to be bene fited will share In the expense. Rarkentlne'a Anchor. Recovered. ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. I. (Special.) The Calendar Navigation Company barge last evening picked up one of the anchor and about 150 fathom of chain that were lost in the lower har bor by the barkentlne Cha. F. Crocker. Search la now being made for the other anchor, which the vessel lost In the same vicinity. Marine Notes. Outward cargo was received yester day aboard the Oriental liner RygJa at the Portland flour mill, a he shifted to a berth there early In the morning from the North Bank dock. Last of the wheat cargo of the Ger man ship Marie waa loaded yesterday at the elevator and ahe will haul Into the stream today, leaving for the lower harbor tomorrow. The British hlp Win. T. Lewi will finish Tuesday. W. C. Cleverdon. who has been In the city eeveral day In the Interest of the Olson At Mahony Steamship Company STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Dae W Arrive. Kama. from. Data. ftygja Manila In port lieaver. ....... -San Psdro.... In port falcon .San Diego. ... Feb. S Sue H. Elmora-.TUlamook.... Feo. Alliance F.ureka Feb. 4 Roaaoke Su Francisco Feb. 4 Breakwater.... t oo Bay Feb. 4 Bear JSaa P..lro.... Feb. T Geo. W. Elder.. Ran Diego.... Feb. 13 Rosa City San Pedro... .Feb. 11 Scheduled ta Depart. Kama. Tor Harvard T. for L, A.. Falcoa.........ea Francisco Alltaaca Eureka Tale B- F. for L. A.. Beaver fan Pedro.-.. Breakwater. ... Coos Bar Sue H. Elmore.. Tillamook. ... Roanoke ..Fan Diego. ... R--gJa .Manila Bear Pan Pedro. ... Oeo W. Elder. . fan IMego City... . .Ban Pedro. In adjusting accounts for repairs on tbe teamer Washington and Wetern r. left for San Kraaclaco yesterday. A the barkentlne T. P. Emlgh has departed from San Francisco for Eu reka to load lumber only one disen gaged Coast windjammer remains on the list, the barkentlne Lahaina. which 1 also at the Bay City. In a wireless sent ashore yesterday. Captain Lofsted, of tha steamer Al liance, reported that she did not laav Coo Bay until 11 o'clock In tha morn ing, consequently Is not expected at her dock until i Sunday, and that ha postponed hr sailing to Monday even ing. It haa not been decided whether the wrecked steamer Sarah Dixon will be rebuilt. The work of clearing away debris In ber hold and on deck began yesterday, if tbe Shaver lntereata could secure a suitable boiler at once It Is probable that reconstruction would ba authorised, but soma time would elapse before a new boiler could be delivered. As the falsework on the east side of the new Harrlmao bridge draw was started yesterday and the west side supports are ready, so that In a short lima it Is thought the truss work will be completed, connecting tba two so the draw can be built in place, me master of the schooner Nokomts. loading above the bridges, was notified that he could not pas through when th truss la fin- Oat, i Feb. I Feb. 4 I Feb. I I Feb. I Feb. I Feb. e I Feb. T Feb. T I Feb. T J Feb. 11 t Feb. 14 Feb. 1 t e s e e e s 4 WASHINGTON EXCURSIONISTS '.ft 1 : j Ished. He eald that hi cargo would be aboard In two weeks. In the event vessel are to load above the cross ings after the new draw Is started, their cargoes will be lightered to the lower harbor. Movementa of Vessels. PORTLAND. Feb. S. Arrived Steamer Beaver, from San Pedro and an Francisco. Astoria, Feb. 2. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M.. smooth; wind, north, miles: weather, clear. Balled at etStf A. M., steamers Catania and Johan Poulsen. for Ran Franclsro. Ballsd at 7:30 A. M.. steamer Carlos, for fan Francisco; steam er Hose City, lor Sen Francisco and San Pedro. Arrived at S:15 and left up at 9:30 A. M.. ateamer Beaver, from Han Pedro and Kan Francisco. Sailed at 12 noon. German ship Isbek. for Queenstown or Falmouth: barkentlne Puako. for Valparaiso for orders. San Francisco, Feb. 2. Arrived at I A. K. and sailed at s P. M.. steamer Roanoke, from San Diego, for Portland. Arrived last night, steamer Qulnault. from Portland. Point Reyes. Feb. 2. Passed Steamer St. Helens, from Pan Tedro. for Portland. Coos Bay. Feb. 2. Sailed Steamer Al liance, for Portland. Port San Luis. Feb. 1. Arrived Steamer Washtenaw, for Portland. Newcastle. N. S. W., Feb. . Arrived pre viously. British steamer Strathearn. from Portland. Falmouth, Feb. 1. Arrived French bark Duguay Trouln. from Portland. San Francisco. Feb. 2. Arrived Steam ers Redondo, from Coos Bsy; Persia, from Kongkong: Bandon. Brooklyn, from Ban don: Malta!, from Wellington; Hornet, from Mukllteo; Aorella. from Astoria: schooner A. B. Johnson, from Urays Harbor. Sailed Steamers Nevadan. for Seattle: Daisy FTeemsn. for Coos Bsy: Roanoke, for Port land: schooner Defender, for Hani. Narasaki. Feb. 1. Arrived Skerries, from Taronia. Newcastle. Fb. 2. Arrived Strathearn. from Portland. Or. Seattle. Feb. 2. Arrived Steamers Uma tilla and Nehalem, from San Francisco; steamer Delhi, from Dupont; steamer Ad miral Sampeon. from Tacoraa. Balled steamers Wstson and Montara, for San Francisco; steamer Northwestern, for South western Alaska; steamer Nehalem, for Ta coma: steamer Umatilla. for Vancouver; steamer Delhi, for Ladysmlth. Tides a Astoria Saturday. High. Low. 1:72 A. M. TT feet'in A. M 2.T feet 0:3 P. M. . feet!7:4s P. M... 1.5 feet WOOL PRICES ARE TENDtNO CPWARD. Pair quantity Sold oa Boston Market la Past Week. BOSTON, Feb. 2. Tha Commercial Bulle tin will say of the wool market tomorrow: A very fair quantity of wool has been sold la the Boston market this week and prtrea have shown continued strong tendency, not only for the fleece wools of medium and low grades, but also for the finer wools of all klnda. Fine scoured wools show a slight advance for the week. Foreign wools moved In a limited way at firm prices, but few houses now have estenalve special offerings of wool to make. The shipments of wool from Boston from January 10 to February 1. Inclusive, were 29.21. 624 pounds, against 20. 581,797 pounds tor the same period laat year. The receipts from January 1 to February 1. inclusive, were 17.8ou.443 pounds, against 19.&4S.792 pounds for the sains period laat year. Metal Markets. TCEW TORK. Feb. 2. Standard copper. Arm. Spot, February, March. April and May, 13.7031s.t0a. London, steady. Spot. 161 16 d; futures, 62 lis d. Arrivals reported at New York a today. 440 tons. Custom-house returns show exports ef 2406 tons so far this month. Lake copper. 14 Vs 144c: electrolytic. 141a014Hc; casting. IS", t14tc Tin. dull. Spo. 42T5043.28c: February and March. 42.00 C42.K0c: April. 41.750 42 23c; May and June. 41 500 42.25c London, weak. Spot, lltl ts; futures, 1191 6a. Lead, dull. 4.200 4.0c New York, and 4-15 04.2O St. Louis. London, 16 12s 6d. Ppelter, dull. 6 65O6530 New York and ,200 6 40a East SU Louie. London. 26 Antimony, dull. Cookson's. 7.25c. Iron Cleveland warrants. 40s In Tondon. Locally Iron waa very steady. No. 1 foun dry Northern. 115 00015-50; No. 2, $14.30? 14 00- No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, til 00 0 15-50. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK. Feb. 2. Coffe future elosed steady, net four points lower to one point higher. Sales. 74.250 bass. February, 16.06c; March. 18.09c; April. lS.lOcr May, 13.11c; June. 13.12c; July, 13.16c; August. 13.17c: September, 13.22c: October. 13.17o; November. IS 10c: December. 13.14c; Jan uary. 13.12c Spot coffee, steady. Rio. No. 7. 14tie; No. 4 Santos. 15Hc Mild coffee, quiet. Cor dova. 13417Vic nominal. Raw sugar, ateady. Muscovado, Sfl test. 8 90c; centrifugal. 96 test, 4.40c; molasaes sugar, 69 test. 3.fcc Refined, quiet. Condition of th Treasury. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. At the begin ning of business today the condition of the T'nlted States Treasury was: Working balance In Treasury of fices Sr..274.S.t In banks and Philippine treasury 33.64 1.644 Total balance In general fund.. Ordinary receipts yesterday.... 2.9:19.916 Ordinary disbursements 2.1:13.166 The deficit to date this fiscal rear Is J1. 641. 1KO. aralnst a deficit of 33.3S3.S19 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and publio debt transactions. JUNKETERS 10 VISIT Excursionists From Puget Sound Cities Here Today. CLUBS TO GIVE WELCOME Party En Route to Calforlna vnil Bo Entertained at Commercial Club After Brief Sightseeing Trip About the City. More than 100 excursionist from the ruset Sound district bound for a pleasure trip to Southern California will arrive In Portland this afternoon r l. no . five hours en- Joying the hoepltallty of a delegation representing the various ciuos dustrlal organisations of the city. In the party are many prominent busi ness men of Seattle. Tacoma and other cities of Puget Sound. Among them Is Joseph Blethen. of the Seattle Pally Times, who probably will apeak at the Commercial Cluo toniKiv. The party 1 traveling In a special train over the llnea of the S",?"; Washington. Kallroad & NaTiPlf? Company and the' Southern rac'flc The train Is being run under the a us-, pice of the committee on e xploitatlon and publicity of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Visitor to Be Welcomed. ' The special train will arrive In Port land at 6 o'clock and will be met by the local delegation comprising dele gate of the Commercial Club Press Club, Portia! Realty Board. Chamber of Commerce. Rose Festival. Ad Club Klks convention commission. Rot1 Club and Progressive Business Men Club. After the greeting at the depot the entire party will be taken or a short sight-seeing trip ending at the Commercial Club for a dinner at which an Informal programme of PcVe will be carried .ut. The visitor will leave the city at 10 o'clock for the "Following 1 the ll.t of "P"""1 tlve of organlxatlon appointed to en tertain the visitor: . Portland Realty Board-W. . Cbapln. president; C. T. Prall. J. Fred L"n: Press Club D. O. Lively, E. A. Beals, W. P. Ktrandborg. , . -.- -n Portland Commercial ""-"f," fl'. Piper, president; C. 8. Jackson, vlce-presl dent; F. A. Freeman. Portland Chamber of Commerce Knapp. president; A. H. Averlll. vlce-Pree-Ident; E C. Glltner, secretary; David N. Mosessohn. assistant secretary. Portland Rose Festival Ralph V?. Hoyt. resident: O. I. Hutchln. secretary: Dr. Em- mett Drake. Ad Club t-.. tnapiii, son. William McMurray. Rotary Club George M. Hyland. t-. v. Coooer. J. C. Dougal. . Progressive Business Men's Club Eugene Brookings, president; Phil S. Bates, vice president; James F. Kinder, secretary. Elks' Nntlonsl Convention Commission K. K. Kubll. Gus C. Moser and D. Bolls CFollowtng Is a list of those making up the excursion party: J. McCauley. Mrs. J. .McCauley. Mis Dorothy Mccauley. Allan Sharp. H. J. Franklin. W. A. Crquhart. Mrs. X. A. Vrquhart. Mr. J. Cmuhart. Colonel I Hershmer and Mrs. U W. Hershmer all of Vancouver, B. C,; O. C. Hupp. Seattle; E. Carstens, Seattle; Mrs. E. Carstens, Seattle; A. B. Bouchard, Vancouver, B. C; Miss A. M Shamd. Tacoma; William Clark. Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Albert DIs Busay. Vancouver, B. C : W. C. McKay, Seattle; W. T. Edger, Seattle: Mrs. H. T. Edger. Seattle: Mrs. Thomas Morris. Tacoma; Mrs. L. Jaeger. Tacoma; Mr. and Mr. L. C. Patenade. Wrangel. Alaska; D. N. McTavlsh. Mrs. p. N McTavlsh. Mrs. McFarlane Manson, Wil liam Dick. Mr. William Dick. W. H. Gal lagher. Mrs. W. H. Gallagher. F. W. Thomas son. J. H. Fraser, Mrs. J. H. Fraser. all of Vancouver. B. C; Reeves Aylraore. Seat tle: H. B. Hicks. Vancouver. B. C. : u. C. Thorson, Calgary: N. J- Nygulst. Seattle; Mrs. N. J. Nygulst, Seattle; Mrs. A. Mc pherson. Reglns, Sask.; Miss Grace McPher son. Reglna, Sask.; H. A. Chadwlrk. Seattle, publisher Argus; Mrs. H. A. Chadwlrk. Se attle: A. E. Stelner. Seattle; Arthur Judges, North Yakima; K. Cross, Vancouver. B. C: L J. Hutchinson. Vancouver, B. C. : Mr. L. J. Hutchinson. Vancouver, B. C: Mrs. L C Payne. Port Townsend; Nels Nelson, New Westminster. B. C. : Mrs. Nels Nelson. New Westminster. B. C; F. 1- Martin. Seattle: L. C. Countryman, Belllngham; Mrs. L. C Countryman, Belllngham; Mrs. F. T. Olds. Tacoma; C. K. Kltburts. Seattle: Mrs. C. K Kllburts. Seattle; F. C. Brendel. Seattle; Mr. F. C. Brendel. Seattle; F. L. Green, Seattle- A. 8. Nlckerson. Seattle: J. D. Lewis, Seattle; Miss R. Heyman. Tacoma: B. Heyman, Tacoma: H. Couithlan. Seattle: Mr. and Mr. E. A. Reddish, Tacoma: S. O. Hlckox. Tacoma: Miss Hlckox, Tacoma: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. A Watson, of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Thompson. Tacoma; Mrs. W. H. Thompson. Tacoma, Miss Shamd. William Clark, Miss I,, jaeger. Mrs. F. T. Olds. B. Heyman. Miss R. Heyman. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reddish. Miss Mse Reddish, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McAnally. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Hlckox and Mrs. H. C. Cunningham, all of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Thompson. Centralis; Mrs. W. H. Thompson. Centralla; Mrs. Thomas Morris, centralla. ISAIAH DR. BOYD'S SUBJECT Lex-tore Courne Will Be Contlnnod at Y. M. C. A. Today. Nearly 200 business and professional men ar expected to attend the lunch eon In the auditorium of the Portland Toung Men' Christian Association this noon, when Dr. John H. Boyd will de liver the fifth lecture In hi series on "The Great Ideas In Religion." This lecture will he a review of the career of Isaiah. "A study of the life and times of th great representative of "prophet Ism, Isaiah," say the formal announce ment. "HI message and version of rr demptlon will be explained.". One hundred sixty attended tr. Boyd's lecture last Saturday, and "since then several additions to the enrollment have been received. Others who desire to attend should communicate this morning with R- R. Perkins, religious work director. There Is no fee except a small charge for luncheon. , Ixradoa Wool and Sheepskin Sales. - LONDON. Feb. 2. The offerings at the wool auction sales today consisted of a varied assortment of 14.119 bales. The large selection sold steadily at recent rates. Inferior grades were slightly Irregular, Queenaland scoured realised 2a lHd. Amer ican purchases to date are estimated at 7000 bales. A sale of Good Hope and Natal sheepskins was held here today. Of tha 204.455 skins offered. 146.704 were sold. The demand was brisk and coarse grades sold i higher, short-haired skins ld lower, while the other grades wer firm, but un changed. Dried Frnlt at 'New York. NEW TORK. Feb. 2. Evaporated apples, quiet. Steady, unchanged. Spot, fancy, 10il04c; choice. 9V. tl Site; prima. 8H sac T Prunes, fairly active In Jobbing way at th recentey reduced prices. Quotations range from 4b to ISc for Callfornlaa up to 80-40 and 8c to 12c for Oregon. Peaches, steady In sympathy with the lowest. Choice. 11911 He; extra choice. imtflSc; fancy. 128 12e.c. Wool at St. Louis. " ST. LOUIS'. Feb. 2. Wool Stesdy. Ter ritory and Western mediums. 16w18c; Bin mediums. HStfl7c: line, log 15c. 'aval Store. ' - SAVANNAH. Pb. a. Turpentln firm. THREE YEARS OF MISERY Mrs.Burnside Escaped an Op eration by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Mahoningtowri, Pa. 'Tor three years I Buffered untold misery every month, ana bad to stay in bed the first two or three days. I also had a displacement and other ailments peculiar to women. I became so weak and ran down I could, scarcely walk across the floor. "The doctor told me I would never be well unless I would undergo an operation, but I was advised by my mother to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and after I had ta ken four bottles I am strong and well. I have got others to take your medicine with the same good results and they can not say enough for it. " Mrs. J. A.BURN EIDE, Mahoningtown, Pa. Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials like the above prove the ef ficiency of Lydia fc. rinicnam s v egeia ble Compound. Wnmon whn KiifTVr from those distress ing ills should not lose sightof these facts miVif th nhilitv of Lvdia . Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. Tff vnn hava fllA slitrhtpst flOllbt that Lydia EMMnkliam's Vegeta ble Compotrnd will help you, write to Lydia ls.sinKnamiuetuciiie . (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad vm,e lpffpe will he nncned. read and answered by a woman. and neld in strict vunuueuvc 47ve; sales, 4: receipts, 161; shipments, 203; stocks. 29.300. KOSin 111 III . Min, i . v. . . f . , .vvv, shipments. 11.500; stocks. 108.100. Quote: -, . . .a rk. n n . .1 AO IX 1 CA Ail K. 7: M. 87.20; N. I7.S0; WO. 17.65; WW. $7.50. New Tork Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 2. Cotton futures closed aaa follows: 8.78c: May, 9.91c; 10. Ode; September, Ttecember, 10.20c. January. 9.21c; March. July, 10.04c; August, 10.07c; October, 10.14c; OFFICE IS Where Men fiet Cured THE M'ntiaLIItT WHO CURES. Our well - known and reliable curative Institution, the DR. GREEN office, is a permanent fixture of Portland. It has become a Mecca of hope for afflicted men throughout the Northwest. Its financial re sponsibility is as solid as gold. Its business a n d "professional methods are clean. The strictly modern treatment It administers, as scores of its cured patients know. Is skill ful scientific and su&cessful. AFFLICTED MUN', before treating elsewhere, honestly Investigate oar proven methods. Yon will then under stand hoar easily aad quickly we cure nil curable canes of VARICOSE VEINS without severe aorjtlcal operations; SPECIFIC BLOOD PUISO.V with out Injur loos drugs 0(H skillfully administered when, preferred); XF.KVO ITAI. DEIIILITV without stimulative remedies) U I, A D D K K aad KIDNEY troublesi PILES, RECTAL complaints, Mm! Mia .llni.nt. of men. Our offer NO IU.Nt.x kehuikiu T'NTIL SATISFIED Is your abso lute protection. Consultation. Ex amination and Diagnosis free and strict I v private. What you want Is a cure. Come to us and cet it. Once under our trentmr-nt. vou will quickly realize how simple a thing It is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. We put new energy Into worn-out .bodies. Office hours, daily, 9 to &: evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, ML GREEN CO. 32 Washington St, Portland, Or. M E N DON'T BR DISCOURAGED DON'T GIVE If HOPE. TliiKE IS HLP FOB YOB. ACT TUUAI I will treat some of your aliments for as low a tree as 5 and 110. I will make you an ex ceptionally low fee on any ailment you may be suf taring frorru with this low fee mA m Inn and successful experience 3f men, you need not auffer another flay. I don't care who baa tried to cure you, and has failed I will lve you a sure cure and a small fas. Don't five up be fore seelnr me. .... . - Br tbe latest methods known to MED If 41 science I successfully treat AKI lliVy VEINS. PILES. NERVOUS AIL MENTS. KIDNEY. 'BLADDER. LINO AND BLOOD AILMENTS. KHEUMA TlxM LIVER AILMENTS AND ALL C1IKOMC AILMENTS OF MEN. Come in and see me.. Have a confi dential talk and be examined without coat or obligation. I will cure you. DR. LINDSAY Tbe Old Reliable Specialist. Comer Alder and Second streets. En trance l'JSli Second atreet. Portland, Or Office hours. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. NERV0USNESSr,"'.V.""2." and hysterical or despondent at times. OUJTS'S BLOOD NERVE TOSICcureS for a-ood. Bulldsup the system and bright ens the mind. 75c a box. Write for proof. DM. BOSA.NKO CO., Philadelphia, Few aBBBBBBBaaBaaaaBB THE ssaasssssasssssaassaaa A STRAIGHT TALK TO - By C.K. Holsman,M. D. The Leading Specialist J. . ..i.ii., truiln, ailments of men ex- "r&Ui! cluilve.y I own my office and 'P";h. J. tr photograph and personally supervise the treatment of an patients from the time they come to me until thej are dls charged as cured. Although my time Is fully occupied f torn earlv morn until late at night In lookln K arnl of my patients and In administering my special treatment for Blood Poison. Varicose Veins and other diseases, I al ways take pleasure In consulting with ,neIwIpft' ",vln vou In offering my services to the afflicted I am giving you the BES? that "an be had anywhere. My "P""''? experience for the past 18 years can leave no doubt as to my ability, honesty and Integrity and should b ""IJt to convince the most skeptical that I am IFOREMObT and LEADING Specialist In Portland. I possess skill ana experience, acquired In such a way that no other can share It and should not be classed with Inexperienced doctors or'i"-k tnv.stirs.tlon should be made by every . ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destw c. k. Holsman, M. D. self and those who depend upon you demand the best mea lest attention. I have the ability and can gUe you services may serclce. I nave always charged a very reasonable fee so that J" no mi9. be obtained by any man who lnce",Jvd"'r",,,u. b"roDO,'tiona: I would like leading statements, false promises or unbusinesslike PDO?'i,y professional ha- !?. h.a- f?I,B.?t.'er.t .'LT0? oT l,r.Cwnfcnare,!my SbUW .iV" 5.'",- "-li'.'"" "lr.....7 .lmnt and iUl tJi LCJ ItriiLO, uiuo-ia.viiia " f dally demonstrate, that varicose veins can be cured in nearly all cases by one treatment In such a satisfac tory way. pain ceases, swelling sub sides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re-established. Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. KIDNEY AND BLADDER. With these diseases you may have more complications than are presented by any other disease. By my search ing Illumination of tbe bladder I de termine accurately the disease and by microscopic examination and u""" alysls I make doubly sure the condi tion of the kidneys, thus laying foun dations for scientific treatment. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON. Scientific treatment only should be used in combating this loathsome dis ease I cure Blood Poison by the new German Remedy, which I Introduce di rectly Into tbe blood, purifying It, neu tralizing it and expelling poison from the svstem. New blood thus formed supplies and rebuilds the tissues In . such a way that the patient recovers his normal state of health, strength and - soundness. MY DIRECT TREATMENT i FOB NERVOUS DEBILITY. That disorder commonly known as weakness has for years and generations baffled the efforts of physicians, yet to this very day a majority of doctors, specialists not expected, are attempt- I Treat All Ailment of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured I Offer Free Consultation and Examination I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for vartcow veins? hernia, nervous debility, blood 1 poison, pile. . fi"ubj. ; ladder kld ney and all men's ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination if you write for free book and self-examination blank. Mr office Is open all dcy from 9 A. M. to S V. M. and Sunday from 10 to IS. All correspondence treated confidentially. Letters cheerfully answered. DR. C. K. ... . . . DR. A. O. SMITH. The Leading: specialist. I am a regrlstcred and licensed physician, confining my "P?1"! practice to the allnienta of BbJ. ' have more money Isvest' Is M establishment, than nil other Fort land specialists combined. I see and treat my patients per sonally. Al) men should know who the doctor Is they consult. I use my photograph so that when you come to see me personally you will recog nize me. Investigate my personal utandlng- before accepting trfatm.en' from a doctor of unknown Identity or reputation. Are You beine; treated In a satisfactory man ner by your present doctor! Is ne carrying: out Jils promises? Has he cured you In a reasonable time, ana lived up to his guarantee? Are you paying him exorbitant prices tor medicine? Does he employ thorough ly up-to-date and scientific methods, which would be approved by tha reg ular family doctor? f you cannot answer these questions favorably to yourself, come and have a confiden tial talk with me about your case. It will cost you nothing. Cured in 5 Days No Detention From OccopaUon, Family or Home. NO SEVEItB OPERAT IONS, MANY CASE S PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATM ENT. MOST TIME - t WING. MOST NAT -UKAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND P ERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MI WORD AND WILL CITE VOU TO O T H E R MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS ISA FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. KKEB CONSULTATION. ' I Invite you to come to my-office. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Ailments, Piles, Fis tula, Bladder, Kidney and all Men Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to determine patho logical and bacteriological con d I tions. Every person should take ad vantage of thla opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure Is what you want. My offices are. open all day from 9 A. M. to P. M.. and Sundays from A. G. Smith, M.D. Z34' Morrison M corner 2d. I'urtland Oregon. S. K. CHAN e . Chinese Doctors. Pomnunrl in muiuiwu aw siv 133 s First St H;; Dr. S. K. Chan Mrs. Dr. Loan The well-known lies. 8. K. Chan, with their harmless Chinese medicines of berbs and roots, have wonderfully cured many sufferers of both external and Internal sick nesses when all other remedies have failed. No Operations. Examination for ladles by Mrs. Dr. Chan. Call or write to 8. K- CHAN CHINESE MEDICINE CO.. z264 Morrison St. (Present Address). WAI J1NG CHINESE DOCTOR I am educated for Chinese doctor. I use the Cbinese herbs and root medicine. It makes wonderful cures'. It has cured many sufferers. The treatment cures Kidney. Throat, Heart, Liver. Con sumption. Stomach. Good for either male or female aDd different kinds of diseases. People out of town write ur cvmomi...,", v.... - . my office, room t. 170(4 Third street, and I 2S1 1 YamhilL Portland. Or. I HOLSMAN re I If lsasi-ii'?i ML 1 cure of certain diseases. lng to overcome It by met nous have been In constant use and hae always failed for half a century .They dose the system with P.wert,u' "i1."". lants and tonics, calculated to restore nervous force or strength that Is not and never has been lacking, a 111 " result that the functions are tempo rarlly excited to the positive datrlment of the patient. Weakness is on y a symptom, resulting from many oca conditions, and is curable by ' local treatment only, without the Riving of a single internal dose, which demon strates the absolute accuracy of my understanding and treatment of this disorder. In years 1 have not met with a single failure, and I have en tire confidence In my ability to cure all cases that come 10 me tor treat-m-nt. I am equally certain that no treatment other than that which I have perfected can completely and perman ently restore strength and vigor. NO MONET REQUIRED TO COM MENCE TREATMENT. Many patients have no confidence in their doctor, be cause he demands pay before a cure has oeen effected, and there axe many who have been misinformed about their condition or through unsuccess ful tratment have become skeptical and think there Is no cure for them. I want an opportunity to treat such men. It makes no difference about the financial part, as I accept pay for my services as benefits are derived; when I am satisfied the patient Is re ntable. Health Is capital at Interest. I will prove my ability to cure before asking pay for my aervlces. 221 V Morrison St. Cor. 1st Street PORTLAND, OREGON Men and Women WE TREAT AND CURB CHRONIC TVERVOCS AND COMPLICATED DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN We have superior advantages and facilities for treat ing these diseases, as we are equipped with all the modern inventions in elec trical and surgical Instruments, appli ances, pharmaceuti cal prepa rations and drugs. Our Fee $10 anrt wA guarantee to cure any case that is curable. . Rheumatism. Asthma, Bright s Dis ease, Gout and all chronic constitu tional diseases given permanent relief when other treatments have failed. Particnlar Attention Given to Special Diseases of Men and Women. Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs, Diseases of the Nervous Sys tem, Catarrh, Throat and Lung Dis eases, Eye, Ear and Nose, Kidney and Liver, Scrofula and Blood Diseases (choice of three treatments for tnt.s condition); Pile and Rectal Diseases. Cancer, Tumor. Eczema and All Skin Diseases. , Skin Cancers, Varicose Veins, Tumors and Piles removed without any cutting operations or detention from work. If Ton are Discouraged call and investigate our methods of treatment. They are new and modern, different from the old routine and wnl appeal to you. We are dally curing chronic diseases that were long ago given up by other doctors. Consult Us Tree Today. If you cannot call at our office, write for free symptom and diagnosis blank. Hoursi A. M. Till 8iS0 P. M. Sunday 11 Till 2. MODERN SPECIALISTS First and Alder Sts. Phone Main 4485. Entrance all Alder St. Idr. keefe 4 sTUDCC 1 Dublitiu my own Dhotoirraoh. per sonally conduct my own office, hav no connection with any "medical company," " Institute " or "museum," but am a thoroughly reliable, up-to-date scientific specialist in all- ail ments of men. No hired substitute to- treat you. If I accept your case, for treatment and do not effect a, quick and lasting cure, you need not pay one cent of my small fee. BLOOD POISON "gr to 5, 7 to S Dally t Sunday. 10 to L ' Examination Advice Free. . J.J. Keefe, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-14 Lafayette Bide., S134 WASHINGTON ST, COK Uth. PORTLAND. OR. Hundreds of Successful Cures Since He Opened in Portland Dr. Wo Dr. Wo He cures with non-poisonous, non-ln-jurlous herbs all diseases of the Throat, Heart. Liver. Lungs. Stomach. Kidneys. Piles. Constipation. Nervousness. Neural ria. Rheumatism. Catarrh, Eczema, rtlood Poison. Diabetes and all organic diseases. ; CONSULTATION FREE. Patients out of town can secure these health-building- remedies. Send 4 cents In stamps for- symptom blank. . WO CHINESE MEDICAL CO.. . 250 Mi Alder, Cor. Third. fST"--1 -) MM