14 TTTK 3fOTtNTXO- OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1912. ui-r.rn piano PLATHR. On icrouni ef d-ath I will acrtflca m tin.ifi ttir Diano payer. with -nrrf- rott 81000: will tak f4V. OO ra?mnt; nail Mil this week. Orvcontia. ' nr .rerfe the finest I-tr1e pln in Portland. nrlv new. et llO; must h- s-vd. AdrM P. X box 3. city. -i klNiHI AT BtABO. Mil chMD Of trad f- r m"trccl or automobile. 440 94 t- Ms'n 3TSJ. A 7M7. NEW piano for diamond or cua. 644 Ejft lTtn St. S. Aalnrbllr. AUTOMOBILES. EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. W nave la tk vee 75 cmr to select from. ThM car ar ail b'gh graa. A-l coed.'.ioa. and guarantee! br u. OR EC OX AtTO EXCHANCt llet and Waahlegtoa tA sfaJa 4T244, A Ol. BAROAIV 1911 CARTKRCAR, 1911 Cartrar. -pagr. equipped with ga Itshta. Mnir top. r iron Miomalr full t of tools: In fact th car Is exceptional! well qulj ptd and U a cne4 a new and tiknuiita or -tmi.l p scent do a and vary liberal ttnn. ORCOOX ArTO EXCHANGE. tt and Wuhlactoa t Main 244 A C91S. I HV a a-raom. 1 S -story house, atrlct mrn IhfAnrhnnf 1 minutes ride " rMfrr rm .oatof rice: ft ma $4.VI trad for a car up I270; man ha a iwm) car. M-l Hoard T i raoa cog. F-hono A 131. Minhtl! 42V-V Will fade my kjuut In mod am unrab. ewr Hawthorn a. If you l.e a mtchin and don I want It and mt a u ;-t?-! a: a bungalow, call at Mewhorn i'tfR HAKTfonn 1911 T-pa-ngr. tinrwpowvr This car la aa good aa rw take a look it It ant r-ak ma an offer mutt sell at onrc. N T7. Orfniin. a ArilM in townslte of Gladstone. i s :.'nj. f.r or wouid trad for &- pa a, auto, or acuity la city property. Call at eo7 wllwt bidg. At"T''S stored, delivered to residence; re pair work cuirantefd: oil, aa and I'JP pi cheap's; on Last Hi da. ltaimoat '.arage. E. 2J and Ls-mont. Ft H SALti Maxwell runabout. 1H hors powtr, f"d conditio; new Uzai, go !amps; $X Phon Mln 4M) X "W A VTEFV A flva or MTfB-DUMCf T jrtT daariptlon and boat tar ma Addraaa i TT3. .ra ntan- I'OR 8ALK Readme stand and motorrycla, aimt nar. a a'-rmr. ynooa is ima. !. Bird. P4 mora. t'"Ti"H CL.i-Ii;j. 3 roal. $10; 4 famala. $T.i oach; dun irora tthade.una lnomi; both dam and bit ra .:ard ; aa sod blood aa In Northwat: Darf-tiy marked. oran and whit; m hIi4 Jan. 10. Traa f'lnoa Orchard!. Loi. aan. STANDARD-BR ED poultry and . baby rhirka Lurubaiora. brooders and ooultry upp'ta TOt Poultry Supply Monaa, femon. uat your pou.ixy aaa at viia aa VX. 'C of In. portaU Carmrau plsnna rhaap If taJt at enca. C;i 1041 c c ry t n r ra au. or p hon a B 2 2 . t FINE. lr yaucf doc a flrat-claaa pro lector for man. woman or calld; a good Draco, app.y is a.. i0tn at. TOR Kd eorkrVa call oa a; oaly lav laft. 1 t- Mta at. orta. PIPE PIPE PIP Wo aavo tha largaot atock waat f Oitcav la thia Una and can fit yov aul wlta any a:nj at an Immimt aavlag. LATH3t DRILLS. tTC. EK V a FOR A NTT II I NO IT fOO CAN'T tlET IT AT ALL "PAKDBH HAS IT. M FlhUC A soxa. "TBS HOCSii OK A MILLION BAR GAIN 3. ' Front at cor. Mala, CHOICE FRL'IT TREE.. appia and par trcea for aa:a at rdurd rta of tba following leading an:ia ta Tallow Ntiona, E- hplia. ntrc. jooatnaa. Komi hrtuty and iart Irtt par; oa laaaad ground and moat ba a.apoaaq ox. inauiro ar rtt T. V. HLLMAN, HJS Cart TaantalU au. Portland, Or. LAST FEW DAT of Jimmy Uunn'a Ciroo toala. Cloalng at nvaa a auita raincoat and cravnttd atcoata rogardlaaa of loaa. Hi :2.t to I ri valnea mark ad $1 IS ar now $10. Tak lator la room 11 OrvgoniaabWg. 3b UJITHWEHT TVP KWR 1 T R CO IA HOW LOCATF.tJ AT XOJ STARK T RilET. PabaITt typewriter or all maltaa; piicaa law oatia th city Mala 6Ja. A l4Tg Oj-'KI'K furoltur for a: at a bare a in. comprlaln roi.r-top dak. typewriter tl-a. d.ing caoinata. chaira ruga and two t p wr:rra. al la &rai-ca coodiuoo. Ht.ty b i u g. KOLL-TOH daak. twa hlgb-grado ftO-lnrh daaka, labia, ate.; oar emir off! qulp-m-nL T hi mb ao sptionIIr fin outfit; wi.i discount far ca; no dalara A rgtnian. FL" n.MTL'HiC nvt-room bungalow, fruit, r ri;ckoa. rindaor folding bd. mirror f'o&i, rani a. hot water b tr . tac rine faiuplct r aparat. 2d jarratt. aaar Karby. WHAT bar von la trai for Jv-acra lin pro ad ranch ar Vancouver. rady to mov on T Avannard Adam, aja WU ::ama a. tLl iH TLT ua-i caah rglatara, credit rg taira computing . alra. ate. bought and aoid. Tha I'Actnc ttora aarvU: ta. 2-1 Mark at. Mam 7T11. At3-Uiuin Hall aafea. new and aocond. caad. Hw prtcva. oaay lerma. SaXa opaaad and repaired. Pur al ara Co and Purl Jaad Xa 13 ith at. alaia dovtf. ALL klnda of lumber from wrecked build tr. ft and p.umbtng aupp!ea International l;ug. ar Wrecking Co.. yard 4;h and Cay, Kaat - I and Irving. laranall!kia. Eaat 8ly. OKOAN, dak and lot of arm chair, gig rango ith Tiot water coil cwmb'naUon. icor ptirtnocrapu. nar.y baw aw;ng mach!na. J J Luiu a a. "WHO wanta cholro eutttnfa Drufhk roa Imported? canta a . iHt Aw b- werM I WANTED Good reepctat: family to rtr: li year out ta ratce. A bona Ala. a FOR PALE Monttnr .! ran (ool or roal). lit), coat fit; aueo amaU gaa baa tar A.NNIAL bALi! of unrlained piedgaa at tnci Myers. Tl dtt au. aaar Uaa. a year In I'ortiand. " ILL xchang ont air diamonda for liur or buglaa, 14 Loloa av., corner Aah at. icOD J-year-old beifar for aa;a. ar.. corner Aa at. 14 Cnloa CtiAU f cm for aaia, carload lota. J. Hoot, tiering. Or. GoOD Wilton rug and chasra chp Phoa ICO rtMNfcsa car lis Tc; a bargain. Koa t iij rnanry. i; so. cor, lay lor. 'uh aa.e One eteel ell tank. 4 ft. 10 la. by n iw inquire) si joonioa. HALF PRICE inotor. Box -Nes Toy. 1 H.-P. 20-Tolt D. C city. FOR sale cheap at 2 leg Momwa sc. 8 show cases, 3 walK-asea ItOLL-TwP desk, bookkeeper desk and safe. AR 74 l. Orf,.oIsru VaM'KK for aai. Pbone Eaat 1773. W ANTE D MISCFI.LA VEOV . HAVbi YOU AN YTiUN-i TO sKLLT CALL US IP FOR A N TTH I V(J I OO CARS TO LlblOE OF. M BARDE A BONIS. "Tha House of a Mi:Moa Largalnav" Front and M aba si. Mala AA. WE BUT CLOTHING. FLRXITU-t TOOLS. II Is bt prlr paid for men's and ladle caat-orT clothing, ahoea, furniture, too. a. mexbanle. logg:ng. Call Maia 308. 3v4 1st st Th o'o&ex W ANTED Good office furniture, flat and roi-top desk; everything fur a first -ci office; must bo a bargain for cash. X 7- Oregonian. IF yew waat to sell your Junk, tool r Jb lota. J iet cavil th Capital Junk Co Mar anall 47 J N 1st st. WE pay tb bigbt cash pri for ecoad hand furniture. tVir A Marti a. Pkaa seat 3134 Hawtbern ava BARGE R AUCTION HOL'it tTO Aw Morrleoav Pbon a lulX Pay higaeet caaa price for furniture. WAN! to buy a billiard table; must be la good condition and cheap for cash. Ad dress pox 82, Soappoo. or. UIGHE5T prteea paid for ladle and gent" cast-off ei thing- W rpoad proicptiy. Marshall 8V4A. WANTED Complete moving-picture aatflt. Wbat have youT B 744. Orugoaiaa. I OHO Aoctioa Co Par mt casn for any Aviad a tMraUtuxa Mala siU. A 24 WANTED MISCf LLAEOri. MAHvh;a.NT flmah counter or ral'tng. about 1 feel. Addrc O 7d. Oregon.ao. flT LP W ANTE l M ALE. WANTED Manager for prrtton branch hout; muit be a man of good executive at::itr and oat who knowa how to aril ooia at a nroflt: must bave bad packing Km. iMrinr- rn. hlCh-ClaM maa need app.y. Give age. experience and ref- trrrrot, othrria gnawer will receive no attention. J a-5. Oregooiaa. IP TOU ARE A TOUVO MAX Who la ambitioua. bard working, and can bang on. there ia no limit to wnat you can earn here. The aame amount of time and bralna put Into tha work will net you twice aa mucn aa you can earn In any other line: If you want to earn more money. a- Mr. McKariane. At tl urth at. Y. U r A. EMPLOYMENT DEPABTMEN petal employ nient memberahip. $3 per annum: aueranteee member wl.l aecur eoipIomeit or reZund of memberahip fe; alvea manlha full mamberahlD prlT- i egea la the aaeociatlon and undertakea to keep party emp.oyed during th full term of mcmbersaip without further cha-ga. . K mw atni Aamand for nlcn grade, experienced men. Are you fitted for a better position T Fee secretary, employment department. Record for yar 1911: Calle for men. xtm: poaitmna ru:ea, if". WANTED One-haJf doien real Ilea acreage and ubdlvuuon ealeamen to come to runny fan Joatjuln Valley. California, to tell the truth 12 hoara a day for the largeet real eatat concern in thla rtclnlty. Do nt answer thle uneaa you are able to pay your own tare and finance yourae:r vn?ii you gat on your own fet In a new ter ritory. Thla Is an opportunity which re Sulrea Immediate action. Cor re pond with J. Hurray, the real esiat maa of Freer . ORCBAROIST AND GENERAL MANAGER A hlgh-rrad, thoroughly qoaimed. com pe:nt orchard:!, and a man able to man a farm Unui In connection, who poe " general managerial ability to t-ke cnargs or a lB-aore tract In Bitter itoot Valley. V!onana; state age, experience and furnish rc?ervn-s. MACKINTOSH MANOR. BOX F, Mlaroula. Mont. WANTED Young man of neat appearance. capable of mcetm the public, lo travel ror otj-sartjin-i ananui-ieturmg concern ana empioy solicitors, no canve.ng. no solicit ing; expcr;ence not ential; Ju a w"k and ail ex pen tea. expenses advanced, eat ery weekly. Character references re quired. AS 71. Uregonlan. WANTED for V. R. Army, able-bodied, un married men. between agea of 1 and 9 citiseii of I'nlted Statea. of good char acter and temperate babtta. who caa apeak. r ad and write tha English Ian guaga For Inrormatloa apply to Hecruit Ingr officer. Worcester block. Third and C-ak etreete, Portland. Or. Sm-CONTRACT TO LET. W hv a nice piece of It. R work: party wishea to let to man with a giommer: god pricea and free trans porta. Uoa from port J and. UANLKY EMPIX)TMENT CO o":u Second. Main 727. A 'Z. X WANT live repreeentattvea In each com- rtiuniir ur urfffn ana v ashington rr high-class speolaltlea; goods sold oa money ba.-k guarantee: no competition, liL'T I- SVITH, Mnuracturerg Agent, .t27 Orbett blfig.. 1'ortland. Or. WANTED A good real estate aalesman; a new proposition , naa three times the number of at rong-talking points of any other pro do t non oa the market today. ee Mr. Jone any forenoon. Fred A. Jacobs Co. HQ fth at. Wan TAD Aa eai eriencea atoea eaieamaa a lib good crteniiava: company be. pa agent win aucceaa. good lad, perma nent poaitlon and promotion in the ae company. Addreae H Oregon Ian. WE have a permanent poaiuon with a good a:ary and cornmlaalon adIeU for som capable bualneas niwn who can Inveat ame money i:h Ui services: references exrhang rt. Alt 7. regonlan. TOl'NG man with motorryce lo work fv.r tire company . must live at home; good pro position for right pary. Unid S:a ;es Tire to.. a 7th at., next to llallou A Wright. WANTED Competent gaflttr to Install acet ten generators: m .at aave full t o'.a; state experience, ae. sinttt or mar. MeL Address J hJ3, Oregonian. WANTKt) tlooil industrial llf and accl dent man. to take charge of an established business as district manager fc. 7P. Ui gon lan. WANTED -Salesmen with experience to etl uburban lots In new tlltion. Just re a I r market; sma.I month. y payments; easy sei.irg. Apply oi rtenry iiog. TKMaiKAI'HKR, young man. real estate orrtce, 8- muntn to start. 40 bpaiding oug. W A NTED Married man oa farm; must b fUsM. experienced and a good Land. AV EXPERIENCED wrspper and cashier. Ap ply at 8 A. M. A. J. Wochos hhoa Co., 38 aamn g ion. HOT S WANTED ROYsI Over Id years of age, with bicycle. 327 r :arz. M A.N of good, appearance to ae.lcit for lars corporation; Mary ana commission. Apply Iter A, M.. -l 1 eon O.Og. WANTED A flrst-clas painter to do con tract Job. Appjr caretaker, Orgoo Yacnt A GOOD preraer on ooats. Charles Ceopey i c roa uncj, room f-t's an.i A04, Royal nurn.ni, itn ana iirr:aon aia KArTSMA.V. able also to figure material used In construction. Give phun number) l 73. Oregonian. WANTED A skirt presser; none but exue- riencel: good wags; ail th year around j on. can at 44 Aiuer. WANTED Good ra.inad Installment aollol tor for health and accident Irsurance; px raiiaq man pr-.errfq. f TiZ. Orego nlan BT'H'K aalesman wanted; oniy rellaile. nonesi rariira niru app.v. in ror fur thvr information. 414 l.umbennena bltig. WANTED 2 good collectors; must furnish borse and wagon; bond required. u2 v ashington. ANTEl Canvara; city territory: n live article ; never been touched before. till 227 Mark at. TWO gond ao'icltor with clean record and good retert-nces; work i pasant and j.y go!. r.i;er o.ng.. -iti a. M. FIRST-CLASS Turkish bath man; must be sober. Ceil i P. M.. Corbatt bidg. basement. ot.MS to sell ph"to ecu pons . o met blag new, ftoeton Stu'llo. 34? Wash. PHOTO coupon; best vr offered: nap for aeenia tuivann Muaio, ieaum aiug. 1 1 0 Y A WANTS D BOYS WANTED. 1 years eld, with wheel. S.'7 Stark at. PF.RMANKNT Income for salesmen. Ask for .Mr. Hurton, Ills i eon b4.r. WANTED fo.iclior for liy worka 8.'.5 ad at. nri.r tttfi. r l ALE. WANTED A lady to do housework part of tn uay aa payment xor a iurntahd room with piano ana paon; W eat Sid. Aa 863, tregonlan. , A RELIABLE, capabl woman to tak car of child and cook for 2 : must be good cook; goon noma and good wagea to r.ght party. Room 0o7 Reward Hotel. " MRS. HOWE'S LADIES- AGENCT. Washington bid. 4th and Wash, sta Vala or A B.'ld GIRL to answer telephone; chanc to learn typewriting; state lowest wugvs you would start with. Ad 72. Oregvnian. COOK and helper, country. 875; cook. J.'.u; chambermaid, 8J; ond glrU Hoae'a LadUa' Agency. S'J. 274 Wash. WANTED Girl to cook and do general housework for family of 2. Apply morn Irgs, 201 Highland CcUrt Apta CoM PKTKNT tair drrster hair worker. Rosentaal t. Main b711. m.inlcurer and Blaiera, 110 7th WANT EI -Young rlrl to care, for baby dur-d-v. Ci i at till Patton ava. g or pnone Main c-M Sunday morning. H A NSEN7!" LADIES" AO SNCT. 843s Wash nrton st , cor 7th. upataLra. Pbon Main 2CB2. WANTED Refined, capabl woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. oOV Rota child bidg.. 4'-h and Washington. GIRL with m experience tn kodak fln ish.ng. j'pny Studio, 44d Washington st, Hol'SEMAin for general house w or k 44T 14th st. Main 8314. Oi RL w.i n ted for roneral housework. AP ply mttrnlnc. ld Johrson. nsr 2 4 h. W NTED Capable girl family second work. 85. St. Louis Agency. Mulo2.'3. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. AT 7S2. WANTED Olrl to work tn cigar stand. :M Diirni.J at. WANTED A rirl for dJoUig-room work. 13 uia ana Mocrioa. HELP WANTED FEMALBV WANTED TOT NO LADIES FOR TELE PHONE! OPERATING, WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLT THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO, EAST tTH AND ANKKNT ST8. WANTED TODAT. Peconl cook, $ to 10 per w1c. Cook ftr country hotl. $7 per week op. Fecond gtrl. $S0: nurse girl. $20. Kanch cooks, $20 to f.1. Waitress for country botsL $20. Other good positions. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. . Ladles' Dept. 10".H Morrison, WANTED 8eTml young ladle between tha ares of Is and 23 for permanent poaitlon. Apply th p. T. T. Co.. 74 Aider at- or 410 East Ackeny ab A UKK.HT young woman with buslneaa ex perience who la not afraid to call on school teacher, doctors, denttste, etc.; will pay aalary and commission or etralght salary, must bo neat tn appearance and bave gool reference AB Oregonian. WANTED Widow lady, xolddla age, or couple (no cbiiaren to care tor miti Si rl. 8 yeara old. going to school. Ad ree 293 E. 6th St., F. R- WANTED Experienced lady high school rider, or on willing to learn for a horse act. Call bet. 11 and 12. Portland Riding Acsdemy. 21st and Johnson sts. WANTED A eklrimaker; steady rork, good wage. Call at 47 Alder. WANTED Three ladle for local and trav eling; aalary. Room 84 Arlington Hoteu LA DIES to do work at bom week days after A. M. IS Orand are. Nor in. WAITER experienced, wanted at 83 North th. WANTED Lady barber. 178 Madlaon at. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN and woman to learn the barber trad In elciit weeka; apeclal inducements; per centage paid whii learning; too is free; exnert Instructors; 17 years In tn busi ness; 87 chools: a llienm membership glvei to each student Moler Barber Col. Fege 88 N. Fourth at.. Portland. Or RAILWAT mall clerks exam. Feb. 7; pre pare now, excellent salaries ana promo tions; no lay-oifs; sure pay ; free) book. Call today, paclllo Slate bchooL Moaiay bidg.. City. WANTED Railway mall clerka, customs cletki; Spring examinations in portiaoa; sample qu si ions free. Franklin InsU lue. oTt. 34L, Rocheater. N. T. WAN TEl At once, four good, reliable. eoter men to laam to drive and repair autoe Hetmont Auto School, E. 23d and Morrison. UKOoME a movlng-plcture, operator. You can get ACTUAL TH LATlK EXPEHI KNCL. Complete courae half price. V 770, Oregonian. WANTED Two or three box ball alleys; cose cash prioa. Phon L u. ttligh. Main 57. Saiem, Or. kAKa money arlilng short stories or for pspvrs; big pay; free booklet tells bow L nited Prei S ndlcate. San Franc leco. WANTED Picture play writers; big we li teach you- lecture I'iay tlon. Can Franciaco. FIPK TEACH KUb AbtiOClATION. 619 bwetland bidg. PRIVATE scnool SHORTHAND and TTPK- n till INU. S3 mo. 14ti at fealn 3. WANTED 1000 men; l&o balrcnttlng. Ed. u.nniona sar&er snop. lbv Morruoa su LADIES to learn the business of the Saol- tnry Beauty parlor. 400 Dekum bidg. PKU A I E hiiORTHAM. TYPEWRITING. booAke lnb. o- Hamilton. Marshall 4.a. IIKLP WANTED MALE OR FT.MALR, tuKA.KHt"Hd, caa hi era. bill clerk, eta i 1 vi.l irwaraole our qualitication t ful positions in 0 das; private inatructlsa &y public accountant; nositlui aauurad. J FKATKr.NAL deputies; salary and commis s . n ; nrst-cUa peop. only; reliable. AC 7ii, Oregonian. UTCATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerka. E-Pf:iUENC.ED New York attorney. Har vatd I'oUeKe and Law bcliOol graduate, cf pi ovd ability. Integrity and capacity for bard work, wants professional or business opening. Promising opportunity primary ot'jct. V 7o2. Ort gon.an. YOUNG collection specialist and business correspondent with selliug ability, kno 1 eilge of bookkeeping ana a competent stenographer, a 111 accept position In or out of city. C 7lm), Oregonian. Phon Ta bor 2Si5. WILL ALDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE tin books, prepare balances and state ments install systems, Gitllngbam, au ditor all Lewie b.ug Marsna.i III. WANTED Situation by man who has held position of traffic manager for large East ern corporation; pruttcit-nt In all clerical w.rk. AM 771, Oregonian. EAi'KKT accountant desires position with reliaK firm or corporation; can give bcjt of iota! rt-ftrenci and bond, any amount, i'hon Tabor 8iH, or J 8:;.. Ort-tconian. UooK K E KI'KK, cost accountant, manager, years of exporiince, A-l referencea D. U. GLASS. P. O. Box 3J2. WANTED Position In gn. mds. store by ) oung man. h year' experience. Addrea A V V33. oregonian. BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER would like position; 7 years' experience; refer ences. 704, Oregonian. POSITION by hardware clerk, Ave years ex- p nonce, ret al. hard war. Implements; best reference. Y ell. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY" competent oookke.per. efn- ogrpner, ties' r-a position, 'arsr x pencne. L 7S2, Oregonian BOOKKEEPER, typewriter, experienced, de- sirea po-mon; n?t rererncea r'hone Mar shall i'jJb. AT 7S4, Oresonian. YoU NO man, 25, trrneral office experience nieda position. Wood. awn lohi. Miscellaneous. CoKNbTI.-iT want position playing with orchestra. Addrea Jasper Jacin, box M'i, fat. Johns Or. Call or writ. Phon Co lumbia 204. A FIRST-CLASS, steady camp cook wishes position in a cair.p; can handle crew of 25 to 2'0 men; wages reasonable. Address L. J.. s 1st at.. Portland. Or. FIFTEEN yers experience In general mer- cnn:Mu.e, an-aruund man; out or city pre ferred. Good references. B 772, Orego nian. WANTED Experienced middle-aged man. iianay ia risar store or saioon, speaking re.eral lansuagoa. would lik a position. W 771, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED engineer, fireman and elee- irictan wan is position as nandy man around building or apartments. AG 777. oregonian. HOTEL manager, assist ant or auditor, good n-cwmnii-nuBiiUDi, v uhii experience. Ad- dre ss 1'ustQLf ice box 715, Portland. Or. liY au expert orchardlst, experienced in A ash. and Or., good reference. Address Box 24, Monroe, Or. 2UOVING-PICTURE operator wants position thoroughly exprUncd; will Invest small Amount In business. F 705, Oreg onlan. cook, wants poaT Japanese Mlaaion. JAPANESE, first -cU-s tlon; privat family. Both phones. JAPANESE coupl want position, man aa cook. ii e win on tauie. housework; ak 5 1 lmtl' Oregon ia n. GERMAN maa wishes p!sce for fireman. O.ny or nltht. In factory. oJJ Eaat 20ih iu Portland, Or. FIK.-T-CLAS auto driver, 11 years' expe rience; caa gi rexerancea. Marsnall 2U1L JAPANESE, neat, experienced, wanta situa tion aa cook or general work. AN 7 is 7, orKoman. MAN and wife want work on farm; can fur nish references. AM 7.2, Uregonian. YOUNG Phllllplne hoy wants housework and cooking. Main 322. room L'S. JAPANESE COOK wants to do general housework. A 5082. 250 First St. JAPA.VF.SE wants position In hotel, a part- men t -house. Phono Main B-21 ; A It!J L COLORED porter or Janitor; references. 'bene M. -. MAN and wife wanta position on ranch oniry pri-rrea. voncora, city. Vol NO nian wanta work of any kind. W 770. Oregonian. OAlU'EXKii wants a private place; knoaa weuL suiua moo aeai SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. M I kcriianeoaa. DELICATESSEN MAN Flrat-claaa Frisco man. oermn, can prepare bis own dell catesslea; good carver. No. 1 counter salesman; can take charge of whole de partment: close buyer; yeara of expert- ence: best of references, wanta position in Portland or out of town. S 778, Ore- go man. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOTMfiNT BUREAU, S15 Bcond. corner Salmon. Women's department. 246 Bairn on. ATI classes of unskilled, skilled, professional and clerical, inaie and female help fur- Bisnea oa snort notice, aa fee charged. rnont Main soo: a do. CAPABLE young man, married, living In vnuey, io years' business experience, would like good line to work In valley i irruory; not interested unless proposi tlon would Justify man capable of earn lng good aalary- bond and reference If ceiireq. AV PaU, Oregon Ian, POSITION WANTED. Big. middle-aged German aa caretaker on private piac or small farm, under stands orchard, chlckena and veretable gardening; la willing to batch and has tet of re reran coa N 77a, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by an Industrious young man who has had experience, both in road, yard and sa welghmaster in rall- roaq service, H 78S, Oregonian. SAVE THIS Young men and women at tending achool, desire placea to work for room and board, addresa the National icicgrapa institute, or pnone Main t&zz. SALESMAN, age 80; ten years successful sales experience; city or road; csn prov ability by past record In personal Inter view, at et uregonian. BrTPATlONS WANTED FEMAXJE. Boekkreoer and Hteaoarraobaea. LADY with several years office experi ence would like good clerical position; .writes a good hand and Is careful, ac curate worker; salary not leaa than $10 per week. Phone Eaat 1298. POSITION wanted aa assistant bookkeeper and general offlc clrk; six years' expe rience; mouis experience aa a stenographer. E 707, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young" lady stenographer wishes permanent position; beat of refer- nce. AL 772. Oregonian. EXPKH1 K.N'('El) young lady stenographer, best of referencea, dealrea poaitlon. Mar shall 3133. A 61. THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer dealrea position ; neatnese and accuracy specialty. 321 Marguerite ave. EXPERT stenographer wants law position or public space for publlo work. R 79. Oregonian. WANTED By lady stenographer, position ending dally 8 o'clock. Phon A 84a. Dressmaker. DRESSMAKING M'dle Do BUlant, 658 Washington, Ella-atreet entrance; A 3&40I exoiusiv French dealgna gowna. tailored dresses, w a lata; Portland referencea DRESSMAKER, hous dreases and children' clothes a specialty; prices reasonable. Ta- bor 83. ALL kinds of plain sewing, quilting, com forts made. 2 6th U Phono Main 8059. DRESSMAKING, remodeling, cut pricea for February. Marshall 1795. Unuffekeeper. WOMAN of education and refinement wishes poaitlon a housekeeper, including care of motherless children. AJ 763. Ore gonian, WANTED Poaitlon by competent cook or housekeeper; no objection to leaving oity; no trifle rs. Phone A 5102. HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, cham bermaids, office girls, nurses. St. Louis Agency, 253 hk Alder. Main 2U39. A 477JV. WoMAN of refinement desires poaitlon aa housekeeper for aged couple or widower. AVlCi, Oregonian. COMPETENT young lady wishes situation as housekeeper: references. Phone Wood lawn 816L 762 Cleveland av. Voreea. UNDERGRADUATE wlhea case, any kind; aome hounewerk considered; nydrotne raphy and massage, reasonable; referencea. Phone K. 8270. GOOD, practical nurse want confinement rase ror Feb. or otner nursing; wage reasonable. Main 7016- TOUNG woman, experienced, wishes posi tion as companion to woman or in valid. Phone East 15ol or E. 776. Oregonian. NURSE wants work In city or country. P 1 14 Oregonian. NURSE wishes mnr caa'; aome hottaework; term reasonable; refs. Main 6o3S. Domeetlca. GIHL aant general housework. 2047 East Ta!or L. MontavlUa. WOMAN wants any kind of housework by the day. Phone Main 2705. WANTED Day work. Phono Main 65G. Mleeellaneoo. MIDDLE-AGED woman and young woman waiit place together aa camp or ranch cooa and helper, or coos; and waJtr. N 70S, oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper In A quiet place or chamber work In rooming house, B 771, uregonian. EX PERIEXCED" girl wishes work In cafe teria, bakery or amall store; no Sunday work. Phone Main 4&70. MoTii ER wants children under 12. best ca re. nc ar school. Reasonable terma Tabor S17. LACE CURTAINS, beautifully laundered, suu-dried and bleached, work guaranteed. Main 7297. SPECIALTY evening dinners; English woman; references. Phon A 8902, Mar shall 2403. W ANTED Work by th hour, washing and Ironing. Writ Mrs. B. Frost. 222 15th st, N. l NEAT colored girl would like a position as chambermaid or maid In dancehaiL I'hone Main 9103. EXPERIENCED colored girl wanta cham berwork or domestic day work: reter encvx East 6604. TWO ladles wish to care for child In their home; good home, best of car. Sellwood 201. COMPETENT young lady wishes day work, all kinds; also take care of young children. Call. 7 East 16th and Ankeny. GERMAN woman wanta washing at horn. Mrs. Kolassa, 4o4 Larrabe U CAPABLE woman dealres wa-htng. Ironing, cleaning or cooking. Main 2v30. A 4776. LACE curtain laundered. 25c up; quickly done, called for and delivered. Tabor 317. TWO ladles wish permanent position In laundry; reference-. Marsuall 4062. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work Mon day, Tuesday; referencea Woodlawa 161L WAN TPl kc chambermaid or dining-room girl; good referencea Main 1701. EXPERIENCED woman desires altuatlon aa family cook, 840. Main 2i'3. A 4775. CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry, lawn 2484. No mangling. Wood- NORWEGIAN woms nan wants day work. Phone Main 4Ud. WORK by th day: good reference. Phone Main US12. 410 8d iL La DYwlll prepare dinners or luncheons. M rsWM a 1 n M51. SCANDINAVIAN woman wanta washing or cleaning by the day. Phone K. 261. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS on salary or commission. The greatest agent's seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys it on sight; 200 to GOO per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to 802O In six days; another 832 In two hours. Monro Mfg. Co, X,, 44. La Crosse, W is. WANTED Salesman to sell 0 per cent and profit participating gold coupon bonds, good commiesioa to 11 v men. Rockaway Beach Company. U21 Phelaa bllg., San Francisco, CaL STRONG proposition for fir lnauranc man, 31a Worcester bidg. WANTED TO RENT. llouse. QUIT MONKEY IN G. DON'T waste YOUR time and energy trying to find a tenant, or put up with Incompetent agents. If you bave a houaa, flat or store for rent, see us at one. You ar looking for RESULTS. WE fur nish them In th snap of rellabl taa- UlM' -ITS OUR SYSTEM.1 Try It and see. CHAPIN A HER LOW, 1 ' 832 Chamber of Com mere. RESPONSIBLE parties want neat, clean furnished bungalow, house or fiat; about five rooms, good neighborhood, reasonable rent Phon Main 4030. Call 25 Wor- ceater. WANTED To rent furnished 5 -room cot tage, within ten minutes' walk and on Sunnyside or Mount Tabor car; must bo reasonable. G 7M. Oregonian. WANTED By reaponsible tenants, C or 0 room bungalow, completely furnished. A 81. Oregonian. Rooms. A, WANTED Front room with locker, 5 min utes from Multnomah Hotel; $2.v0 to $3 a week. JX 784. oregoiUaa FOR RENT. Faro la bed Rooms. HOTEL CAPLES. IM Taylor at., bet. 7th and Park. Resi dential and transient; absolutely central; two minutes from Poatorxice, at ores, thea ters and restaurant; just off business streets and canines; quietest and best lo cation; new brick; ample steam heat and hot running water; phones, elevator. From SI dally, 8o weekly. Any car from Union Depot; from North Batik Depot. "S" Car to Taylor at. Phone Marshall -00. HOTEL BY RON. Seventh and Taylor Sts. This handsome brick' structure, all mod rn conveniences, opens shortly In connec tion wlto the favorably known Hotel Ca ples, a above, NOW OPEN I NOW OPENI NOW OPENt Those three beautiful furnished hoela HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL II 1 NOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 13H 4th SL JUV, tth &L 207 H 4th St. Oa Fourth St., running from Taylor to Balmon St.; brand new brick, elegantly furnished; eteam heat, private baths, hot and coid water In all rooms; strictly op to date in all respect, ai.d at popular pricea If you want something out of the ordinary, in tne heart of the city, at rea aonable prices, give us a call, as we know yon will like It. Rooms by th day. weak or month. Tourist trade sol lei tod. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East tilxth and Morrison Bta. Half Block from Grand At Just Opened. Beautiful outside room with, steam heat, electricity, hot and cold running water In every room, 15 and 20 per month. Rooms with privat bath 820 and 828 per month. Two-room suite, with bath, for two, 840 per month. Beautifully furnished, handsome lobby, bust of sax vice. CORDOVA Hotel. 1 1th and Jefferson ts.t nrand new brick; splendidly furniahed; room with telephone, steam beat, hot and cold water, many with baths; every effort Is made tor the comfort and convenience of Its guests; the rent are most reason able; rooms by the aeek, month or day. j car qirect rrora depot. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 87 East Burnsld &u 120 modern rooms, will give special rate to clubs of young men of two or four to occupy rooms, with private bath, rales ouc to xi.oO per day. 82 to 87 per week. ANGELA HOTEL 823 Waablnstou st., opposite Multnomah Atbletlo Field New brick building; all modern convenience:: well r tula ted resi dential and family hotel: splendid accom modations for transients; convenient to the business center and th rates are mod erate (plenty steam heat). Marshall lyiO. 8ARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorn aves. Beautifully furnished rooms. ingl or en euite. with private bath, hot and cold water, steam boat and privat pnone in every room; moderate weeaiy or monthly rates : grill la connection; tran sients solicited. Hot EL FORD, 738 Washington, corner Lu- cretia si. sew onca DuiiUing. just com pleted; fine large outside rooms with tele phone service, with or without private baths; new and splendidly furnished; hot and coid water, steam heat; best of aerv- lce; very reasonable rates. BOTEL LA SALLE 10th and Bumslde sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; uiivate baths, ateam heat, hot and cold water, private phone in eacn room; special rates oy toe montn; phone service free, phone Marshall 4040. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street, New. modern brick building, ate heated, private baths, not and cold water In rooms , beautiluily furniahed, coay, com fortable: rent reasonable, call and ae us; regular and transient trade solicited. THE REX. 64S Washington Transient rooms, Sue and up; ty week, 82 up. Are you getting rooms Uk ours for the money? If not, change. Steam heat, hot and coid water lu each room; all outside rooms Also housekeeping -rooms. RAINIER HOTEL. On block from Union .Depot; 140 out side rooms, with hot aud coid water and steam heat: oflers special rates to nerma- cent guests; ratea boo to 82 a day; 3.tf and up per week, none aiam aui. THE CLARNO HOTEL. 248 H HULL AO AY ave., pnone C 3198l Steam heat, hot and cold water. Elec tric light In all rouma. First-claaa ac commodations at 82 60 per week. L. U or I car direct to door. STEAM-HEATED ROOMS. Homelike, clean, well furnished sleeD- Idk rooms, from $3.60 a week up; see these and vou will look uo further. Geueleve, 445 Columbia, near itn. VAN GORDEit HOTEL 1054 Tweiltn bu Marshall 2790. In heart of business dist.net: steam heat, hot and cold water, freo pbone in every room;i aay anu up; t week and. up. HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal horn for bu lnees people; centrally located; elegant rooms; ail modern conveniences; 7tn and ?aior sts., l bock irom Portiaci.. Hotel, op poaite lieuig xneater. r'liont Mala W a, LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or slngia steam beat. J and 83 week; 6 minute walk to tneater and stores; free puoae. LlNiELL HOTEL. 328 ITH. HOTEL GARLAND, cor. Washington and Triuity Place Modern corner bnok; out- , side rooms, private phones; reasonable rates; transieuta, 1 per day. MADRAS HOTEL. 12th and Washington. Rooms 81 A day, $u week; nothing ex- tra for two m room; inorougniy modern. THE KING, 3u0 Jefferson, nlceiy furnisned rooms: heat, electric Jiuht. oiose to busi ness center; rates. Including bath, sz.50 per week up. EUM PLACE, 414 Yamhill st., cor. 11th; rooms 83.oO per week up; also suites; hot and coiu water, steam heat, private bath. HOTEL EL WELL, 7th and Alder; steam beat, hot and coid water, electric liguts in an rooms, - permanent ana transient. 4U1ET warm homelike rooms, clean, com fortable beds; no rough element; prices reasonable, i ne iarraoee, Larrau. THE LANDORaL 2!S loth st. Well-fur nished rooms, light and warm, pleasant Home, ousinesa poopie. aiuing uibtauce. ROOMS Furnished or unfurnished. with ! both llgbL. heat, bath, telephone and eie- vator service. i0i -d St. 1 ourny bltig. THE WEAVER, 710 Washington, near 2lid Cicely furnisned ouiaiue rooms, prl at batn ana puones, pumu u oesireu. Al. httoL ARM IN ICS HOTEL 410 Morrison, opp. Batter Theater, nicely furnisned roooia; permanent, transient; low ratea. Main ewO, MODERN, nice. large. newly furnished rooms, real cneap. can up a 7804. Furnished Rooms in Piivate Family. TWO nicely furnished rooms, with or with out board, best of referencea 4S4 Gliaan t.. near 21st, Marshall 2906 $12 Pleasant furnished room in modern steam -heated apartment, second floor. rial -. u jBiiersun. Aiam iu;m. NICELY furnished room, modem conven iences, centrally located, reasonable. 404 Clay, rear 10th. NEATLY furnished room, all modern conven iences; gentlemun preferred. Ib7 loth St., near i amnui. $10 FOR a dandy room, all modern: best of j location; lltfht and airy. 428 Mill. Phon Main 4u7ji ELEGANTLY furnished room In private family; moaern; close in; references re quired. Main &313. 850 SALMON st. Front room, suitable 1, 2 or 3; hot and eold water, heat, phon and bath. NEWLY furnished room In new unrjer flat: excellent bed, modern conveniences; easy walking qiBiance. oie a.verett. ATTRACTIVE parlor, cooking privileges: other rooms very reasonable; Nob HiiL 628 Flanders. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in Irvlng- . ton. 19 r.asi iuunnoiu.au at. ; aiso garage. East J-J. ONE nicely furnished front room, suitable for two. 327 west r'ark. NEATLY furnished bedroom, gas and phone. Sl.txJ per ween. otn. TWO nicely furnished front room for rnt. f21 Lovejoy. cor, join. TWO furnished front rooms, suitable for t wo. Cal 1 107 lltn st. VERY desirable roam, suitable for 1 or 2; ail conveniences, w hi rarn. NEWLY furnished front room, for 2 or 3, 10 m, walk r. o., in uerman lamny. &4 Cth, PLEASANT rooms, reasonable. 6 minutes from P. P.; bath and phone. 266 liith su SEVERAL well-furnished rooms from $2to $;t..rii weekly, moaern. ojj w nsnington. FURNISHED rooms; heat, phon and bath; walking distance. 221 13th. GOOD rooms, 2 block from Postofflc. cheap. 308 Salmon. BEAUTIFUL front room In quiet hom; modern conveniences. 700 Flanders. 1TULL rooms, partly furnished, $12.50. 885 Montgomery. NICELY furnished rnms, privat family. walking ciatance. tj izin su $2.fH WEEK Nic room; bath; good loca tion; whimi'S u",i"-. - Ui ii. NICELY furnished room, quiet home; bath, hat. phone; reasonable. 272 Park st. FOR RENT Nice south room suitable for two, rent reasonable. . .orin i?5tn st. ROOM5 for two, $L50 each. Salmon St. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. CLEAN, pleasant furnished rooms for 1 or 2 persons to th room, with or without board, hot and cold water, furnace heat; iust off 19th su carllne. 64 Flanders. Iain 7815. KURNISHED room In strictly private fam ily, good location, near two carlines, very reasonable, working girl preferred. Call 210 S N. 22d st. CLEAN, nicely furnished front room, ad joining bath, in modern home; use of piano; home privileges; walking distance. 94 North 10th. LARGE, llpht front room; central; phone, bath; strictly private iamily; one or two gentlemen; reasonable; references. F 703, Oregonian. LARGE well-furnished, steam-heated parlor bedroom, with alcove and closet, for one or two, with or without privilege of kitch en, 849 Washington at., flat H, 2d floor. Rooms With Board. THE Haxel dfnlng room reopened, table board, strictly first-class; also furnished rooms, steam heat, running water; pricea moderate. 8S5 fid at., cor. Montgomery. DOES a home appeal to youT THBWHITfi HALm, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. near , car, 4 b:ocks from P. O. American plan. LAMBERSON, 664 Couch St. cor. 17 th Very desirable, clean rooms with steam heat and running water; good board; fin location for teacher or b ual n esa m en. MANITOU. 261 18TH ST. " Attractive, clean rooms. ateam heat; good 1 oard. close In. reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. Rtoms with board, use of sewing-room, library. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. CHOICE single and double rooms with cooking, everything flrst 17th st. board, home clasa 83 N. TABLE board, strictly first-class, also new ly iurnisnea rooms, steam heat, pricea moderate. It9 E. 7th. Phone E. 2114. VERY Dleasant. nicely furniahed front room. witn Boara; close in; pleasant s ur round - lngs; nest or noma cooKing. Main 32S0. THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison, comer 13th. r eii-iurnnnca rooms wun ooara. ROOMS with board. Call 8e Taylor; prl- vmo ooaraing-nouse. Kuum and board. Casa Rosa. 00 Jefferson st,, cor. 5th. Rooms With Board la Private Family. BEAUTIFUL front room, with alcove; also single room ior two or tnree, wun or witn- Out toard : all convnfenrea 275 24th st. North, cor. Overton. Phone Marshall 3050. NICELY furnished room with board, furnace neat, working people preferred. 407 Mont- gomery st. Reasonable. JUST opened, new. modern, board and rooming-nouse, steam heat, all rooms. 000 Gllsan. Marshall 4483. LARGE front room, well furniahed, suitable ior zt located in good residence district. wanting cistance. r.ast 1 SINGLE room, with board; running water. mouern conveniences; gentleman oniy; ciose in. xi west Park. NICELY furnished room, with all conven iences, for 1 or 2; flrst-claes board; tea minutes' walk from P. O. 301 10th. SPLENDID room for one or two. oholna uoara, congenial no me, piano, excellent neignoornooa. 7C1 Marsnau. A 40O. FINE, large room, suitable for two, with Doara, nome cooking, all convenlencea. 4a balmon at. phone Marshall 4273. WANTED To rent room with board to re fined man, in an elegant home. Address ciay at. LARGE. light, clean, newly furnished room. smtauie ior two; ail conveniences and corniorta; xn; rurnace. J04 12th st. WANTED One or two gentlemen for room ana ooara. modern, walking distance. strictly private family. 717 H E. Burns! do. ROOM and board in private family; two In a room; ciose in, on Last bide. Call 64 E. 12th st. N. ROOM and board in refined home with all conveniences. &ya E. Ash, corner 13th. Phono East 1843. NEATLY furnished room, with board; good noma ior a or a young lauiea raon A NICELY furnished room with board for two, modern conveniences, homo coo kins. cioee in. reaaonaoie, o t a,, oregonian. FURNISHED rooms, with board, 320 11th su rnor.a a io-jO, Main toiH. FIRST-CLA&s room and board, privat iumuy. d4 j i amniu at. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel lent board; also table board,' 650 Gllaao. WEST SIDE iarge room with alcove; ex cellent table board. Main 207L ROOMS, with or without board. In modern nouse; reasonaDie. eiu fark et. CHOICE place near Multnomah Club; new nouse; 1' meals; reasonable. Main 221. NICE room with board In American family. NICELY furnished rooms with board. n.vereit st. A PLEASANT front room for 1 or 2, near ;uu.inoman liuo. Aiarsnaii A NiCt: place to room and board for 2; ail conveniences, a 4t. BOARD and room, 832 10th at. Phone Main tu y. FURNISHED room with or without board. Mil m.tHarn IP U FIRST-CLASS rooms and board. 705 EVer- eti su iuarsnau aju. ROOM and board for lady. $4.60 week. B Apartment. ORLANDO APTS.. 20th and Wash, sts.: two and three-room furnished apis.; every convenience; very large rooms; steam heat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator; a aay walking distance, ref erence required. Marshall 164. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King st. 4, 5. 6 -room apartment; select tenancy. Apply on premises. THE DEZENDORF ' " 2 OS 10th. Near Taylor. One exceptionally nice 5-room unfur nished apartment, top floor, front; one nice 4-roum unfurnished apartment, sec ond floor, frout. Apply on premise for reservations. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcoay, new brick building, electric elevator, su perb location, in walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and best of service. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Gilsan sis.; uest of service; aesirable location, with unexcelled car service: also easy walking distance; 3-room apt., with bau:, modern conveniences, very reasonable rent. Thci SAiEFFlELD, 7th and Jefferson sta". rooms wun oat ft, furnished or unfur nlsheu , superb location, close to down town district. All outside rooms, best of service, modern; reasonable rent. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 12 A St.. near Alain. Close in location. Elegant 3 rooin apartment with bath and private balcony. $3ow Every convenience, good service. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford St.. near Washington, select real dence district; a 8-room. with bale on overlooking private gardens; all conve nience of the best claas apartments. Main 3bb3. A 744b. GRANDE STA furnished apartments. Grand ave. ana .cast oiar; new brick building, tt-room splendidly furnisned apt; elec.ria elevator, modern conveniences; ciose in location, best of service; reasonable rent. CLAY POOLE ANNEX, 325 Eleventh sL, two- room iurnisnea apartments, private bath. .11 conveniences, good service; walkina- distance. Now under new management. THE AMERICAN. Moat up-to-date apartment In North west; 21st and Joh:.on sta.; all outside rooms. Apply ou premised, or call llr- sua)' 330O. WINSTON Apartments. 341 14th St., at Market; new cornur brick; all bright, out side rooms; J and 3-room suite com pletely lurnished for housekeeping; 2H to 437.50. For information call Mam 1739. THE FLORENCE, fl and 4-room f urmsnea aoartraenra modern, new and absolutely nrst class. walking aistance; irozu oo up. &&n lata street. THE MAHR APARTMENTS Under new management, new, mouern, a and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments. Apply manager, Marshall zu28. THE WESTFAL, 410 5th St., very close in, reasonable, strict ly modern, furnisaed or unfurnished apart ments. HARRISON COURT, 3&4 tth st. ; 2 and 3- room apts.. uniurnisnea, moaern conveni ences; cneapest rent in city. .Main 6148, A 7363. BUCK-HARTFORD APTS., 21st and Flan ders; Deauiuuny iuruiauea o-room apt.; 4 unfurnished, ail latest convenlencea; $27 up. BJELLAND, 16th and Love joy Unfurnished apartment urum; , bh-uj' mouern, ne- brick, 4 rooms; must bo seen to be ap preciated. Owner. Main 1S07. A 1807. THE CHELTENHAM. 9-rnnra fumifihud kDartilient: nrivau bath and phone, 253 N. 10th. Marahali 36.".i. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay Sts. TTnfurniahed suites, 3 rooms with r ri val baub. and phone, $30 and $38 FOB KENT. Apartments. THE STELLWYN APARTMENTS. St. Clair and Washington Sis. Two. three, four and five-room apart ment Furnished and unfurnished. NOW READY FOR OCCUPANCY. IN ELEGANCE OF APPOINTMENT, FlRNISHING AND SERVICE UN EQUALED IN THE NORTHWEST. Every apartment has spacious sleepinf porch, built-in cooling closet, hardwood floors. large bathroom and every attain able modern convenience and comfort. Th furnished apartments furnished in ma hogany and Circassian wainuc Moderate rentals. References. Mrs, Emma K. Wuntler, Agent. On premises. NOB HILL APARTMENTS, Corner of 19th and Marshall. Ono 3 and one 4-room apartment, large room, reception halls and baths, now and modern, splendidly furnished. Pho Marshall 1012. TUB WHEE7LDON. Cor. Park and Taylor sta. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Cor. Tenth and Salmon sta. Walking distance. Furnished complete, 2. 8 and 4-roetn apartments; buildings new end strictly modern; service flrst-clas. FORDHAM APARTMENTS COMPLETED. At 170-172 Ford at,, just south of Wash ington, are the most complete, highest claes apartments ever built In Portland; finished in hardwood throughout, giving tenants choice of oak, Circassian walnut or mahogany; elegant wall coverings, tiled baths with superb fixtures; highest class service; each with private balcony and bath; 4 rooms with most convenient ar rangement. $42.50 to 80; 5 rooms. $r.O to $C0. This building is different. Let Mrs. Burleigh show you through. 1HE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving staj this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric, automatlo elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If yoti want something nice, come to th Barker. Phones A 1744. Marshall 2901. NEW APARTMENT HOUSE. The Meredith Apartment-House will ba opened the farst of February under new management, and will be furnished with the best of furnishings entirely different from the most of them, and will class A -In every reEpect; all two and three rooms, completely furnished ; two four-room and one five-room suit unfurnished. 712 Wash ington et. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place between 19th and 20th streets, just ofl Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments, in heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service ; re lined clientele ; references re qulrd In all cases. Superintendent's phone. Marshall 602. THE VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones in all apartments; high-claas service; references required. Main 2270 and A 7057. HEINZ APARTMEN'IS 14th and Colum bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison st,; new brick building, completely first-class, furnished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service; tent per uiouta, 8-0, 3U, 40 und up; mtui be seen to be appre ciated. UPSHUR APARTMENTS, 26TH AND UPSHUR STREETS. Thoroughly modern 3 -room unfurnished apartments, 820; 4 rooms, $25; this in cludes shades, ateam heat, hot and cold water, gaa ranges, private Pacific tele phones and janitor service. Apply prem ises. NEW. NEW. NEW. THE LUZERNE. 263 Hall at,, cor. 3d, will open Feb. 1; all 2-room furnished apartments, with Holmes disappearing and wail beds and large outside kitchens, absolutely first class, these are the best arranged 2-room apt, in Portland; make reservation now, $25 up; no children. A 2900, Main 207 a. LUCKETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class by themselves; see them; Lucretla St., near 23d and Wash.; 2 to 6 rooms, all large. Utiht and outside : larira closet and baths ; hardwood floors, free phones In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr.. Mar shall Janitor. Marshall 16u0. THE LOIS, 704 Hoyt sZ One 2-room and one 3-roora for ren t. sleeping porches, electric cookers and gaa a Loves, private phones and bat lis, up lu date in every respect; first-clasa WEST SIDE, walking distance; choice lo cation; three rooms and sleeping porch ; nicely furnished, $-0, or will sell furni ture and reuuee rent to $15w Inquire 612 Swetland bidg. CoLU AiBlAN Furnished and unfurnished apartmeuts, 11th and Columbia; very de sirable; modern conveniences; easy walk ing distax.ee; low rates; best of service. THE CHET0PA,18th "and Flanders-23 and 4-room modern, furnished and unfur nished; new furniture, new bullduig. Ap- ply to j anitor. THE M'KINLE Y. 429 East Morrison, corner Tth, 3, 8 and 4-room apartments, furaidiiud up to date; private baths, moderate price, new m gu HAD DON HALL, 414 11th, cor. Hall; 8 and 4-room newly furnished apts.; private batn. phone, baicuiiy porcuea; $5 up. Pnone Marshall 1171. LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln sta. Modern brick building; 2-room apartments yi.oi to $o; private phones, no children; no rets. Phone Main 1177, A 3472. PARK APARTMENTS, 3o3 Harrison; beau Utul 3 and 4-room furnished apartment; walking alliance; beat of service; prices $40 to $uU. Pnone Marshall 800. SUNNY 3-room furniahed apt., with private bath, balcony and phone, reasonable runt. Ceuar Hiil Apts. Marshall olol, A 7.J3. THE ARCADIA. One S-room moaern apt.; newly fur nished; rent very reasonable. 7uo EvereU. 2 AND 3-room modern, furnished, apart zuei.ts. HUiifc Union ave. Woouiaivn .23 1 U. SAN MARCO apartments, 8th and Coulii. New brick, modern. 3-rooma, private 6tiri and phone; rates reasonaDie. Call E. 2t t. THE AVALON One 3-room apartment, pri vate bath, phone, steam heau Phone LaL 3172. Clackamas and Ross. THE LAURETTE One furnlbhed 3-room apartment, private bath and phone. 11th st. TiliiEE-KOOM apartments, unfurnisucd. up to date in every respect. 2J4 East ISth at., cor. Main. 1K1S APARTMENTS, Third and Mill; 4 and 5 rooms, unfurnished; steam heat, hot and cold water, $32 aad$40. FOIt RENT Nicely furnished, modern 3-room apartment. Jackson Bungalow, 4i; lltn. BrtAnN'l KEE Elegant 5-room apartment. West Side, walking distance, rem reaaon aoie. Main 7741. 2t5 13th st. Windsor Ap.-We now have one of those beautiful c?r apts; everything ta strictly O. K- Cor. E. 14th and Yamhill rx u- very aesirabie modern six-room apart ment, the SU Clair, 715 Wayne u Pnone Main 40o0. " RERYL APARTMENTS! " ' Furnished aud uniurmsned apartmsnts. HonaMe. 27 Union ave. Uootiiawn 516. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room ar:s.. furnished heat, phone and bath. 191 14th su FIRST and 2d-floor apts. on corner, modern between 2 carjjnMLKey7li Johnson. jjE',V three-room apartments. 285 Mont- gomery. BEULAH APTS.. new. modern, heated, rea-