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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1912)
Greatest Surprise for Men We Ever Printed Mighty Purchase of A. B. Kirschbaum Clothes Together With Our Own Entire Stock in the Most Sensational Sale Ever Held in Portland!' Sale Starts on tne Stroke of 8 Today ! 10 Extra Salesmen Wanted ye0 - ii-:..V o1 t V'0" ft; O1 -e . - - Cherry Tree Brand" Clothes and fa mous for few zu mi MmmuM mmm X THE MEN'S CLOTHING STORE, THIRD FLOOR Seven Direct Elevators Mail Orders Filled in Order Received You'll appreciate the wonderful import of this Tremendous Clothing Uvent, when we tell you that on the Suits purchased, the manufacturer s loss l was over $2,500! Below actual cost to make think of it! and every Suit is of ...... J. .. - - - . ... - . !H xl . the identical all-wool fabrics, m the same handsome patterns, wun iue sdmc nign stanaara oi nana-ianonng as tnose ior which uiuusiiuuB ui l i trt-r to-v fro rto r- J r.0" xl e must De Dnet tne wnoie story oi tms magnm cent purchase would more than fill a page. Through trouble at the mill, A. B. Kirsch baum & Co., 1'hiladelphia, makers or the widely - advertised See Four BigShow Windows Mor'ison and Fifth Streets Vion1 Viia nnnnrfimitv was V . , tt. j- xi t. AT- C,,;4-o l J , j lj- J -,c. -Pfrtwi Vinlf irnnflH tor tOO rood to pass Dy. lie went uuuugu uic ouiio aucaujf ixiauc ociccicu pcitLcx jjo xium ix -"xU to Others bOUgtlt OVer 1UUU OUILS lxl an: niui uuo uiiguidipuituaac nuxuxi. x. xviiouauxu uu w. .t Mn QA fancy Winter Suit and Overcoat from our immense regular stock garments expressing extraordinary value at $20 to $30 J 7 delayed in receiving "Winter wool- The close of the wholesale xvX-x v.x-: This Sale Will Continue Only as Long as Purchase Lasts. The Regular Values 219 Suits made to sell at $35. 164 Suits made to sell at $30. 260 Suits made to sell at $28. 485 Suits made to sell at $25. 232 Suits made to sell at $22. 176 Suits made to sell at $20. Any Man Can Be Fitted All sizes, 33 to 52 for the stout men, the extra stout, the tall men men hard to fit ! Snappy, clear-cut models for young men the "Iteggy," the "Dixie," the "Yungfelo," etc. and every style for the more conservative as well. Hundreds of handsome patterns in steel grays, Harvard grays, hairline Btripe blues, rich browns, tans. New overplaids, invisible plaids, checks and unobtrusive stripes. No extra charge for reasonable alterations. , The Overcoats- Aii Our Own $20.00 to $35.00 Garments: Famous Ardoc Raincoats, Smart Raglan-cut Overcoats. Belted-BacK "Great" Coats. Young Men's Overcoats Chesterfield Overcoats -And the 1148th Friday Surprise Brings Other Commanding Bargains Annual Surprise of "Hurt" Goods SALE FOE THE 1148TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Leather Covers, $1.98 kNE of the most interesting specials for the Sur ' prise todav is this remarkable offering of Leather PHlow Covers. Three designs, as pictured above, maae l fine quality natural colored sheepskin, hand burned m pleas ing desitrns and some hand-colored. Mount Hood, Mottoes, Indian, Elk and Gibson Heads, etc. We've never sold such Souvenir Pillow Covers before under $3.50. Just 100 of them in the 114Sth Surprise Sale today. See the big. Fifth-street window display FOR THE 1148TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Men's and Women's to $4 Shoes, $1.69 OVER 250 pairs of Men's Shoes, of $3.50. $4 and even better eradest $1.98 m r ui m patont colt, vici kid and punmetal leathers with i. t i i lioodyear veil soies. riucnpr ana piaia lace styles in all leathers; button Shoes in the patent colt only. Broken sizes, of course. For 114Sth Surprise sale, $1.69 pood, of $3, ratent colt, vici kid For Women340 pairs of r or vTumciit(T6h Shoes $3.50 and $4 grades. and gunmetal leathers, in blucher, plain lace and button styles. Genuine Good year and hand-turned soles. Per fect in every respect, although broken lines. For the 114Sth Friday Surprise . . j -, o $1.69 Silverware, Cut Glas9, Chafing Dishes, Smokers' Outfits, Coffee Machines, Cutlery, Brass Jardinieres, Umbrella Stands, and Bcofes of other articles that show the handling of the holiday time. Every price, now, but at a fraction of what they'd formerly cost you 25 to S25. Enamel Ware, Granite ware, Aluminum Ware, Tinware, Wash Boilers, Wash Tubs, etc. Months' ac cumulations and pieces taken from our stocks at In ventory. No serious damages, but they show hand ling, so choose them today at a fraction of the former prices 10 to S5. 1148th Surprise Neckwear, Ribbon, Gloves FIRST FLOOR MALT BUILDING ORDER BY MAIL. 25c to 50c Neckwear for wom en. Variety of dainty styles. Ja bots. R&bats of fine swiss and lawns, prettily trim'd in laces. Also dainty Venise Dutch Collars. 15c 50c Ribbons Rich, all-silk quality. Plain and fancy taffetas and moires, Dresdens and warp prints; 5 and 6 inch widths. Odd lengths measuring 1 to 22 yds., J special, the length at $3 and $3.50 Gloves 12 and 16- button Mousquetaire, Cape, Glace Kid and Suede styles. Broken lines colors and sizes. Actual $3 and $3.50 Gloves for Surprise 1 $1.63 FOR THE 1H8TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's to 75c Hose at 37c FIRST FLOOR MAIN BIILDI.NG Nearly a thousand pairs of Women's Hose, from our regular stock at Inventory time! cotton, lisle, silk lisle, lace and embroid ered boots. All colors; 50c to 75c grades, Specially priced for this Surprise today, pr., taken Of fine Z7c FOR THE 1143TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Flannel Remnants at V2 Price FIRST FLOOR MAIX Bl'ILDIXG Flannels of every sort included. Special group of Remnants at half price. Outing Flannels for gowns, etc. ; Flannelettes for dresses, Woolen Waistings and Flannel Shirtings. Kemnantsx from tne oc uutings to ine oc Waistings, for 1148th . Surprise, H Price FOR THE GREAT 1148TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. Balance Men's $1 and $1.25 Shirts, 49c ORDER BY MAIL. JUST INSIDE MORRISON-STREET ENTRANCE. Last Friday thousands of these splendid Shirts melted away under the eager buying! For today we've added the balance of an immense Troy, New York, purchase, together with broken lines from our own stock. ' J& Well-made Shirts of madrases and percales in neat dots, stripes and UVL'f i figures. All sizes from 14 up. Excellent $1.00 and $1.25 grades, priced J? for this great 1148th Friday SurpriscSale at the exceptionally -low figure FOR THE 1148TH FRIDAY SURPRISE To $1.25 Underwear for 57c FIRST FLOOR MAIN BUII.DIXQ A Friday Surprise that w ill clean up every one of these Union Suits for women. Of fine ribbed cotton, fleece-lined and medium weight; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length and low neck, sleeveless and knee length, $1-$1.25 Suits, 57 c $2 Mission Alarm Clocks $1.19 THEY'RE remarkably splendid Clocks even at the regular price of $2 ! Artistic Slission desitrn just as pictured here. oak. with an extra-loud alarm. Every one guaranteed a good time keeper. Regular $2.00 Mission Alarm Clocks for the 114Sth Surprise today Of handsome weathered $1.19 fan HI FOR THE 1143TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 85c Corset Covers for 45c FIRST FLOOR NEW BUILDING. Just a hem at the bottom and front, and you have one of these dainty "Lily "WTiite" Semi-Made Cor set Covers complete. Dainty embroid- A ered designs on fine swiss; 65c to 85c grades, for the Surprise today at only FOR THE 1148TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $1.38 New Spring Waists, $ 1.38 SECOND FLOOR MAIN BUILDING HREE distinct styles of charming new Spring Waists in this SDecial Surprise group I Of all- over embroidery with side-frill,, of sheer lawn with front of lace, insertion and pin tucks and another model with wide, in sertion of cotton cluny lace. They're all new Spring and Summer styles, with high necks and short sleeves. An extra special for the great Friday Surprise Sale today at this very low price FOR THE 1148TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Big Purchase Women's to $7 Sweaters, $2.95 DONT confuse them Avith the ordinary sort of Sweaters you might ex pect to find at such a low price as this! It's an extraordinary IftffipS, purchase of actual $4.50 to $7 JfV grades, just purchased by ourWfe5f buyer in JNew xorK ana rusneu through by express for today's Surprise. All of the famous Zimmerman make in smart, new, nobby styles. Made with ruff-neck (see sketch) high rolling, "V," sailor collars anc hoods. Loose or semi-fitted. Alsc Vests with sleeves. 27 to 34-incl length. A splendid group of $4.50 to $7 Sweaters for the 1148th Friday Lfcrf $J Surprise Sale at W iimm Second Floor, Main Building. ma m :ir-r.--y.-i"z:Zr.i niwnflMiriTiwiir r i The Friday Butter Surprise BASEMENT. AIN BUILDING Grizzly Bluff Butter a popular brand. For the Surprise to- fZ7f day, 2 pounds for Butternut Butter used in hundreds of Port land homes. Fri- p7'2rt day sale 2 lbs., Royal Banquet Butter made fresh daily and delivered direct toC us. Today, 2 lbs., 3C TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, A 6101 Special Coffee, pound today at only 26 Meierfrank Coffee, today at a pound 35 Tea Room Coffee, used in 7th floor restau rant, special at this sale for, pound, 39 English Breakfast Tea, pound today 25c Cove Oysters, special today 3 cans, 25c Codfish, in bricks, for Surprise, at 19 Mackeral special at 15c, 25c and at 40 Salmon Bellies, special today at only 20 Smoked Salmon, a pound today for 28 ? i i 4