17 ' I ,sivr-T IT. 1 PERSONAL. INJ.RoOva, bfrooma. kit;ba. Pr; orncr now., n.-.y iMircd. Amjnitr for hMun. $.io. fc t i-- -lie 1 -a E. YsmhuL o Bew.y funnelled U.i'pl.i-ri!iu; ,.an. pleujnt. "' orr.ood; " sr. in or easy am. T72 fcat Ta.i"-. -' fi-14. CORNER c:r. large, clean X and I .-room fjeniaried ouHkta eultea O rooms, raxnlem iou"'"t'n'' ;:. or.t Lareefront rem- l. E. u TO KENT. Trlnt"n rJ2 E. -linn -roin I -node tons, will furnace. flrp.e. ,ardwod floors, etc. Rent. .30. I Km ilv fir ' '"i n- " "' I . .. li - I mat a . , '. Of EL BlSt SU I 9 roma. brand Be, rent $.15. WAI.U I OtJ.' ri.ita - Yeon rl..g. u.g i-:;. a 4274. T" . . ,. . . - . . . . I nr' h T-mOIB fnrt.ut" AimuE new: i:wiilnf-pun:li; mod- I era In e.o.-y dei :. furu.iee. Ha.: -ceal o-vr.r. laaor lsoo. or ca.l al boue. K.ot I S.tT.r-o. ; .V mom -room furr.lshed hous. So. X I E 2,t:i st , nr S. I' snip; f r 'are fp' foimn, rt-nt $... r- a. aac- Iratrr. 3 11. ramosr ai ..omm.,--- It HUNT s-r-orn house. Fast 7th nd ay .. ba.f b.ock from Hawthorne ave; r-rt J2". lnldlre of M.'MBif' ncnei, -..-is, s:Krk at. Phone .Main or A 21..1. AO food. S-mom bungalows fT rent in i- city far. - Ky b. :. t'.,ii '..jut. Iro rj :it r- -n. r.eu to carlln.s. Apyiy i-t .V - It . - M nouw. -- . aut .rk;i ata. T iirooa.m Mr. tl Mala 4''. 3- . .. , -. . i . t I n ... . i . t..linamih lr- l . II nitH..ra U ' " . Tlr.fton. o per ir.on.h. nmltb-w afoner to., ail-l .wia ui.i. hk,i. rutli;!. tartlT farn'.Jaed. modern eonianl'maa. Weal aiJ. rent JIJ. Caul Vain k moo;h:v rent buyi hom. n flat pay- H.Ki.X i-r'viin h iuii. near cr, waikinf d.tn -. rti na r'l ST 'A. -ikwvM bouae. deatrao.a oa:ahtoxbl. 2j5 cook I'booa Kaat ivOL U-KuuM ni -aeru; aruall arO. Jud law; .tilRABLB -room boua ai Sao Kafaal c., tn.-.n a ... 1-a. clo I n- Ea t 1"- I lOht.HN -ro..m uyper I. at. mrr. uw. l.-Su I-ruum h u. tarnaee. porce.aia plcmftr. lt e. e.-trlglly. feu - "i IV ai-KOM co-'.ne: rent lo. amall fami ly: Cll v,' Tlnrman at-, cor. J:b. l It i jo MS and b.th. 1 Eaal lta at. Horlll. 9 ; H. r'irtr:e r.Mt l -o i ,i. A mdern -ro..m Boua. u a.lj-.ta. J'nore K. 5-4S. ro RENT A '-room boua. TeT Ua t!oru. ,.. .v, j .. u tuur at. Inaulr ti I pinur. raon ..kull hou for lut. ii P "ntB. Call at 34 bin at. M'-.r-SKN new T-rooui houa. lurnac. a. "in Ash. Call 11 2t?J- I-ROOt hoo.-. bl yar!. ro-ea; furnUbed IMOOERN 5-roim cottafe. newiy renovated TTO E. Oma. Key at 7 74 K. Couch. If-ROOM furnished c-'ttaite on Eaat Taylor . . .--I! 1.1T -'.. n hitir. . rtni -"' p fHJr) RtNT 4-ro.m home, modern conven iences. per lliorift. i.ai t enrmebed tt-me IaIT honi to reaprnlibl party, email fam . . . .. , . .H warm a . ljarce lewn, fruit and roe.-a. A. R. Cumpater, i: i F- 14th at. re i wood 1422- TE.V furr.:hed roouia. h--ue. modern lm- prwrenicnia. weal central hkbuuh, riinaiL:4 rent. 743 Northrup at. Kli'KLY fjrn.aned Hl-riwa house; rood xurn.e. iu.: i-v. i- ..t....- Side; V. -J Board Trade bill. jl 3-room flat. bath. complete. fur- nl-bed: rezerencem. Alain 4im, a efc- Man and cni;uete.y fumiel.ed five-room nodem burralow la aunnya.de. $ 1'bun r--l d So . - 6-rouui modern furmaned houae; fur rac. ttp..c, lawn. Apply Crockett, room 1 Waan. bldj. t"OH Hi'.SI f'artlnl.y furniahed 5. room banta.ow. 412 E. SUto. fbon alaun J'L RM.-llfclJ home, aultatle for couple; rea aonao.e to rlxut pvrty; 6tld fcavler at; pnone M YOTX l:K.NT 4-rooTn furnlehed rotLai: at -jl Dav:a, near YVaau.; rent 1'non an7 4- FOR RHNT la Irrln:on. nev. modern. weM furniaJied 6-rjora houae, SIS. 8t4j E. 17th at. N. Tike I or H car or phone K T3a. iioUtiOi T-room. nlceiy furntaiiwil. a lota, fruit treea, chicken yard. mltiuta out, 1 blo.k car. Maranail r;:'S. A a7.'. JS"ICEl.T furniahed modern f-room houae; faa and e.ectrtclty. lawn, paved diaulcl. '. minutea- ride. IJJ. Marapall 1W10. U M i'LE .-XV and cjnr.f'rtit.l furiualied 7 - room houa. on Couih;! Cre-t. Ca.l 1 a cific iv.nt H:a-u I Co.. l-,h and I'i'li Atl'tjtKN furnl'lied t-room cottage; aiao cwrv tnree or four-nro flat; prlval bath- 1.4 Eaat Slat. H car FCKNlsllr.D -ro-m nituae. new and can: il.iwthorne dlatrict: rent l-i; calL Jnniia, til Lumbermen bldf. IH V I.Ni i r N Nlc-ly furn.ahed 3-room bun raiow. new, mod.-rn. e.e.-pln prrh- 77 M'j:tr.omah. "B" car. Call niorr.ir.ga. Ho. Oil. Ne!y fnr-nlhed 5-room fi': walklnf .tan.e. 4s K.lny ave. East ll aaOt'a. 4 roonia. bath, cleaa and comforl ab.a. f r 4 atulta. 1 minutea naia to I-atofTice. Ca l 4" 13h at. 4LRNiiIfcir fat. fjr month, room for I H I. 1 l I P M fret1 faimon. A 714. 'oH Ki.N'T r urnia.ied 7 -room houa tcioae la . very cneap. larena.l 417. -ltOiu furni.ed cottafe. el Pr month A.Od.aero ''' XKiHKD e-ioora fat. nlciy arrnf4 . t rent room. 4.V2 Sd. tiat C. rent I la. ltouee for Kewt. Inrahur for fale. 5-KJO.VI 1LAT. KL .' MSHED. Tv.-ated on I4U1 at.. Vet S.d: rent SJ7.tfJ; fomirnr In food condition; now ranted lor rr.-ntb Prlr oa caaa. OKlsl POLX'-. ! yard of Trade blilf.. eta and Oak. ual a:t. for rent. Surr.'.ture for aa.e; wtil acriBee: part eaah. the reat month ly; have room rented. St. Fraacla Apia. V none Main eT7- A4 liwt. large, mrdern 6 -room flat, com plete, for rent, and furnltur for aa.a. raav 4niM; very central. pWEUv fumed oak ftirctture. ruomi for rent. tall az'er . at. nair. aaj oavr ouauaj. Faat let I'- ftlT for mat, furniture for eale: meet at tractive e-roora fat In city; beautlfu.y fumubed- Ca.l mornlnfa. ttO.a. A 1340 ITRSl.-1 H F rj a-room tint; f real aacrliloe. alaln t44. tawea, 8T01Ct-4 TO RENT. fv j-er mo. isu U-and ara, near SCwrrlan. and f t3 per ma, at 170 Fntm are., near abe; S tlv-rr rooma Inc'irded. U4.KTMA.V A IlU'VrW alaia Sxe. A .oo. , STOP. FS T.T KENT. rrNFf L'-atix 'i'K movtvd ltCTfM? THr'.vTl.S; VF.RT lltsr mJI'FIM IlsIK'i'T: MOKKISON --T. NEA4 PI XT II RENT WAT IWV I.'W"; S VSJ.RW LSArt WEUU A TBKHT. II'" T:''N t l.UO. XR REVT irtirea Si4i. Washlnfton at., r.eer corner iwn. mo-lent front, brick btr.d'nc: reaa-naji rentA i J. XJaly. ..'J f a.l'r f b: i. ttkiiilL t'.urva at eaat end MaJieun-eu hr:i!ft-e. t to f4. at-t-.irdlng to aia. ia 0-jire .'7 1 Hawthorn nve. FTi'-KE ar.d ;U Inf-rvioi'ia. c -"d location for any buaineaa. ea Iluaael b.df. Al t. OF 34 Onk and part of C Oak at. 1 rp orn- ft. a b (. ii I ;: 1 . V e'-r. w7 i i.nd. brK-k tul.d-.n.-. f :.V f'n o.-i.-e Main ;i;T, Eaat 4.1J l.'T epae :4v:i. ood llcht; for renu f'hore M,.n 11 1. centrally located. Offlcra. KFICr.rt Fvlt itKNT. Goe.l n'-m f.-e mf. purpaaea. ?lv? f r rnt. phone M. ',! fVn .r i.ly loc ated. ViT.L. aa'e pliitlioTi.jr fuml--hel ault In 'ie,.n t'.if.. ai.a de.rnb. party, a'non y ir.ha.1 ij'). til I'"S front prtiat office with rei-eptlon r-oin. t- r-epoe.alo. pe.eon. k"4 VHo tbj ire. ua of I'ucf anan K'lf. M ard phone. ;a -rr.rer "f C'lTi.rn-rr no rea. estate. jj.:-XKOuil or more on rrouod f.oor. 4v4) 1 an at . o;.p- t. r.m. MUB Jim. Jjl.K efare ard aten-araphlr fafvue, ery leaaouaJl. 612 aaet.aod bldf. I OB BENT. Of'llf A.;-n!tr.t ei.i.iof iivki j4 twt.aa tin., ith r..i Wiitiiofn. NICE out aid offlco. with lara racrp'ion tuum ai.d iifno raphlc aarvice. 90S Cham ber of Cvmunerca. Of K ICS ar urik room for rnt althar fur riahed or unruin:ahd. Apply at rooni 46 i-l.ra b:.. K. K. M. ;t and Aldaf t- TINE front offi a, with room: ta.epboaca. etc Ccrr.mercc u i of recaption 71a Ciiuiixr of OFFICE for rent, alther onfurntahed r cart r furr.lhed. new hu!ld:n. cer.lraH l-.-ted. fnon Mar. No anta. LiSKKvWl!, t.;einor.. fine aacood-f:oor ofdra. 20 l;a.lay Ex.cba.nf. TO tE ASK. CuRNEK (tororoom on Stark with baa ment r Tault; room 6UX100. Appiy KutB Truat Co.. Zii Stark. bisixe?" orpoRTrym en. BOND iMiut floO.OuO uprda neeotlated; railroad, atreetcar. poer. letrlcal. Irri fation. mln.tif. conatructlon, roa;ty, bank Init. truat and general corporatluna ornaB Ittd and illrtrled. franclilaea and trjat 6a4 drawn. Kosenbnura, Davta A Mlchal a n. Ijiwyara and Financial Afant. il- 2-J HaiKht bM... Sealtla. waah, JiAKKKV ANl COXrecTIOSSRY. Bakery, confectionery and Ice-cream factury In fod live lino, establlihed yer. dolnt nioa biulneaa. palnf a profit of $:."o per month: prlca HrfuJ; 3oO caaa and n on or before Jan. 1. 191J. GHfSSI A lvi.T9, 3: P"ard of Trad Pi-la.. tn "d Oak. FOR SALF Grocery ttn-a. dolnf 1114 flay, l.x-aled In a food ra:ilnc n.a tr:ct corner bulMin. Ion leia. cheap rent: w!ll renulr JJiOO ch to bauOlej tinlcaa yon have ahov amount do not aak for part.culara. Call at XZi Aab au. 10 to 11 A. M.. 2 t 4 P. M. . WANT few rartle wlrb 250 to $10O eich. with or w.'tliout rTlt. to Ineeat la pat ented norelUee and apec.alty furnltur fac tory, only factory of It hind on IhH foaat. Kpndi.l opportunity for partw-e wfio mean bulne-sa to d-ubi thalr money Pr: y.-ar. Aii luvealmenta aecured. ?74 Stark at. "Oil tlrocery and crockery ator In a live Willamette Va.ley town, dolnf a ood I'uameaj. cheap rente, been In kual riera 1 yeara: food reiaona for ai:ii.; t-ike "oi to hand. Una propoaltton. AV e-.rt. Oreforlan. . WANTED. Partner to take bait Inter fn A light mannfartnnnf plant. a man wh caa take eheree of an office, and manage men; ee.ary 41-i per month. Kinnefc- A totam p.ler. l-2 Lumber Exchange bl-f.. btark and Fecond ata POOLROOM and cigar atand: owner line otiier large t ualneaa Inlercata and can t give the LueTtneae hia time, and t diaaat lif.ed with hired help: thta plac will pay you dally, and owner wl.l mnat food terma tCJ Lumber Exchanfe. TrKilAN drug atore for aa. at Invoice, about $ :o.HI. fr caah only; dally aale about tM. rent 135. beat location in faat g rowing part of town. Owner ha olhr lrter;. it T7S Oregonlan. OI. 1 eataliliaueo. aolld bualneee. paya 60 prr cent on $i'0 Inveatment; cloeeal In vestigation Invited: owner bat other bual reee that take hi Urn. Addrea aC JtX )ri;onlan. . GHO' EKY for aale or trad, located la fin a.atrict; cheap rent, long leaae; In new t 11 l.iinf : e;.c and fixture Involc about i?t'Hj. Will take hua or vacant lota. Miff t conaMer auto ae part payment. W. if. tSKITZ A CO.. FpaldlPf bldg. Vain B4. kill. MAN. do you want to aeil that house or vacant lot. or your bualnoe. or do yon want to buy for reaulte? Ltat your iroublea with Williams, iol Orefunlaa bldg. XlLACKlIITH SHUT. hore-ehoelng and wagon repairing, fully equipped with up-to-da: loola and the only aliop In tr-.e city: mil! eell the entlr ahop for liJ. AV Orei-inl.xn. Ll'lUT M ANl'FACTl'KINM 1'artuer wait ed. Dutlca eaa::y learned. I'ay you 1"0 montn now; can he increase to f.'.0 inonto. Your money ancurod. Cal 4) htark at. ISr )oy are ioorfing Tor n baalnesa opeulng. call on . We will ae that you are lo cated. rlnt: no enarce for full informa tion. Kmney A tami-her. Sal-J Lumber I ichange bidg.. 2t! ar.J Mark ata. SMALL. CASH HCSIMiS-. Well located and averagia I dally; ruitaoTe for man and wlf-. O. A. MCIM1..-J I.W. CO.. No. IrjJ Wl'cm Itldr 13 A R H K 11 SHOP. Basement In heart of eriopptnir district; aaonat'le rent and tnrge rpace. FLAHERTY A CoNNOLY. 71J Yeon Illrtg. Family grocery ptohb. Lot and building anil food, clean atoek at Invoice; lu Inf -roomg; daily caah aale ii price SI.-: fla'-J cash will handl. R jom 7.0 Chamber of Commerce bldf. BL'TCKEH shop. Wet Slue, busiest at., love ly Baturee; handlea big quantluca of but-t-r and eggs: price 10': I-ear lease; lease worth foOO alono. tw Lumber Ex change. LEAVING e.ty. will aacrinc my entire stock of genuine Indian curloa at coat. 50 per cent on moat; must aeil at once. 40d Mor rison t. IN th heart of the city, on beat atreet, c'gar. fruit and new eland; rnt only $-."; sell rlchL Ms oaner. 414 S Waab lr.fton s CLEANING and preaainf buslnes want pertner to do outside work: thia will pay you better than waeea; $l-i required. i'.ZJ Lumber Exchange. CONFKCTIONERT AND CIGARS 2 furnished -living rooms; trad ill to $15: Bn location. . Whee.er A ii.all, 611 Lumbermons Pldf. cUoD little caah store buaineaa wanta part ner to drl delivery wagon; ya muat be satisfied with -9 Weekly. 8 Lum ber Echantfe! SNAP for cash, dandy frocery. lonf leaae, chexp rent, eood stock and futures: might cons.der tr-iie. '. li Wi-llor. ot)th East Urcoin. pho.-i Tabor 214-- DRT !. AND N'OIKiXs. Clean, small stock; food lxa.de and 8 living rooms; fv'.o. -Whee:er A 1111. 411 Lumbermen Bldf. 1'A.ITT with-VlO0to Invest In a trst-claa proposition; a good tmr.f to one wno means business. Call rJd Railway cnanfo bids. Aak for r. Baker. VANT partner to open rkatlng rink In best alley town outside of 1'ortland: must have about !!&-. good chance for rigtt parte. AV U34. itrr g.in.an. llATllilOl .E La-llee and reins' a. parate department; anowor. tu. eteam ard awim mir.f tank; also 27 rooma furnished In connection, t.i Ru-ael bldf. RESTAURANT V an wanta partner to manage th plac: on of th finest place and best buya in Portland. Y" f-J. Oreg onian. Al'TiiVoiULK BUblNESti snir wanta A ce min. R- rurtncr: preler Outre tiirOi proata large. Call 241,1 Stark St. POOL HALL AND BOWLIVO AL1.ET-S. Dandy new p.ace; maJalnf mcacy; lonf le-se; ttrma Wheeler Hall, 811 Lumbermen Pldg. 6t.VTlF.MAN with S00 lo act as treasurer of paying, eetabllsneo: pueiness; must five reference furnish bonds; good sa.ary and profit N TTT. urefonian. GENERAL mriae. store; carries everything in stock; $4sak to $n0; easy terms .and food p ace ror nrnt man. Auures owner, ox l. Ilwaco. Wash. FOR SALE I'arber outfit. A-l tl2in. 4 chalr outfit for fU0. A o drees E- J. odU Central Point. Or PI'TI.'RE how for sale, dolr.f good buai tieasi reaaena for sel.uif. X. ix Qulemberry, box S71 VnlA Or. FOR 8A1-E Fakery: all atore trade: the enly pi ce In a nic country town, 4 Tn"ea from Pot'srd. O T7. Oregonlan. TW(i-ehlr barber shop. 6 living-rooms, fur nished or unfurnlshsd. food Income. i0 William in. p'lBTXfR wanted In old lnbMshed bull nesv. mnniirctuiinr rre, with from SoovO to !0.K0. Apply D TIT. tjretonian. GI.inT.RT located wher th poI re; nothing o!d on credit. For eale At Actual Invoice. Call 24 Stark St. xv a vTt n A shoemaker who Is able to ouy rerfrct. modem shoe shop. Inquire sho-r.helns. M-!n St.. tregon city. Glti'CEKT. Iunchs, etc-: 3 living rooms, furnr.ur and all. for IXk; c.sars ti ay. X-'o Lumber Exchange. fVlSG-PR"TL'KK neater f.-r il, close In. towntown UjtrlcL lnqulr 1L C bt- r-s. e 7th t. HAM rlli Van with I'"1" o go on farm: a good proposition: InvcstifAiA F "til. irilnrt. Mi'vT marker for snle In a live Washington town of tVCO. P. O. Box til. CentraJli, i tTl. MINING AM INDUSTRIAL STOC1CA Te.ephene ard ther kmai bought sal old. Fletcher Inv. Co.. -A Aij.ngtew. y b!t for sale, in fod town; will rlv lime on part of purtliaae. S Tfl, Ore- I'l-rt HI K-Well eslaMlshed grocery In a f ..l. 1 ve lon. Address Bog io Cres- s,-il T. kr'-l'Al'SAT pclcw IwsV. I" nt e7 s : 1 y. aei.a 4e; ec a Lumbar .ciif. i- I TTTTa MOKXINO OHEKOMA, FKIIJAT. FEBKOAKY l'Jl'J. - . . ax' nnnMiMi.Hci! -,-- r"iy - i. --"- ,..-- i v 1 - - .'"---.- J . BYKN3 Fltmncit r. And at London nd Paris. Butt. Mon treal, Toronto. lenver. aeattle. port. and. Cab.e a:drss. Byrne, Portland. Coiles us-d: Western Inlon. A. B. C. 1-leher. McNeill. iarconl, pr'.ate Cypher. Electrl.: rallas. pu'olic utilities, wnter, timber. Industrial and mining enterprises promoted. Approved bond ar.d slock Is sues placed uh American and European tankora and broker and their underwrlt Inga procured- for corporallona. Inter views by rpo1ntmnt only. 4"7-4v-j Corbett bldf., Portland. Oreson, U. S. A. By eo-operatlon with a number of itt elasa underwriters ard European bankers I am In a position to place bonds on tne foreign msrket without delay. -lr!v,' only sound proposition whiou will B-T lnvtlfation and which I can rwcomroend with coulldenc to my clIentA My cam mlsailon on th Instrod notion of cPi'"lJ (payabl by results only) varies from , o per cent to 7H per cent. Inclusive, aoooxa Inf t th natur of th Pr0P05'l'7- h1. 1 may add that I do con";der,bh1; mount of corporation work under th lawa of th dllterenl states, and prfPe 11 documenta lor registration with the assistance of expert lawyera. M ch" in this case will be found v.ry 2'Vna?0i and th work quickly don. Should you deatre to form A buslnes Int A jolwt stock company under Enfliah law I can b of i.m. ..ilstance. as I am th. uthoro eral. book on lCnfllsh -Limited LlablUty com r riles. , 1 hare found It necearr to dIsoonttTm agaicle. and at present have no f"" o? repreaeutatlves of any kind I n this eountry. m I find that my cl 'n.'S Ilk to dlr.lo their project to W-AL people, and, naturally, prefer to deal with mc.drtrn" Irresponsible penpl who dr tl.e "European CaptlaJ"' nd profes to b abl to Introduc It. hv been u.lnf my nam. and th. nam of my toj. pur ponlnf to repressnt m In th U tea 6.at. I wlau to disclaim any conneot on witn them- or their method of dolnf '"To" time It Is therefor , advlaabl to eommunicai with m DIRECT at 40l Cor bett bit!.. Portland. Oregon. SECRETARY WANTED. Abl. Competent Correspondent. Enklneer. mine owner and operator wania an able, competent secretary; mar ried man preferred. -v.-e Applicant must be bl to take eh" of an ei;enve offlc correspondenc ann set result; must be honest, square and of food character and be in A position to Invest not lee. than 10.(mO In owner'a enterpriac. live at the mlnea. have charge of oarroiia, purchaslnf department, etc. Bala.ry eccoro.inf to ability, fro 20f0 Lootwaate a busy man- tlm nnleas you can qualify. . ,K Olv at least S food references with Adirel."lirine Owner. AV P13. Orrg-nlan. A UFETIMK INCOME. A large mining company want mor csrltal to bul.d .melter. Proporty In Il.ack Hill. S. D.. I developed. I rich, wl.l pay many thousand per cent divi dends; neugh or on dumps o run 0 months. Ii.veUfatlng party folnf In about 30 daya. Join tis. You deal Ol- .. ... we -ear 1 rt C IsAfiin in. r-tiy witn cm ry. v " RI IABLE pnnr wanted for tvbiihed I tilmt business; !r profit; ca c.e-vr v . .,4 1 .iml.ne U' w , h tl sTssV. r 1 wijr, o" "" REAL ESlATi: BISINESS Owner wants Interested help. Will pv energetlo m ... ... . vAm o. SLark at. NV ,J I . . U . 1. . ' - . GOOD little reels a ra n t that will mak yu a good llvlnf. 110. Lumber Ex change. BARBER hop, 8 chairs: beat location In town, doing food business, ana A ionj FINE li-room apartment. 2 and -room . . 1 1 ... ..-p month. 4-vear leasel only t33t. term. 12''J Yon bldf. LIGHT groceries, confectionery, cigars, eto. Nic store for 4At). Good district svnd Cheap rent. Call SMV ntara ei. liOTEL. wil established and wen located, half Interest for aale for cash only. 6US penton bldg. lil.'TTER. eges. etc. Solid buslnees clear ing over s Jtru month. All caah trad and good lease. Call S4S fetark t. WANTED God bulns mn with little capital to lnvet In a moncy-maklnf artl- cle- Apply a- . new m-uu FOR ! by owner, manufacturWif Jewelry nd lapldarv shop, dolnf rood business; wli! teach th buyer. S IM, Orefonian. FOR SALE Post-card gallery with 610 outfit, food business. :l.'0 ca--h. Calvert HsuiJIo. 41d ye.ln si.. Oregon City, or. CIGAiiS! candy, bakery foods, etc.; nice stor with lUlnf-room. Will sell for .o0. 1 i g bargain, call 24-.ui Stark ft. WANTED To buy. a National cash register; must be In food con.illlon and cheap for cash. Phone Main 60"1. "WANTED To buy a barber shop In om llv Wll!nictt Valley town. H. SpoeUtra, S'lvcrton. Cr. IF YOU have S-i0 to Invest with ej-vlces in A-l Inundry proposition call At 410 Lumber Exchanfe. Sd and Stark at. LEARN to fly; expert instruction. Zornas Avlallon School Pasco.Wash: tklO BUSINESS CARDS, 1 00; brlnf this mA. Res City Prlntcry. ltt'Jrt 3d. cor. Taylor. REPAIR SHOP Want steady partner; blf fronts. Call aiara at. GOOD RESTAURANT FOR bALB. ll'S . aa st ELECTRIc-'AL business for sale in good If. town in uregou. va iw. oicgvuiwi. Dtl.K'ATKSSKN and bakery: good location, g .od bu lnes. AG 7"0. oregonlan. LUNCH COUNTER Want partner abl to help mo. r'arlicuiaxa .194 pisis 11. TWO-CHAin barber shop on MMwaukl and Beacon ave. AL T7t. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT cheap: leas, good trad, cheap rent, living room, terms. 204 4th. BWFLL bnrbershop. fine location, low rent. long lease. l-.'o I eon piu. TWO experienced prospector wish grub stake for new diggings. W TT4. uregonlan. WANTED, partner In plumbing buaineaa. Apply 645 tHh u WANTED Partnr with (oOOO. 770; Oregor.ian. loo BUYS half Interest In fin paying busi ness. - I - 6th. - DENTIST wanted, new town, old settled country. I. "o. Oregonlan. C0 BUSINESS CARDS el-f'O. til Buchanan Bldf.. 2Hi Wash. BrPI'10PPRTIITJE.WTTAT-ro; WANTED Men' furxlhins; business., some- trinf goou, couniry rticuou, o. o SOI. Ian. WANTED General merchandise business; must be food, country preferred. X 711. Orefonian. ROOMING HOrSES. aT EW KODF.RS ROOMS. Steam heat, hot and cold water, tele phonee In every room, all outside rooms, good downtown location; owner will sac rifle for .4200; thta p:ac recntly goid for e."0: will take I Son and good lot as first tiivmeoL See Mr. Astlll. with Joseph Graham. 1007 -o loard of Trad blug HOTEL. HO ROOMS. Good hotel. x rooms. In thr-story nice brick building, rent only tl per room. 4 la reersf lesee. furniture, building, etc.. In fine condition: hotel le clearing over 4i0 per month; locaied rignt down town; sric 10vj: .voo caa li will haadiA ORUSSI A POLCS. 1A Board of Trsd bldg.. 4th and Oak. BACRIFTCE. 110 room. 54 furnished, rent less than IX a room, lease, brick building, steam heated, bath. le-tHo and ga. lltriit, rooms all fill.; price i.uvu. lourny oiuf., ui ) 2d st. MART Jfi- LENT CO, PORTLANDS LEAPINO HOTKL AGENCY. HCTELH HOwlNO APART MENT HOl'SF.S. All sixes and price. l-4 Fell. eg bl'lg.. .Id snd W.lhlngtem. A PI'"KL"P. 12 ROOMS. Irt-iO. RENT 3.".; FURNACE HEAT. WEST FIDiC; CLEAT 0O MO. b-NAP. bsia, 'jAMES. 8 10TH 6T NEAR STARK. THINK of this: only $.10 rent for 11 rooms, im you are Baying that much wher you live- why not hav this Income of ;;. 7 SOoO cash or terruA Particulars 80S Mill St. atenta. SO-ROOM hotel and -i block of land, fully furnished, hot and cold water, doing good business, for sale on terms, or wul lease to rig it party. A. A. Waytnlr, Amity, or. WILL trd lots, hooee, barn and other ......at . 'lWl.l ah fti, mnA m DUiiuins. w.,n e .w . lng-house or arc bldg. Pacific Coast I rokerege Co, H-1 Hoard of ITada. l.'.M. Mnrehall 4-'wU. 1 H. K- RMS, newly furnished, full of steady roomers, fin location. J-.000. easy term -l4 7ln u aiarsnaii ao-e. JAPANKSB wants to buy 80 to 40-room rooming-house; good rfrnc. 8 7o A Oregonlan ;.vi CAr-H. SIS per month. 10-room, West Side, fumac het Income f Prlc S3&0. HTGI.KY BIMHOP. 132 Third St. WT1.L SKI.L lens, snd furnltur of rr.on- ey-mKlnf ls-room nouse: goon term. Rent I'hi. Jurdsn. 810 Lumbermen bViif. GOOD bosxdtnf .htnie. doing good busi ness, will sell reaaonabl. 1.1S N. 16th SL PI. F. ASA NT rooniA reasonabl. R mlnuteg iium P. O.; bats Ana phone. 2a 4 lath St. R. H. flOODKIND CO.. INC, KHjI-6 Wilcox bldf. Cor. :th and Washington st. BEAUTIFUL UTILE HOTEL. 80 ruorns. all uutsiue. newly and beau tifully furnished, individual phones, hot snd cold water and closets In all rooms. ;ler.did location, house full and clearing Sll,0 per month above all expenses. This Is just the place for a woman to run with one assistant. No worry, no bother, for the Income Is euro. Requires f-oOO cash. Would consider good lot or close-In acr Sug up to SKnjO as part payment. 20 ROOMS. STEAM HEAT. Four-year lease, rent S140; house baa running watr In all the rooms, fine down town location: ha been furnished only short time and does a big transient busi ness; the bouse is heated from a nearby plant, so you have no fires to build or Xurnaa to run: requires lis'0 cash. NICE HOME, BIG INCOMia. H room and kllohenette. rent only 135 per- month; completely furnished In bost of taste for light housekeeping; fur nc heat, corner, nio yrd; Is clearing ti0 per month above expenses. Thl la a splndld buv for 51000; easy term. SACRIFICE SALE. 10 roomA rent S4U, Just off Washing ton t, completely equipped for light housekeeping; cost tlvMJ to furnish, hut owrlnf to sickness owner will sell for JIOOO, on easy terms, or would take good, real st ate tO-ROOM APARTMENT, 81000. Rent S5.50 per room, well furnished, modern brlok bldf., monthly prollt ex ceed $400; must go. -room hou. Tth. near Hall, new fur nltur, 474; rent jO. An exception; tonus. 14-room hotel, brick. I50. rent ISO. furnltur 1 year old. cost SloOO. Trms. Rooming house with I00 worth of nw furnltur, lor 2!0. Investlgal. 20 rooms, transient hotel, near Teon bldg.; SliOo; terms. O. J. BROOKS. 1016 Chamber of Commorce. Mar. 8992. THIS MT ST BE SOLD. BIT. SELL AGAIN BIG PROFIT. 100 RUUMS, 80 APARTMENTS. Rent Si room; 4-yr lease; clears $400 a month. TRls Is exceptionally well fur nished. Is a beautiful new comer brick, furnished only a few months ago and has paid since the opening, owner must sac rifice; Is a barraln at SlOw; If taken at ti.es can deliver for $7"n. $2r. cash. JAMES. 68 10TH ST, NEAR STARK. A HOUSE AND AN INCOME 10 rooms. In hlsh-claas location, modern bouse, close In. well furnished, rent IJ0; owner must leaso at one and will sell at a sacrifice; only L'.V cash requlred. UttVLIN FIRF.EAL'GH. Uvl Icon Bldf. erECIAl. notice. Propusals Invited. NOTICE, SALE OF DRAINAGE BONDS. Scaled bids wlli be received by the Uma tll.a dralnase district. Stanrleld, Or, up to Monday, February 20. laill, at th hour of 11 A. Si, for purchase of bonds of th Umatilla drainage district. Issued by said district for th purpose of building a Cralnage system. Amount of bonds 31, lw 1:'. Bonds in tiie amount of SHuu each, maturing In 10 years from the date there of, with Interest not to etcouil U per cent, paysble semi-annually, with right to take up ana cancel such bond or bonds upon payment of the fac valu thereof, with accrued Interest to date of payment, at any seml-anuual coupon period at or after one year from date of such bond. No bid coniidered for los than par and ac crued Interest. Bidders are requested to name tne price and rate of Interest at which they will purcnaae said bonds. Board of director reserv th right to re ject any and ail bids. Bids to be ac companied by a certified check lo the amount of 1 per cent of the bonds to be oid. A be tract on application. Dated true 2uth day of January, lull:. Umatilla Dralnag District, btanfleld. Or., by F. A. Baker. Seo. ' WALED bid will b received at the office of the undersigned. 4U2 Ttlford bldg, un til 5 P. M, Keuruaxy 15. 1912, for window hades at Clinton Kelly, Feruwood. G. en coo, Lenta. KernA ML Tabor. Hose City 1'ark and Washington gymnasium. Copy of speculations may be obtained at the ofTlce of the underaigni-d. Certified check fur 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. payaole to K, H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Director rvsurves the rifinl 10 reject any and all bldA H. U. THOMAS, .School Cicrk. Dated January SO. 1012. SEALED bids will be received at th ofllc of the undersigned. 4oa lillord bldt,-, Port land, Or, until S P. February 22. 1WI2. , for b.ock bv. Couch's Addition. Ccrlitlcd check tor 0 per cent of the llniount of th biu. payable to It- 11. Thomas. School Clerk, muat accompany each proposal. Board of Director reserves the ilt;bt to retain possession of the premises and building lliercon until January 1, 1913: a isc, reserves the right to reject any and All bldA Dated January 23. 1912. K H. THOMAS. School Clerk. xillY Py usurious Interest to money suark when th Alias Security Co. wlii loan you money on diamonds. Jewelry and other portabla article, almost bankers' Interest I 1125 Falling bldg, 8d and Washington. miscellaneous IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUB UNITED STATES Full HE DISTRICT OF OREGON IN ADMIRALTY. THE bCduuNEU "WM. NOTTINGHAM." KTC, AND CARGO, THE PORT OF PORTLA-ND ET AL., L1BELLANTS, GLOBE NAVIGATION' CUMPAIMY. CLAIMANT. .. SALVAGE. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. DISTRICT OF OREGON SA Whereas, a liucl was filed In th Dis trict Court of th United state lor th aJ.Btrlct of Oregon, on the 6th nay of No vember, 1SH1. by The Port of Portland, a municipal corporation, et al. against the ship "Wm. Noiungnajn," her tackle, ap xarel. furniture and cargo of, 10 wit. Vuu.uoO feet of Oregon fir lumber, alleging In substance that on October 15, lyll, said ship was found derelict 20 miles west ef Cape Disappointment on the Oregon coast, and lowed lu safety to Astoria, Oregon, and praying process against a aid ship, her tackle, apparel, furniture and cargo, and that the same be decreed to be th property of Ubeliant. or that aald court uccre a aum 10 be paid to said libehants lor their salvage services, and that said ship. etc.. and cargo b held to answer said decree: Now, trerelore. In pursuanc of th moultlon under the seal of aaid court to m. directed and delivered 1 do hereby giv public none to all persona claiming th sa.d ship, her tackle, apparel, furni ture or cargo, or lu any manner inter ested therein, that they appear before the said District Court to be held at Portland, Oregon, on the 3th day of February, 1KJ2. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of such day tprovldod tnat be a day of Jurisdiction, and It not. men on the uext day of Juris diction thereafter!, then and ther to In terpose their claims and mak allega tions In that behalf. Dald. January 17, 1912. LESLIE SI. SCOTT. United States MarshSjl, WILLIAMS. WOOL A LI.NTH1CUM, Proctors for Llbellant, Th Port of Portland. MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF 1UB INDEPENDENT 1ELEPHONE COMPANY OF OMAHA. Th reorganisation commute hereby call A Kneeling of lb above bondhold er, to b held In th rotunda of th "A" Exchange of th Independent Telephone Corupauiy. 1H14 Harney street, Omaha. Nab . n the 12th day of February, lltli. at 10 'clock A. M. Tbl meeting la railed for in purpose f determining upon the plan which shall be pursued with ref erence to thl property. By lh terms of th bondholder agreement ch bond bolder hall bs entitled to vol according to the amount of bl holdings, and may act or vote by proxy. A majority In In terest of the bondholder so voting shall decide. The committee wants you present at the meeting, but If this la impossible you should be represented by proxy duly authorised to represent you.. It Is of the utmoel ljnportauc that you giv thl mat ter your eaxnoat and Immediat attea- tlm- . FRANK H. WOODS, Cnairman of ComiiUtt. L.TSLE I. ABBOTT. Secretery of Committ. EDSON RICH. FRANK B. JOHNSON. FREDERIC W. STOlN3. JOHN EiERNAN. lost and rorfi. PARTY who picked up purs on Wllllama ave. car Thursday about a P. M. 1 known; keep 85 and return purse and contents to l'.oyer Imp. Co. or Mrs. Deubort, 316 Broadway c; no questlous asked or trou ble mad. ' LOST On lllh. between H1I nd Alder, thre aeparat package containing 12J aigrette; reward if returned to Apt- 2o3. Haddon Hall. 11th and HalL phone Mar shall 11US. Lost Lauy'a gold watch, silk fob and guard; bird dcBitro on case: either on Washington or 1 utii.- between 6th and Ba kT's Theater. Return to Howard Bennett, 10il-lvo6 Board of Trade. Reward. LOST January 20, at Royal Arcanum dance In Moose Hall, a lady brooch, with chain attached, of special value as keepsak; rward given. 70 15th st. North. LOST Bunch of keys, tag on ring, stamped Jas. H. Maloney. Boue, Mont. Finder call Marshall 3J18. Reward. LOST, a gold monosram fob: Initials A. R. B. Call up A Tlastl. Reward. LOST Black K-ather wristband containing mall gold watch; reward. East 5 llS. COMPETENT woman wants day work. Ta buc J 01, 1 FOUND Where you can buy eenain hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; w renovate mattresses and rsiurn same day: v. also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxster, Front. Ph'.ne Main 474. A 1S74. LOST Between Clackamas and Portland, a billhook or pocketbook: contains receipts, letters. Elks' dues card, automobile club card, etc; finder please return to C. A, Nation, of the Speedwell Motor Co, 14th and Couch g.s.and receive liberal reward. LSTWhite English bull pup; black spots on nose; answers to nam of Billy. R ward. E. 81B1. FTNANCIAI4. WOULD like 10 meet people with money desiring to purchase K per cent Brst-cas mortgages on Improved city and farm Sroperty. Call or address 410 Ellers idg. .... MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and ullerg" squills bought. L. Dvr aua. ll)u Spaidlng u-ili. 4-4 and WasA- tog ion. Mala 08. , PLENTY OF MONET ON FARM OR CITT FIloPERTT. la. XI. C. BORCHERS. JrOT OREGON! AN BLDG. WE pa- highest cash prlc for builder 00 B t recta, first and second mortgages and ther ecurltlea Home Installment C 4U1-402 McKay bldg. Marshall BattA MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estat or for building purposes. No commisslona COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST COPANIC. Old Spalding bldg HK3T OR SECOND MORTGAGES BOUGHT r seller's Interest In contracts of sal on real estate in Washington or Oregon, H. E. Nooia, cT6 Lumbermetis bldf. FOR SALE First mortgage of 11200, 8 pr cent, on lot and 2-story residence valued at 2ov0. situated on East bid, clos In, Address A 7-K. Oregonlan. Wli buy notes, contract, mortgages (first and second), equities. F. H. Lewis A Co., 8 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgage, contract and commission account bought, real estat loans. E. B. Miller. 410 Ablngton bldg. WILL purchase at liberal discount good mortgages or noteA A S02, Oregonlan. Money to Ixisn Real Estate. IXAN8 of J.ioo. J1200. SI 800 and upward on improved realty property; favorable terms. National Realty A Trust Co, 723 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE L0AN3. Plenty of money to loan at S to 8 per cent on city residence and business prop erty anl Multnomah County farm. EDW. P. MALL. S00 to 104 Chamber of Commerce. LAP.GE supply of money to loan In sum of S5O0 and upward, oa real estate security, at 6 and T per cent. MALL A VAN BOR9TEL, I04 Second st, near Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes. 8 to 8 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. Tho Equitable Sav ings A Loan Association. 240 Stark St. TO loan, SlO.OoO at 7 per cent on good ae- curlty, or may be on lower rate if se curity Is exceptionally good. -F. mCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANT CASH T We buy- mortgages and sellers contract CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY, . . XJljIa. HAVE clients with amall amounts which they desire to place short time on real estate. Fred W. German, 829 Burnsld t. phon Main or A 27ii. 8500.1'uo ON Improved city or farm property; building or small-' loans at lowest rates; large loans a specially. McKenal A Co-, C14-515-51G Gerlintfer bldfi TO LOAN, IWOO to 120,000 at 6 per cent. 82uOt to 7il'0 at 7 per cent, on city prop erty or improved farms; make application to Goodsell Bros, 4113 Worcester bldg. FIltaT MORTGAGE LOANS. FARIl AND CITY PROPERTY. EDMUND L. LliVEKEAUX loijO SPALDING BLDG. WILL loan S20.OOO or less, real estate secur ity. Farrlngton A Farriuglon. 118 Com mercial I.IUO UlUK. 1100 TO SliDO TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIM B ON ANY GOOD SECURITY BY PRIVAIM PARTY. 201 O REG ON 1 AN BLDG. $1000 TO SOOuO to loan at lowest rates, also larger amounts. Trowbridge A Stephens, sni Wilcox biiig. . s-w.uuu IO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest r -Ues. W. G. Beck. ElS-Slrt Failing bldg. WILL loan S'.OuO to $10,000 on first-class city property. Giv phone. P 772. Ore gonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. Liberal term. Mortgages purchased. Henry C. Pruhomni Co, b0 Wilcox Bid. f5bV)"TO SXO.Oi'O oil good security, 6 per cent to 8 per cent. Johnston & Bothfur Vt'd Chamber of commerce. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co, 2U2 ilciiay bldg, 8d and Stark. WANTED Applications for select loans oa city property. M. Billings, 60 McKay bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgages bought, vv. ri. r.unii. pngi o,o.. $12 500 TO LOAN; will divide; part com mission saved. C. A. Ambrose, 813 Wathinglon st. aiain o"i, -1 v-i. MONEY, 7 and 8 per cent. Improved city property ;. amounts to suit. 500 Henry DlUg MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent, W, H. Belts A Co, 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. . J Q. UULTHA. FAILING BLDO. iTATE funds. 8 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 40 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS. JE. T. Price, file Rothchlld Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABL8 RATES. F. H. LEWIS, 3 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS on Improved city property at 6, J and 8 per cenL Office. 12u Wlicox bldg. JIOOO. $2000. $2500. $0000, $10,000. M. E". Thompson. 421) Henry bldg. See Mr. Rldgg. LOANS 011 leai, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. au8-M Fentoo. SiOoO OR any part t, loan. Interest 7 per cent- Ma'n llOd. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Mlley. room 204 Gerlinger bldg. "lONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. ll. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. $4onO TO loan on first-class securities. AH 770 oregonlan. MOKTO AOtl LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOU 1 5 bALU Jl C., . g " . " J. - - 2m0 Oil $2000 to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. 171 East Ifljd. Phon East u04S. Money to Loan Chattels and salarle. KEW COMPANY iSEW METHODS, SALARY LOANS CHATTEL LOANS. This company was organized by lead ing business men of this city to LOAJI MONEY to woiklng people and others on their PLAIN NoIiS, without endorser or nubllclly; also on Xurnuure, pianos, horses, cattle, storag receipt snd auto at rates honest peop. can all or d to pay. QUICK LOANS ANT AMOUNT. .40 Weekly Pays a J vl" LOAN. S .Mi Weekly Pays a LOAN. Il.40 Week.y Pays I JW fOAN. S1.U0 Week.y Pas a $ 10 LOAN. 82 20 Weekly Pay a Sloo LoAJi. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Giv.a 11 Paid Before Dufc PORTLAND LOA-v CoMPA-Sl. 106-7 MACLEAY BcDG. BoiH PHONES. Between 4th and iih fcta, on 1 ul Opea kin. ana esu Aivngs Ull V f. C. FRANK. NICHOLS CO. For a loan on any kind ul security. IT WILL COST lOU I-EoS. Kn charae. prlvat offlo. Courteous ud Confidential Treatment, CALL AND GET AC, GAIN 1 ED. SOS Lumhermens Bidg, ein avua 01 rk. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPI-. vvomea keeping house and other fur nished witnoui eecunij; cueapest raios, easiest payments. Coin and get money wnen you want It. and pay as you can. Oillcea lu ail principal Cities. 1). 'lol- man. ii x.umua i-- OOOJ-r ou" - ... .. to loan at low rat on furnuuro, pianos, autoe, livestock, contracts, mortgages, or any otner personal security. .Auoiphua iue, 414 Abingiou blag. Marshall 614. MONEY to loan on snort time. In small or larger a oujils, on wual you have, striot ly 'rival. Call da 5 Uuu.r Exchange. IkaauiAlkl loans itom 45 and up oa ail kind of ecurillea. W. A. Uatnawaj. rocm 10. Waiiinglun bldg. Maia qua. SUMS from $10 to luo to loan on furniture, jewelry, caatteis. etc. low rate ous Lumbermen bio;.. . " CASH OX CREDIT. EMPLOYED" LOAN CO- gl ABLNGTON BLUG. 120 TO $100 loan at low rates; weekly or monthly repayments to suit. Ofnce, 12u Wlleox blug cyA.Na 011 uiatnouds and olher securities. V,m Hull, room Washington bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly contidentlal. 141 v 3d. rear Alder. 1 ' uui V . . k HI I , V IC V I MONEY sold on installment, confidential, 1 aaauled bo)i F A, iSswton, Uan bivLsh Money to JLoan Chattels and Salaries. s a g S 8 . DO TOU NEED MONEY r We wiu furnish you. sirlct.y confiden tial and without delay, a loan In any amount, on your auto piano i, livestock, storage receipt and ?llit.0!I kinda of ecuritles. oa terms to suits auss ea weekly or monthly payment WE BUY AND LOAN On first and second real estate mort gages, sallaxs- contract aad chattel mort- ttb!"REAI. ESTATE A BROKBEAQ8 COMPANY. 11 Hamilton Bldg. 131 8d. Main 20S4. slg l88 $8 to D. D. DRAKE $100. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without security, morlgag or indorse ment; cheapest rates, but and most prl val terms m Portland. SOT Spalding bidg. MONEY ADVANCED On furniture, pianoa, eaiaricA ata. Lowest rates. BUTTON CREDIT CO. 807 Spalding Bldg; $1.00 TO $1000. jrWnRT, WATCHES. DIAMONDS, BTO. BLB1" COMPANY (Licensed) PRIVATE OFFICES. 820 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDO, 8RD FLOOR, COR- 2D AND STARK BT3. WE LOAN money oa diamond sou Jewelry at half tne rates cnarged by brskarA Marx A Bloch. .4 8d at. FOR th lowest and best rates on ehattal security. Phone East 1172. A LOAN for the asalng, salary ox cnattea The Loan Co., 414 Deaum bldg. Loans Vt'aate-i. WANTED $30,000. hav $110,000 worth of property to secure with, will pay 7 per cent for one year or longer. A 105L Mar shall 42UK. PACIFIC COA6T BROKERAGE CO.. 618-19 Board of Trade. WANTED Loan of $2260 for term of $ years. Improved city realty property. In restricted residential district. Particular, National Really A Trust Co 72a Chamber of Commerce bldg WANT building loan on residence. If you cannot make thl kind of lnau do not waste your time answering. M. 77S, Ore gonlan. . $1600 WANTED on new home worth $4200, in restricted home district; will pay 9 per cent quarterly and expense to prlv ate party; Insurance S2wu. M 7io, Oregonlan. WANTED $300 on 6 acres land, miles south of Tillamook City, worth $1000. B 700, Oregonian. $5000 WANTED on Improved realty, 8 per cent straight, S years; no agents. AE 778, Onegonlan. MuNEl WA.ViED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages -or sal. Henry c. Prudhomme Co, t.0. .Vllcox hiqg. $2000 on Bnished houae. worth SoUUO, oc cupied by owner; best location East Sld. Farrlngton. 4i6 Commercial club bldg. $0000 3 OR 5 years, 8 per cent, on line im proved Tillamook farm land; value $13,- jO. X 730. oregonlan. WANT to borrow at once $o000 on $20,000 valuation, months, 8 per cent. 1108 Spalding bldg. v WANT 2 small loans fronlN private parties, real estate. Lundburg, atty, 1024 C. of C. WANTED S1000 at 8 per cent; good city security. AT 77. Oregonlan. WANTED S2500 from private party; city security. Al 7S0, Oregonlan. WANTED Loan of $200, good personal se curity. AG 776. OreBoniaa: PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 600 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 34-inch switches ...$4.48 Sd 20-incn switches a!.4o riair dressing 2 Face inaasage .20 bnanipoo ....... 2 Muuicurlng, 25c; 5 for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 0.00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4. $5 and so PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair in any shade; switches, any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum biug, 3d and Washington. LEUCODESCENT LIGHT TKEATMEN TS. Rheumatism, Neuiaigia, Lumbago and Nervous Troubles. Leucodesceut Light will relieve pain as promptly as a hypodermic of morpnlne, without any bad af tur-effects, no matter how severe the pain or how chrouio the condition. J. William Lewis, M. T, 510 Marquatn bldg. ANNA WILL. Because she was highly pleased with her last suit. Anna Diesswell win again be seen in a Sprlrfg suit from The Nation al Sample Suit A Cioak Co, Retail sample ' Rooms, Swetland bldg. 6th and Wash, Take elevator. MILLINERY school and makeover shop. Learn in six weeks. New class starting tow. Get ready for positions and loca tions. Also remodel last year's stock hais for milliners very reasonable. If you want to sell your business call or write 8U6 Goodnoufh bldg, opposite Postoffice. MEET me in the Swetland bldg, said Mrs. Satisfied to Mrs. I Was Stung. I will take you to the National Sampie Suit & Cloak Co , where you can get one of the real classy suits for half the price paid to ollici-s. Go to 5lh and Wash, lake the ele vator, 2d floor of fcw-etland bldg. NATUROPATHIC treatment. I cure nervous and chronic disease without the use of drugs or appliance of any kind. Dr. Catherine C. Gates, 3uT Ablngton bldg. Marshall 8143. 10 12 A. M,, 1 to v P. Sundays by appointment. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HeUingfors graduate; rlieumalism, nervous and stom scn aliments, under physicians direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th st , second door south from Eaat Ankeny carllnB. Phone East 2M0, B lb0. A NEW hypodermlo treatment for catarrh. Results guaranteed. Non-operative. H. M. lticnardson, M. D, eye, ear and throat specialist. SOS Northwest bldg, Sth and VV sailing ton. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, has removed to Lafayette bldg., 313 h Wash ington st. EXCHANGE. 100 acres. 30 acres good bottom land, bal. pasture and small timber; price $2500; would trade for Portland residence to $3ouo and pay difference In cash. Room 4JD, Imperial Hotel, ADAMS BATH PARLORS. 91 H alxth; scientific massagist; electrlo blanket sweats and salt batns given for colds and rheumatism. Hours iroia 10 it ciock 10 12. LK, WALKER, specialist fur men, .quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 1S1 1st su, Portland. MEN si O- Tablets, a marvelous cur for luervous debility and weakness from any cause; price CL Druggist or mail. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co, ::4ifr Morrison St. DRESS SUITS for rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and cellverlea Unique Tailoring Co., SOU Stark. MRS, STEVENS, lo years Portland's lead lug paimist and clairvoyant, has her late book, "palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 212 Allsky bidg, Sd and Morrison sis. DR. A- Jl. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 8U2 Merchants Trust bldg, 4j,n qnd Washington. Phone Main 4041. LADIES Sanderson Cotton Root Pills, the woman's medicine; price $2 box. Drug gists or mall. Every box guaranteed. Dr. l'icrce Remedy CO., 40 i aiorrison st. MIS RAGNHILlJ JACOBst.V, Scandinavian trained masseuse, phone Marsuaii b42. t74 Johnson st, corner 21st. laae W car. .a Marinello System Scientific treatment of hair, face and scalp. manicuring, chiropody. 4o2 CenirallilCg. 10th and Aider. HUGHES goes to Seattle, Shasta Limited, Feb. V, 8 P. M. Can you gov If su, write John L, MRS. DR. BAIRD, M. T, 814 Hamilton bidg, treats all diseases of long standing by sci entific methods; surplus fat reduced. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. U5c; curls and pulls, 75c. San itary Beauty Parlors, 4uo Dekum bidg. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental and spirltl ual scientist. 302 A.isky bldg. Meetings W ed neaaay and Friday, a P. M. Maiu tio4. RiiEUMO A positive cure for rheumatism; price 1: eery bolt., guaranteed. Dr. f ierce Remedy Co, 245 Morrison at. LOKENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality, 2ao box; 6 boxes SL25. oupe Taylor Drug Co, 2pQ Morrison at. SCOTCH woman successfully treats the scaiu aula a j sviueu, 475 East Everett su, cor. Mth. DR. K.ETCHUM treats women's maladies, also chronic diseases. Washington bldg, cor. 4th and Washington, slain b474. illSS BELLE ROSENTHAL has returned from San Francisco. CaL gcA-LP treatment, facial massage. Alton Hotel, lllh ana Stark, room 42o, top fioor. vToLEsTsuFerfluous hair removed. Mrs. U H.:l. 42" Fliedner bldg. Main 347J. MANiCL.1117vG parlor, facial and scalp treal- ment. shampooing. 814 Swetland bldg. n,i m OF FiGS Remedies for diseases of women. 632 Davis st. Main 8215. MME COURTR1GHT, feature and skin spe eiaiis t. 200 2otA sc. is, Pnone At aia $042, ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for men and women. We have aa electrical office that cannot be duplicated on the Pacific coast; X-Rays, Statics. X-Ray Coils. lvanic. Faradio and Sinusoidal Batteries; nigh fre quencies currents; lights from the smallest to the most powerful; baths of every de scription We use iiiussttge, manipulations and adjustments with vibration, over .0000 patients and not a death while unc er our treatment. We do not use medlcln s and never operate. Our offices are always open for inspection. We have cured hun dreds of people that others have given up. If you ar noi satisfied, call or write us. We occupy the entire north half oX tae third floor of the Rothchlld bidg. Dr. W E. Mallory. Naturopath. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massages and baths. 34S Wiiiiaius' ave, near Weldler st. TJ car. Phone East 300S, C 2553. Open Sundays. BUSINESS MB-ECTORY. "Accountants Expert and Certified. EXPERIENCED all lines; books opened, closed, written up, financial statements; private Instruction; service anywhere; permanent or temporary bookkeepers fur nished. 002 Swetland bldg. Main 440. Analytical Chemists. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO, analytical chemists, examiners of chemicals, drugs. foods, etc. Aswayer and Analyst. ' Weils & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists ana umaj t'i ,uij o.ami.p, MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-teeting work. ISO. Morrison st. Attorney. ; X! e! COOPER, attorney-al-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Tcon bldg. M. 873, A2071. H C. KORN'EGAY. corporation, commercial, real estate law. and collections. 022 Yeon. Beauty Culture. HAVE your wrinkles removed. Why look old? 615 Swetland bldg, 6th and Wash. Brass and Machine Work a HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass .casting and machine work, lutl N. 6ih. Main 2702. Chiropractic Physiclnn. DR. T1CKNER. Columbia bidg, next Star Thea:er. A 5253. Main H5S7; res. B 2876. 4 hiropodists. WILLIAM. Estrlle and Flossie Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city, parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg, S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 42D Filndner bldg. Main 8473. Coal. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. Bt.OCTC WOOD BRANCH E. 23D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO, coal and wood. Marshall P60. A 3545. 8S7 Water t. Contractors. WANTED Instead of letting your contract to build, get competent builder as fore man; can save 25 per cent. Woodlawn 1414. ' W. L. BUCKNER, contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store setting, s N. Sth st. Main f.SSt. A 7662. Woodlawn 662. Dancing. PROF. WAL WILLSON'S SCHOOL Lessoni 25c; waltz, two-step or three-step guaran teed In first lesson or money refunded; stage dancing taught quickly. HS6a Wash, st, bet. W. Park and 10th. Main 7B3T. HEATH'S SCHOUL Lessons 25c; fancy stagfc and social dancing taught dally; waitz and two-step guaranteed in 4 lea ons. Cluss Monday eve. 109 2d St., : be tween Washington and Stark. " PROF. FORD'S school of dancing, 37th and Hawthorne ave. Classes Tuesday and Thursday evening at 8. Prlvat lessons by appointment. Tabor 8707. -- KINGLER'S ACA.DE.MY, leading dancing school In the Northwest, thorough courses, ten instructors. 2:11 13 Morrison, instruction dally. Marshall 313. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co, Coast agents. Sea bury steam engine and boilers, gasolln en gines. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison St. phone E 513. Feed Store. ZIGLER & M1SNEP, hay, grain, feed, ce nient. shingles. 2U4 Grand ave. E. 4B2. Leather ana Findings. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO, 74 Front, Leather of every description, tabs. mfra. findings. J. A. STHOWBRIDGE LEATHER CO Es- tabllshed loop. lw Front st- LandM-ape Gardening. G. H. S1EBEL.S, landscape gardener; prun ing ispeciaitybb 6 E. olh. Sell wood 1107. MuHlcaL Kmil Thieihorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. boo Marquam. A 4100, Marshall ltiiia. Osleoputiiic Physicians, DR. LEltO 1 bail'lll. graduate Klrkville. Mo, class of lbJb; post-graduate 1007, un der Dr. A. T. Still, iuunuer ol the science, 1122 selling bldt;. M. 1M&7. A !Hs5. Dr. R. B. Norliirup, 415-10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chroma Diseases. Phon Uilice M. 34D. Kea. East or B 1028. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish is best adapted to tne Coast cliniaie. HAaa Hcu'lER PAlNT CO. 1S1 Second SU KAoabusrl.S a. CO, Joboeis, paints, oils, glass, sasa and doors, cor. 2d and Taylor. patent Attorneys. FATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law, late of U. S. Paienl Oluce. Boug iet tree. 710 tne Board of Traue bidg. x-ATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyrights registered, ail countries. Booklet tree, rilr-IMiAbiiKLliV, oxq Worcester bldg. U. tv. AND FOstiuiGN PA 1 EN '1 S procured by O. O. Martin, 409 Chamber of commerce Bldg. H. C wi'ionx, domestic and lurcign pat ents, lniringoineuL cases. 0U4 Dekum bldg. pawnbrukwrs. UNCJuE ilxa' couaieiai Bank; 40 years in Poruaud, 1 bin su Phone Main nil. Paving. THE Baruer Aspliail laving Company, 005 Oott E.eclrlo bidg. Oscar idUoer. Portland. Pipe. FIFE PIPE PIPE. New and second-hand. Our prices will culivine. M. BARDE A SONS, 240-2 Front su. cor. Main. PIPE and aliuiga, engineer and ales sup- M. L. Kline. Centrally locateu. Nos. bl to 86 Front su Phones Alain 517, A 2ol7. poii.iLA.ND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and otuce near 24in and IQ'k M. 34HM. THE MOSLER SAFE CO. log 2d st Safes at factory niicea. second hand axle. Pecond-ilimd Goods. We buv cioviiing. fuiuiiur and tools. High est urice .cm lor second-nand olouung, furniture, loola. Marsuali 2do4. WE nay me n.gnest prices for second-hand cloiliing and anoea. Main 7608. 030 ota. " pup cases. Bank and bhow Flxturea. 'thl- lu'1'K.U MFG. CO, branch Grand Rap ws ahowclse Co.. Utu and Hoyu B. Luuk. manager. ' it ll B1KPSALU 20S Hamilton bldg. Bhow cisei in stock; prompt delivery. ! aenU M. Winler Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO, 4th and Couch; nw f.md-nand. Main 2.-Qo. Cabinet work. Murage and Transfer. r r PICK, Transfer & Storage Co, office and commodious 4-slory bnci warehouse. .7a-ate iron room and nreproof vau.ts for valuables; N. VV. cor. 2d and Pin. sts.; nmnos and furniture moved and packed ?r shipping; special rates made on goods in our inrSugh cars to all domosila and foreign t,oinia. main qq. OLaO.N-r.or. a v..-w. - rneral transferring and storage, safes, nlanos and furniture moved and packed f?nshipmenu S7-61) Front sU Telephones Main 547 or A 24.. Oregon 1'KAXSf ER CO, established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agentA Offices 2nd storage 474 GUsan .L cor 13th and Giisan. phones Main b, A llu. r . . . . . -i- u v- u f 1.- u. c Cl Taxidermy. Sar tinr COATST TAXIDERMY CO. V AC iV7V, First SU Phone Main 777S. " " Tvpewriters. . - Xlo TO S05 will buy a REBUILT TYPEWRITER- rebuilt -as good as new; all to' choose from at Gill's. 3d and Aider- terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Main b.00 or POiiS. ; WF are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 3.-.1 Washington st. v-c-vc- rebuilt second-hand rentals, at out re,. P. P. C. Co, 231 Stark. M. 1407. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells. Phone Maia 1346 or write A west. 182 MorrlBOn sU Wood. DRY WOOD. Call us up for pries befor buying. From wrecked buildups. cut to stove lenzth International Bidrt. or. Wrecking TMkrshailJS34. East 610. FIR wood, cut last year; split sticks; 11 cord lots np $3.90 f. o. b. Portland; grain bay $13 per ton. E. Morgan, Yamhill, Or.