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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1912)
w , , : J ANT KP-MLHCgLLAN EOC. "luvK YOU ANTTUINO TO SELLT call vi UP FOR antthwo xoc CARS TO DISPOSE Of. V BAUDS SON-4. "Ths Houm of ft Million Pargain- front and V in sts. Mai a . WANTED Good office furniture, fat and rut. top drki. everything for a flrst-clasa office; must be a bargain for caaa. A. 7 vj. Oregonlan. WANTED Complvtt movlng-pletura outfit. What btft your s fe, urwn. HIT-P WANTED MALB. T. M. C A. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT special employment mmbersh!p. $5 per annum; guarantees memr wl.l employment or refund of xnmtrinip ree. gives 2 montbr fjll membership prtv ig in the aseocUtton and undertakes tt kt party employed during the full lrm of members nip without further crarcf. . . . We have ropitant daman d for nign grada. experienced men. Ara you fitted lor a better position? fe secretary, employment department. Record f-w year Ivll: Calls lor man, I : positions filled. 1H3. V ANTED Ont-ht f do-n ral live acreage and subdivision salesman to coma to lunny Pan Joaquin Vil.ty. California, to tell the truth 12 hours a da lor the- larg"t real estate contra In thta vtrmltv. 19 ot answer tola oni you ara abTa to pmj jmir own fere and finance yourself on'il yu get on your own feet In a new ter ritory. Thta Is an opportunity which re-c-jiree Immediate action. Correspond with J. J. Murray, tba real estate man of Frno. Cat . WANT EI TO DAY. .roR(l cook. h"t-l. t'4 UP- ' Tn knot sawyers and shingle peckers, 13 2.1 day. Farm hands and milkers. Large Hat of new wort arary day. pacific rypi.oTMEvr cc 222 and Couch. (ornr Flrat, Too w! haa a fn-id frr OTery tract ynu iell in S V KRfl KT Vtt-Uf; erary at mada la a faor dona your ctnt tt In on tha opnln of thi beauUful. rl-in tract. Fprtna; ia tha ttma to all hnlf acra. . . M r. Vrrar'ar-. with COU'V BI A TK1'!T roVHVY, yourth at. WANTEr for V. B. Army. abia-boIld un married man. bfiwwa of 1 and a. iti-na of VaUd itata. of ov char-a-r and temparata bablta. who ran apak. rad and writ tna EcffUaa Ian liil. For Information apply to Harm it -Ira: offl-ar. 1 orcatr blica. Third and Oak atryata. rortiand. Or 1 WANT Ua repreaentatlea In each com munity of OrfB and Waahtnaton tnr hiah-claaa apaciaitlaa; co-Hja o!d on money bti k arurnnte. no cmtti(iori. BLY I- SMITH. Manufacturer" Aaant. Corfrtt bldi.. portiand. fr. WANTED A food real eatata lainmaoi new proposition ; ha ttirra ttmra tha number of atron-taik!ra; points of any o;her propoaltloo on t h- market today. i0 Mr. J ona any forenoon- Fred A J arota Co. lad &tn st. WAriD Aa epr:nreu a toe a aataamaa tfh aood cradenttaia: tomrwy ha. pa rnt win aucceaa. good lada; parma aeot poaltlon and promotion In tha aaaj comgany. Ad-lraa H 72. oregonian. WE hava a parmanent poaltlon with a ood paary and commlaaion added for aom capaula bualneaa man who can 1nvat ma money with his srvi-; references cbanged. AB T.'. Oreaionlan. WANTED Toun man as bUl clerk; muat hm eaparlenred an. I ahla to opcrmta lrr w rtter. Apply Wjhtw Droa.. Hoyal Mdg.. ?th and Morrison atf. WOVINO-PICTL'HK operators wanted. all and relator nama at our free employ ment ax-'hanfa. Koae t'ity Film Excnanit, B.'n W ash., near 1 7th1 i i WANTED A aenta. aalary uarantd. no house-to-houe canvassing;, no experlanca necaaaary. Call room Near bcott Ho- tel fcTFNOCRAPHER, youn man. real ettata olTIr, i month to staru 40? tSpalUlnC brdC WANTED Sinaria Janitor for apartmnt- hnuae ; state i pertnre. wacea expected. w. u w.. p. O. Q2 HAS of coo-1 aptKiram-4 to solicit f.r Urea corporation; aa.ary and commiasion. Apply after A. Zl eon b'.daT- WANTED An energetic capable collector. M'ist rlda In a whrtL Referencea. Addrasa AB TT. Ortfonlan. ITOTK salesman wanted : only reiut:e. honest partite need apply. Ca:i for fur ther Information 41 Lumbermen! blilf. K ANTED Two youn- men for sllclllnc. htwaen 17 and . Cail 3 P. M. 4 West ?:h St., Apt. ? WANTED Canvaaaers: city territory; new. live artlcJe; never been touched be for a. Cnil T blmrk"l TWO od aoMcltora with clean records and ood references; work ia plmsmnt and pay good. 41 Eira b:dc. 9-1" A. M. 4 joo preaaer on coats. Charles Coopey aV Inc. ), rooms ;-t.t and iW4. Kwyal bulld'ra;. "th and Morrlon aim. AGENTS to ae!l photo coupons ; somatblas new. Dost on Ftmlto. -Waah. PHOTO coupon, beat erer offered, map for arent. Cutoerth Studio. Dekum bide. WANTED Architect; must hava emperieace, s. E. Bowman Co.. 2 M and Bre. WANTED Porter. Grand Central Cafe. Eaat Morrtaon and Grand va. "OTS""WANTEhlpOTS WANTED. 14 year old. with wheels. 3S7 Strk gt. FARTT to contract to haul i5 T0 cords of w o-m! . pioneer Fmploymen t Co.. 1 l N. gd. .BAKHEK wanted for Saturday. 2'5 Madi son a. JtAKbER wanted Haturday. Inqulra Oreg.-n rarhr Sunply Co. A LJVE. youns salesman wanted. 231 Stark at reel. BF!T WNTFI : EMI.K. 8or.iClTOR3. b' pay. no competition, lias, Iblr.a ava., apt- SI. Cail a to 12. Take X- car. M HA. HOWE'S UU1ET AOENCT. WaabUicton bids . 4tb and Waaav eta Main f"3 or A g-1 tOMPtTENT hair dress-r. mantrurer and hatr worker. Koentbal Slaters, 110 7th at Main 711. W i NT ED VoaCf arirl to cr fcr tby dur Ine the d ly. Ca t at 1111 Pattun avaw. or phona Main VJ Sunday morning'- CH AMBRMAIdT country. $2; demonatra tor. c eka. Howa'a Lad lea' Agency. 3IK rrovj Wash, HASTENS LADIES AOENCT. 43 Va waahtnatoo at. cor 7th. upstair Phone Main WANT n private teacher for the Kngllah 1-eaona to a Japanese boy. N ?7d. ora- Wan 1 Ei Ref'ned. capable woman for ra srontib'e position. Viavl Cow. eo BaUa chtid bldg.. 4 h and Warhlngtoa. CiRL for general housework, small family; f K! rook and gK4 wnrea. Apply Co. lajtch ar. A l?i. WANTED Mid'lla-aeed woman to do gen eral ho ieewora. p Hone Ta Nor SJ". OIKl fir houaework. Call iv 11th at. Apt. F. KA t'KKIKNCKD waitress wanted. Call ni .rh at., near Stark. W NTED A Udy to eoitcit who can maka $2 t $3 per day. Call Williams ave. W A NTbD Toup w Ig maker at tha liair S:ore. l 6h St. CIRL to asaist In caring for child and light h ouae wor kj 515 it h. ti! RL with some tperlenra in kodak fin ishing. Penny tfrud o. 4-a Waihtnuton st. WANTED Girt for caahtrr In picture show. Md"! Theater. North Bj at. W' a NT KIP M . l lnar appren tl rs. Inquire 1 1 Hawthorne ave . near 87th- &LDEKLY woman, unincumbered, as eeneral Ii:;er; mtiat know how to w. a.3 th- GIRL to do housework In small family. F- Couch st. L. a i V rOOK wsnted. Uaumann UotaL 413 N. lfrth st. WANTED A chm.glrl to work for board and room. Phone mornings. East LSul. COMPETENT flrl for general houaework. S tn fmllv. Ca1! morn.nn. 7 Pettyaroee, FIRT-CLA?: camp cook. $vV pioneer Em j loyment Co. 1 N. Second. (n NO ta-lv wanted for bakery d-fa-trncnt. Sa. Treer Co., Htark near Fifth. UN I K K 1 r'N't'E D altresa wanted At once. rcnt Hotel. wan'-d for aneral housework. i' pr morrloa. R' J'nnim. near 24'h. tiRL r i'5 to hiah school, to help mith use wor. small wages. B WANTED Manager for provision branch noue. must ba man of good executive ahui'.r end on w n know bow to au goods at a profit: must have had hooM irt-nc; co.y high-c.aes mn nead apply. Oive age. experience ml rf roffi. etherwlre iQiwfr iU rtwift DO a -tent. on. J 25. uregoolan. If El-P WANTED KEMALB. A BRIGHT young woman with business ex perience who la not afraid to call on school teachers, doctors, uentuua. etc; wltl pay saiury and commission or straight salary ; must ba neat In apperanca and ha gooi referencea AB 7M. Oregonian. X CONGENIAL young lady-employed dur ing day can hare room and dlnnera in private home In exchange f r vary alight ar ice. Kefercnc f uruiahed and re quired. Pbona Tabor 02 or addreaa F T7S regonian. WANT reilnaU woman that cin devote a few houra each day to a dry goods busi ness; nxuTled woman preforr.u, who la well acquainted la Portland. V , Ora gouian. WANTED Lad lea with some experience, to sell suburban iota In new addition, Jual ready for market; smaa monthly Jy mrr,:i, aay sejnng. Appiy AM Henry bi.'g. WANTED Widow lady, middle nge. or couple (no children to care for lit t la girl. 8 years old. going to nchooL Ad- cresa t.. m a., r . WANTED An experienced girl for general houaework; muat know now to coa-. w waaa paid. Apply 70 Irving SU. near 22d. . WANTED Experienced lly high school rider, or one willing to learn for a hora act. Cail bet. 11 ai l 12. Portland Bldln Acad-rny. 21s. and Johnaon sts. LADIES to do work at homo week days after t A M. US Grand ava. North. KTA.r WANTED MIHCEIJ-ANEOrS. kkN wanted, age 19 to tX ta prepare fo firemen and brnkemen on nearby rail road a. $t to Sl monthly. aTxparlenca nnneceasary ; no atrlke. promotion ongl peers or conductor. 4 ISO to tiuv monthly; rood life earaero; atata are; send aiaa. Hallway Aaec.atton. t?ox. Qregonuan. MEN and women to learn the barber trade In alsit weeks; special Inducements; per centage paid whiie learning; too:a free; expert Inatruetora; 17 are la the buel Besa: 87 achoola; a Ufe'ime memberahia guet to each student Moier Larber CoU lege 81 N. Fourth iU Portland. Or MEN wanted, age 1( to JA, to prepare for rtremen or braaemrn on near-by railroads. $ SO lo luO montiily: experienca unneces sary - no stnae; promotion, engineer or conductor. 1W to l-n) monthly; wood Ufa careers, state age; aend lUaip. Kail way Aaao -latlon. .ir-gonlan. KA I L W A T mall clerks exam. Feb. T; pro para now, excellent salaries aud promo tions; no Uy-oifa; sura pay; fras book Call today. i'Miiio atataa bchooi. Mck bid a. city . . WA NT iiD Railway ma.I clerka, cuatoma r erka: Vpring examinations In Portland; sample qvttUooa free Frank -In Inau tute. ett- MvU Bochester. N. T WANTED At once. four good. reliable, sober men to leara to drive and repair a'Jtoa Belmont Auto School. E. 23d and Morrison. , I0 your stories aellt Manuacrlpta criti cised, mar nets aungested. Interview by anoln3ienu Address Maauecnpt Editing Bureau. exi Mag i -Tic hner b.Og Bn'uJK a moving-pictura operator. You can gt APICAL TH RAT EH F.XPEKi E n CE. Conplete course half price. V 7 u, uregonian. MAKE rroney writing short stories, or for xapers; big pay; free booklet tells bow. nited Ptjs Ddlata. ban Franciaco. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; wa'U teacn yu Picture Play Associa tion. Fan Franciaco. risK TEACH EKaT ASSOCIATION. bwetlaad blUg. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TTPaV WRITING. $i mo. li lnt st- Main ssw. WANTED men: l&o halrcutttng. Zdl Lcnois-jn'a barber a ho p. lhtf Mornaon at. LA LUES to Iarn the bulnena of the Sani tary Heauty 1'arI'TS, 4K lrkum bldg. HIGHEST prices paid for ladiea and gente cast-otf clothing. Wa respond promptly. Marshall S46. PRIVATE hHOHTHANI). TYPE W II I TI N S. bookke-plns. ui2 Hamilton. Marshall 44. 1IEI P WANTED MA IB OR FKMALB. BOOKKEEPERS, caahlera. pill clerka. eta; J wi.l guarantee) your Qualifications ta flU poaitlona In -0 dka; private inetruouea by public accountant; poaiuoa aauured. J aao. o regonian. 50 WEEKLY guaranteed In vaudeville; ex perience unnecessary; will start you today; must call immedUtely at bo North Win. sR ATERN AL deputies: salary and commia s on; iirst-claa people only; rellabia. AC 74. Oregonlan. WTl ATIONS WANTED MALaV Bookkepeva and Clerka. EXPERIENCED New York attorney, Har- vaid Concha ana law pciiwi f proved at'iiiy. Integrity and capacity for hard work, wants provisional or business opening. Promising opportunity primary ot ject. V 7t-. Oregonisn. YOl'Nti married niAO. SS yeara old. with several years railroad experience, wants poaition as traffic manager lor soma large niauisacturing or wholesale house, no oo Jvtion to going out of town; highest ref erencea. A I. 774. Ore go n tan. BOOKKEEPER snd general office m.n would like position; can uao tpewriter and do a lltue atenosrsphy ; can furnish bond and references: am willing to put up soma capital la a good business. 1 81 .. Oregonlan. . COMPETENT young man. eara of experi ence In hotels and rvsiauranta, best of references, not afraid to work, wants posi tion sa steward, atorekeeper or checker. A F 774. oregonlan. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS yo hooka, prepare balauccs and state ment install systems. UU!!ngham. aj oitwr 411 LewU bldg Maranall 71T. WANTED situation by man who has hId position of truffic roanni-r for larg East ern corporation; prorlnoot in ail clerical work. AM 77 1. Oregon :an. BOOKKEEPER, coat accountant, manager, years of experience, A-l references. D V. GLASS. P. O. B-.x WANTED Position In gen. mde. store by younc man. b years' axperlence. Address AV VSS. Oregonlan- ( WANTED, situation as bookkeeper; operate typewriter, reliable experience; beat of references. T 77'. Cregonlan. BO KK EEi'V.K - oTENOOKAPIIKR would like position: 7 years' experience; refcr erres. o 7.. Oregonlan. POITi N by hardware clerk, five years' ex perience, rotat. hardware. Implements; brst r-frence. T 81 S. oregonlan. Ml ellsneoue. MUNICIPAL FRKfS EMl-OYMENT BUREAU. SIS Second, corner Salmon, Wcmen'a department. 343 balm on. Alt claasaa of uuakllled. skilled, professional and clerical. iajae and female betp fur nished on abort notice. Ko fee charged. Pbona Main 3:3: A 50-4. CAPABLE younr man. married, living in valley. 15 cars' business axper.nce, would like good line to work in valley t rritory; not interested unless proposi tion sould Justify man capable of earn ing good aa.ary , bond and referencea If dea:red. AV V'. Ort-gonlao. P Oei I T I O N WANTED. Bt. middle-aged German as caretaker on private place or small farm, under stands orchard, chick na and veg table gardening : Is willing to batch and has best of referencea N 77$, oregoman. WANTED Poeltlon by young married man aa timekeeper, also faml.lar with con struction of tils pipe sewers and other contract work. wli leave town if neces sary; good references. O 7 Tie. Orogunlan. AFI R-ST -CLASS, steady camp rook wishes P'tettlon In a camp; can handle craw of to '"O men; wages reasonable. Address L. J.. 1st at., Porttsrd, Or. WANTED Experienced middle-aged man, handy In cigar store or saioon. speaking several languagea. would like a poaltlon. W 77 1. Lresori:an. ELDE RLY ainele American wishea any kind of light employment. c!ty or country s hnu. lnte(l:Krni and trustaortay. li 37, i 're-onian. EXPERIENCED sngineer, fireman and elec trician wants poaltlon as handy man around building; or apartments. AO 7 77, Orvgoti Ian. A,N all-roui:J printer wants Jb in office. Address Geo. Asp, 23 W country ashing- ton st.. Portland, or. G' OD Japanese wai ts work between hours 5 and b A. M.. 5 P. M. to 8. AB 771. Or goruatt. MoV ING-PICTUR E operator wants poaltlon; thoroughly experienced ; wtli tn vest small amount In buainesa. F 7d.", Oregonlan. ytTuNcT" Si AN. ex-soldler. excellent charac ter, speaks several languages, wants any kind work. General delivery. A. Ooilend-r. fTrsT-CLASH auto orlvcr, 11 yeara' expe-r-ertce; can give rtfertnees. Marshall 2vi l. ; CHAUFFEUR; good mechanic, reliable, ex perienced, truck or private. Woodiawn l.-J. X WO youn. experienced and steady farm and orchard mn want a position for all Summer. AJ Trt'.. Oregonlan. JAPANEE. neat, experienced, wanta situs tion as cook or general work. AN 7I. creeon' in. ToUSO Phlllip'ne boy wants housework and cooking. Main r.272. roomJv JAP ANF-'E COOK wanta to do general pou s w-ork. A 250 First s t- Col.OitE D p"rr er or Janitor; references. Phone, M. 72d. nrE MOTIIO HTTATIOM WANTF1-MAI.K. 1 IOBKMr. TnmZmeniZ Jl MiaoellaDeous. DELICATESSEN MAN First-class Frisco man. German, can prepare his own dell ca ten tea; good carver. No. 1 coanter salesman; can take charge of whole de partment: close buyar; yeara of erperl ence: best of references, wants position In Portland or out of town, b T79. Oro gonian. ' HOTSE cleaning; and window washing; or janitor work. Andrew J. Jennings. Main 7h4. 6ITT;ATION3 wanted femaij. " BookJieeoera and Menocrwphera: " ' I POSITION wanted as arsla;ant bckWe4, t.r and general offlca clerk; six year.s' e:-e-rlencti; some experience as a stsiiug rapLt-r. E 7o7. Oregonlan. , LADY, exr-erlenced bookkeeper or cVshler, t..ta nMitlun whom in I ml II ire rtco B"-4. clone attention to business will b a:;a elated. phone Muln 412i S AiTENOORAPHEK. 6 years cxpN-n.-a, rapid and accurate, desires poaltlon. Main 2i. . , EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer wishes permanent position; best t,f rofer enca. AL 771?, Oregonlan. EXPERT stenographer wants law position of public apaco for public work. . R 7lL Oregonlan. BTENOG1LAPHEK. willing- worker, desires poeitton at reaaonablo wages. Mar. 2731. STENOGRAPHER with experience, accurate and rapid, seeks position. Phono A 64-ld. YOt'NG lady wishes position In offlca. AL 771. Qregonlsn. Ureee maker. DRESSMAKING M'dleO Ds Blllant. 6S5 Waahirgton. Ella-street entrance; A 8&4o; exciualve French deaigns gowns, tailored j . . xy.. t . n 4 rfaranMift Al l. kind of plafn sewing, quilting, com nth at. Phone Mam 80w9. forta made. 8EWINO out 3 per day. Phona Marshall 1 1 ouaee. eepera. COMPETENT young woman wishes posi tion at general housework or cooking, for about six weeaa; capable of taking- charge of borne ; moderate wages accepted. AT 777 Oregonlan. WOMAN of education and refinement wishes poaltlon as housekeeper. Including; rare of motherless children. AJ 768. Or on Ian, NEAT, capable) woman desires housekeep ing in widower's home. A-l cook; call or write li. J. bimmons, o.'2 Ticgo it, St Johns Or. HoOEKEEPKKd. cooks, waitreasea. cham bermaids, offics girla. nurses. 8t. Louis AL-enry. 23 Alder. Main 2033. A 4 75. WANTED Poaltlon by competent cook or housekeeper; no objection to leaving; city; no trlflcrs. Phone A 5i:2. NEAT reliable girl wishea poslllon as houaa keeper or domestic; good cook; likes hutiren. P 773 oregonisn. NEAT, capable woman dealrea houaekeeping. widower a family. Main ao3. A 477&. UNDERGRADUATE wishea case, any kind; some housework considered; bydrotho rnphy and masaaga, reasonable; references. Phono E. tZio. GOOD, practical nurse wants confinement rase Feb. or other nursing; wages reasonable. Main 71A. M i'rZ wants work In city or country. P 774 Oregonlan EXPERIENCED practical nurse; best of references. Main l ."!! Iterorstlrw. . YOL'NO la-ly wishes situation aa housekeep er or charge of rooming-house; references. Call 7--.2 Cleveland eve., wHtlams-avo. car. TWO experienced girla want genexai house work, cooking or aerond work. 42 Freo mont st. I hono Woodiawn 43. GIRL wants housework in private Cathotlo fmlly where second girl la kept; West hile preferred, o 7. Oregonlan. GIRL wanta freneral housework. 2047 East Taylor at., M on ts villa. WOMANwants any kind of "housework by the day. Phone Main 27 11 lace Han eo us. E.XPFRIENOED cook and houseworker. colored, would like housekeeping or cook ing for two adults; first-class reference 1;j N. lOih at. EXPERIENCED girl wlahea chamber or eeconi work, private family, city or coun try. AJ 7G7. Oregonlan. . MOTHER wants children under 12. best cure, nenr school. Keaaemable terms. Tabor ol. LACE CI'RTAINS beautifully laundered. sun-dried and b.eached, work g-uaranteed. Main HHA. ZELNE R. iadyewtshea to do houae- cleanintr. washing or other work; 26c per hour. Phones Muln 27H4. A 74113. SPECIALTY evening dinners; Englah woman: references. Phono A 3952. Mar ehail r403. A NEAT colored girl would Ilka a poaltlon aa chambermaid or maid In dancehalL Phone Main 9113. - EXPERIENCED colored rii wanta cham berwork or domestic day work; refer ences. East G5ti4. COMPETENT young lady wishes day work, ail kinds; also take care of young children. Call. 7 East loth snd Ankeny. EXPERIENCED German woman wants day work, washing, ironing preferred, phone Vain M02. LAC E curtains laundered. 2.1o up; quickly done, called for and delivered. Tabor 317. TWO ladies wish parmanent poaition In laundry ; references. Marshall 4082. EXPERIENCED" girl wants steady work, w altresa. Call Main lV. from b:30 to 11. TWO capable Swedish women desire hotel chamberwork; city references. Main 203i. M I IDLE-AG EI woman wants work, private tamliy or dish washing1. Call Main 179$. LADY wUbes day work. Main 3D94, Mrs. iipwrt. CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry Wood luwn 2684. No mangling;. WOMAN wants any kind of work by tha day. M a I n lTOl . EXPERIENCED woman desires situation as family cook. S4. Main 2o3k. A 4776. SWEDISH ptrl wanta to do general house work. Call 734 Love-Joy t. sTtOI'SO man wants work of any kind. W 77r., Oregonlaru U'KK by the day; good references, phono Main 312. 4lO 3d uU LADT will prepare dinners or luncheons. M rs. W. Mai n 1451. SCANDINAVIAN woman wanta washing or cleaning by the day. Phone E- 261. W .ANTED AGENTS. WANTED Salesman to sell 4 per cent and profit participating; (Old coupon bonds, good commission to live man. Kocaaway Beach Company. 921 Pit elan bldg., tsan Francisco. Cat. 10 GOOD, live solicitors, big money-maker. Pee Mr. Ken yon. Hotel Alton, between 8 3'-' and 30 A. M. 5TRONO proposition for Ara Insurance man. 3la Worcester bidg. WANTF. I TO RENT. 11 oases. QUIT MONKEYING. DON'T waste VOUK time and energy trying to find a tenant, or put up with tucoin patent agents. If you havt a house, flat or atoro for rent, aee us at once. You are looking for RESULTS. WB fur nish them, In the shape of reliable tea- UL" "ITS OUR SYSTEM. Try It and see. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Rooms. YOUNG man wanta room In a Jewish family. A. Go! lender, general delivery. GcXTl'EM AN wants room, strictly private fimlty. reasonable. L 7S4, Oregonlan. Rooms With Board. REFINED gentleman desires home In pri vate family on West rilds; preferably Portland Heights; prefers to bo only guest and will pay well for satisfactory accommodations A D 7M. Oregon an. WANTED By young couple, small fur nished flat. apt. or housekeeping- room a; muat be modern; state locution and price; perm a n ent tenants. R 7S, Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN wishea board and room In private family. West Bids, stats rate.. M 7 hi. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. TH B LANDORE, 2SS 10th aL Well-fur-uished rooms. light and warm, pleasant home, busineaa people. Walking; distance. ROOMSFurnb'd or unfurnished. with both lights, heat. bath, telephone and ele vator service. 2u7 2d st. Tourny bldg. T H fcTVE A V E R . "10 Washington, near 22d Nicely furnished outside rooms. priests bath end phones; board If desired. M. htiOl. AKMIML'S HOTEL 410s, MorrUon. opp. taier Theater, nicely furniaoed rooms; permanent, transient; low rates Main aou. MODERN, nice. large, newly furnished rooms, real cheap. Call up A 7&0. OKEUO.MA5. FKIDAY, " : I : I RKVT. I FOB KENT. rnrolnheo Kooroa. I rumiHicu nuvmi -- HOTEL CAPLES. 350 Taylor su, bet. 7th and Park. Resi dential and transient; absolutely central; two minutes from Postofflce, stores, thea ters and restaurants; Juat off business streets and carhncs; quietest and best lo cation; new brick; amp' steam heat and hot running water; phones. elevator. From 81 dally, 5 weekly. Any car from Union Lepot; from North Bank Depot, car to Taylor st. Phono Marshall 2200. HOTEL BYRON. Ecvonth and Taylor Sts. This handsome brick structure, all mod ern conveniences, opens shortly In connec tion with the favorably known Hotel Ca- ples. as above, NCTWOPEN! NOW OPEN t NOW OPSN! Those threa beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL yiNOuK, PARSONS. pOWLANDl 113H 4th 8t. Ill Ith St. 207', 4th St. On Fourth at., running from Taylor to Salmon St.; brand new brick, elegantly ' furnished; ateam heat, prlvaca baths, hot and cold water In alt rooms; strictly up to data in all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea aonable prices, giva us a call, as ws know you will like It. Rooms by ths day. week or month. Tourist trade solicited. 7 HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Sixth and Morrison Sts. Half Block from Grand Ave. Just Opened. Beautiful outside rooms with steam heat, electricity, hot and cold running water In every room. $15 and 20 per month. Booms with private bath 320 and S2& per month. Twt- room suites, with bath, for two, $40 per month. Beautifully furnished, handsome lobby, boat of service. . HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Cor. 11th and Stark Sts. New. modern brick blda; elegantly fur nished; el a vat or, hot and cold water, icAia heat, pnones all rooms ; private baths; single or en suite; rates fl day up; special monthly rates CORDOVA Hotel, llth and Jefferson star brand new brick; splendidly furnlahcd: all rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, many with Laths; every effort la made for the comfort and convenience of Ita guests; the rente are moat reason able; rooms by ths week, mouth or day. J" car direct from depot, g rXnd"union H oteu bt7 East Burnaide lit. 120 modern rooms, will grivs speciel rates to clubs of young men of two or four to occupy rooms, with private bath, rateg fc to 31.&0 per day, 2 to $7 par week. Eaat 6&4U. B 1275. ANGELA HOTEL. 823 Washington St.. opposite Multnomah Athletio Field New brick building; ail modem conveniences;; wU regulated resi dential and family hotel; splendid accom modations for tranalenta; convenient to the buaincss center and ths rates are mod erate plenty uram heat;. Marshall ItfSO. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorne aves Beautifully furnished rooms, single or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat and private phona in every room; moderate weekly or montnly rates; grill la connection; tran sients solicited. HOTEL FORDr73S Washington, corner Lu cretia at. New brick bui.Jliig. Just com pleted; fine large outside rooms with tele, phone service, with or without private baths; new and splendidly furnished; hoi and cold water, steam beat; bast of serv ice; very reasonable rates. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Bumslde sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and defiantly furnished rooms; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones In each room; special rates by the month; phone service, free. phono Marshall 4i4tf. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building-, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water lo rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and sea us; regular ana transient xraae iqucuw. THE HEX, 648 Wasnlngton Transient rooms, 5uc and up: ty week. $2 up. Are you getting rooms like ours for the money T If not. change. Steam heat, hot and cold water In each room; all outside rooms. Also housekeeping -rooms. KAiNJER HOTEL One block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heat; offers special rales to perms mint gueata; rates Ouc to 32 a day; $3.J0 and up per week, phone Main oilX THE CLABNO HOTEL 148t4j HOLLADAY ave.. Phono C 8198. Fteam beat, hot and cold water. Elec tric light in all rooms. First-class ac commodations at $2.o0 per week. L, (J or 1 car direct to door. " STEAM-HEATED ROOMS. Homelike, clean. ell furnished sleep Ings rooms, from 43.50 a week up; see these and vou will look no further. Geneleve, 445 Coiumbia. near 12th. VAN GOKDER HOTLu, ' 105V Twelfth bt. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot ana cold water, free phone in every room; 1 day and up; 4 week and up. HOTEL RENWICK An ideal horns for bus iness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; ail modern conveniences; 7lh and Ja lor ita., 1 block from Portlaju. Hotai, o p l osite Hoilig Tneater. Phono Main sis, LIGHT, airy ruotni, modern, suites or single, steam heat, and 33 week; 5 minutes' walk to theater and stores; free phone. L1NUELL HOTEL. 323 4TH. HOTEL GARLAN D. cor. Washington and Trnity Place Modern corner brick; out side rooms, private phones; reasonable rates; transients. 31 per day. THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, heat, electric light, close to busi ness center; rates, including bath, $ii.u per week up ELM PLACE, 414 Yamhill at., cor. llth; rooms $3.50 per week up; aiso suites; hot and cold water, steam heat, private bath. HOTEL- ELWELL, 7th and Alder; steam heat, hot and cold water, electric iiyiiis In all rooms, permanent and transient. UUIET warm homelike rooms, clean, com fortable beds; no rough element; pricea reasonable. The Larraoee. 227 bi Larrabea. NICELY f urMshed rootni In choice neigh borhood. Phono Main 6Mo. FurnWhed Kooiim In Private Family. YE KY .lean aolw sunny room In a beautiful private home, Juat newly furnished; elec tric lights, heat and phone; suitable for 1 or 2 persona; cVse in. 71 Trinity Place. FURNLSHED room In strletly private fam ily, good location, near two carhnes, very reasonable, working girl preferred. Call 210V i. 22d BAY wlniow room; everything new, hot water heat, ?5 per week; bath, phona: private home; 414 Market, cor. llth; 10 minutes walk from postofflce CLEaCnT nicely furnished front room, ad joining bath, in modern home; use of piano; home privileges, walking dls lance. PI North 10th. ELEGANTLY furnished room In private family all conveniences; close In. Main 5311. NICELY furnished room, modern conven iences, centrally loca-ed, reasonable. 404 Clay, rear 10th. NEATLY furnished room, all modern conven lencea. uenilemisn preferred. lbTs loth a... near Yamhill. $10 FOR a dandy room, all modern; best of location; light and airy. 42b Mill. Phono Main 4073. s3o8ALMON st. Front room, suitable 1. 2 or 3; hot and cold water, heat, phono and bath. NEWLY furnished room In new upper flat; excellent ned. modern conveniences; easy w alking dlrtance. tt4 Everett. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In Irving ton. 71H East Multnomah St.; also garage. East 3233. $3 WEEK, furnished room; phone, bath, electric light, walking distance. 427 Har rison. WANTED A child from S to 6 years; terms reasonable. 1020 Grand ave, Woodiawn a;;.o BEAUTIFULLY furnished isrge front room for 2, s-parate beds, modorn. walking dis tance. 11 Eaat Wth. Phone East 143. ONE nicely furnished room, up stairs, hot and cold water, furnace heat. 474 Clay. corner 14th; $10 a month. ONE nicely furnished front room, suitable for two. 327 West Park. NEATLY furnished bedroom, gas and phone. S1..K) per wee, i-'j Dm. TWO nicely furnished front rooms for rent, fyjl Lovejoy. cor. 15th. NEWLY furnished front room, for 2 or 3, lO m. walk F. In German family. 543 6th. SEVERAL well-f urnlshed rooms from $2 to $H..o weekly, modern. C.V Washington. FRONT room, bath, $2 week; batching room. $3; close In. 292 loth t. SMALL, clean room. $1.50 per week. 2oS 12th st. GOOD rooms, 2 blocks from Postofflce,' cheap. 3'H Salmon. 7ue EVERETT ST. Rooms, modern, rea son a b 1 e GOOD board and room for 1 gentleman. 5la Dava. BEAUTIFUL front room In quiet home; modern conveniences. 70 Flanders. FULL rooms, partly furnished, $12.50. 58 J Montgomery. j NICELY furnished room, qulti home; bath, heat phone; reasonable, 212 Taxk mU FEBRUAKT 2,' 1913. LARGE, light front room; central; phone, bath; strictly private family; ona or two gentlemen; reasonable; references. F 763, Oregonlan. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for one or two. LSI llth st. tfcooms W It h Board. THE Hazel dining room reopened, table board, strictly rlrst-claas; also furnished rooms, steam heat, running- water; pricea moderate. 385 3d St.. cor. Montgomery. DOES a home appeal to you 7 THE WHITE HAU, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda, quiet, close in, near car, 4 blocks from P. O- American plan. LAMBliRoOX, S64 Couch St., cor. 17th Very desirable, clean rooms with steam heat and running water; good board; fins location for teachers or business men. MAN1TOU. 261 13TH ST. Attractive, clean rooms. steam heat. good toard. close in. reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. Rooms with board, use of se wing-room, library. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heatn.supt. CHOICE single and double rooms with board, homo cooking, everything Crat class. 33 V 17th st. TABLE board, strictly first-class, also new ly furnished rooms, steam heat, prices moderate. lp E. 7th. Phone E. 2114. THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison, corner 13th. well-furnished rooms with board. ROOMS with board. Call S89 Taylor; pri vate boarding-house. - ROOM snd board. Casa Rosa. 300 Jefferson St., cor. 5th. Booms With Board In Private Family. LARGE, deslrablo front room, with running water, fireplace; good board; suitable for two employed ladles; reasonable. 714 Da vls st.. cor. 22d. phone Main 7670. BEAUTIFUL front room, with alcove; aUo single room for two or three, with or with out board; all conveniences. 275 24th at. North, cor. Overton. Phone Marshall 3055. ROOM and board In comfortable modern flat. Rooms singie and double, twin beds, best home cooking, reasonable. A 3752. 547 6th st. NICELY furnished room with board, furnace heat, working people preferred. 497 Mont pomery st. Reasonable. JUST opened, new, modern. board and rooming-house, steam heat, all rooms. 5o0 Ollsan. Marshall 4483. 8U2 Salmon st. Private rooms and board; good home cooking; 4 blocks from post offico. Ma'n213o: LARGE front room, well furnished, suitable for 2, located In good residence district, walking distance. East 4440. SINGLE room, with board; running water, . modern conveniences; gentleman only; close in. 21l West Park. NICELY furnished room, with all conven iences, for 1 or 2; first-class board; ten minuter walk from P. O. 391 10th. SPLENDID room for one or two. choice board, congenial home, piano, excellent neighborhood. 761 Marshall. A 420. WANTED One or two gentlemen for room and board, modern. walking distance, strictly private family. 7174 E. Burnside, ROOM and board In private family; two In a room; close In, on East Side. Call 64 E. 1 2th st. N. ROOM and board In refl ed home with all conveniences. 55 E- Ash, corner 15th. Phore East 1843. NEATLY furnished room, with board; good home tor 1 or 2 young ladiea Phone A 3738. FURNISHED rooms, with board, 320 llth St. Phone A 16116. Main 7573. FIRST-CLASS room and board, private family. 515 Yamhill st. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel lent bosrd; also table board. 656 Gllsan. WEST BIDE isrxe room with alcove; ex cellent table board. Main 207 L NICE room with board In American family, $.- a week. 772 Montana ave. NICE LY furnished rooms with board. 699 Everett st. A PLEASANT front room for 1 or 2, near Multnomah Club. Marshall 4112. A NICE place to ro"m and board for 2; all conveniences. B 2472. BOARD and room, 332 10th st. Phone Main m 0J7tt. INVALID or elderly lady wanting a nice home and excellent care. Tabor 1409. FURNISHED room with or without board, all modern. 553 E. Couch. Apartments. LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class by themselves ; see them ; Lucretla St.. near 23d and Wash.; 2 to 5 rooms, all large, light and outside: large closets and hatha; hardwood floors, free phones In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr.. Mar shall 1529. Janitor. Marshall loOO. ORLANDO APIS., 20th and Wastu sts.; two and three-room furnished apis.; every convenience; very large rooms; steam heat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator; easy walking distance, ref erences required. Marshall 184. KINO HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King st, 4. 6, 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. " THE DEZE.NDORF. 20 16th. Near Taylor. One exceptionally nice 5-room unfur nished apartment, top floor, front ; one nice 4-rooin unfurnished apartment, sec ond floor, front. Apply on premises for reservations. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, 21st and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private baloony; new brick building, electric elevator, su perb location, in walking distance; roost convenient arrangement, low rent and best of service. " THE BEEN A VISTA. Corner 12th and Harrison sts. Beautiful new brick, every modern con venience; 3 -room corner unfurnished and 2-room corner, furnished; best service; reasonable; references. CECILIA APARTMENTS, . 22d and Giisan sts. ; best of service; desirable location, with unexcelled car service ; also easy walking distance; 3-room apt., with bath, modern conveniences, very reasonable rent. THE SHE FF1 EL1 7t h and J e f f e rsons tsT, 3 rooms with bath, furnished or unfur nished; superb location, close to down town district. All outside rooms, best of service, modern ; reasonable rent. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 261 12ivi St., near Main. Close In location. Elegant 3-r-jo hi apartment with bath and private balcony, $35. Every convenience, good service. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford st., near Washington, select resi dence district; a fi-room, with balcony overlooking private gardens; all conve niences of the beat class apartments, ihlaia HaJ. A 744S. FIFTH AND COLLEGE. Splendid furniture, quiet homo place, one 4-room apartment, $40, worth $lu; also a 3-room. $35; every mouern con venience. Come and see the Altamont. GKANDESTA f urnlsned apartments. Grand ave. and Eaat Stark; new brick building, 3-room splendidly furnished apts; electric elevator, modern conveniences ; cluae In lacatiou, best of service; reasonable rent. CLA Y POOLE ANNEX. 825 Eleventh su, two room furnished apartments, prlvatu bath, all conveniences, good aervice; walking distance. Now under new management. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In North west: 21st and Job: son sts.; all outside rooms. .Appiy ou premises, or call Mar shal' 3360. CUMBERLAND APTS., West Park and Co lumbia sts. d aud 3-room furnished apart ments; all modern conveniences; choice la cation, fronting the park and only 3 min utes' walk from business center. WINSTON Apartments, 841 14th st.. at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out slue rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; $25 to (37.50. For information call Main 1739. THE FLORENCE. 8 and 4-room furnished apartments; modern, new and absolutely Urst class; walking distance; from $35 up. 3sS llth street. KENTUCKY Apartment-house, E. 28th and Gllsan, for rent, 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms; apartment new and modern; private bath and phone. Phone B 1432 or K. 63b7. On Montavllia or East Ankeny carlines. THE MAHR APARTMENTS Under new management, new, modern, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments. Apply manager. Marshall 202S. BUCK-HARTFORD APTS.. 21st and Flanders- beautifully furnished 3-room apt.; 4 unfurnished; ail latest conveniences; $27 up. sTrOOM apartments, newly furnished. 10 minutes' walk from P. O., close to "SS" oarllne, reasonable. Call ( E. &27. Sv E. Uth. " THE CHELTENHAM. 2-room furnished apartment; private bath and phone. 255 N. litth. Marshall SO.'.B. THE WKSTFAL. 410 6th Furnished and unfurnished strictly modern apartmer'... saiklng dis tance; prices reasonable: r o cniidren. KEELER APARTMENTS, lith and Clay Sts Unfurnished suites. 3 rooms with pri vate buth and phone. $30 and $38. HADDONHALL. 414 llth. cor. Hall; 8 and a. room newly furnished apts.; private bath, phone, balcouy porches; $33 up. I'lione Alarsuall 11 7 L THE 8TELLWYN APARTMENTS. St. Clair and Washington Sts. Twn, three, four and five-room apart ments. Furnished and unfurnished. NOW READY FOR OCCUPANCY. IN ELEGANCE OF APPOINTMENT, FURNISHING AND SERVICE UNEQUALED IN THS NORTHWEST. Every Apartment has spacious sleeping porch, built-in cooling closet, hardwood floors, largo bathroom and every attain able modern convenience and comfort. The furnished apartments furnished in ma hogany and Circassian walnut. Moderate rentals. References. Mrs. Emma K. Wunder, Agent. On premises. NOB HILL APARTMENTS, Corner of 19th and Marshall. One 3 and one 4 -room apartment, large rooms, reception halls and baths, new and modern, splendidly furnished. Phones Marshall 1012. THE WHEELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX Cor, Tenth and Salmon sts. Walklns; distance. Furnished complete. 2. 3 and 4-roera apartments; buildings new snd strictly modern; service first-class. FORDHAM APARTMENTS COMPLETED. At 170-172 Ford st.. Just south o: Wash ington, are the most complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland; finished In hardwood throughout, giving tenants choice of oak. Circassian walnut or mahogany; elegant wall coverings, tiled baths with superb fixtures; highest class service; each with private balcony and bath ; 4 rooms with most convenient ar rangement. $42.50 to $50; 5 rooms. $50 to $eo. This building la different. Lst Mrs. Burleigh show you through. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts; . this new 4-story brick now open ; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4 -room suites; reception hall, electric, automatlo elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones a 1744. Marshall 29C1. NEW APARTMENT HOUSE. The Meredith Apartment-House will be opened the first of February under new management, and will be furnished with the best of furnishings entirely different from the most of them, and will class A In every respect; all two and three rooms, completely furnished; two four-room and one five-room suit unfurnished. 712 Wash ington st. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious' homes. Trinity Place between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments, in heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high -class service; refined clientele; references re quird In all cases. Superintendent's phone, Marshall 502. THE VILLA. ST. CLARA. 12th and lay lor. Just completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones In all apartments; high-class service; references required. Main 2276 and A 7o57. HEINZ APARTMENT. S 14th and Colum bia, 4 blocks south "from Morrison st.; new brick building, completely first-class, furnished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service; rent per month, $26, $J0. $40 and up; must be seen to be appre ciated. UPSHUR APARTMENTS. 26TH AND UPSHUR STREETS. Thoroughly modern 3-room unfurnished apartments, $20; 4 rooms, $25; this in cludes shades, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas ranges, private Pacific tele phones and Janitor service. Apply prem ises. NEWl NEW NEW. THE LUZERNE. 263 Hall st., cor. 3d, will open Feb. 1; all 2-room lurnished apartments, with Holmes disappearing and wall beds and large outside kitchens, absolutely first class, these are the beat arranged 2-room apts. in Portland ; make reservation now, $25 up; ho children. A 2960, Main 2079. GARDNER APARTMENTS, Corner 13th and Bant Ash st., furnished, two rooms, with bath, heat, water and light ; basement apt. ; reasonable to de sirable tenant. Phone East 2b71. COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished apariinuuts. llth and Columbia; very de sirable; ixi oder n .conveniences; easy walk ing distance low rates; best of service. UNFURNISHED 4-room steam-heated a part -ment. with hot and cold water, bath, gas range and refrigerator, ail for $30 per moii t h. See Janitor, 689 Irving a t. " " THE MK1NLEY. 429 East Morrison, corner 7th, 2, 3 and -room apartments, fur unshed up to date; private baths, moderate price, new m gt. LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln sts. Modern brick building; 2-room apartments $22.50 to $30; private phones, no children; no pets. Phone Main 1377, A 3472. PARK APARTMENTS, 353 Harrison; beau tiful 3 and 4-room furnished apartment: walking oiatance; beat of service; prices $40 tu $50. Phone Marshall 3070. SUNNY 3-room furnished apt., with private bath, balcony and phone, reasonable rent. Cellar HUl Apts. Marshall 3151, A 7623. THE ARCADIA. One 3-rooin modern apt.; newly fur nished: rent very reasonable. 706 Everett. THE LAURETTE One furnished 3-room apartment; private bath and. phone. 229 llth st. 2-. AND 3-room modern, furnished, apart ments. 1162 s Union ave. Wooulawn 2379. SAN MARCO apartments, E bth and Couch. New brick, modern, 3-rooms, private bath and phone; rates reasonable. Call E. 2751. THE AVALON One 3-room apartment, pri vate bath, phone, steam haU Plioue Last 3172. ClacKamas and Rosa. THREE-ROOM apartments, unfurnished, up to date In every respect. 234 East loth, at., cor. .Main. IRiS APARTMENTS, Third and Mill; 4 and 5 rooms, unfurnibhed; steam heat, hot ana cold water; $32 and $40. THE Evelyn Apartment, 267 N. 21st st., a-room unfurnished apartment, all mod ern, rent only $25. Main liw, a 4048. FOR RENT Nicely furnished. modern 3-room apartment. Jackson Bungalow, 407 llth. BR tiNTKEE Elegant 6-roora apartment. West Side, walking distance, rent reason -able. '41- 2l l2tQ Mt- WindBor Apts. We now have one of those beautiful corner npts. ; everything is strictly O. K.- Cor. L. 14th and Yamhill. . . l. very utsirauie mouern six-room apart ment, the Su Clair. Wayne su k-uum Main 4U3Q. ' BERYL APARTMENTS. " Furnished and unturnisned apartments, ana Lovejoy st. TakeW car. roB FRIEND APARTMENTS 4 rooms on f rst floor, ery desirable; rent $j5. Call '"j 16. phone Marshall 371. irmST and 2d-floor apts. on corner, modern. yVScn a carlines. Key 711 Johnaon. NEA three-room apartments. 2b5 Mont gomery. BEULAH APTS.. new, modern, heated, rea sonable. J27 Union ave. Woodiawn 510. THE DAYTON Nice 4-room lower apL. heat, water, etc.. $20. 658 FIandersa THEE L M 32 and 3-room apts., furnished, heatTpoo nti batn" 191 14t - Flats. SWELL modern 6-room upper flat; ndults. 79 1 Eant Yamhill. Phone East HU49. ONE partly furnished, 1 unfurnished 5 room flat. Apply 23 o Hall si. IHVIMiTON. Beautiful, new, strictly modern 4-room flat, 405 East Sth st. North, Broadway car; line building, mahogany entrance, private front, .sieeping-porch. fire place, hardwood floors, tile bain, gus range, linoleum on kitchen floors; large basement for storage; rent $30. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 22d and Braxee. East 035. C 2322. ONE 6-room and baih; hardwood fiOora, fireplace, separate basement and furnace, beam ceiling, Dutrh kitchen, built-in mir rors, seats and beautiful tix tures and large private porch. 2o bant 25th, near Hawthorne. Key at 271 Lat 25th st; : MODERN upper 5-room fiat; fireplace, fur nace, sleeping-porch, .lawn, fine neighbor hood ; convenient to stores a ad carlines; Nob Hill; adults. Apply 772 Kearney. ELEGANT 5-room flat, with sewing-room, large attic and basement, nice neighbor hood and walking distance. 42S Rodney ave. FOR RENT Irving ton. attracti e 5-room flat, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, nice lare attic. Phone Eaft -132. FOR RENT 5-room modern lower flat, gas stove and water heater. $22.50. including water. phone E. 6317. 6-ROOM modern steam-heated fiat, llth St., near Columbia. Inquire of 1'uuiscn, 30i llth st. Marshall 2753. LOWER flat, $25. 6 rooms, 666 Hoyt su See Mr. Melaon, Janitor. St. Francis Apart meet. 21rt and Hoyt sts. FOR KENT 6-room lower flat, 743 Overton su; good neighborhood; $30; responsible people only. MODERN 7-room flat. West Side, 775 Johnson SU, between 23d and 24th. Main 5591. ; : SUNN YSIDE, modern 5-room flat, cheap; gas range, electricity, tubs, shades. l 14 l,a East Morrison, near ;utn. iuor ih'j- FOR SALE 6-room, close in, well fur nished; price $450. Telephone A 3630, or ft OR BENT Modern 7-room fiat. 444 par su; fireplace and furnace; $;.50; no chii dren. Phorte Tabor I'M or Kat 143L 602H MARKET 5 rooms, all outside, gas. elect-icity. bath and furnace. $30 per mo. Key neiow. MODERN 5-room flat, 5th near Jackson. West Side; 1 mln. walk. Main or A 1223. C-KOOJA flau gas lange, water heater, guud condition, t'25 Norturup. Main 322j. 66 AND 268 Stout st., one 5-room Mat, $18; ono $20. Key 260 Stouu 4-KOOM upper corner flat, modern, 177 H Green ave., near 23d and Wash- Main ttbS FURNISHED FLAT. 4 rooms. West Side, close. Marshall 3 257. MODERN 5-room upper flat, fireplace, fur nace. 713 Kearney. East2621. STRICTLY modern 5-room flat, 21st st. ai.d Hawthorne ave. H- F. Lee. Main 8925. NEW, modern 4-room corner flat; furnace; rent $18. Phone East 5. B 1404. MODERN 8-room flat, walking distance. 2iK McMillan. C 2183. NICELY furnished five-room fiat on carline. 463 6th st. Call afternoons. ' Housekeeping- Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for the money; short distance from Union DepoU Take S" or lotn-st cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. THE GLEN DORA. 19th and Couch. Just off from Washington, furnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; rent reasonable. i6i EAST MORRISON, corner East 8th, completely furnished two-room house keeping suites, also single housekeeping rooms. $1.60 TO " $2.50 per week, clean furnished housekeeping rooms, free heat, phone, bath, laundry, yard. 406 Vancouver ave. and 208 Stanton; "U" car. Phone E. 6039. PiMKABLK unfurnished two-room ba, window suites within 5 blocks of Post office; absolutely respectable. 305 Jef ferson, corner Fifth. TWO or four rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping. . gas range, electric lights, hot water radiators and use ol bath. 1181 Kerty st. phone C 2667. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, pantry, large closet, gas, bath, range, two carlines, easy walking distance. 72 E. Ta ylor. Phone E. 5260. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range, bath, phone. 480 Washing ton. CAMBH1DG3 BLDG. Furnished housekeep ing rooms; central; cheap. Room As Sd and Morrison. THE LANDORE, 2SS 10th. Something fine In H. K. rooms, about 15th, for business wo men. A Japanese wants position; has experience, saloon or any store porter. 14 N. bth su Joe W. The M liner, 350 6 Morrison sL, furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, steam heat, elev'tor, all conveniences, best locat'n. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. 50t) Couch st. N.. between 18th and 19th. NIcE suite outside housekeeping-rooms In brick building. 103 Is Union ave. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete bldg. Phone Woodiawn 2379. or 287. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. LA RGB f7jnt single rooms; heat, light, bath; very desirable; $16, $13 and $20 per month ; small room suitable for one per son, $10 per month. 575 Couch. N. K. corner 18th. 385 MILL ST.. near West Park, cozy and elegantly furnished housekeeping suite; sunny front rooms, modern conveniences, fine view, very reasonable, aiso sleeping rooms. ' SUITE of newly furnished housekeeping rooms, private bath and Dutch kitchen; 3-room flat for rent, furniture for sale. HiO Chapman st. NICE room, completely furnished for house keeping; electrii: light, gas, bath, phone; taay walking difitunce; 3 week. 66 N. 21st st, 1', blocks from Wash. 18H 13TH Four pleasant rooms, entire first floor. completely furnished, modern, splendid location, walking distance to business center. Main 4413. FRONT room and kitchenette, large closet, corner house, clean and cozy, everything funished, $11. East 4a31. 786 East Yam hJL. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; also a suit of rooms upstairs; very reason able; walking distance. 463 10th st cor. Jackson. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; light, heat, cooking gas. bath, hot and cold water, aU free, for $3 per week. 213 dran.1 ave. North. 2 LARGE connecting rooms, with bath, electricity and gas ; walking distance ; newly furnished. A 2746. 450 Park st. NICELY furnished front housekeeping-room, clean, desirable and comfortable. $12.50 month. 2b8 14th st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, yard; reasonable. 6:2 Front. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, pri vate porch, R, S or L car. 644 Borth wick. SUITE of completely furnished housekeep ing rooms, walking distance, $12.50 month. 526 Kearney. TWO pleasant front rooms; heaf. light; walking distance; reasonable. 600 East Taylor. SUNNY, large front H.-K. room, well fur nished; bath, porch, phone; 10 minutes woik of P. O. 519 6th st. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms to refined people. faoO East Salmon. Phone East 1S90. ; 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 311 Montgomery su, be t w een 5th and 6th sts. j FINE latge front upstairs room, gas range, kitchenette, hot and cold water, fuel fur nished, phone. $3-50. 5'jS Clay st. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, private family, modern. 69 East 30th su North, phone East 4o56. 3-ROOM suite, newly furnished; bath, sink, laundry, phone; reasonable. 825 East Stark at. VERY clean, nicely furnished housekeeping apartment. 2 to 4 rooms, modern, private home, central, direct entrance. 521 Couch. TWO or three furnished rooms, beautiful neighborhood, close In, reasonable. 375 Multnomah, corner Union. East 3630. $22.50 THREE well-furnished housekeep ing rooms ; pantry, gas and steej ranges. Phone Main 6S4o. ' 63 N. 20TH Newly furnished suite of 2 rooms, complete for housekeeping. TWO n'rely furnished housekeeping-rooms. 104 E. 18th st. Last 2832. SINGLE housekeeping suite, heat, phone, baih. walking distance. 221 13th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67 N. 14th st. Davis and Everett sts. i!3.i 5TH 2 outsido housekeeping rooms, $4.70; $17 a mi-nth: other rooms. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms. 119 13ti near Morrison st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 Grand ave. N. Phone East -j.T.K. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. 515 Clay. Main 48S8. FURNISHED flM, front, pleasant, close In, $20. Phuue Main 4415, Cail mornings.