A PARKER SEES PERIL ORIGINAL RECORDS FORMER DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR PRESIDENT, WHO OP POSES RECALL OF JUDGES. Last Two Bays of Our Greal N JUDGES' RECALL IT'S OUR GREAT REMOVAL SALE THE GREATEST IN ALL OUR CAREER Roosevelt Blamed for Foster Government Surprises Defend ing Sentiment of Dis trust of Courts. ants by Producing Official Margin Sheets. 1 TTIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1912 a A AV , 1 'V AYW, -A-rf V-r A. A..4.AV a. f . ... aTssssssssssTssssss-i T - 1 1 : CONFRONT PACKERS PARTY'S BURDEN SHIFTED 'large and Uaipformed Folkrwinf; TVelarrd to lie Waflns; Battle Against Supremacy ' law. Capric Is Substitute. COLrVBIA. a C Jan. IS. AM on BL rarksr. of New Terk. tmocratla nom ine for President In 1)04. delivered an address In thta city lonlg-ht befora the. South Carolina Bar Association, In which ht opposed tha recall of tha Judiciary and took exception to soma of the rrltlclsma of tha bench mada ta tha past by Mr. Roosavelt. Ha aJd ta part: 1 f pat Into practice and carried ta Its lnerttable conclusion. recall of Jodtres Is the substitution of popular opinion for les-at procedure. It Is Jus ticeor Injustice meted out. not ac cording; to tha law of the land, but ac cording- to supposed public sentiment. "Recall of judarea spells In tha ulti mate result a recall of the Judicial sys tera and tha substitution of a vlgilaDC committee. Blass Pat aa Resseeelt. "Never before. I think. In tha his tory of clrlltxatlon haa any blind leader of the blind advocated aa pro arresslTe a return of tha chaotic condi tions as tha administration of Justice by caprice rather than by the rules of Jaw. -The recall of Judges, however, la but the first step towards the cherished coal of the leaders of the movement against tba Judiciary. Tha ultimate aim la the recall of tha power of tha court to declare void such legisla tive acta as are forbidden by the con stitutions, state and Federal. -What haa happened of lata to lead so many to favor stripping; tba mem bers of tha Judiciary of their Independ ence and shearing; them of tha power to enforce the Constitution? Surely the Judicial standard baa Dot been lowered of late. The causa of tha change In public sentiment, then. Is not to be found In the lowering; of tbe Judicial standard. It had lta ba jrtnnins; during; tha Incumbency of tha lata President. Mora combinations to restrain trade and prevent competition came Into existence during; his Incum bency of the of flee than In all eur previous history. Berdea Deftly Shifted. "When the protests of tha people against tba rising- tide of blither prices began to be beard, ha sought with his accustomed political shrewdness to shift the responsibility from the shoul ders of bis party. To that end be In veighed against tha Impotancy of tha law and tha well-meaning; but fonall-lied-of-mind Judges, laying tha respon sibility of our evil state to tha law and Its ministers. "Was ever accusation mora unjust? Whence came tha special privileges against which protest la raised? From the court? No. not in a single instance. They cam by statutes passed by leg islative bodies and In most Instances approved by chief executives. "The reports which came to lilra of tha effect of his campaign apaJnst tha Judiciary enabled blm to go out of office fully appreciating- that, through !u skill, his administration and his par ty bad escaped, for a time at least, the responsibility which waa Justly theirs. What his present motive may be we need not conjecture. Battle Witt Aa-alaat Law. "His grievance la that the decisions are ln such flagrant and direct contra diction to the spirit and need of the times. It means to his multitude of readers that courts should decide not as the people bave demanded In their Constitution, but according to the no tion of himself and his followers as to the needs of the times. "Through his leadership, while Pres ident and since, a large and uninformed following haa been recruited through out the United States, who are waging, many of them unconsciously, a battle against the supremacy of the law. "Tbe uninformed think, because they have been deceived, that the courts are In effect vetoing legislation that the people want, not that the courts are merely setting aside enactments that the people bave forbidden the leg islative department of the Oovernment to pass. If they should be made to understand the whole truth before It Is too late, the movement. In form against the Judiciary, but In reality against lta power to bold in check the would-be usurpers of power not grant ed by the people, will end." ALASKA MEETING'S TOPIC Portland Trade Possibilities Are OutUnrd by J. Woods Smith. Alaska and Portland's trade possl bllitles In the great territory to the north were the principal toplca of dis cussion at tha regular Thursday noon luncheon of the Portland Progressive Kulnes Men's Club yesterday at the Portland U-rllL Several out-of-town peakrs addressed th- meeting. J. Woods Smith, a Portland business man. who Is familiar with conditions in Alaska, delivered tha main address. Mr. fruit b spoke of the commerce that Portland might have with Alaska If tha city would reach out. lie mentioned the vast reeources of the territory and commented on the business there at prencnt. He said that more Portland business men should visit Alaska and ttudy the country, saying that tbe Krand scenery would suffice to pay for tha trip even If no business were trans acted. STARVATION DEATH CAUSE frprtlnod Prom Firvt Pare.) starvation diet that would result In death. Tbe testimony of the day waa expert in character and consisted of hypotheti cal questions. Critical cross-examination was given both witnesses by the defense, whose questions ill bore on the possible death cause as due to organic and chronlo ailments. Counsel for the prosecution an nounced at the end of today's session that their case aa to direct evidence would be concluded with tbe appear ance tomorrow of two more physicians. The evidence today la of the charac ter the defendant haa frequently as sorted would come, and is said by her to be part of a conspiracy to thwart her successful conduct of a practice with new healing and treatment methods 1 w ALTO IV Be PARTY LINE DRAWN Steel Tariff Will Not Wait on Experts' Report. DEMOCRATS FORCE ISSUE President's Board Is Similarly Ig no red In Preparation of Sched ule K Debate Will Begin In noose Today. WASHINGTON; Jan. S5- The tariff revision debate of the Sixty-second Congress will begin tomorrow In the Houses when Representative Palmer, of Pennsylvania, will open the argu ment In favor of the steel and Iron schedule reported today by Chairman Underwood of the ways and means committee. Tha attitude of ttw Republicans to ward the Democratic revision pro gramme waa indicated at too ay a meet ing of the committee, when Repreeen tatlve Payne moved that consideration of tha Iron and steel schedule be d fe--red until a report had been received from the tariff board. This waa lost by a atrlct party vote. The Republl cans Indicated there would be no Re ibllcan substitute for the Democratic bill, but a long string of amendments would be offered. ' That the Democrats have virtually comnlcted the wool schedule was dis closed when Representative Payne moved that schedule K. as drawn by Mr. Underwood and his colleagues, be re-drafted to conform with the report of the tariff board, submitted In De cember. This action waa lost, also by a straight party vole Senator Sraoot la preparing a bill along the lines of the tariff board report. Following the passage of the steel bill, the ways and means committee will Introduce tbe chemical and then the sugar schedules. These are nearly ready for a Democratic caucus. The cotton schedule will be taken up next. Chairman Underwood estlmatea these will be all that can be handled at this session, but If there Is time for more the agricultural schedule will be con sidered. ISSUES ARE DELICATE FRANCE AND ITALY AGREE EX. CKPT AS TO MODE. What to Do With Turkish Prisoners, . If Proved Belligerents, Pus sies Diplomats. ROME. Jan. 35- France and Italy, it Is understood, are agreed as to the principle In the settlement of the Manouba affair. Involving the arrest of members of the Red Crescent Society while passengers on the French steam er Manouba, en route to Tunis. The negotiations, which still con tinue, however, between Marquis dl San Glullano. the Italian Foreign Min uter, and M. Karrere, French Ambas sador to Italy, are directed towards seeking a formula which, while fully satisfying France, will at the same time safeguard tbe dignity of Italy. France demands that the matter be restored to the status quo ante, after which the differences can be referred to The Hague. On this point Italy Is confronted by two questions: First, if the Turks are really what they claim to be, ought Italy simply to release them, or hand them over to FranceT Second. In the event that some of the Turkish prisoners prove not to be phy sicians or medical attendants, but bel ligerents, ought Italy to require guar antees, if she hands them over to France, that they will not be allowed to reach Turkish camps? These are questions, it Is urged, of an extremely delicate nature, requir ing much tact, but It Is confidently ex pected that a full agreement will be reached tomorrow or Saturday. LIVESTOCK MEN CONVENE Oregon Association Lays Plans for State Fair Exhibits. The regular semiannual meeting of the Oregon Pure Bred Livestock Asso PARKER. ciation convened In the Imperial Hotel yesterday afternoon and was attended by 20 delegates from the various stock localities of the state. The discussion of the revision of classification of the premium list at the Oregon State and other fairs on the Pacific Coast consumed the morn' Ing session. The afternoon waa de voted to drafting resolutions for the betterment of the livestock dealers of the Pacific Coast. The association recommended that the State Fair Board arrange plans tor tha proposed educational exhibit on the same dates arranged for Salem by the Pacific Coast Fair Circuit, which are September 2 to 7. They Indorsed placing a tax of 10 cents on each pound of oleomargarine used in the state. D. O. Lively, of the Portland Stock yards, waa Indorsed as livestock com missioner to the Panama-Pacific Fair In San Francisco. The vast area of undeveloped agrl cultural land In Oregon was respon sible for adoption of a resolution asking that the railroad traffic managers issue cheap round-trip tickets to farmers in the East, that they may be Induced to visit Oreg-on. BILL BOON TO FORESTERS Tlerbnrn Thinks Benefits Inade quate Passage Is Delayed. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Jan. IS. On motion of Senator Dixon the Senate today adopted an amendment to the House bill for relief of employes of tbe Bureau of Mines, providing that herefter any employe of the Forest bervlce Injured while on duty shall be compensated by the Gov ernment for such time as he loses aa a result of his Injury and granting one year's pay to the family of any fores try employe who may be killed In tbe service. Just after this amendment was adopted Senator Heyburn objected to final passage of the bill, contending that the compensation provided waa not adequate, and tbe bill went over until Monday. YAQUINA PLAN APPROVED Army Engineers Advise. Expenditure of $72,000 on Harbor. WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. The Army Board of Engineers made a favorable report today on the Taqulna harbor im provement project. It will recommend a 172.000 expenditure. 40 per cent to be paid by the Government and 0 by tbe community. It will allow a credit on this amount a sum representing the work already done by the Port of Ta qulna. Tbe Initial appropriation asked Is 110.000. The Slunlaw report Is still In the hands of the Board. I0WANS PLEDGE FOR TAFT Campaign to Secure Delegates Opened in Earnest, Is OTTUMWA. la, Jan. 25. Sixth Con gressional District Republicans, meet ing here today, adopted resolutions pledging support to President , Tart. It was the first of a series of con ferences planned for Iowa districts In opening a campaign to secure Taft delegate to the National convention, the promoters announced. PIANOPLAYER For Sale Cheap. Phonola piano, slightly used, but in good condition, former price $550; we are offering for 1250 on terms of $25 cash and (10 per month. Kohler & Chase. 75 Washington street. Why Not Advertise? SHI O MATTER what larger and more profitable through advertis ing. By advertising I mean publicity. Tour particular business may require either news paper, or streetcar, or billboard, or booklet, or form totter, or demonstration publicity. Be fore I make a recommendation I study your proposition thoroughly. It will be to your ad vantage to talk your problems over with me. 501YeonBldi Telephone M&u)113 AGREEMENT IS INDICATED Clerk for Subsidiary Concern Identi fies Statistics Compiled Under His Direction Combine Busy In East. CHICUOO, Jan. 15. Counsel for the Government aprang a surprise en the defense In the packers' trial today when they produced 25 original weekly summary margin sheets for the ship ments made by the National Packing Company in the Eastern territory, be tween January and August .1110. Stelner O. Langher, margin clerk for the Hammond Packing Company, a subsidiary of the National Packing Company, who was on the stand all day and Identified the sheets aa having been compiled under his direction, and Attorney Pierce Butler immediately of fered them in evidence. Record of Marartas Kept. The sheets showed the total pounds of meat shipped each week from the different plants of the National Pack ing Company, together with the "work ing" and "closed" margins, terms used by the packers for the average test cost and selling price of the product. The Government contends that these weekly margin sheets were sent to the officers of the company in Chicago every Monday and used at the direc tors' meetings of the National Packing Company each Tuesday afternoon. when the alleged agreements In regard to the shipments and margins were made for the current week. It Is the theory of Attorney Butler, of the Government's legal forces, that the alleged combination in recent years centered actively on territory 'A.' which embraced cities north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi River, into which the packers shipped 76 per cent of their output of fresh beef. Trade Centered la East. The weekly summary margin sheets showed that In the first eight months of 1110 the National Packing Company shipped 6.000,000 pounds of beef a week into this Eastern territory. In several other parts of the coun try, especially the West and South, no agreement existed In regard to the margins and shipments except in a few large cities, according to the informs tlon obtained by the prosecution. Langher read a list of cities, which Included New Orleans, St. Louis and Spokane, where no meat was shipped by the National Packing Company. He could not explain why the company kept out of those cities. IS FOLK-CLARK DTTTEREXCES RE CEIVE ATTENTIOX. Candidate. After Misting Train Confers With ex-Governor and Friends of Speaker. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 25. W. J. Bryan after he had missed a train here to day, tried to patch up the difference between the factions of Speaker Clark and ex-Governor Folk, who are seeking Missouri's Indorsement for the Presi dential nomination. The three-time Democratic candidate was met at the railway station by Mr. Folk, who conferred with him for more than an hour. Later two of the lead- ng supportera of the ex-Governor were called into the conference. A short time after the Folk men de parted, two local leaders for Speaker Clark, ex-Governor Stephens and Virgil Rule, had a talk with Mr. Bryan. Na tional Committeeman Goltra was the last Democrat who conferred with Mr. Bryan. DIRECT CONNECTION DUE (Continued From First Par-) this property in which he declared It to be the richest district the world has ever known. It Is Inaccessible now, but the Northwestern proposes to be the first road on the ground. . However, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the New York bankers, have become interested In this same field and propose to build a line paralleling that of the North western. A smelter will be erected at Nampa. Kuhn. Loeb & Co. have obtained control of the Payette Valley line, operating between Payette and Emmet, and will build northward out of Emmet In an effort to tap the mines. Both concerns have been active In the field for the past few months. Encltafc Syndicate la Field. An English syndicate has obtained possession of many valuable clalma in tha Profile district. These same In terests have large holdings in tha Northwestern. Surveys through Eastern Oregon to Malheur Lake were made recently by Northwestern engineers. Joint use of Malheur Canyon with the Harriman Interests, who now are building a road through that section, was provided for when tha Hill system sold its Malheur rights to the Harriman Interests a year your business, it can be made AdvertisingService 5. Nothing Reserved. Every Fur Included. i i When you buy a Silverf ield Fur you are getting the garment from this house has individuality in style, surpasses any, as the styles are exclusive and quality will readily convince you of these statements. . - M i . FOURTH and MORRISON ago. A pass through the Cascades now is being sought. This will give the Northwestern a connection with the Pacific at both Coos Bay and at Portland and will place that system on an equality with the other lines now operating to the Coast. NEW LIBRARY SITE URGED Park and Madison Streets Proposed by Plan Association. That the County Court and Portland Library Association reconsider its ac tion in purchasing the block bounded by Tenth, Eleventh, Yamhill and Tay lor streets, for the site of a new library, and purchase one of the blocks at the corner of Park and Madison streets, was the request made in a resolution passed by the Greater Port land Plans Association at Its meeting In the convention hall of the Commer cial Club last night. The resolution will be formally presented to both the library association and the County Court. The reason for asking the change is that the new library may conform to the Bennett plans for a city beautiful. It waa pointed out that the block chosen for the library 'Is valued at $158,660. and that none of the blocks recommended, at the corner rt Park and Madison streets, are worth more than two-thirds that sum A resolution was passed condemning rrthnr dalav In the letting or tne con tract for the superstructure oi tne Broadway bridge. Bascule to Bo Rail Typo. The bridge committee of the executive board decided at its meeting yester day to recommend to the board today that the Rail type of bascule be In stalled In the new uroaaway dBo. Thi. (ho ivne or draw recommenaea by Engineer Modjeskl, who Is in charge FIJI LnJOOO Sarsaparilla Achieves its great victories not simply because it contains sarsa parilla, but because of its peculiar combination of more than twenty great specifics. There is no real substitute for it. If urged to buy any prepara tion saiS to be "just as good," be sure to insist on having Hood's. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. EJBJ Don't Persecute your Bowels I awl pwTgatsTEsV MT mrr. Tnr jm Ska Small PflL SsaaQ Dose, Small Price f " Genuine s.u Signature SAVES TIME and ENERGY Lightens All Housework SAPOLIO Cleans, Scours. Polishes from cellar to garret WORKS WITHOUT WASTE IsSeW CttatcaWVi CARTER'S UTTLE V UVER PILLS V X. J Carters SILVERFIELD'S of the bridge's construction. The other types of bascule draws consid ered were the Strauss and Shener. The brld ere committee decided yesterday nriimriii iiflin iimMAii'D Dlhu i iruL nMiii viuiuhii o unam... A Simple Remedy Beautifies and Darkens the Hair Cures Dandruff. What a pity it is to see so many people with thin, wispy hair, faded or streaked with gray, and realize that most of these people might have soft, glossy, abundant hair of beautiful color and lustre if they would but use the proper treatment. There is no neces sity for gray hair under sixty-five years of age, and there is no excuse for any one, young or old, having thin, strag gling -hair, either full of dandruff or heavy and rank smelling with exces sive oil.. . CALIFORNIA HOTELS, WINTER BELLEVUE HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO Car. Geary and Taylor Btreeta. EVERY ROOM WITH BATH, atnerteaa plaa from M a day 3 per sons from 07 a day. European plaa. from S2 a day 3 per oat from (3JM a day. SPECIAL. MONTHLY RATES. A refined house of unusual excel lence, centrally located. Illustrated booklet upon request. W. E. ZANDER, Manager. JUST OPENED HOTELSUTTER Sutter and Kearny Streets SAN FRANCISCO An up-to-date modern hotel tak ing the place of the old Occidental Hotel and Lick House. European Plan $1.50 per day and op HOTEL STEWA SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up New steal and brick modttrn conrnienctt. Moderate rmtea Center of theatre and retail diatrict- Oa car line trajiavf errinc all orer city. Eleo trie omnibue meet train and teamere PRINTING Rnllnc Binding- and Blank Book Matlnr. Fhonea Main 6201. A 281. Portland Printing House Co. J. t. WrUtbt, Pres. and Gra. Manaaer. Book, Catalogue and Commercial. Tenth and Xaylur Stik. Portland. Orefoa. Milkmaids In Switzerland make handker chiefs cf lace that readily sell for $5 apiece some Indeed for as much as ISO each. US awsTsllses I'll II IbSF I -a "aw RT Be Your Own Salesman. Select Your Fur. Cut the Price in Two. best obtainable. Every a distinction which far the best. An inspection raw a nrr re FOURTH and MORRISON to recommend also that the contract for the superstructure of the new bridge be let to the Pennsylvania Steel Company fJO NECESSITY FOR GRAY HAIR Tou can bring back the natural color of your hair in a few days and forever rid yourself of any dandruff and loose hairs, and make your hair grow strong and beautiful by using Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. For genera tions common garden Sage has been used for restoring and preserving the color of the hair, and Sulphur is recog nized by Scalp Specialists as being ex cellent for treatment of hair and scalp troubles. If you are troubled with dandruff or itching scalp, or if your hair 13 losing Its color or coming out, get a fifty-cent bottle of Wyeth's Sase and Sulphur from your druggist, and notice the Improvement In the appearance of your hair after a few days' treatment. Special agent. Owl Drug Co. HEALTH and RESORTS CALIFORNIA This Winter. Orange proves in full bloom, tropical flowers, fa mous hotels, historic old Mis done, attractive -watering places, delightful climate. . Ton can aee it at its best via the SHASTA ROUTE And "Road of a Thousand -Wonders." Southern Pacific Company Route of the SHASTA LIMITED A strictly high-class train in very respect, unexcelled dining car service, quick time and di rect connections to all points south. Special Bound-Trip Bate ot $55 Portland to Los Angeles and Return. With corresponding low rates from all other sections of the Northwest Liberal stopovers in each direction and long limit. Interesting and attractive , lit erature on the various resorts and attractions of California can be had on application to any S. P. agent, or from John VL Scott, Gen. Pass. Agtn Portland, Oregon. " mn I