J 19 TITI5 'MORNING OREGOXIAy. MtlDAT, JANUARY 26, 1913. OATS PRICES RISE No Chance of Montana Ship ping Here. DUE TO HIGH MARKET EAST Weight I Taken From local Prlcea and Advance I ImmfdUte Re irponse Tndncx I Strongly Upward. Any chance Montaaa oata coming thla war has baea killed ev the rise la the bum oata niUL Thla Baa torae the Bnaut ef Montana aata eastward la ta4 at westward, and takaa a load art the markka at tha Pacific Northwast. which (or eeveral waaka baa bald prlcaa dowa. Montana eats, bacaaaa of their rood m'.Tl las quality, ara now la iul demand by tha laetera caraal mtlla. and It la under ateea that heavy aalaa h.n bea made Tha result of tha chase WM"M eaai aaarke baa aaen a malarial Urtanta mt tha Idea X eellara. and a stronger da ms nl aa tha part el buyera Tha Inquiry yesterday wu aotre and U WM freely whea Montana aata wara artarad hare tha poelUoa of tha maraat waa sound enough to heap prlcaa fairly level. A fe mail lota wara allppad I" tram Montana, but Mt enough to depress local Prtcee, "When tha walcht waa removed, however, tha ra apoaaa waa tmmedlata la tha aata market now It la a propor tion simply of local supply and -" With tha barley a-1 (one and California atlH a steady buyer tt aeema certain thai oata aeoeka wlU be entirely usJ an. There la a keaa demand for what la left, and thla g-tvee oata prteea aa upward tendency. Xaatara tnqulrte for barley continue to coma la but mere ara practically aa sup plies and prteea ara nominal. Tha wheat market waa flrra at unchanged prices, with miller and esporters la the market. rarmera wara decidedly bulllih. The prospect of getting a cargo of wheat ta Vladivostok haa vanished, at leaet for tha present, swing to ese-sstve freight rates. Iocni receipt In ear were reported by the Merchant Exchange aa follow: Wheat Barley Floor Oata Hay .. . II 1 Tn-edav ; Wednesday ... Thursday ' Tr aco " aoa to data.lv? Y-ar U I 7 T 1? 1124 1 ! 1 8I 194 1 101. Hi riTt'BC T.EOS OT THE BREWERS nml ReQulrrmewte of nope aad Bar ley. The rnlted State Brewer' Association, In a circular Just Issued, states that re Pliea received from brewera representing per cent of the output In anwr to In qulrlee concerning their ao'i ""LT" ment. save the following reeult.: "The totm Indicate that the brewer who hare replied to tha Inquiry have eeurd 77 per nt of their total requirement of malt for the current aeaeon. and ' P" cent of their requtrementa of hop If we assume that tha replies received may be takea aa a fa!r aeele for estimating the condition of ail the brewera la the raited Stetee. It might be Inferred that on ar about Ne mber 1. ! the brewer tlll needed about 17.tM0S buebela of barley, and !.- to bale of hope to complete their requtre- . e.-t.mhOT i. HI 3. It I, how- meai wear, probable that moil of the brewera setimated their requirement oa the besle ef Uat year output, and did not allow lor any poeeible Increase In the beer aalea during- tha current fiscal year. In ! tnc the eltuatloa a it exists today, dua allowance should be made for the brew ref purchaaea from NOTember 13 to data --Perbape tha moat Important and eon eroalTa reeult of the Inquiry haa been to eatabtl.h the fact that, on the arera brewara ara uatnc fully a buhel of malt ta tha barrel and three-fourtha of a pound of hop. If thla I trne there 1 roe for oonalderabla expansion In the production of brewtnr barley and ft hop" Au. Mon.vtR rs wwnmw ha-bs ym impartatioaa la the Fjwtera Market. Farelca Trade lHill. Mohair market condition In tha Kat are reported by the Boatoa Commeroial Bulletin aa follow: -No now feature la fouad In the mohair ituatloa thla week either here or abroad. The clip of thla country la now practically or quite all In conaumer" handa while there appear to be no importation of hair comma- forward for United State account. "In Ent-land latet advice ara to tha effect that tha lpnnera of mohair ara find In; eery little bualnea either for home or export consumption. Quotation here and abroad ara unchanged aad largely nominal.- rx0 M ARRET FIRM AND HIGHER Sonpllee Ara Jf 1 ,! ta the Demand. Fwaltry la (Urea. The demand tor a exceed the supply and prices ara aaln working up ta a point Justified by actual local condition.. Tha general quotation yesterday waa II centa but holder did not offer stacks freely, anticipating a further rise. Chickens and ducks were In atronr de mand and were firm. The best bona were readily taken at 1 cents, while 2J centa waa aa!d for docks. Receipts of all klnda ef poultry were light. There were aa ehana-e la butter ar ebeasa qoataOona Tha former waa weak and tha latter firm. BHTTrXXO DEMAND rOR POTATOES Bulk ef Shipments Going fa Texas ObJob I'arbanged. The .hipping demand for potatoea held eteady. There are Saa rraaeleca orders for a few ear ef fancy Mock, but theaa ara difficult to obtain. Texaa t la the market tor good quality and the balk of the ahlp ments ar going there. Car lot buyer ar paying cent to SI. la for moat of their supplies, with II.: offered for extra fancy. Onion are moving fairly well at S cent, grower price. The offering are aufflclent to aupply tha demand and aa advaaca la price ta expected Ihts week. LARGE COCNTRT ORDER.. FOR ORANGES tlly IX-maad I Chiefly for tare SI. Applea Ara Active. Country orders for orancea were large yesterday, but In the city the demand waa chiefly for large siset. which were scarce. Apples continue to go out freely. X car of Mexican tomatoes waa put oa the market which were superior to tha first Mpn-.ents received. THry sold at l-5i a bo. Kecetpta otherwise were light. Shipments due lest nlsht were a car each of sweat potatoea. oranges aad cauliflower aad lat tuee. Baak Clearlna. Bank clearing of the Northwestera eJtlae vesi.rdar aere aa fallows: r-Iearinse. Balances. rortland 11.34 ! s.atna - i-.4Tl lpcKan ........... roRixAND MAJEJurra. Orara. Floor. Feed. Et. P Bl ue.tem. SSe: iub. S.c: red Ruaaiaa, Sic; Valley, S2e; (orty-foid. 1 e. FLOLB Patents. S4.S per barrel, straight. It-OS; export. x.; Volley. e.; graham. tJ. whole wheal. S4.lt. MlLLATLTFa Hraa, lil per ton; hort. 1X2; auddilnga. 1.1 w, roUed barley, tn Q OATS No. 1 white. 3 per ton. HAT No. 1 Eastern Oregoa timothy. I it No. 1 Vajlev. 1S911: alfau'a. 1119 14, clover. 112: grain. 1 12 11. BAKLET Wba.a. 140 per ton. COK.N New. whole. M: cracked. : eld. whole. 3d; cracked. 3T. Tegefblee and rraxta. TROPICAL. FRl-ITS Oraagea aaeeja. ILTiaS; Japaneea. Sl. per bundle; Ca !.m:. grapefruit. J-Jo4. Florida irrape trult. S4.T10I: baaaaaa iliae per seuad) lemons. 14 94.50 per box. FRESH FRLIT8 Almeria sape 5 per barrel; eraaberrlea. Slw-l- Pr " POTATOES Buying prices: Burbank. tKVn 11 20 pec hundred; wet potatoea. ,5VEOlT ABLE Artichokes. II l per doa n: beana lifflTHc; cabbaga lVla per pound: cauliflower. I-'.SO per ctate; cel ery. IS.2I per crate; coram be rs. S-.T per dos.o: eggplant. IS tea per Peaad. garUe, sl0o per pound; lettuce. S2.SB Ser orate; hothousa lettuce, 0cl per box: pepper. 12S0 per pound; pump klna 10m Pr pound; radlshea. lo r doien: sprouts. Sc: squssh, lOlH0 per pound: tomatoea. I22.2a per box. ONIONS As.oclatlon price. 11 par aaebj. SACK VEOETABL.E8 Turnips. IHS per sack; rutabasas. l.;i: carrots. JL..S; par snips. 11 .23; testa 1.60. ... APPLES Fancy Home Beauty. S2.5" per box: choice Rome Beauty. 12: fancy Yellow Newtown. 12 SO; fancy Spltxenberga I2.7S: Delaware Red. $1.75; Wtnrsap. 2: Northera Fpy. tlH; Baldwin, H-eOtjl; Ba Dart II.- Dairy aad Cowatry Fiadwe. BCTTER Oregon oreamery batter, eelld pack. Sac: prtnta, extra; bulterfat. SS90 L -v b. Portland. . . E0G8 Freatt Oregon ranch, aaadlaa. Sle per doaaa. CHEESE Freeh Tillamook flats, ISe; Toung Amerlcaa. JSo. PORK Fancy, IBIH per pound. VEAL Fancy. lS914o per pound. POULTRY Hen. ll414c: Bprlnga ISo; ducks, young. S2c; geese, 121o; turke,a live. lc; dressed, cbolee. Z2c Btapls Oracarlea. FALkON Columbia River. 1-pound tall II 23 p,r don; S-pound tails, 1 2 "3! 1 pound flata $2.40; Ajaska pink. 1-pound tails. $1 35. ajA. COFFEE Boasted, la drama, nf a. per pound. , . NV.T8 Walnut. 16.14e Pr pound. Brill r.ota 14Clc: filbert. 1491Sei al rnonda 179210. pecana ISe; eocoanuta. POa Oil per dosen: cneatnut. 12So per pound, hickory nuta. 910e per pound. HONEY Choice. U.I8 per eaaa: atralaea boney. lOe per pound. 6 ALT Granulated. $13 per tool bair ground. loos. IA60 per ton: BOa Per toTu BEANS fcmsll whits. 4io: large wblta Hr: Lima, Ike; pins. Sfcc; Mxij;ana bayou, oc- RICE No. 1 Japan. t". ehaaper gradsa Vlo: Southern head. SfcO'o. hLGAR Dry granulated. 4.1S: fruit and berry. .1B; Honolulu ptantauon, 4.1; beeC li.S; extra C. i.ts; powdered, barrel a. $0.40: cubes, barrela, $9,35. DRIED FRUITS Applea 14a Per pound: apricots I601c; peachea 12l4o: prunes, ItalUn. lOHO10Vc; sliver. 18c; Oga white and black. eSswTac; currant. 10 lie; ralalna loose, htustalel. Jin'i bleached Thompson, luc; unbleached Sul tanas, lac: seeded. THtrStac; dates. Par aiaa. Saja per lb.; Fard. $1 o per box, Prerlslona. HAMS 10 to II pound. 1301c; U to 14 pounds. 1301Vc: 14 to 1 pounds. ISfllac; Id to IS pound.. 14 1i0 1iSo; skinned, lac: picnics, lie: cottage roll, lJa. LAitD Kettle rendered. tierces. 19He; tub. standard tierces, lme; tuba ll,c: shortening, tiercea, S.c; tuba SVo. BACON Faincy. 24c; standard, 2oo; choice. 18He; Enrllsb, laHOlsc DRY SALT CUHEL Regular short eleara, dry aalt. 11 He: smoked. lc: snort clesr, backs. 12 to IS Iba, dry salt. 12Vtc: smoked. 14c; short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., dry salt. 11 he; smoked. 13c: Oregon export dry salt, IJc; amoked. 14c. Bepa. Waal and Hide. HOPS 111 crop, 3H44e: old aoml ral, 1011 contract ZOtflidttc; three year la: flva yeara. 15c MOHAIR Cholc SSwSTo per pooad. . . . lllll, Mt WUUb twin. wi-b-h. - pound, according to ahrlnkage; Valley. 17c per pound. PELTS Dry. 11c: lamb .sited. 8 0c; hort-wool pelt aotJTJc: butcr.er pelt Nee. take-off. 0 8 410c: Dec take-off. SOcOll. 11 llJta oaitea niur., eie.ww v - pound' salted calf. Klc: salted kip, lf lis; green hide fee: dry calf, aoo; dry bide IT o lc; aalted stag. t97e; greea etas a, SSHte. CaSC ARA Per pound. Unseed Oil ad Turpeatlsa. LINSEED OIL Pure raw .la barrel 82 boiled, la barrel 4c; raw. la case tie. boiled. In case Sc TLRPBNT1.SE i-aae 70e; wood barrel STSc FLAXSEED OIL MEAL Per tea. 14. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 25. Coppr. standard, quiet. pot. January. February. March, AprU and May 1J Wt 14.ooo; London. tady. pet. 2 Is ad: future 162 IS d. Arrlvala reported at New Yoak today. 1250 "-Custom-House returns show exports of 19.561 ton so far thl month. I.nk copper. 14Vkt 14.68c; lctrolytlc 14t14Vic; caatlng. 13Tln-i-Um. 43.50 344 WV-: January. 4S.B09 44 00c; February. 41175 0 43 2ic; March. 42.50 43.73c; April and May 4i00 342.50c Lon don, steady; spot. 1104; future il2. Lead Dull. 4.40tf4.60c. New York, and 4 30t4-S5, blast St. Louis. London, ill lua ad. Epeltar Dull. .4a.e.1c. Nw York: 6.S0 06.5O: East St- Louis London. 126 12 6d. Antimony Dull. Cookson' 7.37 he Iron Cleveland warrant 49s In London; locally Iron waa quiet. No. 1 foundry North ern. $14.75915-00; No. 2. $14.50914.75: No. 1 Southern and No. 1 boutnera soit. i.a 9 14-75. Stacks at Boatoa. BOSTON. Jaa. 25. Cloilng quotations: A Hours 40 IMohswk ex-dlv. . 54 Amalx Copper.. i4 H Nevada Con lsl A Z L A im... 2:." Nlplsslnr Mine. 61 Arliona Cora .. ", North Butts. S3 BACCA8M. W North Lake 6 Butt Coalition. 22 Old Dominion... 46 Cat A Arlsona. . 61 Osceola ex-dlV..108 Cal A Hecla 415 Qulncy 75 Centennial 10 shannon Con Ran Con Co 62H Superior - 27 B Butte Cop M. 6r Sup A Boa MJn.. 4i4 Franklin 11. Tamarack 39 Clroux Con .... I..UJ1 S R A M... tiranby Con . . . 3 do preferred... 4i 1 Rosalie (Cop) l4iltah Con ...... 1J Kerr Lake 2V I tan Copper Co. 65 S . . . .ft W Innnm AV La Salle Copper 5 (Wolverine 6 A Miami Copper... 241 Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Jaa. 26. Evaporated apple teady. Spot, fancy. 10.910o; cholc vfee; prim SC'c. Pnuee Steady. Quotation range from So to IS Ha for Callfornlaa up to SO-40 and from 10Ve to 12c for Oregona Peaches Firm: cholc lltJUHc; extra cholc 11VS912C; fancy. 12w12x,c xc-eel at St. Lwuls. ST. LOriS. Jan. 25. Wool steady. Terri tory and Western medium ldtflSc; Una medium 15tl7c; fin 10 15c Puluth 1aa Mark. Dl'LtTTH. Mlna. Jan. 23. Cloa Flax, la tore, to arrive. January and February. J.14; May. BOARD VIEWS RESERVOIR Thorough Inspection to Bo Made Before City Accepts, Work. Mayor Rushlight and members of tha Water Board went to Mount Tabor yes terday and Inspected Reserrolr No. S. jut completed by Robert Wakefield Co, for tha city. They found soma of tha concreta slabs broken and some de pressions In the bottom of tha bit; basin, but the Mayor said upon hla re turn that ha does not regard the situ ation aa at all dangerous. Ve will have aoundlngs made, aaia the Mayor, "and will sea what tha situ ation la. Whether there are any tTl tlea under the reservoir, will have to be determined by Investigation." The contractors have not been paid for the work as yet and Mayor Rush light and the members of the Board are considering tha entire situation, before taking action. ALL LINES AGHVE Large Receipts and Brisk Trading at Stockyards. ARRIVALS OVER 4000 HEAD Prices nold Up Well for All Classes Except nogs. Which Sell Dime Ijowep Sheep Transac tions Heavy. Buying era en a heavy scale at tha tock yards yesterday. The receipt wr large, aver 4OO0 head arriving, and tha Inter eat In the market was general, all elaaeee bing traded In. Except In the aaaa of hag price were maintained. Sales or steers war not numerov and price paid for the few offering rangd from 14.50 to SJ.IS. In butchr cattl trad ing was actlv Six load of choice cow wr moved at 5-25 and two loada at 15.15. On lower grade price ranged down ta (1.60. Bull aold from 150 to 4.S5 and calvaa from B to IS. 1 Tha hog market was off a dime, with 19.55 the top. Transactions la the aheap market were larga. The bulk of wether sold at 14.80, a few bringing 14.75. Cull wethers aold at 4. Tha beat ew.s realised 11.25. the bulk of aalea being at S3.P0. Cull ewes sold at 12.60. Oood lamb were taken at 15.25 and cull at 3.60. Sheared lambs figured for tha first time In the market, a load selling off the car at 4.0. Receipts yesterday were 80S cattl 18 calve T4T hogs. 2000 sheep and 44 horse Shipper were Sevier ds Wd. by boat, 43 hog; T. P. Patton, Halaey. 1 car of cattle and hog: W. B. Wing. Eugene, 1 ear of hog; George L Smith. Conrad, Mont., ear of cattle and calvaa; Kiddle Bro. Union and La Grande, S care of hog; C F. Bauman. lialna 1 car of cattle; A. L. Brown. Ilalne 4 car of cattl aad hog; P. J. Brown. Ba kr, S car of cattl; A. W. Walker. Idaho, 2 (beep; c. T. Brown. Klmberly. Idaho, 1 car of hos; J. H. Prahh Troutdal 1 car of sheep; W. A. Jone Enterprls 1 car of sheep; C F. Walker, Joseph. 1 care of oat tie; J. B. Huston, Caldwell. 1 car of horse; W. L Stlpton, La Grande, 1 car of horses; H. R. Peacock, Nsrop 2 car of cattle; Glenna Ferry Bank. Glenn Ferry. Idaho. 1 car of cattle; Steve Navarr Mackay. Idaho, 1 car of cattle; F. L, Penc Mackay. Idaho, 1 car of cattle; R. W. Gray. Moor Idaho, S care of cattle; R. N. Stanfleld. stanfleld. 1 ear of sheep, aad Rugs Bro. Echo and Pen dleton, 4 cars of cattle and ahaep. The day's sales were as follow: Weight. Price. 4S hog. 1"? fl4 yearling wether ...... llfj wethers 2)1 ewes ewee 8 cows 57 ccw J 7 Cf wu So c-w ...-..-. el 4.0. J 7 4.50 . V9 8.U0 . 4.00 . S5 4.U0 . 14 4. S3 . 7 4.85 &7u 11 W 1 1 : ao 115 5.15 HOT 6O0 WIS 4.75 912 5.U0 !H 4.50 l0 4.30 K'2 4.10 ........ t 4 OO 10:il 6.1J 1U51 6.10 111.5 4.65 1370 2.50 246 6.J0 lona 4.M Ullt 5.U0 12n5 6.65 970 4.50 1 bull 77 cow . cows .... s cow 4 atoera ... -24 wethers . l.'.e ethers . Z:t5 ewes . . . 1.1.1 swes .... 21i COWS .... S3 cows 14 cows .... 1 bull 87 hoes .... 27 cows .... 4 cows .... 7 steers ... 1 stoer 109 lamba ... htt 6.U0 67 ewes ..... 2UI wethers .. 6 calea .... 1 bull 1 Lull 1 bull 1 bull 1 bull 1 steer ..... 67 bors ..... b5 hoBs ..... 4 hogs 97 cows . 49 cows 25 cows a cows 6 calves .... 2 calves 2 cftUes .. .. 1 stag ...... 1 bull 2 bulls fit sheep .. . . 2.12 ewe. 44 cull ewes . 11S 4.10 115 4.75 8.1(1 8.00 1170 3.r 14 lO 4.-5 1UG0 S.iO UliO 3-'" 17k r..w) 9im s.r.i) , 1M0 6.55 , 1S3 0.40 342 6.30 .101.6 5.25 979 6.2.1 , 969 4.25 , 966 3.25 13 8.00 , 430 5.00 ......... 2io S.tiO , 90 '4.50 , 1140 2.73 910 3.25 Bl 4.25 100 4.23 SS 2.50 U2 4.50 lot wethers 3V0 sheared lambs, off car 74 4.90 111 lamb -4 o.-i 1,7 lsmh. 0 4.50 73 cull lambs 3-& The rang of price at the yards was as follows: ChoTc.'7eer 5.S5ri6.20 Good to cholc teers 6.60 t 6.. 5 t-bolc cow 4 o 6.4rO Good to choice cow t-,w 1 i? Cholc .payed helfera l.3o 560 Good to choice heifers 5 5 r? micVbVii.-::::::::::: ' i Choice calves 7. sow 8.00 Good to choice calves .75t, i.oO OiolceTto llrht hog 5" 5 3 Good to cnoica o"s , Smooth heavy boga . ... 6-00' 6.35 ... 8.750 6.00 Cholceyearllne; wethers 7.5 Choice killing ewes 4 00 4.JS Choice Ismbs BOO 5.60 Oood to choice Iamb 4.75 Culla S.70 4.00 Omaha Uvestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. S3. Cattle Re ceipt 8000; market, active, ateady to strong-. Native steer 5.25 7.SO; cows snd heifer 13.3096: Western steer 13.8596.25; Texaa tears. $3.80 8. SO: range cowa and halter 135 20; csnnor 12.7503.60; stocksrs and feeder 3.506.23: calve 138; bull tags etc.. 13.505.50. Hog Receipts. 11.700; market. light lower. heavy strong. Heavy. 046.2O; mixed. .V73tf6: light. 5.50p6; pig 14.25 ,5.6o: bulk of sale 3.706. .... Sheep Receipt 7000; market, 10 to 15 cents higher. Yearling I4.65tf-5.S5; weth er I3.b0w6.60; awe 3 8 4.45; lamb 8j-60 1675. Cblcauro Livestock Market. CHICAOO. Jan. J3. Cattle Receipt 8500; market, ateady to weak. Bee-re 4. S03S 60; Tela S4.508.S5; Western steer 4.76T T 15: stockar and feeder 16.6096: oowa and helfera. 6S.15S-75: aalve I5.50OS.75. Uogs Receipt 33.000; market, weak. 50 lower. Light. S.6J 96.20; mixed. 15.90 6.SS: heavy. 15.9596.37 H : rough. 15.95 4 6-10; pig 84.2605.50; bulk ef aaia 86.16 a.30 Sheep Receipt. 18.000; market teadr. Natlv 13.25 0-4.85: Western. 83.65 94.85: iearllnr 4.9o5.S: lamb natlv 4.5W0 T.oo; -westsrn. 14.7697.00. BAN FRA CISCO PRODTJCS MARKET rrlcaa Quoted at tha Bay City roe Tege table rralta. Eta. SAN rRANCISCO, Jan. SB. The follow ing produce price were current her to- UT ...table Cucumber. 75c9115: garll 344c: green pea 5wl0o; string bean iTHftSOe; eggplant. S12o; tomaloe L2 Butter Fancy creamery. 84 Egga Stor 29 Vie; fancy ranch, 81a Oniona I150W1.I0. ,.. Cheeaa ioung America. 17 IS H T-rut ADDle choice. 1; common, S5o; Mexican lime 3.506: California lemon "hole 13.50; common. 1 . 23; navel aransa 1160(12.1.0. pineapple l.tflfceO. Vo-atoea Oregon Burbank nominal; Salinas Burbank 81.75 L90; river Bur blnkr 8126-L50; sw 12.1092.65. Vllllstulla Bran, I-6.609 26.60; middling ,SH,!1 Wheat. $18910: wheat and eat $1SW1S.S0; alfalfa, 111916.60. Receipt Floor. 8104 quarter sacka: wheat. T20 eeuxals: barley. 8046 eentala; oat 85 centau; potatoe 7713 sacks; bran. 835 sacks; middling 40 eaeka; hay, 160 tone; wool. 5 to bale av4 Store PATANSAH. O. Ji- Turpentine dulU 4ec: aale 143; receipt 258; hlp menis. 637: Slock 2800. Koaia firm; aale u00; xecolpls. 1300: . . aa. . ,. i ano Onntu- R. snipmenTB, ew; i - . . . - - . S4.40SS.45: P. S6.45ft9.47Uj: E S6.60 9S.S0. . .'.5 44.70; K. 7.1o: M, i.35; N. S..40. WG. 17.50; W W, 17.60. Coffee and Sugar. .. . rntttkm closed c w ivnn- --' - teady. net one point lower to two V Blither, bale dz.vuu oags. jauw-w. February. 12.52c: March. 12.67o; April. May. Jun July. Augut. 12 5c; September. i4 aa. rtrinhM. 12 November. 12.0-c, Iecember, 12.47c. Coffee spo cortee quiet; m ISSc; fianto No. 4. 15SC Mild coffee quiet; Cordova, 154wl7Sc. nominal. e . Muarovado 89 test. 8.89c; centrifugal teat. :8o: mo- lease aw test, a.oec iwiwai m-- Chlcaga Produce Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 25. Butter Steady; creameries. 29w36c; dairies. 2 5 4) S3 c. Kk-gi Firm; receipt. 1214 esses: at mark, ciua Included. lHt-S!c: ordinary Urits. 2ii2Sc; tlrst SiV. Cheese bteady; dalsle 16 ljc: twin 16tlWc: Young America 1617c; lons boru 16 it it 17c Indoa Wool Sales Foatooned. w rt....-.. ak Til. mrntl .UCtlOO SalCB A. V ' IJV... 1 ... v. -- scheduled for today were postponed on ac count of fog. Hop at New York. JJBW YORK. Jan. 2t. Hope Firm. TURN WITHOUT REASON STOCK TRADERS GO FROM BEAR TO BCIJj SIDE. Dealings Heavieat In the Leading Railroad Shares Toll a ceo Com mon Pot on List. NEW YORK, Jan. 25. With no appar ent reason for a change in the couixe of the stock market today, the tone became dl tlnctly stronger. In ths early part of tha day prices rose to a point or mora above yesterday-a clos The latter half of the seaslon was dull. Improvement In prions waa well maintained. In the laat few min ute there waa a sudden burst of activity, chiefly In St. Paul and Roadlng, both of which sold off abruptly. Tratllnr was heaviest In the leading rail road stocks. Vnlon Pacific showed mora strength than for eeiejral day St. Paul rose a point early in the day. Indications that earnings of the Western lines have been comparatively poor during recent weeks were borne out by the Decem ber statement of Atchison. Gross earning fell oh- I4O0.000, although a reduction lu operating expense limited th decline In net to half IhiU amount. Foreign exchange rose sharply. Demand terllng touched 4.87 Vi. th highest point alnc Hay, 1910. American Tobacco common was taken over today from tha "curb" to the stock exchange. Opening at 250, unchanged from the last aaia In the outside market. It rose to 201 Vi. Bonds were firm. Total sale par valu 85.772.0O0. United States 2s. coupon, de clined H and the 4s V. on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sale High. Low. Bid. Allls Cha pf 7 Amal Copper .. 2.700 04 1 64 V. H Am Agrlcult .. 200 02 61 Vi 01i Am I.-et Kugar 8.100 5S3. 67"4 6. Amen, an Can.. 30 12V 12V J2S Am Car Fdy. 600 5-'U 52 62 Am Cotton Oil.. 200 60. 4UH 4UV4 Ant Hd Lt pf 20V Am Ice Securl.. 100 19V4 19V4 19 Am Linseed '' Am Locomotive. 100 85 85 34 Vi Am omel 4t Hef 1.100 72Vs 71 714 do preferred. 103 Vi Am Hteel FUy.. 20O SO. S0V, 30Vi Am Sugar ltf.. 200 113S H5V 115V Am Ttl A Tel.. 2.4'K) 140 1 140 140 1 Am Tobacco pf. 1.100 107 Ts 1U7H 17? Am Woolen 27 Annron.la M Co SOO 33 5 35S 354 Atchison 5.S0O lt7 100S 10Vi (io preferred.. li 103t4 10::. 103V. Atl Coast Lin. loo 1:16V. 136V4 135V Halt & Ohio ... W 105 V K'-IV. 103 Vi Bethlehem Steel 100 32 32 31 S Brook R Tran.. 90O 7SH 7SV4 7St Csnodlan Pac .. 1.400 232 231. 232V4 Central Leather 100 lVa 19V. 1 do preferred S-r,0 Ch'-s Ohio . .. 1.S0O 73S 73 73 Chicago At Alton 10O 17 17 1 Chi Gt Went ... 10O IS IS 1SH do preferred.. 4t 34 Vi 3"i oV Chicago X W lOO 141 'b 141 Ts HIT C. M St Psul. T.3O0 109V lOSVi lOSVi C. C. C St L 60 , Col Fuel Iron 200 26 H 20 "i 211 V4 Col ex Southern 4S (-on.nl Gas 400 139V 13Si 13H foru Product .. Itm 10 10 10 Del Hudson . . 173 D R Grande... 100 22 22 22 Vi do preferred.. luo 45 4.1 43 Distillers' Secur I'no 31. 31i RlVi rlo 1.9U0 81 Va 81 31 do lt pf 5Hi do 2d Pf 41 f!en Electric ... 40O lrt 13Si4 159 Gt North pf ... 8.S0O 1S0T4 130V 1304 Gt North Ore .. 200 41 Vi 41 41 H Illinois Central 140Vi luterbor Met .. 8.2O0 18 Vi 18 IS do preferred.. 4..100 57 50i Mi Inter Harvester. 400 108V4 107Vi 107Vi Inter Marin pf 20 Int Paper 20 H PVi 9i Int Pump 30 Iowa Central 12V4 K C Southern.. 100 27H 27 27 do preferred.. 800 M 3 3i Laclede Gas ... 200 107 1061 107 I.ouls Nash 1.1214 Minn . SI L 29 M, S P A S S M lOO 133 133 132V1 Mo. Kan Tex 100 2Si 2Si L'SVt do preferred.. 200 65 05 63 Vi Mo Pai-ltlc 300 4014 40 40 Nat Biscuit 147 National Lead .. 20O 54 B3i 534 N Ry Mex 2 pf. 700 35 H 84 U 34 i N Y Central 600 108. 108 lis v, N Y. Ont 4 Wea 88 Vi Norfolk Sc West. SCO 109 'i 10914 10!V North American 1.30 78 'i 78 78 "4 Northern Pac .. 8.000 11814 117S 117 Pacific Mall 31 Pennsylvania ... 1.S00 1244 124 124 People' Ga ... 400 10.',-, lOftVi 10514 P. C C at St L.. 100 100 T4 100 T4 1-30 Vi Pittsburg Coal 17i Pressed S Car 82 Vi Pull Pal Car 10 Ry Pteel Spring 2:1 P.esdlng BT.200 13714 135i 155i Kepubilo Steel 25 Vi do preferred. 84 Vi Bock Ialand Co. 1.70O 25 H 24 i 25 do preferred.. 700 61 Ti 61 Vi 61 Ft L A 8 F 2 Pf 100 4114 41 41 St L Southwest. 80 do preferred. ..... 70 Sloes Sheffield - 40 Southern Pao .. oo 110H 110H 1WK Southern Ry ... LS00 284 28 Vi 21 Vi do preferred.. 70 Tenn Copper 87 4 Texas Pacific. 200 22H 22T4 22V$ Tol. St L Wea SOO 18i 13. 134 do preferred.. 2"0 34 '4 94. 34 Union Pacific .. 87.0O0 losv, lne" 1074 do preferred.. 300 2Vi 92Vi 02 TT S Realty 6S "4 U S Rubber 46 U S Steel 40.4OO 6ti Bi 66Vi A nr.lirr, . 700 11U1 111 rtah Copper ... l.r.oo B4 65. 554 Va Caro Cham . a."" on o.-,? ou-a, Wabash 800 7 7 7 do preferred.. 30 IS IS IS Western Md ... 40 67. 6714 B74 Westing Eleo .. 80O 73 73 72Vi Western fnlon . 400 8314 684 83 Wheel ft L G 44 Lehigh Valley .. 4.200 15 1B41 14 Chlno Copper .. 4.2O0 27-4 26H 2'4 Roy Consols .. tVK) 17H 17V 174 Am Tobsceo . .. 8.400 261 2.V) 258 Total sales for tha day, 240.800 shara BONDS. Furnished by Overbeck at Cook Co., of Portland. , ... Bid. Asfced. Amer Tel Tel oonv 4 1094 110 American Tobacco 4 94 04 American Tobacco 8 12114 121 V, Atchison general 4 KOVi Atchison conv 4S 10ji 107 Atchison adj 4a stamped PI 5i Atchison conv 6 108 109 Atlantic Coast Line con 4 P3T4 P5H At Coast Lin "L N coll" 4. 86V4 SK. Baltimore Ohio 8Vi P2t JJ4 Baltimore St Ohio 4 9SV4 S4 Brooklyn Rpld Transit 4s 85V . 854 Canada Southehrn first Ba 101 v 102 Chesapeake A Ohio 4 Vis 101 1, 1014 C B A Q Joint 4a 7Vi 97 CBAQI11. 4. 100 100H C B A J Denver 4 T 87 Vi Central paclflo flrt 4 04 Chicago ft East 111 4 81 V 81 Vi Chicago R I ft P ref 4 90 OO Chlcaito R I ft P Col trust 4.. 72H 10 Colorado ft Southern first 4s... 06 v 9i.V Denver ft Rio Grande 4a 8ST4 904 Del ft Hudson conv 4s 984 9S14 Erie first cons P L 4s 89 V 90 Int Met 4HS 63 8314 Japaneea 4s J' I " Japanese first 4H J3 94 Japanese .econds 4H ......... 62. 9314 Louisville ft Nashvllla nnl 4s... 9914 99H Mo Ksn ft Tex 4 Vis f9V Missouri Paclflo 4s 73 74 New York Central 8,4s S;T4 B ' New York Central L S 3 Vis 84. 85 New York CIU" 4s New York Cltv 4m of 195T. .. .1074 10.. Norfolk ft Weetern 4. SVs S4 Norfolk ft West conv 4s 108t, 109 V T Ont W 4s 94S 5 Northern Paclfle PL! .l'X"4 1 Northern Paclflo 3s 694 iO Oregon Short Line 4a .......... 941a V41fc A GOOD INVESTMENT Should not be judged from the stand Doint of lanre returns 6n the em ployed capital. . GEEATEE LOSSES have accrued from the attempt to get too much for your money than in any other manner. WHAT IS THE SECURITY BACK OF THE IiOA-N V To 4Via ftrci mipQtinn to ask ourselves and that question favorably answered we may look to interest rate. . nrm idea Is to offer investment securities to our olipnta wri inh. after the closest inves tigation, meet the requirements of & e. . ' ... .i . v.;t. stable security togemer wim "jg" a return on the money employed as can be obtained with safety. WE OFFER the services of our investment depart ment to those interested in securities and all inquiries will meet with a courteous reply. WT! SOLICIT your inquiries and trust you will favor us with your patronafje. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Investment Department. Oregon RT Nav 4s Penna Ry 4s of 1948 Philippine Railway 4s Reading seneral 4 Republic of Cuba 6 . - - Southern Pacific first ref 4a... Southern Paclflo col 4s Southern Railway 4a St L ft S K ref 4s Union Paclflo first 4a t'nlon paclflo conv 4e Vnlon Pacific ref 4s United States Steel S V 8.... United States 2 registered.... United 8tate 2 coupon....... United State 3 registered.... United State 8 coupon....... United States 4s resistered. . . . United States 4 coupon United Railway S F 4s United Railway St L 4a Wabash first 4a Wetern Union V4 Westlnghouao conv 6 ........ Westarn Pacific 5 WiscJnsln Central 4 Wmt Shore 4 B5H .102 8414 . 98V4 ,102Vi . 05V , 92 . 78. . 60V4 100H .102. . 97 14 .108T4 .100 .100 .10114 .101 Vi .11314 .113V4 , 69 . 6914 . 6614 . 99 . 94 . 84 . 2 .100 Vi 96 H. 103 Vi 87. 98 Is 103 95. 92 78 Ti 80 Vi 101 102 54 97 Vi 104 100H 1004 10214 102 Vi lii" 70 70 664 100 95 9114 93 100 Vi Money Exchange. Etos. Ke.w vnRK. Jan. 25. Call money steady. 214 2U per- cent; ruling rat 2Vi; clo.in rtsivsa 7 aj. tux mouviiBi t a - Prime mercantile paper. 3144 per cent. ne!:emmbVk.r.' M,,, .t ,4.8425 for 66-d.y bin ana at .oi-w bills, 4.8SVi. Bur silver. 574 c Mexican oouar ic. . Government bonds weak; railroad bonds. nrm. LONDON. Jan. 25. Bar liver Steady, 26 9-1 6d per ounce. Money Bttwo-a t"" .-v. The rate of discount in the open marI for short bins is : bills Is 8 11-16. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23- Sterling on London. 60 days. 84.844: slgnt. e.oi . Drafts, aight. Be; telegraph, TVie. r-nndltlnn of the Treasory. ...n.T t it th herin- nlng of business today the condition of the United States ireasury m. . si nni rn Working balance in ireaaur, ;i-XXa;iT In bank.. Philippine Treasury... -?"J Total balance In general fund ... 119.9o3.940 Ordinary receipts yesterday 2.615 ,0S7 Ordinary diebursementa .I'liSart Deficit to date this fiscal year .. ?13.5C1 riefieit thi time last year 80.i08.na Thee figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt trannactiona. Best results in street pav ing are ob tained by lay ing bitulithic , J. C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN AND COTTON XTTV YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. J? VOKK COTTON KXCHANUat, THE tlOCK AM) BOND EA.CUANGE. 1 SAN IKANClaCO. nfflrei MlUa Bids;., San Francisco. SrchOffJce. -TgiS 1 ortian.i, uw onado Beach. PORTLAND OFFICE! as.i- Floor Lumbermen Baak Building. 6th and Stark. Phones Marshall 4120. A-4187. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and Other Bitu minous Pavements. 05-eos Elecfxla Bids;-. Portland, Or. Oskar Bubcr, Manager. TRAVKLE1C3' GglPB. STEAMSIIIPS YALE and HARVARD ... -ii .1.1- llt.35 Portland to Loe angoies, ..i . Poland to Lo. Angeles. 'l and .Mp 23.8 Portland to i u" 83.70 trip JIV'.Win Portland to Loa Angeiw 43 70 PoVt?d to San Dlcgc, all ship ...... 2ag0 Portland to San Diego, ni l and .hip. . 25.00 Portland to baa uieao, " - 81.00 Portland'to Ban Diego, rail and llilp, round trip Y railroad or mmmB' FBtlnto ino tin.i.u . " - wllh th famous new turbine steel steamers. viir snd uAKVAnv, miw . . the ONLX strictly first-class, pasaenger hip on th Pacific Coast without contradlc tlonT cost 12.000.000 each. Carry no fHht escent expres matter.. Average speed it "ueTper hour. Baggage checked through to TestTnaVlon. Sailing four time, per week. Break monotony by .topping over a lew hours, or several daya at San Francisco, thence travel where trfc ea 1 as smooth a class and 9 per cent of the passenger ara not lck, for th bort voyage of 18 houra slake reeervatlona immediately. San Francisco, Portland and L. A. S. 8. Co. A 4o4. Frank Bollam, AgenC Mala :. 128 THIRD STREET. San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Eoanoke and S. S. Eldsr Sail Every Wednesday Alternately NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO, US lulrd thoamm Mala Ula, A WUs Travelers' Checks The most convenient form yet devised for carry ing funds safely while traveling is offered by travel- ers' checks. These checks may be cashed anywhere, at home or abroad, without identification. They may be pur chased of the LUMBER MENS National Bank Capital $1,000,000.00 4 Per Cent on Savings SERVICE to its depositors is the fundamental function of every bank. That is why the officers are so actively engaged in its every day conduct enabling them to intelli gently meet the needs of its patrons. Your account is cordially invited. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded in X886 Washington and Second Stroets LADD & TILTON BANK Surplus and Undivided Profits Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICERS W. M. UM. Pre-ldent. TAJtlZt' SS&S""' First National Bank Capital $1,500,003 Surplus 850.000 Oldest National Rocky HAMBURG ..ueim rRiiicFS OF. LUXR Around the World Trr rDANn rRIII5ES NOV. IS 1 I FKB. . MIS i?m New York). KFrpm SanFraa.). C1B.5U0 Tons, Ttinerarv Includes Madeira, Spain, Italy, Indlal "wlon! Straits Settlements Java, Phi tpplnaa China. Japan Sandwich Is lands and Overland Amerlcaa Tour. In land excursions and aldetrlps. CC Sft Vn" I lncludlnit all necessary ex $650 p Ipensee aboard and "hore nnRATIOV OF EACH CRCISE 110 DATS DCAl" Crises to the West todies. Nor. Pac. p. R, '"b smith. 6B i. WHITE STAR LINE ft A Th. Larceat and Fiae.t British Steamer. TO THE MEDITERRANEAN Aaeirea. Madeira Gibraltar. Alders. Kaplea, Ge-aa. Al.x.adria "ADRIATIC" February 21. "CEDRIC" March BKOlLAB SERVICE FROM NEW TORK AAD BOSTOW. "CANOPICT March M. "CRETIC March 2T. WHrTB STAR USE, Bos- B- Bailer Bulldla. Secoaa and Cherry St, Seattle, or tocal Asenta. TRAVELERS GCTDR. HONOLULU $HO Th. rnf'deu3, SSn! tour for your vacaUona Delightful . ea bn lnf 1ansO..rrieaO.00O Ton.k,S..PlSs- plendld 8. S. bierra , . lft day- One ment makes tha round trip In 1 daya Sf wKlT whlrt" l.rl?r.mendou.fy active. February 1 EANIC sf s" CO.. 78 Market btroet. Baa ITancJaoa, . n r-r ? . ti a TAR San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE S. 8. Bear Sails 4 P. M. January 17. g3i laANUSCO PORTLAND 8. 8. CO, Ticket Office, lit Third St. I'Uunes UaiB 402 aad. lalKs. . Corner Fifth and Stark $1,000,000.00 800,000.00 Bank West of tha Mountains - AMERICAN rnPAVV TV THE WORLD. REGULAR SERVICES LONDON - PARIS -HAMBURG FRBS. UNCOILS Fab. S, 10 A. M. GRAF WAIJ)KK8EE. .Feb. 10. 2 P. M. PRES. ORANT Feb- 22, 11 A. M. IPEafNSSXVAlfIA Feb. 29, 8 P. at Hamburg- direct. 6econd cabin only. Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa 8. 8. CINCUOIATI .....March 1 8. B. HAMBPBO - -PrU Fifth street. Portland. Oregon. TBAVELEKJi' OOIDB. DORSEYB. SMITH General Steamship Aa-ent, AT.T. UNES ALX. COUNTRIES. Experienced Information About Travel. 9 Ftfth St Portland, Or. Phones: Marshall 1979. A 1293. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. IjOW Rates Schedule Time, AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. , 21S Railway Excsaags Bide, COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BRBAKWAIE. Sails from Alnsworth Docks. Portland, a aa-is Freight received a vAJZTDei dally up to 8 P. M- Paa aeaaarfara tlrst-olasa $10; aacond-olasa, 7. Kludlnc meala and berth. Tlckat etfloa Zinaworfh Dooa, Phonaa Kala Ma Mna aift A