SHIP LINES REBEL AT LOADING CHARGE Refusal to Pay Ten Cents a Ton for Moving Grain at Docks Is Announced. PRACTICE IS HELD UNFAIR KrprcnttlTrs of Marine Compan ion Contend That Shippers Should See That Cargwos Are Within Reach of Vessels at Wharf. Representatives of regular lines. Hi one handling steam schooners. as well as agents tor vessels plylns; out of Portland to connect with the At lantic Coast service and. In fact, all water Interests engaged In the trans portation of cargoes or parcels of grain from Portland to coastwise ports, have a tiut for grain dealers to crack. The shipping lines will refuse to pay 10 cents a ton for trucking wheat from dock to within tackle distance of loading ships. The move Is similar to that made re cently by owners of foreign carriers engaged In the, offshore wheat trade, only they refused to pay 12 cents a ton and theirs Is a question Involved In a contract made In the execution of charter parties, while the Coast steam Mp men have no contract until the wheat Is stowed aboard, when a bill of lading Is Issued. ('fears; Held t'areaiwaable. The contention Is much the same, however, as In the coastwise trade It Is set up that It Is as unreasonble to expect the ships to shoulder the charge of ID cents a ton as It would be to ask that a portion or all of the rail tariff for bringing the wheat from the Interior be deducted from the rate for delivering wheat at San Francisco. Shipping men say that at Puget Sound ports wheat Is delivered virtually alongside the vessels, so all that Is necessary Is the employment of long shoremen at the head of the chutes to send the bags Into the hold. In Port land wheat Is taken from cars by gralnbandlers and trucked Into the locks, often, the steamshtpmen say. to ccrners farthest from the vessel berths. When a steamer goes alongside for cargo the grain Is again trucked from the first stack, over the scales and then to a point near the vessel. Handling fHWS Diaur. It is pointed out by the marine con tingent that the second handling Is not warranted, as the gralnhandlers could just as well deliver It at the loading pclnt from the cars, besides they are skilled In trucking and sacks do not suffer, but on the second handling there is often damage. Three concessions may be demanded: That the 10 cents a ton be eliminated: that wheat be piled five sacks high and that it be assembled within reasonable distance of the vessel. The rule is to become effective February 1. and agents of lines that met yesterday Insist that there will be no deviation from the agreement and the first ship to go alongside a wheat dock for cargo will be loaded without the usual tonnage charge. lEGCETT DUBBED AS JONAH Chang of Ownership Doe Not Alter Luck of Coaster. The 2000-ton steel steam schooner Francis If. Leggett, reported In trouble off Cape Flattery with a broken steer ing gear while making her way from Rverett to San Pedro. Is the Jonah of the coastwise vessels of the Pacific Coast, according to a former member of the crew living In Portland. Tem porary repairs were made Wednesday, and she continued to the Golden Gate. In 10 the Leggett lost a raft, val ued at $100,000. which she was towing to San Francisco. In DOT. while Cap tain Charles Ralner. then her master, was following the coast of Oregon closely the steering gear broke, just off Seal Hocks, and the Leggett. steam ing over 10 knots an hour, headed for the rocks. prompt response by the chief engineer. J. S. McWhlnney. who took charge of the engine's throttle, saved the Leggett. for she was turned about by hand when within a few feet of the rocks. The Leggett was reported lost last August, but it turned out that she had lost a raft which she was towing. She succeeded in regaining the raft and delivered it at San Francisco. Previous to that mishap she lost a raft that was never recovered. The Hammond Lum ber Company, her owner, then decided to sell her. saying it was building a larger ship. WASHINGTON rOR COOS BAY Steamer Succeeds Homer Prom Mat-shfleld to San Francisco. At last a permanent run has been mapped out for the steamer Washing ton, which has been held at San Fran cisco following the completion of re pairs here mads necessary by her ex perience on the Columbia River bar re cently, and In the future she is to ply between Saa Francisco and Coos Bay. Iter owners, the Olson A Mahony Steamship Co., purchased the vessel last year with the expectation of placing her on a short run. and had in mind the San Francisco-Eureka route. The steamer Homer, which has plied between San Francisco and Coos Bay. left San Francisco Wednesday on her final trip, and will be refitted at San Francisco to enter the Government service at Seal Islands. Alaska. The Washington has not been a money maker between the Columbia River and San Francisco In the lumber trade, even with her accommodations for pas sengers. It Is asserted that the dis tance to be covered was responsible, and that the best results could be ob tained on a schedule that would give her a day's time In each direction. NKW DKF.DfiK IS I'XDER WAY Port of Portland Will Have re T F.xtra r'-qnlpnicnt. Work has actually been begun on the new steel dredge for the Port of Port land, a contract for which was award ed the Willamette Iron Steel Works. The Northwest Steel Company has started on the steel trusses for the dlg crr. according to Information given General Manager Talbot, of the Port of Tortland. and as soon as certain ma terial and equipment Is received the WIIl.mett Iron 4c Steel Works will get the hull tinder way. The TnrtUnd Shipbuilding Company, which was given a sub-contract for nwiiipr work on the digger, has a force engaged In the construction of pontoons, or wnicn is are wm wwim on. and as 40 are to be turned out, be- PORTLAND MAN VISITS WRECK OF BATTLESHIP MAINE AND SAYS ENGINEERS HAVE MORE DIFFICULT TASK THAN EXPECTED. ' ' &trs -t- sides fuel barges, the Job will contlnns during the Spring. Members of the Port of Portland Commission are desirous of having the dredge In service as soon as possible. Every effort Is being made to keep the vessels in operation most of the year, and while cuts in the channel below the mouth of the Willamette have been cleared this season, the com ing year's work will Include deepen ing at all shoals. Soon after the new dredge Is at work at least one of the two authorised by the Government will be ready and the proposed JO-foot channel from Portland to the sea will be undertaken. LICHTVESSEti DOXE TODAY Samson Goes on Oregon Dock Next for Minor Repairs. Manager Slocum, of the Oregon dry dock, plana to have all repair work on Llghtvessel No. S3 finished today. The ship has been given considerable atten tion, including cleaning and repaint ing, and she has already been desig nated to relieve Llghtvessel No. l on tbe Swiftsure Bank station. Mr. Slocum says the next vessel to STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Dae to Arrive. Name. From. Date. Tneemlte San Frenclsctln port Qulnault. .. . . . .San FrmnclscIn port Hear . aa Pedro. ... In port Sue H. Klmore. .Tillamook. ... Jan. 20 Rom City "an Pedro. - .. Jan. lirvakwater. ...Tooa Ray .. .. . Jan. -8 Geo. W. Elder. . San Dleeo Jan. RYKja Manila Jan. 91 Alliance Eureka Jan. Jl Falcon Kan Dleo.... Ken. 2 Heaver .an Pedro. . . . Feb. t Roanoke Saa Francisco Feb. 4 Scheduled to Depart. Name. For Data Tale S. F. for I A.. Jan. 20 Fue H. Elmore. .Tillamook. ... Jan. 3T Bear Ban Pedro. ... Jan. 27 Harvard ii. F. for L. A.. Jan. !T Qulnault San Francisco Jaa. !7 Yovemlie San tMeiro. . . . Jan. IT Breakwater. ... Coos Hay Ian. 30 Ceo. W. Elder. . San I'leao. ... Jan. It Rom City San Pedro. ... Feb. 1 Alliance .Eureka Feb. 2 Falcon San Francisco Feb. 4 R-jrja .Manila Feb. 7 Reaver Saa Pedro. ... Feb. 0 Roanoke Baa Diege. . . . Feb. 7 be lifted will be the tug Samson, which will be cleaned and painted, have a new propeller fitted and other work done. The extensive overhauling planned for the lighthouse tender Col umbine and repairs to the schooner William Nottingham are prospective work for which Portland firms are waiting. Bids have been scrutinised relative to the Nottingham, but the owners and underwriters are not of the same mind. In the case of the Colum bine specifications are being distribut ed and bids will be opened soon, after which they must be sent to Washing ton for the approval of the most de sirable. RIVER AIDS CORRECTION" MADE Lighthouse Bureau Calls Attention to Certain Lights. In the latest publication affecting aids to navigation in the 17th light house district, is contained ths follow ing: Colombia River corrections The follow ing llshts are exhibited frem May 1 te Ao ruat Si each year: Jelly Saada range lights. Fort Columbia wharf ll(ht- Columbia River. Grays Bay light, torpeo tloa The light Is exhibited during the en tire year. Grays Harbor, channel to Aberdeen North Channel llsbt A. to be eatabllshed. about February :3. 113. will be a fixed white poet lantern light, of about candlepower. shown 14 feet above water, from a white croea arm on a 7-plle dolphin. In is fathoms or wi'.ar. on north side of channel, approx imately 1 mile !S1 degrees true 8W. 14 W. mac from outer end of Grays Harbor city wharf. lovrer light will be chanced on the same date from fixed white to fixed red. reduc ing Its intensity from sbout to 11 candle power, post-lantern lifht, without other change. Salt on for Lumber Cargo Price. On trial before a jury In the United States District Court-Is the suit of ths St. Johns Lumber Company against O. P. Neevma Company to recover ths balance) or the price, of a cargo of lum ber that was shipped on board ths four masted schooner Mablo Gale to Cali fornia. The balance) due -Is alleged to be about 13000. the payment of which was refused on the grounds that the lumber was not ready when contracted for and this delay created a demurrage equal to tbe amount sued for. Engineer on Oneonta Resdgns. ASTORIA. Or, Jan. 15. Special. E. G. Grlsble. assistant engineer on the bar tug Oneonta. has resigned to accept a more lucrative position with the American Taclnc Whaling Company, of Aberdeen. The Tacancy on ths Oneonta has been filled by the appointment of Mr. MrEwlng. formerly chief sf ths steam schooner Washington. .v 1 II "A. Ill ill 11-11 if Mil II S ivew AST" JS. JCWSSOAT. M1E TASK SEEN Canadian Pacific Official Views Warship Raising. DIFFICULT WORK AHEAD Frank. R. Johnson, Back From Visit to Havana, Says Army and Navy Experts Face Puixle, but Are Bound to Win. Raising ths wreck of the battleship Maine Is a more stupendous task than the Government engineer estimated, declares Frank R. Johnson, general agent In Portland for the passenger department of the Canadian Pacific Railway, who has Just returned from a visit to Havana. Mr. Johnson, who was accompanied on his trip by Mrs. Johnson, passed several days In exploring the wreck of the old fighting ship around which a cofferdam has been built and parts ORKCOV PRODtCTS SERVED . PORTLAND MAN IX DETROIT. . t " '.-" ''-"t -- . . -C ' . ' -'" k-' v' .. V K i ' r :,Vsi, t ' , L Joha M. Sweeney. When John M. Sweeney left Detroit few weeks ago to take tip his permanent residence in Portland, where he is to engage in business, ha waa tendered a banquet by the Detroit Lodge of Elks, of which hs was a mem ber. Prominent citizens of De troit and close friends of Mr. Sweeney Joined In the festivities and responded to appropriate toasts. In preparing the menu the Michigan Elks displayed un licensed familiarity with Oregon titles and products. A few of the offerings were. Rogue Rlrer radishes. Corvallls celery, Tilla mook trout, Taklma yams, Mult nomah mint. Grants Pass Goose. Eugene eclairs, Portland prune pie. Irvlngton lees. Clackamas cherries. Gilliam grapes and Ash land applrs. Mr. Sweeney has been artlvs In Oregon for several years, but nntll recently maintained his resi dence in Detroit. IblnCodllLOl rnmim No Other Emulsion Has The Quality There Are Two Sizes 1 6 or. and 8 oz. Each Brown Bottles Only. No p?b To Eat Up Quantity All Druggists are Glad to Sell It . Children Love It Tastes Good Sample Bottle Free by Mail That those who are seeking health and strength for themselves, children, rela tives or friends may experience the life giving properties of this exclusive Nor way gold medal ozonized cod liver oil medicinal food emulsion as well as to know Ozomulslon superiority In being most palatable and easy to take a gen erous S-oz. bottle will be sent by mall to those who send addresses by postcard or letter to Ozomulslon, 548 Pearl St,. N. T. of which have been recovered. The engineers now are confronted with the problem of removing the great mass of the vessel and towing It to a place in mldocean. where it can be deposited without danger of Interfering with navigation. The hull of the vessel is burled in a mass of gravel 18 feet deep. In the 14 years that the Maine has lain at the bottom of Havana harbor the sand and arravel have formed a bed around the wreckage almost as solid as a wall of concrete. However, there would be little or no trouble In removing this substance, but the engineers fear that If they dig below the cofferdam tne water will rush In and flood the pit in which the wreck now lies exposed. A plan to raise the vessel so that It will float without offering the danger of water rushing in now Is being con sidered. ' Monument Plan Opposed. "Although the engineers do not seem to be discouraged with the under taking." said Mr. Johnson, "they realize that they have a bigger Job on hand than they thought they had. There is no doubt, however, that the talent of the United States Army and Navy is equal to the occasion. "While I was In Havana the pro posal to allow the wreck to remain where it is and to build a monument over it was suggested, but It did not meet witlt much favor, as the people of Havana fear it would Interfere with navigation in the harbor. "It will be a long time before they succeed In raising the Maine, but there Is no doubt that the men In charge of the project can accomplish It." The cofferdam is proving successful and the wreckage inside remains per fectly dry. The outer piling is of steel and was rolled especially for this pur pose. The Inner piling Is of wood. The space between was filled with crushed rock and gravel. A large force of officers and men are employed in the work. Tour I.Ike Trip Abroad. Mr. Johnson attended the annual meeting of the Passenger Agents' As sociation of America at Jacksonville. Fla., and went to Havana with other members of that organization. On the return trip they traveled In company with Attorney - General Wickersham and party, who' had gone to Cuba to Inquire into the recent disturbances on the Island. The Cubans resent the idea tlint the United States may find It necessary to Intervene, he said. Members of the Attorney-General's party expressed the belief that it will be necessary frequently for the United States to Impress the advantage of "being good" upon the Cubans. All the business In Havana is done by natives 'nd Spaniards, reports Mr. Johnson. A resident of the States feels almost as much out of place there as he does In a European country. In company with other passenger men Mr. Johnson took a trip on a spe cial train on the new Florida East Coast Railroad the "Railroad Across the Sea" that was opened for trafflo a few days ago. Their Journey was made several weeks In advance of the formal opening. Mr. Johnson also visited in New York and other Eastern cities, and found a keen interest among people there In Portland. Travel in this di rection will be heavy this year, is his prediction. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, Jan. 2.V Arrived Britlxh ablp Wm. T. Lewis, from San Krancisco. ailed Steamer Casco, fnr San Francisco; steamer Kalcon. for San iVanclxco. Astoria. Jan. 25. Condition at the mouth or the river at 5 P. M.. moderate; wind eaut 10 miles: weather, cloudy. Left up at A. M. British alilp Win. T. Lewis. Sailed at S:13 A. M- Steamer Oleum, for Port San Luis. Sailed at 10:10 A. M. Htearaer Breakwater, for Coos Bay; at 11:1.1 A. M. flteamrr Asuncion, for San FTanclio at 1:15 p. M. Steamer Alliance, for Cooi Bay and Eureka: steamer Wasp, for San Pedro. Ar rived down at 1:30 and sailed at 2:4i P. M. Steamer Daisy freeman, for San Fran cisco. Arrived down at 2 and sailed at 3:30 P. at. Steamer J. A. Chanalor. for Mon terey. Sailed at 2:25 P. M. Steamer C tanla. for San Francisco: steamer Koanoke, for San Dleco and way porta. San Francisco. Jan. 25. Arrived at 2 P. M Steamer Catania, from San Pedro; steamer Rose City, from San Pedro; steam er Beaver, from Portland, 116 mllea from San Francisco: strong southeast gale; all well. Seattle. Jan. 25. Sailed at I P. M. Brit ish steamer Hertlncton. for Portland. MeJIllonea, Jan. 3. Arrived Schooner Philippine, from Columhla Hlver. San Francisco, Jan. 2.. Arrived Steam ers Tenya ilaru, from Hongkong: Comedian from Antwerp. Sailed Steamers Crown of Gallcla. for Liverpool; Falrhaven. for Port I.udlow: Centralis. Daisy, for Grays Habor. Seattle, Jan. 23. Arrived Steamers Jef ferson, from Skagway; Hartlngton. from Premerton. Sailed Steamers President, for San Francisco; Alameda, for Southwestern Alaska; Ulan, for Victoria; Roma, for San Francisco; Hartlncton. Portland. Or. Valparaiso. Jan. IS. Arrived Assuan. from Hamburr. for San Franctaco. Sailed Mera. from Francisco, for Hamburg. Liverpool. Jan. 23. Arrived Chancellor, from San Franclaco. Shanchat, Jan. 2.V Arrived previously Panama Maru, from Seattle. Los Angels. Jan. 25. Arrived Santa Bar bara, for Wlllapa Harbor; St. Helens, for Columbia Rlvex; Norwood, for Grays Harbor. Sailed -Oovacnor. for Pucet Sound porta; fcacinaw, (or Wlllapa Harbor. Tides at Astoria Friday. High. ' low. B-14 A. M S feet'll:. A. M I T feet 5:45 P. M feet 11:2Q P. M....3.5 feet FOI.EV HOXEV A.n TAR COM. POtD CIHBS IX EVERY CASE." Mr. Jas. McCaffery, Mgr. of the Schllts Hotel, Omaha. Neb., recommends Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, because It cures In every case. "I have used it myself and I have recommended it to many others who have since told me of Its great curative power In diseases of the throat and lungs." Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a reliable family medicine. Give, it to your children, and take It yourself when you feel a cold coming on. It checks and cures coughs, colds and croup and prevents bron chitis and pneumonia. Refuse substi tutes. Sold by all druggists. Coal or drv wood supply replenished promptly. Edlefsen Fuel Co. 303, C2J03 m My One-Treatment Cures Boaest Treatment. reduced Don't waste time -ti- inf other doctora. Go te OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE Specialist. Longest Established. rs vvw v ii s i in ai essa a TO MEN S&g Selvo THIS IS THE WAY YOU FEEL Vp'and SVo" a dream very much frightened; stinging pain In the breast, no appetite. If you have been unfortunate in selecting a doctor to treat you. ortf you nave not given yourself the attention which your disease demands, J"nw that eVery day you put the matter off you are getting worse and worse, you are mortified ana ashamed of your position among your fellow men. life doesTot possesTthe pleasures for you It did. Would you ""VJraN ihlt Dossees that KOBUST HKALTH, SOUND NEKVES and a CLEAR BKAliN tnat vere yours before the ravages of disease attacked your system? ".f"" have ths desire to be strong and manly in a true sense of the . word U call at my office at once, and I will take pleasure In explaining rtm"1 tn" has restored hundreds of men in a much worse condition than you are. fintl.-iCOTCn UCIIJC I cure this affliction without pain or knife. Soreness CQMSTED YtlNb awelimg and conge.Uon of the dilated veins ' vanish quickly. A healthy circulation of blood is re-established and that old-tlm. deling speedily returns. Avoid dangerous operation I can give you the "ulckfst and safest and surest euro known to medical science. Ql nnn DnivflM If yu hav ore ro mucous patches, pimples, copper DLUUU rUIOUN colored eruptions, sores and ulcers, bone pains falling halt or any symptoms of this ailment In either Primary """""ciflnses an5 states, consult me and be forever cured of 1C My treatment cleanses and eradicates every taint of poison and every Impurity trom h blood and system. All danger of transmission or reourrnSetiltnt a specific, i of injurious minerals for years never cures. My treatment is Pe;l" certain antidote; you improve from the very- commencement, and are soon permanently cured, as proven by positive blood tests. t WANT to emphasize the Importance of selecting the BEST DOCTOR. PCME to MM will cure you In ONE TREATMENT by administering "Tba Sorful Ge7maT Remed?" Ths greatest medical discovery of the ago the results are like magic 1 ALSO CURE to stay cured Rupture. Kidney and B'ajder AH; mlntsTPnesrFteTula and Recital Affections Rheumatism. Catarrh. Eczema and I all Chronic, Nervous, Blood, Bkln and all Ailments of Men. UDITC us a full description of your symptoms and trouble. If unable to iVn ltcalL All dealings are confidential. Expert Consultation Free. Delays !t danirous! Hours: A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, ID to 11 only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 19 1 Ml MORRISON ST. BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH. PORTLAND. OR. FARM STOCKS LIGHT Smallness of Reserves Cause of Wheat Strength. CHICAGO UP A QUARTER Corn Sells at Highest Point of Sea son for Deferred Deliveries and Nearly at Top for May on Weather Forecast. CHICAGO. Jan. 25. Corn today sold at the highest point of the season for deferred futures' and nearly so for May. A forecast of general stormy conditions, which threat ened to interfere with the drying out of the crop and deterred to a serious extent much desired shipments, waa the Immediate rea son for the bulse. Closing figures were steady at o to He above last night. Wheat finished unchanged ta HHc "P. oats c to He and hog products were lower by SHc to 10c , May corn ranged from 66Tc. closing at 67He7c a net gain of Hc Cash Brad. were firm: No. 2 yellow was quoted at 65f63H:c for carload lots. vorth- Smallness of farm reserves In the North west and the continued falling off of re eelnts In that district helped the wheat mi?ke' to make an upturn. Offerings here wersmaU and there was a fair commission demand May wheat fluctuated between &eUP.im0,.,,re,a?hfd-tor May oat. were 30UC and MHtTMVic The close, at B0c. hoaed a net advance of 4c. llrVer recipts than looked for depressed nwiVlons In the end pork was down 5c TlOc and the res, of the list S'.Sc : -7 He. The leading futures ranned as follows. WHEAT. Onen. High. tw. Close. :::::: :5iv CORN. w, J fl '67 '.fin-i -8TH B. S -s OATS. ily :.v:.v :5 .'v :::::: - -4l MESS PORK. 15 00 Jan iVtTU 1'40 ISSO 1S.82VS . LARD. S2 9 25 .224 9.25 My :::::: -6- 95T 9iTV4 SHORT RIBS. t. 8 57 8.57 8.52 8 55 " I 'So ,.82 8.77 i, 8.80 ju"? :::::: 87 M1 882 Cash quotations were ss follows: Klour Firm. BaTiTy1 Feed'o?Cnlxing. 80c$1.0; fair to choice malting. tl.Htrl iJ. Timothy seed lt15. Clover seed $1522. Pork Mess. old. 15.7; new. 15.7. Lard In tierces. 25. Short ribs Lose. $8.S. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were eoual to 310.000 bushels. Primary receipts were S6 00 bushels, compared with 62..000 bushels tha corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. XI cars: corn. 17 oars; oats. SS cars: hogs, S. 000 bead. European Grain Markets. TyONDON, Jan. 25. Cargoes, steady. Walla Walla for shipment at 37a. English and French country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 25. Wheat March Ts Td; May. 7s 4d; July, 7s d. Weather, cloudy. Foget Sound Grain Market. TACOMA. Jan. 25 Wheat Bluestem. 8c; club. i3c; Xortyfold. 84c; red Russian. 81c.' " cxr a ttt.f Jan. 25. Wheat Bluestem, 85 vTc: fortyfold. 83c: fife. 82V.C: club. 82i,c: rTeerdS?'s8c receipts: Wheat. 29: oats. 9; hsy. 2; flour. 2; barley. 1. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Mian.. Jan. 25. Wheat Mar, $1.07-. July. $1.074. Cash No. 1 hard, $1.07; Ne. 3 Northern, $1.0$ For Wectk, Diseased Men Cure, to Stay Cured For 30 days I will heal and cure ail Weak. Kieir Diseased and Discouraged men at a fee. This Is Just one-half my usual charge, i give you ine same cui "u -tentlon as if you paid my regular fee. Tou could receive no better service for 11000. If you could but tslk to the many cured patients I am dismissing dally, you would refuse to suffer longer on the promise of other doctors. Don't be a Weakling, a Failure, and your life a miserable existence. Why pay exorbitant fees when I offer you better curative treat ment for this low charge? I am a man of In dependent means: the curing of my patients Is my first and only thought. In this I differ widely from grasping doctors who think only of their tee and care little for the welfare of their fellow men. .Jake advantage of th offer at once; don't wait till the last few dsys, when the crowded condition or my otfico may prevent you seeing me. 1.07; No. 2 Northern, $1.04 V4 1.05; No. 3 wheat. 1.02 A 1-03. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 25. Wheat, steady; barley, easy. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping J1.52H 0 1.57 per cental. Barley Feed, $1. 90 1-05 per cental; brew ing;, nominal. Oats Red. $1.6001.90 per cental: white, $1.70sjl.T5 per cental; black. 1.65rl.S0. Call board sales: Barley, December to May. tl MEN DOVT BE DISCOURAGED DON'T GIVE UP HOPS TKEKE IS HEM FOR YOU ACT TODAY 1 will treat soma of our ailmenta for as low a tea aa 13 and $10. I will make you an ex ceptionally low tea en any ailment you may be suffering irom. With this low fee and my long an4 .ll!-! ..Till MX WccSt kj!. ing ailmenta of rn lw yf 2 men you need not suffer another day. S I don't cars wno nas r . ! tn .'lire Villi. and haafalled I will glv. you a i sure care and a small before seeing ma. , . By the latest methods known to Mr DIC A L science I VAKIt'O-iB VEINS. PILES, NLRVOLS AILMFNTS KIDNEY, BLADDER. LUNG tXB BLOOD AII.SrENTS RHEU MTISmVlIVER AILMENTS AND ALL CHHOMC AILMENTS OF MEN. Come In and see me. nave a eonfl dentlal talk and be examined without rot or ohlleatlon. will care too. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist Comer Alder and Second streeta En trance 128 Y Second street. Portland. Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. lO A. M. to 1 P. M DR. KEEFE CURES M V M 5nv i v a a a I BSB BSSI SKSSSSa W I Dubiish my own DhotocraDh. oer- sonally conduct my own office, have no connection with any "medical company," M Institute " or "museum," but am a thoroughly reliable, up-to-date scientific specialist in all ail ments of men. No hired substitutes to treat you. If I accept your case for treatment and do not effect a quick and lasting cure, you need not pay one cent of my small fee. BLOOD POISON iir to 5, 7 to X Dallyi Sunday, 10 to L Examination Advice Free. J.J.Keefe,Ph.G.M.D. Rooms 11-14 Lafayette Bldsn. J13a WASHINGTON ST, COK 6th, PORTLAND, OR. WAI J1NG CHINESE DOCTOR I am educated for Chinese doctor. I use the Chinese herbs and root medicines. It makes wonderful cures. It has cured many sufferers. The treatment cures Kidney, Throat. Heart, Liver, Con sumption, Stomach. Good for i . v. mtii. nr female and mtLerent kinds of diseases. P?P' ouf, ' town wnw tor wnsunauuu ui. , mv office, room 1. 170 V, Third street, and 251 Yamhill. Portland, Or. BING CHONG, Chineae Doctor Had or Cblneaa beroa aad root medicine cures kinds olaeaaca of ths heart. Jongs, liver, stomach, kid say, blood troubles of maa sad woman wbea others tail. It you auffar. cau as write to USSY Was &. su. tot, 3d, Boon IS. Pert, Or. I- . -:- :cf DR. A. G. SMITH. The I.endlnc seelnllat. I am a registered and licensed nhyalelan, confining my i practice to the ailmenta of Mfc.. have more money Invested in bit ratabllsbmrnt than all other Port land apeclallata combined. I see and treat my patients per sonally. All men should know who the doctor is they consult. I use my photograph so that when you come to see mo personally you will recog nize me. Investigate my personal standing before accepting treatment from a doctor of unknown Identity or reputation. Are You being treated in a satisfactory man ner by your present doctor? Is he carrying out his promises? Has he cured you in a reasonable time, and lived up to his guarantee? Are you paying him exorbitant prices for medieine7 Does he employ thorough ly up-to-date and scientific methods. , ; , i w.. ,.,,4 h-wr the. reir- II IUI1 KVU1U HO nP c J - ' ' . ii j . " Te vnii fnnnnt 11 1 .11 l tv III 1 1 y uuuiui - . answer these questions favorably to iOursen, come ana imo tial talk with me about your case. It will cost you nothing. Cured in 5 Days No Detention From Occupation, Family or Home. n ir n tj i? mn r H ATT ON3. M AN Y C A SB 3 PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME - Sr WING. MOST NAT URAL, MUSI s1?;, .TS" i AND P ERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MI WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL, AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT I AM CERTAINLY PRE- CESS I H AVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. FREE CONSULTATION. I invite you to come to. my office. l,. i . . . . mv treatment 1 will eiyittiii 3 J . . , for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Aiiraeiiu, ii'. . ..I. .1 .i . i'..i.t...- ann all Mens tuia. Eiauuci, jiiuucj -- - -Ailments, and give you F R E h. a physical examination; If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to determine patho logical and bacteriological condi tions. Every person should take ad- .. ..... i nr ia Uarn vantage 01 una uypui mu.. their true condition. A permanent My offices are open all day from 9 A. M. lO 5 IUU 0UUua 10 to 1. A. G. Smith, M.D. 234 Morrison St Corner -ia, 1'ortlaud, Oregon. The Way to Better Health C. Gee Wo THE CHINESE DOCTOR. Th merits of the Chinese Herb Prepara tions are becoming better .kno aUmub' time Richt now when there is so mucn iSTnes. tSe demand is very great Reg. rd less of what the disease Is or a horn It at tacks the remedies compounded In tne laboratory of C. Gee Wo produce J wonderful results In the way of cures. it is the vital principles of these Herbs. Roota and Barks that attack the seat of the trou H, iirrv off the diseased parts and supply tie B.v cells with health-building food. Too will do well to call on us If you are suffering from diseases of the Nerves. Blood. Skin Heart. Liver, stomach or Kidneys In clud nu Rheumatism. Paralysis Loss of NerVSorce. Constipation. Catarrh. Indiges tion. Dyspepsia. VS eak J-,"'"!, Dropsy, Eczema. Scrofula and Diseases or Women and Men. If you live elsewhere than n Portland and wish to procure his medicines send 4 c?nts in stamps and a symptom blank and circular will be forwarded to you. This you will fl!! out and proper remedies win men be sent to you. Open Evenings and Sundays. THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO I6tVi First St.. Cor. Morrison. Portland, Oregon. THE DR. GREEN SrSTEJI OF MAN BUILDING 1 core qnlJyfiIP;,I012nntv8 SiSSl er eV oper.ton.1 SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON without . ta- bTSt'y .tfti "rffi S lVd D E R and KIDNEY troubles, FILES and aU KECTAL aliments of men. PAY WHEN SATISFIED Is your sbsolute pro tection. Consultation. E x a m i n atlon and DlaRnosls free and private. No cases accepted through correspondence. One personal visit to of fice required before treatment com mences. I must flrsi see and know your exact condition. This Is the only Intelli r a n t. satisfactory wav. Come today. I "use you honest ly, treat you skill fully and cure yov promptly. Hour dally, 9 to 5: even I n K s. 7 to 8; Sun days. 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. 362 Washington St.. Portland. Or. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER Relieved in 24 Hours Each Cap- sule bears the (MIOY) Setnare of counterfeit 1 , v . ' 1 f Gee if4V i.vii ft 1 nuiii-i . W. St E