A -OR REST. lamliVd Hon'. NICELY furniel.ed homo. p.caasnl.y located. Wsat Eldu. hot and cold waier. batb, ! two Ui DorrtiM. lawn, coick-n vera. -;. Inquire Mis Landry. l-'o2 vl h mJgo. TOH RENT WI1 furnlahed b " room IB tXMl neighborhood of il Sid. '" qulr at room Hamilton bio, wu 1411. A ISJI. bWELL furolabed 7-roora hou. a-. vj -1 mn li): no small children. Gruae. ' Bold. 318 Board t Trad bide. -ROOU modern born. 0 Broadway, well furaiahed throughout, nice yard rent IJ per month. Cail 414 Spalding bldg. Fhon Main COMPUIELI furnlehrd. n .i-roora rut, hardwood floor, uri-ntai ruga, fireplace, union furniture. 20 t"1 25 th. near Hawthorn, phone Kat - ri'RNISHEO 7-roora homa (J Market at. drlv- mcltm coninwncM. liS pcrmgotli. Inquire Wiki.': Id. Friee Co aa 4lh at, Henry bldr. Reference. 1RVINGTON. nicely lumUhea ft-roem bun ra.ow. dow. modern, ampins porch. 77 Multnomah, lluL'bKN. furnlah-! j-ro-no cottag. a;o cosy three or four-room fiat: prlvat bain. 314 Et Slat. W R tar. FOR RENT Furnlahed 7-room cottage, nna bock from P. O., wlta piano. $0. Marhell S417. NICELY furmahed 7-room bouaa, piano; or carlla. reaaonabl. 93 fc. Glleen and slat at. eiCNNY flva-room f.at; furnlaried ron-.p.ete; t.tr blocks from bteol bridge. Sol Uoi.a day . FURNISHED ft-rooro bungalow. E. iath and fclark; piano: awall p.ate. Bant $33. V 744. Oreaonian. ri'RMsHKO houaa lor rani. cloaa In. no children. Inquire 41 E. Ankeny. FUR RENT tart of furnished cottag to nupis. t- 1 1 . - . . FURNISHED 3-room cottage. 231 V 4-i:h at. Inquire next qoor; a-. A-room clean, modern, completely lur- ntaned houaa. 6T4 Mill. Phon Main 44T. 1IODEK.V boue. 4 room, liuill family edu.;: bo dog. Call 4oo 13tb at. FURNISHED comic to adulta 111: oppo ; a Bptit Church. Ar'.aU. Mt Scott car. ft-P.OOM furnlahed r"ia $ Pr moBtb. Phona Wood awn 667 ilOl.kKN e-room UPlr f.at. f .irulaued. 7ft K. Yamhill Phon Eat Bl'4- lie 4-room modern cottage. C V. Waiia. etawart atauon. Mount ewll carlln. fen RENT T-rHm mod am bouaa. wall furaiaaad. AH 751. Oraionlaa. 30 4-roorw bona, f umUhad. yard, tJ ldlb. comar Mill at- 4VKOOJ furnuhad coi:i(. cioaa In. BO cUU dran. Inqulra at 441 Kaat Ankany. ki ii i i Knt rirwwf rr -aaa. ilClT baau'.lfuliy furnUhad bouaa offarad today. larga aunny room a. corner, rant ..5 aairhborhood of beautiful bomaa: 1V ba.axca aaay: aacntica half actual InTn'f. Somaona will buy qul'-k. 4-M W.h. Va.HT daalraola J-room apartment for rnt. Trt of furnltura for aa.a. Apt. J.. Tha jTouaman. Call altar la o'clock: or phona FOR RENT. lu P:aaant 4-room flat. katB. toliat, porh. a-uniltura for aal cbaap. 1TJ1 IITialoB. Hawtboma car. ."RN'ITCRe" ft coxy rooms, complat. to b:taat odarj Nuo Hill Ulatncu .S FURNITURE of ft MM fr aaia. bouaa for nn- SJO Taylor at. Phona Marahall il'I. Ft FOR ItENT. rtna llcht front lort o.V. auitabla for manufacturinc No. 142 S 4th at., batwaan A,der and iiorriaon ata. Inqulra F. A . . . J . 1. iih ml ran oai. rwra , w -a ' " TOR.-l Two naai ator-a. In brick bulid Ine. In rrowtna; dlatrlct. 3 and I-i Ino-a Emat lsoi. or call at pramlaaa. 11 A. M. dally. kEVERAL aiorea at aaat and Madlao-at. bridge. 120 to tto. accordlna to aU l- qulr 271 Hawthorne are. t ALL. OF Sua Oak and part of 30 Oalt at. HOKE and ft Imng-rooma. goud lucalloa far any buVneae. a.l huael birtc. Office. I)E K ROOM In cicely fural'hed outald ofric. Bear window, only 115 lnclulln btb rhonea Inquire Wm. C iiorchua. 2'7 Oregoman bldg. iX'H KENT 'hoica threa or four-rwrn aulra: alao alrgle office. February 1. Til ford hide. 1"th ard Morrtaon. FtN'-I oClcaa: cafl ahaxa reception -room with other tenaat. Sn- Columoia b.d. Call Main 13'Jo. JaO.-T CE.NTRALLI LOCATED OFFlCtS. All-alght a:evato- iml ftu bwattaad b.dg.. a-.b and Waahlngton. OFFICE or deak room for rent either fur rlahed or aaXunilabed. Apply at room 401 E I lera bli.. a. E. cor. :ta and Alder ata. FINE front office, with uae of reception, room; telephone, ate. 51i Ctieunoer of Corr. rr. erce. KOLL-TOP deak. chaira. typewriter table. rent monthly. Te-p. Main IrESKK'XIlI or more on around floor. u4 04k : . opp. Com. dub b Ida. Miacellajiewaa. FOR RENT Tbaater. capecly about t-f well located- Addrea Manaar fc.mp.re Trieatr, Aberd-ru Wash. m HtLL for rant for danree, meet Inge, lo-lx'. etc Scllwood 1144. 474 M.i aaukle at. TO l.r .V!F- TWO-STORT bul.dlra; f r leaac. i72 ft. Patera Mfc Co.. E. 7lb and Hawtborsa. B 11. E. :io3. BrlXr4 OITORTrMTIFa. WA.NTilD A f4iat-c:aaa. all-around man. one wbo can make handlea and take charge of w rk under ti e auperelslon of owners; good east and amall Invest rnent. KINNET FTAVPHrR. Lumber Kinianla blJs tfiark and 2d ata. FOR BALE Beat-paying reetauraxit In Mie aoula. Moatana: I made over I400O last year; beat lo-alloo. doing; ftrat-claaa bual neee; win stand strlcteat Jneeatlsratlon : lona; tease: reaeon for aale. returnlnr to old country to sett. a aa estate; price 70O. rt.ll Kenny. WOl'LD Ilk to Bieet aonie live Eastern bul nea mm wbo la !a-kuiig for a sound In elmnt In a good cotupany. where he caa take an active part In the work at a (-Ktd salary. Must .. good reference. X 74 J. Oregcra!an. IS7AULISHED COMMISSION buslaeaa for aaue- lacorporated company, with mem bership la Produce Merchants Aaaoclatloa. ("entral Frot-st. location, good leas, line opportunity, but require qtttfk action. For rartl'-ulare call at "7 Wllco bldg FvH ALi three drug aiorea In the beet locations la Central Oregon. Retiring from buslneee. stork can be transferred and ad toatacl to suit purchaser. AV Orego aian. PTAKTEXe Party with fmir or flve-paaaen-er autagnoblla and tovH to take one. third Interest In beet-paying bualneee la tha country. Phone Bilveu. Main 112. CLANINO and preaelng bualneee wants partaer to do outstda work: owner will guarantee you II" to -i week; fl!S ra-q-j.Ted. 32i Lumber Kchang. IF you have - or I t lnr.t In the grocery boa in ess. call up Wood;ews 1074 or see awaer at store. 79 fcaal Ki.llngs worth ave. RtSTAlRAXT. West Pule, en SI at.; ! aA: rece'pts per day; (71 month: lease; cjarl. HItLKY HISHOP. It Third St. F 1 N -' S T - E ii T " I rT El garaae and repair shop In city of H.4C for sale as a going concern; must soil owlnf to 111 baaltu. A V Qreaonlan. CORNEtt grocery and schol s:ore; confre tlonery. clgra and tobacco: fine opening for borne cooking. Ilvta room. 173 Caat Jithit fa ALL .unch counter making ll"- month over all expeuaea Zi. Lumber Ex cbang. t'l'f -itTrNITT for eap-rlenced flcur. feed ard rrain man of Integrity and standing. AF 7i2. Orejonlan. FOR itVI.K Sto--k of mC'U.erv. invoice 4V.0l: ri cn.j etltion in loan. Address Carlton Mereanrl'e r. Cae'.tnn. Or. yf. ftLT.-HWi"! chan-e office well -tabllsbed: un-to-date lutings; cheap fr rah. A J 7 1 1. iretf.vntaa. Ml M.V.J AN I INP'.-TKIAU TOai.A Teiep.ne e,d o'he bonJs boua-.i: aaft aald. Fieicb-r Inv. Co.. ;.3 Ablagtaa. SALOON f.vr a-iie, mrlcpnlcnt llrena4 and tivture. rine loc'lon in heart of city. A T'-'J t'rct'ir.i ;n 1IV 'S ato-e wante-i. city or country; give f ill partlcutar I,rat letter. AV bTB, Ore gnnlan. iVlVfc. hA.f Interest In Onelneea tnat Im proving a-.icreSJ. prefer a nirt-Maoic ia. ventors' loiei Works. U-Vi Mrrlaoa. HKRF-ER SHOT for sale: 1 r-halrs; le and food b'l nee-; carh. ? 7J. tir-tirUn I' A rtT.N KH a it..l 1- r eUctr.c fixture bu."l nevv. rail 4S Si irk at. i LijL.V l.Ni and prea4iig buaiaeas, good location. 14 IC -th si. Burxwj orroRTr NiTiF.s. HARDWARE man, middle-aged German, arrived In thla city from Northern Min- nesota. wishing to locate In tnia ataia. make change In climate. I am looking for nrnm. I .. . kmlntu In Small. waae cnange in climate, t euro .uveue ' apemng lu hardware bulnesa la small, near towa with a future, or for good-el aed hardware or imploment business In soma established town; owner must have aub etantlal reason for selling. This la not wind, and unlaea yon bar aomeuuue which will bear close Investigation do not answer. Write or make appointment A. M., No. 4?a, Hotel Oregon. OPPORTUNITY. Ambitious young man with $K or more, or twA o,m ... . n .iih iAii each, eao form a parinerahlp la bualness where ther la no competition; la oniy ousmr . on Coast and will b a great money-maker beyond doubt. An opporturlly like thla Is surely worth InyeetlicaUng. This la the chance of a lifetime for a young man to get Into something that win oereiop wi.u proper management Into one of the tnoat profitable enterprises In Portland. AO 7i.u, Oregonlan. n , .r. r urt T iiuna 1 VII 1" 1 1 1 A I'.S- Just off from Washington at-. J" buslaeaa district; 14 pool ana e "i"";' table, stock of clgara. cigar case and full ... . ,.hu.bH 7 veera and clear ing tiio per month: reasonable rent, lone; lease: this proposition will bear closest Investigation; pric 7VM. w cash, ba.ance to suit. SIS Board of Trade Bidg.. tb and Oak. THE sawmill of which I am manager paid a cash dividend In lull. I am over "0 and wish to shift tha load to younger shoulders If 1 can uiapoae of aiooo of my stock, we have excellent timber and a fine local trade. If you have the money and competent mlllman there la a good Job for you. aa wall aa A-l InraatmenU AV sea. Oregonlan. n.'u-E-nv- . .nvrrrTIONERT. Beat location In Sunnyalde. clearing! er 2uo per month; mora In Bummer, complete baking outOt. fine oven i and store fixtures: fine corner stor with a ftooa lease; cheap rent: price I2WJ0: If you want an established buslneee tbat will bear Investigation, look thla up. OKI SSI A BOLD3, 81 Board of Trad Bids'.. 4th and Oak. INDUSTRIAL concern wants money to pay for factory products Bearing completloa and already sold. State right glvea a bonus. Kvery dollar Inveated may b paid In at factory. If preferred. Tbl is chance In a tboiwand. Thorough Inves tigation Invited. Address) AN .. Ore- gonlan. OWINii to family trouble must dispose of the bsst small stock and buaineea In P0" Isnd by February 1. This stock on.y on In a large neighborhood, and is making money: good atoreroora. du ll-lng-rooms: cheap rent: good team ana waon. Call BO Purnsld St. GENERAL merchandise alora. live town miles from Portland, eetabllshed cash trade: owner, owing to age and Illness, baa to retire: would consider city property Im proved or vacant. 4 IS Chamber of Com ma rc. . FOR HALE nOO. Hotel bar. absolutely Brat-ctas. doing excellent bualneas. location one of tha beat, buslnesa niatt-rs require owner's attention elsewhere: will aacrinc tor quica e... license, stock, etc. Included: rent able; no agent. B 731. uregonlan. WANTED. . Partner to take half Interest In a light manufacturing plant; a man wbo caa take charge of an orflca and manage men. salary J11M ear month. Klnnev" A Stam pner. Ml-2 Lumber Avxoaaage blkgu. buark ar.d Second ata. CAPABLE young man can Inveat ftJOOO and services In well-eatabliahad bualneas. If satisfactory, will be offered an excep tional opportunity. Enterprise la high claaa and Investment made aafe aa a o ornnent bond. AL 7.. Oregunlan. CLEAiU li aiu.Mrx. Down-town pool ball: ft good tab.es. o,l fountain, flxtares and stock; Invoices eli'jO: price so. If you are looking for a paying buaineea Investigate, be AstUU low IHi.nl HI A row MIM. FOR BALE Established grocery and crock ery ware, doing an annual bualneas of -.-CoO. In a live Willamette Valley town; stork Inventortea about 7ouO; best of rea sons for selling: Jf0 win bandl this proposition. AVM. Orerontan. FOR BALE -The largest and bast equipped Cretore" popcorn wagon on the Paclflo Coaat; new last May. Inquire at Fourth and Alder, or write to K. Griffin. 4V Morrison. FIND grocery and confectionary: rent s-"0; lease t year; fixtures SlSuV. stork tbuO; line sod fountain; must sell at once come make an otter. 14i Union av. Jv. IVoodlawa car. OLD estabUsbed. solid business, pay 60 per cent on "-fiOt Investment; cloaaat In veatlgatloa Invited; owner ha other busi ness tbat takes bis tlnva. Addreaa K. .Oe. Oreronln. V( ' H BALE. Lease. Light front loft x50. suitable for manufacturing. !to. 142 4th St., be tween Alder and Morrison ata Inqulr F. A. bennet. room 24 1831, 4m st. IF you are looking tor a bualness opening call on us. We will sea that you are lo cated right: BO chergee for full Informa tion. Kinney A Stamyher. 631-1 Lumber Exchange bldg., Id and Btark at. HARDWARE STORE FOR BALE. " A hardware stor doing a buainass of J60Cfh a year Is offered for snle: weil lorafd In Portland. Addresa P 7u8. Ore g rn in. FAMILY CROCERY BTOKfc. Lot and building and good, clean stops: at Invoice; llvlr.g-roon.s; dally cah aales IS5. price .1): IIJwo cash will handl. Room I.D Chamber of Commerr bldg. "r.KSTAlRANT AND ROOM I SU-H OUS3. Furnlahed complete, steady trsds. no competition. 10 room. lvO: 30 cash, bal. term, or lot as payment. T lit. Oregonlan. Al'TOMilHILE repair ahop. school and gar age wants partner to k-ep plain account and look after ordera: thla business Is pay ing 473 month over all expense. Z-S Lumber Exchange. l'I i.ST-Cl-A.S niodern restaurant. long Msa. in o-room hotel; dally receipts over : iwoo take It this week. AI 7. Oregoman. EACRIFICIN'J. only running- bowling and pool business In city 4'I.UOO: table and equipment all new. making big returns. AV $47. Oregonlan. CON FECTIONERY. light grocery, cigar and ' tobacco. Ice cream parlor, clean, attrac tive, cheap rent, good location. 10 Bel mont et. BAKK.RY and confectionery for aale; only bakery tn suburban town: all cash and stor trsds: price MS04; fixture and atock- AL 7iJ. Oregonlan. ONLY garage la town of S"11; good agency prupoeltlen : good hire and repair trade: nn Portland-Frisco main road; a snap. A V S74. uregonlan. . BUTCHER ahop doing atrlctly cash business o ltv dallv: owner la non-reatdent and can t depend on hired belp; will sell for S23 Lumber Exchange. HE WANT tig!! manufacturing plant: hav c!ienta waiting. Kinney A Htampher. 13 1 -2 Lumber Ex. Building. Stark and Snd sta A PAHTNER wanted to take Intereet In a chicken rTineh. in tore of the best of sol) and S2OO0 aellefa contract In sight of tli p. see. A R 74. Oregonlan. IX'R rIALF. Small grocery store. with lirene for family wine and llqnora. ftlT Union av. North. Phone East 310. NEW stock general merchant! l about at Invoice, good reason for selling; will beer Inveetlsratton. AV 41. Oregoolan. SLPPLY bualneaa; can clear 1230 month, both tnsiiie ar.d outside work: require very emsll cayltal. Call i4S Ptark St. bALE or trade, ewell barber ehop. n better location In Portland; long lease, cheap rent. F. Puho!. 1I"3 Ton bldg. FOR BALE General store, groceries, hard ware, dryroods. tie.: Invoice about $acAi4L Address Hot 1iT. Alea. Or. FOR aale 1 share United Ft tea Cashier Company stock. 2 per ahar. 7M. Oregon Ian. CMtR store, one best In the cltv. doing biiamea of fthO dally. 9U Lumber Kx rbange. CiiNTKACTINO Want !ntereted hep: profit large: dutle eaaliy learned: f330 required, secured. Cell liAiH. Stark at, 1S WITH service wUl p'.aos you in grow ing business: can clear II to 4 day. Par t.. alar. IlMi stark st. I;EVL ESTATE busineas; owner wants In-t--rated help; energetio man can clear !." month. Particulars. Ii.S Btark at. GROCERY for 1130; energetlo man caa de pend on Clearing f lfcv mo.-itii: nothing aoid on .re.llt. fnll S41 Stark St. A YOUNQ man desires occupation with a view to Investing small capital. AL 76L O re gonlan. BARBER shop for sale, 1 chair. 420 Ever ett, corner of 10th. DELICATESSEN and bakery with a good bualneas. good location. K 772. Oregonlan. fxnl BUSINESS CARDS. $100: bring thla ad. Roee. City Primary. Wt i, cor. Taylor. ALL or ha f Interest la s-cnair aeroer aaop. AS 7iS. Oregonlan. RF-TAURANT wants steade partner to be cashier, etc Call Hi Stark St. DAIRY Wanted to buy. will pay caah; state price. E 7.V. regontan. Coor aernritie exchanged for real estate and equities: no commmlon. 174 8tark. MiipERN' bakery for l very cheap, long leaae. App.y Alberta st. Li'tHT menufariurlng. rhinc for with glCCO. Call SlSVi Klark st. NOB HILL GROCERY. Fin location: sale about ftiftOO a moath; long leas and very teaaonabl rent: fixture and atock will Invoice about $3000. Thla Is a deal If yoa ar looking for a good clean eetabllshed business. GKUSSl A BOLD 3, SIS Board of Trad Bldg.. 4tb and Oak. FOR SALS General merchandise stor. do ing strictly caah bualneaa, :n beat location, Marehfleld. Or.; s.1'300 will bandl; good leas; low rent- This Is a money-maker for aomeorve who acta quick; best of rea son for selling. Address owner. AF 834. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. For rent, about February 15. North Port land Hotel, near Pacir.o Hardware Bteel Co. plane 89 room, of flee, dining room, kltcben and bar. Houaa In good condition. Favorabl lease to good ten ant. Inquire at 22 Stark mt GROCERY. 1373: active man can clear 100 month. Call 248 Stark at. BrerVRSS OPPORTUNTTTF.rl TTANTFD. SALOON wanted. I want to buya aaloon In tha country. Addreaa AS Tea, Ore gonlan. ' ROOHINO HOUSE. R. H. GOODKIXD CO.. INC. 1003-1U0O WILCOX BLDII. COR. 8TH AND WASHINGTON BTS. TEL. MAKaVHALL 4Cs, A 1000. A SNAP BUT. 20 room, furnace beat: rant $125. inc. heat; $-year straight lease; located tn 2 blocks of our office: furnished 3 years: price. Including upright piano, only $1460. Terms $K0 cash, balance easy payments. A good transient bouse. 40 ROOMS NO CASH REQUIRED. Fine, close-in West Side location; steam heat: rant $d a room; -year lease: price $aac0. Tak $2000 In cloee-la acreage clear of Incumbrance, balance of $1BOO payable $20 month at T per cent. S3 ROOMS NO CASH REQUIRED. Cor. brick bldg, tine transient house right down town. West 61di owner's equity 1 $2000; will trade for clear lot or amall house and lot, balance $18oO. pay $75 month. 1 per oenu 80 ROOMSNO CASH REQUIRED. Brick cor. bldg., in S and S-room apart ment; fin location: rant $250: 2(4-yaJ lease; price $3?00: take lota or bouse and lot clear of Incumbrance valued $3100. balance of $700 payable $75 month. 8 per cnt, 75 ROOMS NO CASH REQUIRED. Strictly modern cor. brlea- bldg.. fine West Bid location, steam bsat, hot and cold water, telephone In very room, ground noor office and lobby, electrlo ele vator; furnlahed only a few month: clr cumatance compel owner to aell quick; will take $700 in clear property of any kind close to Portland, balance moataijr payments. Rent right, B-year lea. $2 ROOMS NO CASH REQUIRED. Cor. brick on Washington steam heat. 20 -bathe; rent right: long lease: owner' equity $R0O0: will tak bouaa and lot clear of Inaumbranoe. IS-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSB. $a00 CASH, $4800 IN TRADE. Strictly modern apartment-nous In Nob Hll dlstrlctiS -year lease; rent . $8.78 a room; a money-maker and a full house; will tak any clear property. T0U CAN'T BEAT THESE. bttt don't come In with high prices on your property, for every house In thts list Is priced right and will trade for market value property only. HOTELS TO LEASE- UNFURNISHED. 42 rooms, strictly modern, brink bldg., fine, close tn. West bide location; will lcaa for 5 years. bS-room strictly modern apartment house. West Side; now ready for lease for ft ysara. W-ror.m hotel, strictly modern: ground floor office and lobby; ready to furnish la weeks", ft-year lease K. II. OOODK1.ND CO.. INC. 1OO3-0 Wilcox Bldg. Corner 6th and Washington Bta HOTEL FOR LEASE. PO rooms, strictly modern, ground floor office and lobby; large rooms and larg clothe cloaets; electrlo elevator, earn heat, hot and cold water In every room: plenty of private baths; white pressed brick btdg. on a prominent corner: cent $160 a month: this 1 not tied np with any furniture company. R. H. GOOKKIND CO.. INC.. 10"S-d Wilcox Bldg.. Cor. 6:h and Wnahlngton. 11 ROOMS TRANSIENT. Right down town, splendid translsnt lo cation, new furniture. Pric $jlM. which Includes 70 up on the lease. Few oppor tunities ar offered like this. This won t last long; let us show you today; $-00 caah handles and balance In easy pay- ""astiLI 1009 Board of Trade bldg. A SNAP. Leering for Calif, by th first, will sell my apartment-hous at a sacrincs; so beautiful apartments. modern, private phone in each apartment; only 8 minute- walk from business center. Call me by phone and do busineas with the owner; no agents. Phone East 41d or B 1317. ' FOR BALE A SNAP. Rooming and boarding house; hea fur nac ht. coal and wood to last until May 16; houa fumlahad elegantly: mini be seen to be appreciated: for only $300; rooms always full: have T roomer now; house will pay $30 above all expenaea. rllfl Fast 1st st. North. Take "TJ" car. WILL TRADE. 14 rooms with large bassment. "Jce grounds, only S blocks from Helllg The ater; Axminster carpets; would trade for city property, or apply on 30-AO-room P-U:' DEVLIN FIRKBAUCH, ao7 Toon Bldg. SACRIFICE. 110 rooms. $4 fumuthsd. rent las than $ft a room, steam-heated, bath, eleotrio and ga Ughia. leaaa, brick bldg.. rooms all full- price $2300. tf taken by Feb. $20001 owner is going back to Japan. Tourny. 2"7V 2d. st. .- r i -. -1 i I II I Hi". 1 IV 1 1 -room roouiliifi-liouse for sal or trad, on Washington, near 15th St.; $360 caah. balance on esy terms; 2 years' lease. Owner. $12 Wllcog bldg. Tel. Main $CbS. MARY B. LENT CO- PORTLANDS LEADING HO? AOKNCY. HOTELS KOOal.NO-APARTMENT HOUSES. . All sixes and prices. $22-4 Falling biug.. ad and Washington. TO LEASH. New brink hotel to laa to responsible party having mean to furnish; good lo cation. West Side, In th buslnes dlstrlot; reasonable rent; give phon number. T 74. Oregonlan. 70-ROOM HOTEL. Modern brick building, good Jeaae, rent very reaonabie positively nothing better in the oity; clears $400 np per month; the pric Is right and terms reaaonabl. j. e. I' r; u iq n'.. pi. -J11"- $7 ROOMS, bargain, down town, tranaient - i v . a. i 1 mwm, a see nlaa r-JgslfiriBT A IMJ month: your ch-uice; will xchftnn for rlty property tr of lncumbrnc or Oo4 ' . . ... i.w.l.rty ft.4s.ln 1 77rV TT1 0 r I K u ntJ. rnu 'L ; ., 28 ROOM S. close In r"le.rin g $196 : b'de. own a par: moon, pot. - - - or will take unincumbered property; no agents: lllnesa reason for selling. AN 783, Oreaonlao. NEW. modern. P0-room hotel, corner Grand ave. ana ueimou. wi gant building on East Side. Inquire on premise. 2 to $ today, or e Phil Oe- vurie. r Ira i anu $16O0 BUYS furniture outright and pay rent oi oo c""-. - - . can't duplicate thlg bargain. For thre day only. pup, umunmii. iao CASH eaay terms. 10-room West Side; tiii . -, j,i. .Mrf turaltura fur- Bscs heat. HlliLr-V at PIMlur, Ul mini HAVE elegantly furnUhad 8 -room houses. (Sell wpaiaii-iTi. ' - . ; ' term; cheerful, sunny rooms: ohotco lo- . . I t - ,k. 1.1 VI - 1 cation. ii e". - - 10 ROOMS, block Helllg Theater, clean. . -..it. lann ...ill,, wn.i ! A reputao.e. ai.iri ...... mvv . j , accept Pt. Johns lot. Lamar. 417 Corbett ring. Slam .vi. la-ROOM house, good location low rent, al- WSB tun. . " rr-- 111. CITIUHI 1 . . I V.I. . c. 10-room house. Income ftet. rent $33 1 . . lO p...., . SO-ROOM house for sale. 870 ith; all modem convenience Call and see. SALOON, ebole location, good lea at a money-maker. 0S Couch bldg. LOST AND Forvn. WILL party who took lady's handbag from seat at Arcaue i ' return sam to Clark Hotel and reoelv yaward? No questions asked. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale price; we renovate mattresses and return same day; we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger, 2.i-2. Front. Phcne Mala 474. A 1374. FOUND Collie dog; owner can have same by proving ownership and paying for this ad. Phone Main 1004. LOST Lady's small gold watch with gold fob attached bearing Initial "B." Return to Oregonlan office And recelv reward. LOST Chamois sack containing Jewel; re ward to tinder $200. Return to th Quells, flth and stark. , LOST A small diamond Greek letter fra ternity pin. Return to 414 Lewi bldg. and receive reward. STRAYED White Angora cat, blue eyes, male: liberal reward. Marshall 1950. apt B. Bl-EriAI, NOTICES. Proposal Invited. NOTICB, SALE OF DRAINAOB BONDS. Sealed bid will be received by the Uma tilla drainage district. fitanSeld. Or., up to Monday, February 2S, 11)12. at the hour of 11 A. M-, for purchase of bonds of the Umatilla drainage district. Issued by said district for the purpose of building a drainage system. Amount of bonds $31. 190.2H. Bonds In the amount of $300 each, maturing In 1 years from the date there of, with Interest not to exceed tt per cent, payable semi-annually, with right to take up and cancel auch bond or bonds upon payment of th face value thereof, with accrued Interest to data of payment, at any semi-annual coupon period at or after one year from date of auch bond. No bids considered for less than par and ac crued Interest. Bidders are requested to name the price and rate of Interest at which they will purchaae said bonds. Board of dlreotor reserve the right to re ject any and all bids. Bids to be ac companied by a certified check to the amount of I per cent of the bonds to be sold. Abstract on application. Lated this 2Uh day of January. 1U12. Umatilla Drainage Dlatxlct, btanfleld. Or., by F. A. Baker. Sec NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS. Sealed blda will be received by the Treasurer of Clark County. Washington, up to Saturday, February 3. 1M12. at the hour of 11 A. M.. for purchaae of bond of School District No. 6, of Clark Coun ty, Washington, lasued by said district for th purpos of building a high school. Amount of bonds, $100,000. 10O bonds at $1000 each, payable 20 years after date. Interest not to exceed 8 per cent per annum- principal and Interest to be paid at the office of County Treasurer, Vancouver, Washington. Bidder ar requested to name the price and rate of Interest at which they will purchase said bond. Board of Director reaerve the right to reject any or all blda Said bid to bo accompanied by a certified check to th amount of one Pr cent of the bonda to be aold. W. H. Fletcher, Treasurer of Clark county. Wash. Dated this bta day of January. Itriz. SEALED bids will be received at th offlc of th underalgned. 402 Tllford bldg.. Port land. Or., until ft P. M. February 22, 1V12. for b.ork. bO, Couch' Addition. Certified check for ft per cent Of the amount of the bid. payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposaL Board of Directors reserves th right to retain possession of the premise and building thereon until January 1, 1913: aiso reaerve th right to reject any and ail blda. Dated January 23. 1012. at, ri- TrttOJa-eua, pcurai v- fiEALED bids will b received at th offlc of th undersigned. 4ul Tllford building, Portland, Or., until ft P. M-. February 15, 1912, for house No. 7v$, Lombard streeu Certified chock for 10 per cent of th amount of the bid. payable to K. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. The Board of Directors reaerve tn right to reject any and all bida R. H. THOMAS, aoliool clerk. Dated January 23, isia. Miscellaneous. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR 1HB DISTRICT OF OREGON IN ADMIRALTY. THIS SCHOONER "WM, NOTTINGHAM." ETC.. AND CARGO, THE PORT OF PORTLAND ET AL., LIBELLANTS, GLOBE NAVIGATION COMPANY, CLAIMANT. SALVAGE. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTRICT OF OREGON ss. Wbereaa. a libel was filed In th Dis trict Court of th United State lor th District of Oregon, on the 8tb day of No vember. 1811. by Th Port of Portland, a municipal corporation, et aL against the ship "Wm. Nottingham." her tackle, ap parel, furniture and cargo of, to wit. 7oouo0 feet of Oregon fir lumber, alleging In substance that on October 15, lull, said ship was found derelict 20 miles went of Cape Disappointment on the Oregon ' coaat. and towed In safely to Astoria, Oregon, and praying process against said ship, her tackle, apparel, furniture and cargo, and tbat the same be decreed to be the property of llbeilants. or that said court decree a sum to be paid to aald llbeilants for their salvage services, and that saul snip, etc.. and cargo be held to answer said decree: Now, therefore. In purauanc of th monition under th seal of said court to me directed and delivered I do hereby glv public notice to all persons claiming the said ehlp. her tackle, apparel, furni ture or cargo, or In any manuer Inter ested therein, that they appear before th said Dlstrlot Court to be held at Portland, Oregon, on the 5th day of February, 1)2. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of such day (provided that be a day of Jurisdiction, and if not, then on the next day of Juris diction thereafter), then and there to In terpose thalr claim and make allega tions in that behalf. Dated. January 17, 1912. . LESLIE. M. SCOTT. United states Marshal. WILLIAMS. WOOD si i riiv.u.n, Proctors for Libeliant, The Port of Portland. M-EETINa OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF filii INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE COMPANY OF OMAHA. Th reorganization commute hereby call a meeting of th abov bondhold ers, to b held In the rotunda of the "A Exchange of- the Independent Telephone Company, 1914 Harney street, Omaha, Neb., on the 12th day of February. 1912. at 10 o'clock A. M. Thla meeting is called for the purpose of determining upon the plan which shall bo puraued with ref erence to this property. By the terms of the bondholders' agreement each bond holder ahali be entitled to vote according to the amount of hi holdings, and may act or voto by proxy. A majority In In terest of the bondholders so voting shall decide. The committee want you present at the meeting, but if thi 1 impossible you should be represented by proxy duly authorised to represent you. It Is of th utmost Importanc that you glv this mat tor your earnest and immediate atten- ,"n" FRAN 1C H. WOODS. Chairman of Committee. LYSLbl I. ABBOTT. Secretary of Committee. EDSON RICH, FRANK B. JOHNSON. FREDERIC W. bTEAHNS, JOHN KMERNAN. FINANCIAL. EUROPEAN CAPITAL Supplied for attractive enterprise In a" substantial lines of business. railroads, water and electrlo power. Umber, mining. Industrial, agricultural and Irrigation projacta Bond, debenture and stock Is sues underwritten, purchased or old. Financial undertakings of all kinds han dled. Mlscellaneoua comralaalon and or dera of all eharactera accepted for execu tion In any Buropean country. Corre spondence Inclosing full detail at first writing Is Invited. ROOT. E. CAVETTE, FINANCIAL AGENT, V24-2U Yeon Bldg. K. A. LUNDBURG. Manager Portland Office. London, New York. Portland. Seattle, TIMBER AND SAWMILL. Can make an attractive sawmill and timber proposition to party or partlea with $125.uou. Offer must be accepted before February 13. In addition to tim ber, plant and equipment, the deal con trols better than haif billion feet of yel low fir aa effectively aa though It a ere owned In fee. Reference required. AS 740, Oregonlan MORTGAGES (first and second), contract and oiler' equltle bought. K. L. Dever eaux. lbu Spalding bldg, ftd. and Way leg ton. M ala oa. " PLENTY OF MONEY ON FARM OR CITY PROPERTY. WM. C. BORCHERS. J07 OREGON IAN BLDO. WE par highest cash price for builder- coa trecl. flrat and second mortgage aad tbex securltiea Home Installment Co, 401-402 McKay bldg. Marshall Uinta. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real eat is or for building purposes. No commission. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST COMPANY. 818 Spalding bldg. FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES BOUGHT or seller' intereat In contract of sal on real estats In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 818 Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE First mortgage of 11200, 8 per cent, on lot and 2-story residence valued at $2600. situated on East bid, clo la. Address A 729. Oregonlan. I HAVE 8 gilt-edge flrsr mortgages for sal at a liberal discount. ''60 to $1200 on city properly and farm. Y 787, Ore gonlan. W K buy notes, contraot. mortgages (first and second), equities. F. H. Lewi A Co., I Lewis bldg. FIRS1 snd second mortgages, contracts and commission account bought, real estat loan E. B. Miller, 410 Ablngton bldg. (ELECTED first mortgage tor aalai Joha Bala. 105 Spalding bldg. -Iveal Estate. LOANS of 1500. $1200, S1S00 and upward on Improved realty property; favorable terms. National Realty & Trust Co., 723 Chambsr of Commerce. mortgage: LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 8 to 8 per cent on city residence and business prop erty and Multnomah County, farms. EDW. P. MALL. 100 to 804 Chamber of Commerce. I ON IMPROVED city property or for butld j ing purposes, 8 to 8 years' time; liberal J repayment privileges; money advanced as I building progresses. The t-qultaoie sav ' Intra A Loan Association. 240 Stark st. LARGE supply of money to loan In sums of $500 and upward, on real estate security, at 8 and 7 per cent. HALL & VAN BORSTEL, 104 Second at., near Stark. WANT CASH T We buy mortgages an(j sellers contracts, CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY. 4Q4 Yeon Bldg. $300,000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKansl A Co, B14-51B-618 Gerllnger bldg. FIRST MORTGAGS LOANS. FAJUf AND CITY PROPERTY. EDMUND L. DEVEREACX. 1009 SPALDING BLDG. WILL loan $20,000 or less. reaestate secur ity. Farrlngton & Faxrlngton. 418 Con merclal Club bldg. $100 TO $300 TO LOAN FOR BHOM TIM8 ON ANY GOOD SKCURITY BY PRlVATa PARTY. 207 OREGON I AN BLDO. $5000 OR $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent on , io.in fnrtiund DroDertv. Call S18 Board Ul irnuo uiu. rr-n t -i 1 V ,'IIUUI D n rf It V U T . tl prl- vate narty: no commission; must be nrst- r V..,. j. , V.-l. QUA Class; no OUliqmg lonu. itfv 1200.000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 815-810 Falling bldg. ' MONEY to loan on city real estate In sums from sioco upwards, at current mm Parrlsh. watains et o.. aiuci $10u0 TO $50o0 to loan at lowest rates, also larger amounts. Trowbridge A Stephens, I i.i on i d or iraua MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. l.lli.pal tmrmrn MortlTlTtB DUTChSSed. Henry C. Pruhommo Co., 807 Wilcox Bid. MORTGAGE loans on city property: lowest rates. A. H. Blrreli Co.. u aico-ay oius 8d and Stark. - WANTED Applications for select loans on city property. M. Billing. 609 McKay bldg. private nartv will loan, for short term. $200-$300, on first mortgage real estate only W Tao. uregonian. improved or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgages bougnr, w . . ffuiin. p'"". umB. LOANS on Improved city property at 6, 7 and 8 per cent, uince. i.uo wucoa pma- LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallet!. 808-9 Fenton. $5000 OR any p: rent. Main 11 rt to loan. Interest 7 par 108. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE! HATr-S. IT. n. leiiyisiwji - . , r.).-U,A -- n a t a MONr-X tor i in no, T-v"o v - - . ... . r-.- ftlt.aio. Latvia blrlw. C-miiu- ' .iwii.1 " - -. - - - LOANS on improved realty at lowest rates. x L r r 1 .n i , I.U.".. ottm.. . . ......... MONEY to loan; ft to 7 per cent, 607 Spald ing Ding. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort- gagea. rt. aiuey. iqq" - MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HAKDiJHU. 313 V- ti. ot vom. MORTGAGE LOANS. 8 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS BAIAMIW.', --i? MONEY, any amount, 8 to 8 per cent. W. H. Belts A Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. " iiootc; inm I ni'. EL T. Price, 510 Rothchlld Bldg-. LOANS on Improved properties, best terma John Bain. .'.03 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. J. O. GOLTRA. FAILING BLDO. STA7E funds. 8 per cent, W. E. Thomaa, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. NEW COMPANY NEW METHODS. 6ALARY LOANS CHATTEL LOANS. This company was organlxed by lead ing business men of this city to LOAN unMb'Y to lurorklna DeoDle and others on the'r PLAIN NOTliS. without endorser or Subllclty: also cn furniture. pianos, oraes. cattle, storage receipts and autoa at rate honest peopie can auui m QUICK LOANS ANY AMOUNT. $ .40 Weekly Pays a $ 10 LOAN. $ .Hi "Weekly Pay a $ 25 LOAN. $1.40 Weekly Pay a 50 LOAN. $1.S0 Weekly Pay a $ i5 LOAN. $2.20 Weekly Pay a $HH) LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Given if Paid Before Du. PORTLAND LOAN CUllPANi. 200-7 MACLEAY BLDO, BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and 6th t-.ts., on Wash at. Open Mon. and Sat. Evunlngs till 9 P. M. i c I $ $ $ $ $ DO TOU NEliD MONEYT W will furnish you. strictly confiden tial and without delay, a loan In any imounr, on your -auto piano .""ar livestock, storase receipt and all otior klnda of securities, on terms to suit. al en weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN On first and second real eatale mort gages. ellr' contract and chattel mort- UtiT" REAL ESTATE ft BROKERAGB COMPANY. $12 Hamilton Blu. 131 Sd. Main 20S4. $$$$ a $ 6TATE SECURITY CO. $ $ B-R-O-K-E-R-S. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 110 TO S1U0. , u.T-a iJ pflKTIJlvD. Luniioi iw- ... - , $10. repaid In Installments of $ .43 Z .j-.' - -iH In ln.lallm.nll of .$2.U0 tov, icyu , ... ; - Larger amounts i ui uvui ...... We do not advertise misleading trm er rates, but give jour our ouarge la plain figure. Bualness strictly confidential, STATE SECU1UTY CO. $ $ $ 80S Falling bldg. $ $ $ $ XI. uo fivvw. JEWELRY. WATCHEa. DIAMONDS. ETC no... 'ELJjr COMPANY (Licensed) PRIVATE OFFICES. 820 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDO. 3RD FLOOR. COR. 2D AND STARK STB. (ft to D. D. DRAKS $100. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without aecurasy. mortgage or indorse ment; cheapest rates, beat and moat pri vate terma In Portland. 8u7 Spalding bidg. DON'T borrow If you can avoid IL If yoa do, come to people who will give you easy payments, lowest rate and treat you hon estly and fairly. We claim that reputation. Come and be satisfied. Loans on any se curity with merit, G. A. Nlcuole lav. Co, 907 Wlioox bldg C FRANK NICHOLS CO. For a loan on -any kind of security. IT WILL COST YOU LESS. No extra charge. private offlc. Courteou and Confidential Treaunear, CALL AND GET ACgUAINiblD. 801 Lumbermen Bldg.. 6th and btark. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Wcmen keeping house and otnera fur nished without security; cheapest rate, eaaleat payments. Come and get money whan yoa want it. and pay aa you can. Office in all principal cities. 1. H, Tol. man. 317 Lumper Exchange. GOOD SUPPLY OF MONEY To loan at low rate on furniture, pianos, autos. livestock, contract, ruortatagea. or any other personal security. AUolphu Lane. 414 Abingtun bldg. Mars hail 414. 10 TO $100 loans at low rate; weekly or monthly repayments to suit- Ofnce, 12ud Wilcox blug. MONEY to loun oil short time. In small or larger amouuta, on what you have; strict ly private. tail OIO iumuei ci-ukubp. IMMEDIATE loana trom $. and up oa aU kinds of aecurltiea. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Main 3U2. WE LOAN money on dlamunda and Jewelry at half the ratea charged by brokers. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d at- CASH ON CREDIT. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO.. 821 ABINGTON BLDG. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and other ar ticles at one-half the usual Interest rale. confidential. 325 ailing Diag. LOANS on diamonds and other eecurltlaa Wm Holt room 9. Washington bldg. MONEY sold on Installment, confidential; salaried people. F. A- wewton. nmrr omg. A LOAN for the aaklng. salary or caat tel. I am vmu -o.. .- m FOR the lowest and best ratea on chattel security. Phone East 1172. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry. atrlctly confidential. 141 aa. near aiuw. CAN use several smail mortgag"S. Smlth WagonT Co., 311-312 Lewis bldic. Loans Wanted FOR SALE First mortgage cole. $400, 2 a --, AIT 7 .1 1 Orvrnnliin Money to Loa Loan Wanted. WANT two loans of 1:500 each on resi dences; good security, 8 per cent 3 years. See Mr. Reese, with COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 82 Fourth SL WANT $2000 to $2500 at per cent on 4 new houses and 7 lots on best atreet In good town on Columbia Klver: value over $5000; will pay per cent and In addi tion secure loan by Indorsement of re sponsible parties, phone A 314. Ask for Mr. Lehman. . WANTED Loan of $22-50 for term of 8 year. Improved city realty property. In restricted residential district. Particulars. National Realty & Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commercejbldg. $2tH)0 AND $25U0 wanted on two home worth more than double the amount asked; located in good residence district; will pay 8 per cent and expenses to PRI VATE PARTY; full Insurance; good title. AN 752. Oregonlan. WAN L'KU $2500 loan for 3 years at 8 per cent, on 32 acres highly Improved, in 10 mile circle, mile trom electric Una. AO 729, Oregonlan. WANTED $3000 for 3 year at 8 per cent, on store building and 64 acrea In fruit, value $10,000, at Hood River, Or.; tirat clasa loan. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED $1000 at 7 per cent for 3 years on 8-room .house, corner lot 00x100; close In on East Side. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. - MONEY WANTED Appllcatlone on band for desirable loana mortgages .or aaja. Henry C. pruflhomme to. bui ,vnc" land, well Improved, value $10,000. AJ 749, oregonlan WANTED $23,000 at 8 per cent. 6 years. West Sldo, property worth $5,000. w (jregonian. $700 10 ON 120 acres In Hood River, worth $0000; will pay expenses and bonus. AH 749, Oregonian. PERSONAL. THE Columbia Medical and Surgical Insti tute la now nicely located at the corner of Sixth and Yamhill atreets. next to th Portland Hotel, and Is well prepared to treat and cure diseases of men. women andachlidren. This institution waa estab lished In Portland five years ago, where, during these years. Its marvelous success In curing thousands of person of dlseaa has caused It to stand the peer of any like institution In the West We alao make a specialty to treat and cure th following formidable diseases, which by our long experience and large practice enables us to successfully treat: Brlghts disease, diabetes, dropsy. rheumatism, locomotor ataxia. paralysis, epilepsy. Hemorrhoids, tumors, ulcers, specula and akin diseases ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for men and women. We have an electrical office that cannot be duplicated on the Pacific Coast; X-Rays, Statics. X-Ray Colls. Galvanic Faradie and Sinusoidal Batteries; high fre quencies currents; light from the smallest to the most powerful; baths of every de scription We use massage, manipulations and adjustmenta with vibration, over toOOO patients and not a death while unc er our treatment. Wo do not use medieln ana never operate. Our offieea are always open for inspection. We have cured hun dreds of people that others have given up. If you are not satisfied, call or write us. We occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the Rothchlld bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 500 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 84-lnch switches 14.43 KS 20-lnch switches 2.i Hair dressing ..................w... .25 Face niaasage .25 Shampoo .25 Manicuring. 25c; 6 for 100 12 scalp treatments 6.00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4. $5 and 16 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair In any shade; switches, any length. Price half. Sanitary Parlor. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. MILLINERY school and makeover - shop. Learn In six weeks. New class starting sow. Get ready for positions and loca tlona Also remodel last year's stock hat for milliner very reasonable. If you want to sell your business call or writ 308 Goodnough bldg., opposite Postofflce. NATUROPATHIC treatment. I cure nervous and chronic diseases without the uae of drugs or appliance of any kind. Dr. Catherine C. Gates. 307 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 3143. 9 to 12 A. M-. 1 to 6 P. M. Sundays by appointment. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc; massages and .bath 34S Williams ave., near Weldler St., "U" car. Phone East 2008, C 2553. Open Sundaya SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfora graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th at,, second door south from East Anksny carllpe. Phone East 260, B 1S03. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. " Diseases of women and children, baa removed to Lafayett bldg.. 8184 Wash ington at. A NEW hypodermic treatment for catarrh. Results guaranteed. Non-operative. B. M. Klchardsun. M. D., eye. ear and throat specialist, 309 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington. WANTED By lady who Isn't old. two la dies to be in house with all home privi leges; very reasonable; 20 minutes from P. O. Phone East 3000 or call 20 East 11th South. ADAMS BATH PARLORS. 91ft Sixth: scientific massagist; electric blanket sweats and salt baths given for colds and rheumatism. Hours from 10 o'clock to 12. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St.. Portland. MEN S. O. Tablets, a marvelous cure for nervous debility and weakness from any cause; nrice CI. Druggists or mall. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., 2434 Morrison st. DRESS SUITS for rent, $1.50 month: keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttoxrs sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls aud deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark. MRS. STEVENS, IS years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, baa her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on salo at 212 Allrky bldg.. 3d and Morrison 8ts. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 3u2 Merchants Trust blU., ih and Washington. Phone Main 4047. LA-DIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills, the woman' medicine; price $2 box. Drug gist or mall. Every box guaranteed. Dr. Plerce Remedy Co.. 245 ft Morrison st. MRS. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental and spirit ual scientist. 302 Alisky bldg. Wedne day meetings 8 P. M. Main MS24, RHEL'MO A positive cure for rheumatism; price $1; every bottle guaranteed. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 243 ft Morrison st. LOKENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality, 25c box; tf boxes $1.25. Stipe- Taylor Drug CO.. a Jflornson sr. MISS RAGNHILD JACOBSEN, Scandinavian trained masseuse. Phone Marshall 942. 874 Johnson st- MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 93c; curls and puffs. 73c San itary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dckum bldg. DR. K-ETCHUM treat women's maladies, also chronic diseases. Washington bldg., cor 4th and Washington. Main 8474. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. iL D. H::L 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. MANICURING parlor, facial and scalp treat ment, shampooing. 314 Swetland bldg. BALM OF FIGS. Remedies for discasea of women. 632 Davis at- Main 9216. SC tLP treatment, facial mussage. Alton Hotel. 11th and Stark, room 423, top floor. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism and nervousness. Suite 32. 341ft Morrison st. MISS LEWIS treat baldness and diseaaed scalp. 4UO Ktam BU riwu ..jam oooo. MME. COURT RIGHT, feature and skin spe clallst. 200 20th st, N. Phona Main 5042. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants Kxpert and Certified. EXPERIENCED all lines; books opened, fio,!. written un. financial statements; ' private Instruction: service anywhere; permanent or wiujiuim; u .......... .va nished. 502 Swetland bldg. Main 440. Analytical Chemists. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO, analytical chemists, examiners ot cueuucaia, w.j ugo. foods, etc. Aasayer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, ehem- , iiiiiii Wmihinirtnn. idih nnu m".' - . c MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing worn. lao flim'wii aw AVOID combines, fees, drawing wills, .legal papers, probate Dusineaa. examining a stract Information and figures, address AR 7o5, Oregonl'in. e! COOPER, attorney-at-law. General 'nraetice attracts examined. Removed to r.. .'...it, -rr n KIH., H.T BT'I A-IOT1 I4-J4 TO H-3 xcui. o - - i - H. C KORNEGAT. corporation, commercial. r-ai estate law. and collections, 022 Yeon. HAVE your wrinkles removed. Why look old? 515 Swetland bldg.. Oth and Wash Brass and Machine Work. HARPER S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work, log N. 6th. Main 2i02. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia bldg., next Star Thea-er. A 6255, Main 95a ; res. B 2H78. Chiropodists. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD removes corns, bunions, callouses. Ingrown and club nails: pedicuring, manicuring, super fluous hair removed. 514-15 Dekum bldg. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the ; only scientific chiropodists In the city, parlors 3U2 Gerlliiger blug., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 429 Fliedner bldg. Mala 3473. Coal and Wood. , COAL $3.00 DELIVERED. V. H. Epps ot Co. Main S9f. A 889. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33 D ST. WOOD NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. Marshall 96o. A 3545. 887 Water t Contractors. HAVE you any building, repairing or al teration work to do 7 If so, do It now. W do It better and cheaper than any one else. Call Klbles. Woodlawn 2438 and let us give you an estimate. - W. L BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store Betting. 8 N. 8th sC, Mala 6831. A 7602. Woodlawn 562. Carpenter and Builders. , STORE fronts and remodeling buildings made a specialty. M. Foulks. Main 8480. Dancing. PROF. WAL WILLSON'S SCHOOL, lesson 25c; wallx. two-step or three-step guaran teed in first lesson or money refunded; stage dancing taught quickly. 3S6ft Wash. sr., bet. W. Park and loth. Main 7037. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons 25c; fancy stage and social dancing taught daily; waltz and two-step guaranteed in 4 les sons. Class Monday eve. 109 2d at,, be tween Washington and Stark. PROF. FORD'S school of dancing. 87th and Hawthorne ave. Classes Tuesday and Thursday evening at 8. Private lesson by appointment. Tabor 3707. KlXGLElt'S ACADEMY. leading dancing school In the Northwest, thorough courses, ten instructors. 2111ft Morrison, instruction dally. Marshall 313. Lngiues Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agents. Sea bury steam engine and boilers, gasoline en glues. 281-2K3 E. Morrison su Pnone E 515. Feed Store. Z1GLER & MISNER, hay, grain, feed, ce ment. shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 482. Garment HoapitaL GARMENT HOSPITAL. Sick garments made well. If your sleeves are out of place, we reset them. If your skirts are ill. we guarantee a cure. If your coats or Jackets are broken down, we build them up and give them new life. Our operating tables are wonders, our chief surgeons the best. Our balins euro all Ills tnat wearing apparel la heir to. Coata reiined. See our styles and samples for Spring suits. Pattern drafted to order. H1LDRETH, LADIES' TAILOR, Room 3u Central bldg., luth and Alder. Make-over Dept. Landscape Gardener. G. H. S1EBELS, landscape gardener; prun ing a specialty. 668 E. btu st, Phon Sellwood 1107. Land Cleaning. WE CLEAR LAND. City lota and acreage cleared; w also do grading and excavating; our pric 1 -reasonable, JACKOLA BROS., $14 N. 17 th St. A 189$. Leather and 1-lndiugs. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, tabs, mfra findings. J. A, STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tabllshed 1858. lbo Front st- Musical. Emll Thielhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevolk. 900 Marquam. A 4100. Marshall 1829. Osteopathic 1'hysiciana. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle. Mo., class of lo9o; post-graduate 1907, un der Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the scieno. 1122 Selling bldg. M. IMb7. A 19S5. Dr. K. B. Nortnrup. 415-10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone Office M. 349. Res. East or B 1028. l'aiuts. Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint aud varnish 1 beat adapted to the Coast climate. BASS HEUTElt PAiNT CO. 1U1 Second at. KASMLSSEN A CO.. Jobbers, paints oils, glass, sasn and doors, cor. 2d aud Taylor.. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law. late of U. S. Patent oftice. Book let free. 719 the Buard of Trade bldg. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyrights registered, all countries. Booklet free. PKTER HAFERL1N. bird Worcester bldg. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. Martin. 409 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 14. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 004 Dekum bidg. pawnbrokers. UNCLE MEYERS' collateral Bank; 40 years in Portland. 71 tith st. Phone M.aln 910. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 805 tiua Electric bidg. Oscar Huber. Portland. Pipe. pipe pipe pipb. New and second-hand. Our prices will convinoe. M. BARDE A SONS, 240-2 Front St.. cor. Main. PIPE and fillings, engineers 'and steam sup plies. M. L. Kline. Centrally located. Nos. 84 to 89 Front st. Phones Main 517. A 2517 PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 21th and York ata. M. 8489. bales. THE MOSLER SAFE CO. 108 2d St. Safe at factory prices; second hand safes. becond-Haod Goods. WE buy clothing, furniture and tools. Hlgh est price paid for second-hand clothing, furniture, tools. Marshall 2J64. WE nay the highest prices for second-hand clothing and shoes. Main 7608. o30 5th. bhowcaae. Bank and bhuvr Fixture. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap ids showcase Co., 6tu and Hoyt, R. Lutk. manager. u h B1RDSALU 208 Hamilton bldg. Show cases in stock; prompt delivery. Saie agent, M. v inter liiw'r v v. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; now MTn "ecDd-hand, Main 2703. Cabinet work. Storage Battery. exclusive agent for the celebrated ED SON NEW STORAGE BATTERY. Elo irio Vehicle Company, 1609 Yeon bldg. Storage and Transfer, r. 0 pick Transfer & Storage Co.. offloe and commodious 4-story brick warehouse er7arate Iron rooms and hreproof vault ?or valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine st.; pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; special rates made on gooas In our through cars to all doi. ps.io and foreign uolnls. Main 6:iu, A 199'j. . ii.lL' tdTvci.tr IIO. Uliau.-iiwi. ...... .... .... . General transferring and storage, safes. Dianos and turnituro moved and packed for shipment. 87-SU Front st. Telephone Main 647 or A 22ii. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Offices and storage 474 Glisan st. cor 13th and Gllsan. Phones Main 69. A ll'9. Tailoring KchooL TAILORING SCHOOL. Tailoring and dressmaking taught la all Its branches. Investigate. Chicago La dles' Tailoring Collfse and Sewing schoot room W Central bldg., 10th and Alder. Taxidermist. PACIFIC COAST TANIDERMY CO. 167 ft First St. Phone Main 777S. Tpewrilers. 115 TO $5 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER' rebuilt as good as new; all makes to' choose from at Gill's. 3d and Alder- terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. ,.,i mni or AOd. WF are the exchange for the largest tj-pe-writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 3r,ift Washington st. . -. - v.- rebuilt second-hand rentals, at cut ates. P. P. C. CO.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Well Drltllng. nRII I ING well3. Phone Main 1348 or writ A W,'!lt- 1S" Morrison St. Wood. np wood cut last voir: al! split sticks: 11 cord lots "P. "t o. b. Portland; grain hay $13 Per ,on- E- E- Morgan. Yam hill. Or. ripKT.rijASS fir wood. Tom Mike, 657 Up ahtir. Phone Main 718.