1 fi ' I mK RFT. I , i ivrtnEST W : work $ v,. 77., . ..n If I v you $J tor 1 for will , ' - n,.ml.r.hlp I hmv. only ili Wf b-.tw.en me end "trr If yon pay $$ t- Pf.".. will ba IB ploym.nl raimh'rir.lp you T M I' A, with I you and starvation- .. iatina R.aul loung man Join.-! -.vjt I" n Ib lea. than w.ek had eauafaclory " payment. RroH for Tear 111: Call, for man. .... rMUiu nu $ -- ....fi ....na Enpirrninl me.ber.ritp r,I.a -i.mbr will .mp.oym.nt fund of membership fro: glv- J "I"?'" full m .ber.nlp prlv-ll.ltee. 1" monitu eial iritlfiH ud undertake, la , - - . ,... durin In full tor k.P B Of sn.mberebio without further .cbfr-h..H. Wo hi ronatant c.ma.-.d for '; grada experienced men. -VT. ntlx lor better position --t secretary eteioyment department. WB" ARE CROANIZIV;. A roRf-Ep t.VtZ.ts I-aVo IS ESTAUl.lsHKn .. , i-e i -r i. iv UiriUV AN Hoi iVt.i ikTLA X fl. AM KKSIKK Till VI MEN - Alin.tTV T ACT Ad iCvI.Kj.MFN- AND I. EARN NK..S U.VLY MEN F rKutrr. p. .mtion THE H!'l- OH A IIAI'TK " I'KKil AXKNT AM hEM' MHAI SALESMAN. I'AI-L. A n TKAI.V FA1 M V,iia- t'ia AND 11 A. 31. CULlaUiA W F. H rt 1 1 ' - r' ' . V. BUM., 51S U'MhER E-vr"AiV5ir nirt.Nn AXf tauk Fr wM.-'a-aar Hki "ST' vim ai-mn on aow iuo-uini J , at tha rliy limit. mra and pro jura bul- If you can banl na. r'ir remucw ration will ba v'rv m-n en;y n apply. S' r'r'- ""cOLCMBIA TRfST C.V PAST .round Floor Board of Tratfa Hid. MIWIHH 1 ' ' - ..... . rV i.mpi BnAri KT A StfrTCALT CO.. FACToKT K'KKM V- x " . "ri-T.iiiT Milt KM AN for r a r..."'!" V:.. r,!r, fitrtnrv mlt rip e t r t ' 'a ' - . , ., at experience eovennx m'onmn ' .i,, , etc rriraratl n of prod..-t.. proceaa. .. etc Arr,,v. .tat.nc prU,";7M'Av"K ,u:r-.l. with reference, to f M IJ J V k (, .' .-k. M. f . 'anada. VaNTEO for U. 8- Army. able-bo.;iad. un 7rlj me'., between ... of 1 Ji a.er and ten.p.rat. b.blta wh . ...t tt. i tie Kncllan can la apeaa. r.-o -"---".. . I. ecru it ?.Vf,cVrr 'wK Third and Oa atreera ririmnq. " , lie city aaieamao. ex- parleaced In allln contractor, .n. Jtera aupp.iea. wu mpa. hardware. f... -r count rr territory; (Ire lo ete. full r.art.cu ra concarnln experl.nce. pecin I"y and aa.ary expectad In llret lelt.r. AJ TJft. urrimn"" WE WANT men of character ana illy who have bad any kind of "xpirl-nce. We can lve you "m. and permanent po-ltlon If " do our work We want .ale.men. not p.d d?.r ca.1 14 oth .t. A.k for Mr. Hodn. . n . ..auaatma-aaai bllllnMl who ! Cpi Maltlon TC 1 ill biff tomnr. wn-r- 7". Orrg-inlan. a vTr5 tFlrt avutomnbil tnAcnirii to" repair and take car. of Ov. or ..x care In email pruel. !: married mn pre ferred, .tate aary xP'ci"' "i'v:"4 r-f.rencea la flret lettea;. Addreea AV e.i. tre.onlan. - irve ArtEVTS for hllh-claa. .nclaltlee: cempetttion; let me help you to ma. Manuiacllir.rV AetH. I1T Corbett Bid. of ood appearance and k.xd talker 31 AN to aoilclt mamoeraoip - - nation; on.y men wlta atra.xnt "'" nel apply mmimry and commieaion paiu. Apply A. 31. to 15. 7il Veon bii!. WANTED Active men to represent eatao Ji.ied bu.ioe..; mult be lle wire, and ton-.mcir. la. ker.. opportunity ! ad vancament. Apiir lo It. 411 laubaek mli't .. Id and Morrlaon- WAXriB Aa .xjrenrel .lock al.man witb aood eredenllaia; company h.lpa arent win aucc.t. rood leod.. perma nent poaitlon and promotion In the new eone.nv. Addre.a H 7ui or-x..nl.n. ilNEK-JETlO aale.mao; mini 'e neat and a te.ker; city work; reliable, e.t.b i,.k.m rm: nlirr ll and comn.l.lon.. advancement for . rr lo me n t. AM a ol man; alal. 74i1. oreconl.an. H.l N.i man of at.Ultv. to Ink. rliarre of financial buameaa on pereenta.e; thorough .prienc. not receaaary. prefer ncr. A K 're.-'nlan. JAI'ANEr-n ho for aeneral homework In email apartment. n.-ar Sod and a.hlnx t.m le.p home nlghte. Call between .o and A. M. 3s Corbett bld OFNTLEM AN' aoie to act a. tr.a.ur.r of financial Inatltulton. muat atand well, give b-.nda and inv.at ouo; ooU amiary. AU Too. Oregonlaxu WANTED Brlrht jounf man for counter work and carvln In cafeteria; muat hut bad experience And bo ao.e to rive ref erence.. 'eer:ea Cafeteria. 104 tm at. lTTIAirER""ni7P for work on ladle. roa'. Hun be able to make good J-t-Pt.ady work. D. H. Moaner, merchant t.i.t-r. F.lem. Or. u-ivTi'fi ftlct-claa. .peclaily .aleemen. .mmi.!g bal. city work. Prrference airen tnoiw experienced In mercantile eun- ira-t. Af 71a. Oreconlan. FOl R hih-c:aa aollcllor. who ran get the bu.tnee. Muat hae clean recortla and T'fer-ncee. Kxcell-nt pay to neat men. Apply 4I Ellera bld. H-10 A. M. HFl.r W N'TF P-iTM tl.E. WANTEI At onve. girl for g.n.-rtl bou. .ork. ood c.vok. Apply 6" E..I lt at N. : take K.ve. City l ark c.r. et off at !.t .t.. first houe euih of carllne, oa nht. lul'M Uilr o( good appearance and good i. k-r t do arecial line of work In city: good salary if .uiied. Apply after a. M.. ;:o Teon bldg. MRS. HOWES LAtHE.T AGENCY. Waablngton bid. 4th and Wash. at. Main xt" or A 3- X.Ar..-:d to do Int. resting rk at home. W.-k day. after A. M-. l-o Grand North. f W AM ED G'rl or Ud to do g.neral house work: good bom., no ohjecilona to for ...ne i. cell at 541 2d at. HANSEN'S LADIES AC.ENCT. 843Ht Waabmxtoa at., cor tth. up.talrs. Phone Main 26U2. tv x vTrn Fl-r oerlenced drapery ae . "T. I n oulr. In drapery room after 12.30. I. l.evurta Son. 1st and Tanih.ll. W ANTE IV Girl for general houaework. weaning ..nt out Phon. Woodlawn 4oL Ca l at 1 1;- E o'-th at. N. APPREN'TICKS and maker. In our flower manufacturing ro-jrn. Appiy Lowengart A Co TiOUNO glrla want 1 to learn dree.maklng; paid while learning. Central bl.'g.. 2o1 WANTED llrl for general houaework, e ;a!l family, good wag.a. Call 504 Hoyt at. GiRL. houaework: .mall family. Mrs. Klap per. car tlo.d.n Ewgie. Sd. cor. Yamhtil. EXPERIENCED women sollcltora pmfltabl and eaay propo.lt ion. 149 Eaat UOth. .1 K I 4 (or ta..lii. an.! i ..rl.prnl Apl'ly .k1.. n.b .ln 1 ra. x- Ann. t..n b'.l c. MILLINERY .pprentlce. wai.ted; wbi' !. .rnlng. Apply Uvrnorl at p. Id Mini'LE-AGE rhll.l a. 3 l.ler lady l'th. to care for 20 No. Fl r--r-'l. ASS Pnl Pay. piece. 1-"S i rlniah. 2d. at ra. steady. R. V. good CI III. for general tnouaework. rear lt.lh. 4 "9 Everett, WOMAN for g.-neral hourework. by the hour. Apply before noon. 291 7ln. WANTKO A xlrl for general houeework. r.:i M.'n "'4 ITvve'n 2 and 4 3". JLADY il.v want-'l in a .t No-Th $j weekly. Call lo- th. DiMNG K OW girl wanted. Ilauinan Hof-i 4,.' : ot vv .t. HKAI.11IV. mid'l h..p with iiaht e-as.d woman, el housework, at 4 .Ing to 5-h at. i.i i-UES We can prove to you that we h.V? town.lt. with mor. real merit -Md Tt than you 1" pect. ' prove to yoo that your opportun ty le her t. want reeU men who can ,4x Call 10 A. -Paluina bWl. ENTERIENCED waltr.aa Call hLL. .. a-.v & if ritiaik"' .... - . i : : rr I Room nn ' , z .. i anahT woman ANTr.D Kei.neu. C-V Ult Hottt- poo.lhle po.tlon. -" cbi.d bld 4th -nd xv. a.hlngton. nr.i r m-i-"" MALK OR tkmaim. Bill clersa , roalliun. In i.0 aa. "' "" .. J t public accountant; poeition ecurea. 30. oixomfl. - . . . . i .. . i ..nmen traveling ana a-:: AUer room 1. -An all around t.rar. mcao ,y Worka. H W a.bln.loa WASTKD droning nrlf on 1, pr. -ical faruiera. Tabor frm; mut 111. AF Ji'. urr'nian. EX lK H I KN r:t r. n . VrW y! f,.r liuullnirnl hou5. Apply axly r riaay. I.lnro'n Outfitting I . .... An iui: Pn Iit WEEKLY ill iminjri w - vou tmmdiat-l. Inquire ai Nnrtn am. m- .vTin Urn aoJ wom-a au.iciiora jo 'Mtu ' ",", v.r for ihr houaa. moat nr-aaury ' 1 "wl ", . " j HoiL rn.i.n Pa:a Co.. hr.ird Motai. TFn-fI5EIXAVTlE2i- HFI.r w 1N-T BE A PLAVK am ,m,f Hi., but learn to operate ' i, Bbrt.i houra. Inalu nlfiirLa eaeT " " pay; learn bualneaa In two wnrk bla week.. Call ana ro vriv YUKK AMlr-EMr.NT ra . ar 17th. Wahlr.ton t h barber Irada par- to io, ta prpr for vt wanted. tl f on ftMror itm- "7.E".u, ?- r.Z monthly. Kxperlaoce rood life career.; atate mr: awna KSlwi" A.eoctnlloo. box. urQCH : 1 B WASTElr-'rt X-oe Ane.: can 1 earn " w . . ior Mr and monID .'utomobiTei. er.".r..l.y. P'".1"'-,,.!'' lavlna practical work on actual J00: '-J"" 1" lent l. "'' 0?'nV.l"" qulr-d jrdebcn'!. I-Q' Anxel.a KAILWAT par boi niall ci.rka- exam. eo. i. pre- xceiletil pn.ariee Day; tree tiona. no Cfc.a todey. t-ACK.C biric.. city. vt. a vti 1J Hallway ml cierka. cuatoma Aerl?7pr.n "an. in-itlon. In Port'and; mte "-...on. f". Kr.nkl.n InaU- "ti o.pt. v.Unocheeter.N. T. . . - r ..ri, aei:T Manu.crlpla crltl iJl? mlrketl iua'"l Interview by lt-r-au. " Varjr-y- -Tlcbner bl MAIU approprl.te name for private banM co ;o. t J Hamilton bld. before Fob. 1 and rWi" a niontha acholer.hlp fr - I or I llarahail 4. or for HAKE money wruinr ,,' fepera; til nlted rr-a free o-weiei i.i.e i.w. Sndlcate. hnn Franclaco. kan-TcIH llcture play wrttera: blc pay. i?il teach you Flctur. Flay Abla tion. Fan r nun--". KM. iHTH ANI. bookkeeplna, etc.. In day or .i?ht L'l.asea P.TB-HI II mat ruerlone; poal- llor.a .ecured. o.lv orcrater block. FlsK TEACHER wet la nd bltlf: ASSOCIATION. 1 LATTTKb to learn the boatne., of the Baal- lary lleauty - - . .i.....- - FKA-WJfN T.thVc-naaJi - . e. I ana lift ToouprTfST lady arultarut wlahea a few more puplla IJIS4X I0,o men: Ho haircuttln.. Kd. W A.NTEI nol.on'. barber anop. MTCATIONS WAXTED-MAIJS. Rokkfeneni and Cierka. .. . . ....... -.ul-m i J OR WHITS n 1 1.1. v -r. . .d atate- mentV tn.tall a.atrma. Ollllnxham. au- dlloril lowle bldg. jaai.o4i t ... vTaIIKIKD "man. 2 4 year.. gol ariearanoa. at pre-ent employed. Mle..,uxn. collator or bo-'kkeeper. AI reference. Ah. .oS. Vn- yni Inn. K M K N'T and vehicle, .alr.man dealree .v ror.--lv country liou'ae. In thriving community; wouid In v,t:. AH 7:.''. I'ngont.n. rxiTBIENCKD hotel clerk wanta poaltlon. Hr anr .h.rln..dr work -111 b. cond- ere.l. Phon- F..1 i'- "Q"m I . , . . n ,i uiMfil Hy experl.nceo ft atenosrapher; -ill leave city. L H. Ore- sn ten. wl.he. one or l.l'l.l,l..i.M. '".rZiC:.. k.en. AR T4S. imi ail aeia iwa -- . v narlt-nril HWKKKEI'K H .t enoKrap n-r - V .' ' " bankltiic. lumr..r, " - H 744. OregoDlan. JallMWl t iZ c-aTindustriai. emploiment AGENCY. 8erond and Ash St, rurnlrhe. men for factories mllU. log glnV camp., r.nroad treV"v.f",S work, and all oth.r cumm of alUl and snakl.l.d labor Marshall 271: A TT4S. A aqoare deal to .mpli.yerandempKvy.i " JaLNICIPAL. FREE EUPLOIUSNI BUREAU. tlS Second, earner almoa. Wcmen. department. 243 Salmon All ci..a of un.kllld. akllled. ,"';. and clerical. m.e nd f'm.e help fur-n-.h.d on .hort notice. No.f' charg.d. Phone Main 3.'. 35: A -- FO-vITION by ml.idle-aged man. experienced In general m.lae.. In or out of t It Nft afraid of work, aerv.,1 appr.ntlc..hlp In Scutiand beat of reference. 53. Ore- gonlan BAKFR want, steady poeillon on bread or rlke In or out of city: prefer country town: reference and IK years? experience. All 742. Oreaonian. POSITION' wanted man. experienced by reliable all-around vegetable gar.iener and go.Hl ml.ker. with flrsl-claa. reference.. AH 7I.I. A'rejonlAn. YfUNii man of n.-al appeirance wanta po .l lon aa grocery, clothing or hat aale. " , r w.il take anything to .tart. AT 7m Orvgonlan. i-V I'K RIE.N.'KD chauffeur would Ilk. pol ...r j-.i.. .Ither orlvate or commercial ..r: ran make own repair. AT 734, Ore- gonlan. ?rr ..... , v ...... American wlahea any kind ;:Y., .nvo.ovm.nt. city or country; 1.1 b.xn.l. intelligent and trustworthy, il .3.. .r.onlan. a Vt.l'N"-. i of some experience want. work a. Janitor l.regonlAn. r.ferencca. At. i .. i.c -T k in v- muni m.v a. 21. wanta w :k 714. I r room l regon;.n. u mwu. " MAN. 3X desire, situation In wholesale or 'tall ajrocric.: m. e.j. .- -. . ... r;:.t...p ave.. s.ilwood. w. YOUNG man. 24. want, aosltlon . ..leaman. exiK.rl.nced. will go out of city; beat ref erence.. AK T.v... cregonlan. A STRONG .experienced young man of good h.i.u. warns work on faim. Ala .57, Oregonian. JAPANESE P-.rt.r r s;. i, l.t. wanta altuatlon, drug .tore, any place; rvferenc Fuj ita- JAI'ANF.St: want, position In hotel, store '.,im.ni.boi. Main 85:1. Home -i.:i. MI II'I.E-AGKI) man wants altuatlon aa Jan itor or day or n.ght wai-hman. r.feence. Marsball .W?. ; .-.--e .-ar In. 4T hOfl'l OT r'.m..r. nlcht wa-th or F Othi of work. Main 2ajtf. Mi TloN-l'H'T7 KE o rator who oncler- mn.lv; the tus.ne.a wlshe. poalUon. Call Marshall 24,rj. i vrrn Poaltlon by Japan... boy at I room!ng-h ."uje or hotel, to do anything. AK 7i. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, reliable, experienced. caful driver .111 go anywhere. Addre.a A. Kus . ..IL 11 th at- l'hone Main 8174. ant. position, country hotel; beat t'v'OK r.f renrea AP 7-. or.goniaiu GOOD Japanese want, position aa ar.d h .us-work. AH 742. Oregonian. cook JAl'.VNESi; wAiits cooking and housework. A; 74 Oreicorilan. A.N and wllewlsh work together, camp or hol-i preferred. AR 74-1. Oregonian. MTVATIONS'ANTErrrALe Ibkke-T r. and hteooa-r-aphega. VMi-N'G :.c!v. sten xrapher. dealrea poaltlon In rhy.lclan'a office referenoe. C 1802. 791. vv oou .av. i YC'l'N'l lady, experlenoea in s.n.ri ""'tw work .nvl lypeermiii. . EXPERIENCED slenoirapher. willing work ".r. want, position. .Murshall 8153. KM'KUT 1j' .1' l'hone A HW. nograph.r de.lre. poaltlon. 6TKNOGR Al'H I i' position wanted by compa te'nt young lady. Main 110. CAPABLE al.noara, beat of referencee. ,h.r de-Ires l-bone Mala uvv .n1 woman to laarn k.! aoerlal Inducementa; J" V.V, T4d whl.e learnlna; tooia free. SVS or Wfe ".j; THE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1912 I -..v I tX)B KENT. f , r" ' An.nrarmT ' Bl"StXES3 hotiaa. wlhlnK to curtail -d..ir.. to ol.ee a capable tan- Jrraphar with aoma rallabla company. 7J3. Oraitonian. AR 6TKXOGBArlIEll. lOyeara l P'r''"c- e": aral commercial Mnea, Includlnt J'1: riperlenc. dlrt.phoo work: any reaaon- ahlo offer considered. Addrraa E. L Kelly. bookkeeper and with ona firm TOl'NO lady, flral-claaa . . ..V. r two tMfl " " 7-: eh.n tl,V- and now empioyea. i" L w :.i Titlon; be.t r.ferenc. and thorou.h bual maa qualincmtlonevPhonaMiln SITUATION 'wanted aa r.B0ilr4.W and bookkeaplnc: hava had yearr parlance In lnaurance. Addreaa A Ta. Oreffonlan foUxo lady wi.he. pcltlon " '.'""f: urapher; axperlenca 4 year. Tel. Scllwooo. isl. . ..... ii i.. veara axperlenca, "V.n Sliron1pr accurate mod.rat. ealarr. Main l-o4 ItOOKKEEPKR and atenographer wlahea po- altlon; . . on t rrT B55 Waahlnton tElla St enlVanca) : A 3SUO: exclualva 15iKbani in .own tailored auua. w.iata. etc ' . tiuEssUAKIXO by td. day; price - rvnFJi-rtHADUATE nm wlrtMw uon w ffrtr in VaViia. n. iniltutlon or ring frrKonliin. GKAl.L-ATK uur. wlahea XI . i on Inn. i.i-1 i r m " r' woman, nrariicai n u , fir cj- any Itlnd. " M.tr. ?(,! A 4776, If on etHTa. maRKIKI) mdy wth post i ion to rwmln-hou. Call or mddren. 6Ji Mill mi urs. Adam. H.n.TaFA-trr Liri want hounework In .maY. family of adult, with .mail j houw; other, need not apply- Sallwood ale. CXI)V. unincumbered, would Ilk. t' " houekeejer; rood home mor. tfian J. Hotel M i ! B HQ. Oj u .nv 7.i-f i-opoo Mwiki waltreaaes, cnun MIH.-r.lvr.E.rr...u, lT-,--"7.. si lula bermakia. BJV Aider. Main JOI. A .f Afcncy, NEAT, carab.e h'.e woman want. nou""i- apartmenta. AH 747. oreaonian. poe'.tlon In WltiOW elor. 11 houaek-eper widower or A Mi J. 1M llth at. bach- Pomeatlca. m 1 7 j, m . . w.nt situation ?"n'k"" ,'"li on. to keep mm ...... - . . r nr.. hou.e. or boin aajn. wora. gonian. bVeOIPH rlrl want, iteneral houaework. ;,V;; K. T.ylor at.. MontavUla- EM-Ult-.yav -7- .039 "A 47Ji. Ina. Ironing. aecond OT fIirr, aRett i. .ni 2111. houaework; tooq piam - COVPETF.NT lri for houaework; 00 eo,ok Telephon. Sellwood 710. between 1 .nd 4. Uutcellaoeooa. TOL'NO. .iron, woman want. work or chamber work from p. M Fhone ajvm. ri.M. .r. 8wll.h. but ..'iK-wrw.rW Mine.oi.v . . . .w ...itinn in doctor. r TOl'SO lady. wi.nea po.."o. - AM Hentl.ra omca; o.i i 7,-i2, oregonlan. .-.,-eV-.....i.. laundered. 2 So up; draperie. leaned d?it c.4 lor ud d.Uv.r Tkhnr lit. . EXPERIENCED vtltrM '"SiS? A . w ..Maa.n waroTTiB.n Wfcll I 0, work, waihlng Main 64 G ire of children by th. day. hour ing: can give be.t of reference WANT or even T 741. Qregonlan. ' I l.eeltd HEFINEU young lady to accvo.--, golll tO r,r! j Tlm 21, Oregonlan. rerlcnre. other TOUNO l.oy wu-. ""----board. AK time in 71. Oregonian. TWO willing glrla want day work. Phon. . . . . r- r- -t-i k'und noaition houaa- JVork or nurse. AO T2H. Oregonian. . 1. - II. .nftW SITUATION wanted ;fii;-" 1 ' wag-a yw. .nin -v. - - - her home; Of l "I x w t . aundrerad, sun ..nd bleached. Main 727. i EXPERIENCED chambarmaia would Hit poaitjon. A o" aa. .a .-x 1. . ewx -m it i(1 W llh work, axparlancad. Phona Marahall 1127. room It. waJtresa d-atrea poalllwn; vulmh i-vrvn rftr'rencr't. $ : - . . . .i.i with houae ork. out of W;.v Ke lwood i860. bS2 Mllwaukl. .1 bCH.K,LilKL wantaplace w i lace to work for room n.l hoar.i. " SWEDISH girl wishes g.ner.1 housework. Mom. nhone C l,s. want day work. Ta- COMPETENT woman bor 701. VV A NrTKTV A G EXTS . STATE agents for horae-nltrhing BTA. ..... to anr vehicle; motion devlce of the orae: n'o weight needed; band hltche. the h Must bav. IW or 7JL" Mfg. bal, le. co.. i.iv... ... . WANTED TO RK'T WANTED To ront ,!! houae. unlurnian.o. a roomlng-houae. Phone A 811.. ,V . vTt'ii To lease, up-to-date greennou.ee , . .... . pknna A a 1 Utt. for a long Hon QUICK RESULTS com. from our .y.tem of renting house, fiat, or .tore. Try It and .ee. RENTAL, DEPT.. CHAPIN HEKLOVP. 832 Chamber of Commerce. . vTrrv-l very fine lumianea mme " . . . . , v. . month.. will apartment lor ; -o o. .... uentee ,:"! e.re. Must b. Unwlux on W eat r?I in aood location. Medlum-slxed house . . . . . , rv 7U nr.an an. pref. .rrea. A'""r" odern flat or houae. from 7 to room.. In vicinity of 12th and 1. eull- Salmon: rent no oo.rti . able. AT 739. Oregonian. ... . vtfii to rent. motlorn 8 to lu-room W hoJ. on East Sl.le; -tate full partlcula.. and price. Aw i -. !..- Rooma. WAN-t'ED--Ry oung lady. room private ft. ml v W'eat Side, near carhno. clo In. nCo and bom. privilege.; Nob Hill pre ferred. A3 .00. cre.ou..... flat or house- keepfng 'room. cioi In; .ft. prlc mnA location. not oi. WANTED Room by young man In prlvat. family, pleo wher. partie. can teach him t. n.iisn. a .vwtiw -' JAPANESE woman want. .Ituatlon cnam 1 berinaid. .xp.rl.nc. year WSS lax. ,;. I wavtfd Housekeeping rooma In private , r?SI famllyrby brother and .later, walking dl r tc. preferable. AR 757. Oregonian. lloom. With Board. . . .v. .m.ll child wishos room ana "iJIZi in nrlvat. family where there, ar -.-..v... hoerdera. Phone Marshall 297. Aak for Mr. Miller. . ft.... . l&clv of refinement. wm nd board In private family. Includ ing home prrvllegea Ac mi, ""-""-" FOB RENT. Room. THE COLONIALc-Flne large out.ld. rooms. L... em. hatha aultable for 8 or 4 xa'-vA and S.Vfkt: al.o handsom. -lin' runnlna water on flrt floor. las 10th t. Take W car from depot. with prlvat. bath, for fin.. ;..,.. vmrir .mi . 262 Park. gentlemen. Fwrnlehed Rooma. vice warm, clean, comfortable rooms, free phon? hot bain, steam heat also one LY.1 K...m.nt housekeeping room. 887 Taylor t- FURNISHED .Ingle room, .team -'- ...nnin hot and cold water, ua. of batn. The Wheeldon. Park and Taylor .ta near 22d euc TA-KAVKK. IV vv asninaton, . i i- -.. ...... H . en.,,na nrlvxll rlvte bafh and phone board If dealred. if. S6.M, ! . . . ,- .11 Vanvl.tll .1 COT. llth. .nlveo. 3 50 per week up: hot and cold water, .team heat, prlvat. bath. rue iRrinu. Three-room front apt., nicely furnlahed. rent reaeonable. T0 KLaventA M. NOW fOPENl NOW OPb.Nl beautiful furnlahed hotel HOTEL. HOTEL. PARSONS. BOWLAND3. Those rnree HOTEL. VINOOK. 113 Vi 4th St. 211 fth bt. On Fourth .t.. running from IjfW fJrnlaSeJr atm h. prlvt. ih ot yon will like it. Room, by ins jj. or month. Tourut trad, aoiio.. HOTEL, ELACKSTONB llth and Stark eta. Catering to ruslncas people. Kr. J"": err. brick building, elegantly 'nl.hcd. .levator aervice. hot and "J water, .team heat and phonea In room. private batha. .ingie or eu .l... Permanent $4 per Hate. 1 per oay up. week up. HOItL CAPL.E8. 830 Taylor at., bet. 7th and Pfrk. R"J- , .tii.i .nd transient: absolutely central; den thea- t wo minute, from roiioinco, .' er. and restaurants; Jut oir bi uxtLes street, and carllne.; quietest ana o cation; new brick: ample .team heat and hoi running water; phones, elevator. From 1 dally, 3 .! Any -car iron; Union Depot; from North Bank D.PJt" car to Taylor at. Pbone Marshall XIOO. HOTEL ALMA. 1JTH AND STAKK. rTS Beautifully furnished rooms, sin (tie or en B.lte with private bath hot and co.d water, ateam heat and Private phone In every room; elevator and roun.l noor office; no court room.: ratea o per week ana up; unaer new m.u-." CORDOVA Hotel, llth and J all brand new brick: apienu.o., r- 1 rooma with telephone .team nt; JJ0' coid wator. ruany with bath.: .very effort fa made for th.'comtort ani """ of Ita gueata: the rente are moat "aeon- b'e; room, by th. week, month or day. "J" car direct from depot. ANGELA HOTEL. 25 Waahlngton si., opposite M" tno malt Athletic Field New brick bul d nr. all modern convenience. :; well regulated real d.ntl.1 .nd family hotel; .Pl-nd'd ' th. buslnes. center and the rate, are mod erate (plenty .learn heat.. Marshall lo0- SARGENT HOTEL, corner 9ran1dv.'"2d.UnV r.7.V'.n-.UwUn'pVl and cold wat.r. .team heat pr vate lihone In every room; moderate week.y or monthly rate.; grill In connection; tran- lent. wollciied. HOTEL FORD. -733 Waahlngton " cretin i. iow nleted: fin. large outeiuo . V.Vt phone acrvlce. with Kh.; Tew'-nd -pV-dldly furnlahed; nd cold water, steam heat; best of .erv lc.; very rea.onable rate. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building .teara heated, private batha, hot and cold water fn room., beautifully furnished c fortable; lent rearonable. call and se. us: regular and transient trade solicit.d. HOTEL LA fcALLE, lOtn and Bti rn.i.i, .la. Abaolutely fireproof: new n-l eint m .i (Mnmgt- nrivaia j n. l 1 1 -- helt, hot and cold water, private phone, in ch room; apeclal rale, by the month. Dhono .ervlce free, phone Mannan I--..- v rkv oTiTi Wasnlngton Transient T1room 5oo and up: by week. $2 i Ar. vou retting room. Ilk. ours for th. money T If n5c "hinge- Steam heat, hot and cold war In each room; all outside rooma. Also houaekeeplng-room.. THE CLARNO I1U i ci 243H HOLLADAY ve. Phon. C Btiiin heVt. hot nd cold trie llxht in all - '"'"S! commodatloii. at J.oO per week. 8199. Eleo- i ac- L. U or I car direct o ot. rrvnffRLAND APTS., We.t Park and Oo- luiur.ta. -3 and 8-room furnished apart ments: "all modern conveniences; choice lo catmn. fronting the park and only 5 min ute.' walk from business center. ..........T'T mnnwnm .teAJTl h.at. $3.50 r"-"" r'V foenl.hed. Clean. KSJllK" SeS-them 'a'nd-Jou iU look no further. Genevieve. 4o Columbia. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 out IdVroome. with hot and cold water and I.eSnTh.! ; offer, apec.al rate, to perm. Lent gueat.; rale, in-o to $2 a da, i.0 .no r,er week, phone Main 13. HOTEL Garland. 25 Trinity Flace cor. w'ash- outside room., newly and ele gantly furnished, private phonea. bso futely modern. $o.5t weekly and up; tran sient. $1 per qa. i" " .-.v.- ci.-.ij ivvr. H HOTEL. lOBUi Twelfth St. Marshall 27P0. In heart of business district: steam heat, hoi "old water, free phone In every fooni; $1 day .nup$4wk and up. i. for bua. i 1GHT airy rooms, modern, suite, or single, ".m beat. and ?: walk to tneater oiiu b.o... . . l IXDEI.L HOTEL. o2S 4T1L ..e. i.v-x-i vv APARTMENT. 27 N. 21ST. one $ -room furnished and one unfur mined apartment all " odern. rent rea- .unable. Phone Main !: A 4048. ' MADRAS HOTEL- llth and Waatiitigion. . . . o.-vv ta week: nothing ex . " e7.. two in room. Thoroughly modern. KKWl Y furnished room, steam-neateu. elec Ja k. v 1. I " ".,., ...n ho.h li hones, new trio 11EUV. i.,,-." . building. - 1. 1 -I n in ' room, iiu ano. up. 2T4 t. llollauay ave. ft.TicT rm homeuae room., tico. fortable . . U...I.- no niuifti element: pricui reasonable The LarraDce, ..i ;i wi'""-- nrri NOllllIS. 17th and Alder at.; room. HOTEL NO.WIAO. ,,,, ho. and male or en suite coid water. KCKJJ11. ne-v. ---... ... i-n in room up. 426 Alder t.. near llth. ToulVHS HOTEL. 4iue avorriaoa. kW -"- . . : i . i fi.m ihtil rooms Aiaaer . . i . -. . , ,. w.i km:,o. permanent, tran.lent Furnl.bed Boom. In l'rlvt. Family. ELFGAXTI.Y furnished room with or with -;.n,,i. lurch. In nrivate family with .... . i. 1 1 . 1 r. ii ' 11 1 1 mnuErn wi. v ruicn.c. . -' w Kill- reference, required. Phone Marshall 2:34. A REASONABLE, coxy, single room lor one ..nfiemnn: vvaiaioic . . . , .... rlaon and Uurnalde bridges; Pleasant home for rlgut party desired. East 49H5- board close by If ri faanT and desirable furnished rooms, furnace neat, wnu or n. - vate family, home cooking, close in. very ..n.onable. 472 6ulmou st. phone Mar shall 4273. t ..:n: well furnished iront room., raotie.u Die. 033 Norrhrup st. l'hone Main 9314. LA HUE front room heat, phone and bath. Jefferson-. t, car .asv wa.king " 82 5'1 pe wee k. Chapman at LARGE, nicely furnished room with all con Park. . NEWLY furnished rooms, ono 7US Everett i sleeping porch, reasonanic. ONE furnished room, light, heal, bath. v ... ...... v.. run. at I' car. 3 ir.onui. ... . ... . x: 1 4 l-" 1 . Y lurnianfu twi... wmx. v SUltaOlV 1 ' ' - lav - - - a - - IOVKLY front room. nH convenience. 7 -rv-iu Vi KVT-TWO iron, rviumi, UJt. inui g va Itj ... K mt Vrirlh running . -r-tvnHED ale ping-room ror rent, gov at. Phone A 5790. Column., i-it-wi-V furnished moarn ruum 10 rem, rnAionaDio. - Pl'RNISHKl) room with private bath, Entlrmen. Madiaon Iark pta.-ii-t for Park. TWO comfortably furnlphad front rooma. 4 lumhllL clone in. raieii r-"'""1"- HANDSOME front room, first floor, also small one. 2v 653 Washington. NICE front room, close light, meals If desired. In. heat, phona 135 14th. VERY desirable front suite, finest location. 67 N. 20lh St. i-OR RENT Small room near 5th and Mar- i .! ii. Phone Marshall 3117. FOR RENT Suite of at. am heat, bath ; rooms, suitable for 351 l.'.th. Main 2124. Tj.-rivs from $2 up. bath and phone, close In. 200 i-" st. NICELY furnished in: heat. 81.25 clean, light rooms, close up. 1M vv . rarx st. HOT-WATER heat, new tine front rooms; also housekeeping utte. 8. llth. $T MONTH, nice room. bath, good location, walking distance. 45 6th. Rooms vt 1th Hoard. TWO line large rooms, one with private bath one with hot and cold water; home cooking. 617 Kearney.the Magnoll.a XJANITOU. 261 J3TH ST. Attractive, clean rooma team ood loard. close In. rea.onable. heat. PORTLAND WOMEN'S i,av.i.j.; ;jii year. Rooma 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. library. ROOM and board. Ci son at-i corn.r 5th. aa Koea. 800 Jeffer- Lt-UOICB room an ooavrd- 8$ North 17th. OW OPEN! nd cold water in an w. ' to dat. in all reapocta. and at P000,1" prlcea. If you want .omeihlng out of th. oJdlr ary. In th. heart of th. city, at . r onable prlcea. give ua ".call, aa we know xToTEL REN" WICK An ideal horoe lor ou. lne people; centrally locateo. elegant rooms' all modern conveniencea; 7th and vTor sis 1 block from Portlanu Hotel, ooVoSit. Helllg Theater. Phono Main 916. THE Haxel dining room reopenea. board, atrlctly flr.t-cla.a: alao turn'jh. d rooms, ateam heat, running ar. prt". moderate. 3S5 3d at- cor. Montgomery. oe3 a" home appeal to you 7 THE WHjTF.- halL cor th and Madiaon; large rooms. ba1brVo0.d veranda, quiet, do.. In. cir. 4 block, from P. O. American plan. LAMBERSON. 554 Couch at.. cor. 17th with .team J: "!f,f,oln, water: aood board; fin. I . location lor teacner. or uub..c THE CAL.VAKD. 4i2 Morrison at., cor. Well-furnished rooms and board. 13th. Koom. With Hoard In Private Fal amlly. A FEW PEI.ECT BOARDERS WANTED IN PRIVATE FAMILY IN NOB HILL. DISTRICT. Juat opened, everything new. room, with or without bath, finest of meal, at modern prlcea; we will guarantee you can board and room hare cheaper man gums Into an apartment-house. l.all Everen at., cor. 20th. and aee. 633 . . i i . on ..si furnished. L ... In rooms, amltable for with use of piano and home privileges; strictly firat-claa. board. B S24- 2-8 20 th. WILL be vacant January 27; one large room with two closets, auuaoie xor vo men: modern, clean, light; home cooking. J63 6th St.. cor. Mill. LARGE room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; with , . . .nrTior. heat and 4 o.v". : ' , vr Tr.lO 270 meals; $25 piece. jiioww N. 19th "t. ... v .it home Drlvl.eKes. sin- 00"" ""'"- i ,7-i. cu Krtl v- T.vior comer 2sth. Tabor 8700. Phone Main 403U. NEATLY furnished room, with honra 1 50 o 1 a . i vnune ladlea. Phone A 373S. ... . n.11.1, ., .0 hoard ana cars lor. " . V.Toh7rm Term, reaeonable. Tabor 317. .. m 77777. ...it.hio for two young men: rate, reaaonable. Jl Flanders. Phon. Mar. 197S . . . . .man children to HA.Mt.ll una or .no " - . rorr. and board: rood home and beat of care. Phon A 3507. BRIGHT, pretty room In modern houw. for rent, wiin iu-ir . , Ing In private family, inone mam m ROOM and board In refined home, with all conveniences. 595 E. Ash. corner loth. Phone E. 1S43. ERY pleasant, nicely furnished front room, with board, close In; pleasant surround ings, best of home cooking. Main JZbO. PLFASANT rooms, .ingle or en .ulto excel lent bo.rd; alao table board. 606 Gllaan. liOclMS. with or without board; modern prl- vate home; waiKins i'uct. wf.kt SIDE Lara room with alcova; ax- cellent labia board. Main 20.1 BOARD and room for ona gentleman, alao table board. GUI Vi uavia at. x..visj -(.h hnrtrd: orica reasonable. 505 Eat Oak. Eaat 662. itui- ku fn rnrim. with or without board; all modern. if.S East Couch. SINGLE room, running waver, .oou ,-.-. gentlemen only; central. 291 West Park, KOOM with board for one. two ladle.. Phone East 42-.W. NICE place to room ana Doara lur - . . n. ' conv enlences. B .4, .. . .. J Wa.-A PRIVATE home, flrst-ciaa. root" vo MS E. tvereti. FIRST-CLASS room and bonrd. 6D9 Everett. Apartmenta. xu r Av-rw". apts. utn ana w tu , Iwo and tnree-rooro a '"'" e-onvenirni'-: very larije rooma; ateam hat and private batha and phonea; auto- ai n a av nr: euv tahimuh t erencea required. Marahall L'ivv.ui:ur APARTMENTS. 1 neur W.Aiinaton: select resi dence dls'trict; a 8-room. with balcony overlooklr.g private gardens; all conve niences of the best class apartment. Main 85i-3. A 74IS. THE DEZENDORF. ...a 1 rt-r n M'.lR TAli LOR. -,,r o t l VII A NT fi-ROOM UNFUR- v-ih kT. APARTMENTS. APPLY ON I-REUISES. TWL- AMV. RICAN. ., . Hnartnient In North west: 21st and Johnson at.; all outsid. rooma Apply on promises, or can ar- atial 3300. ' orivncn APARTMENTS. tv-o now have one of those beautiful front corner apt..; everything Is strictly O. K. and reaeonable. Yamlilllj Cor. H. 14th and WINSTON Apartments. ii l4tn .u. Market; new w.u, ...v... " rr.i. rooma: 2 and 8-room annua com- ulelely furniahed for housekeeping; 23 I i7 i0. For lliturmatlon call Main li39. THE bT. CROIX 170 St. Clair st, nic.iy " ..,...,1 :tro..nv u riu r I - lurnisnea anu " - menta. Private bath, tree phone. ateam k,aL free Janitor service. "Just off Washington prices very reasonable- THE R.--r.n larcd outaiile rooma. Jnitor aerviue. Eaat 14tu and biaric. K.t.L.K APARTMENTS, 14 tn anu Viur ova. vv,-. have ono uf the oest a-room corner .,,!,. In tho city, unfurnished, private ves- Tri.ule. bum. pnone, etc Apply at once. THE FLORENCtu . and 4-room luinisued apartments; B..fr .,,.1 ausolutely nrst class; m.?...n ' oiiiance: from 33 up. 3S8 llth F i reel. 1INOI.N API'S-, cor. 4th ana Lincoln sis. . . ..i.i. n.-, i-ciom tnmnitDii ijioO to -io: private phones; no children. no Dels- i nune jiam aj, .. " PARK APARTMENTS. 3; viful 8 and 4-room fur ...... i 'J si ri fT d.ruuiu lui-iauvs, wiut v .... . x.0.. ,f cprvii-e: uricl -ikinK uu.nui.v7i - - - $4j to toJ- i'none arauan oviv. ft-u i.- u' RTKAL. Aro nth t urnlshed auvl unfurnUhed -,-ifttiv modern apartm.c... Aralklng dis tance prices reasonable; ro Children. APARTMENTS. ntn ana c .t7.. n.v brick: 8 rooms, with balcony V-'.'.. . j-. ...... -I, Imallnn: rea.onaoi. wall best of sorvtce, every convenience. reni 17777 ,j i.- L'h-l Kl.D. th and Jefferson at..; 1 .ft ,n . with bath; superb location, close ".mnn district. All outside rooma .... .7e .ervice. modem; reasonable reuu avvoiiLE ANNEX Two rooms furnlahed C 83 323 llth st. I'.rlxate bath all conv.n- $33. 32 good service, easy walking du lences. lane .ADDON HALL. 414 llth. cor. Hall; 8 and UAUU" " . , v lurnished apis.; prlvat. ?,.th phone, ba.cony porches; $35 up. pnone Marsnall 11 iL ttt: , ii i.i i .an. cor, 6th and Montgoniery; ,.n,i a-room lurnlalied aptai bath, phono, h, phone. , . .. ..lutftft. cliHu.nce, Marshall si. am neat. " " ft Vi'. roLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished LOLullDiA" Columbia: verv de finable' mo'dern conveniences; easy walk. Ing liktaictoratM.: beat oi aervice. TrvTt- M'KINLEY. a..o v.-..t Morrlsou. comer 7th. 2. 3 and 4-rvtom apartmenta. furnished up to date; private batha rr.udcrale price, new m gu v.- .etietically furnished 8-roora apt-. eL" i and Wash.: excellent view; rent xlj. Phone A 7323. Mar. 3151. rrr.r TTT i, -r en i; 11 APTS.. 21st and Flan- ders 4 unfurnished rooms. 3 furnished pri vate, balli. phone, sleeping porch, 30 up. xi fcaxTLY furnished 3-room apartment, htat light., tvater and telephone fur nished. Call 333 Montgomery. iri'aPARTMENTS. Third and Mill; 4 and 1R5 rooma uuTurnished; steam heat, hot and eold water; $32 and $40. THE AJtCADIA. one 3-room modern apt.; newly fur Tod Everett. ni.n.d: rent very reasonable. i miiiM apartments, new building, .trlctly j cast lain, cor. Alain. VURNIHFD or unfurnished apartments, 4 and 5-room apartmenis: all conveniences; S"oor:$H. 351 Market su r..- irTivi'LLY furnished 4-room apart- - . i .... i ,.n .1 court. 22d and i.lia.n ment; Apply 1 Front sireela irnTTNTREli Elegant 6-ro West Bide, walking dlstan Mm 7741. 295 l2t 5-room apartment. ce; rent raason h st. xi.ivt-e- -FRIEND 7th and Jefferson, modem IvUS ... ...,ni. 1..1 anartmAnf haeHn-ftft 5-room o ii . " - . - noors. guuiuv . ...- r. hack Apartments. .-ui ana iortnrup sta; room apt., front veranua and sleeping porch private phone, hot water heat. PAGE side; APARTMrJ.N is, i-j. sin ana is urn -o-room furnished apartment, fre. phone and water, easy warning iiiatxnce. very desirable modern six-room apart ment, the bt. Clair. 715 Wayne su phon. Main 4u.w- v"- n vi t rn Ii 11 ED 6-room basement apart ment rent very reasonable. Th. 'Wheel don. Para anu a.j.q.. BERYL APARTMENTS. irs.irn!shed and unfurnished apartmenta (iB5 Lovejoy st Take "W" car. thp ELMS 2 and 3-room apta, furnished, i,?..t T.hone and bath. 191 14th St. A." 549 Washington l'hone Marshall 452. street Steam FLAT heat. KKI'LAH Apartments, modern, heated, rea sonable. 927 Union ave. N. Woodlawn 616. FIRST and 2d-floor apts. on oorner. modern, between 3 carllne.. Key 711 Johnson. . i THE WHEEXDOM, Cor. Park and Taylor at. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. T.nth and Salmon at. -Walking distance. Furnished complete. 2. 1 and apartment.; building, new end modern; .ervlc. flr.t-claav 4-room trloUy THE CAM AR. 704 LOVBJOY ST. Onder new management: new. modern Ick: 2, 3. antr 4-room p l...-.". ....... V..V.. ...ntinn halls and Inde pendent phones with every apartment. We will rent you apartment 2.. per cent cheaper than any place In the city good janitor .ervice.. plenty of hot water and good neat an tne time. cut down your expense. 12dff,t,niu" .?! nice apartmenta as you are getting, give call. Marshall '.-f-. COMPLETED. rUKUMA. A r .7.K or Wash aso hlghest At 17J-172 rora si, juv TL.. ington. are b; . V- Wetland : class apartments ever oo... "-",.. finished In hardwood throughout. K'Y'"1 tenant, choice ol oa. - or mnhogany; elefjant wall covering., t led baths with superb fixtures: highest cla bath: i rooms with mojt convenient sr ie? rancement. 4'.oo to w. " to jeo. This building I. ailiereu Mrs. yurieign snow jqq THE WULFE. A-n . . . 11 Il.-T KTRFKT. -IV JlftUft" . . twiv Furni.hed. new apartment. ot .. . . a 1 in ami a 1 1... . . . In every apartment. Rent, for Call per- $40. Including electric iis" Th. Meier Frank r 1 ' lift I . J v. r - . KT. Store', rental tlepartmeni. change 4, or A 6101. :: . , . t-t-. - n . amn i rvniw cx. nlsh.rd unf urnlhed-ln 2. 3 and 4-room K r Holme. 5isappea7lng beds, built- j SPLENDID large front room, buffet kltch in buffet end writing desk, gas range. en. rare view point, heat, light. $16. $18. lo.bU"..Vfv of closet room, both phone.. u0 DeT month. 575 Couch. N. E. corner vacuum cleaner free to patrons. " want something nice, come to tno Phones A 1744. Marshall 29PL i'-iviTT i.r irr. APARTMENTS, brick nd '" '""..'.."":1,.,.,ta, homes. Trinity Trinity ts. Just WZZSn h and 20th .treets, Just nr..ku..nn marnuicent apartment.L.n heart of ,nveniPnpr -leeDiuK porches, hign-cia" i 1 n i.n'p A rPlCI CIICcd rfnnpd cil'-ntciw, : auird In , ail casea. dujo""""-- ' Marsnail av.. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. Juat completed, moat &enitlcentlr nlahed apartmenta in in Mruiw., '7- every inn nerreci: reniiiu Including banquet modern convenience. .ortmentii- hlxTb-ciaaa Bervitc , and A 7057. required, jih'" ' 1 a rxl it rri - Dia- . u,.u,. "-rtV.TewtTv flrat-claaa. furnlahed in a 3 and 4-room family menta; private di", .--- ",- S?. "levator, free phone. ""V.L6.,. !..., .. .lee; rent Dor month, $26. oO. $40 and uo; must be seen to be appre ciated. . . . , . 1 -r-. c-cvTTTJT unfurnished; a ciae. i.e! nrt Wash.: 2 to 5 rooms. il i.n liirht and outside; large closets nd baths; hardwood floor, free P"n a k Phiin tiron. and mgr.. iiar- I shall Janltor, Marahall laOO. rru l,' Tl I V A VISTA. " mr v-th find Harrison Sta. Beautiful new brick, every modern con , . 1. -ft.. in corner anart- venience; uvrco v. " , n, - , ment: furnished or unfurnished; best serv ice; reasonable rent: reierenovr.. KINO HILL, APARTMENTS. 171 Kin. tt , a k. B room anarttuents; select tenancy. Apply on premises. n-uir ruKr.TKNHAM. .n.-tm.nt. elegantly furnished, for .-rJT:i ' .11 ,.,,t.ida rooms: hard- "r ''..:".:; ;,.. 2 a and 4- .5'xfti.50. $557 255 N. iS,h.TV corner Northrup. Marshall 28:13. 21st nd DA. r h vit. balcony; Hoyt; room. auu. "-."tor. m1. Eew ?5?7t."u'.'r'".,; nV distance: most pe ' ,.n. ",... low rent and best of service. and Flanders 2. v THE., c n c wro. . hH and unfur and 4-room. nioue,.,. - . nlshed: new furniture. new building. Ap- ply to janitor. . n . IUU A U A K I UK.Via U ood. inc. . 4-room n. ..ment. new. o.ootiu, . - e,,en,.,.ed and unfurnished apartmenta Apply manager, Marshall 2031. Flata. NEW. strictly modern 4-room flats. 405 Gth r TnT. Hroaaway ca-r. ca-x,r...o . x, - . Ka..' bath, hara $ ...cv.v-- ttrn are. cai rang-. -Kent vu. -boWman - CO.. E. 035. C 23231 E. 2d aod Brazee. n .v., hoi atuffv apartment, wain ca ouv o. "-"---.-----,-, .ihborhood. with lovely sleeping-porch, place, lawn. etc. t It o, inquire 7. J Kear ney st. Auuua. w !-. 4nt rnm TWO new. modern o-rou.vv p etea l, in i o. v-.----- sl5 each. ln ".,n,r.... il A. M. daily, or phone E. Ib05. rnodern upper flat, 6 rooma. s.i.(.axj. , i i.. fireplace, gaa range. "a01"; aleeoing porch, yard. Phone Last 8--. " : : . . , . i. i i fitet. bath; 7 eninntea- walk from P. O. 341 Montgom- erv. corner 7 th. Very reasonable. T.OWER 5-room flat. large room.. -- . .200.1 nvmiuAici vft-. n " .. .. t.r7 :.,.m- for sale cheap. Call 6. v. heater, curtains Ella st. .... . v t r v A x. i l l., si ruuuis. AA UAA a ? li- i arllnea. 41-Vi Vaeco at. E. 8?03. Z - 1 1 nuttlrlo fi-a. r. .1 1 VI i K K h. 1 O rOUlAAB, au - wv-Tz ------.. ... :m ner iao. -i-nt T-ir.ii v Dam auu - - Key below. , 6-ROOM. choice oon xu. t.ain modern conveniences. riiuiie c a.o.. - flat LT close In on carllne. I Main - 6469. .. . . . ..... .OK a rooma coo ixorv st. A.O v r-iv - -- - - .naxu See Air. aieiao... j.... ments. 21st and non to. .-...r.TTT: rrr,m fl... West Side. 776 i "XilftV::; .t. between 28d and 24th. Mam 659L , FOR RENT Modern 7-room fl.t. 444 Par . .7.ni... and furnace: $37.50; no chll- V., - ... . ..... C-a.t 1 A 't 1 dren. Phone Itour I uo o. ' . ...it. 1 A.eoonv modem. 12th and Bel- CAVct oo o. -"---- '.. villa St. nionL Both phonea Clara. .ft- t e..enlaher1 three-room flat, prl- i.ath. sleeping porch, to responsible married couple, walking distance. E 504:1. MODERN 6-room upper flat; sleeping porch, walking distance. Apply 424 Tillamook. Phono C 205s. STRICTLY modern flat, nd Hawthorne ave. H. rooms. 2 1st st. Lea, Main 8925. SWELL modem 6-room upper flat, adulla Thiii, E. Yamhill. Phone East 5948. THREE or 4-room flats furnished or un fnmi.hed. very central. 231 HalL COMPETENT woman cook wisnes piuce in ramn. Address Mrs. Hale. 314 6th t.. city. BEAUTIFUL 5-room furnished flat for rent. 4V.6 J enerson ti. 6-ROOM flat, gas range, water heater good "-ondltlon. 25 Northrup. Main 3J2J. MODERN 4-room flat, furnished, price rea- aon able. 744 Alblna ave. limnERN 5-room flat, furnished or unfur nislTco E. lMh and Asia B 2006. FIVE rooma and bath, hot-air furnace. 598 Salmon st. Key tioO Salmon st. a nnnM upDer corner flat, modern. 177 H ?.?een ve.f near 23d and Wash. Main 898S. CVFURMHKD four-room steam-heated f:at.mem(telIJrugCo: MODERN 5-rotim flat, oth near Jackson, vacant Feb. 1 Main or A 1223. -ROOM flat. $10. Woodlawn 195.':. 706 Vancouver ave. MODERN 5-roomflat606 Belmont, Housekeeping Kooms. THE BE IVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping: gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up: a clean place, best in the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S- or 16th-st car. north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. CAMBRIDGE BLDG. lne rooms; central: -Furnished housekecp cheap. Room 34 Id and Morrison CEVEN rooms for housekeeping, gas, phone and bath, en sun. o ......w. ..v ta .ell. E. 1425. NEWLY renovated furnished housekeeping suites, 414 Fifth; $2.25 to $1 week; you II like them. See, he convinced. The Milner oSOuj Morrison St., furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Bteam heat, elev'tor. all conveniences, best locat n. iil EAST MORRISON, cor. East Sth. com pletely furnished housekeeping suites, rea sonable. FURNISHED housekeeping suites $3.25 to tl.&O ner weak. Desoto House, 291 2d .t. FOB BENT. Hoosekeeplng Rooma. 1.50 TO J2.50 per week, clean iuruiau.. housekeeping room, free heat, phone, bath, laundry, yard. 406 Vancouver aye.. "U" car. Phone E. 6039. and 203 Stanton: FIRST floor cottage. 3 well-lighted rooms, furnished suitable for S adults, central lo cation; references. Phones A or Marshall ll)Wi. 26 N. llth.: 2 4 blocks from V. ash. SUITE of two unfurnished housekeeplng rooma. .s plates furnished: 1 per week per each room. Belmont Apartments, 4M)i, Belmcnt at. . Altai K ABLE unfurnished two-room ba window .uites within 5 block, of Pos. orfice: absolutely respectable. 30SV4 Jef ferson, corner Fifth. FURNISHED housekeeping; large, comfort abln rooms; cheap rent. 91 Firs 1st- HOUSEKEEPING room. In new concrete bldg. PhonWoodlawn 2379. or 298 FOR furnished housekeeping rooms. 10 month. rlL'O 7th St. . Housekeeping Rooms In PTlvate Family. ONE SUITE OF LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING R OO Mh HEAT. LIGHT. PHONE. K1RT 1LOOR. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPREUAltU, emsnvmi.t:. n.sn -l SINGLE HOLsh.- KBEPIKG ROOMS. MAIN SS'.l'J. 02S MOR RISON. 3 OR 4 housekeeping rooms. 1st floor, yarn, busement, laundry, bath, fireplace, pioii-. 20 minutes' walk from P. O. : only a iou In family. Phone East oOtio or call -t llth S. ENTIRE SECOND F1.00R. Beautifully furnished, gas range. .Ink. sunny rooms, quiet, ret men neignuot uoov.. view ot mountains, au, . fuel gns included. 4li:l 10th. m A SUITE of two or three lurnisnea room-. beautiful neigh oornooa. ciose in. rew- able. 375 Multnomah St., cor. union avo. Inquire phone East .IBM'. NEWLY furnished housekeeping room.. Klna-le or In two or mree-room nu.... everything included, close In. three blocks from wasnington. oio rianuoi. lth 8-ROOM suite, all nicely cleaned, tree Pnone, licht. bath. &-mmutes- warn w 7 llth: also one slngl le front room for light housekeeping, or 2 gentlemen roomers. SUITE of newly furnished rooms, complete for housekeeping; ires 8 .nj....o phone. Dutch kltchon, $20. 360 Chap man st. . NEWLY furnished, two connecting nouse- keeplng rooms, llgnt. oatn, puu,.o. .... S70 12th St. CLEAN housekeeping rooms to refined peo- - 1 cftv Cat K.lmml. pie. in private uoioc. o - - fc.ast lai'Q. . NICE bright housekeeping suite; a,. sleepinir rooms; very reasonaoie. East oi)26. ' . 1 . , o 63 NORTH 20th St. Newly lurnisncu,. room, sunny suite, complete 101 .- ing. SUIT nice rooms, wood range, gas, eirc- triclty, light, pnone, nam, viocfc.. Hancock. A LARGE front room, nicely furnished for housekeeping, neat, ugiii. St. . . TWO newly furnished front rooms. keeping; gaa. Data. p,, gomery St. . WILL share my bungalow with on. two girls empioyea uuiiok uj. clal blk- 2d and Washington. , WELL-FURNIHHED housekeeping rooms. SIO in on 111. a-v aoniwuit.j. 7th. - CLEAN, completely rurmsnea no", rooms. Kltcnenette. go, tr..v.... Grand ave.. S. E. cor. Ankcny. ONE furnished housekeeping-room i,u month; heat, iicnu cms ""i J oi.iT free: one-half block from car. Tabor 31bl. TWO and S nicely lurnisnea keeping rooms, ciose , - " 1 ' ' per Salmon. TWO clean, comfortable front nouaetveei.... rooms, west Bine. it-u,m.... P. O 512 Market st CONVENIENT front suite bath gas. fur nace heat, reasonable, ,.o 1 . Phone Main 6S32. iW Lovejoy st. NICE, clean housekeeping-rowm.. ... . gas, cheap, vvvs ao.q HOUSEKEEPING suite, all convenient,... price reasonanie. o.. , , i 777t ft- 813 14TH. corner ciay. ; ' room furnlsneq pwuBtwfiiia NICEI.T furnished housekeeping rooms. reasonable. 421 6th. bath, gas anu pn TeU NICELY furnished housekeeping , .' D. ftVr VAh .. between Davis and Everett. N. , ft.,). SINGLE or eultes: new anu. v..o. ... phones, id, n,i) houBekeeplng-room. c- a t -nH.furnisnea electric ngnt. a. q.- housekeeping , i2 Two nicely lurnisneu rooms. -of v. c v a two neatly furnished house- keepmgrrooms, Ka-. v TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooma 226 1st ai. . LIGHT, cheerful rooms lor ugnt ..ooft-e, Inir. 655 Washington. , HOUSEKEEPING-RO'OMS. 3. close in. 133 14th. pnone. ngnv. oc... NICELY furnished housekeeping : sonable. 615 Clay. Main 48H3 rooms, roa- 8 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, r ground floor. $24 month. 6:'2 Fron modern. I Kro modern conven- AWU ''"-v -rv; i,in r-nlleire lences. l a iiio,,.... " FOUR roorns, completely au.u....-, r natn. vvoouittn.. --"" 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. reasor.atue. o e.v ..... .... ONE SUITE, heat, pnone anu Dai... .-.... 'd I st an ce. 221 13th. . 8 CLEAN housekeeping-rooms. $20. 491 It-asi Pine. . VERY pleasant nouseKeepin too..... ton-n low rent, -on -m e.. , . HOUSEKEEPING Large, light and up. 493 Davie, cor, llth. rooms $2.58 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms IS.60 week; no children. 30 Easthth North. nR completely furnished housekeepings room. 3:v0 Taylor. Boasea. WEST SIDE 8-room house on corner 21st and Kearney, furnace, fireplace; rent $oo per month. ... . Irvlngton, -room house on E. 2ta near Tillamook. $23 per month ,. UP. PALMER-JONEs. CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phonts Main h099. A 2653. JO RENT 107 Kast 7th st. North, i -room sleepillE-POrc'1- mod- Vifti.c t nil bl lien. ,' .. ftft.ull fnrnnce. acceftsi- em in eveu . ,.... i Phone or.Ta'lHfr 1 Vr caM at 'house. Kent NEARLY new 6-room re-lu-co ,.,, aw- o'vvner leaving Portland, and vill runt' reasonably to responsible party: part y "furnished It denred. Hawthorne car. off olid at. Phone A 7i.ll. 9 to 5. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. JOHNSTON. BOTHFUR , , TUFFORD, 908 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. Wasco gooa NrS;: oeteen two carlines; walk ing dtan. PCHALK. v,a!n 392. A 2392. 22H Mark St. E. 17th W-W" and car; 6-KOOM modern Taksart. ono block from rent $1S. , MODERN 6-room house, wa king cistance V est Side. Y eon. Morris, Aiuiaii.., .ov e-.r, CnttsKef; nioucrn ,,i,i..,c"".'. ;T -2i?i.e.ehood. Front, near Pennoyer. M. 32J. T77vr- stnctlv modern ti-room house, corner. 'furnace" el-ctriclty. 7. East 2h st. near Ankcny. TahorJIi. vrrvn RFNT In Irvlngton, new modern 7- -.Vorn bungalow, furnace, hardwood floors. i'ftm,e.":?gN7th st. Fbone Main 2116. ipKOOil house, bath and toilet. 75 E. 8th it N corner Everett. phone E. 2U3L Key 67E.!thN. xTnn RENT East 16th and Tillamook. 8- room house, partly furnished. See Owner. W. C. Reed. 345 Morrison st. 6-ROOM house on East Oa Selling l.ldg. Main 4M1. jld 2od. 514 $30 po MONTHLY etlt buys home; Owner, East no first 2741. necessary. desirable neighborhood, l'hone East 200!. tt-ROOM house; 295 Cook ave. $22.50 7-room plumbing, ga: holll'e;' fuinace. porcelain i, electricity. Scilwond 897. tlX-KOOM m.vder rent reasonable. i; small vard. good view; Main IS 69. 7-ROOM house, 3111 ftos . way. walkin.g' dlslnnre. near Broad- $2 'I MODERN 5-room cottage 7 E. toutn at., kev at 774 E. Couch; newly renovated. ROOMS and bath. $15. Inquire 229 Stark St. 619 Union IKVINGTON buntialo 335. 6 rooms. $::5. Main imp fFN'T Modern it-room houe. 7::S East ""in si; Phone R2 il. jrrJ14."": p-ni RENT Modern house of 6 rooms. 287 Eat 27t N. I-hon C 2409 or East 2489.. A A i