V rVT TOP AT. 1 REAL KSTATE. . f J"'"', ""T-- rr,.Vpr Tor Sole Farms. APARTMENT SITE Northeast Corner Twenty-second and Davis Sts. 200 ft. oa Twenty-second St. 73 ft. on Davi3 St. One block from Washington St. Will build to suit tenant or will b-ase cround to desirable ten ant. This is one of the most desirable apartment-hotise sites in the city; o see us at $tce in rernrd to this. Exclusive Agents for Nob Hill " Properties. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce lo IF For a long term of years, 100 xlOO, N. E. cor. Sd and Mill Inquire 220 Third street. WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY PRICE .... INCOME .. .$37,500.00 . 4,330.00 CASH REQUIRED, $10,000.00 ELLIS & SNYDER, 603 Board of Trade. Fre-Nuptial Bargain Well-located Laurelhurst lot, 75x125, for $2000, on terms. Address AO 730, Orcgonian. Be!mont-St. Snap Pin 1-rAom bono; f bedroom, furnaco. flrvplaca. buff!. camnt floor, laundry tray a, mm'.ying distani; hard aurfa- o atrt In and Jd; lot ovlOO: ft bargain ; HO"0. "KH 3"wn an pr mntu I4d Belmont. ar W. Phona fcaat &Mi. Mortgage Loans ea Portland bnalae. and ra.ldene property at low. at current rata. MOKOA. FI.IEDXEn Jt noTCE, A.l.atoa balldl.c. E. Yamhill Street Snap Fin lot nar Ewt : worth 1T3, now f lAk Koa it am laavlns cltr. 171 aUat i ..J Phoo. tut RCAL FTAT DEAtRR.a. H-r. Wllliim (13-IK Fallluc bide. UHtBAKl-H S.awLICT. 4J McKay b.at. at. MW. Cnap A U.riow. S32 Cnambar in iaai aa Cook. K. B. A Co.. ouH Cor6.lt bids. J.aalna A Co. Vain 1"S- 20 Uraroataa. fAU tHJONU CO, u. 40A a .I Wilcox btdc Tb. Or.fOB Ka! E.tat. Co.. Orand aa and M.itaaman at. IHoIladar Addltloat. RE L ETATE. far bai. 'Loct. LAI KEUIURST LOT3. I1S0O f.iwv frai. on :at Hort at. naar wlthl. on. bl ck of caxllna. (1TOO iWxIOV f-t on hijalforn flaca, nar carjina; surrounded by bcao tirj boma. SSOO liuxluO lat. ea Eaat Irrtnc. aaar itst s.:d t. U. f. HALMF7II-JOXES CO, 4" I Wile KM. rhon Main tu'.S'J. A HEI'jUlS VIEW LOT 8. Cornell ruad at baad of Ovartun t-. two lota raclnr aat; a baautlful raaldanc. alia: rr.ca $0"). M. P. PALMETt-JOVES CXX. 404 Wilcox l.Mj. Phones M!rr-bo.. A 5H5S. WEST S1PK LOT SNAP. A fin lot 4'XltUi fftrnw of Kallr and WMttak.r: atr.t tmprovamant. all In and pa.,1: prlca ba.f casu. till, lot is actual. y worth JsOO. GKL'SsI a HOLDS. 18 Board of Trad. n.a$.. th and Oak. SUE Canadian pacific Railway's lnatallatloa .f saw Factfto Coiwl trroinata at Caaolt lara rapraaanla In tna N.w Cltr yoitr ap rortanit . Our lota feat from tha sta tion, pile. liO. Writ. f r circular. Mo Phcraua A FuMaruia Broa.. Vuciaw, Brit.aa Columbia. LAD D' d ADDlffi 1 S. Poplar at., near Utatboro in.; a full 1M In tha choicest part of t!is tract Xor $JIX. All Improvements paid for. r:rnnc Co. fine.. o- ( nnmm mm. Atithomd Alfents for Lad. I Addition. ZiL.Ni'ti of d flna lots on Division atraet; hard surfaos to town; Iota hlich and "s h:!y and Iosa to bualneas center: prlr. t'-:-0 Fuil Information 111 SpaMlnc b'.dn. KOStUWS A.NNSX, 77i. tM DOWN. lltU and r-umner. $13 monthly. Enoush la.d- pr-d W. German. llurn- lif. M or A '-TTd. L: ViNiilnS lot. T.'.xlOO. on 21st St.. between Praxes and Knott St.; Improvements all la and paid. Kull particulars, pbon. owner, C ln or oodlsan Z2'--K SINE for aprtmnts or flat lot 01 x 100 oa Past 11th II. b-c Oak and Stara, price terma Heals A KooLnxon. SOI aV llth st E 031. A GOOD B"T. Forced to .i my 1M eonlty In 110 ft. of trackxae. neox Kenton; mak. offer. AO Ti7. Ore o nix a. IXT on eJth St.. Roa. City Park. 6vxl)0; cement waika paid, price S77& cash: close to carllne. AJ 747. Orxonlan. Pi h t'ALE at a aacrltice the two best lots In Alamr la I'ark. uvl West Ulh. VxB eonirer. Wash. Ch KLF.1 CBEEX East-front lot near K1U inesworth ave., easy Unas, ICJV; cask . East "400. Lot r-d at. between lrvinton and lieau Addltlonx. $loi; mu.it hav. vt cx.f st once. 30h Ablprton bide. Jli.'HsS'tKiL JUNCTION i rots, bet loca tion: need tne money, so win sacrinoe for quu-k sale. M 7.VV Oreenian. Sr. K Le No.r A Co. for Vet Fide property; e-tchislve dealers In West bid. Kealty. ST.'V-7-o Chxm'r of Commerce. 'OH HAlJC Two stood lots at North Bend at eacr:n-. Mak. oner, owl vner, AN 7C&, Oregon in. il.N'E view tots. Cast 70th. near Pas. T.ln. road. $10 month. y. Howard. eVJ 8wet Isnd bds.. S'-h and Ws.hlneton sts. EM'ITV-la It".. City and Laure'.hurst lots f'r cheap. Phone M. I. Pord. Marshall -. ILL m I p-". enulty In Kastmoreiaad lot for 110-x aF 7. Oreeonlan. . a"T-. fjTHi.r .r. arcs lot near Reed Insti tute. 4iii. Uoward. 04 bweuand bids. T V Tit i I " U A V Tl J.A K.4 Tt ft a Ke. Tr.it.nsa man Iall ffT iois Dmnn n w in to - - - - " la irolnr to bo aoroathinc Mr PnM off or. In a rw moniiu or a -,, and th?n when you know of it you II wo .. .. aiul tWO t Ann. gether. IK TOU k that lot In a oe tain adcltlon w ere positively lhre months from 25 per cent psr la lot would )iu feel UK. nujinir T H K K K S A WiA"X FOTLjJ ME ItLL TOC IN INTERVIBW. AN 7.. UllB'iU.MAN. LET B'xioo- fin lot: 00.7 HO P" rood aubnrban c&rUst; trmi, 1-3 Ad $ lt ft month i R LENT. 41T Cortatt blt!r- K)HTI-ANO HCIiiHTS. " lot " car, .hhorhooa of baautifui Aomta; .fTinM trms. Main SMI. BTlOOKE. A W $10 DOWN. ia FKH MONTH. triciad diatrlct. nmr fir: t? Poll Run wair t-r - - - Pbono Marsbail 47X- A loX .. . ii in ih TTlllajnat . , t. .h. -..f.rf floor whli AUUIIIUII, VM . a. " you can: no trouble to anwr qualiona or ri v information- ao pi""" - FHrat party haa a ! Cooo Bay ot - ' n-ll KArtlln la thaa lota. Hy. aUck. bid. WaraaaU 3.-3. tor I7ir. . v i.- ..ilwiiwi ut on East Mala St., m i blocks to ear: will elve tim. on urL Beala A Robinson. Ill K. llta st. E. to: i. roe aie -M HOCfB BCILOEIIA. New. modern Wast Sid. bouses will mast wim ready saua N. on. has arer tried IL I bare 20 bundles sites: wi;i disk, aa attractive proposition, Marshall 341. KAWTROSXn ROKX. j9 CADH. Brand new ft-room bnncalow. on fine. lars. lot; just one block from Hawthorn. ave.: oeautiroi xireniac. sou "nm-iii hookeasea naneled dinlne-room and built In buffet: Urea Dutch kitchen, t well- Hehted bedrooms with bolit-ln wardrobes; whit, enameled bain: larz. floored attlo; fuil cement basement and laundry trays: this la aetuallv the heat bar on th. mar ket and Is located In th. beat residence district ea the East Side: price $3050: $50 cash and tXt per month. Take Haw thorn e-ave. or Mount fcoott car to BOtB at. Call at 14o5 Hawthorve ave. $50S CAHH T rooms and sleeping; perch. hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases. !V- aied dinlne-room. built-in ourret, cao Inet kitchen. I larse bedrooma full basement, cement foor. Beat furnace, doubi. construction throuehout. A ftn. home. fst front iuxloe lot. one block from ear. Call Mr. Cameron. Main I0 or A 1141. with COLUMBIA TRCST COM PANT, II Pourth 8L AX EXCEPTIONAL OFTERIWO. S rooms and reception ha!', aewly built. overlooking tn. river n-tr Wood .awn car line; bulli-Ja china closet, clock. Dutch kitchen, electrlo dome ilxtur. cost $01). shower Allures; a horn, that will appeal to artistic temperament and only $3 loo. $oo down, balance to suit. This Is really aw M;ov actual v-a.ne. DORR E. K E AE Y A COMPANT. Sd Fioor Chamber of Commerce. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. Tteautlful new a-room bungalow, com plete m every detail, doubly constructed throughout, line large ccuient basement, floor, and laundry traya, one of th. best furnaces on the market; all exceptionally terse rooms with every bultt-ln conven ience. Including beautiful fireplace, panel dining-room. handsome china closet. Dutch kitchen, large lot, bOxlOO; close In and only 1 blocks to car. Owner leav ing city and must sell this week. Tabor NO CASH NEEDED. INCOME PROPERTT. Haro several good houses In close-in districts at very low flsurea Will take vacant lot or lota as first payment. No cash required. Any of these houses will rent from $0 to $30 per month. Will take any lots In good locality at rlKht price. Any reasonable terms on th. bal ance Address AC 740. Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL t-room house, la Laurelburetl 9 flreplacee. large sleeping -porch, bullt-la refrigerator, dust and clothea cbutee. fire Lea cooker, built-in werdrobee. eta.; ooe B.r lot 7Kx90, east front, beautiful view; $7ftOO; $000 cash, balance eaey monthly r amenta Provident Investment a Trus se Co., lOl-Soa-io Board of Xrada bids, Pnone Marshall 47a. A 102J. $7300. Strictly modern and roomy hotree. with two lots, full basement, laundry, bllllard room and bsautiful view, for sal. In Laurelhurst to responsible purchaser on Installment basis without down payment; sacrifice in value. Home Installment Co., 4" McKay b:dg Marshall JUrtia. Tabor 3K WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. For sale, modern house, 7 rooms, bath, modern plumbing, a: tic. basement full size. Psrealn either as Investment or home; f46i; apply owner. Mrs. John H. Ilarden, il4 Lovejoy st. Telepbor.. Mala r?.j. T PEST-BUILT llOMB In Trvtng-.ia: finished In oak; 10 rooms; very elaborate; will satisfy the moat ex acting: n-X'lf for Inspection; lot tKJxIOO, cor.; several othera C loOO, East 274. Owner, W. H. Ilerdman. FOR BALE CJood T-room house, with targe attic. lull basement, nrepiare, xuu lot, td7 East Taylor eti price $73(aA B. o. COOK A CO, 103 Corbett Bldg. ACCOUNT sickness, sacrlace beautiful bun galow, 11 ,s iron st., nKanwa; pavsa dis trict ; select neighborhood; cheap unen cumbered lot accepted aa part payment, phone owner. Barney. Main -VX. FOR 8AI.E BT OWNER. Attractive, well-built 5 -room bungalow; must be sold at once. Call lO-'J East Har rton. Phone B SJ2. Strictly modern 7 rooms, full lot, alley, high restricted. 7 canines, would consider part trade. 1H4 Rodney. Phone C 1T. A24tMf Modern t-roora bungalow, $lsuO; borne brakes; terms. Owner, 883 E. 21st Agrin. FOR SALE 6-room furnUhed house; full basemeru, cemem waiaa, iriin trees; price BlSAu, wltnout mranurs, iiiw; raan, slug. v . . Va V b,K -, V- GENTJINB BARGAIN. T-room house, close In. entirely new and modem; must see It to apprectst. It; $100 win handle It. did Henry bldg. $J MONTHLY. Including Interest, for 7- room moucrn nouae, near cariina, does In; prlc. i00e; payment $ :60. A bar gain ; from owner. 4s0 Worcester block. MODERN new t-room bungalow xlv. West bid. bouth. is minutes out, one block of i car. li-'fco; m down, bai. easy. (lit. JH N. Hth. 4-ROOM BUNOALOW". New and modern, on E. lid. bat. Madl- son and Salmon- Will take good lot as first psyment. Main 1573. $-o0 EQL'ITT In $29'0 modern bungalow and f t IJJ I O L Kicao . u.iiui .iu,,,,,!! prop erty or as first psyment oa small farm. Main SSltS, NEAR Mt. Pcott oar. n-room house, with bath; dOxllw-lL lot; eivw. on easy month ly payment Owner, 823 Yeoa bid. Phone Main Hi XT it A snap, on East 2Sth st, $.",000 low a good 6-room house, hard surfsc. st In cluded, all for $W0; terma F. Dubois. 120-i Y'eon bldg. CuOO home, ft rooms, two lots, modern, half block car; truit. oemee. lawn, xeaceo. beautiful place to live: term liti Vin cent ave. Phone Columbia $79. ON East 71st al, nw modern 6-room bun galow, large actio, full baaemenr, at bar- g-4in price, fnone newit.. ,0. T-KuOM modem bouse, fu4 basement and Improvements, .tuv aow u ; lems, eve Board of Trade. Marshall 41T3. BL N SWANK, are Ablngtoa bids-, sells new bungalow Terms like rent- STRICTLY first-class S-room boos. 04O Fast 4.,tn. near xirwsee, va.i wusi x-ovue Wood. awn 270 J. WILL take $2o0 cash and lot aa first payment oa neat bunga.ow. ad 7i3. OreKonixn. WILL SACRIFICE $0O equity tn I280O bunxalow for sUO: term Jrfaln bbVa. UIVINGTON Modern alx-room resldenc. for sale. Aauxasa owner, a lis. crsaouaaoi. TTTE MORyiXO- Or.ECsOXIAlV. -"'-.AY. JANUARY 26, 1913. I TO EXCHANGE. I FOR SALE. HAWTHORNE-MT. 1ABOR DIST. $100 DOWN. T-roora new. handsome bunralow, BOX 124 lot. on carllne; Dutch kltcnen. large living and dining-rooms, paneled, beamea celling, handsome fixture, and shades in cluded: fireplace and furnace, fruit trees, payments $Uft monthly and Interest at I per oenL Price $4ltv0. Mara, 42A A. J. DET8CH CO. A 1889. 4 Chamber of Commerce, BEAUTIFUL 1RVINGTO.N. Beautiful new home of 6 rooms, recep tion hall, sleeping balcony and finished at tic: hardwood floors throughout; sitting room and hall are nnlshed In oak. balance of lower floor In fir and uppor floor m -o:d Ivory: beautiful nrepiac. ana i'"""--heat; big cloaets with windows; garage, elc. la. near car. In One reylence dis trict. .Jf yoo jnt a tigh-rade home, see thla Prt 'i250. R. F. BRTA.V. Main Ja. W5 Cham, of Com. A 1..T. (NO. I"".) LAURELHURST. S-room house on good street In this poi.u, lr addition; $MK down, balanc. on easy payments to suit; $o,-.0u; will tak. lot In Rose City Park or Laurelhurst as part P deslrsble resMenc properties see DOltH E. KEA5L.S A COMPANY, 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. PROSPECTIVE BUILDERS READ. The meat In th. eo-o.nut. Ws sav. yott ttm. and monsy. WbyT W. ar. P' homebulldera W. don"t guess at It. we know how. W. give yoa a year "fn tee. Come la and ta.k ovor that new horn, with us. andbe convinced that save you time and money. You " with ua We eaa r'" Da hulld It abao lutely right. We assist In nsnclng It, too. HUTTERWORTH-SI EJ-HENSON CO.. IN3. ARCHT8. A BLDH3- 707 COUCH BLDO. IRVINOTON. -room house on E. 20th, near Stanton. All Improvements, bullt-ln buffet, sleep ing porch, street Improvements Palo; ... cash will buy It. balance monthly to suit. We specialise on lrvlngton prope-llta. DOUR E. KEASEY A tOMPAM. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. IRVINOTOV. Bt5 PhlCE REDUCTION. T. make an early sale I have "floced prlc. or fin. modern home, worth $iw)o, to $U0- Is on 60x100 lot. bss good gsrags, T rooms, strictly modern and un to date with all modern improvements, located right on carllne. Not less than $IJo cash down, balanc. time. Address AM 7r,. Oregonlan. Mli. LOT OWNER! HERB Id TOUR CHA.NCSt TO Ixf- SROVE YOUK PKOPEnTT WITH A OME. FLAT OR APAKTMENT. WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW HATS OF IN TEREST. PLANS FURNISHED FBES IT WILL PAY YOU TO CGMxJ II AN'f TALK TUI3 OVER. J. 8 ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDS. HENRY BLDO, IRVINOTON HOME. New, modern -room bouse facing on the Tennis Club grounds. In the center of Portland's most exclusive residence dis trict; furnace, 8 fireplaces, besutlful woodwork, oak floors, sun-room, sleeping porch and billiard room; complete In .very detail. Including lighting fixtures and shades: lot 7Jxl00 feet: price JIO.SOO. 1L P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. $3750 WALKING DISTANCE. Must be sold at once, o-room, modern buns alow, on E. 2sth St. Just east of slurry mead. All street Improvements tn. double constructed, built on. year, larg. fireplace, bookcases, mirror door, com plt.te. plumbing, etc You can't dupllcat. this buy In all Portland and only $Su0 cash needed. Tabor itsa. t22l 8NAP READ THIS SNAP $225 pay rent to yourseif; new modern, 6 room house, furnlsnsd, restricted district! furniture paid for, full basement, gas. eleo trlctty; wood and gas ranges; dishes, .verythlng goes; party leaving city; must sell Immediately: !32.0; J2s down takes It, balance like rent. bWi East Lux aside st. Phone East 4004. WAVLKLK1GH HEIGHTS SNAP. A One corner lot 7uxl0v; street Im provements all paid; fin. new 6-room bouse, doubly constructed; S bedrooms and lucludes $2t3 worth ut carpets: prlc. only $.'AXM, $1000 cash: on corner E. 2bth and Brooklyn. 2 blocks to car. OKUSSI A HOLDS. 81S Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak, IHVINOTON BARGAIN". Tonr choice of two beautiful homes In the heart of lrvlngton; modern through out: on. tacas west. th. other east. ooxlOO 70x100. All Improvement In and paid for. rrjo. $a&oo. Tour Own Terms, Owner. Marshall U.TW. Ea.vt 8592. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TU11N A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THIS MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR PLATS. PLANS FRE3 IF WB BUILD. OUR P.EPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IX WILL PAY YOU TO 8KB U6. L. H. BAILEY Ca, INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. S24 ABINGTON BLD. NOTHING DOWN. PAYMENTS LIKE RENT. 5-room new bungalow, with all conven ience best of car servlc. oa Uulon-ave. line. Marahl 4280. A- J. DETSCII CO.. A 18B9. S40 Chamber ut Commerce. MODEL FARM FOR SALE. Model farm of on. acre, new house, barn and chicken-house, water under pres sure, graded streets, walks, beet of soil; six miles ss car goes to 6th and Wash lugton. S blocks from streetcar; small pay ment down, balanc. Ilk. rent. AJ 740, Ore gon I an. WILL BUILD TO 6C1T YOU. We hav. a fin. corner In Laurelhurst. also 5 lots 3 blocks from Rose City Car. Wilt build horn, to suit you and make easy term. Our prices are reasonable as w. must clos. out our vacant property; Investigate. CLOUFELTER BROS. 414 Couch Bldg. $.iuOO to $1121X7 Any bonsai man with steady employ ment can buy a home without down psy msnt by paying installments a llttl. mor. than rent; w. own houses In Monta villa. Etberta and Richmond districts. Home Installment Co., eol McKay bldg., slur. ball svtH. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 2u0 Cash. 7 rooms, bulit-ln buffet, bookcases, fur nace, flrealace; price $4500; terms, cash $lluo. bale ice $1 per month. National Kealty a Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Phone Main 6120. MOT-WATER heated, new t-room, 3-story house on corner lot, boxno. sidewalks in and paid for. three blocks to car. so min utes ride, gas and electricity, oak floors, laundry buffet, attic, concrete basement; price $3300: I12O0 cash. Answ.r at enoe. AJ 74. Oregonlun, 4-ft OO 14 bungalow, furnaca. Crep,ace, DufXeu sooacasea. narawooa no re, g m s. e,ec tr icily, good view. Rose City Park. 1 b:etka from carllne, $4450, easy terms. Provident Inveetment A Trustee Co., 201, zv'i 204 Board uf Trad. bldg. MarxaaU 47V A 1023. FIVE and six-room home, fireplace, hard- Wood iioora. lurnaees, with all oulll-ta modern conveniences; near csrlln.; all street Improvements paid; monthly pay nient psn. Provident Investment A Trusts. Co.. 301. 3U2, 2('S Board of irade bldg phone Marsball 473. A 1023. BARGAIN for quick sal now 8-room home, flreplaoe, furnace, bookcases, veneer pan eling, buffet, large closets, large rooms, fine plumbing, sleeping porch, double con struction, finely finished; block from ear. Must be seen to b. appreciated. Owner, East sais. LOT FH.EE. I am only asking what It cost to bntld th. 8-room n.w modern bungalow, which Is $U00. This Is a dandy buy. Ail up-to-date feature See owner. Main e8'.l. V. C Carpenter, res. Tauor 223 or 621. Henry bldg. $3200 BUNOALOW $3200. New 6-room modern bungalow; fl re place, gas and electrlo fixtures, etc; street Improvements paid; 1 block to ear: a snap: Utile down, baU Ilk. rent; will take vscanl lot, 666 Wasoo at,, near 26th. BARGAIN HUNTERS. WAKE UPI If you hav. a llttl. money and want a home. as. us. Through our LOAN DEPARTMENT We pick up many snaps. 608 Lumber xnens bldg. Phono Marshall 3273. NEAR UNION AND KILLINGS WORTH. 5-room house, not modern, lot 40x110. Future apartment ait Price $1800 $300 cash. Fred W. German, 829 Bumslde. M, or A 77o. $2400. New 6-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, lot ooxloo. 1 block to or; will take say reasonable amount down. Phone Tsbor ti5L $60 CASH. $10 per month. 6-room mod. cot tage. 8 biocks car; lot olxlo0; cement wa ka. 2; minutes: snap. JISOO. H1UI.ET A HISHOH. 132 Third St. " $oOn HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $.10o0. New 5-room bungalow; $4h cash, bal euio. like rent. 4ud Cammerolal bllb. Sd aid WsialXLatoa. FOR SALE In growing town near Portland, good corner lot 100x100. near S. P. depot, on which hi a 2-story frame hotel build ing, small room suitable for bakery or barber shop and a S-room dwelling. Hotel, nicely fitted and doing good business. Just th. place for man with grown-up family; this Is a rare bargain and will not last long at price asked; in vestigate; terms; owner leaving on ao eount of health. For particulars, call or address owner, C. L. WILHELM. Beaverton. Or. irtoxKio Business corner. . On second block from ' Ornnd and Morrison. Psvs $106 monthly rent. ' Centrally located, where future Increase In valuations will be large. $L'2.r.'iO which Is the lowest of xrur roundlng prices. OOWEN-IDB TRTTST CO.. Room 2, Lumbermens bldg. For Pale Acrrae-e. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. We have th. following for sal. at at tractive prices: 1 7 sere ... 810 8.T acre. fJ.O 4,0 acre. $1.70 Cloee to Portland on Electrlo lnterurbnn line, within a few hundred feet of th. station; excellent soil, no rock or gravel, water, hard-surface road to the city. This land Is suitable for chicken farmfng or garden produce; Is splendidly located, and will stand strict Investigation; small pay ment down, balance on easy terms. Writ, or ca'l for particular J. W. HEr-KF.RL.IN P.EALTY CO.. 40S Corbett Bldg. U ACHES. mil. from station! sidewalk 2-8 the way: very rich soil, easy to clear and only $o2l for the tract, $CA cash and only $10 per month until paid for. This 1 40 minutes' ear rid. and has 18 new house la view. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, Main 85 103 Fourth bu A 8500 4 ACRES, all cleared, rery rloh soil, on main county road, sldswa.k to station, only 40 minutes' car ride, 20 new bouses In view, built with in past 8 month This for $1670, payable $200 cash, balance .month ly Installment. THE BHAW-FEATt COMPANY, Mala SS. 103 Fourth St. A 8S00. 5-ACP.E CHICKEN RANCH. Nesr Portlsnd; 3 electrlo lines: part of this land Is well sdapted to raise straw berries and fruit: pnrt especially adapted for vegetables and one acre In light tim ber; 4 acres in hitrh stato of cultivation; $70 down, $14 a month. PACIFIC N-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., Ino. 405 Couch Bldg.. CHOICE) ACREAGE- TRACTS. Cloee to Portland; rich walnut, fruit and gardon land: only small cash pay ment, balance pays for Itself In products now on the land, which we accept and are th. only people making this liberal oiler. FIKLA.SU TRUHT COMPANY, 06 BpaldUV Bids. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near Portland: a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices: best soil; fin view; wood, water 'and roads; 6 seres, $400 per tract; 10 A., $500; 20 A,, $.W0: 40 A,. $120O; 8t A i-'uoO: 160 A.. $l"00; liberal terms. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 8u Teon bldg.. Portland. Or. TEN acres beaverdam lend. under Irrlea tlon and rendy for crop; best for onion celery, cauliflower, potatoes, etc; river and rail trsnsportatlon; nothing better anywhere: low price and easy payments. Investigate. 612 Couch bldg.. 10" 4th st. I HAVE S acres 4 blocks from the depot. ad Joining good live Valley town. This Is all cleared and level and Is a good place tor a chicken ranch. I can make you good .. term Ask Mr. Bowsn, Mala 937 or A "5ti3. 1, 2. 8 AND 6-acr. tract, close-in. suburban property; good electrlo car service; $100 to $400 per acre; easy term J. W. Hef ferllo Realty Co.. 4u8 Corbett bldg. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acr. up large and small tracts. Call Kinney Stnmpfer. 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. 10 ACRES. $300. $10 down, $10 a month, good soil, level. 225 Lumber exchange. 40 ACfTES for sale. Main 9Q0S. """" For Sole Homesteads, HOMESTEADS $125 location fee puts you In possession of the best homesteads (cattio ranches $10 up). Idaho Coloniza tion Co., Cottonwood, Idaho. or bale -Fruit l-sraa DON'T WAIT 8 YEARS. BUT CALIFORNIA FT'LL-B EARING ORCHARDS. MONEY BACK lr NOT SATISFIED. $10.00 cash and $30.00 per month buys five acres with run bearing rruit trees in the famous Bidwell Orchards at Chlco, Cal. 1-ayments Include interest and taxes. Your money back If not satisfied upon in vestigation. The Bidwell Orchards are the most noted and productive In the wonderful Sacramento Valley of California, It's our confidence In this land that prompts this generous offer. We have peachce. prunes, almonds, sprtcots and Bartlett pears. Buyers' railroad fares, not exceeding $:. will be credited on purchase price. Land adjoins the thriv ing town of Chlco U4.000 pop.). (Refer ences: Any bank of Chlco. American Na tional Bank of San Francisco and First National Bank of San Leandro.) Send for valuable Information ana facts to Bidwell Orchards. Inc., Chlco. Cal. FOR SALE 60 acres,- splendid fruit land, 83 acres planted to apples. Just coming Into bearing; $12.000. O 724. Oregonlan. l3 ACRESfruit land, cleared and under plow. $76 per aore, H mile from It- R. 504 Board of Trade, Diamond. Grant A Co. 1 or hale 1 arms. WHERE CROPS NEVER FAIL. NO FROST, NO DROUTH. Wonderful Los Xlollnos dlstrlot of th. ITpper Sacramento Valley; great abund ance of water for Irrigation; rich. deep, river bottom soli; growing season 12 months long; alfalfa yields 10 and 12 tons per acre; $.'0d sn scro dairying and hou; raising; lo acres supports 20 cows and 60 hos; creamery, wagon visits your door; all the cows you want on butter fat payment: wonderful yields of fruit; feo-acr. BartiOtt pear orchard paid $31. 50O last year; 13 acres of prunes paid $0000; gravity Irrigation. Kin. vegetable soil. Land cheap. BeauUful plaoe to live. Very easy term LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY. Los Mohnos, CaL FOR SALE or trade. 820-aere dairy and stock farm. 40 acres In cultivation. loO sores pasture, W acres bunch easily cleared and plowed, fin. orchard land, over 60 cres could be Irrigated. 2.O00.000 feet good fir timber. 200 head shsep and goats. 13 head of Jersey cows and heifers, full bloods and grades; 1 span horses, 1 barn, 4HX4-S, nd 1 barn 80x02 feet; 2 orchards bearing, wagons, one mower, rake. In terest In threshing machine and other farming Implement New modern 9 rcom house, with gravity water system, The soil Is of biack loam; 2 H miles from town; prlc. $11,500; $6000 cssh. bal ancs easy terms, or would trade for cheap acreage or small valley ranch. R. W. Pepin. Chltwood. Or. 40 ACRES, all cleared, very rich soil, only ten nt.les from Portland; good young orchard and an $t000 set of buildings, you can buy this for $12,0u0. thereby getting this fin. laud at $100 per acre. THE 6HAW-FEAR COMPANT, ACala 85' 102 Fourth St. A 8500 $7 PER ACRE. 820 acres 1 mile from railroad station. In Lincoln County, Oregon, where the grass KrcV'S ail th. year. An old, old burn, plenty of pure spring water, timber for home and farm. No Improvement no rock, no gravel. $7 per acre. $240 cash, balance $20 monthly. Interest 1 per cent. Th. biggest snap between th. Willamette River and th. Paclflo Ocean. C 763. Oregonlan. LOOK T THIS. 20 per cent cash, balance half crop till paid, or 10 per cent cash and 6 per cent on deferred payments, 20o acres, $155 per acre: very best Irrigated land In Cali fornia; in alfalfa and best varieties of fruit; near railroad: Southern Tehama Co. Box 473. Red Bluff. CaL GREATEST sacrifice within 18 miles of Port land; buildings, orchard, stream, excellent soil' near electric; 80 acre $6000; Im mediate possession. Investigate Immedi ately. Owner. 1030 Orand ave. North. SALT River Valley, Arizona, offers best in ducement In soil, water, cllma:. and busi ness opening larmlng year round 31$ clear days In year; alfalfa, sugar beet Citrus fruit 11 grain Writ. Gland., tarlaona) Board of Trade. FOR SALE cheap, by owner, 800-acre farm, large house and bsrn. good transporta tion fftctlltles. Pest dairy proposition in stt D 76L Oregonlan. 1 RANCH 00 acres, with bulldlnrs. 13 miles from Portland, near electrlo line; bargain for all cash, bX owner, J63 Alorrixoa sU OREGON AND WASHINGTON FARMS. 40 acres. 2H miles from main lino of N. P.. on Cowlltx River, 18 acres In cul tivation, small orchard. 1H -story 6-room house, good barn: on main county road, near school; very best of soli; 2 horses, 8 cows, brood sow, chickens, cream sep arator, all farm machinery, household furniture; price $4000; good terms. 40 acres, 8 miles from R. R-. on Cow lltx River; H level, balance slightly roll ing; 22 acres In cultivation, all fenced; 160 fruit trees and small fruits: the land Is very rich black loam; good 6-room house, barn 60x70, team, harness, wagon, 2 cows, 6 stands bees, all farm Imple ments; enough feed to winter stock; 40 rods from school; prlc. $3200; give good term.; a snap. 252 acres In Wlllamett. Valley: 68 acres tn cultivation and In crop; lots of fruit, small creek and spring, S.O00.00O feet of good saw timber; 4H miles from R. R. ; good H-story 9-room house; water piped to house, barn: schoolhouse on place; 8 head of horses. 4 cows. 8'J sheep, 60 hoes. 100 chickens, all farm ma chinery that Is needed on a farm, house hold furniture, plenty of feed for stock, very best of soil; price only $40 per acre. Including personal ; give good terms; would consider soma exchange; this 1 a snap. 2e acres on Cowllts River: 75 acres In cultivation, some timber, balanc. ash and vine maple swale, vary easily cleared; very best of black soil; several acres bea verdam; good orchard, creek and springs, on main county road; thickly settled coun try; new 1H -story 7-room house, on. 0 room house, new barn 68x60 and on. 8-3x50; good team, 6 cows, cream separa tor, all farm machinery: would make aa Ideal dairy ranch; would divide place. This Is one of the best buys on th. mar ket: price $14,500; give good terms. In vestigate this Del ore buying. $r)j00 70 acres. Cowllts River bottom, very best of black sandy loam, 2 miles from R. R. station; boat landing on place; all level: 25 seres in cultivation, 20 acres more can be cleared for $15 per acre; all kinds of fruit, m-story 7-room house, nearly new, old barn, farm machinery, some crona so with place: If you want a river-botlom farm Investigate this before buying: ruaranteed as sdvertlsed; terms Only fifivv casu w less, vmimiu. , ttm. 10-acre tract-- I have them within miles of Portland. 2 miles of Beaver ton. ltt miles of S. P. R. It-; very test soil, no rock or gravel; $100 to $125 per acre, your own terms; If you sre In ths market for a country home, for farm, large or small, for unlmprovod land, see me before buying. I have some of the best bargains In the country. All property guaranteed as advertised. JL H. SHIELDS, SOS Gerllnger Bldg., cor. 2d and Alder. Main 830. ALL SNAPS. IS acres food potato, garden and fruit land, only 15 miles south of Portland, near the electric carllne. All good land, lies fin. for a homo. Plies only $1000. $500 down. 85 acres. 14 miles southwest of Portland-. 14 acres In high state of cultivation, all good warm land, close to electric line. Price $3350. $1200 down. 40 seres of fruit land, located on a macadamized road, all under culti vation. In a good neighborhood with orchards all around the place; this is south of Salem In the Kosedal. fruit district. Prio. $3050. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 170 Fifth st. 1ST ACRES. Tualatin River forms th. west and part of the south boundary; Salem Electrlo crosses this ranch about the center; the publlo road, known as ths Newberg road, crosses this tract at another point, giving a frontace of SO rods on either side thereof; otjly 12 miles from Portland; about one-half cleared; 2 houses, a barn, hophouse, a spring-fed creek, some good tim ber; an Ideal place for a dairy ranch or would sell rapidly in five-aor. tracts. This Is forced to sell to close a bankrupt estate; an oppor tunity; com. quick. TV. Main 85 A. SHAW. Trust. 102 Fourth St, A 8500 160 ACRES of good farming land In Cll fornla, eight miles from Sacramento, to sell or trade for a good apple orchard In Oregon. W. M. Pfefferllng, 808 Denny Way, Seattle, Wash. - 120 ACHES 30 In cultivation; new 8-room house, new barn; 15 acres beaverdam lend; running water, water piped to house; 16 miles from Portland, near Sherwood. K. OLN'EYi Sherwood, Oregon. 815,000 for my beautiful country home If taken this week; 20 acres, high state of cultivation: 10-room modern house, barn and windmill; 4 miles east city limits. AK 757. Oregonlan. MJscel I aoeont. PINCHED FOR MONEY. That's when folks will sell right. Tell us what you wnnt; we do th. rest. W. pick many SNAPS through OUR LOAN DEPARTMENT. Marshall 3273. 603 Lumbermens Bldg. SIX RAILROADS now building to Eugen Or. For full particulars and Eugene real e.tate, writ. Geo. Melvln Miller, real es tate. Eugene. Ol. Established 18S2. WANTED REAL E-STATfL WANT from 7 to 10 seres tn vicinity of Gresham; 7 aores must be oieareu. uoi 1. exceed $376 an acre; will Py $500 cash, balance 1 to 8 years. WATSON A THERKEL6EN. 806 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 7892. WANTED To buy 6 or 8-room house In Ladd's Addition; want liberal terms and low price; prefer to deal with owner. Apply 18 Eiectno piog. t tt-axT to huv a 4 or 5-room house In suburbs within th. $0 car far. What hav. you X 70O. Oregonlan. WILL purchase your Interest la question able land title. 412 Chmber of Com merce. , . 6T. JOHNS lot; do you wnt small room-Ing-houseT, Lunar, 417 Corbett bldg. Main 8H31. WANTED Cheap horn, on easy terms. AF 753. Oregonlan I CAN sell your property at th. light prlc F. Dubois, 1203 Teon bldgj rOK REST FADMS. FOR RENT 4 acres, good house, barn. 1 acres fruit, near Silver Spring station; take Oregon City car. inquire East Port land, at llUfc E. Pin. st,, cor. tiih. after 8:30 P. M. Ask for Mr. Tolke. FOR RENT 6 acres of potato land near Fork Rose; renter to furnish seed and give one-third of crop. Particulars at 418 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENJ 90 acres, 80 In . cultivation; 5150: team, wagon, nay, eiow. aiiyi w . W. Moor. In person, one mile east Currlnsvllle. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. X WANT to rent a farm, 80 to 00 acres, for general farming purposes or dairying; will buy stock and tools; place must be within 40 miles of Portland. Address AH 745, Oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. WANTED A first-class farm near Portland; some trade ana, win pay eovw or sovw cash or amount of difference. What have you? Call or write 603 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED To buy or rent a good dairy farm Can pay $10,000 or $12,000 cash. Jo seph Kramer, Hose Co. No. 1. Astoria. Or. TO EXCHANGE. WILL trade residence lot tn most exclusive part of Los Angeles for Portland prop erty W. C. Kavanaugh. Wilcox bldg. Main 6304. A 8464. N W. collNER 35th and Broadway; Ira 'provemehts paid: $1250; will trade $500 equity for acreage. Marshall 134L AO 6 s 6. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE Good Income property for an alfalfa ranch. Call at 1157 Williams av or phono Woodlawn 3259. WILL trade valuabl. stock for lot; giv. full description and price. X 7L Ora gonlaxu MORTGAGES and contracts. W. are own ers ; itaseiUAF 735Oreonjsa TO EXCHANGE Good piano for lot In Portland. AD 757. Oregonlan. RELINQUISHMENT for auto. Oregonlan. AG 756, GOOD securities exchanged for real estate and equities; no commission. 274 Stark. riTT lots, exchange for automobile, How sA, P"1 "-"-"A a , ash. 1 5-ROOM house, $2400, for acreage or room-k't-roorn8' bungalow, modern, $3000, for rooming-house or acreage. t-room house, $1300. clear, for rooming-house. $1200, or will take diamond aa first payment, . Good apartment-hous. for cry goods 20 good lots, clear, for anything of value . S acres in the town of Forest Grove, 10-room house, $7500. for residence 320 acres of good land, $4000, for Port land property. M. C. REED A CO.. $17 Board of Trade. Main 4075. TO EXCHANGE for property in or near Portland. IHiiO-scre farm, all under culti vation, -tartly in wheat, good building, fine well and pumping plant, with reser voir: close to R. R. town; no Incumbrance. Price $25 per acre. Also $50,000 worth of first mortgagee, albsolutely gilt-edged. Ail or part of the above can be traded. Iso large mortgages assumed, L. K. Moore, suite 617 Board of Trade, Portland. HAVE HIGHLY IMPROVED 12-acre piece Of suburban property, worth $18,600. small encumbrance, to exchange for good " stock ranch, not too far from Portland and handy to railroad, Chaa. Kinder A Co.. 211 Lewis bldg. WILL take close-In lot or acre up to $1000 In exchange for 9-room, double construct ed, modern flat: lower 6 rooms rent for $20; honestly built and modern In the full sense of tha word; price $4000. and close In. AJ 750. oregonlan. WILL exchange $3000 equity In $5000 house, Rodney ave.. Walnut Park, for two slKht lv lota In T.aiirelhurst, This house has nine rooms and is strictly new, modern and complete; give or take difference. Henry Atwster, 00 Henry oiag. aiarsnan em TO EXCHANGE A first-class apartment house for merchandise stock, acreage or Income property. This must be seen to be appreciated If you want something ex tra nice, and a big money-maker, see this. M 78L Oregonlan. SELL or exchange 620 and 1480-ncre wheat ranches In Gilliam County, one mile from R. R. station. $25 per acre; will take lmnroved Portland properly as part of first payment; easy terms. 819 Worcester bldg. $2000 Equity In 8-room house, corner lot 50x100. on Powell st.. near Mllwaukie ave.; price $4000; will exchange for acreage. vacant lots or small house or Dungaion. GROSS! & BOLDS, 818 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. WANT acreage within 30 miles of Portland, on good road, suitable for chicken ranch, In exchange for modern 8-room houso. See E. P. an eg, Capitol Trust Co., 225 Henry bldg. 100 ACRES, good farm land to trad. (60 acres in crop), lies well. 3 miles east Mc Mlnnvllle, for Improved or unimproved Portland residence property. Address owner, Ira B. Shirley. McMInnvllle, Or. 17-ROOM rooming-house, near center of Portland, rent $00: Trice $1200: no cash required; will tak. S00 trade and take tnortcace back for balance. Owner, 313 Lumbermens bide. COLUMBIA RIVER ORCHARD BONDS for sale and also for exchange for prop erty. Hadley M. A L. Co., S10 Spalding building. TO exchange for acreage. 100x100 with new oottaite. lawn, rose bushes, fruit trees. 9 holly trees; no airents need answer. Writ. me, R. F. D. No. 1, box 777A. Portland. Or. GOOD livery business, $4000; good stock and nets about $3X0 per month; to trade for email xarm same value. aia li: Oregonlan. SALE or trade Half Interest in two well developed mining claims, adjoining best mines, Jefferson County, Montana; no wild cat schemes considered. Owner, Last 5021. BEAUTIFUL 4-rooin bungalow, every mod em convenience, $4000; will take small farm or lots first payment, balanoe terms. Tel. Marshall S. HAWTHORNE. Fin. home on E. 2oth st,, near Haw. thorno ave,; oak floors, eleirant finish, brand now; want Willamette Valley; farm. A 791, Oregonlan. ' APARTMENT site, closo in, few feet from Hawthorne ave,; will take equity In bungalow up to $1400. G. B. Dudley, St, Johns, Or. WILL sell or trade 62 M seres fruit land on the Snaks River; house and other Im provements; $ miles from ALmots, H. P. Nichols. Almota, v asn. 60x50, corner, close In, East Side, or 5 acres at Gaeton station, for tots, with bungalow, near canine. Phona East 2r,61. I HAVE Income city property to trade for wooded land near electric line: value $12.- 000, $7000 mortgage. 702 spaiaing mug. 10 ACRES TO TRADE FOR AUTO. 7 VACANT LOTS FOR AUTO, ltfl 4th. 6 AUTOS, almost new, 1 3-ton truck, from $2000 to S30UO; win traue an or separate ly for city property. A3 743. Oregonlan. GROCERY wanted; I have a good timber claim, worth $3000, to trade for grocery or cty property. AP 7o, oregonlan. AN Ideally located apartment - house, 63 rooms: will sell or trade for residence up to 3o00. 618 Henry bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER AND SAWMILL. Can make an attractive sawmill and timber proposition to party or parties with $125,000. Offer must be accepted before February 15. In addition to timber, plant and equipment, the deal controls better than half billion feet of yellow fir as effectively as though It were owned In fee. References required. AR 750, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE 160 acres, 12,600.000 feet high grade merchantable timber, principally old growth tlr, 25 per cent hemlock, 1 mile from South Coos River, 4 miles from head of tidewater, lor-glng road building to ad joining tract, $1.00 per tnousand. Address Box L, Rosebtirg, Ot WANTED 3 or 4 men to Join me to file on timber claims in eastern Oregon. j,oca tlon fee, $150. This Is a good proposition. For further particulars address A3 748, Oregonlan. . 60.000.000 FEET standing timber, famous Oregon yellow pine, with well-equipped sawmill, 6 miles from ready market. J. IL Garret, Klamath Falls. Or. 76.000.000 FEET yellow fir timber In one solid tract; detailed cruise, 60c per thou sand. Poe & Devereaux, 424 Henry bldg. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. WE have a client who desires to purchase a sawmill located on tidewater. AG 7o, Oregonian. '- FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Ete. ROSE CITY STABLES. 15TH AND ALDER. Bargain Pair mares. weight 2260 pounds, with new farm wagon and breech ing harness outlit complete. If sold this week, $105; remember the wagon and harness are new; these, mores are guaran teed to be good workers, either single or double; pair mares, weight 26oo, thin from hard work; both raised colts the past season; sound In every way, good workers In all harness, price $115; one small bay horse, age 5, for $45; largo work team. Just from logging campm, as true pullers as you will find In the city, with new breeching harness, complete, $175. We have 40 head to pick from, all sizes, ages and prices, all stock guaran teed, with four days' free trial allowed. If ln the market for horses, wagons or harness, give us call, as our method of doing business protects you from buy ing unsound horses or stock that has been doped and fixed up for sale. Come and see -us. as It. is a pleasure td show you our stock at any time. . ROSE CITY STABLES, 605 Alder. - HORSES. MULES, WAGONS. FOR SALE. Two cars of horses and mules arrived Monday. January 22, and if.111 be sold un der our guarantee. There are all classes of horses In this lot. and think any one looking for stock could find what he wants at our barn. HAWTHORNE-AVE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne Ave. 10 HEAD good young horses for sale, rang ing from 1000 to 1600; all guaranteed to be good. 4202 72(1 st. S. E. Take Mount Scott car to Flrland station, 8 blocks north. FOR SALE 1 team of young blacks, borne nd mare, weighing 3000 lbs. One 6-year-old black mare, weight 1500 lbs., with foL 226 Russell st- ' CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP I've Just rented the barn at 351 2d St., between Market and Mill, to sell a few odd horses, weights from 1000 to 1600 lb Call at once. W. J. Ritter. LEAVING city, must sell good 2400-pound team and rubber-tiro two-seated surrey. 2S15 88lh st. Southeast, end of Hawthorne carllne. 1 block west and two south. - CARLOAD of horses Just In, weighing from 1000 to 1300: all good vtorKers; cau corner 7th and East Morrison. M. N. Peterson. WHITE 80. 1911. with delivery and touring body Interchangeable, v, 111 taae norse as part payment. 514 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE 1 team well-marked black mares, b ana o years 01a, weign iouy; sound si--wlthout blemishes. 226 RusselL FOR -TXLE Horses and mules: driving horses a specialty. Montgomery ttaD.es, S8S Front, cor. Montgomery. ONE good horse and harness and delivery wagon, low prlc siain iy. FOR SALE 1 team horses, weight $25.50, t oula xico. -aser norses. Vehicles. Etc. GOOD voung horses and mares, all weights, at reasonable price, and guaranteed as represented, at the Rose City Park Sales Stable Take Rose City Park car to 5-d St. Adams & Campbell, prop pianos. Organs and Musical Instrument FOR SALE High-grade piano almost new at a good bartaln, leaving city. Call Main 81)57. - BEAUTIFUL slightly used high-grade upright-, sell $175 equity for $25. Phono Marshall 74. II L. Stanley. , Automobiles. I HAVE almost new 1011, 4-door. .-passenger. 4-cyllnder. 85 h. p. automobile to trade for a stock of groceries up to $145. AM 751, Oregonlan. i GROCERY store, invoice $1300. close in Will trade for good auto; prefer detachable tonneau. Pacific Coast Brokerage Co.. A 1051. Marshall 4299. 518-19 Board of Trade. FOR SALE 7-passenger Packard; must be sold to settlo an estate. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. 661 Hawthorne ave. PACKARD "30" roadster. In fine condition; owner must sell; .snap -for cash. A3 oS, Oregonlan. ONE-TON truck Just overhauled, great big bargain; must sell at once. $600; corns and see It.- 266 llth St. SO HORSEPOWER. 5-passenger Stoddard Payton. fully equipped, snap. Call liSO Hawthorne ave. or p b on e Tabor rf39. 7-PASSENGER Wlnton for sale: good con dition. Inquire at 219 Holla day ave. Dogs, Birds. Pet Stock. STANDARD-BRED poultry and eggs, baby chicks. Incubators, brooders and poultry suppile The Poultry Bupply House, 208 Salmon. List your poultry nd sggs wito u , THOROUGHBRED bull terrier puppies from my prixo-wlnnlng strains, for sale; full pedlcree with each puppy; Pljce, males $20, females $15. Fran- E. Wat klns. 250 Alder st, WELL-BRED pointer dog. 9 months old; also Washburn guitar, almost new. Mar shall 36S2. 183 Bancroft ave. GET readv for early hatching: fine, vigorous young Rhode Island Red roosters. AK i4ti. Oregonlan. ON account of leaving city will sell bulldog cheap. AN 767. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPE PIPE We have the largest stock west of Chicago In this line and can fit you out with any kind at an Immense saving. LATHS, DRILLS. ETC. ' SEE US FOR ANYTHING IF YOU CAN'T GET IT AT ALL "BARDE" HAS IT. M. BARDE - SONS. "THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BAR GAINS." 240-242 Front St.. cor. Main. DRY BLOCK WOOD. Lumber market dead, cutting our heavy timbers to stove lengths. Quick service. Tel. Marshall S0B5. PACIFIC HOUSE-WRECKING CO., Merchants Trust Bldg. MY CLEARANCE SALE. On men's pants: $4 trousers at $2.2S; $l trousers at $3.25: $6 trousers. $3.75. Re member, my rent la $30 a month. If I paid $500 on the ground floor such val ues as these would be impossible. JIMMY DUNN. Room 815. Oregonlan bldg.Tak. elevator. WANTED An ambitious young lawyer ti purchase a complete new set of "Letters and Messages of the Presidents" for half original price. Call or writ. 8. Doukes. 525 Y. M C. A. THE NORTHWEST TVPE WRITER CO, IS -NOW LOCATrJU AA" XO- STARK STREET. "te-SuIlt typewriters of all makes; prices lowest in the city. Main 6523. A 1476. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc.. bought and sold. The Pacltlc Stores Service Co.. 2.3 ' Stark st. Main 7711. FOR SALE Motors, two general electric. H-h. p. p. C. ; have been slightly used; olso a new generator, 1-watt, 50 amperes. Inquire F. A. Sennet, room 24. l5Vj 4th. SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second hand, low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Port land Sate Co., 85 Dth at. Main 6309; RJSONABiTe Elegant mahogany offlc furniture. Call 426 Lumbermens bldg. Main 6000. FOR SALE New mahogany desk and re volving chair. Parsons, 613 Selling bldg., bet. 1 and 8 P. M. ANNUAL SALE of unredeemed pledges at Uncle Myers', 71 6th St., near Oak. 40 years In Portland. MEDIUM size safe, showcase filing can., six-drawer National cash register. S. W. cor. 6th and Oak. 2d floor. $00 BUSINESS cards 75c: a' bargain. Rosa City Prlntery. 192H 3d. cor. Taylor. TANK, made for crude nil, new. 8x8x34 ft., at bargain. AI, 745. Oregonlan. ROLL-TOP desk, bookkeeper desk and safe. AR 749. Oregonlan HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle. In condition, cheap, phone East 4o03. good A GOOD blcyol 413 Alder, cor. llth. Main 64 7. -1. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL? CALL US UP FOR ANYTHING YOU CARE TO DISPOSE OF. M. BARDE A SONS. "The House of a Million Bargain" Front and Main st Main 663. WE BUY CLOTHING. FCRNITU E. TOOLS. Highest price paid for men s ana laaies cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2080. 290 let St.. The Globe. EXPERIENCED young couple wishes charge of rooming or apartmont-nouse; can give bonds; on salary or commission. AF 749, Oregonlan. IF you want to sell your Junk, tools or Job lots. Just call the Capital Junk Co. Mar shall 3S39. 67-69 N. 1st sL WE pay the highest cash price for second- nana lurnnure. wnwr cc .. - -East 3134 349 Hawthorne av VICTROLA wanted; a second-hand Victor Vlctrola; state condition, mou - price. O 72S, Oregonlan BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE 870 hi. Morrison, Phone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furnitur WANTED secsond-hand roll top desk, me dium size safe and typewriter: mini 00 cheap.. AM 748, Oregonlan. HIGHEST prices paid for ladles' and gents' cast-on clothing, we respuuu iiiwimj. Marshall 3H45. FOKD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any kind ci furniture. am o-joj.. a -.. WANTED Cement brick machine. Wood- lawn b.3. HELP WANTED MALE. $10OO. REaPO.Naltll ll, secures lor salesman best big paying cmc.u.. business, stock and BOlo Oregon agency. AdurcssM anufacturer. AL 73 . ,Oregonlan. SAWMILL foreman for 50 M. fir mill: man who can buy some stock preferred, AV M5. Oregonlan. WANTED Second cook, sober and steady man; no others need apply. St. Nicholas Cafeteria. COMMERCIAL agency desires services of several rating solicitors; men with ex perlence preferred. AL 754. Oregonlan. "WANTED A gardener for a private place. Apply after S:30 A. M. to Mr. Kennedy, room 7. 250 3" Bt- YOUNG man wanted for geod paying busi ness, pleasant work, experience unnecea sary; $25 required. 235 5th St., room 10. WANTED young man for collection; must have a thorough knowledge of city and be a rustler. A H "4S. Orcgonian. DELICATESSEN MAN; must be first-claps, strictlv temperate; reference required. Address AK 759, Oregonlan. ONE first-class bench man and one first class sash and door mail. Pltchless Lumber Co.. Col. 60. , STOVE salesman wanted for Oregon. Wash-in-ton aid Idaho. Give experience and references. AF 744. Oregonlan. BARBER wanted, must be first-class. 002 Washington st. PERMANENT Income for salesmen. Ask for Mr. Bryant. 1118 Yeon bldg. AGENTS to sell photo coupons; something new. Boston Studio. 342 !6 Wash. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agent new offer. CuthbertStudlo,Dukum Jdg. WANTED A good salesman to work city trade. L. P.lce M. Co.. S. 10. 12 Front. WANTED German. 209 Taylor st. first and second cook. PHOTO coupon agents: good offer for live ones. Sutphen Studio. 35m Washington. EXPLi-tlENC'rZD rhoe and clothing s-lewnan. Apply at Hamburger's. 145 2d. YOUNG man wanted. Rose City Dairy Lunch. 323 Burnslde st. SALESMAN, experienced In men's clothing. 413 Buchanan bldg. SOLICITORS, "good pay " 242 8th st. 1 AB .wanted. So Burnslde