Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Right to Search Ship for Con
traband of War Main
tained by Rome.
JYcnch Ambassador Holds Friendly
Conference With Italian Premier
and Korelgn Minister No
Action Is Taken.
HOME. Jan. 24. The subject of the
dattoUoo by the Italian authorities of
r Turks, said to be members of the
r.ed Crescent Society, captured on the
1'rench tearaer Manouba, as fully dis
cussed at conferences todsy between
Premier Clolittl. Foreign Minister Mar
quis Dl San Gulilano and the French
Embassador to Italy. Camilla Barrere.
The conferences are ssid to have
been cordial, but the Turks are still
held under arrest at Cagliarl. Island of
Rla-fct la Maintained.
ftaly maintains her right to capture
and search shtp of neutral nations sus
pected of carrying contraband of war.
and does not admit any limitations of
that right. It Is her Intention to pro
tect the army before the enemy.
So far as the Italian authorities would
speak, the examination of the Turks In
question seems to have proved that
both doctors and nurses were Included
la the group of prisoners, but It Is sus
rected that the object of their presence
was to distract attention from others,
who are believed to be Turkish officers,
as they were In possession of arms,
maps and a check for a large sum of
Kltraeaer-a Experteaee Rebelled.
Italian officials call attention to the
fact that another alleged Bed Cross ex
pedition was once halted In Egypt by
Ceneral Kitchener and sent back, as It
was composed of belligerents.
Italy admits that France Is fulfill
ing her duty admirably as a neutral
The result of the conference haa been
reported to the French government, and.
so far, the two countries have been
animated by such conciliatory spirit
that a satisfactory solution is expected.
Attacking Force of Turks Alarmed
by Air Craft Slaoghter Averted.
OABEP. Tunis. Jan. 84. Details of
the engagement between Turks and
Arabs and an Italian column near
Ghirgartsh. a small oasts about 10
miles along the coast from Tripoli, on
January 13. have reached here, and
show that at the time of the fighting
the Italian destroyers bad temporarily
Boats laden with contrabands ap
proached the shore and opened a heavy
hre on the Italian forces. At the same
time 1000 Turkish regulars at Alnxara
prepared to attack the Itallana from
the rear.
The Italians would hare been an
nihilated If by chance an aeroplane
coming out to try its motor had not
been seen by the Turks, who became
so alarmed they were unable to carry
out the turning movement. They kept
up their firing, however, until night
fall. The Italians lost SO killed and
SO wounded.
Poor Sulfa and One Appeal Filed in
Lewis Connty.
CHEHAU3, WashZ Jan. 14. (Spe
cial.) The family of George Hill, of
JJsyfleld. Lewis County, Is. furnishing
much business for the Lewis County
Superior Court of recent times. Within
the past four months four case In
volv' - Mr. and Mrs. Hill have been
filed. The first was one for a divorce,
instituted by Mrs. Lottie Hill again-:
George Hill. Kecently Mrs. Hill again
filed a suit for divorce and a division
of the property. Following this Mr.
Hill filed an Information charging G.
Ghoshn. a roomer at the hotel run by
the Hills at Mayfleld. with unlawful
detainer and asking that he be ejected.
Then Mr. Ghoshn. who Is a merchant
at Mayfleld. aued Mr. Hill in justice
court r that pU-e and secured a fl
Judgment for merchandise purchased
by the latter. From this Judgment
Mr. Hill appealed to the Superior
Court, asking that it be set aside, al
leging It void. Mr. Hill now haa ..led
a suit against Mr. Ghoshs for !0.000
daraaKes for alienating the affections
of Mrs. Hill-
State Kail road Commission District
Defined First and Second.
SAL KM. Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.)
That the candldatea for State Railroad
Commissioners will run from the First
and Second Congressional districts as
they stood before the recent change Is
the substance of an opinion which Attorney-General
Crawford handed down
for Secretary Olcott In connection with
the petition for nomination which will
be filed by Railroad Commissioner
Het will bold that chapter S3 of the
laws of 1S07 which designated that one
commissioner shall run from the First
Congressional district: another from
the Second district and the third from
tr.e m e at large, creates Railroad
Commissioner districts and that refer
ence to the first and second districts
Is merely as a description of Railroad
Commissioners districts.
l.oernor Dix Itefuses Clemency to
Man Who Larrd Stenographer.
ALBAXT. N. T- Jan. J4. Governor
Tlx refuaed to Interfere In the case
of Albert W. Wolters. slayer of Ruth
Wheeler, the girl whom he lured to
his rooms In New Tork City on the pre
tense of employment as a stenographer.
Wolter will be electrocuted In Sing
S;ng Prison Monday morning.
Miller and Gwln Addrese Business
.Men of Hood lUvrr.
HOOP RIVER. Or.. Jan. it. (tfpe
claXJ AS the individual growers of tha
community secure a mora comprehen
sive knowledge of the proposed method,
the -Rogue River Plan." which had
Ita Inception in the Rogue River Fruit
Produce Association, which la man
aged by K. 8. Miller, is growing in
favor in Hood River Valley. While so
far no definite action has been taken
here, the general proposition has been
widely discussed during the past week.
At an Informal meeting of the busi
ness men of tho city at the rooms of
the Commercial Club last night, ad
dresses, explaining the proposed me
thods and plans, were delivered by Mr.
Miller and W. F. Gwln. of the North
western Fruit Exchange. At the close
of the session, which lasted until al
most midnight, while a few of those
present would not commit themselves,
some expressed themselves In favor of
carrying the Investigation to the end;
and at least a half of those present,
by expressed sentiment In later inter
views, have endorsed the plan.
The plans of the proposed amalga
mation, aa explained by Mr. Gwln and
Mr. Miller, are for the unions, without
losing any of their identity, to pur
chase a controlling share of the capital
atock of the big selling agency and
use it as a sales department. The
apples of each district will be sold on
their respective merits and there will
be no pooling. The committee appointed
to make an Investigation of the Ex
change will report to a public meeting
of the stockholders Saturday, when
action tending toward a final decision
will ba taken.
Division of Gross Income Between
Nation and States Will Atone
for Loss of Taxes.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. Friends of
est the contest In the Senate commit
tee on public lands over the Newlands
resolution, declaring it to be the aense
of that committee that there should
be legislation at thia aesslon provid
ing for the leasing of public landa
containing coal. olL iron or phos
phates. For a long time It haa been
svldent that the battle over conserva
tion measures must be fought In the
room of this committee, and the pres
entation of the Newlands resolutloa
was the first gun. Senator Newlands
believes that his resolution will be
supported by a majority of the com
mittee, and. with that body once on
record as favoring legislation at this
session, it will be a comparatively easy
task to work out the detaila. He sug
gests that the provisions for leasing
be so drawn as to prevent monopolistic
control and insure fair prices to the
consumer, but be sufficiently liberal
to permit the proper development of
natural resources.
As almost all of the good timber la
now Included In forestry reservations
and sold under the stumpage system,
the ownership of the landa remaining
with the United States, he haa not In
cluded timber In hla proposition. He
announced, however, that he would
present later a similar resolution in
regard to water power.
To meet the objection that by leas
ing the public landa the revenue there
from would flow into the public treas
ury, while the property Itself would be
exempt from taxation by the states by
reason of the fact that title would re
main with the Federal Government.
Senator Newlands proposes a division
of the gross income from the leases
75 per cent to the state or territory
where the lands are situated and 25
per cent to the Federal Government,
nm mil r in niunnrn
UnU nuLt id unanucu
Editor Says CongreM Is Misin
formed as to Safety of Lives of
Workers in Railway 3fail.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. Chargea
that the I'ostmaster-General and other
postal officiate suppress facta and mis
Inform Congress as to the safety of the
Uvea of clerka in the railway mall serv
ice were made before the House com
mittee on postofflces today by Urban
A. Walter, of Denver, formerly a rail
way mail clerk and editor of a postal
Specific regulations of the postofflce
service, he said, forbid clerks to dis
cuss wrecks. He charged that "the
rostmaster-General haa not atopped
abort of misinforming the committee
and the public" aa to conditions under
which clerks work.
Mr. Walter exhibited a letter file in
which he said he had S00 lettera from
mall clerks reporting unsanitary and
unsafe mall cars, and said the posi
tions of the authors would be placed In
jeopardy If the names were published.
"It Is a remarkable situation that this
gag' saw of the department should
keep Congress from getting at the
facts." said Chairman Moon. "We can
subpena these men. but we cannot pro
tect their Jobs If they testify."
Pocatello Commercial Club Alleges
H. C. Coker Is Emleixler.
BOISE. Idaho. Jan. 24. (Special.)
Charged with embexxlement of funds
belonging to the Commercial Club of
Pocatello. Idaho, of which he was sec
retary until recently, H. C. Ooker was
arrested here today by Sheriff Roberts
on Information furnished by Sheriff
Cooper, of Pocatello. who ia now en
route to Boise .to take his prisoner
back to Tocatello.
Coker Is well known in Southern
Idaho, having been identified with pub
licity work with the Pocatello and
other commercial bodies. He defended
himself today, saying:
"I have been with the club a year
and resigned some months ago on re
quest of the president, my resignation
to take effect January 1. I atayed a
Uttlo longer and went over the books
with the president. I found that the
club still owed me some S320. On the
advice of members of the club I pro
ceeded to collect what I could from
members, though at present I am still
out more than $200. I suppose the
charge has been made on account of
my collecting money to pay my own
Is Its fatal tendency to pneumonia. To
cur your la grippe coughs take Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. R. E. Fisher,
Washington. Kas.. says: "I was trou
bled with a severe attack of la grippe
and nothing I used did me any good
and I waa threatened with pneumonia.
A friend advised me to use Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound and I got
some at oaoa I was relieved from the
very first. By the time I had taken
three bottles my la grippe was gone. I
beilovo Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound to be the best medicine I over
used and always keep a bottle with
lua." bold by ail druggists.
The best Cereals for
half a century
Means Satisfaction or "Money back"
This guarantee is backed by the largest special Cereal Mills in the West
Sperry Flour Co.
San Francisco - Los Angeles - Tacoma
Steam cooked and roasted
at the Mills.
Always fresh, pure and
None better, no matter
what you pay.
A Sperry Product
: .T I
i " 1
Get the "Sperry-red" package
At All Grocers
Sperry Flour Co.
14 N. Front St, Portland, Or.
Sperry Drifted Snow Flour, Sperry Flaked Peas,
Germea, Encore Pancake Flour,
Sperry Flaked Hominy.
Peak McKInley Trip This Time to
Be Made From North Side De
scent Planned by May.
TACOMA. Wash7jn- (Special.)
-Belmor. Browne and Professor Her
schel Parker left today on the ateamer
Alameda via Seattle, bound for Alaska
on their third attempt to ascend to the
summit o : Mount McKlnley the lure of
which Droved the downfall of Dr.
JrederlclTA. Cook and Is said to have
bred other prevaricators.
Before the end of another week they
sxoect to be on the Idltarod trail, fac
fnT wUderness Journey of BOO miles
The will approach the peak from the
3,h where the ascent is more grad
SaT t'hn oS the south, the side at
tempted on two other trips, the first
made in company with Dr. Cook.
-W. feel hopeful of reaching the
,o Mr. Browne. "It has been
the ambition of Professor Parker and
mvself for years to cet the best of the
Sid hill we don't ucceed- however
we" fe"i certain of a thrilling trip I
Tm certainly taking the fun of the
,hi., into consideration.
The steamer will proceed directly to
Beward and the Inland trip will be be
aun from this point.
Mr Browne says they expect to reach
the summit by the middle of April.
h,r, observations of a scientific na
ture will be taken. The descent should
be completed, according to Mr. Browne,
early in May. They, expect to regain
civilisation by rafting down some of
th. mountain streams.
Clatsop Reduces Debt.
ASTORIA. Or. Jan. 21 (Special.)
ipi.. n rnnntv Clinton for
the six months ending- December SI waa
filed today and shows that In the past
year the net Indebtedness of the coun
ty was reduced $13,31.82. The net In
debtedness at the present time Is 14S.
03S.2S. whereas a year ago It was
Man's Body Taken to Oklahoma.
COTT A G K GROVE, Or., Jan. M.
Germs of Catarrh Easily Destroyed
and Vile Disease Ended.
Delays axe dangerous. If you want
to get rid of catarrh you must kill the
germs that cause catarrh. Stomach
dosing, ointment, sprays and douches
have all failed.
HTOMEI (pronounce it Hlgh-o-me)
1 .mtmjt
d 1 rectly
over the in.
flamed, sore,
germ- in
fested mem
brane, not
iiljr d e
KILL fe-
stroylna- th.
m 1 c r o bes.
but healing
, ...ihin th. uim catarrhal spots.
Breathe HTOMEI for catarrh, coughs,
colds, croup and catarrhal deafness and
If you are not satisfied with the bene
fit obtained your money will be re
funded. Breathe HTOMEI; it is made of pur
est Eucalyptua and other healing anti
septics and is very pleasant to breathe.
Complete outfit Including bard rubber
pocket inhaler and bottle of HTOMEI
11 00 After you once own an inhaler
you can buy a bottle of HYOMEt at
pharmacists everywhere for only 60
. . t.u , nf rav r. Marts
( special. j v. - j
horn, who was drowned In the Umpqua
River near Drain, was sent to Pone a.
Okla.. today, accompanied by the broth
er of the dead man. R. D. Hartshorn,
of Portland. The drowned man was a
passenger on the steamer Eva and was
going from the engine-room to an up-
per deck, when he stepped out of
door of the engine-room Into the river.
He was traveling through the Western
country on a pleasure trip.
There Is no worse danger when the
kidneys are weak than the big family
of "uric acid troubles," and so, when
you notice that the kidney secretions
have been much disordered for a time,
do not be surprised if you begin to
have rheumatic muscles and Joints,
nerve pains and nervousness, head
aches and dlzslness, heart weakness
and dropsy, attacks of stone and
gravel, deafness and poor eyesight.
The filtering of uric acid from the
system falls upon the kidneys and if
the kidneys are Inactive, uric acid over,
loads the blood. Instead of nourish
ing the tissues, the blood starves and
Irritates them.
Uric acid has the habit of attacking
the weakest part first. A brain work
er, will have nerve trouble or rheu
matism. A strong, healthy-appearing
person, will be liable to gravel, or
stone, heart tro-ible. dropsy, or gout.
Acute uric acid attacks with awful
pains often follow exposure, wet
weather, overuse of alcohol, overwork.
Uric Acid Causes Some of
the Worst Aches and
Ills of Humanity
overexercise or excesse of any sort,
Doan's Kidney Pills help weak kid
neys to gain strength to overcome an
excess of uric acid In the blood. Per
sons having a tendency to form unus
ual amounts of uric acid should try
Doan's. People tell of relief in many
seeming cases of rheumatism, neural
gia, sciatica, lumbago, etc., that re
sisted all other treatment.
Doan's Kidney Pills are warmly in
dorsed by Portland people.
I Believe I Shall Faint!"
Mrs. Isabella Brown, 114 E. Forty
seventh St.. Portland, Oregon, says:
"When I was afflicted with kidney
trouble, Doan's Kidney Pills came to
my aid and made me well. They re
moved the aches and pains In ray back
and corrected the trouble from the kid
ney secretions. That happened six
years ago and since then, I have en
joyed good health, I recommend Doan's
Kidney pills highly to other kidney sufferers."
"When Your Back is Lame Remember the Name
Sold by all Dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbcm Co.. Buffalo. N. Y, Proprietors