Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Pimples Removed
1 rveixSiarKltoft of tVertl Only..
Housefurnishing Feature Week
Economies Are Far-Reaching
Decisive Price Reductions on All Furnishings
Every Article Reduced
The Calcium Sulphide Treatment
Does Wonders to Every Kind
. of Skin Eruption.
Trial Parkage Beat Free to Prove It.
Tou don't want to wait forever and a
day to get rid of your pimples or other
skin e-ruptlons. Tou want to get rid of
them right now. Next week you may
want to go somewhere where you
wouldn't like to have to take the pim
ples along.
Howell, in Contrast, Warmly
Declares He Lewes Woman
Who Avoids Him.
Mental Derangement Pleaded
in Action to Annul Mar
riage to Student.
Aberration Continues Through Ac
ceptance of Proposal and Trip
to Another City, Where Cere
mony Is Performed.
SA.V FRANCISCO. Jan. J4. Special.)
Anktnlnf to a relaxation that her
slopement with and marrlaa-e to Joseph
C fcayes. a young- university student
of a prominent Southern California
family, was a mistake. Mrs. Elsie Irene
te Kayes has filed a secret compl.nt
rlth the Superior Court for annulment
of the ceremony, pleading temporary
mental derangement at the time of Its
performance. The around a-lven Is
used for the first time In the history
Of the local courts.
Mrs. re Kayes, until Peeember 22 last,
was Mine Klsle Irene Blckley, a gradu
ate of the University of California and
prominent socially. Three days before
rhrlatmaa she left home on a ahopplna
tour and met De Hayes, whom she had
known only a short time.
Piapu I Arretted Ha lasntlM."
There was a brief conversation on
the street and then, "on the Impulse of
the moment." the complaint reads, she
accepted his proposal of marrlaa-e.
Kron that time, the youna- wife de
rlares. s!ie was not In her rlirht mind
and did not realize the importance of
She step she was taking:. At De Hayes"
request, she says, she accompanied him
to the Kerry bulletins; and there took, a
boat to fauullto and then a train to
Nin Kafael. where a license wan pro
rured and the mrri was performed
by a Justice of the I'eace. Purina- all trip across the bay. at the license
office and durlna- the ceremony, she as.
lerts. she was not In her rlirht mind.
Returning; to San Kranclsco. Mrs. De
Rayes says, she Immediately went to
the home of her parents and remained
there until January f. without confid
ing her secret to thero.
Peas-re Saddealy Reatered.
On the last-named date, she alleges,
the went down town for the first time
and went to the apartments occupied
oy her husband. There, she says, she
remained with him for three days,
when suddenly aha came to her right
lenses and. realising what she had done,
hurried from the apartment and re
turned to her parents home.
Ever since that time, she says, she
has) been conscious of what she did and
the great wrong she believes he com
mitted agalnt herself and parents while
In an Incompetent state. On the last
occasion that she left De Rayes she re
turned to him all of the Jewels he gave
her as wedding presents. In addition
to an annulment of the marriage, the
wtfe aaka permission to resume her
maiden name.
Such Is Statement Concerning Ex
senator Made by Wilson People,
Ir.jrton. Jan. 24. WocJrow Wilson's
press agent today circulated the fol
lowing: "Ki-Srmtor Dubois, of Idabo. who
was lobbyist for the wool Interests
last year, when the House Democrats
were making an effort to reduce wool
duties, has taken charge of Champ
Clark's presidential campaign.
"The following letter from the one
time Republican Senator, addressed to
most Democrats In Congress today,
created much amusement around the
'"Pear Sir: Will you kindly write
short, concise note, stating why you
think Champ Clark should he nomi
nated for President, and that he Is
strong in your stats. The letter Is to
be used for Clark's benefit In Mis
souri. F. T. Dubois.'
"Few Democrats who last session
combated the efforts of Dubois paid
any attention to the note."
Yellow Fever Claims Gunboat Vork
tovm's Commander In Ecuador.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. The. death
from yellow fever today at Guayaquil.
Kcuador. of Commander Lvl C Berto
lette. In command of the American
gunboat Torktown. guarding American
Interests there, will result in the Amer
ican Government's Insisting upon the
sanitation of that port.
Should Ecuador temporise, it Is said
that th United States may issue quar
antine against Guayaquil In the Inter
est particularly of th Panama Canal
An enlisted American soldier has died
also, and thre other enlisted men are
serlonsly UL
Upon receipt of the news of the death
of Commander Bertolette tha Navy De
partment was Informed that peace had
been sufficiently restored In Ecuador
to permit the withdrawal of the Tork
town. Secretary Meyer thereupon Is
sued orders for the gunboat to proceed
at once to Santa Elena. 110 miles west
of Guayaquil. and to Intercept ths
cruiser Maryland as the Maryland ap
proaches that port.
Speedy Keport Will Permit Debate
to Resin I'rlday. ,
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. The revised
Iron and steel tariff schedule spproved
by the Democratic caucus tonight was
Introduced tonight y Representative
Underwood and referred to the ways
and means committee. The committee
will act on the bill tomorrow, and a
strict party vote la expected, the Ke
publicans voting against it solidly.
Chairman Underwood will report the
1.1 : 1 with te committee recommenda
tion that it pass, and the debate prob-
atiir will besln Frld.iy.
The Republicans will not sgree to re
ductions on the Iron and steel schedule
unless based on Information from the
Tariff Board. President Taft was nn
derstood to share the view of Republi
can leaders.
Oiclesby Young Would He Secretary.
SALEM. Or, Jan. 14. (Special.)
Oglesby Young, of Portland, has filed
his petition f-r nomination with Sec
retary Olcott for the office of t'lrcult
Judge In Department No. 4. Fourth Ju
dicial District, iiu. has filed as a Re
nubllcna .
- f
Message From Beyond Calls
Theosophists "Wolves."
"II aire Blnrk Cloud" Is Seen Envel
oplnr High Point-on Western
Slope by Mrs. Tlnclej'a
RlTal In Mysticism.
SA' DIEGO. CaU Jan. 14. That the
words "wolves In sheep's garments."
contained In, a message received by
Mrs. Mary I. Hastle from the spirit
world, referred to the Universal Broth
erhood and Theosoohleal Society at
Point Loma. was the statement of Mrs.
Hastle In one part of her deposition
read this morning in the Harriet P.
Thurston will contest.
One letter Mrs. Hastle wrote to
Point Loma. after Mrs. Thurston had
gone there to reside, said:
"I .am able to see enveloping a nign
point on the western slope a huge
black cloud."
It wma mentioned In part of the depo
sition read -this morning that Mrs.
Hastle deeded the Edgcrly. La prop
erty, given her by Mrs. Thurston, to
her daughter. Gertrude M. Law. Action
to regain title has been Instituted by
Clark Thurston, the aged tbeosophlst
who married Mrs. Patterson a year
before she died. Thurston la a special
administrator of the estate.
Mazriainan Followers Severely Han
dled in Battle With Xews
Photographers In Street.
CHICAGO, Jan. 6. A fight between
newspaper photographers and follow
ers of the Mazdaznan cult today fol
lowed a decision by Judge Plnckney In
the Juvenile Court that neither "Rev.
Dr." Ottoman Zar Adusht Hanlsh nor
Mr a. Elizabeth Lindsay was a proper
custodian for 11-y ear-old William
Lindsay, who Is heir to a 1500.000 tor
ture In Philadelphia.
In the encounter Hanlsh was knocked
down, his eye was blackened and his
clothing was torn. Dr. Charles Thomp
son, a follower of Hanlsh, was beaten
and four other men and two women
either were knocked or pushed down.
The fisticuffs came when followers
of Hanlsh formed a line through which
he must pass from the court to his au
tomobile, excluding others from that
part of the sidewalk. A photographer
tried to "snap" the leader of the cult
and Dr. Thompson and his friends
smashed the camera. Friends of the
newspaper man attacked the cult fol
lowers. Polloe. probationary of floe re
and deputy sheriffs quelled the dis
(Continued From First Page.)
for one of the parties I was doing for
the good of all. said Mr. Arthur, who.
at Mrs. Hassard's direction, attended
Claire Williamson for the purpose of
drawing a codicil to her will 'and
papers that would permit Mrs. Uaxzord
to draw the girl's funds. Mr. Arthur
attended Miss Williamson while she
was In an ambulance waiting at the
wharf for the launch which was to
take the patient to Olalla.
Miss Harriet Conway, the Australian
nurse, was recalled to the stand to
Identify two letters as having been
delivered to her upon arrival of her
stesmer at Honolulu en route from
Australia to British Columbia.
In these letters was furnished the
first Information that Claire William
son considered herself dangerously 111.
Under date of May 4, the letter de
clared that the fasting specialist had
stated she might not survive. The let
ters also declared that the sister,
Dorothea was Insane. In the letter
much praise was given the treatment
accorded the sisters by Mrs. Hszsard.
Oateatfe Is State Wltmeaa.
Dr. Augusta Brewer, a Seattle osteo
path, testltled that she had cared for
the Williamson sisters) a snort umi pe
fore the cases were taken by Mrs.
Hazzard. and no serious problems,
affecting the health of either existed.
The fact that the body of the dead
girl was removed from Kitsap County,
where death occurred to King County
for cremation at Seattle without proper
observance of the law was brought out
when William Borthwlck, an under
taker took the stand.
He said that for removing the body
without proper permit, prosecution had
followed a month later and a fine was
paid. He said he was told by Mrs.
Hazzard that no health officer was
available nearer than the county seat.
Port Orchard. SO miles distant and ex
change papers -under such conditions
would cause loss of time.
This last statement was flatly con
tradicted by Dr. T. E. Pry. a regular
practitioner residing at Olalla and a
sub-reglater of county vital statistics
with full power to Issue removal per
mit. His home and office are only three
miles from the Hazzard sanitarium.
The case will be resumed tomorrow.
Whether Judge Nell Would Aspire
to Succeed Himself or Not, There
Promises to Be Bis; Contest.
ASHLAND. Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.)
Interest Is beginning to be evinced In
the forthcoming: April primaries In
Jackson County, though no candidates
have as yet become so Interested as to
actually and formally shy their casters
Into the political ring. State Senator
von der Hellen holds over, and this fact
will make the legislative contest iea
Important this year, with only repre
sentatives to the lower house, three of
them, to elect.
County affairs are likely to be the
center of the contest and particularly
the offices of County Judge and County
Commissioner. Judge J. R. Neil's term
expires, as also does that of Commis
sioner Owens. Whether Judge Neil Is
a candidate to succeed himself or not.
there is sure to be vigorous opposition
and plenty of candidates for the Judge
ship upon platforms demanding a more
economical and more careful adminis
tration of county affairs. County Clerk
W. R. Coleman Is said to be the most
likely candidate for the Republican
nomination to succeed Judge Nell, while
Mayor Cannon, of Medford, Is believed
to be In grooming to make a try with
Judge Nell for the Democratic nomi
nation. Recorder Robert Telfer, of Me-tford.
Is said to be anxious to succeed County
Clerk Coleman, while Assessor W. T.
Grieve is believed to have an eye on
the Republican nomination for Sheriff,
which office has been held for two
terms past by W. A. Jones, Democrat,
who Is expected to be a candidate for a
third term at the coming election.
Can dl dates for the other and minor
offices are less conspicuous, though It
Is known that School Superintendent J.
P. Wells, who was elected the last time
without opposition, aspires to succeed
If You Could Eat a Few of These Now All Indigestion,
Sourness, Heartburn and Dyspepsia Would Vanish.
Rrgtere'! m U. S. Pat. Oflce
I l j II
cM. unset stomach- indlgast
food you eat ferments Into gases and a
you feel sick ana miseraoie, imi
Y-t, - . T . malrfta inrh RllserV
aJiaccaiii. . . -
t aMmarh la In a. continuous
at y " " -
ai.a ffi vaur e&ke. try DlaDeosin. I
maia 'mir next meal m. favorite food
r,. m-iii tint be anv distress eat w
pepsin "really does" regulate weak, ou
millions of sale annually. '
--. )..,. eiftv-eent rM of Pap
is the quickest, surest stomach relief
magic It la a scientific, harmless an
longs In avery noma, ..
Sharp Cross-Examination Wrings
Confession That Present Spouse
Is Fourth, Not Thirds
as Was Supposed.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 24. (Special)
Mrs. Margaret Armstrong Howell, of
Spokane, and her husband both testified
today in Judge Rives' 'court at the
hearing of the petition of Attorney
Steely to be appointed guardian of Mrs.
Howell's property. Mrs. Howell seemed
In terror of her husband and after a
brief time on the witness-stand broke
down again so utterly that the case
had to be continued until tomorrow.
"Mr. Howell would hold up two
fingers and look at me with his pierc
ing eyes and Insist that I must keep
the promise he said I had made to
marry him," said Mrs. Howell.
She explained between sobs that she
had not realized they were wicked eyes
then. "But I do now; Oh, I do now."
she added.
Huabaad Professes Deep Love.
In striking contrast to her aversion
for him was Howell's testimony to his
abiding afTectlon for his wife. "I love
her." he declared. "I would sooper
have her than all of Los Angeles. I
admire her business ability and her
fine character. From a business stand
point she Is hard to beat."
Mrs. Howell's attorney, in his cross
examination, succeeded In adding an
other to the list of wives to which
Howell confesses. On direct exami
nation Howell had admitted that he
had seven children, all married but one.
and three grandchildren, though he is
only 49 years old. He testified that
he had been married twice, once In To
ronto, in 1882, and again In 190 or 1907.
he was uncertain which, finally decid
ing it was 1906. From both these
wives he had been divorced.
Howell had also said he first began
to be really acquainted with Miss Arm
strong, who now, as Mrs. Howell, is
the principal In the present case. In
June. 1911.
i'Where were you In March of that
year?" asked Steely.
"I was In Davenport, running two
hotels I owned there," was the ready
"Were you married there T
"I was."
"To which wife?"
"I don't understand."
Was It wife No. 1 or No. 2 of whom
you have Just told us?"
"It certainly was not."
"Was she the wife No. 2 whom you
married In 19087"
"No; she was not."
"Then she wss No. 3: when and
where did you marry her?"
"In St. Paul: I don't remember when.
Idaho Senator Quickly Retorts to
Objection of Bal ley Bureau
Would Be Created.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. After two
hours' general debate today, the Sen
ate agreed to vote next Tuesday on
Senator Borah's bill to create a chil
dren's bureau In the Department of
Commerce and Labor, and on amend
ments suggested by Senators Works
and Pomerene to limit the circulation
of the bureau's reports.
Senator Bailey criticised what he
said were Mr. Borah's efforts to put
children on a level with pigs.
"The effort is to raise them to the
level of pigs," responded Mr. Borah.
Mr. Borah has contended that the
Government expenditure of millions of
dollars for Information concerning the
condition of hogs and cattle Justified
the $30,000 asked for th children's
Mr. Bailey said It was more "fad
dlsm" and that there was even too
much legislation in the interest of
livestock, adding that at the present
rate, "we soon will be sending a
schoolmaster into every district."
"According to Colonel Waterson, that
Is Just what you are about to do,"
Mr. Borah rejoined. Mr. Bailey re
plied that his "part of the party" had
no such Intention.
Senator Overman, of North Carolina,
criticised reports of child labor inves
tigators. Some of those reports, he
said, were obscene.
Ion. heartburn, dyspepsia: when the
tnhhnra lumna- vour head aches and
hen you realize the maglo In Pape's
anish in five minutes.
revolt If you can t get It regulated,
t's so needless to have a bad stomach
naval Ilia, take a little DiaDeDSin,
lthout fear. It's because Pape's Dla-t-of-order
stomachs that gives it it's
S JJiapepsin irum any uius BLu. D. i
. ....... knnwn It ACtM SLlmOSt like I
d pleasant preparation which truly be- I
! Got Rid of My Ptmplee In Few
Days Wit Stnart's Calcium Waferm."
You can get rid of them Just In tlm
by taking Stuart's Calcium Wafers.
They contain as their main ingredient
the most thorough, quick and effective
blood cleanser known, calcium sul
phide. ...
Remember this, too, that most pimple
treatments reek with poison. And they
are miserably slow besides. .
Stuart's Calcium Wafers have not a
particle of poison In them. They are
freo from mercury, biting drugs or ven
omous opiates. This Is absolutely guar
anteed. They cannot do any harm, but
they always do good good that you
can see In the mirror before your own
eyes a few days after.
Don't be anv longer humiliated by
having a splotchy face. Don't have
strangers stare at you, or allow your
friends to be ashamed of you because
of your face.
Your blood makes you what you are.
The men and women who forgo ahead
are those with pure blood and pure
Stuart's Calcium Wafers will make
you happy because your face will be a
welcome sight not only to yourself
when yo look into the glass, but to
everybody else who knows you and
talks to vow.
We. want to prove to you that Stuart's
Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the
best and quickest blood and skin puri
fier in the world so we will send you
a fre sample as soon as we get your
name and address. Send for it today,
and then when you have tried the
sample you will not rest contented un
til you have bought a 60c. package at
your druggist's.
Send us your, name and address on
the coupon below and wo will at once
send you by mall a sample package,
free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 176
Stuart Bids.. Marshall. Mich.
Free Package Coupon
175 Stuart Bids Marshall, Mich.
Send me at once by return mall, a
trial pat-kage of Stuart's Calcium
Wafers, absolutely free, to prove Its
remarkable) results.
State .
"They told of children chewing to
bacco," said he.
"Was not there a strong opposition
to that Investigation from the cotton
mill owners of the state?" demanded
Senator Dixon.
Mr. Overman said he had not heard
of it
Senators Heyburn and Thornton also
opposed the bill. Senator Hitchcock
spoke in favor of It.
Packing Company Distributes Cash
Among Its 700 Men.
ASTORIA, Or., Jan. 24. (Special.)
The Union Fishermen's Co-operative
Packing Company, at the annual meet
ing of Its stockholders last evening,
distributed about $60,600 among its
fishermen, regardless of whether or
not they were stockholders in the com
pany. This distribution was in propor
tion to the amount of fish caught by
each Individual and was on a basts of
20 a ton for Columbia River Spring
salmon; 18 a ton for Fall fish: $10 a
ton for Shoalwater Bay fish and $20 a
ton for fish caught at Nehalem Bay.
This was In addition to the regular
price paid for salmon, which amounted
to about $145 a ton for the Columbia
River Spring catch. The fishermen who
were benefited by this division of the
earnings of the company number nearly
700. The Spring pack for 1911 on the
Columbia River by the company
amounted to 68,298 cases. The 1911 Fall
pack was 61,485 cases, a total of 129,
783 cases, which at 48 pounds to the
case amounted to 7,229.584 pounds.
The following officers were re
elected to serve during 1912: Charles
To wear glasses
that will be the time
to have us examine
your eyes, design,
make and adapt
glasses that will
Help your eyes
. Grace your face.
Thousands have
done this since we
established our
selves here to
serve you.
208-9-10 Corbett Bldg.
Fifth and Morrison.
Only Two More Weeks of
Our Great Removal Sale
All Goods Purchased Through
January Will Be Billed to
You March First
Wilson, president; J. O. Tlbergr, vice
president, and Frans Kankkonnen, sec
retary and general manager.
Two Held as Boxcar Thieves.
MORO, Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.) Sher
iff Levi Chrlsman. of Wasco County.
Do not sap the springs of life by neglect of the human mechanism, by allowing
the accumulation of poisons in the system. An imitation of Nature's method of
restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of the blood and nervous strength is
to take an alterative glyceric extract (without alcohol) of Golden Seal and Oregon
grape root, Blood root, Stone and Mandrake root with Cherrybark. Over 40 years
ago Dr. Pierce gave to the public this remedy, which he called Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. He found it would help the blood in taking up the proper ele
ments from food, help the liver into activity, thereby throwing out the poisons from
the blood and vitalizing the whole system as well as allaying and soothing cough.
No one ever takes cold unless constipated, or exhausted, and having what wo
A personally conducted
will leave Willamette
For a tour of the
most interesting
points in California.
Train will consist of Pullman Standard Sleeping Cars, Ob
servation Car, Diner, and Exclusive Baggage Car. Fare from
Salem Albany, Corvallis, Lebanon, Eugene and intermediate
points for the round trip, $79.00, including sleeping car berth,
all meals on going trip, numerous side trips, auto rides and
entertainment, also rail ticket returning to starting point.
Here is a chance to see California under the most favorable
circumstances, at small expense, in MIGHTY GOOD COM
PANY, and under intelligent guidance.
Some points of interest en route are: San Francisco, San
Jose, Del Monte, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and the great
orange belt of California.
Tickets are good for return any time within 3 months, and
allow stop-over. .
Ask the S. P. agent for advance itinerary, sleeping car
reservations, tickets and all required information, or -write to
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
today captured C. C. Carter and F.
Holms, who are charg-ed with breaking
Into a boxcar belonging to the O.-W.
R. & N. Company at Biggs Saturday.
January 20, and lodged in the Sherman
County Jail. The preliminary hearing
will be held Wednesday before the City
Recorder of Moro.
call mal-nutntion, which is attended witn impovensnea Diooa
and exhaustion of nerve force. The " Discovery" is an all
round tonio which restores tone to the blood, nerves and
heart by imitating Nature's methods of restoring waste
of tissue, and feeding the nerves, heart and lungs on rich
red blood.
" I suffered from pain under 'my rteht 'shoulder Made also a very
severe cough," writes Mas. W. DoaN. of New Brookland. S. C. to Dr.
B. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. " Had four different doctors and none did
me anv rood- Some said I had consumption, others said I would have
to nave an operation. I was bedridden, unable to sit up for six months
and was nothbur but a live skeleton. You advised me to take Dr.
Piwce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
When I had taken one bottle of the ' Discovery ' I could sit up for an
boor at a time, and when I had taken three bottles I could do my
cooking- and tend to the children. I took fourteen bottles In all and was
then in good health. My weight is now 167 pounds.
special train excursion
Valley points via the