J .J -a aaa,. . ! I 1 . a,--- I FOR RENT. 1 FOB RENT. FJ5I BAXTtP-MIWELMNBOCT. HAVE. YOU ANYTHINil 10 s.i-i. CALL CS VP t'UR ANYTHING XOCT CARE TO DISPOSE OF. M BARDE A SONS. "Th Hun of Ml "Ion Bargain." Front and Main Mala 663. WE PUTCLOTHIN...FURNITU.;E. TOOLS. lllhrat prlr paid for men and ladle-cat-on clothlr.g. hos. furnltur. loo . rr.echan!-. lostting. Call Mala 200. lat sc. Tb Globe IF ) want to ell your Junk. tool or Jo lota. J'ia: call tb Capital Junk Co. Mar h'l a.,9. N. lit at. l tar tn highest raab price for e-d-hand furniture. rVater A Martin, Phone Lut ."!134 4 lllhorn aa, VI 'TR'H.A wanted, a second-haod Victor Vietrol: rat condition, modal and price. O 72. Orroclan. " pTnOER-9-AUCTION-" HOtf K. $70 - Morrleon, I'bona E. 12T. Pay Manca. real, price tor furnltur. WANTED Seceond-hnd roll top dask. me dium else safe and typewriter; must bo eiip. AM 74. M-egonlan WANTED Th bat that $2oo0 cah In r-l wtats will buy, atata location to Ah. 75 Orf ;onltl. ' Bl'.HEST rrut paid for lal.e and gents' ru it-ofT c Mng. W respond promptly. M-tre-ialT JMi SINGER, sewing mi.'h!M with attachment. cn.tt A K 7 i. Oregon'!, fOKD Auction Co Pay m t cash foe T kind ci furnltura. Mala M.-.l. A 244$. Hrl WANTEH M1J- INCT D NT. Taut i man. irmci.r, oat of work ' He to.al real. aaet If I pay yon ? rectal employ elt membership I win have only $1$ loft between mo and tx- tL-"ratry If ye- pay II for special .rn p'.oyment merr.berehlp r will baa too T M C A with lla reawaurcea, between) loo and starvation- KhuiI Young man Join-! oelalH. la thaa a weak had aatlafactory om- ptoymant. Bacord for Taar lllt Call for man. . Foauloca a.ud. ........ Ml 1S Employ rat tnombaranlp anrantoaa irmbr will cvf am ployraanl or ro f jnd of tnamborahlp f: atvra 1 raoathr full mambcrsblp prlvU'a. lo monina o rlal pnvi r and undrtakaa to ka party arrp:oad durlnc tha full tarm OI ttf brMo without turtbar cbanjf. Wa ha rooataot dam and for trrada. aapartancad eta. Ara yea flliaa for a arttr poaltlonT 8a aacrataxy amvloymaat dapartmaat. T. M. C. A. WE ARR OROANIZINT A FORCE CP SALKSMES To SELt cnED-0? OHt.;oN UXD WITHIX AN HOIKS RIL.K OF FoKTUANU. AND Utr,LRt TOLSO MEN OF AJULITV TO ACT AS fALKSVEN AND LBAKN THE MM-NK-S. g.NLT MEN OF CHARACTER DK tilRtrx POSITION PERMANENT AND REMUNERATIVE. WE FAIRLY St-HOOl. AMI TRAIN EACH r ALEtM AN. CALL. JiETWEpN 10 AND 11 A. M. COLUM BIA ACliES- F. H. JIOI.PBOOK CO.. J18 LCMUEH EX'-HANOE HLDO.. SECOND AND eTAKK. FACTORY FOREMAN. Applleatlooa will bo n-oivd by tba an d.n lanad ud to noon Fhruarr 7 for tha poaiaon of FACTORY FOKKMAN for a Waatara fruit canning factory with rlpa xperianca corarlnir mechanical oparatlona. yraparation of produrta. procesalr.t;. ato. Apply, atatlna; IW. aiparlanra. aaJary r juird. with rr-f ncaa. to CHILUn At K CAN NINO A PKE.-EKVINO CO "hlHwa-lt. H. C. canaaa. JWANTEn for U. B- Army, abla-boil'd. -marrlrd man. btwn aceo of It and S3. c!tl-n of Lnltrd Hiataa. of sood cbar actr and tmpnta bablta. who caa apeak, r ad and wrtta tha Ennllatl lan- uaa. For Inform tloa apply to Kecrult ln offli-ar. Worciwr b.ock. Third and Cak atrreta. port. and. Or. liOT WANTED Wa bava an opening for ra llab.a ar.d ateady apprenllra to Warn tho watchmaker a trade. If you mean buil aesa and wlah to rcolo a thorouh train Ira auply In person or by letter. O. !ltkempr Co.. Jawalara, 130 6Ui at iiou bius. COMPETENT. Ilea elty aalaaman. ex perlence.1 In aoIMnc contractora and loc- fera' aupp.laa, wlro ropa. hardwara. ate. roapect of country territory: ajlro full partlcu.aro concerning eaperlanca. peraon a.liy ad aalary expected la tint latter. AJ Te-k Oreaoaiaa. TWO youna; men for travellnr aa?eemn; no tperlD-e raqulred: larce Eaatera manu facturer la aatabPfhlna; braiicb. oa Pacific Coaat and havo food opening for huat:era. Apply W A. M. ud 3: ti P. K-. Hotel l.amaoo. ltth aad Waahlnrtoa. Aak for Mr. H yer. E WANT men of character and pereon aUlty who hare bad any kind of aelJlns eaparleoca. Wa can hi you a ood In come and a parmanent poaltion It ou caa do our work Wa wv-.t aalcamen. not ped dler a Call HI 5th ac A'k for Mr. llodaoa. WANTED An experienced buaineaa niaa who la capabla of hoM;a a reiona:ble poeltloo with a biff company, where ha can employ bla e-rvlcee and monoy aa w-lL Keferancea len aad rOQUlrad. Y 7 t. Orefonlaxc V'ANTED Ftrat-claaa automobllo machlnlat to repair and take caro of flva or a.x cara In arn-.il private caraae: married maa pre. ferred. atata aa.ary axpected and aend reerencea la Brat .etter. Addraaa AV 4a. Ore iron lan. JJVi; AGENTS for Mch-claaa apoelaltlea: no co petition; let ma he.p yoa to mako . weekly Maau-acturara Asant. 127 Cortvatt Bids. N of ffood appearanca and kood talker to eollclt memberaiilp for boepttaj ao ctatlun; only moa w!th atraiirht reoord nd apply; aaiary and commiaaion paid. Apply A M. to 11. 711 Veon bl.tr- WANTED Actlvo men to repreaant aatab liahe.1 baaneaa: rouat be llva wlrao and convincing la.kra. opportunity for ad vancement. Apoly a u x III Mohawk bi'la-. 1-1 and Mrrieon H AN rl An eip-rlvned at.-rk aaieemaa with good cr-vl-nt La.an company belpa aaer.t win aucceea. aood laada. perma nent poaitton and promotion In tho aeer company. Addreea K 7M-. orecontan, XlNER'-iETIC -imia, miut ;e neat and a ejoo.1 UUar. cur wore; reliable, eatab lianed iirm; aalary el. and commlaalona; ailanm-nt tor a rood man; atata laat en-t,.om-nt. AM 7a. t tonltr. COAT AKEK wanted for work on ladl-a ruau. Muat be able to make a r-d Job. Pteady work. L. H- Moaner, merchant tat nr. Faiem. Or. A T K r Ktrat -r ; aaa apecllty aaleamen. mmi-"lon taaia. clly work Vr.f-renra Hlven tbee e i iv-r in -ed In mercantile coa tra ta AP 71a. Orcajpnlan. cU R Uiah-claaa aIlcltora who can ael tha buameaa. llutt have clean reror.;a and TefereB'-e. Kellenl pay to rlcht men. Arr'T i Ei: a M ig A. M. T to let rlearlnir c-ntrart to reeponel Me party; will pay aom caah. ba.anco land. U. Walton, ftlft Chamber of Cora m v rce. Jlu.r-CLA.' tool and die maker wanted; aieady work. Call 2-1 CommercLal Club .f tAt MILL foreman for o M. fr mil!; man wrtw can toiy aomo alock preferred. AV IHi. (Trfrtnlan. ONE flrat-cleea bench man and ona fl rat -claaa aaah and door nu. Pltcblaaa lAimber Co.. Col. WANTED rirat-cVaaa coatmaker to do buaheiin cma ready for work. Stone Broa . aaa-- Waahlngton at. ExrEltTENED younc clerk for general mercbandiaa at ore ; aucmrb to Portland. AX 7o. oreajonian. tir.-T-CLA--! aaleomaa for tal'.onnc aaiab lhmeat "ilouao of Bair." Cia and Waan lr.icton ata. WANTED rtriabt o.Uce boy. -boot 14. Ap p.y liradrnaw Broa.. Royal bide.. Morrt- aoa ana ttn. SAI.FSMAX to call oa tha trade; muat bo rr.t-c.aaa Sea Mr. Roaa, 61a Board of Trade t.-ldir. CITY and road aaieaman for wlno houao; atata aco. laat ttnlormtnt aad axperlanco . . ."1 . lra.finl.B. STOVE aale aaa wanted for Oreon. Waah lnton and Idaho. uivo eaperWoca and rrforencca AK T44. Orefonlan. l-.LIClTOr!3 waated for cleaning and proaa inc worka. Muat bo boatlera. 40 par cent comm.' aaloa. V 74J. Oonlan. fFRMAN EST Income for aaleamaa. Aak for Mr Pry ant. 1111 Taoa bld. ACENT to aall photo coupona: eomethlne new. Boat on tudi.v 42V Waah. IHOTOoHAPH coupoa and portrait attenta. n.w offer Cnthbert Mudlo. fekum bl.la. rAINTEKD wanted to flora palatine a houa-. il Hoard of Trade. f FTP W t'TTD 7TM irl..S(OKAPHER wanted at once. Call M lloard ot rage oim W A NT ED plrat-cJ.a womaa paetry cook. liray'a Cafeteria. 7th and Oak ate. CIRI. for houaework. food home. Phono t; i'r. bcP:riENCEi Or and aaa, waitxaaa wan lad. IS ... . ,va 1 I t I 6ITI ATIO.VS WASTED MAUS. I "y a .-a- 1 - . An.- .--, HotkpUl Boonu. WANTED Competent atenoeraphar In ao- tract and real eatato oflice; permanent poaition: reajonao.a aalary. chanca for advancemanu Write Cowllta Co. Tltla A lnv. Co.. Ka.ama. WaajL Jtil'XO lady of rood appearance and rood talker to do apecial liuo of work In clt). rood aalary if aulted. Apply kfter II A. M.. 7.U Taoa bld. RELIABLE, capabla. heat peraoa to cook for 2 and fai-a cara of child; rood noma and cod wacca for rlitht party; mut ba ircod cook. Bwra S"0 Seward Hotel. WANTED It ELI All LE YOUNO LADY Pl ASliT MI ST HE GOOD SIGHT READ ER APPLY THURSDAY HORM-Nu. boNO tllOP. 22 WASH ET. LAI'Y on ran-h would Ilka elderly lady or ladr with child aa companion; no work: mail itm.M ration. Aner today. AC 74-1. Oreconlan. WANTED Youna; woman to do llltht houae work In a-.eam-heated apartmnt; muat leep at home. Telephone llarahau l.os. or A 170. MRS. HOWE S LADIES- A.ENCY. Waablaston bld. 4th and Waah. ata Main S-3 or A 3" LAI1ES to do lnteretlr. work at home. W. k da afttr A. iL. Si Grand ara. North. Gll;l. for iineral houaework; muat ba ej perlenced cook; good wagra. Apply I-lard-r. riRST-CI-ASS ault and eloik aal-awom an. National Smpi Pint A C.oak CO.. bwet- lond M... Mh and Wnahtnston ata. WANTED 10 apprentice. Apply Bradahaw Proa.. whol-eaT- mllllnary. Royal bldg.. Iorrlaon and 7th. WANTED Refined, capabla wouan for ra aponaible poaition. Vlavl Co, 0 Roth- chhd bldg.. 4th and v aaningion. a43Vt Waahtngton at., cor 7th. upatalr- 1' n one wain APPRENTICES and maker In our flower manufcturlnc room. Apply Lowengart Co. . RENT freo to publlo atenocrapher; ona who la aurc of a.rra buaineaa to ftart. ln- qulre IIS Spalding bldg WANTED jlrl to work on veata; muat bava e.rlenca. AM TU. Oregonlan. WAVTRI' Experienced girl aa family cook; rvf-rencea required: wagea 140. Main WANTED A girl for general houaework. r.il! Main "Pa between 2 and 4:50. YOl'.Nil fflrla wanted to learn dreaamaklng; paid while learning. Central bldg.. 2". WANTtll) titrl for genernl houaework. amail family, good wnn Call 6o4Hoytat. 2i .ALESPEoPE. not peildlera, wanted. Hh sslmon at. EXPERIENCED womaa aollcltora, profltabla and eaay propoaltlon. 14IJ Eaat 20th. K-M1NAID CO 10OT SF.LL1NO BLXR1 Lucratlva poauion for women. Mil. LINE RV apprentlcoa wanted; paid while learning. Apply Lowengart A Co. WANTED A good cook. Call C7 North 17lh at. HELP WANTED MALE OR fEMALK. BOOKKEEPERS, caah I era. bill clerka. ate. j I wl.l guarantee your quallf icatlona to fill poaitlona In SO daya; prlata lnatructUa ly publlo accountant; poaition aecured. J 4 JO. oregonlan. WANTED Men and women, traveling and local, for Eaatern wboleaalo houae; aalary and exoenaea puld. Cull Braa til da Hole-, 4- Alder f"'-. room 1. WANTED Men and women aollcltora to aeii moat neceaaary labor-eaver for tha houaa. Apply CraadaH Salea Co.. He ward Hotel. OOOD man and wile to work on dairy farm. Phono A K7! TfEI V WAVTBD-MWCEMAffiOra PO.VT BE A 6I-AVE All your life, but learn to op-rat moving plcture-t, eaay work, ahort boura. Inside work, big pay; learn buaineaa la two week. Call and ee our arnool. NEW YORK AMUSEMENT CO.. i-ti-a Waablngton, o.ar 17th. KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN. Learn to operate movlng-plo-turea: opexatora earn l-a week ly: eaay Insula work. short houra: U-axn buaineaa In the fin eat and best-equipped school In the world: lessons reseooabla. Day and evening claaeea. NTK YORK AMUbEMENT CO.. b'ii-a Waanlngion. near 17th. MEN and women to learn tha barber trada In lk-t weeks; apecial Inducements; per centage paad whl.s learning: too, a free: expert Instructors: 17 years In the busi ness' 17 schools: a lifetime meinberahlp fliea to ea-h atudenL Moler Barber Col fga 81 N. Fourth si Portland. Or MEN wanted. a H to 33. to prepare for flremea and brakemen on aearl.y rail road a. $-o to 100 monthly. xperlenoe nnneceaaary : no atrlka. Promotion engi neers or conductor. 1S0 to lirwJ monthly; good lit careers; state age; aend ataip. Railway Atsoclalloo. box, Oregonlan. WANTED Men at Los Angelea; can learn trade; fair wages after aecond month; automobiles, electricity, plumbing, brick laying practical work on actual Jobs: llluo studi-nta iaat 6 years; only few months re-aulr-d United Trade bt-ho ', Los Angeles RAILWAY mall clerka' exam. Fab. 7: pro para now. excel. ent enlariee and promo tional no lay-offs; ura pay; free) book. Call today. Pacific K la tea rx-hool. llcaajr bidg.. elty. WANTED Railway mall clerka, custom c,rLs- "prtng exa mlnatlona In Portland; sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, dept. aei'L. Rocheeter. N. Y DO your stories sellT Manuarrlpta criti cise J. markets suggested. Interview by appolnt-n'-nt, Addroaa Manaairlpt lltltig Bureau. '. Ma.gly-Tlrhner bidg. MAIL appropriate nemo for private business college 642 Hamilton bldg. before Feb. 1 and receive 3 months scholarship free M arshall 42i. MAKE n-oney wrltlnr ahort atorlea. or for V. .a;.era; pi ray. ' 1 ' " . ... - . .-..a tiia r ' ' .-y.o.o-.. . . liO WEEKLY art ng or. the stage; ext- rleme unn-.-e-e-., t . - "1 y.,u Imrnoilulfly. inquire t, North yth- W a NTED Picture play wrtlera; big pay; -ii tah you. Picture Play Aseocia- tlon. Fan Francisco. riSK TEACH Ell" AboOClATION. 610 baetland bid g. t inim to learn tha aua!neea of the Sani tary Beauty Parlors. 4H Dekum bldg. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TTPE WR1T1NU. II mo. -A1 14th at- Mala SauJ. i-COMPETENT lady gultariat wishes a few more puplla B 1 543 W A N T E 1 1 00 men: leo halrcuttlng. Ed. Dennlson'o barber shop. 1.! Morrlaoa it. MTTATIONO. WAXTETa M ALB. Rookk pera aad Clerk. UX AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS a hooka, prepare balance aad aiate-r-.enta Install systems. Ollllngham. au dnur 411 Lewis tlilg Marshall 71T. MARRIED man. S.t years, good appearance, at present employed, saleetnan. col.eotor or bookkeeper; Al reference. AK Ore en: .in. WAM Kl Py experlcnc-ed bookkeeper and stenographer; wl.l leave elty. L 7otL Ora gonin. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wlahe on or two email aeta of booka to keep. Alt Tti, Oregonlan, BOOKKEEPER-etenograpber. experienced banking, lumber, real eatato; reference. B T44. Oreg-onlan. ELDERLY Btngie American wlehe any kind of llKht employment, city or country- la randy, tnte.ilgont and trustworthy, ii .37. Orrxoclan. CHAUFFEUR I don't emoke or drink: will appreciate a position wltn private family where economical care of automobile will be appreciated All 744. Orcgonian. MARRIED man. IS years' experience, want poaition, wholesale or retail grocery house; beet refereaeu. 130 Bin sc. or p on Main r.-io. YOUNO chauffeur wanta position with pri vate family; experienced In repair ahop; no bad hablta. AK 747. Oregonlan. TOt'.NO couple to take charge of rooming house or apartme t-house; experienced. AO 7IJ. Oregonlan. JAPANESE choolboy wlahra poaltloa la smnil family la city or country. Aa. Tea, Or on tare wXnTED oonie kind of Ir.alde work or helper on wagon. years' experience as vin driver. X 7iH. Oregonlan. MoTloN-PICTURE operator who under stands the buaineaa wish position. Call Marshall C403. WANTED--Posltloa as helper or relief work In motloo r-Kt.ur theater; have some -perlence. ft Oregonlan. GOOD Japsnea wanta poaition as cook and housework. AH 4- Or-gonlan. JAPANESE wants cooking and houaework. AC 7414. Oregonlan. JAPANESE, good cook, wanta poaition la fami.y. A R 744. Oregonlan. WILL tint room a. i-5il up; do painting at r- a aon i b le prices. East al-4. MAN" and wife tanl position on rancU or .-.Tf u. 1 M Mmlssllipt AT. Till' 1MII.-M Mr lllir.llW.MA.1. I H Llol.i i , I -. I k ' " - T. M. C A. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Second and Ash Br. wrntshea men foa factorle. mills. log ging camps, rnflroad construction, farm work, and all other classes of skilled and unskilled labor Marshall 2271: A TT43. A square deal to employer and employ. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 213 Second, corner Salmon. Wrmen'e department, 24S balmon. All claise of unskilled, skilled, professional and clerical male and femgl help fur nlshed on short notice. No fee charge phone Main 8555: A 6624. WANTED Situation as construction fore man; Id years experience on main line and losglng railroads, grading, tracklay lng and ateara shovel work; references. AD 7JS. Oregonlan POSITION by-middle-aged man. experienced In general mdse.. In or out of clly. Not afraid uf work, served apprenticeship la Scotland; best of reference. Aa 703, Ore gonlan EXPERIENCED Holland-American family, man. wife. 3 strong boy and glrL want position on dairy, ranch or Feneral farm, or would like to take car of place. AO 7t. Oregonlan. A Yi.l'Nii foreigner. 16 year old. wants po aition with aomeone: willing to do any thing to pay for bla board and room in order to be able to go to sobooL AK 751. Oreannian. VOL'NQ man of ability, good education and neat appearance wlahea position of any kind: speak several language; salary no oliject. A 7t6. Oregonlan. MAN ai.d wife wlah work together, camp or hotel preferred. AR 740, oregonlan. SITTATIONS WANTED FEMAIJ. Beokkeewere aad Mrsagrapaan, YOUNG ladv stenographer. 5 years' experi ence, educated and capable, desire posi tion about February 13. exoellent refer ence. Addreaa AV o6. Oregonlan. 6TENOORAPHER. one year- experience, wants work, temporary or permanent; aal ary I" per week. Phone Tabor 8646. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wishes po sition; som experience. Plion Woodlawa l.iil POSITION by tenographer, 6 years' experi ence. Good referan ce. AO 751, Ore gonlan. TUo ROUGHLY experienced young lady e'enocre pher wanta position. Main IIP YoUNO Isdy desire poaition la office. AC 744, Oregonlan. "EXPERIENCED stenographer, wllMnc work er, want position. Marshall 81.VS. EXPERT law stenographer desires position. Phone A 64W. ; Proaomafcer M'l'LLE DB IULLAUT, o.'..'- Washington (Ella 8t entrance): A 8940: exclusive French design In gowns, tailored suit, waists, etc WANT D Ladle" tailoring at lo8 Euat 3h St. North. Charges reaaonable. DRESSMAKING, tailoring, remodeling; will take day work. Marshall ltwa. DRESSMAKER from New York, out by day; good fitter; reference. Main 78SW. Housekeeper. WIDOW with girl 6 year old wishes posi tion as housekeeper for widower: city pre ferred ; reference excha ged. Address AL 74i. Oregonlan. YOUNO widow, neat and respectable, wishe position ss housekeeper. 710 E. Mohawk t.. St. John. Or. AO 762, Oregonlan. MARRIED lady wishes position to rare for rooming-house. Call or addreaa 621 Mill st. II rs. jidira. LADY, unincumbered, would Ilk position a housekeeper; good home more than wage. Hotel Midland. 6th and Stark, room 30. MIDDLE-A GED woman wishe position In good home place or chambermaid. Eaat 171 MIDDLE-AGED woman desires situation, housekeeper, widower. MAln 2ti39. A 4775. CHILDREN'S and ladies' work by the day. Phono Main !49. ask for Mia Cooper. Nurse OOOD. reliable practical nurse want more confinement cna''a; can furnish references; terma reasonable. Mrs. A. Nelson, 8 . 11th t. North. Phono E. 1C.VI. UNDEK-GRADL'ATE nurao wishes situation in Institution or caring for Invalid. K 7IT2. Oregonlan. GRADUATE nurao wlahea poaition In doc tor office; state aalary. AK 756, Ore gonlan. NURSE would like work, either hospital or private nursing. Add. AV 804. Oregunlan. NURPINfl wanted by experienced woman, maternity specialty. Main 7u"K. AS TRAVELIXD companion, nurao or maid to lady C 704. Oregonlan. PRACTICAL nurse wants a case; beat of city references. Main 7797. Domestics. WANTED Position by young German woman: good cook; referenoe AD 7&U. Oregonlan. GIT:L want housework with cooking. d East 27th N., near E. Everett. GIRL want general housework. 647 Pet tygrove st, " Miscellaneous. ' COMPETENT middle-aged womnn wlshe general housework; good cook. 17 7s, Oregonlan. FINNISH girl wants housework, email fam ily; will go outof city; speaks Swedish, but no Er-.glian. W. W., 74 Minnesota ave. FlKSI-CLAS laundress wishes work Thurs day and Friday; references. Woodlawn Mil. - LACE curtains laundered. 25o up; draperle cleaned, dyed, called for and delivered.. Tabor 817. WANT car of children by the day. hour or evening: can give best of reference. T 71. Ort-gonlan. REPINED young lady to accompany Invalid going to California; ha had hospital ex- r.nmrc K 721. Oregonlan. HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waltreases, cham bermaids, office girls, ours, su Louis Aaencv. 3131, Alder. Main 2"3H. A 4773. YoU.N'i. lady wlahea position as cashier, ex p -lenced, city reference. Call L. U. Main Op.. TWO wtlllng girl want day work. Phon Srllwooj IH611 LADY wishe to tske rare of children la her home: beet of car. Sellwood 1.16'J. A RELIABLE woman wlahea day work. Phone Marshall 211H. RELIABLE woman want laundry work Thursday and Friday; full daya. East 35L GERMAN woman wishe day work. 20c hour. 1142 Eaat llh st- N. EX I ' Kill EN'iED a oman. day work, wash ing. Ironing, clca'nlng. Muln f'3l. A 4775. bi. Hi iuUIIIiL wanta place to work for room and h"rd. A J 74J, oregonlan. BT German middle-aged woman, work by tha day or hour. C HIS. EXPERIENCED nureeglrl wants position, small private family. Phone Marshall 8734. GEKMAN lady wants day work. Call even Inr. Phone East 5475 LADY wlahea day work from 3 to 4 boura Main 7lo4. Mm. Griffith. W'ANTTiO-GEVTS. A LARGE corporation wanta repreaenta tlvea In votir territory; men capable of earning 830O0 to $10 000 per year. A f erro nnent aucceas for those who can qual fy. if you can meet our atandard or ef ficiency w will appoint you our repre sentative. Present Irauo condition guar antee greatest opportunity for thoee who connect with us at once. Brand's Realty System. Dept. 3. paclflo bldg., ban Fran c.sco. caL WANTE1 TO RE7CT. WANTED To rent a II or 14-roomed house, unfurnished, close In. suitable for a rooming-house. Phone A 6112. WASTED To leaae, up-to-date greenhouse for a long term of years. Phone A glou. Mouse. ' QUICK RESULTS corn fro our system of renting house, flata or tore. Try It nd see. RENTAL DEPT., CHAPIN & HER LOW. M Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A very ine furnished house or apartment for two or three months. Will furnish best of referenc.-e and guarantee best of care. Must be rirst-class, on West Side In good location. Mdlum-slxcd bouse preferredT Addreaa AD 734. Oregonlan. A FURNISHED home, with garage. In Nob HIM district, by small family for a months: satisfactory reference. Addraaa B 743. Oreronlan. Room. yorso lady would Hke a nicely furnished room with private family, East Side, with in walking distance Pacific phone. H 704. Oregonlan TWO or " furnished room flat or house keeping room close In; gtate price and location. Box 61. City. Rooms With Board. WIDOWER with boy 3 years wants board and room In private family or widow' home where there are no othor boarders; Oreler aaadlah people, AJ 744. Orcgoalan. FURNISHED room with privaU bath, for gentlemen. Madison Park apt.. 2tl2 Park. tarnished Room. NOW OPEN I NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN I Those three beautiful furnished hotel HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL Ml NOOK, PARdO.N'S, ROWLANDS. 213 4tn St- S11W 4lh St, 207 4th St. On Fourth t ruunlng from Taylor to Salmon st.; brand new brick, elugantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to dat In all respects, and at popular price. If you want omething out of th ordinary. In the heart of the city, rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know you will like It, Room by th day. wk or month. Tourial trade solicited. " HOTEL CAPLES. 850 Taylor at., bet, 7lh and Park. Resi dential and transient; absolutely central; two minute from Poatofflce. atore. thea teia and restaurants; Just off Lus.nes streets and carlines; quk-test and best lo cation; new brick: ample team heat and hot running water; phones, eievator. From II aaily. 5 weekly. Any car from Union Depot; from North Bank Depot car to Taylor st. Phone Marshall 230O. HOTEL ALMA. 12TH AND STARK STS BeautUully furnished rooms, slngls pr n suite, with private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat and private phone In every room; eievator and ground floor office; no court rooms; rates $5 per week and up; under pew management, CORDOVA lioleL llth and Jefferson ts.j brand new brick: splendidly furnished; aa rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, many with baths: every effort Is made for the comfort and convenience of It guests; the rent are most reason sdI; room by the week, month or day. J" car direct from depot- ANGELA HOTEL. 623 Washington at., oppoaite Multnomah Alhletlo Field New brick building; all modern conveniences:: well resuiated resi dential and family hotel; splendid accom modations for transients; oonvenlent to the business renter and th rate ar mod- . ., . -. k a.t U.r.h, tll.kll. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grnd and Haw thorn vea Beautifully furnished rooms, slngl or en suit, with private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat and private phone In every room; moderate weekiy or monthly ratea; grill in connection; tran sients aouciicu. HOTEL FORD. 733 Washington. cornr Lu cretla su New brick building. Just com pleted; fine larg outside room with tele phone eervlce. with or without pnvat bath: new and splendidly furnished: hot and cold water, steam heat; best of serv ice; very reasonauie leie- uoTKM. KAVnV. 131 Eleventh Street, New, modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooma; beautifully furnlehed. cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and a ua; regular ana traneiem na.no HOTEL LA SALLE, 10th and Burnside sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and legantly furnished room: prlvat baths, steam he-1. hot and cold water, prlvat phone In ech room; apeotnl rate by the month; , . . , LthnnA Uarahall 4i4V- pnono e-oiw ..J. i -- THE REX. 54S1 Washington Transient rooms. 50o and up: by week. 2 up. Are you getting rooms like ours for the money i If not. change. Steam heat, hot and cold water In each room; all outalds rooms. Also nousckeepin-. . . . . - .-. uftTM. 243A HOLLA DAY ave.. Phone C 8199. Steam heat, hot and cold water. Elec tric light In all rooma First-class ac commodations at 82.50 per week. , U or I car direct to door. run NT SHED rooms, steam heat, S60 a week and up; nicely furnished, clean, homelike. See them and you will look no further. Genevieve. 445 Columbia. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 ont slde rooms, with hot snd cold water and steam heat; offers special rates to porma nent guests: rates uOc to $2 a day; and up rr week, phone Main bil3. HOTEL Oarland. 25 Trinity Place. cor. Wash.; outBlde rooms, newly and ele gantly furnished, private phonea, abso lutely modern. Ii.60 weekly and up; tran sients 11 per day, two In a room. ...k.' fianrij HflT 1-71 .. 105V4 Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district: steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone In every room; $1 day and up; 8 week and up. jToteiTreNWICK An Ideal horn for bus iness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portlanu Hotel. opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main 916. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or single, steam heat, ii and 13 week: 6 minutes walk to theater and stores; free phon. LINDELL HOTEL. 32S 4TH, MADRAS HOTEL. 12th and Washington. Rooms II a day. 5 week; nothing ex tra for two In room. Thoroughly modern. NICE warm, clean, comfortable rooms, free phone, hot bath, steam hear, also one nice basement housekeeping room. 837 - Taylor st- JjEVVLY furnished room, steam-heated, elec tric light, private bath, both phones, new building, walking distance; rooms $10 and up. 274 H Holladay ave. QUIET warm homelike rooma, clean, com fortable beds: no rough element; prices reasonable. The Larrabee. 227 Larrabee. ARMIN1US HOTEL. 4104 Morrison, opp. Baker Theater, nicely furnished rooms; permanent, transient; low rate. Main BsjQ. FURNISHED-single room, steam heated, running hot and cold water, use of bath. Tho Wheeldon. Park and Taylor at. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington, near 22d Nicely furnished outside rooms, private bath and phonea; board if desired. M. b031. ELM PLACE. 414 Yamhill st, cor. llth. rooms $3.00 per week up; hot and cold water, steam heat, private bath. THE ARCADIA. Three-room front apt., nicely furnished. rent reasonable. 706 Eleventh st. HOTEL NORR1S. 17th snd Alder sts; room Ingl or ea eulto; steam heat, hot and cold water. p PARK HILL. 303ti Yamhill: rooms from $2.50 up: nice, clean, qui' place. NR'ELY' furnished, clean, light rooms, clos In; heat, 81.23 up. latf W. Park st. FURNISHED rooms for men; close In; very reasonably; 471 Morrison. FurnMied Rooms In Private Family. A REASONABLE, coxy, single room for one gentleman; walking distance; over Mor rison end Burnside bridges; pleasant home for right party; board clos by If desired. East 4DS5. VERY clean and nicely furnished room with two large windows: new furniture and neat; close to 2 carlines; respectable residence district. Phone East 472U or call 6,0 Enat Main at WILL be vacant January 2-7 I one large room with two closets, suitable for two young men; modern, clean, iignt; home cooking. It.;.-, llth sc. cor. Mill. IF you want a nice, clean, well furnished room. In walking diatance, come and see my rooms: tine location, on carllne. Call 87! Williams ave. phone C 1S!. LARGE, well furnished front rooms; modern conveniences: suitable for two, reosona- ble. oo5 Northrup st. Phone aiain n. LARGE front room, heat, phone and bath, easy walking distance. Jefferson-st. car; $' ",l per week. 8-8 Chapman at. NEWLY furnished rooma. one sleeping porch, reaaonable. 70a Everett St. NICELY furnlsned room In modern flat. 26 N. 10th St. Phone Main 4tf'6. $2 PER WEEK, pleaaanl small room, use of piano. 301 lOtli. ONE furnlahed room, light, heat, bath, $5 month. 2l Fargo t.. U car. NICELY furnlahed room, bath and pbon; suitable for 2 gentlemen. 185 tj lOUi at. CLEAN and nealy furnished rooms In good location, walking distance. Ib7 Eaat 14th. VERY pleasant rooms; plenty of hot water; reasonable prices. St'5 12th St. LOVELY front room, all conveniences, $7 nonth. Phone A S."07. FOR KENT Two front rooma. first floor; running wator, heat, 13 9la St. North. FURNISHED sleeping-room for rent, 630 Columbia st. Phone A 57S0. LARGE, light room, well heated, suitable for one or two. Ill llth t- NICE large, warm room In modern fiat at 3 a week. 262 7th St. NEWLY furnished modern room to rent. reasonable. 7i6 Corbett st. NICELY furnished room for 1 or 2 gentle- man. 414 Salmon st. $2 BRIGHT, cosy room, quiet home, short walk. 2-.'2 Tenth. FURNISHED room with private bath, for gentlemen. Madison Park apt. 2o2 Park. Booms With Board. TWO line large rooms, one with prlvat bath one with hot and cold water; hoi e cooking 617 Kearney, the Magnolias. MANITOU. 201 18TH ST. Attractive, clean rooms. steam heat, good 1 oard. close In. reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, library. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, rupt. ROOM ar.d board. Casa Rosa, 300 Jeffer- son St., corner oth. THE CALVARD. 42 Morrison st,. cor. I3th. Well-fumish-d rooms and bosrd. CHGIC room a d board. 8$ XorU i 17-U JANUARY 25, 1912. THE Haxel dining room reopened, table board, strictly tirst-claa; also furnished rooms, steam heat,' running water; price moderate. 3S5 d sc. cor. Montgomery. DOES V"home appeal to you? THE WHITE HAL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. near car, 4 blocks irorn r o. v...... .v.". LAMBERSO.V, 664 Couch St., cor. lith Very desirable, clean rooms with steam heat and ruunlng water; good board; fine location lur imuubi. oi oa,.,. Rooms WIIh Board In Privatot"amlly. A FEW "SELECT BOARDERS WAJfTED IN PRIVATE FAMILY IN NOB HI L DISTRICT. Just opened, everything new, room with or without bath, Snest of meals at modern price; w will guarantee you can board and room here cheaper than going Into an apartment-house. Call and see, 635 r.vrrc.L su, cor. -om. FOR RENT Most desirable large front par lor room, suitable for one or two parties. In strictly private family, together with first-class table board, within 10 minutes walking distance from business center. Ad dress 6M oiain. WILL be vacant January S7; one large room with two closets, suitable for two young men; modern, clean, lhjht; home cooking. 863 6th St.. cor. Mill. , LARGE room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; with bath, electric lights, furnace heat and A meals; tit apiece. Phone M. 7 OS 9. 270 it. leth ST. GOOD table board, all home privileges, sin gle or double rooms, 2 blocks SS car. 861 K Taylor, corner 28th. Tabor 8700. Phon Main 4080. NEATLY furnished room, with board; good horn for 1 or 2 young ladles. Phone A S738. WANTED Children to board and care for; a good home. Terms reasonable. Tabor 817. A NICE room, home comforts, good break fast. $10 per month. Hawlhorne district, references. Phone B 8230. WANTED One or two small children to room and board; good home and best of care. Phone A 8607. VERY' pleasant, nicely furnished front room, with board, close In: pleasant surround ings; best of home cooking. Main 8230. BRIGHT.pretty room In modern house, for rent, with two meals of good home cook ing In private family. Phone Main 6485. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, with board. 195 10th st. Ref erences ROOM and board In refined home, with all conveniences. 595 E. Ash, corner 15th Phone E. 1S4H. PLEASANT room for one or two. excellent district, choice board. 761 Marshall. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel lent board; also table board, 656 Gllsan. WEST SIDE Large room with alcove; ex cellent tabl board. Main 2071, FIRST-CLASS room and board. prlvat family. 54S Yamhill St. ROOMS, with board : price reasonable. 605 Eaat oak. cast en. FURNISHED room, with or without board; an mouci ... ooo 6INGLE room, running water, good board; l... .. . 1 i)Q1 M... Uaelr gentlemen unij. ecm.. - . ROOM with board for one, two ladles. Phono East 42VH. A NICE place to room and board for 2; all conveniences. r ti. CHOICE place, near Multnomah Club, good . linns Unin o.tio FIRST-CLASS room and board. 699 Everett. Apartments. ORLANDO API'S.. 2Utn and Wash, sts.; two and three-room furnished apt.; every convenience; very large rooms; steam heat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator; easy walking distance; ref erences required, Marshall le. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford st,, near Washington; select resi dence district; a 8-room, with balcony overlooking private gardens; all conve niences of the best class apartment. Main 3tb3. A 744a. THE NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall st. Newly furnished 2-room spt, and 1 room, bachelois; walking distance. Main 42U9. THE DEZiiNDORF. 08 ltlTH. NEAR TAYLOR. THESE ELEGANT 5-ROOM UNFUR NISHED APARTMENT-, APPLY ON PREMISES. " THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In North west; 21st and Johnson t .; all outsld room. Apply on premises, or call liar- snai oooo. WINSTON Apartments, 841 14th St.. at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; 25 to $37.50. For information call Main 1739. THE ST. CROIX 170 SL Clair St., nicely furnished and unturnia lied 8-room apart ment. Private bath, free phone, steam heat, free janitor service. "Just olf Washington" Prices very reasonable. TUB WINDSOR APARTMENTS. We now have one of thoiie beautiful front corner apis.; everything Is strictly q k. and reasonable. Cor. E. 14th and YamhilL . WIL rent my three-room apartment, fur nished, for $45 per month to couple with out children. 24 .eeler Apartments. Phone A "30S. THE ROSENFELD Apartments Furnished or unfurnished. 4-room apartment, all large outaide room. Janitor service. East 14th and Stark KEELER APARTMENTS, 14lh and Clay Sis. We hav one of the best 3-room corner suites lu the city, unf urnisiied. private ves tiuule. balh. phone, etc Apply at once. ' THE FLORENCE . 8 and 4-room furnished apartments; modern, new and absolutely ilrst class; walking. d tanoe; from $35 up. 3bs llth street- LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln sts. Modern brick building: 2-room apartments $22.50 to $30: private phones; no children, no pets. I'uoiie Main 1377. A 3472. PARK APARTMENTS. 353 Harrison: beau ,,, , 3 and 4-room furnished apartment; walklna- distance; best of service; prices 14Q io IW. Phone Marshall 8070. 410 6th Furnished and unfurnished strictly modern apartmer.' . talking dls tance; prices reaaonable; ro children. r LAY POOLE APARTMENTS, llth and Cl-y new brick; 8 rooms, with balcony; 2 wall beds; superb location; reasonable rent; beat of service, every convenience. thp SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.; a rooms with bath; superb location, clos to downtown district. All oulsido rooms, D"sl of service, modern; reasonable renu rl a V POOLE ANNEX Two rooms furnished xii 3"5 llth st. private bath, all conven lencesT good service, easy walking dia tanc HADDON BALL, 414 llth. cor. Uall; 3 and 4-room newly furnished apts.; private bath, phone, balcony porches; $35 up. mono J''1"""' SUNNY", arttstlca.ly furnished 8-room apt., near 23d and Woeh.; excellent view; rent $40. Phone A 7323, Mar, olol. IRIS APARTMENTS. Third and Mill; 4 and 5 rooms, uufuriii-hed; steam heal, hot and cold water; $32 and $40. BUCK HARTFORD APTS.. 21st end Flan ders, 4 unfurnished rooms, 3 furnished pri vate, bath, phone sleeping porch. .u up. THE ARCADIA. One 8-room modern apt.; newly fur nlshed; rent very reqsonablo. 7oU Everett, fTFknTsHED or unfurnished apartmeuta, 4 . . ,, . r i men I u fill eon v.n ten eea and o-roo-i- . 1 first floor; lla. 6''1 Market st. THE LILLILAN. cor. tith and Montgomery; 2 and li-riwm uiniw k, .,,v.e,. steam heal, walking distance. Marshall 1373-. " THE T KIN LEY. 429 East Morrisun. corner 7th. 2. 8 and 4-room apartments, furni-hed up to date; private baths, moderate price, new m gt- BEAUT1FULLY furnished 4-room apart sireet.Appjy II Front St. ment; Dftiu ., BUAINTREE Elegant 6-room apartment. West Side, walking dlstnnce; rent reason- ,Dle. Main 7741. 2Do 12th st. I-o-iE-FR-IEND 7th and Jefferson, modern 6-room unfurnished apartment; hardwood floors, outside rooms. GRACE Apartments, 24th and Northrup sts.; 6-room apt., front veranda and sieeplng porch, private phone, hot water teat. PAGE APARTMENTS, E. 8th and Burn side' 8-room furnished apartment, free nhone and water, easy walking distance. unk! very desirable modern six-room apart ment, the SL Clair. 715 Wayne st. phon Main 4li0. tlNFURNISHED 6-room basement aport menf rent very reasonable. Tho Wheel don. 'Park and Taylor, BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments. 0.r I.ovejoy st. Take "W" car. THE ELMS 2 and 8-room apts., furnished, heat, phone and bath. 191 14th st. vox "A." 549 Washington street Steam heat. Phone Marshall 452. FIRST and 2d-floor apis, on corner, mode between 2 carlines. Key 711 Johnson. ROOSEVELT 5-room basement $23 yer aioiyth. THE WHEELDON, Cor. Park and Taylor sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon sts. Walking distance Furnished complete. 2, 8 and 4-roora apartments: buildings new end strictly modern; service lrst-class. FORDHAM APARTMENTS COMPLETED. At 170-172 Ford st,. Just south o. Wash ington, are the most complete, hluhest class apartments ever built in Portland; finished In hardwood throughout, giving tenants choice of oak. Circassian walnut or mahogany; elegant wall coverings, tiled baths with superb fixtures; highest class service: each with private balcony and bath; 4 rooms with most convenient ar rangement. $42.50 to $50; 5 rooms. $.i0 to $eo. This building Is different. Let Mrs. Burleigh show you through. THE WULFE, 210 MARKET STREET. Faints hed. new apartments of two, three and four rooma Also single rooms. Steam heat and elevator. Free telephones In every apartment. Rents for $22.30 to $40. including electric lights. Call per sonally or phone The Meier Sc Frank Store's rental department. Private Ex- change 4. or A 6101. . THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving ata.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room suite; reception hall, electric, automatlo elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free Jto patrons. If you want something nice, come to th Barker. Phone A 1744. Marshall 2961. THB BTJRCH. Corner 21st and Glisan Sts New furnished and unfurnished PJt ments of two rooms and bath, very de sirable location. Call personally or phon Marshall 4141 or Private Exchange 4. MEIER & FRANK RENTAL. DEPT. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apart ents. In heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service; refined clientele; references re quird In all coses. Superintendent's phone, Marshall 602. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden: both phones in all apartments; high-class service; references required. Main 2270 and A 7057. . HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 2, 3 nnd 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service; rent per month. $26, $30, 40 and up; must be seen to be appre ciated. LUCKETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class by themselves; see them; Lucretla st., near 23d and Wash.; 2 to 6 rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets and baths; hardwood floors, free phones In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr., Mar shall 162K. Janitor. Marshall 16U0. THE BUENA VISTA. Cor. 12th and Harrison Sts. Beautiful new brick, every modern con venience; large three-room corner apart ment; furnished or unfurnished; best serv ice; reasonable rent; references. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King st, 4. 5, 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. THE CHELTENHAM. Apartments, elegantly furnished, for housekeeping; all outside rooms; hard wood floors, private phones; 2, 3 and 4 room apartments, $35, $37.50, $55. 233 N. 19th st.. corner Northrup. Marshall 2S33. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, 21st and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony; new brick building, electric elevator, su perb location. In walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and best of Bervlce. COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished apartments, llth and Columbia; very de sirable, modern conveniences; easy walk ing distance; very low rates; best of serv ice, THE MAHR APARTMENTS Under new management, new, modern, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments. Apply manager, Marshall 2l31. Flnts. FOR RENT. Nicely furnished 6-rooin lower flat. 709 Kearney st. Furnace heat and all mod ern conveniences. Within 1 block of two carlines. Price $45 per month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT. Main 83 102 Fourth St. A 3500. NEW, strictly modern 4-room flats. 405 E. 8th St., N. Broadway car. Sleeping porch, disappearing bed, tile bath, hard wood floors, fireplace, gas range. Rent $30. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. E. 22d and Brazee. E. 935. C 2322. GET out of that hot, stuffy apartment. Want a fine, modern flat In swell neighborhood, with lovely sleeping-porch, furnace, fire place, lawn, etc. 1 If o. Inquire 773 Kear ney st. Adults. $37.50 NICE, new, modern upper fiat, 6 rooms, attic. 226 N. 18th. near Lovejoy; fireplace, gas range. linoleum, shades. sleeping porcn, yqru. r-iioiie .qoi oo.g. UNUSUAILx" desirable modern lower flat, 5 large, light, airy rooms and bath; 7 minutes' walk from P. O. 341 Montgom ery, corner 7th. Very reasonable. 002 i MARKET 6 rooms, all outside, gas. electricity, bath and furnace. $30 per mo. MODERN 6-room flat, $23; close In on carline. 483 Vi East 12th and Division. Main 6469. 653 TAYLOR, near 17th. 5 rooms, reception hall, oak floors, gas range and bath heater, newly tinted walls; $30. LOW Ell flat. $25. 6 rooms. 666 Hoyt st. See Mr. Melson, Janitor, St. Francis Apart menta 21st and Hoyt sts. MODERN 7-room flat. West Side, 776 V, Johnson St., between 28d and 24th. Main 669L FOR RENT Modern 7-room flat, 444 Park sr,; fireplace and furnace; $37.50; no chil dren, phone Tabor 7rt3 or East 143L FIVE and 6-room modern. 12th and Bel mont. Both phones. Bowman, Villa St Clara. 4-ROOM flat, furnished, for rent; $10 a month. 620 7th su Call today. A bar gain. MODERN 5-room upper flat; sleeping porch, walking diatance. Apply 424 Tlliamook. Phone C 205S. STRICTLY modern flat, S rooms. 21st st, and Hawthorne ave. H. F. Lee, Main 8925. SWELL modern 6-room upper fiat, adults. 7H9Va E. Yamhill. Phone Eaat 51)48. THREE or 4-room flats, furnished or un- ftirnlshed, very central. 231 Hall. $12.ui, $17.00. 4-ROOM flats, new, modern, close In. Phono East 6126. 6-KOO.Yl flat, gas range, water heater good condition. 25 Northrup. Main 3225. 6-ROOM modern flat, Lovejoy st. Vanduyn & Walton. 615 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 5-room flat, furnished or unfur nul.cd. E. ISth nnd Ash. B 2008. FIVE rooms and bath, hot-air furnace. 698 Salmon st. Key 600 Salmon su BEAUTIFUX. S-room flat, Portland Heights, close In. rent $40. East 4674. 4-ROOM upper corner flat, modern, 1774 Oreen ave.. near 23d and Wash. Main 833a. UNFURNISHED four-room steam-heated flat, modern. Cottel Drug Co. MODERN 5-room flat. 5th near Jackson, vacant Feb. 1. Main or A 1223. 2-iiuOM flat. $10. 700 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn lfofl. BEULAH Apartments, modern, heated, rea sonable. 927 Union ave. N. Woodlawn 516. MODERN 5-room flat. 606 Belmont. NEW flats. 7304 and 810 Belmont; $2.1. Housekeeping Rooms. THB BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping: gas range, elec tric Uphts, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean piace, best in the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot, Take "S" or loth-st cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. CAMBRIDG2 BLDG. Furnished housekeep ing rooms; central; cheap. Room 36 3d and Morrison SEVEN rooms for housekeeping, gas, phone and bath, en suite or single. 2Julj Rus sell. E. 1425. NEWLY renovated furnished housekeeping Fultes. 414 Fifth; J 2. 2 3 to $4 week; you'll like them. See, be convinced. The Mllner, 350c. Morrison sL, furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, steam heat, elev'tor, all conveniences, best locat'n. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th. conri pletely furnished housekeeping suites, rea sona'oie. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2371. or 2117. FURNISHED housekeeping suites $2.25 to 2.ft per week. Desoto House, 291 2d su THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath. laundry, fr; $15 per month up; a clean place, best Is the city for the money; short distance from Un'on Depot, Take "8" or 16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall at. No dogs. $1.50 TO $2.50 per week, clean furnished housekeeping room, free heat, phone, bath, laundry, yard. 406 Vancouver ave.. an d 203 Stanton; "U" car, r-none m. opjq. Housekeeping Rooms In Private pamlly. LARGE, front, connecting, newly furnished rooms overlooking the park: gas range, phone, bath, stationary wash stand; 7 min utes' walk from P. O. Will accommodate 2 or 4 poople. Nice place. $25 a month. 8S4 Park. A SUITE of two or three furnished rooms, beautiful neighborhood, close In, reason able. 375 Multnomah st-, cor. Union ave. Inquire phone East 3680. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms; single or In two or three-room suites; everything included, close In. three blocks from Washington. 655 Flanders. TWO very nice, newly furnished housekeep ing rooms, pleasant neighborhood. gas. bath, near car, or easy walking distance. 772 E Taylor at. Phone E. 5260. 3-ROOM suite, all nicely cleaned, free phone, light, bath. 5-minutes' walk to P. O.. 148 llth; also one single front room for light housekeeping, or 2 gentlemen roomers. SUITE of newly furnished rooms, complete for housekeeping: free gas. electric and phone. Dutch kitchen, $:0. 360 Chap man sL NEWLY furnished, two connecting house keeping rooms, light, bath, phone, $16. 370 12th St. FRONT suite, beautifully furnished, gas range (fuel free), electric lights, $5.60. These rooms are "different." 428 Hall. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $10 month. 829 Montgomery, bet. 6th and 7th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; sleeping porch; line view; modern; R. S. or L. car. 644 Borthwlck HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, convenient for light housekeeping. S2 16th st. near Washington st, CLEAN housekeeping rooms to refined peo ple, in private home. 800 East Salmon. East lS'.'O. NICELY' furnished front housekeeping rooms, modern, $12.50 per month. 288 14th st. SINGLE housekeeping room, also front room with small kitchen, phone, bath. 103 North 16th st. SUITE completely furnished housekeeping room, 10 minutes" walk, $14. 526 Kear ney NICE bright housekeeping suite; also sleeping rooms; very reasonable. Phone East 3926. A LARGE front room, nicely furnished for housekeeping, heat, light, $12. 509 Mill St. TWO newly furnished front rooms, house keeping; gas, bath, phone. 350 Mont gomery st TWO and 3 nlcel furnished front house keeping rooms, close in. 214 13th St., cor ner Satrnon. THREE or four completely furnished rooms: sink, bath, laundry. Phone 629 East Ash t. East 1963. CLOSE in. nice housekeeping rooms, verjr reasonable. 135 14th. HOUSEKEEPING suite, all conveniences; price reasonable. 6'.'9 Everett, 813 14TH, corner Clay; large 1 and 2 room furnished housekeeping suites. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, gas and phone; reasonable. 421 6th. SINGLE or -EUltes; new and clean; bath, phones. 40" Holladay ave. NICELY' furnished housekeeping rooms, roa sonable. 615 Clay. Main 488S. TWO pleasant front rooms; heat, etc.; walk Ins: distance; reasonable. 000 East Taylor. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, modern, ground floor. $24 month. 692 Front at. TWO large front rooms, modern conven lences. $18 a month. 840 College. FURNISHED housekeeping; large, comfort able rooms; cheap rent. Olto First st. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 5 East llth st, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, prlvat family; central. 32 North llth. J-icELT-furnished room for housekeeping; bath, gas and phone 472 Taylor. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms to adults. 505 Y'amhlll, Phone Main 4416. ONE SUITE, heat, phone and bath, walking distance. 221 13th. THE GREATER MEIER 4 PRANK STORE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home hunters, visit our up-to-date ren tal and information department. 4th floor, main building, and see the vacancies w have listed of desirable houses and flats. You'll save time In getting properly and comfortably located. We keep In touch with all vacant houses, flats and apart ments In the city. We also keep a list of new buildings in course of construction. The combined lists of all real estate deal ers. This Information Is absolutely free. "WHEN YOU WANT TO RENT A HOUSE SEE US." THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. " FOR RENT. " $25 1021 Tillamook st,, near K. 83d; 1 rooms, furnace, fireplace, etc $50 7a2 e. 20th N.. near Brazee: I rooms, furnace, etc.; thoroughly modern. $40 Laurelhurst. house of 8 rooms; new and modern; 50 feet MV carllne, WARD & YOUNGER. Main 7525. Suite 426 Yeon Bldg. A 4274. W'KST SIDE 6-room house on corner 21ai und Kearney, furnace, fireplace; rent $33 per month. Irvington. 8-room house on E. 26th C, ne.-u Tillamook. $25 per month. H P. PALMER-JONES CO., Phones Main 8099. A 2653. FINE 7 room house, close to car; good dis trict; hardwood floors; 100x100; thor oughly modern. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 8.12 Chamber of Commerce. NEW modern home on Wasco St.; good neighborhood; between two carlines; walk ing distance. GEO. D. SCHALK. Main 82. A 2302. 228 Stark St. MODERN 6-room house, walking distance West Side. Morris, Marshall 165. 607 'Yeon. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow. E. 28th and Stark: piano: swell place. Rent $33. V 744. Oregonlan. 304 EAST 1ST ST. 7 rooms, full basement, gas, electricity and furnace. $30 pel month. 8-ROOM house, bath and toilet. 75 E. Rt si. N. corner Everett, Phone E. 2931. Key 67 E. 9th N. . 2 f.o 7-room house; furnace, porcelain "plumbing, gas, electricity. Phone Sellwood blT. . . FOR RENT East 16th and Tillamook. 8- room house, partlv furnished. See Owner. W. C. Reed. 345 Morrison st. 6-ROOM house on East Oak and 23d. 514 Selling bids. Main 4841. $30 MONTHLY rent buys home; no first payment necessary. Owner, East -.41. 6- ROOM house; desirable neighborhood. 293 Cook ave. Phono East 2o01. SIX-ROOM modern: small yard, good view; rent reasonable. Mai" ISM. 7- ROOM house, .".ill Ross St., near Broad way, walking distance. $2. 6-ROOM house. 617 Overton st, $20; P. M. Main 6S21, A 4144. 4- ROOM modern house, 995 Clinton St., $17.50 per month. Maln6S2j. A 4144. MODERN 5-room cottage. 770 E. Couch St.; key at 774 E. Couch; newly renovated. 6 ROOMS and bath. $15. 619 Union ave. Imiuiru 23 Starkst- IKVI.NIii'O.N' bungalow. 0 rooms. $.13. Main 33 o. 6-ROOM modern house on West Park st. Rent yito to permanent tenant. M. iO'.Hi. 5- ROOM "'houTWe8t Side. Phone E. 4237. l-urnithed Hom.es. MODERN furnished 5-room cottage; also cozv three or four-room flat; private bath. 314 Eru-t 21st. W R car. i NICELY lurninhed 7-room house, piano; on cailiiie, reasonable. 958 E. Glisan and SUNNY five-room flat; f nrr.lnhed complete; three blocks from Steel bridge. 301 liolla l;i y ave. FURNISHED house for rent, close In, no children. Inquire 441 E. Ankeny. o-room. clean, modern, completely fur "nis'ned house. 574 MilK Phone Main 4 17. 6-KUOM furnished house for rent, 97 East -,Mh st. North; $15 a month. 4-ROOM furnished cottage; not modern; $17 month. 976 E. Stark. MODERN houses. 4 rooms, small family adults; no dog. Call 400 13th st. FURNISHED 5-room cottage. 231 E. 39th sc. $20. Inquire rext door. FURNISHED cottage to adults. $11; oppo site Baptist Church. Arleta. Mt. Siott cur. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, $80 per month. Phono Woodlawn 567. MODERN 6-room upper flat, furnished. 7S!)ti E. Y'amhlll. Phone East 5948. $ls .".-room modern cottage. C. W. Well, Stewart station. Mount cott carllne. 4