VFW TODAY. INCOME $1860 PRICE $16,SOO Nob KOI Modern Flat. Always Bented. See Mr. Kupper. CHAP IN & HEHXOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 13 New buildic?, 50x60, containing 2 apartments and 2 stores. Income $100 pr month. On prominent East Side thoroughfare and in locality where values are rapidly increasing. Price, CS750. Terms to suit. Client must ell. HAETMAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Irvington Snap! ?' . m-xlern. rlKht-room house with attic, four bedroom, two sla-a-plntr-r-orrhea. breakfast-room and den; lt o-rl00; hard-e'irfce..i atr.rt- Worth t764-. now $30: $l00 down and $40 yer month. A rel map. See It. MK n offer. I am leaving; the city. 501 I., .nth ft., n'r Tnoni."n. Phone j-...t 6J4, E. Yamhill Street Snap Fin. Jot. near Eaat lid; worth $17$. lUli. See It. I am leaving city, l'l Et lid. Phone East S.J. , B EAL EITTATIt PEAtEBA Feck, willlem C. 3:i-$l Falling bid. BRUBAKER B-NfaDICT. 63 MoKa- Bids. M. 548. Chapln a Herlow. 3.11 Chamber Coramer Cook- B. B. A Co.. 6" Corbett bldg. J.anlnss Co. Mala It. 2u OregMlaa, PALMER JONES a. P- wucox b.dg. . The Oregon Keal Estate Co.. Orand ave. ana Mult v ah at. tHolladay Addila). Kttl ESTATE. For Miie Lota. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOTS $100 to '.00. We have a few choice lota at these, prices jut a ahort dietance from Portland fcelrb-.a car. Tn are mostly level with good view. City water Is In aud the streets graded "d paid for and Included In Lie price. . , - The.Ii are the loweat priced lota on the West aide and worth much more than the prices aaked- There are many Improve ments projected In thla district, and bow la the time to luy. IKjRR E. KflASKT CO.. Jd floor. Chani ier of Commerce, , STRICTLY high-class residence lte. cen trally lo.ted and exclusive, surrounded by beautiful trees, faclr.g a Sl-a-re park, houa-a will never be bui.t across tne atreet. cement wali-a. se-.T. water and K- mains all In. HuilJmt restriction $...oo. f-'"l, lota tn thla d strict are ee.llre for aa biga a $3000 Toes sites are wilxl feet, al moet the else of tl-.rc regular-sued lot. O.ir price :a only Terma can be arranged. Thla positively the on y proprtv of lie kind on the market in Portland. No lor.s etrcp hi. .a t climb or heavy expense In d-vuloplur these sites. Get fnnner particulars, l.et me enow you tMa property. Phone Main icon or X lSii. tie aure to a for Mr. Lrile-l or cell at 3?3 Corbett bids- HAWTHORNE AVE. We have an especially favorable alte en the north aide of ttie avenue where the a-reet curvve between Twentieth ana Tw.nry-firet atreeta Thla elte haa a froatat- of IS.-. t t and l US fel 1'P X: command a virw o.rectTy down llaw tborne avenue to the west. El iolt avanua to t-ie aoiilhe-eat and Twentieth atreet to tbe eoutn. T"a la the mot d"lrah.e bjlld:n alta on the Vat Slile. and the price li low. Price US0d. Will divide to aslt. bthono co.. e,5 Concord Mile. WEST 8IDK LOT. Caar Portland nHhta rarllna; erty VIM In. a:r-t ra.l-t and pa:d. lot la ,V;a):.' pract -ally level. tnantn cent vtew. Pretty fir. maple and d.--wood treea. riure'.y a baraaln at thia price. AT Ji treoulan. l.- Genuine ar:aln t.et iuu paimu lara. It'.w M.i.n l'OJ or A l-U " euro to aaa for Mr. Irdahl or call at lli "rhett M iC HUNiiALOW SITE. full acre or haif acre with all rm- rrovmnta. 1 mlnutea' wak from car no lda.:r adapted for a home, where all the comforts of the country and eri wnlenceo of the city can be enjoyed. Ke thta aure; pr.- and terma ns't. AM 727. Ore;-nian. evlC- S Eta: Burnelde at.. hlh and alahtly; paved atreeta: rrment walka; ,...r, water and gas. Thla la a baraaln. Price onlv IlKO. to a hlah-ciaae dla IritL '.et further parllcu.ars. Phone Vain ts- J or A 11 IS. or call at 6-- i'"t h.M bM. He aure to ak for Mr I rdahl. ' ASEAfTIKt"'L. l-C'T. CC'lAi.NlAL, 1'Kir.HTS. ISO feet from Haw'horne car. full elae. fne location, a beautiful homo alta. Prlo reasonable. Pre Mr. Invtra CHAI'lX A HEKI.OW. 32-71-14 Chamber of rnmmwa YHE Canadian Pacific Railway'! Inetallatlea of new Hc.flc Coaat terminate at Coqolt lam repreaenta In the Nw City your op portunity Our lots ao fret f rum the sta tion, pilce "d. Writa for circulars, alo I'benua A rullertoo Broa.. Vancouver. Britjaa Columbia. " H AWT HORSE AVE NX' E. S feet frootace on this thoroughfare, near 12tn st for lv00. Did you know such a baraeln axlated and could be had en eaay terms? Call for full partlcuiara, ftrena Co.. Inc. 0S Concord Md. Au thonied agent for Idd's Addition. HERE TOU ARE. MR. BLTER. Two lots loxloo feet, adjolmus. leas than leo feet from bandy Road, all Im provements raid for. Inrludlna aldewalka. fraded streets, water, and streetcar aerv--e price 3J each; thia Is the chance of a rVctlme. AL 73. Oreanlan. uzloA HIGH and slahtly lot. fruit trees. S'.reet araded. H:l Hun water, norto of Reed liTa-.ltute. blocks to car. .0. 1-0 ewn and 10 per month. See BeachreaU CHAPtX HERIX5W. Chamber of Commerce COOS EAT. Private party haa a few Cooe Bay lota for sale, earv terms: special bArcaln la these lo-. Kt-e py. EicX bid, alarsha.1 SSvj. sk for Tyler. ROSELAWN ANNEX. 77i. ISO DOWN. hiA llta and Sumner. S1J monthly. Enoujh said. Fr-d W. tier man. t2 iJurn- Slde. M or A -'. .0 IKVIMiiON lo:. 7j10u. on JMat St.. between itrasee and Knott at.; Improvements all In aca rata. run particular, lJ C 11'S or Woollan 3 ."-U. FIVE for apartmenta or fiat, lot 6110 on F.at U'h at. bt Oak and Stark; price m7'd. terrre. Iieais A Robinson, 301 E. nth st r s:j. Xm HL.-I::i'. JLNi TtoN S lots, beet loca tion, need the m"ner. so will eacrlhce for quira t r- m ...... e7c I-e Noir A Co. for West 8:le proierty; exciuaiw d-ara In Weat hide Kealty. Crr of Commerce. X, &o FOrt lot. 4lxl0o. on Improved at.; water or, lot; thla must ha caeu. Wood lawa C 2t;e. JBT owner, i-'. xK'0. on E. Flenuere near :n at. Price eliH. terma. phone E. 'NB view lota. Kaet Iih. near Paae Line road 10 monttny Howard. 6"J Seal, land M'lt. .''h end WaaMnrron s'a. StCAL-TIFft- lar. lot. MUM we. I located In a atrlctly b:n-claaa rraldence dlairl. t. Huil.lln rcatrlctlona. paved atreeta. ewer. . .rrr Aj aaa milii all In; .-d car erv- , WILL. SACRIr-i'K Ofjulty In tevd bar.xeiowjor ti: tcrma. Main Mai Tt'tT t. ee l enltv In F.aatmoreland lot tor II'Ml A y UN orvsonian. nil VOVTHLt aecurea l"t near pee.1 Ir.atl- aua. " Howard, ewi tjwtUand fcld. RPAL ESTATE. For Sella Letts. GREATEST snap on Mount Tabor Hetfhta; must sell; runs from street to street; Im provements paid; good for two houaess buliding restriction. Wa will help you build. Price "0; .your own terms. HARTMA.N' THOMPSON. Room a. Chamber of Commerce. TOCRS FOR S00. BSxIOO; a fine lot: only 110 feet trom good suburban carllne; terma. 123 down and 110 A month. P. B. LENT. 1T Corbett b!dg! a&OO WILL, buy my fine lot, rjoxlurt. with water piped and cloee to good carllne; on:y TO mlnutee from the center of town: will take 00 cash and lv) per mentn. Bee owner, els Spalding a'.dg. 13 FINE building lota north of Reed In stltuta. S blocks to WW ear: high, "d algntly. Price l-WH- Fee Seacnrest. 1 CIIAPIN A HERLOW. 31-3! Chamber of Commerce. Portland heights. lv.''; w'rU beautiful trees, fine view block car. neighborhood of beautuui ev. terma. Main 3HM. BROOKE. t e3. HO DOWN. (10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot; matured fruit treea; re stricted district, near car: cement wall. , Pull Run water 02 Board ol Trade hid, pboaa alaraball 7. A lull. MAIX-fT. SNAP. Nice lot near Laat 13th St.. worth $10OO. a few days $7S. easy terms. By owner. 1TI Fast -Id. phone Eaat bv9. bOME GOOD BUYS. If yon want a lot In the Willamette Addition, get In on the ground floor while you can: no trouble to aoawer questions or Me Information, so phono A eV-'4. FINE well-located lot on East Main at., close In. I blocks to car: will give time on pan. Beala Robinson. 1(1 fa. 11th st. E. 50: 1. Foe nle BUT NOW SAVE MONEY. Will eaertfio thla cailfornla bunglo ir I can sell aoon. x-s.,o EAST TERMS. lst oOxloO. wltn. all Improvements paid. Ir Roee City Park, one biock from carllne. Five nice room a. pretty fireplace, cement basement with cement floor and laundry traa. every modern convenience; x.ow handleA tee Bryant, with JOSEPH GRAHAM. IWT-0l Hoard of Trade blflg. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. Beautiful new e-room bungalow, com plete In every detal.. doubly constmcted throughout, fine large cement basement, floor, and laundry trays, one of the beat furnaces on the market; all exceptionally large rooms with every bullt-ln conven ience. Including beautiful flreplacea, panel dmlng-room. handsome china cloaet. Dutch kitchen, large lot, WxlOO; clo!.e In and only 3 blocks to car. Owner leav ing city and muat aeU thla week. Tabor SOSO; . NO CASH NEEDED. INCOME PROPERTY. TIava aeveral good bouaea In cloee-ln dlairuts at vary low figurea Will take vacant Jt or lota aa Orat paymenc No ceah required. Any of these houses wi 1 rent from $-0 to $30 per month. Will take any lota In good locality at right prlcea. Any reaaonnt'le terms on the bal ance Address AC 745. Orcgonlan. ONLY $r,oo CASH. Oood o-roora modern house, nearly pew and over one-half acre of ground: Im proved street cement sldewa k. good lo cation, near carllne, about 35 minutes ride from 5lh and Waahlneton: fine place for chickens or garden; only $1WK caab re- aulreo. Aoareaa A. s... c vj. p - BEACTIKIL l-room houae. In Laurelbureti t flreplacea, large sleeping-porch, bull! -la re.'rtcerator. dust and clothea chutes, tire less cooker, bunt-in wardrobes, etc.; cor rer lot 711x90. east front, 'beautiful view: gT&Oo; $!luu cash, balance eaay montbiy payments. Provident investment A True tee Co.. J01 -202-2' iS Eoard of Trade bldg. phone Marahell 7i. A 1023. HOUSR. m .. 8-room house on Wasco, west of 23d St.; lot aOxloo. comer; hot water heat, full cement basement, hardwood floors, 3 baths, 3 toilets, fireplace; price tlO.&ud; very easy terma W. H. SEIT7! A CO., Main tS4. Mo Hpal.llng Bldg. 7i"0. Strictly modern and roomy house, with two lota, full basement, laundry, billiard room and beautiful view, for aale In Iturelhurst to rtaponalbie purchaser on Ineial'-ner.t basis without down payment; sacrifice In value. Home Installment Co.. ' McKay bldg.. aiarsbatl ol'oJ. Tabor loje. liAWTHOKNE DISTRICT. Caeh. T rooma butlt-ln buff.-t. bookceeea. fnr nsre. r.r-a'.ace; price H"": terma. caah .i. balance (1.1 per month. National Kealty A Trust Co.. T-'3 Chamber of Com- merce bldg. Phone Main S12. U ACRE fine ground and good 6-room real dence. well rlaaiered and full basement. Cloae" to car. owner moving to Cali fornia. Will sell for IJJOO and eaay terms. This is a bargain. feeing It will con vlnew you. J. fa. Smith, til Chamber Commerce. t-HnOK bungalow; price I3M0: small psv. ment down, balance $.to per month; thta Is a nice house and well built, modern; this is a giod buy. PORTLAND BI'.SINE!1 EXCHANGE. 7OB-10 Rothchild H.dg. Marshall 25. Main i'HIi evenlnga 4-ROOM houae and 4 flue lota, plenty of fmlt, 2 blocks from rsrllne, north of Reed InaUtute. t4ovu. Terma fees Sea. ch', rnAPIjr HERT.OW. 8.2-3. Chamber of Commerce. S-ROOa, new modern restdsnca on quarter block ' Evsry convsnlenca and finest view to be had Located on Eaat HI't St. Wi:l sell tlOOO below value. Will give terms, or accept lota for part, J. K. Smith. MS Chamber Commerce. IlEsT-BriLT HOME In tnrtngion. flntshed In oak; 10 rooms; ery elaborate; w;i satisfy the moot ex acting: ready for Inspection: lot iKIxlon, cor.: several others. C Ibod, Eaat X73. Owner. W. H. I'rrdmtn. UOLLADAY'8 ADDITION Nearly new modem a-room residence, in choicest part of that most desirable residence dis trict Will sell at a bargain, either fur nished or unfurnished. J. fa. Smith. 613 Cbamher Commerce. FINE IK'ME AT SACRIFICE. T rooms, all bullt-ln effects, fine resl denca district, IraMrr city: for quick sals price reduced to 4rt-iO; terma OWNER. 1T Y EON BLDG. 1M00. ti(H ttlHJ. 1400. Neat little 2-room plaatered bouse, con crete foundation and bvsement, lot 2Sxl0A, all caab, Fred W. German, 323 ilura side. M. oa A 27T& Ft.-R KALE Oood T-room house, with large attic full basement, fireplace, full lot, Dd7 Eaat Taylor st: rrtce 7u0w B. S. COOK A CO, r03 corbett Blag. llo DOWN and small monthly payments puts yoo In possession of a swell Califor nia bungalow, only ten minutes, on Sunny side car; JiOO. pbona B 17a3. Worth 4"tO. ACCOl'NT atcknees. aacrtflce beautiful bun vnlow. 117v Ivon St., Richmond; paved dle trict select neighborhood; cheap unen cumbered lot accepted as part payment Thone owner. Barney. Main 23PO, MODERN l-room residence, close In. corner lot. on two carllnes; Ideal home; a big bargain and good terma K W. TAYLOR CO, B2d Chamber of Commerce. MCST sell my new 6-room buncalow In Rose city park, worth :i2O0. for (2t: ontv 'Jn down and f.;3 per month to In clude all Interest- iiryant, 1009 Board ot Trade bldg. M V HUMS AT COST. Sttiotly modem 7 rooms, full lot, alley, high restricted. 7 earlinea: would consider part trade. 1104 Rodney. Phone C 1B7H. 1300 CAtiH. $16 Per month, new 6-room modern bungalow, lot 4'jxino: 4 blocks from car; 25 minutes out; $ 17V. HIOLET A BISHOP, 132 Third Bt. j; e ,v 6-roo-n bungalow, lot Sox 100, West Side, south. !' minutes out. 1 block of car: pr.ee tit.'" $4uo down, bat. easy terms. Main 6703. 4,i0 Modern 6-room bungalow, $1ROO; home broken; terms. Owner. s3 K. 21st North. POK SALE 6-room furnished house; full besemeru. cement walks, frutt trees; price IIS.-.O. without furniture, $17o: caan. $700. terma. No. 763 E. 6th at. N. I-ROOJI BCNOALOW. Kew and modern, on E. Hi bet. Madi son and Salmon. Win take good lot as first payment. Main 2573. ti-xK Mt. Scott car, 6-room houae, with " bath: 6oxloo-fL lot: $1000. on easy month ly paymenta. Ownar. 626 Yeoa bldg. phone Main 112. rt owner xioo. with house. rooms and bath corner E. lth aad DavU; $3i0. pnone East 13AL H. N- SWANK. aos) Ahtngtoa bldg, seus new bungalow a Terms like rent s' '3 CASH Neat- painted houae. 12x18, lot 40xl"O rear Kern Park: $0."-". HICLEY BISHOP. 132 Third St. ., , .... $.v0 cash and a lot as ilrt payment on eat bungalow. AD 713, rec-nlnn. ,V. iviiTOX Modem alx-room residence for sale? Address owner. K 7H Oregonlan. Jk MONTHLT buva nlca ti-reuia modern e- - . . i . , borne. t i". 1.1'fiE f"r aale. cloae Main $$. "". la oa 3V'mi Av.de. MOISXIXO OttEGOXIAN. TnURSDAY. TTTE REAL ESTATE. For hale Houeea. ARE YOU GOIN'J TO MOVTJ THE FIRST? If yon Ilka this house, you '" by paying $26 a month Oo other first payment neoesaary). th It has every convenience evntna window shades and seats, eet-ln book eases, big fireplace, fine , Prica only $2."00. No hetter h.u so in the city for the money, and no installment proposition as liberal. mtaan A N Searle. fa. 7th and E. Ollsan. M-V car. l.mherportland Jlealty Board. PROSPEcfniE BUILDERS-READ The moat In the cocoanut. W save yea time and money. Why? We ar e Pr' homebulidora We don t guees at know how. We give you a guaran tee. Coma In and talk ""rh..."tZ home with ns. and be e00"!,:''1 save you time and money. Yu1r1"-;"'! with us. We can plan and hul d " b' lutely rtrht- We asiat In """"CJ'Si?.. BUTTER WORTH -ST LP HE N jONCOt. IN AKCHTS. A iiniKjm COI-Cn " SUNNYSIPE DISTRICT. Price $3000. $35 cah. Do ypn want a trlctly mc-lera 4 -room bungalow on a corner lot In Sunnyside district? Paved streets, cement waiks and seaer. light ing fixtures, window shades and lr.la.d linoleum on kitchen and bathroom f""r The best buy In the whole 'district for .the money we are asking: 3a0 ca.h will han dle, balance $16 per month at T per coat Interest. Call 1264 Hawthorne ' r p:ione Tabor trti. MR. LOT OWNER! HER IS YOUR CHANCB TO I -PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT. WII.U FINANCE IT AT A LOW RAT B OF IN TEREST. PLANS PUR.N1SHED FREfl IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB IN AJ.D TALK THIS OVER. J. a ATKIN9. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. . IRVINGTON HOME. New, modern 9-rootn houae facing on the Tennis Club grounds. In the center of Portland's most exclusive residence d's trlct. furnace. S fireplaces. beautiful woodwork, oak floors, sun-room. Sleeping porch and bllllnrd room: comrlste In every detail. Including llchtlng fixtures and shades: lot 7.1x100 feet; price $10,000. H. P. PALMKH-JONEd CO.. 4.1 UCOX DIU. THE LAST OPPORTUNITY. To buy this 6-room home, four lota, two atreeta Can sell the two lota for $1000. loavliig a nice borne with two lota for less than $1000. Terma are reason able. Some cash. 3 blocks to car, 1 Mocks to school. The best buy In Port land. Next month you will pay J2i0v) for thla prooerty. See Mr. Davits. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. 832-33 chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Tour choice of two beautiful homes In the heart of Irvington: modern through out: one faces west, tha other east. 60x100 -.'I0- All Improvements In and paid for. (7600. $So00. Tour Own Terma Owner. Marshall 137a. East 33K2. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPEKTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THIS MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR LATA PLANS FREE IF WK BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. 14C., -i. i nvv. i 1 NO ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLD. 6-ROOM modem bungalow, H block from Hose City Park car; east front; nice lawn and garden, full basement, beamed ceiling, paneled dining-room, Dutch kitch en, $03 range, bathroom In white enameL combination fixtures cost $140:' fireplace and nonrust screens to all windows and doors. A aandy home and a snap at $I7.v. Will make terma Apply to owner, 43 Eaat Mat st- North. t m COLLEGE-ST. HOUSE. Modem 7 -room houe, furnace, gas. elec tric, full cement basement, laundry trays; lot 83 1-3x30. on College St., near Park; a fine home In a fine location; only 6 min utes' walk from poatofflce; price $0000, on good terms. URUSSI ex HOLDS. Sie Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. A NICE LITTLE HOME. Choice lot, 60x100. shsde and fmlt trees, well-built, plastered house, fireplace, steel range, connected up; best cesspool In ctty. blocks to car, siorea. cuuicn. etc. A splendid bargnln at !50, small payment down. Mr. Davlea. CHAPIN 4 H E It LO W, 332-3oa Chamber of Commerce. " $2000 to $3200. Any honest msn with steady employ ment can buy a home without down pay ment by paying Installments a little more than rent; we own tiousea In Monta villa. Eloerta and Richmond dlstrlcta. Hume Installment Co., 401 McKay bldg.. Marshall Hutttf. ONE of finest homes In Rosamere S large rooms, every modern convenience, cloae to both Beaumont and Hose City Park care, equity loo; take lot In vicinity or light automobile. Ford or K-M-F pre ferred; some cash required, balance easy monthly payments, T per cent, AP 733. Orcnonlan. 6-HOOM bungalow, furnace, fireplace, buffet, bookcases. hardwood floors, gas. eleo trlclty. good view. Roe. City Park. 3 blocka from canine. $bJ30. easy terms, provident Investment Trustee Co.. IvL w -jus Hoard of Trad blug. Marshall 47$. A 1023. FIVE and six-room homes, flreplacea. hard wod floors, furnaces, with all bullt-ia modern conveniences; near carllne; ail street improvements paid, monthly pay txient plan. Provident Investment Trustee Co.. 301. 2u'i, 2o Board ot Trade bidg Pbone Marshall 473. A 1022. LOT FREE -I am only asking what It cost to build the R-room new modern bungalow, whlrtt Is $3uo. Thla is a dandy buy. All up-to-date featurea See owner. Vain aG'.U. ly, C Carpenter, Res. labor 2-lu.i or 3211 H on ry Biug BARGAIN for quick sals, new e-room home, lireplace. furnace, botkciiaes, veneer pan eling, buffet, large closvis. large rooms, flua pluiubluc. steeping porch, doub.e con struction, finely fiuiahed: block from car. Muat be seen to be appreciated. Owner, East m- 3200 BUNGALOW $3200. New 6-room modern bungalow; fire place, gas and electric fixtures, etc; street Improvements paid; 1 biock to cur; a snap; little down. hal. like rent; will take vacant lot. M.'.o Wasco st.. inirlMh, BARGAIN HUNTERS. WAKE UP! If ou have a little money and want A home, see in. Through our LOAN DEPARTMENT We nick up miii)' snaps. 33 Lumber mens bldg. Phone Marshall 3273. WILL sell 6-room bungalow, oak floors, hot-water heating plant, attic, laundry, S blocks to car; cenvmt walk In snd paid for lot 60xlu0; In Rose City Park; price $iP0; wnnt $1004 caab, no less. AL 7S. Or.'gonlan. "NEAR UNION AND KILLI NGS WORTH. 6-ruom house, not modern, lot 40X110. Future apartment site, l'rlre $ln0i $bi'0 cash. Krd W. German. 829 BuriiSids, M. or A 3770. loo DovN N. $210O. like rent, splendid 0- room nous, ' . " . . - 2.'00 easily, but must soil. Hurry. Aa . KA nr.riii1an. lor fiale -llualnc Property. FINE APARTMENT-HOUSE, WEST 6IDB. B1UCK ULUO, LEASED FOR 8 YRS.. $-,.( PEK MONTH; PRICiC 30,0oo; TERMS; GOOD BUY. 2t PER CENT OV AN IN"VKSTMKTT OF" $TnflO AND TAKE CARE OF BALANCE: PRICE $12. OOO FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION. THURMAN ST. 50x100 2-STOP.Y BUSINESS BUILD ING. GOOD RENTAL PRICE FOR FEW DAYS $10,000. ZIMMERMAN. S10 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. FOR SALE; $70,000. the comer of First and Yamhill streets: 8230 square feet, covered by good four-story building; ths lot alone la worth more than the price asked. This li a SNAP, and the price of fered will not prevail for more than a few days. Inquire of owner at room Dla, Chamber of Commerce bldg. For Sal e Acreage. GOING AWAT. 3-svcrs) tract, on carllne. near Beaverton, 83iK If taken at once; $30 cash, balance terms. I will tell you all about It If you write me. H TSa. tregonian. : MUST SELL. B acres, SO minutes out on Fourth-sL line- $60 terma For lull Information address T 753. Oregonlan. Glva name and address. ' 10 MILES FROM PORTLAND. On carllne; 10-acre tract. In Tualatin Valley must go at $900. Write for full detal.s. your own terma R 773, Ore gonlan. 6k 14 ACRES on Oregon Electric, between Portland and HllUboro, for $223 por acre; cleared, level ground. Call for particulars. 414 Spalding o.og. ACREAGE. large or small tracta, along ore con Electric, between Portland and Salem- no Investment better: there Is a rea- son- ipiwi -' ' 1 3. 8 AND 6-ecre tracta, close-In. suburban property; ood electno car aervlce: $i.j0 to $41 per acre; eaay terms. J. W. Hef ferlln Realty Co.. 4u8 Corbett bldg. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.60 per acre ! and small tracts. Call Kinney a gtamrfer. 631-3 Lumber Exchange bldg. CHOICE land. $iO per acre; $2 cash, $1 lr montn. eio i.j. r JZ 10 ACRES. $3O0. $10 down. $10 a month, , I-..I " ' I. timber azclianaa. gtwt ao, .w . ... - TtEAL ESTATE. For Sale Acresige. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. We have the following for aale t At tractive prices: - , ... H rr. ::::::::::::::::::MsS Close to Portlsnd on Electrto Interurban line, within a few hundred feet ftri tntlon; excellent soil, no rock or irave' water, hard-aurface road to the city. T.nis lend is suitnhlo for chicken terming or garden produce; Is splendidly located, and will stand strict Investigation; small pay ment down, balance on easy terms, wrlta or can for Particulars. J. W. HKFFEULIN RRALTT CO., o9 Corbett Bldg. H ACRES, li mile from station: sidewalk 2-3 the way: very rich soil, easy to clear and only $n-J for the tract. $S cash and only $li per month until paid for. This la 40 minutes' cur ride and haa 1 nsw houses in vlsw. THE EHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 55 loi Fourth St. A 3300 4 ACREP. all cleared, Terr Hell soli, on main county road, sluewaiit to station, only eO minutes' car rid a. 20 new houees In view, built witn- ' In past S months. This for lSi3. fiayabte $20o cash, balance montn y Installments, THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, Muln 33. 102 Fourth at. A Soo. DANDY COUNTRY HOME. RTOHT AT STATION ON O. W. P. 27.7 acres in hith state ot cultlvatlort, excepting a small wood lot; running water. O. W. P, Ry. station on corner of land. This Is an Ideal place for country home, good school and afire across road. Two houses on place. $2000 v. Ill handle this deal, good long time on balance. per cent Interct. Ask for Hurt. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832-333 Chamber of Commerce. $S0 DOWN. $19 A MONTH will put tou In possession of ten acres of excellent land near Port land, covered with fine piling and cord wood tlmber near transporta tion and between two towns $40 down and IS A month. PACIFIC N-W DEVELOPMENT CO.. INC. 403 Couch bldg. 1W-ACRK SUBDIVISION. Platted In acre tracts, only 12 miles from city or suburban electric line: good stores, school, etc.; 3 ways of transpor tation, plivttcd and all ready to be sold; I have $10,500 equity in this property, and 1 bouulit It rinht- If you want a genuine money-maker answer this, as l have not aunicient flnancea to carry It through. Price $240 per acre. O TOO, Ore gonlan. ' 10 ACRES So FARE. 10 acres. 31. miles from the Courthouse; Jill In cultivation; a new b-room house; good barn, chicken houses, cement foun dation, gasoline pump and well; a dandy home, close In and can be handled for $::ojo caajb. and balance to suit ;price $L4,- W" W. C. HARDING LAND CO, SO 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Closo to Portland: rich walnut, fruit and garden land: only small cash pay ment, balance pays for Itself In producta now on the land, which we accept and are tba only people making this Ilheral offer. F1KLAND TRUST COMPANY, 90S Spaldf Bldg. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near Portland; a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices; best soli; fine view; wood, water and roads; S acres, $400 per tract; 10 A, $.-.U0: 20 A., ISOO; 40 A., $12"0; SO A, i.MitiO; IflO A.. $.1000; liberal ttntix FRANK MFARLAND REALTY CO.. 3(9 eon DIOR- i-pnti'm. y. STEADY employment at good wages will V- ,X aevoral Industrious men pro viding they buy a tract of rich bottom land of 6 acres or more. If you have $. or more to make us a nri and leave full particulars. Employment will be given only to men buying lanu. 8iS Chamtier ot tommeivi:. 8 ACRES Oil under cultivation. In best neighborhood, m miles from Orecon City, In ML pleasant district. $760. $43 cash. The cheapest acreage In that nelehbor- KAUFFMAN & MOORE. 53 Lumber Exchange. ...... i-Av-r Ti p i T IT. u acres, 6-room house, good outbuildings- 40 fruit trees, all kinds of small fruit. 70 fine chickens. less than 3 min utes' walk to Oregon City carllne. Price onlv $2000. terms. only. --CCA 607 TEON BLDG. TEN acres beaverdom land, under Irrlga rea'lv for crop: best for onions. celery, cauliflower. " potatoes, etc; river and rati irini'iiii. snvwlere: low price and easy paymenta Investigate. 612 Couch bldg.. 109 4th sL J1O0 PER ACRE All cleared, level, deep, rich soli; rrndy for the plow; can't be beat for fruit, garden nnd grain; near station: big market; 6 and lO-aore tracta; adjolnig acrecge under cultivation, Terma, Owner. 102 2d St. 40 ACRES for sale. For Sale Main 008. -Homeeteads. TWO claims heavy timber can be home steaded or timber-claimed, on good wagon road, house and two acres cleared on each. Worth $7000 when patented. Re linquishment $300 each- 313 Marquam bldg. Marshall 6t4. HOMESTEADS $123 location fee puts you In poeseaelon of the beat homesteads (rattle ranches $10 up). Idaho Coloniza tion Co., Cottonwood. Idaho. 1 or bale Irult lernda. LOOK AT THIS. 20 per cent cash, balance half crop till paid, or 10 per cent cash and 6 4er cent on deterred payments, 2O0 acres. $1.13 per acre; very test Irrigated land In Cali fornia; in alfalfa and beat varieties of fruit' nesr railroad; Southern Tehama Co. Box 473. Red Bluff. Cat. SO ACRES. 14 miles from city', H mile from el.-clrlc tine: splendid laud and particu larly adapted lo fruit; good turma or '1U trade for city propi rty. B. W. TAYLOR & CO.. D2'i Chamber of Commerce. X0 ACRES fruit and berry land. adjoins railroad: telephone, etc. $73 per acre. DIAMOND. GRANT & CO.. MM Board or iraae. TO lease; orchard, house anil barn; cash or snarea. Inquire of Fred Elwert, 6her wood. Or FOR SALE; 80 acres, splendid fruit land, S3 acraa planted to appies, Juat coming Into bearing; $12.000. O 724. Oregonlan. FROM 6 to 10-acr tracta. Whlta Salmon Vahey fruit land; small payment, balance easy terms. AL 74n. Ortgunian. J-or Hale I-arms. 2l ACRES. 820 acres lo In fine state of cultiva tion. In wheat, outs, etc, 1O0 acres tim ber balance pasture, every foot of thla place can be put In cultivation, absolutely no rock or graveL deep black soli, some good bottom land with a running stream ot water, and two wills, 3 acres bearing orchard, a good H-roora house, earn, well fenced and on main county road, 2 , miles from railway station, 1-3 of thU year's crop goes with place. This farm was ap praised by the state at $C2 per acre and made a loan of $:.ooO on same. My price is $45 per acre; will consider a good house and lot aa part payment, or $4300 cash and balance to suit you. W C HARDING LAND CO.. 80 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. 40 ACRE 3, all cleared, -very rich soIL on'.y ten miles from Portland; good young orchard and an $SOOO sot of buildings; you can buy this for 112,000, thereby getting thla one land at SloO per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, slain 36' 1U2 Fourth St- A 8300 $7 I'ER ACRK. 830 acres 1 mile from railroad station. In Lincoln County. Oregon, where the grass grows all the year. An old. old bum. plenty of pure spring water, timber for homo and farm- No improvements, no rock, no graveL $7 per acre. I -4 J cash, balance $20 monthly. Interest 7 per cent. The biggest snap between the Wlllnmette River and the Pacific Ocean. C T3. Oregonlan, GREATEST sacrifice within 18 miles of Port land: buildings, orchard, stream, excellent soil- near electric; 80 acres. $0000; Im mediate possession. Investigate Immedi ately. Owner. 1030 Grand ave. North. aALT River Valley. Arlxona. offers best in ducement In solL wat.r. climate and busi ness openings. Isrming year round 11 clear days In year; alfalfa, sugar beeta, citrus fruits, all grains. Write Glende tArlaonal Board of Trade. t tTTACREsfdsiry land, part timber. 4.0O0. 000 ft., for $35 per acre. A snap. Tim ber worth the price. DIAMOND. GRANT CO., 604 Hoard of Trade- FOR SALE cheap, by owner. 300-acre farm, large house and barn, good transporta tion facilities. Best dairy proposition In stats. D 701. Oregonlan. i v- v .--mint v fam. sold oa ea-JT let L pwner. el Ry. Kxch, . JAKTTA1TY 25, 1912. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. DON'T WAIT 6 YEARS. BUT CALIFORNIA FULL-BEARINO ORCHARDS. MONET BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. $30.00 cash and $30.00 per month buy five acres with full bearlpf fruit trees In the famous Bidwell Orchards at Chl co, California. Payments Include Inter est and taxes. Tour money back If not satisfied upon Investigation. The Bidwell Orchards are the most noted and pro ductive In the wonderful Sacramento Val ley of California. It's our confidence in this land that prompts this generous offer. We've peaches, prunes, almonds, apri cots and Bartlett pears. Buyers railroad fares, not exceeding 626.0O. will be cred ited on purchase price. Land adjoins the thriving town of Chlco (14.000 pop.! (References: Any bank ot Chlco, Ameri can National Bank of San Francisco and First National Bank of San Leandro.) Bend for valuable Information and fac to Bidwell Orchards. Inc. Chlco. CaU 16T ACRES. Tualatin River forma tha westa and a part of the south boundary; Salem Electno crosses this rancn about the center; the publlo road, known as the Newberg road, crosses this tract at another point, giving a frontage of SO roda on either side thereof I only 12 miles from Portland; about one-hall cleared: 2 houses, a barn, hopnouse, a spring-fed creek, some good tim ber; an Ideal place for a dairy ranch or would sell rapidly In "ve-acr. tracts. Thla is forced to gel I to close a bankrupt estate; an oppor tunity; coma quick. W. A. 8HAW. Trustee. Main 86 10a Fourth St. A 830 $40 PER ACRE. HALF CASH. v, One of the best farms in the whole Willamette Valley containing of very best soil, fenced and cross-fenced, good 9-room house with "" new. Urge barns, granary, chlckena and hoghouses. new modern farming tools, will sell stock at 10 per cent below cash value to anyone buying thia farm. They are asking from $76-$10O per acre for ad Jolnln. land. This farm Is only six miles from one of the best towns In the Wil lamette Valley and on the Southern Pa oltlo railroad: you can easily double jour money on this farm in " Urna If you ara looking for a good Investment. T. A. SUTHERLAND, Corner 8(tth and Hawthorne ave. 101. .aoor tin SMALL FARM. STEADY INCOM& We will sell you 10 acres of rich river bottom land, all In cultivation, lays level like a garden, located by a good tow We wlU make you dirt cheap terms. $lo0 is all you need aa a first payment- It you want a good position at good wages fn a largo manufacturing plant, close by. we will secure work for you. Think It over, own a small farm and have a "eady income at the same time. This Is In the Willamette Valley and la worth your care ful Investigation. 83s-H38 Chamber of Commerce FARM of 120 acres, best buy In valley: I1Tln. townof Barlow Or.; 2 I mile, from Portland, Or.: on S. P. R. R.; al deep black loam; part can be sold tor city tots; aiso u" :.' " big new barn: 70 acres in crop; 20 acres e . . i i . on , ,-rt a brush! more nas oeen piwc r.T ail fenced: price tor quica - acre: $5000 cash, time on balance. Ad dress c. O. rvorm. xj-nv... 7 v AtBao . .... - , . , -i . At Tlgaraviiie, - mn i 1 1,111 -1-- - tlon; house and outbuildings; 6 acres under cultivation; running stream all year around on place: land Ilea fine; 11 mil OI rorxian; .u"v 11,1 "' A- TV. SMITH - CO. 436 Chamber ot Commerce. M. 58ZS. JL UUVU ... . 52 acres, best of soil. In high state cultivation, all necessary buildings, also equipped with horses. cows, chickens, hogs. vehicles, tools and implements. This farm Is in fine condition, ready to rt . x TT" 1 f move on to. r-v-erymiug mwu".- J. E. Smith. 613 Chamber Commerce. . 71 77"- . . r rtt-i I ( VII 1O0 Atnt'3 WVJJ r. r r .. Ouarter section only third of a .lie from Columbia River: no wa?te land; rich, black loam soli, about half mile to boat landing. Price $13 an acre, third c an. . JACOB HAAS. '-'! I eon oim. 320 ACRES, spienuia iarut -" ' all level- one mile frontage on Columbia - o. ii . ... Un.t . nd a bar- . 1 i .-I. nH Jtiver, oo iiincB 1 1 " ., gain and good terms. 11 . 1 1 . ,A.W. - " 626 Chamber of Commerce. 16 ACRES near McMlnnvllle. Owner forced . . 1 -1 1 1 ..afi, fnp acre or lO sell. oil V " house and lot. DIAMOND. GRANT & CO., 604 Board of Trade. 816 ooo for my beautiful country homa If taken this week; 20 acres, light state of cultivation; ID-room modem house, barn and windmill; 4 miles east city limits. A K 737. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES of good farming land In Cali fornia, eight miles from Sacramento, to sell or trade for a good apple orchard In Oregon. W. M. Pfefferllng. 608 Denny RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland. near electric line; bargain lor all cash, by owner. H-8 Morrison sU Miscellaneous. PINCHED FOR MONEY. That's when folks will sell right. Tell us what you want; we do the rest, wo pick many SNAPS through OUR LOAN DEPARTMENT. Marshall 3278. 803 Lumberr nens B.dg. TlLLAALOOn. Winn ... :: . See us In regard to land In Tillamook Co. Ranches, timber claims, farms, hotels. DIAMOND. GRANT & CO.. 604 Boara oi i rau. SIX RAILROADS now building to Eugene. Or For full particulars and Eugene real estate, write Geo. Melvln Miller, real es tate, Eugene. Ot. Established 18S2. TV 4 NTE1 REAL ESTATE. WANT from 7 to 10 acres In vicinity of Gresham; 1 acres most bo cleared, not to exceed $.175 an acre; wlU pay $d00 cash, balance 1 to 3 years. WATSON & THERKELSEN 806 Spalding Mdg. Phone Main T50. f WANT to buy direct fmm owner one or two inside lots between E. 83d. 60th. Barr road and Siskiyou; will pay cash or equi ties; give price, lot. block. AP 732. Ore goniau. t WE WILL SELL FOR YOU. List your farms, houses and timoer clalras with us and note the results. DIAMOND. GRANT CO Marshall 4173. 604 Board of Trade. DO you want to sell your real estate? We pay cash and charge no commission. - . . . , - . tvifL-JTll.-T 11) P17 Board ot Trade Bldg- M. 9410. WANT 8-room house with attic between E. 20th and 24th and Clackamaa and Han cock. A3 74. Oregonlan. WANTED -4 to B-acre farm, reasonable; near Portland: prefer to deal with owner. N 751. Oregonlan. I WANT 8 or 4 lots in Laurelhurst to build on; write, giving lot and block and price; also phone number. C 767, Oregonlan. WILL purchase your Interest In question able land titles. 412 Chamber of Com merce. t - HAVE good automobile for sale or trade for city property. J 807. Oregonlan. WANT bungalow In olty; will give automo bile, acreage or iota. quo, '"b""1"- WANTED 1000 acres of logged-off land. near rallroaa; gooq eon, r ..g. I CAN sell your property at the right price. W. Dubois, -eon uiub- FOB RENT .FARM a. FOR RENT 4 acres, good house, bam. I acres fruit, near Silver Spring station; take Oregon City ear. Inquire East Port land, at 42AH E. Pine sL, cor. 6th, after 6:30 P. M. Ask for Mr. Tolke. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. I WANT to rent a farm, bO to 200 acres, for general farming purposes or dairying; will buy stock and tools; place must be within 40 miles of Portland. Address AH 745, Oreaionlan. FARMS WANTED. WANTED A flrst-class farm near Portland; some trado and will pay $6000 or ssOOO cash or amount of difference. What have you? Call or write 603 Lumbermens bids. WANTED To buy or rent a good dairy farm Can pay $10,000 or $12,000 cash. Jo seph Kramer. Hose Co. No. 1. Astoria, Or. TO EXCHANGE. have fine $100 Columbia phonograph: also lnrge cabinet and 150 records; will ex change same for lot or acreage or equity. AT 734. uresom-". wn L, trade residence lot In most exclusive cart of Los Angeles for Portland prop erty W. C. Kavanaugh, Wilcox bldg. Main Boo, a ov 1J W CORNER 33tn ana nroauway; ira Nprov:.ments paid: $1250; will trad. 300 equity for acreage. Marshall 134L AO 6b6. Oregonlan. fn FXCH ANGE Oood Income property for .. alfalfa ranch. Call at 1131 WllUaius aye 4C p-ea. JVoodlawn S-bV TO EXCHANGE. SOME FIRST-CLASS TRADES. 320 acres, some good timber, fine stream 30 acres, partially Improved, fine for fro" acres, half In cultivation, all close to Mt, Hood R. R. survey. 40 acres, beautifully situated, close to White Salmon; any of the above lor Port land property. ... Good 8-room house, corner lot, f stn St., trade for small house and two lots in suburbs. . One lot on Milwaukie sL, to apply on new bungalow. , . . !0 choice close-in East Side restricted lots, for good ranch or city Income prop erty. VANDTJTN & WALTON. 615 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. Beautiful new home of 8 rooms, recep tion hall, sleeping balcony and finished at tic: hardwood floors throughout; sitting room and hall are finished In oak, balance of lower floor In fir and upper floor In old Ivory; beautiful fireplace and furnace heat; big closets with windows; garage: close In. near car, in fine residence dis trict. If you want a high-grade home, see this. Price $H250. R. F BRTAN Main 1963. 505 Cham, of Com. A 122". WEST SIDE HOME. Fine new home of 8 rooms, reception hall and sleeping balcony; full concrete basement, hot water heat and fireplace; hardwood floors, beautiful woodwork; ar tistic fixtures: on best carllne on West Side; unobstructed view; bltulithic street. Owner will consider well-built house up to $7500. well located acreage or good farm and mortgage for balance. Price $15,000. R. F. BRYAN. Main lf63. 606 Cham- of Com. A 1227. r AM A "WIDOW. Must dispose of my highly Improved 1SH acres. 10 minutes' walk from depot and store, 23 miles from Portland; 6-room plastered house. 24x34 new barn, coops. Iota of fruit- Price $3300. Want a $250() hottse in Portland and some cash. No agents. AB 746. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE for property In or near Portland. li20-acre farm, all under culti vation, partly in wheat, good buildings, fine well and pumping plant, with reser voir: close to R. K. town; no incumbrance. Price 23 per acre. Also $50,000 worth of first mortgages, albsolutely gllt-edeted- All or part of the above can he traded. No large mortgages assumed. L. K. Moore, suite 51" Board of Trade. Portland. SOMETHING GOOD. Improved valley farm In center of hop district; 322 acres; price $48,300; no In cumbrance. .. , , 1285-acro wheat ranch; railroad and station on propertv; plenty of water; well Improved; price $38,000. Will exchange one or both these farms for good Income property. Main 3053. Ask for Mr. ICoseberg. APARTMENT. West Side apartment, close in. well fur nished and all apartments occupied, rea sonable rent, 5-year lease; we can take a small cash payment and take good real estate for balance; this is a good buy and a money-maker; price $!KKo. GRUSSI Sc HOLDS. 31S Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR EXCHANGE 8-room modern home with sleeping porch, inclosed in glass; line lot, on highest point in Beaumont: new; will trade equity of $2000 for va cant lots, stump land or timber land, bal ance easy. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 70O-1O Rothchild Bide. Marshall 3825. Main 8002. 1760-ACRE farm; every acre in grain this year; best of buildings, fine drilled well, $0000 machinery and 25 work horses and crop go with place; closo to school and 5 to 6 miles from R. R. station; farm clear of Incumbrance; price $47,000: Port land property taken In part and possibly for all. L. K. Moore, suite 517 Board of l raafi, rortianu. FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR PORT LAND PROPERTY. Four acres or land at Long Beach, "Wash. (2 acres of cranberry ,land). A good modern 14-roora house. 3-story barn, fine windmill, dairy barn and mllkhouse, chicken-house. House entirely furnished. Price $S500. Inquire of Louis Salomon & Co., 229 Stark st- ONE of finest homes In Rossmere 5 large rooms, every modern convenience, cloe to both Beaumont and Rose City Park cars, equity $1600; take lot In vicinity or light automobile. Ford or E-M-F pre ferred; some cash required, balance eay monthly payments, 7 per cent, AP 753. Oregonlan. 00 ACRES choice land, suitable for sub division, deep rich soil, well watered, beau tiful scenic surroundings, boating and Ash ing; a splendid Summer home proposition; only 1 hour's ride from Portland; near electric line. Would consider trade for Portland property. AF 745. Oregonlan. 20 ACRES of good soil, all under cultiva tion. 1 mile from railroad, near Wood burn. New 8-room bungalow, barn and outbuildings. Exchange for small house or stock of groceries. Kauffman Moore, 825 Lumber Exchange. HAVE HIGHLY IMPROVED 12-acre piece of suburban property. worth $19,600, small encumbrance, to exchange for good stock ranch, not too far from Portland and handy to railroad. Cliaa. Rlngler & Co.. 211 Lewis bldg. TO EXCHANGE A first-claws apartment house for merchandise stock, acreage or income property. This must he seen to be appreciated If you want something ex tra nice, and a big money-maker, see this. M 7M. Oregonlan. $7500 WORTH of property to exchange for rancn of 60 acres or more; partly im proved and stocked. Will go as high as $12,000 and give mortgage for difference. Kauffman & Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange. 100 ACRES, good farm land to trade (00 acres in cropl. lies well, 3 miles east Mc Mlnnville. for Improved or unimproved Portland residence property. Address owner, Ira B. Shirley. McMlnnvllle, Or. COLUMBIA RIVER ORCHARD BONDS for sale and also for exchange for prop erty. Hadley M. L. Co., 310 Spalding building. HOUSE and lot, splendid repair, rented for $16 per month. Will exchancc equity of $2000, mtg. $1200. for 6c. 10c and 15c store- Let me show you the house. Jor dan. BIO Lumbermens bldg. SWELL barbershop, no better location In city. Long lease, cheap renL For city or county property. F. Dubois, office 1203 Yeon bldg. WILL TRADE my $TOO equity In 40 acres of good farm and fruit land in Yamhill County for lot or a runabout, AG 756, Oregonlan. , SALE or trade Half Interest In two well developed mining claims, adjoining best mines. Jefferson County. Montana; no wlld o.U schemes considered. Owner. East 5B'-'l. WILL sell or trade 62t acres fruit land on the Snake River; house and other im provements; 3 miles from Almota. H. P. Nichols. Almota, Wash. ACREAGE in growing crop to trade for house and lot- L. F. Mense. 610 Roth chlld bids. FOR TRADE Some choice acreage. Will trade for lot or automobile. Address Ilamaker; 426HnrybldgJ FOR house and lot. 10 acres Improved, near s tatlon. 322 Henry bldg. WHAT have you to trado for 10 acres "White Salmon fruit land. AL 749, Oregonlan. MORTGAGES and contracts. We are own ers; not agents. AF 735. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE Good piano for lot In Portland. AD 75". Oregonlan. GOOD securities exchanged for real estate and equities; no commission. 274 Stark. CITY lots, exchange for automobile. How ard. 003 Swctland bldg, 5th and Wash. FOR FAI.E TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER AND SAWMILL. Can make an attractlvo sawmill and timber proposition to party or parties with $125 000. Oiter must be accepted before February 15. In addition to timber, plant and equipment, the deal controls better than haif billion feet of yellow fir as effectively as though it were owned In fee References required. AR 700, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE 100 acres, 12.000.000 feet high grade merchantable timber, principally old growth fir. 25 per cent hemlock. 1 mile from South Coos River, 4 miles from head of tidewater, logging road building to ad Joining tract. $1.00 per thousand. Address Box L. Roseburg. Or. WANTED 8 or 4 men to join me to file on timber claims In Eastern Oregon. Loca tion fee. $150. This is a good propositlon. For further particulars address AB 743. Orcgonlan. 60 000 000 FEET standing- timber, famous Oregon yellow pine, with well-equipped sawmill, 6 miles from ready markeL J. H. Garrot. Klamath Falls. Or. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. FOR SAUK. Horses. VelUcles. Eto. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP I've Just rented the bam at 351 2d sL, between Market and Mill, to sell a few odd horses, weights from 100O to 1600 lbs. Call at once. W. J. Rltter. WHITE 30. 1011. with delivery and touring body Interchangeable. Will take horse as part payment, on no... mv.a.c . FOR SALE Horses and horses a specialty. Montgomery Stables. 863 Front, cor. amm.vi"i-o. FOR SALE 1 team horses, weight $2.1.50. AfP.lZ J-ouls Hel-rlch. l'a-illo faire fia. 13 FOB 8 AXE. Horses, Vehicles. Eta. FOR SALE . ... . , Team, mare and gaming. u years old. weight 3700 lbs., true aa steel and good workers, jingle or double; price $17S. Team mares, both sound, weigh S350 lbs., both in foal, good true workers, single and double; price $190. Team geldings, both sound, weigh 2600 lbs., absolutely true in every way. broke to work single and double; price $175. Team mares, I and 11 year old, weigh S30O lbs., been working on a gravel wagon and a little thin from hard work; a fine ranch team; price $200. Team chestnut geldings, been working on a wood wagon, thin In flesh, will weigh 3000 lbs. when fed; a good, big, true work team; price $135. Team galdings. weigh :50. broken both single and double, price $126. Mare, sore In front from hard pave, menta, 8 years old. a good single and double worker; would come sound in tha country; price $65. The above stock is sold with a writ ten guarantee to be as represented or your money refunded. Call on the Port land Trust Co., 3d and Oak sta., where, we bank, if you want any references a to our reliability. E. W. HAGYARD AND R. L. EVANS. Props. Portland Stables. 15th and Couch Sts. HORSES, MULES, WAGONS. FOR SALE. Two cars of horses and mules arrived Monday, January 22. and will be sold un der our guarantee. There are all classes of horses In this lot. and think any ona looking for stock could find what ho wants at our barn. HAWTHORNE-AVE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne Ave. FOR SALE Pair mules, weigh 2700; dap ple gray mare, young, sound. 1350; pair brown geldings. 2750. sound, young; one some good delivery horses; guarantee all stock. 294 Montgomery st. MUST sell good family or ranch mare. In xoai. weigns inuu, guoa wumw iijw.iw-1.. with buggy and harness; all $115. Take c-ii i ,, T..1... .v. wall A VtlrwUjt i UUU I 11 1 L ' ' .v. n . east lo nuun mi. lo head ood voune horses for sale, rang lng from 1000 to 1600; all guaranteed to be good. 4202 72d St. S. E. Take Mount Scott oar to Flrland station, 8 bloc- north. UUUU young ilfjl B. a-uv luaioa, .a 1 r. " at reasonable prices, and guaranteed as represented, at the Rose City Park Sales Stables Take Rose City rark car to 524 st. Adams at campoeii. propa. FOR SALE 1 team of young blacks, horse , .,i.,i.t., nnoo Ilia One 6- year-old black mare weight 1500 lbs., with foal. 220 Russen st. Pianos. Organs and Musical lnatromon ts. BEAUTIFUL slightly used high-grade up-right- Sell $175 equity for $40. Phone) zuarsna. u Hi. v. pi""' Automobiles. AUTOMOBILES. We are exclusive dealers at slightly ttsea cars. Over T5 to select from. Cadillac, 6-pass. fully equipped, snap. $830 Maxwell. 4-pass., fully eui;ped ........ 25 Rao, B -pass., fully equipped 650 Hudson, 5 -pass., fully equipped 673 Thomas, 7-pass., fine for stags line.., 400 Bulck, 4-pass., fully equipped 430 White steamer 3 Mitchell, 2-pa, fully equipped 875 And many others at real sacrificing prices, can ana ioo lo.u EVERY CAR GUARANTEED. Main 6244. A 6218. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st ana w aaningiou pia. " WANTED LIVE AUTOMOBILE . 1 few . V We want real, live, experienced auto mobile salesmen who can make good selling the best line of pleasure cars In im city. Prices ranging from $1100 to $olo0. Our proposition is a good one; It will pay you to Investigate If you are A live one and jtnow too uui" SALES MANAGER, 690 Washington St- CHALMERS "30" 5-passenger TOTOINfi CAR fully equipped and In A-l condition, will sell on reasonable terms or exchange for mortgages; city property or close-in acreage. Owner, AB 744, Oregonlan. GROCERY store, invoice $1300 close In. Will trade for good auto; prefer detachable tonneau. Pacific Coast Brokerage Co., A 7V? ui-.vi.il a hi. r.18-19 Board of Trade. FOR SALE 7-possenger Packard; must bo ... nttln an estate. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. ill Uaa'thnrnti ave. 7-PASSENGER Wlnton for sale; good oon ' j"?, f..i .. via Hoiiadav ave. WANT 1910 or '11 automobile for good city nronartv T 747. Oregonlan. n iclr.la vt Ktock. ETivniRD-BRCD poultry ana rsgo, J 6 chicks? tacubatoV brooders and poultr. supplies. Tne rounry cu,..j. "'---"-Salmon. List your poultry and eggs witn u . THOROUGHBRED bull terrier puppies ..rie-wlnning strains, for sale) full pedigree with each Puppy; Price, mile. , $20. females $15. Frank E. Viat- fclns. 230 Alder st. . WELL-BRED pointer dog. 9 months old; also Washburn guitar, almost new. Mar ui, nail lRit Rancroft ave. 7. .7 . i.. ....iiim.. Una vlcrorous GET ready tor trmo " J " ' ,.- til 7 7 Til 1. Talond Red TOOIterS. AS 740, Orcgonlan. , FOR SALE One tine colile 6oK. 20 mojithl old; price $50. Address 772 Marshall st. BEAUTIFUL sliver Persian kitten, highly pedigreed. Phone. Sell. 14"5. Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPE FIFW W. have the largest stock west el Chicago in this line and can fit you oui .n i,iT.rt at nn immense saving. LATHS. DRILLS, ETC. SEE US FOR ANYTHING IF YOU CAN'T GET IT AT ALli "BARDE" HAS IT. M. BARDE SONS, "THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BAR nAlNS." 240-242 Front St.. cor. Main. ,, wnnn Lumber market dead, cutting our heav timbers to Btovo .engine. Quick service. Tel. Marshall 8965. PACIFIC HOUSE-WRECKING CO., Merchants Trust Bldg. 77777 , .7 , T, , V-.--L- c T XT. On men's pants; $4 trousers at $2.26, $3 . , O -f srt eon o A rl 5l j fa rV 41 trousers at o.-j, e ' Y t member, my rent is $30 a montn. If A paid $500 on tne groun u a'""' ues as these would be impossible. JIMMY DUNN. ' Room 815. Oregonlan bldg.Tak. elevator. WANTED An ambitious young lawyer to purchase a complete new set of Letter" and Meis-mces of the Presidents" for half original price. can or aiuo -. a. . 62.. Y. M C. A. THE NORTHWEST TVPE WRITER CQ. 1 n(IW LVVAiaw a B a A XV n 1 1 ...... Rebuilt typewriters of all makes; prices rVCUUi't vial, R.IOta A 147 lOWeSt in VIIO Cliy. ginm - , ,v ...l.tan nrAdit ree OL.iljlll.aJj Uec, C ...-- . lsters. computing scales, etc. bought and sold. The racuic .oi- .... , Stark sL Main 'nil. FOR SALE Motors, two general electric. t--h. p. D. C; have been slightly used; aiso a new generator, l-watt uo amperes. Inauire F. A. Sennet, room 24. 105i 4th. SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second hand, low prices, easy terma Safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co and Port land Safe Co.. 85 0th st. Main 6309. REASONABLE Elegant mahogany office. furniture, can i.o lauuiuo " "-" 6000; FOR SALE New mahogany desk and ra volvlng chair. Parsons, 513 Selling bldg., Viet 1 and 2 P. M. FOR SALE 1 or li cariot.ua luji.p :. per ton. f. o. b. Address Hamaker, 426 Henry bl"g inou ANNUAL SALE of unredeemed pledges at uVlcle Myers'. 71 6th St. near Oak. 40 years in Portland. i MEDIUM sire safe, showcases, filing cab.. -:,-.wai- v7At!onA.l cash register. S. W. COr. Oltl aim - FOR 6AL13 A first-class up-to-date wire- . .ai. av 711 OrecOTi Inn. . . i I r. r "H filing ItSS IUU". aaaa. .... o 600 BUSINESS cards 75c: a bargain. Ross City J-Tintery. lain ,. cm. 60 WHITE LEGHORN chickens, ready for business. Call amwauitie pnone mac, vii TANK, made for crude oil, new, SxSx3tia ft., at bargain. AL 745. Oregonlan. r GOOD 4-foot fir wood, $3.50 per cord. Mar. .t,i 7. ROLL-TOP desk, bookkeeper desk and sale. v.iv Jft vo-av.. V