14 SHOCKS QUASH ACTION SUDDENLY Borrower Answers Summons and Learns His Suitors Withdrew From Court. SUIT FOR S129 DROPS Tttltrd States Realty Company's At torney Tell MatflMrate Cae I Settled Amicably Man Sned Is Surprised. A money lending; company dropped proceedings yesterday to collect f 129.11 through the Justice Court. The. ac tion, which the defendant In the suit Is at a losa to account for. la ascribed by the Investigators to the publicity riven in the last few days to the meth od of money lenders. The borrower was summoned to ap pear in Juatlce of ths Peace Olson's- court yesterday on supplemental pro ceeding following a default Judgment, to show that he waa unable to pay ths judgment. In ths hall before the courtroom he met Justice Olson, whom he know, and who remarked: "I sm lad to ees thai you hare set tled that case of yours out of court." "Why. no." replied ths victim. "1 am her now to anawer a summons." -Weil, ths attorneys for ths other side Just Informed me that ths case bad been settled amicably." said Olson. Tha borrower, thoroughly mystified, assured ths magistrate that be had mads no payment and could not have mads one. 129 A eked far ITS. This case waa a peculiarly striking one. on account of the short tlms in which a small loan mounted to staggering- figures. The facts were laid before Attorney Hurst, conducting ths Investigation, several days ago. The Informant, at that tlms em ployed by a large real estate company, borrowed $75 last September from one lesser, calling- himself ths United Fratee Realty Company, and having; of fices In ths Buchanan building;. Lesser Is paid to havs close connections with a bic collection agency. To obtain ITS tha borrower stst two notes for $50 each, ons payable In two weeka and the othsr In six. Two days be fore ths first note was dus Lesser ap peared at bis office and. in ths pres ence of his smployer. demanded assur ance that the note would be met. Ha was pot off. but returned the next day on the same errand, and ths borrower was discharged In consequence. He haa not bad continuous employment lac. Oa the Re a." Hare Lawyer. Both notes remained unpaid and a default Judgment was taken in Justice Court, comprising; ths 1100 on ths faca cf ths note, a 110 attorney fee. $ eo costs and 1169 Interest, making a to tal of $121.10. which the borrower was held to pay for six weeks' ue of ITS. When be was found to have no prop erty in sight to levy upon, the supple mental action waa taken, to reveal hidden resources, and at that point ths ult waa suddsniy dropped yesterday. "We've got thess fellows on ths run." said Attorney Hurst yesterday. "All ws need is a Itltle official and pri vate backing to drive them out of business. Particularly ws need ths stories of ths victims, with which to make publlo sentiment." Persons who havs had dealings with extortionate money lenders art urged to Interview the attorney, havlns; the assurance that their names will bs withheld If desired. LENTS EXTENSION IS PLAN Cm Company Asks for rrincblM to Lay Mains In County Roads. Tha Portland Gaa & Coke. Company yeiterday petitioned the County Court for a franchise permitting tha laying of gas mains in the county roads lit and adjacent to Lents, announcing that It is planned to extend service to that suburb. Tb mains are now laid as trr as East Sixtieth snd tha bectlon Lane road. County Commissioner Llrhtner ssld that he could see no objection to tho granting of the franchise provided ths company laya th mains within a year, his Idea being to guard against tho possibility of the franchise being so cured to block a rival company. The question will be passed upon finally Thursday, when a representa tive of the company will appear with Information of a definite, character relative to ths company's plans. In cluding a statement of what road It la proposed to use in extending to Lents. The sentiment of tile County Commlsaioners la that tho Foster road would bs the line of least resistance and alao would offer greater oppor tunity to the company for business, as It La thickly populated along both sides. CORPORATIONS PAY BIG TAX IXrajrLas) County Assesses P-bllo Service Companies at $6,101,171. ROSEBURO. Or, Jan J. (Bpeclal.) -Flsrures received hers today Cram the State Tax Commissioners show that the Southern Pacific and Its affiliated companies, together with tha private and Incorporated telephone companies of Douglas County, will pay taxes on valuations totalling .$$.10L171 in 1111. Tbs Incorporations affected include ths Southern Pacific Company. Santa Refrigerator Company, Pacific Fruit Company. Union Tank Line. Western Union Telegraph Company, Postal Tel egraph Company. Wells Fargo Express Company. Pullman Company, Pacific Telephone Company, and tha private and incorporated telephone lines at present in operation in Douglas County. MAY AVERT ACCIDENTS Coos Bay Citizens Petition That Llfe Savinx Station Be Moved. M iRKHFI ELTX Or.. Jan. 1L (Spe cial. ) A movement started to havs ths llfesavlng station on Coos Bay moved to a point where it will bo of mors uae la cass of accident on ths bar has be come general. Petitions were started by P. J. Bingham, manager of tha sx celelor factory on South Slough, who waa ths first to reach ths scene of ths disaster of last Saturday. Mors than 1000 cltlxens havs signed ths petitions and ths Chamber of Commerce will take ths matter up and appeals will bs mads to ths headquarters of tha 11 re avlng station at Washington. Tha station Is on ths Inside bay and proved sf no avail whan ths accident happened last Saturday, resulting- In the loss of six lives which could havs been ssved If ths station was near tho b.r. Three of the widows of the drowned men and IS orphans ars left destitute and subscriptions are being circulated la the city and considerable money ts being raised to give Immedi ate relief to ths families in need. STANDARD INCREASES FLEET Lucas Is En Route and Two "cw Carriers Are Building. Three additions are to be mads this year to the Pacific Coast fleet of the Standard Oil Company, tbs first to ar rive being the tank steamer CapL A. F. Lucas, which Is on tho way. She sailed from New York December 10 and called at Philadelphia, leaving the latter port January t for San Francisco. She was spoken January 7 when 10S0 miles south of Sandy Hook. Two new tankers ars said to bs under construction on tbs Atlantio side, one with a capacity of 10.000 barrels and the other of BO.sOO barrels. They are to be sent Into the Pacific and will operate out of the Oolden Gate. As soon as In creased business Justifies the outlay the Associated Oil Company will build an T other of the typo of ths Chanalor and Herrin. Besides ths Cosst trade, which Is being rapidly extended to tha north and many plants ss well as vessels ars being equipped to ose oil. it Is thought thst there will bs a larger demand at offshore ports and soms of ths new ves sels will ply In ths trans-Paclfio trade. MARKET BONDS FAVORED COCXCIL COMJITTTEE WOULD KAISE $200,000. linker Says Plan Will Put Public Buylnc-rince Up to People for Decision. A bond Issue of )300.000 for ths pur chase of ground and construction of necessary buildings will bs recommend ed by the public market committee of the City Council. If the present plans of Councllmen Baker, Daly and Msnefes are sustained. It will bs for ths peo ple to decide tho question of whether they want ot expend this amount of money In this manner. This announce ment was made yeeterday by Mr. Baker, who Is chairman of the committee. Mr. Daly also made a statement, concur ring. "Ths Council's public market ' com mittee has been giving much study and thought to Its work." said Mr. Baker, "and tne members havs coma to the belief that ths best method of pro cedure is to recommend a bond Issue of 1200.000. and a commission of men to handle the project, should the people decldo to vote the amount of money named. We do not deem it to bo our duty at this time to proceed with this business to the extent of recommending the appropriation from ths general fund of sufflclont money to start so large an undertaking. "The appropriation of so large a sum of money is not well within our prov ince, ws think. It is for the whole peo ple to ssy whether they wish to vote this smount or runds. we intend to recommend it and to leave it to them; that Is what the -referendum Is for, ss we view It. snd thst Is why we do not frel like recommending the use of so large a sum from the general fund." "1 agree with Mr. Baker that we should recommend a bond Issue of $:00.000. said Mr. Daly. "We figure that this will purchase about two blocks of ground, probably somewhere In ths Centrsl East Slds district, and pay for the construction of the neces sary buildings. We are agreed, too. thst !. best for the city to stsrt in in a small way. with plans well laid for elaboration, so tl.at the business will bs a success from the start. A study of tbs public market question reveals the fact that the business In many places has been started on too elaborate a basis and has never paid. This ws want to avoid. Wo want a plan than can bo worked out to meet the needs of ths city from tlms to time, but most of all. ws want a plan that will bs succesaful and not a disappoint ment. STEEL TRADE FOUND BIG J. It. Veltch, of Milwaukee Line, Also Ses Revival In Lumber. Demands for steel and lumber ars growing mors persistent, says J. R. ltch, assistant general freight agent of the Chlcsgo, Milwaukee at Puget Sound road, who has lust returned from a trip through the manufacturing dis tricts of Pennsylvania. Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. The steel mills now ars running T. per cent of their full capacity. New furnaces ars being blown In every week snd ths Indications sre that BS per cent of ths steel snd iron plants of the country will bs In operation. The manufacturers ars disposing of their steel products as fast as they ars turned out. Building operations con tinue on a large scale and consequently the demand for lumber Is growing stronger. Mr. Veltch looks for early Improvement In the lumber situation on the Pacific Coast. The movement of colonists snd tour lata to tbe Northwest will bs unusually heavy this yesr, he declares. Many are preparing to come from the Kaat to take np permanent homes In Oregon and Washington and many others will come hers to Investigate conditions with a view of settling In this terri tory In the future. Travel to the Ross Featlvsl and the Elks convention will bs heavy from the territory visited by Mr. Veltoh. John Beneke Is Stricken. ASTORIA. Or, Jan. S3. (Special.) John Beneke, an aged resident of the Nehaletn Valley and one of the first settlers In thst section, died suddenly last night at his heme near Jewell. Just sight days after his wlfs had died. He was exceptionally hale and hearty for his age, but had complained of feeling 111 during ths evening and a few min utes after bs retired for the night was found dead In his bed. Ho was a na tive of Germany and mors than SO years of age. Explosion Victim Dead. MARSHFTEL.D. Or.. Jan. SS. (Spe cial.) James Barkhouse, ons of tho four victims of ths gas explosion In the Beaver Hill mine yesterday, died today of his Injuries, at Mercy Hospital, in North Bend. His arms and legs were broken and bs was so badly burned that his life could not bo saved. Ths ether three men Injured at tho earns time will recover. Barkhouse is sur vived by a widow. Machinist Hurt by Electric Fan. ASTORIA. Or, Jan. SS. (Special.) William E. Boggs, a machinist on ths cutter Tahoma, who was severely in jured 10 days ago. is reported to bs getting along much better than was expected. While at work on ths ves sel. Boggs slipped against an electric fan. ons of ths sharp brass blades cut ting through both bones in his right leg and splitting ths knee Joint. . W. W. PREACHER RAILS AT CLERGY Men Who Talk for Living Not Found Where Workingmen Are,He Declares. CAPITAL DECLARED FOE Vag-uo Threat to "Take Things In Own Hands it City Doesn't Waie Cp" Is Made Defy Is Issued to Police. In a wild harangue at Sixth and Waahlngton streets last night. Ed. Lewis, ths brass-lunged I. W. W. or ganiser who has been speaking on ths streets of Portland for tho past few weeks, paid his respects to men of wealth and prominence In general and to newspapermen and preachers In par ticular and announced that "If ths city officials don't waks up pretty soon we're going to take things." "Just as soon as the city sees that ws ars taking thlnga. thsy'll wake up. and we'll get what we want," he said. When questioned by a reporter after the meeting as to what he -meant by "taking thlnga" he lsunched into a volley of abuss of the reporter snd told him thst he could Interpret the statement as he saw fit. rballeaae Horled at Crowd. Leais ridiculed religion and preach ers. He referred to Christ as "the first hobo" and said sines there were no box cars In those days. Christ beat his way bv stealing a donkey. When his challenge to preacbers In the crowd to "butt in" met with no response he told his hearers. "Tou won't find the preach ers where the working men are." "How do you expect a man who has never had a music lesson in- his life to sit up there st ths Pearly Gates and make music come out of a harp?" was one of bis shots at religion. Lewis then turned his attention to government, law and society. "Law," he said, "is a system of measures of fores devised to protect the robber who stole something from somebody else. It occupies the position of the big po liceman who uses his club to club the owners of things so that those that have robbed them can enjoy the pos session of the things they have taken. Starvation Core t'rged. Asked by a man In the crowd what society was to do when, law had been abolished, he said: "What are you going to do? Don't ask me what you're going tt do. Most of you fellows don t know what you ars going to do tomorrow. What are you goinK to do tomorrow 7" "Look for a Job, replied a number of the spectators. "You're going; to look for a Job to morrow, and yet you expect me to tell you what you ars going to do In a month or a year from now. Let us abolish the law first and then we'll start out to find out what we're going tj do. "Let us starve the moneyed men into bumble submission." said Lewis. "Let us teach them that they're fed from the ground up snd not from the top down. "I can't think of snything small enough to express my opinion of news paper editors and reporters," said Lewis. "Fifteen dsys ago a newspa per In this city Issued an invitation to tbs merchants of this city to asphyx iate or kill in any way they saw Ot the members of this party. And If I die in this city I wsnt to tell you that every editor and every reporter on the staff of that newspaper will die, too. "The Cltisens' Alliance issued an In vitation to me to go down to the Wil lamette River and drown myself. But I refused to go." Tho speaker also Issued a deft to the police of the city and said that if they clubbed him every policeman In the city would get a bigger dose than he wsnted of the same medicine. Lewis was evidently not taken as seriously by the unemployed of the city as ha haa taken himself, for last night his crowd had dwindled down to about one-third the size of the crowd the previous night. He announced that to night he would speak at 142 Va Fourth street. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Ureases. HENSLET-REIXHARDT Frank N. Hens lax, city. 26, and Florence Relnhardl. 27. CAMPAIR-MILLER William R. Cam palr. c:tr. 81. and Catherine A. Miller, 2'A M ARTIN-OOLLON Lilly C. Martin. As toria. 23. and Laura c. Cotton. 2. FLETCBEH-8UHULER Charles A. Fletcher. McMlnortile. Or.. 32, and Mar BchnlT, . ORkXJOKT-JOrTNSON Joe Oregory, city. 0. an.l Hilda P. Johnson. 35. 8UMMEKB-JEFKEHSON J. E. Bummers, city. 2, and Iternlce Jefferson, legal. BERGER-SUTHERLAND Rodney O. Ferger. city. 81. and lva Vlctorene Suther land. 22. SHKI'HKRD-DAVIS John Shaphard. etty, 64. and Mrs. Elia H. Davis. 54. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Jan. I J. Maximum temper ature. 44 degrees; minimum temperature, a; decroee. River reading. I A. M., 6.7 feet; chance in laat 24 hours. . t toot. To tal rainfall P. M. to i P. at). .1 Inch; total rainfall alnce September 1. 111, 19.4a inches; normal rainfall alnce September 1. 34-14 lnchea; deficiency of rainfall alnoe (September 1, I'll. 4.71 Inch a. Total sun shine, none; possible sunshine, hotira It minutes. Barometer freduoed to eaa level) at ft P. St., XS.si Inohea. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A atorm of considerable energy la ap proaching the Washington Coast and atorm warnlnsa have been ordered displayed at ail seaports In this dlatiiot. This disturbance will mora eaatward and cause general rain a. with mild tempernturs. In the Interior ana CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally ee Bandar. Per Line. Om time Its fame ad two cense entire times. ........ tie taune ad three consecutive tlmea tee Same ad aix er erven consecntle tlaaee.. see Remittances must accompany out-of-tesra bea eete advertisement la met ran In ees eerutlve Issuee the one-time rats applies. Ms werde count as ane line es eaabj ad vertisements aad Be ad counted far leas than tne lines. on cbarse or book advertisements the charge will be based oa tbe eetoal number et Unee appearing In the paper, regardleae el the Dumber of words la earb line. la Sew Todar all advertisements are charged by measure ealy, 14 usee ts the Inch. Tbe above rates apply to adverttaemeata sjBder iw Today" and all other Vaaelflna lien excepting tbe followingi Mtuatlone Wanted. Male. Mtuatlooe Yt anted, Female. Orrgouiaa will accept clawMed advertise meats ever tbe telephone, providing tbe ad vertiser la a eubeerttier to either pbooe. Nt Crtcee will be quoted ever the phone, bat 111 will be rendered the following djtr. Whether eubeeqnent advertisements will be accepted ever tbe phone depeade npon the promptoeee of the payment of telepboae ad Vertiaemente. Situations Wanted and Psr eenal advertisements will not be accepted ever tbe telepboae. Orders for one Inser tion only will be accepted for "Houses foe Bont, Furniture 'or Bale.' "Business Oppor tunities." nom Ins-Upases' and Assteet Stops a Cough Quickly Even Whooping Cough A Whole Pint of the Quickest, Suras Cough Remedy for 50c. Money Refunded If It Falls. It yea bsvs id obstinate, deep-seated cough, which refuses to be cured, get a CO-cent bottle of Pinex, mix it with home made sursj- syrup and start taking it. Inside of 24 hours your cough will bs gone, or very nearly so. Even whooping cough is quicklv conquered in this wsy. A 60-csnt bottle of Pinex, when mixed with home-made sugar syrup, gives you a pint a family supply of ths finest cough remedy thst money could buy, st a clear saving of $2. Vsry easy to prepare full directions in packets. Pinex soothes and heals tbs inflamed membranes with remarkable rspidity. It stimulates ths appetite, is slightly laxa tive, and btt a pleasant taste children take it willingly. Splendid for croup, asthma, bronchitis, throat tickle, chest pains, etc, and a thorouzhly successful remedy for loci pent lung troubles. Pinex is a special snd highly concen trated compound of Norway Whits Pine extract, rich in guaiscol and other heal ing pine elements. It haa often been imi tated, though never successfully, for nothing else will produce tbs same results Simply mix with sugar syrup or strained honey, in a pint bottle, and It is ready for use. Anyone who tries Pinex will qnlekly nder-tand why it is iwd in more homes in ths C. S. snd Canada thsn sny other cough remedy. Ths genuine is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money refunded. Certificate of guarantee is wrapped in each pscksge. lour druggist has Finer or will get it for yon. If not, send to Ths Pinex Co., Ft- Wayne, Ind. Pinex Is fully guaranteed by Laue Davls Drug Co, distributers. Portland. high southeast ahlftlng to aouthweat along the Coast. A small dlaturbance ta central over the New Knirland States, which haa rauaed rain and snow in that dlstrlot ana In the Lower Lake Res Ion. A large high pressure area overlies tho Missouri Valley, and the barometer continues relatively high over the Oulf States. The temperatures ever the entire United States are above normal, except In portions of Minnesota. Wisconsin. Southeastern Wsshlngton. East ern Oregon and extreme Northern California. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain: southeasterly winds, shifting to southwesterly. Oregon and Washington Rsln; southeast, shifting to southwest winds, becoming high along the Coast. Idaho Rain or snow. TBE) WEATHER. Wind State ot Weather STATIONS Boise Roston Calgary Chicago ......... Ienver Lies Motnea Puluih Eureka ......... Galveston ....... lielena Jacksonville .... Kansas City Marshrleld Montreal New Orleans New York. ...... North Head North Yakima... phoenix ........ Poratello Portland .'. Roseburg Sacramento St. Louis fct. Paul Halt Lake Sun Diego an Franclsoo... Spokane Tscoma Istooah Islnnd... W'ul'.a Walla Wafth!nR-lon .... Winnipeg 300, 4".',0 SS O 3& 0 600 34 0 i:u 0 tU u 44 0. 60,0 (8 0. S 0 66 0 D20 60 0 36ju 74i0 ISO 44 0, 46 0 64 0. 04:0 16)0 440. 640 6 0 40 0 00 Ml IN ICloudy 10N"W!CIoudy 4;N"W!Clear 161.VW Clear 00 on oo oo 00 00 4SW JClear g;NE cloudy 4 W :ioudy 22 S ICloudy I S SE ;i't. cloudy 4 SW Clear 4N'E Cloudy 4,.N" Clear 4 SW Rain 10'N ISnow ( SW Clear 26 N"W Clear .oo 00; 00 00 06 .121 S1' 00 08 00 .00 36:E iRaln Cloudy Pt. cloudy 00 01 Cloudy Rain 00 Cloudy 00 Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy 00, 00i 00 00i .02 Pt- clouay pt. cloudy .00 4i;;o. 60l0. 32;0 . SSiO. 40. ooj Cloudy Rain flonriv . J 4 0l .oo 4iNW'Clear Oil . . ICloudy FPWARn A. BKAIJ. DlgfTlrt Forecaster. ALCTIO.N KALES TODAY. Ulan denoe. No. 74 u Eaat 12th, between lavls and Everett streeta, 10 A. n., oy a. i i. Oilman, auctioneer. CHEAPER than an auction; Friday. 11 A. M-, furniture of 6 rooms. 778 Belmont su At Wilson's Auction Bouse, at 10 A. M. Furniture. 171-S-S Second a treat. DIED. MALLEtS At her late residsnee, 840 Divi sion street. January 2a, 1912. Frances Hulda Mailals. born in Germany in 1830 and enme to Portland in IstiS. widow of the late William Uallels. She Is survived by four children. Mrs. Tressa Zeller. W. R. Mallei s and H. S. Mallela, of Portland, and Mra. Hell Price, of Michigan, and six grandchildren. Kunerai notice later. MALLE1S In this city Jan. 28. at her heme, 84o Division st.. Mrs. Frances Hulda Mal lela. aged 82 years. Announcsment of f u reral later. IIN EKAl. NOTICES. EKOBER1 At his late residence, 288 Ivy street. January 20. Olsf Enrberg. aged 43 years 11 months 15 days, beloved husband of Mary Knsberg. Deceased was a mem ber of the Plasterers' Local. No. 82, and t.ie Modern Woodmen of America. Funeral services will be held today (Wednesday), January 24. at 2 P. M.. from the Augua tana Lutheran Church, corner Rodney ave nue and Stanton atreet. Friends and ac quaintances are respectfully invited to at tend. Interment will take place at Rose City Cemetery. D It INC At the family residence, January 22. Henry L. Irlng, aged 48 years 4 months 2u days, superintendent of Rlver vlew Cemetery. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Sal mon eta., at 2 P. M. Friday. Jan. 28. In--rmM In htvervlew Cemetery. ABBEY In this city January 22. at the resl- aenco vi tier u,ubiii, ' -- - M4 Bandy boulevard. Miranda Abbey, aged 75 years. The funeral will be held at the above residence at 1 P. M. today (Wednes day), fcjiends invited. Interment Corvai lls. Or. , PAULSON In this city, January 22. Mrs. Minnie Paulson, aged 32 years, wife of H. Taulson, of Damascus. Or. Funeral serv ices will be held from Ertcson's chapel, 40U Alder street, today (Wednesday), January 24. at P. M. Dunning A UrEutea, Fnneral .Directors. 71b ana s ine, a none attain sou. ats tan t. Ofrtce of Coonty Coroner. A. K. IE1.1 I K CO.. Williams ava, Phone East 1088. C 10 E. Lady attendant. ..... . .... ,,.,r f r irHAMi nil , i era, xsv so si. isuj sm . . ji p VINI KV a Hf'. Sd and Madlsea, Lady attendant. Phone Main , A less. EAST 8IDE Funeral Directors, eoeceseera to g . 0. Dunning, inc. g.. p. a LLBi II, i DiicriMirrt - - . ( h. Kii.t 7 1 BJM. l-adr tteadapt- Bkewee CndertaUng Company, 3d aad Clay. Main lit. A 132 1. Lady Attendant, MT. SCOTT PARK The Cemetery Beautiful LARGE, PERM ANElfT, MODERN. PORT LA D'S 0. LT MODERN CEMETERY WITH P E R P E T UAL CARE, of 'all burial plots without extra chares. Provided with a permanent Irreducible Maintenance Fund. Lo cation ideal; Just outside tho city limits on north snd west slopes of Mount Scott, containing; 836 acres, equipped with every modern con venience. PRICES TO SOT ALL. SERVICE THE BEST. 0E NILE SOUTH OK LENTS. REQU I. AH AUTOMOBILE SERV ICE FREE BETWEEN LENTS AND THE CEMETERY. ll II It CITY OFFICE, 920-821 TEON BUILDING. MAIN 826, A 7084. CEMETERY OFFICE. TABOR 1488: HOME PHONE, RING B 6111. THEN CALL LOCAL 420L lUtittst't'a'a'tvtsilltl 4 E 10 SB I 4'.'V 4iSW ID X slW 4ISW l:XW I 4 at! I 4'NE 4 SW AMtrSKMENTS. 2 PERFORMANCES r TODAY Ss TVVT'II I""1 THEATER nEsleUaVj 7th and TAYLOR,- Phones Mam 1 and A 1131. j Last Time Tonight. S:U Matinee 8:15 This Afternoon Henry W. Savage offers PUCCINI'S GRAND OPERA (In English) The Girl of the Golden West Grand Orchestra of 60 Master Musicians Oreat Cast of International Artists. It reached heights of dramatic beauty and waa steeped to the very aoul with the romance that thrills. Oregonlan. The lovers of grand opera who prefer to hear a rendition in English rather than Italian had their wish fully grat ifiedJournal. Hera la grand opera ail can under stand. Tolegram. Prices Both Evening and Wedneaday Mat.: Lower Floor, except last S rows, 83; lower floor, last S rowa, 82.50. Bal cony. S rowa. 82.50; 6 rowa, 82.00; 6 rowa. 11.30: 8 rows. 81.00. tiallerj-, re served. 81-50; admission. J1.00. B Ak E R. Msin ll AE?S0 Geo. I- Baker. Mgr. Tonight, All This Week. Bargain Matinee Wed.. 25. all seats, gat. Mat.. 25c. 90a. First time at popular prices. -THE SQUAK'MAX," By Edward Milton Royle. Strong company. Superb scenle production. One of the very few really great Western plays. Next week, "Grans tark." MAIN . A lore . MATINEE EVfcRY DAY Wfisn 1M3-5JI S-K-XMil UEKK JAN. SS, Jnllrtr In humorous chmrmr trr studle, Itoian and Lcnlmrr, M nl ln g.nd Contrail, Ketxl, The Romany Onr- Co., rau I Arard Trio, Tbe I'arroffa, World EtwiU Moving Picture. WEEK Jim. tt The Sin-en Palrl?, Mabel Whitman and Her Plckariinniett, Keith and Drew, The Down Eatt Koiir, Karl Hewrtt and Company. leltorrell and GUitMndo. Spe cial added attraction, the MImm Montgom ery and Chapman. "Texan Tommy." Tho (Society Iancsr. Boxrt mad Urnt row re ferred. Phone A Main 43:16. Mnttnee Evrry Day. Refined Vaudev'lle. WEEK JANUARY 22. Eckhoff and Gor don. Von Klein-and ;lbson, Marin and I Una, Mile. t'eHe and Company, James Grady and Company, Ted Lenore, Orchestra. rnces, 15c and 25c. LYRIC THE ATE B FOURTH ANU STARK ALL THIS WKEK. THE FLIRTING DUCHESS A Melody of ColoiA Galaxy ot Beauty A Musical Gem. Two performances nightly. 7:S0 and :15, 15c and 25c Matinees dally. 2:30. any seat 15c (except Sundays and Holidays). NEXT WEEK "The Girl With tbe Golden Vet." MEETING NOTICES. A. A. O. N. M. S.. AL KADER TEMPLE. Mem ber! take notice. A stat ed aesslon of Al Kader Tem ple will be held in the Com mandery Hall. Masonic Tem ple. West Park and Yamhill streets, on Saturday evening, January 27, at 8 P. M. Bus iness, payment of dues, bal loting on candidates, com mittee arrangements, othsr general business, all up for J . .1 . . f... ill V'nhl., - UUIlfllIICll'l'. 1,11 . - J w . , resident and visiting, cordially Invited. By order Illustrious Potentate, B. G. WH1TEHOUSK. PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. 8. R. A. M. Called convocation this (Wedneaday) evening at T:80. Work in most sxcellsnt degree, A. M. KNAPP. Sec HAWTHORNE LODGE No. Ill, A. F. and A. M. Stated ....nl.Hnn till, n' .1 1. f day) evening at 7:30, Masonlo Temple, worn in me m. ja. cie gree. Visiting brethren wsl- C. E. MILLER. Sec. WASHINGTON COUNCIL, NO. 3, R. ft S. M. Stated assembly this MM. (Wedneaday) evening, 7:30, E. Kth ana tturnslde streets. Degreea. Vla- itors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND, Recorder. LOYAL 6RDER Or MOOSE Portland Lodge, No. 2!1. meets every Wednesday night at Swiss Hall. 3d and Jefferson sta. Vielllng Moos, invited. WALTER M'GOVERN, Secretary. ROUT. G. MORROW, Dictator. GOLDEN RULE HIVE. No. IT, Ladles ot the Macabeea, meets the first and third Thursday evening ot each month in Selling- Ulrscb ball. ORIENT LODGE, NO. IT. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting tonight. Conferring of sec ond degree. Visitors cordially Invited to be with us. W. W. TERRY. Secy. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular -meeting this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock, third degree. Visitors always welcome. R. (IHVOLD, Secretary. FLOWERS, floral designs. Nob Hill Florist, 2Sd and Qllsan. Main 602. A 81S4. OREGOxN HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY It ALL. Main S9S. A 7BSS. HUMANE Oll ltER. sergeant Crate. Residence, 24 B. 24th N. fcast 477a, R a. Dunmlro, Res. SsS Wasco St. W. Q. Eaton, Rea. 73 E. loth. East 17e3. Horse Ambulance. A 6101. Pr. Ex. . Kignts. Sundaya and Holidays, A 615; Pr. k-x. A Trunk T. NEW TODAY. 35 NET On an Investment ' of $5400 Terms can be arranged In part. Also free rent of splendid suite of rooms In one of the best apartment-houses in the Nob Hill district. West Side. This will bear the closest investiga tion. A fine fifteen-apartment-houae, finely furnished, always full, choice lo cation, first-class people. Owner has to leave tho city. Vt rite or phone for In terview. 311 Lovraadale Street. Mala 1013. 19 13 Grand Trunk Pacific R. R. will be eom- ileted. Buy now. British Columbia farm ends. Prices are going up. We are selling land in ths Bulkley Valley, Fort George, Fraaer Valley country and the Necbaco Val ley. Write for booklet on this laat and bsst West. Address North Coast Land Company. Ltd 1017 Chambsr of Commerce bids.. Port land. Phone Main 2267. Main office. Van couver. B. C. Paid-up capital, tl.600.000. Mortgage Loans on Portland business and residence property at lowest current rates. MORGAN, FLIEDNER BOYCE, 008-606 Ablnartoa balldlnaT- MORTGAGE LOANS COT JOHN E. CfiONAN, noj 3 O sea Spalding mas- ' MORTGAGE LOANS On Business and Residence Propert) ropertr. 7 asnSW V. V. EVlSHtll'l, ak C. D. SIMOrVDS, XJ lS4ia Board of Trade BdsT. COLLIS, BERRIDGE A THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 824 Worcester Block. Phone Malm 57 THEATER tmpress r a9 B Formerly Grand, r Iff Snlllvnn & Consldlae. A 7W come. NEW TODAY. REFEREE'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY The west 88 feet of frac tional block 66 in Couch's Addition to the City of Portland, Or., and a tract of land 15 feet wide and 98 feet deep lying immediately ad ioinincr said fractional block 166 in Couch's Addition to the City of Portland, Or., said property being on the southeast corner of Tenth and Burnside streets, in this city, will be sold by the un dersigned at public auction at the front door of the Courthouse in this city on Wednesday, January. 24, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. This property is sold sub ject to the rights of the City of Portland in the extension and opening of Oak street through said real property. JOHN H. STEVENSON, Sole Referee. TO On "West Side income bearing property. "Will loan in denomina tions of $10,000.00 or more. 6V2 or 7 per cent, according to se curity. S. DE LA MER 306 Chamber of Commerce. Apartment Site We have just received authority from an out-of-town owner to sell his choice quarter block on 13th st., near Morrison, for $45,000. This is $5000 less than his last year's price and with the terms offered should move it quickly. STRONG & COMPANY (INC.), 605 Concord Bldg. Members of Portland Realty Board. Twenty-third and Knott 100x100 FOR $3700. Facing south and east and one block either way to cars. $12UU case needed by out-of-town owner. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. 13 New building, 50x60, containing 2 apartments and 2 6tores. Income $100 per month. On prominent East Side thoroughfare and in locality where values are rapidly increasing. Price, $S750. Terms to suit. Client must sell. HAETMAN & THOMPSON, Real Estate Dept., Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Must Sell! We have for sale a large 9-room house on Union ave. and Emerson st., owner lives out of town and is forced to sell at a big sacrifice; will take part in trade, but must have some cash, x or particulars see Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. Irvington Snap! New. modern, eight-room house with porchea, breakfast-room and den: lot Euxiuu; nara-Buriacea sireec. wortn $7500, now $6300; $1000 down and $40 per month. A real snap. See it. Make an offer. I am leaving the city. 601 B. 26th St., near Thompson. Phone Cast 6948. Burnside-Street Bargain Lot 50x100 Wnt of Seventeenth St. PRICE 450O, TERMS. CALL FOR C. O. REAQAN. CHAPI!V A HERLOW, 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. 18 Per Cent Net Income on $10,000 cash required for elegant, almost new. Nob Hill apartment-House, close In, every apartment rented. Price $30,000; rents $3996 a year. Easy terms. Address owner, D 729, Oregonlan. SPECIAL TODAY Are you a responsible tenant? I will build a strictly modern apartment-house tor responsible tenant. Ap ply at once. D 757, Oregonlan. E. Yamhill Street Snap Fine lot, near East 23d; worth $1875, now $1500. See it. Make an offer. I am leaving' city. 171 K. 23d. Phone East 5948. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Brck. William G., 815-316 Falling bldg. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT, 102 McKay . bldg. M. 549. Chaptn A Herlow. 832 Chamber Commeroe, Cook, B. 8. A Co.. 608 Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co. Main 188. 206 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO. H. P. 4O4-40O-404 Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ava, and Multaemaa St. (Holladay AddlUon). $50,000 LOAN! REAL ESTATE. For Bale Lots. $1500. 70x10 PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. Oreenway Add., with a (ins view ot Mt. llood and is located among good houses, where each has as large or larger lot; $1500 is very cheap for this; no slope to make improving difficult. See us for terms. CHAPIN A HERLOW C"V"), 832 Chamber of Commerce. 100x100, $4500. Clackamas, between 19th and 21st sts. ; hard surface and all Improvements paid up; see us for terms; may we show you this and another such In lrvlngton? We have stray bargains out there. CHAPIN & HERLOW ("V). 332 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGWOOD, adjoining lrvlngton. beau tiful wooded lots, with cement walks and graded streets; building restrictions for only $725. Think of the price! Only 10 per cent cash and $10 per month. Take Broadway car, get off at Klickitat street snd walk east. Agent on the ground. Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. A Sl'2g, Main 41:18. BUNGALOW SITE. A full acre or half acre with all hn- Firovements, 3 minutes' walk from car Ine, Ideally adapted for a home, where all the comforts of the country and con veniences of the city can be enjoyed. Ses this sure; price and terms right. A2I 73 7. Oregonlan. THE Canadian Pacific Railway's installation of new Pacific Coast terminals at Coqult lam represents In the New City your op portune. Our lots 500 feet from ths sta tion, price $400. Write for circulars. Mo Phersoo A Pullsrton Bros., Vancouver. British Columbia. ' HER E YOU ARE. MR. BTJTeS Two lots 50x100 feet, adjoining, less than 100 feet from bandy Road, all im provements paid for, including sidewalks, graded streets, water, and streetcar serv ice; price $250 each; this is the chaaos of a lifetime. AL 739. Oregonlan.- GREATEST snap on Mount Tabor Heights; must sell; runs from street to street; im provements paid; good for two houses; building restriction. We will help you build. Price ISO0O; your own terms. HARTJ1AN & THOMPSON. Room 4. Chamber of Commeroe. TOURS FOR $500. (VSxlOO; a fine lot; only 110 feet from good suburban carllne; terms, $24 down and $10 a month. P. B. LENT. 417 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON LOT SNAP. A fine lot, 50x100, on E. 14th, neat Knott. Price $1500. Worth $17o0. Must be sold quick. GRUSSI A BOLDS, 818 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4ta and Oak. LADD'S ADDITION. Larch St., near Mulberry, 45x118, for . $2350; a very desirable piece; pries holds ' tor this week only. STRONG & CO. (Inc.), 05 Concord bldg. Authorised Agents for Ladd's Addition. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, dtt lota, lies wsll, beautiful trees, fine view, block oar, neighborhood ot beautiful homes; $7000; terms. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 8889. $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot; matured fruit trees; re stricted district, near car; cement walks. Bull Run water. 202 Board ot Trads fcldg. Phone Marshall 473. A 1022. WILLAMETTE ADDITION. Lots In this deslrabls locality for sals; Jrood streetcar service; it will pay you to ook this up if you are looking for a horns site. Phony A 4524. COOS BAT. Private party has a few Coos Bay lots for sale; easy terms; special bargain In these lota 263 Ry. Exch. bldg. Marshall 2583. ask for Tyler. FINE well-located lot on East Main St., close in, 2 blocks to car; will give time on part. Beads A Robinson, S61 E. 11th St. E. 5023. IRVINGTON. $1800 each, 4 beautiful lots, including corner on Hancock, paved street; these wont last long. Geo. A. Rlggs, 815 Bpaldlng bldg. MALL-ST. SNAP. Nice lot near East 13th st.. worth $1000, a few days $750; easy terms. By owner, 171 East 8d. Phone East5948. ROSELAWN ANNEX. $778, $50 DOWN. 60x85, 11th and Sumner. $12 monthly. Enough said. Fred W. German, 820 Burn- . side. M. or A 2776. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homes and homesltes, all views, locations and prices; can suit you. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 8t. IRVINGTON lot, 75x100. on 21st St., between Brazes and Knott St.: Improvements all In and paid. Full particulars, phone owner, C 1828 or Woodlawn 3229. FINE for apartments or flat, lot 61x100 on East l!th St., bet. Oak and Stark; prlos $6700; terms. Beals & Robinson, 861 JS. lltn st rj. oujs. IRVINGTON The price of two years ago; high and sightly, near Knott: only $1800; small payment down. 545 East loth st. N. ROCHESTER JUNCTION 8 lots, best looa- tlon; need the money, so will sacrifice for quick sale. M 755. Oregonlan. 8EE Le Nolr A Co. for West Side property; exclusive dealers In West Slds Realty. 835-7-9 Chamber of Commerce. $450 FOR lot, 41x100, on improved st.; water on lot; this must be Cash. Wood- lawn 8229. C 2429. $700 FOR lot. 60x111, on carlins. This Is a snap; room for 2 houses; fine location. Woodlawn 8229. C 2429. GREAT bargain Equity m line lot In Lau- relhurst. Sellwood 95. t For Sale Houses. BEAUTIFUL six-room house in Sunnyalde, lust completed and modern In every de tail Large living-room. dining-room, kitchen, 2 sleeping rooms and sleeping porch, handsome fixtures. hardwood floors; full cement basement and furnace; street Improvements ail paid. Midway be tween Hawthorne ave. and Sunnyslde car lines. Price $4750; terms $750 cash, bal ance $25 per month and Interest. Luedde- man at jurae, vtL mcuirm HANDSOME 7-room house in Sunnyslde, thoroughly modern and handsomely fin ished Interior; corner lot and best cat service in city. Large llvlng-roora, dining-room, den. kitchen. 8 sleeping rooms with sleeping porch; hardwood floors, full basement and furnace; handsome nre place. Beautiful home for 6.o0. terms easy. Lueddemann A Burke. 921 i.leotrio Bldg. . . - -. " . . . vinvuv Will sacrihee this California bungalow if I can sell at once. $3250 EASY TERMS. On 60x90 lot. close to Hawthorne, s fine rooms with hardwood floors largs fireplace, bookcases, in fact, everything to make a real home. Full cement base ment and extra fine attic A rara chance to get something good. Taborji. $60"6WEST SIDE COTTAGE $600 Nice 5-ri.om cottage, electric lights. niC4 bath, in nrst-class condition throughout, lot 40x100. some fruit trees and p.enty of small fruit. Half block to Fur ton car on Idaho St.. in Southern Portland. Prlc snap. $1800: $600 cash and $15 per month. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Qak. AN ABSOLUTE SNAP. WEST SIDE PROPERTY: IN THH HEART OF APARTMENT-HOUSE DISTRICT- WITHIN 16 BLOCKS OF POST OFFICE; NOW PA Y1NO W PER CENT INCOME. FOR SALE FOR $J.50. Only $3750 cash required. HARTMAN & THOMPSON CHAMBER OF CO M MJi-RCE BLDO. ONLY $500 CASH. Good 9-room modern house, nearly new and over one-half acre of ground; im proved streets, cemeut sidewalk, good lo cation near carllue, about 35 minutes ride from 5th and Washington; fine place for chickens or garden; only SoOO cash, re quired. Address A. C, P. O. box 4!lo. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house, in Laurelnurst; e fireplaces, large sleeping-porch, built-in refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, firs less cooker, built-in wardrobes, etc; cor ner lot 75x90, east front, beautiful view; 87500- $500 cash, balance easy monthly caymems. Provident Investment A Trus tee Co 201-202-2H3 Board of Trads bldg. 1, hull 75 a m-22. Nearly new 5-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, doubly constructed, all latest built-in effects, street improvements paid, on E. 17th St.. near Weidler. Price $4800. 11000 cash and $.10 per month. . GRUSSI & BOLDS. ms Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $200 CASH, balance like rent, gets you a DeaUlUUI UCW tiumc, in, a iwiaiiu'ii v" line ; all large rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, wash trays, woodllft, etc.; good basement; large lot. Price only $2000. See owner, J A. Clock, 253 Alder. Main 8189. BEST-BUILT HOME In lrvlngton; finished in oak; 10 rooms; very elaborate; will satisfy the most ex acting; ready' for Inspection: lot 90x100, cor.; several others. C 1806. East 273. Owner, W. H. Herdman. $300 CASH. $15 per month, new 6-room modern bungalow. iui tvAi'-j-. u'"a from car, 25 minutes out. $17r0. HIGI-EY & BISHOP. 132 Third St. MUST sell a 6-room modern bungalow. worth $3400 new. lor l.ivu; fuv n and J16 per month. Whipple. 94 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 1622. MUST sell a 5-room modern bungalow in North ML TaDor. worm ir $400 cash; $:5 a month. Main 1822. FOR SALE My 7-room house and furni ture; must be som; Darpain, comer mi In Irvington. Owner, K 719, Oregonlan.