Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 24, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Ordinance Abolishes Deposit
System, but Allows Rental
Collections in Advance.
Comntltlre Awks Cltiiona to File
Grievance Ja Company Hern
iations to Il Taken Up at
Meeting of Karljr Pate.
Acrordina- to action of the City
Council's aperial committee on regula
tion of public srrTtce corporation,
telephone companies will b allowed
to collect as much as three months
rate in advance from new patrons, but
will not be permitted, as now, to ex
act a cash deposit.
An ordinance is to be drafted by
City Attorney Grant to this effect and
will be submitted to the committee
at Its next session, at 1:30 P. 11. Tues
day. February .
Complaints from citizens aratnst
any public service corporation are so
licited by the committee, the members
of which yester.isy afternoon took for
ma! action to this effect, they wlshlnjr
to know what grievances, if any, the
people have. These should be ad
dressed to City Attorney Grant- The
members of the committee are Coun
cilman Watkins. Baker and Paly.
Caa Esteaaloaa C'enaia'ered.
The next session will be devoted
largely to the Kas company, it Is ex
pected, although others will receive
attention. There la a prospect that the
committee will recommend that the
Council compel the company to extend
Its mains into new territory upon the
same basis as the Water Board lays
city water mains m-hen per cent
may be realised on the service. The
members of the committee, after this
was suggested by Mr. Daly, agreed
that this is reasonable. '
City Attorney Grant. however,
called attention of the members to
some peculiar features of the franchise
or permit under which the gas com
pany Is operating. He said that It
has a franchise on the Kast Side,
granted by the old Cast Portland and
Alblna Councils, but that on the West
Elde It Is operating under a franchise
or permit granted it by the lrlla
ture. It is on the East BM. that the
complaints largely arise, it was ex
plained, and It la believed the Council
has the right to regulate the service.
Heavy Leesea Recited.
Testerday's session was given over
almost exclusively to the Home and
Pacific Telephone Jc Telegraph com
panies. Among those complaining
against the Paclfle Company for its de
posit system was Councilman Watkins,
who said be was compelled to put up
a deposit to get a telephone Installed.
It was against this system of deposits
that complaint had been registered and
it was to remedy this that the com
mittee mtt
J. U Yarns 11. commercial manager of
the Pacific Company, and J. B. fiddle
ton, of the Home Company, were pres
ent to hear the complaints and to dls- J
ruse them with the Councilman. Mr. 1
Tsrnall explained that all bis company
wishes Is protection and that It in
augurated the deposit plsn as the best
means of Insuring this. Even now. he
said, the company losea a great deal
of money every month on "dead beats."
This Is almost equally true of the
Home Company, Mr. Mlddleton de
clared. There are all kinds of frauds
and people who are Irresponsible, both
men asserted, and there must be some
means of protection. The committee
aa-reed that It Is perfectly legitimate
for the companies to require payment
In advance for three months. The
Home Company has never required de
posits, but has collected two month
in advance.
. 'avy Men Insist Tliat Applicants
Produce Il ac harges.
Credentials demanded from each ap
plicant before he can be admitted to
membership In the Navy Club of Port
land will be discharges granted at the
time of leaving the service, and those
who attend a session to be convened
at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night at the
Navy recruiting station, in the Rail
way Exchange building, will be asked
for the "pigskin" issued by Uncle 8am.
The bylaws are to be discussed .and
probably adopted, while the member
ship committee and other special bodies
will report. Since the plana were
launched early in the month of band
ing all ex-service men under one head
for their mutual advancement and to
create interest In Navy affairs gener
ally, there have been a number of let
tars received from points In the state
where ex-Jackles reside, who wish to
be enrolled on the charter list. It ba
not been decided how non-resident en
listments will be rated, and that will
he taken up tomorrow evening.
North Alblna Club to Discos Ore.
gon-to-Washington Spaa Planned.
The North Alblna Push Club has
called a mass meeting for next Sat
urday night to be held in the fire hall
on Alblna and Killings worth avenues. to
roniider the question of building a
bridge across the Columbia River, to
ronneot Oregon and Washington, and
also to discuss plans for the establish
ment of a central depot for all railways
entering Portland.
J. H. Xoita. who has been advocating
the Columbia Hirer bridge for several
years, brought the subject before the
Alblna Club Monday night, and urged
that It be considered.
At the meeting Saturday night a full
statement of the bridge project, setting
forth where it msy be built, how
funds will be raised to build the
structure and what effect it may bave
on the two states, will be made. All
the push clubs In the city have been
asked to send delegates to the meeting.
food Inspector Finds City Has Reo
ord in Butler Cheating.
That more short-weight butter Is to
be found In Astoria than In any city he
has yet visited In Orocon wse the state,
ment made yesterday by W. B. Dun
ran. Deputy Fond and Dairy Commis
sioner, who returned from a four-days
Inspection of the grocery stores of that
city. In addition to a number of cases
of short-weight butter. Mr. Duncan also
gleaned 13 samples of milk and cream
which failed to come up to the legal
requirement as to solids and butter
fat. In one store visited he discovered
that the merchant had placed a layer
of tin-foil between the K'.as plates on
the scales which caused 'them to reg
ister two ounces in favor of the owner
for every article weighed on them,
four cases of butter Inspected by Mr.
Duncan showed a shortage of one
pound a case.
"The dealers selling California but
ter declared that It bad shrunk since
they Lad received It," said Mr. Duncan
yesterday. "I told them that butter
would shrink but to no such extent as
they tried to convince me It would. We
have stored butter In our office under
circumstances much more unfavorable
than these Astoria merchants have to
contend with, and we found that In 30
days' storage the butter bad shrunk
one-half an ounce to the pound. After
days' storage there was absolutely
no further shrinkage. The contention
of these men. therrfore. who have Im
ported short-weight California butter
Is of no value. It Is ridiculous for
them to say that California butter or
any other butter will shrink two ounces
to the roll."
Howard M. Brownell. Deputy District
Attorney at Astoria, haa advised the
Dairy and Food Commissioner's office
that he will co-operate with Ite officers
In enforcing the laws covering food
and dairy products.
Greatest Attraction to Tourists Is
Ieclared to lie Speedways for
Long Auto Drives.
Principal among California's attrac
tions for the) tourist, saya John 11
Scott, general passengor agent of the
Southern raclfic who has Just returned
from that state. Is in excellent roads,
and therein lies a moral for Oregon,
be declares.
Mr. Bcott left hre with the psxty of
Canadian excursionists that recently
passed through Portland and passed the)
Intervening time, until his return the
other day, in the rural districts of Cal
ifornia, with the exception of a few
days' visit in Los Anules and San
Francisco. His principal purpose) was
to got In touch with Eastern tourists
to taarn from them the reasons for
their frequent pilgrimages to Califor
nia and to study a method by which the
same class of people that visits the
Southern statea In the) Winter months
csn be Induced to come to Portland In
the Summer time.
"Good roads," Mr. Fcott believes, is
the key to the situation. He found
that people on pleasure trips like) to
keep moving and that they like to see
new sights. Travel over country roads
affords them those opportunities. The
automobile has grown to be the chief
means of transporting people on such
trips. To make automobile travel at
tractive good roads aro necessary. Cal
ifornia has them.
"I found that many people who are)
denied the delights of aulomoblllng In
their respective home communities go
to California for the purpose of indulg
ing in these pleasures." said Mr. Scott.
"Automobile owneri in some Northern
states where) the snow and ice preclude
tho possibility of road travel In winter
time, take their machines with them to
California. Others who have not the
time to use automobiles for pleasure st
homi and who. consequently, do not
own machines, rent cars by the month
when they go to California.
"While I realise that it requires a
great deal of money to build first-class
publlo highways, this kind of money
would be well Bpent. In my estimation."
California hotol owners. Mr. bcott re
ported, are gratified over the heavy
movement of Northwestern people to
that state for their Winter vacations.
A reciprocal sentiment now is being en
gendered with the probable result that
California people will start to come to
Oregon to pass their Summers. Some
of this business is already under way.
Nearly every town In California in
which there is a lodge of Elks will be
well represented at the forthcoming
session of the grand lodge of Elks In
Portland. Kan Francisco. Oakland and
Los Angeles will have special trains.
Victor records are the best In the
world. They wsar longer and may be
used on other machines. Sherman. Clay
it Ck. Sixth at Morrison.
always give satisfaction because they
always do the work. J. T. Kfielnut.
I'.renien. Ga.. says: "I have used Foley
Kidney Pills with great satisfaction
and found more relief from their use
than any other kidney medicine, and
I've tried almost all kinds. I can cheer
fully recommend them to all sufferers
for kidney and bladder trouble." Foley
Kidney I'll Is will cure any case of kid
ney or bladder trouble not' beyond the
rewrh of medicine. No medicine can do
more. Sold by all drutrfclsts.
Our Company serves
as Trustee under Wills,
Trustee of Estates,
Trustee of Bond Issues,
Trustee for Individuals,
Syndicate Corporations,
Executor under "Wills,
Administrator of Es
tates, Guardian of Min
ors, etc,
"We solicit correspond
ence or personal inter
view pertaining to any
phase of the service.
CAPITAL $150,000.
W. H. Tear President
Willard Case.... Vice-President
O. C. Bortzmeyer Cashier
Walter H. Brown. .Asst. Cashier
Open Saturday Evenings, 6 to 8
Royal Worcester, BonTon, Mme. Mariette, Helene, Marquise and Reno Belt Corsets
Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Standard Sewing Machines and RicHardson Linens
Occupying Entire BlocK Bounded by Morrison. Alder, Tenth, and West ParR Streets
Ouar 34$h Ainiisuial (Clearance
$2.50 Anti-Tip
SulKies $1.98
On Sale, Fourth Floor.
Anti-tip rear extension sidewalk
Sulkies for babies. Best yet; made
with food rest, good strong -wheels
and rubber tires, reversible back,
upholstered seat and back, well fin
ished, very strong; selected wood,
guards over wheels to keep child's
clothes from dust; our fljl QO
$2.50 sulky for only P A eiO
Eye Trouble
Our Dr. Dayton says "at least 95
per eent of all eye trouble is more
or less complicated with nerve and
muscle defects t Eyeache, headache,
watery eyes, etc., all originate in
one or the other of these defeets.
Have him test your eyes. He will
measure the nerve "leak5' calcu
late the muscular "unbalance,"
and fit you to glasses that will give
Menls $3 Hats
at $2.35
First Floor, Southeast.
All soft hats, comprising a large
assortment of shapes, in plain gray,
brown, tan and black. Included in
the lot is a fine grade of the snap
py, English "scratch up" novel
ties. See window display; $3.00
grades. Now is the time to save
on an up-to-date hat. ttJO
We specialize them at
Rifles S1.25
On Sale, Fourth Floor.
D. S. Army Springfield rifles in
the carbine, cadet and infantry
models, 43-70 caliber, guns which
cost the Government $16. The best
type for collectors and for decorat
ing dens, etc., for target practice
and for bringing down J1 OC
big game; special at V J
$3.50 "Eagle"
Shirts &1.95
Men's Corner First Floor.
Clearance of Jacob Miller Sons
& Co. 's famous flannel Shirts, made
as well as men know how, after 45
years of experience. Materials are
woven from selected j-arns, dyed
with fast .dyes, cut to fit and
stitched to hold. Sizes 14 to 18;
soft turn-back cuffs; dl QIC
$2.50, $3, $3.50 grades PXe7J
Clearance of Bedding
S5.00 Blankets $3.95
$6.50 BlanKets $4.95
S9.00 BlanKets S7.25
Hotels and rooming-houses should take advantage of this sale. Mail orders promptly filled.
S6.50 BlanKets $4-95
$7.00 BlanKets $5.35
Bedding Department, third floor.
Clearance sale of white wool
Blankets, with pink or blue bor
ders; the large sizes. Well made
and finished. Priced exceedingly
low for this big clearance sale.
Splendid quality of gray wool
Blankets with pink, blue or brown
borders, in large sizes. These are
priced for clearance at this time.
rr rt r r Tf 1 1r- .a. 0 1 1 Clearance of iwool finished
CPO.7 DlalllvCld aO.lVy Blankets, in white, gray or plaid,
large sizes and extra good qual
ity. Priced exceedingly low.
$4.50 BlanKets $3.65
81.25 Comforts $1.05
$1.65 Comforts $1.35
$2.75 Comforts $2.25
$3.75 Comforts $3.25
$ 7.50 Chill-les3 Iron Beds, specially priced for Clearance at $5.45
$ 5.00 Chill-less Iron Beds, specially priced for Clearance at $3.75
$ 2.75 Yum Yum Springs, specially priced for Clearance at $1.95
$13.50 Cotton Felt Mattress, well made, bargainized at only $10.25
$12.00 Cotton Felt Mattress, 40-pound size, during this sale $8.50
$ 6.00 Fiber Center Mattress, specially priced for this sale at $4.25
In the big bedding store, third floor.
A great clearance sale of all bed
ding, with the largest and best se
lection of comforts in the city to
choose from. This special lot is
white cotton, filled and covered with
the best grade silkoline. Note the
great reductions and lay in your
year's supply, notels and rooming
houses should take advantage now.
Clearance of Ourfains
Draperies and CusKions
$2.75 Net Curtains $1.95
Department, Third Floor.
Clearance sale of best quality double thread
net, with attractive three-inch insertion and
edsre to match: curtains are 40 inches wide
and 2V'2 yards long; regular $2.75 1 QC
grades. We specialize them' at f
Department, Third Floor.
Our entire 6tock of all single pairs of fine
Lace Curtains, comprising some of the best
lines shown this season, of which there is
only one pair left. You may choose J iy
from the lot at this sale for less than
65c Curtain Swisses 37c
Sample Curtain Ends 39c
Clearance of fine quality Curtain Swiss, in
small checked designs in white, Arabian and
ivory; our regular 65c quality; spe-Ol7
cial for this sale at only, the yard,
Clearance of factory samples of Curtains,
in fancy net and scrim. The finished ends,
14 yards long and 40 to 45 inches OQ
wide; white and Arabian; speeial at JJC
35c Cretonnes for 23c
Curtain Laces at 32 Price
A large assortment of best grade Cretonnes
in beautiful patterns and most artistie colors
for window draperies, fancy work etc. Come
36 inches wide, regular "35c grades, 00
specially priced for this sale at only aiiOV
A great clearance of new Curtain Laces at
just half former prices; allovers, filet lace,
small checks, 6tripes and fancy figured pat
terns; 36, 45, 50 inches D -
wide; reg. 20o to $1.25, TICG
$4 and $5 Sofa Pillows $1.69
$6 and $7 Sofa Pillows $1.98
In the Drapery Dept., 8d floor, a sale of beautiful Pillows, made of rich velours,
tapestry and heavy brocade silks, in beautiful tints and shades. These were made
up of the remnants left from drapery and upholstering contracts, ana (T AQ
'9c73r3V Tiie JJ
Featherbone Silk covered, 15-cent
quality; yard, 9e or by tneQf)f
iiipf. anecial for this salaa"
Tailor's Chalk Assorted colors,
72 pieces in a box; 35-cent Ol
grade; for this sale only at C
Collar Stays "Eve" or "Astra,"
regular 10c grades; special rJtlf
for 7 cents or by the dozen
Hooks and Eyes Black or white,
our regular 5-cent grade at
2 for 5 cents or a gross for
Basting Cotton, Alex King's, A
500-vd. snoot: 45a rloz. or ea. "C
Skirt Markers Regular 25c
grade; specialized at only ea.,
Coat Hangers, folding wire, OP
rrgular 10c grade; 3 for"'
Tape Measures, reversible, 6o O
grade; specialized at, each, JC
Thimbles Regular 5-cent C
grades; special at 2 for only C
Hold-Fast Snaps Black, 5e C
grades; now on sale 2 for''
Findings Notions etc.
. First Floor, Between the Elevators.
Dressmakers' Pins Brass, in half-pound OQ
boxes; 35-cent grade; special at only, bos, aC
Binding Eibbona Best quality taffeta; reg- 1 0
ular 15-cent grade; special
Braids Feather stitched, 1 O
in colors, fancy; to20e val.
Braids and edgings for trimming;
assorted patterns; 35-cent OO
size; special for this sale"-''
Bias Tape, white only, all widths,
regular 10-cent grade; now
on sale at the low price
Shirt Waist Belts, 10-cent
grades; specialized for only
Hair Pins, 5c wire, all sizes; C,
specialized at two papers for
Hair Nets, large silk, 5 in
an envelope; special at only
Hair Nets, of human hair, "I fn
the lartre sizes: 15e m-ades vC
Pins, 400 to the paper; 5c
grade; special, two papers,
Hair Pins, shell only, 6 in a C
box; regular 10c; special at
Ironing Wax, special, dozen, 10
Ironing Pads, reg. 5c; special
Pearl Buttons, 15c card, now 8
Tf 6c
"O. W. K. Special" Butter, always
fresh and sweet, put, up in 7Ag.
2-pound squares, for only
Anderson's Smoked Sardines, put up
in cans; reg. 10c size; Cjl ff
special Wednesday, doz. pXvrV
Blue Label Brand, the most reliable
of all; sells regularly at 25c 0
a bottle; special Wednesday OC
30c COFFEE 23
"O. W. K. Brand," special blend;
delightful flavor; regular OO
30c grades; special the pound a&Ol
16-ounee package; special, only 8
Special in Basement; 3 pkgs. 10
40c TEA 30
Uncolorcd Japan, India and QfJ
Ceylon; regular 40c grades"''
Well cured ; nice medium 1
sizes; spec'l in Basement, lb.
Put up in cans; special, only
: at roar or JJ
represent highest grade materials ; $4 to $5 vals., $1.69 ; $6 to
$LOO SilKs for 59c
Fancy Silks, in checks, stripes and print warp
patterns, in beautiful rich color combinations,
suitable for dresses, waists, etc. All good, de
pendable qualities, which are now in great de
mand. Our regular $1.00 grades, spe
cial price for this Clearance Sale, yd.
50 pieces in this lot, comprising all wanted shades, including
black and cream, standard widths: rich, lustrous finish;
perfect dyes ; best 85c quality, special Clearance Sale, yd.
$2.25 Embroidery 98c
20c Embroidery at 8c
Center Main Floor.
A great Clearance Sale of thousands of yards of all wanted styles,
patterns, widths and grades of Embroideries, in Swiss, nainsook
and cambric materials, in Flouncings, Allovers, Corset Cover Em
broideries, Edges and Insertions, priced for the day's selling at
the following great reductions take advantage of these bargains:
Regular $2.25 Embroideries, Clearance Sale price, the yard, 98
$1.00 Embroideries, yard 48
$1.50 Embroideries, yard 79c"
20c Embroideries, the yard, g
65c Embroideries, a yard, 25c
pecials in the Basement "Underprice"
Women's $18 Suits at $8.98
$15 Dresses for $6.98
In the Basement.
Clearance Sale of Women's Tailored Suits;
175 in one lot and unusually good values; all
splendid new models, faultlessly tailored and
lined with good Satin; the materials are
Serges, Cheviots and Tweed mixtures in
black', navy and colors; in grades fiJO QO
np to 118.00; special for only pOiJO
In the Basement
A remarkable Clearance of Women's smarts
one-piece Dresses; several styles in the lot,
all good serviceable colors; fine French and
English Serge and a few Silks; well made,
dresses appropriate for street or for house
wear; our regular values to lo; C 2 QQ
on special sale Wednesday, only
$3.00 Sweater Coats $1.48
$6 Dress SRirts $2.89
In the Basement
A seasonable clean-up of Women's All-Wool
Sweaters, made from fine all-wool yarns, in
the popular coat styles and V-neck effects
with large pearl buttons, heavy cardigan
ribbed, white only; very exceptional $3.00
grades; priced very special for JJ1 A Q
this sale only, your choice at px.rO
In the Basement
In this lot we group many very attractive
styles in Women's Dress Skirts, odd lines to
be sure, but a splendid range for selection;
the materials are Serges, Panamas and mix
tures in various colors ; our regular $5.00 and
$8.00 grades; bargainized for this fiJO OQ
great Wednesday sale at onlyP',0'
$1.50 Gowns at 78c
Clearance of Women's Night Gowns, made of good quality muslin
in various styles in slip-over and high necks, trimmed with lace,
embroidery and ribbon; very good $1.25 and $1.50 grades; "TRr
specialized for this great Wednesday clearance sale at only OC
Child's 50c Sleepers 35c
Clearance of Children's fine soft quality Outing Flannel Sleepers
in plain colors and neat stripe patterns; well made; sizes to OC
fit children from 2 to 7 years of age; regular 50o grades for OiJC
$5 Waists at SI. 98
A one-day cleanup of Women's
Waists in attractive patterns of silK
and nets and plain tailored effects,
in blacK, white and colors. Waists
in this lot to please almost every
taste. Good grades up to J?1 QO
$5.00 each, special at only P
Boys' Regular 45c Underwear for Only 19c
A final clean-up of Boys' Underwear, Shirts and Drawers in heavy cotton and fleece
lined. Odd lines, some slightly imperfect; sizes to fit boys from 6 to 14, years of 1 Q
age; regular 45c grades, special price for the final Clearance Sale, the garment
50c Gowns 35c
In the Basement, a sale of Boys'
Night Gowns,, made of soft, warm
outing flannel in neat striped pat
terns, all good colors; sizes OC
12Y2 to 14; regular 50c grades JJC
25c Pillow Tops 15c
Basement Clearance Sale of stamped
Pillow Tops in dozens of patterns, at-,
tractive designs and colorings in good
25c qualities; very special for 1 C
i Sale, each -v
'this great Clearance Sale, each
50c Underwear 37c
Clearance of Men's medium weight
Underwear, Shirts and Drawers in
fine ribbed, natural gray color, well
made and finished ;. all sizes 07
in the 50o grades; special at C
10c Torchon Lace 4c -
Good dependable grades of Torchon
Lace in white and Ecru edges and in
sertions, good heavy quality that will
wash well; regular grades to A
10c the yard; on special sale at "C
35c Face Veiling 10c
In the Basement "Underprice Store"
sale of Silk faee Veiling in plain col
ors, spots and fancy black and col
ors; fine and coarse mesh; 1 "J
25c and 35e grades; the yard v
25c Shopping Bags 10c
Basement Clearance Sale of Shopping
Bags, made of good strong twine with
strong handles; assorted sizes; our
regular 25c qualities; for the "I
Clearance Sale price at only VC
$4-75 Dinner Set 3.84
In the Basement
A one-day sale of Dinner Sets in the white and gold band decora
tion, good shape piece, well selected. Set comprises 6 Dinner
Plates 6 Pie Plates 6 Soup Plates 6 Cups and. Saucers 1 Gravy
Boat 1 Platter 1 Covered Vegetable Dish 1 Open Vegetable
Dish 1 Bowl 6 Oatmeal Dishes. This set is a bargain JT QA
at $4.75; specialized for the Wednesday sale at only V"0
60q Blown Table Tumblers, the dozen, only 36
25c Historical Blue Decorated Plates, at only 15
25c Brown English Tea Pots priced at only 19
,$1.00 Covered Willow Clothes Hampers for 50c
'75c Wood Wall Clocks, with weight and oq
chain; good timekeepers; priced at only OuO
10c Lamp Burners, No. 2 size, selling at only 5cV
10c Folding Coat or Hat Racks selling at only 5?
Enamelware for 49c
See this splendid new line of four coat blue and white enamelware
Dish Pans, Tea Kettles, Sauce Pans, Kettles, Coffee Pots AQr
Preserve Kettles, Pudding Pans, etc ; your choice for only
Comes in navy, red, gray, black and white and light grounds.