12 TITE MOItXIXO OREfiONIAX, MONDAY. JANUARY 22, 1912. R E 4L FT TR f or r-le -Farm. A GOOD PUT 10O ACRES. NORTHEAST OF PEN PLETO.V, OR; 8 AORKS IN" FALL WHEAT. BALANCE STUBBLE; FAIU I SOL'S E AND SHED BARN". THE SO ACRES IN GRAIN W ILL PRODUCE r BLT. Or WHEAT THW SEASON". WIIJL. SACRIFICE FUR SO PER ACRE. l-o CASH. BALANCE T PER C E NT. OWNER WILL BE IN OUR OFFICE FROM 1 TO 4 O'CLOCK SUN- PA T. WARD 4k YOUNGER. SUITE 42. YEON BLDO. 137 ACRES. Taalatm Rler form th west and p.vrt of ifi tout b boundary: fjm K ectric crotfi fhia ritn h rotn tii cmtiT. th pub.ie rowd. kiiuwa aa the New or raa '1. rr - this trat at no:Lrf point. g!vtn a frnnf.tf of M rode n chcr a; tftrof; only 12 raliee from Portland ; about n-h.f rinrH: 2 houe;a. A barn, hophtui. a prIr.jr-f'l creeS. ton fwd tim ber; an llfal f-r a dairy ranch or would sell raptd.y In flva-acr trar-a This ta forced to eH te r om a bankrupt mia:; aa oppor tunity; com quick. W. Mala ft A. SHAW. Troateo, 142 Fourth tit. A 130 40 ACRE, a!! cleared, ery rich aolL on v ten mliea from Portland; good yeuna orchard itJ an favOO at of bui.dinr. ro can buy this for $12."4. thereby getting this One land at fieo Hr acra. THE BHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Maia S3' lv2 Feurth St. A 3300 ft or vMle rrrajce. W AN X E iJ L r V E AUTOMOilll-E Wa want real. lfe. asperienced auto moMl aiemen who can make gooI aeliirg the best lin f pleasure cars In i the city, prtrea ranging rrora iitw Skn .rMMIflnn I B rood One: It Will pay you to investigate if you are a llvo on ana anew m iuhupm. bvw r-ALEa MANAGER. Washington Ht. It ar st Flit. Near Lt. Income frm tM ranrh 111 was 9 lav a Hign. aightly. beautiful nomt wtta firat-claaa imarovemeata rnc iv.-oi-o. Terms Or will lake city realdenca as part aaymerit GRISS! A FOLDS. Tf Bard of Trade Bldg.. 4th M Iskoieoaa. tv mnininfl nnw baildlnv to Ttireno. Or. For full pirtU-ulara and Eugefle real estate, write uo. at lTin Miner, r-ai tata. Eacene. Oi. Established TO FXCfUNGE. . liiir riRT.iI.ASfl TRADES. a m..-rmm m,rr. rn.i timber. tiUw Stream, 34 acres, partiaiiy Improved, fine for ars. half ta crlttratln. aU close to Mt- Hood K. R aurvev. k..t ,,. aituated. cloae ta Whtto S.klmcn; any of tho aaovo tar port- land arwpavty. . io4 i-roon bsasA, comer lot, el S n trsJo for smsul heuso and two lota ta One tot on MUwaukJe st, ta Apply cnaica rlaaa-la East Side restr1rta4 lo tut good ranch or city inoome prop erty. VANDTTYN A WALTON, 414 Ctiamber of Commerce COR SALE OR EXCMANUE An exeeilon. chnira 1 .T? v. a-ra, within 40 ro' of !! iimita mt latinos. Or.: well improved. can be sued.M-d In 8 and lO-a-re traeta to seed edvaatage. Aso 10 acres in lo ecr la r oe far city lots and Is good location. My er-toa nn farm. H per acre; en ta ia aL-rM. iko tiO.ow for both; wtll ardent f2l.V in f d orchard: can resBA.n on farm: J5 rash. This Is eholre araaarty: can't hm beat In Wil lamette va;.y for price, soli, location and imi mnh&. vur erica muat be right; mv rri- ta cash value. Owner. Bos 4-3 UVanoq. Or FOR TRAI'E. 4-rawm boiM. let god ou rti ul M - trge tn good thrtviag Eastern Oregon loaB- will rovtstder econd-hand automa biie. vacant lot or part payment on desir abe rrorrtv. This property Is Bringing lnterat on tM morev rirht nw. ilHTB 1A.-rr P'tLMZATiOM CO.. Main iiV 43 rhsmN-r of Commerr bid. I HAVE tlO oao worth of real estate con- tracte. ha f pafd up. that 1 will exchange mm firat aayment a Ursa trat or land In oresren or Waahlnsta i. land must be rhM aad eloee to railroad. Contracto ail be. d dv Portiand prpia AH paving up In ood ah ace. will dlacount for casa H S. frgonlan. ' EXCHANGE. 1?S acres imsrufU alfalfa ranch at Fnd. 110 04. Wilt exchanso f r city ratdeor. Eit Portlac4. a 110 acres near Treat .i;; prico $ 1 2. OvO ; far Irv xngtesi real'ln tiftfHSI a FOLD tin Beard of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. POWELL-ST. HOME. t2V0 esjutty in morn good houa. eor- r bui a eaa lot low. n'tr Ml. wan Me rv, baiane af S?Ooe at $13 per month. Will fir&iif. fr farm, arrears r v cant lot. or cettac Phon Mala 7402. OU N Y. R. Fit Board ef Trade frld .. 4th and Oak. F YOU hav anrtalng to trad. a me at sr. 4 t hmb-r af commerce, a J fm bun. salaw. Hna City; 5-room bunsalow. North Vt. Tabor; a 6 -room buasalow in Jone tnori: S-roora bungalow at fyndi'te: 7- rooni bungalow hi Lauroiburat. Whipple. Mam 1 1- FvH 6 A Lib OR tXCHA.fOr Full equipped granite a-Aarrr an mm n una rarad. sup ply tag crushed granite and monument! and a ui id Ins rrantt a!4 to be eiual I Vrtnnt granite: mlfhi le oB prcent- ist easts ia reuaai tarty, vau siou.uvia, A V va. Or it en lan. FOR bunas low or lot. fTne tn acre on rwo raiinada. 11 mllea frm Portland, will assume. J T90. Oregonlan, 41,e EQUITY In 1-0 Rno lot E. Yamhill snd 2eth sl, b a lane 0 per cent, to ex change ftrr small cottage or bungalow about szooo. ORUSSl A FOLDS. tH Beard of Trade BMg.. 4tn and Oak TliKFB ftne iota. 3-room cottage, butcher- j i4p eei corner, mrrt arable, value 9.Umki; 14 vlw lot. Calumbt Hficbta Add.. Van- cauvar. Wash.; vaiu 40M; will exchange I fr Portland property. CELLAhs-MlKTOX CO.. ?S Yeoa Bldg. 1 WON la a raffle SHOO player-piano, have ao a i ace for same, eo win take the first cheek f'W I4VO Plan has never been used and can b seen. Address owner. L 74, Or-UJL COLUMBIA FPi'ER ORCHARD BONDS far s.e and ao far exchange fur pmp erty Hadlay M. A L Co., 310 Spalding burning ! A 13-ACRa tract of acreage. aU good soil. feat fram station; all undrr cuitl atIon; to trade for lot or good rooming- kouaL Se Whirrle. a-4 Chamber uf Cmmeee. Mam 12. Y ILL ethance ftn Improved farm for gen eral merchandise etock. from 4!0.ao to llt.tee. Win give good trad for rig-ht proeoemn. X 744 Uregeman. fijK SALE M-srrs ranch. wall stocked, aew 0-rom bunsalow. bars, crops, would take eraa l romicr-hou on W eat Sid as part payment. B 7-t, Oregonlan. jH SAl.a OR EXCHANGE Onl hotel fuHy fumlahedt In town of lmo; 40 n.mi. value 4..000. Address AV tJ. .re,.nla- Ao ACHES Improved. Jfnlns? EDhrata. county scat of Grant County. Washington. lo fl'ntnct i 'r cuj ir.unc. t . laaroert. d 84 at. S" W. f'.VKIl S3th and F roadway; im prorementa paid ; l2f-. will inn TiitT far acreage. Marshall 144L AO A Oregoaiaa. FAKMS. bau-a lots. acraf. srocery a:or-a and bat i'Dbh tar a: or exenanga. i Eichanse ACREAGE In growlnr crp ta traj f..r hou and lot. L F. Mans. C10 Roth- rMHe WANT t trad a-ra or lota fir modern nv or six-room bungalow, f 7J3, Orego- Ga"WD arur1tl axrhsnred for real oatat and reuit!ea; no commission. t4 Sia.-k. fT7k tra'le of any kind se Garland A UnH. 1 1 1 4tb St. L T to exrhanc fr hows. I'hns. Tabor '4 Ke cttr vn Col. Lenta. Or. Jo a !'L4 fr so err, au or atailloa. j Hfftox. ill Hamilton bldav TO KXrHANGE. TO TRADE FOR WEST FIDS PROPERTY, 14010 UPROVK!) BUSINESS PROP ERTY on e. 2th and sandy kd. WILL. GIVE OR TKK ACfORDIVO TO VALUE. A DURESS OWNER, C 7&L ORKGONIAN. Ton RfSVT FAKAl. FOR RENT 4 V acre-. good bona, bam. 2 a err a fruit. ti"r SiUer Sarin; station; likt Orvrun Uity car. Inquire East Port land. t 4-1 ti E. Pin su. cor. th, after J 9 P M. Afk for 2 ACRES improve.! l.nd. hoase, bira, do to car; fruit 615 Mllwaukie av. F4KM WANTED. FARM WANTED Havo city property and s-rne cash for flral pament on a good farm. Father and aon would Ilka to buy of a farmer that ta retiring and would like to aall to responsible people (that aro good farm era. want a homo and aro mork- ra. who would keep a place In rood ahapo and keep up interest, with yearly payments. AS 74S. Qregontan. WANTED 10 to 40 acres for Summer homo. Must- b sishtlv and wuain urn- k Clackamas or Willamette River. 31 Fnard of Trade Bid.. 4th nd Oak. TOR SAI E TIMPKR LAND, TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD C- J. VCRACKEN. o4 McKay Bldg. TOR SAT.E TIMBER I,NT. e.vo.rtfN FEET standing Umber, famous Orea-an yellow pine, witn wen-aQuippa aawmiil. 5 ml lea from ready market. J. H. Garret. Klamath Falls. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATB. I II I ' ; T Kf! I. Southwest comer. Kat 20th and Davis at a. good modem e-ro.m noue. naro ir faca streets on hoth slrteo; overthlng paid ia 4t ind vou mav bur this beautiful homo fer the value of the let If taken this week. lrtro sM"J. ana out siavw v-. Ineulra fcH'S. Yeon bldg JIOISK of 4 or 7 room, muat bo new and modern and la reainciea aieiriru Intend to pay any fancy profits. If you havo a house that will et&nd c!oo Insp t!on by a builder, answer this ad. T 749, Ur e -o ni an. mr parmfk I want tO'buv 10 acrea or c-iearet in-l. reaan.it''e. ana pr i rate of U3 00 per month. 6 per cent; muat t wit run l mna tion on that line. Alex I'rtng:, 1111 E. Sherman. WANTED To buy a or 8 -room houee In Udi Addition: want liberal terms inn low pn-e; prwfr to deal with owner. Arr'r fci1 Electric bidg- I.AI'RKLH L'RST. Will pay cejh for euulty In lot; owners I pay cah S 7S. Or ttA.MTEh lorto acres of lorred-onT land. near railroad: good iU. r i-u. vregonian. W ANTE I Good Incoma business property. M. S. Cobb. WIS leon Diug. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED to rent Small acreage Ore- sen Cltv or Oresham lines, must hi houe with at least seven rooms, modern tmarovementa preferred; responsible party. Scar's rent In advance. Af t-ta. orexoniHn. WANTED To rent 30 acres or more for dairy purpose, near ranroaa- wnn in ju. Takldo, box 1. iiinsoa.a. jr. WANTED To rent, 25-acro ranch; good potato land: near I'ortiaaa. vre- g on tan. FOB SALE. ai elite lew. Etc 14 HEAD ef mares and geldings welphlna from 14oo up to tney aro mateu Into' seven well-matched teams; ags ft to 10 years: they aro all sound and posi tively true to work in all harness and the beat bunch of big horaeo In Portland for the moaey; prices S1A4 up; sold with our written guarantee. Roso City btabia, lath and Alder. A BARGAIN f"r caah. or on time; 200-h. team, intra and horse, narne and rarm wagon: alo m-lnch wagon, 6-months-old colt. Wo'dstock. :7th at and 3d aa Phana Sellwood 171. F-'K SALE 10 head of good horses, weight 1"X to I4t0 ponndi, 4 farm wagana. i ton shop. 1 bus a Ira. a sets of harnes; rtkust sell at once, owner going East. Call ? 1 E '.nh St.. tent on corner. J4 BUYS 23-pound t'ra, sound every way and true workers, fat and ready fnr ny kind of hard work. Come ana try them any place. Ros City Stables, 103 AiUer GOOD young horse snd marts, all weights. at reasonable prices, anu vuaranteou repreitetrd. at the Rase City Park Salea Stable Taka Roao City park car to O.d at Adams A Campbell, prop. OCR weekly bargsln Pair mares. 2200 lbs.. good workers, sound ana gentle in every av. wltn new breechlrg hamea cora- P X. Hot City table. 4-5 AM-r. FvR hALK-One fine team of we;l-matched j t:s'-k mar. 3 ad 6 yeara oiu. weicmng ;w pounn; so una ana wiinoui niamianea. .d Ru elj St. BARGAIN Good, gent! hors. work or drive, m ears old and sound; rubber-tired bucxy and a goi narneaa; wnole outfit , Sl.'.x ASK tor Lfawaon a ris;- rrom at. WaNTEI Two team for slddlng cord- tod out or woous; snutea and rosds art built; W4 cords, w li try Bros . Lewis blig. CHEAP; 140O-lb. team num; young horse. lloo ids., pavement aor. ik oacoad. r-ir ami. Fu it fa ALE Hora-a and muiea: driving roraes a specialty. inmgomery btablaa. .!" rront, cor. juontjrnmry. WILL take youngr farm tem. waron, har as, etc.. as nrt paymnt oa nne lot on rar.tne. vaiue 4''J. Af i3t. Or g oo l a a. NcGRlKR. No. 043CO. Black with obior.g iur sna irsa or wnua on ion nmd loot. Cadeiu A V est. C ith.amet, w ash. Ml sell at once. rod farm tram. 3M3 &.h at., ev. L. End of Hawtnorn ava. car. Walk 1 block west and south. FOR HALE One G-year-old mar, welrhtna ..0 las,, sound ana without blemishes. il.O RUSell St. "OR SALE .m team of delivery or farm i rori. weigning vu mx, cneap. j.d itttaveii at. FUK tALE 1 team horses, waixht 96.0. Apply iuii neinncn. racme paper i a FOR SALE- -iood. strong mar for farm or delltery. Phono r.ast WANTED TO BUY I farm wagon, also hora and harness. T 1. Oregonlan, Antoosoblle. A 8ACRIFIT5. Reo 6-pssa.. detachable tonneau: fine f-r light delivery car or for pleasure; tires In m4 .iapa; top. gas lights; owner leav ing city lueaday nl'ht; must se;i t once; pric If takn by Tuesday 4-uO; a bar gain. PACIFIC l OAST BI.OK KRAUC CO.. BIS Board of TraS4. A 1M. Marshall 4l9. blX -CYLINDER Franklin model H. with top. gas llxbts. a new tires, glass front. pass., detachable tonneau; will sell for fine for stage or rent; think thts over; rest new 1 430. PACIFIC CO6T BROKERAOB) CO.. MS Board of Trade. A 1051. Marshal 4,K. OWING to leaving the city. I will sacriflc my nearly new snsrt ariv usker EJecirio Victoria, ion model, for bait pric. L 7Sd, Oregonlan. Cubf wih extra equipment 0v months sg JZi-; am rorcad to sell my & or 7 psens;er u-horaepower Stoddard -Dayton automobile; whl sarrlhc for $lS"o cash, part terms, no trad. Address owner, I 74J. urvgoniao. HAVING purrhssed A Packard Six. I will soil my rtvo-paasenger Packard at a bargain. II 70, Oregonlan. LARGE guaranteed capacity gasoline truck for siO on easy terms; been used but four months: Orst -class shape; ao trades consluer'd or arentSL Sa owner; a snap, L 74a, Or Ionian. ONE 4-ton. aJso 2-toa truck cheap, Oregunian. J SOL WANIKD TO BUY FROM OWNERS Au tomobiles of any make or condition. Btate t .il particulars and price. At 7A Ore- ffl'lO. . FOR SALE or trade f-r real estate. Rambler auto, in good condition, a'l near tires, HKii GHan at. Phone Main 674'J. -taaM. Organ and Musl Inetraaaenia. l"wON In i raffle $1100 pUyer-plano, ha" no plac for same, so will tak the first check f.r fkM. Piano has never been u-d nnd can b sevn. Address owner, L 7.x OrfgonUn. M l T seii my mahogany pallet A Davis piano; only aiigntly used; will accept part ch and haianc terms to suit purchaser. K 71? Orrlin. LEAVING citv will ear rl flea High-grad pi ano for 110 Call Main W7. C. Hlrd. Pet Moca. ;NGI.ISH bull terrier pupplra. rest star a hi thnroughbreils, rlcht ae. Dent price, Cleveland av. pbon Wood.swn 1430, FOR SALE. Doc, Plrd. Pet Slock. ST AND AK D- BRED poultry and eggs, bnby chirks. Incubators, rrooders and pouitrv supptles. The Poultry Supply House, 2"6 Salmon. List your pouitry and egg wim ua THOROl'UH BRED bull terrier puppies, from, my prise-winning strains, for mala. Full pedigree with each puppy. Prion, ma lea. $-'3; females, $15. Frank E. Wat kins, 2.VI Alder at. SELLING out. 3 thoroughbred barred Ply moath Rock cockerel, ono White Leg horn cockerel, also pulleis of each kind, ail go at fl each. Call 310 East 60th at., near Hawthorne. Mlftcellaneoua. PIPE PIPE PIPE Wo have the largest stock west of Chicago In thti line and can fit you Out with any kind at an immense taring. LATHS. DR ILLS. ETC SEE US FOR ANYTHING IF YOU CAN'T GET IT AT ALL "RARDK" HAS IT. M. BARDS A SONS. -THE HOUSE OK A MILLION BAR GAINS." 240-242 Front St.. cor. Main. DRY BLOCK WOOD. Lumber market dead, cutting oar heavy limb era to at ova lengths Quick aenrlce. Tel. Marshall C93. PACIFIC HOUSE-WR EC KINO CO, Merchants Trust BJdg. MT CLEARANCE SALE. On men's pants: $4 trousers at $2tl; S3 trousers at 13.23; $9 trousers. $3.73. Re member, my rent Is 130 a monto. If X paid $300 on tho ground floor such val ues as these would be Imnossibla. JIMMY DUNN, Room 813. Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. THIS NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO IS NOW LOCATED AT Z0. STARK 6TREET Rebuilt typewriters of all makes: prices) lowest In the city Main ftfi-H. A 1470 FOR SALE Ono 3 fL P. and two H. P. a . He tally used General Electric u. C mo tors. Inquire 103a 4th st. J. A. Sennet, room 24. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit rec- 1st era. computing scale, etc., ooug.it sr. a sold The pacific Stores Service Co., 233 Stark st. Main T71L SAFES Genuine Halt safes, new and second hand Kw prices, easy terms, safe openea and repaired. Purrel Safe Co and Port land SfcfeCo., S3 uin su Mala 63u. ANNUAL SALE of unredeemed pledges at Uncle Myers'. 71 nth St.. near oak. u yearly In Portland. TOLEDO computing scale, 20-ft. counter and 0 reet of shelving, cneap. oua aiis stetppl avo. MELll M alsa safe, ahowcaaee, filing cab.. aix-drnwer National caah register. B. v. cor, ftth and Oak. 2d floor. WELL-FRED pointer dog. 9 months old: also Wn.'hburn cn'tar. almost new. uar ahall 3Pi2. 1 H8 Bancroft ava, aOO BUSINESS carda 73c: a bargain. Roso City Printery. if H 3d. cor. Taylor. GOOD 4-foot fir wood, 13.30 per cord. Mar. 941 TF HALL eafe, adding machine, desks, other of- nco furniture. 602 Worcester bidg. W ANTE D MISCE LLANEOfJfl. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL? CALL US LP FOR ANYTHING YOU CARE TO DISPOSE OF. M BARDE A SONS. "The House of a Million Bargains. Front and Main su. Main 63. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS. infst prir paid for men a and lauier cast -off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 20 SO. 1st it.. The Globe. IF you want to sell your Junk, tools or job) "is. J''M can the Capital Junk Co atar shall 8.i9. N. 1st St. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater A Martin. Phono East J134 H Hawthorne ava. VlCTRuLA wanted; a second-hand Victor Victrela; snta condition, model and price. O 72. Oregonlan. BARGER'SAUCTION HOUSB 870 H. Morrison. Phone E. K'-3-Pays highest caah price for furniture. WANTED Second-hand mimeograph, seif- inKer preferred; must be In first-class condition. M 737, Oregonlan. HIGHEST price paid for ladles' and gents' cxAt-on cot rung. m taspond promptly. Marshall 3'.4o. LADY taking muslo will move and store goou piano lor use or it ; win pay smau r-ni If d.'alrej. a J 734. Oregonian. WANTED Fixtures for cigar store. Apply z-'T inerican at. W AN T E 1 3 pool tables to rent, to take to country town. A V Srt3, OreronlM FOKD Auction Co Pays moot cash for any Kind li furniture. Main Ml. A Z443. nEI.P WANTED MALE. WANTED LIVE AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN. We want real, live, experienced auto mobile aalesmen who can make good selling th beat llna of p:eaaure cars tn the city. Prices ranging from $llXv to Our proposition Is a eood one: It w ill pay you to to Investigate If you are a live on ana know the business, be SALES MANAGER, tto Washington St. AN Industrious msn will easily earn $2,100 per annum witn our company and be In line ror advancement, v e want kood men, with sales sblllty, who art willing to us their best effort, and In return we offer tnem the benefit of our erperten.ee and as sure them of the advancement when they snow us they are entitled to It by results. innie a. M., uj bpaid;n- bldg. . COMPETENT, llv city sal earn an. ex p-cricnced in soiling contractors and log gers' supplies, wir ropo, hardware, etc, Proppect of country territory ; give full particulars concerning experience. prsm- atiiy ana salary expected in first letter. aj ie. urvaoman. WK ANT men of character and person ality who hav had any l:lnd of set line experlcnr. W ran rive you a good In come and a permanent position if you can do our work We want salesmen, not ped- aiers. cH 140 4tn st. Ask for Mr. woo son. LIVE AGENTS for htgh-Hss specialties; no competition; let ma netp you to make 14 weekly Manufacturers Agent. 127 Corbett Bldg. WANTED Active men to represent estab lished business ; must be live wires snd convincing talkers; opportunity for ad vsncement. Anoly a to 12. 414 Mohawk b!dg.. Id and Morrison. WASTE! -An experienced stock aaleaman ith sood ere4i.ntiala: company he Ids a sent win success; gaod leads; perma nent position ana promotion in th new company. Add ress R 702, Oregonlan. WANTED A newspaper man who la a printer with knowledge of proot-reading, on ramiuar wun iraae Publication a or magazine work prefrrod; steady position. AT ii Lregonian. BUY. abut IS ors of age, to deliver and work In grocery store; one with experi ence preferred. Apply between 2 and 4 P. M. Monday. Love s Pharmacy. WANTED Experienced cutter for shirts ind tant. rtaie experience and salarv wanteL Address Washington Woolen Mill Co., knensourg, Washington. LUMBERYARD MANAGER Must be thor oughly competent and or good habits; first-clans pay to good man. Address with full details. AV 870. Oregonlan. THE Oretron Chair Co. requires the ser vices or an experiences cabinet maker. Apply Monday at the factory. llfKl Mac adam. . $1000. RESPONSIBILITY, secures for ral leemHn (xst aig paying commercial bustneas. Stck and sole Oreron irencv. Address Manufacturer. A R 71. Oregonlan, Go K DON and cylinder pressmen and feed ers, nonunion, tor new snop out of town. W T.vz. Oregoninn. SAWMILL foreman for RO M. fir mill; man wf.o can buy some stock preferred, AV M.Y Oregoman. WANTED Solicitors and salesmen for th most needed household necessity Juat pat ented; territory for live wires. 211 Oak st. BOYS WANTED BOYS. 19 years, with wheel. Best of Apply 3-7 Stark st. WANTED ona real eatnte salesman who is able to sell the beat property tn city. J. II. Tipton Co.. 110 Spalding Mdg. 1 HAVE a good proposition for live wires, Oregon Emit A Development Co 2v8 Rall wav En hange bldg. THREE young men to canvas on fin of fer; good wages. Sol Dekum bldg. PliuTO coupon agents, food offer for llv men. Sutphen btudlo. IS1 H Washing-ton. PERM A SENT Income for salesmen, Asa for Mr. Bryant. 1118 Yeon bldg. AGENTS to sell photo coupons: something new. Ronton Studio. $42 Wash. WANTED La and ry driver. 1 mon ave. Call at 2S PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents, new offer Cuthbert Studio. D-kum bidg. WANTED Barber. Must be a union man, 575 Washington St. BRIGHT, strong boy. 14 to IS aara; refar ace. 474 Star. KELP WAN TED MALE. INCIDENT. Toung man. stranger, out of work ($20 bis total cosh aset If I pay you $3 for special employ meit memoersnip i ui have only $13 left between mo and star vation Secretary If you pay IS for special m. pleyment membership you will have tho i. M. O A., with Its resources, between you snd starvation. Result loua? man Joined "saoclatlon. In leas than a week had satisfactory em ployment. Record for Tear 1911: Calls for men 2231 Positions Oiled 1683 Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re- iucr ox memnersnip ree; gives 2 montns full membership privtieges, 10 months' so cial privileges and undertakes to keep party employed during the full term of membership without further coarse. We have constant demand for hlrh- gTsde. experienced men. Are you fitted ior a octier position T See secretary employment department. X . ST. V. A. PORTER Re: labia, with over 21 Central bids;.. references; 2t.9. not nELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TOTTNQ LADIES FOR TELE PHONE! OPERATINO. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONIC A TELEGRAPH CO., EAST 4TH AND A NX E NT ST 8. WANTED Several young ladles between the aces of is and Z3 ror permanent position. Apply the P. T. A T. Co., 374 Alder it, or 4 id .ast Ankenj su SECOND girl wanted Must be experienced In housework and capable waitress, cook and tiDataira tunld kent AddIv Mra J. N. Teal, 179 St. Clair st. Phone Main 240. M RS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 4th and Wash. sta. Main SSa or A 32S0. WANTED A competent girl to do general noueewora in a am an ramwy. Aoarou o7 Maple st. Phone Eaat 8020. ENERGETIC woman over 25 for position witn wnoiesale bouse, experience not es- e-ntlal. R 7q2. Oregonlan. I WANT 2 women who can do collecting . and sell health and accident Insurance; salary and commission. v9 C. of C. WANTED Refined, capsble woman for re sponsible position. Vlavt Co., 009 Roth- chlld bldg.. 4th and Wash in gton. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 845H Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2002. - 6T1TNOGRAPH GR, permanent position; gl full particulars, references, age, salary wanted. O 74L Oreronlan. LADY SOLICITOR Money every nlkht. Take orders for regular $10 Ufe-s1se por- trnn at si.H5. .tirut, bw Morrison. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework i and cooking : no wasning; rezerences. Phone Main 2937 or A 5348. WAIST finishers, only experienced; parlor girl with experience. 16- 10th, room aoa. YOUNG girls wanted to learn dressmaking; pnld while learning. Central bldg., 2uS. EXPERIENCED women solicitors, profitable and easy proposition. I4tf ,ast xutn. G1KL for sen era! housework for few months. Sleep home at night. 375 Hoyt. cor. ISth. FEMINAID CO 1007- SELLING BLDG. Lucrative position for women. WANTED Salesladies to . tracts. 616 Henry bldg. sell suburban WANTED Good girl for general housework. small family adults. 1SJ Kearney st. COOK.. couDtry. 3.S; I'd girl. Ho Ladles' Agency. 81 270 H Wash. WANTED Experienced help and apprentice. Apply at dressmaking parlors, ini ltn st. WANTED Girl for senerai housework. Ap ply ;; Earn th st. s. Take Brooklyn car. WANTED Lady pianist by the month. AT trregoman. WANTED Girl for bowling alley; $12 per week, Mi rvortn aa st. BOLT sltl ' I TOR St ttentfon; splendid propo- n. Hss Salmon st. WaITRESS wanted. Stein's Restaurant. 122 14th st. GIRL wanted for general housework. 464 1-.. .Jd si. in. r. STRONG girl for general housework; no washing or Ironing. Apply 52 14th at. GIRL to assist with housework; small fam ily. Call mornings. 131 North 2-d. HOUSEKEEPER to family of four; bring refcrencea lal: 10th. room ruK. HFIP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. BOOKKEEPERS, cashiers, bill clerks, eta ; 1 wi.l rsrantee your qualifications to fill position in ;t0 da s; private Instruction Ly public accountant; position secured, J 4SO Oregonlan. WANTED Men and women solicitors to sell most neresdary labor-saver for the house. Apply Crandall boles Co., be war a htotel. HFf-P WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LKHSONS In real estate salesmanship given. Selling - real estate Is a profession. You can. If you are Industrious, learn It and make money while you are learning. A man of lone and successful experience will teach you. Call altar 2 P. M. at 703 , Spalding bidg. IhIVT tt V, A. KLAVE All your Ufa, but learn to operate moving pictures, easy work, snort nours. mo work, bltf psy; learn business In two weeks. can ana s'-e our s nooi. NEW YORK AMUSEMENT CO.. GlMVs Washington, near 17th. MEN and women to learn the barber trade In elirht weeks; special inaucemems; per centage pud while learning; toois tree; exoert instructors; it years in mo Dim neas; 87 schools: a lifetime membership riven to each student Moler fctarber Loi- lege 5 N. Fourth st.. Portland, Or. MEN wanted, age 18 to 35, to prepare for firemen snd brakemen on nearby rail roads, 0 to $100 monthly. Experience unnecessary; no strike, promotion engi neers or conductor. 91&0 to $2U0 monthly; good life careers; state age; send stamp li a i 1 w ay Association, box. Oregonlan. WANTED Men at Lo Angeles; can leant trade: fair wares arter secona montn; automobiles, electricity, plumbing, brick laying practical work on actual Jobs; 12 W0 Students last O years; oniy tew mourns re q u I red United Trade Scho!. Los Angeles. RAILWAY msll clerks exam. Feb. 7; pre pare now, excellent salaries ana promo tions; no lay-offs; sura puy ; free book. Call today. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., city. OPERATORS wanted In every city through out the worm, iearn moving-piciur op erating;: we teacn riicaeriess projection: operators earn $18 to $30 weekly. Laemmie, a uw su WANTED Railway mall clerks, customs clerks; Spring examinations in portiana; sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, dept. oeOL. Rochester. N. Y. DO your stories sell? Manuscripts criti cised, markets lugnwieu lumiview oy appointment. Address Manuscript Editing Bureau, 0"9 aiaegiy-i tenner Dog. LADY wishing course of bookkeeping can have office wont, unaer accountant, as part pay for tuition: assistance position when qualified. L 750. oregonlan. MAIL appropriate nam for private business college 042 Hamilton bldg. before Feb. 1 and receive o momu ecuoiaranip irss. Marshall 4258. MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; big pay; ire dookici lens now. United Press Syndicate. San Francisco. WANTED Plctur play writers; big pay; we' 11 teach you- Picture Play Assoc ia- tton. Pan Francisco. WANTED Reliable man to learn to operate movlng-picture machine. 141 KlUingaworth ave. Call atter i -as. FLSK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 610 fcwctlar.d bldg. LADIES to learn the business of the Sani tary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE- WKIT1M. mo. now liia it aiaia SOU. A COMPETENT lady irultarlst wishes a feiy more pup us. x j WANTED 10O0 men; l&o hslrcuttlng. Ed, Dcnnlson's barber shop. 189 Morrison su - SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BuaKkeprt aad Clerks. STENOGRAPHER Typewriter; apee.dy, ac curate, wide experience; fine crrejponti- at able salesman. Box ti. Salem, Or. 6ITTATIOS WANTED MAXB. Book keeper a and Clexka. LUMBER AND MILL MAN. Thoroughly competent, live man of wifle experience In lumber and mill work in all Its details, desires first-class, responsible position in any of Its branches. Write J., care Room 807 Oregonlan bldg. EXPERIENCED office manager desires po sition with machinery and TtiUl supply house, thoroughly familiar with Govern ment bidding, bookkeeping and corre spondence. Frank Paul. 8 Grant ave-, Richmond Hill, New York City. I SCOTCHMAN. 6 years In this country, wants position ai private secretary or sucn ; win ing to travel. Ft rat-class stenographer, commercial, recording; and court reporting experience. Apply E 73tf. Oregonlan. BO K KEEPER, stenographer. all-around on ice man, years experience; oesi ri ertnees; city or country. D 753 Ore gonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS on hooks, prepare balances ana state ments Install systems. Gllllnghsm. au dltur 411 Lewis bids Marshall 717. sBaoellaneoum. Y. M. a A. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Second and Aab Sta. Furnishes men for factories, mills, log- gin a camps, railroad construction, xarra work, and ail other classes of skilled and unskilled labor .Marshall 2271- A 7745. A sq uare deal to em ployer and employe. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 313 Second, corner Salmon. Wcmen's department. 245 Salmon. ATI classes of unskilled, skilled, professional I and clerical, male and female help fur- j msnea on short notice, wo fee cnargea Phono Main 8335: A 0024. SUPT. of construction, buildings, bridges. concrete wharf a hvdro-electrlo plants. dams, pipe lines, conduits, sewers, etc D tg. uregonian. LITERARY expert, well up In titles and marketable net ion, traveling agency pre ferred ; moderate salary. AH 729, Ore- gonlan. POSITION as manager of fruit farm. 14 years" experience In apple growing In all branches; understand top grafting, also irrigation. Aanres af 73U, oregoman. I WILL give S5 to any one finding any kind of an Indoor Job for young foreigner witn limited knowledge of Lngllsh. can give good references. Phone Tabor 1210. MAN and wife want farm work; experi enced ; genera farming. Fober, reliable; no children ; permanent If satisfactory. jwajn wan, room 2. u 702 oregonlan. A YOUNG man of some experience wishes piace to work as janitor; rezerencea. 712, Oregonlan. JAPANESE student wishes a position to do house work, small wages for attend to 1 night school. F 73" Oregonlan. CHAUFFEUR. Scotch. 23. experienced. careful driver; will go anywhere. Address A. KUSSeH, BQ3 0th St. CHAUFFEUR, married, sober, best refer ence! roaa ana saop work; last piace o montns. write r. r'eaooay. ozi uoroett. GOOD Japanese wants position to do cook- in? anu nousework; speak iugiusu. x 7S0. Oregon la.n. WANTED Position as helper or relief work in motion picture tneater; nave some ex perience. R 730. Oregonlan. POSITION by thoroughly experienced stick er hand. AF iiiS, oregonlan. GOOD Japanese w ants position housework: or porter in store. 4bz uavis st. MEAT CUTTER wants work anywhere. quick. 6S4 2d st. WILL tint rooms. (2.30 up; do painting at reason a oi prices, tast tiz-i. YOLNG man wants work, any kind. PI B 24 87. A YOUNG man would like a few hours work durina afternoon. G 754. Oregonlan. GENERAL housecleanlng and Janitor work. day or hour, can inompson. h.asi dmw. srrr atton s w a nte d fe ma ije. Bookkeeoera and bteooicrapbara. GOOD typist and office assistant, knowl edge of shorthand and bookkeeping, wants some Kind or on ice worn; reierences. Phone Sellwood 7 no. WANTED Lv refined, educated young lady. situation for office work: references, can Marshall 6L'S after 2 o'clock or address O 739. Oregonlan. YOUNG lady, 2 years experience stenog rapher and assistant bookkeeper, desires position Feb. 1. Y 7i7, Oregonlan. WANTED By neat, rapid snd accurate lady stenographer, position lor forenoons i or until a o'clock, rnone a owa. Dreaamakera. M'DLLE DE BILLAUT, o5B Washington i Ella St. entrance) : A iilMO: exclusive French designs In gowns, tailored suits. waists, etc YOCNO lady wishes position with good dressmaker; nave naa six monins experi- enee. AJ 783. Qreconlan. DRESSMAKER House dresses and chil dren a clothes a specialty; prices reaaon- able. Tabor S3. DRESSMAKING at home, children's clothes a sueclalty; baby ciotnes nana maae; prices very reasonable. phone Tabor 1173. YOUNG larty from the East desires plain se w I ng. it. SO per oay. c -'uu. DRESSMAKING, children's clothes a spe cialty DRESSMAKING dona at reasonable prices. Main crJZ., , DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the day, experienced, pnone raoor 4ij. NURSE would Ilk work, either hospital or private nursing. Add. Av btt4, Oregonlan. GERMAN governess wishes to take care of children at daytime. woocuawn aia. H on ie k ee p e rs. REFINED, practical woman wants charge of rooming-house ror nouseiceeping room ana pome wages. Mrs. u., 14U riawtnorne. HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, cham. bermalds. oince gins, nurses. bt. iouis Agency.2J3H Alder! Main 2039. A 4775 REFINED, neat German, good cook, with , daughter 14. wisnes nousKeeper position in nice nome. it i oo. uregoninn. I FIRST-CLASS cook, city references, desires position In small family, bast di-2. Domestics. WANTED Position as cook In private fam- Hv, city or country. 20H Morrison at. room 31.'. GOOD laundress, goes out working, dally or ny nour Feins, raor zuu. Miscellaneous. LACE curtains laundered. 25c up; draperies rieanea, ayea, caiiea ior ana aeuverea. Tabor 317 CAPABLE married woman wishes charge of high-class apartments. Address AS 747, Oregonlan. WANT care of children by the day, hour or evening; can give best or references. T 741, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes work Mon days and ednesuays; references. Wood- lawn ltill. HONEST, reliable woman wishes day work: cents an nour; no wasning. phones Main H;2. A 2'4. A NEAT colored girl wishes position aa chambermaid. can Jaarsnaii Z247. Mn Ward GOOD laundress wants washing to taka home, prices reasonable. Phone Sellwood lQN'J. LADY will work In private or board ine rt ouse for husband a room and board. J M2. oregonlan. ; DAYS work wanted by reliable woman for Monday, mesa ay ana rriaay. Main 0507. COMPETENT colored woman wants place to cook. li I, uregonian. LACE curtains hand laundered, 80o up; railed lor ana aeuverea. iaoor 4B3. TWO willing glrle want day work. Phono Pell wood lscu. LADY wishes to take care of children in I her home; best or rare, beiiwood lSfiQ. DAY'S work wanted by woman. Phone Main 1101. I DO lsce curtains at homo; expert. Tabor 2445. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants washing and housework by aay. aiain own. EXPERIENCED second elrl deslros position in nne house. Main o04. LADY wishes day work from 2 to 4 hours. Msln T104. Mrs. Griffith. WANTED TO BENT. Houses). RESPONSIBLE family will leas strictly modern S to lO-room house, with good sur roundings. AR 735, Oregonlan. FOB BENT. Furnished Rooms. THE ARCADIA. Three-room front apt., nicely furnished. rent reasonable. 70ft Eleventh st. HOTEL XORRIS. 17th and Alder sts; rooms sinKle or en suite; steam heat, hot and cold water. $2-S SO EXTRA CLEAN. NEWLY FUR- MSHtD, HUT ATxi. 2o! I t hi. . PA UK HILL. 353 u Yamhill ; rooms from 9.30 up; nice, clean. u,ult place. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. NOW OPEN I NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI Those three beautiful furnished hoteis HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS, ROWLANDS. 213 4th St. 2116 4th St. 207 4th St. On Fourth St., running from Taylor to Salmon bl; brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of tho ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as wo know you will like It. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. " HOTEL CAPLES. 850 Taylor St., bet. 7th and Park. Resi dential and transient; absolutely central; two minutes from Poatofflce. stores, thea ters and restaurants; Just off tusiaess streets and carllnes; quietest and best lo cation; new brick; ample steam heat and hot running water; phones, elevator. From $1 daily. $5 weekly. Any car trom Union Depot: from NorthBank Depot "'S car to Taylor st. Phone Marshall 2200. CORDOVA Hotel, 11th and Jefferson sta.; brand new brick; splendidly furnished; ail rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, many with baths; every effort Is made for tho comfort and convenience of Its guests; the rents are most reason able; rooms by tho week, month or day. "J" car direct irom oepou ANGELA HOTEL. 025 Washington at., opposite Multnomah Athletic Fieid New brick building; all modern conveniences;; well regulated resi dential and family hotel; splendid accom modations for transients; convenient to tho business center and the rates are mod erate plenty steam heat). Marshall 1U50. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorne avea. iseauiiiuuy mruuuea i ; single or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat and private . nhnn in everv room: moderate weekty or monthly rates; grill In connection; tran sients sonciteq. HOTEL FORD, 733 Washington, corner Lu cretla st. New brick building. Just com pleted fin large outside rooms with tele phono service, with or without private baths; new and splendidly furnished; hot and cold water, steam heat; best of serv ice; very reasonable rates. " 1 HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water in rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and so us; regular and transient trade solicited. THE REX, 648S Washington iraniient rooms, ouc ana up; oy wwn, - " you getting rooms like ours for the money? If not, change. Steam heat, hot and cold ; water In each room; all outsid rooms. ; Also faousekeeplnc-rooms. I THE CLARNO HOTEL. - 243 HO LL AD AY ave.. Phone C 8109. Steam heat, hot and cold water. Elec tric light In all rooms. First-class ac commodations at 82.50 per week. L U or I car direct to door. j RAINIER HOTEL Ona block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heat; offers special rates to perma nent guesta; rates 50c to $J a day: $3.30 and up per week, phone Main 8413. VAN GORDER HOTEL. " 105 Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district: steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in every room; ?1 day and up; $4 week and up. HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for bus iness people; cenirauy locaiea; eiegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from PortlanC Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main 910. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or single. steam heat, a ana weetc; a minuter walk to theater and stores; free phone. LINDELL HOTEL. 823 4TH. , NEWLY furnished room, steam-heated, elec tric II gnu private Dam, ooiu yuuuea, ncw buildins. walking distance; rooms $10 and up. 274 j Holladay ave. ! QUIET warm homelike rooms, clean, com fortable ocas; no rougn eiemeui, prices reasonable. The Larrabee, 227 ft Larrabee. j ELM PLACE, 414 Yamhill st., cor. 11th, rooms ?3.d0 per week up; not ana coia water, steam heat, private bath. ARMINIUS HOTEL 410 Morrison, opp. Baker Theater, nicely rurnisnea rooms; permanent, transient; low rates. Main 8950. THE WEAVER, 710 Washington, near 22d Nicely rurnisnea outsiae rooms, privat bath and phones; board If desired. M. 8651. Furnished Kooma In Private Family. YOUNG woman, living alone in select neigh borhood, modern home, warning aisianc and near carllnes, would like woman roomer, $10 a month; references. Phone A BUSS, after 12 A. Ai. VERY clean and nicely furnished room with two lnrg windows; new furniture and neat; close to - carllnes; respectaoie residence district. Phon East 4720 or call 560 East Main st. i VERY desirable, sunny room In a beautiful private home, lust newly rurnisnea. elec tric llirhts, heat and phone; suitable for 1 or 2 persons, close in. 71 Trinity Place. SEVERAL well-furnlshed rooms, from $2 up weekly, housekeeping privileges. 4o5 Washington. $ WEEK Furnished room; phone, bath. electric light, walking distance. 47 nar rison. . FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen, nicely furnished front alcove room, heat, light and bath. 711 Marshall. Phone A 15SS. A VERY comfortable place to live; nicely zurnisnea. pnone, eiecinc "gni. Dam , $2 up. 307 Jefferson st. NICELY furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences and telephone; plenty of hot water. 075 Gliaan at. A 7497. i NICE, large, warm room, $2.00 for 2. at 403 in st. itoommaie waniea nere ny young man of good habits. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for ono or two gentlemen, one minute walk rrom i P. O. 295 Salmon st cor. Fifth. TWO and 3 nicelv furnished front house keeping rooms, close in. Mrs. pope, -14 , 13th st., corner Salmon. ELEGANT front room, private entrance. heated, kitchen privilege, walking dls tance. 175 E- 14th st. S. NICELY furnished room (2 per week, cen trally located. 404 Clay, near Juth. $1.75 AND UP weekly, desirable location; snort waiK. o"d J.'tn el. VliKY pleasant large room for two, reason able. 305 12th st. NEWLY furnished rooms, one sleeping porch, reasonable. 70S Everett st. $2 PER WEEK, pleasant small room, use of piano, juj. jvtn. POR RENT Sleeping rooms, $2 per week. 294 lotn. cor. coiumPia st. NICELY" furnished room, bath and phone; j suitable for 2 gentlemen. mm si. j Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Unfurnished second floor new private residence; furnace ana n replace; sleeping-porch, bath. 554 Maple st., Ladd Addition. Phone B 127S, East llSfrt. TWO rooms, gas, water, $7.50; large 3-room flat, $14. 192 Market. Rooms With Board. THE Hazel dining room reopened, table- board, strictly nrst-class; also rurnisnea rooms, steam heat, running water; prices moderate. 385 3d St., cor. Montgomery. DOES a home appeal to you 7 THE WHITE- HALi, cor. Wth and juaaison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. near car, 4 blocks from P. Q. American plan. LAMBERSON. 554 Couch st.. cor. 17th Verv desirable, clean rooms witn steam heat and -unning water; good board; fine location for teachers or business men. MANITOU, 261 13TH ST. Attractive, clean rooms. steam heat. good 1 oard, close in. reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. Kooms with boara, use of sewing-room. library. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. ROOM and board. Casa Rosa, 300 Jeffer son st., corner Cth. THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison st, cor. 13th. VY ell-furnished rooms and board. CHOICE room and board. 23 North 17th. Rooms With Board In Private Family. ATTRACTIVE front room with board, in modern home, suitable for 2 or 3. all home privileges. 20S N. i:3d. M. 5270. NICE large room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. electric light, bath, rurnace heat, 3 meals, $26 apiece. Main 7539. 270 N. 19th. $92 SALMON ST., cor. 10th, nice home. good home cooking, very reasonable; four blocks from Poatofflce. Main 213.5. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms and board In Irvlngton. Telephone East S2:i3. Also garage, . WANTED One or more children to board; best of care, good surroundings. L 748. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS room and board, private home. Marshall 3302. 705 Everett. WELL-FURNISHED rooms and board, fur nace, strictly modern. 340 Hassalo, LT car. PLEASANT room for one or two, excellent district, choice board, Tbi Marshall. ROOMS, with board: price reasonable. 51 East Oak. East 552. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel lent board; also table board. 656 GUsan. GOOD board and room for 1 gentleman, also table board. 591 H Davis. ROOM and board In private family, fine lo catlon. strictly modem. C 2"Jt9. PRIVATE board and room. 332 10th sL Phone Alain 69 1 9. WEST SIDE! Large room with alcove; ej cellent table board. Main 2u71 FOR RENT. Booms With Board ia Private Family. WOULD like two gentlemen boarders: I have a nice room with sleeping porch, plenty of good cream and milk and every thing good to eat; a good homo. Call J3 2674; will tell you the terms. JUST opened, new modern hish-clasa boaid-ing-hous. rooms and board furnished or unfurnished, also sleeping porches; Nob Hill district; references exchanged. 694 Overton gt. Phone Marshall IN private family, new house, strictly mod ern, all newly furnished, fine location and good home conking: walking disiancc. B 2724. 22S E. 2vth ft. LARGE front room. heat. hot. cold, running water; good board reasonable; for 2 busi ness people; also single room. 714 Davis at., cor. 22. Main7G70. EAST room, two large windows, hot water heat, finely furnished, $1 per week; phone, bath, private, It; minutes' walk from 1'ost ofliee. 414 Market. WANTED Children to board and care for; a good home. Terms reasonable. Tabor 317. ROOM with board for gentleman, modern home, walking distance. Phone Marshall 649. A WARM, pleasant room for one or two, near Multnomah Club, walking distance. Phone Marshall 4112. FIRST-CLASS room and board. private family. ."45 Yamhill st. Apartments. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones in all apartments; high-class service; references required. Main 2273 and A 7057. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison st. ; new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 21 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service; rent per month, $d, $30. $40 and up; must be seen to be appre clated. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 Trinity Place between 19th and 20th, Washington Ele gantly furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apart ments; price $25, 30, $35 and up. New brick building, new furniture, private baths, free phone, steam heat, hot and cold water in every apartment; good Jaal tor service; everything first class. IONIAN COURT. 670 Couch, 1 block from Washington st. on 18th st.; tel. Main 1192; 3 and 4-room modern apartments, steam beat, eiectrl elevator, hot and cold water, telephone and Janitor service. Apply of manager, reference required. LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class by themselves; see them; Lucretfa St., near 23d and Wash. ; 2 to 5 rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets and baths; hardwood floors, free phones In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr., Mar shall 1529. Janitor, Marshall laOO. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King st. 4, 5. 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. THE CHELTENHAM. Apartments, elegantly furnished, for housekeeping; all outside rooms; hard wood floors, private phones; 2. 3 and 4 room apartments, $35, $37.50, $55. ' 255 N. 19th st-. corner Northrup. Marshall 2833. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, 2lsl and Hoyt; 4. rooms and bath, private balcony; new brick building, electric elevator, su perb location, In walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and besc of service. ORLANDO APIS., 20tn and Wash, sts.; two and three-room furnished apts.; every convenience ; very large rooms; steam heat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator; easy walking distance; ref erences required. Mars nail 184. VICTORIAN, furnished apartments. 11th and Columbia Very desirable; newly, com pletely furnished, possessing all modern conveniences; close-in location; walking distance; very low rates, best of service; also four rooms unfurnished " KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford st., near Washington, select resi dence district; a 3-room, with balcony Overlooking private gardens; all conve niences of the beat clas apartments. Main 3?83, A 7448. THE NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall st. Newly furnished --room apt. and 1 room, bachelors; walking distance. Main 4299. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16TH. NEAR TAYLOR. THESE ELEGANT 6-ltOOM UNFUR NISHED APARTMENTS. APPLY ON PREMISES. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In North west; 21st and Johnson sts. ; all outside rooms. Apply on premises, or call Mar-shal- 3300. CUMBERLAND APTS. West Park and Co lumbia sts. , 2 and 3-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; all modern con veniences; choice location; only fivf minutes' walk from business center. WINSTON Apartments. 341 14th st,, at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; $25 ta $37.50. For information call Mam 1731). THE ST. CROIX 170 St. Clair st.. nicely furnished and unfurnished 3-room apart ments, private bath, tree phone, steam heat, free Janitor service. "Just of! Washington" Prices very reasonable, KEELEK APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay Sts. We have one of the best 3-room cornel suites In the city, unfurnished, private ves tibule, bath, phone, etc Apply at once. THE FLORENCE. 8 and 4-room furnished apartments; modern, new and absolutely hrst class; walking distance; from 435 up. 3SS 11th street. . LINCOLN APTS., corner 4th and Lincoln Modern brick bids.; 2-room apts. Kii.SO to u; private phones; no children, no pets. Main 1377. A 3472. PARK APARTMENTS, 353 Harrison; beau tiful 3 anu iuuhbucu buiuiiciii, walking aistance; best of service; prices $4J to $50. Pnone Marshall 3070. " ' THE" WESTFAL, 410 5th Furnished and unfurnished strictly modern apartmarl., jraiking dis tance; prices reasonable; ro children. MADiSON PARK APARTMENTS, PARK AND MADISON STS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, close In; strictly modern. CLAYPOOLE APARTMENTS, 11th and (May new brick; 8 rooms, with balcony; 2 wail beds; superb location ; reasonable rent; best of service, every convenience, CEDAR HILL APARTMENTS 3 furnished rooms with balcony, steam heat and phone; walking distance; reasonable rent. A 7523. Mar, dial. THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.; 3 roons with bath; superb location, close to downtown district. All outside rooms. best Ol service, mouern ; i uuau.e ftuu CLAYPOOLE ANNEX Two rooms furnished S3j 3''5 11th st. Private bath, all conven iences," good service, easy walking dls tar.cw THE M'KINLEY. 4'9 East Morrison, corner 7th. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; p r i v a ta baths, moderate price, new mgu tTTe MAHR APARTMENTS Under new management, new. modern 3 and 4-room furnished and unrurnisneu apartments. Apply manaserMarshaUJL rr-TT phrtopa. 18th and Flanden -2. 3 and 4-room modern, furnished and unfur nished; new furniture, new building. Ap- ply to janitor. 1 ACRE chicken ranch, cheap; a few things for sale; terms n wnmvu. get off Myrtle Park, south 6th at. and 4Sth ave. No. 5420 THE LILLIAN. Cth and Montgomery ; 2 and 3-room furnished apts., private phones, bath, steam heat, walking distance. Mar shall 1378. ROSE-FRIEND 7th and Jefferson, modern 4-room unrurnisneu nvaill,ui, uuiuwuuu floors, outside rooms. THE AVALON One 3-room apartment, pri vate bath, phone, steam heat. Phoiie East 3172. Clatkamas and Ross. Bit A1NTREE Elegant 5-room apartment. West Side, walking distance; rent reason able. Main 7741. 295 !2th St. GRACE Apartments. 24th and Northrup s:h. ; 0-room apt., front veranda and skepiug porc h. private phone, hot water hea t. PAGE APARTMENTS. E. Sth and BunT side; 3-room furnished apartment, free p h o ne and water, easy walking distance. ONE very aenlrable modern six-room apart- ment. the St, Clair, 715 Wayne at. Phone Main 49:j0. LEAVING city Feb. 1., will sell furniture of 3-room apartment very reasonable. Apart ment for rent. 16 Teasdale A par t m c n t s. BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments. 695 LoveJoy sL Take "W" car. 2 AND 4-room furnished apartments, one 6-room unlurnisned, all modern and very reasonable, loth and Everett. Main 124o. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-room apart ment; Highland Court. 22d and GUsan gtreets. I THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apts., furnished. heat, phone and hath. 191 nth st. FLAT "A." 54l Washington street Steam heat. Phone Marshall 452. FIRST and 2d-floor ajts. on corner, modern, between 2 carllnes. Key 711 Juhnson, l