V BEULAH APTS, modern. hld. reon ab. rant. i; fnioa a. N- Wou :. EXCKPTIoNAL, Beaottful'.y furca.l.d fiat Is Iwlncton , thl I ft opportunity to It-'- t.e beat everything, rorr. T et.y furnnlit'l. piano. tniM cooker, dlshaa. ..er. tabl bed .man, IC you want wwmi xcp tteoal.y nice, ix- i.i up r.y. CMAPIN Iliilii-OA. 833 f hi5r of Comnffc. ror. RENT. . ' JfVeTT firn:.K 1 -ruum lower fit to Ksarney at Furna heat end ,mo4" rn Kiiuincu v. ttatn 1 block f ! car Urea, price l5 per month. TUB SUAW-FfeAtt rj)ll i.T. M!n $5 10 J Ko'irt-l 6t. A 3 '" IPPairt. 8-room iji..rn I'- ! borhood. ro-.m nam nl airy. Brp., f irntct. nice lan (owner t for), larga aleepin Mrt. A.onr.lanl to a.i kinds flrst-cl :"' d two carllaa. Adg.-.m. Appy 772 Kaernay. IRVINOTON. lstn. and Hancock. New 5-room E-u earn heated, hard wood flo-a (rr tl r-rch. t o Loth. y i i.oviai.vn co- ' E. r.'1 and Itraxee. I- w C r 1-3 (.. 4 Kwtli attic. Du'ch kitcrisn. Ilr piac. e.e..p.r. g porch, balcony, ga. wa ter heater r.d ran, l.no.aum, ahaoea light, yard room. nic. nfw N- lath aud Lovejoy. I'non E-iat it1. 17o UNION AVE., near Hs.mont $7.6v. 1 room la on o.J bul.dlnc. HARTHAN A THOMPSON. rteai c-siaiw fA-, (,imtf of Commerce .Id. NrlW. strict. y modern 4-room BAl, th and hlartxk; hardwood Hour, til batn. 4 rial, .toping porch. r.r place. k. t bowman to. E. lid and BraiMi E. ".'.J, C 5311 iv s MARKET 5-room ui't fiat bath, gaa. ,-ctr:c llchts an t I irr.mco. Bean? t,ti. .u ter n.ontl Ry Lio. PORTLAND THL si" Co. U' OREGON. Third nd OaK. tMPLr:Tr:LY fun.l-r.ed o-rooni flat, mia lio fumlturo. lir.l.-.Qd IMurt. Oriental ruxa piujo. flr;tare. furn.. loro prrcX i'tlj fJast at.. aar iiaarthorno. rr phono Et 214 M W o-room t ats lor rent. 101 li'.h at.. botwa Main and ilad-aun. Thaao ato trleuy hia-c!a f.a;a ownor, Taor or a-o A. K. ft!l. tl) tlanry Mill. -KOOil um:n4 Hat tr rnu with plana and toi iao all mo!rii convo nlancea. aalthi.n oa k:n d'.ataoco; rant raaotiabI. T1 Wl..iam ov. ISO KNiiiiKD u.; -i and aat-r ;urnU.iU Mam 4T-1T. f:at f.r rant, b t t Gnaaa au Pbouo lAWEil flat. J4. roorra. . Hoyt at. fao Mr. it "a. jjr.itnr. m. Fraucia Apari m ar.tv - i t and H "y fjfj; . ton KENT itod.rn T -room f .at i P- t.: flrop aco and farr.aco. ','u dran. pn.na TP"f I -'J or Kaat 13 L Cii TAT LOR. aror lTth at: 8 room, ro cptlon ha.l. oaa floor, raa rana and saa ats h-atr. naily tlntfd aa..a t-Ho'it f.au u ramo. aatT haatar (aed condition. Norifi.-up. Main .'Ji. HICrH.-CL.ASS. rratrlrted f-ro-.m f.at. Slat nd Hawthomo ata Matn t-ROOM furniahed flat. 30J tth at. Call 11 A. t. to H. M. Ma.n Mil. ..-room flat. fu:nih-d "r unfur K. 1-tn and A?i. H g""tl. nis:.d. rrvp room a and born, h t-air furnaca. bf'8 Haimon at. oSROOl nppar corner flat, raodrrn. 177 H Groan a.. a r 23d and Waah. Main lt J-n.)'" M ml f at. i'l E. l-ih t nar llaarthorna; aaikmg dlatana. Eaat 413J. ioL UN" i rooma. wa.k.na diatant-o. S Mocka from hfl brf.t. -,,01 M-Mlllar- (-HuuM roodara Bat. 70 Irylnc atraot. cor. tX Ky at rocery a-.oro. vy f sirE. cloao In. Raw five-room Tat; vary dolrabla: rnt tU'. Hhono Kaat 4674. IIOUEBN i-room flat vacant Kau. 1. Hh. am Jackaon- ?tn or A MODERN' -ro.m flat K Eaat loth at iloaarkaplnc Koonia. 1HE ciE4Va.it. IZth and Marahall Far alabad for bouaakaplce:: raa ranca. alao trio Hrhta. hot water, rath, laundry, fro; 115 par month up: a claaa Mara boat la tho city for th zaann hort d'ataaro from l"n'on Dopot. Tato or lain -at. a:ara Berth, r't ' Marahall at. Ni a"t 11 S- TO I-' SO par waoic. cloao furnlahad hooaakfoptnc room. fro hat. phono, tath. laundry, yard 4il Van.-ouvar ava ar. d y:l Stanton: "I" car, hhona E. tk'atf 6l"ITE of 2 unfumiahad bouaokoopln roorua. raa p!ata. furnlhad. IX par weak ach Tt'i mont Apia. 4o Polmont at f7 r R.V;enllJ bouaokrtplrg-rooma: haatod: will tk ront In board. 4J VVorcaalar Md I'nT.o Main lfto. CASBHIPG3 HI. DO- Kurr.lahod houarkaep tnc rwmi: central; cbaa. Kuuai 4 Id an J alorrtaoa. TUB Ot-KNDOKA. lth and Couch. 1 block from Waah. ; nlcoly fumlohed houaakoep In wml In eulu-a g 1 0 per month and tip 14J LOOX-WLE Ono furrlahed bouaw kaoplr aulto. ft.o per wea HOI'SEKFIEPIN'O room a lo new concrete Md. Phono TVoodlawa 11T. or .. HawrrlC Kooma In fnult Hallr. A toClTB of two or thro roon.a beautiful nelthboThood. cioa In. reasonable. 373 Multnomah at., cor. Inlon . Inquire) I'hone r.arl So". WEIX-FLHNISHED front room and kitchen, aaa ranga, phone, bath. 02 Uth at N. ' FiV VE rootna. furnished, free lliciit. phone and water: IZi per mouth. 47J E. luth. cor. I'lTiaion. Itt'O or thro unfurnlah'-l hnuee-heeptr.a; rooms newly painted and papered. a'J2 Va n.h. NICELY furnished front housekeeping room: phono, bath. aa; I1S.50 a month. 14th a $13 FOL'U. furnlahed houvktrplnr rooma. a plai. ateel ranie. tS-J tth t atal 4-4. COMPLETELY furnlahed mouern two-room houaekeepln attUe. two block aouth of l oatoglc. 2-9 .ta at CONVENIENT euii: bath. aa. furna.-o brat, vary reasonable. I'hone Main ImI BS Lorejoy. ONE ar t newly, completely furnlahed houeew keeplsc rooma: aa. electricity. private? bath. Grand tia, 8. E. cor. Aknay. CXOSB-IN clean t!te. two or four fur nlahed roorra. to d"3lrallo ar-ployed peo p:. 41 TayTor at. 'l'P.Xl.-Hr:n houakeepinir rooma. two for ft?, or four for I2v; (found floor. 2o2 r 45tS at :lEa.V. comfortable auite of 2 rooma, nlco ly furnlahed. YVest t.i!e. 10 minute waik from P. O. 915 Market t. IVAROE. heautlfulle furnlahed. team heat private bain, hbuaekeopuic roou-k 643 Morrlaott. BVIT outalo houakeepln rooma on flrat floor, electric Uchte. runntn water, free phone and bath. 227'-! Clay at. TWO nicely furnlahed roueekeTlr. room. welkin dlatance. eorio lijhta. daa. phone and bath. SO Benton at H 474o. TWO connectln. also on houaekeopInaT room. yard. bath, phone. 40 Yamhill. rVEWLY furnlahed houckeepln-rtom. 10 up. Jt.tO Couch t 4 NCKTH 2vTH. newly furnlahed aunny 1-room aulte. complete for housekeeping. CLEAN. IlhL we!l-furhed housekeepUif rooma lS gth at LOVELtT houaekeepln ulte. wa:kln d:a taaca. Eaat 404. 30 Kaat loth N. as"TlREecond T.oor. rlch'y furnlahed. run r.ln wa t er. i rane. ti w -k. 4-U loth. ONE bouaekeeplns suit, heat phono, bath. ::i uts at 't KNIS11EU h joftrrrln roont. tea rant, phore. bath. Ijtundrv. I tV 1 N. Mlh. CLOSE-IN fnrn.ihe.! aulte houekepln rooma for errtpl.yed people. 4111 laylor. )S KENT To c.-n. UaT'it lwu-ekei.ltic room. 12- 112 E. l'''h. cor. Alder. H.NOLL or aui.ra. r.evr and phonea e.T Hol.aday . bath. SIOH 10TH at.. rar. S a month for on larro h oua-kr pin room. Tllt'.EK furnlahed hous.keepin rooma 3 Irar J av N Thore Kat 4.1S"'. J" I itNiHr.I uoulekeep.nK Ti Troth atreet. iiii. Go North Ki FtVISHrir hou-it'-'inti ro"m. al.-eplna; por-h ' H-f or ' L" rr, M tlorthwick. yOL'K nl-.y furn.ah-d lious. krep-u rooma rri.mil fl-r. 2 t-e-ia. 2! ltii. cor. Halmon. J.ROOM rotta-. mo-l-rn. rsr n. rh'rken varX t parte rvt-: f a- tir.. hot wa tr hr.i'r K'-r.:xvri.-ii. t 'i:-r.ia for ,a Kent 'I. "' Jarrett. 2..4S lua- trv r f-ir-iiand r:npl-!. r'OK K N T . cot-room houe with lare ard. near tea carlinea. App.y 74i 1 Ma-lKor- Phore E. Ss;?. 'oK KENT Nl.-e i-room houee. with yard: f.irni.ure If dird. 2 Cook e near T"' a.n. Ph 'co Haat ll)"l. FOR HENT B-ro-m houaa 42 Hail u. 5J7 r. Phone a .in'.-. wodek.V l-roon eotta 77 Couch at; k.y at 774 E. Couch- Eaat 2371. ft ROOM now modern aouae. ldl Burra tlm fli, Jai car. JoUio la.i, NEW. m lern homo on Waaco at; o"d -.e.htorbood; between tw caxllnea; walk in d.atance. tiEO. D. 8 CHALK. Ka!n . A 2-".2. 21' Htark t iii'ljCRN I-room house on corner, walk In d:atanre. fiimace. tar porch, plenty of roeee. lt Belmont -lain 4147. -ROOM houae. bath aad toilet 74 E. at N . roroer Everett 1'hona E. 29L Key7K.ythN1 IX-HOuM modern II yard, good eiew; rnt rMwniMf. V.sln lar;. iiV.i'F.KX -roo:n houa. ! r Rafael. near L'nlona.e-i.Et r.OOM bouae. modern ronvnlenc; rant fll per month. Main Ve COTTAGE. l"rooma and bath. US San R r 1 c i .if FOR r.ENT, 110 4 lane room houaa. T Untl J"B el. i'orpUbed Hooeea. T-Room modem houa on corner E. 10th et. 1 Meek from Proadway; completely fur nished, no children, reference H. 1. Taimer-Jone Co . 4o Wllcoa bldg. phone A COVPLETE1.T furnlahed homo la Ire-Ir.e-.oa. attuated at fc-2 Clackamaa atreet 1ST W per month. alcl arar, Hale a Lively, aa-nta. 3"! Teon bldg. NiOELT furnl.hed flat two bd,-u,,nlt'!';l couch, good carpet nd everything BlcJ nd clean; w,ku.g dlatano. 444 Kodny ave rnone r.aet s --.- uH.VEH of very nice, finely furnlahed ho:ne? eery central: Weat Sl: going r for few month, would r""-,to,nr,V ;o.IM people, ro children. M.-vln IQI". ri'liv;snr.n 7-room houao. trt Market t drive: modern convenience IIS per month, l.nqulr Wakefield. Frle A Co, ei 4th at. Iirnry Plr:g. teierencfs. CI.P4V - newly furnished -room modern cottaaa. fimahed attic, two block from -i... .t.. on vt Scott line. To Eat Yamhill. Phona moralng. Ft 4".l $ls Mod-.rn S-rooin cottage. Stewart ta t'on. Mt Scott Una. Tabor 6V. C W. HAVE u-room bumuloa, furnlah d. 'or rent: excellent location, near cbooi. tor. rie.uwoorj ririipt. . t-- - " .. S-R..OM new modern, clean flat nw lv. completely rvrniahed. 6.3 Mill t. Vatn flJ7. A ar.s.1. iol TAYLOK. near 17th; 6-room flal . "I";' furnlahed. new carpet, ga J,",T tot D n. range tor cwmai - NICELY lurniahed 7-room houa. piano: on rarllri.. rcaaon.ble. vSS E. Gllaan and 3 i at at. FOR RENT Furnlahed modern bona, hot a'r furnace. 2i per month. Eaat Bid. Inqulr Calumet llotL Mln, 7300. llOPSRS furnlahed I-room cottage, alao -room flat. aa and batn. SI Eaat 21at at W-R car. TO RENT o-room cottage, modern con venience, on Eaat S4th and Salmon. 20 per month. AM TSO. Oregonlan. MOl't-'RN house, 4 room, amall family adulta. no dog Call 4e 18th at o-ROOSI flat, complete, y furnlahed. at wl liolladay . tenses ir Kent larwttHfS tor ai. THHEK-KOOM pt for rnt and fumltur for aal at 1276; I100 c.h. th ba.ancs) $:s a month: have on room rented, whlh pay for furniture. Phone at . balnt Franc Apta.or Janitor. FOR SALE room, wil fnrnlahd. tV h-ted. coxy flt. fin location. room Blied. Reaaonable If taken at one be owner, yamhall 12.W WILL aa-rlflc compiet furnlhed o-room flt. Noh Hill district Rent 1:7.5. Prt ca.h. balance ay pymnta tall Main :m. ' ron SALE Th content of a f -room mod ern. furnac-heted house; everything m first-cia condition; very naaonabl. Inquire t E. 1 2th t N. COMPLETELY rurnlshed modrn flat: ( rooma fumltur good, rent 30; prlo $:&); Punnyld cr. 91 Ealt 15th. FOR SALEV New furnltur of lU-room mod ern bouae. whol or part cheap for cah, 174 E. 4ith at 1IOUERN 6-room flat for rent; furniture for ai cheap; 3 room pay rant. Apply r'.3 Overton at bNAP Furniture 0-room flat. Nob Hill district: high cla boarding proportion. Main FVRNITT'RB of o-room modern flat for aal at a bargain; term or cash. loo I.owRsdala Phone A 473L Fl'RNITIRE of 7-room bona for ale rent 126; between Steal and Broadway bridges. ICS Halaey t C 2804. blora. GET IM on ground floor rent Heat loca tion In Portland. Btor aultabl for any buInsa Good buslnee from th rt a soon yon open bualneaa. will give a good long leaaa Rent awfully rea aonable Humr op If yorj want one. In quire Clifford Hotel. Eaat 6th and Mor rison. $io -cIaISK In. on Eaat Side, fin etore. $23 Store room, with living room above, near Grand ave. and Fat Morrison. HARTMAN A THOMPSON". Heal Eatat Department. Chamber of Commeroe bldg. FOR RENT Store 33x49, Waahlngton at near cornar lt)th. modern front, brick buildln: reasonable rent. C J. Daly, 322 Falling bldg. SEVERAL atore at east end Msdlsoa-st. bridg. 120 to 140. according to elsav. la. qulr 271 Hawthorn ava. CORNER lor 25xR0; cement bmentl chep rent Inquire apatalr above etora, 777 Mississippi ave.. cor. Beech. EE-T location In Portland for poolroom. Inquire Clifford Hotel, Eaat CUb. and Mor riaon sts. . STORE f jr rent, suitable for any amall busi ness. 204 4th st. $30 month. FOR RENT Desk room and telephona Ap ply gpi Mrqum bldg. fcTOKE and 6 living-room, good location lor any business, 8.3 Rusel bldg. Offlc LEAVING Hy. will rent my nlt of two larite offlc room for 1 year: all fur nlahed and up to date; co charge for furniture, you Just pv the landlord for th rooms 50J-618 Hothchlld bldg. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICE All-night elevator service. Sua bwaltand bldg.. 6th and Waahlngton. OFFICB or desk room for rent lthr fur nlahed or unfurnished. Apply at room 40g Eiler blcg., K. E. oor. 7tn ana Aider ata. VII.L rent lo desirable party, handsomely furnished room In fine suite. Yoon bldg. phone Mnrshsll n.'iO. s'HKrl desk room to right party. East 61d after 11 A. M. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Fctory building. 80x100. 30 foot celling, at 641 Alblna ave; 1S per month. Aiao one 14-room hooaa at 639 Alblna are. at 115 per month. Alao small store an tl I room back at 10 per month. Call at N. Front at BrJTV:i; orroKTCNTTias. bOLIU bualneaa for steady man able to In vest t'.oo with aervlce; will guarantee gloO ruonth now and can bo Increased to t.'pp month. Particular, 24SS Stark t WILL glv )ou work In good lltti safe cash bualnee that will pay yotl $16 week nd $116 during th bum mar. Lumber Kxchne. FRENCH family of 4. with long experience In hotel and restaurant buaineea, wouid like to rent or take the management of aoni plat. Y T7. Oregoman. sALonN for vale; Independent llcenae; stock and llcen 1 worth tl price ftskX Apply at 246 H Morrison t.. room IX i'oli SALli t;rocery store, fine corner, good location, weii-esiaoiisaea ousineae. mvus Woocllawn 211D. Fi'R SALE Grocery atock with In vole bout 11 good location and cleaa stock. W 711. Oregonlan. KES r.vl'KANT. owner busy cooking, want steady j,artner to be cnehler. eta; re quires little cash. Call 248 vtj stark at FOR quick aal. a small grocery, well locat ed: new atoek; by owner; at Invoice. I'hone E. M!21 ELECTRICAL baslnea for sal In good manufacturing town In Orsgon. O 7 40. t.renonlan rKvL)L'CE business, clearing lliou per mo.; lonr Vrase; fl-loO caah. All 724. Orego- W ANTED A llv partner In a well-equipped wet-wash laundrv, doing a good buame. Phor A 141S for appointment FO R S VLE Grocery. Eaat Side, rent low, 3-ve.ir lease: harxaln If taken oon: will frvoioe. N 7t7. Orefonian. 1'ICTl Kr. theater on the Eaat Side, tivv dostn, term on balance. V "11. Orego- nun. , WANT partv with 3'". with or without sc-vlcss. 20 per cent g-irnted; money fully secured. W TIB. Oregonlan. rOR PALEStccs of mllllnsry. Invoice tSOO, no competition In town. Addreaa Carlton Mercantile Co.. Crlton. Or. I'AIITVKK wanted for growing buaiuea: will ra Jl day: requires very Hi lie money. Vart'ct'la-s. 24S Stark t. LI 'il count.-, clearing $Ur month, price x 17.V ter-na m""-1 . " s - jl,Ci.)X for ale, will crince for eaaal good chance. All tiK Oregaciaa, V A I - A practical pooltryman of SO year; ex perience. In rearing and hatching chlclt ona and man a a In a, eg farma Intend to etahllah a largo hatchery and poultry farm eomewher on either th electric i or team railroad between Portland and Mo Mlnnvllle. Or., and dcalre an active or a..er.t partner who will furnlah na.r ot the capital, and aiao delre lo correapond with land owners who will offer an ln dorement for th enterprl. Adclreaa 1'etaiuina incubator Co., Lepu P, run- lum. Cal. ARE Tou looking for an Inveatment In l ortlandT I hav a proposition which 1 gllt-eue In every resp"ct, Juat a ear and prontabla a banking and will 'nd earchlng lnYetlatlon. reference 3 bank and a commercial aitency; any atrantera or vlaltor wltn money ar cor dially Invited to Inecatlgat. O 73. Or-iironlan. JiAKERY AND CONFECTION. Eltt. Bakery. confrctlon ry and Re cream factory. In a good live town. etblthed years, doing a nlc business; paying a pront of ino per month; price llooo. oOO run and aov on or before January 1. GRUSSI B0LD9. M. Board of Trade Blng., 4th and Oak. FOR BALE Fin stock of merchandise, con slating all popular-priced, desirable good: will eell all or part 12.ut tock; will ao cept part caah and part trade. Al li, Oregonlan. ESTABLISHED grocery, complete line, clean atock. good dlatrtct trad half caah, haf credit; gilt-edge accounta only: corner lo cation. 8-year leaae. rnt 30: line fix ture, horse and wagon, to.: oll t about Invoice. 12'kMj; must sell acco'int of busi ness out of atata Addreaa owner, AL ,iu Oregonln, A MONEY-MAKER. An up-to-date restaurant on Bto t doing a good bualneaa; clearing per month; reasonable rent, very beat equip ment; prlc 81200, 8?00 cah, balaoc term. ORCSSI A BOLD3, 818 Board of Trade BiUg- 4th and Oak. WANTED Gentleman of good appearanc to bandl loan xcltilveiy : muat b ateadv and reliable and capable ot earn ing I20O per month; no ppIlcatlon ae reptesl for leaa than 4 month; office ex pense will not exceed 1-3 per montn. Natlonal Realty A Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED. Prtnr to take half Interest In a light manufacturing plant; a man who can tak chargo of an offlc and manag men: alary 12f per month. Kinney A Stam pher. S31-2 Lumber Exchange old.. Stark and Second ata MAN who ha a few dollar to Invest can find aplendld opportunity wher his serv ices cn be used, by addressing A J ilO. Oregonlan. No one who does not mean busmea from th tart hould answer thla I'ropoaltlon open to (earchlng In vtlgtlon. which 1 Invited. WANTED to buy for' cah Moving-picture house In western i.ari of state, preferably Willamette or Rogue Ktver Valley; give loweat prlc and lull paruoulnr In Brat letter or no attention paid. AV 80S, Or- gonlan. (-o-ir cunrrnT KNAP. Rent 8-0. leas 8 year: cloa tochool clean tock and good fixture: will ln volce,or make flat price; I want to sell and will consider any reaaonable offer. Owner. Marshall S2. or 142H Union ave. N. EXPERT candymaker and salesman, with best of reference. wnt from J10OO to $3u00 backing for manufacture propoaitlon with a future; no agenta AG 72. Ore gonlan. THE BEST EVER. The wet-wash lundry bu1nsa bet pylng bualneaa of today; will Invest equal mount with onie reliable party; have good location. Y 77S, Oregonlan. " - FOR 8 A LB. , fttock dry goods, and fitrnlahlnga, with fixture, Involo about $4frUl good loca tion, cheap rent. Address box 7oA Aber deen. Waah. WANT general merchandise business or hardware; have good Income property nd some oh for earn; glv full partlcuUr In flrt Ittur. P. O. box 27. Halfway. Or . FOR LEASE Full equipped producing gold mine, ten-stamp mill, or crusher, con cenlrstora. air eompresor operated by ler-lrte power furnished for percentag product. Addres AV 8i7. Oregonlan. FAMILY GROCERY STORE. Lot and building and good, clean tock at Invoice; living room; daily cah sale 815. prlc t30o; IHU0 cah will hndl. Room 7:0 Chmbr of Commerce blilg. WILL TRADE Dry good, notion and mil linery tore. Invoice 82200. Will lk I2iu; tak bouse and lot np to 81400, ba.anc caah or mti. 618 Board ot Trad bldg. Phone A luM. IF you are looking for a bualn opening, call on ua We will ee that you ar lo cated right; no charges for full Informa tion. Kinney A Stan.pher. B31-J Lumber Kxehanxe bldg.. 2d and Stnrk ta eO-ROOM houae. opp. Old. Wortman A Kin' a, for 8000. 81000 down, caah or trade; If eoelng I believing, call 1018 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Marahall 8l'.'3. "KESTAL'BAXT AND ROOMIXO-HOCSa Furnlahed complete, steady trade, no competition. 10 rooms, $000; 8100 cash, baL term, or lot a payment T T-. Oregonlan. WANT. Immediately, good mechanlo with good reference and Tittle money, to take half Intereet or buy grg buslni wll etbllhed. R 764. Oregonlan WD WANT A 6ALOON. In axchang for 80 acres tin farm land. In Bnton Co.: will py caah difference. J. E. NICHOLS CO.. OJO 1 eon r-mg. GOOD btialnes opportunity; you must hav from $1000 to $10,000 to Invest; no real estate: no trlf.er need apply. Y 779, Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE concern opening branch of flc Uealrea manager of ability who can Invest to f'iKW cash and tak charge. AM T12, Oregonlan. A REAL, POOLROOM BAROAIN. No better In Portland for It !; clear tSOO to $360 per mo.; $1000. J. E. NICHOLS CO.. 616 Ton Bldg. BOWL1NO alleys, billiard and poolroom In town of 60OO: alao cigar, tobacco and candle. Address stauber A Bock. tfo4 Che hall vCltehall. Waah. HAVE) established real eaiate bualneaa In best suburb of Portland: business over $300 per mo.; want partner. H 743. Ore gonlan. ' MAGNETIC sands I hav a way to save them: dry trestment; not patented: half Interest for capital, cr will go In with lant good company. AD 730, Orenontsn. FOR SALE or trade. cah grocery: new tock. reonal.I rent; would consider good lot or lota; price $700; discount for cash. W 78Q, Oregonlan. HAVE $20,000 to Invest In an apartment ail! muat be close In and good location; on reaaonable terms. Leak No. 2. ld$ Stark at A BAROAIN For aale, all or half Interest In a nw and cond-band furniture atore, good location, oheap rent Inquire 803 lat t WK WANT light manufacturing plant; hav client waiting. Kinney A Stamphor, flSl-3 Lumbar Ex. Building. Stark and 2nd ta XiiK pt cornr cigar, confectionery and Hxbt grocery, good lease: will sell right No agenta See owner, corner loth and Waahlngton ; FOR SALEJ 0nral (tore, groceries, bard ware, drygooda. etc; Invoice about $uoo0. Addreaa Box 137. Alac. Or. (1 000 GIV& half Intereat In bualneaa that la proving success: peeler a mechanic in ventor Model Works. 205 Morrison. BAKERY and delicatessen; good location, good business, good lease. T 720, Orego nlan. a MINING AN1 INDUSTRIAL STOCK. Telephone acd other bonds bought aa Old. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 512.1 A Plot ton. 600 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.00; bring this ad. Rose City Prlntery. 8 J. cor. Taylor. tsTABLISHED millinery tore for sal, price reaaonable, T 710. Oregonlan. BARKER ahop for sole; 4 chairs; retiring from business. M 71U1. Oregonlan. GOOD securities exchanged for real estate and equities; no commission. 274 Stark. GROCERY, living rooms, good bualneaa, price $334. 803 Lumber Exchange. KOOMING-HOCSES. DO you want to sell your rooming-house? W pay cash and charce no commission. RUTH FIELD INVESTMENT CO.. PIT BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. M. P419. 31-ROOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur nished, new and clean: best, location; big Incor-ie and always full; long leaae; term; cheap. By owner. t.".5 Flandera 12 SUNNY rooms, 3 bth. second floor: rent $42: alwas full; easily heated; $'."X caah. balance eaay; a genuine map, bo today. 4eS lat at. SMALL l-rooni hous. rent or aale. eaay term: full at present time. Inquire be twoen 8 and 4 P. M-. 883 13th. L9 R0OM6. a.ao 4 auto garage; Income $10. rent $3S; $"O0. part cusa. 840 SaW mon. iinii 11-ROOM modern boarding house 3 vear lease; rent $10. r.4o Weluut t. North Portland Marahall 1804. 10-ROOM house, opp. Old. Wortman A King , with $100 monthly profit, f OA" $260 tVews, MaribAl. eWkJ. lftlj ROOMS. Good hotl of 180 rooma. In a 8-srtOTT nice brick building; rent only $3 per room; Va year" leaae; furniture, building, etc. In fine condition; hotel la clearing over $00 per month: located right downtown; price $&000, tiuOO caah will handie. GRUSSI A HOLDS. 818 Board of TradeBldg.. 4thand Oak. PHENOMENAL MONEY-MAKER. Buy the furnlhlng of thl up-to-date kotel. elegantly furnlahed rooma. Doing a thriving bulnc-a. Fin large lobby. A little evil required, balance on ultail t.,rm 10 year" leas will be given. A. bargain. Muat b aeen to b appreolato. Inqulre quick and embrace thl favorable opportunity. AE T3S. Oregonlan. TO LEASE. Most desirable 2 -room apartment hems In eltv. West Sid; walking dUtance: all light suites: extra large room; responsi ble narty. having the means to furnlb, cn hav five-year lease; give your phone number. V 723. Oregonlan; FOR LOT. 11-ROOM, CORNER, CLO8B IK. Thl la a dndy place, nice light rooma, well furnlahed and clean; all modern) rent $40. Income $160; $060 required; take lot as part O. C. R. ELLIS A CO.. fO-HO Wilcox Bldg. SACRIFICE. 110 room. 84 furnished, rent lea than $8 room, ateam-heated. bath, eleotrlo and ?aa light, lease, brick bldg., rooms all nil; prlc $2o00. If taken by Feb. $2000; oaner is going back to Japan. Tourny. itu. rj q st mm Drt-. v.citt v-Tr-irtrxr ttnTF.r. vi'nwA mj v' J - 91600 down, balance out of th business;- new building, leased f year, cheap rent. Income lnoo, running water In all eonma -reum honf nr. onnOrllinltV. 1 n 1- n fc-T.T.l.Q a io.. $09-510 Wilcox Bldg. TO LEASE. Wow brick hotel to lease to responsible party having moan to furnlah: good lo cation; West Sid, in the business dlstrlot; reasonable rent; glv phone number. T 736. Oregonlan. " T0-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. . One of th best money-maker in Port land; fin location, long lease, reasonable rent: clears not less than $4u0 per month, $7ul0. good terma J. E. NICHOLS CO.. 815 Yeon Bldg. 22 ROOMS, ON ONE FLOOR. Every room rented; Income $230; rent $100; price $1100, cash 1650; balanoo monthly; bargain. O. C, It ELLI3 A CO., 509-610 Wilcox Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE Owner wants man or womin with $21u0 cash to tak over 67 rooms; part of that money to go on bond. No agents on either side, to save time. Fine location. J 7S8. Oregonlan. - MARY E. LENT CO.. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. HOTELS ROOMING APART MENT HOUSES. All sizes and prices. H22-4 Falling bldg.. od and Washington. WILL pay cash for lodging or apartment house at right price. Marshall 89K2. CIOAR stand, fine location, cheap rent; $228 if taken at once. 2o3 Rueseli. ROOMS, good furniture, $350, caah $3JO, bal. easy terma 101 4th. LOST AND FOTJXP. FOUND Where you can buy genuine balr mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day; vi also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. axd-229 Front Phone Main 474. A 1874. LOST On Thuraday. old-fashioned gold oval buckle on black ribbon, between Sew ard Hotel and 12th or 13th st, or on Portland Heights. Reward. Main 4428, A 4S!'4. LOST Between Oregonlan building and Im perial Hotel, ladles' gold breast pin, red cameo setting. Advise 1120 Spalding bldg. Reward. LOST Monday. Jan. 16, potoffice deposit slip for i0. favor of Peter Grela Re turn to Snyder Bros., cor. 1st and Madi son. Reward. I.i Lady's gold watch, on Williams ave., between Russ.ll and Fremont sts.. Wed nesday evening. Call 727 Vancouver ave.. or phone Woodlawn 272H. $5 reward. LOST White English bull terrier pup, lost near Golf Llnka Kinder phone Main 663, or addres lold Spalding bldg. and receive reward. LOST Lady' gold watch and elk' bead fob. Ruturn to l.lpman, Wolfe A Co., Jew elry dept. Rew-aid. LOST Bat-eared foxlerrler don. month old. license lio3i. Phone Marshall 7 9 Roosevelt st. Reward. LOST Clover breaslprn with small dia mond center. In or near Chrltnen' Hall. Phone Main 2SH7. LOST Gold watch fob. Thursday afternoon; finder please return ta 426 olark and re ceive liberal reward. LOST Pair white glove batween 8d and Morrison and Chamber of Commerce. -Or on B-L car. Return 412 Oregonlan bldg. ENGlTsH-setter, black root of tall, lightly ticked, tint collar. Main 42t2. OPEtlAL NOTICES. "ieinMia Aa vilest NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS, sealed blda will be received by th Treasurer of Clark County. Washington, up to baturday, February 3. Ittl2, at th hour of 11 A. M., for purchase of bond of School District No. 6, of Clark Coun ty. Washington, Issued by said district fur th purpose of building a high school. Amount of bonda $loo,uu0. loo bonds at J1U0O each, paabl 2U year after date, nlereat not to exceed 6 per cent per an num; principal and Intereat to be paid at the office ot County Treasurer, Vanoouver, Waahlngton. Bidders ar raqueated to name tlie price and rate ot intereat at which they will purchase said bonda Board of Directors reserve the fight to rejeot any or all blda Said bids to be accompanied by a certified cheok to the amount ot on per cent of the bond to b aold. W. R. Fletcher. Treasurer ot Clark County, Wash. Dated this eta day of January, 1912 Miacellaneoua. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE "UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON IN ADMIRALTY. THE SliUOONEll "WM. NOTTINGHAM, nr., AND CARGO, THE PORT OF PORTLAND ET AL, L1BELLANTS, GLOBE NAVIGATIOX COMPANY. CLAIMANT. SALVAGE. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. DISTRICT OF OREGON sa Wheraas, a libel wa filed In th Dis trict Court of the United State for the District of Oregon, on the 6th day of No vember, 1011. by Tho port of Portland, a municipal corporation, et al. against the ship "Win. Nottingham.-" her tackle, ap parel, furnituro and cargo of, to wit 700,000 feet of Oregon fir lumber, alleging In aubstanc that on Ootobsr 16, lull, ald (hip wa found derelict 20 mile west of Cape Disappointment on the Oregon coast and towed In safety to Astoria, Oregon, and praying prooea against aald nip. nr tackle, apparel, furniture and cargo and that the same be decreed to b th proprty of llbellant. or that aald court decree a sum to be paid to ald llbellant for their aalvag aervlce. and that aid alilp. etc., and cargo be held to answer said decree: ' Now. Uierefore. In pursuance of the monition under the seal of said court to me directed and delivered I do hereby give public notice to all person claiming the ald hlp, br taokle, apparel, furni ture or cargo, or In any manner Inter ested therein, that they appear before the . aald District Court to be held at Portland. Oregon, on the 6th day of February. 112, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of such day (provided that be a day of Jurisdiction, and If not, then on the next day of Juri dlctlon thereafter), then and there to In terpol their claims and make allega tions In that behalf. Dated. January 17. 1012. LESLIE M. SCOTT, United State MarahaL WILLIAMS, WOOD A LLNTUICUM Proctor for Llueliant, Th Port of Portland. DISSOLUTION of partnership. The firm of Hess & Rea. owners of Hoa Mfg. Co.. 1 dissolved, effective January IS. L. A Rea will settle all obligations of the Hess Mfc Co. Incurred before January 18 and Is authorized to collect all claim. 8. W. HESS, L. A. RfclA. voT responsible for any debt contracted by my wife, Mrs. Hap-y L. Davia a ho ha left my bed and board and bare other copy. . , FINANCIAL. I HAVE aom bond of a hlgh-olas na tur 10 1L mature In IS montha guar anteed premium, plu 6 per cent an nual lot J. H. Tipton. 1108 Spnldlng bldg. MORTGAGES (first and second), contract nd .oilers' equitle. bought E. L. Dever eaux. lvv'. Spalding bldg., 8d and Waan- lngton Main o3. " PLENTY OF MONEY ON FARM OR CITY PROPERTY. WM. C. BORCHERS, 7 OREGON IAN BLDO. WE ra-blithest caah price for bollder con tract, flrat and aecond mortgage and other ecurltlea Horn Inatallment Ca, 401-4O2 McKay bldg Marahall 31)49. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate or for building purposes. No commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE By owner, a 6-year $2000 mort gage, good ourU)r. K- MI, Oregonlan, i riPITlf. Supplied for attractive enterprUe ta all aubatantlal line of buslnss. railroads, water and lectrlo power, timber, mining. Industrial, agricultural and Irrigation pro J acta Bond, debenture and tock U ue underwritten. purchaaed or old. Financial undertakings of all kind han dled. Miscellaneous commissions and or ders ot all character accepted lor execu tion In any European country. Corre spondence inclosing full detail at hrt writing 1 Invited. ROBT. E. CAVETTE. FINANCIAL AGENT, 824-920 Yeon Bldg. K. A. LUNDBURG, Manager Portland Office. London, New York. Portland. Seattle LONDON financier and promoter with high est European banking connectiona at pres ent In Portland. Or., is open to receive proposition suitable for foreign capital; large bond Issues placed. Address by let ter. The Secretary, 4v9 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or. No agenta FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES BOUGHT or seller's Interest In contracts of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noule. Bid. Lumbermen bidg. FIRST and aecond mortgagee, contraot and commission account bought, real estate loan. E. B. Miller, 410 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE First mortgage of $1200, 8 per cent, on lot and 2-story realdence valued at $2500. aituated on East Side, cloae In. Address A 720. Oregonlsn. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgage (flrat and aecond). equltiea F. H. Lewi A Co 8 Lewis bldg. EKLECTED first mortgage ror ala. John Bali- 803 Spalding bldg. Money to Loan reeal Estate. FOR IMMEDIATE LOAN. $20,000 TO $60,000 AT 6 PER CENT. These amount will b placed on fl rat-class brick or concrete business and apartnrent structure. No cbarg tar title examination. No phone In formation. R. H. BLOSSOM. 816 Cham, of Commerce. TO LOAN. ? 10,000 to $30,000 at 8 per cent 6.000 to $10,000 at 7 par cent $ 600 to $ 3,000 at 8 per cent The above amount on hand and for Immediate delivery. Security must be Im proved city or farm property. Goodaell Pros., 433 Worcester bldg. LOANS of $V0, $1200. $1800 and upward on Improved realty property; favorable terma National Realty A Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS of $500 and upwards on Improved property, favorable terma John Bain 606 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on city residence and business prop erty and Multnomah County farms. EDW. P. MALL, 300 to 304 Chamber of Commerce. PLENTY OF MONEY to losm in amouata from $5000 to $100,000 at current rate ot Interest R. F. BRYAN, 505-7 Chamber of Commerce. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes, 8 to 8 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced a building progresses. The Equitable Sav Ings A Loan Association. 2)0 Stark st. LARGE supply of money to loan In sums of $5O0 and upward, on real estate security, at 6 and 7 per cent MALL A VAN BORSTEL, 104 Second t. near Stark. $1000, $1200. $1500, $2000. $2500, $3000 to loan on gilt-edge security. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. WANT CASH ? We buy mortgages and sellers' oontract. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY. 404 Yeon Bldg. $800,000 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE IN SUMS TO SUIT AT LOW RATES. RUTH FIELD INVESTMENT CO.. 917 BOARD OF HADE BLDG. M. 94H. $."i00.0oi) ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loan at lowest rates; large loan a specialty. McKenzle A Cc, 614-516-516 Gerlincer bldg. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. FARIi AND CITY PROPERTY. EDMUND L. DEVEREAUX. ' IQOi) SPALDING BLDG. WE have plenty of money to loan on Portland property In sums from SloOO to $50,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. Fliedner & Boyce. 508-606 Ablngton bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate secur ity. Farrlngton A Farrlngton. 416 Com mercial Club bldg. $ll"J0 8 PER CENT, $4000 7 PER CENT. $.1000 ONE OR TWO AMOUNTS. 7 PER CENT. M. E. THOMPSON, 42 HENRY BLDG. SEE MR. RIDGE. $100 TO $300 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIMS ON ANY GOOD SECURITY BY PRTVATS PARTY. 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. $2oo 000 TO LOAN, large loan a specialty, building loans, lowest rate. W. G. Back, 816-316 Failing bldg MORTGAGE ioang on city property; loweat rate. A. H. Birrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg.. 8d and Stark. WANTED Applications for select loans on city property. M. Billings, 609 McKay bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contract and mortgage bouitnt. w. n. rsunn. ssa r-iipnoon, o.os. TO LOAN $2000. 8 per cent. 3 yra, private party; must be first-class; no building loan. Main 71B. MONEY to loan on real estate, mortgages bought and sold. Purse A Co., 818 Chamber of Commerce. $luuu TO loan at 7 per cent for 2 year on house and lot CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon Bldg. PRIVATE party wishes to loan $2000 on good Inside real estate, $ per cent F 720, Oregonlan HAVE private funds to loan on good real estate in amount from $1000 to $5000. 612 Wilcox Bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. (. w. ration, ovo-if re.oi.on. $0000 OR any part to loan. Interest 7 per cent. Main 1166. mortgage loans at reasonable MORTGAGE LOANS, lnt from 6 per cent Henry C Prudhomm Co.. 807 Wilcox bldg. LOANS on Improved realty at lowest rates. BUFFINGTON. Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. MUley. room 204 Uerllnirer bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. li. HAnuino, mo v-Q- 01 . MORTGAGE LOANS. 8 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SAlAJMPr. aisnr. v. MONEY, any amount 6 to 8 per oenL W. H. Belt A (jo., bio pijm.iuii LOANS on Unproved properties, best term. John Bain, 605 Spalding bldg. " " tioTnillEI I Ol ai".. u v. -. ....... EL T. Price, 616 Rothchlid Bldg. $2000 PRIVATE money to loan; will OlVlOe. Oil uwmm.. J(Hn JL VXAUa-i uwri..iW. J. O. GOLTRA. FAILING BLDG. STATE funds, 6 per cent W. E. Thomas, agent Muitnoman touniy. aw q. e.00. $VuO AND $600 at 7 per oent Miller, 416 Uaamuwr 04 v.""- Money to Lot -Citadels and Salaries, MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Wcmn keeping hous and other fur nlahed without eourlty; ckeapeat rate, stalest paymenta Come and get money when you want It. and pay aa you can. Offices In all principal cities, li. H. Toi man. 817 Lumper Exchange. GOOD SUPPLY OF Trft..'j:T To loan at low rate ou furniture, pianos, auto, livestock, contract, mortgages, or any other personal security. Auolphu Lan. 414 Ablngtoubldi-; Marhall 814. MONEY ADVANCED Oa furniture, piauo. salaries, oto. Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO- 807 Spalding bldg MONEY TO LOAN on livestock, household gooda pianos, aa tos, contract, anything of value; strictly confldentlaL Frank Laiia, 600 Swetland. I'ASH ON CREDIT. EMPLOYERS' LOAN CO- 321 A i 1 .Mi 1 U . BLjUyj. MONEY to loan on short time. In small or l&rer amounts, on what you have; strlot ly private. Call 815 Lumber Exchange. ikAAlfa.OLa.TE loana from $5 and up oa all kinds of securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Waahlngton bldg. Main 3u2. we LOAN money on dlamonda and. Jewelry at half the ratea charged by brokers, Marx A Blocb. 74 8d t LOANs on diamonds. Jewelry and other ar tides at one-half the usual Interest rale; confidential. 825 Falling bldg. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. Wm Holt, room . Washington bldg. MONEY sold on installment confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry aldg. FOR . 1 1.. u. r . . A u-.. rn T.l on chattel 'Corny. rii'iiig r.... . . , . A LOAN for the asking, salary or cnat'.al. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, gtrlcUy. oor denilal. 141 d. near Alder, Mas- to lass cnnttol sud NEW COMPANY NEW METHODS. SALARY LOANS CHATTEL LOANS. Thl company wa organised by Id ' mg buatn men of thl city to LOA MONEY to working people and o'ber on their PLAIN NOTES, without endorser or publicity; alo on furniture, piano, horse, cattle, storage receipts and autos at rale honest peopie can afford to pay. QUICK LOANS ANT AMOUNT. .40 Weekly Pays a $1.40 Weekly Pays a $220 Weekly Pays a $100 LOAN. Rebate Given If Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and 6th f-ta, on Wash st Open Mon. and Sat livening till i. t $ $ $ $ $ $ . ' DtD TOU NEED MONEYT W will furnish you. etrlctly eonfidin ' tlal and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all oine kind of ecurlties. on term to ult; ai en weekly or monthly payment. WE BUY AND LOAN On first and aecond real estate mort gages, eller contract and chattel naort- ut'sREAL ESTATE A BROKERAGB COMPANY. 813 Hamilton Bldg. 131 8d. Mala 3084. $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. 8 $ $ B-R-O-K-E-R-S. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10. repaid In Installments of ... .48 $20. repaid In Installments of $ . $50, repaid In Installments of ..$2.00 Larger amounts in proportion. We do not advertlae misleading term or rate, but give your our charge la plain figures. Buslnet.9 strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO. ... $ $ $ SOS Failing bldg. $ $ 8 8 $1.00 TO $1000. JEWELRY. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC ELBY COMPANY (Licensed) PRIVATE OFFICES. 830 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. 3RD FLOOR. COR. 3D AND STARK STS. DON'T borrow If you can avoid it If yon do. come to people who will give you easy payments, lowest rate and treat you hon estly and fairly. We claim that reputatlon. Come and be satisfied. Loans on any se curity with merit G. A. Nichols Inv. Co., 1)07 Wilcox bldg. C. FRANK NICHOLS CO. For a loan on any kind of security. IT WILL COST YOU LESS. No extra charges. private offloe. Courteous and Confidential Treatment CALL AND GET ACQUAINTED. EOS Lumbermen Bldg., ait and Stark. Loan Wanted. - WANTED $10,000 to loan at 6 per cent on real estate mortgages; muat be In one loan; security must be gilt-edged. U A HTM AN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Loan ot fliO for term of 8 years. Improved city realty property. In restricted residential district Particulars, National Realty A Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce biog. BUILDER will pay 7 per cent, no commis lon, to private party willing to lend $800 on first mortgage on house, lot worth $1800. X 748. Oregonlan. LIST your money with Purse A Co., 818 Chamber of Commerce. Members Portland Realty Board. , MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loana mortgages -or sale. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 807 Wilcox b(dg. PERSONAL. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for men and women. We have an electrical office that cannot be duplicated on the Pacific Coast; X-Ravs. Statics. X-Ray Colls. Galvanic Karadiu and Sinusoidal Batteries; high fre quencies currents; light from the smallest to the most powerful; baths of every de scription We use massage, manipulations and adjustment with vibration. Over 6000 patients and not a death while under our treatment. We do not use medicines and never operate. Our offices are always open for Inspection. We have cured hun dreds of people that others have given up. if you are not satisfied, call or write us. We occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the Rothchlid bldg. Dr. W E. Mallory. Naturopath. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 600 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 84-Inch switches $4 45 $6 26-Inch switches -4? Hair dressing r Face massage .-o Shampoo --6 Manicuring, 25c; -6 for 100 12 scalp treatment 6.00 " Superfluous hair removed by electricity, ruaranteed not to return. $4, $5 and $6 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair in any shade; switches, any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlor, 4O0-412 Dekum bldg.. 8d and Washington, INFORMATION wanted as to th where about of Michael Johnston and his fath er, Robert last seen at Christmas, 1900. at Roylenco Camp. Oregon. Any such Information will be highly appreciated by Miss Katie Doyle, sister and daughter, 14 Urine st, Dublin. Ireland. State and Western papers please copy. MILLINERY school and makeover shop. Learn In six weeks. New class starting now. Get ready for positions and loca tlona Also remodel last year's atock hat for milliner very reasonable. If you want to sell your business call or writ 806 Ooodnough bldg.. opposite Postofflce. W. I. HOWARD. M. D. Modern Electro-Therapeutic. Chronic diseases cured without opera tion or ialn. Consultation free. 304-306 Rothchlid Bldg. NATUROPATHIC treatment I cure nervou and chronic disease without the use ot drug or appllancea of any kind. Dr. Catherine C. Gate. 807 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 8143. 9 to 12 A. M., 1 to 6 P. M. Sundays by appointment. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbaco, etc.; massages and baths. 348 Williams ave., near Weidler St., "U" car. Phone East 260S, C 2003. Open Sundays. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfor graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions: baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th t second door south from East Ankeny carllne. phone Eaat 260. B 1803. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases ot women and children, baJ removed to Lafayette bldg., 813 Waah lngton at HEIRS wanted at once. 60,000 estates seek ing claimant. You may be one. Facts In booklet 635. Send stamp. International Claim Agency, Pittsburg, Pa- DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailment, kidney and bladder troubles and pile. Consultation free. Il 1st st, Portland. vjrN S O. Tablets, a marvelous cure for nervous debility and weakness from any cause; orlce $1. Druggists or mall. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., 245 Morrison t DRESS SUITS for rent $1-60 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, button sewed on. rips i-eymioo. . i - .u dellverlea Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark, j DR. A. A- AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 302 Merchants Trust bldg., 6ih and Washington. Phone Main 4047. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills, the woman's medicine; price $2 box. Drug gists or mall. Every box guaranteed. Dr. pierce Remedy Co.. 2454 Morrison St. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental and spirit ual scientist 302 Allsky bldg. Wednes day meetings 8 P. M. Main $824. RHEUMO A positive, cure for rheumatism; price $1' every bottle guaranteed. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 245 Va Morrison st. MRS S C. MORRISON, steam baths and masseurlng for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 847s Jefferson. A 4470. Open Sunday. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 20o box; 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe- Taylor Drug CO.. -o .uorrisou sw MISS RAGNH1LD JACOBSEN. Scandinavian trained masseuse. Phone Marshall 94X 674 Johnson st. DR. KETCHUM treats women's maladies; also chronic diseases. Washington bldg., cor. 4th and Washington. Main 8474. " MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95c: curls and puff, 75c San- It sjy Beauty rarwt "v xcuo. p.oB. ELECTRIC treatments tor rheumatism and nervousness. Suite 12, 341 Va Morrison st MME COURT RIGHT, feature and skin spe cialist, 260 20th st. N. Phone Main 5U42. MISS MASON, scalp and lace treatment. 54a "a JlorriBuu - MISS GEORGE, of Chicago, calp treat ments. 346 Alder; room 80, third floor. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M- D- H.ll. 4-o r iieo". oma- o-sio. MANICURING parlor, facial and scalp treat ment, shampooing. 314 Swetland bldg. RAIM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of ytomen. 532 Davis st. Main 9210. M1S3 LEWIS treat baldness and diseased seal P. 40ft suu-k at. Phone Mala 8630. THE Columbia Medical and Surgical Inatl tute I now nicely located at the corner ot Sixth nd Yamhill treets, next to the Portlnd Hotel, and Is well prepared to treat and cure diseases of men. women and children. This institution was estab lished in Portland five years ago. where, during these years, its marvelous success In curing thousands of persons of disease has caused It to stand the peer of any like institution In the West We also make a specialty to treat and cure the following formidable diseases, which by our long experience and large practice "vfnables u to successfully treat: Bright flleass, diabetes, dropsy, rheumatism, locomotor ataxia, paralysis. epilepsy. Hemorrhoids, tumors, ulcers, speclno and skin diseases. MRS. STEVENS, 18 years Portland' lead ing pa, mist and clairvoyant, ha her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on al at 212 Allsky blag.. 3d and Morrison si. SCALP treatment, facial massage and man lcurlng. Alton Hotel, room 423. top floor. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants Expert and Certified. EXPERIENCED all lines; books opened, olosed. written up. financial statements; private Instruction; service anywhere) permanent or temporary bookkeepers tur nlshed. 502 Swetiand blag. Main 440. Analytical Chemists. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., analytical chemists, examiners of chemicals, drug, foods, etc Assayer and Analyst. Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, chezn Ists and assayers. 2o4 s Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and pro-testing work. Ib6 Morrison st Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A2071. H. C. KORNEGAY. corporation, commercial, real estate law, and collections. 6-2 Yeon. Braes and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. 6th. Main 2702. Chiropractic Physician. DR. T1CKNER, Columbia bldg., next Star Thea-er. A 6255. Main 9587; res. B 2976. " Chiropodist DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD remove corns, bunions, callouses, ingrown and club nails; pedicuring, manicuring, super fluous hair permanently removed. 614-15 Dekum bldg. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny, th only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlor 802 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mil M. D. Hill, offices 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 8473. Coal and Wood. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. H3D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO., coal and wood. Marshall D60, A 3545. S37 Water t Contractor. HAVE you any building, repairing or al teration work to do? If so, do It now. We . do It better and cheaper than any one else. Call Klbles. Woodiawn 2438 and let us give you an estimate. W. L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of fice and storo setting. 8 N. 8th st Main B9S1. A 7062. Woodlawn 662. Carpenters and Builders. STORE fronts and remodeling bulldlnr made a specialty. M. Foulks. Main 8480, Dancing. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons 2Boi fancy stage and social dancing taught dally: stnge and two-step guaranteed in 4 lea eons. Class Monday eve. K.9 2d t., b- tween Washington and Stark. PROF. FORD'S school of dancing. 87th and Hawthorne ave. Classes Tuesday and Thursday evening at 8. Private lesson by appointment. Tabor 370T. PRIVATE dancing lessons given at home. 870 12th a t. South. Til'.ey Hagen. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents. Sea bury steam engine and boilers, gasoline en glnes. 2M1-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone E 515. Feed Store. Z1GLER A MISN'ER, hay, grain, feed, ca ment shingles. 204 Grand ave. E. 482. Landscape Gardener. G. H. 6IEBELS, landscape gardener; prun ing a specialty. 686 S3. Oth st Phone Sellwood 1167. Leather and Findings. CH AS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description, tabs, mfrs. finding. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es . tabllahed 1858. ISO Front st. Emll Thlelhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A 41CU. Marshal) 1629. FRED'K W. SMITH, violin Instructor, stu dlo 291 11th st. Phone Marshall 2693. Osteopathic Pli3-sicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Kirkville. Mo., class of 18US; post-graduate 1907, un der Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the science. 1122 Belling bldg. M. 197. A 19&5. Dr. R, B. Northrup, 416-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone Office M. 349. Res. East or B 1028. l'aints. Oils and Glaus. COAST-MADE paint and varnish la beat adapted to the Coast climate. BASS HEUTKR PAINT CO, 191 Second t RASMUSSEN A CO.. Jobbers, paint oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor, Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law, late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 the Board of Trade bldg. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyright registered, all countries. Booklet free. PETER HABERLIN, 820 Worcester bids. V. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured b O. O. Martin. 409 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 6u4 Dekum bldg. pawnbrokers. UNCLE MEYERS' Collateral Bank; 40 year in Portland. 71 6th st. Phone Main 910. Paving. THE Barber ABphalt Paving Company, 603 608 Electric bldg. Oscar Huber, Portland, Pipe. PIPE and fittings, engineer 'and steam up pllea 1 M. L. Kline, Centrally located. Nos. 81 to 86 Front t Phones Main 517. A 2517. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. 3489. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO, 108 3d t Sated at factory prices; second band safes. Second-Band Goods. WE buy clothing, furniture and tools. High est price paid tor second-hand olothlng. Tvrrniiure. toois. ic -- WE pay the highest pricea for second-hand e1oF.,in and shoes. Main 760S. 830 5th. Showcases, Bank and bhuw Fixture. thit t UTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap "ds Showcase Co, 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke. manager. K. H. BIRDSALL. 208 Hamilton bldg. Bhow- cises in stock; prompt delivery, baia agent. M. Winter ljumoer -o. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch l new ' Mand second-hand. Main 2701). Cabinet work. Storaae Battery. EXCLUSIVE agents for the "'rI?'e,1EKtt: ISON NEW STORAGE BATTERY, r-ieo-trie Vehicle Company. 1609 Yeon bldg. SStorntte and Transfer. - n PICK Transfer & Storage Co., office and 'commodious 4-story brick warehouse ,?parat? iron rooms and ot vault for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts Pianos and furniture moved and Ped for shipping; special ratos made on goods in our tn?ouBh cars to all dornosUo and foreign nolnts. Main 51)6, A l'.'M. General transferring and I10!" pianos and furnituro moved and P"-k. for shipment. 87-89 Front st Telephone Main .J-x I n),rao TKAXSFEH CO., established 1870. Ts?eran forwarding agents. Office and storage 474 Giisan st cor. 13th and Glisnn. Phones Main 69. A 1H.9. Taxidermist. PACIFIC COAST TAXIDERMY CO. 167H First St., Phone Main ...8. Ty pewrlterfl. j,5 TO SUB will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all maKes to choose from at GUI's 3d and Alaer- terms to suit: every machine guar anteed, call or rhono for representatlve. cTOA or GOllS. wf are the exchange for the largest type W writer concern on this Coast: Investigate; all makes all prices. The Typewriter Ex- i-ikiu Washington st coiaiib-. . v-pvt -ehullt second-hand rentals, at cut raYes. P P- C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 140T. violin Makers.. G. KUDEN Violin makri r. expert tepalring. i5 Morrison, onr 3d. Well Drilling. non i ing wells. Phone Main 1346 or writ) Ai Wes 132 Morrison at.