11 Agents for Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Standard Sewing Machines Libbey Cut Glass-Richardson Linens, Er Valentine Number Ladies' Home Journal, Woman's Home Companion, Vogue Magazines Now in Clearance of Story Booflj U 1 ? U - s I T 3T Z77 Hello! Coming down to spend Sunday? Stay righ pslfaif t man. ! KfrYg . on the car until you get to Olds, Wortman & King': store. We 11 meet you there in the Rest Itoom, z. floor. Just make yourself at home there check your parcels, us their public phones, retiring rooms. Write your letters there SftB AmBeal.. Clearance 5TORNIXO OHEOONIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1912. 1 Sale Store Opens 9 1 3 O A. M. Satti r d ays and Closes 9tSO at Night Saturday has always been called "that long day" with store people. As it is nesary to keep open Sat urday night to give those who work until 6 o'clock an opportunity to do their trading, we have shortened the day by not opening our store until 9:30 o'clock Saturday morn ings. This will give our salespeo ple additional rest, thereby en abling them to serve you better during the day. We ourselTei are better served by serving others best. Saturday Hours 9t30 A. M. to 9iSO P. M. All Other WeeK Days S A. M. to P. M. iff is vh I(-floorH1 7)TM Tfte JJ Eimttire StocK Meim's .Ootitaiini Firmislh. lira gs , 3t c . , R e & x c e d Men's $3.'50 Pajamas at $1.55 Men's 75c Gowns for 45c Men's Corner First Floor, Southeast Clearance of wen s Pajamas made of good quality mercerised madras material, trimmed with frogs, military collar; well made, cut fall; black and white, blue and white, pink and white patterns, in all sizes. Our best regular Q? Cu 3.50 values, offered special for this sale at low price of, a suit P --' Men's Gowns, made of good quality outing flannel, neat pink and blue A g stripes on white ground, styled with or without collars; our 75o grades"' Men's $2.50 Sweaters $1.35 $5.00 Sweaters $3.95 Dress np fine and snug in one of these warm Sweaters, made in the V-neck and coat styles, with two pockets; trimmed in contrasting colors. A full line of sizes; our regular Q1 OC f a w Candy Day Again Today at the Bargain Circle Our Candies are in a class by themselves. No woman could possibly nse more care in making candies in her own home than is used in pro ducing these delicious, pure confections. Buy "her" Sunday Candy here; 6he will enjoy it 50c Walnut Stuffed Dates, pound, 35c 40c Mint Chocolate Chews, pound, 25c 40c Toasted Marshmallows, lb., 25c 50c Assorted Chocolates, pound, 27c 40c TurKish Paste, the pound, at 25c 20c Hard Candy, the pound, only 15c 40c After-Dinner Mints, pound, at 27c 40c Assorted Bon Bons, the pound, 25c 30c Salted Peanuts, the pound, at 20c 25c Large Gum Drops, the pound, 18c 40c Cream Almonds, the pound, 30c 25c Jelly Beans, the pound, only 15c f 2.50 grades, special, only Entire StocK of Entire StocK of A great clearance of men's V-neck style Sweaters, all wool, cardigan Knit, gray, tan, white and blue colors, ice popular styles in great favor with all particular young fellows; C?X QK our regular $5.00 values V3,1'"' Sweaters Greatly Reduced Mufflers Greatly Reduced Underwear $1.00 Grade at 75c $1.50 Grade $1.25 Clearance of men's Underwear in the "Bradford Mills" make, heavy ribbed shirts and draw ers; tan color; sizes to TC 50; regular $1 for only C All other Underwear reduced. Men's all-wool ribbed Shirts and Drawers in the "Brad ford" make; heavy ribbed, tan color; sizes up to 50; our regular $1.50 gar- ttjl fJC 32.50 Union $1.25 "Bradford" Union Suits in the natural gray color, heavy ribbed ; sizes to 50 ; 1 QC our $2.50 grades at P 1 ments, special for Suits at S1.95 Union Suits 95c Fine ribbed Union Suits in the natural gray color; sizes up to regular $1.25 QC. 46; best grades, special for only ' $20.00 Raincoats Special $11.50 TRUSTWORTHY COATS THAT'S THE IDEA Coats that are really what we claim. Coats that will "stand the racket." Coats made of good quality black cravenetted materials, hand tailored and perfect fitting, cut full 50 to 52 inches long; sizes 34 to 44. Good, serviceable garments and well J1 1 Efl worth up to $20.00. Special Clearance price only A.Ov $25 Coats $15.85 The entire stock goes in this offer. We won't hold out the best ones we'll let you select any coat in the store worth $25.00 regular, and walk away with t 1 C QC it during this sale at low price of only? J0J Boys' Overcoats at V2 Price Juvenile Department, Main Floor. All our boys' Russian Overcoats, in sizes to 7 years, made up of rough materials and the "warmth without weight" coats in grays, tans, browns, also Chinchilla Coats in red and blue, offered at just half to close, at the following prices: $5.00 Coats, each, only 2.50$ 7.50 Coats, each, only $3.75 $6.00 Coats, each, only $3.00 $10.00 Coats, each, only $5.00 Great Clearance of Men's HigH-Grade Suits Entire stocK except blacK and blue Suits, full dress and tuxedo Suits on sale at the following reductions for this Annual Clearance Sale : Mm Aw U kit Ml 2000 Yd. Scotch Ging'hams 20c Grades 122c In the aisle of cotton, main floor, again we offer this exceptional bargain in Scotch Ging hams, 32 inches wide, in a big variety of pat terns, warranted fast colors; suitable for every purpose ; our best regular 20c qual- "1 O J ities. offered special at, yard, only Men's $20.00 Suits now for $13.45 Men's $22.50 Suits now for $15.25 Men's $25.00 Suits now for $17.00 Men's $27.50 Suits nwo for $18.40 Men's $30.00 Suits now for $20.50 Men's $32.50 Suits now for $21.70 Men's $35.00 Suits now for $23.50 Men's $40.00 Suits now for $26.85 18 Lbs. Sugar $1 Best eane stock, guaranteed full weight. Deliv ered only with other goods. Take advantage. COFFEE, 2S LB. O. W. K. Imperial Roast, the pound, at 2S GRAPE FRUIT, 5 EACH Late crop. California, nice size. BUTTER. 85 SQUARE -"Golden Glow," full 2-lb. square WALNUTS, TWO POUNDS 35 Best English Nuts, the last crop. FIGS, TWO POUNDS 35 Best imported Smyrna. COLUMBIA SAUSAGE For your Sunday breakfast. Comes to us fresh . every day. Purest and Best Foods of All Kinds Salz 14-Karat Gold Fountain Pens $1.50 to $3 Grades 65c At the Stationery Counter Fint Floor. A great Clearance Sale of the celebrated Salz Fountain Pens. Every Pen guaranteed in good condition and fully warranted for one year. A full assortment patterns, plain, mottled, chased, gold barrel, gold r and silver and pearl mountings. Never sold before at this price OOC Clearance of Cut Glass Wm. Rogers' Silverware On the Counter Near the Elevators, Main Floor. $1.50 Cut Glass Nappies, 5-bu 82 1.75 Cut GL Nappies, 6-inclu, S1.15 $2.00 Cut Glass Nappies for $1.33 $2.00 Cut Glass Olive Dish at $1.30 $2.25 Cut Glass Relish Dish at $1.50 ART BRASSES 90c Brass Fern Dishes at only 63 $1.75 Brass Fern Dishes for 81.35 $1.50 Brass Jardinieres, only SI. 18 $3.75 Brass Umbrella Stands, $2.67 fi-e-l-l-o ! $1.50 SKirts 85c In the men's corner, main floor, a clearance sale of men's high-grade fancy Shirts, made of good quality French percales and woven madras, in the coat styles, with cuffs attached, with plaited or plain bosoms. An extensive assortment of pleasing patterns; sizes from 14 OC to 18. Values up to $L50, offered special for this sale at only OOC $2 Shirts at $1.05 Clearance of extra fine Shirts in the coat styles with cuffs attached, plaited bosoms, cut full and well made of good quality French percale and imported chambrays; sizes 14 to 18; our regular stock J1 flt values at $2.00; offered special for this sale at only, ea. plJJ Choose Any Woman's Hat For $3-95 Clearance of Toilet Needs and Drug Sundries 3c fairy ooap, limit six cakes to a cus tomer, 5o grade, on special sale, a cake 15c Talcum Powder, special sale price, 8 35c bar 2 lbs. Domestic Castile Soap 23 Goo bar 4 lbs. imported Castile Soap, 35 5c Toilet Soaps, special, the cake, only 3 12yze roll Toilet Paper, 1000 sheets, for 7 10c Hand Sapolio, special, a cake, only 7 Carman's Face Powder, 60c size, only 40 $1.50 Oriental Cream, Oourand's, for 95 Ed Pinaud's 50o Face Powders, only 29 8a Face Chamois, nice size, special for 5 25c Face and Hand Lotion Willows, 16 50o Perfumes in bulk, odd lines, oz., 25 Fitches' Hair Tonic, $1.00 size, only 89 Fitches Hair Tonic, 50c size, at only 45 Pinaud's Hair Tonic, $1.00 size for 75 Emery Boards, 10c dozen, special only 6 Wood Buffers, assorted, worth to 50c, 25 25c Nail Files, special price, ea., only 10 Glycerine, Colgate's, pound, only 25 50c Chamberlain's Cough Cure, only 42 50c Jaynes' Expectorant, special at 40 25c Squibbs' Syrup-White Pine, only 19 In the Drug Aisle, on Main Floor. Lotus Nail Enamel Powder or Cake 1 J and Cuticle Softener, 25c value for IOC 5o Orange Wood Sticks, special, two for 5 25c Hand Scrubs, assorted, special at 16 25c and 35c Tooth Brushes, special at 18 65c and 50c Dressing Combs at only 39 50o Mentholatum, large size, Bpecial, 35 25c Mentholatum, small size, special, 10 50c Listerine, Lambert's, special for 4 $1.00 Glyoo-Thymoline, special, only 79 50c Lavoris, clearance sale price, at 40 $1.00 Bromo Seltzer, special at only 83 25c Tiz, clearance sale price, special, 19 18o Blue Jay Corn Plasters, special for 8 35c Absorbent Cotton, special at only 25 50c Sal Hepatica, on special sale, only 39 $1.00 bottle Peruna, special for only 83 $1.00 Gude's Pepto-Mangan, special, 83 25c Pabst Extract, on special sale for 20 35o Hunyadi Water, offered special at 27 25o bottle Peroxide, 8-ounce, at only 12 35o bottle Witch Hazel, 16-ounce, at 21 5c Toothpicks, 1000 to package, only 3 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills, at only 15 For today we offer your choice of any Woman's hat in the Mil linery Department, second floor except Plume Trimmed Hats and Knox contract Hats. This offer includes the Knox Tailor-made flats and a broad selection of Street and- Dress Hats; neatly (rimmed and well Cy QC made. Your choice ALL MIRRORS ARE PRICED AT ONE-FOURTH OFF REGULAR SELLING PRICES $38.50 Polo Coats un sale for $14.95 Garment Dept., Second Floor. From 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, an evening clearance 6ale of women 's Polo Coats, with large sailor col lars and deep revers, in solid white, pink and white, lavender and white, and a number of hroad cloth Coats in black and evening shades, well tail ored and lined with satin or messa- 1 1 A Q C line. Values up to $38.50, for onlyV17 Women's $1.50 Kid Gloves only 57c 6 to 9:30 P. M., today, in glove department, main floor, near-Morrison-street entrance, an evening clean-up of women's Kid Gloves, spiled and mend ed and cleaned; all styles and colors, one and two-clasp and some 12-button lengths; our C7 special evening price for this sale, a pair C 10c PacKage Envelopes for only 5c 6 .to 9 :30 P. M. today, in the stationery aisle, Tenth-street way, good quality Linen Envelopes, such as 6ell regularly at 10c a package; of fered special during this sale at only, pkg. Box of ten packages, on special sale at only 35 Misses Children's $2.50 Shoes $1.49 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the shoe department, main floor, clearance sale of misses' and chil dren's Shoes, broken lines of our best sellers and factory samples in Blucher and Bal. patterns, vici and dull kid leathers; worth regular fl! A Q I $2.50 on special sale at only, a paii Jf t? I Men's 25c Four-in-IMnd Ties at 18c From 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, cn the men's corner, main floor, an evening sale of ) men's Ties, of good quality silks in all the popular shades and 1 0 trood natterns: our best 25o Values, each IOC Women's $12.50 Suits (for only $5.95 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in th)e basement under price store, a sale of women js Suits, of vicuna cheviot material in black oir blue, satin-lined, plain tailored; good $12.50 'grades, JC QC special for the evening sale a,t only PJI O 10c "Sylvia" Hair Nets for only 3c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the notion aisle, Q lares Silk Hair Nets, all shades. 10c Grades 12y2c Coat Hangers, three for 25c C to 9:30 P. M. today, good strong nickel fin ish wire Folding 12o Coat Hangers, spe- OC mill during the eveniner sale, at three forC 35c Pad Front Hose Supporters 19c 6 to 9:30 P. M., notion aisle, the popular pad front Hose Supporters with Pi-inch heavy web, m white, black, light blue and light pink; 1 Q our regular 35c grades, on special sale at $2.00 Clauss Razors, now at only 69c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in cutlery department, on main floor, "Clauss" Razors, assorted JQ handles, 3-8 and 5-8 blades; values to $2 vy, $1.25 Razor Strops, special, only 98c From 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, in the drug aisle, the Torrey" Razor Strops, ready to use; QQ the regular $1.25 grades, evening price, ea. $5and$6Shoes$3.29 Shoe Department Main Floor. Short lines of Women's High-grade Shoes in the gunmetal calf, patent colt, patent kid stocks, tan calf and a select stock of imported vici leathers. A fine selection of lasts to choose from. fQ OQ Good run of sizes. $5 and $6 Shoes $3.50Handbag's$1.98 Clearance Sale of new novelties in "Women's Hand bags, velvet, seal and novelty effects, with gilt, sil ver and gunmetal frames with long or short handles ; well made and lined ; this d 1 Q Q season's best $3.50 grades; Clearance t)Xc0 Entire Stock of Women' Irish Crochet NecKwaar at f5" IN THE VA Abasement rX. at roor or JJ V4 Off Men's Shirts 4&c 1.25 Underwear 75c 1 Basement Bargain Circle. A very special offering of Men's Golf Shirts in neat, attractive patterns, made of fine quality of percale in the coat styles with cuffs attached ; cut full in the bodies ; m q sizes 144 to 17; priced extra special for the day only, eachtOC UNDERWEAR Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, in the gray color; medium weight, fine, close-woven garments that are in great demand for early Spring wear ; well made and finished ; drawers sizes w 30 to 46 and shirts 34 to 46; best $1.25 grades, special at OC J ?2.25 Cut Glass Spoon Tray, $1.35 $2.75 Tooted Jelly Stands at $1.95 $1.00 Footed Jelly Stands at $2.80 $4.00 Berry Bowls, 8-inch, at $2.67 55.50 Berry Bowls, 8-inch, at $3.75 SILVERWARE Set of 6 Rogers Tea Spons for 57 Set of 6 Sogers Dessert Spoons, 95 Set of 6 Rogers Table Spoons $1.14 Set of Six Rogers Table Forks $1.14 Sale of 2000 Pairs of Women's Silk Stocking's 31.Z5 Grades for 03c Y & Hosiery Department Main Floor. .t- Thrifty women will profit by this unusual sale of Silk Stock ings; several different kinds in the lot; some have lisle soles and lisle tops; others are all pure silk; the best lot JO we have ever shown; worth to $1.25; special at OOC Child's 25c Hose 121? Great clearance of children's ribbed SIEiRTY lac cotton Stockings, lxl ribbed reinforced knee and foot, full iasmuucu, guiuKiibceu liut ujre, mere nifs an sizes lu m3w0 the lot; our regular 25e values placed on sale for only ZC 4 LLC WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR, 98 Fine quality Swiss-ribbed silk and lisle, also mer-QO ccrired lisle vests and tights, in white, pink and blue; values to $2.50 anl $3, for only Springfield Rifles for $L25 TJ. S. GOVERNMENT GUNS USED IN THE LATE WAR Springfield Rifles in the Carbine, Cadet and Infan try models Guns which cost the Government $16.00 to make. They are the types most favored by collectors and for decoration of dens, halls, etc. ; are also good for target practice, f or - e bringing down big game, etc.; 45-70 caliber; priced at & 1 .4&t Solid Lead or Birdshot Cartridges, on special sale at the very low price of 50 U. S. A. CANTEENS, 25; U. S. A. SCABBARDS, 50; BRIDLE BITS AT 15 MOUNT HOOD LINE CLEAR Service Itektored After Delay Doe to fceveral Landslides. PftRni;er aervlc on the Mount JIo.l Railroad, which waa temporarily uvpendrd bjr half a doien mrera rockaltdea brtwean Montavllla aixt Bull Run. waa restored yesterday. Freight also Is bslna handled aa-atn. Officials of the road anticipated trouble and were prepared to handle It. The line cuta through aereral graTel casks that have not had time to settle since the work was completed. In another year the loose travel wtii have settled and dancer of rockslldes will be at a minimum. In the recent rainy period four slides, either of which would have blocked traffic, occurred within one mile. A steam shovel was kept on haad to clear the tracks. La Grande to nave Moose Lodge. BAKER. Or.. Jan. 11. (Special) Nearly S00 members of the Baker lodge. Loyal Order of Moose, will s;o next Sunday to La Grande to Install a new lodge la that olty. The lodge will have about 100 members. f ELKS AND J50JCIETY JOIN Sweet-Pea Enthusiasts to Hold Show During; Convention Prix Vp. The Oregon Sweet Pea Society's an nual show will be held the same time as the Elks' grand lodge convention, July 8 to 13. A large room In the business district will be rented and all visitors will be Invited to see the ex hibit of Oregon sweet peas. In recognition of the plan to hold the show the same week that the Elks are here, the Elks' grand lodge convention commission will give a gold and silver cup valued at 20 for the best display of purple and white sweet peas those being the Elk colors. Tlramas J. Baahara Dies. EUGENE, Or., Jan. 19. (Special.) Thomas J. Baugham, pioneer of 1847, died last evening of apoplexy, at the homo of his daughter, Mrs. W. J. Shu mate, aged 88 yrs. Mr. Baugham was born In Huntington, W. Vs., in 1830, and settled near Coburg, where he lived until his death. He Is survived by his widow and a number of children. 101-F00T LETTER SENT Portland Grocer and Friends Join In Writing Long Epistle. A letter 101 feet long was mailed by Ed Oottsacker, a grocer living at 154 Grand avenue, to Richard H. Hune, of Tipton. Kan., yesterday. Gottsacker recently received from Hune, his brother-in-law, a letter 13 feet long. "They can't 'skin' Portland," he said, as he started out among his friends, to ask their help in writing the ten-foot letter. JVhen he finally had it written he wound It round and round a broom handle, and enclosing it in a piece of heavy wrapping paper for an envelope, covered it with 60 cents worth of stamps, and put it in the malL Deschutes Road Cleared. THE DALLES, Or., Jan. 19. (Spe cial.) General Superintendent Bollons and Assistant Superintendent Coyken dall of the O.-W. R. & N. Co. returned to Portland today, having completed the work of clearing snow from the Deschutes Railroad. Regular train service has been resumed oa the branch n FIRE LOSSES EN0RM0U Liabilities Are Million Dollars Dai as Year Opens. HARTFORD, Conn., Jan. 19. In first 16 days of January, the Are surance companies of the country came liable for 815.000,000 in losse according- to statistics prepared by Hartford "Company. In the opinion of local underwriter! mere never has been such a seve and steady drain on their resources f. one month as the statistics lor Ja yary will ahow 0