VOL. LI NO. 15.9G1. PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HAZZARD USED MAID FISTS, SMS Dead Girl's Sister Tells How Death Was Dealt. PATIENTS POUNDED ON BACK Miss Williamson Gives Damag ing Testimony at Trial. PORTLAND MAN IS WITNESS John Herbert. Tocle of Young: Worn- rn w no "Tooi Marvalion i-ure Testifies lie Knew Not Body as That of Niece. SEATTLE. tVaah, Jan. If. Miss Dorothea Williamson, whose younger sister. Claire, Is alleged to have been starred to death by Mrs. Linda Bur- field Hazzard. took the stand at Port Orchard today and began her story of the events that culminated In the death of her sister at the Olalla Sanitarium May 1. 1911. Mrs. Hazxard Is accused in the Kitsap County Superior Court of murder In the ftrst defrree. The Williamson sis ters were heirs to $500,000. Word that Miss Williamson would go rn the stand today brought out a large rrowd. women predominating, and thi little country courtroom was filled to overflowing. Ueui Skeleton) ! Mere. When her name was called Miss Wil liamson walked to the stand with firm step, looking the picture of health, with rosy cheeks and bright blue eyes. Hi pc 1. 1 months ago she was removed from Mrs. Hazxard's Olalla Institution a living skeleton. She spoke In a low but distinct tone and with a decided Jurors closely, shifting her gaze now and then toward Mrs. Hazzard. who sat between her leading counsel and her husband. Samuel O. Hazzard. an ex Army officer. Miss Williamson said she waa bora la Southern Idaho IS years ago and that Claire waa four years her junior. - Her father, an officer In the British army, died when she was 4 years old and her mother died 14 years later. In lilt the Williamson alsters were on a tour of the world and saw an ad vertisement of Mrs. Hazxard's starva tion cure In a Seattle paper. While In Victoria, B. C, In October of that year. Dorothea suffered an attack of rheu matlsm and Claire wrote to Mrs. Has sard, who aent a copy of her book on the fast cure and a pamphlet telling of tae beauties of the Hazzard Sanitarium at Olalla. The sisters did not come to Seattle at that time, but went to Call fornla to pass the Winter. Cesablaew Welcat la 233 reemda. Dorothea said that at that time she weighed 10 pounds and her sister weighed 1-t pounds. They were pre paring to separate for a long journey, Claire going to London and Dorothea returning to Australia. In order to "set themselves up" for the trip they decided to take treatment under Mrs. Hazzard. They arrived la Seattle Feb ruary 24. 1911. aad the next day called on Mrs. Hazzard. "Mrs. Hazxard was very cordial." said Miss Williamson. ""We told her that we planned to sail soon and thought a two or three-weeks' treatment would be good before the sea, voyage. We had no Intimation that the treatment would result In the breakdown that overtook tie. We arranged to pay Mrs. Hazzard f4 a month each for treatment. "We wanted Mrs. Hazzard to exam ine us, but she said a physical exam I nation could not be made until the fastlr.g had proceeded for some time. She gave ua a treatment the first day. She pounded ua on the back and ham mered us about the head with her nsts." Portlaad Mum Takes ftmmd. The greater part of the day was taken up with the c roes-ex ml nation vf John Herbert, of Portland. Or, nn rl of the Williamsons. It was brought out that Mr. Herbert was not shown Claire Williamson's body until after the funeral and when he saw It he told Mrs. Hazxard It did not look like Claire. "Did you mean you had doubts that the body In the coffin waa that of Claire Williamson?" he waa asked. I certainly was In doubt whether It waa her body." said Herbert. "It did not look like Claire. The hair waa lighter brown than hers and her face and hands were changed." Others Kite .Vet filrl. Mr. Herbert said he spoke to Mrs. llaxzard of this and that she led him away from the coffin. He said that others who knew Claire and saw the body agreed with him that the body did not look like Claire. When asked why he did not begin an investigation to ascertain if the body had been replaced with another, Mr. Herbert said: "This waa at a funeral service held In memory of my niece. I knew she was dead, and whether the body In the coffin was hers or another waa Imma terial at that time. I waa too distresses to think of any Investigation and at that time I had no suspicion my niece had met with anything like foul play. At that time It made no difference to me whether there waa any body there." CCoadudea ea Face A. CARNEGIE WANTS HIS WITNESS FEES COMMITTEE ASSERTS TESTI MONY WASVT WORTH IT. New York Notary Failed to Afrix Seal and Millionaire Has Trouble Getting Sam of $28.70. WASHINGTON, Jan. If. Andrew Carnegie, multl-mllllonaire. la having trouble collecting from the Government 128. 70 In witness fees for his recent testimony before the House steel trust committee. He told the committee when testify ing that be was honored by Its Invita tion to appear, that he would frame In gold his subpena and expense Touchers and keep them forerer. Later, however, Mr. Carnegie) appar ently changed his mind, for on January IT he signed his expense Toucher and It was received today by Jerry Booth. chief clerk of the House. It rails for 454 miles of travel at S rents a mile ($22.70) and for three days' witness fees at $2 a day (SO The notary In New Tork who witnessed I me voucner tor iir. urncgi, iauea to affix his seal. Not until this detail la remedied will Clerk South give up the money. Members of the committee remarked after the Ironmaster had testified that the Information obtained from Mr. Carnegie was not worth the money. SALEM CLUB WILL BUILD Illlhee Polk Would Purchase Prop erty Owned by Elks' Lodge. SALEM. Or.. Jan. II. (Special.) Assurance that still another handsome building at least five or six stories In height will be erected here wss given tonight when the Illlhee Club, at a meeting tonight, showed enough money had been subscribed to make certain that the club will purchase the present beautiful Elks lodge site, v The Elks now own the property at Court and High streets, where the new building will be built. This Is but block from the site of the six-story Masonic Temple now being constructed. These two structures will mark new era In Salem and next Summe will be the first time that two sky scrapers are under construction here t one time. BAYONET TO BE RESTORED California JUIltla First Sereeants Become Third Lieutenants. SACRAMENTO. CaL. Jan. 19. (Spe cial.) Orders were Issued from the office of the Adjutant-Oeneral today that restores the bayonet In the serv ice of the National Guard, after It has been discarded since 104, end all citizen soldiery will be re-equipped with this weapon. Orders from the War Department are to Instruct the men In bsyonet drill and fencing. Orders have been Issued also for offi cers to be equipped with whistles for use In Issuing orders. First sergeants of Infantry companies have been ordered to discard rifles and carry side arms; giving them the rank of third-lieutenants. Rifles were too cumbersome for them when performing their functions In the drill. AH extra equipment will soon be distributed. HARVARD'S RUDDER BROKEN Captain's Timely Discovery Prevents Probable Accident. SAN DIEGO. CaL, Jan. Is. The dls covery of a series of broken bolts In the rudder head of the big passenger steamer Harvard, as It waa about to aall with nearly 200 passengers for the north at ( o'clock this morning, la be lieved to have prevented aerloua trou ble for the big liner. The rodder of the vessel had all but fallen from Its fastenings. Three of the huge bolts by which It Is kept In plsce had been broken off and one of the others was twisted and loose. Cap tain Jepson discovered the trouble and the vessel waa tied up pending repairs. It waa announced tonight that the steamer would not clear before to morrow morning. 24 hours behind schedule. 1 CITY JAIL BOLDLY ROBBED Prisoners Lose Much Clothing. Which Police Cannot Find. SAN" DIEOO. Cel.. Jan. 1. While the prisoners in the city jail, locked In their cells, slept last night a thief ransacked the place, stole neckties, shirts and other articles of Talue and succeeded n evsdlng the guards and hiding the booty. The thefts were discovered this morning when the prisoners were called for trial. A search of every man In the place waa made and every cell s ransacked, but neither the thief nor missing property could be found. The Jail Is built of cement end steel and la absolutely rat proof. LIVES IMPERILED IN FIRE Lane County Poor Farm Dormitory Burned to Ground. EUGENE. Or.. Jan. 19. (Special.) The Jormltory of the County Poor Farm was burned to the ground tonight. There are 17 Inmates and several at least of them are helpless. The lire caught back of the fireplace and spread rapidly. Some of the Inmates have been taken to nearby farms for the night. Though details of the blaze are yet meager It Is believed all have been saved. TAFT POOH POOHS SOCIALIS Ell ACE Exception Is Taken to Bailey's Warning. FAITH IN PEOPLE IS STRONG Prosperity Is Need of Nation, Says President.' COURSE NOT TO CHANGE Executive Says Administration Will Not "Prosecute" Business, but Will Continue to Enforce Law Against the Trusts. NEW HAVEN. Conn, Jan. 1. Speaking before the New Haven Cham ber of Commerce tonight. President Taft made a plea for continuance of his economy and efficiency commission, declared that the Administration has no desire to "prosecute" business, but that It will continue In force the law against monopoly and unlawful com binations and urged business men of the country to get together with him to Insure prosperity. Senator Bailey, of Texas, an earlier speaker, although he called himself an optimist, had sounded a warning against the Increasing danger of So cialism. To this warning the Presi dent took exception. Prosperity la Thing Weeded. "I don't think," said the President, "that we are near that which he fears and which I would fear had I thought we were near It Socialism. I have abiding faith In the American people I have abiding faith, for they will come back and discriminate between what la good cloth and what la fustian. What we need Is prosperity. "A lack of prosperity does not make the rich uncomfortable; It Is lack of prosperity that makea the poor un comfortable. What I hope la that we shall all get together with good team work to bring about prosperity." Kail reads Artltede Changed. In its relations to the railroad, the trust, the tariff and the currency the Government vitally touches business, the President said. He explained the change that has come In the attitude of the railroads toward legislation af fecting them and which they opposed Vigorously a few years ago. The re cent decisions of the Supreme Court In two great cases, he said, had paved the way for business to live within the anti-trust law. "It haa been enforced." said the President, "and It will continue to be (Concluded on Page 6.) T'"" ee.eeee.ee. UP AGAINST IT. I T Cs w I- , 9 'V ft-'. ""VYVWX l . - "X vX sJTs---' y4' 1 IjJ r 4ttiO A 1 s i L ' ,,; ...... 1,1 INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TBBTBHDATS Maximum temperature, decrees: minimum, S3 degrees. TODAY'S Occasional light rata er snewi southeasterly winds. J UielgAw Disease danger eliminated In Panama Ca nal sons, declares writer. Pass 6. United States Infantrymen relieve British troops la a-uardlnc railway te Pekln. rase 8. - National. . , Packers' eeet eheets produced la eourt. Face X. President does Bet believe country Is dangered by BodalUm. Pace 1. Hearers name said to be on "dark horse list. Page X WUey vindicated by House committee. Pas J Woo a row wifeon'e campaign manager ae- clares only New Jersey man's opponents In "tears" ever Harvey incident, race x. Politica. Wilson's eampalsn manager says foes are ones whe are weeping loosest, race a. Miss Sylvia Pankhurst says leap year la silly. Pace 8. - Carnegie has trouble getting 128. TO aa wit ness fees. Pace 1. "Pood prices soaring In New Tork. Pace L John Bahoroft. Jr.. believed to have lost suit for divorce. Page s. Boot defends state and Federal courts and denounces recall of judges. Page B. Northwest Development League at tit. Paul seeks to amend Federal Immigration laws. Pace 0. Sport. . Baa Francisco professional shot breaks rec ord at Eugene, pegs i. CoinmMa soccer eleven defeats Washington High. 5 to L Page 7. Fortlsnd wrestlers break even la Spokane bouts, rage 7. 1 Faclfle Northwest. Cherldan Simpson, actress, sues 8eattle elub- man tor sdo.uuu. rags s. State Railroad Commission hands down even orders In railroad rate cases. Pegs 6. Dr. Hazzard pounded patients with fists. says dead woman's sister. Page 1. Trio of convicts, at liberty IS hours, caught after long chase. Pace e. Idaho Land Board loans much money oa farm and other realtv securities. Page a Commercial and Marine. Active demand for wheat by millers, ex porters and speculators. Pace IT. Wheat advances at Chicago on talk of May shortage. Pegs 17. Hill stocks lead upward movement In Wall street. Page 17. Volume of Iron and steel business Is Increas ing. Pace 18. Cause of blowing up of steamer Sarah Dixon not yet established. Pace 4. Portland and Vicinity. W. Mutch, well-to-do East Side citizen, found mysteriously murdered. Page 4. Double ear tracks to extend only to East Slzty-nrst street on Bandy boulevard at present. Pace 10. Notorious burglar, released from prison. marries woman who is alleged to have aided him In crime. Pace 10. Southern Pacific contemplates putttnc en luxurious - 24-hour train for Portland San Francisco run. Pace . Contest here bitter for 4 children In two families. Pace 10. Colonist-rate period this year to last 4 days Instead of month. Pace 10. Mayor and bridge committee approve bas cule type for Broadway- bridge, as se lected by ModJeekL Page IS. Wilde defense continues to drop non-union veniremen. Pace 1. Republicans. Includlnc big party workers, urcs Sheriff Stevens to enter race te succeed Laxferty as Representative. Page 13. Chief Forester Graves says Government in tends to allow Oregon $10,000 for pro tection of forests near navigable streams. ' Page T. Democrats at Jackson Club meeting plead for party unity. Page 4. State school children will be taucht farm ing. Pace 12. Papal Leader Is Dead. VIENNA. Jan. 19. Monslgnore Alex ander Bavona, the papal nuncio here, died tonight. FOES WEEP, SAYS III McCombs Belittles Harvey Incident. ISSUE ONE OF "FRANKNESS" Ewing Says Harvey Got An swer He Asked For. GORE DEFENDS CANDIDATE Colonel Watterson Slay Have Good Seal More to Say If Challenged by Responsible. Person, He Xow Declares. WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. The Wilson- Harvey episode brought forth today, simultaneously with the arrival of Colo nel Henry Watterson, a statement by William F. McCombs. campaign man ager for Woodrow Wilson, declaring that "the tears that axe being shed ever the passing Incident are wrung from those who have hitherto been the most conspicuous opponents of Governor Wll son." Colonel Watterson, who will be here several days In connection .with the work of the Perry Memorial Commis sion, read the McCombs statement as well as one made today at Nashville, Tenn., by Judge Robert Ewlng, but do ollned to comment on either. Judge Ewlng, who is related by marriage both to Governor Wilson and Colonel Wat terson, said that Colonel Harvey re quested a frank answer when he asked Governor Wilson whether he felt that his candidacy was being prejudiced by the support of Harpers' Weekly, and that Wilson's answer was frank, ao- oordlngly. Watterson View Agreed To, 'As to the Wilson matter," said Colonel Watterson tonight, "I have nothing to add to what has already been said, unless it be seriously chal lenged by soms responsible person. Then I may have a good deal to say.' The statement Issued by Mr. Me Combs follows: With reference to the alleged Wll son-Harvey incident, it seems to me that Colonel Watterson haa said In statement all that needs to be said. It appears there that from as far back as last October, he himself suggested to Governor Wilson that Colonel Har vey's support through Harper's Weekly might be Injurious and that he probab ly told Colonel Harvey himself the same thing. It would seem that Colonel Watterson had convinced the Governor of the truth of his opinion, and had at Concluded on Page B.) wiLsoii film FOOD GOES UPAS MERCURY FALLS "BEST BUTTER" 49 CENTS POUND UT NEW TORK. Horn -Grown Potatoes Are Real Luxury, "Worth Much More Than Scottish Variety. NEW TORK, Jan. 19, (Special.) The recent eold weather had an appre ciable effeot on the higher cost of llv tng. Judging by figures furnished today by grocers and butchers. It was said that the price of beef to retailers had been put op S cents a pound within a week because of the difficulty In get. ting dressed beef through. In the past month the prloe of string beans has taken a jump. A month ago they were selling at 10 and IS cents a quart. To uay one must pay Z0 cents, IX one knows where to go for them, and for wax beans one must pay to 6 cents a pound. Cauliflower, which is now coming In from California. Is bringing 25 to SO cents In parts of the city and In others 30 to 40 cents. What Is called "best butter" la mod erate-priced groceries Is now 49 cents. which is 2 cents more than last week. "Strictly fresh laid eggs" are bring ing E5 cents a. dozen. Cabbages are 10 and 12 cents a head. There is a difference at retail be tween the Imported Scotch and the home-grown potato, the former bring ing 12 conts a quart and the latter 15 cents. NEW YORK AWAITS DUKE Governor-General of Canada and Family Will Arrive Monday. NEW TORK. Jan. 19 (Special.) The Duke and Duchess of Connaught, accompanied by their daughter. Prin cess Patricia, will arrive from Ottawa Monday morning. Ambassador and Mrs. Reld will give a dinner for them at the Reld home, 451 Madison avenue, Monday night, and on Tuesday a second dinner and ex clusive ball will be held. Mrs. Mills' dinner and dance will take place the next night, the Connaughts returning to Ottawa Thursday. The Duke Is Governor-General of Canada. He Is the uncle of King George and was said to have been a favorite son of Queen Victoria. There Is no official significance to his visit. It Is wholly a social one, as the guest of Ambassador Reld. ORCHARD SALES $427,000 Activity In Lands Around Med ford In Last Six Weeks Notable. MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 19. (Special) With the sale of 45 acres in the Mor rill orchard by Captain Gordon Voor- hles, of Portland, to Mrs. A, E. Bing ham, of Santa Barbara, Cal., yesterday, and the sale of 230 acres of the Potter Barneburg place to Stephen Tobln, of Casper, Wyo, the orchard sales of the laat six weeks In Modford total $427, 000. The tracts sold since December 7 are as follows: Suncrest orchard. 451 acres, 1250,000; Whitney orchard. 66 acres, $30,000; Slsty orchard, 23 acres, $15,000; Worrell orchard, 20 acres, $12,000; Mer rick orchards. 171 acres. $60,000: Barne burg tract. 230 acres, $30,000; Burrell tract, 45 acres, $30,000. BANKS' GAIN CONTINUES Portland Clearings Increase 7.4 Per Cent All Coast Climbs. Prosperity of the Northwest is re flected in the bank clearings of the week closed Thursday. Every city reported a substantial Increase over the corresponding week of 1911. Portland's total clearings were $10,- 453,000, an Increase of 7.4 per cent. Spokane advanced 3 per cent. Tacoma 2 per cent and Seattle 15.6 per cent. The California cities likewise are In the Increase columns, with varying ad vantages over last year's reports, that at Los Angeles being 22.4 per cent, Sacramento 19 per cent, San Francisco 3.6 per cent and Oakland 2.6 per cent. BRIDE'S FACE COPYRIGHTED Stotcsbnry Prevents Promiscuous Publication of Wife's Picture. NEW YORK, Jan. 19. (Special.) Society woke up to the fact today that the $4,000,000 present to his bride was not the only innovation that Edward T. Stotesbury introduced at his wed ding yesterday. The Philadelphia banker and part ner of J. Pierpont Morgan originated a brand new feature In society nuptials by copyrighting all photographs of his bride that were sent to newspapers. The Intent of this copyright was to pre vent promiscuous publication of his bride's features. MORSE GREETED BY SPOUSE Wife, Happy Over Husband's lease, Readies Atlanta. Iie- ATLAXTA, Ga., Jan. 19. Beaming with happiness over the release of her husband, Mrs. Charles W. Morse arrived here late this afternoon with the offi cial papers from Washington granting Morse his freedom. She was taken Immediately to Fort McPherson, where Mr. Morse has been confined since his removal from the Federal prison, and remained with her husband several heura. WILDE SIDE DROPS 3 NON-UNION MEN State Uses First Per . emptory Challenge. JURY MAY BE IN WEDNESDAY Prosecution Casts Out Tenant of Attorney for Defense. JUDGE ILL, TRIAL HALTS Questioning of Veniremen to. Resume Monday Malarkey Attacks News paper Reports Court Repeats Warning; to Venire. Manlfestly non-union men are not de sired by the defense as Jurors In the trial of Louis J. Wllde. counsel for the defendant In exercising three of Its six peremptory challenges having already excused only artisans who admitted In their examination as Jurors that they did not carry union cards. Two of these challenges were used by the de fense yesterday while the state excused another of the Jurors passed for cause, employing the first of the three per emptories to which It Is entitled. If the remaining five available peremp tory challenges are used, three by the defense and two by the prosecution, the Jury will not be completed before Wednesday. Prospective Jurors excused through peremptory challenge yesterday were: C D. Ramsdell, a non-union contracting carpenter, 4304 Fortieth avenue South east, and S. C. Baker, non-union car penter employed in the Southern Paciflo carshops, 967 East Flanders street, both by the defense, and D. W. Fairclough, aaloonman. 469 East Couch street, by the prosecution. Malnrkey's Tenant Dropped. In addition to the foregoing three, Louis Haertleln, excused peremptorily by the defense Thursday afternoon, la a non-union molder. Fairclough, the first man to be challenged peremptorily by the prosecution. Is a tenant In a building In which Dan J. Malarkey, chief counsel for the defense, is part owner. Fairclough also was the first of the original 12 prospective Jurors to be passed for cause by both sides. The places of the three Jurors re moved through peremptory challenges yesterday were supplied by the follow ing veniremen who were temporarily accepted by prosecution and defense: Charles A. Kalus, retired, 140 East Forty-seventh street; J. B. Tanner,' ac countant, 520 Weldler street, and C. G. Paine, 1641 Olln street. Mr. Baker, one of the two men excused by the defense, had only been added to the 12 men tem porarily In the Jury box at the opening of the morning session yesterday. State's Plan I'pheldV With the acceptance of Baker the Jury box was again filled and an argu ment arose between counsel as to the plan that should be followed in the use of peremptory challenges. Mr. Malarkey, for the defense, Insisted that each side should excuse a Juror alter nately. Judge Kavanaugh, however. sustained the contention of Deputy Dis trict Attorney Fitzgerald that . since the defense under the law was allowed double the number of peremptories con ceded the state, it should use two chal lenges to one by the prosecution until the legal number had been exhausted Mr. Malarkey then announced that Ramsdell, non-union carpenter, would be excused under the second peremp tory of the defense. Special Prosecutor Clark labored hard to get rid of Charles A. Kalus, who had been passed by the defense. on a challenge lor cause, contending that since Kalus was called as a Juror in a special venire last Summer, he was disqualified from Jury sorvtce on the regular panel at this term of court. The challenge was resisted by attor neys for the defense, who cited authori ties In support of their contention that the reason assigned was not sufficient tc disqualify Kalus. Bankers Believed Dishonest. On suggestion of counsel, after the point had been argued at length, court took a recess until 2 V. M. to enable the lawyers to consult other authori ties. When court reconvened, Mr. Flts gerald withdrew the challonge, ques tioned the venireman further and fin ally passed him for cause. Questioning of Mr. Kalus developed the fact that for many years he was a Washington County farmer, removing to Portland 27 years ago, where for 10 years he conducted a saloon at Tenth and Couch streets. The only Informa tion possessed by the venireman of the pending case- was what he had gained by reading the newspapers, although he expressed the belief that "there was not an honest man In the entire bunch of officers" in the suspended Oregon Trust & Savings Bank. Interrogated as to the amount Wilde was alleged to have embezzled, Kalus said: "If Wllde got $100,000 out of that bunch he was welcome to It" Saloenman la Challenged. In the cross-examination of Kalus by Mr. Clark, the venireman explained that the only business transaction he ever had with Mr. Malarkey, of counsel for the defense, was the sale of a glass of (Concluded oa Fas 12.) .1