- VTIIE MORNTXG OREGOJOAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1912. CIVIL SERVICE IS WIDELY EXTENDED Few Offices Under San Fran cisco County Government Escape, Is Ruling. 400 EMPLOYES AFFECTED fnNirdtnatw Kow HoKKhk Positions Mut Submit to Examination In Com petition With New Aspirant. SAX rRAJTCTSCO. Jan. IS. (Spe cial.) Clxtl serrles vu extended to erery county officer In Ban Francisco with the exception of Cltjr Attorney, tha District Attorney and the Pnblle Administrator. In an opinion a-lren to day by City Attorney Loos; to tha ClTll 6errlee Commission. The political appointment of em ployee Is hereafter- taken from tha Fherlff. the County Clerk, the Assessor, the Recorder, the Coroner, tha Justices of the Peace and the Police Judges, which have not In the past been subject to civil serrlce. About 400 municipal employes, with an annual payroll of mora than 1500.000, are affected by the Important ruling-. As soon aa practicable the new Civil Berries Commission must hold exami nations to brln- this army of depart ment appointees under tha merit sys- Thn.. who now fill the daces rnuet submit to a tent of their efficiency In competition with any one who wishes to enter the municipal service. Hereafter the eligible list will replace political patronage in nearly every branch of the city government. Charter rravtadoa Rati Bed. This far-reaching decision of the City Attorney Is based upon a consti tutional amendment which waa passed by the people at tha election of Octo ber 10. putting county offlcera under civil aenrlee. Tha charter adopted by Fan Francisco In 100 subjected all these offices to tha regulations of the merit system, but the Supreme Court held that there waa no constitutional authority for it. The October consti tutional amendment, however, not only brings county officers under civil Berr ies rules, but ratified charters that had already provided for It The tax collector, the Auditor, tha Board of Public Works, tha Boards of Health and Education, the election, firs and police commissions and tha regis trar's office have long been under civil service. The exemption of tha City Attorney, tha District Attornsy and the Pnblle Administrator was not at tha direction of the City Attorney. These offices srs omitted from its operation In the charter. Tew Exctlem Made. The only employee subject to tha ap pointment of the offlcera affected by to ady's decision are thosa excepted from the rule in tha charter, tha cashier of the County Clerk, the chief deputy and the cashier of tha Assessor, the chief lenuty and eaabler of the tax collector, the Under 6herlff and chief bookkeeper Df the Sheriff, the Deputy Auditor, the thief deputy of the Recorder and tha :hief deputy of tha Coroner. The number of men now placed under Ivtl service who have been appointed y the reepectlve officers are: Sheriff. IS: County Clerk. Til Recorder. il: roroner. IS; Assessor. SJ on regular rtaff and 100 extra clerks, and six derks and stenographers of the Justice ind Police Courts. - POLICEMEN MUST WRESTLE SLaior Gajroor Would Have) Grap pling Supplant Vm f Xltat Stick. NEW TORE. Jan. IS. New Tork policemen must learn to wrestle. Car rying oat Mayor Caynora Idea that tha Bight stick must not be used except when absolutely necessary. Commis sioner Waldo announced today that ha had engaged Tom Jenkins, tha Cleve land wrestler, to teach members of tha force how to grapple with a criminal without calling tha billy Into play. Jenkins has been physical Inspector ef West Point, and comes to New Tork with the sanction of tha War Depart ment. CHARLES W. MORSE FREE (Centlnned from rirat Paae. sccurrence. In my opinion tha prlson fs duration of Ufa will be. In all prob ability, less than ona month If kept In :onflnement. and ia the event of his release under commutation of aentence It la not probable that ha will live aa iong as six months." Designated as a special messenger y th Attorney-General's office. Mrs. Morse left Washington tonight for At lanta bearing her husband's commuta Uon papers. -I thank God." aha aald. Just before he boarded tha train. "I could not have lived longer under th strain. No human being can know tha suffer ing 1 have endured since my husband's Imprisonment: I tried overy means to bring about bis release President Tafi's act waa ona of simple Justice. If my husband did any wrong be has mora than paid tha penalty. I always have believed In him and believe he waa an Innocent man the scapegoat of others. -j have no hope that my husband will live more than two months, even though we caa get him to Carlsbad. I know all the officers acted according to tha sense of duty, but It Is hard, hard to think that my huaband's life has been taken from him." Trie Abroad Planned. Mrs. Morse, who arrived here today from New Tork. waa Informed late thia afternoon of tha President's clemency. She left tonight for AUsnta to Join her husband. Aa sha boarded the train aha was radiant but declined to discuss tha action of Prealdent Taft. The authori ties st Atlanta have been Informed by telerraph of the Prealdenfe action. Efforts for a complete pardon were unavailing, and under the law Morse rould not ba paroled until he had served rtve yeara. ill a frlenda wish to take blra to Carlsbad for treatment, and ba probably will be taken abroad at once, BANKER SHOWS NO ELATION Bad "Iht WltJj tlemst Leaven Pris oner Extremely Weak. itlanta. Ga Jan. IS. "I am glad to hear tha news," wss the only com ment made by w. orse. wnn in formed by the post surgeon at Fort Mcfhersoa that -Tssiaaui ut am j commuted his sentence. It wss uttered In a weak voice which carried little or no elation, for the bed-rklden banker realised that no mortal authority could release him from the clutches of in curable disease. Warden Uoyer. who has been Morse's jailer at the Federal prison since Jan uary S. 1J10. hurried to the post hos pital as soon ss he received official notification of the Prealdent's action and formally released Morse. It was shortly after dusk when Morsa heard the news, with no member of his family present but his sister. Miss Jennie Morse. From Washington came two Joyoua telegrams from Mrs. Morse, and the sick financier brightened per ceptibly. Morse will be removed from the post hoanltal as soon as he Is able to stand I an ambulance Journey to an infirmary in the city. He bad another bad night with his heart and was not so well to day, but bis physloisn was hopeful to night that tha commutation of his sen tence might have a favorable effect on his condition. Should he gsla strength. Morse probably will be removed to a sanitarium in Florida and ha hopes eventually to go to Cermany, where the baths msy relieve his heart troubls to some extent. Morse is suffering from three diseases regarded aa incurable, and tha and may coma at any time. On the other hand it Is said here ha may live tea years. Morse waa convicted of misappropri ation of funds of the National Bank of North America and of making false entries in the bsnk's books snd In re- PAROLED CONVICT-BANKER AND LIBERTY. J .fcfeg- 1 MR. A5D MRS. CHARLES W. MORSES. porta to tha Controller of tha Currency. He waa aentenced to imprisonment In the Atlsnta penitentiary for 15 years and began Ms term January S. 1S10. Previously to that be had been con fined la tha New Tork Tombs for tea months. A feature of the entire case has been tha untiring efforts of Mrs. Morsa to secure her husband's release. She has. In addition to directing the fight for his release, kept a constant vigil at his bedside. Mrs Morse Is careworn and nearly broken In health. Mrs. Morse brought to ber support Influences approximating In number and strength thoee brought to bear in behalf of John R. Walsh. Mrs. Morse's first act In her fight for her husband's release was to start a monster peti tion to be presented to the President. She obtained the tguararee-o-more than 200 Senators and Rspreaentatlvas and had mora than S000 names. Soma of tha most prominent men In the Na tion aliened the appeal. Finding herself short of funds with which to carry on tha fight. Mrs. Morse sold at auction the household effects of the Morse mansion in Now Tork. The furniture brought about $14,000. Mrs. Morse even sold hsr own Jewelry ti obtsln funds. Ths bsnker blamed his rivals for his fall. Men In high finance, ha de clared after reaching here, who bad t 2tx taking everything In eight for years did not Ilka to aee him gain con. trol of corporation after corporation, sa ha waa doing, and ba encountered tha hostility of older and larger finan ciers, who. he ssys. brought about his ruin. CONVICTS LEAD MUTINY WASHINGTON' REFORMATORY INMATES ATTEMPT BREAK. Superintendent Deplores Influence of Older Men on Tenths. Guards Take Precautions. MONROE. Wash.. Jan. IS. (Special.) Uproar, tumult and riot have oc curred twice within a week at tha Washington Stata Reformatory, and trouble Is la store. The general alarm has aounded; the guna of tha guards have hurled death laden bullets among tha boys and con victs; guard lies In tha hospital with his head ripped open as an evidence of hand-to-hand fighting: two convicts, each with a long -term penitentiary sentence hanging over him. are In the "black hole" aa the recognized rlng leadera of tha Sf 4 inroatea of tha Insti tution, and a frail boy of IS, who. single-handed, whipped two offlcera weighing 175 and ISO pounds respec tively. Is in the same correction cell, as an Incorrigible. m Superintendent Cleon B. Roe blames the system which permits th courts of the stata to unload convicts upon htm. a . .----..r ha has 4S offenders with penitentiary sentences, some of the , men with long- prison records behind them. The cause waa tha taking away of ona of the inmatea for punlahment in a dark cell for insubordination, which others among tha rougher Inmatea re sented. The trouble was started by an Inmate who has already served three terms In varloua penitentiaries, and who la the leader of about 40 other In mates who have done time for aevera offenses' in othsr Institutions. Tha men started trouble Just at the noon hour in the resting room, before going Into tha big dining-room, and at tempted to break through Into the din-lag-room, where they started breaking up furniture and dishes. They evi dently hoped to be able to create auch a disturbance aa to enable seme of them to get away. The guards were oa the spot, and. on tha arrival of Superintendent Roe. they fired ahots through tha windows to frighten the Inmates back. Tha men were soon quieted. rTLES CTRED CI I TO I DATS. Teur drasclet will refusd mosey If raao Oint ment tun ia cure any eeee ef Itohlns. Blind. B.eedlns. ProlrudJos Piles la 1 daa. SSe. Buy the records for your Victor. Vlctrola or talking machine from Sher man. Clay Co. Morrison at Sixth. Victor records ars the best, and can be used on ail disk machines, WILSON DECLARES LAWS ARE ARCHAIC Politics Fails, to Keep Pace With Economic Demands, 'Says Candidate. REFORMS NOT CONSISTENT "rrorreslTes" Would Effect RuV jastmcnt Wholomclj, bnt Not Hastlljr. and Free Baslncs From PrWate) Control. DETROIT. MIch Jan. IS. Governor Wilson, of New Jersey, was the prin cipal speaker tonight at the annual WIFE "WHO WORKED FOR HIS banquet of the Michigan Press Asso ciation. He said In part: "A few years ago. a few months ago. It waa a matter of common remark that the field of our politico waa sin gularly confused and disordered; party lines everywhere broken or breaking, party labela losing their significance; party combinations threatening to break and reform themselves. But In recent years tha scene has become mora ordered and definite. "Every careful observer can now perceive that certain great definite, calculable forces are at work. L'areet Ia Kot Accidental. The great progressiva sentiment which now more and mora dominates the country and only awalta lta oppor tunity to determine the policies of the Government Is not accidental. Ia not merely a passing phaae expressive of the temperament of an eager people. It Is a thing that baa arisen tea Illy by natural and Inevitable force Ilka the tides of the ocean. "The most profitable thing that we can do. In order to reassure ourselves, la to ask why this grsat body of pro gressiva opinion has grown eo strong; why It has spread to almost every part of the country. The facta are unmis takable enough. The history of the present Administration haa Illustrated them at every turn. We have seen an honest and patrlotio man In the Presi dential chair struggling with the ris ing power. Involved In greater and greater differences, because he did rot understand that power or comprehend tha great purposes that lay behind it, and yet unable to curb it and seeming In splta of himself to Increase Its vol ume by the Tory acta attempted to check It. Conditions . Onterrew Politics. "What has happened? ' What is it that tha standpat ranks of the Repub lican party vaguely battle with? Why Is the country attempting to break away from old party formulas and More About HE LATJNDRT business developed another busi ness for Mr. Reed. He put up a modern dry cleaning plant, and. in inaugurating this busi ness, he relied upon his old friend ADVERTIS ING and did it in the same Impressive way that be did for the laundry. Using full pages, and within alx months he waa doing a large proportion of the dry cleaning of Chattanooga. (A LAUNDRT article tomorrow.) 501YeonBld Telephone N&iiillio H. Liebes & Co. ACKNOWLEDGED LEADERS in the production of POPULAR PRICED FURS of approved styles and of excellent workmanship. 1-5 SNAPPY OFF All wanted styles In superior FUR Murrs, SETS, etc STYLISH e SENSIBLE STYLES J. P. PLAGEMAN2T, Mt. 288 Morriion St, RAW FURS WANTED. Highest blase a new path for Itself in politics under a changed leadership and by new measures of reform 7 "Because within a generation all tha economlo conditions of life and bust neia in this country have changed al most beyond recognition, while our politics have all but stood a till. Soma measures of reform there nave Deen. but there haa been no steady, con slstent force to give them .their full effect, to guide them, to adapt them to conditions all along the line. in aum of the matter la that our Ufa has changed and that our policies are be lated. 6ur lawa lag almoat a genera tion behind our business conditions and our political exigencies. "Those who insist upon undertaking the adjustment: those who argue tha our laws should be brought up to date. are called radicals, not because they would change the facta, but because they would adjust the lawa to the facta. Tariff Concentrates Control. "Recent Investigations have dls closed and are disclosing. Item by Item, Just the methods, of business that have been most harmful and most unjust. think they hsvs opened the eyes of tha verr men who gave testimony. "We see that somewhere near tha center of the whole trouble Ilea the great system of governmental favors which we call the tariff. Round about the tariff haa been built up a body of business undertaking, la which control haa been too much concentrated. In order to maintain thla control it baa been necessary to secure the patronage of the Government, and ao bualneas haa rone deen into politics. Leglsla tlve action haa been controlled by spe cial business interests. Party ma chlnery has bsen used to serve present purposes and to make aure pecuniary profit. "The whole normal process of gov- ernment has bsen reversed and govern. ment itself has come to be privately owned. The phrase may be exagger ated, but It is only the brief epitome of a atate of affairs, the main facts of which are only too plain. And so progressives are drawing together, not to destroy anything, but to effect a wholesome readjustment, not hastily, not by any too extensive plan which runs beyond what we see and know, but item by item we must set tne uov ernment free from private control and set business free from private control, so that the economlo courses of our life may run free again and that with their freedom we may return to inai vldual opportunity and open the gates to the fresh, untrammeled .achieve ment." WISCONSIN LEAGIJE IS FORMED La FoIIctte's Brother Is for Wilson In Badger State. MADISON, Wis, Jan. 18. Leading Wisconsin Democrats, who gathered here today to organize the state for Woodrow Wilson, gave the loudlst ac. claim to the name of La Follette. It came when W. T. La Follette, brother of the Senator, waa Introduced ana made a vigorous speech for Governor Wilson. W. T. La Follette fallea to mention any of the Republican Presl dentlal candidates, hut praised W. J. Bryan and Woodrow Wilson as the orls-lnal "Drogresslves.- Addresslng the delegates as "fellow Democrats," Mr. La Follette said: "We have the right to say "fellow progres. slve Democrats.' I believe we were 'Droeresslve' in advance of the Repub llcans who go by the name of 'pro gressives. "I believe that National committee. man Davis voiced the sentiment of all of ua thla afternoon when he said that the great commoner, W. J. Bryan, was the leader of the "progressive' Democrats of the state, and I am proud to say that I have been in my feeble way a follower of that man. I was originally a 'progressive' Republican, but transferred my support in 1896, and I aay here that we have not had a Democratic platform since that was not "progressive. The conference formed the Woodrow Wilson League of Wisconsin. The break between Colonel Harvey, editor ef Harner'a Weekly, and Gov ernor Wilson, of Vew Jersey, came up for extended discussion and It waa de cided not to abandon the effort to nom inate delegates for Wilson in this state. The Wilson-Harvey matter, however. It was shown at the conference, haa al ready spilt the Democratic leaders in Wisconsin. NEW ALIGNMENT NECESSARY Nebraska Call Assumes Wilson's Nomination Is Impossible. OMAHA, Jan. IS. A statewide meet ing of Nebraaka Democrats waa called today by Mayor Dahlman to confer on Presidential possibilities. The call Is pursuant to yesterday's conference re garding the action or ueorge Harvey, editor of Harper's Weekly, on the can- the Laundry PWSk Mdvertismgoervice Most desirable models In FUR and COATS 14 OFF Corbett Building. market price paid for prime pelts. m SALE PRICES O N Desks AN D Stationery I Now is your op portunity to buy of fice furniture and sup plies at a great saving. For the balance of Janu ary you may select any Derby or Bentley-Oerwlg Desk In oar store at one fifth off the rag alar price; any Chair In our a t o o k at one-fifth off. R e b u I It Typewriters at lower prices than ever. Carbon Paper at radical reduotlo ns, and many Other Items In stationery for the home and office at genuine price reduc tions. Avail yourself of this occasion to save on d e p endable merchandise. Clip this ad NOW, so you won't forget. Gill s THE J. K. GILL CO. Third and Alder. !TT i dldacy of Governor Wilson, of New Jer sey, and the statement of Colonel Henry Watterson, The meeting probably will be held in about two weeks. The call saya it Is realized "that the statements of Colonel Watterson and Editor Harvey have made the nomina tion and election of Governor Wilson an impossibility." The purpose of the meeting Is to take "such action as will benefit the party and will prevent acrimonious dissension which can only Injure the candidate who is eventually nominated. The meeting Is called not In the interest of any particular candi date, but of the party In general. "Without the support of such men ss are now turning their backs upon Governor Wilson, no Democrat can hope to be elected President of this country, and with the elimination of Wilson as a possibility, there must of necessity be a realignment of those Democrats who once supported his candidacy." The Safest tad Most Economical Antiseptic TYREE'S Antiseptic Powder ASS YOtm POCTOS m mm MM. J. S. mO, Csaalst, WisUsctaa, D. C Hair Health If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advan tage of This Offer. We could not afford to so strongly Indorse Rezall " 98 " Hair Tonlo and continue to sell It as we do. If we were not certain that It would do all we claim It will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and Rexall " 93 " Hair Tonlo not Klve entire satisfaction to tne users, they would lose faith In us and our statements, and in consequence our business prestige would suffer. Therefore, when we assure you that If your hair Is beginning- t unnatural ly fall our or ir you nave any scaip trouble. Rexall "88" Hair Tonlo wiU promptly eradldate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness, you may rest assured that we know what we are talking about. Out of one hundred test cases itexau "93" Hair Tonic gave entire satisfaction in ninety-three cases. It has been proved that it will grow hair even on bald beads, when, of course, the bald ness had not existed for so long a time that the follicles, which are the roots of the hair, had not become absolutely lifeless. ' Rexall "93" Hair Tonic Is vastly dif ferent from other similar preparations. We believe that it will do more than any other Human agency iowa.ru re storing hair growth and hair health. It Is not greasy and will not gum the scalp or hair or cause permanent stain. It is as pleasant to use as pure cold water. Our faith in Rexall " s " Hair xonio Is so. strong that we ask you to try it on our positive guarantee that your money will be cheerfully refunded without Question or quibble if it does not do as we claim. Certainly we can offer no stronger argument. It comes j in two sizes, prices SO cents and $1.00. I Sold only by the Owl Drug Co. Stores ; in Portland, Seattle. Spokane, San . Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and Sacramento. PRINTING Rollnc. Binding aad Blank Book Making. Phones Main 6201, A !21. Portland Printing House Co. t. L. Wrisht. Pres. and Oen. Mmnaser. Book. Catalogue and Commercial. Tenth and Taj lor suk, Portland, Oregoa. v : " "" . ti Jr tm It TYXEE'S AKTISErTIC H SfCZTjZjr rOWDES. AbMkMtrkanta. fj .V KUkl.imn HUM Wall It V)r oa Saak m M.u.m Matraaaa fj Diini 'ii smifiHr m On f3 XT Y w m rr . j jL ms krkniciaBiOUrrw. ! 17 I 7 iqM Sncka. SJ MM irh M FJ mttm 1 sll mmatmtt fj f 4th at Morrison Only a few days left in which to take advantage of this exceptional sale of Re liable Fur; WHY PUT IT OFF? FINEST & RAREST SKINS VH fi The Largest and Leading Furriers and Manufac turers in the Northwest. Direct From Our Factory to You. Everything marked in plain figures. Scarfs, Shawls, block Ked uuuujuiwun jiy r price, the bottle Spring Bottled in bond, tie green stamp tees age, proof, M ill m iiM"' PHONE YOUR ORDERS MAIN 589, A 1 117 Spring Valley Wine Co. THE BIG STORE SECOND AND YAMHILL SILVERFIELD'S THE TIME IS SHORT BEST OF STYLES Coats Muffs Hignest Price Paid for Raw Furs. Send for Price List. NEW LOCATION 244 Washington Street Between Second and Third Ground Floor v Same Old Prices ucmg Sale Qnnnvfiwnr.Ir bargain that will be read- ily recognized. aeQ D the choice of connois-QA. tream Kye sen,, the botue yuc 5fftnrlc of Wliskey, special for thisC,, lUIlUS saie at, the bottle, only OUC Valley Whisky surpassingly good flavor the lit of the Government gnaran- C 1 quality; full quart P Whisky at Sale Prices Regular price $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 Sale price $2.25 $2.45 $2.95 $3.45 CALIFORNIA PORT 55c Gallon and Up f