Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 19, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Manicuring and Hairdressing- Parlors, Second Floor Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Standard Sewing Machines, EtcJ
Picture Framing on Fourth Floor Delicatessen and Home BaKery, Fourth Floor Candies, First Floor and Basement
Hello! Is This Salem?
0 Hello! Yes; all coming. Fine. Get off the ear .at
Olds, Wortman & King's, check your grips there, and
wait for us in the tea room lobby, fourth floor. "Well
be sure and meet you. Yes, -we 11 have lunch there.
iTtie sroRsryq okegoxiatt. Friday, January 19, 1912.
I I I T . iv JT AF- : " . tlJ t I
WimM 3 44 lb. Amnrntuisil Cleairainice Sale
Women's 65c NecKwear 12cS&le Women's Goats
CooKing School
Let each old pupil bring a new one
today. That's the way to build tip
a Sunday School class why not build
np a big cooking1 school that wayf
All women are invited to attend free.
Mrs. Hawley will demonstrate
"Soups" on the Electric Disk 6tove.
3 Betters
put np in fall two-pound squares:
Hams at 15c
Eastern Suprar-Cured Hams from corn
fed hop These are the nice medium
size bams every ounce pood; 1 C.
placed on sale, the pound, at
Bacon at lOc
Extra choice English style Bacon
streaked with lean and fat. Sugar-
cured. On sale today, Friday, only.
Eggs 35 c Doz.
Oregon iianch Eggs, everyone good
yes, they'll poach.
Syrup; Log Cabin, cane, 0"t (f
maple; special, the gallon Vi,'v
50c Pure Silk Ribbon 29c
Neckwear Counter, First Floor.
A great clearance of women's dainty Neckwear in all
the newest novelty designs. Some are slightly soiled
or mussed from having been on display. A little press
ing will make them good as ever. They are 10
worth regular up to 65c each. Special, only
50c Mufflers 25c
Clearance of women's Mufflers in the best shapes made
to fit up close around the neck, black, white and all
wanted shapes in the lot. Mufflers which wllQC-
everywhere at 50c each; Clearance price, on
$10 Bags $4.98
Clearance of the newest shapes in
women's Iland Bags, in novel de
signs and attractive frames and
handles, black and all colors, seal,
goat seal and morocco, worth to
Priced Lower Than Ever
Garment Section, Second Floor, Southwest.
The following reductions may not seem aa great as some you have seen
advertised, but they are on the square, and our early prices were far
below those of other stores. In this lot we erroup many diffeent styles
which sell regularly at 50c in all other stores OQg Ld grades of Coats Broadcloths, black and all wanted colors; fine
pncea zor u great mkwc w ,ara, umjr - trimme(j with fancy frogs buttonS; also
Main Aisle, Tenth-Street Way.
Clearance of 250 bolts of our regular stock, 8-inch,
pure silk Ribbons. Rich imported taffetas in every
wanted 6hade. suitable for every purpose. Kibbons
$10.00 regularly. Spe-- CA QQ
cial Clearance price VTeevu
$1.50 Veils 79c
A great clearance of dainty Lace
Drapes for face veils or for hats;
all new designs and exceptional
values to $1.50. Special 7Qr
Clearance Sale price, only
All Veilings Reduced in Price.
All Ribbons Reduced in Price.
35c Collars 12c
Clearance Sale of 500 dozen women's pure linen Col
lars, in the most oleasinar embroidered patterns. Vari
ous heights in all sizes. Collars which sell reg- 1 O,
ular np to 35o each; special Clearance price, at
Sl.OO Belts 25c
Clearance sale of all our women's
Belts. For today's selling we will
Raincoats in the English Gabardine, with storm or military collars
and cuffs ; also rubberized Coats in mixtures, for this sale as follows :
$22.50 Coats only S16.87
$25.00 Coats only S18.75
$27.50 Coats only S20.62
j $32.50 Coats only S24.37
$35.00 Coats only S26.25
$38.50 Coats
$42.50 Coats
$48.50 Coats
group a big assortment of the most
popular styles, all taken from our
regular stock and wortn to si.uu
each. Placed on sale at the OC
Special Clearance price, of
$50.00 Coats only S37.50
$62.50 Coats only 846.87 1Q
10,000 Yds. Embroideries
To Close Out Today
65c Embroidery-
Special, Yd., 25c
&7ireM rue J J
A great elearance sale of 10,000 yards of evxry wanted
width and pattern in Embroideries. Swis, nainsook
and cambric materials in edges, insertions and corset
covers. Positively the most extraordinary grades we
have shown this year. Worth to Boo a
regular, priced special for this sale, the yard
Sale Men's 25c SocRs at 17c Pair
Box of 4 Pairs for 65c
On the bargain circle, between the elevators, a one-day sale of Men's Socks; 150
dozen in the lot, and it's doubtful if they will last all day. They are the fine mer
cerized quality, with double soles and heels, in black, tan, gray and blue ; put up
four pair in a box; especially for a $1.00 holiday seller; splendid 2oc jr
ol UUL
socks, priced for one day only, 17c a pair, or box oi four pairs for the low price
Men's 20c Cashmere Socks at 11c
On the bargain circle, main floor, a one-day sale of men's lightweight gray, merino Socks,
with dark tops and hjrht color double heels and toes; our regular 20c grades for only
ale of Bon Ton Corsets
$6.00 to $8.00 Grades at $5.49
Corset Sale Second Floor.
A great clearance sale of Bon Ton Corsets, made of fine coutil material, with embroid- d C vf Q
ersd tops, with elastic insets, especially good for stout figures. Extraordinary bargains it) O r
$1.25 Embroid'y 79c
$3.25 Embr'd'y $1.75
New arrivals in 23-inch All-Over Embroideries and 27-
ineh Flounoines. the best we have ever shown at such
remarkably low price. Swiss, batiste and nainsook ma
terials in large or small patterns. $1.25 grades, spe-
yardOCheil at 794' $2-2a ade8 $2.7o CJ1 7Q
v.rdOC A exude. S1.37. resrular $3.25 grades atPA
20c Scotch
Gingham 1212 c
In the "Aisle of Cottons," Main
Floor, a clearance of 2000 yards of
Scotch Ginghams, full 32 inches wide
in a big variety of patterns, war- J
ranted fast colors. . Suitable for
men's shirts, women's bouse dresses,
waists, aprons and forlO!.
children's wear; 20c at- -
Kimonos $3.15
Second Floor
An extra special clearance of wom
en s Kimonos, made of erepe, or out
ing flannel materials, styled with
sailor collars, V necks, loose or plait
ed sleeves, empire styles or fitted in
at the waist ; some have fitted
sleeves. Patterned in IP
Women's Tailored Suits
at Vz ' Price
Garment Section, Second Floor.
Today's offerings better than ever. Many new lines will
be added to this clean-up, which makes the assortment so broad
that every taste may be satisfied. These suits are the odd ones,
left from our best-selling lines now priced at a reduction of
$15.00 Suits at only g 7.50
$18.50 Suits at only g 9.50
$20.00 Suits at only 810.00
$25.00 Suits at only S12.50
$35.00 Suits at only S17.50
TV Mtf Jit lt25C. i. J II J " VvNe?
nlr S28.87 MiWSF
ir S3G.37 jKSMkSteSiiJG
11 '
$40.00 Suits at only S20.00
$50.00 Suits at only 825.00
$60.00 Suits at only S30.00
$65.00 Suits at only 32.50
$75.00 Suits at only 837.50
Entire StocK Furs at z Price
Women's Shirts l2 Price
$7.50 SKirts $3.75 $18.50 SKirts $9.25
Olds. Wortman & King's Garment Department Second Floor.
An extraordinary Clearance Sale of women's Dress Skirts, styled according to the latest vogue materials
are corduroy, ehiffon broadcloth, panamas, serges, etc., in blues, browns, grays, black, etc., rich plain-
tailored effects or plaited backs and fronts with stitched band and buttons to trim, pncea as iouows.
$ 7.50 Skirts reduced to S3.75
$ 9.50 Skirts reduced to 34.25
$10.00 Skirts reduced to $5.00
$12.50 Skirts reduced to $6.25
$13.50 Skirts reduced to $6.75
$15.00 Skirts reduced to $7.50
$16.50 Skirts reduced to $8.25
$18.50 Skirts reduced to $9.25
All other Skirts Reduced in Price.
Clearance sale of Royal Worcester Corsets, made
of good quality coutil, with lace tops and fitted
with six hose supporters. Our reg-(j' QQ
alar $2.00 values, special clearance u) JL
Clears pee sale of Kengo Belt Corsets, with low
bust and long hips, especially adapted to slender
figures, mostly small sizes; good $2
a i a r
grades, special clearance sale price D X T)
m& AyJKJV rairs oi w omens
rr Hosiery Denartment Main Floor.
Thrifty women will profit by this unusual sale of Silk Stockings; several dif
rerent Kinas in the lot ; some have lisle 60Jes and lisle tops ; others are s o
all pure silk; the best lot we have ever shown; worth to $1.25; spec OOC
Child's 25c Hose 121c
Groat clearance of children's ribbed black cotton
Stockings, lxl ribbed reinforced knee and foot,
full fashioned, guaranteed fast dye, 1 ol
WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR, 9S-Fine quality
Swiss-ribbed silk and lisle, also mercerized lisle
vest and tights, in white, pink' and f q
blue; values to $2.50 and $3.00, for only tOC
all sizes in the lot; reg. 25o values for
Our Final Clearance of Books
Juvenile Series 19c
Motor Boat Club Stories,
Leather Stocking Tales,
Meade Books for Girls,
Cary Books for Girls,
and Many Others.
75c Books 45c
Cecil Alden's Picture Books
White Poppy Book,
Red Puppy Book,
Black Puppy Book.
TinyBooKs for Tiny Tots
25c Series, 15c; 10c Series, 5c
Center Counter Main Floor
50c Books 35c
The American Girl's Book,
Little Grandmother Joe,
Dimple Dallas,
The Picture Screen,
and Many Others.
$2 Books $1.49
Cecil Alden's Picture Books,
Rousrh and Tumble,
The Twins,"
"Pickles" and Others.
Billy Quack,"
Robinson Crusoe,
Brownies Ball,
The Doll in Dimity,
and Many Others.
The Ugly Princess,
Happy uo Lucky,
Scrappety flop and
Pearley Top.
Tinker Tailor, Etc.
50c Books 25c
Pony Riders, six Titles,
Our Country Friends,
The Doggie Book,
The Little Red Hen,
and Many Others.
$1.50 Books 31.07
The Barbour Books,
The New Boy at Hill Top,
The Captain of the Crew,
Kingford Quarter.
Illustrated Gift Books
The Rhinegold and Valkyrie, ' a regular IJO QC
$.1.00 illustrated book, on sale at only P0S70
Whiteomb Riley's "Boy Lives on the Farm," "70
Regular ' $1.00 book, on sale, low price, only t C
"Black Beauty," illustrated, $1.25 book for onlv 98
"Hiawatha," illustrated $2.50 book, at only $1.05
Basement "Underprice" Store" Specials
31.50 Muslin Gowns at 79c
Clearance of women's muslin Gowns in several good
styles, slipover and high neck, made of fine sheer mus
lin, daintily trimmed with lace and embroid- 7Q
ery; our $1.50 grades, clearance price today at
Women's 45c Drawers 29c
Made of good sheer quality muslin in 3 differ- OQ
ent styles, trim'd in lace, ribbon and emb'dy 7C
31.50 White SKirts at 83c
Clearance of women's good quality muslin Skirts, with
deep flounces of embroidery, well made and good, pleas
ing patterns. Our regular $1.50 values, to- OO
day at the special Clearance Sale price of onlyOJC
45c Corset Covers 29c
Made of good quality muslin, trim'd in tucks,
etc.; all good 45c grades, special at, the pair
Persian or floral designs
$4 Waists for 31.98
Garment Store Second Floor.
Clearance of women's Waists in all linen, mercerized
cotton and madras material Strictly tailored styles,
with stiff collars and cuffs, Gibson effects and
plaited fronts and mannish, shirt effects; also a
lot of marquisettes in values up to $400. d1 QQ
Special low price for Clearance Sale, only P 'O
Petticoats for $1.98
Garment Store Second Floor.
Now comes the great clean up of women's Petticoats,
made of euch good, desirable materials as sateen,
gingham, and Heatherbloom. The ginghams have em
broidered flounces, others have plaits, tucks and
bands. Placed on sale at clean-up prices (J! QQ
for the Clearance event, special at onlyP'
Stiokist Oranges
25c a Dozen $2.65 a Case
Grocery Department Fourth Floor.
Fresh shipment of nice, large, sweet, juicy fruit. Extra fancy grade,
not touched by frost. Save the wrappers for premiums of Silver-plated
Orange Spoons, Fruit Knives, etc. On sale in grocery department.
Children's $2 Bonnets 98c
Children's Coats Vz Price
lS. at roar or JJ
Children's department, 2d floor, a
final clearance sale of children's
Velvet Bonnets; good shades of
navy, red, brown, etc. Our regular
grades to $2 for 98c; I1 QO
and grades to $4.00 for P 1 S0
Children's department, 2d floor, a
clean up of children's Dresses and
Coats, made of good wool material,
a good assortment of styles and
grades. For the Clearance event,
we place them on sale at Vs Price.
Women's Fine
$1.50 Gowns 79c
$1.50 SKirts 83c
On the bargain circle, in the basement, a one-day
sale of the most remarkable values in Women's
Gowns and Skirts. The gowns are styled with high necks or in the
slip-overs. The skirts are well made of white muslin. .
Women's 45c Drawers 29c
45c Corset Covers for 29c
Corset Covers are trimmed with
dainty laces, embroideries and
Women's Drawers, sizes 23 to
29, made of good muslin and
trimmed with tucks, etc.
Sale Linens and Domestics
Best Quality
lVix2V-yard Sheets, each 60
l"J4x2V2-yard Sheets, each 65?
2 x2i-yard Sheets, each 70
2"4x2i2-yard Sheets, each 80
2x234-yard Sheets, each 85
Heavy 45-inch Pillow Casing, the yard, at only 11
Heavy 18c Pillow Cases, Clearance price, at lS'ii
Extra large 65c Sheets, Clearance, special, at 5-4
Heavy $1.C0 Crochet Bed Spreads, each, only 7S
500 dozen Small Hand Towels, dozen, at only 48
300 dozen Heavy Huck Towels, each, at only 10
Heavy White Bath Towels, Clearance price, at 22
45-inch Persian Lawn, 40c grades, now at only 29
$5.50 Scalloped Bed Spread and Bolster at $4.00
$7.00 Scalloped Bed Spread and Bolster at S4.75
$7.50 Scalloped Bed Spread and Bolster at $5.25
$8.00 Scalloped Bed Spread and Bolster at S6.25
$9.00 Scalloped Bed Spread and Bolster at $7.25
Best Quality
24-yard Sheeting, the yard, 30
2-yard Sheeting, the yard, 27
1-yard Sheeting, the yard 25
l-yard Sheeting, the yard 23
1 4-yard Sheeting, the yard X7
Pillow Slips
Best Quality
42x36-inch Pillow Slips for 18
45x36-inch Pillow Slips for 20
50x36-inch Pillow Slips for 24
54x38-inch Pillow Slips for 26
All Pillow Slips greatly reduced.
Hemstitched 20c Pillow Cases, Clearance price 15
Extra large 70c Sheets, special price, at only ooc
Heavy $1.65 Crochet Bed Spreads, each, SI. 45
$2.75 12-yard piece White Nainsook, only $2.18
300 dozen large Huck Towels, dozen, at only 80
150 dozen All-Linen Towels, Clearance price, 15
35o new, white Flaxon, Clearance, the. yard 25
45-inch Persian Lawn, 50o grade, at only 37
$6.50 Table Cloths, 2y2x2i2 yards, at only $5,00
$8.00 Table Cloths, 212x2i2 yards, at only $6.25
$7.00 Table Cloths, 2y2x3 yards, at only $5.50
$8.50 Table Cloths, 2Mx3 yards, at only $7.00
$9.50 Table Cloths, 2y2x3 yards, at only $7.75
V2 Price
$ 5.00 OVERCOATS AT S2.50
$ 6.00 OVERCOATS AT S3. 00
$ 7.50 OVERCOATS AT S3.75
$ 8.50 OVERCOATS AT S4.25
$10.00 OVERCOATS AT S3. 00
Juvenile Dept. First Floor.
A very attractive showing of
Children 's Overcoats, made of the
rough materials and the "warmth
without weight" Coats, in grays,
tans, browns also Chinchilla
Coats in reds and blues. A lot of
regular stock $5 to $10
Coats for this sale at just
U. S. Government Rifles Only $1.25
Government, solid lead or
bird shot cartridges, Ct(n
45x70 caliber, spec. OxJC
U. S. Army Canteens, special to close for only 25
U. S. Army Scabbards, 50; Bridle Bits at only 15
In the Sporting Goods Department, fourth
floor, a final clean-up of all our IT. S. GOV
45-70 caliber; perfect in every respect; the best all
around target gun, big-game gun or decorative gun for.
dens and collections; complete with bay
onet, infantry, cadet or carbine; special pXfc0
French Sword Bayonets, special to close at only 25
Iaao X. toxtoa Succumb at Fat,
drna to Ptomaine Poisoning.
Isaac X. Bui ton, son of th lata
pionaara. David F. Buxton and Fanny
Buxton, of Troutdale, 41ed at tha
Paaadana H oapltal, in California, Jan
uary 1. 191-
Mr. and Mrs. Buxton left thalr homa
In TroutdaU on December IT, -lilt, to
vlilt relatives in Loa Angeles. On the
way to California Mr. Buxton became
111 from ptomaine polaoclns and died
shortly after hla arrlral In Los Ange
les. Burial waa at Pasadena,
Mr. Buxton waa born at Troutdale,
May 11, Hit. and April 28. 1180, be
married Centra J. Stafford.-who. with
two sons. Clarence and Roy, survive
him. Three slaters. Misses Mary E.
Buxton and Nancy P. Buxton and Mrs.
J. N. Brlatol also aurvlve him.
Datee for State Meetings Will Be
Named Next Month.
Dates for three big- conventions will
be aet at the first meeting: of the Ore
gon Irrigation Congress in Portland,
February lt-21. These are the Spring
meeting of the Oregon Development
League, which will be held at Medford.
the annual convention of the Oregon
Development League at La Grande,
next Fall, and the convention of the
Central Oregon Development League,
which wUl be held in August at Lake-
view. Executive committees of the Ore
gon Development League and the Cen
tral Oregon Development League will
also hold their annual meetings here
while the Irrigation Congress is in ses
sion. Thousands of the calls for the first
annual Oregon Irrigation Congress
were printed yesterday and the mailing
was begun. Definite arrangements for
the entire programme will begin to take
form at once, and the whole pro
gramme probably will be fully outlined
by the latter part of next week.
An automobile wind shield that can t
adjusted as to angle by a thumbscrew and
worm and pinion searing, has ba brought
cut in aglaad.