PORTLAND. OJAXVAUY 19, 1912. PRICE FIVE CEXT3. , VOL. LI NO. 15.9G0. V STEAMER BLOWS UP: SINKS; THREE DIE Captain, Mate, Fireman Are Victims. NINE OTHERS BARELY ESCAPE Explosion of Boiler of Sarah 0 Dixon Proves Fatal. EXACT CAUSE UNKNOWN Fnglneer Who Wu on Duty Dclret Ho Knows Xo BeMon Survivor Reach KiLimt, Xear Which Town Wreck Occurred. KjLIAllA. Wash, Jan. 1- (Special.) The boiler of the river steamer Karah Dixon exploded fear mtlea above here at lt:lS tonight. Tha pilot-house waa rlppd from tha superstructure and tha uhI aoon Bank. Three Uvea were lost. The dead are: CAFTAIJf FRED R. rTUfSO!. SI veers eld. FIRST MATS ARTBTR HONICAJ. 9 year .Id. HREMA.M SILAS KNOWXES. Nine persons eacaped from the link ing steamer and la a boat under tha command of Pilot D. Conwar were bar. ried down the river to thla city. C. O. Ousley, watchman of the iliimw, aald that tha boat waa op posite Martln'e Island when the ex plosion occnrred. A number of th crew were In bed and loft tha vessel in scanty night wear. Chief Engineer Chester L Lewis, 144 Sumner street Portland; First Assist ant Knalneer Steve Meaner; Mrs. Hill, rook: Deck Hands Cbarlee Aeksnata, Paul Peterson. Dad Fnoemaker: Flre maa Harry Dewey; Pilot D. Conway and Watchman C O. Ousley arrived In one of tha leuasr's long life boats. Ttve fiarab Dixon Ml Portland thla afteraeen far Beaver Slouch and reached Martins Island wltk no aa ueual circumstance In the voyage," said Watchman Ousley. "The captain and mate were In tha pilot-house when th blast occurred and were In stantly killed. No one saw either of them or tha fireman, who waa In the engine-room, after the explosion hap pened. "After the people on board aaw that (ha deck waa ripped open by tha blast and that tha Sarah Dfxon was In dancer of slaking-, there waa a wild rush for tha lifeboats. "All of the nine persons cot Into the one boat from tha after part of tha tearaer and rowed to Kalama. Hone of ua were well clothed and before wa got here we were all suffering from the cold." Eaarlaeer at Vmm for fssie. Chester 1 Lewis, chief engineer of the Sarah Dixon, who waa on duty In the engine-room of tha hapless steam er when tha explosion occurred and who miraculously escaped unhurt, la at a loss to explain tha causa of the ex plosion. Ho made tha following state ment: "Tha boiler virtually blew up In my fsce. and aa I felt the steamer sink ing. I made a race for tha lifeboat and got away. I can scarcely realise that I came out of It all unharmed, but I did. There waa no warning. Every thing seemed to fly to pieces. I can not tell whether tha boiler went up or down, through the bull of the boat. I did not know until I reached tha life boat that tha pilot-house had been blown off. The boat sank Immediate ly. I don't know whether those killed perished In tha explosion or were drowned. Tha Dixon aank ao quickly there waa no way of telling. Maehtaerr Had Warned Well. "There waa nothing In tha action of .he engine or any part of tha machin ery to indicate there waa anything wrong. I waa carrying about 100 pounds of steam. That and from 205 to 110 pounds la what wa were In the habit of carrying on the steamer. Tha fuel oil we were using waa purchased of tha Union OH Company, of Port land, and was tha kind wa always used. I had been on duty alnca C o'clock in the evening, and everything worked all right up to the minute of the explo sion. I was the only person In the en glne-roora when tha blast came. I waa thrown back by the force of tha explo- sion. but made for the lifeboat and got away In the nick of time." The river steamer Sarah Dixon was bulit here In 130. and waa owned by the Sharer Transportation Company. She had a gross tonnage of S6S and a net tonnage of 1(4. The craft was 1(1 feet long and had a depth of 7.1. her beam measuring I.J feet. The Sarah Dixon carried a crew of eight and waa of 40 horsepower. With the receipt of the news In this city of tha blowing up of the steamer Farah Dixon. Captain D. Shaver, of tha Vhaver Transportation Company. Im mediately ordered the steamer Wauna to tha scene of the wreck. Information received by Captain (haver early thla morning from a nember of the crew waa that the wrecked steamer Immediately after ;). explosion turned over on her side end floated down the river. Tha crew tCoacludcd ea Pae 4.) FEAR OF MASSACRE HANGS OVER PEKIN LOYAL MAXCHCS CALLED TO RESIST ABDICATIOX. Foreign Legations In Capital Pre pare for Trouble Today Fre mler Yuan Closely Guarded. PEKIN. Jan. II. Tha foreign lega tions are. preparing for trouble In Pektn tomorrow. Tha question of tha .iwiica'tian of the throne will be dle- eussed by tha Empress Dowager and tha princes, but It is thought rrtmiw Tuan Bhl Kal will not take part In the conference. It long has been expected the. Manchu trreconcllablea would unlta In a massa cre when all hope for tha administra tion had vanished and a placard post ed tonight indicates that tha Mancho threats may be fulfilled. It calls on all loyal Manchua and Chines to resist the abdication of tha Emperor to the death. The street near tha office of tha Chinese foreign board, on which Tuan Shi Kal resides. Is heavily guarded by the Premier's own men. of whom it is aald there are IS00. Many Chinas who ...-. vat A..artd the city are pre paring for flight tomorrow, and promi nent followers of Tuan are taking ref- ..... nnt.Ma their own homea touignv. hoping that in event of a massacr they will not be found. rh.rm that Yuan Shi Kal has been disloyal to the Manchus. although pre tending to support them, are .luminii of foreigners, aa well as Manchus and Chinese. Several revo lutionists long have been saying h. was working for the overthrow. not the salvation, of the dynasty. Others accuse Yuan or worn.ni his own Interests, and aay he Intended to become dictator. If h did not as sume tha throne. "I DO NOT" HALTS WEDDING Pastor Almost Through Service When Girl Regrets and Refuses. CENTRA LI A. Wash, Jan. II. Spe cial.) "Do you take thla man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do not." Thla unexpected answer brought a ji tA th waddlna oere- mony which waa almost performed far Cbarlea E. Cowell and Miaa Erlckeon, . .nur.1. of Tono. by Rev. Rob ert Reld. of Centralla. yesterday. The couple had maae preparations ir m v... rri mwm th. brida'B mother be ing opposed to the union, and tha wed ding r'leeta were assembles, on a aui back of Tono. a irriit waa In readiness to con vey the newlyweds to thla city, where they were to take tha train lor ruget Sound points. The mother, learning that she had been outwitted, pretended to take poi son. News of ber mother's attempted ..ioiia v.a Hiiiiid to tha bride, who called the wedding off Just as the pro nouncement or -man ana wuo waa ou tha llpa of Rev. Mr. Reld. INDIAN MAID IS HEIRESS Fortune of 110,000 Awaits Girl 'Somewhere In Southwest." KANSAS CITT. Jan. Is. Attorney for Henry C Simpson, of Lincoln. Kan, executor of the estate of Nathaniel P. Simpson, who died in this city three weeks ego, today instituted search for an Indian maiden, "somewhere in the Southwest." who Is heiress to $1(0,000 of th Simpson fortune. The Simpson estate of $112,000 waa left in the hands of his son, Henry, executor. After the death of his first wife, tha elder Simpson la believed to have married an Indian. It la for a daughter by thla marriage that tha son seeks. The daughter la aald to have returned to live with her people, the Navajos. MANY OF KIN AT FUNERAL Three Great Grandparents Present at Gold Hill Ceremony. MED FORD, Or, Jan. IS. (Special.) The four grandparents and three of the great grandparents of the children of J. J. Rltter were present at tha funeral of their young mother, who died at Gold Hill January It. The fu neral services were held on Wednes day. The grandparents present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cook, of .Oold Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. V. Rltter; the great grandparents were Mr. and Mrs. William Morris and Robert A. Cook. Mrs. Rltter was born In Southern Oregon and belonged to a well-known Gold Hill family. The great grand parents and the grandparents are pio neers of the Rogue River Valley. FOUR BANK CASES QUASHED llondsmen for Wallace Defendants Released; No Indictments Found. SPOKANE. Waah, Jan. II. On mo tion of attorneya for the defendants In th former Stat Bank of Commerce, at Wallace, Idaho, the bondsmen of Harry L. Day. Stanley A. Easton. Eu gene R. Day and John H. Nordqulst were released today and the men dis charged. Thla action follows the failure of the second grand Jury to return Indict ments against any of these men. Only two of tha former six indicted are still under bond. These are Edgar 8. Wy man and G. Scott Anderson. Wyman has been held under three new Indict ments. No announcement aa to An derson baa yet been made. : " ' i DEMOCRATS HERE EXECRATE MM Chance in Oregon De clared Lost. ONE BRANDS HIM "INGRATE" Jersey Governor's Treatment of Harvey Denounced. PORTLAND ACT RECALLED Bourbons Declare Would-Be Candi date's Alignment With TJ'Ren Cost Him Prestige Cas tlgatlon Is General. Governor Wood row Wilson Is classed as "a flash In the pan," "an lngrate" and "a grandstander" by leading Dem ocrats In Portland, and Is said to have lost practically every chance for win ning the Democratic candidacy for President at least as far as Oregon Is concerned by reason of the Wilson Harvey Incident and the "unpatriotic" Bryan letter. While Portland Democrats of prom inence were' willing only to express their personal views yesterday, and refused to say what the Democratic party In tha state as' a whole might do. It Is the opinion that action will be taken. Interesting developments are looked for at the regular meeting of the Jack son Club tonight. George L Smith, president of the club, said yesterday that he did not know what the club would do, and waa not willing to ex press any opinion as to the attitude of the members as a whole. He did. however, express his personal opinion. . Saslth Waats Real Democrat. "I was very much surprised at the actions of Governor Wilson." said Mr. Smith, "and it la my personal opinion that la practically eliminates him from the race. In Oregon, or perhaps I should limit It to Multnomah County, there ars many Democrats, Including myself, who were not altogether pleased with the actions of the Gov ernor when be visited the state and placed his entertainment In the bands of W. S. U'Ren. of Oregon City. Thla looked as though be was trying to play the non-partisan act. Personally I want to vote for a real Democrat. I will vote for whomever the party puts up, because I believe the best man will be selected at tha National Conven tion. "There has been a growing sentiment In favor of Champ Clark and Harmon la Oregon I believe. It seems so to me that way. at least. My only means, of Judging Is by talking to persons who are keeping In touch with the sit uation in various parts of the state." "A flash In the psn." Is J. B. Ryan's Concluded en Pas. B ) ! ! T ii t. ........................ .... ............ ....... ssseeeeeeeeess ... INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TXSTERDATS Maximum temperature, 48 desr.es: minimum. 17 d.gi TODAra Plr; winds mostly easterly. Locations far general massacre in Pekm today. Pace 1. Veterans promt, to aid Offl la quieting Cuba, and crUls sMras paaMO. Page -National. Taft set. Charles W. Morse free, believing his condUlon grave. Pe 1 Wltnaae ears two of defendant packer, knew of combination asre.rn.nt as to coats. Pace Politics. Wood row Wilson says polities fan te keep pace with economlo changes. Page Z, Domestto. Bride ef Stoteabory heaped with precious Jewel, by brld.rroom and frl.nda. race x. CI Til s.i-rlce wld.ly extended In San Fran class County. Pac. 2- Llfe of Governor Foes guarded from Black Hand. Pac San Francisco society women will wear trousers at Mrs. Crocker's Oriental ball. Pace B. Indianapolis crand Jury takes up purralt of Schmidt and Capias, dynemltar. Page . Mln.werkers Indorse John Mitchell; vote down Socialists. Page 0. Sports. Sbatrnck defeats Clinton Kelly at eeccer. Pas 8- Abe Attell bests "Knockout" Brown, of New York. In ten-round bout. Page 8. San Diego Is mentioned as Spring camp for Beavers. Pag. 8. Pacific Xorthweet. River steamer Sarah Dixon blows up and sink, near Kalama. with loss of thr.s lives Page 1. Charldah Simpson, of musical fame, sues rich Seattle man for breach of promise Pace 5. Judg. Galloway validates title of 800.000 acres in Oregon and California land grant. Page 7. Oregon Federation of Labor goes on record aa not being opposed to education. Page 7. Prosecutor narrates festures in Hszsard cure In opening address to Jurors. Pag. 6. State Kngtneer Lewis oppose, extension of tira. on Benham Fall, contract. Pag. 6. Commercial and Marine. Steamer St. Helens to ply between Portland and Alaska next Bummer. Page 18. Large lot of bsrley sold to go East at highest price of season. Page 19. Wheat weak In East owing to sailing by Nftbraska farmers. Page 19. Bears attack stock market wltn poor suc cess. Pag. 19. Portland sad Vicinity. 1 Defense In Wilds esse challenges, and non union man la excused. Psgs 1. John Fleming Wilson's hero of light vessel No. 188 arrives on steamship Beaver. Pag. 12. Chinese Reform Association head says he will take down bannar when he gets ready. Page 12. Portland Democrats denounce Wood row Wil son in plain t.rms. Pegs 1. Bartender kill, woman and blma.lf at 8e ond and Madison streets. Pac. 14. Portland Chin., girl Is selected by new republlo to command corps of rebel troop. Pas. a. At meeting of taxpayera. County Judg. Cle. ton promisee lower levy tor 1913. Pace 14. Electrification of Fourt-.treet line baits, pending action ot Hlllsboro City Coun cil. Pac. 18. MAYOR SAVES BOY'S DOG City Affulrs Wait While Rolph Hearkens to Plea of Lads. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. It. (Special.) There la a fox terrier scampering around the city today and a happy little boy scampering with It. owing to the executive clemency of Mayor Rolph, coupled with the lad's own courageous ness In tackling the citye head In an endeavor to free his dog from the public pound. The boy, Leon Heman, 10 years old, accompanied by a companion of similar age, visited the Mayor to complain that the poundmaster bad bis dog. Super visors, Commissioners and tha signing of many bonds bad all to wait while tha secretary and sergeant-at-arms personally escorted the youthful dele gation to th Mayor's Inner sanctum. There Mayor Rolph beard the sad story and rescued the canine. "THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'LL SPEAK TO YOU BOYS!" 0 MORSE 15 FREE-AS LIFE HEARS CLOSE Taft Acts on Report of Surgeon-General. CIVIL RIGHTS NOT RESTORED Banker Will Be Taken Abroad for Treatment. WIFE SPECIAL MESSENGER President Informed That Prisoner Probahly Could Not Live Month In ' Confinement; or Six Months at Liberty. IMPORTANT DETAILS IN DOWN FALL OF CHARLES W. MORSE. February 10, 1907 Indicted. October 15, 1908 Trial begins. November S-o, 190S Convicted and sentenced. January 8, 1910 Begins prison term. May 24. 1911 Taft denies pardon. January It. 1912 Sentence is com muted. "WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. President Taft tonight commuted to expire imme diately the 15-year sentence for viola tion of the National banking laws un der which Charies W. Morse, the New Tork banker and "Ice king," has served two years in the Federal penitentiary at Atlanta. Ga. The commutation of sentence, which gives Morse immediate freedom but does not restore his civil rights, was granted upon recommendation of Attorney-General Wlckersham and Surgeon-General Torney, U. S. A. Spaa of Life la Short. According to the surgeon's report. Morse could not live one month longer in confinement, and even at liberty probably would not live six months. The White House statement granting freedom to Morse follows: "The President this afternoon com muted the sentence of Charles W. Morse to expire at once. This action was taken upon the recommendation of the Attorney-General, based upon the following report of Surgeon-General Torney: Malady Is Incurable. Tt Is clear to my mind that Morse Is suffering from a combination of dis eases due to degenerative changes which are Incurable and progressive. The reports show that both the condi tion of the kidneys and the heart are growing worse. I regard the attack of cardiac dyspnoea, of heart block, from which he suffered on the morn ing of th 15th instant, as an ominous (Concluded on Page 2.) JM ' ' 'A PRICELESS JEWELS HEAPED ON BRIDE ROYALTY'S RICHES ARE TAW DRY IX COMPARISON. Wedding of Mrs. Oliver Cromwell to Edward Stotesbnry, Morgan's Partner, .Unique Affair. WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. (Special.) Tho marriage this afternoon of Mrs. Oliver Cromwell to Edward W. Stotes bury, head of the banking house of Drexel & Co., of Philadelphia, at the homo of the bride on New Hampshire avenue, was made unique in the his tory of American millionaires- because of the vast sums that have been spent upon presents for the bride. Tho treasure-room In which the wed ding gifts were displayed was a ver itable Aladdin gTotto of precious metals and gems. A gift from the bride groom of 84,000,000 of securities was merely an Incident. There Is a pearl necklace that cost 8500.000, also a gift from Mr. Stotesbury. He has been col lecting pearls for years from every corner of the globe. J. Plerpont Morgan, business part ner of Stotesbury, sent a pretty little token in the shape of a 840,000 dia mond necklace. No royal wedding in Europe ever brought out such wealth of jewels and gold and silver plate. And the blush ing bride had got a trousseau to match a trousseau that would fit out about three Czarinas and two German Em presses. Eighty Parisan gowns and 60 house gowns were Items of this astounding trousseau. President and Mrs. Taft attended the wedding. BOY KICKS UP GOLD NUGGET Foots Creek Residents Start Rush In Search of Treasure. MEDFORD, Or Jan. 18. (Special.) While stumbling along Foots Creek yesterday Ed Koster, a boy 14 years old, kicked up a bright piece of metal and, taking it home, discovered that it was a gold nugget valued at 830.18. The find caused considerable excite ment, and since that time the boy and about the entire population of the Foots Creek mining district have been tramping over that vicinity in search of further treasure. No further finds have been reported, but Medford mining men are suffi ciently interested to organize an In vestigation committee which will leave today for the scene of the find. ALL IDLE LOTS BOUGHT $2,000,000 Sale of Holladay Addi tion Property Reported. According to rumors heard yester day, negotiations are in progress for the purchase by Eastern Investors of all unsold vacant lots In Holladay's Addition, on the East Side Involving a total consideration of about 12,000. 000. C. X. Larrabee, manager of the Oregon Real Estate Company, owner of the property, would not deny or con firm the report last night. The property surrounds Holladay Park and extends south to Sullivan's Gulch, embracing about 600 lots. With the exception of a large strip east of Holladay Park, the district has paved streets. The northern part of the ad dition contains many fine homes. POLICY RUNS THREE HOURS Bank Insures for $5,000,000 In Moving Securities From Ruins. NEW TORK, Jan. 18. A 85,000.000 Insurance policy, the life of which Is three hours, was Issued today to guar antee a New York banking house against loss by highwaymen during the transferring from the burned Equitable building of the cash and securities, which must be carried six blocks. Al though the surety company assumes the risk of loss, the actual protection devolves upon the city, for a squad of police will be the only guards. The surety company called the policy a "holdup and robbery policy," and re ceived 8500 for the risk. LAWLER'S HOUSE ROBBED Burglar Believed to Have Sought Grand Jury Evidence. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 18. Leav ing several pools of blood as the only clew the police have to work upon, a burglar ransacked the residence of Os car Lawler, United States special prose cutor In the dynamiting probe conduct ed here by the Federal grand jury, early today, and escaped with a small amount of money. The police, however, declared it was not money that the man was after. Evidence relating to indictments re turned by the grand jury, the police as sert, was what the robber was hunting. WAR FOR BIGFIELD OPENS Power Plant Sold and Hood River Rivals Will Now Fight for Control. HOOD RIVER, Or., Jan. 18. (Spe cial.) The transfer of the electric light system and power plant of the Pacifio Power & Light Company, lo cated at Hood River to the Rood River Gas & Electric Light Company, involv ing 8125,000 was effected today. The new company has announced a cut In rates far below that of the new ly constructed Hydro-Electric Com pany, and war is on for control of the local field. WW OUT OF WILDE JURY Defense's First Chal lenge Ousts Molder.. COURT RULES ON CONFESSION Admissions by Morris Not Evi dence Against Promoter. . TWO TALESMEN QUIZZED Dozen Men for Trial May Be Chosen by Tuesday Venireman Declares Stranger Questioned Him. Attorneys in Clash, Elimination of prospective Jurors through exercise of peremptory chal lenges was reached In the Louis J Wilde case yesterday. First of the 12 veniremen, passed for cause by the prosecution and the defense, to be ex cused on such a challenge was Louis Haertleln, a non-union molder em ployed by the Independent Iron Foun dry and residing at 869 Mallory avenue, In getting rid of Haertleln, the de fense invoked the first of six peremp tory challenges to which It is entitled Th nrosecutlon is allowed three. Un til another venireman qualifies tem porarily to sit in the case, otner per Amntorv rhaJlencres will not be mads. Another venireman to take the placoj of Haertleln had not been ODiaineo. when court adjourned for tne aay Kn.nlrlon that each side In all prob ability will use up Its full quota of per Tnntnrins makes reasonable the pre diction that the Jury will not be final ly completed before Tuesday or Wednes day. Straase Vtalt Related. The original list of 12 prospective jurors, required before the use or per emptory challenges could begin, was vi initiated vesterday when the follow ing veniremen were passed for cause by the state and the aeiense. n. larlrann. commercial traveler. 1282 Bel mont street; L. A. La Jole, wholesale! Jeweler, 1261 East Morrison, ana u. u.t Ramsdell, contracting carpenter, 430-.I WnrtiBth avenue. Southeast. I Mr. La Joie, In his examination byj Mr. Malarkey. told of having been vis-l lted by a strange man 10 days agoj innsht to laarn from La Jole hisl opinion regarding the Wilde case. LaJ Joie's description of his visitor an fered from that of the man who called nn Martin Battler, about the same time, except as to age, both men being about! 48 or 60 years of age. I La Joie testified In answer to -ques-l tlons by Mr. Malarkey that a stranger called at his place of business In the McKay building a week ago last Sat rj,v Aftr ascertaining that he was addressing La Jole, the visitor, callinK La Jole "brother," announced that he had seen in the newspaper reports that t o inis. waa on the Jury. According to La Joie, the stranger then casually! looked over the stock of jewelry, inci-i a ,oii inmilrlnir about business andf volunteering his views on the reasons for the general business conaiuons ot the country. "Liquor" Complexion Noted. "Finally," said LaJole. "the man asked me If I had read anything in the newspapers about the Wilde case. I told him I had not. He then walked over to the door and. Just as he started to leave, he turned and said: 'So you don't know anything about this case?' To this question I again answered neg atively and he left my place of busi ness. 1 have not seen him since. He man about 48 or 60 years of age. smooth face, complexion of a man who drank excessively and naa a aistinct Irish brogue. He did not give his name or address." Further questioning by both Mr. Ma larkey and Mr. Clark failed to develop anything material, although LaJole said In reply to an inquiry from Mr. Malarkey that he was not aware that the County Court had authorized the employment by the prosecution of a number of detectives in connection with the Wilde case. He said further that the mysterious stranger did not say for whom he w'as making Inquiry ..ioiiva tn the. Wilde case. LaJole was accepted temporarily by both sides. After a brief cross-examination oy Mr. Fitzgerald, F. E. Jackson, commer cial traveler, 1282 Belmont stret. was passed for cause. Mr. Fitzgerald .iikd what effect failure on the part of the state to convict Morris in the pending case would have on the Juror's mind In determining the case of Wilde. This was the lirst intimation of any kind from the prosecution which would indicate the possibility that Morris will not plead guilty to the indictment and that the charge against Morris will be dismissed. State Accused of "Shifting." This question provoked a lively tilt between Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Malar key, the latter charging the prosecu tion with undertaking to "shift ground." Mr. Malarkey said it was un derstood between counsel when the ex amination of Jurors iirst began that If Morris pleaded guilty it was not to be held against Wilde until the guilt of Morris waa established independent ly of liis confession, by otlicr compe- ICoucludcd ou Tase 16 i