THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1912. 3 DR KAZZARD SAYS SHE NOW NEDS 1 AWERICAJT CASDINAli WHO AEEJYED HOME YESTERDAY. 51 Woman on Trial for Murder Leans on Attorneys Know ing Fate Rests Therein. JURY VENIRE EXHAUSTED Oat tie Fast-Care Specialist Admits on Third Day That Case Is Be- ginnlng to Tell oa Her. Defease Plan Foreseen. TAOOMA. trash.. Jan. 17. f8pecial. The third day of the trial of Dr. Linda Eurfleld Hazzard. Seattle faat enre specialist, accused of the deliber ate murder of Claire Williamson. M.lttw 1 1 a K -nlmt.l who. with her sister, went to -Starvation Heights" at Oiana. lor treatment, enaea i -i-today at Port Orchard, with ths special Seven jurors were In the bos. sure of remain leg-, and lour ouers naa pm. j . . T Y" . W v An!rd y.u iui ..-huw-j- a third venire of IS drawn to report to morrow morning-- 1 no sxaie naa ex hausted all but two of Its peremptorlea and the defense all but three and coun sel tonight is confident the jury .win be completed tomorrow forenoon. Today the defense exercised three more of its peremptory challenges and the state one. Jurors excused by the defense were: T. J. Hammer, a rancner of Paulsbo; E. Q. Harmon, a machinist ii.u- - ri-fhar! and Andrew Bolferson. a farmer residing- near Port Orchard. The state excusea i. rami. an employe at Hall Bros.- enipyaro. .agie Hsroor. n.fft-- vtmm rsHws. Intimations as to the nature of the defense to be Introduced by attorneys for Mrs. Hassard developed today. The derense will try to prove that Claire Williamson came to her death In the Ollala Sanitarium because she steadfastly refused nourishment when offered to her by Mrs. Hassard. Fur ther, assert her attorneys, she came to the fast specialist when practically riven up as hopeless by physicians, and jn inia respeci cney noia merely unlucky. That Mrs. Hassard had schemed from the first to obtain part of the Williamson estate, it Is said, will t resulted try evidence woicn win hew that all Dr. Hassard would have received In any event would have been a yearly donation to the sanitarium of fSC. bequeathed by Claire Williamson. i . a .1 is Mint m.ria Aliv.nci - " known today. In that the fast specialist Jioias a license, irom in, i'" prw ties, earing disease by the fasting method and also a license to practice eieopamy. Today the woman sat unmoved la court, content to let her attorneys con- A 7i f tftiA fmmm .mmln.Mnn of ttirorS with 'is suggestions. About ber eyes mere appearea m urea loom, anvwina that the strain oi tne inai win inn Its mark npoa ner aespiie ner Declara tion of enduring strength. That she is watchful of proceedings, nevertheless, betraying the same keen, quiet alert ness aa would a tigress la the Jungle. Is plain In every action. Daily when court adjourns she walks to the wharf with her attorneys, keenly consctous that )n their hands and skill largely rests ber fate. "It is strange." she said today, "but this is the first time I have had to lean on anyone. I find It bard to get used to." British Ylce-Coneul Agassis, of Ta coma, was in court today for the first time since the trial began, and satd ha would be In attendance until the case is concluded. Pertlaad fade Presvat- ' John Herbert, uncle of the William son girls, of Portland and. Dr. Arthur Langley, cousin, of Australia, were also present. Mlsa Dorothea Williamson, sister of Claire, and Miss Margaret Con. way, nurse of the two sisters, are at the Navy View Hotel at Port Orchard, but have not appeared in court and probably will not until wanted by the slate. Indications are that the Hassard trial will prove costly to Kitsap County. A conservative estlrrate places the prob able expense at 15500. providing the trial does not last over two weeks. Counsel for e state believe it will be completed next week, but both sides admit a possibility of Its lasting longer. The lot witnesses subpenaed were in creased today by one additional sub- pena Issued by the state. - . ) & I FARLF.T IX SNAPSHOT AXD POSE. tbe audience did not know It. Follow ing a strike by the regular chorus, for too many reasons to be recounted, the management of the Grasl Grand Opera Company pressed local "supes" of an other nationality Into service. As a result silvery-throated warblers draw ing up to ftOO a night rubbed shoulders with them and helped swell the volume of the chorus and drown the Italian words. The blending of the two ro- mantto tongues considered. "Louise" went fairly well. The seeming Incongruity was passed over lightly by M. de Journal, business agent of the company. 'Maybe dey seeng French, maybe dey seeng Italian. It la all right; we don't care; Jus' so dey seeng." be said. The ehrous. in spite of the avalanche of French expletives hurled at It by the artist. Is still busy, the Italian singers trying to grasp the French worda or substitute Italian ones and at the same time follow the score. TftTFWDBKEBSAPPBDVED MARIOX COCXTr COSnilTTEE- MEX ARE XAMED. HOSTS HAIL FARLEY Cardinal's Home-Coming Ac claimed by 750,000. POPE'S BLESSING IS GIVEN Prelate Declares Conviction That God Has Placed In Cbalr of Peter Man Who la Meeting; Needs of Time. Republicans Will Work for Nomina tion and Re-election of President on Portland's Plan. NEW TORK. Jan. IT. Illumination tonight of St. Patrick's Cathedral with 50.000 electric lights strung to the tips of two great spires ended a mem orable day of ovation for Cardinal Far ley on his return to America as a new ly created prince of the church. It It estimated that 7(0,000 persons aw his eminence driven from the Battery, where he landed, up Broad way and Fifth avenue to tbe Cathedral. So unbounded was the enthusiasm of many who sought to see him that mounted police charged the throng re peatedly. Dressed In his scarlet robes, the car dinal rode In an open carriage through a lane of people for more than four m'les. At the Cathedral it was only by force that way was made for him through the crowd. Six thousand chil dren's voices were raised in the Te dum" as he entered. In thanks for the welcome, his eminence shook hands with feeling and delivered the blessings of Pope Pius X. "Coming now from his sscred pres ence, he said, "and after several pri vate audiences in which he opened his fatherly heart as to a loving son: e,nd after hearing that voice which aeemed to speak in tones of inspiration pro claiming to the world fearless denunci ation of the schemes of the church's enemies. I have returned with a con fidence more full than ever hefora that Mill . Qod has placed in the chair of Peter MORSE'S CONDITION GRAVE President May Act on Surgeon's Re port Just Submitted. WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. The Ques tion of the Immediate commutation of the sentence of Charles W. Morse sgaln hangs In the balance. Surgeon-General Torney, of the Army, consulted by At- torney-Oeneral Wlckersham as to whether Morse's condition now seems desperate, made a report to tbe At torney-General today. General Torney's opinion will be laid before the President and in the mean time will not be made public. If the end seems imminent, it can be said that the President will commute the sen tence! Reports from the hospital at Fort McPherson. Ga., where Morse is con fined, are that Morse is continually losing ground and that his condition Is grave. STRIKE HALTS FUNERAL Rearse Not Moved While Non-Cnion Chauffeur Drives Mourners. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. IT. (Special.) Refusing to allow the funeral cortege of the late Abraham Stern, a prominent merchant and banker, to proceed with a nonunion chauffeur driving the private automobile of Jacob Stem, a brother of Abraham Stern. 8. T. Dixon, business agent of the Chauffeurs' Union, delayed the start from the Fairmont Hotel for half an hour today. On perceiving the nonunion man at the wheel of Stern's machine. Dixon or dered Wlllam Fitzgerald, driver of the limousine hearse, not to proceed. Jacob Stern and his party finally ob tained another car and the precession made Its delayed start for the cemetery. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Jan. IT. (Special.) The Taft committee for Marlon County. Oregon, formed for the purpose of promoting sentiment favorable to the renomlna tion and re-election of President Taft. will be constituted of the following members, whose namea have been sub mitted, by National Committeeman Williams to Private Secretary HUles and approved by the secretary: A. W. Gilbert. James G. Heltxel. R. J. Hendricks. Dr. J. N. Smith, Hal D. Patten, B. F. West. Louis Lachmund, John McNary, John Carson, Ernest Hofer. H. A. Johnson. Frank T. Wright- man. John Brophy. Dr. W. Carlton Smith. and Frank B. Southwlck. of Salem; L. J. Adams and A. C Steelharamer. Sll verton: J- T. Hunt, Sublimity; W. H. Hobson. Stayton; H. C Porter, Aums- vllle; E. L. Martin. Turner; J. L. Cal vert. Hubbard: J. M. poorman and J. D. Simmons. Woodburn; A. M. La Fol- lette. Brooks; W. M. Mahoney. Ger- vais; Louis Webert, Aurora: Joseph G. Fontaine. Jefferson; Lloyd T. Reynolds, Che maw a and Robert S. Shaw. City. The foregoing list embraces the meet the needs of time. names of men representative of the I "Not onlv is that feeble ibllcans of Marlon County. These . calm and untroubled, but one Republicans win be requested by Corn- ; h i placid Insistence is founded on the mitteeman i imams to take up mis profound faith of the saints, strong as ; work along lines similar to those be- ( adamant In the belief that God is with old man Ing followed by the Taft committee In Portland. STRIKE GROWS QUIETER MILITIA FORCED TO SUBDUE CLASH IX PARADE. OPERA IS SUNG IN BABEL Italian Supes Hired When French Chorus Quits Few Know It. TrS ANGELES. Jan. 17 (Special.) Italian "supes" mad, up the chorus of Textile Mills Reopening and All Ex pected to Be Operating Soon. Disaffection Xot Over. LAWRENCE. Mass.. Jan. 17. A clash between parading strikers and militia men was one of tbe developments to day of the textile strike In which 15,000 militia operatives are concerned. On the heels of this disturbance. Colonel E. Leroy Sweetser. commanding the mili tia, announced he had taken a band in efforts to settle the trouble. Colonel Sweetser conferred tonight with Joseph J. Etter. lesder of tbe strikers, snd later said he had sug gested to Etter. a plan for a definite settlement. Details of the plan were cot revealed, but Colonel Sweetser later communicated with Governor Foss by telephone and arranged a farther meet ing with Etter. Between S00 and 400 additional em ployee of tbe Arlington mills Joined the strike today, but more operatives were at work than on any other day this week. Only the Everett and Law rence duck mills are Idle and the lat ter Is expeoted to reopen tomorrow. him and his church as he had promised ne would ever be. 'GRIZZLY BEAR' UNDER BAN Oakland snd Los Angeles Decide Dance Will Xot Be Tolerated. OAKLAND. Cal. Jan. 17. Commis sioner of Public Health and Safety Fred C Turner has decided that the "Texas Tommy," and "ragging" will not be tolerated In Oakland. This ac tion will be taken In response to a pe tition by the Civic Purity League. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 'lT. The "tur key trot." the "Texas Tommy," the "grizzly bear," and similar dances were officially placed on the blacklist of Los Angeles today. The police com mission decided that such dances oould not be given In public dance hall. How WrinKles Are Caused and Removed Scotch Folk Wed at Vancouver. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. 17. ("Spe cial.) Porter D. Castle. 43, and Miss Bessie Richmond. 25. of Inverness, Scotland, were married here today by Judge Donald McMaster, of the Su perior Court. Charles Johnson, of Alberta. Canada, and Miss Emily Ap- (Frora American Home.) "Why did no one think of this be fore?" writes a clear-thlnklng reader. "Wrinkles are caused by the skin be coming loose. Obviously the remedy is to tighten the skin. Equally it is ob vious that the only thing which will tighten the skin is a powerful astrin gent, i "Now. it Is well known that the only powerful astringent which Is absolute ly harmless and beneficial as well, is pure powdered saxollte, obtainable from any druggist. Dissolve one ounce in a half pint of witch hasel. Bathe tne face in it daily and behold! The result la almost magical. The skin be comes firm and smooth, the face feels smug, comfortable and solid. Instead of loose and flabby. Simple. Isn't it? As I asked why did no one think of it before? "One should be careful, however, to plestam. of Portland, were married to day. Lortng Wbltaker and Eieanor i use no other astringents than pure Smith, both or I'ortiana. secured a saxollte. aa the former do no good and f w 1 . ..,.. . . k. - ... r.l . mr Htt-nu h.r. ImllT ThM ! ..alt. lnflirlnil.mAr. nft.n .Han V 1 f w v. u vpvim 4 i iiigui v King AU i " --- - - - -- , t w m dltorlum. and It seems that IJ-J00 of 1 were accompanied by Edith Smith. J not." Adv. J 1111 VICTIM OF ' INSANE SVENGALI Hypnotist Is in Asylum and Physicians Labor in Vain to Break Spell. Good Shampoo for the Winter Months HUSBAND IS SUMMONED Tailor, Xow Raving and Abusive, Cannot Restore Her to Xormal Mental Condition Xelgh- f bors Appeal to Police. OAKLAND. Cal.. Jan. 17. (Special.) -Wilfred Belleveau." possessed of the powers of a Svengall. was committed to the Nana Hospital for tho Insane to day by Superior Judge Arnot. Mrs, C. Wlllard. who was arrested with Belleveau at her home In Berkeley last night, will be examined as to her san Ity tomorrow. In the meantime physicians are en gaged in a vain effort to release her from the hypnotic hysteria In wnicn the hypnotist left her when ne was himself bereft of reason. The strange couple had been holding a hypnotlo orgy in the Wlllgrd bungalow forsev eral davs. The woman's husband ren to Denver last Wednesday and she and Belleveau, it is said, began a wild se ries of orgies which startled the neigh borhood. There were shouts and songs, laughter and tears and much noise. Neighbors importuned the po lice to stop the noise, but nothing was done until yesterday, when the man and woman were arrested. Mrs. Wlllard. after being taken to the Receiving Hospital, told the police that Belleveau had cast a spell over her. He told her that her husband had died on the train en route to Den ver and that he was the husband's re- Incarnated spirit. She believed him, So they celebrated the death and tbe reincarnation until the police interfered. Belleveau was found to be a raving maniac, violent, incoherent and abus ive. Mrs. Wlllard's condition was hardly better. She could not remove her eyes from the tailor, who is short, uncouth man and who has none of the characteristics of. a dominant personality. Physicians at the hospi tal and the observation of neighbors are authority for the statement that the tailor exercised a hypnotic spell over Mrs. Wlllard from the first time they met. Neighbors have telegraphed the hus band of the woman and he will arrive tomorrow, when a desperate effort will be made, with his aslstance. to bring Mrs. Wlllard back to her normal men tal condition. "The Hair and scalp require sham pooing nearly as often in winter as during the summer." writes Mrs. Mae Martyn in the Philadelphia Star, "and when a woman neglects this important duty her hair soon becomes oil-laden and unmanageable. "A soothing and cleansing shampoo mixture can be prepared at little cost by dissolving a teaspoonful canthrox in a cup of hot water. This rubs into a thick, white lather, stops the Itching almost instantly, and dissolves every particle of dust, dandruff and excess oil. Rinsing leaves the scalp clean and healthy, while the hair dries evenly and quickly, taking on a charming softness and rich gloss. Occasional shampoos with canthrox encourage the hair to grow long and abundantly." Adv. MILITANT SUFFRAGIST OUT Finding Views Opposed in Illinois, Mrs. Parker Resigns From League. CHICAGO. Jan. 17. Mrs. Alice Bright Parker has resigned her affiliations with the Illinois Equal Suffrage League. She was formerly bead of the league's publicity bureau. It was said today that her action re sulted over a discussion as to whether XJm CARMEN N OT dangerous metios mod acquire beauty without cosmetics mod acquire beauty without wauwg or roooing. rfustatoucaof CARMEN Complesxlon Powder ml ytnr tttMtthy, bhMxiifrff tMuitj rf yooth irf1I b mhmaced, to TemMincatHjn witiv CeU-CMTjls) diffennt rrons ethsr ee UnCT so powder snout ae . rimh mmd ih i Tout aim 60. Carmen Cold Cream feed for sara. roasa sks Him Hi I J. ja5Sc Stafford-hAUler Company. 61S OUveStreet St. Louis, Mo. Satisfied Customers Oar Strongest Recommendation We have been so careful to make careful, skillful examinations of the eye that we seldom make a mistake. We make so few mistakes that we can afford to guarantee all we do and thereby eliminate all mistakes. If we told you we never made a mistake you would not believe us. Our Skillful Fining and Ad justing Will Satisfy the Most Critical THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE 208-209-210 Corbett Bldg. Fifth and Morrison Sts. more spectacular and militant meas ures were necessary In Illinois. Mrs. Parker stands for militancy. Others favored more conservative measures. Mrs. Parker, It is said, will go with the woman's suffrage party, which stands for more militant action than the state organization with which it has never affiliated. FIRE DESTROYS INFIRMARY AT DUNNING ASYLUM. Patients Restrained With Difficulty. 1000 Others Compelled to Leave Buildings. CHICAGO, Jan. 17. Fire destroyed today the infirmary of the Dunning In sane Asylum at the outskirts of the city and caused attendants considerable trouble in restraining 100 excited pa tients, none of whom were injured. The loss of the four-story brick building was 135.000. The burned building housed 300 per sons, most of whom had to be aided to other parts of the institution. Lack of water and difficulty In getting fire apparatus to the remote grounds threat ened five adjoining buildings, which sheltered nearly 1000 other patients. AH of the patients were made to don wraps and leave the buildings, stand ing in the open air under guard of at tendants until firemen had the flames under control. Every Article Reduced GOVERNMENT IS SCORED Canadian Tells American Lumber men They Are Done Injustice, MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 17.-Denuncla-tlon of the Government with regard to the suit pending against lumbermen was made today by E. M. Trowern, secretary of the Retail Merchants' As sociation of Canada, in an address be fore the Northwestern Lumbermen s Association. Mr. Trowern Invited any special agent of the Government who might be attending the meeting to make himself known and take a front seat that he "might hear all that was being said." "You fellows work for the pubiio year in and year out," said Mr. Trowern to the lumbermen, "for what practl- $h m& v m 3.:. Only Three More Weeks of Our Great Removal Sale AH Goods Purchased Through January Will Be Billed to You March First cally amounts to nothing, and In pay ment for your trouble, the Govern ment becomes Imbued with the idea that you are parties to a conspiracy to defraud the people." , .. Vancouver Clnh Men Forgetful. VANCOUVER. Wash., Jan.. 17. (Spe cial.) The Commercial Club held a mid-week luncheon today at Hotel St. Elmo, and so Interested were the mem bers talking about the home industries that have been established .here, that 10 forgot to pay the cashier. Tho de ficit was made up by tho Commercial Club. E. E. Beard was chairman of the meeting and asked a dozen men, representing Vancouver industries, to 6peak. CLOSING DAYS The big clearance sale of Pianos, Pianola Pianos (Second-Hand) and Organs is nearing tbe end. .... Good Organs $23 up Upright Pianos $67 up Grand Pianos $250 up i "We've never had so many for sale and we've never sold so many in so short a period of time. - Arrange Payments to Suit Yourself CALL TODAY i Is Your Piano Just Furniture Or a Musical Instrument? The perfect tone qualities of tbe Bush & Lane Piano win never permit It to becooM idle or purely ornamental. Bulb ic Lane Piaoo owuers take s pride la having their piano Heard It completes the home sad Is a constant source of pleasure. Built to stand s lifetime of use. A Bush & Lane Piano in Your Home Is a Badge of Musical Culture Bush & Lane Piano Co. 855 Washington St. Majestic ater Bid. KXIGHT SAYS I "There's only one place In Portland where you can see the GAITER BOOT" nnfl KNIGHT IS RIGHT TShe j GAITER BOOT As different as a gowi by Paqnln or Worth - Faultless and stunningly, stylish The Rage in European style centers (Comes with patent vamp and top of black, gray or brown cravenette, or any other combination. the Pair Made to Order MORRISON AT SEVENTH KNIGHT'S Tnll Gtbbs' Bldg. Helpful Hints on Hair Health Scalp and Hair Troubles Generally Caused by Carelessness. Dandruff is a contagious disease by a microbe which also produces bald ness. Never use a comb or brush be longing to someone else. Ho matter how cleanly the owner may be, these articles may be infected with microbes. which will infest your scalp. It is far easier to catch hair microbes than it is to get rid of them, and a single stroke of an infected comb or brush may well lead to baldness. Never try on anybody else s hat. Many a hat band is a resting place for microbes. If you happen to be troubled with dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair or baldness, we have a remedy which we believe will completely re!le-o these troubles. We are so sure of this that we offer it to you with the understand ing that It will cost you nothing for the trial if it does not produce the results we claim. This remedy Is called Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We honestly believe it to be the most scientific remedy for scalp and hair troubles, and we know of nothing else that equals it for effec tiveness, because of the results it has produced In thousanas of cases. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is devised to banish dandruff, restore natural color when its loss has been brought about by disease, and make the hair naturally silky, soft and glossy. It does this be cause it stimulates the hair follicles, destroys the germ matter, and brings about a free, healthy circulation of blood, which nourishes the hair roots, causing them to tighten and grow new hair. We want everybody who has any trouble with hair or scalp to know that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is the best hair tonic and restorative in existence, and no one should scoff at or doubt this statement until they have put our claims to a fair test, with the under standing that they pay us nothing for the remedy If it does not give full and complete satisfaction In every particu lar. Two sizes, 60 cents and $1.00. Sold only by the Owl Drug Co. stores in Portland. Seattle, Spokane, San Francisco, Oakland. Los Angeles and Sacramento. BROWN'S Bronchial Troches A remedy of superior merit for Coughs, Hoarse ness and irritation of throat, giring wonderfni relief in Lung Troubles, Bronchitis and Aathma. Free from opiates or any harmful ingredient. Sold only in boxes. Sample mailed free. JOHJT I. BROWN & SOK, Boston, Mam.