Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 18, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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9.S It
11 TO
Taft's Message Proposes Civil
Mineworkers Hold Stormy De
bate Over Proposal to
Indorse Party.
Service for Administrative
numim m ,
. ...
Ex-President of National OrjanlrA
tlon Says Head of Federation
I Opposed to General In
dustrial Organisation.
I.VDIAXAFOLIS. Jan. IT. After the
conTcntlon of the United Mine Workers
of America had rone on record today aa
fTorinic Government ownership of
Industries, the Socialists among; the
1100 delegates launched a resolution
Indorsing their party as "the political
party of the workln class." but it met
reslstanre. Stormy debate occurred at
the afternoon session and the question
went over until tomorrow.
Action was also deferred on a reso
lution providing that the United M!n
Workers shoulJ withdraw from the
American Federation of Labor, con.
demnlnc the National Civic Federation
as an aaent of capitalists, and sharply
criticising; Samuel Gompera. John
Mitchell and other leaders of the Fed
eration of Labor for co-operation with
tha Clrle Federation.
Fellttral Meve Restated.
Because of the constitution of th
Mine Workers stipulating that it shall
be non-political, the resolution com
mittee reported that It had not con
curred In the resolution commlttlns;
the organization to the Socialist party,
but offered a substitute declaring "It
would be well If workers would nnlta
In the political as well aa tha Indus
trial Held."
John Walker, president of the Illi
nois miners, speak ins; for the Socialists.
Intimated that If necessary an effort
would be made to amend tha consti
tution so that the National union could
Indorse the Socialist party.
Protesting aa-alnst the campaign of
the Socialists In the convention. James
Meoney. president of the Missouri
miners, declared the flelee-ates coold
not pledsje the mine workers of Ameri
ca to any political party.
"I have just as much right to force
yon to join the Democratic or Republi
can party as you have to bind me to
the Socialist party." be aald.
Gesisers C ailed "Reartlomary."
Antagonists of the resolution pro
viding for chances In the form of the
Federation of Labor appeared In both
the conservative and the Socialist fac
tions. The resolution committee was
Instructed to group proposed measures
advocating the transformation of the
Federation of Labor from an associ
ation of crafts" nnlona to a general
Industrial organisation, each of whose
members could depend on the other
to co-operate with It In strikes. A
Urge number of such resolutions have
been offered.
Samuel Gompers was characterised
is a "reactionary" by Thomas L. Lewis,
former National president of the min
ora. "As long as Oompers Is at the
bead of the Federation It will oppose
general Industrial organisation aa con
trasted with the separate crafts' union
.deaa." he said. "But the time will come
when leaders In the FederaUon will
be compelled to step down or come
over to the principle of a closed for
mation, working for the benefit of the
hole laboring class."
Watterson Confesses Disap
pointment in Quest.
Lack of Compunction Slxrwn In Dis-
missing- Harper's Editor Gives
Impression That Sense of
Obligation la Lacking.
(Centlneed From riret !
Contest Arises Over Counting- of
Ballots In New Mexico.
c a vr-y A srv w M Jan. IT. The first
contest for office In this state waa
filed today in the Ptate Supreme Court
Oeorge H. Vanstone. "Progressiva Re
publican." who qualified for Corpora
tion Commissioner yesterday.
George W. Armljo, the Republican
candidate for the place, will Intervene.
.1 i -1 - a. Affile Owen waa
counted out because 10S1 voters vot-d
for "Sol" Owen Instead of O. L. Owen.
Armljo asserts that hla defeat waa
encompassed by iraua.
Los Angeles "Will Sell Present Struc
ture and Erect Another.
LOS ANGELES. Jan. IT. Los Angeles
Is to have a new city halL The
Cltv Council voted yesterday to sell the
present structure on Broadway between
second and Third streets, and erect a
rew and more modern building on what
Is known aa the Temple uioca opposite
the Postofflce.
The present structure baa for years
been nnable to house all the city de
partmental offices, despite tha many
change and addition.
Senator Reed Fears "Proletariat So
cialism" Will Kesulu
WArriTNOTO?f. Jan. IT. Oovernment
control of trusts, which be termed
Plutocratic socialism, was denounced
tonight by Senator Reed of Missouri, at
the banquet here tonight or the Amen
-n sjeat Packers' Association.
He declared such control would lead
to -proletariat socialism." that the only
difference between the two waa In the
division of the profits between a few
and all the people, and that as between
tne two the common socialists "had all
the better of ths argument."
ffVtlna From riret Pas.) will be saved and a home built
for the entire) family."
No queetlons were asked about the
communication from the spirit world.
Under cross-examination the witness
admitted that, as the woman's attor
.,4 M-lml 110. SOS. knowing
that she waa Incompetent, but believ
ing be bad well earned the lea.
av a a. - - t.m n t rha mibliiv of tha
first will ex-Judge Van Etten said Mrs.
Patterson urged him to name the bene
ficiaries, and was prevailed upon to
name them herself only when told that
such a course aa she suggested would
be Illegal.
. . . . W a . lata! t at H II Va
.jutaa . aaaa civaj-aa. -w . . -
Mr a. Thurston Insane by ber "talk of
spiritualism and the reincarnation of
living mortals.
v . f - . ... . ... ,
"f : ' ' ,? . . ' " : -. '
: - ' :; :
k' " ; . . - ' ; v.-.
r -t , ' t ' . .- --
i . - i ..i. la
wish this had reached me earlier. I
have, during three weeks of news
paper importunity, refused to print a
wor an the aublect In the hope that
no publicity might be required and
that some understanding ' couia do
...Aliail t hil reaaon to believe that
Colonel Harvey withheld his statement
for the same cause ana wim me same
hope. It being no longer possible to
suppress the matter at Issue, this full
itatement, wnicn i maae mon r.
i iat anriv imrii needful to a full and
Impartial knowledge by the general
public, but more especially by the
maaa and body or uemocrata wno are
ma earnestly seeking a leader In the
coming conteat.
"ttXa-NtVI HAl
Wisconsin Leader Sees "Discredit
able Tendency Toward Treachery."
.rr TW i HLTt" Tan lTAl a result
of the break between Governor Wilson
and Colonel George B. Harvey. Matt
Resran. on of the strongest 01 ids
old aUemocratlo leaders in me siaie.
mad public tonight a leter to John
Aylward. of Madison, head of tha w 11-
son campaign in tne siaie. u.ui-i ia
that under no circumstances would he
iow aid In the campaign ji u.
Jersey Governor.
Mr Regan was at tha outset a Wil
son man. In his letter to Mr. Aylward.
however, he declares that he oan no
longer aid In bis campaign, no J
the) Wilson movement at first appeared
to ha nromlslng. but recent eyventa
have demonstrated that his policies
ire not those or tne moaern pnir
ilve" Democretlo party spirit
11. jk . n h that t ha state delegation
be sent Into tha Natlonual convention
npledged. In hla leter air. Aegan
"In tha break with Colonel Harvey,
Governor Wilson showed a discredit
able tendency to treacnery 'u",u n
man whom he once gave tha credit for
its election as tovernor -nt
prominence as a Presidential can
lldate. The action toward Colonel
Harvey Is merely typical or a career
marked by treachery to his friends.
1-ersonally. I am for uryan oe can
... Am. a run. hut never for a
man like Wilson, who turns hla poli
cies whenever It suits nis uri"
collapse: or boom is see
whruka TJemocrati Confer Orer
Editor Harvey's Action.
numi Jan. IT. A conference of
several leading Nebraska Democrata
.a...i.i--4 todnv the action of the
.n.. e narnara Weekly In taking
from the bead of Its column the name
of Governor Woodrow vtnson as i
i . .. fnf tha jamocratle nomlna
tlon for President. The meeting was
held In the office of Mayor Pahlman.
of this city, and waa of an eiecuUve
nature. .
Mayor Dahlmaa. after adjournment,
gave out a statement In which he ad
mitted the action of Editor Harvey was
the cause or loaay s meeiing.
t-v. ..linn nf Mr. Harvev Is the col
lspse of the Wilson boom." declared the
Mayor. "Mr. Harvey Is by no means
. . . n laailiiir Democrata who
have been supporting Oovernor Wilson
to drop him. Democrats like Colonel
Colonel Hemphill and
others have fallen out of tha Wilson
v.k,..b. Democrats have no can
aM.t- t nrooose. but are generally op-
.a. tn Mr. Wilson, following his
a Mnalnn VaOlfa-V lonir a aT(a
lUa On HI H a -w a aa--
I am not authorised to speak for Mr.
Bryan, but I know he Is opposed to
many of the pollc,e advocated by Gov
ernor Wilson, and I do not think this
leading Nebraskan will support hi
a . tValilanrv"
What further action Democrats win
take the Mayor decllnea to discuss.
Booth-Kelly Mill Starts Tp.
EUGENE. Or, Jan. IT. (Special.)
Following a closed period which began
before Christmas, the Booth-Kelly log-
-V.-T' ""1
'' -.". ' - - . N -;
i .-. -i' v'H
. Celoael Ceerge Harvey.
glng camps beyond Wendllng resumed
work Monday. The mill starts up this
Attorney-General Finds Whole Rec
ord Refutes Charge of Over-Conservatism.
WAKHINOTON. Jan. IT. Protests
against the appointment of Judge
Hook, of Kansas, to the Supreme
riir at? .- 1'nll.rl Stilu (i anr-caaal
the late Justice Harlan, have been In
vestigated by Attorney-General wicn
crsham and found groundless. Ths
complaints were based upon Judge
Hook's decision in the Oklahoma 2-cent
railroad case, in wnicn ne neia tne
rate confiscatory.
Mr. Wlckersham concluded that it
was extremely unwise to Judge the
simply because it happened to be fa-
voraoie ia ins mnrutui. vuia
1 .1 . . T . . .1 . -I I. ' n n 4 n .
Iiwuuii va. afUUBV i.uua i avu.u 141 au
terpretlng the railroad and ether laws
of the country refuted, in the Judg
ment of the Attorney-General. the
charge that Judge Hook was too con
servative. His conception of the man
was based upon a consideration of his
note career upon tne oencn.
i 11m touii va Hi iuT.iiBuvu m.aua
that Judge Hook still Is among the
foremost candidates for the Supreme
Court vacancy, but the President. It is
declared in authoritative circles, has
not yet made up his mind as to the
Chief Executive Asks Congress to
Continue Commission on Effi
ciency Because of Excellent
Beginning It Made.
WASHINGTON. Jan. IT. How the
people of the United States may have
saved for them millions or aouar.
,. 1- .v.. T.ratlnn of their gov
ernmental machinery was outlined by
President Taft touay in a -t-nnarress
on "economy and efficiency
in the Government service."
"What the Government noes wwi
nearly each year." said
the President, "is of as mucn con
cern to tha average ciuku -
manner of obtaining this amount.
money for the publlo use.
Probably the most radical proposal
advanced by the President in toaay -message
was that all administrative of
ficers of the Government In the de
partments at wasningion euu
field be put under the civil service; be
. .- Influence of DOllttCS
Ind that their terms of office be not
limited, as at present, i" . . "i
J . ... .1 .!.t v.- annotated
by the president with the necessity of
ujr a.ii- 1 A hut ,inAn
Senate connrmsiion.
merit. .
Merit System mwih.
The extension of the merit system
. ih... nfflcera and a needed read
justment of salaries." said be. "will
have Important enecis in
greater economy ana eii.c.-jnuy.
view that these various offices are to
be filled as a r-ault of political con
sideration has for Its consequence the
necessity that the President and mem
bers of Congress aevove w , : .
.- which thev should de-
vote to questions of policy and admla-
'.r, - i- h- President, "the con
tinuance' of this Commission on Econ
omy and Efficiency. dku.. "-
cellent beginning which has been made
towards the reorganisation of the ma
chinery of this Government on business
principles. I ask it because Its work is
entirely nonpartisan In character and
ought to apply to every cltixen who
wishes to give enecuveueaa
government In which we feel a Just
pride. I sincerely hope that Congress
will not. In Its anxiety to reduce ex
penditures, economise by cutting off
an appropriation which is likely to offer
greater opportunity for real economy
In the future than any other estimated
To date, the President aald. the Com
mission has cost the people about 10,
000. Without having put In effect more
than a few reforms It has suggested
changes that will save $1,000,000 a year.
Taft Weald Drop Noa-Workers.
In many ways, the President in
formed Congress, a decrease in the cost
of Government might be assured. There
Is need, he said, of reorganization of
the Government departments, a consoli
dation and a weeding out of bureaus
that overlap in their work: scores of
"local offices" throughout the country
should be abolished, and hundreds of
political appointees who do but little
work should be taken off the payroll.
The Treasury Department. Mr. Taft
showed, looked after the Nation's fi
nances and the life-saving service.
The Commission, he said, had recom
mended the abolition of the Revenue
Cutter Service, which would mean a
saving of $1,000,000 a year.
The President urged the adoption of
the "budget system." which would
bring before Congress, the press and
the people of the country not only the
proposed expenditures of the Govern
ment, but Its revenues.
"The United States Is the only great
Nation whose Government is operated
without a budget," he said.
Later, the President declares, he in
tends to send to Congress a plan for
. i n a - alvll aervlce emnloves
on pensions which will safeguard the
Government interest and yet provide
for their old age.
Med ford to Get New Opera. House.
T T . . t CI I . ,
aiLL'rvni'i VI .. 11. a i . 1 .'ci.icaa.
Medford at last is to have a new opera
house. Disappointed by the promises
of outside parties, the Natatorlum com-
.. a.iatAaAat et nrnmlnanl U.H'amI
cltlsens. has determined to remodel that
DQlluinK buu m.n. iv mm m iiiuuDrn
and thoroughly up-to-date playhouse,
to cost In all $7S.00O.
"Take Sandbagr and Look for Live
One if He Won't Buy, Hit Him,"
Characteristic Message Read.
vawe-rv -vrwryTT Ta v 1 7 MlMreft Drt.
C TV XV lAa, -
ham Rice, of mining stock fame. In the
United States District Court today
n a. . Ttiritr Rat that be be al
lowed to defend himself. He bad Just
informed the court by letter that he
a Am.fAmA a. riiamlaa hla oounseL
"I claim the right to defend my
self." said the man on trial with B. H.
Bcheftela and others cnargea witn
aim, th maila to defraud.
"But." said the court with emphasis,
"under the law you must be represent-
. A a... Mn.aal TlnVBVUr T Bh.ll O I-
low you to defend yourself aa far as Is
The court thereupon appointed one
of the lawyers Rice dismissed to aot
The Laundry . Continued
UT SUCCESS did not dampen his ardor about
advertising. (Some people, wnen mey succeeu
through advertising, think they can drop It or
minimize It as soon as they become success
ful.) Mr. Reed never bad that fallacy. He kept
right on telling the public what hla laundry doing through the advertising columns.
The result Is that today he Is operating eighteen
wagons and two automobiles. iMoro tomor
Telephone Me,nill3t
to You
THAT a Piano
Is Now an Ab
solute Neces
sity in the
THAT Kohler & Chase are exclusive agents for the best instruments in the
musical world?
THAT Kohler & Chase carry an almost unlimited and varied stock?
THAT Kohler & Chase guarantee the lowest prices, grade for grade, and the
easiest terms?
THAT it pays to deal with with a reliable house?
Weber Fischer And. Kohler
Steck Kohler & Chase Kohler & Campbell
Stuyvesant Vose Wheelock
And Other Makes, Banging in Price From $200 Up.
1912 Styles Genuine Pianola Pianos Now Here
(Kohler & Chase, Sole Agents.)
No matter what Player Piano you may have seen or heard, if you haven't
seen the new 1912 styles of the Genuine Pianola Piano you can t conceive of
the Derfection to which the Player Piano at its best has arrived. When you
investigate the Pianola Player, the standard of the world, the claims made m
print for other players will appear foolish.
Prices of Genuine 1912 Pianola Pianos
OLA PIANOS, also the KOHLER & CHASE, are
Washington KUUVM pianos
Street U and player -pianos
i xm. .A a? And&nt to
dispel wlih th7e. otSera- wUh whom
he case
The ooverniueui. ; .
th- introduction of more
l.tteJ. and telegrams. One of these
was from Rice to a manager of the
Ch4a. f-Sdbas with you tonight'
,-. Jr,.aaga read, "and look for a live
1 If he won't buy Ely Central, hit
him a good one." '
Tne case dh u"
Oclcber 23 and the defense "P..0
r n-. time before flnlsh-
taie a imaa-aa iu...
lng. " .
"Remain on Soil" Is Blogan of Black
Men in South.
rT it. Tain 1 7 XllSkS-
c.'a annual negro convention opened
here today and adopted the slogan
"remain on the soil." Booker T. Wash
ington presided. wnne
b"8'ne.E.8 J!1!" "e"dHh,,ted iBOO.000.-
000 worth of produce to the wealth of
the South last year, according to fig
ures shown at the conference.
Visaaafrifi n.r-f'sls Wnaauij-.V
people need more coal,
clothes and doctors
than the strong, robust
and hearty.
Scott's Emulsion
saves coal bills, tailors
bills -and doctors bills.
Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and
Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching
Scalp and Dandruff
If you Wish to Double the Beauty
of your Hair in Ten Minutes surely
Try a Danderine Hair Cleanse
Your hair becomes light, wivy, fluffy,
abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and
beautiful as a young girl's after a Danderine
hair cleanse. Just try this moisten a clotii
with a little Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small strand
at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust,
dirt and excessive oil and in just a few
moments you have doubled the beauty of
your hair.
A delightful surprise awaits particularly
those who have been careless, whose hair
has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry,
brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair
at once, Danderine dissolves every particle
of dandruff t cleanses, purifies and invigor
ates the scalp, forever stopping itching and
falling hair.
Try as you will, after one application of
Danderine you cannot find any dandruff or
a loose or falling hair, and your scalp will
never itch, but what will please you most
will be after a few weeks use when you will
actually see new hair fine and downy at
first yes but really new hair sprouting all
over the scalp. Danderine makes the hair
grow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can
prove it. If you care for pretty, soft hair
and lots of it surely get a 25 cent bottle of
Knowlton'i Danderine from any druggist
or toilet counter, and just try it.
?(( , .
I f J '
Vfa: JU'-'-'vl
Get the
Original and Genuine
The FooDrink for All Ages
Hot in any Milk Trust
K2- Insist on "HORLICK'S"
Take a package home
Portland Printing House Co.
1. I tVrlrbt, Pres. and Gen. Manager.
Book, Catmloinie and Commercial.
Tenth and Taj lur Sta. FerUaad. Oresaa.
Stae Label
wm9 M df
Pure and Unadulterated
Contains only those ingredients
Recognized and Endorsed by the
U. S. Government,
Scientific Expert Referee Boar-1.
atjaaJ Aassnistkte State Feed and Davy fine minimum.
Is not artificially colored.
Is not artificially flavored.
Is not loaded with acetic acid.
Does contain Nature's own preservative.
Does retain the natural flavor of the tomato.
Does keep after opening.
Blue Label Ketchup is made from Red Ripe Tomatoes fresh
from the field carefully washed, skins, seeds and cores re
moved cooked but slightly and delicately spiced, thus re
taining the rich natural flavor and color and producing an
article that gives zest to any meal of which it forms a part.
JUftue SubsttiuUt.