V ft mOlU. -OTKU f NEW TODAT, . f RKAt ESTATE. St ' r. SalHouse. For Hale-Farms. BAKER At the re.ld.se. of her daughter, llil Mary A. Boyd, wife of Dr. W. H. F-o)d. b.t Wllllimi aveeu. January 16. Mr. Cataerme haker. wtf. of the ' Hon. Joba G. nr. of McMlnnviile. aged H year T month IS do. a pioneer of 1 Ml. R.iwdi I Holm an funeral par lors. Third and ftlmon st., and wul Isave hro on Saturday. Jan. 3.0. T 20 A. M. train for McMlnavllle, Or., whero funeral ri. win to h.id, and latereat at MeMlaa villa. HUNTINGTON At tho homo of her daugh ter. Mr. J. F. Gnormoiy. sf 63 El bl moa at.. Jan. IT. tlm Huatmgton. ed ; years 1 month 0 day. Funeral owl ilk place from tho Central Christian Cbaren. Knot JOtb and Salmon st.. Fri day (Jan. m. 1 P. M. Fneoda respoctfuny respectfully invited, interment ! view Cemetery. MARTIN Too funeral orTtoo of tho Uto Jma W l loon Martin artll bo held ndy (Thursday, at 2 P. M. from tho chapel of too Loot aid Fun.ral Director.. 414 Knot A.d.r st. Int.rm.r.t a: 3:0 P. M.. at Mount vut Park. Portland s lar new nniMirr. h.aehed tr either Mount geott or casa-ere carl Froo automjbilo erv loo kotoooa Luu us tho cemetery. 8CH ROTH Tho funeral service of tho Uto Adam Scitmta wul bo hold today Th-jr-dayi. at J JO F. M.. from thho ehail of J. P. I'lnley A Son. Interment at 4 P. M. at Mount aroit Park. Portland's lar new rem .terr. Keach.d by olihor Mount Scott or 'asadero c.rl FfM automobile aorv Ico between Lnt and tbo c.metery. ITRXER In thi city. Jan. Id. Jim" O. Turner, aged 64 yeara. Funeral rvlc win bo hod undor tbo auspice of Colum bia Ld. No. 114. A. F. -nd A. M . at Dunning MeEntee chapel. today ,Tnu-.day. Jn. Is. at 1 P. M. FTUnd lavlted. InUrmont Greenwood Cemetery. ANDERSON Tho funeral services of Char lotte a. Anderson, will bo hold a! Finiey'a tharol at 1 P. M. tdar Thurdy. Friende lnrl tod. later-tent Kiorriow C story. DmaualBa MrtMN. Fiairwl IHrootooo. Ttfe aad Ptnow fboao Mala . lot ant. Of rtro of Coawty (.oroaor. A. K. ZtLira to.. l WUUam aoo. Fsjooo Coot IQ. C IWIa. Lady ottoodoot. EDH .4KU hOl.MAN CO.. ooocai irTi or, tf d st. ldy aaoUtoal. I'nooo 7. J p MI.ET . d aad Martlaoa. ottoadant. I'hoao Mala t. A lao. SASr fn. r but. - - , . . - w- a itu. too. K. ftt. B tA-co. LKavCK. loilortokor. ewr. :rt . Ald" "4 IM.tb. soot 11. B !. taay aaowoe t DdortoJUnc Company, ad aavd Clay. Umkm 14. A it- t-df Alloa daJt. a)' MT. SCOTT PARK f The Cemetery Beautitui CKMKTERr WITH rbHPkTlAL CAHfc- r ail burial plota without extra ?ha?.o. Provlried with a pormanont irr.i jclbl Maintenanco tund. Lo LatlJn dial: Juat outside the city flmlt? on nortl. and west .lop., of ! ffi bcott contalnln IJ& -crea. .quipped with av.ry modern con , yenlenc . pRicra to cit ai.i- ! JjM.: Milt SOt'TH OK I L KM Til. RKUVI.AR A I' T OMOBILB KKV- CauMKTKRV. si CITT OFFICE, i:0-:i TEON BUlLuiNO. SlAlN 12 . A 70s. CEMETERT OFFICE, TABOR 146t: u5mB PHOSt KInJ B Jill. TiLiN CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Fwr lino. 0et tlaTaw ,s 4.nt 1 tamo mt two oooooowtlro -. lie a. a ad thro OMtooowtloo tlrnoa Io bomo ad oil o or.oa ooooorwtl.O tlmoe . ow rumittaacoo aoo4 acoo.poy oat-oi-4owa W bra owo ad'ontooraont to not rwa In r. oouie Imooo tho oao-tlme rate appll". Kim word, cowos oo oo moo mm mm oortlAvrmonto ad oo shI oouatoo) too lose iba too llaoa. tn coarse or booh adrertlaorarata the rbar. will bo baood oa tbo artut ausabor of kUff apooarlo. lo tbo aopor. rraaraUooa oi tae aon.br of wordo la ee-b I loo. la N.w Today all ad.ortw moato are rharced try avaro eoUy. 14 liaoa ba ua taVn. abooa ratoa apply a adoortlooonoata , -Now Tortoy- aoJ a.l otaor ela.iin.-v H. n- osroptlo. tbo followtna-l pltootlono antral. Malo. Xltootloao Voot-d. t.aoalo. . Orooonlaa will orrolH claooinooj ad i.ltto. aooota oor tho tolrpbooo. pro.ldlna the ad- rrt t -rr lo a ouborHbor to eilhrr pbooo. e Brtr will he qaotod ooor Ibo pbeoo, bot till will ho roodorod the (ollowlnc day. Vlbotbrr obooool edTOTt.er.nowt wlU bo wrroptod oror too phoao doloado atpoa the nr. nun of tho poyaoot of tolophose ad- v-rtloooivoota. Kiloattwao Uaalod aad Por mmmrnT ad.ortlooaot will ao4 he aceoptod o.or tho tolophoao. Ord.ro for owe inoor 7iaa aoly will ho arroptrd for "Hoaooo foe stoat, soraltaro 'or owio. - ' ' 'LZ WL tonlttre to Mowk" JTEW TODAT. REFEREE'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY The west 68 feet of frac tional block 66 in Couch's Addition to the City of Portland, Or.,-and a tract of land 15 feet wide and 9S feet deep lying immediately ad joining said fractional block 66 in Couch's Addition to the City of Portland, Or., said property being on the southeast corner of Tenth and Burnside streets, in this rity, will be sold by the un dersigned at public auction at the front door of the Courthouse in this city on Wednesday. January 24, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. il. of said day. This property is sold sub ject to the rights of the City of Portland in the extension and opening of Oak street through said real property. JOHN H. STEVENSON, Sole Referee. FOR LEASE lM It. of floor spa c on Fourth at, between Alder and Morrison, to for a period of IS years; Just tho place for a prlnlina; or manufacturing estab lishment. pr rorso at joho'. 514 I sswbrt af Coere Bide MONEY TO LOAN CITT MORTDAGCIi rAHM MOHTUA4.ee. tOtrSST KATKs. TB-rtHS TO VTt. A. H. BIRRELL CO M3 M-K AT Bi ll Dt0. Third aad stork. 25th and Hawthorne Unreatrlcted lot. Una for grocery store. ti, m. DtDUY, L. Johao, Or. Commercial Orchards Iff lpDCr? adjoining McMlnnvllle. 4S4 IU nOnCO treea of commercial apples, half of which are six jrentra old. balanro two and throe years old. Soil l o'P; Mark loam. Just enough alopo for pood 1ralnate; surrounded i-y woven wire) fence, no bulldlns;. Tula would mnke a beautiful Lome, with ail city priv ileges and will Ue a money mltr frorn tho ataru PrUo has bron reduced to I.1S0O for 0'ilrK salo. Term, reasonable Ifl 40 10DCC 'oir nillra south or lUA. AUnCa stiom. nine acres In & year old pllenberr!. with Nowtown fiiir; will bear nxt year: tree, in perfect condition. Uod hol aoll and land la gontlv aloplnsr east and west from the center. Thla tract la on nard. aurfared road and I. within two mlle of a stnetcar line, one mile from amall Ml. ago. school, church, postofllce, etc Price HOu'V Term. Ifl 40 oPDC ln Italian prune. lU.Hl MwflCo tlx and seven years old: about 110 treeo. Lnd la rea snot soil and slopes toward the north. This orchard la situate on the- opposite syia of the road from Hie next noo.o ...ii .,.. trio l.t.oo. Terms. We have personally Inspected the last two tracta above named and can heartily recommend thorn aa belna: strictly nrst-ciasa commoi The tree, nava Deen propcru and prunrd. . . Of JlODCC? .Ituated In Waldo H Ills. AwaLd nine miles east of Snlem and one mile waat of atatlon on R P. It. R. About 10 acres ln full bearlnsrj . - . .. i.t i-nn.ia! IniT nf 13 irWO W IV . jvmta " ' -. . . acres In Italian prunes. lj acrea or apple.. H acre of pear. 1 acre. In bert chirrlea. Tho Improvement, con sist of irood .even-room hou wltn modern Improvementa. inciuama- im wotr nlood to house and out buildings; beautiful lawn, ahrubbery and rose: prune dryer and evaporator: good alable. henhoua a and apple-houoe; one team of horsa, wagon and buggy, farming tool, and Implements, Includ ing orchard equipment. Thi. orrhirj la one of the most beau tlful and sightly In Oregon: has tele phone, dally man ana two cnuii.im, store and school within a few minute, walk. Thl. la a splendid Income propo sition and will prove an excellent In vestment. Price ; 2.500. Terma $5000 cash, balance mortgae-e. MIkIiI accept Portland Improved property up to uu. OfT APDE? adjoining Ashland on Ore U nOnCO gon boulevard, close to Normal school hulldlno' and on Pacific highway: fourteen acres In full bearing commercial apple orchard, balance In younaz fruit, consisting of apples, peara ana cnerries. two gasonno ukihw Irrigating and spraying. Best of red shot soil; land lie. almost level, atrlot ly modern eight-room bungalow, with good barn and chlcken-housw. This Is one of the most beautiful places ln Hocus River Valley. Price I-'I.SUO. A mortgage of J.OuO. due In 1913. could be asaumed. Would consider good In come property in Portland of equal value) ln exchange. , Goddard & Wiedrick S43 Mark Street. nninr uays ONLY $25,000 X. W. Corner First and Clay. Income $173 Month. CIIAPIN & HERLOW SS3 Cham- ( Cneii Havthorne Aye. "Wa hava an especially favorable slta on tha north side of the avenue) where tbs street curves between Twentieth and Twenty-first streets. This site has a fronUga of 111 feet and la 115 feet deep. It eommanda a trlew directly down Hawthorns avenue to the weat. Elliott avenue to the southwest and Twentieth .treet on tha south. This Is the most desirable butldlp" slta on the East Side, and the price is low. Price 112.600. STRONG & CO. OS CONCORD BLDG. INCOME corner, cloae In. near Alblna shops, with three houses renting 1540 per Jear: low rent and sura Income. Price udo. Terma. BRCBAKER at BENEDICT, Boa McKay Bldg MORTGAGE LOANS CCV JOHN E. CRQNAil, HOI J JO wa apoldioa Hide- 9 lJ MORTGAGE LOANS On Business and Residence Property, wot syf C. V. EVERETT, swoW k17, r. d. iMoxn, i In J G14) Board of Trade Bdg. f ! COL1.1S RF.RRIDGB THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 824 Wereeater Illock. Pheae Mala 6.17 BE.4L ESTATR DEALERS. Bork. William CJ, S1V31S Falling bias. BKUBAKEH Blu-StDlCT. toj Moby bids. M. btw. Chapia Horlow. IS1 Chamber Commarso. Cook. B. B. A Co.. i Coreott bids. J.ualn.o A Co. Mala J-. Or.foolan. fALlltK JONES tU, U. P o-4u-v4 Wilcox bids. . Tbo Or. son Hoal Estate Co.. Orand ava, aad Multnomah su IHo.laday Addition). REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lata. BEAUTIFUL lax.e lot iOxliO, well located la a strictly bish-claaa rianco district: bulld:ng r.stricuons. pav.d strsots. oow.r. water and saa mains ail In: good car aarvico: genuine barsaln. Oot full partio u'ars Phono Main louS or A lBlo. Bo sure to ask for Mr. L'rdhal or call at 6-- Cor- hett bldg. ONE REAL OPPORTUNITY Two fclg lota with 11 feet frontage, oa East Side carllno. Ju.t built; tho price of these lots I exceptionally low and their Increase In value certain: the price la only liJO and "-') will hand:. JUSEPH GRAHAM, 100T-0V Board of Trad Bldg. THE Canadian Pacific Railway lntallaUoa of D.w pacific Coaot terminal at Coqult lam reproaonts In the New City your op cortanlt . Our lots iOO foot from the sta tion, ptlce .u0. Write for olrcuiara Mo Pberooa A r'ullortoa Brok. aseoavor. Urlti.n Columbia- LOT I.N LADDi ADDITION. OPPOSITE PARK ttoO BELOW ITS PRESENT MAK- Ksr vaLue. olk monthly pp.in ted LIST OF BA KHAlNl rzv-r a COPY. WILL IMTEUE6I PORTLAND BU1LDINH . MOHAWK BUI ASSOCIATION. LP I N ti. IN PIEDMONT. The best and cheapest lot la this addi tion; lluJ cash. This week only; sacri fice to rie money. Nil laa A Prkhlll. POO Bpmidlng bldg. Te DOWN. 10 PgR MONTH. wn. ,,w lot: matured fruit tree: re a.eieted district, pear car; cement walk Polf Run water I0J Bo.rd of Trl. b.dg Prion. Mar.hall 4T.A 10S1 COOS BAT. Private party ha a tew Cooo Bay lot for sale eejy t.rm. special barsaln la these lota X44 Ky. Each. bldg. Marshall IAvl. a.k for Ty'er. Jc ft T LAND UlMlitl IXCLLiHILI. Boautltul homoo nd bomoslt. aU wtowa. locoUoae and priceej aaa nit fi... mil BKOUEE. A . V it THE MOHXiyG. bRECOyiAX. THURSDAY. JAXTTAIIY 18, 1912. 1 , rr.r I -FAT. ESTATE, f WANTED RKAL g4T. NOTICE. NOTICE la hereby clreo that tho TBJJ Pir.R CE.N1 DISCOUNT will bo r.morod from ail Inside lota In Ueaumonl Janu ary :'2. lOi'd. kTvory modern Improvement. Including cluster street light, paralnss Planted to ian. shade tre-s and rose buahea. Bulldintf restriction tho best. Price CHEAPEST on the two and ono half clrclo TERMS the best. '"P"'' propoiltloa to builders. OVErt hlXTr rUM-ska in six montn. Vany home for s.l by PKIVATK PAKTlKri. Oo out and look thorn over. Deal with the owner It you wlh. We will build you a home TO Si. IT. Stiall ravmeni. COSTS NOTH ING 'o call and ir u and talk the mat ter over. If ou wl.h to e HEAt MONf. TAKE BEAUMONT CAR on JU ana aiu... liir.it loop, and go to end of lln. Oftlce phone. Main !H'0. A ll'lj. UeAlMiiNT LAND COMPANY. Ground Floor Board of Trad Bids. A HTK1CTLY aigh-claa re.ldenc !t. lioiiy locat.d nd oxciualve. .urrouDded ' by beautiful trre. facing a 81-ocr pork, hou.e will never b bulll aoro.a Inj street: cement walks. ser. watr and in mam a.l In; building reiriction ;;0: aingio lot In tin. district ar oil ing for as hlsh as :to0: these sites ar Soilso fet. almost the slxe of three rer- Ular sisod lots, our price is ou. terms can bo arranged; this U positively H- nn.M n-nn-.t w nt 1 1 . kind OH Hi market la Portland: no Ions, steep hills to c.lmb or heavy expense in aevetojou these sites. O.I further particulars. Let K n . n.. ,KI. ...iiOPIV PhOItO Mltt l.V3 or A 18 li. lie sure and ak for Mr. I'rdahl or call at t.oroett nun- Viik-WtHT 8IUB HOME rMThi.-" !,-.0- io Houih Fixth .t.. blocks from city postoffico. liaa advantago. of oarllnea. tho o houiovard now building, and a landscape and river view second to none. A now addition ready for street Improve ment; water mains, to be put In tree ot purchaser s osponee. The near-"n situa tion of this property mokes the price ao toundm.. 1 ou should not purchase a horaeoii until you see this addition, bee owner. C2H Railway Exchange bldg. frc;.n ON Dtn Burn.ld st7! high and sixhily; paved street. -ment walks, swr, water and gas: this Is a bsr.aln; price only lo; In a huh-claee rosldencs Ulstrlct. Oot further particulars. Phono Main l.ioa or A 1&16 or call at 023 Cor l..tt bldg. Be sure and a.k for Mr. If dahl. TCKXFa MUST SACRTMCE. 6oxl3l foot. Mount Tabor Heights: Im provement paid; tlioo. easy trm; no agent. AH TIM, GregoDlan. . CLIENT want to aell 1 or S fine lot Join ing Waverlelgh Height. No reasonable oter refused. Make offer. Terras. 812 Lewis bldg. t&0 CAN b saved on a Parkroso acre, clos to carllno. If taken at onoe; 11200 take It; UiO 1 the price all bar paid. O 127. Oregunlan. CHOICE corner, lodxlOO. for sal by owner. hTast 211 lb and Division sis.; good uslne.n property, will soil cneap. Inquire 60 Ablngton bldg. i4K FOR lot. 41x100, on Improved St.; water on lot; this must be cash. Wood lawn 11229. C -!. MUST HAVE CASH. Will aell my Broadway lot regardless ef value. 343 Ea.t STth N. !gM1 ROoSMERE $1850. . luoxloO. 1 block to carllne. JOHN L. KARNOPP. RY. EXCH. BLPO. KGdoMEKE. Lot 00x100, a bargaiu; must sell. IxsO Kancock St. IJtM) FOR lot, 60x111, on carllne. This Is a snap room for 2 houses; fins location. Woodlawn C 2i2t. MT. TABOR SECTION. Bargain In largo level view lots; east front. AP T3S, Oregonlan. 60x100. FACING Alberta St., 075; snap. Howard, ouj ewetland bldn. tor Kale -lloua 1BVINOTON HOME. il CASH. New J-.tory 7 -room bouse aa follows: Large reception hall, living-room i with fireplace and built-in bookcases, dining room with built-in buffet, paneled wails and beamed celling; these three rooms have hardwood floors; Dutch kltchsn, white enameled, with plenty of cabinet space; three large bedruoma each having a closet with window; largo sleeping porch; bathroom, linen cloael. attlo full sixo of house, floored and plastered: full cement baaoment with furnace; woodllft and launury traya The house faoss sast on a fiOkluO lot. All improvement are in Including sewer, gas. electricity, cement walks and paved streets; bal-ac f2 payable to suit. Call Main lit or A KM. J. V. GUTHRIE. Ill Btark. SPECIAL IRVINOTON BARGAIN. BEST OFFER, BAKK1.no NONE. For Immediate sale I offer my resi dence on carllne In Irvlngton. worth $76'j0 for Is.Ov to make a quick deal; no trade.; you will need 91200 cash; 7 rooms, fine sleeping porch, bedrooms, bathroom, re ception hall, living-room with fireplace, dining-room with den off. fine kitchen, nice pantry, both with all modern built in conveniences; full cement basement, large furnace. f0xl0A lot with garage; act now If you want a alee home cheap. AD 7iS. Oregonlan. A RAKE OPPORTUNITY, -room bom. 4 lot. undr sood culti vation; berries, garden, and. In fact, the place you will want; 8 block to car; 3 blocks to school; good surroundings; price) within reach of most anyone; leas than 2utn. Be Mr. Da vies. CHAPIN A HERLOW. Members of Portland Belty Board, :;i2-,t3g Chamber ot commerce. PRACTICALLY new bungalow for - rooms. nail, aieepiiis w , .vv .... Overlook Addition; a fine little homo, large fancy fireplace, polished floors, pan eled hall, living-room and dining-room, furnace and laundry trays, everything la flrat-ciaaa condition; for sale by owner, who must leave city; terma. AO 707, Ore gonlan. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. flO cash, balance 120 per month, dandy new (-room bungalow, only 2 blocks from Hawthorne ave. Now I say this is mod em and the best buy ln this district. If yon see It you will buy IL Phone Tabor FTno g-roora bouse; 8 bedrooms, fur nace, fireplace, buffet, cement floor, laun dry trays, hard-surface street In snd paid: lot 40ioo: walking dlstancs; a bar gain: I40OO. I .MX) down and 2S per mo. -,- ci , U3d Phono East &04d. "FOR BALE" RY OWNER. It.w b-room moaera uuus-iow . uni versity Park; tho place to buy before the big advance: double construction through out; moderate In price now. easy terms. Ciark C. Foster. "2T Chamber of Com merce. Mala 4f.2S. A 8143. ' ONE of the best 6-room bungslows on East Taylor St.; largo amc, ccuiic.i , umbuhui, soma fine fruit trees; modern In every particular and a good buy. BEALS A ROBINSON. 861 E. lHh SU H). 8023. NOB HILL HOME. 10-room modern house on 22d St., near Kearney, faoes east; price 813.000. For full particulars see us. IL P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 4t4 Wilcox bldg. FOR SALE on easy terms, 8250 down, bal ance same aa i o i . l, uomnui " - - -room house, fuml.hed or unfurnished, on Fa.t Side. Inquire Calumet HoteL Main 7300. ACCOUNT slcknsss. sacrifice beautiful Rich mond bungalow. Ubl lvon at.; select neigh- borhood: cheap, unincumbered lot accepted part payment. Investigate Immediately. Pbone owner. Barney. Main 2200. 3-ROOM BUNGALOW B.w and modern, on fcl hod, bet. Madlaoa and falmon Will take guod lot as first payment- Main 2573. 83500 FOR modern t-room house; owner leaving city: muat sell; street Improve ments all paid; lot flOxloo. eaay terma. Phone woodlawn H229. C 242U , S3o0 CASH, new 3-room bungalow, lot 40 x too 4 blocks to car. 25 minutes out, best line in city. Price 3i;K. HUiLjY BISHOP. 132 Third St. V ROOM home on sightly loL East 83d St.; will sell on easy terms for 8"50U or give a liberal discount for cash. Call 414 hpal ding NO". UNO down, 30 month, covering 7 per cent Interest: new. modern bungalow. 1 blocks from car. Irvlngton district 82400. Phone owner. Main 120. mornings. IRVIVOTON New home. 7 rooms and bath, strictly modern. 8i2id. Including all as sessments, easy terms. Owner, 25 Toon bldg. Phone si-iu IRVINGTON The price of two years ago; high and sightly, near Knott; only 8I3U0; small amount down. 848 East loth st. N. EQUITY In Eastmoreland lots for 8150' improvements In; payments la ar rear. AJ T23. Orsgonlan. cxSH 810 pr month. 4 rooms. lot 40x100 1 block Ml bcott car. IIOOU H1GLET A BlfHOP. 182 Third St. H N SWANK. 80g Ablngton bldg.. wells new bungalowa. Terms like rent 82400 Modern 5-room bungalow. 81B00; boms broken; terms. Owner, 93 . Slat North. I ' I. U.AUilf Lti rn.w avjuc. Beautiful new horn of 8 large room, reception hail, eleoping balcony and nn lshed attic; thoroughly modern In all re spects; hardwood floors throughout: re ception hall and full-length lltlng-room are finished in oak. balance of lower fioor in natural fir. and upper floor In old Ivory; big closets with windows, heavy braes hardware; beautiful fireplace and furnace heat: garage: block of car. ln best part of Irvlngton. Must be sold, as owner is leaving city. This I he best buy ln this hlih-claj-s residence district. R. F. BRYAN. Main 1988 603 Cham, of Corn. A 122T. UKALIlftl. fc.W livaib. Beautiful new home of 8 large rooms, reception hall, sleeping balcony and fin ished attic; thorouKhly modern In all re snerts; hardwood floors throughout: re ception hall and full-length sitting-room are finished In oak. balance of lower floor In natural fir. and upper floor In old Ivorv; big closets with windows, heavy brass hardware; beautiful fireplace and furnace heat; garage: blook ot car. In best part of Irvlngton. Must be sold, as owner 1. leaving citv. This Is the best buy la tills high-class residence district. H. F. HKYAN. Vftln iwn. 5o5 chum, of Com A 1237. ARE YOU OOIN'J TO MOVK THE FIUSTT If you Ilk- this house you can own It by paying 2S a month. iNo other first payment necessary.) . It has evry convenience, even the window shades and seats. set-In book-Cas-s. big nreplace. fine vara nda. Prlc only 35oi); no better house In the cltv for the money and no Inatailment proposition ss liberal. A. N. iearl. E. 76th and E. Ollean. f.M-V car). Member rortland Realty ' Board. A noon s-room bungalow, well built: full cement basement, cement walks and steps, laundry trays, largo bathroom, first-class plumbing: sewer, water, electric lights, large finished attic; all rooms tinted, osk floors In living and dining-rooms; only lo mln. out on WW carllno and In the com ing big factory district; there Is no mortgage on this plsce and you can buy It for 82H00. 8400 cash. bal. mo. pay ments; this is an easy way to securs a sood homo. E. A McGraih, 381 Cham ber of Commerce bldg . 8-ROOM house: fireplace, basement, fur nace, gas. electric light, lull lot; East Yamhill, near 28th; pleasing surround ings: fair price and easy terms. B-room houso; basement, attic, furnace, corner lot; East 13th and balmon; only 84.K cash to handle this. 10-room house, lull lot, fair Income; only 10 blocks from 6th and Morrleoa South; easy terms. I. O. DAV1D80N, 819 Chamber of Commerce. Jt'ST completed; large 8-room home. Noth ing lacking about this place; a s'.eeplng porch that can be inclosed, large finished aula hardwood floors, electrlo fixtures, furnace, arvplace; price 84bu0, easy terms, or will take a good lot and a little pash as first payment. It's located on Last 44th st.. only a block from Rose City Park car. 8. D. VINCENT A CO., 417 Ch. of Com. MR. LOT OWNER I HERE IS YOUR CHANCB TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT. VVILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST. PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMIC IN Ait D TALK THIS OVER. J. 8 ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. IRVINGTON HUM EL New. modern -room house, facing on the Tennis Club grounds. In the center of Portland's most exclusive residence dis trict; furnace, 8 fireplaces, beautiful wood work, oak floors, sun room, sleeping porch and billiard room; complute In every de tail. Including lighting fixtures and shades: lot 75x100 ft.; price J10.500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. A SPLENDID HOME BUY. Beautiful tt-room residence In Ladd Addition, only 10 minutes from business centor; must be sold at once, a owner is leaving city; It was built for a homo and has every home convenience. Include lug sloping porch, fireplaces, furnace, hardwood Uoors and big front porch; 8 blocks from car; price attractive. Ad 7a 7, Oregonlan, THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IK YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FRE-B IF WK BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLD. ONLY 83O0 CASH. Good B-room modern house, nearly new . and over one-hslf acre of ground: Im proved streets, cement sidewalk, good lo cation, near carllne; about 35 minutes' ride from 5th and Washington; fine place for chickens or garden; only lioo cash re quired. Addres. AC. P. O. box 405. city. BEALTIKL'L 8-room house. In Laurelhurvt; a fireplaces, larae sleeping-porch, bullt-la refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, fire less cooker, built-in wardrobes, etc; oor ner lot 76xD0. east front, beautiful view; 87500; 850O cash, balanoe easy monthly payments. Provident Investment A Trus tee Co.. 801-202-2O3 Board of Trade bldg. pnone Marshall 473. A 1022, ALBERT A-ST. BUNGALOW. Nice bungalow, with 4 nice rooms and attic, gas and electricity, nice porcelain bath. etc.. on Alberta, near 10th. Price 35oo. 8500 cash and 32o psr mouth. Lot alone worth 11700. ORUSSI A BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WEST SIDE HOME. Owner Is forced to sacnince his West Side -homo In beet residence section of city- hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, fur nace, den, library. bllUard-room; pave ment paid for and every convenience; orlca below cost. AO 7:0. Or-.-gonUo. LOT FREE I am only asking 83200 for this new e-room oungaiow, i .-,.-. dining-room, fireplace, seat, buffet, book case and a 25-foot living-room, on Rose City Park carllne. It cost 332UU to build this bungalow. W. C. Carpenter. 821) UeD ry bldg. Main 80BL Tabor 2232. jVE you a good lot that you want to trill, as pi i' J ........ - home, close to tho Roa City Park car? Price 4jv0. There ti large room. AN 74a. Oregonlan. 8-ROOM bungalow, furnace, fireplace. bufTst, bookcase. hardwood floors, gas, elec tricity, good view. Rose City Park, 3 block from carllne, 33350, easy terms. Provideut Investment A Trustee Co.. 201, 802. 2u3 Board ot Trade bldg. Marshall 473. A 10. " MUST BB SOLD. Owner win sell modern e-room house In fine location, close In on East Side, at two-thirds actual value. If taken at once; if von have $iuo0 cash to invest, see tnis place immediately and you will look no further.' Address AD. P. O. box 4U5. BEAUTIFUL fl-room cottage on East 0th st beamed ceilings, paneled dining-room, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, flr.ylace. Ihis Is strictly modern and a bargain at the price asked. " BEALS A -tOBlNSON. 881 E. 11th st. E. 6023. 11VE and alx-room home, fireplace, hard 1 wood floor, furnace, with all bullt-la modern conveniences; near carllne; all street Improvements paid; monthly pay ment pin. Provident Investment A Trustee Co.. 201. 202. 203 Board of Trade bldg Phone Marshall 473. A 1022. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 4200 Cash. 7 rooms built-in buffet, bookcases, fur nsce fireplace; price 33SO0; terms, cash s-oo- balance 315 per mouth. National TtValtv A Trust Co.. 723 chamber of Com merce bldg. Phone Main 612. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. S0x0 lot. close to Hawthorne ave.. hardwood floors and every modern detail. Absolutely right and worth 335U0. Will take $liO and make terms to suit. Tabor DON'T BUY TILL YOU SEE tha most perfectly built modern home ln Irvlngton. 10 rooms, finished ln oak. lot 80x100. Call up C 1363. East 273. No agents. W. H. Herdman. 8-KOOM house, 31650. 650 down. 316.50 per month, 7 per cent Interest. 4-room house. 31S50. 350 down. 81850 per month. 7 per cent Interest. For par ticulars address Y 707. Oregunlan. FINE HOME AT SACRIFICE. 7 rooms, all bullt-ln effects, fine resi dence district, leaving city; for quick sale price reduced to J46O0. Terms. Own er. 607 Yeun Mdg. MY HOME AT COPT.. Strictly modern 7 rooms, full lot. alley, high restricted, 7 carilnes: would consider part trade. 1104 Rodney. Pbone C 1678. 6-ROOM house, large lot. 17 fruit trees f.n. v-rtetv. 35 minutes from Postoffice. near car; will accept vacant lots aa first payment: price 355U0. W 724. Oregonlan. , ,i . California 4-room house, fur nished, electilo lights, wood. 50x100; 3S75. 3 -1)0 cash. 315 month: bargain. 417 East Mohawk. St. Johna I AM the owner of a new, modern seven room house; will sell for 310O down, bal ance on easy payments, or will trads my equity; price .15UO. AT 740. Oregunlan, IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Beautiful new. modern home; choice neighborhood, near carllne. Phone East 31'4. , WILL SACRIFICE 300 equity In 32800 bungalow for $050; terms. Main 6883. HAWTHORN Ifl DISTRICT. I00 DOWN. New. modern 8-room bungalow; fireplace, bookcafe. large hall with stucco celling; cloakroom, hall Best, beam colling, panel wall In dining room; Dutch kitchen In white enam el; bedrooms and bath finished in white; linen closet; tinted walls; cement basement. cement walks around bouse; gas and electricity. PRICE 13000. OEO. A- ROSS. Owner. 801 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 2970. nm KNAP HOUSE. 8 LOTS. Cood 6-rooin house witlt 3 full lots, 80xlv0 each, good chicken-house and car r..nt.r .Hon intn of nice bearing fruit, on Milliard ave. and Alnsworth ave. Price .".250. 112.0 rash, balance In 3 years. 6 per cent. Owner leaving for the East and must sell. Lou alone worth the prle asked for house and lota OKI SKI & ROLDS. 811 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. For bale Acre so. ACRES on sidewalk, six blocks from Fourth sL line of southern psctfic road soon to bo electrified. Only H mile from site of proposed new Technical Institute and only 40 minute, ride from center of City, thle for flOO per aero and upon monthly payment plan. Get in ahead of theso improvements and make the advance In value, THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85 102 Fourth at. A 8500 B ACRES of timber northwest ot City, convenient to new St. Johns free ferry, the cordwood from thla will sell for enough, on the penin sula, to pay for tha land, price. 3150 per acre and upon monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85102 Fourth sU A 3540 157 ACRES on Tualatin River. 12 miles south of Portland. Salem Electrlo across center of place, about one-half cleared, finest of soli, an Ideal dairy ranCTi or would cut inio 5-acr tracts with large profit, must bo sold to close bank rupt estate. Call on W. A. Shaw. Trust. 102 Fourth streeU A BARGAIN. IS acres, 1 mile from R. R. station. In high state of cultivation, fine house and barn, water piped in house, barn and feed yards, good orchard and small fruit; well fenced, on good auto road. 10 miles from Portland; a model country home; owner must go to California ; will sell It with all stock and farming Implements at a price that will surprise you. Come snd see us. TROWBRIDGE A STEPHENS, 702 Board of Trade. RICH LAND. EASY TERMS. How does this strike you? lo acres of Ysmhill Countv best lund. 40 miles from Portland, 2 miles from R. R. and town: price 875 per acre; only 310 down and 310 per month; no better land In Oregon; no rock or gravel; you can't match this price and terms. See us at or.ce. CHAPIX & HERLOW, Members of Portlsnd Realty Board. 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE ACREAOH TRACTS. Close to Portland: rich walnut, fnut and garden land; only small cash pay ment, balance pays for itsoif In products now on ths land, which we accept and are lb only people mklng this liberal of far. F1RLAND TRUST COMPANY. 808-8 Spalding Bldg. BEAVERDAM LAND. Nearly all in cultivation. 12 per acre, near Portland. Good transportation on two electric lines. Easy monthly pay ments. 5 acres of timber land. 840 cash, 4 per month. School on grounds. PACIFIC N.-W. INVESTMENT CO. 405 coucn iiias. 560 EQUITY IN 6-ACRE TRACT. Am going South and will sacrifice for cash: balance 820 monthly beginning Feb. 4: only 18 miles south of Portland, near good town. H. R. and boatlandlng; all cleared and In high state of cultivation; best for fruit, chickens, etc. Rice, 308 .itBrcimnu iiu.t wiui. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near Portland; a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices; best soil; fine view; wood, water and roads; 8 acres, 8400 per tract; 10 A, 3500; 20 A., 8SO0: 40 A, 31200; SO A, 82000: 100 A.. $:U00; liberal terms. FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. It. acres. 8-room bouse, good outbuild ings. 40 fruit trees, all kinds of small fruit. 70 fine chickens, less than 6 min utes' walk to Oregon City carllne. Price only 320O0. Terms. . . . -. . VT?OVT TIT T-l n TEN acres beaverdam land, under Irriga tion and ready for crop; best for onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoes, etc; river and rail transportation; nothing better anywhere; low price and easy payments. Investigate. 612 Couch bldg.. 108 4tfa st. 2 ACRES AT COURTNEY. 3 minutes to station; beautiful grove, winding drive; balance cleared. See this and you will want It; am leaving. No reasonable offer refused. Owner, 414 Couch bldg. 12 8 AND B-acre tracts, close-in, suburban 'property; good electric car service; 3100 to J4O0 per acre; easy terms. J. W. Hef- ferflr Realty Co.. 408 Curbett bldg. 40 ACRES. 14 miles east of City Hall; 20 acres of young orchard; $350 per acre. Main 900S. B 723. Oregonlan. ACREAGE and farms, from 312-50 per acre up- large and small tracts. Call Kinney it Stampfer, 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. a ACRES. 7 miles from Washington St., level, tine soli. (1.175. JlOu cash, 310 month. 311-312 Lewis bldg. MY' 6 acres at a bargain In Tlgardvllle, on rock road, ono mllo south of station. M. Raymond. Tlgard. Or. 10 ACRES fine soil, car and water through It. 31750. terms. 1203 Yeon bldg. 8Vi ACRES near Lents; sale or trade. Rob ert A Miller, 833 Worcester bldg. LAND 820 per acre; 82 cash. 31 per month. 410 Ry. Exchsnge. For Sale Homesteads. HOMESTEAD, 80 acres. Southern Oregon, 830O feet elevation, fine soil, Gregory sta tion one mile, fenced. 12 acres tilled, and 60 tillable; new 6-room house and barn, etc., 60 young fruit trees, fine horse, household goods, machinery; improve ments cost 61700: quick cash price, only 814O0. W. D. Hodgson, Ashland, Or. For Sale -1 ru it Lvndi. OH S. P. R- R-. which will be electrified this Summer. 28 miles from Portland and mile from. Yamhill, all lit growing crop, lies those beautiful 10-acro Good rich orchard tracts; Ideal fo.- all kinds of fruits, vegetables, berries and poultry raising; you get one-third of this year's crop delivered at R. R. free of charge; price 1125 to 3250 per acr 610 Roth chlld bldg Marshall 393L WANTED Improved or unimproved irri gated or wheat land ln exchange for Im proved Hood River orchard. W. S- Karris. Hood River. Or. FOR SALE 80 acres, splendid fruit land, S3 acres planted to apples. Just coming into bearing; $12.000. O 724, Oregonlan. " For Sole Farms. DON'T WAIT 5 YEARS. BUT CALIFORNIA FULL-BE A RING ORCHARDS. MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. 890.00 cash and $30.00 per month buys five acres with full bearing fruit trees in the famous Bidwell Orchards at Chl co. California. Payments include Inter est and taxes. Your money back If not satisfied upon investigation. The Bidwell Orchards are the most noted and pro ductive In the wonderful Sacramento Val ley of California. It's our confidence in this land that prompts this generous offer. We've peaches, prunes, almonds, apri cots and Bartlett pears, Buyers railroad fares, not exceeding 326.00, will be cred ited on purchaae price. Land adjoins the thriving town ot Chlco (14.000 pop.) (References: Any bank of Chlco. Ameri can National Bank of San Francisco and First National Bank of San Leandro.) Bend for valuable information and facts to Bidwell Orchards. Inc. Chlco. CaL 158 ACRESbest hop land ln the Willamette Valley. 4 mile Oregon Electric station; $85 per acre; all cleared, no rock: every acre excellent soil; on good road; must raise goouO; terms on balance; no fake. H. N. Swank, 30S Ablngton bldg. 6ALT River Valley. Arlxona, offer beat In ducement In aoll, water, climato and busi ness openings, farming year round 313 clear daya In year; a.falfa. sugar beets, citrus fruits, all grains. Write Glenda-e (Anson a) Board of Trade. RANCH 80 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electrlo line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 162 Morrison St. 70 ACRES, with very fine set of buildings, modern bouse, complete water svstem: building only 4 year built; land all clear, and only 10 miles from Portland Courthouse; an Ideal country home, and at a spe cial price. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85. 102 Fourth st- A 8500.- BETTER than renting; S.'OO cash. 8-)00 per year, secures 4t-acr Linn County farm. Owner, 41 Railway Exclianse- Miscellaneous. BIX RAILROADS now building to Eugene. Or. For full particulars and Eugene real estate, write vieo. Melvln Miller, real es tate. Eugene, Oi. Established 1853. TO EXCHANGE. 4-YEAR APPLE ORCHARD TRADE OR SALE. GOOD TERMS. WHITE SALMO. . BEST ESTABLISHED DISTRICT. In fino orchard community. 3 Vi miles north White Salmon; 12 acres, level, soutli slope, 60 trees to acre In Newtowns. Jona thans and Spitxenbergs with promise ot phenomenal crop this year. 2H acres strawberries Interplanted, full bearing. Income from these alone pays salary present caretaker, with surplus. ISO-bbl. concrete cistern: So-fc well; chicken-house. 12x40 ft.; gasoline engine; telephone; electric light. Adjoining orchardlet desires to work on shares. Owner selling on aooount of burn ing of residence. . Price tbuOO. I will satisfy you regard ing value before you look at the place. R. E. BORDEN. Main 54S5. W. C. HARDING LAND CO. !0 4th St. Ground Floor Corner. Board of Trade Bldg FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE An exception ally choice 152V, acrea, wlthlh 40 rods of city limits of Lebanon. Or.; well Improved, can be subdivided in 5 and 10-acro tracts to good advantage. Also 10 acres in Leb anon, 4 blocks bouthern Pacific depot; the 10 acres Is ripe for citv lots and Is good . location. My price on farm. 3105 per acre; on the 10 acres. 5000; :O.o0O for both; will accept 121.500 in good orchard; 30CHH) can remain on farm; 32500 cash. This is choice property; can't be beat ln Wil lamette Valley for price, soil, location and Improvements. Your price must be right, my price is cash value. Owner, Boa 42o, Lebanon. Or. SOME DANDY TRADES. 320 acres unimproved land. Borne good timber, fine stream: 80 acres partially lm - proved, fine fruit land; 20 acres halt -leered: all close to Ml Hood carllne. 40 acres close to White Balmon. beauti fully situated: all or any of the above for Portland property. Good 3-room house on E. 8th St.. corner lot to trade' for small house and two lots close to car ln suburbs. Westmoreland lot to apply on new bungalow. VANDUTN A WALTON. , B15 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE WANTED. Owner will turn ln his equity of 31350 In two full lots at Fulton Park, only 2 blocks from station of the Oregon Electric and 75 feet from the Fourth-st. line, which Is to be electrified this Spring, as first payment toward house and lot In desirable location. Will go as high as 33000. Price of lots 31700. For further particulars call on Realty Dept. of C. F. Prluger A Co.. suite 12 and 14. Mulkey bldg.. cor. 2d and Morrison. fTy-g SALE OR TRADE, BY OWN E R, A country Inn; 18 miles from Eugene. Or. hotel, store and feed barn, stock in voiced 33800. property 34000. I can furnish invoice and pictures of property. Would trade for good rooming-house or city property, or stock of muse. No in cumbrance except 6o0 on mdse. v 111 not trade for Incumbered property. I will be at St. Johns. Or., a week or 10 days. A. T. Brewer, care S. C. Cook. NOB HILL APARTMENTS. 32000 cash will handle 15 furnished apartments, 0 4-room and 0 8-room; bal ance on terms, well secured, or will trade for a small bungalow; lease 4 years, rent 3250 per month. This shows an Income of about $200 per month and will pay you to investigate. GRUKSI A BOLDS. 819 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Apt, or flat site on Grand ave., only 2 blocks from Broadway. This corner lot Is 60x100, with a good modern house now rented. This property can be ex changed for good building lota, acreage or farm property. W. C. HARDING LAND CO.. 80 4th St. Main C485. I HAVE 310,000 worth of real estate con tracts, half paid up. that I will exchange a. first payment on large tract of land In Oregon or Washington; land must be cheap and close to railroad. Contracts all held by Portland people. All paying up in good shape. Will discount for cash. R 665, Oregonlan. POWELL-ST. CORNER HOUSE. Good 8-room house, on business corner lot 60x100; 320OO equity to exchange for vacant lots or acreage or small cottage; balance of $2000 payable at 315 per month. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Full equipped granite quarry on main line ranroaa. sup olvinv crushed cranite and monumental and building granite said to be equal to Vermont granite; mtgnt lease on percrm tags basis to reliable party; value 3100,000. AV 80S. Oregonlan 160-ACRE farm, all plow land, with run ninr water sood house, barn, granary, chicken-houses, etc.; buildings insured for 33500; equity OX Slow to Lraue lor resi dence property same value or more; will pay cash dlnarence. evs uoroett mo-. toavt I.-.iVkl OR IriOOO HOME. v Will turn in all or part 120xl50-foot i-nmiir. Mount Tabor district, hard-surface street, at 34O00; will assume mortgage or pay cash balance; owner uuiy. i. oregoniau. ct'TT T. imiln dalrv ranch, near Tillamook, close to cheese factory; stock. 25 tons hay, new modern house. Implements, for apt. nouse or ouuguiuw. -muwu, Board of Traae. HAVE block of 20 lota, clear. Riverside, near ujb 11 1 ' -- or part for Canadian land. Washington or - .... i itnnn I TOO Oregon property, iini.- -ww. . i Oregonlan. I HAVE an equity of 31500 ln a new. mod em 7-room house valued at 85500. t trade for equivalent value AT 739. Ore gonlan. WILL trade 401 acres Kentucky. 320 per " i .. I, k,l.lr hlni.tr Pplnnl. acr-, C,ei , ,,.,.. .-". .,.-.. Creek, Colo., $5500,. for property any where In Northwest. K 8l0. Oregonlan. WILL exchange Improved Hood River or chard for tmprovea or unimprovou, irri gated or wheat land: Crook Co. preferred. W. S Farrls. Hood River. Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Only hotel (fully furnished) In town of 1000; 40 rooms, value 325,000. Address AV 869, Oregonlan. WILL trade a modern bungalow on a corner lot lor an imorovcu. i m imi .oww, DE YOUNG JOHNSON, 614 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 640 ACRES Improved, Joining Ephrata, county seat of Grant County, Washington, to exchange for city residence. F. W. Lambert. E6 8d st, WILL trade my Improved farm near Port land, stock. Implements and crop, for an apt, site. 504 Board of Trade bldg. WHAT have you to exchange for a good cigar store, long lease and good stock and tlxtures. W 721. Oregonlan. 20-YEAR 6 per cent transportation, first mortgage bonds, exchange real estate. 274 Stark St. WILL trade new Winchester automatic spe cial rifle, shoots ten times, for Eastman . ..,(.., tlfl IV TAA np..n.l,n KUUUK, viura . m. " - - . w ....... CLOSE-IN acreage, with or without build ings, to trad6 for good desirable residence property. 408 Corbett bldg. WILL consider equity In bungalow for apartment site, few foet from Hawthorne. 811 MohaWK oiag. WE exchange Oregon for all parte of the United States. 274 Stark st. FOR trades of any kind see Garland A Bareness. 191 4th St. HOUSE and lot to exchange for rooming house. 505 Yeon bldg1 HAVE modern bungalow. I want farm land or timber. Owner East 2741. FOB RENT FARMS. 40 ACRES FOR RENT. 30 under cultivation, good soil: will grow anything; everything needed to farm with on place; good location, overlooking river; house has telephone and hot and cold water- 3 miles from town and railroad, 30 miles from Portland; 8 trains to and from Portland daily; also boat. Call 282 4th. Phone A 43U. FOR rent or lease One acre cleared land, fenced suitable for garden, chickens; fine spring; located Sliver Springs Station. Ore- gon City line. nimio RENT 40-acre Linn County farm or, better still, sell $50O cash. 345 per month. 416 Kallwsy tscnHu FOR RENT 60 acres, 7 miles from Port land, on electrlo line. 924 E. Flanders St. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent, 25-acre ranch; good potato land; near Portland. N 734, Oregonlan. OWNER We have a buyer who will pay 34000 to 3S0O0 for a business or apar,-, ment lot: prefers West Side, but will consider choice bargain between Russell street and Hawthorne ave.: returns East next Tuesday and must close deal before that time. GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO., Room 3 Lumbcrmens Bldg. WANTED I will pay cash for a number of good lots ln Belle crest. Give lot and block number and I will look them up. AN 747, Oregonlan. I WANT either improved or unimproved property. near east approach ot ths Broadway or steel bridge. Give full par ticular in answer. Including price and terms or will not consider; no agents. AM l.io, Uluiii.". ILA1 rtturtltll , . i ... Have a client with money to Invest ln good flat property. West Side; principals only; give telephone number. L 737, Ore- gonian. DO you want to sell your real estate? We pay cash and charge no commisslon. tTi--u l-i e-T i, t wt,-t-T-V4 KMX i-o. 17 Board ot Trade Bldg. M. 41. BRITISH Columbia, Vancouver Island. Al berta and Saskatchewan property wanted. What have you? Room 1015 Board oi Trade " WANTED. . Lot or good equity as first payment on the following houses. 5, a and 8 rooms. Mawtnorne oistrici. tauur WANTED To buy a 0 or 8-room house In Ladd's Addition; want liberal terms and low price; prefer to deal with owner. Apply 818 Electric bldg. Lot or good equity as first payment on the following houses. 5. and rooms. Hawthorne district. Tabor 2U. . . WANTED LoKged-off land, not too hf' from Portland; must be good soil: about $10 to 15 per acre. 3. Johnson, box.. 687. Portland . , .. fwiLL'pay cash for small property pay-; Ing 12 per cent net: no flats or apart ments, particulars wanted first letter, a am the buyer. AG 73a, Oregonlan. WANT to buy lot for cash In Ladd's Ad dition, no agents, must deal with owner. direct. AC i'H, oregonmo. SIX or eight-room modern flat bldg., o., house convenient for two families; nionthr ly payments. Y 771, Oregonlan. GOOD FARMS, also fruit land for- Eastern people; give particulars. H 740, ore--gonian. . . WANTED A lot near 2?d and Raleigh et-. not mora than 10 blocks away. Address iu 731, Oregonian. - IRVINGTON lot. between 13th and 24th, ' Tillamook and Stanton sts.: must bo bargain for cash. AK 739. Qrrgonian. . WANTED Bungalow, Alberta or Montavil-' . la:-give small improved farm. 310 Yeon -bldg.todajj WANT place in Washington County; will , give house In city. Y 772, Oregonlan. ,, 8-ROOM hou-e, need 6 bedrooms, location 24th and Clackamas. W 723, Oregonlan. t WANT business site, close In on East Bid Diamond. 504 Board of Trade. BUYER for 6 or 10 acres, 12 mllss from '; city. W 72U, oregonlan. FOR 6ALE TT1IBBB lANPaV. .11 US i iE- v.a. 20 000,000 feet fino timbr-r near raliroaai cruiio guaranteed; lens than BOo per U, poe & Devereaux. Henry bldg. v f cm Ts t- i a , i.f l- o i a vns. BOUGHT AND SOLD, a J. M 'CRACK EN, 304 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicle. Ete. WE HAVE 40 head of gentle, well-brokt marl, and geldings all fat .nd ready for work; some well-mated teams; sev eral mares bred to first-class Imported stallion, and guaranteed to have colts thU Spring; a few cheap mares Prices 34 and up. These horses weigh from 1000 t , 1000 pounds. If In need of anything in the horse line, come and try them here, then take them home and keep four days. if not as represented In every way, re turn to us without costing you 1 cent. Rose City Stables. 505 Alder. JUST arrived with a car of horses. Span of sorrel mares. 2800 lbs., t and 8 years;-; black mare. 1000 lbs., 7 years old; one registered Hambletonlan mare, with plen ty of speed; some good chunks suitable for ranching or general purpose; also one pair of mules. S700 lbs. I have them from 375 a span to $450; all guaranteed as represented. 24 Montgomery SU Phil : Suetter. . - FOR SALE A f Inn car of good horses and mares at very reasonable prices and all guaranteed, at 62d sL and Sandy blvd. Take Rose City Park car. - ; ROSE CITY PARK HALES STABLES, " Adams & Campbell, Prop. .-.,' FOR SALE 10 head of good horses, weight ' 1000 to 1400 pounds. 4 farm wagons. 1 top wagon. 2 buggies. 6 sets of harness; . must sell at once, owner going East, call i Ifl Ei. BUI l.. leu. tuH HIKE Horses and wagons, by the day. . . . i.i to hu.lnos bouses. Portland Stables, 13th and Couoa : sts. Phons Main 12Q, A 1120. . FOR SALE, or trade for lot or equity In real estate. 2 fine city-broke horses, sound, and gentle; guaranteed. Inquire Calu met Hotel. Main 7300. ' BEST team of mules In the city, age T years weight 2400, sound and gentle. In quire' 83S E. 2sth st. Woodstock car to Gladstone: , WAN'TEDTwo teams for sledding cord wood out of woods; shutes and roads are built; 1000 cords. Wiley Bros.. Lewis bldg.. GOOD mare, in foal, weighs 1300. ready to j work harness and covered wagon, all $155. 7;U insley sve. Take sellwood car. NEGRIEIt No. 5130(1. Black with oblong, star and trace of white on left hind foot. Cadeau A West. Cathlamot. Wash. . FOR ALE A big work team, will take smaller team in exchange. 14 Unlou ave.. cor. Ash . MUST sell at once, tool farn ? 5Sth st S. E. End of Hawthorne ave.. car. Walk 1 block westand 3 south. - 8 HEAD of cheap horses from $20 up. 14 .. Union ave., cor. Ash. .' 880 BUYS a nice young team of ponies.. "iL.h to,.n and sound. 741 Brooklyn St. FOR SALE One fine black horse weigh ing 1550 lbs.: a bargain. 226 Russell et. Automobile. WE are the leading dealers of the North- ; west- our stock of over 75 automobiles, 111 makes and prices, will Interest you ' These cars are only slightly used and . every car Is guaranteed by us. Don t buy until you get our prices. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington sts. AUTOMOBILE tires Tires from 6 dollar up Slightly used auto sundries cheap. Tubes vulcanized 25e. up. Auto Suppiy Co 233 Main street. Phone A lO.o.Mar- - snail a:',a. OAKLAND 30 racing roadster first-c as condition, 2 pass., tires good condition, cost $1200. Price $575 for quick alc. .. Custom House Auto Co.. cor. 13 th and Hawthorne, rnone c n I HAVE a bill of sale contract jnr a 1912; i landers mai x " ,- can deliver the car at once. This week. only .u - ..h"-- WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNERS Au tomobiles oi any uia-o Y' " ,, ;; full particulars and price. A-L 732, Ore- gonian. BRUSH runabout, good running order, good xx ni,r riolfverv: a anao SOlia me", , . ' ' fm- lino. Phone A 1321. AUTOMOBILE at a bargain; consider real estate tor i- - - . - bids. RUNABOUTS and touring cars to trade for real estate, a m)i.- w - - Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. MUST sell my mahogany Uallet A Davis piano; oniy siiginiy no, " -cash and balance terms to suit purchaser. v T"I nr.pnnlnn. HIGH-GRADE piano; leaving city: will sac- rinc tor eo. an mum u-.. Dogs, Birds, Pet Btock, FOR SALE 25 young hens: sacrifice, 676 Gerard St. l-none wium,-, Miscellaneous. SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second- . . i .. c.r.i nnnnaii nana, low price., ej - , -T1 and repaired. Purcel Safe Co and Port- lana eaie lo,, oo um pv- ;NIVERSAL range, good as new. for sale cheap, if bought quick: private party leav ing cltv.t once will sell all or any part or turnnure. -vwu.nu SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, corapuwiiB - . -n... sold Tho Pacific Stores Service Co.. 233 Stark st. Main 771L FOR SALE! Rolltop desk and 2 chairs. quartered oak, gooa as new. ooi nwi DlOg. iNNUAL SALE of unredeemed pledges at Uncle Myers', 71 6th St.. near Oak. 40 years in roruanq. -TON Ice-making equipment, complete. City Market. Ice A Cold Storage Company, 850 c-ast vi asu inn m. LOVELY 8-room houseboat, cheap. ir- " nlshed complete, r- loat -uhu. t an casn. Terms easy. On logs. A 3752.