I PORTLAND. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOIj. LI NO. io,JoJ. . 1TTERS0II LOSES FAITH 1H WILSON Quest for Second Til den Disappointing. STATESMANSHIP IS LACKING Qualities of "Schoolmaster" Are Found Instead. HARVEY TREATED RUDELY Lack of Compunction Shown in Dis missing Harper's Editor Gives Impirwlon That Sense of Obligation 1 Lacking. LOtTI SVILLE. Ky, Jan. IT. That ha had hoped to find In Wood row Wilson another Tllden. but had found -rather a schoolmaster than a statesman." was the declaration of Henry Watterson. the veteran Kentucky editor and Southern Pemort, ln a statement made here tonight In connection with the break between Governor Wllaon and Colonel George Harvey. "KegTertlnr that I unit appear either aa a wltneaa or a party to the misunderstanding which baa arisen be tween Colonel George Harvey and Governor Wood row Wllaon." reada the statement. "I ahall kava to apeak with oma particularity to ba Just alike to both. Aawtker Ttldea The conference between us In my s part men t at the Manhattan Club was held to consider certain practical meas ures relating to Governor Wilson's candidacy. Colonel Harvey stood to ward Governor Wilson much aa I had stood five and thirty years ago toward afr. Tllden. This appealed to me. Col nel Harvey bad brought the Governor and myself together his Nsw Jersey heme 1 months ego, and aa time passed bad Interested me In his ambi tions. -I was hoping I might find In Gov ernor Wilson another Tllden. In point of Intellect and availability. I yet think Colonel Harvey made no mistake In his choice of a candidate, but the cir cumstances leading to the unfortunate partlnr of the ways between thera leads ma to donbt whether In charac ter and to temperament it may ba merely in the habits of a lifetime Governor Wilson Is not rather a school master than a statesman. Caster Larklaa; ta Candidate. "I have from Colonel Harvey and Governor Wllaon statements, accord ing to the memory of each, touching what did actually happen and was spoken on the occasion named. "These do not materially differ. They coincide with my own recollection Nothing of a discourteous kind even of an unfriendly kind passed during an Interview of more than an hour. From the first, however, there was a certain constraint In Governor Wllson'a manner, the absence of the cordiality and candor which should mark hearty confidential Intercourse, intimating the existence of some adverse influence. "Tils manner waa autocratic. If not trrannoua. I did not take this to my self, but thought it related to Colonel Harvey, and when Colonel Harvey, ap parently overcome by Governor Wil son's austerity, put the direct question to Governor Wilson whether the sup port of Harper's Weekly waa doing Mm an Injury and received from Gov ernor Wilson the cold rejoinder that It was. I was both surprised and shocked. Seas ef Obtlsattea Tie Dee. I had myself, as far back aa last October, suggested to Governor Wil son that ta view of his supposed en vironment. It might be well for Col nel Harvey to moderate soma of the rather aggresslva character of Har per's Weekly In the Wilson leader ship. I am not sure that I bad not said aa much to Colonel Harvey my self, but thst Governor Wilson, with out' the least show of compunction, should express or yield to such an opinion and permit Colonel Harvey to consider himself discharged from the position of trusted intimacy he had up to this moment held, left me lit tle room to doubt that Governor Wil son Is not a man who makes common cause with his political associates, or Is deeply sensitive of his political ob ligations, because It Is but true and fair to say that except for Colonel Harvey he would not be In the run ning at all. "Colonel Harvey mas grievously wounded. He had been .ightlng Gov ernor Wilson's battle for many years and had Idealise his chief. Although I waa given no reason to suppose my self Included In the disfaTor which tad fallen upon Colonel Harvey. I ex perienced a sense of something very muca like Indlgnstlon. but on reflec tion I ceuld not rid myself of the Im pression that Governor Wilson had been receiving letters from Kentucky, written by enemies of mine who seek to use his name and faire to gain some ends of their own. warning him sgslnst me. and that, to all events, t sat In the ssme boat with Colonel Harvey. DesMterats Eatllled ta Kaew. -j am a receipt of Governor Wll (CeacludMt ea I - TWO NURSES HOLD INVADER CAPTIVE WOMEN STAND CTARI OVER PROWLER IN HOSPITAL. Police Then Selie ex-Employe of Good Samaritan In Storeroom. Jewelry Found on Him. Two nurses at the Good Samaritan Hospital led to the arrest of Pete Louie lsst night, when Louie had broken Into the hospital and Is alleged to have stolen Jewelry from several rooms. Forcing him by their pursuit to barri cade himself In one of the lower store rooms of the hospital, they stood on guard until patrolmen Bewley and Wade answered their call, broke down the door and arrested the captive. Andrew Spencer, the elderly negro Janitor of the hospital, noticed a light In the storeroom where Louie waa In hiding, and when it was extinguished and lighted several times the Janitor became suspicious, and notified the su perintendent. Miss Emily Loverldge. With a nurse. Miss Loverldge went to the door of the room and called on the trespasser to give himself up. Louie made no reply, but after locking the door on the Inside, he barricaded it with the Iron work of a bedstead, and turned out the lights. While help waa being sought from the police station, the two women stood on guard at the door of the room. When the patrolmen arrived. Louie re fused to come out of the room. Break ing down the door, the policemen mih. In .nil Mntnred htm. In Louie's possession were found a J gold watch, a nugget sticicpin ana number of sets of gold and pearl cuff buttons. He Is an .ex-employe of the hospital. About two weeks ago thefts were re ported on the same day from both Good Samaritan and Pt. Vincent's Hos pitals, a thief going through the cloth ing of physicians who wera In the op erating room. It is thought Louis may be responsible for these robberies. PAVLOF VOLCANO ACTIVE Liveliest of Alaskan Lava Mountains Spitting Smoke Now. REWARD, Alaska. Jan. 17. Pavlof volcano, on the Alaska Peninsula, west of the Shumagtn Islands. Is In violent eruption. Andrew Grosswald. a store keeper at Band Point, to miles from Pavlof. sends word that stones can ba seen hurled from the crater and that lava, and smoke are Issuing. Pavlof emits smoke even In its mildest moods. and Is accounted the most active of the Alaska volcanoea. G. A. Lee. Iighthousekeeper at Cape Bartcbef. the most westerly point of Unlmak Island, Boring Sea, reports violent earthquakes in the Aleutian Islands. Mount Shlshaldln. the most spectacular of the volcanoes, and which Is on Unlmak Island, slumbered last Summer aa also did the eccentrlo Kog oslof. DEVICE VANQUISHES DEATH Respiration Is Restored. Lungs Emptied of Noxious Gases. CHICAGO. Jan. IT. (Special.) Four persons have been saved from tba grave lu Chicago within 14 hours by a little machine, a recent Invention, so small that It can be carried In a suitcase. In three cases today and In one case Tuesday the little device has restored respiration. As the machine pumps oxygen into lungs, it draws out the poisonous gases. It was invented by a German named Draeger. It Is called the pulmotor." It la owned by an electrical company, which maintains two operators and an automobile free for emergency cases. DIAMOND DEATH TO CHICK Prise Cockerel Pecks Gem From Owner's Ring Operation Fatal. WASHINGTON. Jan. IT. "Champion." a Golden Wyandotte cockerel, prlse wlnner at several poultry shows. Is dead from eating a diamond. The bird, the property of Henry J. Hunt HL waa entered In annual exhibition of the Washington Poultry and Pigeon Association. The brilliant stone Jn a ring on the hand of its own er attracted the cockerels attention and the stone was picked off and swallowed before Hunt could withdraw his hand. An operation and the effects of chloroform caused -Champion's" death. $75,000 IS GAMBLED AWAY Harvard' "Old do' Man" Snes Stu dent, Who Lost at Roulette. BOSTON. Jan. 17. The sum of t7S. 000 was lost at roulette In one night of gambling at a place in Broadway. New York, by George P. Bowler, a prominent Harvard student, according to testimony given here In a suit for StO.000 brought by "Poco" Bennett. Harvard's noted "Old Clo'" man and money lender. COLDS RIFE IN CAPITAL President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary Seized In Turn. WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. There la an epidemic of colds at the White House. The President waa entirely over his cold today, but Secretary Hllles was confined to his home and bed and As sistant Secretary Allen waa suffering from the same complaint F TO AVOID CRISIS Reason for Intervention Removed. ALL ELEMENTS ARE UNITED Details of Agreement Are Kept Secret for Present. KNOX TO RECEIVE REPLY Belief at Havana Is That Veterans Agitation Has Received Its Quietus, Greatly Strength ening Gomes' Hand. HAVANA. Jan. IT. The conference at the president's palace adjourned at 1:0S o'clock this morning. It was an nounced that all the elements had reached an understanding to unite In the policy that would remove any ex cuse for Intervention. The details of the agreement have not been divulged. After the conference General Euzeblo Hernandes said it was realised that the United States had acted In the best In terests of Cuba and aa the truest friend of the republic. President Gomes conferred with prominent political leadera regarding the action to be taken in connection with the notification from the Ameri can Secretary of State, that the United States Government might be compelled to Intervene In Cuban affairs. Leaders Are Samssoaed. The persons summoned to meet the President were General Emilio Nuner, General Mateulo Alonso. Colonel Man uel Aranda and Colonel Galvox. repre senting the veterans; General Eusblo Hernandes, president of the Miguells taa; Governor Asbsrt. of Havana; Al fredo Zayaa. Vice-President of the re public, and Gonzales - Lanusa, General Freyre Andrade and Antonio Gonsales Lanusa, the Conservative leaders; Mig uel Coyula. Wllfredo. Fernandes, ed itor of El Commercio; Colonel Creates Ferrar, President of the House of Rep resentatives, and Dr. Antonio Gonxale Peres, President of the Senate. The shock of the reeclpt yesterday of the news of the possible interven tion by the United States waa suc ceeded by a feeling of relief, conse quent upon the general impression that the Knox note waa intended merely aa a caution similar to Presi dent Roosevelt's letter to Quesada, and not as a threat to proceed to ex tremes without further provocation. This feeling was enhanced by en- (Concluded on Pas 4.) CUBANS I WAT .-ta v.- -s 4ra.. - .xv-vi- INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum lempratni. 48 degree; minimum. 40 degrees. TODAY'S Fatr; north to east winds, Foreign. Cuban leaders agree en policy that will fore stall Intervention. Page 1. National. Present's menace shows way to economy. Pace 2. rolitles. Henry Watteraon arrsifns Woodrow Wllaon. in whom he hoped to find another Tll den. Pag 1. . Harmon escribes hard time, of JW3 and 190T to Republican tariff bills. Pae 4. Domestic Hypnotist is lnaane; woman under his spell cannot be restored. Page 8. Soclailat move restated warmly by mine workers. Pas 2. Late Mrs. Patterson built $70,000 tempi at spirits' request, aars lawyer. Page l. Cardinal Farley acclaimed on return to United States. Pas 3- Callrornla profesaor denies he intended In ' suit to Declaration of Independence. Pas 1. Sport. Curler may yet find profit In Johnson-Flynn match. Pas 8. Johnson aays Jeffries "quit cold" at Reno. Pag Lincoln, and Jefferson soccer tesms play tl game. Pag 8. Uarksmen make good scores at Roaeburg. Pag 8. Pacific Northwest. Fishermen win. depute over occupstion of Sand Island. Pag German woman, having choice of white or Japanese husband, take latter. Pag 6. Dr. Hazzard. faat-cur specialist, says ordeal of trial Is beginning to tell on her. Psg 8. Oregon retail merchants condemn mall or der houses in meeting at Medford. Page 0. Commercial and Marine. Damage by frost to Csllfornla citrus fruit greater than ever before. Pag IS. Europe showing anxiety over future what l supplies. fag 10. IBtrong inquiry for new Investment bonds. Page 15. German ship Lasbek to be loaded, pay 18 rents a ton and compel stevedores to su for 13 cents a ton balance. Fag 14. Portland and Vicinity. Great Northern complete plans to bslld duplicate of Forestry building In Glacier National Park. Pag 0. Nln venlermen are passed as tentative by " both aide In Wilde case. Pag 1. J. I. Hartman la elected president of Clear- tng-Uouae Afioclatlon for twenty-third time Page id. Herman Wittenberg dies after long Illness. Page 10. Prlz-s are swarded winning eats In 64 classes displayed at Meier A Frank store. Page lO. Two nurses hold prowler at Good Samaritan Hospital until police arrive. Page 1. MILL CITY WANTS MEN Resident Says There Is Work There for 4 00 or More Now. There Is plenty of work at good wages for all classes of ordinary la bor at MIH City, Or., where sawmills and landowners can't find enough men to meet their demands. George A. Starr, a resident of that place, advised The Oregonlan yesterday as follows: "I have read In the paper that there are 10,000 Idle men In Portland. Why don't they get out here where there is work? Here is one of the many places where there Is more work than men. The sawmills need 260 men in the mills and 150 men In the woods and on their railroads. There is an abundance of wood-cutting to be done, besides dairy ing and land clearing. We need more men and prefer men with families that will stay." Mill City Is in Linn County, near the, border of Marlon County, on the Corvallis Sc. Eastern railroad, about 60 miles east of Albany. NAUGHTY W00DE0W. 4. CV s 0 $70,000 AND GET II Attorney Tells of Mrs. Patterson's Temple. CLIENT INSANE, SAYS LAWYER Nevertheless, ex-Judge Admits He Accepted $10,000 Fee. SECOND WILL NOW FACTOR Son or Woman Who Left Fortune to High Priestess of Theosophlsts May Get Money Through New ly Discovered Document. SAN DIEGO. Cal., Jan. 17. The sec ond will made by Harriet W. Patterson, made at Kingston, N. T.. in August, 1908, was admitted In evidence at this morning's session of the legal contest over her estate being waged by Mrs. Katherine Tlngley. aa defendant, and George L. Patterson, as contestant. If the will over which the contest Is being fought, the document executed by Mrs. Patterson (then" Mrs. Thurs ton), in San Diego in May, 1910, is not admitted to probate, the division of the big estate will be made under the pro visions of the second will, which names her relatives as beneficiaries. Tbeosophlsts Pay Visit. At the time, or about the time, the will was drawn. Mrs. Tlngley. Mrs. Dunn. Miss Lester and other Theosophlsts were visiting Mrs. Pat terson at Kingston, It has been stated. Ex-Judge Van Etten, Mrs. Thurston's legal adviser, testified today that-it was against his advice that Mrs. Thurs ton decided to construct the Spiritual Temple at Kingston for Mrs. Hastie, and in this part of his examination he was asked to recall a letter which was supposed to have come from the spirit world to Mrs. Hastie, and which com manded Mrs. Patterson to build the temple. "Give us as nearly as you can the contents of that paper," requested Judge Martin, who conducted the ex amination. Letter Is Recalled. "I remember only part of it, which is as follows: " "My Dear Beloved Your work on this earth Is commanded by God. It meets my favor. Tour work will be extended and enlarged. Mrs. Patter son Is directed to build a house cost ing 170,000. The work will be as direct ed by you, and under charge of Mr. Leske. By doing this William and (Concluded on Page 3.) SAVANT DENIES HE SLURRED 76 EDICT BERKELEY FACULTY MEMBER EXPLAINS UTTERANCES. Professor Says Reference to Decla ration of Independence as "Cam paign Document" Not Sneer. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17. (Special.) Denying that his characterization of the Declaration of Independence as a "campaign document" was' Intended to belittle the Declaration itself or the cause which brought it forth. Professor Henry Morse Stephens, of the Univer sity of California faculty, today said that there was no truth In the charges that he has made sneering remarks re garding the most cherished American traditions. He deplored the accusations made against him, especially as a mem be of the history department in the State University, and insisted that he had the deepest reverence for the men and events prominent in the patriotic history of the country. Professor Stephens' name was used in a resolution before the Legislature pro testing against the spread of anti American teachings in the public schools. The resolution was passed at the special session. Professor Stephens explained his reference to the Declara tion of Independence as a campaign document, saying that it was so in fact, since It pointed out the grievances which brought on the war of the Revo lution and set forth the justification of the purpose of the colonies to throw off the yoke of British rule. It was also, said Professor Stephens, a declaration of principles of great splendor and importance. He had spo ken of this, he said, from public plat forms on Washington's birthday and the Fourth of July, and declared that It was absurd to accuse him of casting slurs on any of the American traditions. GOWNS OF FAIR SEX SCORED Women of State University Subject of Editorial in College Paper. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Jan. 17. Criticism is leveled at the women of the university for wearing formal clothes to the informal student body dances by an editorial appearing In tonight's issue of the Emerald, the plaint being that the only difference between the formal and informal dances lies in the circumstance that the men wear sack suits and that white gloves are foregone by women and men alike. In addition to the four formal uni versity dances of the year there are four lnformals when, it is understood, elaborate dresses, dress suits, livery conveyance, flowers and all other sem blances of formality are to be dispensed with, in order that every "rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief may feel in strict harmony with the dancing ar ray. The wear of elaborate gowns, complains the student editor of the Emerald, tends 'to humiliate the uni versity women who are blessed with but one party dress in a season. The recommendation Is that correc tive steps be taken by the leading wo men of the university through the agency of the women's council. JAP POACHING MUST HALT United States Revenue Cutter Puts on Warpaint for Honolulu. SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. 17. (Special.) With augmented batteries transform ing her Into a miniature battleship, the United States revenue cutter Thetis came over from Bremerton to take on stores and prepare, for departure to her home station at Honolulu. At the Navy-yard at Bremerton her battery of two one-pounders was al tered to four three-pound machine guns. These, "It is thought, will render the Thetis a formidable vessel for her class and will command the re spect of .Japanese poachers who, for years, have been guilty of poaching and ruthlessly destroying plumage birds on the islands in the Hawaiian group, where the Thetis will operate during the Winter. Captain Cochrane expects to get away with the Thetis by Saturday. ARMY WANTS CIVILIANS Engineers Draw Too Heavily on Other Military Branches. WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. For the first t'me in the history of the Army Engi neer Corps, an effort is being made to fill vacancies by the apoplntment of civilians. Other branches of the military serv ice insisted that the engineers were drawing too large a proportion of the best men in the Academy, and Congress directed the appointment of civilians to a certain extent. There are now ten vacancies In the corps and five qualified applicants are undergoing the examina tion. The line of the Army also Is to re ceive some additions from civil life and about 40 young men are now under ex amination at Fort Myer for appoint ment as Second Lieutenants. DAIRYMAN FATHER OF 23 Missouri Man of 45, Many Times Parent, Celebrates Latest Arrival. ST. CHARLES, Mo.. Jan. 17. The birth of his 23d child, a 13-pound girl, is being celebrated today by Fred Walkenhorst, a dairyman of this city. He has 16 living children, 13 of whom are at home. ( He Is 45 years old. , WILDE JURY QUEST TAKES ON SPEED Nine in Box Passed by Both Sides. TEST BY STRANGER ALLEGED Venireman Declares Man Asked His Opinion of Case. THREE OF PANEL ARE LEFT Nine Peremptory Challenges Allowed. Selection of Men to Try Pro moter May Be Completed Early Next Week.Cv Encouraging: progress was made yes terday in selecting prospective Jurors to serve in the Louis J. Wilde embez zlement trial, three more veniremen having qualified tentatively, making a total of nine passed for cause by the prosecution and the defense. Counsel confidently expects at today's session to obtain the other two necessary to fill the Jury box. It will then be up to both sides to exercise their peremp tory challenges, the state being en titled to three and the defense to six. Unless the peremptorles are generally applied, counsel Is hopeful of complet ing the Jury before Saturday noon, when an adjournment will be taken until Monday. If each side resorts to its full quota of peremptory challenges. It Is conceded the selection of the 12 Jurors will require two or three daya next week. The three veniremen passed for cause yesterday are: M,artin Sattler, con tracting painter, 422 Going street; J. A. McArthur, merchant, 106 Skidmore; W. G. Eaton, real estate broker and stock inspector for Oregon Humane Society. 73 Eaat Sixteenth. ; Three Are Excused. Three other veniremen were chal lenged for cause by counsel for the defense and excused by Judge Kava naugh. They were Fred Gaebler and Herman Sauers, 'both laborers, and M. Tannler, dairyman. Gaebler was dis qualified because of his unfamiliarity with the English language. Sauers and Tannler had not taken out their final ' citizenship papers and for that reason could not qualify. When court adjourned, F. E. Jackson, a commercial traveler, residing at 12S2 Belmont street, was being examined as to his qualifications as a juror. First of the sensations promised by both sides in the trial of the Wilda case developed yesterday In the ex amination of Martin Sattler, 422 Going street, who was finally passed for cause by both sides. Sattler has been passed by Mr. Malarkey, representing the defense, and it was while being questioned by Special Prosecutor Clark, for the prosecution, that the venireman made the announcement that he had been aproached at his home by a mys terious stranger who undertook to ob tain from him an expression of his at titude with respect to the Wilde cace. Stranirer Thought Insane. "A stranger, short, heavy set, with dark mustache and about 50 years of age, came to my home about 9 o'clock one morning in the recent silver thaw," testified Sattler. "He asked me If I took contract werk, explaining that he had a house he wanted painted. I told, him that I accepted contracts, whereupon the stranger said that he would conclude the arrangement sub sequently when the weather was bet ter. He -urned to me suddenly and abruptly asked: "What do you know about the Wilde case?" I answered him by saying: 'I don't know a thing about it.' The visitor then re marked that he was a member of the jury and was on his way to the Court house. I asked him to wait a minute and I would accompany him, but he did not wait. He could not get away fast enough. From his conduct I thought the man insane." This recital by Sattler resulted in his further examination by Mr. Malarkey, representing the defense. Replying to a"-question, Sattler said he had never before seen the stranger, who did not intimate whether he was Interested in or employed by the prosecution or the defense for feeling out Jurors as to their attitude toward Wilde. Sattler said he did not report the incident to either the District Attorney's office or to the lawyers for the prosecution. The only person to whom he told his ex perience was Louis Haertleln, a fellow Juror, and then not until the work of selecting a Jury to try Wilde had be gun. Prejudice la Denied. Mr. Malarkey undertook to have Sat tler describe the visitor more spe cifically and inquired if the juror knew a number of detectives connect ed with William J. Burns' Portland agency, enumerating Clyde Nicholson. William J. Wright, Ted Long, Otto J. Kulper, Geoge Constable and a man named Vlke. Sattler did not know any of them and maintained that the cir cumstance had not created In him any, prejudice either for or against the de fendant on trial. When Mr. Malarkey had finished, Mr, Clark resumed his questioning of Sat tler as to his acquaintance with a number of private detectives, implying that those inquired about were in the Concluded on Face 14.) I