till: MORNINf OREGOMAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUAli 17, 1 APPLE PRICES SOAR Market Is Strong and Values Are Advancing. wars 100 balsa ta tnla Cat. ISO bale la Taklma and 00 bale la California- The pr-lee paid ranced from S 4 to 44 caeta, Nr Torn advices noted the asie or a I ear of poor quality (tataa of the 10T crop at SO cents. Tba London mirkit wss firm but aulst. accord In to a cabla racatraa. Jallua Plncus. Kola Kola and J. R. Una i have rotaraad from a six wseka trip ta Hawaii. Taajr Tlaltad tha voleaaoea and ap.nl much tlma Inspecting tha bl( "! and plnaappla plantailona. Thar enjoyed themselves, bat were glad to rt back to Or co a. GOAL ROAOS BOOM Stocks Strengthened by Le high Valley Extra Dividend. l nited Stat & eoupon.. .... X;nltd Stat rejclstarad. . . United Ptatts 4a coupon Vnltad Railway s F 4 flitted Rail war St L 4a Wabaah ftrat 4a "Western Union 4 Ha Weatlnchouae eonr Sa ....... Watern paclflo 6a Wlwoniln Central 4a West Shore 4a STOCKS CLEANING UP FAST FARMERS DUoiil NOW fsEIXCt'O FOTATOE8 Bblpptac t. Let. Co. Slae th Dcaaad Mas Opeaed. Th.ra u mora activity la tba potato market. Parmara ara shoe-lag- oisp- tlon to eelL now that tha shipping demand w,r tii KmA v CrrtaJn Port- I baa opened. A number of gocd-slsed order. a.'"" . 1 V . K.n luuibMl 1ar h I nmtnl tO T Xl and tba Southwest and several care of po- tatoaa suitable for California trade hare bean taken. Prlcaa la tha country ran re from 0 casta to aecordlns to quality. Tha local produc. market waa moder ately active. . Tha its cars of bananas eelved Monday night were la ood, green condition. Nearly atl klada et vacetables, except cao. dlflower. were plentlfuL Cauliflower waa higher oa the California advance. TOBACCO ISSUES ALSO HIGH .101 H .101 .113 .list . efty. . 75 . oTH . Pi 4 . 93 . 87 . 2"4 .100 10214 1022 114 114 69" 1T 74 100 4 Vi 8 2i 101 Stock at Boston. BOSTOK, Jan. 10. Closing quotations: Alloues 2HMohawk ex-dlv.. 6 'evaaa ton .... 23 H Nip Mine ex-dir 9 at No Butte ex-dlv. 27 8 V North Lake ON SJ'iiOld Dominion?.. 4rt 61 Vi 'Osceola ex-dlr. .109 44 Vi Parrot t (8 A C). 13)4 Amilc Copper. . A Z L at bra. land Dler to IX?pr9S the) Mar ket, bat Without Snccwa. Cheap Grade Nearly Cone. As attempt la being mad la certain qoar tre to depress local appla prlcaa If tber aver waa a aeasoe whoa the Oreaoa farmer .. .tint ta a-eod Talua It la bow. whea k. baa nth a small crop ta dispose of. Tba ensla market. be-ever. la BOt weak; ta fact, with tha paasible except! of -.1,... analea are th atroaceat faatar f tba wndnca list. Appl price are gradually advaaalag aU aleaa tb Una. Faacy Spltaenosrgs. which heretofore hare not been quoted rer . except by dealer aeektna eoajlaBmaat. w.re yeatarday advanced to II. Tl. and with out deabt will go hlabar. Tha ahaasar sradee of apple ara paaatlne Try all d lap need f. and tb maraat . ia wmu. ahana thaa It he bead any time tht aeaaoa. Th demand for tha better mrmAmm la hroaulenln aad a th rat th fruit la aolna eut. atoraa atock will cJad inhlll weak. Bank Clrsrln-. Bank elaaringe of the Northweetem cltlea yaatarday war. a louowe: i.Hnr. Selance. wlfiit II &Ai;4 SIOI.713 Seattle 2.0.-.s.eW 2.24 T aroma , M.47 . 10 4; Spokane 3J1 4".liT FOCXTBT nr.CTTYT ARE NOT Karket la LARGE WHEAT nnaew a IS IN UOHTXR DEMAND Ara Well Filled for th hot Uat aad i at IaaetlTe. Bat la Barter ' Shape Thaa Laat Teck. Wanltrv racelnta have been Urht thla weak. aad tba market haa ateaoieo iteii. vnica- ena were quoted yeeteroar at'l'Briae. ba the demand waa not b fvaa Tmckt war firm aad .mm and turker v4vv ateady. Tba aaa market waa weak t a-ane et tna naor bulca demand, rather thaa th also of eta-ka Th sma'.lnees of th. supply or tTeraa ehaes reltticta buelneee la thla line. Tber ao chance ta th butteie (11081108. T wheat market contlnaea firm, ther. Im not tb demand tber waa weak. Farmer." offertna are email tha little bulci that la balna dona I mchaaaed prlcaa Bayers appear to b well fUled up. particularly the miller, and tha laqutry from that source la restricted. As a result f th activity of th market slac th first of th year. It la estimated that net t exceed IS par cant af tha crap la left a aetd. trader th. circumstance, holders are firm and aet disposed ta make coaceaalona. Th export flour market ta firm at .3 SO. Kama orders ara kelna accepted for Feb- ruarr-March shipment, but ther la. set much business under way for April Patents ara firm, with a fair demand. All line of mlllfead are firm. Local receipts la ears were reported by. th Marchaatar Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Bay Mondey 1J 1 J ! J5 Tu.s'.av l 1 IT T.ar act - 1 1 IT to data. 74 IM 1BAT 110 Year aco a47 1244 a0 103 t'orelcu crop conditions are summarised ' bv the Urerpool Cora Trade News as fol lows: I nttrd Klnsdom Tha weather Is wet. and til. ta prevrnilni the finishing of late swain. Krsnc The ot wenther Is unfarorabls fnr ute proper development of the crop, and f.ars of da.-nare ara eapreesed. Offerlags are ffljlL.ir4 the marital I inn. O.rmanr The outlook la aenerally fsvor- shie. but dry anil cold weather 1 wanted. Off.rln.e are llabt. Ilunaary and Italy Tha outlook la aener alle f.Torabla. but tha weather la uasaasoa. ablv mild. Iu!rana and Roumanla The outlook la favors"!-. SupptlM af wheat and com I aood. The weather le mild. Russia There ara no complalnta from tha soutn. Arrivals of whear ara email aad com lars-. The wtathar le unMasonabl. la ths Interior ther. te plenty of enow. Ars.atlna There la no Improvement ta the crop outlook. Good authorltlee eetlmata tha exportable surplus at P2.ooo.ooo buaaeia. The Quality of wheat la poor. Australia Estimates r Hard In a tb wheat crop are be in fully maintained. OBJECT OF BOIUT'BEXWEB COMBBTNal rausmav Expect t Oe Hop radar raraa- rOalTLAND MARaVETS. Grain. ' rWar. Feed. Eta. 84c; WHEAT Track ptires: Bloeettm. r-ub. lie: red Kuaalan. ' 80c: Galley, fartr.fn:il llo. rt.nt'H p.tenta 14. SO aer barrel rtralghta. $.; esports. J.f; Valley. 14,60; arahem. 14 . whole wneal. in MlLLSTi rrs lino, iS per ton; shorts. middlings, xju; ro.i.a sanex. 137 la. niTL va i an ic wuo.zn aer ion. HAT No. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy. I1T Oil; No. 1 Vall.y. ! Olo; auaua. 1119 14: clover. 12: grain. 114. BARLEY reed. llOU3T per vaa. CORN New. whole. 83: cracked. 184; old. whole. tii: cracked. 837. Tractable aad Fruit a. TROPICAI. FRCTTS Orange. navels. 81.TSC8: Japaneea. I1.40 per bundle; Cali fornia grapefruit. S.H; rionoe grape- fruit I5.75u: bananaa. tdikc par pound t-mnn. llvietM nr box. FRESH t'RL I r Aimeria grapva. d w per barrel: cranberrus. 810 9U.SO par bar rel POTATOES rtuylnar pncea: nunisia OeCll.lS per hundred;, sweat . potatoaa. 83 or crat. VEGETABLES ArtlcnoKe. II. 15 par aos- en; beane. U17Ho: cabbage. IVtf)! par aonnd: cauliflower. Sl.yooa ner crate: i.t ery. 88.2a per crate: cucumbers, si. u oar dosen: aasnlant. II wo per pouna garlic. 8010c per pound: lettuce. 12. 10 O 1.5 per crate: peppers, IttlM per pound; pump kins lalSo per. pound; rsdlshes. ISo per doses: sprouts. 7B c: squsih. lHtflfco per pouna: tomaioes. ii.oo per oox. o.MO.va Aaaoclauonv- pnoa. i.ts per ssck. SACK VEOETAPLTCS Turnips, tl !S per ssck; rutabagas. !.": carrota. 81-2; par snip.. 11. 2a: beets. Il.so, APPLES Fancy Roma Beauty. 82.80 per box; choice Roma Beauty. 12; fancy Tallow Newtown. 82 80: fancy Spttsenberga, 12. TB Delawars Red. It 73; Wlnceao. t-: Northern Fpr. 8160; Baldwin. 11.608 2; Ben Davis. 1-25. Standard Railway and IndnatrtaJ Shares Are Neglected Export Movement of Gold Is Resumed., Bond Market Is Firm. NEW TORK. Jan. 1. Th usual leaders of the stock market slipped Into the back around today, aad tha coal ere and th to bacco atocks aad bonds took their plaoa. Of thf three usual leader Union paclflo. Reading and Lulled States Steel only Read ing attracted a following. Shortly Bar ore the close tha unarket beeame more active aad prlcee advanced generally. Activity In tba tobacoe laeues were largely la tha Liggett A Meyers and Loiillard atooks and bonrta. Uggett A Myers rose 8 points. the preferred 4 and Lorillard IH, Speculative Interest In ths coalers, aroused by ths declaration of th. extra dividend aa Lehigh Valley, grew broader today and took In soma stocks usually Inactive. Including Delaware A Hudson and Central Railroad ot New Jereev. The rlee In tha latter waa. IS point to 888, a hew high record. Dels war mt Hudson gained three points. Fluo- tuatlona la Ihlgh Valley war eomparatlv If narrow. Th. copper atocks, after a period ef weak- aeaa. ware Inactive today. The fortnightly repor or the European visible supply showsd 1 decrease of lTOo tons. Tha a harp decline a tba price at London has checked buylos by aomcstic conourasrs. The export movement of gold waa resumed today. ISU0.00O being engaged at tb. sub- treasury, the greater part of which la to go bouth America. Tha bond market was firm and somewhat snor ctlv. Transaotlons ta tba tobacco bonds ware the feature of the day'a trading. Total aalea. par value, 81.803.000. United States bonds were unchanged on csll. CLOSINU STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Bsies. High. Low. 2"0 oS. S.eOO 66 S 64 "4 l'K) OOV JV 300 67ta 6S 1.000 12 -IH, trUO 58 6244 80V 48 SOW 1884 104 ts 81 70 H 132 336 'ist, 8 ioi' 148" 104 171i 31)4 Dairy aad Country rroduc BUTTER Oregon creamery butter, solid pack. 88c; prints, extra; buttarfat, lo 1 than solid pack pncea POULTRY Hena. 13c: Springs, lZHe; ducks, young. 20c; geese, 12 ac; turkeys. live. ISc: drrsssd. choice. S2c EOGb Freeh Oregon ranch, candled. 4 A 35c per dosen. CHEESE Fresh Tillamook flats, llso; Toung Amerlcaa. ISaic. PORK Fancy, so per pound. VEAL Fancy. 14c per pound. Th combination of brewers, who tn purchased stock la th K. Clsmsas Horst Company, for th purpose of raising their wa hop, was brought about aa a result of resolotlona adopted at ths meeting of tb fitted State Brewers Assodatloa, hold la Chicago last Spring, sxcordtng to S- Frits Nave, af th eorapaay. who came t Pert land from Vancouver. B. C H says It la th plaa ef tha reorganised company t Be en re tea-year contracts with all phe brewer of th country, aad to plant only aaouga bops to supply th needs of tho brewers with whom contracts are obtained- Ha declares It haa been ths experience of brewer who have failed to make contracts In advance that they are obliged to pay mors for their bops, and that those thsy do purchase ere of Inferior quality. Mr Nave said that tlx company haa de cided to procure tho set lees of th best agriculturists la tha country, and that, with tnslr ssrvtcas. It will b possible to ra hops oa th Pacific Coast smearing the af Bohemia. The E. Clemens Horst Compaay euros hop only by tho sir-dried msthod. bo said. By thus curing tasm at a low tempera ture the soft realns ar. retained, and th iop ar far superior to ths cured by th higb-tsmperatur process, vrhsr tb trm- peratur Is sometimes as high as 140 de grees. Wa dry them at a temperature of about SO degreea. Our hops have 20.23 per cent ot resin oa tho averag. Tha company I represent Is 800 times aa largs as ths average hopgrower. Last year w raited 2S.0O0 bales or ths 303.000 bales of hops raised la North America. Thoea brewers who purchased hops of ua saved SI. 300.000. becaus. of the difference la tho price w made them and la th market pne. -Sp"t hops has advanced decidedly In ths isat few days, and futures are sure to advancs matsrlally. Among those who took stock In our com pany were Pabst, Brand. Ogden Armour. and Fox. secretary et the Brewers' Associa tion. Wa has letters from all th big browsrs of ths East showing that w ar well able to handle our contracts' Staple Ci SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talla. 82.23 a-r dosen: t-pound tails. 8288; 1- pound fists. 83.40; Alaska pink. 1-pound I.11S. II 33. COFFEB Roasted, ta Arums, MHO 40 per pound. nuts walnuts. liaiiHt per pouna: Braitl note. 14 0 1c: filberts. 14 '13o; al monds 1T0 21C. pecsna lac; cocoanuta. ao Oil par dosen: chestnuts. 12 Ho per pouna; hlckorv nuts. OtplOe ner Bound. monet Choice. 33 13 per ess: erxaiaea honey, loo per pound. SALT Granulated. lis per ton: aalf- ground. 100a. 38 60 per ton: COS. 10 per ton. BEANS Cmsll 'Whits. 4Mc: largs whits. 4Vc: Lima. T),c; pink. 6c; Mexicans. 6 He; xrou. sc. RICE No. 1 Jansn. I tie: cheaper grades. 4a Ole: Southern bead. 6 4.tr 7c BUOAR Drv aranulated. 8o.tS: fruit and berry. I4.2S; beet, ii ti: extra C II Tl; powdered, barrela. H.0; cubes, barrals.t4.il. DRIED FRUITH Applee, 14a per pound; apricots. Kaistte; peaches. 12l4c; prunea, Italian. 10"vt10Vo; silver, ito; Ota wblts and black. aveBTSxc: currants. 10 O lie: ra fine, looa. MuacataL VtO7V0; bleache I Thompson. 11 e: unblesched Sul tanas, li'c; seeded. lutlHo: dates, Fer- Vss per lb.; Fard. ILeO par hex. CRtX AND HAT RECEIPTS LAST TEAR l-rtlaad Malntalae a Good Lewd Over Ta- ronrta aad heat lie. Pertlsad mslntalnsd a good lead In lull ever the Puget Sound cities la total celpts of wheat, oats, barley and bay. Th receipts. In cars, at ths three ports ta 1911 and 1910 war as follows: eavlslosav HAMS 10 to 13 poinds. lSVtOMHe: 13 14 pounds, ISHOllHc; 14 to If pounds, 13ttalho: IS to 13 pounds. ltUolSVie: skinned. 14c; picnics, llfeo; cottage roll ISO. LARD Kettle rendered, tlercee. 18e; tubs. II H; etaadsrd. tierce. 11 He; tub 12c: shortening, tierces. 8o: tubs. 80. BACON Fancy. 26c: staadard. 33e: choice. 20c: English, lad 17a UKT SALT CURED Regular short clear. ery aalt. 12 c; smoked. 14c; ebon clesr. backs, 12 10 18 lbs. dry salt. 13c; smoked. 14 He; ehort clear backa. 18 to 20 lb., dry salt. i2Ho; amofced 14c; Orsgoa exports. cry salt. 14 He: smoksd. lac Hops, Wool aad Hide. HOPS 1111 crop. im((Ve: olds, nomi nal. 112 contracts. 23c MOHAIR Choice. SietTa ner nound. WOOL Eastern Oregon. SO la Par pound, according to shrinkage; Valley. II ue per pound. PELTS Dry. Iter lambs, salted. asasSe: hort-wool pelts, not 78c: butcher Belts Nor. xaan-oir. sutysoc; xec. tase-orr. BOcarlL HIDES Salted hldea. SVeiOUo ser pouna aaltea cair. 10017c: salted kip. 100 lie; green hides. 0Hc; dry calf. 20 0; dry hides. 17 018c: saltsd stags. SH7e: areea etsgs, Dfigie. , CASCARA Psr pound. 5HOc All Is Chal pf .. Amal Copper . . Am Agrlcult .. Am Beet 8ugar. American Can M Am Car Kdy.. Am Cotton Oil. Am H4 A Lt pf Am Ice Securu. Am Linseed ... 100 11 Am Locomotive 80O 834 Am Smel A Kaf X8O0 71 H do preferred.. 10O 108 Am 6teel Fd. Am Sugar Kef.. 100 113 Am Tel A Tel.. 3.400 141 H Am Tobacco pf .1X 104 H Am Woolen Anaconda M Co 900 80 Atchison 3.200 "US' do preferred.. ,, At Cosst Line.. Bait A Ohio . .. Bethlehem Steal Brok H Tran.. Canadian Pac . . Central Leather. do preferred.. Central of N J. t'h.s A Ohio ... Chicago A Alton Chi Ot West .. do preferred. . Chicago A N W C. 31 A St Paul, C. C, C St U. col tmel at iroa Col A b'outhera. Consol Oss . . .4 Corn Products Del A Hudson D A R Grande. do Preferred.. Distillers' Sscur Erie S.800 81 H 80 H do 1st pf .... 1.000 614 ,60 do 2d pf General Elec .. 300 1684 Gt North pf ... no 12714 Gt North Ore . .- oo 40 H Illinois Central. 100 140 Interbor Met .. 60O IT do preferred., a, 700 . 64 H Inter Harvetter . 400 108 Inter liarlaa pf ...... Int Paper Int Pump 100 SI Iowa Central.. ..... ft C Southern.. ...... ..... do preferred.. Laclede Gas Louta A Nash . Minn A St L.. M. 1 P I B B K Mo. Ksn A Tex do prersrred.. Mo Paclflo Nat Biscuit ... National Lend . IOO 63 N II y Mai 2 pf. BOO B..4 N Y Central . . . 8iM 107 H N T. Out A Wes 200 8 H Norfolk A West 1.700 1094 North Am loo 75 Northern Pac .. 1.400 116 , Paclflo Mall .... t" . 32 S Pennsylvania ... 1.90 123t People's Gss ... 300 105 Vi P. C C A (St L.i Pittsburg Coal , Pressed S Car.. Pull Hal Car . . By Steel bprlng Beading Republic SteeL. Rock Island Co. do preferred. . St L A 8 F 2 Pf 81 L Bouthwest do preferred.. Bloat chefTield -Southern Pso Southern By ,, do preferred.. Tena Copper ., Texss A Pae . . Tol. St L A Weg do preferred.. Union Paclflo .. do preferred.. U 6 Realty .... U 8 Rubber ... U 8 bteal do preferred.. tTtah Copper .. Vi Caro Cham . Wabath do preferred.. Weetern Md ... Wetting Elec .. weetern Lnlon - Wheel A L K.. Lehigh Valley 83.000 lfSSH 1S4H Chlno Copper .. 1.800 26 H 23 H Kay consol .... 1.000 17H 1TH 100 I.OO0 200 .oos 8.300 1.SO0 1.200 '""ioo O0O " 400 '260 'iisoo 1.40O 1.200 100 100 1.200 1O0 900 loai 1S6H mis' 28 11 83 70. 103 lid"" 141 103 'is 103 133 104 30 H 78 230 820 .72(4 iii" , t lOTH "iiii iii k' 10 iss aiM 158 H 894 140 18H 63 H 1074 100 164H 131 H 38 100 894 894 68 83 107 sss 10R4 76 113H 82 132s 105H 300 18 H 18H 1O0 100 130.800 800 4' 9.10 1.700 1.800 6"0 2O0 ""ioo 4no 8i0 M.600 100 ""ioo 48.900 400 0,100 I.6OO 2.000 19H 80 H 164 29 83 24 H 63 not 28 H 13 S 8S 16o 91 ' 87 H HOti 644 73 H 83H 110 30 1524 25 Vs 85 24 Vs 61 10 28 si 13 83 107 91 "46 e 110 60 73 83 Bid. 4 S3 80 07 11 'A 62 23 18 10 83 71 102 82 114 141 104 27 36 10S 102 133 104 30 78 232 19 8 876 72 24 18 80 141 107 SO 20 43 142 10 169 48 t 31 61 42 16t 12S 89 139 IttTa ti 10D 22 9 81 13 27 ts IOO 166 81 1S1 28 83 89 141 63 36 107 88 109 75 11 81 123 106 100 18 82 lftO 80 164 25 64 25 62 40 38 3 45 109 28 a 37 21 13 S3 167 91 9 48 6.1 110 60 63 6 18 7 78 83 184. 25 17 Total sale for tho day. 394.000 shares. BONDS. Furntshsd by Ovsrbsok A Cook Co.. of Portland. Bid. Asked. Lin seed Portland W he.tr. ...... Oet Barley Bay Total Taroma Wheat Oat. ....... "F.rley Hay ... Total Srattle Wheat rats ....... Barley Bay 1911. 12.;i 1.321 040 3.4J0 IT. (I J 191 1. 8.V.3 004 2 3.2t 13.01.1 lull. B.sr,j 1. 1 L-2 ..! 4.814 1910 10.1S9 1.17 Ail 2. Ml 14.7!0 1D10. 8.2.1 4. ".2 R17 3.85 11.331 IKIO. 4.143 l.'3 731 5.608 11.780 Total 12.J20 The recelpte la 1911 showed Inn over 1910 at th three porta aa Portland ......................... -STe 18S2 643 Taroma Seattl. HOP SHIPMENT TO EAST ARK HE ATT Tradlna Batweea Hewlsrs la Orccoa. Wasev. tngiaa and California, Th asxt six dsys ariu se heavy ship ments of hops from this stats to th East, as the Increased freight rate will go into effect on January 34. Hop order ar numerous, but there ar few sell. Among , between dealers Oil and TarpwatlB. LINSEED OIL Pur raw .In barrela 82c: boiled. In barrels. 84c; rsw, la cum, 87c; boiled. In eases, 69c TUHPK.N f INK Casta 73c: wood barrela FLAXSEED OIL MEAL Par tos. 144. SAN FRANCISCO PRODCCE MARKET Price Quoted at tha Bay City far Tec. tables. 1 mils. Etc SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. II. The follow ing produce pncea were current here today: vegetables t-ucurnoers, aaeosl-vo; gsrllc. Iff ISC; green peas, BtrllHc: string beans. lOtrlic; eggplant, .,is j lso ; tomatoes. tec 0 31.13. Butter Fancy creamery, II He. Eggs Store. lie: fancy ranch, 14c. Onions 1 1.30 U 1.75. Cheese Young America. 17011a Fruit Applea. choice,! 31; common. 6c: Mexican llmea. 35.6uti0: California lemona. choice. 33 30; common. 41.23: navel oranges. ll.509i.oo; pineapples, uvi.tu. Potatoes uregon ruroanas. si.oorj 1.75: Fallnaa Burbanks. $1.75 1.U0; river ur ban k a. 11.14 1.40; sweets. .'tjl. alillstufts Ursa. .'3.itio-'B.oo, mlddllncs. $30633, May to neat, siotr-i:. wntu ana ats. 313jl30: alfalfa. 812016.50. Recelpte Flour. 4001 quarter tacks: wheat. 748 centals: barley, HIS centals: oats. 421 centals; potatoes, id 6 sacks; bran. 416 sscka; mld.tllngt, -2:0 sacks; hay. 110 tons; wool, 177 bslea. Amsr Tsl A Tel eonv 4s Ill Ameiioan Tobacco 4a 93 Anieiicaa Tobacco 6s .120 AicniMn general aa ........... hu Atchison conv 4s 100 Atchison conv Cs 107 Atlantic Cuaat Line cone 4s.... 05 At Cosat Line 'L A N col" 4s. 94 Baltimore a Ohio 6s 91 Baltimore A Ohio 4a OS Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4a 85 U Canada Southern first 6a 101 Chesapeske A Ohio 4 Ha 101 C B A Q Joint 4a 07 C B A Q Ills 4s 100 yesterday's transactions Hope at New York. NEW TORK. Jan. II Hops, steads. C B A U Denver 40 Central Paolfle first 4s Chicago A Esst Ilia 4s Chicago R I A P ref 4s hlcago R I A P Col truet SB- Colorado A Southern first 4s.. Denver A Rio Grands 4a Delaware A Hudson cony 4s... Erie first cons P L 4s Int Met mi Japanese 4a ................. Japanese first 4s Japanese seconds 4s Louisville A Nashville unl 4s.. Mo Rsn A Tex 4s Missouri psclflc 4a Nsw York Central ta iNew.York central L a 8a... New Tork City 4s New Tors city mi of 3937... Norfolk A Western 4s Norfolk A Weetern conv 4s.... N Y Ont A W 4s Northern paclflo P L 4s Northern Psclfle Ss Oregon Fhort Llns 4s ........ Oregon Ry A Nsv 4s Penna Ry 4a of 1948 Philippine Ry 4s . . Reading general 4s .. Republic of Cuba 6s.. Southern Paclflo first ref 4s. Sotitbsrn Paclflo col 4s ..... Southern Railway 4s Ft LA S F ref 4S Tnlon Pacific first 4s : Union Psclflc conv 4s Union Paclflo ref 4s United Ftstes Steel S F US United Ststes 2a registered.. United State 2s coupon..... fh) 9 80 . w . 72 , 90 . 69 . S . 89 . 81 , 80 . 92 . 2 , 09 . 89 . 72 . 67 U , 83 , 92 ,107 . 96 94 .... 94 .... 94 . 93 ...,103 .... 84 98 . I2 . 95 . 91 . 78 . 80 .100 .101 . 07 .102 .B0 .14) 112 03 120 99 107 107 69 95 S2 9S 8T. 101 101 07 100 97 9(1 80 90 72 96 89 98 90 81 87 93 9.1 9!) 89 73 87 84 92 107 98 1011 94 100 89 94 98 103 84 9S 103 93 02 79 H0 100 103 07 102 lO0 100 Alison Com B A C C A 8 M Butte Coalition. Cal A Artxona., r-.i a- rt.cia . Centennial 19!ulncy 75 Cop Raa Con Co cnannon iu E Butte Cop M. 12i.1uperlor 27 Franklin 11 Sup A Boe Mlu.. 4 Glroux Con .... 4 Tamarack 30 Granby Con ... 37 IU S 8 R A M... 84 Greene Cananea. 8l do preferred. 47B I Royalle (Cop) 21 l.tan t on in Kerr Lake . 2 Utah Copper Co. 60 Laks Copper. . Jle Copp it COpper.. La Salle Copper S IWolvsrtns Mia 86 Winona 331 3 99 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK. Jan. Id. Money on call stesdy, 2 per rent: ruling rate, 2; clos ing bid, ; offered St 2. Time losne essler; 60 days, 23 psr cent: 90 days. 8: six months. Bos. Prima m.reantfh Daoer. S V tt 4 W .per cent. Sterling exchange ateady with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at 34.8373 tor 60-day bills snd st 84.8600 for demand.-- Commsrclai bills, $4.83. Bar atlver. 66c " Tkf.vle.K H.llir. 1TA. Government bond ateady: railroad bonda. arm. LONDON, Jan. 18. Bar silver, uaeertala. It 8-14d per ounoe. Monev. laxtV4 ner cant. Tba rate of dlacount In the open market for short bills Is 8 psr cent; do, three- months bills. 3 per coat. AN FRANCISCO. Jsb. II. Stsrtlna on London. 80 daya, 84.IIX; do., sight 14.17 Drafts, sight, 4 psr cent; telegraph. T per eent. How to Solve. Our Pavtag Problem? A Qaestloe that Fades Away Where Bitia Mthlc 5s used MILLS WELL STOCKED WOOL BCTIXO IS LESS ACTIVE IX THE BOSTON" MARKET. All Grades Are Firmly Held De mand for Territory Applies to All Classes. Rostov. Jan. II. Tha firmness of ths domestic product Is the feature of the woof market. Trading has fallen off becauee of tne heavy purchases msds by nearly all th mills last month. The nigner- tenaenuy. which was confined to ooars wools, is now manifest In the finer grades. Fleeces are fstrly active, although the Inquiry seems to center In one-querter bloods. Tbs demsnd for territory sppiies to sn grades, but Texas snd California wool Is dulL Quotations, scoured bssla: Tsxss fins, six to eight months, 45 0 47c; fine. 11 months, 52c; fine Kail, 41946c California Northern, 48S60o; bid die coun ty. 41$ 47c; southern, 436 46c; Fall, free, 4O04:c Oregon. Eastern. ve. 1 staple. t-tc; Eastern, clothing, 60o; Valley, No. 1, 410 47c Territory, fine stsple, flf?62e: fine medi um etsple, 6I4y59c:xf1ne clothing. 61r53c; fine medium clothing, 41950c; half-blood combing, 61 C 67c; tbree-elghths blood comb lag, bOjr&to; quarter-blood, combine;, 4lf 47e. Pulled, steady. 60061c; line A. issioc; X supers, 4tf4lc Wool at St. Loola. ST. LOUIS. Jsn. 16. Wool Steady. Ter- rltorv and Weatera mediums. 16 et 18c: fins mediums. littlTe; fine, 100150. Coffee aad Sugar. KKOT TORK. Jan. 18. Coffee futures closed barely stsady at a Bet loss ol 18 027 points. January, li.eoc; reorusry, u.tlc; March. 11. lie; April, ll.lOo- May. June, II. lie; July. August. 11.19c; September, ll.S3c: October. 12.27c; November, II. 26c; December, 11.10c; Spot, quiet; No. T, 14c: Ssntos. No. 4. 1IHC Mild coffee, dull. Cordova, 15 17c; nomlnsL Rsw tutsr steady. Huaoovsdo, IS test. 1 8o: eentrtfugsL '! test, 4 t5o; molasses. 88 text, i.iio; sslea tooo bsga - Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW TORK. Jan. Is. Evaporated apple easier; fancy, lf16e; choice. 9yl0e; prime, 80Hc prunes, strong. quotauono rang rrora lo to 11 He for California up to 30-40s and from 10o to 13 e for Oregons. Peaches, unehsnged: choice, ll011Ue', extra choloe, lljllc; fanoy. i:13c Naval Store. SAVANNAk. Jan. 16. Turpentine firm. 60c: aalea, 04: receipts. 41; shipments. 102; stocks, 83.284. Roaln firm; sales. 347; receipts. 1997; ship ments, S60; stocks. 133.891. Quote: B. 34.67; D. te.77; E, to.62; F. O. H, I, 16.87: K. 87.20; M. 3.46; N. 3T.60; WO, 37.60; WW, 17.80. Chi rag Produce Market. CHICAGO. Jan. H. Butter Firm. Creameries. !0t40c; dairies, 26fc4c Eggs RecelpU 212T esses: essler at mark, cases Included, 18C?z7o; firsts. 14 WOT" He: prime firsts. nc. Cheese meaay. usisies. icyigc; wins. .lixl!c; Toung Amsricss. 16 a llc; long horns. 16v'16c DnluLh Flax Market. DCL-UTH. Jan. II. Flax la store, to ar rive, January, February, tl lt; oa track. II.14; May. 62.12 asuea. J. C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN AND COTTON MEMBKKS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE, tmCAt.O BOARD OF TRADE. THE 6TOCR AMI BOND EJTtANGE, SAN FRANCISCO. Mala Office Mills Bid;.. Kan Francisco, li ranch Office anoouver, bcattle. Fortlaad, Loo An gel re, elaa Dleco, Cor onado Beach. rORTLAXD OFFICE: Mais Floor Lumber mens Bank Building, 61 h and Stark. Phone. Marshall 4120. A-4187. THE BAEBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and Othsr Bitu minous PaTeraenta. OSSXM Eleetrt Blda Prtlaad. Or. OaSLsur Habcr. ataaaaer. TRAVELERS' OCTDBV STEAMSHIPS YALE and HARVARD Portland to Los Angeles, all ahlp... .I1J 85 Portland to Los Angeles, rail and ship 23.83 Portland to Los Angeles, au snip, n-iuu trip 85.70 vi . 1 . n 'a Y-m rail and ahln. round trip ii'li Portland to San Diego, all ship 2?-Vx Portland to Baa Diego, rail and ship.. 24.00 Portland to Saa Diego, all ship, round trip 3.00 Portland to Saa Diego, rail and ahlp. round trip 48.00 Rtll.ROAD OR ANT STEADIER TO SAN FRANC IsH'O the. Exposition City, connecting with the famous new turbine steel steamers, TALE snd HARVARD, largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first-class, passenger ships on ths Pacific Coast. Carry bo freight except expreas matter. Average speed 28 miles per hour. Bsggag. checked through to destination. Sailing four times per week. Break monotony by stopping over a fsw hours, or several days at San Francisco, thence travel where the sea Is ss smooth aa glass, snd 99 per cent of the psseengers are not alck. for- the short voyage of 18 hours. Msks reservations Immediately. San Francisco. Portland and L. A. 8. 8. Co- Frank Bolitm, Agent, stau lis. A 461. 129 THIRD STREET. HONOLULU SllO FIRST CLASS ROUND TRIP. Th moat delightful spot on ntlr world tour for your vacaU6n, Dellffhtfu. ga bath Inrt At tho famous beach of WaiklkL Tho d lend Id s. 8. 6irra (10.000 tons d lri acu men t) make tho round trip In 16 daya Ona can Tia.it oa a aiaa trip ih iitidv volcano of Kllauea. which I traxnendously active, and see for himself the process of world creation. No other trip compares with this for the marvelous and wonderful In nature. Visit th lslsnda now. while you can do lt so eatny and quickly, ana while the vol cano Is active. Prompt attention to tele grams lor Derma sailings: January 27, February 16. March 9, etc. wramo s. . Cv., 78 Market Street, Baa Franolaoe. San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Direct 8. 8. Roanoke and S. 8. Elder Sail Every WedaeeaWty Alternately at S s. 2a. NORTH ?ACiri0 S. S. CO, US Third St, Phone Mala 1314. A 111. eas da, EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR ian Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE 8. 8. Rose City rial is 4 P. M. January 17. SAN FRANCISCO A PORTLAND 8. S. CO., Ticket Office. 143 Third St. Phone Mala 403 and A 1403. COOS BAY LINE Sails from Alns worth Docks, Portland, S sreifnt reoeivea a to o r. at Fas- second-clasa. IT. tnctudlnr msals and berth. Ticket offloe A ins worth Dock. Phones Main 'JtU, Maia ITO- A 1234. bsj IS irvro Aiu'wurui P. IwL. arery Tuesday. Frei Alai-Mrtk Pock dally op u aat fare, first-class, $10; NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Ratea. Schedule Tim. AMERICAN - HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 315 Railway E!xchaas Bids- Portland, Or. Mala 8378. A 8923. DORSEYB. SMITH General Steamship Aarent. ALL LINES ALL COUNTRIES. Experienced Information About TrareL S9 Fifth SL, Portland, Or. Phones: Marshall 1879. A 1293. rLARKa ritrisF of the Arabic 16.000 tons, tine, large, unusually ateady TO THE ORIENT February S to April 19, IBIS. Seventy-one days, costing only 8400.00 and op. Including shor. excurelona. SPECIAL FEATURES i Maderie, Cadis, Seville, Algiers, Malta. Athena, Conatantlnople. 19 days In Egypt and the Holy Land, Rome, th Ri viera, etc. C. E. Stinger. 254 trTaablneion St.. Portland. F. C. LARK, Times Bldg., New York. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LARGEST BTEAVSILTP COMPANT IX THE WORLD. CRUISES DR LUXR Around the World TWO GRAND CRTT8ES NaT. It. 1919 I Feb. 97. 1919 (From New York) (From San Fran.) By ths palatial cruising ateamer "VICTORIA I.CISE" C18.60O TONS'. Itinerary Includes Madeira, .Spain, Italy. India. Ceylon, Straits Settlements, Java. Philippines, China, Japan, Haad wtch Islands and Overland American Tour, Inland excursions and side trips. rCIl endllncludtng all necessary ex ywu up pensea aboard and ashore. Duration of Each Cruise 110 Days Also Crulees to tha Orient, tVest Indies, South America. Italy and Egypt, etc REGULAR SERVICES LONDON PARIS HAMBURG PRES. LINCOLN. Feb. S, 10 A. M. IGRAF W ALDERS EK. ..Feb. 10. 9 P. M. FEES. GRANT .Feb. 22, 11 A- M. I PENNSYLVANIA Feb. 29. 8 P. M. I Hamburg direct. Second cabin only. Gibraltar, Alpei., Naples, Genoa S. S. CINCINNATI (Orient Cruise).... Jan. 30, HAM. 8. 8. KAISER IN ACO. TIC (Italy and Egypt Feb. 14 Write for Booklet of any Cruise. Hambarir-American TJne, lo Powell Street. 8an Francisco, Cal O.-W. R- A N. Co.. Nor. Psc. DVAs R. O. R. R., Burlington Route, Milwaukee A Puget Sound R- R, C . Plluger. Mulkey bids., noreey B. Smith. Fifth street. Portland. Oreson. & WHITE STAR LINE WW Tha Lara-eat aad Finest Brttlaa Steamers TO THE MEDITERRANEAN SVaarea, Madeira, Gibraltar, Alsjiera, Kaplea, Gesaa, Alexaadria ADRIATIC" Febraary 31. ' . . CEDRIC Maroh a. REGULAR SERVICE: FROM NEW TORK AND BOSTON. ."CANOPIC February 3. March . "CRETIC" March 27. WHITE STAR J-IXE, Room "B" Bailey Bnlldlna, Second and Cherry . . Seattle, or Local Railway and Steamaul-s Aarenta. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus md Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: J. C A INS WORTH, Preerldeat, R. W. SCTTMEER, Caahiea. R. LEA BARNES, VTee-President. A. U. WRIGHT, AasUtaat Cashier. W.'a. HOLT, Aaatataat Caahlaa. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES Travelers' Checks The most convenient form yet devised for earry- ing funds safely while traveling; is offered by travel ers ' checks. These checks may be cashed anywhere, at home or abroad, without identification. They may bo pur chased of the lumber mens National Bank Capital $1,000,000.00 4 Per Cent on Savings Corner Fifth and Stark TVTO MATTER how small your business may be we cordially invite your account. In doing so we extend to you facilities and services couplid with a keen, personal interest which will be taken in your business welfare that should prove both pleas, ant and profitable. We shall be glad to talk the matter over with you. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded in 1886 Washington and Second Streets Regarding Your Will The Security Savings & Trust Company will see to it that your will is properly planned, 6trictly in accord with your wishos. will carefully prepare your will to the end that there cannot possibly be any misunderstanding of its true intentions, will act as executor or trustee, or both, seeing to it that every desire in corporated in- the will is carried out to the letter. THE SECURITY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $1,400,000. Fifth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon. h LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. ' 1 Capital Stock -. . ... .$1,000,000.08 Surplus and Undivided Profits... 800,000.00 Commercial and Saving Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail, able in all parts of the world. Corner Washington and Third Streets, First National Bank Capital $1,500,003 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank West of ths - Rocky Mountains The Canadian Bank of Commerce U'COKl'OHATEI) 1807. Head Office Toronto, Canada. New Tork IS Exehaase Plaa "London a -bombard Street. Over twa hundred other branches In the United States and Canada, Cvery care taken of collections. Lrafts on all foreign countries and prin cipal cltlea In United Statea aaa Canada bought and sold, and a genenj hanklns; buslnes transacted. lntsrast allowed on Tim an a Special Deposit. - PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS r. C MALPAS, Maaasrer.