K 17 - TTIE MORyiXG OREGOyiA". TYEDySDAT, JAXUART 17, 1912, , 1 T ' I . sr,x.a.-r-. f I"TN A" CIAJL. 1 FERSONAU V V wn c - - - - v . . -.. . . . liGHI-HOOM BARGAIN. Vew . atrlrtlv Mlm. so ant ha t, f irnsr MBtatnliK hoc water Coll: Ktat aid. god ur service; only 8-4 per month. Tear lam If daairad. Phone Tabor 1JJ4. Horses ajt flats fok nrr. JOHNSTON. BOTHTUR TcrroRD. Kti ChmbT of Co . ree. Mala 4ST. 4V-KOGM bungalow, near Hthorn Una; good neighborhood; fireplace. Dutch h!t rhto. targe attic; will rani or iL 70J rTldlng b.dg Phone. Main 111. A Tma. a LARGE bay-window room, with ' and gee nc; rer.t 111. Including i:kiil distance. 1S Division t-. nea J3d w. K or w W car. ro4 itr FH RENT Good -room Bouse, 2S E. Tth. half b.ock from Hawthorn ava.. rant I JO pr month. lie McKla.ey Mitchell. 202 prark at. M' lEKN". 4-rootn houaa oa Wt Park lirtpim etc: rent 113. M. Walton. ChtmMr of rimrawfc M 19j&. IIX'KOuH mcdera: atnall ard. good view; rent ranifc . Main a aralahetS Hnnwa feEVKN rooma. corner, ail light room; ale ::rht basement, furnace, t.tiutir iur n.shed; eaay walking distance, will rant he month or lease e raaponalbl Urty. Telephone Marehall 64- A COMPLETEI.T furnished hotna la Irv Inttoa. situated at b.".2 Clackam street. 3:.5t per month. MeCrxr. Bale Lively, agent. 3"! Yeon bldg. A COMPLETELY furnUhed. planl and ronvnlrpt flv-roo.m cotUfa. -" l!r month. I '134 WUIIUU av. Kay lol Wl.l Ums it. FIRNISilKD 7-roora houaa. 401 Market at. drive; modern convenience, Inqulr Wakefield, r'rle Co.. 4th it, Hnry bids, itafacrt. HANDSOMELY furuHned modern o-e-. rooma. draaaiec-room. lrs porch, every convenience. Prion M- 4134. A -J-. MRMSHED 8-room flat; haa porrh. flro plara. btad by furnara. and ry raa- p.inah rnt. Call 441 lllh at- HI TAT1JR. nr lTth: 6-roora Cat. nlca y fumlah'd. nw tarpon. aa ''tr jr bath, ranra ror coomwa. ft-ROOM in-Kl-m cottaia. 11 a ht.wart Station, lit. rott carllna. Tabor 4. C. W.W:la.I3il l'-1 TFVfurnlahad rooma liouaa. modern lm proramanta. Watt central location. Tary rVaaonabla rgnt. T-lSlj yorthrup at. tn -ROOM now. mo-laro, rlaan Sat. -It. Nmpl'itl furnUUad. 872 Mill Main 44T. A . . XiCEl.T lurnnh'd t-room houaa. rlano: ; Vara.-... raaaonabia. i- Gflaaa and SUt at. MODERV furnlahad t-room cottase. alao -room flat; (aa and bath. 614 Eaat Slat at. W-K car. FLIlNiiiil'D cottana. fia rooma, Ul Eaat a'.ltn. l-o. mqiiin MODERN" houaa. 4 rSotna. amall ramlly aauita. no MODERN o-room upp-r flat. furrliftaa. 7SKW, Eaat Tamblll.rhonaEaat6W- fcP.nbiT nau eoniplalaly furnlahad. at 301 Hnlltday '. HtMiar lr nt. rfntif ie "aio. T1IRKE-ROOM apt. fr rant and furaltar for at 1214; 100 caah. tho balaac l.t a month: haa one room ranted. hlch pay for furniture. Phono M. . faint FranraaActa. or janllor. ivTl.1. aacr-.r-'-a eompleta furnlahed 5-room flat. Nob Hill dlacncl. Rent 12 7.(0. Part run. balaaco eaay paymanta. CaU Mala 304 4. . BE ACT1FTTLLT furnlahad t-room flat. ud l-aa than 6 moatha: l.artn city; beat raa lrl.nea dUtflct. Fhona A 1440 or M. ST5 CAtUI for quick aal buy tine 1 1-rootn hon.e; awell location; Incoma 1W mo.; eaay terma; laaln eHy. Vbeam today. M. HCa. FOR RALE Furniture rooms. Htm- heated Cat. Una Irx-atlon. reaaonab.e If taken at one. Owner. Manba.i FVRNITXRE of. ft-room modem flat 'or aal at a bantaln; terma or caaa. ia Ixwnadala. Phono A 47-.1. von SALE By piece or whole, elerant mahogany and folden oak fornltur. Mr. Warrt. 14 Tejadale Apartmente. FI KMTUKB 6-room bungalow 'l l irr!fl-e; rent reaaonable. fc-ellwood lsili. BARiJAIN" furniture of a (-room modern f at. 4 Couch. Mala 1.47. v;. room, choice location. heap rent, term Call 4.'.2 1 anthill, tailor ahop. TORE ar.d aaaemeat. northeaat corner 18th and Al.ser ata. aultable for automobll ,roon and garare. Inquire (14 Spald Ing bid.. (1 r.1 vh1ngion eta LVEHAL atore at eaat end Mal.n-e. bridge. t.0 to (40. according t 1M l-q-jiro 171 flawthom aea. GOOD atore for rent on South Third etreet: euitb; for light manufacturing and re tall low rent. AP 7S. Oregonlan. CKOf.f-rLAX'K apace with a alee wla dow. cheap rent Including Utat and Jaa- HOr. tei! 4wam frnRS for rent. 10 4th at. (18 month. Office a. FOR RUNT Fin front offlc In Chamber of Commerce building: hardwood f oora. both phonea and othsr aerrlc. Including nao of laxg receptioo-room; (30. Apply r-ora 71fl. . . iTosT CENTRALIST LOCATEO OFFICE!". Ali-nlght elTat"r rvlre. 40 b wet. and b Ax., tth and WaeMngtoa. tTKFICE or deak room for rent either fur nished or unfurelahed. Apply at room 44( El.tr bltfg- B. E. oor. 7th and Alder at. OiK'L'.ND floor, daak apace, both phonea. of fice attendant. Room Lumberman !!! . REPKEaESTATIVE of Eaatero factorle want deak room. M T33. Oregonlaa. RSASUXAHtB rent, half of furnlahad -fl-e. 13 till 2. twi bwetland bldg. DE.-K room. outa!de light, phone. ataog raphar. Jll-XH Lwu bldg. DESK room, ground-floor offlc. Call Stain 7141. UaJla. FOR RENT 1 :oreroom. fin hall. Monday and Saturday night, t O. O. 1". build ing. 6th and Kaat Alder. Inqulr at hall. TO LEA5L W1L.I. build warehouaa, fireproof or other !. to ult tenant; tTioloo of loetvlioa; . i .i . - ir T A I'' r. inntin. nTe wtwii " . " Tth and Hawthorn. B lll or E. HOt. m-jtrNESS OfTOHTl'linH. FOR P.LE Tho largoat and beat qulpped Cretora - popcorn wagon on the Paclfio Coaat; new laat May; Inquir Fourth and A!dr r writ to K GnfXln. 44 Vorriaon. A WORKER with i:ot or lM can mak $10 a day on contract and gat hia monay every week. For particular Inqulr I Si Chamber of Commerce blag- SnsTAURANT. t aahlngtoa at., Uvlng rooma (iiu; hurry; great bargain. M Teon bldg. FOR SALE Chp. an team horae and harneea. (ISO; on ateam boiler cheap. Herman Prnraaer. urr."n. -ny. tru. p.tSTAL'RAST, 3d t.; dally receipt ;j; ( !' X ... B LOTH KgALl 1 a'-'O WANTED Partner la eolld office bualneaa: aalary 1180 month and your ihara of profit guaranteed. ?3 Lumber Ei-hang. $- SL'VS rea-aurant doing good bualoeea: No. 1 location; muet .l at one. ts Duane at.. Aatorla. Or. hNAP Grocery ator atock and fixture. Prle. $-'.V) Rent flo. s0 Mllwuk at., cor M a II. Tak ge.lwood car. DELICATESSEN, lunch room and light gro cery, a moneymaker, (140O. PLOCI1 RCtLTT CO te) AMer rl. tlOOO G1VI. ha.t intereet la bualnea the 1 proving eucceea; prefer a mechani. a yen lore Model Worka. 13 Morrjoo. WILL f you a good llttl reetaurant. and g's you a cuan to py for It; only fZM. :;3 Lumber Hxcliarce. bAKl.Rf aotl delicateaaen; goo J location, g ol bualneaa, good laaaa. T JO. Oregw- r.lart. MINING AN1 INDIMRIAL gTOC Te.eprtone a.d other bendi bought a4 aold. K'lchrr Iny. Co.. 21' 3 ADlagte. CRO'tKV STb7lEInyolc (JO; will ae l at (1V. Marshall S2. &. lltsINEj CAIlDd. (1 u. bring thia ad. Rose c.-y primary. 19.''. ai. cor. Tylor. G Ki'CE RV Llvlti-foum; bury corner; prlc J'.'.o. J-3 I.uler Echarg. , .4 AT feed. tc: aohd buamea at lavvlc prlc. Caii Sl'lti it. GROCERY "TORE at lea than la role. 611 Lumbermen b.lg. DAFUIER shop for aa e doing good bualneaa. fJ A. bin ye. L cr. CAH gtx more, doing a big bulla, want partner. (.1 Lumber Exchange. I I (1 IO0 FUEL BCPTNES9 17 00. On of the largeat companle In tbclty will dlape of too reuiil end ol the fuel bualneaa and furnlah p.saty of wood on contract. Instead of c ah proper bond or aatlafactorr aecurlty will b treated a u3l-leot conalderatloo: man with out fit of wagona and horae wnl find plen dld cpportunlty; alao opening without cap ita! Ii handling building mxlsrlu, la fact aa.aiy wilt be glyeo. CUAS. IUMuLER CO.. 211 Lew la Bldg. DO YOU WANT TO SELL your OKOCEKT. MEAT MARKET REB TALRANT. i'I.-.AR STORE. SALOON or any line of buetneesT If eo, ua, as w can il you out en abort notice. . TEARS IX THIS BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO-. 414 Yeon bldg. MOVINO-PICTURE THEATER. W anted MOVINli-PICTLKE THEATER ttea What bar you In V AC ANT CHOCXD aultable for MOVINti-PlCTURB THEATER? THEATERS BOCHT . WLD and fXCHAXHHU. THEATERo EQLIP IED CDMI'l.tlE on EAST TERMS. NEWMAN FILM EXCHANCic. 8:H Waah. St.. ear 17th-. Portland. Or. ON ACCOl'XT of Increased bualnea la my granite ouarrtee I find It Impoeslbi to look aftar all detail, eo bar dc take In a partner on one-half lntert baala for amall amount of money; do not writ unlaaa you mean lee' timet b In P. O. BOX 873. Medical Lake. Wash. FOK SALE General merchandise atore. do ing eti-lctly cash bualnea. In boat location, Marahfleld. Or.; 1M0 will hand!; good lease, low rant. This Is a money-maker for omoe who act quick; bt of rea son for selling. Address owner. A V S-i. Oregoalaa. ' GROCERY. UNION AVENCE NIc atock of grocerle. good location between Eaat Morrnon and rlurnalda ta. average daily aalea laat month 77; rent (4 per month: brick building: atock and fixtures srt'l Inyolc bout (2o0. GRI HSI t BOLUS. (14 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. RESTAURANT AND CONFECTIONERY. This placs la well located; no competi tion; rent only CJ; doing from (IB t (JO a day; fu.l candy-making equipment: (4oO takea verythlng. Thla I $W0 lea than Inyolc. Further particular U Yon bldg k WANTED. Partner to take half Interest In a light manufacturing plant; a man who caa tak charge of an off and manage men; salary il'T per month. Kinney A St em ptier. 8:tl-3 Lumbar Exchange bldg.. Stark. anoi pecona sis. LONDON financier and promoter with hlga- eat European banning codokuubi, . " ent In Portland Or., le open to recoly fropoaltlona aultabl for foreign cnpltal; srg bond Isauea placed. Adiire by let ter. The Secretary. 4 Corbott bldg Portland. Or. No agent. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM. Located at tn greatest traffic point on th West Side; extra well equipped soda fountain, etc; good leas at low rental; you can tak caah hr for a week before buying. Further particular Alt I eon bldg; . MOVING plctur enow. West Sid, beat paving location In town. (SO per week guaranteed abort all xpnee; will glva trlsl; fins chancs for man and wlfs; If you do your own work will pay (K per week, (looo cash, balanc out of bualneaa. T 748. Oregonlan WANTED Neat-appearing woman who can lnreat (160 In a very attractive prop i tlon where yo can mak big money and your Investment I fully secured; glv ua a few minute of your time and let ua explain It- Call S0 Marquam bldg. WANTED Poaltloa aa manager of a medium-else hotel In or near Portland, by a reliable and azperlenced man, or would Ilk a similar position with ths poaslbl option of a purchase of th hotel. Ad dress B T10, Oregonlan. POOL HALL. On of th beet down-town location In th city: account partnership disagree ment, can eell a half interest at a snap. Particular 41( Teon bldg. A WORK1NO partner In new and second hand I ii rm lure store; wsii equipp a v repairing; good-location; muat have help to hand.s th bualneaa. CI Washing ton SU MONO-PICTT- E theatsr for sals: no competition: MW flown ana oaian oh payment; or will trad for Loa Angeles property. Don't answer unless you msaa business. No agents L 73d. Oregonlan. HEAL salesmen, aa sol agent, with re- aponslblllty, money, energy, wauieo. ior proved ataple to every mill and faotory, by Eastern manufacturers; larg profit. P 73 7, Oregonlan. 7A; ANT gnral merchandise bualnea or hardware; nav gooo. incom property ou some cash for asm; give full particulars In first letter. P. O. bos (7. Halfway. Or. va-ANTED Partner with (ShO to Invest: will guarantee Ja ween in year srouno. Thl will bear Investigation. Call between 10 and 4 o'clock. Port. and Bud Co- 1 Union av. ATTENTION W want good 11 v agnt to repreeat u tn on ins m v eiw-s-ttve ' propoettlon on the market: a money-maker, hustler. Call 6u2 Mar quam bldg. ALL or one-half Intereet In beJtery and lunch room: a well eetaoilsnea ouaineeoi nave a larg wnoleeal and retail trade, fine location; will glv good reason for eeillng. A 748. Oregonlan. OROCERT STORE SNAP. Rent (-i; le; clos to chooI: fln stock and fixture: I want to eli and will make low prlc. Call m up and (at par ticular. Marehall S3. Oviltr. IF you are looking for a buelneaa opening. call on ua vv e win aee mti you mrw csted right: no charges for full Informa tion. Kinney tHmphr. 8al-S Lumber Kxchang bldg.. 2d and mark ta ORoCtiRY ator. located In th best West Hide residence oistnct, at invoice, asew (lfioo. B1XKTI REALTY CO., 2" Alder rt. MAEERT AND RESTAURANT. Weat Side, down-town location: estab lished 20 years; doe big bakery wholeeal business. Full particular 41( Yeon bldg. WANTED Good . paying reetaurant or lunch b well located; no fancy price consider.!; gtat all Particular la ft ret letter. Addr J. b. (.0 6th at. CIGAR atand between Alder and, Morrison Sts. at invoice, swm ren BIX)CH REALTY CO.. 30 Alder L DL HI. J'.i'ft.' s..... Doing vr (lid a. day bualnea: rr.t only (1, long lease. Full particular 41S I'soq bldg- L'TOMorilLal concern opening branch of flc declrea manager or aouity wov Invest (JuOO to ijOOQ caah and take charge. AM TH. Oregonlan. SALOON. Located near S and Stark: Independ ent license; rent (300: good 1. FuU particulars 618 Teon bldg. BE YOUR OWN BOSS We will start you to buslnsss; II you want is msae mosey and ar a rustler, you ar th party w want. Call t4U Marquam bldg. "UleH to mt party who win supply money to build apartment-boua r hotI on my lot on partnership basis. JL 741, urego- JET INTO BUSINESS Com and let ua explaia our proposition; it la very attrao tlv and a monay-nuvkar. Call 602 Mar- quarowiu SOLID grocery : prtnr wanted; (100 day cash aaiea ana nuiui'-f soia on. avuo, "e lease Call 24H Btark it. B-EAL ESTATE firm want partner to at tend cniee, pnonea, etc; price e-w. can clear (-0i month. (03 Lumber Exohange, DRUG STORE, long leas. (17 rent, fin prescription trad; beat any in city; wuv, M 7J1. Oregonlan. REPAIR ehop: have opening for ataady man; tan depend on 19U every nnuii Prt!eulr 34S Stark t. ALOON Independent, will deliver fro and unincumbered for (3740. D 10, Orgo- fiL'TTER. tics, eta.; chancs for stssdy man; pay (15v month Clear; requires sxuaus us veitr.ient. Call 24Sv Stark t YOU SALE Stock of millinery. Invole (on; no competmou in iowo asur-Hi Carlton Mercantile Co., Carlton. Or. RESTAURANT Owner busy cooking, want atettdy partner to o c-wnci, . . . , . u. very llttl money. Call 3484 Stark at. -jANT part with (300. with or without sarvlcta; -v per f i uran(, uiwu fullye) secured. W lift. Oregonlan. FOR quick aal. a mll grocry, well locat ed: new stork; by owner; at In vol o. Prion E. f.8Jl RESTAURANT for sal; fin location: -tbll'hl trade; !; wnsr; (000. 147 H 1st at ORiXTPRY oa busy street. West Bids, well eetabllahed. t'earin l4 month: will In voice about 0K. Lumber Egchaag. OPPORTUNITY for offlc mn; will py (10O month alry and profits beside; money ee cured- Call 24 S V S trk t- 6PE IAL Partner wanted for growing bual ness: will pay 4 day; requlree very 11 1 ile money partl.-u.ara I4Sv Stark St. PIlTLKa 1r.Air- W fcve two t.p-top proposition la thl Pn. Partlcu.r 61 .eon bldg. CLEANING and preaalng bualars: good lo cation; doing bualneaa. 14 East Itfth sU rct . niu.iiRnfl avn CIGARS. Just off from Washington SL. In th business district: 14 pool and 4 billiard table stock of cigars, cigar cases and full eouln. lent: aatabllahad 7 vr and clear ing (o60 per month; reasonabl rent, long leas. This proposition will near closest Investigation. Prlc (7800: (4800 casn, naianc to suit. GRUSSI A BOLDS. lit Board of Trd bldg.. 4th and Oafc. EXCEPTIONAL INVESTMENT. Have vou money, little or much, not earning Anything T Allow u to lay before you aa Investment that will net you up ward of 14 per cent per year, mis is business: no trlfler need pply. Call or communlcat with Douglas, avi Board of Trade. WANTED Gentleman of, good appearanoe to handl loans sxclualvely: muat b tdy and rllbl and capabl of arn lng I30O pr month; no application ac cepted for Iss than 4 months: offlc a penee will not exceed l-'O per month. National Realty Trust Co-, 7 Chsmbar f Commerce bldg. WANTED la cash business, a man to do collecting; owner prefere Interested part ner, a you handle considerable money. This will pay you (ISO monthly. Refer ence rxchnged. 33 Lumber Exchange I'ArtTY w"h ('i00 to (10C0 caa get Into a profitable buslneaa dealing In a stapl commodity, with ceptlonl opportunity for big bualneaa. Addr AS 734. Orego nlan. GOOD flv-psngr automobile, 80 horse power, first-class condition, to trads for mervhandla of qual amount, grocarle preferred. M 7i Oregonlan. WE WANT light manufacturing plant: hav client waiting. Kinney Stampher, 851-2 Lumber Ex. Building. Stark aad 2nd at. .THE beet corner cigar, confectionery 'and light grocery, good lease; will eell rlgot. No agent. See owner, corner 1st, aad Washington. APARTMENT HOirhB TO Li.AB Fine new west ems ones uiimu-.,.. apartment house to les for flv yar to ..M..iK!. ,nant I. 7.14. Oresonlsn. (15 WILL glv you work 100.7 . ..... ,111 enarante vou safe rsaa u u . 1 . . T- ... -- - - (1H weekly. 823 Lumber Exchange. IF you have a buln to sen or want 10 buy a bualneaa. ask for Mr. Hewitt. (03 12-FOOT eolld oak bar. with sideboard and W..f-. tn. ,). ehn 194 Id. RESTAURANT for aale cheap, because part ner can't agree 6u6 Washington at. ROOMING-HOUSE!. MARY E. LENT CO.. Portland's Leading Hotel Agency. Hotela Rooming Apartment-Houa, All lea and prices (12-42 Falling Bids., 14 and Wash. HOTEL. Chance for a liv man to get In flrert elas hotel with smsll capital, new place. Just optnsd; ground floor offlc nd lobby. It 4 room. 40 baiha. rent only J750 with long leaae: will eell on very liberal term to responsible party. SEE THIS AT ONCF " RESIDENTIAL FAMILY HOTEL (2 rooma. new corner brick, very larg, airy room, and tastily furnished, rent (400 with a 8-yoar leas, a place where a man can live with hi family; clear (400 pr month nd only (tooo required. RARGAIN IN THIS. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 44 rooms, new brick, modern In vry particular, all outside rooms, long lesse; OWING TO SICKLNES.3 CAN BE BOUGHT FOR (5000; easy term or will consider real aetata. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Will xchng for real estate thla (O room hotel with a ground floor offioe and lobby, altuated on prominent bualneaa cor ner, owner ha I10.40D equity which h will exchange for unincumbered acreage or city property. APARTMENT-HOt'SE. A LITTLE BEAUTY. II apta, all l-room suites. aoh with private bath with reception hall, rent (345 with i-year lease; never clear lea than 1300 a month; prlc (7004, can arrang tartna to suit- MOSTLY UNFTJRNT8HED. I rooma. 2 apta. 4 furnlahed, walking dtetanc to bualneaa center, all modern equipments: prlc (.800; very easy term or will v-xchange for unincumbered prop erty. REST PATINO HOUSE ON THJB M ARRET TODAY. THIS IS GOOD. Steam heat, hot and cold water In cluded In rent which I only (400 : 74 room. It apartments (-year lease: total Income (7&0; total expense (425; make an offer on thla: CASH OR REAL ESTATU. t( ROOMS ON ONE FLOOR. Rant US', long leaae. located on Weat Side, , walking distune, new building, stesm bet. good furnltur. This I a big anap at 11.100: only 1900 earn required. TO LKAJ5E UNFURNISHED. 4 rooms, undsr construction, ground floor office, lots of private baths: will glv Wng leas at only (700 a month and you caa furnlah to auit yourself. 20 ROOMS. Rent flOS. all housekeeping, furnao heat, wall fumihd. very cloae to Mor rison and loth etreet.; only (750 cash required to handle this. 14 ROOMS 11060. Rent (AS, ( bath. STEAM HEAT. HOT AND COLO WATtlR Inoiudad In rent; everything In thl iioue 1 good; (&0Q cash down, balanc terms. RUNNING WATER IN THE? ROOMS. (O rooma hot water heat, clos In. nlc residential dlatrlct VERY LARGE ROOM -3. Thl la a homelike place: (3004 cash. 10 ROOMS FOR (400. Furnac hat. good bouss, rant lift, lectrlclty and ga; (200 caah NO CASH NEEDED. LOT AS FIKST PAYMENT. Extra well-furnished 12-KOOM PLAC19 In beat West side district; you can put In lot worth (70O and pay balano out of houe monthly. bsldes mak your x penie. Thl la no chap dump, but a desirable horn, a modern houae; clear 8.10 var all sipsnits; let ua know where Sour lot la and w will do th rest; muat In Portland. O. C. R. ELLIS CO.. 800-610 Wllcoa bldg., 6th and Wash, at. AJfOTHrTbNE OF OUR SPECIAL. BAROAINS. 44 room. iegntly furnlahad through out and up to dat. w plce. ONLY (1800 TO (20O0 "REQUIRED. On of th beat West Side LOCATIONS, corner brick building, flv years' leas at rvasonabl rent. ICom and aee thla; It will pay you to know how much w can glv you for a little REAL MONEY. O. C. R. ELLIS at CO.. 6nt)-m0 Wilcox bldg.. 8th and Wash. at. ROOMING-HOUSE. 40 rooms, all nw, only run eO day, furnished, best location In town, elsotrlo light, city water, tnoom 4250 per month, 8-year lea. (SO per month; wife alck. muat eell; party own th property. T. N. Prlngl. Raymond, Wash. - OW-NER of building will sell th furnltur In about 63 rooma at very low price; good lease will be given to man and wife who will live In and run ths house: p.-ofit ar good and the price la surprulnitly ' low: oloa to down town. AS 738, Ors goninn. TOO SHOULD 8KB THIS. 40 rooms, squlpped for housekeeping; fornltur all In good condition! thla 1 th kind of place you wouid Ilk to live; rent cheap; 1 clearing (150 par month. DEVLIN FIREBATJOH. f0T Yeon Bldg., Cor. Sth and Alder. LOOK HERE. APARTMENT-HOUSB. 72 rooms, brick building, everything up to date; part cash and property; a anap. AR 73(. Oregonsan, (1000. 15 rm. and ( kitchenettes: eloa to City Hall: th buy of a llfotlm; 57S handle thla Barrer Realty Co.. 24D ta at. 84 ROOMS, best money-maker In Portland; $1000 handles It; clear (200 month abov expenses; guarantee; you can't beat It; brick; lease; thla Is right. (U3 Yaon bldg. Tremendoua opportunity 60 ROOMS. Weat Side. 8 years" lea, prom inent loction. clears (400 per month; prtc I2O00; lease Is worth $1500. HIOLET BISHOP. 132 Third St. 21-ROOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur nished, new and clean; beat location; big Incom and alway full; long leaae; term; cheap. By owner. bS Flander. WELL, your living and money beside from thl 10-room house, near P. O. : (-80 caah will handle. Partloulara, 808 Mill at. I a agent. Thl must sell. FOR SALE -The Empire rooming-house, at 112 N. Fourth at., 24 rooms, all fur nlahad. 14 months' leas left. Inqulr la the affernoona 12 SUNNY room, 2 bth. second floor: rent (43; always full; easily heated: (200 caah. balance easy; a genuine snap. 6c today. 4"o 1st au I O f. - - V - ' v 1. Ftn llttl Weat Side transient houssi rent (30. 2 years lease. Call 618 Yeon bldg. . a a So.,, r . til 18 ROOMS MAKE OFFER Kew building, new furniture: rent $40. leaae. Full particular 61H Yeon bldg. $jvO DOWN and (.100 at KM month buy th best 16-room roomlng-houa In Portlnnd. Bv Teon bldg 18 ROOM", moet'y h. k.; running water In rooma: An furniture, neat and clean: am leaving city and will sacrifice. 269 7th "ROOMS, furnished; clear (100 month and ever; prlc 'K. (400 will handle. Call 80s Lumber Exchange. BY owner; roomlng-houa of 10 rooma, fin location, clan and In good condition, rea sonable; terma AO 6l'6. Oregonlan. to ROOMS, newly renovated, worth (180O, for 8 1000; eaay terma: clear $100 above expanses. 808 Yeon bldg.; anap. TO rooms, use of the best of th NBTw auuti H.N niurK. buiiaings. rtn.ionci with th LEST of EVERYTHING, PKI- vaic; UAitia, locaiea ' ' a 1 11 . Li -.. of the city, where the BUSINESS la U'-Tslui long lesae. very wiik oleara (Sno over ALL EXPENSES. with the above, under one management. You can buy them together or separs .te; receipts laat month (4575. mor than (ISO m U MT . I 1 a 1 L LIT! yiullt. I rent only (380, long leas. Price for HOTEL slone. (12.50O: lnoludlng GRILL, (18.500. lees than half caah. A liv on for & liv man. O. C. R. EXXJB A CO.. 808-810 Wllook bldg.. 6th and Wash, sts. SNAP. rooma. close in on trftjuCent. brass bed, fine Bruaael c&r bstL everything new and up-to-date. eteam heat. ( bath, nothing better ever offered. If you have UW caan. aiap uvaly ana get tni pi ace. JOSEPH GRAHAM. 1047-00 Board of Trad. A ttARGAlN CENTRAL. 82 ROOMS, nil on one floor, only fa- block from thl OTTio. wen lumisneo. an In fine condition; rent a SNAP; only (8 room; olears (200 a month over ALL KX PENSES; prloe (3"00; time on part. O. C. R. ELLIS CO., 800-810 Wilcox bldg.. 6th and Wash. sts. MODERN EXTRA GOOD. 10 ROOMS, comer dwelling. In nlc Wert fide location. STEAM HEAT, RUNNING HOT and COLD WATER In room, fur nishing far shov average; rent $30, -LEASE 18 MONTHS: price (M0, half cash. O. C. R. ELLIS A CO., Bn-tO Wilcox bldg.. 6th and Wash, sts. Tfl LB ASH. Most desirable 2 -room apartment hems In city. Wet Sid: walking distance; ail light ulte: extra larg room: responsi ble party, having the means to furnish, can hav five-year lease; glv your phon number. V 733. oregonlan SACRIFICE. 110 room. 84 furnished, rent lea than tS room, steam-heated, bath, alectrto and ga lltrhta. !e.ue. brick bldg.. rooma all lull: pne a-nw, 11 xaaeo or rw. e-wi owner I going back to Japan. Tourny, 207 H M t. TO T.TC ABB. New brick hotel to leas, to repon1bI party having means to furnlah: good lo cution : wet Mas, in ins nuaiu uhwji reaaonable rent; give phon numbr. T 736. Oregonlan- BAROAIN-HSNTERS. LOOBL Only (450 for a dandy little roomlng house. worth (700 of nnybody'a monay; terma. Act quick. O c. R. ELLIS CO- 40U-51O Wilcox Bldg MARY E. LENT CO.. PORTLAND'1 LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. HOTELS ROOMING APART MENT HOUSES. All sixes and price. 353-4 Falling hlrtg.. ad and Waihlngton. LOST Gold and black enamel breast pin. Jan. 15th. between 4 and 6 P- M., on way from Washington at. to Montavllla. No value, except family keepsake. Call Main 119;. Apt. 1. rtcnaru. FOR SALE A 44-room hotel; one of the Bneat In thl city: modern la very way; phon In each room and private- baths: 5 year lease. See Geo. E. Quiggle. owner, at 652 Vi Wahalngton at. Phon Main 81. i-liui ini 0U111.U. One of th finest equipped plaeee near Portland: 10 years leaae. We have a bar gain prlc on this. Particular 618 Yon bldg - 10 ROOMS, (650. Extra well furnlshedt furne heat, run ning water In most rooms; West fild location. Further particulars 61S Yaon bldg. 9 ROOMS, good furniture, $550, cash $150, - bal. easy terras. 191 4th. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuln hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattreeses and return same day: we also renovate feathers Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. 32o-21- Front. Phono Main 474. Ar 1374. LOST Saturday aftrnbon. between 23d and Washington sts. and th Helllg Theater or on Heighta car, gold fringe uelonnlng to brooch- Finder call Main 7068. Ueeard. FOUND Collie dog: owner can have earn by proving ownership nd paying tor thla ed. Call 206 South Oray Crossing after 7 P. M. LOST Thuraday last, black cocker apanlel lam hind leg- inner pnon a. LOST Lady gold pansy pin on lther St. John. Rull-snaver or nawmorne car. Phone Woodlawn 1962. Reward. LOST An Airedale pup four month old. Return to C F. Adams. 73 Flanders al and receive reward. LOST White aplta dog. anawera to nam of Teddy: amall wnue mara on noww. e- ephoue C24l. Reward. REWARD for th return of 8 Tal key numbered 13001 to B. Pariah. 100 Bubal Apt-, no queetlon asked. LOST Large brown dog collar, marked Sam Hill. Rturn 474 Mirket t. Reward. LOST Gold bracelet. Initial L. M-. Friday nlgbt. bouwood xil. newaru. LOST Female bull tanrlar. Phon Tabor 688. Reward. WCECIAL KOTICIs. s-revoseii savlcew. MOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS. Beaiea plus win ve i.v....u ..7 . Treaaurer of Clark County. Washington, tip to Saturday, i'ebruary 3, 1U13, at th hour of 11 A. M.. for purchase of bond - of School Dlatrlct No. 6, of Clark Coun ty, Washington, issued by said district for th purpoa of building a high achooL Amount of bond, $100,000. luo bonds at fluuO each, jaysbl 20 year aftar dat. merest not to exoeed 6 per cent pr an num; principal and Interest to be paid at the offlc of County Treaaurer, Vancouver. Washington. Bidder ar requoatcd to name the price and rate of Interest at which they will purchase aid bonde. Board of Director rerv th light to reject any or all blda 6ald bid to b accompanied by a certified check to th amount of on per ont of th bonds to be sold.- W. R. Fletcher. Treasurer of Clark County. Wa Dated thl sth day o January, mi. SEALED bids will b received at th offlc of th undereigneu. evs inmro uunuiue, Portland. Oregon, until 8 P. M. January 18 1U12. for th improvement of th Hot laday and Sallwood school grounds. Copy of peclncatlona may b obtained at th offlc of th undersigned. Certified check for 10 per cent of the emount of th bid, payable to R. H. loomu, School Clrk. niust accompany each proposal. Ih Board of Director reaerv th right to rejct any and all blda rej.ct R. H. THOMAS. School Clark. Dated January 13. ll13. SEALED bids will b rolvd at th offlo " 1 1 . . . . .A. 11,--. . 1 Of th unurlguu, ava u porUaud. Or., until ( P. M. February 1, li: for wood to be ud In th various ohool for th ehool year of 112-11. Copy of specific! ns may be obtained at the office of th undrlgnd. Certified check for 10 per cent of th amount of th bid. payabl to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Th board of direotors reaerv th right to reject any and all blda. Dated. January 15. 1918. R. h. THOMAS. 8chool Cleric Mavster Notice. BRITISH bark "Beeewing". Captain Rob- . ZT. 1 - 1 T . n Kallhap t V. - Osntsln nor undaralgned consignee of above-named veaael will b resuoualbl for any debt that may be contracted by th crew. Tay lor, Young Co.. Agent. Miftccllaneooa. I WILL not b rponlbi for any dht contractsa ny xny wu, u!.j... TO whom It may concern The underlgnd will pay no oiiia - - Naush. David McNaugh. I WILL not b responsible for any debts contrcio. bt mj ... A. A. M'KIEl IB. nNANCLAL. LAURELHURST stock: I will either buy er trade good West Bids property for Lau relhurat atock or certlflcatea; glv full particulars aa to amount, price, etc A) 724. Oregonlan. FUR SALE First mortgage of (1200, 8 par cent, on lot and 3-story residence valued at $2500, situated on East bid, close in. Address A 73U. Orgonla. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and Bollera' equltlee bought. E. L. Ds v ar ea ux. 100ft pslding bldg- 3d aad Wart lngten. Main 68. " PLENTY OF MONEY ON FARM OR CITY PROPERTY. WM. C. BORCHER3. JOT OREGON IAN BLDG. WE par highest caah price for builder oo tracta, first and second mortgages and ether securities Horn Installment Ca, 401-402 McKsy bldg Marehall im FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES BOUGHT or tlr' lntrt In contract of aal on real estftt In Washington r Oregon. Ii. E. Nobis, 316 Lumbermen bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real eatat or for building purposes. No commlsalona, COLUMBIA LIFE - TRUST COMPA.NY. 416 6paidlng bldg. SELECTED first mortgage go sal. John ln. (0$ Spalding audeb utionpriw riPITlT. Supplied for attractive enterprlae In all substantial lines of business. railroads, water and electrio powers, timber, mining. Industrial, agricultural and Irrigation projects. Bond, debenture and stock Is sues underwritten, purchased or sold. Klnanclal undertakings of all kinds han dled. Miscellaneous commissions and or der of all characters accepted for execu tion In any European country. Corre spondence inclcetng full detail at first writing Is invited. ROBT. E. CAVETT B, FINANCIAL AGENT. 34-2 Yeon Bldg. E. A. LUNDBURG, Manager Portland Offlc. London. New York. Portland, Seattle. FIRST mortgaga of (8500, security A-L will discount If taken thia week. Room 23. Board of Trad. WE buy notea, mortgagee (first and acond). equities. F. H. Lewis at Co.. 8 Lewis bldg. Money te Loa -teeal Estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, AJ-IY AMOUNT. Reasonable rata of Interest prompt! notion. MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LOANS of $500 and upwards oa improved property, (avorahl terma, John Bain 605 Spalding bldg. LOANS. $1000. $1500. $3800. W caa loan the amount on im proved real eatat la Portland; 1 teres! at current rat. CHA3. RIXGLER j CO. 211 Lewis Bldg. PLENTY OF MONEY to loan In eunouats from (5000 to $100,000 at current rate of Interest. R. F. BRYAN, 608-T Chamber of Commerce. PLENTY of money to loan at t per cent on Improved city real as Late. be Bryant with JOSEPH GRAHAM. 1007-09 Board of Trad Bldg. ON IMPROVED olty property or for build ing purpoftee, I to 8 years tlm; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced a building progresses. The Equltabl Sav ings sV Loan Association. 240 Stark st. WANT CASH 7 . We buy mortgHges and sellers contract. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY. 404 Yon Bldg. $500,000 ON improved city or form property; building or inall loan at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McK.nxl Co.. 614-MS-616 Gerllnger bldg. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AMI CITY PROPEitTY. EDMUND L. DEVEREAUX. 1000 SPALDING BLDG. WE hav plenty of money to . loan on Portland property In sums from $1000 to $50,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan, Flledner A Boyca, 6OS-500 Ablngton bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate secur ity. Partington A Farrington, 416 Com mercial Club bldg. VARIOUS AMOUNTS. $1000 AND UPWARD, PROMPT ATTBNTION, READY MONEY, M. E. THOMPSON, 420 HENRY BLDG.. SEE MR. RIDGE. $50,000 TO loan In different amounts on close-in buslnsss property or spartmenla at 7 per osBU J. As- 'iliiton uo., hub cpaiuiug bldg. $100 TO $300 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIMB ON ANY GOOD 6ECURIT Y BY PRIVAI PARTY. 307 OREGON IAN BLDG. MONEY to loan at reasonable rate In sum from $500 up. Th Lawrcnc Co.. 248 Ai der at. (200.0O0 TO LOAN, large loan a specialty, building loans, lowest ratea. W. G. i look. 815-lti Failing bldg. MOHTUAGb loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrail Co., 202 McKay bldg bd and Stark. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loan, contract and mortgage bought. W. H. Nunn. 44a Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan on real eatate, mortgage bought and sold. Puree A Co- bin Chamber of Commerce. $1000 TO loan at 7 per cent for 2 year on house and lot- CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 828 Yeon Bldg. $2000 TO loan on Improved property; build ing loan not considered. O. C R. Kill ex Co.. 60K-610 Wilcox bldg. HAVEprlvata fund to loan on good real tat In amount from $10ot to $6000. 612 Wilcox Bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security, c. W. Pallet!. 3O8-0 Fenton. $5000 OK any part to loan. Interest 7 per cent. Main lleU MOKTUAG- LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. Ln.via. a Lew la nuuis. MORTGAGE LOANS, Int. from S per cent. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., bu7 Wilcox bldg. LOA.NS on Improved realty at lowest ralua. Blr TlUiU.i IjnailllMJr 01 t-uu luiotm PR1VA1E money loaned on real estate mort- , 1 m.w "CIA n.rlln... V. I H . gages. n. saii.. . - a-- MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATB. .. if 1 n T.l Vil uitt f'H n I'i. n. A. IX. JlJ.iy... . . " MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 339 STARK ST. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 por cent, W. H. belt A Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. LOANd on Improved properties, best terms. John tJain, 000 jiisiuiin ". itnuTniB 1 niM J T. Price, 018 Kothchild Bldg. EASTERN money to loan. 6 to 7 pr oenu 601 rapaiQin pm. LOANS for real eatate mortgage from $1000 tO lV.tfW; 110 u"J' v.- v '.'" e avniuAuiK tv..-.w J. O. OOLTRA. FAILING BLDG. (1000 TO loan now, city property. J. R. v . - .ua 1 aria K I H 1 SUPS, O fc-.- w.- . STAi'i; funilt, 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. Money to Loan Chattel and palarle. ($$'$$ DO YOU NEED MONEY 7 a will furnlah you. strictly confiden tial and without delay, a loan In any amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and ail other kinds of securities, on terms to suit; also on weekly or monthly payment. WE BUY AND LOAN On first and second real eatat mort gsgea. aellera' contract and chattel mort- t"i"BEAl. ESTATE ds BROKEROS COMPANY. 812 Hamilton Bldg. 131 3d. Main 20S4. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ STATE EECURITT CO. $ $ $ R - O iC- lis- R- 6 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIX NOTES. .10 TO 100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $107 repaid In Installments of $ .4$ 420 repaid In Installments of... $ .90 (50, rspald In Installments of 43.00 Largsr amounts In proportion. W do not ndvartla misleading term or rataa, but glv your our charge in plain figures. Business strictly confldentisl. STATE SECURITY CO. I $ $ 308 Falling bldg. $ $ $ $ DON'T borrow If you can avoid IL If yon do, com to people who will give you eaay payments, lowest rate and treat you hoa etly and fairly. W claim that reputation. Come and be satisfied. Loans on any se curity with merit, G. A, Nichols lav. Co, em wiicox uius. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 8 to S per cent on city residence and busi ness property and Multnomah County f arma, EDW. P. MALL. . 800 to 804 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY r'OK SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping hous and othere fur nished without security; cheapest rataa, easlaat payments. Com and gt monsy when you want It, and pay aa you can. Offices In all principal cities. D. H. Tol man. 817 Lumper Exchange. H.AVE yu secured a loan on your aalary. paying sxaoiimsui niu, in, 14 strict confidence all about It and perhaps I can assist you. There will be no charge for whatever 1 caa do for you. Addreaa M T3B, Oregonlan. MONalY ADVANCED On furniture, plenoa. ealariea. ota. Lowest rates. HTJTTON CREDIT CO 307 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN n livestock, household goods, pianos, an tes, contracts, anything of value; strictly confidential. Frank Lane. 809 Swetland. CASH ON CREDIT. EMPLOYERS LOAN CO, H21 ABINGTON BLDG. MONEY to loan on short tlm. In small or larger amounts, on wnst you nave, ainci ly private. Call 818 Lumber Exchange. IMMEDIATE loans from (J and up oa all kinds ot securities. vv . a. nsmassj, room 10. Washington bldg. Main aoa. WE LOAN money on diamond and Jewelry at half the rate charged by brokers. Marx as Biocn. 7 an sr. FOR th lowaat and beat ratea on cbatfU aecnrity. rciiui n.aav in. A LOAN for the aaklng, salary ox chattel. The Loan Co., 4l uctum biug. LOANS on diamond and other securities. Wm Moil, room . wasningtoo bios. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jwiry, SUISUf SIOII I IM fc,. . - 7a . .,., Meeey Loan chattel aad Salsirtea. NEW COMPANY NEW METHODS. SALARY LOANS CHATTEL LOANS. Thl company waa organised by lead ing buslneaa men of this city to LOAN MONEY to working people and other on their PLAIN NOTES, without endorser or publicity; also on furniture, plnoa. horses, cattle, aterag receipt and auto at rats honest people caa aHerd to pay. QUICK LOANS ANT AMOUNT. t .40 Weekly Pay a $ 10 LOAN. ( .93 Weekly Pay a 8 23 LOAN. $1.40 Weekly Paya a $ 60 LOAN. il.60 Weekly Paya a $ 75 LOAN. $2.20 Weekly Pays a ilOO LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Given U Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, S06-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and 6th St., on Waah JU Open Mon. and Sat. Evenings till F. FRIVATB PARTY LOANS $10 to $100 en furniture, pianos, good la atorage, fix tures, automobll. mchlnery, horse and truck without removal, bank book, etc to husband or wife quickly at lowest rata. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Private office; when In need you will make a saving by getting our term first. Call. Write or Phono Main 4417. 3 L B T OO M PANT. Irving W. Rosenthal, Manager. $20 Lumber Exchange Bldg.. Second and Stark, St. LOANS on diamonds, Jwlry and other ar ticles at on-half the usual Interest rall confidential. 825 Falling bldg. MONEY sold on installment, confldentisl; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. Loans Wanted. . MONEY WANTED, If you have money to loan, consult our loan department; only firat-class security will b ottered you. W hav many bor rower waiting. . HARTMAN THOMPSON. MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT.. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED Loan of (12.000 for terra of three year on good country property worth $30,00O; will bear closest Investigation. Address H 780, Oregonlan. WANTED To borrow (8000 for 8 years at 8 per cent Interest on highly Improved country property, worth (25,000, Address B. L.. P. O. Box 498, City. WANTED $10,000 from owner on 12 five room flats, value $25,000; rent $350 per montn. can mi nsn i ii - owner ana property; no agoiiie. I WANT to borrow (2000 on my bearing or chard, worth (00O, $ yean. 8 per coot. AS 688. oregonlan. WANT to borrow $1600, 8 per cent, on 0- .... . i . -i , lA C '1 D V. .t room nouae, value fovw.. olio reon niug. $530 FIRST mortgage for aale; gtlt-odg security. Liberal discount. K. 687, Ore- gonian. WANT wo on property. Roe City Park, worth $2500. 2 years. 8 per cent. O. C it. Elll at CO., oua-oiu wuoox oiu. WANTED, from prlvat party, $1050 on flrt mortgage, worth over (8000. Will pay 10 per cent, iv bao. uregtinisn. LIST your money with Purse 4V Co., 818 Chamber of Commerce. Member Portland neatly rwv. dividend paying tock with good ln- doraer. o io-, vregonian. MONEY WANTED Application on hand for desirable loan, mortgages for sal. Henry C. Prudhomm Co.. 807 Wilcox bdg. FERSONAX. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for men and women. We have an electrical office that cannot b duplicated on th Pclflo Coast; v.Bava. Statics. X-Rav Colla. Galvanic Faradlc and Sinusoidal Batterle; high fre quencies currents; lights from tb mallet to the most powerful; bath of vry de scription. W uae massage, manipulation and adjustments with vibration. Over 6000 patients and not a death while under our treatment. W do not us medicine and never operate. Our office ar alway open for inspection, w e nave cuxeu uun dreda of oeonle that others hav given up. If you ar not satisfied, call or writ us. We oecu4y th entir north half of h third floor of the Kotncniia omg. ui. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. KOO PITRH1 CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 84-lnch erwltche (4.43 $4 26-lnch swltcho 2.45 Hair dressing Face massage .25 Shampoo 25 Manicuring. 26c; 6 fo 1.O0 12 scalp treatment 8 00 Superfluou hair removed by lctrialty. guarantaed not to return. $4, $6 and 16 PUFFS only $1.43. Cut hair tn any abado; switches, any length. Price half. Sanitarv Parlor. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 8d and Washington. MILLINERY school and makeover shop. now. Get ready for position and loca tions Also remodel last year's stock hat for milliner very reasonable. If you want to sell your business csll or write 80 Ooodnough bldg.. opposite Poatofflc. NATUROPATHIC treatment. I cure nervou and chronio diseases without th use of drugs or appliances of any kind. Dr. Catherine C. Gates. 807 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 8148, I to 12 A. M.. 1 to P. M. Sunday by appointment. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experleno. best reference; treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massage and hatha 848 William av,,' near Weldler bl. "U" car. Phon East 8008, C 2553. Open Sundays. MEN S. O. tablets, a marvelou cur for nervou debility and weakness from any cause; price $1. Druggists or mall. Ev ery box guaranteed. Dr.' Pierce Remedy Co., 245 H Morrison t- AKE you In th clutches of a loan shark 7 Perhaps I can assist you. It will coat you no thin a) to try. State your case fully In first letter, which willbe held in trlcp est confidence. M 730. Oregonlan. SWEDISH TRAINED- NURSE Helelngfor graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Anksny carllne. phone Eaat 260, B 1803. ' DR. ALICB A- GRXFF. Dtaeasea ot women and children, haa removed to Lafayette bldg.. $18.4 Wash ington at. MRS. STEVENS. 18 year Portland' lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, ha her late book, "Palmistry Mad Easy," on aal at XXR. WALKER, peclallet for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder trouble and pile. Consultation free. 1(1 1st st-, Portland! "GYM" PREVENTS MEN'S AILMENTS. HARMLESS preparation: sent prepaid on receipt of 60 cent. Address "GYM," P. O. box 621, Portland. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills, th woman' medicine; prlc (2 box- Drug gist or mall. Every box guaranteed. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 2454 Morrison st. DRESS SUITS fur rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothe cleaned, pressed, buttccr. sewed on, rip repaired. Prompt calls and dellverle. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 802 Merchants Trust bldg., 8ih and Washington. Phone Main 4047. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spirit ual scientist- 302 Allsky bidg. Wednes day meetings ( P. M. Main 6814. B.HEUMO A positive cure for rheumatism; price $1; every bottle guaranteed. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., 245 Morrison it. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality, 2 jo box; 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe Taylor Drug Co.. 389 Morrison st. MISS RAGNHILD JACOBSEN. Scandinavian trained masseuse. Phone Marshall 942. 674 Johnson st. DR. KJSTCHUM treat women's maladies) also chronic diseases. Washington bldg., cor. 4th and Washington. Main 6474. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95o; curls and puffs, 70c. San itary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism and nervousness. Suite 12, 341 Vx Morrison st. MME. COURTRIGHT, feature and skin spe cialist. 200 20th st. in. pnone Main 6043. MISS MASON, scalp and fac treatment. 050 ft niurnBun ... MISS GEORGE, of Chicago, scalp treat ment. 346 Alder: room 80. third floor. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 4H9 Flledner bldg. Main 8473. MISS LEWIS treats baldness and diseased scalp 405 Stark st. Phone Main 3".so. MANICURING parlor, facial and scaip treat ment, shampooing. 314 Bwetland bldg. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. ' 632 Davis at. Mala 9213. THE Columbia Medical and Surgical lnU tut 1 no nicely looted at the corner ofl Sixth and Yamhill streets, next to th Portland Hotel, and Is well prepared to treat and cure diseases of men, women and children. Thla Institution wa estab lished In Portland flv years ago, where, during these years, it marvelous iucces In curing thousands of persons of dlaease haa caused It to stand the peer of any like Institution In the West- W also make a specialty to treat and cure th following formidable diseases, which by our long experience and large practice enables us to successfully treat: Bright' disease, diabetes. dropsy, rheumatism, locomotor ataxia, paralysis, epilepsy. Hemorrhoids, tumors, ulcers, speciilo and gkln diseases. SCALP treatment, facial massage and man icuring. Alton Hotel, room top floor. BUSINESS DUtliCTOJiY. 'BUSINESS DLhVECTOUY. Aocountant Expert anil Certified. iiPKKl. Ci-D all lines; books opened, closed, written up, financial statements' private instruction; service anywhere; permanent or tomporsry bookkeepers fur nished. 503 Swetland blag. Main 440. ACCOUNTS audited, systems installed. In com ststamouu compiled by oerutled ac countant. A. F. Dieter. East ooo5. Analytical Chemist. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. anaJyUcai chemist, examiner of chftmical. drug food. to. Assayer and Analyst. Welia At Proebstel. mining engineers, chem lata and assayers. 2043 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory, and or-teting work. ItiB Morrison t. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General fractice, abstract examined. Removed to 434 to 1438 Yeon bldg. M. (73. A3071. H. C. KORNEGAY, corporation, commercial, real eatate law, and collections. 622 Yeon. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 100 N. 6th. Main 2703. Chiropractio Physician, DR. TiCKNEK, Columbia bldg.. next Star Theater. A 3255, Main 9567 ; res. B 2976. Chiropodist. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD remove corns, bunions, callouses. Ingrown and club nails; pedicuring, manicuring, super fluous hair permanently removed. 614-111 Dekum bldg. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny, th only acientlflc chiropodists In the city. Parlors, 802 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 439 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. Coal and Wood. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 83D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. Marshall 990. A 8545. 887 Water t- Contractor. W. L. BUCKNER, contractor, jobbing, of fice and atore setting. 8 N. Sth st. Mala 5881. A 7662. Woodlawn 663. Carpenter and Builder. STORE fronts and remodeling building made a specialty. M. Foulks. Main 8480. Dancing. PROF. WAL. WILLSON'S SCHOOL, lesson 26c; waltz, two-step or three-step guaran teed In first lesson or money refunded! ata ke dancing taught quickly. 386 W Wash. st.. bet. W. Park and 10th. Mam 7687. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons 25o; fancy stage and social dancing taught dally; stag and two-step guaranteed In 4 les son. Ciass Monday eve. 109 2d St.. ba- tween Washington and Stark. PROF. FORD'S school of dancing, 87th and Hawthorne ave. Classes Tuesday ana Thursday evening at 8. Private lesson by appointment. Tabor 8707. Knglue Ga and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agents. Sea bury steam engin and boilers, easolln en glnes. 381-2S3 E. Morrison sU phone E 613. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay, grain, feed, o ment. shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 482. Landscape Gardoner. G. H. SIEBELS, landscape gardener; prun ing a specialty. 566 li. 6th st. Phon Sellwood 1107. Leather and Findings. f CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leather) of every description, tabs, mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- tablished 1858. 18o Front st. Musical. Emil Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil SavoUa, 900 Marquam. A 41BU, Marshall 1039. FRED'K W. SMITH, violin Instructor, stui dlo 281 11th st. Phone Marshall 2693. Osteopathic Musicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate KlrKvllle, Mo., class of 161'S; post-graduate 1907, tin' der Dr. A. T. Still, founder of th sclenoa, 1132 Belling bids- M. 1967, A 1965. Dr. R. B. Nortbrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chroma Diseases. Phone Office M. 349. Res. East or B 102. Faints. Oils and Gla. COAST-MADE paint and varnish is best adapted to the Coast ollmate. BA6S HEUTER PAINT CO. 191 Second t. RASM USSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints oils, glass, sash and door, cor. 2d and Taylor Patent Attorney. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law. late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free; 719 the Board of Trade bide. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyright registered, all countries. Booklet free, PETER HABERLIN, S3l Worcester bldg. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured, by) O. O. Martin. 409 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestio and foreign pate ents. lnfri-f ement cases. 604 Dekum bldgv. Pawnbrokers. . UNCLB MEYERS' collateral Bank: 40 yeari In Portland. 71 0th st. Phone Main 910, XT VIM. ' THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 603 4108 Electrio bldg. OBcar Huber, Portland, Pipe- PIPE and fittings, engineer 'and ateam sup plies M. L. Klin. Centrally located. Nos. 84 to 86 Front U Phones Main 517. A 2517. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory an office near 24th and York sts. M. 8469. THE MOSLER SAFE CO. 108 2d St. Sale. at taolory prices; bbcuuu ne-m, : Becond-Hand Goods. WE buy olothlng, furniture and tools. High est prloe paid for second-hand clothing furniture, tools. Marshall 2354. WE nay the highest prices for second-hand! clothing and shoes. Main 7608. 630 6th- Showcase, Bank and Snow Fixture. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branoh Grand Rap ids Showcase lu, ota sun fj ... manager. R. H. B1RDSALL. 208 Hamilton bldg. Show- CaSCfl in Btuurv , y i Lillys. a Kent, m. w mt-r uu.ugi MARSHALL MFQ. CO., 4th and Couoh; n nn'-han-i xToiT. 2703. Cabinet worm. Storage Balterj. EXCLUSIVE agents for tho celebrated EO- irlc Veh lcle Company. 1509 Yeon bldg. rltorage and Transfer. c O PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offioe and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron room, and flrePJ0' v . for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine ta., pianos and furniture V0Ved.andnPVooa. for shipping: special rate made on goodt l,irourPthrfugn car. to I1 domestic and toreiK" poinia. " ' - - -L' r- t-. D i YCli ' V l? OCi. General transferring and "W"! Sk?S ntRnoa and furniture moved and paokea ' tor ehipment! 67;8 Front Telephone-l Main oi i t.i j-t. -- OREGON TRANSFER CO IV&X'Znr and GMsan. Phones Mam C3. A 110. Taxidemuste PACIFIC COAST TAXIDEBMY CO T.vi?-wrUert. m-ttte tn choose from at OiU's 3d and Alder terms to suit; every machine guar antlld call or phone for representative. Main sr.00 oru -VB are the exchnnSe for tU t.lr '-- r-l mak ailVrlceV. The Typewriter Ex- NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rent als, at cut rates, f- J. " Violin Maker. , m-nEN Violin maker, expert repallinr. F.oom :i- m"h.v o'"- - Well Drillinc. bnlLLING wells. Phone Main 1348 or rite A. west, i-i- --