16 TIIE arOKXIXQ Olt-EOOXIAN. "WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17, 1913. .A- t HRI.! VATt!MALE. HELP WATED-nSCrLLAEOr,, f MTITAT.ON- f g-gTL J rimen l If"' ' plasma. Otcui and Mwm lortrmwu. MIST Mil my mahogany .lal.et I5!! jUno; only alight: uaed: "HI cast and r.a.ance terms to wit purchwr. E 7"2. Ores-.nlan. Hl'.H-GRAI-E piano: leaving rl'r: will sac- rtfi- for $2.'5. can siam KIXf.sHmr unrlxhl a-rerad piano, mehog- any. cheap. 44- 3d. Mam 3733. A iWA MlareUaavrouav. .. . r. ., nlDt- tfXK We bav. the largest stork "J Chicago In this Una ar.d can fit ro out villi any K'r.i at an immi.. .- FEK IS TDK ANTTHINO IF TOC CAN'T OFT IT AT AXIa "BARDFT1 HAS IT. W Bl LUC a ftOMl TTIE MOUSE OK A MILLION BAB- CAIN?.-240-242 mm at., cor. Main. . . v .-- c- it v-c iri SAl.VL ir.na dqm: 14 irnuwn at 33 2$: $3 . .. ,MI,aae n : Re- inOf m l - o . - - member, my rent la 3i a monta. it p,iid $5va on tho around floor such val uta aa taese wotim d im.."....... JIMMY DUNN. H-ei-n 1 s. Oregonian bldg Take elevator. SPECIAL sale On sewing machines; al'shtly ued singer. Wheeier a n in. v. homrfl:c and New Hunt; other new $to m-h:r.e now J7.r.o. whlls they last, s s. f r:. W A1d-r st. Tail NORTHWEST TVPEWRITF.R CO. la NOW LOCATE r AT 3U GTlbir KTHKF.T. Tlebul't tvpawrtters of all makes: pries) lowest 13 the city Main P-1 A " - . --- c:-...i.' Halt aafea new and ionT. hand, low pr'lcta easy l-rtna Safes opened and repaired, rur.ei rf land Safe Co.. 15 3tn t. Main 6309. tLI'THTLT ua.-d cash registers, credit reg ... etc.. boutht ana ni4 xt-a Pa.-i:,c ptores berv.es Co.. 233 f.ark st. Msln 7711. tW prEIXES? cards, on bt quality stork, (: card eaaa given free. 417 North- lit bin. cling I'OTtTOES. 2 '' sacks 1912 crop, deliv ered f b. ears; want offer. W 71T. Oregonian ANNUAL PALE of unredeemed pledges at Uncle ilyrr. Tl 6il at, ua oak. 40 ar !n Portland. 4VT'".N icc-makina lulpmnnt, cmplta. City Mirkrt. Ica Cold btoraia company. IM .al wahfnyton. Inf. VNU-NKW No. 5 "llr typwrltfr wlrh -k r;r l'r. tii cah. or will trada. N 7 J. n-rrr?tn. on Bl'flNESS AltP.-'. !.: a real bar ren Rofi City J-riEtery. IKS' 3d. cor. Taylor. . ST cll fina drop-head Whl'oaawlnr ma Mn: w!M take U. full 414 Market t. DIAMu.vo for pa;: abaolutaly a barcaln. AP 7r.t. Oreaontarr M:w vl" bia tvpewrlter. will aacnftpa; laa- Irc r:tr. Kolhchlld h!d W N TKI SUSCT LLAN EOCS. HAVE VOr ANTTHIN'I TO PELLT CALL IS l"P KOR ANTTHINO TOC CARE TO IISPOSE OF. M BAKDE 4V fioNS. Tha Ilu of a Miillou Harjaina. Front and Main (la. Main aoJ. Pl Y CLOTH IStl. Ft-RNITUilE. TOOLS. ibrnt prt- paid for men's and ladlea raat-otT clothln. aboea. urntture. tooia, mevhanlr. losnn. CaU Main 30S0. 2W 1 t at.. Tba Ol" ta. WANT to buy cITlce ou:IH. roll-top deaic. pram taole. deak. chair, six olTlca chairs, ltsoleum. Ji-ti. 7."7. Oregonlan. IF you want to sell your Junk, tools or Jo 1- ta. Jtiat call tna Capital Junk Co. Mar ah all .1-13 IT7-WU N- lat St. WFT pay the hlsheat caah rlca for aecond hacd f'lmltu.-e. prater Martin. J" boa a Taat r.U4 814 Hawthorns ara P1KJEHS ALCTION HOl'hE To K. Morrlaon. Pbons K. IV22. Taa treat caah prlee for furnltura. fi'BU Auc'lnn Co. Fsts caah for any klr.d c furtiltara. Main fr.".!. A i44l VK tint rooma. up; do patnttna at reaaonabla pri-ea phone Fast al4. HELP TfAXTED MALE. 'i WANT A FEW CLE AN-TTT. ENER :f:TIC M:N I'i' fALtd ABILITY WHO Will. WORK KiR ADVANCEMENT WITH OIK COM PA NT. WHICH AL WAld HAS A HKTTER Pt"SITlON KOR THE MAN WHO liEsKHVEJ IT. IF YOU AK3 AMTtlTHCS AN 1 WANT A CHTE TO MAKE tiOOD WITH A CkD COMPANY Oh' HI'.H TANDIN'l. ALL 10 A. M. AT 7W li?ALl)INvi HI ixr WANTED Cnod all around b'acksmlth for countr shop: muf hs family of not las tfln threa chililren of school se: salary 7i per mon'h and permanent poa. t:on for nht party. Call at room hi Icon bids. W'AMEIt firat-. loas movtns-Plcturs opera tor; mul thorwuh!y understand botB powers' .No. and Kdison tmhlbltlon ma rhlnes: a s-iod placs for a r4 man; short hours- aa .- Ill a t LEW F CCLLIN'S. Ths Psllea Or. P S. If you are not A-I avs rartare. CKH n-.arrl-d man preferred for SO-J farm, near ntr. aharea or waxes to ri prtv; ato.-ked aim team, few COWS. ilM 73 ta r.-s 'and have poo.l record. Fresae. JillOW " VI" i NTr.rt for Feattla. M'l.'. bo i lass fust wo'knkan ('rsle aa!arv wanted. B 72. oret.mlan. 1.1 VE AOS NTS for h!H-claa speiclalttea: ro comperrtion; let me help yon to make 'i weeklv Maculaclurers Arent. ITT Corbatt Bide. aant a Mi'mnn for live line of spc-;tne-. sll r-eily for work: city or r.- ah. Stile whit pre1ouelv sold, where. w Ions. --lCy i-onimtslons; Portland Tt. AT 73. Oreaoulan. ANT two flrst-cissa newspaper soilc ra; must he a No. I and on ths J" ire ni r.ute: a good propoattlon to offer tie ricrht , no booacrs n-ed apply. 7''4. Or-rnian 'o WANTED Your. sraduata ensineer with knowlVdse of t4nforted concrete destsn. apab iletal Mn p. ana. " ale ar. exper ience and salary expected. B 7. Ore. Son'sn. YVvTED A-t.ve men to represent eatah iire.4 biialnrna; must be lie wlrea and eonin!rS t:kera; opportunity for ad -nfimnl. ArP'v o 12. 1 Uohawk bMs . Jd and Morrison. WANTED An eipertencrj slock sa;eamaa with food credntiaH; company tielpa scer.t in succeas: food lada. perma nent potltlon and promotion In tha near rnrr. Addrees It 7U-. Qresonlan. j77. Vl aaVaman. as sole aaent. with ra apor.alb.Iity. inoner ene-sr for proved p'a.e to erery m.'.l. factory, by Faatem Mannfactuiers. laisa profits. P 7:, Ore-t'-.ui- Il'MbKRl'ARP M AN A EH Must be thor-eu-:IY competent and of K d habits, firat-clsaa pay to r"od man. Address with dea!Ta. A V 4TQ. Oreaonian. W' A N TErv Soii-.tnra and aleameo for tha rnoet need-d houaeho'.d necessity Joat pat ented; territory for Ilv wlrea. Apply ill ik at. MAN of sood appearance and bualaess abil ity to eolli-H In Porl'and for laic cor poration. APP'T 7-1 Yeon bldf.. after A M. fcAI.F.-yN wnt-l to sell Vacuam Cleaa , . Bi licn as tio.den Ruie. doldsa Hod and Hovai pstierr.e Hubert M f. Co, 444) Monucco ae.Ch:csao. Hi. WANTED Four llvs solicitors: muat be enr'enrcd. Cascade De Works. aH4 E. rc at. jk x r K ; A f.rat-c.aaa imin to carry ati A-l line of a'oes throuxn tireson. E4 jj. n. rtr t;:e 'o.. fheh.Uia. Wah. WA NT I I laundry d-ler: write at onre; aiate experience and reference. AS 724, OrtfOiiin. HAVE " acres of land t car. want to lt cortrart to reap.n'.ble party. phona Ma'n 1 ee ad l-eae T 7;l. Orecowlsn. t'Art'I' iiov ihi has experience In cor- re-tma llnotrpe .;l:y liarrett Llnotj p- ln( I p.. II at. v r.U.-tM C ATEl yours man. about :t ears of ne. wanted for office work. fimatt aUrr to atart. X . PrcK-onian. W VVTtli 4 or first -claaa machinery salesmen on con-.mlaaloo : lerfe and com- r .1, line, r. T.'. Oresorlnn. T-A. . :oth r.c a:ca-nn wanted for so:ic1t in propo.!-:on fx:; 4-d P. M.. IIS Couch P. I'ni'e.1 Txl orlns Stores Co. M' SOLI'-IT'P. T.m cso make b: money if you are w Ullns to work. Call 401 Cor- bett bMa JTRMANEN'T In-oms for salesmasu sir. rlryant. it. a tejn wa- AtirNT to sell rhoto coupons; somathlns Breton ytT.I 32 waah. pilOToi'RArH co-tpon and portrait ftbta. new o'fer t'ntlb-rt fuillo. Dekum b:d. Fl F". - r-'l. V k.i'riM"r to o out ot tewn. Cz' ??? f MPin- ri 1st Club bids I WANTFP ;-od man aalesmsn Addjeas JJ I 741. Oreciuaa. I I TTr. WANT faw rellablo oaT aatlc men that aro srllllna to Jump In and huaile ta help us put a realty proposition of real merit on tha market; this Is something- out of tha ordinary, and buyara saa ths a rest futurs for It at ones. wh!i-h makes It easy to sail: bis money for yon If you mean busi ness. Call 413 Wella-Faxeo b.U. Touna man. strsnser. out of work (l?0 Ms total casn asset n i .f"" " special employment membership 1 will have only IIS leti Dotween ma anu f i i t f mi nav SI for special em ployment membership yon will have tha 1 at- t: a., witn its i. . you and starvation. ... ... Kesu.t vounr man Joined -saoclatlon. Tn less than a weak bad satisfactory em ploy men t- 1eeA-a n- Tif Iflllt fm II. ne nan KQ Positions Oiled 1SJ Employment membership miarantees member will secure etnpioymeni or r fund of membership fee; gives 2 months full membership privileges, 10 months' so J ..nA-talrea lA keel party employed dutina the full term Of We have constant demand for nl trade, experienced men. Are you nil ted bee secretary employment department. i . ai- ja. rtt'sii. DISH. EVER A L CLERKS OR BRIGHT TOl'Ml ME?7 OVER IS TO .OA'H F"H FPECIAL. EXAMINATION FEB. 7TH FOR RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS THIS STATE. BKOIXNINO 6AURT 7.1 PtK MONTH: rROMOTK'.N; rim a- . MANY APPHINTMENTr?: IMMEDIATE a.-xrnv xf.i-i.-4S A RY: RESIDENCE BE- QCIKED. P EE MR. CALVIN. KOOM 140 IXIKTUSU BUHL PHOTO coupon arents. g-ood offer for live men. bulphen htuoio. mi v asnmatoo. HXLr WATM KUtAU. WANTED TODAY. 3 cooks for country hotels, each 133 up. Waitress. 335. 2 waitresses. 320 each. Ironer. 31. 24 per day. Good genera! housework. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. " Ladles' Dept. JOiV, Morrison. WANTED Bookkeeper and billing clerk n -Kn aouie: must be aovtd pen man, accurata and thoroughly reliable: srlve rererencea ana paoue. aj Oreaonian. , N : i ' ; i r 1 or woman between the asa of 20 and aO years, for aousewora id iiw- 11 or tnree: wages .v per iuvmim . Woodlawn 106S. UivTr.n liionoi. and aeneral office as iilint: anawer in own writing, iiauni salary sxpected. experience, and giro pbons number. U ji. uoinnim. TEU-'PHUNK operator for large retail house, bota switcnooaras; give ajipffn-a, references, salary wanted, phona number. AO TO, oregonian iOl'NO Isdy of neat appearance to do pe cui outslda work In J'oriland: must have i i v. 1 1 ... . . i . . inn?. T ' 'i Yeon duaiuvee auiii.j , r r w . - b;i. after A. M. WANTED Neat woman for general house work; must be good, plain coo a ana ionu of children. Cail at 6s East 3tb .Norto, Koas City Park. Phona C 21S7 A- M. COMPETENT girl for general housework; 3 In family. tt a-uorstia ' . v -Waah. and Everett at., near 2Ud St.. West Mde. ii- . . r i . . ,-i.i t nr hmiwKArk: small fam llv: good home; wages a per weekly: young woman praxerred. T 7o3. ttreaonlan. GIKL tor general housework and cooklns. 3 in tsmuy, rnom nanaiv. t East ."tn . MRS. HO E S LAlll.t A' c.-- a . Waabiagton bide . 4ih and Waan. sta. Main "-;' or A 3-'W WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. lavl 1.0 av chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Woman for general housework; good room: work comparatively neat. Apply IC4 Broadway this attsrnoon. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 34ots Washington st.. cor 7th. upstairs. Phona Main 2M- WANTED A girl to assist In housework In a 4-room list, eitner to stay w go bmhi at night. ;J0 N. l"th, corner of Locjoy. Wt.M AN for general housework in ins Dallea foreigner prererrea. roruaaa is.e rhone. Main for partlenlars. MARRIED woman to do light work In pri vate hoarding -house for husband's board. E ! SENSIBLE, practical woman, not under for position with local business house. M 7-t Oregonian. WANTED Experienced cloak and suit saleslady. Call before noon. 40 Wash-Ins-ton st. 8TENOURAPHER and bookkeeper; salary to start per week. Call today between II and 13. soo Oliaansu WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking In small family: German pre ferred. Call at 1100 Rodney aye. FF.MINAID CO.. 1"0T FULLING BLDO. Lucrative position for womsn. ' WANTED I-ady teachers for Chinese mis sion. 2 Taylor. 7: JO to : P. M. WANTED A girl to do general housework. Apply i0t pettygrove st. WANTED Girl to assist In housework. CaU Columbia -VI. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 47 Ever ett st. WAIST finisher, cxpe-lenced only; also learn-glrU wanted. 1.12 lVh St.. room 2Q. GIRL for general housework: no washing; good wsgea. M. 3137. Bavler st. COMPETENT girl for cooking and aener-tl housework. Apply S l'h st- cor. MI1L TOl'NiJ girl to mind office; salary small, but opportunity la there. V 7-7, Oregonian. WANTED at once, four women canvassers, good aslsry. 14 Esst Cth street. WANIEI Teschers for mtaelon achool. Ap pi'v second at. 7 "n P. M. W ANTED At once, lady body ironer. Ap ply at Capt. City Ptesm Laundry. WANTED Ladles to do fancy work at home all or apsro lime. 11th at. HELP WANTED M LE OR fUMAIE. FIRST-CLASS operator on typewriter, with clerical experience; good writer and must he quick, accurate. Addresa In hands ru ing, stating age. experience, etc., V 72J. Oregonian. liooKKEKPERS. cashiers, oil! clerks, eta; I wil gwarantee your qualifications to fill positions in 30 days: private Instruction ry public accountant: position secured, i 43ft- oresonlsn. WANTED Threa men to learn to operate motion-Picture machines. C21i!s Wash ington at. XII E WORLD lallors wsnt an apprentice girl or boy to learn tailoring. 2ud Tay lor, between 3d and 4th. HEI.r W AN TED "dl C E I. LAN KOI. WANTED Men at Los Angeles: can learn irmA fair wages after second month; automobiles, electricity, plumbing, brlck Isving practical work on actual Jobs- IJiK) students last S yesrs; only few months re quired Vnltcd i raue rcnwi. oca-'-. a anted Railway mall clerks, customs c arka bprlns examinations In Portland, sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute. depu 340U Rocheeter. N. T. 1K your stories sellT Manuscripts criti cised, maraeia - - , iz ' a-polntmenL Address Msnnscrlpt Editing It urea a. Msegly-Tlrhner bldg. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. picture nay Associa tlon. Fan Francisco. M WEEKLY acting on the stage. Ws leen goon m . i . j . . tm-nediAlely. i N- Pth at IKK money writing short stories, or for ' . i . w . . hivoklet telle haw. paii.ii, u ' a i - - r .... . u.4i..ta k . n Wranelaea. 4 nneq nn c " FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 410 SacCaud bldg. LADIES to learn the bus.nrsa of the Fanl- tsry lleauty Parlors. 4i0 Uekum bldg. PiilVATE business school. 61d Co- of Com.. removed to at"' Hsmllton bldg. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TTPE-Wtali-Svi. saa. 3M 14 in SU Alain 1 01. KEEP OCT OF THE RAIN. Learn to operate moving-pictures: operstors esrn i2i week ly; easy Insldo work; short hours; learn business In the finest and best -equipped school In the world; lessons ressonabla. Dsy and evening classes. NEW YORK AMUSEMENT CO.. t.'H Washington, near 17th. alEN AND BOYS TO LEARX AUTOMO BILE repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electrical, civil engineering, survey ing. In most practical way; room and board while learning; positions sscured; satisfaction guaranteed: catalogue free. National School of Engineering. 2110 West th. Los Angeles. MEN and women to learn the barber trade In eight weeks; special Inducements; per centage pasd while learning; toola free; i .... . it veara In the busi ness- ST schools: 'a lifetime membership a-lven to each etudir.t. Moler Barber Col r . .w - On.il.nil Or irjta II c- ri'unu . . MEN wanted, age is to so. io pr't"" firemen and brakemen on nearby rail- - -on aiOO mnnlhll. ExDerlenOS for unnecessary: no strike. Promotion et seers or conductor, lSO to oo montniy. good life careers: state age: send stamp. Tiallway Association, box. Oregonian. -.- . . - -f T- r. i Ann man 1 fkM tialrruttlnC. Ed Donnlson's barber s'hop. 180 Morrison su BITCATIONH WANTEO M AI. ttoekteepore aad tlejrka- WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE a a. - ks Inn I'abai anil t a t 11D DO OK aV, prC)ni ussnsi. - er menta install systems, uillingham. au ditor. 411 Lewis bldg; MarahalliAI. "ExpErTenCET young man. good penman accurate, reliable, wants position; best o: . i -n r ......I nr. rnrrrnirr. i ..... v.. a.-... i.i-ii i i-.-.-ITi huLlruiwr I M.Wr ll d .ica. naalimnt references. Y 7tS9. Ore gonian. Miscellaneous. T. M. C A. INDUSTRIAL" EMPLOYMENT a n tr VI- V Second and Ash Sta. jmrnisnes men tor latuin ........ glng camps, railroad construction. Iarm won. ana l oinvr gia. " --- sniaiiica Hum Marshall 2271: A 7745. A sqoaro deal to employer and employe. MUNICIPAL. FREa EMPLOYMENT 21S Second, corner Salmon. All v emeu s oepan iti-iii. - ciaases or unsKiuea. laiuvu. uioo... nlshed on short notice. No f-e charged. Phono Main Boos; A ao.e. lillH-trtAI' Brtl.r..i A.Ui.r y.! 1 K A c 1 .1. i HAl.t3a.Ai., Ai i,.ii... .. . MAKING HOME IN PORTLAND. WOULD . ..... . . . . . .. -.- .., . i -. i . . i . - . i urtniTins:- i.irvr. r i no i ai3 i . . n .v....-.. h'itlNClPAl.l.T r..rr.itiL..r.ii i i-.."- uri) ili x-. it ' Li .v'E. .a pnnlTIflN tlK TRUST FOR A CLEAN-CUT MAN OF .12. WRITE F 74i. UKEUU.MAJ. YOUNG man. with local reference, who has had ten years' experience In general mercantile business, desires position as buyer or salesman. Apply b. J. baca noff. general delivery. AMBITIOUS young man. age 23. desires employment In oaice; tour years eauca tlon In technical college; can run type writer: good referencea AT 741, Ore gonian. WANTED Position with first-class house, by experienced butler ana prouuee men, willing to prove ability; best city refer encea AO i04. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AtlED woman and son ot is aim 1. , . I ...Ftm.nl n.iltrlln. at llinftfir work: experience. Phone Marshall 37U4, A 2o37. YOUNG man. asa 20. dosires position In hardware store with Intention of Investing In firm; has had two years wholesale ex perlence. A 74. Oregonian. YOUNG man. going to school, would like work for room and board. AS 7Uu, Ots- gonlan. MAN and wife, thoroughly experienced. want position as janitor in apartment house; references. Phone Z. D.. East 3tst. DENTIST wants position: first-class work man, licensed, sober and reliable; refer encea -experienced. AV oregonian. MAN and wife wish work on ranch or lumber camo. Address Box .uos. x.aat Portland. Or. RELIABLE teamster, married, knows city well, wants steady position. B l. ure gonlan. EXPERIENCED picture operator wants work night shlfL J. o. Mill, oua Yt naw- thorne. ii ut-iT-rrTTEB. also butcher and sau sage-maker, wants position in or out ot city. Addresa T "Ho. oregonian. JAPANESE boy wanta position to learn to orive automoouc ui. vj-i -a"'"""- AT liberty, pianist and singer; local work; capable business player. :ain JAPANESE wants poa-.flon. housework or s,tore. hotel porter. 4bi uavis st. JAPANESE cook wants a position aa gen eral housework. Phone aisin t..-i. a .tit-i. TRAP-DRUMMER and singer. open for steady work. M 734, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED blacksmith. Hollander, ants work. T. crooi, m nnott st. Y. M. C. A. student wants work for board. room. W 7'J. oregonian. TK ACER wants work; long experience. T rtift. Oregonian. NOW la the time to get your carpenter work done cheap, rnone A earn. JAPANESE wants position, housework or store, hotel porter, 4. uavis st. lITTJAT10Xi WAXTF.n-FEMAl.lt. Boekkeeaers sod Bteaographers. X WANT a position at general olTlca work- Have had three yesra experience. l-hih-dry oflice preferred. Call A 7206 after six o'clock. . OFFICE OIRL desires permanent position: knowledge of stiortnsna ana typewriting. best of referencea seliwooa 1-.JI. IaADY stenographer desires position; expe rienced In bank, law ana insurance wore Phone mornings. East 3833. EXPERIENCED young woman desires bookkeeping or otoer oriice worn. au to begin. 8 Tl. Orogonlan CASHIER, quick and accurate, also experi enced in general orrice work, wisnns per manent pualtlon. X 739. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer: must have position; flrsl-ciass reierences. v i-u, vtre gonlan. COMPETENT stenographer wants position; good salary: oleven years- experience, cellent references. V 719. Oregonian. YOUNO lady, experienced, wishes position as assistant nooKKeeper or general onice work. W 712. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, with some experience. accurate, desires position. iiarinnu .i.-ii. Dressmakers. DKES.-MAKER. good fitter, out by day. wants few mote gnoa customers; reier ence. Main 7I"!. CUITS. skirts, and one-pleee dresses msde reasonable for tne next au aas. specialty to working girls. Marshall 2-l.'!. DRESSMAKING Children'e clothes a spe cialty. East 4ti lillKSSMAKINii and plain sewing by the day; expenencea. i none ieoor t- DRESSMAKING by the day; pries reason- b!e. Phone A mi:l DRESSMAKING by the dsy or st home; price st ii per ast. r.nit u".". PLAIN sewing. 32 day. Tabor S161. H "U-r keepers. WANTED A position as housekeeper for a w idower or nscneior w no nas a goou home, bv a young aomari. welt educated, fairly good looking, extra neat and good housekeeper, with a 12-year-old daughter who hss been well raised. Will accept reasonaols v aasa If other surroundings are good. Can give best of referencea and will expect good references In return. Aldress AO 701. Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper by womsn with a i hi (1 years oiu. mu inciajia ave. Wo.dlawn rar IAtiY. with boy. 12. wishes housekeeper's position, city or country. AP 737, Orego- EXFE RIENt'ED woman with city references dosires position sa cook or nousekeeper. Esst 3122. WANTED To take charge of flrst-clssa roontng-house: test or reference snq IX-perlen-e. A 7r.. oregonian. Nl'RSE wishes enaiigementa terms reason able: some nouaewura, uutinr a iroierences. Mnin W Jvl'KSE wlsh'-s work, wsges reasonable. Phone morniRP auu v.vnniaa. c so, room 237. A GOOD, praotical nurae, vlth good refer- encee. I'nono a ioio. " Pomeet Ica. nt-nuiv ladv wants day work Thursday. Friday ana Cliuruaj. i none cast Oft.., ' Call evenings. YOUNG lady wants place to assist In light housework: wri tsse small wages lor good home. F 735. oregonian NORWEGIAN girl wanta place for cooking and general nousewora. i none tvoou.awn 2'.l9. : LADY wlahea any work by the day. Phona Marshall 179... CAI ata. housekeeper. Main ZOosV A 4776. A THOROUGH, experienced English wo man cook, understanding cooking tn all branches. Good referencea B 719, Ore gonian Phone East 6215. EXPERIENCED laundress desires whole days Wednesdays. Saturday. Main 039. A 4775. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants posi tion doing housework or any kind of work: not afraid to work. Mnln 8M7. GERMAN" girl, very refined, would like housework ; can glva best of referencea. w 725. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED German girl wants day work, washing. Ironing, cleaning. Phono Main J1402. WOMAN wanta general housework by day; 20c per hour. Phono Main tio99. Miscellaneous. WIDOW. all around experience, trust worthy, woman willing to take caro of vour business place or your home. An swer this ad. B 707. Oregonian. A YOUNG widow, with a 3-year-old boy, wants a position as cook or general house work la private family. Call 28 N. 20th st. SCOTCH girl wants general houaework; no cooking. 130 N. 14th at., between Gllsan and Hoyt. YOUNG lady from the East wishes position In -bakery; experienced. Phone Marshall 8734. A 237. EXPERIENCED chocolate-dipper wishes work In factory or retail candy store. rmi Main H PIANIST, competent: position in moving picture house. East 6105. B 709. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED woman wanta day work washing, cleaning. Phono Marshall 39b'J, room 3. . POSITION In laundry by first-class marker and distributor;, also ouici oiiicunuvn 712. Oregonian. LADY" wants position alnglng in movlng-pto-ture ahow; has hud experience. Phone Main 1120. Nellie Mitchell. SWEDISH girl wlahea position. general housework. Main 905S. 70 Vaugnan St.. near 21 st. K. WANT housework in the mornings or 8 hours a day; good worksr. AC 728, Ore- gonlsn. GOOD girl wants work In cafeteria or fam ily cooking; exporlenco In both. Phone Esst 1160. EXPERIENCED Swedish woman ""'r'" care of Infant; references. Main 2C3U. A 4778. TWO Inexperienced Norwegian alrll i desire situation, aa waltreaaea Main 2038. A 4775. HOUSEKEEPERS, cemka, waltressea, cham bermaids, office girls, nuraes. &t. Loula Agency 2."3Vj Alder. Main 2039. A 4na. EXPERIENCED cook, boarding-house, res taurant, dollcatesssn. Main a mj. WILLING young girl to Main (-S47. aist, housework. LADY wanta housework In respectable fam ily, home at nlghta. Phono Main 78. AN experienced girl for cooking and gen era! houaework. L 735. Oregonian. WANTED Washing and Ironing by hour or day. 26c hour. Phone Main 7656. LADY wishes day work: flrst-olaaa laun dress. Phone Main 4663 WOMAN wants day work. Phono Sellwood ISO. DAY work by reliable woman. 4 7. Room 7. Call Main WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN wanted to sell Flexllytes: something new; sell at sight: no capital required: live wlrea only, ber Exchange bldg. Call 304 Lum- wanteh To KT.rrr. WANTED To rent a small furnished flat or biinsalnw for a months or longer. State terms to J. Byrne. 409Corbett bldg. RESPONSIBLE family wlll7'oaa strictly modern 8 to 10-room house, with good sur round In gaAllTSSOregonlan Rooms. YOI'N'O man wants reasonably priced fur nished room on West side, with or wlth or without board. Only modem home of private Catholic family will be considered. Give full particulars. References ex chsnged. T 717, Oregonian. CULTURED couple wish rent I new ex ceedingly clean. modern housekeeping rooms or furnished cottage for about 10; anywhere In or near city. E 729, Oro- gonlan. Tnrvc. laAv atenoeraoher wants room in private family, furnished for light house keeping: within walking distance. W 71a. Oreitonlan. YOUNG rran wishes bedroom.. Portland or Kings Heights. L 739. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. YOUNG man regularly employed In city wishes nrst-clsaa room and board In atrlctly private family. R 749. Ore gonian. Business Place. WANTED Desk room In office with ma chinery or equipment xirm oy representa tive of manufacturing company. D 738, Oregonian. FOR BENT. Furnished Room. HOTEL FRANKLIN NEW AND MODERN. 46s Washington bt., cor. join. Convenient to the theaters and ghlp plng district: running water and tele phones in every room, stesm heat; rooms with private bath, single or an suite; ground floor lobby; rates 76c per day and up: special weekly rates $4 and up. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St., opposite Multnomah Athletic Field New brick building: all modern conveniences:; well regulated resi dential and family hotel; splendid acrum tnodaJons for transients; convenien to the bualnesa center and the rates are mo 1 ernte i plenty steam heat). Marshall I'jZv. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw- thorno avca ueauliruny jurnisnea rooms, single or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat and private phone In every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates; grill In connection: tran sients solicited. HOTEL FORD. 783 Washington, comer Lu- cretia St. New brica Dunuing, jmi com pleted; fine large outside rooms with tele phone service, with or without prtvste baths; new and splendidly furnished; hot aid cold water, steam heat; best of serv ice; very reasonable rates. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable: rent reasonable. Call and see us: n-gular snd transient trsde solicited. THE CLARNO HOTEL. 243V HoLLADAY ave.. Phone C 3199. Steam heat, hot and cold water. Elec tric light In all rooma First-class ac commodations at $2 50 per week. L. U or I car direct to door. FURNISHED rooms for single women; stesm heat, electric ngnis, panur, a.u room. laundry and large community kitchen: also gas for cooking In each room; all furnished by the landlord. 314 Bd st., corner of Montgomery. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot: 140 out side rooms, with hot snd cold water and steam heat: offers special rates to perma nent guests; rates fnlc to $2 a day; $3.30 and up per week, rhone Msln 8413. OCKLEY HOTEL, R90 4 Morrison St.. Cor. 10th. Central location, moderate prices, 60c, 76e and $1 per day: by the week. $3, $3.30 and up. Including baths and phones; steam heat. VAN GORDER HOTEL, 106-4 Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart 6f business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone In every room: $1 dsy and up; 34 week ana up. SEVERAL tine rooms, with good view as low as $.1 per week. One fine front room at $3 per week They are light and roomy. Call 167 Stout St.. south of Waahlngton HOTEL KESWICK An Ideal home for bus iness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences: 7th and Taylor ts.. I block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main ;1. MADRAS HOTEL. 12th and Wash. Rooms. $1 a day. $5 week: nothing ex tra for two In room. Thoroughly modern. HOTEL GARLAND, cor. Wash, and Trinity Place, choicest outside rooms In ths city: absolutely modern; private phones; $3.50 and up weekly. Transients $1 per day. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or single. steam heat. $3 and $3 week: 5 minutes' walk to theater and stores: free phona LI N P ELL HOTEL. 82S 4TH. ROOMS Furnished or unfurnished, with heat bath, electrlo or gas light, elevator service, by month or week. Tourny Bldg.. '.11714 2d. ELM PLACE. 414 Ysmhlll St., cor. 11th. rooms S3.50 per week up: hot and cold water, steam neat, private bath. AR.MIN1US MOTEL.- 4!0!4. Morrison, opp. Baker Theater, nicely furnished rooma; permanent, transient; low rates Msln 8'JdO. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington, near 22L Nicely furnished outside rooma, private bath and phones; board IX desired. M- 845L NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL. MINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. S13l 4th SL ailVi 4th St. 2074 4th SL On Fourth sL, running from Taylor to Salmon sr; brand new brick, elegantly furnished: steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date in all respects, and at ipopular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know you will like It. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL. CAPLES. 350 Taylor st,, bet, 7tb and Park. Resi dential and transient; absolutely central; two minutes from Postofnce. stores, thea ters and restiiurauts: lust off business streets and carllnes; quietest and best lo cation: new brick: ample steam heat and hot running water; phones. elevator. From $1 dally, 35 weekly. Any car from Union Depot: from North Bank Depot. "8" car to Taylor SL Phone Marshall 2200. CORDOVA Hotel, 11th and Jefferson sta: brand new hrlolr: anlendldlv furnished: sll rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot and CO. a vtior, many wuu Llama, wvtj - la made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests; the rents are most reason able; rooms by the week, month or day. "J" car direct from depot- Furnished Rooms tn Private Family. ONE well-furnished room with fireplace and bay window, on first floor, suitable tor two gentlemen or man and wife; also 2 rooms on third floor, with housekeeping privileges; rent reasonable. Phone Main !393. or call ll5 North 23d L FOR RENT Elegantly furnished room, with or without sleeping porch, in private fam ily without children; all modern conven iences. Nob Hill; 1 or 2 gentlsmen, 783 hi Kearney st. y H V clean and nicely furnished room with two large windows: new furniture and neat; close to 2 carllnes; respectable residence district. Phono East 4720 or call ftfip East Main at. ROOMMATE wanted by young man on 7th at.. West Side: parlor room, piano; rea sonable; phone; reference required. AT 720. Oregonian. FOR RENT One nice furnished room with running water In: wash basin In room; all conveniences required. 354 Montgom ery at. Phone Main 1100. IN modern home, beautiful front room, four windows, closet with window. East Side, near 14th. walking distance, reasonable. 670 East Madison. B 2871. LOOK here, we want roomers: everything up-to-date. Call and look It over: board if desired. 15 mln, walk. Eaxt Side. 264 McMillen at. $15.60 MONTHLY Housekeeping suite, de sirable; terms reasonable; all conveniences. 445 6th." Main 4409. A GENTLEMAN to take a nice room In a quiet location; $2 per week. Ask for Rob Inson. 105 E. 17th st. E. 5043. FURNISHED connecting rooms, suitable for two: modern. 780 Irving st. Marshall 8S72. . NICE attic room, 3 per month; other rooms reaaonable, with bath, heat and phone. 007 Everett at. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, with board. 195 16th st; ref erencea - x-Lctvi.v furnished room. In new upper flat: excellent bed. modern conveniences, easy walking distance. 694 . Everett. FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen, nicely furnished front alcove room, heat, light and bath. 711 MarshBlL Phone A 15PS. A VERY comfortable place to live; nicely furnished. i'none, electric iign., win $2 up. 307 Jefferson St. ROOMS from $2 up. close In, bath and phone. 2o6 12th st. SEVERAL well-furnished rooms, modern, $2 weekly. Phone OOP vvaamngLon. FURNISHED room In private family. 7th st. : most reasonable In city. WELL furnished front room. heat. 80 N. lt)th St.. near Washington. WAKM, comfortable room, modern home. 790 Lovejoy St. Sal per momu. NICE warm room very reasonable; use of piano, abi lotn st. ONE; outside room for 1 or 2, 12 per week; heat. bath. IZSH w. lttn st. $1.00 PER WEEK for small room. 2uS 12th street. CLEAN room for one or two. reasonable. 263 lth at. FRONT room, $2.60 per week for one, $3 for two. 200 l.tn au FRONT alcove, also single housekeeping rooms, yard. batn. pnone. ew laimiui. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 warm. ltl 11th. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, $2 and 3 week: walking distance. 329 West Park. SEVERAL nice, bright, well heated rooms. 410 to B39 litn PL. aaraimu p.... FURNISHED rooms; light, heat, bath; $3 and S month, xm rergo si. $1.50 AND up weekly; easy walking dis tance; desirable location. 305 12th St. ROMS, $2.50 and up; heat, phone and hath, walking distance. sz ltn st. Unfnrnlshed Rooms. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms, mod- ern. call today or evenings, aw aji.. Rooma With Board. thk Hasei dlnlna room reopened, table- board, strictly first-class; also furnished rooma steam heat, running water: prices moderate. 385 3d st.. cor. Montgomery. DOES a home appeal to youT THEWHITE liii'. eor. nth and Madison: large rooma. bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In, near car. 4 blocks irom sr. it. amcnwu i""- T.A MB ER SON, 554 Couch st, cor. 17th Very desirable, clean rooms with steam heat and running water; good board; fine location for teachers or business men. MANITOU, 261 18TH ST. Attractive, clean rooms, steam good t oard. close In. reasonable. heat. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. Rooms with hoard, use of sewing-room, llbrsry. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison st., cor. 13th. Well furnished rooms snd board. FIRST-CLASS table board. Southern cook lng; rooms, convenient. 849 tith. HIGH-CLASS room and board, walking dis tance to business section. 83 N. 17th. Booms With Board la Private Family. BOARD and room, gentlemen or lady. In a small American family; good home and good cooking; $28 per month. 797 Michi gan ave.. between 7 and 8:80 P. M. Wood lawn 2097. WE have a beautiful front room with al cove, also single room for 2 or 3. with or without board. 275 N. 24th. cor. Over ton st. Marshall 3056. MAN and wife can secure home accommo dations In private family, elegantly fur nlsherk modern home. Nob Hill district; referenda AS 728. Oregonian. NICELY furnished bay-window room, with hoard, modern conveniences, walking dis tance, good home cooking; pleasant sur roundings. Main 3280 T.ATJiJE. nicely furnished room for two. with board; comfortable modern flat; sep arate beds, furnace; good home cooking. A 3752. 647Vj 6th; reasonable. BPLEXDID parlor suite, hot and cold wa ter fireplace, choice board, excellent nelghbornodd. 761 Marshall. A 41)20. NICE large room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, electric, light, bath, furnace heat, 3 meals, $2S apiece. Phone Main 7639. A PLEASANT home for gentlemen with breaklast and dinner In paivate family of 2. close In. 405 12th. Phone Mar. 336. WARM, pleasant room for one or two near Multnomah Club; walking distance. Phone Marshall 4112. ; NEWLY fumisned strictly modern rooms, with board. 427 Clay, near 11th. Mar shall 8959. BOOM and board In fine home, with all conveniences, for 3 gentlemen. 595 E. Ash. cor. 15th, Phone E. 1843, 2 FRONT rooms, modern conveniences, ex cellent board. 204 N. 22d. A 7230. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel. lent board; also table board. 656 Gllsan. ROOM and board In private family, fine lo- cation; strictly modern. C 2260. FURNISHED rooms with board for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 595 East Oak. East 652. BOOM and board in private family: homo cooking arid privilege Main 8221. WEST SIDE Large room with alcove; ex Calient table board. Main 2071. BOARD, two In room $26; modern home. 410 Park. Main 8527. DOUBLE or single rooms with board, rea sonable. 203 N. 23. Marshall 2298. ONE coxy room for 2 young men. 70 Flanders. Marshsll 1978. K0OM and board. 687 Gllsan. M. 4751. Apartments. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Madison sts. One furnished room, with private bath, for gentleman. FLAT heat A." 549 Washington street oteant phone Marshall 452. TI4 1-- ELM 2 and 3-room apts. furnished, i.iat nhone and bath. 101 14th at, a FiTr Northampton. 407 Hall St., 2 ant rooms, strictly first-clasa Mcln 4299. FIRST and 2d-floor spta on comer, modern. between a carimva, aa.v . THE! WHEEXDON, Cor. Park and Taylor ata. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon ata. Walking distance. Furnished complete. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments: buildings new and strictly modern; service first-class. THE CAMAR. 704 LOVEJOY ST. Under new management; new modem brick. 2, 8 and 4-room apartments, with private baths, reception halls and Inde pendent phones with every apartment. We will rent you apartment 23 per cent cheaper than any place In the city; good Janttor service, plenty of hot water and good heat all the time. If you want to cut down your expenses and get Just as nice apartments as you are getting, give us a call. KORDHAM APARTMENTS COMPLETED. At 170-172 Ford st.. Just south of Wash ington, are the most complete, highest class apartments ever built in Portland; finished In hardwood throughout, giving tenants choice of oak. Circassian walnut or mahogany; elegant wall coverings, tiled baths with auperb fixtures; highest class service; each with private balcony and bath; 4 rooms with most convenient ar rangement. 342.50 to $50; 5 rooms. $50 to $eo. This building Is different. Let Mrs. Burleigh show you through. .TRINITY PlaACB APARTMENTS Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th. Just off Washlnaton. Just finished: most magnificent apart ments on the Pacific Coast; location laeai; rentals reasonable: every modern con veniencc; high-class service: referencea requlreq. Phone Marshall THE BARKER, cor. 21at and Irvine sts.: this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room suites: reception hall, electric, automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built- in huiret and writing desk, gas range, ice box, nlentv of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 3744. Marshall zyol. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and lavlor. Just completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof earden; both phones m an apartments; high-class service;relerences required. Mam yjin ana a iwi. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bla. 4 blocks aouth from Morrlaon st. new brick building, completely first-class. furnished in 21 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner, .lanltor service: rent Der month. $2G, $30, $40 and tip; must bo seen to be appre ciated. JULIAETTE APARTMENTS, furnished and unfurnished, 2d and Montgomery; now ready; private phones, disappearing beds, water coil, refrigerator: steam heat, mod ern laundry and dryer; latest aystem of ventilation; rent J0 to ::. aiso ins. 3d and Mill; 4 and 5 rooms, $30 to $40. LL'CHETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class by themselves; see them; Lucretla St., near 23d and Wash.: 2 to 5 rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets and baths; hardwood floors, free phones In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr., Mar shall 109. janitor, Marsnau aovi KINO HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King st, 4, 6, 6-room apartments; select tenancy. 'Apply on premises. THE CHELTENHAM. Apartments, elegantly furnished, for houaekeenlnsr: all outside rooms: hard wood floors, private phones; 2. 3 and 4- room apartments, jso. soo. itoa 1. 19th St.. comer NQrthrup. . Marshall 2833. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony new brick huildlna. electric elevator, su perb location. In walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and best of service. nni.i-nn APTS. 20tB and Wash. sts. two and three-room furnished apts. ; every convenience: very large rooms: steam ht anri nrlvaia baths and phones: auto- matlo elevator; easy walking diatance; ref erencea required. Maranaii VICTORIAN, furnished apartments, 11th and Columbia Very desirable; newly, com ni.tiv furnished. Dossesslne- all modern conveniences: close-In location; walking distance; very low rates, best of service also four rooms unfurnished. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford St.. near Washington: select resi dence district: a 8-room, with balcony overiooklns private gardens; all conve niences of the best class apartments. Main 8SS3, A 7448. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH. NEAR TAYLOR. TTtr-iE KI.ERANT 5-ROOM UNFUR NISHED APARTMENTS. APPLY ON PREMISES. ORDERLEIGU APARTMENTS. 82 Grand ave., cor. East otark. Nicely furnished two and three-room apartments, modern, prices reasonable; walking distance. Phone East SOO. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In North west; 21st and. Johnson sta; all outside rooma Apply on premises, or call Mar shal' 3360. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall Sr. Kew 2-room, furnished first-class, good service, telephones, etc., walking distance. Main 4299 CUMBERLAND APTS. West Park and Co lumbia sts.; 2 and S-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; all luodern con veniences; choice location; only five minutes' walk from business center. WINSTON Apartments. 841 14th at., at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms: 2 and 8-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; $1!5 to $37.50. For Information call Main 17H9. THE ST. CROIX 170 St. Clair St., nicely furnished and unfurnished 3-room apart ments. Private bath, free phone, steam he.at, free Janitor service. "Just off Washington" Prices very reasonable. KBELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay Sts. We have one of the best 8-room comer suites In the city, unfurnished, private ves tibule, bath, phone, etc. Apply at once. THE FLORENCE. 8 and 4-room furnished apartments: modern, new and absolutely first class; walking distance; from $35 up. 3SS 11th street. CEDAR HILL APARTMENTS 3 furnished rooms, with .balcony, steam neat anu phone: walking distance; reasonable rent. A 7.-i23. Mar. 815L THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.; 8 rooms with Dam; supero location, cmso to downtown district. All outside rooms, best of service, modem; reasonable rent. CLAYPOOLE ANNEX Two rooms furnished $35. 323 11th su private Dam, an conven iences, good service, easy walking dis tance THE M'KINLEY. 429 East Morrison, corner 7th, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; private baths, moderate price, new ro'gt- Bl'CK HARTFORD Apts., 21st and Flan ders, 4 unrurnisnea room,., o luniiiuru jjh vate, bath, phone, sleeping porch, $30 and up. THE MAHR APARTMENTS L nder new management; new, moaern a ana -i-room furnished and unfurnished apartments. Apply manager, Marshall 2031 THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders 2. 8 and 4-room, modern, rurnisnea ana uniur nlshed; new furniture, new building. Ap ply to Janitor. LINCOLN APTS.. corner 4th and Lincoln- Modern brick bldg.; --room apts. s.tio to $30; private pnones: no cnildrcn, no pets. Main 1377, A 3472. PARK APARTMENTS. 333 Harrison; beau tiful 3 and 4-room zurnisnea apartment; walking distance: best of service; prices S40 to you. r-none vuarsnan auio CLAYPOOLE APARTMENTS, . 11th and Clay; new brick; 3 rooms, with balcony; 2 wall beds; superb location; reasonable rent: best of service, every convenience. THE BIRMINGHAM. 390 12th Sr. Brand-new one 2-room. furnished. Mar shall 484. THE WESTFAL. 410 5th Furnished and unfurnished strictly modern apartrasr'.., talking dis tance; prices reasonable; no children. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. PARK AND MADISON STS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, c-fose In; strictly modern. APARTMENT, 3 and 4 rooms, handsomely furnished, electric lights, telephone, heat. $35 and $40. 2S9 ; BRAINTREE Elegant 5-room apartment. West Side, walking distance; rent reason able. Main 7741. 295 12th at. ONE very desirable modern six-room apart ment, the St. Clair, 715 Wayne st. Phone Main 4930. BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments. 695 Lovejoy at. Take "W" car. FOR rent 2 4-room apartments, electric light and gas. $13 each. Call 703 Bel mont, or phone East 3502. Flats. MODERN 6-room flat. 166 East ISth St. 5- ROOM. furnished, piano, sewing-machine, etc., furnace heat. 5-ROOM. unfurnished, paved street, 773. 775 Belmont St., reasonable rent; give lease. Agents will pay commission. Phono Main 35Q3. Col. S7. UPPER 5-room modern Hat. swell neigh borhood, rooms light and airy; fireplace, furnace; nice lawn (owner cares for), large sleeping porch. Convenient to all kinds first-class stores ana twe carllnes. Adults. Apply 772 Kearney IRVINGTON. 1 16th and Hancock. New 5-room flat, steam heated, hard wood floors, sleeping porch, tile bath. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., E. 22d and Brazee. E. 935. C 2322 $40 6 ROOMS, attic, Dutch kitchen, flre place, sleeping porch, balcony, gas. wa ter heater and range, linoleum, shades, light, yard room, nice, new. 226 N. 18th and Lovejoy. Phone East 3899. 602H MARKET 5-room upper flat, bath, gas, electric lights and furnace; nearly new. $30 per month. Key below. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. Third and Oak. NEW, atrlctly modern 4-room flat. 8th and Hancock; hardwood floors, tile bath, gas range, sleeping porch, fireplace. F. E. BOWMAN at CO.. E. 223 and Brazee. E. 1135. O 2323 FOR RENT Modern 5-room flat, newly tinted, close in, on East Side, very desir able neighborhood; rout $25 per month. Apply E. J. Condon, 904 Yeon tldg. ELEGANTLY furnished 6-room flat until Aprlll; every convenience; piano; close in; adults only; references. Cail afternoons. 81 r 11th St. Main 5576. NEW 5-room flats for rent, 253 E. 17th st. between Main and Madison. These are strictly high-class flats. Owner, Tabor 2521. or sea A. K. Hill, 419 Henry bldg. 6- ROOM modem flat on Lovejoy St.. rea sonable rent to desirable tenant. .Van duyn . & Walton. 615 Chamber of Coin merce. UNFURNISHED upper flat for rent, heat and water furnished. 662 Gllsan st. Phone Main 4767. $25 HOLLADAY ADD, 8 rooms, upper flat, walking distance, near 2 carllnes. 412 a Wasco St. K. 3S05. 4-KOOM strictly modern flat, light, newly painted, 6 blocks from Steel bridge. 309 Ross st. LOWER flat, $25, 6 rooma, 666 Hoyt st. Bee Mr. Melson, janitor, St- Francis Apart ments. 21at and Hoyt sts. FOP. RENT Modem 7-room flat. 444 Park St.; fireplace and furnace; $37.50; no call dren. Phone Tabor 763 or East 148L 653 TAYLOR, near 17th at.; 5 rooms, re ception hall, oak floors, gas range and gas bath heater, newly tinted walls. 4-ROOM completely furnished modem heat ed flat. 16th sr., near Morrison; rent $45 per month. Phone A 4119. MODERN G-room upper flat; sleeping porch, walking distance. Apply- 424 Tillamook. Phone C 2058. 6-ROOM flat, gas range, water heater good condition. 825 Northrup. Main 3225. MODERN 5-room flat, furnished or unfur nished. East ISth and Ash. B 2006. SWELL modem 6-room upper flat, adulta TSiii East Yamhill. Phone East 5948. 4-ROOM upper corner flat, modern. 1771 Green ave., near 23d and Wash. Main 8988. 6-ROO.M modern flat, 301 E. 12th at., neat Hawthorne; walking distance. East 4133. 6-ROOM fiat across Steel bridge, walking distance. 402 Ross at. $22.50. 6-ROOM modern flat, 760 Irving street, cor. 23. Key at grocery store. $17.50 1-ROOM flat, all modem conven ience. close in. Phone East 6126. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall rur nlsbed for housekeeping; gas range, sleo trio lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best la the city for the money; snort dlstaaoe from Union Depot- Take "8" or 16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall at. No doga, WELL furnished houses, flats, rooms 4 room cottage, $20 month: 7 rooma, $27.50; housekeeping auites, 2 rooms, $S, $10, $13 month: 3, $15; 3 unfurnished. S10. Ap ply 864 North 26th; "W" car west on Mor rison to 28th. block north. $1.50 TO $2.50 per week, clean furnished housekeeping room, free heat, phone, bath, laundry, yard. 406 Vancouver ave., and 203 Stanton; "U" car. Phone E. 6039, PU.MKABLE unfurnished two-room ton. window suites within 5 blocks of Post office; absolutely respectable. 306 V Jef ferson, corner Fifth, HOT and cold water In rooms, free phone, bath; the right place for respectable peo ple. 269 7th st. SUITEf of 2 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, gas plates, furnished. $1 per week each. Belmont Apts.. 480 H Belmont st- 5 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms; heated; will take rent In board. 430 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 1940. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concreta bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2378. or 87. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. TWO nicely finished, well-f urnlshed, light, clean, modern front housekeeping rooms: free, heat, electric lights, phone, water and porcelain bath; walking distance; one block to 3 carllnes. 445 Rodney ave.. oor. Tillamook at. Phone E. 3221. NICE place for nice people, suite large front connecting, newly furnished rooms, gas range, free phone, sewing machine, stationary wash stand. 7 minutes' wal from P. O.; will accommodate 2 or 4 peo ple. 3S4 Park st 3 MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms, rent $18 a month, including water, lights and bath. Woodlawn 2220. 985 Alblna ave., cor. of Blandena, T. car. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In modern flat, close In. across Steel bridge. 402 Ross at., corner Dixon, ono block north of Broad way st. SUITE of two nicely furnished rooms. In pleasant neighborhood, two carllnes; gas and bath: verv clean. East 626). call East Taylor. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, reasonabls rent. 1 block off of Washington, between 1th and 17th. 550 Couch. FURNISHED front room alcove, nous-keeping; heat, hot and cold water, laundry; bachelor or marrriod couple. 4.5 Clay st. LIGHT clean, well-turnlshed housekeeping rooms to refined people; private home. 800 E. Salmon. E 1SH0. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooma with water: all conveniences; reasonablo. 853 12th at. Main 8643. SUITE completely furnished housekeeping rooms, walking aiaiance, iuuu-.. - Kearney. TWO or three unlurnlsnea no.i!o-i' y'a rooms, newly paintea anu pi-c.. NICELY furnished front mom. J .no Ier week; private nome. Liaiu. j. .. - ter heat. 414 Market st.. cor. 11th. CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished housekeep- lco- rooms: central, ltiil-.il. . - and Morrison. NEAT" housekeeping and sleeping rooms; steam heat. bath. 75 Grand N. 410 SALMON. I nicely lurninneo. rwu.a central, reasonaoie. DESIRABLE housekeeping ana sleeping rooms tor rent, ii .....v-i-TiL-r. Ti.-,ii.keeniiie rooms to adults. 00 Yamniii bi. x-imn ........ - TH P EE furnished rooms, tor housekeeping moms rates reasonable. Woodlawn nil. NICELY furnished nouseaeeping ruuuio. reasonable. 5 East 11th st. ONE nice front large iiouseneeping room. phono, batn. gas. .-1 L-i-m T.VCLE or suites: new and clean; bath, phones. 407 Holladay aye. CT FAN llirlit. furnished housekeeping rooms; Vas. yard; $12 50 month. 692 Front. SINGLE room, with gas plate, . Johnson. 306 5TH ST. Two neatly furnished house keeping rooms: gag, bath and phone. FURNISHED housekeeping room, gas, raugo, bath, phone, laundry. 165 N. IGth. GOOD, el-jan housekeeping room, cheap. Ih3 11th st- Houses. 4-ROOM house, 2 blocks from Union ave., between Mason and Skldmore, $13 per month. O-vner, 418 Corbett bldg. Phono Marshall 557, A 2644. 5r"0OM modem house, 630 East 17th St.; Tagcart st.. 1 block from W-W car; rent 38. Phone East 2500. FORRENT Eight-room house with large yard: near two carlines. Apply 745 E. Madison. Phono E. 377. WEST SIDE. Walking distance, thorough ly modern; eight rooma; yard; veranda. Apply 730 Everett. FOR tent; West Side. 8-room house, fur nace fixtures, shades. 7'. Corbett St., Key 7RS Corbett. Main 5036. FOR RENT Nice, clean 5-room cottage. 675 7th st. Inquire 354 Lincoln st. Phone Marshall 842. IRVINGTON 6-room bungalow, fine yard, on carllne. $35. East 4384. Main 33S5. FOR RENT it-room house. 482 Hall sr.. $27.50. Phone A 3192. 5-ROOM cottage. $25. 427 loth, near HaiL Inquire next door. MODERN 5-room cottage. 770 E. Couch St.; k.-y at 774 E. Couch. East 2371. 6-ROOM new modem house. 1391 Burraga SL St. Johns car. Woodlawn 1S28. A i