15 TITE MORNING OREGOXIAX. "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17. 1912. V v BIG LUMBER HILL SOLD RECE1YE11S OP GIUTS H.VRBOR flaxt get iisa.ooo. Creditor of Old Company to Bo Paid 0 Cent on the Dollar Adran tajre to itarkrt Seen. ABERDEEN. Waur). Jaa. 1- (Spe eds!) George L. I'lelta. lumberman of Detroit, Mich, and an extensive opera tor In the lumber Industry of Chetaalla County, thla rnoralns bought the hold In sa of the Union Mill Company, oca of the largest lumber concerns on Gray's Horbor. The plant recently went Into the hands of a receiver. Consideration mentioned In Uie transaction Is flM.OOO. The deal is considered by lumbermen ' of Orays Harbor as moat advantageous at this time, owing; to the present condition of the lumber market. As a result of the transactions creditors of the old company will receive about 90 cents on the dollar. The deal does not In clude the present stock of lumber nor the cash on band. Most of the stock was owned by M. R. Sherwood and Tom Pollard. The present valuation of the mill Included mill. land, property consisting; of the present site and the company's boom is valued at 1230.000. Orchard Region Lose 915,000. HOOD RIVER. Or, Jan. It. Reports -received today from outlying; districts put an estimated loss of 115.000 on farm buildings and fruit packing-houses by the recent heavy snowfall. The dam are, which was not confined to any particular district, was occasioned by weight of snow on roofs, which caved in or caused walls to bulge out. Heavy damage also is reported to young trees which wsre stripped of limbs as the crust of snow settled sround them. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally e Basilar. 'Una. He .. tie .. se wa ia I ell's ttreea. am ad three ftBwrpm in Same ma eu lrmtacee tlv tin cm kIimuww, t tm ma rmm ta eas eslive .a lh ee-lme sale (.It weed e-e-t ee ana a ,"" mtknnn aad ae m "" u 'r, VbrTr book advsrtt- .eets the rberge stll be eeee- tbe HUM tuM I,, aumtr of wards la wl H-e, J. New Team aU advert lee masHe sre charge by bmm e-lv. 14 Uaas te the 1"Vk abate rates apply le advertjaamaats trader -New Te-av- ell ee ciaauAca- tiana eseepll" Ihe felleert t l-Tlealloae VI sated. Male. . . , ..twl l asala. r 1 1 mm I'v.' - . O-egaelaa "" eiaaal BTii km .Hrn af the p., neat t.tephaae e Zmrlimnf. Saluatlaaa Wealed sad Pev-aea4-"lr-..t- -HI eat be aeretKe m.V? tba tel'pboea, Titers ee Ineer Sl JaW -III Vrptl fr la. , . inrthitM foe tle. -nawia ' v - -kMclii-UyMn" aaa "W .CCTIOX V4iX TODAY. Preliminary notice ef sale elegant furni ture of residence, details ta Bonder Ore so man. 8. L. N. Oilman, auctioneer. At Wilson's Auction Rooae, at 10 A. It Furniture. 17I-S-6 Second street. DIED. BAKER At the residence et fcwJ"."t?J' Mrs. Mary A- Boyd, wife Of Or. W. H. Pord. Williams avenue. January 1. Mrs. Catherine Baksr. wife of the late iloi Jobs O. Baker, of McSllanvtlle. aged ss Tears. T months, li day, a piooer of 14. Notice of funeral later. WARTIS Of 1105 Grant East. Jen. 16. James Wlln Martin. '1 3 years: re mains at the private reception room or tha Rest fide Funeral Directors. 414 fcaet Alder. Funeral annoonoement later. rmiAi Sonets. PEBKrXS The funeral eerrloes of Frank U. F.rklns will be nd today W edoe.4 . Jannarv IT. a 5 P. U. ttn the chapel nf Eeet 6lde Foneral Directors- Inter ment at S SO P. M. at Mount Scott Park. Portlsna-e larse new cemetery. Reached by either Ml Kcott er cesadero ears. -Tee aotomobtle eenice between Lents and ths cemetery. ANDERSON In thU city. January 1C Char lotte G. Anderson, wife of it C Anderson, and mother of th following children: F.ra May Laurel F.llsabeth and Arthur John Anderson; sister of Robert Godwin and Mrs J. B. De Vlney The funeral eerrtcea wl.l be held at wnn,3'" -"Ti at 1 P. H. Thursday. January IS. Frleutls Invited. Interment RlTervlew Cemetery. PERKINS Of l"W Division St.. Jan. 14. Frank U Perkins, aged 60 years. Fu neral will take place from the parlors of the East glie Funeral Dlreotors. ill East Alder and East 8:h at today t Wed nee day) Jan. li. S P- M. Friends respectful ly Invited, interment Mount Scott Cetne ter. BAIRD The fnneral aervlcee ef the Iste AllceM. Balrd will be held today. ed nVeday. January II. at S P. kl from the chapel of the Sk.wes rndertaklns Co.. earner 3d and Clay. Frlenda kindly In nted. Interment Klver View Cemetery. Fass tm.1 flowers. BREEV Ths funeral of ths late Timothy K Breeo wlU take place from Dunnlns ' McEnteee chapel Thursday. January i ai 1-4 A- M. ierlcee at the Cathe dral o'clock. Friends lnlted. inter ment Mount Calvary Cemetery. MEVDENHALX The funeral services of the Ute HafTlett E. Mendenhall will be held at the chspel of the Portlan.1 Crematorium at a I P. M. today (Wednesday). Frtrnds Invited. PFrsiSTEN The foneral services of the late C. perry penlsten will be held at Finley s ehaoel at 2 V. M.. today t Wednesday). Frtinda lavltad, interment Roe. City Cemetery. Unnnlag M MrFrrtea. Foaeval Ttb and fine. I baoe, Mala 430. Lady m atotanl. OtBre af lannty tereser. A K. ZEU.rH CO.. M WUUama aea, Phaae East lt. C ltf- Led atteodaaS. tilWARO il0LH..S CO, inaeral ltrec ara. 11 J at- Ler asalstant. I baae M. S1. j. v. iimev a d. n'J" Lady attendant, rnaoe siaja . - KAST MOB Kaneral ltre-or"-1. r a. IHinnlna. lae. E. St. B tiia. l.KKtll. Indertaker. ear. Faat Ald-e a4 Wmlfa. tart 11. B "r Hiw akrwe. I adertaklnc Casapajiy. Sd and Clay. Mala 4141. A Mil. Lady Attendant. : ;MT. SCOTT PARK: ; The Cemetary Beautiful I , l.4.Ri;r', rERMAEIT, , MODKRV PORT- , LAM OM.T MODKHX , CKMKTKHY Wiril PKKPETl'lL CAKK. 1 of all burial plots without extra ' charKe. Provided with a permanent ' Irreducible Maintenance Fund. Lo- ' cation ideal; Just outside the city ' limits on north snd west slopes of ' alount Scott, contalnicif 31a acres, a ' equipped with every modern con- venienco. e ! price to rrr Al.f, OF.RIK'G THB BEST. ' MILE MIITI1 OK L E T 5. REGTLAR A I'TOMOBILK ERV- ICE FKtli BKTHEKX 1. K ST D THE , IKMETtRi. li 11 CITT OFFICK, t:0-il T E O S ? BUILDING. MAIN 225. A 7084. ' CEMETERY OFFICE. TABOR 14: e HOiLE PHONE. RING B sill. THUS ' CAi-L LOCM. .0l. KUTLNQ KOTICZ4 I . " ITIfs For Ml-H.. For Eaie-l-arms. HAWTHORXFJ LOPOE, SO. .A . m uni.-aiiii. f . i iWednes- L?if day) evening at T:S0. Mssonle y Temple, impontnt ouiu-e S be reported upon. Alt members expected to be present. ora in me r dsree. All members of this degres especial ly invited to attend. . C. E. MTT.I.KR. Secretary. v A. A- 9. RITE Twenty- fifth eeml-annual reoalon proc ram ins for tomorrow; A. M . candidates sssembie for reslstrsuon: 10 A. M.. foorth. fifth and sixth degrees; S P. M.. ninth desree; g P. four teenth decree; P. M.. fifteenth decree. By order presiding of ficer. PORTT-AND- CHAPTER. NO. a. R. a. M Mtated convocation this . TX- ...nln, at 7 HO o'clock. Important buslneee will corns up at inis mwiui " PAST MASTER desree. and a full -.. jt i. '..irul V laltln companions waloome. M- K- APP, Sec WASHINOTOV LODGE. NO. 44. A. F. A.ND A. M. 6tated a COnllnUBJCtlioa tnts V r cv. umi.iw t J eeenlng. J:30. E. sth and Burn- side. M. at. oegrea. iaiiora welcome. J. H. RICHMOND. Bscrstary. LOTAL ORDER OF M008E Portland Lodse. No. 2ul. raeete every Wednesday nisbt at gwtse Rail, td and Jeffersoa si. Vial Una Moose Invited. WALTER M'GOVtRlf. 8eoretaJT. W. N. GATEN'3. Dictator. ROTAL CIRCLE. NO. 6S, WOMTIJf OF WOOPCRAFT. AND PORTLAND CAMP. NO. 10T. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Publlo Installation and dance given at the Woodmen Temple. No. 12 11th it, at S o'clock tonight. January 17. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. X I. O. O. F Regular meeUng this tWedneaday) evening at I o'clock, second degree. Visitors sl wsys welcome. R. OdVOLD. See. MAROl-ERITB CAMP. R. N. A., will rive their regular card party and dance Thurs day evening, the lith. Good time, good music lie GOLDEN RULE HIVE. No. IT. Ladles of the Macabees. meets the first snd third Thursday evening et each month In Helling- Hlrscu ball OREGON HUillANE SOCIETY ornrw i 1 1 hall. Mara ss, a Tsaa. HCSAsI OFFICER, nergeaat Orata. Residence, 14 E. 24th N. East SITS. R A. Dunmlre. Rea. SJg Wasco HU W. O. Eaton, Rea. It E. 14th. East l'ao. Horse Ambulance. A 101. Pr. Ex. 4. Kis-lits, Sundays and Holidays. A IlHi Pr, Kx. A Trunk T. JVKW TODAY. For Sale TTEST SIDE. New Three Story Brick Building FIVE TEABS' SECURED LEASE. PAYING 25 PER CENT ON" CASH INVESTilENT. Ellis & Snyder 603 Board of Trade. H0,000 Investment paying over 18 Per Cent. Net An elegant apartment-houM, nearly new, latest stylo, partly furnished and beautifully located, in easy walking; distance, Knob llill district; every apartment rented to permanent ten ants. Income $333 a month. $30,000, easy terms. Intending purchasers, no "agents, address: Owner, D 739, Oreonian. Corner 50x100 0G BLOCK FROM nAWTHORXE, THHEll BLOCKS FROM GRAM) AVIS. Coming; business property; fine for apartment-house NOW. Income enough to carry tt. Don't it look pretty arood at 480OT If It does, then come and learn more about It. for. If taken now, we can de liver It at HSftO, all cash. 0. C. R. Hlis & Co. ROfe-Sia lleax Fids;. Specials Today TO LOAX. fSO.eoe at per cent: no dtarge for title examination. rOB 0ALX1 giee.eoe for oalneas property setting per cent. $43,004) for apartment -house netting 19 per cent. Rave client who will Invest SSO.OOO or SS0.0OO la Income business property or will build as apartmeat-houee under lease. R. H. BLOSSOM. SIS t ham her of Ceeomeree. Genuine Bargain OS SALEM ELECTRIC LIXE. 5Ein MF.TTGER STATIOV. Tea acres, beautiful building; site, near carllne, only 4 milea from city limits. $324 per acre. This must be sold. J. S. HALL, 417 Ablagtoa II ulldlas. FOR LEifS. S400 d- ft. of floor space on Ponrth at., between Alder and Morrison, to Irase for a period o H veare: Just tbe p. ace for a -printing or manufacturing estab llsnmsnt. DB TOtNO JOHNSOff. 61 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANi Cpf JOHN L CBOSJUI, ncfn J O BUZ Saaldlag atldav 9 V Apartment Site SOxluo on Twenty-sixth and Belmont. Prtt-e 13750. Terms. Phone E. 2H2. MORTGAGE LOANS On Business -Rf- gj- kylr f simovds, lf J C41S Hoard ef Trade Bdsr. t J LOANS On Real Estste. GEORGE 11- THOMAS, Rooas 2, A las worth Blds Sd aad Oak. COLLIS, BERR1DGE at THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 324 Worcester Block. Pkoae Slala 37 19 13 Grand Tronk Paclfio R. R. will '' tleted. bar now. Brltiih Columbia farm nds. Prices are going up. We are selling lend la ths Bulkier Valley. Fort George. Fraaer Valley country and the Necheco Val ley. Write for booklet on this last and best West. Address North Coast Land Company. Ltd. 1011 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Port land. Phone Main 227. Main office. Jjen eouver. B. C Paid-up capital. tl. Sou. OOP- REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Berk, William G- S16-31S Falling bldg. BRCBAKLH BK.NalDICX. K2 McKay bldg. M- S4Sl ' Ch.pin A Herlosr, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. Co., 60S Corbett bldg. Jennings Co. Main 1SS. 20 Oregonlan. PALMtR-JONES CO, a. P- 404-406-4V4 Wtlcoa bldg. The Oregon Keal Estate Co.. Grand ta and Maltnamah su tHolladay Addition). RE AX ESTATE. Far Bale Lata, NOTICE. VOTICE is bereby given thst the TEJ PEB CEM DISCOUNT will be removed from all Inside lots In Besumont Janu ary 22 191:1. Every modern Improvement. Including cluster street lights, parkin planted to lawn, shade trees and rose bushes. Building restrictions the best. Prices CHEAPEST on the two snd one half circle. TEKMS the best. Pt.c'a' proposition to builders. OVER SIXTY HOLStS In six moirths. Many Uomes for sals by PRIVATE PAKTI En. Go out and look them over. Deal with the owners If yon villi. We will build you a home TO BUIT. 6mail payments. COSTS NOTH ING to call and see us and talk the mat ter over. If you wish to see HEAL MONT. TAKE BEAUMONT CAR on d and Alder, Sl-atreet loop, and go to end of line. Odlce p nones Main 89O0. A 110 BSAuSlO.NT LAND COMPANY. Ground Floor Board of Trade Bldg. CIIOICK LOTS. AT VERY BKAJONAULK FIGURES AND GOOD TERMS. 96 East Uth street bard-surfacs pavement; cash, deferred pay ments 11 or lis a month. Several lota in Eager s Addition, on Woodstock carllne. in the vicin ity of Reed Institute; graded streets; can be bought with S10 up wards as first payment; l per month, with 7 per cant Interest on deferred payments. ISIO tuxloo on Willis boulevard. 8U Johns carllns. . li0 luoaioo. East Madison and list $260 cash. Hi per month. 00 euslOO. East Mia street North; 150 cash. ft to -m 100. East Sth street North; 0 oaah. terms to suit. OTTO At HAsKSON KEALTT CO.. 1S8S Plrst Street. BEND. OREGON. Tbe one town In Central Oregon where the Hill and Herri man railroads spent IjS.OCxj.iXKI to reach; the one town In Central Oregon that haa all the natural reeources that ever maue a city anywhere tn America. For a short time you can bay close-in residence and business lots SvxlSO direct from the owners at uo Terms are SIO per month. Call or write today for FHblbl maps and pbotosraphs of Bend and Central Oregon. THE NEWLON-KOLLER CO., Inc. SOI Buchanan Bldg.. Portland. Or. UN WEST SIDE Tine 60x100 ft. lot. close la and suit able for apartment bouse. South of Washington su. price only t!Koi cash. For further partlcuiara regarding the above as well aa others, call on the Realty department of C F. Pflueger a Co., suite 12 and 14 Mulkey bldg.. cor. 2d snd Morrison- CHEAP LOTS. WILLAMETTE ADDITION. CuxiOO. on 87th su. 3&o; louxluo. on Sdth. tlDAO; 100x100. on 30th. Tuw; lOus 1j0. on oith. near KUUngsworth ave., oO; third cash on any of those; cheapest lota In Portland today. UHl'SSI a HOLDS. SIS Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. IBi Canadian pacifls Railway's Installation ef new paclfio Coast terminala at Coqulc lam represents In the New City your op portunity. Our lets bOO feet from the sta tion, piles 4oO. Writs for circulars. Mo phsrsoa l-ullerton Bros.. Vancouver, British Columbia. LOT IN LADD'S ADDITION. OPPOSITE PARK. $4O0 BELOW ITS PRESENT MAR KET VALUE. OUR MONTHLY PRINTtD LIriT OP BARGAINS WILL INTalliEaT 1UU. (jET A COPY. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, ;2 MOHAWK BUILDING. IN PIEDMONT. The best and cheapest lot in thla addi tion; SloliS cash. Thla week only; sacri fice to raise money. Nellan a Parkhlll. 6Q9 Spalding bldg. 110 DOWN, 10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot; mstured fruit trees; re stricted district, near car; cement walksw pull Run water. 202 Board of Trade bids. Pbone Marshall 473. A 102X C008 BAT. Private party has a few Coos Bay lots for sale; eav terms; special barsaln In these lots. -AS Ry. Kxch. bldg. Marshall 2&s. ask for Tyler. PORTLAND UL1UHTS EJCCLUSI VELI. Beautiful homes and homesltea. aU views, locations and prices; can suit rota Mala IHL BROOKE A ! 1(0 CAN be saved on a Parkross acre, close to carllne. If taken at onoe; JliOO takes It; el2-0 la ths pries all have paid. O 727. Oregonlan CHOICE corner, lovxioo, for aale by owner. East 2th and Division sta.; sd uslnes property, will sell cheap. Inquire Z2Q Ablngton bldg. J11S0 IRVINGTON 1350. Beautiful lot on paved street, near car. Easy terms 814 Couch bldg. IRVLNOTON snap. 50x100. 18th, next to cor ner Knott; fltOO; must soil. Owner, 601 Drkum bldg. MUST HAVE CASH. Will sell my Broadwsy lot regardless ef value. 343 East 87m N. ROBSMERE. Lot 60x100. a bargain; must selL 1040 Hancock st MT. TABOR SECTION. Bargain In large levol view lots; es st front. AP T&. Oregonlan. EOl'ITY In Laurelhurst lot; will allow lib eral discount If taken at once. L 7S1, Ora gonlsn. 60x100. FACING Alberta St.. 57S; snap. Howard, oua pwensna piue. WILL sell corner, 43d and Hawthorne, 4ix 60; J-'iSO. Phone Tabor 2227. For Sale Hoe IRVINGTON HOME. 16011 CASH. New j-story 7-room house ss follows: lArge reception bait living-room with fireplace and built-in bookcases, dining room with built-in buffet, paneled wslis and beamed celling: these three rooms have hardwood floors; Dutch kitchen, white enameled, with plenty of cabinet space: three large bedrooms each having a closet with window; large sleeping porch: bathroom, linen closet, attic full sine of bouse, floored and plastered; full cement basement with furnace; woodllft and laundry trays, lhe house facea east on a 60x100 lot. AU Improvements are In Including sewer, gss. electricity, cement walks and paved streets; balance payable to suit. Call Main n or A 1191. J. V. GUTHRIE. 27J Stark. HANDSOME 7-room home In Sunnyslde, thoroughly modern snd very handsomely finished Interior; corner lot; best esr serv ice la cltty. Large Uvlng-room. dlnlng room, den. kitchen, S sieeplng-rooms with sleeping porch; hardwood floors, full base, ment and furnace; handsome fireplace. Beautiful home, for 760. terms easy. Lueddemann ft Burke. VJ1 Electric bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Nearly new 6-room bungalow; furnace, fireplace, doubly conatructed and all lat est bullt-ln effects; street Improvements sll paid; on East 17th ft, near Weldler; price S4S00; tlOOU cash and 1 30 per month. GRUSSI ft HOLDS, gl e Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. ONE of the best 6-room bungalows on blast Taylor at.; large attic, cement basement, some fins fruit trees; modern In every nartlcular and a good buy. PEALS ft ROBINSON. 81 E. 11th St. E. B02S. ACCOUNT sickness, sscriflce besutlful Rlch- mona uv.au borhood; cheap, unincumbered lot accepted part payment; Investigate Immediately. Phone owner, Barney. Main 2500. DAnU UT' VII ll t XX.' mmw and modern, on E 63d. bet. Madison and salmon, will take good lot as first navmenU Main 2573. T-KOOM borne on sightly lot East 83d St.; will sell on easy tui e-o-u or give a liberal discount for cash. Call 414 opal dlnc HOI UNO down. $30 month, covering 7 per cent tnteresfc, , ..,vud, u " " , m blocks from car, Irvlngton district JitOft. phone owner, Main -P. mornings. &3000 eoulty In e-room Irvlngton home, val lud at 1T!0. trade for smaller house. T 770. Oregonlan. a -NAP Swell 8-room modern bungalow, Essl Flsnders! eSiOO. terms. F. Dubois, 12f3 Yeon bldg. ' H. N. SWANK. SOS Ablngton bldg.. sells aesy bungalows Terms like rent. ,400 Modern 5-room bungalow, $1800; horns broken;' terms. Owner, t2 E. 21st Kortb. i .1 I FOR A QUICK SALE. I have a fine -room house tiat must be sold In the next 10 days. This house haa large rooms all lathed and plas tered with tinted walls, large pantry, all built-in conveniences. nine large batn and toilet, electric lighted upstairs and down with fixtures all In. House on Eood cement wall. Basement under one alf of the house. Just 1 blocks from good carllne. Now for a quick sals I sm going to offer this beautiful home with fine Iwt 80x100 ft-, all for the small sum of $2230. With only J3o0 cash, the bal ance bv the month UWe rent. Now I am selling houses right along and it does seem to me that these places must appeal to any one that Is paying rent year after year. Why not have a home of your own and pay for it with your rent money? Phone M. 2S9L TKUMBLE ft SILVER BASE LINE LAND CO.. 404 Ry. EX. Bldg. I Portland, Oregon. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME Beautiful new home of 8 large rooms, reception hall, sleeping balcony and fin ished attic; thoroughly modern In all re pects; hardwood floors throughout; re ception hall and full-length sitting-room are finished In oak. balance of lower floor IS. natural fir. and upper floor In old Ivory; big closets with windows, hesvy brass hardware: beautiful fireplace and furnace heat; garage; block of car. In best part of Irvlngton. Must be sold, as owner . is leaving city. This Is the best buy In this high-class residence district. R. F. BRYAN, Main 1963 f05 Cham, of Com. A 122T. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME. Beautiful new home of 8 large rooms, reception hall, sleeping balcony and fin ished attic; thoroughly, modern In all re spects: hardwood floors throughout; re ception hall and full-length sitting-roorn are finished In oak, balance of lower floor In natural fir, and upper floor in old Ivory; big closets with windows, heavy brass hardware: beautiful fireplace and furnace heat; garage; block of car. In best part of Irvlngton. Must be sold, ss owner Is leaving city. This is the best buy In this high-class residence district. R. F. BRYAN. Mnln 1P6.1. 605 Cham, of Com. A 122T. A GOOD 6-room bungalow, well built; full cement bsmont. cement walks and steps, laundry trays, large bathroom, first-class plumbing; sewer, water, electric lights, large finished attic; all rooms tinted, oak floors In living and dining-rooms; only 15 mtn. out on WW carllne and In tbe com ing big factory district; there Is no mortgage on this place and you can buy It for $2600. $100 cash, bal. mo. pay ments; this Is an easy way to secure a good home. E. A. McGrath. 331 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. 6-ROOM house: fireplace, basement, fur nace, gas, electric light, full lot; East Yamhill, near J8th; pleasing surround ings; fair pries and easy terms. 8-room house; basement, sttlc, furnace, corner lot; East 13th and feaimon; only $Jt0 cash to handle this. 10-room house, full lot, f.iir Income; only 10 blocks from 6th and MorrUos South; saay terms I. U. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. MR. LOT OWNER! -. HEP B IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE TOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT. WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST. PLANS FURNISHED FREE IT WILL PAY YUO TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. 8 ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. A SPLENDID HOME BUY. Besutlful o-rouia residence In Ladd Additloti. only 10 minutes from business center; must be soid at once, as owner Is leaving city; It was built for a home and lias every home convenience, Includ ing sleplng porch, nreplacee, furnace, hardwood Doors and big front porch; 3 blocks frotn car; price attractive. AS 737, Oregonlan. ' WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS SNAP. Nice 7-room house, furnace, fireplace, doubly constructed, 4 bedrooms; lot &ox 100, with street Improvements sll paid; on Vsughs St., near $3d; price $iiou: $1000 cash and $25 per month. Not many snaps like this on tbe West Side. GRUSSI ft BOLKd. 818 Board of Trado bldg.. Sth and Oak. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. TLANS FRE'S IP WE BUILD. OUR . REPUTATION TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTONBLD. ONLY $500 CASH. Good -room modern house, nearly new and over one-half acre of ground: Im proved streets, cement sidewslk, good lo cation, near carllne: about 35 minutes' ride from 6th and Washington; fine place for chickens or garden; only $500 cash re quired. Address AC, P. O. box 406, oity. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house. In Laurelhurst; 3 fireplaces, large sleeping-porch, bullt-la refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, fire less cooker, built-in wardrobes, etc.; cor ner lot 76x90. east front, besutlful view; $7300; $5oo cash, balance easy monthly payments. Provident Investment ft Trus tee Co., 201-202-2'3 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 47S. A 1022. ON WEST SIDE Fine 60x100 ft. lot, close In and sult sble for apartment house. South of Washington St., price only $0000 cash. For further particulars regarding the sbovs as well as others, call on the Realty department of C. F. Pflueger ft Co., suite 12 and 14 Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and Morrison. WEST SIDE HOME. Owner is forced to sacriilce his West Side borne In best residence section of city; bardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, fur nace, den, library, bllllard-rooin; pave ment paid for and every convenience; price below cost. AO 710. Oregonlan. LOT FREE I am only asking $3200 for this new 8-room bungalow; beam and papered dining-room, fireplace, seat, buffet, book case, and a 25-foot living-room, on Rose City Park carllne. It cost $311o0 to build this bungalow. W. C Carpenter. 629 Hen ' ry bldg. Meln 8o91. Tabor 2203. l-BOOH bungalow, furnace, fireplace. bufTet, bookcases, hardwood floors, gas. eleo trlclty. good view. Rose City Park, a blocks from carllne, $3830. easy terms. Provident Investment ft Trustee Co.. 20L 202. 208 Board of Trade bldg. Mafnhsll 473. A 1022. " MUST BE SOLD. Owner will sell modern 6-room house In fine location, close In on East Side, at two-thirds actual value, if taken at once; If you hsve $1000 cash to Invest, see this niece Immediately snd you will look no further. Address AD. P. O. bog 495. BEAUTIFUL 6-room cottage on East 9th at.- beamed ceilings, paneled dining-room, bui'lt-ln buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, flreplaos. 'Ibis Is strictly modern snd a bargain at tbe price asked. PEALS ft -tOBINSON, 861 E. 11th St. E- o023- FIVE and six-room homes, fireplaces, bard wood floors, furnaces, with all bulit-la modern conveniences; near carllne; all atraet Improvements psld; monthly . pay ment plan. Provident Investment ft Trustee Co.. 201. 202. 2US Board of Trade bldg Phone Marshall 473. A 1022. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $30 cash, balance $20 per month, dandy new 6-room bungalow, only 2 blocks from Hawthorne ave. Now I say this is mod ern and the best buy in this district. If you ses It you will buy It. Phone Tabor !iA'l HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. S2UV uaBn. 1 rooms, bullt-ln buffet, bookcases, fur nace fireplace; price $3800; terms, cash t 'oo: balance $1S per month. National Realty ft Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Com- merce bldg. Phone Main 6129. CALIFORNIA. BUNGALOW. SOxftO lot. close to Hawthorne avo., hardwood floors and every modern detail. Absolutely r.glit and worth $3500. Will take 3-i0 and make terms to suit. Tabor 2S&2. i .fv irii i. vni: aw ui the most perfectly built modera boms In Irvlngton. 10 rooms, finished In oak, lot 90x100. Call np C 186d, East 278. No agents W. ri. nerqman. 8-ROOM house, $1050, $50 down, $16.o0 per month, T per cent Interest. 4-roora house, $1S50, $50 down. $1950 per month. 7 per cent intereet. For par- .j.... V TttT rircnnlnii. licuiars mu"" .". .-o $SO0 CASH, new 6-room bungalow, lot 40x 100, 4 blocks to car, 25 minutes out, best line In city: price 11750. HIGLE.Y a; tfianur. .io- mm o- I AM tbe owner of s new, modern seven room house; will sell for $100 down, bal ance on easy paymenta. or will trade my equity, price a..-v. " v . IP you are looking for a home, I have a very attractive 5-room bungalow which you may have cheap, aa I sm leaving town. Call 1029 E. Uarnsyi. TROOM houae, Rossmere. 42d St.; all Im provements, furnace, fireplace, fruit trees, berries; $5000, terms. 320 Worcester bldg IRVINGTON New home, T rooms and bath. -Strict! modern. r,2Zi0. Including all as- sessments. easy terms Oanu. s25 Yeoa bldg. Phone Main 113 850 CSH, $10 per month, 4 rooms. lot 4Dt100, 1 block Mt. Scott car. $1000. HIULBT ft BU.H0P. 132 Third SL L, V A ! 'T I t'l'L WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME Lot 76x100. Unobstructed view of city river and mountains. Thorougniy modern In every detail. Rooms large and splendidly arranged. Largo living-room aid dining-room. 4 big sieeplng-rooms, kitchen, view porches, full cement base ment, fireplace, and furnace; reinforced concrete garage. Fine lawn and rose bushes. A bargain at $11,000. Trms If desired. Lueddemann & Burke. 921 Elec tric buldg. Phone Marshall 228L $30 MONTHLY buva 6-room modern home. 327 Mohawk bldg. Tabor 2029. For gale Business Property. NEW BUSINESS BLOCK. On Grand ave., income nearly $10,wo a year, which will be Increased later under present lease; price $110,000; reasonable terms; might consider good first mortgage as part payment. AX,VORD-CARR-HTJNTER CO.. 219-221 Board of Trade. JOHNSON ST., NEAR 23D. $87.10 cash buys a fine apartment site, 60x100, on Johnson St.. 'close In; some Income: price $7760; this property Is worth $2500 more than we ssk for It. E. J GEISER, 420 Chamber of Commerce, 24 PER CENT ON AN INVESTMENT OSP $7000 AND TAKE CARE OF BALANCE -PRICE $12. 000. FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION. ZIMMERMAN. 310 BOARD OF TRADE APARTMENT-HOUSE LEASED FOR 6 TEARS FOR $o00 PER MONTH: PRICE $50,000, TElRMn. ZIMMERMAN, 81Q BOARD OF TRADE For Bale Acreage. WE HAVE A FEW CHOICE 6 and 10-acre tracts, only 6 min utes' walk from electric station: you must see these to appreciate them; the soil Is the best of dark loam with just enough sand to make It easy to culti vate and at ths same time make If very productive. It is adapted to fruit and berries of all kinds. And there Is no better soil for potatoes and all kinds of vegetables In Oregon. Now with tbe locstlon right and aoll the very bast and the price below anything situated as this is. we know If you are looking for something of this kind wa can please you. J. E. TRL'MBLE. BASE LINE LAND CO., 404 Ry. Ex. Bldg.. Phone M. 2891. Portland, Or. RUSH. RUSH. "SOMETHING FINE." IS beautiful acres, finely Improved: ele gant homea surrounding; T miles Court house, 6 blocks electrio station: span horses, cows, 250 chickens, many tons hay. wheat, oats, 25 cords wood, potatoes, vegetables, kale, fine orchard, wagons, buggies, all kinds machinery, tools -orth -hundreds of dollars. Call and get more complete Information. Price everything $9000. Take Portland home up to $30o0. clear, some cash, long time on balance. BEEKER, 25 hi Morrison Sl, room 12. Phone Main 1508. ACRES on sidewalk, six blocks from Fourth St. line of Southern Pacific road soon to be electrified. Only 4 mile from site of proposed new Technical Institute and only 40 minutes ride from center of City, this for $400 per acre and upon monthly payment plan. . Get In ahead of these Improvements snd make ths sdvance In value. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main S3 103 Fourth at, A 8500 6 ACRES. Enough cordwood to pay for clearing; fins soil, plenty of wster; well located and close to Portland. First payment $40; $3 per month thereafter. PACIFIC N. W. DEV CO., INC, 405 Couch Bldg. HIGH-CLASS ACREAGE HOME. One acre on Oregon City carllne, two blocks from oar. best of soil, seven-room modern house, no better built house in Portland; electrio lights, fine water under pressure: house has every built-in conveni ence. Chicken-house and tankhousa, built first class: If you are looking for a first class suburban home with city con venlencea do not fall to see this; terms on part and the price is right. JACOB HAAS, 40$ Yeon Blflg. 6 ACRES of timber northwest of city, convenient to new St. Johns free ferry, tne cordwood from this will sell for enough, on the penin sula, to pay for the land, price, $160 per acre and upon monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35102 Fourth St. A 850 hit ACRES on Tualatin River, 12 miles south of Portland, Salem Electrio across center or place. sbout t one-hair ciearea, nnesi oi rf,pv nih Or WOUld soil cut into 5-acre tracts with large profit, must be sold to-close bank rupt estate. Call on W. A. Bhaw, Trustee, 102 Fourth street CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland; rich walnut, frutt - and garden land; only smsll cash pay ment, balance pays for ltseif In products now on the land, which we sccept snd are tba only people making this liberal offer. FIRLAND TRUST COMPANY. 806-8 Spalding Bldg. CHICKEN and FRUTT RANCHES near Portland: a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices; best soli; fine view; wood, water and roads; 6 acres. $400 per tract; 10 A., $500; 20 A.. $$00; 40 A.. $1200; 80 A $2000; 160 A., $300; liberal terms; lnves- FRANK M' F A R LAND REALTY CO.. 3u9 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE 40 acres of fine land adjoining City of McMinnvllle, all in cultivation, 80 acres In commercial orchard 3 years old; 6-room house, barn, horse, wagon, furniture, Im plements. $12,500. Terms or will trade for income property. BLOCH REALT TCP.. 206 Alder st. TEN seres beaverdam land, under irriga tion and ready for crop; best for onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoes, etc; river and rail transportation: nothing better anrwbere: low price and easy payments. Investigate. 612 Couch bldg.. 109 4th at. L 2 8 AND 6-acre tracts, close-in, suburban property; good electric car service; $100 to $400 per acre; easy terms. J-.w- UeI ZerllD rteaity - 40 ACRES. 14 miles easi oi i ny nii; - acres of young orchard; $350 per acre. Main 9008. B 723. Oregonlan. PARK ROSE, acre, very choice, no brush, near car; $1350. $360 cash, balance terms. 430 Union sve. N. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre up larKO ana iiuhh . ft Stampfer. 831-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. 10 ACRES fine soil, car and water through It. $1760, terms. 1203 Yeon bldg. Lt ACRES near Lents; sale or trade. Rob ert A Miller. 833 Worcester bldg. LAND $20 per acre; $2 cash. $1 per month. 410 Ry. Exchange.. For Sale Fruit Lsataa. OV 8. P. R. B-. which will be electrified this Summer. 29 miles from Portland and ix mile from Yamhill, all In growing crop lies those beautiful 10-acre Good rich' orchard tracts; Ideal for all kinds of fruits, vegetables, berries and poultry raising; you get one-third of this year's crop delivered at R. R. free of charge; price $1-5 to $250 per acre. 610 Roth child bldg. Marshall 893L IF you want a good fruit ranch, call and get our prices; $100 per acre, on the rail road, "too. ' DIAMOND. GRANT ft CO., 004 jjoara or. iraue. WANTED Improved or unimproved irri gated or wheat land In exchange for im proved Hood River orchard. W. S. Farrla, Hood River, Or. ; FOR SALE1 80 acres, splendid fruit land. 38 acres planted to apples. Just coming Into bearing; $12,000. O 724, Oregonlan, " For- Sale Farms. SALT River Valley, Arizona, offers best in ducement In soil, water, climate and busl- . ness openings, farming year round 81$ clear days in year; alfalfa, sugar bests, citrus fruits, sll grains- Writs Glendaia lArlsona) Board of Trade. FOR SALE Dairy ranch, stock, house, barn, horses and wairon; terms. DIAMOND. GRANT & CO.. 504 Board of Trade. jiCH 00 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electrio line; bargain (or all cash, by owner. 183 Morrison su $4500 FROM 13 V4 ACRES PRUNES THIS TEAR. Thirteen acres prunes -adjoining townsite of Los Molinos paid $4500 this year. An SO-acre Bartlett pear orchard paid $3l.o and has averaged $350 an acre for 15 years. Cherries and English walnuts are even more profitable. Olives can be sold 10 years In advance at $100 a ton on the tree. Average yield of full bearing Irri gated orchard, 8 to 6 tone per acre. Larg est vineyard and second largest winery In world adjoins Los Molinos. Oranges ripen 6 weeks earlier than in Southern California and so are absolutely safe from freeze, besides being first on market Second peach county In California. Straw berries all Winter; also 16 varieties Winter vegetables. A silt-loam Boil 20 feet deep. Gravity irrigation enough water to cover acre 63 Inches deep during year. Alfalfa, 10 tons per acre. Best district in Califor nia for dairying and hogs. Land going fast. Very easy terms. Write today to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, Los Molinos, Calif. DON'T WAIT 6 YEARS. BUT CALIFORNIA FULL-BEARING ORCHARDS. MONEY BACK. IF NOT SATISFIED. $90.00 cash and $30.00 per month buys five acres with full bearing fruit trees in the famous Bldwell Orchards at Chl co. California. Payments Include inter est and taxes. Your money back if not satisfied upon Investigation. The Bldwell Orchards are the most noted and pro ductive in the wonderful Sacramento Val ley of California. It'a our confidence in this land that prompts this generous offer. We've peaches, prunes, almonds, apri cots snd Bartlett pears. Buyers railroad fares, not exceeding $26.00. will be cred ited on purchase price. Land adjoins ths thriving town of Chico (14,000 pop.) (References: Any bank of Chico, Ameri can National Bank of San Francisco and First National Bank of San Leandro.) Send for valuable information and facts to Bldwell Orchards, Inc., Chico. Cal. TAMHILL COUNTY. OREGON. Fertile, Beautiful. Fast Electrio Service, 1912-18. Hop Farms. Fruit, Dairy and Stock. Poultry Ranches. Summer Homes In Scenic Country. For Information address J. A- CUNNINGHAM, Carlton, Oregon. 320 ACRES. 820 acres. 180 in fine state of cultiva tion, in wheat, oats. etc.. 100 acres tim ber, balance pasture, every foot of this place can be put in cultivation, absolutely no rock or gravel, deep black soil, some good bottom land with a running stream of water, and two wells. S acres bearing orchard, a good 8-room house, barn, well fenced and on main county road. 2H miles from railway station, 1-3 of this year a crop goes with place. This farm was ap praised by the state at $62 per acre and inade a loan of $3000 on same. My price Is $45 per acre: will consider a good house and lot as part payment, or $4500 cash and balance to suit you. W. C HARDING LAND CO., 80 4th St. Board of Trade bldg. W Lr.r, ... $125 per acre; only three minutes' walk from the electric station; $125 per acre: less than one mile from the city limits. Yes, read It over again, so you will be sure you have made no mistake. Then come to 404 Ry. Exchange building and we will tell you all about It. Phone M "89L TRUMBLE SILVER. 404 Ry. Ex. Bldg., Portland. Oregon. 70 ACRES, with very fine set of buildings, modern bouse, complete water system; building only 4 years built; land all clear, and only 10 miles from Portland Courthouse; an Ideal country borne, and at a spe cial price. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Msln 35. 102 Fourth st. A 8500. FOR SALE. 320 acres. 25 acres level. 60 acres roll ing, 2 acres in rutabagas, 30 in hay. 2,000.000 feet saw timber (fir), 70 fruit trees, apples, pears, etc.; 5-room house; barn 40x42 feet; school It, miles, town 2 miles, 8 horses, 9 cows, 9 young heifers, 1 bull and all farming Implements; price $6500, $3000 cash, balance at 6 per cent interest. R, W. Pepin, Chitwood, Or., Lin coln County. FINE farm of 26 acres near Beaverton: this Is a beautiful piece of property and an ideal spot for a country home: It Is high ly improved with modern buildings: own er is a non-resident and anxious to sell; price Is away below market. THE WESTERN SECURRITIES CO., 414 Spalding Bldg. Miscellaneous, "jest what you want. Free mans and photographs of Bona and Central Oregon upon request. Ca.l or write today. THE NEWLON-KOLLER CO.. Inc., 301 Bucnanan dug., rmnauu, - BIX RAILROADS now building to Eugene. Or. For full particulars and Eugene real estate, write Geo. Melvln Miller, real es tate. Eugene, Ot. Established 18S2. TO EXCHANGE. 10 ACRES, all In cult., water paid, best of soil, buildings, will exchange for house or farm. 10-room new modern house for farm. Cigar and conf. for house or acreage. Several good trades for autos. Timber land for Portland property. Apartment-house for lots or farm. 160 4. near Estacada for house and lot. Drug store for farm lots, and some cash. GARLAND ft BARSNESS. 191 4th St. FOR 6ALE OR TRADE, BY OWNER. A country inn; 18 milea from Eugene. Or hotel, store and feed barn, stock in voiced SSO0. property $4000. I can furnish Invoice and pictures of property. Would trade for good rooming-house or city property, or stock of mdse. No In cumbrance except $600 on mdse. Will not trade for Incumbered property. 1 will be at St. Johns. Or., a week or 10 days. A. T. Brewer, care S. C. Cook. West Side apartment, close in; well fur nished, and all apartments occupied; rea sonable rent. 5-year lease. We can take a small cash payment and take good real estate for balance. This Is a good buy and a money-maker. Price 19000. 818 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak I tjavE $10,000 worth of real estate con tracts, half paid up. that I will exchange a first payment on large tract of land in Oregon or Washington; land must bo cheap and close to railroad. Contracts all held by Portland people. All paying up in good shape. Will discount for cash. R 665, Oregonlan. 160-ACRE farm, all plow land, with run ning water, good house, barn, granary, chicken-houses, etc.: buildings insured for $3500; equity of $7000 to trade for resi dence property same value or more; will pay cash oinerence. - v."imu HIGHLY IMPROVED 10-acro ranch, 4 milea Hood River, Or.; apples 2 to 7 years old 10-room house; water system, cost $1350- price $15.0O0. Want good grocery, house and balance cash; terms. O (23, Oregonian. 1T200 EQUITY in Olmsted corner lot for cheap lot or bungalow; $1800 equity In 27 acres at Newberg for Portland property; home In Irvlngjon for bungalow or vacant lots. Inquire of Pike. 848 y Washington st. Will turn in all or part 120xl50-foot corner, Mt. Tabor district; hard-surface street, at $4000. Will assume mortgage or l. V. .. 1 n n r"n- n ... nnlv pay caau wa.qj.wq. ........ j . 20 ACRES right on the S. P. Ry.. close to station; 10 acres first-class bottom land, 19 acres in cultivation; will trade for city property. 01 tjnamowr or vuiiimci o. I HAVE aa equity of $1500 la a new, mod- ern 7-room nouse vaiueu. i trade for equivalent value. AT 739, Ore gonlan. HIGH-CLASS furniture for six rooms: will exchange for equity In lot at Laurelhurst, Irvlngton or other, good location. AT 737, Oregonian. WILL exchange Improved Hood River or chard for improved or unimproved. Irri gated or wheat land; Crook Co. preferred. W. S. Farrls. Hood River. Or. 64(5 ACRES improved. Joining Ephrata, county seat of Grant County, Washington, to exchange for city residence.. P. W. Lambert. 86 3d st. FOR SALE or exchange, all or any part of $12 000 stock of fine merchandise; all rjooula'rly priced; new goods; . exchange i 1 X 70. ririroniaT, I OT gPOO icq. - r, WHAT have you to exchange for a good cigar store, long lease and good stock and fixtures. W 721. Oregonian. CLOSE-IN acreage, with or without build ings to trade for good desirable residence property. 408 Corbett bldg. gE E Becker's ad. "something fine." under acreage. HAVE modem bungalow. I want farm land or Umber. Owner East 274L CHAS. RINGLER ft CO. ,t 3000 Bungalow, new, modern, CLEAM OP INCUMBRANCE, some CASH, for a small farm close to railway and Portland. $7500 bo-acre farm on Mount Hood Ry.. improvements $3000; big orchard: mtg. $3000. at 5 per cent: equity for Portland vacant or improved property. . , . $9500 worth of Portland and vicinity rea. estate: will put in some cash fof good farm not too far from Port land and railway. $10,000 stock merchandise, business lot and building, in best town in East ern Oregon, new railroad building; will trade for Portland Improved property up to $20,000 and put up difference in cash. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 211 Lewis Bldg. 32 ACRES good Idaho laud, clear, $4000 for city property. 6-room house. $3500, clear, for closc-in acreage. ' 5-room house, clear, for rooming-house, $1200. 20 lots in good Oregm town for rooming-house: will take good diamonds. 160 acrea good la.nl. good timber, o million feet; Lane County; $5000, for house and lot . , Good up-to-date apartment-house to trade for store; $13,000. 17-room rooming-house, absolutely first class and paying well, tor acreage; 81.0 M. C. REED CO., 617 Board of Trade. Main 4675. SOME DANDY TRADES. 820 acres unimproved land, some good timber, fine stream; 30 acres partially Im proved, fine fruit land; 20 acres hair cleared; all close to Mt. Hood carllne, 40 acres close to White Salmon, beauti fully situated; all or any of the above for Portland property. . Good 8-room house on E. 8th st,. comer lot to trade for small house and two lots close to car in suburbs. Westmoreland lot to apply on new bungalow. VANDTJYN & WALTON, 515 Chamber of Commerce. 17-ROOM rooming-house, near center of Portland. Rent, $00; price $1200; will take $500 cash. bal. Columbia Orchard bonds, or will trade for first mortgage. A-l proposition. Call 313 Lumberman's tsiag. WILL TRADE FOR GOOD BUSINESS. DE YOUNG i JOHNSON. 514 Chamber of Commerce B'.dg. WANTED REAL ESTATE, 'Building lot between Gllsan and Haw thorne, west of 39th. . Residence site between Ellsworth and Holgate, west of Milwaukie. These must be positive bargains. E. E. Daring. O. C. R- ELLIS & CO., 509-610 Wilcox bldg.. 6th and Wash, sts. FOR EASTERN INVESTORS. . Close-in. reasonably priced acreage; also large tract, say 1000 acres, cheap land for dairy, not too distant from Portland. i J. D. LEE, 623 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH US. We buy and sell farms, acreage and city property. It your prices are right, wo can do something for you. DIAMOND. GRANT & CO.. 504 Board or iruue. FLAT PROPERTY WANTED. Have a client with money to Invest lit good flat property. West Side; principals only: give telephone number. L loi, oie gonlan. WANTED From owner, good 6 or 7-roorrl house. In restricted district, well built and finished; 3 bedrooms; must be good, buy that $1000 cash will handle. SI 731, Oregonlan. - WANTED. Lot or good equity as first payment oil the following houses, 5. 6 and 0 rooms, Hawthorne district. Tabor 2942. WANT to buy lot for cash In Ladd's Ad dition; no agents, must deal with ownes direct- AC 70S. Oregonlan. SIX or eight-room modern flat bldg.. ot house convenient for two families; month ly payments. Y 771, Oregonlan. WANTED A lot near 22d and Raleigh Bts. not more than 10 blocks away. Address a 731. Oregonlan. WANT nice house or bungalow, on or elosa to carllne; small payment down, balance monthly. Y 744, Oregonlan, I CAN sell your property at the right pries for you. F- Dubois. 1203 Yeon bldg. 8-ROOM hou?e, need 6 bedrooms, location 24th and Clackamas. W 723, Oregonlan. BUYER for 5 or 10 acres, 12 miles from city. W 720, Oregonian. HAVE cash to pay for acre tract close in. Must be bargain. A 755. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARM 9. A FARM FOR RENT. ir you are looking iui - I nit Tk-nv. nrt st. I have 129 acres of land a man can use one year free. I only ask you to buy fiva horses, which are on place. Part of money can, be earned on place. If you come at once, chickens and pigs Included. If dfi sired for more than one year, rent can be earned on place. A 774. Oregonian. FOR rent or lease One acre cleared land, fenced, suitable for garden, chickens; fins spring; located Silver Springs Station. Ore gon City line. Phona East 8108. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent. 25-acre ranch; good po'tato land; near Portland. N 734, Ore gonian. . FOR 6 AXE TIMBER LANDS. T-TviTlirt? T.AN'DS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Etc. IF you are on the market for a team for any kind of heavy hauling, farm work or breeding purposes, come and see my team of Clyde mares, bays, in color perfectly mated, perfectly sound and true to puh: extra good walkers, fat and ready for work; this team, with their heavyv breeching harness, will be sold this week, regardless of price, as I must have money. Ask for Mr. Naste. at 605 Al der at. FOR SALE 10 head of good horses, weight 1000 to rUOO pounds, 4 farm wagons, I top wagon. 2 buggies. 6 sets of harness: must sell at once, owner going East. (,ali " 218 E. 9th St., tent on corner. BARGAIN Pair mares. 2300 lbs., eounl and good workers any place, with heavy breeching harness complete. Sell separate : price $145. Rose City Stables, 505 Aldet street . A BARGAIN, $165 buys team, mare and. horse, 2000 lbs., harness and farm wagon; $30 buys 6-montha-old colt; $25 buys 3H lnch wagon. Phone sellwood 1783. FOR HIRE Horses and wagons, by the day, week or month; special rates to business houses. Portland Stables, l.'.th and Couca sts. Pbone Main 12Q, A 1120. WANTED Two teams for sledding cord wood out of woods; Bhutes and roads Bra built; 1000 curds. Wiley Bros., Lewis bids. HORSE, used in delivery rig; works sin gle or doublo: good bargain. Call 310 Front St. MUST sell at once, good farm team. 2S1S 58th st S. E. End of Hawthorne ave. car. Walk 1 block went and 2 south. NEGRIER, No. 54366. Black with oblong star and trace of white on left hind foot. Cadeau ft West. Cathlamet. Wash. i FOR SALE A big work team, will taka smaller team In exchange. 14 Union ave., cor. Ash. i-HEAD of cheap horses from $20 up. 14 Union ave.. cor. Ash. SS0 BUYS a nice young Mm "of ponlss. both young and sound. 741 Brooklyn st. Automobiles. WE are the leading dealers of the North west our stock of over 75 automobiles, all makes and prices, will Interest you. These cars are only slightly used, ana every car is guaranteed by us. Don't buy until you get our prices. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE., 21st and Washington sts. CHALMERS 30 racing roadster. 8-paes.. fully equipped; good condition; prico $685; must be seen to be appreciated: easily worth $900. Phone E. 1199 or Jl 1213 AUTOMOBILE tires Tires from 5 dollars up Slightly used auto sundries cheap. Tubes vulcanized 25c, up. Auto Buppiy Co., 233 Main street. Phones A 707S.lIar shall 3i33. I H WE a bill of sale contract for a 1912 Flanders that I will sell for $:00 cash; can deliver the car at once. This week only, is urr:"iii'- BRUSH runabout, good running order, good solid tires, fine for light delivery; a snap for $150. Phone A 1321. AUTOMOBILE at a bargain; consider real estate for part. Howard. 603 Swatland bldg. i Dogs, Birds. Pet Stock. FOR SALE Flock young thoroughbred Plymouth Rocks, laying, cheap If taken at ones. Phono C 2040.