Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 17, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Manicuring and Hairdressin Parlors, Second Floor Grocery, Delicatessen and Bakery Departments, Fourth Floor
Ladies' Home Journal Patterns, First Floor Picture Framing on Fourth Floor Shoe-Shining Parlors in the Basement
tprrj- Our wives are going shopping
l0 together today Let's all
meet at O. W. & K.'s Tea Room
and have a real nice luncheon
It is the very best place that I Know of.
S4ilhi A mi im u a 1 Cfl e a im mice
So well Known are the Olds-Wortman Q King Clearance Sales, which have been held for the past 34 years, that people from all parts of the Northwest come to lay
in supplies of all Kinds for f ntnre needs. Qualities and nnequaled values are the Keynotes which have marKed the snccess of every sale in years past and are maK-
ine' this the greatest Bargain event in the history of this bl t store. You will find wonderful redactions in many wanted articles daring this great Clearance Sale
- - . t
T ... i T-vN
$2.25 Couch Covers $1.65
Drapery Section, Third rioor, Northwest
Clearance Sale of Tapestry Conch Covers, in rich Oriental designs and
attractive colors that will harmonize with any color scheme; reversible
patterns, finished with knotted fringe; size 60x103 inches. CI GSL
These f22o grades are place on sale at the very low price of Y ,u
Best 12V2C SilKolene 9c
35c Window Scrim 21c
Clearance Sale of best quality Silk- II Window Scrim, splendid quality, in
line for covering comforts; desir- especially good, attractive flowered
able colors, neat floral pat- Q patterns for window drapes, O 1
terns, 30-in., 12'a grades, 350 grades; special at only
SI. 75 Lace Curtains at SI. 23
Clearance Sale of Bobbinet Lace Curtains; this seacon's best patterns,
in Hi-inch lace or good net, with 2-inch hem. These come in Arabian
colors and white, 2'z yards long; regular $1.75 curtains: J"1 OO
We specialize these curtains for this sale at the low price of plaiO
Extra. "Uniclerpr icini in th.e
a.sem.eini.t UrdleriDrice Store
i is 1
Little Things at Little Prices
It's Notion Day Again on
the Bargain Circle
Each person who makes a purchase
at this circle today will be given
a paper of Crowley's Needles abso
lutely free. Be sure and ask for it.
All sizes in a paper, the regu- EJ
lar 5o grade; two papers forC
Large eilk; all shades; our "spe
cial" priced; special, five 1 f
for the very low' price of only
The popular "Sylvia" brand; An
regular 10c grade; special at "C
"KleinertV Featherweight nain
sook; every pair guaranteed. No. 2
at 15 cents a pair; No. 3 at Of)-,
17 cents a pair; No. 4 at, pr., ""C
Alex King's 500-yard spools An
white onlv; 4.5c dot:., or spool "C
Adjustable, all sires, in white C
only; regular 5c ; special, 2 for JC
Silk covered, black or white; Q
special., doz. vards 90c; yard
White or black, the best 20c I O.
grade; verv special at onlv laiC
.Reversible, t0 inches long; onr O
reettlnr oe sellers; special at
IRONING WAX Special. do. 10
Good grade, brass pins, in all sizes;
half pound in a box; 55OQr
sellers; special at, the box, eW7C
Black only, all sizes; our best C.
regular 6c grades; special, 2 for wC
400 to the paper, the best reg- C
ular 6e grade; 2 papers for C
All sizes, 1 dozen on a card, ttf
white only, 6e grade; 2 cards OC
Wire; all sizes; the regular C
6e grades; special at two for C
Assorted sizes in cabinets; oar Q
regular 15c grades; now only OC
Wood hangers; the kind all Qf
tailors me; regular 10c grades OC
Put up in boxes of 100; sixeOC
2 special 30c box; size 3 it3C
Black or white, assorted sizes;
regular 5e grades; 2 for only C
Accurate, handy and easy to 1 O
adjust; 2'tc grades; special AC
Best quality, heavy silk, taf- 1 O
feta; recrular 15c; special at lC
Pad styles, in all colors, the "1
heavy 35e grades; special 1IC
English quality, in 10-yard pieces;
size 3-8-inch, 4c; -inch, 6e; 1 f
5-8-inch, 8c, and 3-4-inch at lvJC
All sizes, assorted styles, worth
up to 15c; special at only
Women's Suits
viSE $8.98
A sensational Clearance Sale of
Women's Fine Tailored Suits; over
200 in the lot, which affords an un
usual selection of styles and patterns.
The materials are Serges, Worsteds
and Mixtures in blacK, navy, brown,
gray and tan, faultlessly tailored and
well lined. Most of the materials are
medium Weight, suitable for Spring
wear. They are regular 0 Qft
values up to $18.50. Special pCwO
S4.50 SilK Petticoat
d Reduced to S2.79
Basement "TJnderprice Store"
Clearance Sale of Women's Silk Petticoats,
made of rich, soft taffeta in black, white and
all wanted colors, styled with deep flounce,
trimmed in tucks, with dust ruffles; all new,
y fresh stock; good $4.50 qualities, dQ "7A
bergainized for this sale at only J)S J
75c Outing' Petticoats 48c
29c Corset Covers 19c
1 .11
V. 1 I
a a u .. u u
In the basement. A clearance of
women's onting flannel Under
skirts, in White and neat stripes;
good, heavy weight, soft material;
well made and trimmed in blue or
white stitching; 75c values; A O
specialized for this tale at"
In the basement "TJnderprice
Store." A sale of women's Corset
Covers, made of fine muslin, trim
med with lace, embroidery and rib
bon; a complete range of sizes;
good 29-eent grades. "We 1 Q
specialize these for this sale S7C
$1.50 Waists for 48c
Basement "TJnderprice Store'
A sale of hundreds of "Women's "White Waists, odd lines of vari
ous kinds ; some are slightly soiled or mussed, but otherwise per
fect. All are made of good quality lawn and neatly a q
trimmed in lace and embroidery; values to $1.50 at toC
A.n.n.tial Clearance
Men's $12.50.
$15 Suits at
- Basement "TJnderprice Store
It's just such sales as this that have made our Basement "TJnderprice Store" a
most valuable adjunct to this biar store, a Bhopping center for all thrifty people.
A "clearing house" for every department of the store. "We have gone through
our stock of Men's Suits and selected all the odd suits and short lines and
moved them down to the basement for a speedy clean-up. The Q C
regular $12.50 and $15.00 values. Clearance Sale price, the suit &0c0
Men's $1.25 Union Suits 69c
In the basement "TJnderprice Store." A clearance of men's Union Suits, in heavy
ribbed cotton, with fine, warm fleece lining, high, tight neok, cuffs and ankles; well
made and finished; all sizes in the lot. Our regular $1.25 sellers; priced for ZQn
this extraordinary clearance sale at this very modest price, the suit, at only"'
me louowing specials will be on
sale today only. No phone orders
will be rilled; they are worth coming
after, but we will deliver them:
Picnic Shoulders at, per pound llrf
Bartlett Pears, at only, the can 15
Rice Flakes, on sale at, package, T
Krinkle Corn Flakes, lour for 25
Babbit s Cleanser at, three for10c
English Walnuts, two pounds 35c
Oran&es 15C and 25 a dozon
O. W. K. Special Butter at only 72
cans 15S or the dozen OC
85. or the case at only iDOZD
ASPARAGUS Grand Island special
20C a can, or the case at gr OC
the very low price of only
ale of
Women's $3 Shoes at $2
25c Dress Goods 16c
A rousing one-day clearance sale of
women's Shoes, many of ouf( very best
6tyles in patents, gunmetals, kid or cloth
tops, button or lace styles, all sizes and
widths; Our best $2.50 and d0 ((
$3.00 grades; special, pair, V"v'v'
Clearance sale of faney plaid Dress
Goods, in small, neat patterns, splendid
colors, double width materials for house
dresses and children's wear; excellent
25c qualities. Bargainized for this 1
sale only this low price, the yard, A OC
iN'y". vl?k
f OcmseHoIcl and HitcJheo. Needs
At Clearance Prices m the Basement
35e Mail Boxes, special at 25
50c Meat Saws, special at 25
Clothes Pins, special, the dozen, 1
10-pin Eat or Coat Racks at 9
25c Set of 6 Table Mats, only lO
10c Scrub Brushes, only, each, 5c
4e asbestos Stove Mats, each, 3
6o Potato Mashers, special at 4?
lOe Strainers, special at only oc
15c Flour Sifter, special, only 10
15c Clothes Hooks, dozen at 10?
25c Butcher Knives, special, 19
45o Kitchen Set, butcher OC
knife, paring knife, cleaver,
10c No. 2 Lamp Burners only 5
Gas Burners, complete, in-OC-verted
or upright, at only wJC
lOo Mantels, upright, two for 15
25o Liquid Veneer, special, 19c
Pott's Sad Irons, set of 3, $1.13
do. 1 Universal Food Chopper 98
80c Bird Cage, ass'd colors, 63
$1.25 Bird Cages, ass'd colors 98c
42-p. decor 'd Dihner Set S2.85
50o decor'd Dinner Set $5.95
60-pe. white Dinner Set 83.50
100-pc. white Dinner Set $6.00
(fe iMthe Vft
1 At foot OF Jv
Four Big Sale Tables of Fine Glassware
Men's "Staley" Brand
$LOO Underwear at 75c
In the Men's Underwear Section, main floor, a very unusual
Clearance of the famous "Staley" Underwear; natural wool and
camelshair colors; 3 different lines to choose from. Extra weights
and extra sizes up to 48. All good $1.00 grades. Spe- jf
cially priced for this great Clearance Sale, the garment 3C
25c Sox, 3 Pair for 50c
Clearance Sale of Men's Blue Mixed Wool Socks; good season
able grades and the most exceptional 25c values. Spe- rf"v
cially priced for this great Clearance Sale, 3 pairs for)JC
Clearance Sale of Men's Sweaters
Clearance Sale of Men's Pajamas
Clearance Sale of Men's Gowns
5c Table
Many articles on this table
worth double the price.
Handled spoon holders;
handled jelly dishes, sugar
bowls, pickle dishes, salts
and peppers, etc, ete.;
choose any article C
on this table for only J
lOc Table
This lot comprises celery
holders, creamers, wine
glasses, claret glasses,
spoon trays, footed com
ports, handled preserve
dishes, ete.; many worth
20c ; take your own 1 f)f
choice at this sale vJv
15c Table
Choose any syrup pitcher,
oil erntt, water pitcher,
salad bowl, covered sugar,
covered butter dishes, cel
ery trays, salt and pepper
stands, etc., ete. at this
special clearance Cn
sale at this price, C
20c Table
This table comprises 12
inch vases, - footed cake
stands, footed fruit stands,
8-inch berry bowls, three-
quart water pitchers, etc.
Many worth double price
asked. Your choiceO"!
at this sale at only v
Extra Specials in Candies for Today
Bath Towels 8c Ea.
Outing' Flannel 4c
Unbleached Bath Towels, with colored
borders, size 15x30, fringed ends;0
good heavy quality; specially priced OC
Outing Flannel 5000 yards of mill ends, new check A
patterns, specially priced for the Clearance Sale, yd.C
HucK Towels 7c
Linen Finished Huckaback
Towels, with red borders; size
16x32 inches; excellent
quality for this low price C
Bed Sheets 39c
Full double Bed Sheets, made
of fine bleached sheeting, torn
and hemmed, ready for QQ
use. Clearance price Ot
Flannelettes 8c Per Yard
Extra good fleece-lined Flannelettes in light or dark colors, q
splendid assortment of patterns; special Clearance price, yardQC
Great Sale of Uindermusliiis oeh First Floor
$1 Crepe Drawers at 69c
Clearance of women's Drawers, made of
crepe baterial, cut very full and finished
with hemstitched ruffles; good $1 CQ.
values; special today at, the pair,
Center of Main Floor.
$1.50 Crepe Gowns $1.29
Women's Gowns, in the slip-over styles;
made of crepe material, styled with round
neck and short sleeves, edge'd with linen
lace; regular $1.75 values; spe
cialized for this 6ale, garment, pXt7
$1.75 Combinations $1.39
Women's combination Corset Cover and
Drawers, or Corset Cover and Skirt; made
of crepe material, nicely finished in linen
torchon lace, beading and rib- Cf't QQ
bon ; regular $1.75 grade at only V
75c Corset Covers at 39c
Corset Covers, made of dainty long cloth
or cross-bar dimity, trimmed in linen or val
encienes lace and fine embroidery; OQ
regular 65c to 75c grades: special, J7C
Center of Main Floor.
Organization at Luncheon Also De
cldes to Send Washington High
Track Team to Berkeley.
Active support to the work of the
Social Hygiene Society was unanimous
ly promised by the Portland Rotary
Club at Its luncheon yesterday and R.
C. Holman. J. C. Tarnell. M. X. Dana. R.
R. Routledge and E. 8nely Morgan were
appointed on a committee to discuss
with the society what share the club
ran take In the campaicn of education
which is beinc; conducted
Dr. C 8. White. Dr. A. C Smith. Pr.
W. T. Williamson. Rabbi Jonah B.
Wise and B. 8. Josselyn were speakers
and D. O. Lively presided as chairman
of the day. Outlining- the conditions
that exist In the city as a result of
the social evil and attributing; them to
failure of parents properly to protect
and Instruct their frowlns; children,
the speakers said that It was the aim
of the society to bring; about a tar
r.achinc campaicn of education and to
use active efforts to have curfew law
rig-Idly enforced.
"Those that are old In sin." said Dr.
White, "we cannot hope to reach, but
we do believe that It Is the duty of
the rlrbt-mlnded citliens to guard
against the rising generation falling
Into the same pitfalls through Ignor
ance and prudery."
In the business session that pre
ceded the speeches a motion was car
ried to secur MOO to send the Wash
ington High School champion track
team to the trl-state Interscholastlo
track meet In Berkeley In May. This
team won the championship of the Ore
gon High Schools last Spring and was
therefore selected by the Rotary Club
as the team best fitted to represent
Oregon In the trl-state contest. L. A.
Colton. George SI. Hyland. D. O. Lively.
H. A. Sargent and peorga Hoyt were
appointed on a committee to secure the
necessary funds.
D. II. Strowbrldse Announces Struc
ture Will Cost $40,000.
r. H. Strowbridge, of the Strowbridge
Hardware St Paint Company, announces
that the Arm will erect a two story con
crete and brick building on Its ground
on Orand avenue and East Washington
street. About a year ago the firm pur
chased this property, which consists
of 60-foot frontage on Grand avenue
and 60-foot on East Washington street.
The tract forms an "L" on Grand ave
nue and Bast Washington, the East
Side Bank building being la the center
on the corner.
The old frame buildings, which have
stood on Grand avenue and East Wash
ington street for more Uuq 40 years,
are being torn down preparatory to the
erection of the new modern structure.
The plans have not been drawn, but
Mr. Strowbridge said that the struc
ture will cover the entire ground, and
will be fireproof. The cost of the new
building will be from $30,000 to $40,000.
Toar druircist will refund money If Paso Oint
ment talis to cure any ctM of Itchlns. Blind.
Uieedlas. Frotrudiag files la 0 to It daya See,
Diselpation of Idea, That English
Pheasant Loses LUe by "Balling"
of Tail Feathers Is Heard.
The annual session of the state's
leading nlmrods and anglers at the Im
perial' Hotel session of the Fish and
Game Commission, Monday, brought
out many an Interesting point and not
least on the list was the dissipation of
the Idea that the English pheasant
loses its life by the "balling" of Its tall
feathers In heavy snowfall or sleet.
"Nine out of ten sportsmen hold this
view," declared Eugene M. Simpson
superintendent of the state game farm.
"But it Is not true. The pheasant has
been provided by nature with a pro
tection against this danger, for when
ever the bird's tall feathers get so
badly weighted down as to prevent
flight, the feathers very accommodat
ingly pull out.
"One gentleman told me he saw a
pheasant with tail frosen solid to a
tree trunk." added Mr. Simpson. "He
opined that the bird had starved to
death. Just another case of misguided
Imagination. Tall feathers grow again
In about two months."
Mr. Simpson, with Senator L. E. Bean,
of Eugene; George Putnam, of Medford;
C. O. Sutherland, of Portland, and
others, gave Interesting talks at the
sportsmen's banquet.
C. K. CTanston, president of the Fish
And Game Commission, declared that
ten times aa many fish annually perish
by getting In the Irrigation ditches as
caught by the anglers. The commission
Is trying to work out some solution of
this vexatious question. The commis
sion Is also on the trail of the theorists
for it plans to procure settings of all
the native game birds and have Super
intendent Simpson, of the game farm,
attempt to raise them In captivity.
George II. Kelly, a member of the
commission. Is an ardent booster for
the rest lakes. "Put yourself in the
ducks place, pointed out Mr. Kelly.
"How would you like to walk down
Washington street and have some one
come up Behind you and kick you. then
turn down a side street and have some
one kick you; then up Alder and have
somebody else take a whale at you?
Wouldn't hang around that neighbor
hood long, would you, unless you had
some place In which to recuperate be
tween kicks?
"Too much narrow sightedness
among the duck shooters," said Oliver
K. Jeffery, well-known realty man,
commenting on the wide variance In
opinions aa to limits, harmonising of
laws, etc. "The non-preserve hunters
shouldn't lose sight of the fact, how
ever, that the preserve keepers are the
men who really make duck shooting
possible, for by digging down in their
Jeans, they furnish the food that at
tracts the fowl to this section."
The non-preserve waller who be
moans feeding of the ducks, comes in
for a torrid verbal touch from A. L.
Mills, president of the First National
Bank and an enthusiastic scattergun
"It Is charged that the game hogs
keep the ducks away from the ordinary
hunters by feeding them on their pre
serves." expounded Mr. Mills. "Now.
before the planting of carp Into our
streams there was plenty of natural
feed, but the carp have destroyed It
all . and were It not lor the feeding.
there would be no ducks here to shoot.
I have seen our lakes as bare and bar
ten as a hardwood floor."
Two Detectives and "Trusties" Are
Injured With. Opium Xeedle.
With a needle, such as Chinese use
to dig out their opium pipes, an instru
ment about six Inches long and very
sharp, Harry Johnson, a prisoner at
the City Jail, ran amuck yesterday
morning and stabbed four persons be
fore he was overpowered. It was his
third attempt to escape from the Jail.
The wounds inflicted were not serious.
Johnson la serving 90 days. He is
believed to be somewhat demented.
Testerday morning when the prisoners
brought in overnight were being turned
out for Inspection by the detectives.
Johnson watched his chance and came
rushing toward the outer door, over
turning Jailer Branch and Detective
Flack on his way.
Detective Captain Baty grappled with
the prisoner and Detective Moloney
rushed to his assistance. As Baty laid
hands on the man. he raised his hand
and struck with the needle. Baty's
coat was punctured and the point of the
weapon just entered the skin. Moloney
took a hand in the fray and reoelved a
similar wound. It developed that John
son' had turned his needle upon two
trusties in the corridor. Inflicting a
severe scratch on one of them. He
waa placed In a cell.
As eariy as 1773 over 6000 women were
engaged in stitching- the fine embroideries
which made 6t. Gall famous even in those
early days. The number had increased by
the beginning of 1800 to 30.OO0, the industry
having extended to Baden. Wurtembertt.
Bavaria, Western Austria and ail the country
about Lake Constance.
Prisoner's Brother Is Arrested Ac
cused of Perjury In Connection
With Marriage License.
Though the Seattle police were asked
late Monday night to look for DeP.oma
Wood, the elderly music teacher accused
of crimes against a number of yonng;
' girls, he had not been caught last nighf '
and it is thought that he has passed oni
to some other place. The news that'hsi
was in Seattle came through a tele
gram sent by Wood to his son "William,
who waa arrested for marrying a Hi
year-old girl at his father's instance.
William Wood was arraigned in
Municipal Court yesterday on a charge
of taking a minor child away from her
home. At the same time his brother,
Darwin Wood, who acte das his wit
ness when he obtained the license to
marry the girl, was charged with per
jury. Both cases will go direct to the)
grand Jury. ,
Darwin Wood admits that he acted
with full knowledge of the facts an'
gays he did so to save his father.
You Must Surely Try This the
Next Time You Have a Se
vere Cold or a Touch
of Grippe.
Tou can surely end Grippe and break
up the most severe cold, either In head.
chest, back, stomach or limbs, by tak
ing a dose of Pape's Cold Compound
every two hours until three consecu
tive) doses are taken.
It promptly relieves the most miser
able headache, dullness, head and nose
stuffed up, feverlshness, sneezing, sore
throat, mucous catarrhal discharges.
running of the nose, soreness, stlffnesa
and rheumatic twinges. f
Take this harmless Compound as din
rected, without Interference with youn
usual duties and with the knowledge
that there is no other medicine mada
anywhere else In the world which will
oure your cold or end Grippe misery
as promptly and without any other as
sistance or bad after-effects as a 25
cent package of Pape'S Cold Compound. "
which any druggist in the world can
Pape's Cold Compound is the result
of three years' research at a cost of
more than fifty thousand dollars, and,
contains no quinine, which we haver
conclusively demonstrated is not effec
tive In the treatment of colds or Grippe,