Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 13, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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Store Remains Open Tonight Until 9:30 Cages for Cat Show Ready for Decoration For Cages Apply at Headquarters on 6th Floor
Precede the Saturday Night Theater Engagement by Our Delicious $1 Table d'Hote Dinner, 5:30 to 8 In 7th-Floor Restaurant Music
THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857 Every Article in the Store, Except Contract Goods, Eeduced.
MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts.
Meier & Frank's Greatest January CBotSiing Clearanc
Third U
iaJni ( M'iWi $1 1
Blues and Black, 10 Less
Every Fancy Suit,
Overcoat & Rain
coat in Two Lots!
Never has this Annaal January Clothing
event meant so much to Portland men ! An
immense selection of high-grade, hand-tall-ored
Winter Snits, Overcoats and Raincoats
at prices positively unrivaled anywhere.
$15 and $18 Lines at $1 1.50
300 Hud-Tailored $15.00 and $18.00
Winter Bolts, in models for men and
young men.
245 Men's $15, ?18 and $20 Over
coats warm, all-wool cheviots, cas
.simeres and blaek thibets, most of
jthem cravenetted.
133 Men's $15 English Slipon Bain-
coats Including the Parametto Rain
coats, with seams sewed and eement-
W; folly guaranteed or new one free.
$20 to $35 Lines Now $ 1 8.50
650 Men's $20. $25. $28, $30 and
$35 Suits The majority high-priced
lines. Finest hand-tailored garments
in scores of latest exclusive patterns.)
362 Men's $25, $30 and $35 Over-
coats New Raglan cot shoulders,
swagger belted-back Ulsters, warmth-
without-weight labncs, ana tnree-
onarter dress Coats.
214 Men's $25 Genuine Mandelburg '
Enelish Raincoats A make known ,
the world over. Fully guaranteed.
A barrel
$1 to $2 Velvet Handbags, 10c
Early in December we re-ordered on several styles of the
gilt-trimmed Velvet MusKateer Handbags ! They came in too
late for the Christmas season, which was manufacturer's loss.
;i7SeIl them at any price," he wired! And that's what we'll
do today pat on sale at 8 o'docK 200 of these pretty, well
made Baes which meant to sell for $1, $1.50 and $2. Mostly
white silK moire lined, with gilt trimming' and long
gilt cordeliere handles. While the lot lasts, choice
$ 10 and $ 12 Switches at $5.98
Scarcely a woman bnt can add to the attractiveness of the
coiffure by the use of a g'ood qnality Switch!
A phenomenal special on onr regular $10
and $12 Switches of fine German wavy
hair, fall 30 Inches long. On
sale today at the special price
$7X0 German wavy Switches,
28-In, $3.9S.
$2.00 Switches of German
wavy hair, at $1.10.
$6.50 Puffs of fins
hair at $4.19.
$7.50 Spring Maid Coiffures,
bunch of laughs out
of the jolly coon songs,
the bright minstrel jokes,
the humorous specialties,
and all the other varieties
of fun, on the Victor.
Come la today and bur the Victor and ,
km a tew lausu.
Any Victor or Columbia
Machine Sold on the Club
Plan. Par while enjoy-
in it
' Victor, 110 to SI 00
Vlctoi-VlrtrolM SIS to 12501
Ttmt U3 suit '
Men's to $2.50 Gloves,$ 1 35
PerrinYand Other Famous Makes
Besides Perrin's, are incladed other famous
mattes of men's Gloves, bat on account big re
dactions, we're not able to mention the names.
Pique and overseam styles of tan cape, mo
cha and gray saede, lined and anlined. Reg
alar $1.75, $2, $2.25 and $2.50 g C
Gloves are placed on sale at H I
Men's Underwear, SocKs, Suspenders, Sweaters and Hats
mw i-n - A FTC TTT I fiTnMa T i
Mm-n'm TTnderwear Celebrated
Bradford and Cooper wool Shirts and
Drawers, medium weight ribbed, in Qt
light blue and gray, special today at
Men's 50c Cashmere Wool Socks A limi
ted lot for Saturday. Gray andOQp,
black, in all sizes. Extra special, pr.
Men's and Women's $5 to $7 Sweaters-
Warm wool yarn in unoro grays, wnne,
maroon, brown, navy, etc. Mili- fcO CO
tary and "V" collars, each
Mati'h fino and 75o Wool Gloves Liirht.
medium and heavy weights in black, OQp
gray, tan, etc., plain and fancy. Pr. JV
100 Dozen Men's 60o Suspenders Lisle
elastic in narrow and wide web, with O Ej
strong leather ends. Today, pair'1'
Men's $2.50 to $4 Soft and Stiff Hats
The Derbies are "seconds" from the
world's most famous makers. Soft Hats
in all new shapes and colors. 1 QC
We special them today at, each V x
Boys' $6 to $10 Suits and Overcoats Only $4.85
THE SUITS Double-breasted Norfolk and Juvenile Snita
of handsome all-wool fabrics. Positive $6 to $10 grades.
The juvenile styles In ages 6 toT7; the a a Q C
others, 2 to 10. Specially priced for today vj TiOJ
OVERCOATS Neat, sturdy little Overcoats for the boy of
4 to 12 years. Made of all-wool cheviots ana Kerseys,
warmly interlined. Also full-length Over- Of
coats in all sizes up to 18 years. Spl today pg0 J
Optical Specials
$4 Glasses $2.50
Guaranteed Gold-Filled Spec
tacle or Eye-Glass Frames, with
first quality lenses fitted to your
eyes by our graduate, registered
opticians. Regularly CJO tLC
$4.00, special today,
$2.50 Aluminum Frames, lenses fit
ted, 91.50.
First quality lenses fitted to your
frames, $1.00.
Coffman Basem't
Candy Specials
Every home should have some of
Coffman 's Pure Food Candy for
over Sunday. Five specials in the
basement department today.
SOo Broken Mixed Candy for 10
Fancy Hard Mixed, 2 lbs. 25
25 o French Mixed Candy at 25
40c Fig Paste, special, lb, 30
26c Gum Drops, 2 lbs for 25
Men's and Women's $1.25-$ 1.50
Umbrellas Today at Only 89c
Excellent rainproof Umbrellas, for men and women. Sizes 26
and 28-lnch, with 8-ribbed Paragon frames, steel rods and fast
blacK rainproof covers.
Choice of plain hardwood Mis
sion and fancy trimmed horn
handles. Regular $1.25 Q f . V
and $1.50 Umbrellas at Q C gr
Odd Lots 10c C 1 25cand35c -
Fully 10.000 yards of these beautiful Rib
bona for Clearance today I Dresdens, Warp
prints and fancy Taffetas, worth from Zl
10c to 23c the yard. Special today,
A cleanup today of "Women's dainty 25o
and 35e hand-embroidered Linen Handker
chiefs. Embroidered corners and "1
borders, also erossbarred. Today, ea. -afc"
Women's 25c Seam
One of the many specials in Hosiery
that women come to- expect on Satur
day at The Big Store I Seamless cotton
fast blacK Hose, with double heels and
priced today at, the pair
tes. Excellent 25c grade, j
riced today at. the pair 1
Women's 85c Eoit
Extra weight, full fash
ioned mercerized and plain
cotton styles. Deep elas
tio tops. Today, OO.
special at, the pr.,
Women's 60 Wool
Hose All ribbed and with
seamless foot. In black
only. Special to- OQ,
day at, the pair Oii
Silk Boot Hose For
women. With lisle feet
and garter tops. Black,
tan and white. To- AO
day at, the pair,
Children's 25c Victor
Hose Fine ribbed, with
Linen heels and toes. Made
to wear. In black only.
We special them 1Qr
today at, the pair,
Infants' 25c Hose Of
fine, soft cashmere. Black,
white and colors. Spe
cial for today, at 1 Q
the low prioe, pr,
Missouri Mule Hose!
For boys and girls. In
black only. Special today,
8 pairs at 36c; 1 fon
a pair, only
$ 1 2.50, $ 1 5 Suits for
Misses and Juniors at
It's an astonishing Clearance redaction
today on these attractive Suits for misses
and juniors in two and three-piece models,
either with jacKets and shirts or jacKets
and one-piece dresses. Plain colored
serges, cheviots and checKed fabrics.
ThinK of it! $12.50 and $15 Suits for Sat-
urday at $6.85.
Girls' White Dresses, One-Half Price
A girl always has need for a pretty white Dress at any
season of the year. Today we include everything from
the most inexpensive at $2.50 to the more elaborate at
$20. Prettily made of lawns, pique, linens and poplins.
Suses o to 14. Mate selections ana pay exactly va xmvn
$3.75 .RAIN CAPES, $1.85
They'll protect fully from
the chilling rains 1 Silk,
satin and rubberized Bain
Capes, made with hoods and
pretty plaid linings. Sizes
6 to 14. Our $2.50 to $3.75
Capes. We spe- C" OC
cial them today, V (JJ
TO $7.50 CAPES, $2.95
Either Capes and Coats
are snug and warm in wool
en fabrics, and lined in
flannel. Capes with hoods
and Coats with high storm
collars. Ages 10, 12 and 14.
They're $5 and CJO QC
$7.50 grades, at
Big January Toilet Goods and Drug Sale Ends Tonight!
NertweeK will be too late to profit by the thousands of money-saving items in this wonderful January Toilet Goods Q Drug Sale
26o Cuticura Soap only 14
6c Fairy Soap, the dozen, 43
lOo Wild Bose Soap for 5
5c Lifebuoy Soap, cake for 3
10c La Primera Castile at G(
25c Pears' Scented Soap. 14
25c Packer's Tar Soap at 14
50c Java Bice Powder at 25
50c Le Blache Powder at 29
50c Pozzoni's Powder for 29
50c Carmen Face Powder, 42
25c Swaosdown Powder at 5
25c Mennen'a Talcum at 10
25c Graves' Talcum only 7t
50c Fompelan Massage, 33
$1.60 Oriental Cream for 98
60c Viola Cream, 25c Viola
Powder and 25c Viola Soap,
special at all for only 39
50c Pond's Extract for 33
60c Stillman's Cream for 39
25c Malt Nutrine, bottle, 19
S5o bottles Castoria for 19
60c Syrup of Figs, bottle, 29
$1 Pinkham's Compound, 69
$1 Scott's Emulsion for 61
50c Pand's Extract for 33
25c Cascarets, special at 14-
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder, 10
25c Graves' Tooth Pow., lZViip
60c Danderine, 33c; 25c, 19i
Leader Toilet Paper, doz., 33
Leader Toilet Paper, roll, 3
$1.25 Ideal Hair Brushes, 69
25o Tooth Brushes, special, 10
Men's $5 and $5.50
Wet Weather Shoes
$1-50 Mrs. Potts'
Sad Irons $1.19
What woman doesn't know of the
famous Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons t Regu
lar 6-piece sets, including 3 irons, pat
ent handle and stand. We CI 1Q
priee them special today at V A
45c full size Glass Washboards at 29
tliO Folding Ironinj Boards, $1.19
$1.25 Copper-Bottom Boilers for 99
$8.00 'Eastman
Kodaks at $6.49
Th famous Eastman Wdno Hawkeye
Cameras, in the popular postal size. Need
less to say they're high-grade in CC AQ
ucular. Regular 5, at MV
every particular.
$5.00 Eastman Weno
Hawkeye Camera,
' A big Clearance today of men's
splendid Winter shoes 1 Heavy
boxcalf and tan storm calf, leather-lined,
with double Goodyear
welt Waterproof sqles. Also 7-inch
high boxcalf Storm Shoes. Reg-
ular 5 and $5.50
Shoes, all sizes
And a Clearance of Boys' Shoes
Boys staunch box calf and kangaroo calf Shoes, blucher cut, with good,
solid extension soles :
$1.75 and $2.00 Grades, $1 CQ I $25 ani $20 Grades. CI QQ
Sizes 10 to 13y pair pl.O Sizes 1 to bV, the pair
East'n Sugar-Cured
Hams, Today 14V2C
The lowest price this season on
these delicious sugar-cured, hicK-ory-smoKed
Eastern Hams 1 Medium
sizes. We've 1000 for
today's sale at, pound
Pickled Fork Shoaldera
laurrkrant, qnart, Sr.
Home made Fork San-
aa IS.
H o tu e m ade Pork ana
Beana 13d.
Sliced Boiled Ham 324.
Chipped Beet, lb 35.
Flekled I.amti' Tongue,
CTea for 254.
r 1 1 1 a m ook Ctaeeae, lb-
Cream Brick Cheeae 234
Imp. Swlaa Cbeeae 354.
Chicken Salad, lb 35..
Shrimp Salad, lb 357.
Potato fialad, lb 124.
Finnan Haddle, lb 204
Fancy Navel Oranges, today, doz, 23c
$8.50 Dictionary
and Stand
Every home should
have one of these
splendid Webster's
Unabridged Diction
aries with handsome
black metal stand,
as illustrated.
The Dictionary is
printed on good
quality paper, bound
in genuine leather.
Sells regularly for
The Stand is all
steel, no springs or
cheap castings to
snap off. Regularly
Sy2x3y. at $3.89.
90c Two-Extension Weno Tripods for 59
$2.00 Two-Extension Metal Tripods, $1.69
$3.25 ronr-Eitenslon Metal Tripods, $2.89
75c Enby Lamps, No. 2 size, special at 49
20c paper-covered Albums, 7x10, at 14
$1.75 Loose-Lcaf Albums, 11x14, at $1.23
$2.00 Chemical Scales, special at $1.49
$1.50 Trimming Boards, 5-inch, at $1.32
All Kodak Calendar Mounts at Just V OFF
II u I
1 bBU.
' mtjnHFmmtlr
$1.00 Pretty Shetland Veils, Today 49c
They protect the face and millinery. Neat mesh pat-
terns in blacK, white and a few colors. Regular
$1 Shetland Veils specially priced today at, only
SI fid Silk Chiffon Veils All ready
for wear hemstitched on all sides, two
yards long and a yard wide. All QQ.
colors. We special them today at t,
Maline Bows Made to order any
shade you desire. They add a dainty
touch to the costume. Come in 1 C
two sizes, priced special, 25o and A-V