17 TITE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY. JANUARY 13, 1913. G00D10L0UTL00K Prospects for 1912 Better Than Last Year. SUPPLIES ARE SMALLER Vnsold Stocks Production and Other Statistics KcliUn; to tbe Indus try In the Pacific North western States. Th. annnal rerl.- of th. trade. In th. la.e.1 " "Tf Cl Boll.tln. contain, a eelu.hl. relatln. t. Pa'a " th. past yar and stacks now oa aBa. wool tn th. Cnl.rf State, at th. -th. year was 118 lS.Tt poonda --" e.m.stle .ho-. a . of SA4 4M pmu.li orer th. supply Tr "T Supply of foro. I. smaller T -2 ponc. !-a that r.port.d at th. J nrJf iiTi. Th. total --apply f 4t.0T.4S8 pound, from ' "",,. t on th. frst of th. T'r " Dtii4 m th Boll.tln a. folio-" -,,- MV 4A.(WV Pref-mi 10OKX ISO. 000 Th. .HO r state. 1. !' " "VrtOl Weight ai.4 Shrink- TTool W.--.-.T. VtoO.OOO TO 1.110000 Th. wool clip for th. years lilt and lSS " roM J ,,., ,n ,h ant-jotned tabi.: 14 43TVO 11 w.wv ::,Vn 5 TTT? a..000 Th. nmyr of she.p In th. thi atste. eon-pare, by a. f-Ha-.: Or.. ... I VJ-Xl Voo-0 T.ooO wlh-n ioo.4o 430.0M s:.:s Twal wool production In th. United States in th. pa fir. Tr. I. h.r. .. nm 4.t I'M C1 UlilTMl i''n - : hi 74 ' .. Ml. 1 ?1 !SS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -;io Trlr rurrent In th. Boston mark.t n t.rr.tory wool.. basis. " J"!7 1. April 1. July 1. 1010. and Octobor 1. ,,M- J.a. Arr1I.Jnlr.Ort -.-hir-r. fin. " 61 " Disris.tng th. outlook for ml. th. Bulla- tic mtj: -Irosp.-ts for th. mum Juat .plnt are unuhiwlly much brla-htr than thaj ...c a rar aito. At that lira, mill w.r. ai lar cf manufacture aooda. doubU.aa, tir ar tortay and to. too. wa th. doth lnr tradfc But at that tlm. th. mipply of .not in th. country -a. unjutlonahlr heavier than It ta today. To t. ura, th. tariff qu.atlon la l -,-t!1 and may contlnu. ututlS n until a year from today, but for all that th. r.lnv-odd million p.op'. of thl. country murt b clothed. whth- th. tariff matt.r is ."ttlxl or not. and tnanufaotuiwr. ar. ba1n th.'r tutur. ttmta much mor. tronly on th. natural law of supply and dcrr.and than thy w.r. a y.ar or two yoar. tack. "MnnoTW. th. condition, of th. wool markets of th world ar. uch that th. pv .Ibl'.ltlc. of troponin heary auppllM of foreign wool to eompt. with domeatlc except upon certain grade. In ltht aupply. Mem rry remote, -Altogether, th. vartoua line, of bualnoa. la thu country are la a much nemlthler condition thaa thr w.r. a yr back and with .aneraj bualnesa much better aupa ly th. wool and woolen Induetrle. must bow Improvement whea baalo condition, are roch aa they ar. today." XO "TEA3CEK STACK rOR IXOdt. Pwrtlaacl a a DtvadTaatac Compavrad IVItb Baud Markvta. With a growlnir demand for. flour from th. Orient. Portland la placed at a dlaad vaataca, compared with th. Sound, tn hay In no adequat. rt earner faclUUee. All th. epac ap to th. and of March ta takaa up and ahlppcr. are not dlapoacd to acc.pt April buasnea, at curreTit price. Th. local wheat mark.t. therefore, do, not .how tb. llf. of th. Sound marketa. whr miliar, ar. actrr. buyarm, and offering- mora tor club thaa la quoted here. Th. local mar ket la rather on th. C. K. baala, but alao In that partloular la restricted by th. scarcity ef toenail, whlla wheat price, are held down by th. atlffneea of freights. afore strenrth ta ahowa by bluMtem than by th. other sralna Tht supply of blu stem. partKmlarly tn O.-W. R. A N territory, la retting small, wall, stock, of patent floor are also much reduced. Blusstera wa. quoted yeetrday at S3 cents. Oats war. quoted firm at th. eld prlre. with a fair demand and light offerlnga No sals, of barley were reported. Weekly foreign shipment, of wheat wr aa follows: Week. Week. Tear. This Last -last Ars-ntm. Idono 54..o0 44.000 Au.tra.ia 1 140 o- ti0io i.O3z.n0 Jnd:a 1.S00.0OO S9J.Oi)0 J0.uX) Local rvcclpta tn cars. w.r. reported by the Merchants' Fichance aa follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oat Hay Monday 14 ... 4 ... 11 Tiiesrisv 3 ... ... ... 1 tVedneeday - 3 Thursday II 1 Friday t t Tear aro 15... 8 8 reason to data. 3 IT 144 T J43 Tear ago 300 S-4 l-ii ISO 10J1 UTEABNS CROP OF HOPS I" KOLA Oakland Lot Brines 43 Cents Order. Ax. Th. Staama Bros." crop of 90 balee. at Oakland, was sold yesterdsy at 43 & centa A sufficient number of orders for hops are on hand to reduc. th. holdlnga In th. Stat, maternally If growers wer. dispoeed to aeiL The English, market la very atrong. ac cording to a cabl. received In th. fore noon. Th. Kentish Observer of Decwmber 33 said: Imports of hops Isst week. 6?43 ewt; tn corresponding week 1910. lO.fiOd ewt. Ex ports last week. 6v4 est Business, as usual, was very limited In th. week befor. Chrlstmss. holder, of new English hope preferring to wait until th. New Tear In th. expectation of higher prices. Old hop. were m fair demand, and t'acltlrs advanced In price. Quotations: Vast Kenta. ill &a to (13 6s i Mid Keats and Wealda. I1J to 113 10; Sussex, ill 10s to 13: Parr.hams. Ill 16s to 112; Worceatera, fit 16. to 113 16a: yearlings. 410 6s ta til: Id olds. 14 to IT. From Worcester no change le reported. Th. few orders passing sr. from merchant stocks. Growers wer. not offering last week and stocks are becoming very sh-rt to sup ply any r-squlrermenta APPLE PRICES HIGHER NEXT WEEK SwppUe CleeWy Cleaned I s Except rHarag. Stocks. Apple price, are gradually firming up In th. local market, and dealers expect to see .a adiarc of 13 to 2Z cents all around next week. Supplies tn local bands are smalL e-rrer-t storage stocks, aa acttv. de mand mis week having cleaned up th. larger I part ef th. cheap offerings. Adrlces from Uedford yesterday noted th. sal. of a car , load of apples to go to San Francisco. v egetaoiee or ail ainus in"'-" " mixed car of California cauiUlower and osl ry arrled. Th. cauliflower cleaned ttl at it-ZS per crate. Celery w.s advanced a quarter to 15.22 a crate, CTT PRICES Df THICKEN MARKET Large Receipt. Bceponslbl. tor I-ower tjoo tatlonv Th. chicken market continues to work downward. Kectpta yesterday were large and w.r. only disposed of by shading prices. Hens and Springs sold at 12 4 8130 and in some cases lower price, were accepted. Durks wer. firm at IS cents and other lines wer dull. Dressed meats were In good supply and th. tendency was gather easy, particularly on pork. Ecgs arrived more freely and th. present weather Is calculated to Increase produc tion. This caused a -weaker market. Butter and ciiees. wer. firm and un changed. m Bank Clearing.. Bar.k. clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: -ieartm:s Btilances- Porfjar.d .el.--T4.I74 ,;l...-4 Seattle l.wi.--" Ta.-nma f-'ll H74 -.s.:.- Spokane A 1)2.117 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour. Feed. Etc WHEAT Track prices: Blucstem, Me; eluh. 8oric; red Russian, 80c; Valley. 81ft 42c; forty-fold. p2c. FLOUR I-ateuta. 84.60 per ofr-re.' straights. 3."S; exports. 83 40; Valley. 84-0; graham. (4 i. whole wheal, 84.83. M1LLSTI FK3 Braa. 8-1 per ton; shorts. 3J-; mlddllna. 8J0; toiled barley, l-ii Q "OATS Vo. 1 white, 810.60 per ton. HAT No. 1 F.estern Oregon timothy. ItJ CIS: No. 1 Vailev. 816rfl: ailala. 8134 14: elover. $12; grain. 314. BAR L T Feed. JS JT per ton. CORN New. whole. 3o3: oracksd. 834; old. whole. 3; cracked. 337. Vecetablea and Fro! la. TROPICAL FRUITS Orangea. navels. 82T33; Japanese, 81.40 par bundl.; Cali fornia grapefruit. 33.60 4: Florida grape fruit. 8S-T5 3.: bananaa 1 ft 60 per pound; lemons. 33.-;.-"r i per box. 'RSH FKl'lTS Almerla grapes. 15.00 per barrel; cranberrlea. 81u81L40 per bar- "pOTATOES Buying prlcea: Burbanka P0CS3L16 per Hundred; eaeet potatoes. 13 per crate. VEGETABLES Artleh-kea. One per dos en; beans, 15elT4c: cabbage, lH014o per pound, cauliflower. f..wut per crate: -el-err 16 ii per crate: cucumhers. (1.8042.00 per dosen: eggplant. 11 o per pound: garlic. 8410c per pound; lettuce. 32.50t2 5 per crate: peppers. 8 i lic per pound: pump kins. lolHc per pound; radishes. S5o per dosen; sprouts. T0tc: squash, l-atlbo per pound: tomatoes. 11 60 per box. U.NiONi AesacUllua lrlte. 1.30 per aack. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. II. 23 per aack; rutabagas. 31 i.: carrota. 3i-i. Pr anlpa. 31. 24; beeta. 31.30. Dairy and Country rrwdace. BCTTER Oregon creamery butter, solid pack. Sic: prints, extra; butterfat, 1. leas than solid rack prices. POT'LTRT Kens. i:efl"lc: Sprlnrs. 12H lSc; ducks, young, lie: geese. 11 to 1-e: tur kes. live, ITHc; dressed, choice. ::0tf:2ViO. k.i;o Fresn Oreg m ranch. cjndled. 36c p-r doaen: caae-count. r.3o Pr doxen. CHEESE Fresh Tillamook lists. iTVsO; 7oung AtDw cat, 18 He POHK Kancy. 8v,o per pound. VEAL Fancj. 13 Vj 14o par pound. Staple Groceries, SALMON- Columbia Klvsr. 1-pound talla 82.23 per dosen: S-pound talis. 31L3; 1 pound flata. 33-40; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. 31 35. , , COFFEE Roasted, ta drums. :saV40. p.r pound. NtTS W.lnnts. 16ffl. per pound: Braxil nuts. 14018c: nll-erts. 14-15c: ai monda 17621c; pecans. lSc; cocoanuta. 0e Oil per dosen: chestnuts. 12a per pound; hickory nuia etilOo per pound. HO.NET Choice. 3X73 per case: etralBa honey. lOo per pound. SALT Oranul.ted. !5 per ton: naif ground. lOos, 8 A-60 per ton: ooa, la p.r ton. BEANS t-mall whit.. 4Ho: large white. Hr: Lima, 7c; pink. 64C Mexlcasa 6o; bayou. 60. RICE No. 1 Japan. 8"e: cheaper gradea, 44-'c: Southern head. 54 l 7c SWAR-Dry granulated. (&3S; fruit and berrv. 84.JS; beet, tiOi: extra C. 16.75; powdered, barrels. 18.50; cubes, barrels, 34.48. DRIED FRl ITS Apples. 14o par pound; snrlcots 14l"IHc: peaches. 12014c: prunes, Italian, lotjlc"ao; allver. 18c; nx-a, whit, and black. SVsCrTHc; currants. 10 lie; ralalra. loose. Muscatel, SV,THc; bleached Thompson. lxl unbleached Sul tanas, Hc: aeeded. TS8"4c; datea Per alaa, 3wc per lb.: Fard. 3L.H0 per box. Frovlslona. HAMS 10 to 13 pounds. UH"UVie: H to 14 pounds, 15H e lHc; I to 1 pounds, 11S'.!ic: 18 to IS pounds. I6i,S18,c; skinned. lc: picnics, 11 So; cottage roll 14c LARD Kettle rendered. tierces. ISHe: tubs, llHo: standard, tler-es, 11 He: tuba I'M: shortening, tierces. 8ee; tuba c BACON Fancy. 23c: standard. aJc: Chotce. 20c; English. 16 17a DRT SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt. 12(c: smoked. 14c; short clear, backs. 12 to 16 Iba. dry salt, lSc; smoked. 14 Sc; short clear backs. 10 to 0 lba., dry salt. 12Sc: amoked 14c: Oregon exports, dry sal. 14 He; smoked, 10c Hop., Wool and Hides. HOP? 1011 crop. 43844o; olds, nomi nal. 1812 contracts. 25c. MOHAIR Choice. SS"o per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon. OClao per pound, according to ohrlnkage; Valley. 149 17c per pound, FELTS Dry. lie; lambs, sslted. 850 0c; short-wool pelts. 65f75c; butcher pelta. Nov. take-off. 80r90c: Dec take-oft. DOcOIL HlnES Salted hlil"s. ,10o rr pound' salted calf. IS it 17c; salted kip, 109 lie: green bldea. Hits: dry calf. 20c: dry hides. l7olc; salted stags. Itt'ci green stags. 8 Hr 6c. CASCARA Per pound. BttOOc XJaaeed Oil and Turpentine. LINSEED OIT. Pure raw .In harrela, 82c; boiled. In barrels. 84c; raw. In cases, STc: boiled. In cases, fc&c. TLKPENTI.NE Oases. TSc; wood barrel!, T2v,r. FLAXSEED OIL MEAL Per toa. 344. WOOL MARK FT IX HEALTH T SHAPE Oa th. Scaxrw Grade. Price. Showed Ten dency to Advance. BOSTON. Jan. 12. Th. Commercial Bul letin will say of ths wool market baturday: There has been a fair trade tn wool on the Boston market thla week, althougb no heavy Individual sales wero reported. The market continued healthy and prices tended upwards, especially on scarce grades, such aa fleeces which are quotably higher. Terri tory la steady at last quotations. Scoured wools are In fairly good request from the mills and are also In speculatlv. demand from dealers, especially medium to coarse lots, and particularly supers. .Metal Markets. NEtV YORK. Jan. II. Standard copper as. Spot. January, February, March and Aoril. 13.!0lf 14.10c. London easy. Spot. IttJ 12s tW: futures. ft;3 7a tid. Custom house returns ahow exporta of 10.743 tona so far thla month. Lake copper. 14?r14Hc: ..eetrolyttc. HSSH-c; citing. 14(fl4ta. Tin easy. t-pot. 42.2sl 4l.lc: January, O f.Of 41.60c: February. 4i.2i42c: March. 40041c; April. 3V 76 a 40.76c; UaJ. 33 tll H 40.22HC London steady. Spot, ilSi; futures, iiia ;a Lead quiet at 4. 40 6" 4 .10c New York and 4. SOI 4.36a East at, Louia. Loudon, ilfi 11a 3d. spelter quiet at 6.46ff.86c New Tork and 6.30 If 6.60c East St, Loula London, f-6 16a Antimony dull. Cooksvn's, 7.76c Iron Cleveland warrants. 41s 0d In Lon don. Locally Iron waa stea.ly. No. 1 fonndry Northern. 114.75 6 10. No. 2 foundry, 314.60 C 14-76; No. 1 -outhern and No. 1 -southern soft, (14.-6n14,7i . Cbicag. Prod nee Market. CHICAGO, Jan. li Uutter. steady; tresmerles. 26f33c Eggs Firm, receipts 810 cste-w: at mark, cass Included 21H0 30ac, Orsts, 21 4 31c; prime firsts. 4c. Cheese ateadr. Daisies. lC16ii. twine. ltjXtlc: Voung Anericaa, ldHlti'ac; long Horns. 16 S ltc Dulntb Flax Jtsrket. rVLVTH. Jan. 12. Close: Flst In store, to .rrlve. January. "tbruary. (2.14; on track. 82-lit; Maj. t2.1Z- New York CdUos Market, NEW YORIC Jan- 12- Cotton closed bare Iv steady ,at a net lose of from I to 6 points. Hop. a Now York. MW 10RH. Jan. 13. liops Ctsady. COAL STOCKS HIGH Lehigh Valley Leads in the Advance. DUE TO EXTRA DIVIDENDS Beading Rises In Sympathy Rail way Issues and Steel Are Put la the Background Money Market Easy. NEW YORK. Jan. 12. Stocks of the coal earrrtng roads almost monopolised specula tive interest today. Union Paclfio and Unit ed Statea Steel were relegated to a less prominent poaltlon In favor of Lehigh Val ley. Reading and other coalers. After a fretful morning th. market moved upward. The ooal stocks, Vnlon Paclfio, New York Central, and th. telephon. and .Uotrlo etocka mado th. bast gslns. Th. unusual activity of Lehigh Valley was duo to the declaration of an extra dividend of 10 per cent In connection with the formation of a company to handle the road's coal business. Reading baoatn. more prominent aa the day wore on and grad ually took th. leadership from Lehigh Val ley. The etock waa bought on the belief that Reading might adopt Lehigh Valley's policy and declare a ooal stock dividend. Th. pric. rose 4 points. Central Railroad of Kew Jersey gained 14 tt and other coalers a point or so. The copper stocks wer. land.r preasur. despite reports of higher prices for the metal tn this market. St. Paul ahowed further heaviness, selling within teas than t points of Its low price for nil. The stock Is now regarded as having been brought down to a 6 per cent dividend bxsle In expectation of a reduc tion rata thla month. A heavy cash gain by th. banks this week la Indicated by th. known movements ef money. Th. gain was estimated at 118. dO o.io to 3:o.o(io.oo. Foreign borrowing was lea. of a faotor and the ease In the money market was ao pronounced as to lead som. of th. banks to seek opportunity abroad for th. employm.nl of their funds. The bond market was steady. Total sales, psr value. 14.447.000. United States bonds unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. Hlch. Low. Bid. A Ills Chat pf T H Amal Copper ... 10..10O 634 64 5a 65 Am Agnvult ... two till, til 614 Am Uset Mi gar. l.r. 67V 6'4 7 American Can .. Bo 1 1 'J 11 111 Am Car A Ftly.. 100 3 63 63 Am Cotton Oil 414 Am lid A Lt pf 23 Am I.-e Securl.. 200 IS. IS 171 Am Linseed ... ...... 10 Am Locomotive. 100 S4 34H S4 Ant Smel A Ref. 6.20 71 , 70S "11 do preferred,. 100 102T. 102"e l1-a Am Steel Fdy Xli Am Sugar Ref,. 1M U4, 1144 1141 Am Tel a Tel.. 4.100 140-, l.-.M 1404j Am Tobacco pf. 8.000 103 102" lo3 Am Woolen 30 Anaconda M Co. 20 Kt'i S! 8.1 Atchison 8UU lui 103V4 10Sx do preferred.. 101 " Atl Coast Line.. 80O 1S4 1S.T 1M4 Bi.lt A Ohio ... 1.400 1U3 lodVa l''ls Bethlehem Steel 80i Brook R Tran.. 1.80O 77S 774 774 Canadian Pao.. 8.1' ISO", 2.10 i Central Leather. 4'H 14 li 1'4 do preferred.. 2'K) S7. 87 c7 Central of N J.. u0 Jint (10 SI" Chcs Ohio ... 1.000 73 714 724 Chicago A Alton 23 Chi Ut West .. 60O 13 Vs 18 II do preferred.. 31 4 Chlra-ro 4 N W. T0 141 14 141 . J41 C. 314 St Paul. 8.200 10S 107 1US C. C, 0 4 St L. ) Col Fuel A Iron. 234 Col 4 Southern. 43 Consol Gas 1.800 14154 140H 1114 Corn Produeta .. ..... ..... 104 Del A Hudson lftT D A R Orande 21S CO preferred 43 D'stlllera Becur J!0i trie b bw 51- 804 1 do 1st Pf do 2d of . 1.1'X) 61 's oO"4 1X 10 42'4 -" 42 frH l.Miie 16S 1.18 1.40 127 124 12"4 Gen Electrlo ... fit North pf ... Ot North Ore . . Illinois Central. l-oa 41 40i 4"4 SOO 140 14t 13"4 60O 17H 174 174 Interbor Met do preferred.. I.40O 55 V 6.1 "a .""6 4i Inter Harvester. loo 3"8 108 10S Inter Marine pf 2.000 234 22 23 Int Paper 94 Int Pump 800 81 81 31 Iowa Central . . 12 K C Southern 27 do rref erred.. 110 r.3i 34 634 Lacledo Ts ... 200 1064 IO614 1064 Louis at .Nash .. I,2o0 15o4 104 164 Minn St L 81 M. S P S S M ino 131 3314 131 Mo. Kan & Tex. 100 23 2S is 234 do preferred. 5 Mo Pscltlc L00O 40 . SBH 8l4 Nat Biscuit 142 National Lead .. loA 63 14 . ,12H 63 N F.y Mex 2 pf. 1.000 8r.S S54 854 y Y Central ... 1K KH 4 SS 8S4 Norfolk A West L-IOrt 110 , 104 10914 North American. !X 75 4 75 76 Northern Tan .. 1.8"0 lltl4 115T4 1164 Pacific Mall 1.500 82 .11 314 Pennavlvanla ... 8.S0O l;3"4 122T4 1234 Peopie'a Oaa ... Boo 103 104H 1044 P. C C A ft L.. 700 102'4 1024 102 riltsburg Coal .. 100 t4 S4 IS14 Presred S Car.. 100 83 V SSlx 83 4 Pull Pal Car 159 "4 Ry Steel Spring 304 Reading 105.800 1684 149 lr.34 Rcpublio Steel 2.14 do preferred.. 10O 864 8514 (.5 Rock Island Co. flOO 244 24 S 244 do preferred.. 60O 81V 604 6ii St L A 8 F 3 pf 200 40 ie 40 , 40 St L Southwest, 2S4 do preferretL 6a Plosa Sheffield 45 Southern Pao .. I. Too 110 1WS 1094 Southern Ry ... 1.5'X 284 2 14 2i "4 do rr-ferred.. 200 70 !', 09H Tenn Copper ... 1.00 874 374 874 Texas A Pacific. 600 221. 214 22 Tol. St I. A Wea 124 do preferred, 824 Union Paclfio .. ST. ft no 1S4 1(W4 17"4 do preferred.. 100 92 92 PI -4 TT S Realty 69 V S Rubber ... I.ono 4S14 4S14 4s U S 6teel 4U.10O 674 604 64 do preferred.. son 111 1104 1104 T'tah Copper ... 2.WO 614 66 r-1 Va Cnro Chera 53 V W.-tbaah ft0 74 T 74 do preferred.. 800 - lf4 jst, lots Western Md ... 2O0 6414 Kst 674 Westing E ec .. S.POO 73 71 4 724 Western Union 7.200 M 82 824 Wheel iLE 4 I.ehlgh Valley .. 71.7V) 3t44 1S2 14 Chlno Copper .. 700 2d 2.14 26 41 R.-iv Consol 1.10O 17'4 1T4 174 Total ssles for the day, 491, 800 shares. BONDS. Furnished by Overbade A Cbok. Co, of Portland. Amor Tel Tel eonr 4. Ill 112 Amerlesn Tobacco 4a 934 9:l"4 Anierlcan Tobacco 6. 119a 119S Atchison general 4s ........... 9H 994 Atchison conv 4S 100 1074 Atchison adj 4a stamped 914 v Atchison conv 6s 1074 lv4 Atlantic Coast Line cons 4s 96 95 4 At Coast Line "L A N coll" 4s. 941, 93 4 Baltimore A Ohio 34a 91 92 rtaltlmor A Ohio 4a 9o 904 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4s 8'S 83 a Canada Southern first 6a. .. . . . .101 is .... Chesapeake A Ohio 448 101 1014 C fi 4 Q Joint 4a 97' 97V C B A U Ilia 4s Put, HXH C U A Q Denver 4s 9rt 98 Ts Central Psolflo first 4s Pits 9- Chicago A East Ills 4s 80S Chicago R I ei P ret 4s SH 80 4 Chi R I A P Col trust 4s 724 72s Colorado A Southern first 4s... 9j 17 Denver eV Rio Orande 4a h-4 894 Delaware A Hudson conv as.... vs 95 Erie first cons P L 4s Mi-, ss Int Met 4k t2 S2 14 Japanese 4s -i.; eSt Japanese firat mm P24 t3 Japanese second 44s 92 93 L 4 N unl 4 fa 9914 Mo Kan A Tex 44e (.04 8 Missouri I'scifio 4s 72S 7.14 New York Central 34s t.74 6S New York Central L S 84s.... 83 84 New York City 4s ;i?4 92S Ner York City 4?s of 105T....1O7S 1074 Norfolk A Western 4s 9 s 9S"4 Norfolk A tl'cstern conv 4s....lv-ts I094 N T Ont ,t W 4S 9 M S Northern paclfio P L 4a 9i)4 100 Northern Pacific 8s 69 694 Orecon Ry A Nev 4s ess 93", Penna F.y 4s of 181 103 103 '4 Philippine Railway 4s 44 874 Reading general 4s 94 9S4 P.epul-lia "t fab. 5s 1"2S 10S southern PsClfIC first ref es... 93 954 Southern Tsclflc col 4s v 92 southern Railwsv 4s 7-.4 794 Vnton Pacific first 4s 1"0" J01 fnlon Pa-lflc conv 4s 101 lu2- 1 nton Pacific ref 4s 97 97 -4 Tnlted States Steel S. F. 8s. ...3014 302 t'nlted Statea 2s reglstersd 30 I0O14 I'nlted State. 2s coupon ..1H 100. Colted States Sa registered. .... .1014 1024. United States 8s coupon 1014 1024 United States 4s registered 113 114 United States 4S coupon 1134 114 United Railway 8 F 4a S 1O United Ry St L 4a 75 . "4 Wabash first 4a 574 JS Weetern Union 44s 74 94 Westinghouse conv 6s 94 944 Western pacific 5s S5 S Wisconsin Central 4a 921 02 4 West Shore 4s 1004 lol Stocks at Rostoa. BOSTON, Jan. li rlo-tnt? quotations: Allouex 42 -Mohawk ex-dlr.. 'A- Atnalg Copper.. 6.14. Nevada Con .... 19-- A Z L A m... !iT Nip Mines ex-dlv fi', Ariior.a Com .. S's.No Butte ex-dlv . B & C C & S M. 74, North Lake 6 Butte Coalition. 22. 'Old Dominion... 4i"4 Cal A Arixona. . 62 :Osceola ex-div..l0S Cal A Hecla 441 ParroU S A C). jUt Centennial IS Qulncy ";l Cop Ran Con Co 644 shannon 104 E Butte Cop M. 124 ISuperlor -h Franklin 12jSup A Bos Mln-. 41 C.lroux Con 4 4 Tamarack Oranhy Con ... 87 il'SSRtSI x-d 8.14 Greene Cannnea. Sl do preferred... 4114 I Rovalle (Cop) Si Utah Con 16 Kerr Lake 2 Utah Copper Co. 3"4 Lake Copper.... 30 4 Winona .. ... 2 La Salle Copper 64jWolverln. 100 ktlaml Copper... 24 4 1 Money, Excbange. Etc, NEW YORK. Jan. 12. Money on call, easv, 2 2 H per cent: ruling rata 24 per cent: closing bid, 24 per cent; offered at 24 per cent. Time loana steady. Sixty days. 24 per oent to 3 per cent; 90 days. 3 '4 6 3 4 Pr cent; six months, 84 934. Prime mercantile paper, per oent to 44 per cent, . . Sterling exchange. Brra with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at 34.84 for 60 day bills and at 34.8T.10 for demand. Commercial bills, (4.83 '4. Bar silver, 55 44 c, Mexican dollars, 470. Oevrninsnl ana railroad bonds, steady. LONDON. Dec. 12. Bar silver, steady. 254d; money. 3d34 per cent; rat. of dis count In open market for short bills. 8 If1' 4 per cent; do, three months, 5 18-16 & 84 per cent. 8AT FRANCISCO, Jan, 11. Sterling on London. 60 days. 84.84; eight, 34.874. Dralts Sight. 4o; telegraph, to. Condition of the Treasnry. WASHINGTON", Jan, .12. At th. begin ning of business today th. condition of th. United Statea Treasury was: Working baianc. In Treasury of- flee 66.-28.1 In banks and Phlllppins tresaury ,82 31'jV Total, balance In general fund... 12o,4-1 ,44a Ordinary receipts yoaterday i'iiasVii Ordinary disbursemenu 3,4j.oii The defldt to date this flacal year waa 326,230,204, as against a deficit of (6.4J-,-184 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal ana publlo debt transactlona MARKET YVEAKEXED BY ARGEX TTXE t-E.THER REPORTS. Outlook Is Better for late Harvest in (f In That Country Chicago Prices Quarter Off. CHICAGO. Jan. II An easier torn in wheat today resulted from Improved weather In the Argentine, making the outlook bet ter for the lata harvesting In that htrT. Closing prices wore Htf4o o 4o lower than last night Final trades left corn 4J to Ho down, oats unchanged to He off. ana hog products at a shade to T4lo "jlty wheat ranged from l4o to (1.031. with last sales Wo net lower at May con fluctuated from 66 to 54 46 Vc, closing steady 4o to 4o net lower at 64iti 64 4c Cash grade. Quiet. No. 1 yellow not quoted. ....,, May oats varied between 434o and 4t4t4"4c, with the close 44 944. a decline of 4 to Ho from last night. Despite some activity In provision., long Intervale of slack demand had a dep-esstng effeot. When the pit was cleared pork had fallen m-lo to 74 8101! and th. rest ot the list a shade to 6c The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High, Low. Close. vYy .99-4 I.OO-4 '.HZ Julv .. .944 .06 .944 -4Js Sept, 93 .934 .83 4 CORN. :::::: :S juij .nr.4 .6 ' Eept 65. .65 .63 4 .65 4 OATS. Jan 494 -494 . May 4f4 -404 -49 . .494 iMii 454 .45V -444 .444 MESS PORK. May 16 46 16.47 4 16.tTH 1 JO July 16.00 16.60 16.62 4 16.53 LARD. Jan 4B .45 9.40 J.40 Mav '..- 24 885 8a 9iV July I " 8724 9.7.1 9.734 -T2i sepl ::::: -sa4 .st4 .sa4 . SHORT RIBS. a62H May B Si 8.87H -eS f jjly ...... 8.1.5 S.05 R0 8.80 Cash ouotatlons ware as follows: Flour Firm. Rye No 2, 86c Barley Feed or mixing, Oe1.0B; fair to choice malting. (1.2L36. Timothy aeed (12 016. Clover (16 -321.25. Pork Mess,per barrel, old (15.50; new (16. lard Per 160 pounds. 9.40fH-4l4. Short ribs Side, (loos.), (3.614 Gratn statistics: Total clearances of wheat and floor wer. equal to 152,000 bushela Exports for th. week, aa shown by Bradstreet'a, were equal to 2.661. 000 bushels. Primary receipts wer. 329.000 bushels, compared with 482,000 bush els the corresponding day a year ago. Es timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 3 cars; corn. 167 cars; oats, 68 ears; hogs, 18.000 hsad. Grain at Ban Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12. Wheat steady, barley steady. Spot quotations; Wheat Shipping. (1.809 1.67 4 per cental. Barley Feed, (1.974 per cental; brewing, nominal. . . Oata Red, (1.6001.90 per cental; white, (1.70L7 per cental; black. (L651.80 per Ce?aJl" board sales: Bsrley December. (1.4S per cental bid, (1.40 asked; May. (2.034 per cental bid, (2.04 asked. Paget Sound Grain Market, TACOMA, Jan. 12. Wheat B laest em, S3e: fortyfold. Slor club. 81o; red Russian. 7bc Car receipts Wheat. 12; hay. 8. . SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 12. Wheat Blue stem. S3c; fortyfold. 804c; club. SOo; fife, SOc: red Russian. 790. Yesterdays car receipts Wheat. 18; hay, 14; barley. 1. European Grain Market a. LONDON. Jan. 12. Cargoes dull. Walla Walla for shipment, 86a 6d. English coun try markets, firm; French country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 12. Wheat Close: March. 7a 6Hd: May, ts .; juiy. is la. Weather cloudy. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, II Inn.. Jan. 12. Wheat May, l.o64 43 1.064 : July. (L074: cash. No. 1 hard. (1.074: No. 1 Northern. (1.064 tfLOfl-s: No. 2 Northern, (1.04 3 L044 ; No. S wheal, (1.024 81.034. ' BAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Tege tablea, Fruit a. Etc SAN FRANCISCO. Jan, 12. Th. follow ing produce prlcee were current here today: Vegetables Cucumbers. 65c!e81.25: garlic, SJ-tjc; green peas, 101&c; string Deana, 22 4 4,25c; eggp'ant, 10$15o; tomatoes, (1.2 t1.50. Putter Fancy creamery, 86a. I-lggs Store, 32c; fancy ranch. 364c Onions 31.2561.75. Cheese Young America, 16ffl7c Fruit Apples, choice, (1: common. 6.1C1 Mexican limea. 83.6ti6: California leraona. choice. 83. .V; common. (1.2.1: navel oranges. (L75J2.00; plneapp.es, (20 2.60. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. (1.601.78; Salinas Burbanks. (1. 7631.90; rivsr Bur br.ks. 31.259 1.60; sweeta (2.6392.73. Mllletufls Bran. (25.50 326.60; mlddllnga $301i33. Hay Wheat. (16021; wheat and oats, (18 3 18.50: a. falls, (12815.60. Receipts Flour, 2736 quarrar saeka; wheat. lOW centaja: barley, 21.153 centals; oats, to centalsi potatoes. 11.540 sacks: bran, 250 sacka; middlings. 100 sacks; bay, 4T tona Coffee and Sugar, KUW YORK. Jan. 13. CofTee futures eloeed weak aa near months and steady en WHEATGIESDOWNWARD ANNOUNCEMENT J. C. WILSON & CO. Members New York Stock Exchansre, Kee York Cotton Elxcl-anae, Cbicaao Board of Trade, The Stock and Bond Kxchange, Saa i-ranciacov With Office at JIlIls Building. San Francisco; Pal ace Hotel. San Francisco; Alexan dria Hotel. Los Angeles; U. S. Grant Hotel, San Diego; Hotel Del Cor onado. Coronado Beach, desire to announce that on . JAN. 15, 1912. THEY WILL OPEN OFFICES In the Lamb ermen's Bulldlnr, Portland Alaska Dulldlna. Seattlei Canada Life Bntldlnc, Vancouver, for the handling- of ail orders for ' STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN AND COTTON At the Beamier New York and Chl rafsin Rate, of Com in las Ion. All these offices will be con nected by private wire with our present complete private wire serv ice from San Francisco and Low Angeles to New York and Chicago, thus affording all our client, con tinuous quotations from all East ern markets and the advantage of direct and Instantaneous private wire service in the execution of orders. J. CaWILSON & CO. MAIN OFFICE, MILLS BllXDIXG. Saa Fra distant positions, with prices from 2 to 20 points net lower. Sales. 122.500 baga Jan uary, 12.56c; February, 12.54c; March. 12.52c: April and May, 11.50c; June, 12.49a; July and August, lZ4Sc; September and Oc tober, 12.50c; November, 12-46c; December. 12.37c. Spot coffee unsettled. No. T Rio. 14o; No. 4 6antos. 154c Mild coffee, quiet. Cor dova, 154 4? 1740, nominal. Raw sugar dull. Muscovado, 89 test, 8.92; centrifugal. 96 test. 4.42c; molasses, 89 test. 8.67c Refined quiet. ' Dried Fruit a New York. NEW YORK. Jan. 12. Evaporated apples unchanged. Fancy, 104 10ii,c; .choice. 8i H'Jc; prime. 8"4SKc. Prunes California fruit Is quoted at from 5 to 13t4o for 30-40s and quotations for Oregone ranging from 10 Vi to 12c for 70-30a Peaches Arm. Choice, ll"412o; extra choice. Iltei2c: fancy, 124 t124o. Vherever the majority rules, you'll find bitulithic streets. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and Other Bitu minous Pavements. ao5-Tt8 Elee-trlo Bids. Portland, Or. Oskar Buber, Uansger. TRAYBXER8 OCIDK. PLAN YOUR SPRING TRIP NOW In addition to regular sailings for Euro-pe and the Mediterranean some especially attractive tours tvill be offered during 1912 by the North German Lloyd London-Paris-Bremen Sailings George Washington .... Tries., Jan. 23 Prinz Fredrieh Wilhelm Tues.,Feb. 6 Kronprinz Wilhelm. . .Taes., Feb. 13 Georze 'Washins-ton Sat. Feb. 24 Mediterranean Sailings. Berlin Sat., Jan. 20 Prinzess Irene Sat., Feb. 10 Cruise to Black Sea and Caucasus, from Genoa April 28 to May 29 $200 up. Cruise to Polar Regions from Brem en, July 13 to August 15 $125 up. Independent around the world trips starting any time, east or west $613. Oelrlrhs ft Co.. 5 Broadway. New York. ROBERT CAPPEIAE. G. A. P. C 150 Powell St- Op P- St. Francis Hotel, S. T. or Local Agents. STEAMERS YALE nd HARVARD Portland to Los Angelas, tourist S28.M Portland to IOS -Angeles, first olass Portland to lxs Angeles, round trip. tourlat J,..". , Portland to ios Angeles, round trip, first olass B5.TO Portland to STan Diego, tourist 23.00 Portland to an Diego, first olass 80.00 Portland to San IIego, round trip. first class M-00 K.VII.KOAI TO BAX THAXCISCO-, the ex position city, connecting with th. famous new turbine ateel steamera Tal. and Har vard, largest ana fastest strictly passenger ships on tho coast; carry no freight except express matter; average speed 2S miles per hour. Bat-gage checked through to desti nation. Sailing four times per week. Break the monotony oy stopping over a few hour, or several days, at San Francisco, thence travel where the sea is as smooth as glass anft- 99 per cent of the passengers are not sick for the short voyage of IS hours. Make reservations early. Baa Francisco. Portland X A. B9. Co., FRANK BOLIAU, Agent, A 4K. 1? Third St, Main CLARK'S CBriSB OF TH3S 'ARABIC 10.000 tons, fine, larg, unusually steady TO THE ORIENT February S to April IS. IBIS. Seventy-one days, costing only ftoo.OO and op, Inclucilng shore excursions. (SPEC1A1, FEATCRESi Maderla, Cadis. Seville, Algiers. Malta, Athens, Constantinople, 19 days la Kgypt and the Holy LanO, Borne, the Ri viera, etc. C. E. Stinger, 154 Waahlnirton et., Portland. F. C. CLARK, Time. BIdg., Kew lerk. COOS BAY LINE 6TKA3EEB BEEAKWATEA Calls from Ainswortii Docka. Portland. P. Ha, av-ary Tuesday. Frsljht racslvad Rt A1aaarrth Iock daily up to 6 P. VL paa imic fara, first-class, $10; aacond-Hslaas, $7. lnoludin meals and berth. Ticket ffic A m worth Dock, f hoaea Kala lMt Maim 17CS 1234, THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - $1,000,000.00 . v Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: J. C AntWOBIU -President R. W. SOHMEER, Caahle. R. LEA BARTVE5, Vlee-Premldestt. A. WRIGHT. Aaalataat Cashier. W. A. HOLT, AasUtaat Casales LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS CHECKS ISSUED "NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES Travelers' Checks The most convenient form yet derised for car-"- ing funds safely while traveling-; is offered by travel ers ' checks. These checks may be cashed anywhere, at home or abroad, without identification. They may be pur- chased of the L.UMBERMENS National Bank Capital . 4 Per Cent on Savings LADD & TILTON BANK i Established 1859. ! Capital Stock .-. . . . - $12'!! S BnrpluB and Undivided Profits............ 800,000.08 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail. able in all parts of the world. Corner Washington First National Bank Capital $1,500,009 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha ' ' Rocky Mountains The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1SVT. - -Bead Office Toremto, Caaada. ? Tark 1 Bxehansa Flaaa, - A Ixj adoo 2 Lom1ar4 Strcat. . Over two hunarea other branclies In tb United States and Canadiu Every car. taken of collections, drafts on all foreign countries and prla-ill-al cities In United States aa Canada nougUt and aoldand a ,naral feaalclns; buslnoaa transacted. InUreat allowed on Tim. and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C. MAJLPAS, Haaacer. White Star Lind KEW YORK PiyMOltH-CHERBOC BSOBTOAMPTOS FAST ilAXL, ROUTJEC TO ENGIAND and THE CONTINENT. Tbe Largest and Finest Steamer ta tka World "OLYMPIC" HSSE, l-RBSCB A 1-A OARTBJ RESTAURANT, TURKISH A!VI ELECTRIC BATHS. 1WIM-1IXO POOL, FOUR ELEVATORS, GYMN ASIUM, VERAADAH CAFE, PAJ.M COURT, ETC. WILL SAIL FBOX XEW YORK Wednesday, January 24 and February 2 1 and Recularlj Thereafter. 11rti f-TC CTAD T 1NI17 Room B. Bailer Bide., Zd and Cherry, Seattle Wrll 1L 3 1AR 1.1 11 C Iy(M-al Kallwar and Steamship Acenta TBAVELEBS' CCIDB. MMMJMlMiii: Ask about 01ylpic,' Largest Finest Steamer in the World. American Atlantic Transport Red Star We Star White St ar-Donnmoa T. H. LARRK. Room B, Baliey B ld.,J Reeond and Charrj. Seattle. "(Vasta. Apply Local By. and steamship Aats. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE S S. Som City Sails P. l- January 17. BAN FRANCISCO A PORTLAND S. 8. CO., Ticket Offloo, It Third St. Rusea Uala Qt and A liS. OREGON $1,000,000.00 Corner Fifth and Stark and Third Streets. 1 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Bail Er-ary Wednesday Alternately Hi". M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO, Ut Third St, Phonas Uais 1314, A tSl Willamette River Route Boats for Oregon City and Salem. Dally. :5 A. M. (except Sunday). For Corvallls. Albany and Independence, 6:45 A- M-. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. Office and dock, foot Taylor sU OREGOV CITY TRAVS. COL I'hone Main 40. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Una of N. Z.) IA TAHITI iXD WE LLUS'GTO V. Direct through steamers, sailing from San Francisco. Feb. 7, March 6. and every 28 days to Tahiti. Wellington and Sydney. K. S. Wales. Tha Una to Isle, of the South Seas. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents or address Blud. Sals!), Co.. aa Fianclaoo-